HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Golf Course South Commercial Pad As-Graded Rpt; As-Graded Rpt South Commercial Pad Golf Course; 2008-04-08AS-GRADED REPORT OF ROUGH GRADING, SOUTH COMMERCIAL PAD, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: CITY OF CARLSBAD c/o Dudek Engineering and Environmental 1645 South Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 202 San Marcos, California 92078 Project No. 841363-009 April 8, 2008 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COIViPANY Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY April 8, 2008 Project No. 841363-001 To: City of Carlsbad c/o Dudek Engineering and Environmental 1645 South Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 202 San Marcos Califomia 92078 Attention: Mr. George Litzinger Subject: As-Graded Report of Rough Grading, South Commercial Pad, Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Carlsbad, Califomia hi accordance with the request and authorization of representatives of the City of Carlsbad, we have performed geologic observation services during the rough gradmg of the south coirunercial pad at the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course project in located in Carlsbad, Califomia. The accompanying report summarizes our geologic and geotechnical observations and the geotechnical conditions encountered during the grading operations for the south commercial pad. hi addition, the accompanymg report presents our geotechnical conclusions and preliminary recommendations concerning the future commercial development on the south commercial pad. The grading operations for the south commercial pad were performed in general accordance with the project geotechnical reports (Appendix A), geotechnical recommendations made during grading, and the City of Carlsbad requirements. As of the date of this report, the rough grading operations for the south commercial pad are essentially complete. It should be noted that a site specific geotechnical investigation should be performed for any proposed fiiture development on the pad. I 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 841363-009 If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. William D. Olson, RCE 45283 Associate Engineer Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612 Principal Geologist Distribution: (4) Addressee I I I Leighton 841363-009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2.0 SUMMARY OF GRADING OPERATIONS 3 2.1 SITE PREPARATION AND REMOVALS 3 2.2 FILL SLOPE KEY 3 2.3 FILL PUVCEMENT AND COMPACHON 4 3.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC SUMMARY 5 3.1 AS-GRADED GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 5 3.2 GEOLOGIC UNITS 5 3.2.1 Previously-Placed Artificial Fill (Unmapped) 5 3.2.2 Topsoil (Unmapped) 5 3.2.3 Colluvium (Unmapped) 6 3.2.4 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol-Tsa) 6 3.3 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE 6 3.4 FAULTING 6 3.5 SBSMICnY 7 3.6 GROUNDWATER 8 3.7 EXPANSION AND SULFATE CONTENT TESTING OF REPRESENTATIVE FINISH GRADE SOILS 8 4.0 CONCLUSIONS.... 9 5.0 RECOMMENDATEONS 11 5.1 ADomoNAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESHGATION 11 5.2 EXCAVATIONS 11 5.3 FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACHON 11 5.4 SLOPE MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES 12 5.5 CoNSTRucnoN OBSERVATION AND TESTING 12 6.0 LIMITATIONS 13 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP - PAGE 2 FIGURE 2- AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL MAP - REAR OF TEXT APPENDICES APPENDIX A - REFERENCES APPENDIX B - COMMERCIAL PAD COMPACHON TESTING REPORT BY TESTING ENGINEERS APPENDIX C - GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIRCATIONS I Leighton 841363-009 1.0 INTRODUCTION hi accordance with the request and authorization of representatives of the City of Carlsbad, we have performed geologic observation services during the rough grading of the south commercial pad at the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course located m Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). This as-graded report summarizes our geologic and geotechnical observations, geologic mapping, and the geotechnical conditions encountered during the course of our services for the project. Based on the contract for the development of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Leighton performed the duties of the geologic/geotechnical consultant of record while Testing Engineers performed the all of the geotechnical services associated with the fill placement and compaction operations. As of this date, the grading activities for the south commercial pad are essentially complete. However, the site is only sheet-graded and will still need to be fme graded in order to construct the future proposed commercial building pad(s), driveways/parking areas, and other anticipate site improvements. In addition, it should be noted that a site specific geotechnical investigation should also be performed for any proposed future development (i.e., the design and constmction of buildings and other site improvements) of the site as indicated in Section 5.0. The grading plans for the project, prepared by P&D Consultants, were utilized as the base map to present the as-graded geologic/geotechnical conditions. The As-Graded Geotechnical Map (Figure 2) is presented at the rear of the text. 1.1 Project Description The Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course is bounded by Palomar Airport Road on the south. Hidden Valley Road and the Grand Pacific Carlsbad Resort on the west, Faraday Avenue on the north, and the Palomar Airport and Business Park on the east in Carlsbad, Califomia. College Boulevard bisects the golf course in an approximately southwest to northeast direction. The subject site (i.e. the south commercial pad) is located on the eastem side of the golf course and north of College Boulevard as indicated on Figure 1. Based on the project grading plans, the proposed grade of commercial pad ranges from approximately 289 feet mean sea level (msl) at the northeast comer of the pad to 297 feet msl along the southem side of the pad. The original topography ranged from approximately 260 feet msl at the northeast comer of the pad to approximately 320 feet msl in the westem portion of the pad. I -1- Leighton 4,000 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Carlsbad, California SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 841363-009 Date April 2008 4 Figure 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 841363-009 2.0 SUMMARY OF GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS The grading operations for the south commercial pad were performed by SEMA Constmction between November 2005 and June 2006. The grading operations were geologically observed and documented by Leighton while the fill placement and compaction operations were observed and tested by Testmg Engineers (TE, 2007). Documentation related to Testmg Engmeers' observations and testing is presented in Appendix B of this report. In summary, during the rough grading operations, Testmg Engineers' field technicians were on site full-tune during the grading operations while a Leighton field and/or project geologist were on site on a periodic basis. Grading of the site included: 1) the removal of potentially compressible desiccated previously placed artificial fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material; 2) the excavation of a fill slope key; 3) preparation of areas to receive fill; 4) excavation of formational material; and 5) the placement of compacted fill soils. Up to approximately 30 feet of cut was excavated and a maxunum of approximately 35 feet of fill was placed within the gradmg limits of the site. The as- graded geotechnical conditions are presented on the As-Graded Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). 2.1 Site Preparation and Removals Prior to grading, the area was stripped of surface vegetation and debris and disposed of off site. Removals of unsuitable and potentially compressible soils (mcluding desiccated previously placed artificial fill soils [associated with the constmction of College Boulevard], topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material) were made to competent material. The removals of potentially compressible material were performed in accordance with the recommendations of tiie project geotechnical report (Appendix A) and geotechnical recommendations made durmg the course of grading. Specifically, removals of the potentially compressible material included approximately 2 to 10 feet of desiccated fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material. After tiie removals were made, the removal bottoms and/or areas flatter than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical) were scarified a minimum of 12 inches. The steeper natural hillsides were benched into competent material as fill was placed. Representative bottom elevations in the removal areas are shown on the As-Graded Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). 2.2 Fill Slope Kev Prior to the placement of the fill slope along the northeast and east sides the commercial pad, a fill slope key was constmcted. The fill slope key was excavated at least 2 feet into competent formational soil along the toe-of-slope and constmcted a minimum of 15 feet wide with the key bottom angled at least 2 percent into-the-slope. Leighton I n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 841363-009 2.3 Fill Placement and Compaction As discussed above. Testing Engineers observed and tested the compacted fill placed during the rough grading operations. A summary of these observations and testing services are presented in the Commercial Pad Compaction Testing Report presented in Appendix B. As recommended in tiie project geotechnical documents (Appendix A), the fill soils witiiin the south commercial pad were compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM Test Metiiod D1557). Areas of fill in which field density tests indicated compactions less than the recommended relative compaction or where the soils exhibited nonuniformity or had field moisture contents less than approximately 2 to 3 percent below the laboratory optimum moisture content, were reworked. The reworked areas were recompacted, and re-tested until the recommended minimum 90 percent relative compaction and near-optimum moisture content was achieved. -4- Leighton I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 841363-009 3.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC SUMMARY 3.1 As-Graded Geologic Conditions The geologic and/or geotechnical conditions encountered during the rough grading operations were essentially as anticipated. A comprehensive summary of the geologic conditions (including geologic units, geologic stinicture, and faulting) is presented below. The as-graded geologic conditions are presented on tiie As-Graded Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). 3.2 Geologic Units The geologic units encountered during tiie rough grading of the soutii commercial pad consisted of previously placed artificial fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and tiie Santiago Formation. Due to the potentially compressible nature of the desiccated fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material, these soils were removed to competent material during the rough grading operations. The approximate limits of tiie as-graded geologic units encountered during the grading operations are presented on the As-Graded Geotechnical Map (Figure 2) and discussed (youngest to oldest) below. 3.2.1 Previouslv-Placed Artificial Fill fUnmapped") Previously-placed artificial fill associated witii tiie constiiiction of College Boulevard was encountered in the south eastem portion of tiie site. The upper 1 to 2 feet of tiie fill was found to be desiccated and was removed prior to the placement of additional fill. 3.2.2 Topsoil (Unmapped) A relatively tiim veneer of topsoil was removed fi-om the majority of tiie site. The topsoil, as encountered, consisted predominately of a brown, damp to moist, loose, sandy clay and minor clayey to silty sand. The topsoil was generally massive, porous, and contained scattered roots and organics. Topsoil removal thicknesses were on tiie order 1 to 2 feet thick. During the grading operations, the topsoil was observed to have been removed within the limits of grading. -5- Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 841363-009 3.2.3 Colluvium ("Unmapped^ Colluvium was encountered during the rough grading in the northeast comer of the pad. As encountered, the colluvium consisted of dark brown, moist, loose to stiff, clayey sand, sandy clay, and silty sand. Where encountered, the colluvium was removed to competent material. Up to approximately 7 to 10 feet of colluvium was removed during the rough grading operations. 3.2.4 Santiago Formation (Map Svmbol-TsaV The Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation, as encountered during tiie rough grading operations, consisted primarily of a massively bedded sandstone with minor interbedded siltstones. The sandstone generally consisted of orange-brown (iron oxide staining) to light brown, damp to moist, dense to very dense, silty very fme to medium grained sandstone. The siltstone interbeds were generally olive-brown, damp to moist, stiff to hard, and occasionally fractured and moderately sheared. 3.3 Geologic Structure The general stmctiire of tiie formational material appears to be near horizontal. Based on our geologic mapping during the rough grading operations relative to the south commercial pad, bedding within tiie Santiago Formation generally exhibited somewhat variable bedding witii stiikes ranging from northwest to northeast and dips typically 2 to 7 degrees (or less) to the northwest and southwest. Jointing on-site was observed to be very variable, but predominantiy trended subparallel to tiie existing slopes. Jointing dips were found to be generally moderately to steeply dipping. Jointing was mainly encountered in the upper portion of the bedrock becoming less pronounced with depth. 3.4 Faulting Inactive normal faults that offset the Santiago Formation were identified during the project geotechnical investigations (Appendix A). No evidence of any faulting was encountered during the rough grading of the south commercial pad; however, inactive faulting was encountered during the grading of the golf course in areas outside the limits of the commercial pads. Leighton 841363-009 3.5 Seismicity Our discussion of the seismicity of tiie site is prefaced with a discussion of Califomia legislation and state policies concerning tiie classification and land-use criteria associated with faults. By defmition of the Califomia Mining and Geology Board, an active fault is a fault tiiat has had surface displacement witiiin Holocene time (about tiie last 11,000 years). The State Geologist has defined a potentially active fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quatemary time (last 1,600,000 years) but that has not been proven to be active or inactive. This definition is used in delineating Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 and as most recentiy revised in 2007. The intent of this act is to assure that unwise urban development does not occur across the traces of active faults. Based on our review of the Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones, the site is not located within any Fault-Rupture Hazard Zone as created by the Alquist-Priolo Act (Bryant and Hart, 2007). San Diego, like the rest of southem Califomia, is seismically active as a result of being located near the active margin between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The principal source of seismic activity is movement along the northwest-trending regional fauh zones such as the San Andreas, San Jacinto and Elsinore Faults Zones, as well as along less active faults such as the Rose Canyon Fauh Zone. The nearest known active fault is tiie Rose Canyon Fault Zone, which is located approxunately 5.7 miles (9.2 kilometers) west of the site, and has a Site Classification of C based on the 2007 Califomia Buildmg Code (CBC). Because of the lack of known active faults on the site, the potential for surface mpture at tiie site is considered low. Shallow ground mpture due to shaking from distant seismic events is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility at any site. Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Both research and historical data indicate that loose, saturated, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement. Liquefaction is typified by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby causing tiie soil to act as a viscous liquid. This effect may be manifested by excessive settlements and sand boils at the ground surface. The fill and formational materials underlying the site are not considered liquefiable due to their fine-grained nature, dense physical characteristics, and unsaturated condition. -7- Leighton I I I I I I I I I I 841363-009 3.6 Ground Water Ground water was not encountered during tiie rough grading or retaining wall constinction operations and should not be a constiahit to future development. However, unanticipated seepage conditions may occur and steps to mitigate tiie seepage should be made on a case- by-case basis. 3-7 Expansion and Sulfate Content Testing of Representative Finish Grade Soils Expansion potential and soluble sulfate content tests were not performed on representative finish grade soils of the sheet-graded pad. However, we anticipate that the representative fmish grade soils have a very low to possibly medium expansion potential and have a negligible to moderate soluble sulfate content per the Uniform Building Code criteria. Additional laboratory testing is recommended to determine the actual expansion potential and soluble sulfate content of the site. -8- Leighton I I I 841363-009 4.0 CONCLUSIONS The rough gradmg for tiie soutii commercial pad were performed m general accordance with the project geotechnical reports (Appendix A), geotechnical recommendations made during grading, and tiie City of Carlsbad requirements. The following is a summary of our conclusions concerning the grading operations. • Geotechnical conditions encountered during grading were generally as anticipated. • Site preparation and removals were geotechnically observed. • The geologic units encountered during tiie rough grading of tiie site consisted of artificial fill, topsoil, colluvium, and the Santiago Formation. • Desiccated previously placed artificial fill soils and unsuitable topsoil, colluvium, and weathered formational material were removed to competent material within tiie limits of grading. • The fill slope on the northeast and east sides of the south commercial pad was constioicted with a fill slope key. The key was constmcted a minimum of 15 feet wide, excavated at least 2 feet into competent material along the toe-of-slope and tiie bottom inclined 2 percent into the slope. • Fill soils were derived from on-site soils. The fills soils were compacted to a mmimum 90 percent relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM Test Metiiod D1557). • Field density testing indicated tiiat the fill soils were placed and compacted to at least a 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557) and near- optimum moisture contents in accordance witii the recommendations of Leighton and Associates and tiie requirements of the City of Carlsbad. The results of the field density tests performed by Testing Engineers is included m Appendix B. • The cut/fill tiansition condition present on the commercial pad was not mitigated during the grading operations. Cut/fill transition conditions present witiiin the limits of any proposed buildings should be mitigated by the overexcavation of tiie cut portion of tiie building pad or by special foundation design. Additional subsurface evaluation will be necessary to identify the location of tiie cut/fill transition. • No evidence of fauhing was encountered during the rough grading operations for tiie south commercial pad. However, minor inactive faults were encountered during tiie Carlsbad Golf Course gradmg outside the limits of the commercial pads. -9- Leighton I I 841363-009 Ground water was not encountered during the rough grading operations. Due to the dense nature of the onsite soils, it is our professional opinion that the liquefaction hazard at the site is considered low. The expansion potential of representative finish grade soils of tiie sheet-graded pad was not tested during site grading. However, very low to possibly medium expansive soils should be anticipated. Further geotechnical investigation should be performed for the future site development, and the representative fmish grade soils should be tested to determine the actual expansion potential of the soils. The potential for soluble sulfate attack of the finish grade soils was not tested during site grading. However, negligible to moderate soluble sulfate contents are anticipated. As discussed above, further geotechnical investigation should be performed for the fijture site development, and the representative finish grade soils should be tested to determine the actual potential for soluble sulfate attack of the soils. It is our opinion that the slopes of the south commercial pad possess a static factor of safety of at least 1.5 to resist deep-seated failure (under normal irrigation/precipitation pattems), provided the recommendations in the project geotechnical reports are incorporated into the post-grading, constmction, and post-constmction phases of site development. -10- Leighton 841363-009 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Additional Geotechnical Investigation We anticipate tiiat future development of the site will consist of site preparation, remedial grading for tiie mitigation of cut/fill transitions, fine gradmg, utility trench excavation and backfill, retaining wall backfill, and driveway and parking area pavement section preparation and compaction. Based on tiie current as-graded condition of tiie site, we recommend that a site specific geotechnical mvestigation be performed for any proposed future development. 5.2 Excavations Excavations of the on-site materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. It is not anticipated that blasting will be required or tiiat significant quantities of oversized rock (i.e. rock with maximum dimensions greater than 8 inches) wall be generated during future grading. However, localized cemented zones within the cut areas may be encountered on the site that may require heavy ripping and/or removal. If oversized rock is encountered, it should be placed in accordance with the recommendations presented in Appendix C, hauled offsite, or placed m non-stiiicttiral or landscape areas. 5.3 Fill Placement and Compaction The on-site soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free or organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 8 inches in maximum dimension. We do not recommend that high or very high expansive soils be utilized as fill for the building pads or as retaining wall backfill. All fill soils should be brought to 2-percent over the optimum moisttire content and compacted m uniform lifts to at least a 90 percent relative compaction based on tiie laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM Test Metiiod D1557). The optimum lift tiiickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance witii Appendix C, tiie current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound constiiiction practices, and the geotechnical recommendations presented herein. -11- Leighton I I I I I I 841363-009 5.4 Slope Maintenance Guidelines It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the slopes, including adequate planting, proper irrigation and maintenance, and repair of faulty irrigation systems. To reduce the potential for erosion and slumping of graded slopes, all slopes should be planted with ground cover, shmbs, and plants that develop dense, deep root stmctures and require minimal irrigation. Slope planting should be carried out as soon as practical upon completion of grading. Surface-water runoff and standing water at the top-of-slopes should be avoided. Oversteepening of slopes should be avoided during constmction activities and landscaping. Maintenance of proper lot drainage, undertaking of property improvements in accordance with sound engineering practices, and proper maintenance of vegetation, including regular slope irrigation, should be performed. Slope irrigation sprinklers should be adjusted to provide maximum uniform coverage with minimal of water usage and overlap. Overwatering and consequent runoff and ground saturation should be avoided. If automatic sprinklers systems are installed, their use must be adjusted to account for rainfall conditions. Trenches excavated on a slope face for any purpose should be properiy backfilled and compacted in order to obtain a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction, in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. Observation/testing and acceptance by the geotechnical consultant during trench backfill is recommended. A rodent-control program should be established and maintained. Prior to planting, recently graded slopes should be temporarily protected against erosion resulting from rainfall, by the implementing slope protection measures such as polymer covering, jute mesh, etc. 5.5 Construction Observation and Testing Constiiiction observation and testing should be performed by the geotechnical consultant during futiare gradmg operations or excavations and foundation or retaining wall constmction. Additionally, footing excavations should be observed and moisture determination tests of subgrade soils should be performed by the geotechnical consultant prior to the pouring of concrete. Fine grade and foundation plans should also be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant prior to site development. -12- Leighton 841363-009 6.0 LIMITATIONS The presence of our field representative at tiie site was intended to provide the owner with professional advice, opmions, and recommendations based on observations of the contractor's work. Altiiough the observations did not reveal obvious deficiencies or deviations from project specifications, we do not guarantee the contiactor's work, nor do our services relieve tiie conti-actor or his subcontractor's work, nor do our services relieve the confractor or his subcontractors of their responsibility if defects are subsequentiy discovered in their work. Our responsibilities did not include any supervision or dnection of the actual work procedures of the confractor, his personnel, or subcontiactors. The conclusions in tiiis report are based on test resuhs and observations of the grading and earthwork procedures used and represent our engineering opinion as to the compliance of the results with the project specifications. -13- Leighton I 841363-009 APPENDIX A References Bryant, W.A., and Hart E.W., 2007, Special Publication 42, Fault Rupttire Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with fridex to Earthquake Fauh Zone Maps, Interim Revision 2007. Califomia Building Standards Commission (CBSC), 2007 Califomia Building Code, Based on 2006 Intemational Building Code. Califomia Geological Survey (CGS) formally Califomia Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1996a, Geologic Maps of the Northwestem Part of San Diego County, Califomia, CDMG Open-File Report 96-02, Plate 1, Geologic Map of the Oceanside, San Luis Rey, and San Marcos 7.5' Quadrangles, San Diego County, Califomia, Scale 1:24,000. , 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in CaUfomia and Adjacent Portions of Nevada, to be used with the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Intemational Conference of Building Officials, dated Febmary 1998. Leighton and Associates, hic, 1998, Geotechnical hivestigation for the Proposed Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Carlsbad, Catifomia, Project No. 841363-006, dated Febmary 16 1998. , Undated, Unpublished In-House Geotechnical Data. P&D Consultants, 2005, Gradmg Plans for Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Phase 2, Carlsbad, California, Drawing No. 381-4A, 99 Sheets, dated April 15, 2005. Tan, S.S., and Kennedy, M.P., 1996, Geologic Maps of tiie Northwestem Part of San Diego County, Califomia: California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 96- 02,2 Plates. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G., 1995, Landslide Hazards in tiie Northem Part of tiie San Diego Mefropolitan Area, San Diego County, Califomia, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 35, Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report No. 95-04. Testing Engmeers San Diego, hic. (TE), 2007, Supplemental Compaction Testing Report, Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Carisbad, Califomia, Contract No. 108078, dated March 19 2007. A-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .VERITAS City of Carlsbad March 19, 2007 5950 El Camino Real Contract No.: 108078 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Mr. Skip Hammann Subject: ' Supplemental Compaction Testing Report. Project: Commercial Sites Carlsbad - Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road/ Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, CA Reference: 1. "Contract Documents and Supplemental Provisions", for Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project. Project No. 39721-1 dated June 13, 2005. 2. "Compaction Testing Report, Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course," prepared by Testing Engineers - San Diego, dated July 18, 2006.. Dear Mr. Hammann: In accordance with your request, Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. (TESD) has conducted grading observations and compaction testing at the above referenced project site. Services described herein were provided by TESD from November 28, 2005 to January 6, 2006. It should be noted that this report refers to testing performed on two commercial pad areas located on the west end of the site, north and south of College Boulevard. The purpose of this report is to supplement the Compaction Testing Report (see Reference Number 2) that included rough grading for these commercial pads as well as other areas of the golf course. A representative of this office observed rough grading and placement of on-site and import fill soils within the commercial pads. All fill areas were tested in accordance witii the project specifications unless otherwise directed by die Geotechnical Engineer of Record (i.e. Leighton and Associates). The approximate site location and features are presented on Figures 1 and 2, respectively Locations of field density testing are presented on Figure 3. Summaries of laboratory and field compaction test results are provided in Appendix A, Tables I and 2, respectively. On site and import material was used as fiU for the new development. Fill was placed, compacted and tested for compliance with minimum 90%, and 95% relative compaction based on ASTM D-1557 as applicable. It should be noted that the precision of the field and laboratory maximum dry density test results are subject to variation inherent with testing procedures and heterogeneous material characteristics. Quantitative values of testing precision have been documented by the American Society of Testing and Materials. For example, results indicate the accuracy of the ASTM D- Testing Engineers San Diego, Inc. A Bureau Veritas Company Main: (858) 715-5800 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 (858 715-5810 S»n Diego. CA 92111 www.us.bmeauveritas.com City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Contract No.: 108078 1557 test to be plus or minus 2 percent of the mean density. Based on this information, relative compaction results should be interpreted as approximate values subject to variations in lateral and vertical directions. I I I I Survey lines and elevations relative to grade modifications, fmal design grades, locations of various elements, etc., were estabhshed by others. Field Monitoring services provided by this office, consisting of visual observation of compaction operations and random m-place density testing, are intended as assistance to the owner/client and Geotechnical Engineer of Record (i.e. Leighton and Associates) in monitoring apparent reasonable compliance with the project earthwork specifications. The presence of our field representative during the work progress did not involve any direct supervision of the contractor/subcontractor, nor any recommendations in a geotechnical capacity. Technical advice and suggestions were provided upon request based upon the results of the tests and observations til any case, no warranty or responsibility for the contractor's performance is intended or implied. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact die undersigned at (858) 715-5800. Sincerely, Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. A Bureau Veritas Company Nick Tracy, EIT 1^ Staff Engineer Van W. Olin, G.E. Principal Geotechnical Eng NTfVO:mtn Attachments: Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Site Location Map Overall Exhibit Drawing Plot Plan Distribution; Appendix A: Table 1 and Table 2 *(4) Addressee * Includes copies for building department submitted S:\engineer\Geotechnical Files\Projects\Current Projects\108078_Carlsbad_Municipal_Golfcourse\l08078 As graded compacuon report-final.doc ^ I 4/ Pi -1 .^1 -. », 21 L ^ 1in = 1900 ft. NOTE: This figure may contain areas of color. TE-U.S. Labs cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resuK- ing from black and white reproductions of this figure. Title: Project: Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, OA 92111 Site Location Map Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Drwn: NJT Date: March, 2007 Contract No: 108078 Figure No: Appendix A City of Carlsbad ContractNc: 108078 Municipal Golf Course TABLE 1 RESULTS OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS (ASTM-D-1557) Maximum Dry . Optimum Moisture Sample* Descnption Density (PCF) Content (%) 9.5 11.0 1- On-site: Grayish Silty Sand 127.5 2. Import: Mixed Gray Silty Sand 123.5 3. On-site: Red Brown Clayey Sand 124.0 12.0 4. On-site: Yellowish Brown Silty Sand 114.5 14 5 5. On-site: Greenish Brown Silty Sand 124.5 110 6. On-site: Mixed Brown Silty Sand 123.0 10.5 7. On-site: Dark Green & Brown 126.0 10 0 Clayey Sand 8- On-site: Brown Silty Sand 128.5 9 5 9. On-site: Tan Clayey Sand II9.0 10. On-site: Brown Clayey Sand 121.5 IL On-site: Brown Sandy Clay . 124.5 12. On-site: Yellow Silty Sand II7.0 13.5 10.5 10.5 13.0 Print Date: Project Nurrber: Project Name: Location: Table 2 March 12, 2007 "^'''"'^ COMPACTION TEST DATA 108078 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Pa/omar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, California Test # Test Date Test Location 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 292A 293 9/28/2005 Plate 2 Keyway 9/28/2005 Plate 2 Keyway 9/28/2005 Plate 2 9/28/2005 Plate 2 9/28/2005 Plate 2 10/7/2005 Plate 2 10/7/2005 Plate 2 10/7/2005 Plate 2 10/19/2005 Plate 2 Bottom Right on Plate 10/19/2005 Bottom Right of Plate 2 11/3/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad 11/3/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad 11/3/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/10/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 11/23/2005 Plate 2 Central Fill Slope South Side Plate 2 Central Fill Slope North Side Retest of #282 Plate 2 NE Comer Area of Fill Scope West of College Retest of #284 Plate 2 Lower Commercial Pad Plate 2 Lower Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Retest of 286, 287, & 288 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Retest #292 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 38 39 40 41 42 73 74 75 108 109 166 167 168 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 281 282 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 11/28/2005 11/28/2005 11/28/2005 11/28/2005 Conform Non-Conform 154.0 16.3% 14.5% 154.0 247.0 247.0 153.0 152.0 247.0 152.0 152.0 155.0 157.0 137.0 158.0 13.6% 17.0% 16.3% 13.2% 13.8% 13.9% 13.3% 12.3% 14.5% 13.2% 12.4% 13.6% 14.5% 14.5% 13.5% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 100.9 106.7 100.5 105.0 118.3 115.7 115.2 120.9- 120.3 121.3 119.2 121.9 117.6 114.5 114.5 114.5 119.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 88% 93% 88% 88% 93% 91% 91% 95% 95% 96% 94% 96% 93% 95% ' 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform . Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform 1 Conform Conform Non-conform 1 Non-conform 1 Conform Non comform 1 Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Non comform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Conform Non comform Conform Non-conform Conform Non-conform Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location; Table 2 °' COMPACTION TEST DATA 108078 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, Califomia Test# Test Date 293A 11/28/2005 294 11/28/2005 295 11/28/2005 299 11/29/2005 300 11/30/2005 301 11/28/2005 302 11/28/2005 Test Location Retest #293 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Retest of #285 Plate 2 NE Comer Area of Mail Fill Slope. West Adj. to College Ave. Moisture (ft) I Field I Optimum 158.0 12.8% 11.0% 160.0 11.0% 11.0% 160.0 11.5% 11.0% 152.0 10.7% 9.5% 154.0 11.5% 9.5% 247.0 10.1% 14.5% 253.0 12.9% 13.5% Dry Density (pcf) | Relative Compaction" 122.3 121.7 123,1 121,9 121.8 109,3 110.5 307 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 308 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 309 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 309A 11/29/2005 Retest of #309 310 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 311 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 311A 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 312 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 313 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 314 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 315 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 316 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 316A 11/29/2005 Retest of #316 317 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 318 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 319 11/29/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad West 330 11/30/2005 Plate 2 East Area Main Slope Fill Area 347 12/1/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad East 259.0 Area 348 12/1/2005 Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area 348A 12/1/2005 Retest of #348 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.5 127.5 114.5 119.0 156.0 10.3% 9.5% 124.7 127.5 158.0 9.5% 9.5% 123.2 127.5 160.0 10.3% 9.5% 119.8 127.5 160.0 9.9% 9.5% 124.0 127.5 162.0 9.1% 9.5% 124.4 127.5 164.0 8.9% 9.5% 115.6 127.5 164.0 10.7% 9.5% 122.1 127.5 165.0 11.1% 10.0% 121.2 126.0 167.0 11.5% 10.0% 122.1 126.0 168.0 9.9% 10.0% 120.1 126.0 170.0 12.4% 11.0% 122.3 127.0 171.0 12.9% 11.0% 119.2 127.0 171.0 12.4% 11.0% 121.8 127.0 173.0 11.5% 11.0% 123.2 127.0 174.0 11.1% 11.0% 123.2 127.0 176.0 10.7% 11.0% 122.7 127.0 253.0 14.9% 13.5% 108.0 119.0 255.0 15.4%' 13.5% 104.5 119.0 255.0 13.2% 13.5% 110.5 119.0 258.0 11.7% 11.0% 113.4 124.5 259.0 13.8% 11.0% 114.2 124.5 260.0 13.0% 11.0% 111.3 127.0 260.0 11.8% 11.0% 114.5 127.0 96% 96% 97% 96% 96% 95% 93% 98% 97% 94% 97% 98% 91% 96% 96% 97% 95% 96% . 94% 96% 97% 97% 97% 91% 88% 93% 91% 92% 88% 90% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 90% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 90% Conform Non-Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform 90% Non-conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Conform 90% Non comform 90% Conform Print Date: Project Number Project Name: Location: Table 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA March 12,2007 108078 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, Califomia Testffl 349 350 351 352 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 365A 366A 367 Test Date 12/1/2005 12/1/2005 12/1/2005 12/1/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/2/2005 12/5/2005 12/5/2005 12/5/2005 12/5/2005 12/5/2005 Test Location Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad West Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad East Area Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Retest of #365 Retest of #366 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Elev. Moisture I Dry Density (pcf)" (ft) I Field I Optimum | Field | Maxlij^Ii?;^ 177.0 9.9% 180.0 10.3% 182.0 11.1% 184.0 12.4% 250.0 12.5% 252.0 13.0% 254.0 11.6% 256.0 11.3% 258.0 12.2% 260.0 13.0% 262.0 10.9% 196.0 17.3% 197.0 17.1% 196.0 17.0% 197.0 17^2% 198.0 14.8% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 14.5% 14.5% 14.5% 14.5% 14.5% 119.5 121.6 122.5 122.6 115.5 116.1 115.3 121.4 119.3 114.6 115.3 103.5 104.5 109.9 111.1 104.8 Relative Compaction 124.5 127.0 127.0 127.0 124.5 124.5 124.5 127.0 127.0 124.5 124.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 Obtained Required Conform Non-Conform 96% 96% 96% 97% 93% 93% 93% 96% 94% 92% 93% 90% 91% 96% 97% 92% 95% 95% 95% 95% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% . 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% . 368 12/5/2005 367A 368A 369 370 373 374 373A 12/6/2005 12/6/2005 12/5/2005 12/5/2005 12/6/2005 12/6/2005 12/6/2005 Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Non-conform Conform Conform . Non-conform Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad 198.0 17.6% 14.5% 103.1 114.5 90% 95% Non-conform Retest of #367 Retest of #368 Plate 2 East Area Commercial Pad 198.0 198.0 263.0 14.9% 15.8% 13.9% 14.5% 14.5% 10.0% 109.9 108.8 114.0 114.5 114.5 124.5 96% 95% 92% 95% 95% 90% Conform Conform Conform Plate 2 East Area Commercial Pad 258.0 16.0% 14.5% 104.8 114.5 92% 90% Conform Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad 198.0 16.4% 13.5% 105.8 119.0 89% 95% Non comform Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Retest of #373 198.0 198.0 14.7% 15.1% 13.5% 13.5% 107.8 115.4 119.0 119.0 91% 97% 95% 95% Non-conform Conform Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Table 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA March 12,2007 108078 Carisbad Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, California 374A 375 376 377 380 380A 381 382 383 384 385 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 404 404A 405 405A 406 406A 407 12/6/2005 12/6/2005 12/6/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/7/2005 12/8/2005 12/8/2005 12/8/2005 12/8/2005 12/8/2005 12/8/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 408 409 12/9/2005 12/9/2005 Test Location Retest of #374 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Retest of #380 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad South Side Retest of #404 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad South Side Retest of #405 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad North Side Retest of #406 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad North Side Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad South Side Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad ; North Side 198.0 202.0 202.0 204.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 204.0 204,0 206.0 206.0 207.0 208.0 211.0 211.0 211.0 211.0 213.0 213.0 212.0 216.0 Maximum | Obtained | Required 14.0% 13.5% 114.2 119.0 96% 95% 14.5% 13.5% 115.4 119.0 97% 95% 15.1% 13.5% 115.4 119.0 97% 95% 15.3% 13.5%. 107.1 119.0 90% 95% 13.0% 13.5% 110.7 119.0 93% 95% 12.8% 13.5% 113.1 119.0 95% 95% 10.7% 13.5% 117.1 119.0 98% 95% 9.7% 13.5% 114.2 119.0 96% 95% 10.2% 13.5% 115.4 119.0 97% 95% 7.2% 13.5% 114.7 119.0 96% 95% 7.9% 13.5% 113.1 119.0 95% 95% 11.5% 13.5% 113.1 119.0 95% 95% 8.9% 13.5% 116.2 119.0 98% 95% 11.2% 13.5% 113.1 119.0 95% 95% 13.9% 14.5% 108.8 114.5 95% 95% 14.1% 13.5% 114.2 119.0 96% 95% 12.9% 14.5% 108.8 114.5 95% 95% 18.7% 13.5% 105.9 119.0 89% 95% 19.1% 13.5% 98.7 119.0 83% 95% 18.0% 13.5% 96.0 119.0 81% 95% 14.6% 13.5% 103.0 119.0 87% 95% 13.6% 13.5% 113.5 119.0 95% 95% 16.8% 14.5% 101.5 114.5 89% 95% 15.4% 14.5% 109.9 114.5 96% 95% 12.9% 14.5% 102.7 114.5 90% 95% 15.7% 14.5% 108.8 114.5 95% 95% 12.3% 13.5% 114.2 119.0 96% 95% 11.3% 13.5% 106.3 119.0 89% 95% 11.7% 13.5% 108.3 119.0 91% 95% Conform Non-Conform I Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Non-conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non conform Non-conform Non-conform 2 Non-conform 2 Conform 2 Non-conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Non-conform Non-conform 1 Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Table 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA March 12,2007 108078 Carisbad Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, California Test* 410 Test Date 12/10/2005 Test Location 411 12/10/2005 408A 409A 41 OA 411A . 412 412A 413 413A 412B 412C 414 413B 415 414A 416 417 418 431 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/10/2005 12/12/2005 12/10/2005 12/12/2005 12/13/2005 12/12/2005 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 432 12/13/2005 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 12/15/2005 12/15/2005 12/15/2005 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad North Side Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad South Side Retest of #408 Retest of #409 Retest of #410 Retest of #411 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad Center & West Edge Retest of #412 Plate 2 Hole 16 Commercial Pad South Side Retest of #413 Retest of #412A Retest of #412B Plate 2 Commercial Pad Center Retest of #413A Plate 2 Commercial Pad Retest of #414 Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Commercial Pad 90% Area Plate 2 Commercial Pad 90% Area Plate 4 Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Retest of #439 Elev. (ft) Moisture Field I Optimum 219.0 14.6% 219.0 11.0% 219.0 13.9% 219.0 • 14.1% 219.0 12.9% 219.0 11.3% 221.0 12.6% Dry Density (pcf) 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% Field Maximum 103.9 105.9 113.1 113.1 114.2, 113.1- 105.1 Relative Compaction 119.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 Obtained Required Conform Non-Conform 87% 89% 95% 95% 96% 95% 88% 221.0 17.3% 13.5% 101.9 119.0 86% 221.0 18.1% 13.5% 102.4 119.0 86% 221.0 15.6% 13.5% 104.1 119.0 87% 221.0 12.1% 13.5% 105.8 119.0 89% 221.0 11.1% 13.5% 108.3 119.0 91% 221.0 15.1% 13.5% 102.9 119.0 86% 221.0 14.1% 13.5% 107.1 119.0 90% 226.0 14.0% 13.5% 109.5 119.0 92% 221.0 14.8% 13.5% 108.3 . 119.0 91%- 226.0 14.3% 13.5% 110.7 119.0 93% 226.0 14.0% 1,3:5% 109.5 119.0 92% 226:0. 14.4% 13.5% 109.5 119.0 92% 237.0 14.2% 13.5% 109.8 119.0 * 92% 240.0 13.8% 13.5% 109.1 119.0 92% 235.0 14.6% 13.5% 108.6 119.0 91% 240.0 15.1% 13.5% 110.8 119.0 93% 244.0 13.4% 13.5% 109.8 119.0 92% 257.0 15.1% 13.5% 110.8 119.0 93% 253.0 14.7% 13.5% 107.5 119.0 90% 258.0 15.2% 13.5% 109.6 119.0 92% 260.0 13.4% 11.0% 106.3 123.5 86% 258.0 12.7% 11.0% 109.1 123.5 88% 261.0 12.0% 11.0% 107.2 123.5 87% 260.0 12.7% 11.0% 111.9 123.5 91% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 90% 90% ' 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Non-conform Non-conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform • Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Non-conform Non-conform Conform Print Date: Project Number: Project Name: Location: Table 2 COMPACTION TEST DATA 108078 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, California Test #1 Test Date 443 12/15/2005 444 12/15/2005 445 12/15/2005 446 12/15/2005 447 12/15/2005 525 1/5/2006 526 1/5/2006 527 1/5/2006 528 1/5/2006 529 1/5/2006 530 1/5/2006 531 1/5/2006 532 1/6/2006 533 1/6/2006 534 1/6/2006 535 1/6/2006 Test Location Retest of #440 Retest of #441 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Commercial Pad Plate 2 Plate 2 Fainway 5 Repair Slope Retest of #525 Plate 2 Fainway 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fairway 5 Repair Slope Retest of #528 Plate 2 Fainvay 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fairway 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fairway 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fairway 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fainvay 5 Repair Slope Plate 2 Fairway 5 Repair Slope I Elev. I Moisture (ft) I Field I Optimum 258.0 12.4% 11.0% 261.0 11.8% 11.0% 262.0 12.6% 13.5% 264.0 14.2% 13.5% 263.0 14.6% 13.5% 276.0 12.2% 13.0% 276.0 12.0% 13.0% 277.0 13.2% 13.0% 279.0 13.4% 13.0% 279.0 12.6% 13.0% 280.0 12.8% 13.0% 282.0 13.3% 13.0% 284.0 12.6% 13.0% 284.0 12.1% 13.0% 285.0 13.0% 13.0% 285.0 12.6% 13.0% Dry Density (pcf) Field 113.7 111.6 109.0 109.8 109.8 111.0 113.6 114.6 109.5 113.5 115.7 114.6 114.7 113.2 114.6 114.5 Maximum | Obtained | Required 123.5 92% 90% 123.5 90% 90% 119.0 • 92% 90o/„ 119.0 92% 90% 119.0 92% 90% 119-0 93% 95% 119.0 95% 95% 119.0 96% 95% 119.0 92% 95% 119.0 95% 95% 119.0 97% 95o/„ 119.0 96% 95% 119.0 96% 95o/„ 119.0 95% 95% 119.0 96% 95o/„ 119.0 96% 95o/„ 1 Areas reworked and non-confomiing density tests are waived. 2 Density tests approved by Randy Wagner of Leighton and Associates 3 Relative compaction requirement reduced from 95% to 90% by Leighton and Associates Conform Non-Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Non-conform Conform Conform Non comform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform Conform I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and /\ssociates. Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPEaPICATIONS Page 1 of 6 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING 1.0 General 1.1 Intent: These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report(s). 1^2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record: Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement of the grading. Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditioning and processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. 3030.1094 I I I Leighton and /\ssociates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 6 1-3 The Earthwork Contractor: The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill,, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations, and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2-1 Clearing and Grubbing: Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant. The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume). No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed. If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to vyork in that area. As presently defined by the State of Califomia, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fliel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed. 3030.1094 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPEaPICATIONS Page 3 of 6 2.2 Processing: Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarificafion shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavation: In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas: All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3.1 General: Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted , by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. 3.2 Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified filk Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of fliture ufilifies or underground construction. 3030.1094 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIPICATIONS Page 4 of 6 3.3 Import: If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3.1. The potential import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed. 4.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 4.1 Fill Layers: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioning: Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum. Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method Dl 557-07). 4.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method Dl557-07). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity. 4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes: In addition to normal compacfion procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method D1557-07. 4.5 Compaction Testing: Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Locafion and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). 4.6 Frequency of Compaction Testing: Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment. In addidon, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construcfion if these minimum standards are not met. 3030.1094 Leighton and /Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIPICATIONS Page 5 of 6 4.7 Compaction Test Locations: The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided. 5.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient fime should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. 6.0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. 3030.1094 Leighton and /Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPEaPICATIONS Page 6 of 6 7.0 Trench Backfills 7.1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 . All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construcfion. Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting. Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. 7.3 I I I The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant. 7.4 The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relafive compaction. At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. 7.5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his alternative equipment and method. 3030.1094 FILL SLOPE PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCH HEIGHT (4' TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL . 2 MIN KEY DEPTH LOWEST BENCH (KEY) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE OMPACTED:-:-:-:-> :flLL--:g^:^^ •-BENCH HEIGHT (4' TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE -CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT TO ASSURE ADEQUATE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS EXISTING- GROUND SURFACE OVERBUILD AND TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND 2' MIN." KEY DEPTH CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT -REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH HEIGHT (4' TYPICAL) FOR SUBDRAINS SEE STANDARD DETAIL C 15" MIN. LOWEST BENCH (KEY) BENCHING SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPE'S ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5-1 MINIMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET AND MINIMUM FILL WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS A SLOPE FACE FINISH GRADE " ''?f^K- . ?P!f^-]^^^"LL: OVERSIZE WINDROW • OVERSIZE ROCK IS LARGER THAN 8 INCHES IN LARGEST DIMENSION. * EXCAVATE A TRENCH IN THE COMPACTED FILL DEEP ENOUGH TO BURY ALL THE ROCK. • BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR SOIL JETTED OR FLOODED IN PLACE TO FILL ALL THE VOIDS. GRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE' DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING OR JETTING. DETAIL • DO NOT BURY ROCK WITHIN 10 FEET OF FINISH GRADE. • WINDROW OF BURIED ROCK SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE FINISHED SLOPE. "JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS B BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE DETAIL BELOW CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE-^ OR #2 ROCK (9FT'^3/FT) WRAPPED^ IN FILTER FABRIC //. FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED C EQUIVALENT)* 4" MIN. BEDDING COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL D FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SUBDRAIN DFTAI! DESIGN FINISH GRADE NONPERFORATED 6"0 MIN. PERFORATED 6" 0MIN. PIPE FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI MON OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) CALTRANS CLASS.2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTl pj I I CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS C 15' MIN. OUTLET PIPES 4" 0 NONPERFORATED PIPE, 100' MAX. O.C. HORIZONTALLY 30' MAX O.C. VERTICALLY BACK CUT 1:1 OR FLATTER SEE SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE OUTLET -KEY DEP (2' MIN.) KEY WIDTH AS NOTED ON CRADING PLANS TH (15' MIN.) 12" MIN. OVERLAP- FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (3 FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC r-4" 0 \ NON-PERFORATED \ OUTLET PIPE PROVIDE POSITIVE SEAL AT THE JOINT T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE 4" 0 PERFORATED PIPE FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 4" MIN. BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - subdrain collector pipe shall be instolled with perforation down or unless otherwise designated by the geotechnical consultant. Outlet pipes shall be non-perforoted ch"!, K f/!" u^?''^ °^ ^ perforations uniformly spaced per foot. Perforation shol be 1/4 to 1/2 .f drill holes ore used. All subdrain pipes sholl hove o grodient of at least 2% towards the outlet. ^^i.^™,^""^ ~ Subdroin pipe shall be ASTM D2751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527. Schedule 40 or ASTM D3034, SDR 23.5. Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe. All outlet pipe sholl be placed in o trench no wide than twice the subdroin pipe. Pipe sholl be in , u .ly^ '^^^^^ °' flooded in piece except for the outside 5 feet which sholl be native soil bockfill. BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS D SOIL BACKFILL, COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION BASED ON ASTM D1557 RETAINING WALL- WALL WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATIONS WALL FOOTING- FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI HON OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)*' -3/4" TO 1-1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL -4" (MIN.) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE: UPON REVIEW BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT, COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR J-DRAlN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL. INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL I GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS E