HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Magnolia Glen Subdivision; Soils Report; 1964-08-31FOUNDATION IWSYTIGATIOX ~:~AG$OLI.I Gl;%& jT.jJi)IVIjifiH Carlsbad, zalifornia i+r. J. Virgil Jattors 755 dis ivenue :arlsbad, Caiiforxia 528 South Xii1 Oceanside, California 2-2227 DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 528 SOUTH HILL STREET + OCEANSIDE, CALlFORNl.4 + PHONE 7EP126 &lg#rb fl, 1964 HP* oi' v&4&3, ~iatt%rm 755 :%lrrr 3tre4t OaPu#W, i3:rILl.fornlP A6 I a-2227 tn,yinolia Ofen Oarlmbm?, WLlf6mria 3ear xx. iiattormr xn ~4~~~~e wIti your r4tpwt, v4 haYe oarapistad the ikwadotion 5~~e~m8i~atloa for th4 xer0r8~0%~ x)=wlP~Y l Oar ~n~eet~~&tl~n iacbulrd fnewotion of’ the wimp% aarfa+3e otmlitlon% ala the ui%iarlJlxag roilrr aamll- 8lQwi at thm a5t4. It %s aur emmlumlon that thcl mite lm fatetrable for thea ~~~~1~~~8 of dl xwidentirf aubdivlelon, tf ?&ta reu~4n~~ti~~~ In hhr fallimi8g report are followed. ma r4port demur%lm?a the+ raerults af the iuv%ssti@l~lon rrdl %a the rmeonlny aupportfq the oonaluaiona %a r%,o~~0~atle~ aontalnad thsrain. T&:$:,% UP @Q~9‘i:,.t@%T3 ,J&rttar of PFan*aittal P. If. xxx. TV. v * VI. ax. vxxx. m?asrrrl fnfom%8tlam Purpare ad fnveetigatlon PiaId Iarsstl~atlffn A* Atrfw3a Ooaditt4nr 3. T%StJ isit 2, soils 3llcounter44 Laboretozy .Teating ~CmuoLumkne ii. Site ~':le~~A$ 3. &turd $oxradstlan 3etls <I. ~Bonring &%pscplty A. rata L31a%rl?q 3, Ikrthwork f IIeaitatiana ,u kgpmdix bmatioa a.at LO@ oz flosatgs Meabl.llty af Pill ;Ieils ~~@latax4-UensZty mrv* XamaU4ed dh4ar ‘Tests ~p4olflaetlmle for Joaetruotlon of chmtrollod Ptll~s p&@g 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 a z? 3 3 3 3 DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS x. 0r:YmA.L ~~.~~,~T~Q~ Ths site inv%sti,kaWd lr ooapr5md of ap~m~~ln~trlJ two aww cf Iarid looate% mathweatcorlp of the intsnwtlan ilY6mU% and Adam3 JOrwDlb in tFir JiOJr of %wlsB1dr The pmpeaed oc+n~tFuotion m the rite Will tmnhrt of o rsaidwt%sX w&its. II. 2%RPO~J$ OP X~V~~T~~~.~TXO~ rratr pwq-iwe of tha invorti ation wne to detetio the ex2eting aailn srmdftlona~ md & ltwabh f bwM% “E aapwi~y aI tba raatwml muaderticm oaterial and probrbky f IA raatetiai (Yn Cbs uite. XII, BI3U ~~~'~~~~~~~~TI~~ A. rurfaur Oar&ltS~ne Tha aite iar at pra8mt m or&an! o@at*ialryg; fWS ~roun ammade, perach Ural lime txmar :ua irrkgatlen pip+ !~f~~~t~ is 5mtalled ulthln 12 inohae ei" the patntl . An sld frame howr is laoated on the property show% on 'mAhe ir The &Tp4nmd lsur8ule Ello$wl fro+Fi a&am 5tmwt OQ thu rr5t at 30 @ads* I). Teat Pita ?.hae to ChO aonrirtenoy of wka mm.8 a%% BbaLl5w wts mm% fills thnt ~111 be mquird, on&y a lilrlted euWurf*ae mploratlon wae wmm%ntrdr Threa tort ptto, Loaated am eham on 9late 1, wwe dug to a dapth ei air feet with a ba62kshoc. The expllorrtha uas xDade on &ugurrt 26, 1964, undar Oha aupeFviaien of a mlls A oontlnuous log of the soils ~~~~~t~~d swmrded durPax(j tb8 exglontioer. Tb6 loge st ths twt pltrr a?% Bmlm 58% natm 2, 3 and 4. Ia-place Uuuitf teHie (Pi the moil6 were ssde at irrqaent interval8 Uudng tbr explonrtion. Undie. plmr w6re obtatmed mad were taken ta our labormtoxy fm maalyalu. The saaple, loomtk3sa are &own on '?lates 2, 3 csad 4. bo svldanm OS ground water vtlo fwmd. DRESSELHAUS ENGNEERS iv \I* iMil6 B’mauatsrrd In genenrl, the rollr graflle Qelwfstli at Iooss silty curd 445trZlringl rct#ts to 8 dagth of 18” un4twXain by gancsmtlly tinn Sine to w~W35 8amL The BlOfiltuTCl oontfknii z&A& dry dsn0ity of 6ho e!mal*a obr Wined during the rolls exploration ware drlsraslned. The natrzral fauadndstfon soila wtaxw errlusted with rrre$eot to th by aonelderlng th8 daslty of tie sample srod t;h~t 8 of unconfinrrd ahmr tcsets laada on undisturbed ?h81 pxobabl@ fill soil was trrtod for ocmpwtion obaraat*rlstloip an4 gratn rim 4~strlbutl6n. :Shear teisto *am ~eoZ4m4d ?a rmoldrd npawimtativs ea~n~lrta of 6he probably Sill. fho vtriour llabomtorf teat0 mapleted for this in- veatlg66tan WV grermtatd ta tippoprlote olatos in the ilVD1AldX. _ _ * 11 Jhms Terto - %disturbed darripLe6 2. Strblllty of Fill BOllL8 2 r&216tura;nen0iy GilrvaE Sheas Teets - mr&dod seaplrr A.9 Jlkr a1ealtnCf CJanetdsroble sharing of tram, rota, lrri- gatlo~ wttar llarr aad @the veglstrticn on the site will be required. 3, itatusrl Ssuadadatlon Jofle Tha rarrulte of our aalLa loomtigstioit aad labonrtory tests lndloae~r a0 Batural found3tion aelle at a Depth of 18" below the exlattag grade wilL support tl.11 and restdsntial dwalfings witA- out d&rinmtal B%ttleAe~nt. The aurlma~ 401111~ to 6 tle3p2b af lrC1",are limlre and oont~in re4te. 'Chssa 44l.b should ba rew4rbBu In 3%4or4Mas viah the Z~llewi~ng reeOg)mandatlms.B ‘2 l maring OPP$LOfty Th6 oontro1le4 ill1 us4 nuork84 8itmk%cr siolle till aafsly augpcWt Dquar* or oontinueus imtbgs loadcad t,o 1500 polutds pm rqurro hoot when fouAdlb4 at lrtaet 19 below ths ad$Wurt wmde* DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS ?he, site shcbuld bcal%are4 of rll vqstathezx, lrricp;ltim lhss and debrlrr Yhem tresr ara IV- awed, the witlrm soot uy~tur mu&it ‘0% w%wat& and the aswa noeraprote4 thriwgh the im%lrea 4aptPl of hha ~xlmvation. If the eitettog rraldmnor lo mmovcld, aJ.l debffo footfnp a~% wwor Itnor wet b4 rfll14we4r 8. ~&w?mtosk ?ha natPnrl rwfmae sailr should be olasmd af all reota. After oletinf$ tlnr mAsf66*, uolle 6hOtd.d be reworkad mad thm dearity inoserr~d to net lo45 than 30X of mxlraim demi%y. Rll Ptlf rrtatmial s’hould b6 glmrd in stpowdm~e vlth the “3psmifiontlom for J@nrWuotlon of OantrsrIlod Pllla” lsleludrd tn the b,~B%ndIX. The reeaPueaada$ion~ gramat in thir rqmxt am based 413 hha aoila and mnditlma note6 durLng %&he die&d ergSor- aElon and laboratory test&y, of the soiLa enaounfrred sit Chm site. In thr heat QtRar ROilP OS Wxdtbt8 ar% SR- wmntersd durln~ t&a &r&fag, sf the rlts, t&q nha3.l be 6~nfgae% b$ the ~oflr anf&neer, who my th~nn retviara tha rua~~%~4~~10~ primmterd in this report. ,, -i c i ,, il.? ,’ i Yq .‘; 0; I ’ d $1 ‘” 0 ,,/:s; ” I,~.~.~.^ <’ * L,. * i 9 ,.. *: ..1, : cj- (13 !L QC: r\, :‘) C-J ,,, ,* @ :i”: ! 7’ h ,, ,,,, .j ; Lo:, v ‘Cd : ;I ;i 3 ,~: 4 .g 5 - 1 I -iI Exw: Y g\; 1s; y i\ULFf. r’ ?/ /q! ~:: >i f’ ; <rp 1 +7se ~&; I ,,,,, , -r,‘. L..’ C.-’ , .f . ,,’ I. LA. &- C~i; jade : ! i 1 *- 4 .A .’ 4 ;,; ci. - ri A rl~ ., I.- 1 “J, , ap7p !-xi, I XI “f- ~!~L’;~. /_ ., .’ *y ., ~/ I;.’ ?’ iF3 ~‘$ ;‘ ff ,I~, ,;.;;~ ,_,, :-,t!i yf:[ :~~ ‘,i, ‘u ,,/i ;<;iI:~.. ,\i’L ,,,;;i r .~ i’ ’ PLATE 2 STETSON, STRAUSS L DRTSSEL:‘ATJS, INC Civil and Consulting Fnginvers 528 South Hill Street OceansIde. California Date. August 26, 1964 BY. _ W.H. Culver Sublet t Hamolin G~len Depth 0 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ ? r . Sample NO, -...- - t , *, -3 i .* .‘, . ,i :;(.; ‘\ \ir’ . \‘. ( ..- ’ . . . (1) -<. ’ .% ^ ‘- <\ ., \ \ -. \’ \ .,~ . - \ .: \ b ’ . :(2) ‘I , ‘\- .< i’ - < - . . \c \ ’ : -‘. -iilL Tob h’o 2-2227 Sheet No. 1 of 3 --. Ret i-ence LOG OF BORlhGS BORING NO 1 -- 4 100. 85. 100. 2.46 6.41 4.3 0.0 3rown silty sand with tree roots. Loose Brown fine to medljxn sac9 Firm STETSON, STRAUSS r, DRESSSELKArJS Civil and lConsulting Engineers 528 South Hill Street Oceansi.-le. California Dates 8-26-64 By. -vIW. Culver Sublect Magnolia Glen - Pepth C 6 _’ DOT??. NG 1-t r 1. )’ - I’... .’ ,’ :I Sample NO -- - $.( ;-:’ i :‘>, ‘,-I ‘j : 7‘ r’ ) ‘I 3 ‘i .,, :- -8 - . L ‘(1) c \ \ I -. s, \?/ -T------ LOG OF BORl?kGS INC Tob No 2-2227 Sheet No. 2 o! 3 --. Ref rence .- - -- BORING NO 2 -- 99.0 x.4 ~~~~~~ L- ;1 -- -__ %-own silty sand with tree roots. t / Loose ------A - 4.6 t I 1.86 , mown fine to medium I 0 . 3 i sand. / ?ilX Pi&T!? 4 STETSON. STRAUSS r, DRFSSELFArJS, INC Civ;l and Consulting Engineers 528 Sou:h Hill Street Oceanside. California Date, _ August 26, 1964 BY w. . Oqlrer Sublecr Hagnolla Glen LOG Or BORlhGS Tob No 2-2227 Sheet No. 3 --.-.-of -...-2- Ref~ Pence -- BORlNG NO 3 -- J?epth 0 1' 3' ‘I . ( I , 1 - I \ 1 c R \ .* \ ', (l)_ . \ .- 1, i ' ,- ‘ : ,\.\ - \ - .C * 4' 5' c ( x, ‘r (2) ’ - . 1. \’ ‘ I \ L \ ,- \’ 6’ Sample NO --- I$ “, ,. .I . ;_ \ . ~ b u i \’ ‘f . ) : v l (3) - 1 --I io3. 96. 95. .- 4.7 6.C 7.; .13 / Brown silty sand with tree roots. t ! I 4- Loose arown fine to medium sand. DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS kqpint a-7" 1964 ;sot dab. t4or a-E&3’? ~~agnQlia Slata %%rhbad, 3alita 3uagllt 801 1 - worn Kedius 3rand L .,.,, ( . .i~ ,,,l..:.i II.% ,.-.a .,./,/ >~ s,,,, .11~ * ..~ _.., /.‘ ,‘. ,: ,EKJcmsa ~.~~_~ XtiST ‘METHOP.: ASTM Dr1557-5.8T : Brnwn Me&m Sand: I Maximum &xsity 1.~6. b#f Cu. Ft. optin1um P;ioisture 7. T/o / hAC;NOLlA !;LEN ; t , ( I -~w4__- --_e-- V~------+ 45 /o 2s p& ? ~‘~‘~’ 2.5 ,m .~a.)~ 1 ,/,,. ,~~ ,v,;/.(..“* $3 3 ~. ,, ,.,,. II4,3 ’ 8.4 9. f AFFYXR~ZNT Fercr\~tu ;F\M~-E, O @7Q 22" 5 KIF5 '/ %. FT. 7 9 -II ,, btMNc?L\A C;LEW~ j CAsti.%DA c, C&IFC:EYN\A p in. ,!FMQlPB-.~ ~\-\k~R --ka 7-3 b~AVVt-.l; i D~~~~~~~~AusEN(;IL)~~~c,~DAPE: ‘\I STETSON, STRAUSS & DRESSELHAUS, INC. Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED FILLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading, compaction and control of the fill, and all other subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to con- form with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. CLEARING, GRUBBING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED. (a) All, timber, logs, trees, brush and other rubbish shall be removed, piled and burned or oth,envise disposed of so as to leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance free from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter shall be removed from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed, and the surface shall then be scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6”) and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Fills over three feet (3’) high shall have steps cut in the original ground at two foot vertical intervals on the slope. The steps shall be eighteen inches (18”) wide, more or less, and may be constructed by dozing or blading. The general direction of the bench shall run parallel with the countours and the maximum slope shall be three horizontal units to one vertical unit. (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed until it is uniform and free from large clods brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 90% of maximum density in accordance with A. S. T. M. D1557-58T. No fill shall be placed until the soils engineer has given written clearance that the foundation is acceptable for receiving fill. MATERIALS: Material for the fill shall be free from vegetable matter and other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater dimensions than six inches (6”). No pockets of rocks shall be allowed. PLACING, SPREADING AND COMPACTING FILL MATERIAL. (a) The selected fill material shall, be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed six inches (6”). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade mixed during the spreading to insure xmiformity of material in each layer. Form #78 -l- STETSON, STRAUSS & DRESSELHAUS, INC. (b) When the moisture content of the fill materials is low, water shall be added to bring the fill within the specified density range. (c) When the moisture content of the material is above that specified by the density pange, the fill maierfal shall be swated by brading OF other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the density range. (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in accor- dance with A. S. T; M. D1557-58T. Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-,wheel pneumatic-tiped rollers or other types of rollers. Rollers shali be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall be contin- uous over its entire aPea and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. (e) Fill shall be compacted one foot beyond the finish grade line and cut back to grade line by removing fluff and undercompacted fill. (f) Field density tests shall be made by the soils engineer at intervals not exceeding two feet of fill height provided all layers are tested. Where sheeps- foot rollers ape used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density readings shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these readings indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the required density, that particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be, c,ontinued in six inch (6”) compacted layers, as specified a’bove, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. SUPERVISION: Supervision by the soils engineer shall be made during the fill and contracting operations so that he can certify that the fill was made in accor- dance with accepted specifications. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shail be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen or thawing or during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by hea,vy rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. In the event that, in the opinion of the engineer, the soils unsatisfactory for grading pwposes are encountered, they shall not be incorporated in the gPading and disposition will be made at the engineer’s discretion. Form #78 -2-