HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Rancho Carlsbad Mobilehome Park; Soils Report; 1969-01-28- - - - - -- SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED RANCH0 CARLSBAD MOBILEHOME PARK SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA for WALTERS & SON, INC. 4242 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil and Foundation Engineers and Geologists -~ - - -~ - - - - - -~ - - _- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS FIGURE 1 - SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 - LOG OF TEST BORING 1 FIGURE 3 - LOG OF TEST BORING 1 CONTINUED FIGURE 4 - LOG OF TEST BORING 2 FIGURE 5 - LOG OF TEST BORING 3 FIGURE 6 - LOG OF TEST BORING 4 FIGURE 7 - LOG OF TEST BORING 5 FIGURE 8 - LOG OF TEST BORING 6 FIGURE 9 - LOG OF TESR BORING 7 FIGURE 10 - LOG OF TEST BORING 8 FIGURE 11 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 9 & 10 FIGURE 12 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 11 & 12 FIGURE 13 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 13, 14 & 15 FIGURE 14 - GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES -. - -. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) - FIGURE 15 - GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES FIGURE 16 - FILL SUITABILITY TESTS - FIGURE 17 - RESULTS OF CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS - ATTACHMENT I - EXPANSION PRESSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST ATTACHMENT II - SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WDODWARD - CLYDE & ASSDCIATES OO”S”LTI”B SOIL A”0 FO”NOATloN E”aNE*S Arm oEoLowsls 3467 1969 mrll strut January 28, *an my0 Project No. 68-312 CdHornU 9*110 "14 2?&?911 Walters & Son, Inc. 4242 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Mr. Henry Hastings In accordnace with your request, we have made an investigation of the underlying soil conditions at the site of the proposed mobilehome park to be known as Ranch0 Carlsbad in San Diego County, California. The accompanying report presents the results of the subsurface explora- tion and the laboratory tests as well as the conclusions and recommenda- tions pertaining to this site. The Project Engineer assigned to this project was Joseph G. Kocherhans of our firm. ienski; a. E. 10352 JGK/SFG/mec Attachments I 5) Walter & Son 1) Harry Pappas, Jr. - - - - - SCOPE This is a report of an investigation at the site of the proposed Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobilehome Park to be located on the east side of El Camino Real approximately l-1/2 miles north of Palomar Airport Road in San Diego County, California. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the subsurface soil conditions, depth to water including its influence on the design of the proposed flood control channel and foundation for the proposed clubhouse, the most suitable type and depth of foundation for the proposed clubhouse, allowable soil bearing pressures, pavement requirements, and to test the soils in the proposed borrow area for purposes of making recom- mendations for fill construction and pavement design. It is our understanding that the proposed construction wil 1 require general grading to slope the surface to drain with cuts and fills kept to a minimum. The proposed work includes a flood contra 1 channel through the central portion of the site about 15 ft deep and 90 ft wide, and a clubhouse and recreation center with swimming pool, all on a fill about 5 ft high. We also understand that the proposed - clubhouse and recreation buildings will be limited to single story wood-frame structures supported on continuous footin~gs with a slab-on- - - - grade floor. We further understand that cut and fill slopes having maximum heights of less than 20 ft and maximum slope inclinations of l-1/2 to 1 (l-1/2 units measured horizontally to 1 unit vertically), are proposed. FIELD INVESTIGATION - Fifteen test borings were made with a 6-inch diameter power auger at the locations shown on the Site Plan, Fig. 1. The drilling was done on December 30 and 31, 1968, under the supervision of a project - WOODWARO - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES cmuu,,i,,p Sa’l old Fmm&,im, .F,wwrr* nnd Cr”l”L!irl* PAGE 2 -- - - engineering'geologist. Field logs were prepared by the geologist on the basis of an inspection of the samples secured and of the ex- cavated material. The Logs of Test Borings shown on Figs. 2 through 13 are based on an inspection of the samples, on the laboratory test results, and on the field logs. The vertical position of each sample is shown on the Logs of Test Borings. The test borings were located in the field with the aid of an undated Site Plan prepared by Idalters and Son, Inc. LABORATORY TESTS The soils encountered were visually classified and evaluated with respect to strength, swelling and compressibility characteristics, dry density and moisture content. The classification was substantiated by grain size analyses and determination of plasticity characteristics of representative samples of the soils. Fill suitability tests, in- cluding compaction tests, direct shear tests, expansibility character- istics, and grain size analyses were performed on samples of the pro- bable fill soils. The strength of the soils was evaluated by means of unconfined compression tests and direct shear tests on selected samples and by consideration of the density and moisture content of the samples ., and the penetration resistance of the sampler. Swelling characteristics were determined by loaded swell tests on compacted samples. Compress- ibility characteristics were established by confined compression tests on undisturbed samples. Probable subbase materials were evaluated by Resistance "R" value tests performed by Testing Engineers, Inc. for us. Thee results of tests on undisturbed samples, except for the loaded swell tests and the confined compression tests, are shown with the penetration resistance of the sampler at-the corresponding sample WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES coruulti,,g Soil od Fmmdalcm. ~,~~i,wm nd Crolo*irt. PAGE 3 -. - _.. -~ - _- - -. location on the Logs of Test Borings. The grain size distribution curves and the plasticity characteristics are indicated on Figs. 14 and 15. The fill suitability tests and loaded swell tests are re- ported on Fig. 16. The results of the confined compression tests are reported on Fig. 17. Results of the Resistance "R" value tests are reported on the attached forms. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS The site is located at the confluence of three natural drainage systems: (1) the Aqua Hedionda Creek (which divides the site in a southeast to northwest direction) to the southeast portion of the site; (2) the drainage channel from the Calavera Lake area is at the north; and (3) the western drainage of the Santa Sinforosa Ridge is on the east. The site is generally flat with an overall slope to the southwest. Elevation range generally from about 37 ft near the northwestern portion of the site to about 57 ft near the northeastern area. A small hill exists in the south central area with a maximum elevation of approximately 113 ft. The majority of the site has been used for farming and at the present time the property on the western side of the Aqua Hedionda Creek is being used for a stable. Vegetation includes dense growths of grasses and weeds, scattered small brush and dense growths of water plants. Trees line the creek. The soils encountered in test boring 1, made on the hill, are believed to be Pleistocene Terrace deposits. These deposits consist of alternating strata of silty sands and silty to sandy clays with the clays predominating. The soils found in the other test bor- ings made in the flat areasof the site are recent alluvial deposits WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES cauu,,i,lg Soil ad F‘nr"d"li",, Ewiurcn nod Cdwirtr PAGE 4 consisting generally of silty to clayey sands from 0 to 15 ft in - - - - - - - - - _- - - - thickness. These sands are inturn underlain by silty and sandy clays in thicknesses ranging from 1 ft to in excess of 18 ft. Alternating sand and clay layers were encountered beneath the clay in some of the test borings. The sands in the upper 6 to 15 ft of the borings are generally very loose to loose with average resistance to penetration of the sampler of 6 blows per ft. The upper clays had average blow counts of 4 and unconfined compressive strengths of 2700to 7600 psf. Groundwater was encountered in the borings at depths rang- ing from 2 to 7-l/2 ft below the ground surface. Water was not en- countered in Borings 1, 13 and 14. The depths at which water was encountered at the time of drilling and 2 and 3 days later are noted on the Logs of Test Borings. DISCUSSION Results of our investigation indicate that the alluvial deposits, which cover nearly all of the existing flat area witin the site are loose sands and soft clays in the upper 10 to 15 ft. These soils grade erratically from one soil type to another. Our experience, as well as results of tests, indicates that these soils can be expected to consolidate when subjected to loads. There are several methods of treatment for soils such as to these to minimize harmful effects of settlements. These include (1) complete removal and replacement of the soils with proper compaction above the water table; (2) partial removal of the soils above the water table, and replacement with a mat of compacted fill and use of light footing loads; and (3) precon- solidation of areas with surcharge fills where permanent structures are to be placed. - WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES cauul*i,,g soi, ami Farndaliun .‘?.~inrcrr "W, C.doeir,r PAGE 5 We would expect additional settlements in the area due to lowering of the water table. This will happen to'some degree by constructing the flood channel to the depths proposed. Among the items, in addition to settlements, which should be considered in the proposed development are the stability of cut and fill slopes, the volume change characteristics of the soils, including potential swelling, the case of excavation of the materials in the cut areas, and the relative compaction required in the fills. The items have been considered in arriving at‘our conclusions and recommendations presented below. L -- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (1) The soils encountered at the site are suitable for use as fill material. The silty sands may be used as select material. The silty and sandy clays have been classed as potentially expansive. (2) Based on our experience in the area with similar types of soils, it is our opinion that all materials within the site may be excavated by normal heavy grading equipment. The materials below the water table may require excavation with a drag line or similar type equipment. (3) It is recommended that the entire site, except the hill, be scarified and compacted to a minimum depth of 2 ft below the .- -. proposed finish grades. This should be done in accordance with the attached specifications for controlled fill. This recommendation may require the removal of the top foot or so in order to achieve uniform - compaction throughout the 2 ft layer. If any very loose or spongy areas are encountered, they should be removed at least to the water table and be replaced with properly compacted granular material. The WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Cdli"l( Soil n,ui Fovndolion Ewiare,. ",d GCOl0Yl.l. PAGE 6 - - .- - - - ..~ grading operations should be inspected in the field by one of our field technicians and upon his visual examination of the exposed soils, unsuitable soils should be removed as recommended. (4) It is recommended that potentially expansive soils be undercut when encountered within 2 ft of finish grade and that no potentially expansive soils be used within the upper 2 ft of fill in building and roadway areas. The potentially expansive soils may be spread throughout the lower portions of the fills. The soils in the undercut areas should be replaced with nonexpansive soils compacted as fill. It should be noted that this requirement may require careful planning of grading operations. (5) It is recommended that the proposed finish grades be planned such that at least 2 ft of properly compacted material is above the ground water level. (6) It is recommended that any permanent structures, such as the clubhouse and recreation building, be placed on a mat of pro- perly compacted soil having a minimum finished thickness of 5 ft. In addition, after properly compacting the mat, a surcharge having a minimum thickness of 5 ft should be placed upon the mat. This sur- charge should have the minimum plan dimensions of the.structure plus 10 ft. The time required for surcharging should be controlled by settlement movements placed on the fill mat prior to constructing the surcharge. It is anticipated that the surcharge will have to be left in place 2 to 3 months to achieve the necessary settlements. Settlement readings should be submitted to this office for analysis. It should be noted that the settlement time can be shortened by increasing the - height of surcharge. - WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES &,n&ti,lg s,,i, ami Fo"nd"lim, E,aLirrccrr "d Ceol"Yilt* - PAGE 7 _. - - - - - -. - - - -. - -. - - (7,) Footings for the proposed clubhouse and recreation buildings placed on a compacted mat treated as described in Para- graph 6 above may be designed for a soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf (dead plus live load). Footings should have a minimum width of 12 in. and be founded a minimum depth of 12 in. and no more than 24 in. below finish grade. (8) Our tests indicate that clay soils encountered at this site are expansive. We recommend that fill in the area of the swimming pool be constructed of nonexpansive soil to minimize the possibility of differential heaving of the pool. We would further recommend that a blanket of gravel be placed beneath the pool and connected to a re- lief value if the pool is constructed at a depth below the ground water table. Further recommendations concerning this matter should await final siting of the pool. (9) Our analysis indicate that channel slopes up to 20 ft high should not exceed an inclination of 2 to 1 (2 horizontal to 1 vertical). The high ground water in the area will result in seepage flows towards the excavated channel when the flow in the channel is low. This reduces the overall stability and flatter slopes are required. There is a possibility that there will be some minor slough- ing at the toe of the excavated slope where loose pockets of sand are subjected to seepage flows. (10) It is our opinion that cut and fill slopes outside of the flood channel having inclinations of l-1/2 to 1 (l-1/2 units hori- zontally to 1 unit vertically) and maximum unsupported heights of less than 20 ft will have an adequate safety factor against slope failure if constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. - WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES CauultbLg soa mad Poundatirm Enyiarcrs "!,<I Gdn*irt. -- -. PAGE 8 - .- - -. - - - - - - - -. _.~ - - - (11) A set of specifications for control,led fill is attached. The recommendations made as a part of this preliminary soils report shall become a part of the specifications for controlled fill. (12) The asphaltic pavement design presented below is based on a traffic index of 5, on a subgrade Resistance "R" value of 15, a minimum thickness of 2 ft of properly compacted subgrade below the pavement section, and a nominal.anticipated maintenance over the years due to the weak soils encountered with depth. The minimum recornnended pavement section is 2 in. of asphaltic concrete placed on 10 in. of base material. The paving materials should conform to the following specifications: (A) Asphaltic Concrete shall be type A asphaltic concrete conforming to Section 39 of the State of California Standard Specifications, 1964. (B) Aggregate Base shall be Class 2 aggregate base conforming to Section 26 of the State of California Standard Speci- fications, 1964. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the test borings. If variations are encountered during construction, we should be notified so that we may make supplemental recommendations if this should be required. WOODWARD -CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Conru,,ins Soil oud Pauc&lil”l Ellyhrrrr “d Croloyi.,s - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - h +i IO . Approximately I& miles /-+ to Pahar Airport Rd. LEGEND Note: Data taken l Indicates wproximate location of test boring from plan pre- Q Indicates approximate limits ofuncanpacted fill pared by Walters ..-fndicates 6 Son, Inc. f' approximate existing SITE PLAN ground con- Mmfo CAFMAD tours WOOCWARD. CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: p,p (SCALE: l"=WO' CK'D BY: qj6.x. ]DATE: l-&69 IPUUJ. no:&312 (FIGURE NO: I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - .- 25 (continued on next page) LEGEND WC = Water Content in percent of dry weight. DD = Dry Density in pcf. BC = Number of blows by IW-Lb. hammer falling 30 inches to drive sampler 12 inches. Sanpler Data: ID = 2-O", 00 = 2.5". UC.!? = Unconfined Compressive Strength in psf. g = Water Level at time of drilling unless otherwise indicated. (W)= Group classification symbol in acwrdance with the Unified Soil Classification System. LOG OF IEST BORING I RANCH0 CARLSBAD WllSULTlWG SOIL MGIIIEERS AllO GEOLOGISTS ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 30 35 40 4E xl 55 60 Very stiff, moist, gray silty Dense, damp, bow s i 1 ty sad (m) i- Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOG OF TEST BORING I CONTINUED RANCH0 CARLSBAD WOOCWARD~ CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTlllG SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGlS1.S SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA OR. BY: PLP 1 SCALE: 1”=5’ Ipnar. m 6B-312 CK'O BY: -J&k lOATE: I-27-69 IFIGURE ~0: 3 fBarino I mntinufd?dl - - - - o- 18 - Boring 2 se, danp, brow silty sand (34) Very stiff, mist, dark brown silty [i&7, saturated, brown sandy cI~Y~~~ Ver dense mist, 1 ight gray si,{y s&'(a) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOG OF TEST BORING 2 RJNMO CARLSBAD MXWARD *CLYDE a, ASSOCIATES COllSULTlllG SOIL ENGINEERS AWJ GEOLOGISTS SAN DIE&J. CALIFORNIA OR. m: pp 1 SCALE: 1” 5' 1PW.J. ND: 68-312 CK'O BY: Jgk 1 DATE: l-g-69 ~ IFIGURE NO: 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -~ -. ,-~ Fhhrinn 7 0- Soft, mist to saturated, dark brow sandy clay (CL) E t$ 5- Bc=I lJcs=270 IO- iE$ 8C= I6 l5- ucs=3037 Y I8 J 1 l-2-69 Y-m Y-m ---. _I... ---. _I... Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOG OF TEST BORING 3 LOG OF TEST BORING 3 RANCH0 CARLSBAD RANCH0 CARLSBAD WDOCWARD *CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES WDOCWARD *CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES CJ~WLTIKG solL MGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS WilSULTIKG SOIL ENGINEERS Ano GEOLOGISTS SAJI DIEW, CALIFORNIA SAJI DIEW, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: kp DR. BY: kp ISCALE: !"=5' ISCALE: !"=5' IPRoJ.llo:68312 JPRoJ.llo:68312 l-27-69 l-27-69 ---" ---" CK'D BY: 3 cfl IDATE: CK'D BY: 3 cfl IDATE: IFIGURE NO: 5 IFIGURE NO: 5 .I .I - - - - - - - - - - - 15. 18. &t-inn II Loose, moist, brown silty sand (34) Fin, saturated, brown sandy clay *l-2-69 Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOG OF EST EORING '+ @.NGW CARLSBAD WOOCWARD -CLYDE a ASSOCIATES COnSlJLTlWG SOIL ENGINEERS AH0 GEOLOGISTS SAJI DIEM. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: PLP 1 SCALE: , “=5! -CKlD BY: JK IDATE: l-27-69 IPWJ. la: lj8;312- IFIGURE NO: 6 - - - - Boring 5 Loose, moist, brom sandy clay (CL) Stiff, saturated, brown sandy clay (al *l-2-69 Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. I LOG OF TEST BORING 5 11 CONSULTlllG SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS DR. BY: PLP t SCALE: 1"=5' IpRoJ. m: 68-312 CK’D BY: J CR’ IDATE: l-27-69 - [FIGURE ND: 7 _. .~ - ._ L - 5 IO I5 al WG 9 DD=l211 Bc= 7 WC= 22 DD=lCO BC= 5 ucs=m Boring 6 I :~I:::: Loose, danp to saturated, dark .~~?:_i:__f:~ brow clayey sand (SC) *l-2-69 Note: For Legend, sea Fig. 2. LOG OF TEST BORING 6 RANCH0 CARLSBAD WOOCUARD - CLYDE b ASSOCIATES WKSULTlliG SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGD. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: PL P ISCALE: I"=5 IpR(u. 10: 68-312 CK'D BY: J&c IDAlE: 1-z-69 _--._- ]FIGURE ND: 8 _~ __ - _. -. - -. - - - 0 5 3 i 2 IO ? z " 4 &i 5 15, 19, Borina 7 Loose, dmp to &watd , dark brown c,ayey smd ( sc) Medium-dense 'l-2-69 Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOG OF TEST BORING 7 RAHCHO CARLSBAD WOOUJARD~ CLYDE b ASSOCIATES COWJLTIKG SOIL EJIGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAK DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR.'BY: 6-- 1 SCALE: ( 11;51 IPROJ. I*): 68-312 CK'D BY: 3,$/f IDATE: I-V-69 IFIGURE NO: 9 - - - _- - -~ - - - - - l8- Boring 8 Dmp, brom silty sand (34) with gravel FILL *l-2-69 Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. r LOG OF TEST BORING 8 RANCH0 CARLSBAD MIOUJARD. CLYDE b ASSOCIATES COWJLTIKG SOIL MGIWEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAll DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: PLP [SCALE: I"=5 'CKlD BY: J 6< IDATE: I-7.749 1FFa.J. ND: 68-312 IFIGURE ND: Q -. - - - -~ - ( I- ,_ E IO 18 0 1 5, 8. *l-2-69 Boring 9 sy- i ::,:ii ;:;;~I ~";e~~~, dark brown clayey I- ,,, ,,, A~, .~.:,:::::: sand (vi;) X::;::::::C t7 I . . rr xtff, saturated, dark gray sandy clay (CL) Mediumdense, saturated, brown clayey sand (SC) Boring IO S nse, damp, brown clayey turated, dark brown silty :ii., Medium-dense, saturated, brow iii@ clayey sand (SC) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. I LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 9 h lo RAM-IO CARLSBAD , MMUJARD -CLYDE & ASSOCIATES tOnSJILTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIE&J, CALIFDRKIA DR. BY: PLP JSCALE: l"=!J' CK'D BY: 36.y 1 DATE: l-27-69 IKfCJ. NO: 68-311 (FIGURE No: J J _- - - - - -. - 0 IO Poring I? 5 Stiff, 8 saturated, gray smdy clay *l-2-69 Boring II f, damp, dark brown clayey *y~:iG;j fine sand (SC) [ r:y, damp, dark brow sandy~~clar ;:;;;:;<i l&dim-dense, saturated, brown F:‘:::‘: ,j@zi[ clayey sand (SC) Stiff, saturated, gray sandy clay (CL) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. LOGS OF TEST WRINGS II h I2 I RANCH0 CARLPAD WOOUJARD~ CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES WWLTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORWIA OR. BY: pip (SCALE: l'lz5' IPRGJ. 10: 68-312 CK'D BY: -) E;# IDATE: l-n-69 IFIGURE NO: 12 -. - -. _- - - : 0 5 a 0. 5 8. 0’ 5. a. f!uing 13 dmp, dark gray silty sand ~-I.~~~cI I WMI with aravel Ia ‘F Stt, danp, dark gray sandy clay Boring 111 Loose, dmp, brm clayey sand (SC) Stiff, dmp, gray sandy clay (CL) bring I!i IiLl I$$$~ L&, dmp, gray clayey sand (SC) ~~~ ..~. ,.~...., Stiff, saturated, gray sandy clay *l-2-69 Note: For Legend, see Fig. 2. I LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 13, 14 b 15 RbNCliO CARLSBAD WDUJARD *CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAJI DIEGO. CALIFORNIA _- DR. BY: PLP JSCALE: 1"=5' IPROJ. 110: 68-312 - CK'D BY: J c/f 1 DATE: l-27-69 ~FII~IJRE NO: 13 .~. _~ .-~ .- - -. - -~ - - - - .- loo Go 0 W66LES GRAVEL I SAND SILT and CLAY coarse Fine Coarse Med i urn Fine Hesh Openina - ins. SiewSizes I Nydrometer Analysis I I 76 32 13 f fv IO I6 203DW 6060 lW2QO P I I I I I 1 i I II I II I III II, I I II , I I I loo II 1000 500 10.0 5.0 I.0 0.1 .05 .Ol .OO5 .oOl GRAIN SIZE IN HILLIMETERS 'LL = Liquid Limit 'PI = Plasticity Index GRAIN SIZE DISTRIEUTION CURVES RANCH0 CARLSBAD t WOODWARD. CLYDE h ASSOCIATES ‘XMSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEW. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: PLP ISCALE: bRUJ. NO: 63-312 .~. _~ -~ .- -~~ - - - -~ - - - -~ -~ .-~ 100 90 60 20 IO 0 GRAVEL M66LES coarse 1 I SAND SILT and CLAY Fine Coarse Med i urn Fine Mesh Opening - ins. SiewSires Nydrometer Analysis I I I ! I l?i III, II II II I I I I, b I , I I I I I\ I I I Il.I\I I I I II0 II 10.0 5.0 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS II ‘LL = Liquid Limit *PI = Plasticity Index I GRAIN SIZE DISTRILUTICY CURVES RANCH0 CARLSBAD II - - -~ - - - -. - -. -. -. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS loo 80 2 g 60 2 540 2s 2 20 I40 130 120 II0 IM) 90 80 100 IO I.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN HILLIMETERS COBBLESp;E: lc, m SAN 1 f /SILT & CLAY I PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS II 12131 Liquid Limit, $ Plasticity Index. $ Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SWELL TEST DATA I2 3 Initial Dry Density. pcf Initial Water Content. % Load. psf Percent Swell II0 II2 I2 I2 160 160 10.3 II.1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY ilAXlMuM DRY IENSITY, pcf I I I I I MOISTURE CON=UT I ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES te: Smple ; g 1-i IO LABORATORY CGACTITION TEST 30 40 FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: Dl667-6QT RANCH0 CARLSBAD WOOCWARD - CLYDE h ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: PLP SCALE: (PR~J. NO: 66-312 CK'D BY: d 6-& JDATE: I-27-69 ;FIGuRE ~0: I6 -~ ~.. -~ .- - -~ -- -~ -. -. - RESULTS OF CONFINED CM'RESSION TESTS PRESSURE (PSF) I RESULTS OF CONFINED CM'RESSION TESTS I RbJKHO CARLSBAD WOOWARD- CLYDE h ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN OIEGO. CALIFORNIA OR. BY: PLP ISCALE: IPROJ. NO: &312 CK'O BY: 4 6.d IDATE: '-L'-6Y IFIGURE NO: 17 ATTACHMENT I Page l-of 2 TESTING ENGINEERS,~ INCORPORATED SAN ‘DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE ‘zz.=-- -_~--___._.-__--- --~- -- ~-..-~~----..~-.-- -~~ __~~___~ ----..~ LlBORATORI NUMBER SD24-51 File No. 507 DATE January 13, 1969 - JOB DATA Rancho Carlsbad .- Job No. 68-312 - Woodward-Clyde & Associates 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego, California 92110 - - -. EXPANSION PRESSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EXUDATION PRESSURE. PSI 800 600 400 200 40 80 30 60 , 0 c 0 /’ 10 20 30 40 so COVER THICKNESS (INCHES) EXPANSION PRESSURE REP”,REMENT EXUDATION PRESSURE, PSI 340 270 180 UPANSIOH PRESSURE. PSF 22 10 5 RESISTANCE YALUE. "I?" NIL NIL NIL MOISTURE. %, *T TEST 12.6 13.5 14.3 DRY DENSITY. PCF. *T TEST 122.5 120.5 118.7 - - REPORTED T-0: CLlrNT SAMPLE D*T* Sack 9-1, O'-3". Sample submitted to the laborato January 6,1969. GRADING ANALYSZS SlEVE PERSENT PASSING SllE AS RC”D. AS TESTED 3” 2 % 2 1 ‘/a 1 v. 100 100 % 3/s it4 ~- 8 16 -_ 30 SO 100 -. 200 (WASH, SAN6 EQ”I”ALENTTEST (A”ER. OF2, CLlY SAND SE. DURABILITY FACTOR PU.TICITY lNDEX TEST lAwID LIMIT. ?i__ PL*STrC LIM,T. :;- P.I. R - ViLlx: AT 300 PSI EXUOATION PRESSURE:__]~-~ AT EC,~ILIBR~“M (TI= ,: - TESTING ENGINEERS. INC. 8 cc. EHC:md E. H. crook ATTACHMENT I Page 2 of 2 TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED SAN DECO TESTlNG LABORATORIES 3467 KUNTL SWEET UN DIEGO. cALlFOPNI* PlllO ,711, 211.11*5 ,ORY ,I 30.3 S.83,. SAN DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE ;5_--- ---~--- ___-_.---~-.-~.. -~~ --___L_-_- ~--- - LABORATORY NUMBER SD24-51A File No. 507 DATE January 13, 1969 - JOB D*T* Ranch0 Carlsbad - Job No. 68-312 Woodward-Clyde & Associates 3467 Kurt2 street San Diego, California 92110 - - EXPANSION PRESSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EX”DATlON PRESSVRE. PSI .- -.~ 800 600 400 200 c E .-- ii! 5 ffl’ “+3 80 g h E- 2 3o 60 ; : ci : w- 6 : g 20 ; 4o b :- 0 LII 5 2 F- 10 20 z ?I u- 0 0 0 $0 20 30 40 50 - COVER THICKNESS CINCHES) EXPANSION PRESSURE REQUlREMENT ExUD*TION PRESSURE. Psi 700 600 * LXP*NStOH PRESSURE. PSF 26 17 - RESISTANCE VALUE. “Il.’ 4 4 * MOISTURE. %:.. AT TEST 19.0 19.9 DRY DENSITY. PCF. AT TEST 107.4 108.6 _I. -- -~ NOTE: -7EPonTerr l-0: - *Soil reached fluid range too soft to b# CUENT - act. = e < SAMPLEDAT/\ Sack l-6, la'-36". sample submitted to the laboratory January 6,,1969. __- --_ Gn~~,rro AN,.LYSIS SIEVE PERCENT P*sslNa 51ZE AS REVD. AS TESTED - 3” __- 2 % 2 I % 1 )i 100 100.- ‘/a 3/a m 8 16 30 __- 50 100 ___- 200 ,wnsn, ~- SAND EQlJI”*IENTTEST CA”ER. OF 2, CLAY 5ANO S.Es DURABILITY t=*cKm PusTlcln INDEX TEST L19”ID LIMIT. :i- . PLI\STIC LIMIT. !A- P.J. - R-VALUE: AT 300 PSI EWJDATION PRESSURE:&-. AT E9”ILIBRI”M (T,Z ): xxnpacted. - -- .- TEST& ENGlNEERS. INc. . . ; ,_ ” a* 8 ~.“__ EHC:md E. H. Crook - I . - - - - ‘. II - - III -. -~ .-. - - ATTACHMENT II PROJECT NO. 68-312 Page 1 of 5 . 1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL GENERAL This specification covers preparation of existing surfaces to receive fills; the type of soil suitable for use in fills; the control-of com- paction and the methods of testing compacted fills. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to place, spread, water and compact the fill in strict accordance with these specifications. A Soil Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to inspect the construction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection of the Soil Engineer; and he shall give written notice of conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. De- viations from these specifications will be permitted only upon writ- ten authorization from the Soil Engineer. A sci? investigation has been made for this pro!ect; any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. SCOPE ihe placement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing unsatisfactory material,~ preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work necessary to com- plete the grading of the filled areas. MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any material imported or excavated from the cut areas that, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, is. suitable for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than twenty-four inches in size and shall contain atleast forty percent of material smaller than one-quarter inch in size. (Materials greater than six inches in size shall be placed by the Contractor so that they are surrounded by compacted fines; no nes- ting of rocks,shall be permitted.) No material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise of an improper nature shall be used in filling. 2. Material placed within twenty-four inches of rough grade shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than six inches in size and that swells less than three percent when compacted,as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axial pressure of 160 pounds per square foot. WOODWRD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES CmmRb,~ snit "lid F0.w 14, i",, Ell*bwrr nwl Crr.loCir,s - ATTACHMENT II - - - ,~-~ - - PROJECT NO. 68-312 Page 2 of 5 3. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content and classification of the soil. In addition, the Soil Engineer shall determine the approxi- mate bearing value of a recompacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations , soil types other than those analyzed in the report of the soil investigation may be encountered by the Contrac- tor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitabi- Tity of these soils. IV COMPACTED FILLS 1. General (a) Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the Contractor while at a moisture content~near the opti- mum moisture content and to a density that is not less than ninety percent of the maximum density determined in accor- dance with A.S.T.M. Test No. D1557-64T, or other density methods that will obtain equivalent results. (b) Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of twenty-four inches and shall be compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Filled (a) All treas, brush, grass, and other objectionable material shall be collected, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of by the Contractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a.neat and finished appearance free from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be re- moved by the Contractor from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be re- moved or compacted to the depth shown on the plans unless otherwise specified in writing by the Soil Engineer. The surface shall than be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of six inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equip- ment to be used. KOODKARD.CLYDE & ASSCCIATES Canrullitl~ Soil "Md Fotrnd"lio,~ ~,,ciIIccrs El,,! Ccnhbwr - - ATTACHMENT II PROJECT NO. 68-31 Page 3 of 5 .(c) Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopes, the slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached Figure. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying formation materials. (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted as specified for fill. 3. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material .(a) The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed six inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. - b) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Contractor until the.moisture content is as specified. - When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other sat- isfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. 2 - (4 - - (e) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be throughly compacted by tne Contractor to the specified density. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic- tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Com- paction shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. Surface of fill slopes shall be compacted so that the slopes are stable and there shall be no excessive loose soil on the slopes. -. V INSPECTION 1. Observation and compaction tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer - during the filling and compacting operations so that he,can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifica- tions. - ViOODV!ARD.CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Conrdli:,~ Soil "Kd Fos,ld"lio,, Er,yi,lmn mt, Croln~irr, ATTACHMENT II PROJECT NO. 68-312 Page 4 of 5 - 2, The Soil Engineer shall make field density tests in accordance with A.S.T.M. TestNo. D1556-G4T. Density-tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the specified density, the particular layer or portions shall be reworked until the specified density has been obtained. VI PROTECTION OF WORK (a) - - _. - - - - - b) During Construction - The Contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. He shall control surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion controls features have been installed. After Completion - After grading is completed and the Soil Engineer has finished his observation of the work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except under the observa- tion of the Soil Engineer. - WOODVZRD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES CmuultIq Snil nd Fntrn,+.,io. E#,::i,wrr nw, Cco,o~irrr Strip 8s Specified Original Ground Sloughing or SlAding does not occur Note NOTES The minimum width 9" of key shall be 2 feet wider than the compaction equipment, and not less than 10 feet. The outside edge of bottom key shall be below topsoil or loose surface material. 225 Keys are required where the natural slope is steeper ,% ET2 than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where specified by &g Soil Engineer. LZ In.