HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Seaview Way & Chestnut Ave Lot 1&2; Soils Report; 2001-11-08,- PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT Of Seaview Way 6 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, California Karl Krahl San Msrcoa Engineering, Inc. 380 Mulberry Drive, Suite A San Marcoa, Ca. 92069 ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las PalmaS Drivei Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 ! . \ ,- SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING. INC- 380 IlmRERRY DRIVE, SUITE A SAN nm, CA 92x9 (619) 744-0111 Clsil Engineers t Plannern t Land Cevelopwnt t Surve9r t hilr and Foundation Engineering JJLII~~$~, 1986 . 86155 Mr. Karl Krahl 6100 Artic Way Edina, Minnesota 55436 Sub]ect: Preliminary Ceotechnical Investigation of Lots 1 b 2, P.M. 14001 Ca'rlsbad, California Dear Mr. Krahl, _- AS YOU requested, we have conducted a geotechnical investigation of your proposed building site located at the intersection of Seaview Way and Chestnut Avenue in - Carlsbad, California shoun on P.M. 14001. I Fx!zEe Our investigation was conducted to assess the geologic and soils conditions at the site which may affect the proposed development and to gather soila data on which to base foundation recommendations. This report describes our investigation of the surf ace and subsurface soils, summarizee the region41 and the site geologic conditions, and provides the foundation recommendations for the proposed stiuctures. . . SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING CiVil soils foundations Krahl breliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... erolgec Location and Description -------- --- ------ ---- The pro]ect site is located in Carlsbad, California at the northwesterly corner of Chestnut Avenue,& Seaview Way. Plate 1 shows the vicinity Map 6 Site Plan of the prolect. Parcel Map 14001 comprise of four parcels. The lots slope at about 14% westerly of Seaview Way. Two-story structures are planned to be constructed at the pro)ect site. !%lensl c_z4osr Carlsbad, California is located in the coastal plain of northern San Diego County. Marine and non-marine sandstones, shales, and conglomerates ranging from 'Eocene to Pleistocene age underlie the coastal plain. Although these sedimentary strata are known to have been broken by a number of small faults, none in the immediate site area have been reported to be active. The nearest known active faults are the Elsinore Fault Zone located approximately 16 miles to the northeast and the Newport-Ingleuood/Rose Canyon Fault Zone. which trends northwest about 6 to 8 miles offshore, beneath the Pacific Ocean and .about 17 miles to 'the southwest of the site. Both these faults have been active in recorded history. They are acknowledged to be capable 2 . \ SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING civil soils foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... of earthquakes up to Richter Magnitude of 7.0 (M-7.0). The prolect site is underlain by Red Brown Sandstones of the Pleistocene Linda Vista Terrace deposits. Geotechnical Investigation ------------ ------- ----- Southern California Soil 6 Testing, Inc. performed field compaction teats of the fill areas ad]acent to Seaview Way which includes the propoeed house pada in Parcels 3 6 4. Their report is appended as Appendix E of this report and forms part of this investigation. I On July 17, 1986, D. W. Phifer, our staff geologist, visited the site and examined surface conditions. Two (2) exploratory backhoe trenches, to a maximum depth of 8.0~ feet, at the approximate locations shown in Plate 1, were excavated and the soils visually examined. In I situ tests were taken to evaluate the - engineering properties of the soils, and representative samples were obtained for testing in our laboratory. Appendix B contains the boring logs and resulte of laboratory testing. Soils classification and identification are based on the Uniform Soils Classification System shown in Appendix C. ~~tLs~-f~~~ Cofid_&gLgng The' exploratory trenches revealed that the site is underlain by a loose to dense medium fine SAND with 3 m \ SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING civil soils foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... pebble conglcmerate lenses which becomes deneer and coarser with depth. Some organica, tree and grass roots were found in the upper 0.5 foot. ,A generalized profile of near surface soils in the area of the proposed structures is shown in Table 1. Peee! (ft) ---_ O-4.0 4-O-8.0 Table 1 / / DescriEQns In Place __ ----- 5E IllaS!? : Dry lJgn+&ly Moisture -------- (PCF) Content ----- ------- G1. TAN medium to fine SAND (SM) Scattered roots 6 organics. 104.4 5.6 Orange brown fine to medium SAND (SM) with pebble'layers to 0.5 foot thick, cemented. Trace of CLAY. 124.6 13.7 From our experience with similar materials and from our observations, the on-site soils are non-expansive. No water was observed in the test pita. The results of the tests are summaritied below. A COPY of the test results are enclosed in Appendix 8. 4 . \ SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING civil SOilS foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... .- Scimels EessEiefian Maximum Dry!+ ------- DEEltYlEfl T-l 0 Red Brown 2-4 ft. Medium to Fine Sand (SW) 120.0 T-l 0 Orange brown 6-B ft. co*rse to -fine SAND with Trace of Clay 124.0 oetlnu!!!?! Moisture _-_----- co!t‘zn% is!. 9.0 11.6 / Conclusions 6. Foundation Recommenbstions ----------- - ---------- --------------- 1. - .~ 2. 3. It is our opinion that the site soils can safely support the proposed residential building planned to be constructed at site, provided the recommendations following are observed during the design and construction of the proJect. The Earthwork Specifications contained in Appendix A should be followed in preparation and grading of the site. They form a part of our recommendations for this pro]ect. Should they conflict with the specific recommendations below, the latter shall govern. The existing loose surface soils should be scarified to firm ground estimated at about 4.5 feet in Parcel 1 6. about 3 feet in Parcel 2. The soils shall then be watered to the right moisture 5 . . SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING CiVil SOilS~ foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... content and recompacted to a minimum 90% relative density. The recompaction shall be supervised by a soils engineer. 4. It is recommended that the structure be founded with standard spread footings at an allowable soils bearing pressure of 1500 psf. Bottom of footings should be at least 18" below adlacent finish grade. Perimeter and interior wall footings should be at least 18" wide for a 2-etory structure and continuously reinforced with 2-#4 bars placed 3" above bottom of footing and 2-#4 bars placed 2" below top of footing. 5. Isolated pier footings should be at least 18" square. Bottom of pier footing should be at least 18" below ad]acent gra ? e and reinforced with 2-#4 bars placed each way. 6. Slabs on grade should be a minimum of 4" thick and reinforced with #3 bars placed 18" on center in both directions at mid-height of slab. An alternative to this reinforcement will be to use welded wire mesh,in lieu of the #3 bars. The slab *. should be underlain by 4" of sand and vapor barrier. '. . ,~ 7. The San ,Diego Regional Standard Drawings 6. I 6 a \ SAN MARCQS ENGINEERING civil soils foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... Specifications for Retaining Walls can be used in the design and construction of any retaining walls planned. 8. All surface drainage should be positively directed away from the foundation system. 9. Grading and site preparation should be monitored by a Soils Engineer. 10. A maximum seismically induced bedrock acceleraiton of 0.15 g should be incorporated into the design of the structures. Investiqation & &port Linitations ------- ----- --- ----------- This report is based upon surficial and limited subsurface observation and logical proJections inferred from observed condition f- Should conditions varying from those reported are found during development, the firm, San Marcos Engineering, Inc., should be celled to inspect the site and evaluate the potential effect on our recommendations. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranties either expressed or implied are made as to the professional advice and recotimendations contained therein. The soils engineer has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the client and his authorized agents. 7 ,- L , SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING civil soils foundations Krahl Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, cont'd... If you have any question regarding this report, please call 744-0111 and mention Job #86155. Very truly yours, SAN MARCOS ENGINEER Enclosures: Append.ix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. Plate 1. Recommended Earthwork Specifications Boring Log 6. Laboratory Test Results Unified Soils Classification References Southern California Soils E. Testing, Inc. Report SCS&J 8521249, No. 4 Vicinity and Site Map Distribution: (4) Addressee . APPENDIX A RECOMMENDED EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS ! . \ ¶AR HARCOS XNGINEXRINC Civil Engineers, Soils S Foundation APPENDIX A RXCOMRNDXD EARTHWORX SPECIfICATIONS 1. sg#g#& pg#E#IETzP#, Thr obJectiv* im to obt*i* unlforrlty 6 adequate internal strength in filled ground by proven engineering procedurea and teat8 so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, raaoval of existing structurea. preparation of land to bo filled, processing the fill soila, filling of the land, and the SQreSding and coapaction of thr filled area. to conform with the linea, grrde8. and slope* aa shown on the approved Plans. 1 The owner shall retain a Civil Engineer qualified in Soil Mechanics (herein referred to as Engineer) to inspect and teat the filled ground aa placed to verify the unlforsity of compaction of filled ground to the specified 90 percent of maxisum dry density. The Engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor ismediately if any unsetiafactory conditiona are observed to exist and shall have the authority to reJrct the compacted filled ground until such that aa corrective meaaurea are taken, neceaasry to comply with the specifications. It nhsll br the 601. responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of corpaction. ~LCARn!Gr GNYeNlnlr LPI !m eNEem#c rrNNb# IQ Bf (a) All brush, vegetation, and **Y biodegradable refuse shall be renoved, piled, and burned or otheruieo disposed of am to leave the area. to be filled free of vegetation and debris. A*Y uncoapacted filled ground or looso conpreaaible nstural ground, shall bs removed unleaa the report recommends otheruier. A*Y unstable, =u*mrJy, OX- otherwise unsuitable eresa shsll be corrected by draining or removal, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined 'to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least sir inches <6">, and until the surface ~If free from ruta, hussocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. . \ APPENDIX A, RKCOXNXNDED CARTNWORX SPICI~ICATIONI,~ CONT’D... ,- (C) A&tar thr natur31 grsund h3r been prepared, it shall then be brought to the proper moisture cbntent and compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum density in accordance with the A.S.T.M. D15S7-70 method which use. 25,blow. of s 10 pound rammer falling 18 inches on each of S layers in a 4-inch diameter l/30 cubic foot cylindrical meld. <d) Where fill. are made on hillsides or exposed slope area*, with gradients greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal baer so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane'. The 1niti.l bench at the toe of the fill ah.11 bo ! et lesrt 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natursl angle of repose or design slope. The Enpineer shsll determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil condition. and the steepness of slope. 3. nmREbLa !!NP QPEGfAL mYm!EYIlr The fill Soil. shall consist of select materials free fro. vegetable matter, and other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lusp. greater than 6 inches in diameter. This nay be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits or any other approved source. and by mixing soil. fros one or more sources. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soil. with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physic.1 characteristic. jare encountered, thear shell be disposed of in waste areas am shown on the plan. or a. directed by the Engineer. If, during grading operation., soils are found which were not encountered and tested in the prslininsry investigation, test. on these soil. shall be performed to deterrinr their physical characteristics. Any specisl treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. 4. PLKIHCI XRE!mHG, !!np EP!e!Grr!ft ur!# !!!mmb~l~ (a) When the moisture content of the fill m#aterial 1. below that specified by the Engineer, wateri shall be added in tke bortov pit until the moisture c'ontent is near opt1mun to assure uniform mix~ing and effective conp.ctlo". (b) When the moisture content of the fill material' is above that speclfted by .the Engineer. resulting in I I . \ APPENDIX A; RECOUHENDED EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS, CONT'D... inadequate compaction or unstable fill, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is "ear optlmun as specified. (c) After processing. the suitable fill material shalt be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed .1X inches (6".) Each layer shall. be spread evenly and shall be throughly mixed during the spreading to ensure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (d) After each layer ha. been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shell be throughly compacted to not less that the density set forth in paragraph 2(C) above; Coap.ctio" shall bo accomplished with roller., sheepafoot multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compaction equipment, such a. vibratory equipment that Is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shell be of such design and maintained to such s level that they will be able to compact the fill material to the specified density. Tamping feet of sheepsfoot fellers shall be maintained such that the soil will be compacted rather than sheared by the roller. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill materiel is at the specified noisturr content. Rolling of each layer shell be co”tl”“o”. over its entire ares and the roller shell make sufficient trips to insur& that the specified density has been obtained. Rolling shell br accomplished in a planned procedure such that the entire areas to be filled shall receive - unifor. conpactive effort. (01 Thr aurfscer of the fill slopes shall be compacted by neans of sheepsfoot roller. or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continured until the slopes are stable and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slope.. Conp.cti"g of the slope. shell be acconplished by backrolling the slopes in increment. of 3 to S feet in elevation gel" or by other methods producing satisfactory results. (f) Field density tests ahell be taken for approximately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. Field density test. may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if required by the Engineer. The location of the tests in, plan shall be so spaced to give the best possible coverag* and shell be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. Test. shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet in elevation gain. The Engineer may take . \ /- APPENDIX A, RECOKKENDED EARTHWORK SPLCIFICATIONl, CONT’D... .- additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepafoot colLbrs are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the, specified density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be continured in six inch (6") compacted layers as specified above, until the fill ha. been brought to the finished slopes and grades a. shown on the accepted plans. 5. I!XQ9QLlQDA Sufficient inspection by the Engineer shall be saintained during the filling and compscting operation. so that he cab verify that the fill was constructed 1" accotdsnco with the accepted specificetions. ( 6. !wJQDRl URif9!, No fill material shell be placed, spread, or rolled if weather condition. increase the Roist"rr content abov. peralssible limits. When the work is interrupted by rain. fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the 4011. engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of fill are ae previously specified. 7. till&iDg !!#&!94 Oi t!QI!EQ%!Rk¶ %&ha Those sail. that expand 3.0 percent or less fro. air dry to saturation under s unit load of 150 pounds per square foot are considered to be nonexpansive. 8. All recommendation. presented in the attached report are s part of these specifications. SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING Cl”lC E*al*c‘.* 50-L. a POU*O.I~Or4 7 NATZRAL GROUND SURFACE STRIPPING DEPM: REMOVE ALL ToPSoIL FILL SLOPE RATIO= : V .- TYPICAL KEY BENCHING FOR SLOPES - . NO SCALE NOTES: 1, WIDTH i'i SHOULD BE AT LEAST lo', 2. THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF BOTTOM KEY SHALL BE BELOW TOFSOIL OR LOOSE SURFACE MATERIAL, RED INHERE THE NATURAL r 0 PERCENT GRADIENT OR Ib"i%~ISON~~~ I -. APPENDIX B BORING LOG h LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ! . \ ?lLL RIG , .I’ .~’ / SURFACE ELEVATION 291 *’ ?nTNG ~DIAMETER .N/X. 1 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER N/A/ DESCRIPTION & CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION 8 REMARKS Tan Medium to Fine SAND (sw) Linda.Vigta Formation (QLV) . ,- Orange Brown Coarse to Fine SANE~w/.Trace of Clay, QLV ,,' Y : I Bottom of Tr m STRATIFICATION LINE REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY BETWEEN MATERIAL TYPES. THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. EPTH (FT) 2.5 6.0 a.0 :h - SAN MARCQS ENGINEERING 380 Mulber,ry Drive, Suite A San Marcos, CA 92069 WII Do - ..’ . . .’ . . * *. . I,/ 3 . ’ .’ . ‘, ‘* : . . , *I : ’ , * ‘* ’ , . . -I . . . . . : ’ ., - A- 2 8 ., . - : * ‘., ’ . ’ A 8 ? ‘. . ’ a’ , L No XNS I STENCY Loose' TO, 4.5, Ft. Dense Water ?z I - z LOGGED BY D.W.P., IATE DRILLED 27-m I EXPLORATORY TRENCH c ii Z- 2k ;- 3 - .a4 95z3 124.6 5 13.7 K. KRAHL P~ROPERTY ;EAVIEW WAY AND CHESTijUT AVENUE, CARLSBAD, C OB NO. DATE I. . . tILL.RIG Bzkhoe SURFACE ELEVATION 288* 1RING DIAMETER N/A DEPTH TO GROUND WATER N/A ,- I JESCRIPTION a CLASSlflCATlON )AT - I) 17Ju -I- DRILLE )ESCRIPTION 8 REMARKS EPTH (FT) Z@dSISTENCY Loose To Medium Dense- Tan Medium to Fine SAND, (SW)--with 10% Rounded Pebbles Linda Vista Formation (QLV) :' !cundPebblesinOrange SAND %ti range Brown Coarse te Fines AND-with TraceClay (SW) Denser 3.0 3.5 4.5 h- Bottom of Tre IO Water ,- I - NQlE-Z STRATIFICATION LINE! REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY BETWEEN MATERIAL TYPES. THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. <- .N MARCOS ENGINEERING 380 Mulberry Drive‘, Suite A San Marcos. CA 92069 EXPLORATORY TRENCH OK. KRAHL PROPERTY ;EAVIEW WAY AND CHESTNUT AVENUE, CARLSBAD, C 08 NO. NUMBER T2 _. ^,. _F ^^ . . ^I . \ PLATE SAN MARCOS ENGINEERING CWL m.O!h,,.,. ,a” . ~ou”o.I~oI .I ;- LIoisture vs. Dry Density Curve Prbje t: K., frahl, Soil Type: Orange Brown Silty SAND Seaview Way & Chestnut Avenue w/Tc'ace of Clay Location: Car sbad, L ‘allfornla TP-I @ 6:0 - 8.0 140 100 90 0 4 G 12 16 20 2 MOISTURE CONTENT,% Remarks: Maximum Drv Densitv ( d max) = 124.0 o.c.f 14 Optimum Moisture Content (W opt) = 11.6% ,- . , SAN MARCOS ENGINEERIf C,“lL LllOlhlr..,. SONA L cov?.o.IIo~ Project: PLATE Moisture vs. Dry Density Curve Soil Type: ,- ,... Kt- Kr'khL-,z~,, Bsown Medium to FindSAND- . :.eav~iew Way &. Chestnut ,Avenue (SW) ,,' , (Jarlsbad, C Location: a++torn1a 140 130 120 110 100 90 MOISTURE CONTENT, % Reme rks : ,’ Maximum Dry Density ( d ~max) = 128.0. p.c.f. Optimum Moistu're Content (w opt) = 9.0% I APPENDIX C UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION nr, L0.V.n “, UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM w-rs: m&b -Is Wb3TC -IyI m cL4IuncAT~ KEV TO SAMPLE MTA DEPTH CR LL~TlQf(FEET) ’ * ‘- SURE REcaERY SAMPLER nFlE SRRAPHIC Loo UNDIST’RBED H) - 3 INCH SRI7 LETTER SYM83L FOR TUBE SAMPLER SOL TYPE ; Tw - 3s;p~mlliIN WALL OISTINCT CONTACT !. BETWEEN SOIL STRm SPT - 2 INCH SPLIT TtBE SAMPLE8 WACIJK -CHANCE C - ROCK CORE- B - - t&L$R6TlJRBE0 /,. BETW~EEN saL STRATA. eaTlW OF BORING 34N MARCOS ENGINEERING 1. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM AH) KEY TU SAMPLE DATA . APPENDIX D RIiFERENCES I Appendix D. Referencea Rogers, T.H., 1365, Geologic Map of California South Hall Street California Divieion of Minee and Geology Weber, F.H., 1982, Geologic Map of North Central Area of San Diego County, CA Division of Mines 6 Geology Sacramento, California Hough, B.K., 1957, Basic Soils Engineering John Wiley 6 Sons New York, New York Terzaghi 6. peck, 1965, Soils Mechanics in Engineering Practice John Wiley h Sons New York, New York Southern California Report of Field Observations Soil & Teatfng. Inc., and Relative Compaction Teats, 1986 Building Pad Fills, Utility Trench Backfill 6 Pavement Section, Proposed Seaview Way Improvementa Report SCS&J 8521249, No. 4 Carlsbad, Californi,a I . . ,- APPENDIX E SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 6 TESTING REPORT I . , July 16, 1986 Mr. Karl Krabl / 1006 Elm Avenue, Room #236 SCST 8521249 Carlsbad, California 92008 Report No. 4 SUBJECT: Report of Field Observation and Relative Compaction Tests, Building Pad Fills, Utility Trench Backfill, and Pavement Section, Proposed Seaview Way Improvements, Seaview Way, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: -In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to report the results of the field observations and relative compaction tests performed in the compacted fill material at the subject site by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. These tests ware performed between Decetier 13, 1985 and July 13, 1986. AYAILABLE PLANS To assist in determining the locations and elevations of our field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for ~this phase of work, we were provided with a grading plan prepared by San Marcos Engineering dated June 11. 1986. SOUTHERN CALIFORNk.4 SOIL AND T E 5 T I N 0.. I r-4 0. . . SCSBT 8521249 July 16, 1986 Page 2 SITE PREPARATION Prior to grading, the vegetation in the areas to receive fill and/or cut was removed and disposed of offsite. Minor amounts of vegetation existed after this operation and were mixed with fill soils in such a manner as to not leave any clumps of deleterious matter or to be detrimental to the structural fills. Grading began with the removal of the topsoils to firm natural ground and stockpiling the soils for later use. The maximum depth of this removal was approximately one and one-half feet and is shown on the plot plan in addition to the approximate limits. 'The exposed soils uare then scarified a depth of approximately twelve inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum dry density. The fill material, which was obtained from the stockpile and cuts made on the site, was placed in six to eight inch layers, watered to near optimum moisture requirements, and compacted by neans of a 4x4 sheepsfoot and a rubber tire compactor. F_IELD OBSERVATION AND TESTING I Observations and field density tests were taken by Southern Calfforn.ia Soil and Testing, Inc. The density tests were taken according to A.S.T.M. Test 1556-74 and the location and results of those tests are shown on the attached plates. The locations and elevations of the in-situ tests were determined in accordance with survey control provided by other than Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their locations and elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. i . \ SCSBT 8521249 July 16, 1986 Page 3 LABORATORY TESTS Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used in the compacted fill according to A.S.T.M. Test 1557-78, Method C. This method specifies that a four (4) inch diameter cylindrical mold of l/30 cubic foot volume be used and that the soil tested be placed in five (5) equal layers with each layer compacted by twenty-five (25) blows of a lo-pound hammer with an 18-inch drop. The results of these tests, as presented on Plate Nutier 4, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the percent of relative compaction of the compacted fill. CONCLUSIONS Based on field observations and the relative compaction tests results, it is the opinion of Southern California Soil 6 Testing. Inc. that the grading and backfill of the proposed building pads, utility trenches, and pavement section was performed basically in accordance with job requirements and local grading ordinances. his report covers only the services performed between Decetier 13, 1985 and July 13, 1986. As limited by the scope of the services which we agreed to perform, our opinions presented herein are based on our observations and the relative compaction tests results. Our services were performed in accordance with the currently accepted standards of practice and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measure of the compliance of the backfill and grading operations with the job requirements. No warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect to the services which we have performed, and neither the performance of those services nor the submittal of this report should be construed as relieving the grading contractor of his primary responsibility to conform with the job requirements. . \ SCS&T 8521249 July 16, 1986 Page 4 ,- If you have any questions after reviewing our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL d TESTING, INC. A- Ronald S. Halbert, Project Engineer L Daniel B. Adler, R.C.E. X36037 DBA:RSH:mw cc: (4) Submitted (11 SCSBT, Escondido - ,- . \ NO SCALE / .EGEND . IN PLACE DENSITY TEST LOCATION: gL,hlITS & DEPTH OF REMOVAL A- i-% co N CHESTNUT: i! AVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Seaview Way SOIL & TESTINC,lNC. BY: RSH I oATE: 7-1986 JOB NUMBER: 8521249 Plate No.1 . \ ._.- TES I NO. 1 ,2 3 4 5 6 7 :8 / ‘9 10 I 11 12 ,.- Wiew Wav Improvements DATE &j-j 16. 1986 DATE LOCATION TEST,FT ‘/. 12-13-85 12-13-85 L2-17-85 12-31-85 12-31-85 L2-31-85 12-31-85 12-31-85 282.0 .8.1 115.4 284.5 10.5 115.3 284.0 9.9 120.3 286.0 11.1 118.9 288.0 10.5 115.7 291.7 FC 11.1 116.7 287.0 10.5 119.8 287.0 9.9 119.2 :2-31-85 7-31-86 7-13-86 7-13-86 Seaview Way, Sta. 2+70 Seaview Way, Sta. 1tOO Seaview Way, Sta. 3+30 Seaview Way, Sta. 2t70 Seaview Way, Sta. 3tOO Seaview Way, Sta. 2t45 Seaview Way, Sta. lt80 Seaview Way, Sta. 1+80 (Slope) Seaview Way, Sta. It15 Building Pad Building Pad Building Pad (Slope) 289.7 8.7 120.1 290.8 Ff 8.7 114.2 282.~ FC 8.1 117.8 285.0 8.1 115.9 I ELEV. OR DEPTH OF MOIST. JOB NO. 852124g Plate No. 2 DRY DEN. LBS. 1 CU. FT. SOIL TYPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RELATIVE COMF! 95.8 95.7 99.8 98.7 96.0 96.8 99.4 98.9 99.6 94.8 97.8 96.2 . \ FIGURE No. Seaview Way DATE -Julv 16. 1986 JO8 NO, 8521249 Improvements/ Utility Trenches~ Plate No. 3 ..- TES I NO. S-l s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5 E-l E-2 SW SG-2 SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 B-l B-2 B-3 and Pavement Section DATE 1-14-86 1-14-86 1-14-86 1-14-86 I-17-86 4-17-86 4-17-86 3-6-86 3-6-86 4-16-86 4-17-86 4-17-86 4-17-36 4-17-86 4-17-86 LOCAT ION Sewer Trench, Seaview Wa) Station 0+75 Sewer Trench, Seaview Waj Station 2+50 Sewer Trench, Seaview Way Station 2tOO Sewer Trench, Seaview Wa) Station 1+20 Retest of S-3 Electrical Trench Seaviek Way Station I+05 Electrical Trench Seavieh Way Station It60 Curb and Gutter Seaview Way Station 1+20 Curb and Gutter Seaview Way Station 3+10 Curb and Gutter Chestnut Avenue Station 0+50 Subgrade Seaview Way Station O+BO Subgrade Seaview Way Station It50 Base, Seaview Way Station 0+60 Base, Seaview Way Station lt80 Base, Chestnut'Ave. Station Ot70 ELEV. OR DEPTH OF MOIST. TEST,FT V. DRY DEN. Las. / CU. FT. 287.0 8.1 117.2 287.0 8.7 117.6 288.5 8.9 114.0 288.0 13.6 118.1 288.5 8.7 120.6 288.0 7.0 116.1, 288.0 7.5 116.5 Subgrade 9.9 117.7 Subgrade 10.5 117.8 Subgrade 9.9 130.1 Subgrade 7.5 120.5 Subgrade 6.4 115.8 Base Base Base 7.0 7.0 7.0 138.9 136.2 134.7 SOIL TYPE 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 V. RELATIVE COMff 97.3 97.6 94.6 98.0 100.0 93.6 96.7 97.7 97.8 92.3 100.0 96.1 97.9 96.0 95.1 SCS&T 8521249 SOIL TYPE 1 2 OESCRIPTION Reddish Brown, Fine to Med,ium Silty Sand Grey, Fine to Coarse Gravelly Sand Plate No. 4 OPTIMUM MAXIMUM MOISTURE DENSITY (percent) -cm-- 10.0 120.5 7.2 141.9 i