HomeMy WebLinkAbout; The Hamptons; Geotechnical Report Post Grading Operations; 2002-03-204 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY March 20, 2002 Project No. 040384-002 To: Greystone Homes 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 300 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008-4700 Attention: Mr. Matt Howe Subject: As-Graded Geotectinica] Report of Post Grading Operations, Tlie Hamptons, Carlsbad Tract No. 89-13, Carlsbad, Califomia Introduction In accordance with your request and authorization, we have performed geotechnical observation and testing services during the post grading operations for the Hamptons (Carlsbad Tract No. 89-13) located in Carlsbad, Califomia (Figure 1). The purpose of our geotechnical observation and testing services was to document that the post grading activities for the subject tract were performed in accordance with the project geotechnical reports (Appendix A), geotechnical recommendations made during the course of post grading, and the City of Carlsbad requirements. This as-graded geotechnical report summarizes our geotechnical observations and field and laboratory test results on: 1) the backflll soils associated with utility trench and other compaction operations; 2) sidewalk, curb, gutter, and street subgrade soil preparation and compaction; and 3) street aggregate base material and asphalt concrete placement and compaction. Summarv of Post Grading Operations The post grading operations for The Hamptons were performed between August 2001 and January 2002. In summary, the post grading operations included constmction of the following: 1) utility trenches including storm drain, water, sewer, and joint utility lines within the streets and easements of the development; 2) a subsurface vault for the water pond; and 3) street, parking stalls, sidewalk, driveway approaches, curbs, and gutters. Compaction testing and observations were performed by representatives of our firm who were onsite as requested during the post grading operations. Specific observations and testing services conducted during the post grading operations are discussed below. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongeo.com 040384-002 Field and Laboratorv Testing Field density tests were perfonned during the placeraent of utility trench and subsurface vault backfills; subgrade preparation; and placement of aggregate base material and asphalt concrete pavement at the subject site. Field density tests were performed in accordance with the Nuclear Gauge Method (American Standard of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Methods D2922 and D3017). The results and approximate locations of the field density tests performed are summarized in Appendix B. As indicated in Appendix B, areas in which fieid density tests were less than the required 90 or 95 percent relative compaction or were observed to be nonuniform, were reworked, recompacted, and retested until the minimum 90 or 95 percent relative compaction was achieved. In accordance with the City of Carlsbad criteria, utility trench, plumbing pipes and sidewalk subgrade soils were compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density as detennined by ASTM Test Method D1557. In addition, street, driveway approaches, curb, and gutter subgrade soils and/or aggregate base materials were compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Asphalt concrete in the streets was placed and compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with the Hveem Method (Califomia Test No. 308). Representafive soil samples (including lime treated subgrade soil and aggregate base material) were tested for maximum dry density and optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557. In addition, a representative sample of the base course asphalt concrete, AC-1, was tested for the laboratory maximum density, per the Hveem Method (Califomia Test Method No. 308). To supplement the laboratory testing, two additional batch plant maximum density tests were used in determining relative compaction of the asphalt pavement. Asphalt sample AC-1 was also tested for oil content and particle size, in general, the sample conformed to the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Constmction, Type III-B3-AR-4000, as specified in Table 400-4.3(C) for an individual test result of a Class B3 material. A brief description of the test methods and results of the laboratory tests are presented in Appendix C. Utility Trench and Subsurface Vault Backfill During the utility trench and vault backfill operations, native and import site soils where placed in 6- to 12-inch thick loose lifts, moisture-conditioned as needed to obtain a near-optimum moisture content (moisture conditioning also occurred prior to fill placement), and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Compaction of the backfill soils was accomplished by hand tampers, sheep's-foot roller and/or wheel rolling with heavy-duty construction equipment. Testing frequency and locations were performed in general conformance with the City of Carlsbad criteria. The results and locations of the backfill tests are summarized in Appendix B. Stmctural Pavement Sections Minimum stmctural pavement sections were provided for the streets of the development based on R- value testing of representative samples of the subgrade soils (Leighton, 2001b and 2001e). Prior to the placement of the aggregate base material, a minimum of 12 inches of the subgrade soils in the streets, parking stalls, and beneath the curb and gutter were lime-treated, scarified, moisture- -2- Leighton 040384-002 conditioned to near-opfimum moisture, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557, and cured in accordance with with the Califomia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Sections 24-1.06), and the "Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Constmction (Sections 301-5.8). The aggregate base material placed on the streets, the parking stalls, and beneath the curb and gutters of the project was compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). The results and approximate location of the subgrade soil and base material field density tests are summarized in Appendix B. Observation and density testing during the placement of the asphalt concrete for the stteets were performed by representatives of Leighton and Associates. As required by the City of Carlsbad, field density tests were obtained by the nuclear-gauge method during the paving operations and the results are presented in Appendix B. The test results indicate that the AC placed on the subject streets has a minimum relative compaction of at least 95 percent (per the Hveem Method - Califomia Test Method No. 308). Sidewalk and Driveway Approaches In accordance with the City of Carlsbad criteria, the sidewalk and driveway approach subgrade soils were scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, moisture-conditioned to a near-optimum moisture content and compacted to at least a 90 percent relative compaction beneath the sidewalk and to at least a 95 percent relative compaction beneath the driveway approaches (based on ASTM Test Method Dl 557). The resuhs and locations of the backfill tests are summarized in Appendix B. Summary of Conclusions The following is a summary of our site geotechnical observations and testing during the post grading operations: • Geotechnical condifions encountered during post grading were generally as anticipated. • Based on our observafion and testing, the post grading operations were performed in general accordance with the project geotechnical recommendations. In our professional opinion, the geotechnical aspects of the development observed and tested by our office have been evaluated and properly treated during post grading. • Field density testing indicated that the subsurface vault, sidewalk subgrade, and utility ttench backfill soils were compacted to a minimum relative compacfion of 90 percent (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Field density testing also indicated that the curb, gutter, driveway approaches, and street lime treated subgrade soils and aggregate base materials were compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). • Field density tesfing indicated that the asphalt concrete base course placed was compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent (based on Califomia Test Method No. 308). -3- Leighton 040384-002 Limitations The presence of our field representative at the site was intended to provide the owner with professional advice, opinions, and recommendations based on observations of the contractor's work. Although the observations did not reveal obvious deficiencies or deviations from project specifications, we do not guarantee the contractor's work, nor his subcontractor's work, nor their responsibility if defects are subsequently discovered in their work. Our responsibilities did not include any supervision or direction of the actual work procedures of the contractor, his personnel, or subcontractors. The conclusions in this report are based on test results and observations of the grading and earthwork procedures used and represent our engineering opinion as to the compliance of the resuhs with the project specifications. If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to the Greystone Homes. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Sarah Poage Staff Engineer William D. Olson, RCE 45283 Senior Project Engineer Michael R. Stewart, CEG 1349 Vice President/Principal Geologist Attachments: Figure 1- Site Location Map Appendix A - References Appendix B - Summary and Field Density Tests Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Disttibution: (8) Addressee -4- Leighton FORES! \^ FLORE; VISTA \^ NOWLE \ 5TRATF \ BASE MAP: Tiiomas Bros. GeoFinder for Windows, San Diego County, 1995, Page 1106 0 1000 2000 4000 1"=2,000' Scale in Feet The Hamptons Carlsbad, California SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 040384-002 Date March 2002 Figure No. 1 APPENDIX A 040384-002 APPENDIX A References Leighton and Associates, 2001a, Geotechnical Review of Precise Grading Plan and Recommendations for The Hamptons, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 040384-001, dated March 14, 2001. —-——, 2001b, Pavement Design Recommendations, The Hamptons, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 040384-002, dated August 29,2001. , 2001c, Updated Recommendafions for Concrete Fiatwork, The Hamptons, Carisbad, Califomia, Project No. 040384-002, dated September 20,2001. , 200Id, As-Graded Geotechnical Report of Rough and Fine Grading, The Hamptons, Carisbad, Tract No. 89-13, Carisbad, Califomia, Project No. 040384-002, dated September 26,2001. — —, 200le, Pavement Design Recommendations, Marina Drive and Bayshore Drive, The Hamptons, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 040384-002, dated October 2,2001. , 200If, Entryway Pavement Design Recommendations for Pierpoint Place, The Hamptons, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 040384-002, dated December 3,2001. A-1 APPENDIX B 040384-002 APPENDIX B EXPLANATION AND SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No. Test of Test No. Test of Prefix Test of Abbreviations Prefix Test of Abbreviations (none) GRADING Natural Ground NG (SG) SUBGRADE Original Ground OG (AB) AGGREGATE BASE Existing Fill EF (CB) CEMENT TREATED BASE Compacted Fill CF (PB) PROCESSED BASE Slope Face SF (AC) ASPHALT CONCRETE Finish Grade FG (A) ASPIIALT CONCRETE (S) SEWER Curb C (SD) STORM DRAIN Gutter G (AD) AREA DRAIN Curb and Gutter CG (W) DOMESTIC WATER Cross Gutter XG (RC) RECLAIMED WATER Street ST (SB) SUBDRAIN Sidewalk SW (G) GAS Driveway D (E) ELECTRICAL Driveway Approach DA (T) TELEPHONE Parking Lot PL (J) JOINT UTILITY Electric Box Pad EB (I) IRRIGATION Bedding Material B Shading Sand S Main M Lateral L Crossing X Manhole MH Fire Hydrant Lateral FH Catch Basin CB Riser R Inlet I (RW) RETAINING WALL (P) PRESATURATION (CW) CRIB WALL (LW) LOFFELL WALL Moisture Content M (SF) STRUCT FOOTING Footing Bottom F Backfill B Wall Cell C (IT) INTERIOR TRENCH Plumbing Backfill P Electrical Backfill E N represents nuclear gauge tests that were performed in genera! accordance with most recent version of ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017. S represents sand cone tests that were performed in general accordance with most recent version of ASTM Test Method D1556. ISA represents first retest of Test No. 15 15B represents second retest of Test No. 15 "0" in Test Elevation Column represents test was taken at the ground surface (e.g. finish grade or subgrade) "-1" in Test Elevation Column represents test was taken one foot below the ground surface B-I (0 I- (0 LU I- >- (0 z LU Q Q LU LJ. Ll. O < (0 CQ B a. 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CL a. ffi ffi ffi OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <<<<<<-<<'<d<C/lC/llZlWC/2t/5aiC/3C/lt/lC/lC/)t/lt/3C/lt/lVlC/3C/l ooooooooooooooooo^^^^oo^ooo^oo oooooooooooooooooooo'S'Svovo^^ ^^"C^C^C^"oooooooooooooooooooo OsOs^O^OsO^OlO^O^O^ — — — — — — — — — — '—^ — -- — — — — — — — — cNmTfu-i^r-oooo- fNm-^u-ivor-oooso — fsm-^w-ivor-ooovo — -H — — — — — — — fSCN(NCNCNCNfNCNC-lCNr^ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqqq <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< o to rt CU to c o tn fl) E o X fl) E ra CM X 9 c -o c 4 2 TO - 00 m -Q CO >, « o fl) »= Tt ^ ra o O OO ra o tn >s 0) £ fl) E E 3 ra z z U U U 4J 0) fl) fl> c '5* "o* "o'.fi O. Q. Q.O c o *-! op CO I-co LU >- CO z LU D O LU LJ. LJ- O < CO CQ E ii ^ 1 u s o a S fa CQ B ft 2 ^fa ft — c C/l H o B ,o « u o it ttm H O H ft a> o H Z oONt~-r^u-ivo^r~-u-ivo^vou-ivo^r-u->t^u-ivou'iunr'-vou-ioot^u-iu-ivor- I^OS^OSC?\OVO\^^OVOONCJ>ONOSOSOSO\OVON(^^OSONOSC?^OSO\ONOVOS Ou-iu-iu-iu-iu-iu^u-iu-iu^u-iu-iu-iw-iu-iw-iW^w-iu-iu-iu-iiou-iu-iu-iu-iu-iu-^ du-iu-iu-iu-iu-iu-iunvSuiu-iu-iu-iuSu-iu-iu-iu-iw-iuSw^u-iu-iw-iu^^ mr-j'^ou-iocNloomTfr-;coONpor^r']^ — CNON'^- CNt~-;rnoqvqm dt~-^^u-ir-^r-^»dwi^vdt^^u-i^dvd'/^sdvdvdr^^t~-^vdr~~^vou->w^u-iu'iu-i Ou-iu-iv^u-iu-iu-iu-iv^u-iu-iu-iw-iu-iu-iu'iu-iu-iu-iw^unu'iu-ju-iw^u'iunu^ i>vd^vdvdvdvd^vd^^^^^vdvd^^»dvd^vdvdvdvovo^vo^^^ (-^ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ^ — — o^ — — (-.jON-^voosONTf^osr^Ttr-^oqp — oq-^^oqcNt-'^fNfNON^^u-ivqu-i Tfu-immdcN---cNd — — — dc-N)- CN — md — ddm t-~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmm oooooooooppoooooopppppoppppppoo dddddddddddddddddddddddoooooooo ii > Q a fc., o cn o < u-1 o o tn tn u-l O o tn O o u-l o u-1 o CD u-i o o w^ u-l u-l O o o tn u-l u-1 r-— cn 0\ m ^ o cn so CN o vo OS cn vo o m t~~ o U-l OS m o o •n CN CN + -h -\--1--1- + + + T + -1--1--1--t--1--1-+ + + -1--1--1--1-o — CN -1- -1- o o oo oo 00 so vo o — — — (N (N m m m U-1 u-1 VO -l-+ + rs — (N CN CN r-i CN m m m cn en m m tn tn m m m m m m m m cn m m oo vo — — c c c c c C C c C C c C c C C C c c c c c c c c c c c CCB o o o o o o o _o o o o o _o _o o o o o o _o .2 .2 o o o o o .2 .2 .2 B 1 1 B 1 11 i 1 1 1 1 CO B 1 1 1 1 1 rt i B 1 B 1 1 1 BBB 55 in 55 lyi c/1 c/1 tn 55 c« CO m m 55 CO 55 c/3 CO 55 55 55 in in tn m m a ii a ooo rt rt rt ii a OH OH OH Cu CU .3 .3 .3 ooo e- e- & ii ii ii ix tx ix o o 2 2 ix ix cccccccccccccccccccc« 33333333333333333333.2 ooooooooooooooooooooj-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD cccccccccccccccccccco; 22222222222222222222© &CLCi,CLCLaa,a.a.a.D.D.&G.a,&aa.D. a,.c ^ ^ ffiffilffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffitSmm Q ii fc- o J3 ii ii > > •c -c Q Q rt rt .3 .3 fc- fc- rt rt s s ^^HHHHHHHHHHHHH^HHHHHHp^HHHOpOOO c/ii/ic/ic/ic/icoc/icot/icocric/ic/ic/it/iOcococ/ic/^c/it/DOcococoOOOOO — o o o o _o ooooooooooooooooooooooopp in t/1 in Vi in vd=^*i<<^<<=<<^~~~~~~<:-=^'=^~~~ — ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooco^^^^g 000SO0NOS(3NOV<?VOOSO'0V^0N0NO\O\0SOSO\0S0S0NOSO\OS — — — — — — fSm^u-isor-ooONO csmTfu-ivor-ooosO — fNm-^u-ivDt~~ooOsO — — — _- — (-^fs)c-lfNcNCNCNr-)tNrNimm OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tnininmininininmmininininininxninintnininxninmin co co CQ co co < >4 LTl CN o bO rt DM tn c o •s. E ra CM X 8 ^ SI CO >* O 0) So 0) E 3 tfi a) E o X 0) _§5 -S « i5 >^ t- 0) ra c OO E ra u n o z -t o u u 4J 0) fl) fl) c "S' I IM Q. Q. 0. O -T3 C ra c o op CLJ o CO co LU I- CO z LU O O _l LU o < CO CQ £ ii OS Q. u s trt O S fa CQ Vl B ft 2 .— a c/l H fa O s .£ rt u o 01 *— H O .w ii ^ "S ii 03 H ft a> o H Z vou-iU-lVOO- ^'^t^'^O ONO\C7NOSOSONONOSOSOSI^ u-iu-iU'lu-iv-iU'lOpu-iu-ip u-iu^u-iu-iu-iu-ir-icNu-iu-i(N ooTfmr^mpONONp[~-;Tr Tfi/^Ttu-imTfodmmmO w~iunu-iw~iu-iv-ipOu-iu-ip vd^^vd^^r^c^^^c^ — — — — CNCS — — CN Ttvou-imO — ^oqrJvqTf •—•do-—'u-ivdu-iuSodoNd ___-, — — oo — — OO- mm m m m m — ooooooopppp dddddddoooo o rt O u-l u-l CO u-1 ON A + -I- + -a O CN m I — m m -H u-l o u-l o o o o o oo ON in U-| o w-| -1-+ -1-+ + + + (N m tn Tf CN 1—1 — C c a c C C c o o o o o o o 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 55 55 CO 55 55 in c c 3 3 O O O CQ C 3 O OOO c c c O O O -3 rt CL CL CL $ X ffi ffi c« CQ CL, ii Oi > _> Q Q rt rt C C 'i 'i S S Ocucucuc/ic/it/ii/icococri opooppppppp f\ tn tn cn oooo tNtnml^r^r^MC^fSC^fS r-im'Tu-i^r^ooONO — CN mmmmmmmm'^'^^ OOOOOOOOOOO inminininifiininininm CN !+H O CN <U bO rt CU to c o Q. £ ra CM X O <i) CO to tn 0 E o X 0) -Q y) CO >* « O Q) J= 0) I- ra *- o O OO (D O EES 3 ra o u u u ;j d) 0) fl) c "o* 'o* 'o*.® k. t- fc- — O. O. Q. O 0) B o o m Crt < c ra c o Jc bp —1 APPENDIX C 040384-002 APPENDIX C Laboratorv Testing Procedures and Test Results Maximum Densitv Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The results of these tests are presented in the table below: Sample Number Sample Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) | 1 Artificial fill-sandy clay silty SAND 123.0 12.0 2 Artificial fill-sandy clay silty SAND 128.0 10.0 3 Clay-alluvial deposits 116.5 15.5 4 Pale brown silty, clayey SAND 128.5 10.0 5 Pale yellowish brown silty, clayey SAND 127.5 10.0 6 Brown clayey SAND 127.0 9.5 1 7 Pale yellow silty SAND 127.0 10.0 8 Yellow-brown sandy SILT (lime treated) 116.5 15.5 9 Aggregate Base 141.5 6.5 10 White silty clayey SAND 129.0 9.0 Miscellaneous Base 129.0 9.5 C-1 040384-002 APPENDIX C (Continued) AC Laboratorv Maximum Densitv Tests: The laboratory maximum density of the asphalt concrete samples was determined by the Hveem Method, Califomia Test Method No. 308. The results of the tests are presented in the table below: 1 Sample Number Sample Description Laboratory Density (pcf) AC-1 3/4 inch Asphaltic Concrete 145.6 AC-2 3/4 inch Asphaltic Concrete 149.0* AC-3 1/2 inch Asphaltic Concrete 146.8* * Batch plant maximum density provided by vendor. AC Sieve Analvsis and Oil Content Tests: Sample No. AC-1 Type III B3 Asphalt Concrete Sieve Analysis (in accordance with ASTM Test Method D2172) Sieve Size Required Percentage Passing* Sample Result In Confonnance? 1 inch 100 100 Yes 3/4 inch 90-100 99 Yes 3/8 inch 64-84 74 Yes No.4 40-60 55 Yes No. 8 24-50 42 Yes No. 30 11-29 25 Yes No. 200 1-9 5.7 Yes Oil Content Required Minimum* Sample Result In Conformance? 4.6-6.0 5.4 Yes *Per 2000 Greenbook Section 203-6 and 400-4 and City of Carlsbad Standard Special Provisions for Construction, Subsection 203-6 and 400-4. C-2