HomeMy WebLinkAbout1086; Kalicki - Drainage Report; Kalicki - Drainage Report; 1996-12-10Conrad C. Hammann, Jr. PE land planning civil engineering surveying 2718 Waterbury Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 619-434-8822 FAX 619-434-4474 JDB NAME' JDB NDi _ DATE. (_ BY. nr 2.7 r PRnJECT MAMF; TRACT ND, : CLIENT: DRAINAGE REPORT CDNRAD C, HAMMANN R.C.E. 33069 CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE"ZQF'-7 / TABLE OF CONTENTS: PAGE SUMMARY METHODOLOGY ." ...» HYDROLOGY '. CHARTS APPENDIX C:\MPS1\1086.DRN CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGEli_OF±l/ STUDY SUMMARY BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS REPORT, NO ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE REQUIRED. THE PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS WILL CONVEY THE REQUIRED 100 YR. DESIGN STORM. THE NET INCREASE IN RUN OFF FROM THE PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS COMPARED TO THE POST DEVELOPED CONDITIONS ARE NEGLIGIBLE. ANY DRAINAGE IMPACTS CAN BE MITIGATED WITH THE NORMAL DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES. C:\WPS1\1O86.DRN CONKAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE^/ OF<• ? METHODOLOGY I. STUDY APPROACH For our design criteria we used the County ot San Diego Department of Public Works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual, 1979 and the Standard Design Criteria for Design of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, 1990. In preparing this report it was assumed that: the existing green houses are in adequate condition for the purposes of developing a run off coeficient. existing Linmar Lane will continue to drain into the existing paved ditch along the northerly boundary of this subdivision. Study purpose The purpose of this study is for the tentative map and is preliminary in nature. A final report will be required during the final map process to confirm the assumptions made in this report. II. HYDROLOGY DESIGN CRITERIA A. The design criteria, as found in the County of San Diego Department of Public Works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual, specifies the design runoff conditions within the San Diego County Flood Control District (April 1979 Edition) will be based on the 100 year storm frequency as follows: 1. Design for areas over 1 square mile will be based on the 100 year frequency storm. 2. For areas under 1 square mile. a) The storm drain system shall be designed so that the combination of storm drain system capacity and overflow both inside and outside the right of way will be able to carry the 100 year frequency storm without damaging adjacent existing buildings or potential building sites. C:\WPS1\1O86.DRN CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE:> OF- / b) The storm drain system ^shall be designed so that the combination of storm drain system capacity and allowable street overflow will be able to carry the 100 year frequency storm within the street right- of-way. c) Where a storm drain-is required under headings 1 or 2 above, then as a minimum, the storm drain shall be designed to carry the 10 year frequency storm. 3. Sump areas are to be designed for a sump capacity or outfall of a 100 year frequency storm. B. The design flows were computed based on the following assumptions and data: 1. All soil groups were assumed to be Group D-very High Runoff Potential. There are some areas where a Group C soil group could be used. We chose to use a more conservative approach. Soil groups were segregated into groups depending on their infiltration capacity as follows: GROUP A - LOW RUNOFF POTENTIAL: Soils having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sand and/or gravel. These soils have a high rate of water transmission and would result in a low runoff potential. GROUP B - MODERATE RUNOFF POTENTIAL: Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. GROUP C - HIGH RUNOFF POTENTIAL: Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of (1) soils with a layer that C:\WP51\1086.DRN XO CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KAL.ICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE/2_OFi-_7 impedes the downward movement-,o± water, or (2) soils with moderately^fine to fine texture and a slow infiltration rate. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. GROUP D - VERY HIGH RUNOFF POTENTIAL: Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of (1) clay soils with a high swelling potential; (2) soils with a high permanent water table; (3) soils with clay pan or clay layer at or near the surface; and (4) shallow soils over nearly impervious materials. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. 2. The following manning roughness and rational method runoff coefficients were used: Table 1 MANNING ROUGHNESS "n" VALUES PIPES "n" Corrugated Metal Pipe 0.024 Reinforced Concrete Pipe 0.012 Cast in Place Concrete Pipe 0.015 Asbestos Concrete Pipe 0.011 OPEN CHANNELS "n" Revetment 0.040 Concrete lined 0.015 Natural grass 0.035 Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts O.O15 C:\HP51\1O86.DRN 11 CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY M3/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE7_OF\ Table 2 „ RATIONAL METHOD RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS Land Use General Plan Designation Coefficient C Soil Group A B C D RESIDENTIAL Single Family Medium/Low-Medium density .40 .45 .50 .55 Multi Units High density .45 .50 .60 .70 Mobile Homes Medium-High density .45 .50 .55 .65 Rural Low density/open space .30 .35 .40 .45 COMMERCIAL Commercial,Non-residential Reserve,Schools,Professional .70 .75 .80 .85 INDUSTRIAL Industrial,Governmental, Public Utilities .80 .85 .90 .95 3. Rainfall intensities for the Rational Method hydrology computations were taken from the County San Diego Department of Public Works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual, Appendix XI. 4. Watershed boundaries and grades for proposed storm drains were derived from 100 scale City of Carlsbad Topographic maps with 2 foot contours, prepared by Frasier Engineering, Inc. and Cooper Enngineering, Inc. dated 1988. III. DESIGN RUNOFF METHOD The hydrologic analysis utilized in this report is the Rational Method for watersheds less than 0.5 square miles. C:\WP51\1086.DRM CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALiCKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE -f OF/ X' The Rational Formula is Qp = CIA where: >» Qp = The peak discharge in cubic feet/sec. C = Runoff Coefficient (Dimensionless) I = Rainfall intensity (inches/hour) A = Tributary drainage area (Acres) If rainfall is applied at a uniform rate to an impervious area, the runoff attributed to this area would eventually reach a rate equal to the rate of precipitation. The time required to reach this equilibrium is termed the time of concentration. For small impervious areas one may assume that if precipitation persists at a uniform rate for at least as long as the time of concentration the peak discharge will equal the precipitation rate. IV. DESIGN PROCEDURE The following procedure was used in calculating quantity of storm flow . Whenever the term "Manual" is used, it refers to the "County of San Diego Department of Public works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual" dated April 1979. The general procedure was developed by Los Angeles County Flood Control District and has been modified herein for use in San Diego County. 1. Determine the quantity of water for the initial area. a) Estimate the initial time of concentration (Tc). For natural watersheds this can be obtained from Appendix X-A of the "Manual". Effective slope of natural watersheds may be estimated from Appendix X-B of the "Manual". For urban areas overland time of flow can be obtained from Appendix X-C of the "Manual" or Caltrans Highway Design Manual Figure 816.6A. Engineering judgement should be used for the validity of the computed initial times. A minimum of 5 minutes should be used for all basins. b) Determine the type of soil from "Hydrologic soil Groups - C:\WP51\1O86.DRN 13 CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 Runoff Potential" maps of the County Soils interpretation study. ^ . c) Determine the area (A) in acres and the ultimate land use from the local agency Zoning Map. d) Obtain the runoff coefficient "C" from Table 2. e) Obtain the intensity (I) from Appendix XI "Intensity- Duration Design Chart" of the "Manual". f) Calculate the quantity of water (Q) from the "Rational Equation", Q=CIA. 2. Determine the quantity of water for subsequent subareas as follows: a) Determine the water route from the point of concentration of the previous subarea to the point of concentration of the subarea in question. b) Calculate the time necessary for the quantity of water arriving at this subarea to pass through to its point of concentration by the above route. The physical properties of this route must be considered and the velocities obtained from the following: 1) If traveling in a street the velocity can be figured from Appendix X-D, "Gutter and Roadway Discharge - Velocity Chart" of the "Manual" or Caltrans Highway Design Manual Figure 816.6A. 2) If traveling in a ditch, pipe or other regular section calculate the velocity from the actual section. 3) If traveling in a natural watercourse the velocity can be derived from the approximation of the channel cross section. c) Measure the length of flow to the point of inflow of the next subarea downstream. From the velocity compute the time of flow and add this time to the time for the first area to determine a new time of concentration. When determining the time of concentration (Tc), the C:\WP51\1O86.DRN 14 CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/'i'M CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE/f: OF<V expected future drainage facility and route is used to determine ^velocity and travel time (Tt) . wherever junction occurs, or there is a change in slope or drainage facility, it is necessary to calculate the velocity and travel time for the preceding reach. The slope of the.Hydraulic grade line is generally assumed to be parallel to the grade-slope. d) Calculate Q for the second subarea, using the new time of concentration and continue downstream in similar fashion until a junction with a lateral drain is reached. e) Start at the upper end of the lateral and carry its g down to the junction with the main line. 3. Compute the peak Q at each junction. Let ya, Ta/ la, corresponding to the tributary area with the longer time of concentration. Let Qb, Tb, ib, correspond to the tributary area with the shorter time of concentration and Qp, Tpcorrespond to the peak Q and time of concentration when the peak flow occurs. The usual case is where the tributary area with the longer time of concentration has the larger Q. In this case, the smaller Q is corrected by adding the areas multiplied by the runoff coefficients of all contributing basins and then applying the greatest time of concentration to obtain the intensity for determining the peak Q. The tabling is then continued downstream using the longer time of concentration. C:\WP51\1O86.DRN CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALlCKi 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 HYDROLOGY C:\HP51\1O86.DRH STORM SEWER DESIGN L & 0 229 ROU.C — COUNTY. . PRO J. DISTRICT. V/WIVII UIMIIUIVO ^«_^x**i»ti • •**•• FROM POINT (1) /7- & e ' TO POINT (2)/ z. AREA DRAIN. "A" ACRES (3) $,/7 <2/# ^-58 HUN-ofr COEF. c (4) O.£> Sf .&h CA INCRE- MENT (5) — ACCUM- ULATED (6) <?.% i 0.n 2,0 <<?7 ^.97 ^<^7 NLET TIME MIN- UTES (7) /? ^ 2-/ RAIN FALL IN./HR. (8) 2.^ *.y RUNOFF 0 /0& C.F.S. (9) X^^ /^,7 INVERT ELEVATIONS UPPER END (I") s? LOWER END (ID 4<r— ' EN6TH FT. (12) ^CO SLOPE FT./FT. (13) ^030 / DiA. IN. (14) CAPA- CITY C.F.S. (IS) ' / SMFFT OP VEL. F.P.S. (16) FLOW TIME SEC. (17) REMARKS (18) STORM SEWER DESIGN L & 0 229 ROU,C_ COUNTY. PRO J. DISTRICT. \s\srnr\j i M i i \jrn *j ufi_^/«i»n iivi-w — • • FROM POINT (1) A c-/ C -2- & - TO POINT (2) / *2 AREA DRAIN. V ACRES (3) a./7 Q.^8 2.^ 0-® s4 RUN- OFF COEF. C (4) ^.^.5^r 0.6? S.<2< 73^' CA INCRE- MENT (5) £/.<? O.&V /.£</ o./-? 43ft* ^>r? T?S •S3d kCCUM- ULATED (6) 5".V^ 7.XT <&? /="/*"- < X ^/^V NLET TIME WIN- UTES (7) / /7 2/ d?/*-'' "" r'' '#M w"'Xl' RAIN FALL IN./>«. (8) 2-^ ^-^ 7^ x^^/ - j^ ^x. RUNOFF 0 C.F.S. (0) /C5".8 /7, 2, r ^r-7 :. . — TZZfA. INVERT ELEVATIONS UPPER END (in) 7>3c ; c^ ' "7" < ••<"'^"^ LOWER END (11) --7!^ /-tx^X rxs^?/ ^^ x ENGTH FT. (12) ^" 5! **r/7 sS I SLOPE FTyrt (13) *?• £?7~ ; - ^ V <^ '^0/ ou. IN. (14) /="< * <^X %^ ^- c^: CAPA- CITY C^.S. (IS) XS2. r/^T; '^ ^ <? ' <WFFT OP VtL. F.P.3. (16) /^ /. <^ >"X LOW TIME SEC. (17) j t ^^ REMARKS (18) rxcr 1 PROTECT CALC.EATE STATION AREA AREA REFERENCE .057 (50 scale) X .910 (200 scale) 91.8 (2000) ACRES .SHT_ CHKD /. 3 / -S OF EATE OEFFTCIENT OF RUNOFF: C (consider probable development) Developed Areas (Urban) % Land Use Residential: Single Family Multi-Units Mobile Homes Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) Commercial (2) 80% Impervious /<£> Industrial (2) 90% Impervious 1ME OF CONCENTRATION C' (Chart B-l) Hl.Pt. "713 H. Lo.Pt.7 RUNOFF: Q » I x CA Altitude Factor = \£> =« x 2 L. C = ^min hr (10 mln. minimum) (Chart C) I (actor 100 /hr "/hr CA Coefficient " C " Soil Type ( 1) A. .40 .45 .45 .30 .70 B .45 .50 .50 .35 .75 C .50 .60 .55 .40 .80 D (jTsJl *4'G> .70 - .65 « .45 » .85 - .80 .85 .90 Tc /JI.9(L3 CA Tc» Time In Hours L= Distance In Miles H» Height in Feet C - TO /. 3 (/./ - c l)L'/l- USE Q£<p USE CFS CFS Reference: San Du«go County Flood Control Design and Procedure Manual (1) Obtain soil type from Appendices IX-C 1 thru IX-C4 PROTECT kAt. ICX/ WO# /00& SHT OF CALC DATE CHKD DATE X-5v STATION <?£//+/&& A& *s AREA REFERENCE ^*S g,. .057 (50 scale) AREA £><O X .910 (200 scale) = 91.8 (2000) /OO OEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF: C (consider probable Developed Areas (Urban) % Land Use Residential: Single Family Multi-Units Mobile Homes • Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) Commercial (2) 80% Impervious /OO Industrial (2) 90% Impervious 1ME OF CONCENTRATION^' (Chart B-l) Hi.Pt. d ~7 H. 2-Z. ' . _ . 05 ^ . Lo.Pt. -^O L. <Y<Z>O &. /& ACRES development) Coefficient " C " Soli Typo ( 1 ) A B C D .40 .45 .50 .55 = .45 .50 .60 .70- .45 .50 .55 .65 - .30 .35 .40 .45- .70 .75 .80 .85- .fln .85 .90 r.9^/^5^ C - •15' CA-^/-7 TC= /ii.ga3^385 \ H / Tc« Time in Hours L* Distance in Miles H» Height In Feet RUNOFF:I x CA Altitude Factor * x factor C = _ min _ ^hr (10 min. minimum) (Chart C) OO "/hr /^> ' cfs xO./7' - "/hr CA 'Y./// cfs USE 0^0' USE ' O /• _CFS CFS Reference: San Diego County Flood Control Design and Procedure Manual (1) Obtain soil type from Appendices IX-C 1 thru IX-C4 /< PROJECT WO#__ CALC EATE .SHT CHKD OF DATE STATION AREA AREA REFERENCE .057 (50 scale) X .918 (200 scale) 91.8 (2000) ACRES QEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF: C (consider probable development) Developed Areas (Urban) % Land Use Residential: Single Family Multi-Units Mobile Homes 7 £-• Rural (lota greater than 1/2 acre) Commercial (2) 80% Impervious Industrial (2) 90% Impervious 1ME OF CONCENTRATION C' (Chart B-l) Hl.Pt. 5~0 H."7 ^0/27 L. 1C = min hr (10 mln. minimum) RUNOFF: Q » I x CA Altitude Factor =/.o (Chart C) I 2-2- "/hr (actor Coefficient " C " Tc /ii.9a3 Tc» Time in Hours L= Distance in Miles H» Height in Feet 1100 CA cfs USE USE QIOO- A .40 .45 .45 .30 .70 .80 Soil B .45 .50 .50 .35 .75 .85 Type ( 1 ) C .50 .60 .55 .40 .80 .90 .55 - .70 - .65- r^5>£>-32. rjfjaav .95 - c -OJ& Raferencu: San DUMJO County Flood Control Design and Procedure Manual (1) Obtain soil type from Appendices IX-C 1 thru IX-C4 CA -2*6.0 CFS STATION. AREA AREA REFERENCE O. PROJECT WO#__ CALC Oc- EATE .SHT CHKD OF CATE .057 (50 scale) X .910 (200 scale) 91.8 (2000) OEFFICIENT OP RUNOFF: C (consider probable development) Developed Areas (Urban) % Land Use Residential: /<?& Single Family Multi-Units Mobile Homes Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) ACRES Coefficient " C Commercial (2) 80% Impervious Industrial (2) 90% Impervious A .40 .45 .45 .30 .70 .80 Soil B .45 .50 .50 .35 .75 .85 Type ( 1 ) C .50 .60 .55 .40 .80 .90 « .70 - .65 - .45 » .85 - .95 - C » . £T5 CA »o»5~y 1ME OF CONCENTRATION C' (Chart B-l) Hl.Pt. TC Tc* Time In Hours L* Distance in Miles H* Height In Feet C = x min ^hr (10 mln. minimum) V RUNOFF: Q » I x CA Altitude Factor = I - x factor MOO- x (Chart C) "/hr "/hr CA cfs cfs USE O - USE QiQrt- CFS CFS Referunco: San DU;«jo County Flood Control Design and Procedure Manual (1) Obtain soil type from Appendices IX-C 1 thru IX-C4 PROJECT W0#_ CALC EATE .SHT CHKD OF EATE STATION gavS/^g" tAREA AREA REFERENCE .057 (50 scale) X .910 (200 scale) 91.8 (2000) ACRES OEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF: C (consider probable development) Developed Areas (Urban) % Land Use Residential: Single Family Multi-Units Mobile Homes Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) Commercial (2) 80% Impervious ?/ Industrial (2) 90% Impervious .1ME OF CONCENTRATION C' (Chart B-l) Hl.Pt. H. Lo.Pt.L. RUNOFF: Q - I x CA Altitude Factor = I^2> * * 2. far.tnr I C = /£? mln ^hr (10 mln. minimum) (Chart C) factor 100- x 2., "Air "/hr Coefficient " C " Tc /11-9(L3 Tc» Time In Hours L= Distance In Miles H- Height In Feet A. .40 .45 .45 .30 .70 .80 Soil B .45 .50 .50 .35 .75 .85 Type ( 1 ) C .50 .60 .55 .40 .80 .90 &*«- .70 - .65 » .45 - .85 - .95- &.?£> c .a &3 ' CA - I.5*/ CA */'&/ cfs USE 0^- USE QIOO* CFS CFS Reference: San Diego County Flood Control Design and Procedure Manual (1) Obtain soil type from Appendices IX-C 1 thru IX-C4 CONRAD C. IIAMMANN, JR. PE KALlCKl 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA -JN 1086 619-434-8822 CHARTS C:\WP51\1086.DRN INTENSITY-DURATION DESIGN CHART March 19R2 -f'TiTrlTrrm.Trf ~m i H i j Equation: I 7.44 P/D -64S o Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr. Precipitation (In.) Duration (Min.) Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency 1) P, -^ vr. 2} Adjusted *Pfi= 3) t = min. 4) I = in/hr. V P24 in. *Not Applicable to Desert Region ^5 6 APPF.NDIX XI IV-A-14 810-10 May 2, 1088 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL Figure 816.6A Overland Time of Concentration Curves 1000 UJUJu. LJJoz co Q _J UJ><DC H O Z DC UJ 800 600 400 200 CO UJ H- z5 z JT UJ DC U. O UJ Q Z <-J DC UJ 1/2 [S(100)]1/3 Where: C L S TO Runoff Coefficient Overland Travel Distance in feet Slope in ft./ft. Time in minutes c _m Oin RESIDENTIAL STREET ONE SIDE ONLY 1.. _:.J ..„..,...., _ ' ! : I 0.4 4 50 7 (J 9 10 DISCHARGE (C.FS.) 30 40 *\ EXAMPLE: Given i 0= 10 S= 2.5% Chart glvci' Depth = 0.4, Velocity = 4.4 (pis. -I : ;• , SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL ^^u£ 'xJ^'tt :K"' GUTTER AND ROADWAY^JjJ H DISCHARGE-VELOCITY pHART> ; 1 DATE j. • •/ '3tl**r-»*.. V COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION » FLOOD CONTROL 50-YEAR 6-HOU ISOPLUVIALS PRECIPITATION OF 50-YEAR 6-HOUR U.S. DEPARTMEF T OF COMMERCE f{ '118* f\1xj^\N.X) COUNTY Of SAN OIEQO . DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION » FLOOD CONTROL 50-YEAR 24-HOUh PRECIPITATION ISOPLUVIALS PRECIPITATION IN 1 OF 50-YEAR 24-HOUR ENTHS OF AN INCH r OF COMMERCE UHOLOOy. NATIONAL WIArHK* IIIIVlCS I U.S. OEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCIANIC AND ATS. rruoiit DRANCII. orrict or n 36' paa aP- ooin- COUNTY>OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION FLOOD CONTROL 33* 100-YEAR 6-KOU^ PRECIPITATION ^20-/ ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION III E?3TMS OF AM IIIC!! oM X X 1-4 m U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL'-OCEANIC AND AT! SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II 30'J JROLOCY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 118 \i tCOUNTY} OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION FLOOD CONTROL 30' 15 33' 100-YEAR 24-HOl|R PRECIPITATION ^(UISOPLUVIALS OF 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATIOM IN ENTHS OF AN INCH U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL octAsic AND AT SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE Qf 11 30' OSPKC81C ADMINISTRATION DKOLOGY, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Pf.p. '<t by 116- CONRAD C. HAMMANN, JR. PE KALICKI 2718 WATERBURY WAY MS/TM CARLSBAD, CA JN 1086 619-434-8822 PAGE_1.OF: APPENDIX C:\WP51\1O86.ORN