HomeMy WebLinkAbout1636312; BUENA VISTA CREEK CHANNEL MAINTENANCE PROJECT; DRAINAGE REPORT; 2002-02-01r � r � T r �-Iydru�i� Study for Buena Vista �ree� r n.ear Plaza �amrno Rea� � � �- � �- � � i � � , Prepa�'ed for Dudek & Associates 5�5 Third 5tt'eet Encinitas, CA 92fl24 Prepared hy Howard H_ Chang, Ph. D., P_ E. Fe6ruary Z0�2 ��oward .H. Ch�ug P. 0. Box 9�92 '' CDn5ult�nf5 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 TEL: (858) 75b-9175D Hydraulic and .Ffydradogic LngineEring FAX: (858} 755-946� � Erosion and Sedimenlatr�n r- � L r- � Hydru�ic Skudy f�r Quena Vista Cre�k near Plaza Camino Real � The reg�rt was prepared tQ present a hydraulic study o f B uena Vista Creek near #he Plaza '� Carnino Real 5�iopping Center �[see Fig. 1}. The channel reaGh under �nnsideratiar� is betwe�� the Jefferson Street Bridge and the South Vista Way (or Hayrr�ar} Bridge. Important locations along the � charuiel are listed in Table 1. A plan �iew of the charuiel reach is shown in Fig. 2. At this time, � tnast ofh� channei bcd is �o�ered with �ense �egetatian, including wetIand ptants such as cattaits, r otherlorush and scattered trees. Tl�e ��getation growth has redc�ced the e�anxiei �a�aacity and it has raised the �on�e� f�r #�aading ofadjacent ar�as. This stu�y was tnade ta determin� the flooding � potential and tv recommend propermeasures f�r tttitigatian. PIo#ted pr��les Q�cr�ss sectians aiong ihe chan.riel reach are incFuded i� Appendix A of the repairt. r � r- r r- l Table 1. List ofi�nportai�t locatxans Channel station Nates feet Q�65 Downs#ream iimit of study l+Dp L]pstream face aFJeffersan St. Bridge 2fif�i0 Downstream edge ofsewerage pfant 31 f�S� Upstream edge af sewerage plant 38+Q� Downstrea�m fa�e of 5. Vista Wa Hrid e HYDR�LQGY I � The 100-yr fiood is used by FEM�1 as the base �ood. The FEMA-adopted base flood � � � dischaz-ge for this c�ansxel reach 8,5�0 �fs. � r � � SELECTI�N ❑F CHANNEL RDCJGHNESS Vegetation is an im�ortant fackar far charu�el roughness which in turn aFFects tt�e #7ood le�el_ 0 � Under existing cvnditions, �vegetatian cv�erage in the channel bed is less extensi�e near the ]effersvn 5lreet Sridge but its density and height increase toward upstream. �hannel rvug�tness is related to �egetation �rowih. For pliabJe wetiand p�ants, its resistance ta flaw (ar roughness) also �aries with flaw �onditians. At law flow, suc� plants stand upright and its resistanc� ta flow is �ery �igh. B�t at high flows, suct� as the l OD-yr f���d, ihe p�ants will he signi�cant�y bent due to the �tigher �elo�ity and greater flaw c�epth_ Under such cottditions, the fInw resisian�e is alsfl reduced. The etTe�tive FCRM map pu�lished by FEMA far the char�.nel reach is s�aw in Fig. 3. Certain areas narth af the charu�el ine�uding Highway 78 are within the �(ltl-y�r flaadp�ain ac�Qrding to the FIRM map. The hydrauli� study co�cred two physicai conditions of the ��annei. These �anditinns and the roughness caeFficients used for tktem are descFiSed beIow. � � Existing Cvr�ditious - F�r the mast part, the existing �hannel �ed has dense vegetation growth. The � raughness caeFficient, r� �alue, i�as �een determir�ed to be in the range �iratra �.�45 to 0.47. The�atue ❑f Q.47 �s applicabfe to mosk af the ehannel �ed. The channel banks iias lower �egetation density ^ and fhe n�aiue of �.035 is applicahie. � Prvposed Conditians - It is praposed that maintenance �learing �e made to flte channel bed co�ering one-halfof tt�e bed widt�. The existing grawth in the nnrthern halFof the c�annel bed sha�l ^' be remaved as illustrated in Fig. �. Ttie rema�ing aperatian co�ers the nartherxf hatf a�the channel . beci frariz channel station 9-+-❑0 t� 38�-❑0 £or a total length of 2,9�Q feet, HYDRACILIC STUDY AND SUMMAAY �F FINDINGS � The hydraulie computation was 6ased an tt�e HEC-2 rr�adel de�e�oped by the U. S. Army A Corps of Engineers. Inputloutput lisiings of madei runs are included in Appendix B af the re�ort. Grapt�ica! results are shvwr� in Figs. S, 5 and 7_ Frflzx� the �otnp�ted results, �ndings o,f t�e study are sununarized helow. 2 � r � 1 ^ (i} The l0a-yr f�aad le�el is abo�e t�e narth c�annel ban�c nfBuena Vista Creek %r a considerable channel length as shawn in Fig. 5. Certain areas n�rth of the chan.nel includi�g Highway 78 are � ►+vithin the 1 UO-yr flaoaplain according to the FIRM map pubtished by FEMA (see Fig. 3}. Eii�ninating flooding vf the north ba.�k areas wil[ require major �learing and dredging of the cha.nrte� 6ed. This task is outside the scope af the preser�t chan,nel maintenan�e project. Portions af the n�rrih bank are considered to be levees since #he outside areas are lawer than the flaa� levet in the --- ��►annel. To meet the requirements for Aoo� cantraE, the Ie�ses need t4 �e im�raved ana th� tap � ele�atians need t� be at least three feet aba�e the 1 �Q-yr flood level. � (2� T'he sewage treatment plant is locaied on t�e south bank af the channet frotn chaiuiel statian �' �7+0� to sfation 32+-0�. The plant site is separated fram the main channel hy a ie�ee. The cotnpufed 1 UO-yr fiood le�ei far t�e channe! is abo�e the tnp-of=le�ee ele�akion as shown in Fig. 6_ The plant "' site is therefare suhject to flavding. Ta rneet the requirements far f�and cantrol, the le�ee needs ta 6e impra�ed and its ta� ele�atior� needs kQ be ai least three feet abv�e the 10�-yr flood le�el, The ~ scape of the present st��y �aes z}ot iRc�ud� flood pratecti�n �for the sewage treatrnent plant. � [3} Tne existing channet has heen silted by sediment and it has dense �egetation. The computed 1�0-flaac� levei for the existing �c�nditions is very close to the tap aCthe sautli c}►ar�z�ei barik and it r' is aisa above the south cf�aru�e! bank at a few �ocatiuns as shawn in Fig. 7. The area prarte to flooding is locate� frvtn channet station 27+Q0 to South Vista Way at station 38�-aQ. The adjacent ' par�Cin� lots are subject tv floading hu# the cvtnputed 1�4-yr flaod level daes not reach the huilding n floflrs in the area. Since fl�od water an the parking loi carr-ies �roliutants inta tt�e c�annel to aFfeci r sto�tx water q+�ality, ii is essential that such f]ooding be eliminated. � r �4} Vegetatian ciearing ta create a pilat channei has been suggest�d as a r�eans for reducing floading. A gilot channel, say wifh a��idth Qf 10 %et, will result irs a slight [owering ❑f the Flvc�d , fe�el. Hvwever, the effects axe �ery limited. � r (5} Ciearir�g of the det�se �egetatian fram 50 °/a af the bed widkh will b�in� more suhstaniial res�lts on the fload le�el. The computed Flood le�el with this extent of �naintenance clearing wili stay : within ttte sauth chatuYei bank as shawn in Fig. 7. The adjacent parking l�ts wili be free of flvading. 0 i 3 � (6} This charu�el requires �eriodical �aintenance. T�he vegetation needs ko be rnonitore� ta determine the required fr-equency far maiiitcnance ciearing. It is estimated tha# t�� c�earang needs to he made at the interva2 �f two years for normal vegetation grawth. The channel bed needs ta he s�u-veye� peniadically in order #a rr�arutor silt built-up. Far Ehe purpose of monitoring, posts may �e installe� ir� the channel �ed ta track bed ele�atinn changes. If the a�exage siltatian at a section exceeds 2�eet, then maintenance dredging may became necessary. LIST aF FIGURES �'ig. 1. Location of the projact site Fig_ 2. Plan �ier�v af channel reach with channel sta#ians Fig. 3. The eff�cti�e FIRM r�nap vf the channel reach published by FEMA � Fig. 4. Typical channel cross section shawing proposed �egetation clearing fram the northern hal£ � of the channel bed_ Fig. 5_ Cor�np�ted 140-yr water-surface prn��es far the existing channel ax�d far 5Q % char�xrel ^ ciearing and ihe tap of narth channel baz�ic pr�fIe. This fgure shows that the north �hannel bank is subject t� a�ertopping_ � Fig. 6. Cornputed 1a0-yr water-surface prafile for 50 % channel clearing and tfie tap af south cE�annel hank praf Ze. Tt�is fzgure shaws that #he flaod le�el #'vr the proposed conditions wi3� still �' a�ertc�p the le�ee separating the sewage treatment plant from the channel. The plant site is sut�ject to floading even with ihe grapased improvements. � Fig. �. Connputed ���-yr water-surfa�e profles for the cxisting char�nel and for 5� % cha�nel ciearzng and the top afsouth channet bank profile. This figure shows that the 1 Q�-yr #�oad �e�e� for � #he exiting channel will a�erflow �he svuth channet bank between c�iannef station 2$+4� and 3G+�D, but khe flnod fe�el fvr the groposed canditians will stay in the channel. � , -, APPENDIX A. PLOTTED CR�SS-SECTIQNAL PR�FTLES DF �HANNEL APPENDI� B. INPUTIaUTPUT LISTINGS DF HEC-2 RUNS For Existing Canditions Far Fr�pased Canditians 4 � � ❑ � � �4 � Q� r— � 1 � e— � � G r . � � r-� _..� Z U � � 1 � � i � l � I � .[ � � � W � v� z Q W U 4 Q n � o� r ' � i U � � � �� � J 7 C ) J 3 � v � .� U Gl .q �+ P+ a� � 4--i � � � � U 0 � � C+fY W �J __-_.-- R�� �a��No _� � � t � �-� , �- , �-, � �;:�a;� Y � . / � 6-, r .�-� i � � � � �arr�on+v � � .--. cr� � W � U � O "' Q � wa o a � � E--+ ' �H} 1J x � z 0 N f N l!7 x 'r' � Yl o''a � � 6 � Q J � w 21 � � 6 x a �.� w �o i Z � � N � � a � ig � � 0 � wQ � � U � Q d U r8 a o � � U � \\\ a � ��� 0. � d w � ~ � 'j �t 1~ � r � � � '� �-S�'i �� Cl. � � � � ��-y � Q.� � � � f� L�l � �� d ,--{ "� � W � � u �W }, .--. � G3 � [Q� �11 � �'r] 'C3 � � o � a,.� .o Q� � p � 4�.� .�-� us � ,� q,7 -- '.� � .,� ��� a� a v c�d � `�` � � � d � � � � N N a � 31tINkSd aw r �u a r�- u v� 7 � ev � � ' W w �-. � 'C7 u � � � � i�. � U � u � � � U u � � ❑ sa. tn � � w v 7 C3 � � 4--i u v � H rri � � c-^ , L* 1 � � � � Si � ef1 � � O � ... � m U a1 N od p � � a � � � m q � o � :,v �n, *�� w VS �e � TM� V af � � � � c� � � � � � v v 4. b 0 .�, � as P a� w tr c�t a ca co � � � � � 4 d� C12 4 ''� � � C1� � � .-r � o aa a c� tri t,� � � A � � � � � b • �H1 e�'1 �rw� � W � �� �� i-a 0 _,� a +' � � � � � � --� � � � � � � cv � n�7 w .--� --. . � r 4 � � � � � r i i i i � � r � r i � l � � � � � I � � [ �'i oa Q] � �w �, � � ,� � �" . l H.�y � � i••I � � � � � �� a� �� � Fj�rymar Dr. ...,.... �- . . � : : � : . � : • . ... .. . ...... ..... � � ......:.......... .._...........,..._.... .. a� : : - - � � _ ......... �......_ ........-0 ..........:..........: .........:...........:.. ... .. . ... ,, Q = - - �. t� � `�-� =-.. .....:.......... ....... .........:..••-•...-:• ..-..._.......-.:..........:. -.... .... a] .. .. ...:....... � ❑ � P, - � ❑ ....�......... a• � � - � •-.•...;. ..... --� - _ ...... -� -.- � �, - f ` .......` ..........:... .. . .:... .....;. ........ � 1 - : - -. - - -- _ � � . . , ; . 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FDR E�CiSTING C�ND�TIaNS •�e•NEC•2 WATER SSIRFACE PR�FILES + � Version s.5_2; �lay 1991 ' • . • RLRI AAF£ 19FE602 TIM.E 11 : 2Q � 59 • ...................................... • U.S. ARMY CORPS QF ENG1HEFli • HY➢ROiACIC FJICINEp2ING CF�!-i' • 6 a 9 SEC�7NA STREET, SL7I TE D • AAVIS, CAI.IFQIW[A 45516-;68 ' I916y 755-7104 ..................................... x x xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx x x x x x z x x x x x x JCXXICXXX XX7UC X XXJUf]C rxYzx x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx Yxxxx xxxxxxx 1 19�'F,�U2 11 :i9:59 PAGE 1 7TIIS RfJN E]CEC7fT� 19FE802 1,1: �6:59 'FiEC-2 iJAT£R SIIRPACE PROPIL65 versian 5.6.�; May 1991 T1 BifEUA VIS'IA CkE&K N�RR FLAZA CRl4IIN0 REAL, E%fSI"i'NG CONUITIQNS T2 FOH �iAHtdEL h1AiNTENAHC& HY CITY OF CARLSBAO, SHERI FibwARn T3 HaL1AR❑ fi. OIANG, AUGIIST xavi .11 I�C![ INQ NTNV I�IR STR'C MS?EtiC HViNS ❑ WSEf, FQ 2 13•5] .Y2 t�[PiiOf IPLOT PRFVS ]CSECV 7(SEQi fTJ ALiAC IBii C�triI14 ITRACB -1 -1 Q1' � espa asao NC a.015 O.A35 9.035 O.1 0.3 ]Cl GS 6 167 235 cR 7o iaz 6 ic� a 7aa 6 23S GR 24 26D xi iao 35 as 35 X3 14 r X1 LSD 6 176 232 50 50 Sfl GR l5.2 1�2 7.Z Llfi 4.1 206 7.D 232 CR 15.9 Z58 3iC 9 - O4 S ](1 2O❑ 8 755 253 SO 50 5❑ Gk 13 1A� 19 130 6 15S 3 200 GR 8 25] 16 265 17 �75 FEC O.Q35 fl_035 0_QSp X1 400 B li5 261 200 200 �00 GR 7.a flQ 2B 308 10 125 8 157 GR 8 2S1 15 28� I8 290 B-1 2Z 257 8.9 293 � Z4Q � �ao -, -� ][1 60Q 9 GR 1S 88 GR 8 279 %1 806 8 GR 19 64 cu a.e� rzo 1 191?ESO� 11:2p:5S lkl 10 15 88 5.7� 6.09 279 117 36U 228 B8 22B 200 8 ia 20� fi.33 17.8 200 138 3i8 �00 115 Z59 �a0 3.s xo 2n0 5.97 �aa ;79 151 s 3-92 261 � Zfl4 PAGE uc o.v�a J[1 900 9 131 262 100 lOQ 160 G8 22 104 � 10 12a B 1;1 3_7 200 f, 255 GR 8 3S2 16 202 18 3i2 20 356 7C1 1260 9 121 263 300 ;p� Jep ^ GR 2� 7S f0 145 8 121 i 260 6 25i CR B 4fi3 16 283 l8 ;{g 20 41k 7[1 1550 8 129 �33 356 350 350 CR 2Z 45 tG R29 6 150 3.$ 2Op 6 �25 � GR B 233 16 25LL SS 781 X1 1835 7 115 322 285 2B5 '295 CR 2C.5 Sil 7.S I15 6.3 142 S.G 184 3.2 2Uo � CR 6.7 222 17 2�7 7C1 2255 7 208 215 424 42U 420 GR 2�.7 81 7.5 108 7.2 i30 6.5 I67 5.3 240 GR 7 215 17.7 2]e ^-� ][1 26�0 7 f17 221 345 ]45 345 GR Z❑ " 4� 8.1 117 9.5 15s 6.9 200 7.� �al GR I8.6 29B 20 257 NC 0 . 045 `� 7C1 2620 7 I17 221 2� 29 20 GR 20 92 e.l 117 8.5 k56 6.9 260 7.7 2zx CR 19_6 798 20 2b7 X1 275� 5 i�8 2a6 130 136 134 � GR 1B B3 30 la& 9.2 143 6.3 2D❑ }.B.4 2;2 !tC 0.070 • - x1 ��sa 5 ioa zno x 2 2 GR 38 B3 lU 108 9.2 I43 6.3 2pp 18.9 24x � 7i1 39tl0 8 1S9 Z66 2te - 2q8 24B G� 18.5 1Za 18 1�4 12 148 10 I66 7.2 200 GR 10 249 12 260 18 �275 %i ]260 7 113 2a0 �50 26Q Z6U ^ Cit 2Q_1 84 9.4 113 9_7 i�] 9_7 179 8.2 2pp GR 1�.9 226 26.6 239 %t 3d3p 7 154 ?i0 17d F7� 17Q � GR 22 57 ZU 1Z0 14 254 H.5 200 10 3SD GR �0 26D 2❑ 26tl 1 14FEB92 1t:2U:S4 FAGE 3 . XE 36UO 7 l5$ 219 170 17a 170 GR 22 i33 10 159 H.9 2Qa 10 405 12 219 Gft 2� 23•1 22 7.i7 .--� %2 380❑ 6 l69 ZIS 2�0 200 20D GB. �4 15U 12 ke� 9.4 7�0 11 21S 2� 235 GR 24 74� � � t9FF.&02 11:2a:59 FACE 4 � SER�14 bEPTH Cy15EL CHIWS WSELIC EG HV HL O[A55 L-BANN ELEV ¢ �WS QQ� QR08 AiAB AQi 11RQ8 VOL 'i4fA H-SANIt EE.EV 7IME VLAB VCH VRpH ]CNL 7[NC7i XNR WtN Ei.F1iN SSTA i]-L StAPE XIASL 7iC.CFI dLOBR ITRIAL IUC ICON? Ct]RAR TQpirIp }]�pg� •PROP 1 0 L�L7{V- . LQO CEffV� .300 � •SEQ7D 6S.Q00 . - 65.000 9.53 13.53 .OU 13.53 16.23 a.�o .ov .ao 6.�p SSO4.0 354.0 7859.6 2fifi.4 50.6 58�.0 39.G .D .0 6.a0 .60 7.19 13.57 6.63 .035 .035 .D35 .p�0 A.00 153.55 .Qp5972 6. U. fl. O 0 0 .il0 91.&0 245.35 •ss�o ioo.000 100.0U� 19.15 k4.15 .00 .00 E6.45 2.31 .1H .04 6_pp e5Ua.0 395.7 7812.9 290.4 59.2 521.8 i5.6 .6 .1 6.00 .DD 6.70 12-56 6.37 .935 .V35 .035 .00Q s_QO 152.46 .71p{589 35. 35. 3S. 3 0 0 .Ofl 93.7� 24fi.2Q •SEarp ]5o.Rao 3ZB0 CR�SS SECTIQN 250.Do E]CTENA�Q .68 FBET 13U1 fiV L"'#ip.NGE� HOHE Ti�IAN HVINS ]362 wpRMING: L�DNVHYANCE L7[A.NGE OLrsSFDB OP ACCEPTABL£ RANGE, KRIITTU . 1_7B isa.noo 11.7B 15.88 .00 .OR 16.72 .84 .lZ _25 7.20 85�0.0 261.4 7502_1 735.0 65.5 985.0 139.3 1.7 .2 7.flp .�p 4.OQ 7.62 5.28 •035 .a35 .035 .060 4.10 122.0� .D01347 50_ 50. Sa. 3 0 O .QO 135.95 257•95 •SEO�rO 2ae.DPa 200.00Q 13-Q7 i6.67 .60 .DU lfi-B1 -7i .98 _p] 5,a❑ ssno.a s�s.a ���+.7 15e.9 ias.� iiai.a ss.9 s.l .a e_oo .00 4_97 7.dfi 4.U9 .035 .645 .�35 .000 1.�0 134.01 .(1019�2 50. SU. 5a. 2 fl fl .00 131_72 265.74 •SE430 400.OQ0 400.��9 14.7H 15.78 .QD .UO 17_22 .43 .3B .�7 lO.U� 8SU0_9 143.1 7848.3 458.6 dB_9 1474.9 92.5 9.7 1.1 e.DO .QZ 3.45 5.3� 4.9G .Q15 .�60 .035 _9dd 2.OQ 11�.56 .Qfl1938 zoo. zao• �on. 2 0 0 _p0 173.35 283.93 t S9FFS62 11�20:54 SEQ�iO T7£PTH CHSEL CRI4d5 HSEL2[ pG Q 4[AB 4Q{ �ROB AIAA AQi TIP4: VLpB Va{ VRPS 7QJL XH�i SFAPE XIABL ]CLCT3 7[L{78R ITRIAL F�C •S£C1JO Sfl0_fl00 SV0.000 13.86 17.26 .O❑ _00 17.52 65a0.O 235.5 774L.6 47�.9 73_2 187�.k .03 3.22 a.16 ].fi5 .035 .BLQ .voiiis xov. zao. xao. � o •SE�IO 9DO.D0❑ 80Q.000 1C.Oi � L7.46 .Oa .OU 17.75 8500.4 946.5 7325-7 727.8 112.8 17Q4.7 .U4 3.9s 9.30 4.25 .�35 _O6U .00i079 20p. 20a. 26U_ 2 Q •S£R�10 400 . flOfl 9Oa.0�0 13-8b 17.56 .00 .VO 1:.90 85D0.0 8fl�_4 71fl3.� 594.6 132.4 1583.9 .OS 6.66 4.de 4_58 .035 _07❑ .OUY616 16�. 1U0. 100. 7 0 •spcxo 1�ao.naa 1200.0�6 14.06 18.�5 _GO .00 1B.31 B-3 IiV FiL OL6SS G-SANI[ ELEV AROB VOL TWA 8-9ANE( ELEV XNR 1�TH ELMTH SSTA IC01d'f GbRAR TOPWI� F?t65T .26 .Z9 .02 L0.0❑ 129.5 18.1 2.Q 8.6❑ .635 .Q00 3.40 33.Q] o .oa �37.42 33U.75 .28 171_3 .035 0 _74 1Z9.7 .D3S D .22 .91 G.72 Z7.5 3.G 6.09 .00U 3.4Z 67.00 .60 191.11 258.11 -13 .02 8-00 31.9 3_� B.pq .DflQ 3.70 309.91 _69 195.58 3a5_49 .�5 sa .ni B.ov PAGE S � BSa0.0 112i.6 67�2.8 652•7 212.1 i757.0 .07 5_30 ].83 3.42 .035 _Q7fl .00i139 300. ]�0. J00. 2 0 •S£CYdO 1550.000 3�8fl CROSS SEGTION 1550.D0 E7(TRlbF� .4fi FEET i550.fl0a li.9fi 18.36 .UO .OD 18.90 950fl.❑ 500.3 7187.9 817.9 ]O1_3 1339.2 .09 {_94 5.37 s.za .oss o�a -Q02I40 35Q. 35�- 350_ 2 � •S�f4 1815. OUO 3280 CROSS 58CCIOH 1B]5.00 E7CTEN1iEP 2.06 FEBT 1935.aao 7S.&6 l9.os _p0 .0� 19.42 850Q_Q 975.9 6565.7 76Y9.4 176_1 liD9.1 .10 5.1� i.65 5_65 .035 .670 .00issa xes. aas. ses. x o 19fl .9 .035 0 .4i 15s.9 .035 6 _36 iea.� .035 n 45.7 5-p 8-04 .000 4.06 86.;1 .OU 252.43 35�.74 .Sl .o� 1o.po 6a.a s.s e.ao .0�8 ]�.SQ Ip5.04 -0� 175.46 281.00 -., � � .52 .�1 7.6D 91.8 7.4 fi.7Q _aQ0 3.20 83.91 .00 16�_a9 247.op 1 k9FS802 11:�D:59 5$��iO OEP'f'H CW$6L CKIWS 1fSET,K EG HV HL OLQSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLQB 4rr[ Qaos ATAH ACH A.FtOB VpL 7MR k-HAN1( ELF.V TSA4E ULA6 VCH VRp$ XNt. Xl�i�[ %?iR i1TN ELHIN SSTA SWPE ]CiABL XLGTi ]LLOSR 3iitll�I. I�C ICOtTT CQF.AR TOpkiI❑ F7iPST •SECNO 2255.�00 3290 CROSS SHCPIpH 2255•Oa E][TSNGF� 2.62 F'Eh'I' 2255.00D 14.4Z 19_72 .�o .DO Z0.1� .78 .S7 .pl 7_SU 9500.0 815.7 6703_5 98D.9 1.52.6 lstl4.1 169.4 98.fi 9.4 �_pp .13 5.3q i.77 S_39 .035 .fl7U .035 .000 5.30 B3.a1 .6�16]7 42D. 42U. 420. 2 0 ❑ .6� 15t_99 238_QO •SEQiO 4606.aO0 3?8a CROSS S6CtI0iI ISfl�,UO �]CT�dDEb .�9 PE6T ZfiUo.qOo 13.39 20,$9 .�0 .Oo 2p,71 ,il .Eo .U1 , g,la 8500.0 894_2 6333.a 1272.A 156:fl 1294.6 211.7 102_p �0.7 7.7p .15 5.73 4.89 6.Q1 .�35 .070 .035 .000 6.9D 92_64 .OU1842 345. 345. 3�5. 2 0 0 .UO 175.U0 267.00 •SECNO 2620.000 3486 CROSS SECTIOH 762a.00 EICTENI]F-0 .33 FEEC 33Q2 WARHING: Cp�iVT4'YANCE C1;AKGfi DUTSI6E ❑F ACC£PTASLB RANGB, iQt147Id = I.42 2620.00U 13.42 z0.32 .00 .00 Zo.73 .�I .03 :DO B.1Q 850tl.a 6.��.J fi9G1.9 943_8 156.9 1238.2 213.3 142.8 10.8 7.7a .15 1.04 5.36 <•24 .fl35 .045 .035 .D00 6.40 92.00 .6U0911 20. 2�. 20. D a 0 .�D 17$_OV 267.D4 •5EQ�10 275P.90Q 3280 LltOSS SECi'IOH 2750.a0 E%T�f6F� 2-42 F6ET 275a.0Q0 1i.12 20.43 .00 .06 2U.87 .45 .73 .OI 1p,ap 8500.Q S92_3 6126.0 1681.5 166.5 liOo.7 338.4 1D7.6 t1.3 6.30 .1S 4.31 + 5.57 5.12 .fl35 .�45 .035 .000 5.3D 83.OQ .6Q1U39 130_ 13�. 13D. 2 � 0 .00 159.04 242.60 •SBCNO 2752.�OU 3280 Cii055 SECTIqN 2752•�❑ E7iTEK'�F� �.t0 FEET a752.000 li.1Q 20.40 .UO .Q6 2p.98 .48 .00 .D1 LO.OA BSQO.0 331.1 53�S.B 2263.2 160.0 1049.0 327.6 1Q7_7 11.3 6.3❑ .i5 5.82 4.9] fi.97 .635 .ff7❑ .035 •�40 6.30 83.Q0 .601996 2. 2. 2. 2 a 0 .OD i59_pQ 24Z.00 � PACE � � •- � 1 19FE8�� ll:�p:59 - PAGE 7 .--. S-4 r-- r i r-- i i r . � f""' ! r � f � � 1 � �"' � r r r f � � f 1 � i I r � � r r + � � SE�JO ❑EPTfi CYISEL CRINS WSBLK EG EN }!L bLq55 L-BANIC £LEV Q QL08 Qpi QR08 AL�8 ACH AAOB VDL 7'WA it-8AN1C ELEV TIM£ VLAS VCH VR09 7LNL X7aC]i XSfR WTN ECJSIN SS'tJl SWPE %[ASL XLCl1 7[tC7BR ITRIAL IAC ICONT CDRAR TOPWIiI ENQST •SE[S10 300D.aQ0 3280 CR4S5 SECi'L�i ]000. Do E]C"tErrLsW 2.94 FEET ]�00.600 13.79 2�.9! .[3U .U❑ 21.42 .48 .5� .00 12.D0 BSOQ.O 942.7 '7132.8 525.5 137.0 13i2.3 89.1 116.6 12.2 12.60 .17 6_14 S_4i 5.4Q .635 .07U .035 .�6Q 7.20 120.OQ .q0�477 24E. 249. 24fi. 2 0 0 .00 155.op 275.Oa •SE�i� 3i64.�60 3280 CltpSS SECTFON 3260.00 @%Tt�lDED 1.95 FEET 3260_pa0 13.36 �1.56 .OQ .00 22.�1 .45 .59 .�0 S.iO SSa0.0 1280.8 5596.3 673.0 197.5 1292.i L10.i 12fi.0 1;.1 1�.9fS .18 6.48 S.iO 5.6s .d]5 _q7p .U35 .oUO B.�fl 87.9a .002692 76a. 260. 26q, Z p D .00 155.oO 239.a0 •SH�iO 343a-Op0 329� �1Q55 SBCTION 3�SO.aO EXTFNL')FO I.9A F&£1' 3i3D.Q06 13.�1 21.91 .dU .40 22.37 .S7 .36 .O1 1G.6❑ 850fl.0 i723.5 5762.� 3011.5 292.0 1089.4 276.2 132_k 13_9 20.0❑ .19 S•90 5.29 5.76 .U35 .p7fl .�35 .ODO 9.50 59.96 .po2110 17p. 17a. 176. 2 U o _oa 22a.09 T80.o6 'SE�fQ }60a.0U0 3;pt F{SI C7WNGEA HOR6 T[il�! FtVINS 33Q2 F1AEt.HING: CQNVEYANC.E C'iiANG£ OLifSIDE OP ACCEPTABL& RIiNC6, KRA7I� � .S3 - 16a4.000 13_1B Z1.98 .�0 .00 23.11 2.13 .54 .20 1�.00 8500.6 113Y-1 6121.8 996.H 1C9-fi 7a5.3 t07.6 137.1 14_5 12.Ou .19 9.57 H.71 B.80 .Q35 .074 .f135 .OaO B.Bfl 133.03 .605354 37a. 1'7Q. 170. 2 0 0 .a� 113.68 246.91 •SEQ�iO 3690.OU0 1 is�-esa� ix:ao:ss SEQJO ❑EPTN L�fSEL CRIWS :iSELK E7G iN HL ULOSS L-BANiC EL£V Q QIAH aL73 QRaB AIAS AS71 AR�B VDL 7NA i[-SAN1C ELEN TIME VLOH VC]i Vk06 XNL 7WOi ]CNk WTN EWIN SS7A 5[APE %lABL 7(LCH ]CLABit ITRIAL IQC ICt7NT CtlRAH TOPWIa £NOST 3301 FN C7�ANCED M1�RE 17iAN HVINS 33�7 wARNING: GbNVEYAHCE C1iHNGE DVtSIDE DF ACCEpTABL£ RMlG6, ICRATIO = •69 384p.�flQ 13_1B 2�.58 .DO .DO 25.00 2.41 1.50 6500.0 1823.3 56a2.9 I573.6 14D.0 i23.4 122.1 141_� .20 13_02 11.81 13_71 .Q35 .070 .Q35 .OUO .E11258 Z00. 206. 30Q. 2 0 0 .DO 1 19FE6D2 11:20:59 HSC-� WATER SI7RFACE PROPIL£S Version 4.6.2; May k991 i .39 12.00 LS.O i1.U0 9.a❑ 153.5a 82.4i 236.4fi Pn��e a PAGE 9 -ntrs xvx ex�csrr�n is�eauz ii:zo:sv � -, HQTE- 11STSRISK [•= A? LEFT DF CRO55-S8CTi0H NLRfBER IKBiCATES MESSACE IN SLf7RKARY OF ERR6R3 LfSF H01fARI1 Ii . Cl-FA7�G, ACIGi15T 5[3tR�SARY PBINTOiTC TABLE 15U $EQJD 7[L�f SS_p6� .�� IOU.00t} 35.on • isa.uao so.ao 2Ua.Qil❑ SO.OQ iU0.flU4 29il.00 6a�.OQO ?�0.00 aoa.noo zao.av 9U0.00❑ 1Q4.04 1200.flU0 3�0.4� 1550.00P 350.0❑ 1B35.6o9 295_0❑ axss.aao azo_na �dOa.DOa 345.00 ^ 262U.400 iO.U❑ 2750.fl06 138.OD 2752.D04 2.00 ;ppp,Q49 248.60 32be_fl6O 269.0❑ 3430.06D 17a.00 • 36U0.0�0 1'7fl.00 • leoff.6Ua �aO.40 I ELTRD .p4 .60 .00 .a❑ .na .OQ .oa .no .40 .QQ .0� _Op .ov _Oa _aa .o❑ .aa _60 .Ofl .DO _p0 14PEB62 TL:Z0:59 HOWARh H. G7iflHG. 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FdR PR�PQSEF7 CaND�Ti�NS • k{EC-2 kATER SUFtFACE PROFIGHS ' • • VEC510I! 4.5-2; Mdy 199x ' � RLR�! LATE 19FEB02 TIME 11:21:45 • ...a .................�...r,a...+...... • U.5. AkMY L�pitpS pF ENGIHES • HYbROL6f�IC Er!('IN$SRIIJG CEN] • 6fl9 SEt�ONp STitSE7, St3ITE b^ • FAVIS, CAI,IFORHIR 95516-�5e ` t976} 756-1104 �, ar ...........................e...�.. 7( ]( ](xxYxYr 7{?[�[X 7C�](7(7( x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxxx x x x x x x x k x x x � x x xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx � 1 19F&802 11:21:�5 PAC6 1 � "l'}3I5 RLIN FrXEClSTEp 19F�902 11: ] 1:�5 }16C-2 WATER SLIRFACE PiidFILES Versian 4.6.2; ?7ay 1991 T1 BilENA ViSTA CRE6K tJFAR PLAZA CAMINA REAi., P80Pp5EE] SOi Ci.�ARIbiG TZ FOR C7iANNE:L MATNTIIs1MtCE SY CITY OP CARLSBAQ, Sk{FStF HdF1ARL T; HOWARD H. �iRNG, AC1Gif$T 2001 J1 ICHECi[ IHQ NSNV II]IR 5'F'RT' METRIC HVINS Q WS£L F(Z Z 1]_SS ,12 AFPRdF iPL(7T PitFvS 7SSECV XSECfi FN ALLCIC ISW C'i-Q�i'CM ITRACE -1 -1 OT 2 SSU6 85�0 NC O.P35 Q.93S fl,p15 0.1 0.3 %1 65 6 167 �35 GR 2❑ 142 6 167 4 20Q 6 235 CR 24 �60 %1 106 35 35 35 � ](3 10 X2 F50 6 t36 232 5U 5❑ SO GR 15.2 122 7.� 136 4.1 20❑ 7.0 232 GFt 15.9 258 i NC O.o+S 7S1 200 8 l55 253 SD 56 SU CR 19 lOp 18 130 6 155 3 200 GR � 25) 15 265 17 275 NC ❑.Q15 O.Q35 0-D60 %1 4p0 8 i25 2SI 2R❑ �GU 2a9 CR 2O 80 1B Li38 10 I25 8 t57 GR 6 �61 16 28❑ 18 290 7fi 560 9 Lk3 2:4 200 200 20❑ C8 i9 98 1D 113 8 138 3_4 20D CR B 279 16 300 16 348 2a 379 B�Q zz 8.9 6 2 6 � � xs� Z43 24D ZOO 2b1 1 � � � r � xi aoo e ae ��e zon zao zon r„ CR 14 64 6.73 BB 5.33 1k5 5.97 GR 3.87 2Z0 6_p9 �iB 1T.8 253 i � ` 19Fk'862 I1: 21: <5 l . p}C U.fl70 ' HE{ 3 8.Q35 131 D.D7� l9e Q.035 7(�, 90Q 14 13k 2fi2 � 100 100 CR 2� 104 10 120 6 lll rI CR 6 256 8 252 16 2H2 ` NH ; 0.915 121 �.U70 190 �.U33 ](1 1200 10 121 263 30U 30p CR 2i 7S iU ka5 S 1�1 � C�R G 2S4 8 363 16 293 � NF[ 3 Q.035 129 0.67U 190 0.035 X1 1550 9 SZ9 233 350 350 GR 22 45 10 i29 S 15P r GR 6 275 8 233 16 250 : rra a n_oas iis a.n�v i�s o.ass xi �.eas s irs zzz aes ses GR 20.5 86 7.6 115 6.9 I42 � G& 3.x Z�� E.7 222 17 247 NH 3 ❑.a35 SOH 0.070 167 Q.035 X1 7255 7 1D9 235 �20 i2fl GR 20.7 B1 7.5 108 7.2 l36 � GR 7 715 17-7 238 l.A1 3 O_635 717 R.070 179 6.Q35 xS 2fiU8 8 717 221 ]45 ]45 GR 20 92 8.1 117 B_5 156 r" GR 7.7 221 18-6 2d8 20 257 � tiC �.D45 ]Cl 2fi2O 7 117 37k 2Q 26 GR 2a 92 9.1 117 8.5 156 � Clt 18-6 248 26 267 }[1 2750 S le8 �U6 13R 13q GR 18 83 IO IQS 9.2 143 r �� o.o,� HH 3 0_fl35 lae e.�7❑ l6fl Q.035 %1 2752 6 106 26Q ? � � t',H 18 83 10 109 9.2 1�3 CR 18.9 242 �NH 3 q.OSS 24B U.07Q 200 0.035 � K1 3DOU 9 i48 26R 248 248 � GR 18.5 120 18 1�9 lx li8 , CR la 299 17 2fi0 18 275 r ' � ]9pE9b2 11:21:45 i � uH s a.oss ii� a.n�a i�a 9.035 � X1 326Q 6 113 ��a 26� ZFO GR 2D.1 B4 9.1 113 S.7 24] � GR 8.2 20p 16.9 220 24_6 239 r NH 3 Q.035 154 0.07tl 206 a.035 I ](1 393❑ 7� 15� 29a 17R i70 GR 22 57 26 120 LO I5� ` GR 20 2G0 20 2B0 NH 3 9.035 158 0.07p 190 ❑.a35 � ]C2 3660 8 158 219 170 170 • G& 22 133 10 LSB 9 190 ' GR 12 219 20 Z35 2� 2S7 Nfi 3 D.835 ietl 0.0`+❑ �UO O.QSS xi �aoo s iea �as �oo zoa GR za iso iz �an 5.a zoo ' GR �4 29D � B-9 356 100 i.2 1H i13 300 {.5 2H 281 ] SU � 18 aa� Z85 5.B 35E 42a 6.6 267 145 7.6 �Q 6.9 ]36 6.3 356 2 8.2 275 246 10 356 3SU 9.7 286 170 B.5 2i7 770 8.B 240 2uo 11 I51 190 3i2 190 349 140 zai 175 S67 17E 2p❑ 2D0 L5Q 166 17D zan �oa 2i5 3.42 1.7 2fl ; 20 S.5 5.6 5.3 6.S 7.7 ia_� 6.3 7.i 9.7 I if ia 22 �no PAGE 2 200 3Sd 20Q *11 2Q0 1Ha 264 2�0 22l zaz 200 2p0 PAGE 3 174 24D aos 235 1 1 F,9FES47 - 11:2I:45 SEGNO ❑6YTH CWSSL CRIWS NS£4K EG !iV i[& UfASS i.-BANiC EI,£N � Q�,QS QC� Qi{p8 AL08 ACH teR08 YOL 'I�7A it-BASfK ELEV TIF:B VLOB VQi VEi68 %Hf. XHC3i ]CNR HTN ELt�fIR�S SSTA 5LOPS %LC39L XLL7[ 7CLASR EFRIAF, iAC It�ONT COKAR T�Pi�iID FaFi]ST •pROF i a crssv. _iaa csFs�= .�Qa •sEcxv 65.006 GS.Ofl❑ 9•5] 13.53 .64 i3.53 16.23 i.7❑ .�0 .0a 6.D0 8560.0 364.0 7669.6 26fi.4 59.5 589.� 39.❑ .a .0 6.a0 _00 7.19 13.57 S.B1 .�35 .4;5� .035 .00a 4.46 I53_55 .Op5B72 0. 0. 0. 0 � 0 .a4 9i.B0 245•35 •ss�a iaa.ovo ivo_Qnv xa.is aa.xs .00 .no xs.ts 2.31 .16 .Q4 �.aa B500.❑ 396.7 7812.9 29D.4 59.2 621.8 i5.6 .fi .1 6.OD .pp 6.7p 12.56 6.;7 .035 _p35 .fl35 .�a0 4_0� 152.46 .QfliSB9 35. 35. 35. 3 a 0 .OQ 93.74 245,26 "58QJd 15Q.4UU 328D CAb55 SSC'CI�H 15F1•�6 E]LTENOED .68 FEET 1161 HV L74ANGFf3 MpRE THAif lNIiJS 3302 NRRIdING� C9NV6YA2iC� CiW3+1GE flSI['SIPE ❑F ACCEP'FASLS RANC£, 16tATI6 . 1.76 15fl_000 I1.78 15.88 .OD .00 16_72 .64 .t2 .IS 7.20 BSa0.4 2S1_9 75Q�.1 736.[1 6S.S SA5.0 139.} 1.7 _2 7.afl .fl0 4.Oa 7.52 5.2B .Q35 .035 .OSS .9Q0 4_I6 2z2.[ip .001447 5[1• S0. SQ. 3 O � .570 135.95 Z57.95 •SER�Iq 2o0.D0❑ 280.i1a❑ 13.�7 16.07 .00 .O❑ 16.81 .74 .UB .Ok 6.60 B56U_9 525.3 7774.7 199.4 La5.7 11Q1.7 ¢9.9 3.i .4 8.60 .OU 4.47 7.a6 4.�9 .a35 .045 .Q35 .QQfl 3.00 134_O1 .00t822 S0. SLl. SO. 2 p 6 .003 131.72 265.74 •SECNO 4p0.040 466.6a0 14.78 ifi.7B .OU .Ot] 17.2z .43 _38 .O] za.ao 9506.p L93.I 7848.I 458.6 48.9 2474.6 92.5 S.7 7.1 B.U� .42 3.95 5.32 4.55 .035 .Q6p .D35 _Q0� 2.a0 11Q.56 .60k438 �Dfl. 200. 200. 2 ❑ Q .66 17]_35 293.v7 1 19FE8fl2 ti:i1:45 SEQiO i3EPTH CPtSSL CRIHS WSELK &F3 HV }iL QfA55 L-HANA ELEV Q Q[.OS QCfi Q[t08 AIAB A�S AR�S VpL TWA R-SAHK ELEV SIHE VL.�B VC1i VkOS %NL XNpi XSIR 4tTN 6LMTN $SFA SLC7PS xLQBL ]iLCH ]SLQ$R XTRTAL FL7C ILY]HT COi'.Aii 'I'QPWIp Fj�f�ST •SEQ70 6�0.0�4 � 549.600 L7.86 17.25 .00 .�0 17.52 •26 _29 .42 l0.pq 9500.0 235.5 7791.5 972.9 73.2 1874.1 129.5 18.1 2.fl 8.a0 .�1 3.22 4.16 3.65 .Q35 .Q68 .035 .D�a 3.4a 9�.83 .4Qi116 20p. 2p0. Z04. 2 D 6 _�a 237.42 33Q.25 •SEClIp 8911.6U6 BOO.490 14.Q4 t7.9S .60 _Op ]7.75 .28 .22 .01 6.72 8500.0 446.5 7325.7 7a7.8 112.8 17pS.7 171.3 27.$ 3.0 6.U9 .�! 3.96 9.3❑ 4.25 .U15 .05Q .035 .fl90 3.4Z ��.aa .Qp1Q79 iOU. 2fl0. 2Qfl. 2 0 �a .Qii �91.i1 258.I1 I790 [F}3 CAFtP 135EO � � � � k FACE 4 � 0 � v v PAGE � ! l r � s--� 1-" r r i r � r r r r r � i 1 � T i � •S£QIO 9�D . [3qO 960.�06 13.81 17.S1 .OQ .Ua 17.85 .3i .�9 .02 6,Q❑ 85�0.0 53�.6 7575.3 391_4 137.3 158i.� 127.i 3i.9 3.A 8.06 .05 4.06 �.79 3_UB .635 .644 .�35 .000 3.79 103.98 .0�073ti 300. 166. IU4. 2 0 II .Q6 i94.71 3a4.64 i49� rFri CARA LESEI] •s�ro �zay.oa❑ 120�.006 �3.79 17.79 .Op .pp 18.06 .27 .20 .O1 B.OR • 8500.9 770.1 7310.1 �i9.8 203.3 17;8.6 168.2 45.4 S.Q S.�U .07 3.79 i.25 2.SU _p35 .645 .935 ,000 4.04 B8.g8 .Ofl�60L 36[3. 300. 3fl0. Q 0 D .0� 253.50 341_87 I t 90 NH CARO LtSE[3 •SECNO 155D.OD❑ 3342 S�iA:tNI3dC: CQNUEYAt+SCE Q{AHGE Q[7TSI�E OF ACC�PTABLB RANGiS, KFATIO = .67 155a.aU0 14.ii I7.92 .09 .00 i8.S4 .SZ .3A .08 1�.00 H500.a 33li.5 7550.5 519.9 88.8 1282.9 1Z9.0 59.8 �_7 B.pU .Ue 3.72 5.96 4.�2 .�15 .418 .035 .QOU 3.50 1f36.57 .6Q1329 350. 35U. 350. � 0 0 .00 173.11 379.Gg 1496 HH CARD US£o 3 14F88D2 ii:2I-�5 SERAD LIEPTH {.1t5EL CRIL.'S ti5�L3C EG }N i[L QLOSS L-BASIfC ELf.V Q qLOB 04�{ 4Rae AlAB ACFi ARIIe VOi, 'CYIA R-6ANK ELEY TIIiE VLQB VCH VR�B 7CNL XNCFI )(t3R ii'1'IS £IliIN SSTA SiAPE XLDBL ](LCJi 7Ci,68li FTt2IAL IaC ICQNT CaRAR TOPWICI F.NDSi' •S£�a i8;5.9Q0 3�80 CR�SS SEC'!'i43J FS35.Oa E][TE�iOED 1.35 FEET 1835.U0❑ 25.L5 IB.;S .00 .D❑ 18.77 .42 .33 .Ok 7.60 8504.0 615_8 7199.6 69a_S LSfi.7 133Z.5 1S2_5 70.I 7.$ S.7O .lU 3.91 5.40 7.28 .�35 .�45 .Q35 .00O 3.20 e5.B9 .O�Oa991 ZSS. 285- 285. 2 6 6 _pp 'lGI.16 247.p❑ 1490 N}1 CARf) iSSEP •SEQaO 2255.a�O 32Ba CROS$ S£CTSON 2255.00 E](TFaipE¢ i.07 P£E'i Z255.00p 13_47 19.77 .a6 .aO 19.2] .46 .44 .D1 7.50 850Q.D 545.5 7292.3 652.1 124.8 1302.3 147..6 85.7 9.� 7.pp .i2 9.24 5.60 a.f9 .Q}S .047 .035 .n00 5.30 8�_95 .0�1128 a2Q. 62�. 42Q.. 2 O q .n0 153.nS 238.4U 149D NH CRF.O LiSE� •S8Q�E6 2Sp0.a00 2606.8Da k�.Zfi I9.16 .DD _0❑ 29_5S .S1 .44 _02 S.lp 85�0.❑ 614.5 7�0.8.8 83fi.7 i28.6 1179.5 36{_5 47.8 10.5 7.7❑ .d4 4_78 5.48 5.09 .635 .049 .fl3S .90U 6.50 93.76 .UO14B9 345. 345. 145. 2 p 0 .OU 16].96 255.65 •SSQ�Q i624.U00 25iU.060 12.39 14_13 .a0 .OQ 74.72 .53 •U3 .00 8.1❑ esao.a 581.6 7I25.7 792.7 129.2 116a.0 ib5.t 96.5 1Q.6 7.7p .L4 4.50 5.04 q.79 .[f35 .Q45 .035 .U00 S.Sfl 93.70 .p01112 20. � 2O. 24. a ❑ p _0� E62.71 256.�1 •SEQ70 Z750-ODD 328❑ CRDSS SEC7'IQN 2750.Oa FJCTEN37Ep 2.34 FE£T 27S0.6DO 13.04 t9.34 .00 .0❑ 19.91 _57 .18 .4F 10.00 9560.0 526.4 6273.3 L59S.4 133.b 1001.9 ]83.2 102.8 11.L 6.3Q .15 4.59 6_2fi S.GS .075 .045 .�35 .dQO 6.39 &3.a0 _Qa1491 134_ I3�. 130. � 0 6 .00 159_60 242.p0 � 19FE807 11:Z1:45 f7-� 1 FACE 6 PhGE 7 � � SE�O D£PTH LwlSEL CAIWS YFSEWC EG HY HL 4LAS5 L-$ANK $I,Sy ' Q 4L0B QQi QRpB AI.C}8 A¢9 ARDB VOL TWA R-9ANIt ELEV TIHE VI,68 VC}[ VROS XNL ]LNCfi XHR FR'fF EI]iIN SSTi1 ^ SLAP� 7CLOSL ][l.Qi XLQBR ITRIAL I�C IC�OHT C17RAR T�YWIb Y.TipST t49Q NF[ CARO iSSEU •SSQ�fp 2752.ODU 3�80 CR45S S£CTION �75�.00 E]CTFaibEfl 1.35 FEET � 2752.00❑ 13.a5 19.35 .QR .n0 19.42 .56 ,flU ,a0� lo.pp • 850Q.0 635.1 S24i.3 I624.fi 1]3.7 1Qa6.G 283.4 102.9 ll.l 6.]a .75 4.75 6.Z1 5.3x .035 .U46 .035 .OUa S_30 B3.i36 � .�61528 7. 2• 2• 0 p 9 .Ofl 7.59.p0 242.00 ^ 1490 NH CARp ll5£f7 •SET�D 39o0.Q60 ' 3280 CR455 SEC1'IflH 30�0..00 E]CTENL�ED 1.7Q FSEP � 300a.606 12.50 19.7a .QQ .00 20.31 .64 _4i .02 i2.Q6 85�0.0 459.2 7737.5 3l3.3 102.5 i174.D 70.5 lip.7 12_q 12.p0 .36 4_i8 6.56 4.45 .035 .6f5 .035 .Q60 7.20 324.Q0 � .001751 248. 24b. 248. 2 a 0 .d0 �ss.oa 275.Q❑ � 1490 HE3 CAitD US&L �•S£fTfp ;26�.400 }286 CR65S SECTION 32GU.O0 EXTENDE� .11 FEgT' " 325Ci.006 32.01 ?0.21 .QO .OU 20•89 .59 .4S .[ia g.qQ BSflO.fl 829_7 7293.1 367.2 L58.3 1f47.7 84.9 118.9 12.9 IU.90 .17 5.2{ 5.35 7.56 .475 .a47 .D3S .00Q &.�Q 84.0❑ .00173t 26R. 269• �SU. 2 0 0 .6Q lSs.�3 �39.23 ^ Ii96 t3ii CARP U5� •SERFO 3;]d.090 32Ba GZ2U55 SEGTI�N 343U.QU E7[TEHPF31 .�4 PEE'T ^ ]43U.QQ6 31.94 2Q.is .a6 .00 2F.16 .72 .32 .U4 }p.p9 eSp6.0 1�77.f 6809_1 513.4 i88.1 962.6 1I7.7 12f_1 13_5 19.p❑ .37 5.73 7.{37 5.2i .a35 .�48 .035 .000 5.50 206.p6 .Dfl2U69 1'!6. 17fl. 17U. 2 0 0 .oa 173.54 28D.o0 � 149Q NH CARD LfS� •SEddO 3500.60❑ 1 ---, 19F66Di 11:21:95 ppCg g SEg1� AEPTN CFiSEL CRIHS F1S8I.1C EG HV f:i. DLOSS L-9Ai11C ELEV Q QF.08 p03 QRbB AIAS A�1 RR�S VDL Ti�IA [2-SA6F[C HLEN � ;iME V{p8 Vp{ UEt�$ XHL 2SSiLiI %NR i1TN E[14I�3 SSTA SLAPE %[ASL ]Cl,Qi X€ASR ITRIAL IPC IOONT C�DRAB T'flPWI€7 E.TlDSt 3 S Q 1 iN GTiANGEi] MQRE T1iAN iiV IlFS . ^ 3}42 kARNING� CONVSYANCE C}ihNGE D[ITSEA£ aP ACL�PTAHL£ W1NG8, lCRATIP � .62 360a_OOA� 11.68 20.?8 .Qa .�a 22.G6 1.71 .Si .3fl 1a.60 ^ BStla.O 958.4 7QZ5.8 535.8 il[3.3 fi43.6 68.9 128.2 14.1 t2.0(3 .18 8.69 Ia.9Q 7.63 .035 .048 .035 .aa0 S.HO E16.Sfi .oR5417 170. 17�. 170. 2 U 0 ..DD 2OO.i7 236.74 � 149❑ NH CA3tO USED •SEL�iO )800-OQO ' 3381 }[V C}[ATFGE� HpR£ THAH HVIi25 ^ 3685 20 Ti?.EALS ATTEM$'i'Eb FlSEL,LtiiSEL 3693 PRflBA8L8 M;NII+S[k{ SPECIFIC EifFRGY 372U CRITICAI, DEPTF{ ASSi7HEa 3650.UD0 11.61 Z1.�1 si.ai .oa 24.74 3.7� 1.58 .6D 12.0q � SSa4.R 1255.0 5486.4 I1b3.6 3D2_5 368.i 93.1 131_q . 14.5 i3.00 .18 17.37 ]5.51 L2.77 _4}5 .Q48 .n35 .aOD 9.a0 157.47 .a12da2 290. Z�O. Zflfl. 2fi 5 O _p0 75.73 273_Z6 5-12 r r � R � ►- I9FE6a2 1i:�1:aS � I � ................................rr... tiEC-2 WATER SIfRFACE PR�FILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 •��������f��������f�����������k�4���• PAGE 9 THIS R[IH EXECVI'Ep 19FE862 11:21:�6 �� i • t�lpTE- AST�i2ISK ['y AF LEF7 OF CAOSS-SECfION Ml�SBER TNDICA7E5 MESSAG£ IN Si11�4dARY OF £RRORS LIST r HOi�ARh H. CHANG, A5/GL1ST � SLA�Q�fARY PRIH7'OITi' SAHLB 150 �' SEOJ❑ ZLCIi ELTRA ELLC ECMI N Q CtiiS6L CR F WS F7G IO •&S . fi5.A0a .00 .�D _p0 �.60 5500.00 13.53 .OD 26.23 59.7Z 100.000 35.6Q .UD .60 �_OU 65pO.p0 1i.15 _Oa 16.45 tS.99 � � • 15Q.000 50.00 _Od .60 5.10 BSOO.UO 35_Ee .fl0 16_7� i4.47 , 2Dp.a00 SO.p� .00 .6❑ 3.a0 HSOO.�Q 16.a7 .pp 15.81 28.�7 r 400.000 PQO-OU -U❑ .Op 2.00 8500.04 15.79 .06 17.22 14.]8 , 600.00� • 200_00 .00 _�0 S.SO asao_oa 17.26 .QO 17.52 17.16 8A0.00� 20U.0❑ _a0 .ep 3.42 BSDa.00 17.45 .op �7.75 10.79 r 9a6-��8 1�U.U❑ .00 .00 3.7� 9500.UC 17.51 -a0 17.65 7.30 � 72U0.6p❑ 3Q9.pa .fl6 .DO a.UO BSa�.qQ 17.79 .00 1H.86 5.01 r • 1556.Oq❑ 35fl.Q0 .00 .00 3.SU e5p�.fl0 17.92 .60 18.49 i3.29 I IB35.tlUO 285.UG .0� .00 3_2❑ B50a.O0 18.35 .00 18.77 9.92 2255.Ofl0 �20.00 .00 .Qp 5.30 8500.00 iB_77 .00 19.23 11.28 T � 2500•OOU 345.�U .DO .fl0 6.90 850U.9Q 19.16 •QQ 19.69 14.B4 � 2620.00U 20.00 .0❑ _00 6.90 850�.60 14_19 .0� A3.72 73_1� r 2750.000 13U_06 .Ofl _p� 6.3U 8500.0� 19•34 .00 19.9i 14.91 275�.DflO 2.00 .60 .06 5.3❑ BSOO:QD ].9.35 .OD 19.4� 15.18 3008.Da0 �+s.aa .oa .oa 7.20 6500_�� 19.7D .Op 2q.3{ 37.51 r 1�60.090 260.00 .UO .OD 8.2❑ 85p�_ap 24.2k .00 20.8❑ 17.39 3430.DD0 i�a_va .00 .o❑ 8_5a 85�6_p0 20.44 .DO 21.16 20.fi8 • 3GOD.OaO k7D.tlU .00 .pp B.Bfl 85�a.0U 20.ZB .0� �2.00 54.77 r • 3BOO.UOo 2oD.d0 .On ,�6 9.40 SS00.00 21.01 Zl.al 2i.7a i26.62 _ Z 19FE902 1L:21:45 �" � � � f3OWARp H. CFIALEG. AUGUST SUIRSr1RY PRtN7OLiC TABLE I5U � � S6CN0 4 GwSEL bIF�SP AIFI:S7L �LFICWS 7�OPHIb X1.di r 65.Oflo 95Ua.U(1 13.53 .OQ .00 .0❑ 9i•8U .fl0 � 1U0.6U0 8500.DU 14.15 .GD .6Z .Oa 93.74 35.06 ' • 1SO.Opp 850C1.00 15.88 .Q� 1.73 .D❑ 335.95 SO.Oa � l B-�� VQi ARFJ� . a 1 13.57 669.65 1309. 2�.56 726.68 l�5*. 7.6� 11B3.74 2234_ 7.46 1256.i2 1992. 5.32 761b_�3 1937.. �.16 2�75•69 2544. R.30 I96B_73 2568. 4.79 1839-88 31a6_ 4.25 2690.08 3458. 5_96 15tl0.65 233t. 5•46 1651_7❑ 270p. 5.60 7.579.68 2531.• 5.48 t472.58 I206.� 6.04 1474.G2 2346.� 6.26 Y418_70 22p1.: 6.21 f422.94 217�.' d.SB 7]47.01 2431.: G.35 1390.90 2471.: 7.p7 �i68.39 1869.: 10.9Q 8�2.81 1154.! 15.51 560.99 �57.1 PAGS k2 zao.aoa ssvo.flo ic.o� oo .x4 .on i3i.vz so.ao ana.aao eson_oo i�.�a .00 .�i .00 i�a.as aao.00 ^' soo.00a asao.no i�_zs .na .aa .00 z3�.a� avo.aa eoo.ona asaa.ao 1�.4s .ao _zo .00 i9i.ii 2ao.on ---� sva.qo-a BSUQ.00 i�.s1 .00 .os .00 �9a.�i 1na.vo k2�0.00� 8560.00 17.79 .0❑ .�g .00 253.Do 300.p❑ � 1550.004 9500.06 27_92 _Ofl .1� .00 I73.11 ]50.00 � 1B35.00U BSao.o� IB.35 .00 .i3 .00 251.16 295.0fl 2Z55•000 HSa6.0a 18.77 .00 ,;2 .00 153.b< t20.flp 26flU.0a0 850G.60 19•15 .QG .40 .�O 7fik.90 345.90 2620.6fl0 BSOp.OQ 19.19 _p0 .02 .po i62.31 2U.D0 Z�S�.00fl 65ap,66 k9.34 _U❑ .15 .Oa 1S9.fl0 130.Oa � 2752.00� 9500.04 19_3S .op .O1 .60 159.Oo 2.00 � 3D9Q.000 8500.Ci0 l9.7U .60 .35 .00 155.D0 249.0❑ 32fi�.0a0 BSVO.OF! Z0.21 .00 .51 .QO 154.23 260.06 3430.�00 esaa.00 20.44 _p0 .23 .O9 173_9f I70.Dp + 3b0O.000 HSOO.DD 2D.28 .00 -.16 .�� lae.17 170.Up � • ]80�_000 SSn0.00 Z1.U1 .a0 .�3 .OU �5.�3 aaa.00 1 24P£H02 11_23:45 PAGE 1:" 5VlV4ARY ❑F ERR�85 A37i] SYECIRL NOTES --+ WARfiIidG SEC�19= 75a.00G PROPILE= 1 CFSNVEYANC& OiANGE q[fi'STI)8 AOCEPTAStE F.ANGE WARDLING S£CS�O= I55V.Oa[7 PROFILE= I CY]NVHYANC� C7lRHG8 Ot]7'SF17$ ACCEPTABLE RAtfC� .--, WARNING SEQ�fO= 3600_Q(Ifl PROFILE= 1 CONVEYAHCE C�fANGE qLl'CSI�B ACCEPTASLE hRNGF CA[TFION SECNd� 3EOfl.00D PROFILE= 1 QiITICAL DEPTH ASSUI4FT7 CAUTfON SE0�f0= 386�.00Q PRAFFLE= 1 PRflBABLE MINIMUH SFECI�'3C ETIEHGY � CAVIEOH SECTfO• 3806.U00 PR4FILE- 1 2❑ TRIALS A7'TF?SpTED TO BAI.AHCE WSEL � � B-14 0 � � � 4 � r f r--, r Hydrau��� Study and Fluvial M�de�xng for Buena Vista �reek near P�.aza Camxna Real Prepared �vr Dudek & Associates 605 Third 5treet Encinitas, CA 92024 �, r�� ��,Q r� � �,� f ��f.��� G� . ��` �. ��" � o �' �' c � : 2Z 49 � �' �xp'. x r' � �'��, �I v i �- ��,��' aF cAL�F° � Prepared by Howard H. Chang, Ph.D., P.E. No�ember 24�2 - H[]w�iCd H. �h�og P. Q. gax 4492 � CUIlSu�taOtS R��c�o 5anta Fe, CA 42�57 TEL: �858} 75b-9�50 Hydraulie and Hyr�rotagic Engineering F'°'-�� {858} 756-946� � Erasiorr and Sedimentatiarr r i T�sLE oF corrrErrrs � � � �. rnrrxonucTror� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i �r. xvn�oLa�Y ... ...............................................�------••--� � IIi. SELECTIDNQFCHANNELR4llGI-INESS .--•--------•-•--------•-••---•-•---� IV. SC�PE�FHYDRAULICSTUDY_.......----• ..........................•--•-3 � Existing�onditions ..................................................•---3 Vegetation Ciearing from One-Half af the Channet Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 _ �legetation C1Earing frorn �ne-Half of the Channel Bed. in Three Years . . . _ . . . . , _ . . . 4 Vegetation �Iearing frnm �ne-Half vf the Charviet Sed in Fi�e Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -- V. HYDRAULICSTUDYANDSUMMARY�FFmTI]INGS--------------•-----......9 Vi. HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR CHANNEL V�TITH � C�NCRETE CHp►NNEL gED REM�VED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 In&'astru�tureConsideratians---------------------••----••--•-•----------- ll " Hydrauiic and Flood Cantro[ Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i2 VI�. FL[NIAL M(]DELING �F STAEAM CHANNEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 — The l0a-yr Flaod and Fioo� Series in �4�-yr Ti�rte S�a� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ModeiingResultsc�r�Genera2Scaur .................•-•----....._....._.._.15 ^ L��al 5�our at Bt�idge PierslHet�ts - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �7 Tvtal Scaur at Bridge PiersBents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1$ " VI�i. REQUIRED MEASURES FaR CONCRETE LIMIVG REM�Q�AL FROMCHANNELBED ................•--................._._...........18 � REFERENCES.............................................•-•--•---------•.20 LIST�F FFGURES --• ........................................................21 � FIGLrRES � APPEN➢IX A. As-�uilt �lan far the sewer pipe[ine APPENDIX B. In�iitl�utput instructions For the FLWIAL- i 2 snodel ATTACHMENT: DiskeEte cvntaining fhe IiEC-RAS and FLWIAL-12 files ^ i � -, � r � � � � Hydrauli� 5#udy and Flu�ial ll�odeliag for Buena. Vrsta Creek near Piaza Camino Real � �. r�rrRonucT�oN r : The report was prepared %r Dudek and Associates ta present a hydra�zlic study and t�u�ia[ � madeIing flf Buena VisEa Creek near the Plaza Camir�o Rea� Sh�pping Center (see Fig. Ij. The r- ct�ax�net reach ��der co�►sideratiQn is between ti�e 3�ff'erson Street Br�dge and t�te El Camino Reai Bridge. A plan vi�w of the eha�u�el rea�h with designated cha�u�et scations �s sh�wn in Fig. Z, A � series oFcrass sections were selected alo�g the study channei reac�. Impartant loeatio�s a��ng the ct�annel and their res�ecti�e el�aru�+el siativr�s are listed in Table 3. The channel reacl� between t�e r- Soe�th 'Vista Way Bridge and the EI �aEriino Reai Sridge has canerete lining. Most ofthe rema�ning , c�ax�nel b�d is cQ�ered with de�se vegetation, including wet€and pIants su�h as cattai�s, other �rus� r and s�attered trees. V egetatifln growth ha�.s reduced the channel capacity anci it �as raised the coiicern for floading of adjacen# areas. Tfiis s�dy was made to detertnir�e the ftvoding patential and tQ � recommend pro�er meas�res for r�itigaiiQr�_ The t�ydrau�i� madei HEC-RA.S deveiaped by the CI. IS. Army Corps ofEngi�eers was �sed far the hydraulic study. The effecti�e ��RM rtaap ��biished r.. by FEMA far the char�nei �-each is shvw it� Fig. 3. Certain areas nart� af ftce chanrael inciuding � Highway 38 are withirt the 1 QO-yr flovdplain a�carding ro the FIRM map. � r- r- r- •,- •-- r- � � Tat��e I. List of impartant locatians Chanttei statian Nokes feet p+�� Dowr�strea�n �irnit af study D+�S Downstream face of Jeffersan St. Bridge � t+q0 Upsirearn face af ]efferson St. Sric�ge �5�-b0 Dawnstream edge of sewerage pIant 31+5� �€Jpstrearn edge o£sewerage pEaf�t 38+13 �owr�stream face of S. Vista Way Bridge 1 38+54 Upstreazn face a�S. Vista Way Sridge 43+gp Downstream face nfEl CarrtinQ Real 45+12 Upstream face af E� Camino Rea� 47+55 U stream limit vicancrete li�in Buena Vfsta Creek has can�rete lining ai Sauth Vista Way Bridge aiad it ext�nds upstream � 0 c�f El Camino Real B�dge to ��tannel statkQn 4?+SQ. T'his study pro�ides ar► analysis vn the � feasihility and hydrau�ic effects of rema�i�g the con�rete Iining i� charu�el bed. The cor�crete surfaee has a ic�w raugtuless �aeffieient. V�1hi�e remo�ir�g the concrete lir�ng wili prvvide �' en�ironmental enhancement, there also exist the followings con�ems: (I} Channel bed scour may oceur Eo destabiiiz� the existing bar►ic protectian, bridge stru��ures, and � undergrour�d utiiities, if ar�y. (2} Vegetatiaz� grav�rth ar�d assnciated increase in channef rougi�ess may resuit in higher flaod � fe�ei_ The effects af �vncrete lining rem4�a� were studied and mitigation rr�easures for fload �anirat were recommendec�. iI. I-[Y�ROL�GY The l0�-yr flaod is used �y FEMA as the base floo�. The FEMA-adopted base fload discharge For this channel react� 5,54� cfs. III. SELECTIaN QF CHANNEL R�UGHI�FE55 � � Vegetatifln is art im}aonant factor iar cl�anne! roughness which in turn affects the tloQd le�ei. Under existing conditions, �egetatian caverage in the channei bed is less exte�si�e near the JeffersQn ^ St�ee! Bridge �ut i!s density ar�d �zeight ir�crease taward upstream. Channel roughness is related to vegetatinn grawth_ For pliable wettand pla�ts, its resistance to flow (or raugtuxess} a[sa �aries with _ fl�w c�nditians, At iow flow, such pianls stand upr�ght and its resistance ta flow is �ery high. gut at i�igh flows, such as t�e !(�a-yr flvod, t�te �lar�ts will be significan[Iy bent due tn tE�e higher velocity � 2 --, � � � � and greater flow depth. Under su�h cvndi#ions, the f�ow resistance is also reduced. � There are two dominant ty�pes o��egetatian in the channel, freshwater marsh (F1�M) and saut�ern wrllaw scrub (SWS}, as shawn in Fig. �4. Channel roughness is reEated ta �egetation — grawth. Acearding to Megan Enright, Freshwater marsh would reach approximately one-half vf its '__ mature size after 12 rx�onths. In terms of�ensity, FWM would ha�e SQ°fe density after one year, 75% -- after two years, and 1b0% after three years. Far sautf�em wilFow scrut�, it is esti�-cated by Megan . Enrighf t�iat the wi i 1ow species graw to a�erage 5' after ane year, 8' after h�vo years, l 2' at three '�' years, 15' at four years, and 20' ai fi�e years. Full maturc tree height and krunk diazneters wiil nat be ' �rt�t for appraximaiely 10-2D years after �lanting. 5he alsa estimates percent co�er for SWS to he r" 25Q/fl after one year, 4�°/Q a[ twa years, 6�% at ttzree years, 7S�/n c3t �Di�C j�eal"5, and 9U% at five years. � These estirnates can change based upan variabie en�iror�mental conditions. Based on physical � c�aracteristics af these vegetation types, raughness c�efficients, ar n �atues, wera selected as tisted in �'ab[e �. � � r Tab�e 2. Variati�ons of roe�ghness caeff�ients Tirne �eriod Fresh water marsh Southem willaw s�rub Newiy remo�ed �.D35 0.�35 After 1 year 4.045 �.044 A�er 2 years 6.453 �AS 1 ARer 3 years d.OGQ �.�55 After 4 years fl.QfiS 4.061 After S eaxs 0.�70 a.06fi r � " TV. SC�PE OF HYDRAULIC STUDY � , TFie hydraulic study co�ered � �e physical cariditions a I' the charuiel. The first iaur r � conditians and the respecti�e roughncss cae�ficients used for ttiem are described 6elow. � � Existic�g Conditians - Fnr the rr►ost part, the existirig channel bea has aense �egetatian � 3 � growth. The roughness caef�cient, n �alue, has been determir�ed t❑ be in the range fi-orn U.Q4S to 4.D7. The �al�e af 0.�7 is a}�splicable to r-r�ost af the cliannet bed. The channel baz�ks has 1Qwer �egetation density and the n �alue of 0.035 is applicahle. 5elected rnughness coeffi�ients at the channel crass sectior�s are shown �n Fig. 5_ _ Computed 14�-yr water-surface elevations are lisied in Tat�le 3. Vegetatiou Clearing from �ne-Hatf nf the Channe! ged -❑ne alternati�e �'or channel � mainter�ance is tv ctear vegetation from one-t�a�f of the he� widtn. The existing growtt� in the norttiern half af the channel bed �an be reFnoved as illustrated in Fig. b_ The operatian ca�ers khe _ northern half of the channel bed from channel statian 9+04 to 38+00 for a total length af 2,9�4 feet. Selected roughness caef�icients (n �atues} a# the c�ianrsel �ross sectiar�s are also shawn in Fig. 6. The _ roughness coefficient of4.07 is used for areas without �egetation cle�aring and �.035 is used fr�rareas with �egetation rerr�o�ed. The �hanr�el banks ha�e ?ess vegetaiion ar�d the n �a�ue of d.435 is us�d. � Computed I��-yr water-surface ele�afions are Zisied in Ta�le 3. VegetatiQn Clearigg fram Qfle-Half oC #t�e C�an��t Sed in Ti�ree Years - Under t�is -� sce�aria, �egetatian will be remo�ea from the northern half of ti�e �haruieI bed xn three �or�secuti�e -- years. In eact� year, �egetatEon frorr� a third af the narthern half area (or one sixth of the hed width} will be retno�ed. It is assumed that clearing wilI start fram the n�rth bank and it will accur in three -- strigs. At the �ompfeti�n of the three-year eFfort, [he newiy cleared stip I�as t�he lowest raughness coefFcient and older st�i�s )�a�e higher values as s�owr� in Fig. 7. Camputed 1fl0-yr water-suxfa�e � efe�ali�ns are listed in Table 3. Vegetatiau CIeariog frQm Dne-Haif nf t�e C#anoel Bed in Fi�e Years - Under this scer�ario, vegetativn wil� be remQved firo�n t}ze nortt�ern ha�f of the �haru}el hed in fi�e cor�secuti�e `� years. In each year, �egetation frorn a f fth af the nor#hern ha�f area (or one tenth of t}te be� width) will6e remo�ved. ��t is assurt�ed that clearir�g wiil s#art fram the narth 5ank and it wi11 o�cur in five ^ str�ps. At the �ar�`�pletian af the fi�e-year effort, the newly cleared sti}� �as the Iawest rot�ghness caefftcienc and a[der st�i�s ha�e higher �aFues as shov�n xr� Fig. 8, The �Qmputed ��0-yr water- � surface elevations are listed in Tab�e 3. � 4 -, 1 � r � r � Tah4e 3. Surt��t�ary �f corn�uted resuits far t�e ���-yr flaad r- HEC-RAS River; RIVER-1 Reach: Reaeh-1 Prdfile: PF 1 r � � r � �� �� �--- r r r-- r r Reach F2i�er 5ta Plan !�i •h E! �If.S. �Isv �rii.j[,iL:$. �lel.�hnf 'fippV�idih �roud�.;� ..� .r. :�� [�3 .. C�f . '��?Is) �� - . R�' -1 47.55- E�x�Ssting_.. 14.74 T 2fi.53 6.Q7 iS9.41 0.32 Fteac'd�=3 �755._ ,. rio�c��icre.fe _ 12.20 �fi.52 5.24 198.1$ D.25 F3�acti-7 47;-5.���. Fiv�yi�ar'_s'.� td.7fl 26.54 5.14 198.47 U.33 :.-J..p.Y.s-_._...-..- - - � -''�= - - F�g��h-i �" 4T5� tfifee �ears 14.7Q 26.54 6.14 198.4T �1.33 f�ea�r-3 $T5$. ciri�ha�W - t4.70 2E.54 G.d4 198.47 6.33 Reaeh-T 46.42 �xisting 13.90 2$.4T 5.98 241.89 d.3f F��a�-f 46�2 nn�r.�ncrete: tt.90 2fi.40 5.21 2Qt.d6 p.�5 i3 ch-� d�4�. (r�g.Ypars 13.90 2fi.3$ fi.05 201.32 O.�t R.�c�-.f d6.42 ii�ii�e�eai�s�. i3.90 26.38 fi.i35 20i.32 0.31 ��-i 46Q� -- ' an4-tiat� 73.90 25.38 b.QS 26E.32 Q.3� F�e2�:Ctr-.# 451� �xisfing� 12.4U 2a.T4 2�.87 1 i.3a 8q.4s 4.s2 Re�dh-1 45t2 � nncdriuele 70.4a 2s.0[T f7.25 6.5� 84.50 p 29 Reach-i 4512 €s�e yc�ass 12.4p 2G.58 2s.87 f1.51 84.43 4.63 Reach-1 45t2 triree years i2.40 24 58 21.87 13.51 84.4� U.53 Rear.i�-9 451�Z onp-h�tf i2.4❑ 24 58 21.87 11.51 84.43 R.63 Ft -t 4?L5'1 8ridge F�6acti=.'1 43�4�_ Eiii�ftng'.. �` iZ.4a ~ 23.T5 12.58 &4.24 0.72 1�eaGh-1 d390 r�o �anc;e.te 1€}.30 25.56 G.6� E-0.d7 b.30 Reaeh-1 439� fiv�.}+ears t2.d0 22.65 21.87 14.29 84. t 7 0.87 ReacF�-i 439i] ^_�. ih�ee yeais 12.4a �t.98 21.87 15.53 70.95 p.gg Reaeh-i �39U^ oria-F�alF t2.4a 21,87 2f.87 15_76 7[7.63 1.03 Fteach-f 432fl �xisting t].7� 24.42 9.58 719.53 4.52 Reach-9 4324 no.earicreFe� 1fl.1❑ 25.33 7.78 423.88 0.�3 F�each=l q3�� fk� years 11.7D T 23.5f 10.dT t 15.55 fl.59 Reach-t 432� ihcae .yaais 11.74) � 73.20 i0.96 7 f 3.74 0.53 Re..eti-'� 3.32� ane-h;affi_ ti.7Q 23.p1 11.21 ti2.84 4.fi5 R�aef�-1 d234 J Exasling 11.iq 2d.52 8.85 i2Z.$3 ❑.47 Reach-S 4234 Rocanc.rete 1{1.3a 25.26 7.fi1 126.12 [1.38 fteach-i 4?34 ii�e years 13.4p � 23.74 4.59 119.34 0.53 Reacts-1 d234 three years � 1 t. t(] 23.36 14.6� i 17.54 q.5fi fieach-t� d234 ` ane�haff il.ifl 23.i7 10.21 t16.81 U.58 R�aCh-S 4t47. �zisting .. i0.40 24.55 $.56 12S_78 p.qq R�aC�i-1 -0i47 ridcprtic�ete . 9.4p 25.19 7.51 128.5i 0.37 R@a�i d id7 fiyt� year� 14.40 23.17 9.2fi S 22.46 0.56 Reac'h•1 d1�7 lhree ye�r� 10.4p 23.39 5.64 i2iJ.85 4.52 Rea�h-1 4147 oae-half i0 4❑ 23 20 9.83 120.06 p.54 React�-1 4050 Exis[irtig 1Q.5[3 24.45 8.IT i25.37 0.45 Reach-1 4q5p rio cancrete 9 5f7 25.08 7.52 i 29.1fl 0.3fi Reach-1T 4pSfl ~ five years 14.50 23.65 9.5(i 72�.61 0.50 F�earh-t 4054 three years 10.5[} 23.25 9.89 i 18 26 U.53 Reach-iJ d050 one-ltaK t0.5a 23.06 tQ a9 117.12 a.55 Reach-i 395p Exisiing 14.dd 24.67 7.38 'IST.tS 0.38 � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 �+ Ta61e 3(continued}. Ss�mmary nf computed results for the 104-yr flood {� i r� L r r-- r-- r--- r r--- r--- r r-- � r � � Ta�le 3�continued). Sumrriary af computed re�tiits for tt�e ]Od-yr �IQod HEC-FtAS Ri�er: RIVER-1 Reach: Reach-] profile: PF 1["ontir�ued j2eact'� F�iYei'�1� R!a[i': �` �r��f�l:�' ;1+�;5;`E'ie�.' - '� rddi �'ri�il�: 1 _ . .._.. .:_ :, - - - .�..., _ :�' ,. , �.:.. • - - r _ .: ,-�`s-,�-;-;-M . _ :��_:. . ... �.. . _ . . , . �€ � �.. _ . . . .. _.. -•-�..�.--- - � r-- -- _ � i . . i��a i. ��52 � f+�Q �re;ars�,,� fi.�ff ^ 19.90 5.52 759.a0 0.29 a i3 �cJi;� -• �75��� • ifireeye��� -� fi.30 19.65 � 5.82 i53.�0 6.31 q��=; �7.�� �� tiPie:Fsali � 6.34 19.32 6.30 159.00 d,34 Rea�h-1 �7.�U �icisGrig 6.36 20.aS 5.54 159.00 D.28 Reach-1 x75Q nooancre[� 6.30 f9.88 5.$9 159.a6 0.31 Reart�-1 275� firA y@arS 6.30 i9.88 5.89 159.Op U.31 {��aCh-1 �7Sd thr�e,;ye3ss 6.30 19.63 6.06 is9.aa U,32 ea�-1 2i�� l�n�=ti�... . 6.3� 19.31 6.29 159.00 �.34 - -i �fi2D . � ` �i�isSirK}�,. :,f.:„:;, 6.94 20.34 5.4fi 1I5.Q0 0.27 - - • . , •; ; . a�: .:�: , .. £Z��Fi+j _��2'q . {ia �oij�ref�;; .: .` fi_90 l9. T5 5.8 S 1 T 1.D2 a.36 �e.�ii-4 2�20 w fva..Yea ��� 6.9U t9.75 5.81 171.02 0.3d ReaC�=1 f�6�[3 ^ lfitee year� .:. 6.94 19.d8 5.95 tfi5.$9 {i.31 Re�c#-ll 2�2� a�e-�iafF fi.90 19.74 6.14 �61.55 U.32 R�aGi-1 �6E7Q ^ �ki�ting ._; G.9[S 2�.33 5_OD 1 T5.00 0.25 f{���h-1 2�{jQ iiQ:c�pric'�gfe• ., ;. 6.9D 19.74 5.5T t70.92 fl.28 Re�'r,F}-1�_ 2��Gila ,. fiq�:ye�r. •: ' 6.9a i3.T4 5.57 t10.92 0.28 s��a�-a isQo tri"ree. "eais -. fi.94 19.47 5.8U 16fi.fi9 Q.30 Ft�.T-i -- �G00 .-- _ bn'��a�lf. 6.9Q 19.Z1 6.14 t51.1a �.32 ,.:��.T. - - - • R�ach•7 2255 �ias�g . 5.30 19.74 d,T6 155.�4 U.23 Reach-] 2255 Cib Gancre?e 5.34 1925 5.i8 154.D4 U.2fi Reach-1 2255 f'sve years 5.30 t9,25 5.18 t54.04 D.2& Reach-1 2z'S5 Ihree years 5.3U 19.�J 5.3T 153.58 0.27 Reac,krl 2255 ona-.h.a�[ 5.3Q 1fl.75 5.63 153.61 a.28 R�ach-1� 1835 S ~ Eisi"sling:. ._ 3.24 7 9.a9 4.65 t63. i& 0.23 I�e$t�•1 1835 nocnnerete:;:'.'� 320 S8.f3 5.03 i62.19 0_Z5 R6a�fi=� 183�5. Cr�ayvars- :' 3.20 'f8.73 S.U3 3fi2.19 0.25 Re2�ch-1 i835 tti�eeyea�s. 3.20 T8,55 521 161_TO 4.26 Reach-1 1835 ano-half � 3.2U i8.35 5.4d 1b1_16 0.2T Re3tl�-i 155p.~ Eaiistiiij 3.50 ^ 18.49 5.32 176Q6 025 Rearh• 1 i 55Q nti:coRc�ete . 3.56 1 B.2Q 5.65 175.23 0.28 R aeh-1 155b Gye.�var5; .. 3.5� iB.24 5.65 175_23 6.28 ..--.�:. •:..:.•:: .. Re�ch- � 155b fhree. jre2is; _' 3.50 18.07 5.91 i T4.85 0.29 �ieach-'1 S5$4 otin=�iaff 3.50 17.92 6.11 173.24 D.3� Reach-7 120tl Ercisfirig 4 Ofl 18.1❑ 3.93 253.94 0.70 ReaGh-� 12QQ ' na cnricrgte 4.�0 i7,93 4,15 258.13 D.21 Reach-1 12q.0 fiv� year� 4.Of] 17.93 4.15 258.13 a21 Reacfi-1 120❑ th�ee years 4.fl4 f T.88 4.23 256.3p 0 21 Reach-S 12QQ on�half 4.OA 17.81 4.33 253.74 Q.22 Reach-1 9�0 ExisUng 5.7� 1T.58 4.fiS 195.84 0.24 Rea�h-i 90U rin chncrele 3.70 17.55 4.75 i95.26 6.24 Reach-t 9qD f�ve yea�s 3.?0 i7.55 4,75 195.26 fl.24 ReaGh-t 900 !li�ee•qears 3.70 17.5a 4.76 i95.U7 U.24 fieach-1 9d4 ona-haFf 3.10 �7,52 4.82 T94.8p 0.25 � � � Tab�e 3[continued}. 5ur�mary of ccamp�ted res�Its for the 14Q-yr flaod HEC-RA.�, Ri�er: RIVER-1 Reach=Reach-1 Arofle: PF 1([=nntinued _ . ,,. .. . -. �- .-----�-. .. -- _ - - - - _ _ - � .� .. ... ...., . .. . . .. _.: - ilia� ;Riyer�#a :': _F'ta,'ri� - ��ri.Cli'�f :=° `��1�1�5: FS�v� _ w�S;i,: ii¢ _ �t�i Fi qds.�.� �3. = - ::. �`�i.�. . - -- _��� ;_ - _s ' � ; ,� fri� I�eac�;! '�(?0. �cis�i,rtig. - 3.d2 17.48 4.29 197.1J A.22 f;Q' L�=I.. . 0� i���'�cr�t8 ..:... 3.42 17.A7 43S 191.i5 U.22 - __� s:�-.,:'•�; • -� ���} �_: 'tiye�y�ars,� __ 3.d2 i7.47 4.29 i91.15 022 8 � ��{}({ --.s�iae:yeafs...�.:... 3.d2 #7.47 4.29 i9i.95 0.22 �-_�,,� ;:��� . � r� ���ja� _ 3.42 17.47 4.29 i9i.i5 0.�2 .-�x- �`�" _.._ - . ,. �-�-�.-...�._-_..� �.:,� ..;:�:i >: •-. :..'.. ; .• c �t�. , son.: �x��g...:. : a.aa ti�.z7 a.22 2a�.5z o.zz � '� ~ :6iiU;--- - ---. , n _'�o[sr,reZe :' .�' 3.dQ 17.?6 4.23 231.43 4.22 . -+r ��Y: ;�-a�,e-..-y�.�.. ,. �3� C?i � �� p� �� G+?e_Y��►�s ':.:: 3.R17 17.2fi 4.23 237.43 i1.22 _ ".-``' ,.; ' 3.44 i726 4.23 237.d3 �}.22 i��cr►-! , � - fi,'r��yo� . �e�-� ��p -^^ one-h�lf 3.4a ST2& 4.23 237.43 a.Z2 Re�ch-] A00 F�ci�tir�g 2.Q0 56.79 5.35 i73.3I Q.29 F� �S•1 �� y�,�n��f� 2.fl0 1fi.78 5.35 173.33 0.29 -f �(]G. . . �Y�,l+�ais;`,. . �.nfl i6.78 � 5.35 173.33 a.23 • _ _ - - "�y..-. ''�" ; 2.OD ifi.78 5.35 173_33 f1.28 �f- `a[�'I tFi�aei ye3r�,:".:. .: _ :. . „.s. :-�.;>• ;µ�-..: :.:...: F��'�}=1 ,(}D,:. .. i�ti4 ha1�:''.__,<,:''�. 2.�0 1&.T8 5_35 i73.33 4.29 = _ ;:k � ��.�`�;...;''" �;� � __---- ��si�g - ' " 3.OD 16.07 7.Dfi 131.73 D.37 �•1 2�.� ~. nD;c�incf�i9.. .: 3A0 1fi.UT 7.07 131.fi4 0.3T i�ea�h=1 �_ _ --- fve ye3f5., 3.D0 iS.U7 7.p7 43i.S4 fl.37 Ft�aCh-.f. 2qi} --- thfas���r3' .:: '. 3.f14 Sfi.fl7 7.D7 134.5d {�.37 }r�h,i J r�he-hal� :.•..;�: . 3.W iS.�7 7.07 131.fi4 {i.3T p�''ti�i-7 '��13. : -. E-xssUng.:: 4.t4 15.88 7.69 135.92 0.42 R��[r�i'� 1 � ----' ndcoricr�i.e_ .. . 4.iD 15.85 7.7a 135.91 4.42 F��3�'J'+�� '� [3 . f��e ycars' 4.10 15 86 _ 7.7fl _ i35.91 0.42 Rea�R=1 S5q tTir�r�,yn.ars 4. SO 15.86 7.70 135.91 d.42 Reayeh-1 'IS[l. on�lial�_ 4.30 f5.8S T.7U 135.57 0.42' Fte2r�-t 100 Exisfirig 4.00 i4_f5 . 12.88 i2.5fi 93.76 fl.73 RBach-t iO4 no,con'rrefa 4.D0 i4.13 12.fi8 12.59 93,T0 Q.73 Re�ch=i 1UU frv'e ye�rs 4.4� 14.13 i2.58 12.59 93.7� Q.73 .�� � . ��� 4.Q0 i4.13 12.68 12.59 93.70 t}.73 }�� ...=.. d0 Ut�es jj�ars:.: : ... R���e� ��j ' _� p�g-}�j�� _ 4.40 i4.13 12.58 f2.59 _ 93.74 4.73 ge��-� �� �is�yn§. A.DO 13.53 12.GS i3.57 91.B0 0.82 Rea�lr:1 noeariGrete 4.00 13.53 12.SS 13.57 9i.Sfl �.82 �e3cf�-q �� 35ve.years f 4.00 ] 3.53 12.65 t 3.57 94.8� 0.82 R��r�s-1 fi� three years d.00 � 13.53 12.fi5 i3.57 9t.80 4.82 Re2dZ-1 fi5 ' one-Yiatf , q.Q� t3.53 12.65 'l3.57 9i.86 4.82 „a . -,-�� . �, -r � � 0 �-, � --� r ! t r � "- V. �SYDRACILIC STUDY ANI� SUMMARY OF FINDINGS � The hydraulic compu#ation was base�d an the HEC-RAS mvdel de�elo�red by the Li. 5. Army Cotps afEngineers. Compufed water-surface e[e�ativns far the I�a-yr �iovd are summarized in r- i r- r r Tab�e 3. Graphical rese�lts are shawn in Fig. 9. From the �arr�puted resuits, findings of the study are summarized helow. (1 } The I��-y�r t�ood �e�e3 is aba�e the north char�ne� �an�c af Buena Vista Creek for a cansiderabie ehannel length. Cettain areas north ❑f the channel includ�ng Highway 78 are within the 14�-yr floadplain according ta the FIR.M map pubiished by FEMA [see Fig. 3}. Elirrainating �loading af t�e nortC� bar�lc areas wiil require majar clearing and dredging of t�e channe[ bed. This tas�t is autside the scape of �he pres�nt channel mair►tenance project. Portians of the narth har�c are cnnsidered to be le�ees sin�e the outsid� a�-eas are lawer than the f�aod level in the channel. To rt�eet the rec�uirements ft�r flood control, #he [e�ees naed ta be inr�gro�ed and the top e�e�ations need to be � at ieast three feet abo�e the lOD-yr flood Ievet. � (2] The sewage �reahnent plant is lvcated outside the sauth hank of th� char►nei �xarn channel staiion � 27+4p tv statian 32�-fl0. The piani site is separated from the main �hannel by a le�ee. The computed 140-yr flood le�e� for the chanr�el is aba�e the k�p-af-le�ee ele�ation. The plant site is therefore r subject ta flooding. Ta meet the requir�ments for �iood cantral, t�e le�ee needs to be ini�raved and its tap etevatian needs to be at feasi three feet ahove che I Da-yr F�aad le�ei. The scvpe of the present � study does nat is�ciud� flaod pro#e�tion for the sewage treatment plant. � r.. {3} Tt�e existing char�nel bed has �een silted �y sediment and it has dense �egetatian. The computed 100-fload level far the exisiing canditians is �ery clase to ihe top af the sauth channel bank and it r- is aiso abor�e thc south channei �ank at a few iacations as s�iown in Fig. S. The area prane ta I flooding is lo�ated from �hannel station 2?}�a to station 38+4�. The adjacent parking ]ats are � subject to f�ooding but t�ecomputed I OQ-yr [lood [e�ei does not reac� the buiiding naors in the area. Since fiaod watec on the parking lat carries p�llutants ir�t� the chartz�e! to aCfect star�n water quality, � it is �ssential that su�h f�voding be eiiminated. r L� -, (4) Under existing car�ditians, the �0�-yr water surface ex�eeds the top nfthe cvncrete channel between Sauth Vista Way an� El Camino Real as shown in Fig. S. However, the water surface is still contained in the overhank area wit�out i�dodir�g adjacenc paricir�g lats. Haymar Drive and its adjaceni parking lot east of El Camino Rea� is subjec! to flaoding. (5} Vegetation clearing to creat� a pi�ot channel has been suggested as a means far red►scing � f�ooding. A pilot ��ar�nel, say with a width v� 10 feet, wilI result in a s�ight lowering a#'the flaod — le�ei. Howe�er, che effscts are �ery limited. {5} Clearing aFthe dense �egetatian fram SD % af the bed width wiil bring mare substar�tial results � or� the f�ood [e�e2_ The cornputed tlaad [e�ei with tf�is extent of maintenance c�earing wiIi stay � within tk�e south channel bank as shown in Fig. S. The adjacen# parking lats wili be free oFfloading. � (7} Clearing ❑ithe de�ase �egetativn frorn 50 % af t�e hed widtE� in three years will bring results on the #3oad Ie�eL The camputed f�ood le�e3 under this sGenaxio wi I� stay within the south channe� bank � as shown in Fig. 7, except at tFie sewage treatmer�t p[ant_ Howe�er, the water-surface eie�ations are st�ght�y hig�er than the �arresponding ele�ations far the case af �learing in one year. �` (8} Cl�arin� af t}�e dense �egetatian Gom 50 °/A of ttze bed width in �ve years wi�l bring results on ^ t�e flood �e�el in comparison ta the existing conditinns. The corrtputed #�ood le�el under this scenario will stay wit�in the sae�tf� channel banlc as shawn in Fig. S, except at the sewage trea[nnent plant and iE adjacent paricing lot. Hawe�er, the water-surfa�e e�e�ations are slig�tly higher than t}�e correspandsng ele�ations for th� case of c�earing in three years. {g} This channet requires periadicat n�aintenance. tt is assumeci that for the three-yeax and five-year maintenance plans, the operation is carried out e�ery year. Such aperations shanid �e made ir� the � fa�l before ihe rainy season. � � �, �10) The charu�ei bed needs ta �e s�tveyed pet�iodically in �rder t❑ rnvnit�r siit bui�t-up. it is recommended that sur�ey af the ct�acine[ bed be made at the intetval Qf two years and aft�r a major � flaod event_ If tf�e a�era�e siitation at a se�tion ex�eeds z feet, then mair�tenance dredging becomes k� 0 � i l � i I � necessary. For the purpQse af monitoring, posts may �e insta�le� in tt�e channei bed tn track bed ele�atian changes. Fosts may be installed in the �hannel bed at crass sections that are spa�ed at S00 � feet apart. At each cross secti�n, ��e pasts are needed. Readings on the posts need to be recarded at each monitoring inspection at the int�rval Qf two years. W�en the a�verage siltatian at a cross sec�ivn exceeds 2 feet, dredging needs to be rnade tn #he entire channet hed co�ering a channeI rea�h within 254 feet on ea�h side of the cross seckiQn. The dredging wii! not only affect the nortttern half r of the ct�anriel bed but i# may also affect the entire bed width. It is a gaad practice ta maintain an apprvximate�y e�en bed elevation acrass the bed width_ It wo�id be a good idea to include this ,.._ condikio� in the present appli�ation. Qtherwise, a new ap�rlicatson will b� needed to get a pemnit fvr dredging operativn since the scape o£dredg-ing is not lirnited to ihe narthen half�f the channeI bed. � VI. HYDRA[�LIC STL?DY F�R CHANNEL WITH CQNCRETE CHANNEL BED REM�VED � The chan�nel reach from South Vista Way Eridge to El Camino Reat Bridge has existi�g � cancrete �ining. The concrete-lined channel is from channe] station 38+}p ta station 47+54. T't3e feasibiiity and requirements ❑fremoving the existing conerete lining �n the charu�ei bed has heen r studied as described helaw. f r- Iufrastrueture Cans�deratians - In arder ta pra�ide grate�tion far the adjac�nt praperties ar�d tztilities from �atential channel erasian, the existing cancrete barilc protectian should nat be '" remo�ed. Remavin� the cancrete slah an the channe� hed may also aff'ect existing structures and `. utilities. Such cvnsiderations are �isted �elow: r- � - �i} Toe extension far hank pratectian - Because of the patential for channe� bed scaur, the toe Qf � the concrete bank pratectian wil� r�eed tv be ext�ndeci as a�rotectian against potentia� underex�ir�ing. � � (2j Bridge piers �r bents - The South Vista Way Bridge has 16-inch cylindri�al piers aiong the r c�annel centerline. The El Camino Real gridge is supported by 15-inch hents alang tt�e channel centerline. These stntctures are prptected hy the existing cancrete bed; they will be sut�ject ta scaur aRer fhe con�rete slab is remo�ed. �ha�el bed scour at a pier or hent consists af thc general scour .� � and lo�al s�aur. General scaur is related ta sedimcnt transpo�t lar�g the stream cha�uiel. La�at scauz � � � � 11 � is caused hy the str-�a�t�e's abstruction ta flaw. The depths of gerzeral scour and lacal scour are pra�ided in this study. The stabi�ity af these structures as affecte� by scvur will require t�e e�aluatian by other engineers. {3) Utiliiy Lines - A par�ion ofan existing sewer pipetine is �nder the channet hed. The a�-in�h D.I.P. ofthe Buena Vista ot�tfall sewer is encased in channel batt�m j�st beneath tf�e cancrete lining. The as-huilt pian far this sewer pipeline is attac�ed in Appendix A af the repnrt. The partion of the pipelinc under the channel t�ed is near the EF Carruna Real B�idge crossing; it was instai]ed i� the ci�a�el bed €�y cuiting fhe cancrete sla�. The sewer pipeline will be exposed if kh� concrete s�ab is remo�ed, � ardez to a�oid damage ta #he gigeline, the possible measures are as fo�laws: i , � � i. Re}ocatian of thc pipeline ta a southerly new ldcation that is outside #he �hannel bed. � ii. I7e�elap pratective measures ta protective the exposed pipeline against potential �har�rtel bed scaur. iii. Keeping the cancrefe slab co�ering the pipeline but rema�ing Qnly the nther �artiv� nn #he downstream side. Hydrau�ic and FIvod Conirn2 Cnnsiderations - After th� concrefe lining is rernoved from �` the channel bed, dense �egetation is �xpected to de�velop cove�ir�g the entire bed area. Such a change wi11 cause a maj�r increase in channe} rougt�ness and a corres�anding rise of the flvod ie�el. In arder ta tneet t€�e reyuirernents for fload cvntra], t�� following conditiat�s fiom the hydra�lic goint of view are necessary_ {1) The channel reach must siill rr�aintain the capacity for the 100-yr flood. F'lood water a�ert�pping the �oncrcte �arilcs is permitted F�ut it me�st not f�aad adjosning parking Iots. �2} The channel shou�d not cause additional backwater effects vn upstrea.m properties. Ir� ather wards, there shou�d be no increase of the ld4-yr water surface at ihe upstream boundary (channel � -, � slation 47+55}. s '—' (3} Withaut the concrete lining, the channel hed is s�b�ect ta scour. Potential scaur shouid n�t pose a threat to existing u�ilities and struetures. (4] Maintenance oF �egetation and dredging of Ehe charinel bed should he anticipated. dicaurse, nneasures ta mitigate tt�e effects of �oncrete rema�al are subj ect ta the physica! c�anstraints and financial constraint. 12 � � � � The Sc�u#h Vista Way Bridge has a Iimited capacity ta pass flood flaw. In order fv pass the I���y€- f]ood witt�vut overtapping, ihe channel be� rougfiness can not ex��ed 0.445 at the brid�e crossing based an hydrauli� camp�tatian using the HEC-RAS r3nadel. 5ince �hanneI �egetatian can have a I�igh density and therefare a hig�er raughness, the �egetatian witl require rnaintenanc� ��earing at the le�el c�feffort similar Ev the reach downstream of 5auth Vista V�ay. With the chan�ze� raughness maintainecf at 4.4�#S at the hridge crossing and 0.05 in the remainir�g chann�l, it wiil be shown tha� the bridge wi�l pass fhe tOQ-yr floo� ar�d the �00-yr fload witl nat avertop the channe� bank #o flood the parking lots. In order to avaid backwater effe�ts fln the upstream pruperty, #he �ha�el be.� needs to be iawered and channel widt� needs ta be increased at Genain Iocatians as described below. Law�ring af the channel bed arzd widening were de#errr�incd by many #riat c��puter nuzs. It was deternzined that lowering af the be� alone wvuld nat be sufficien# io a�oid a rise o£ the flaad level at �he upstream houndary. Lowering and widening must be appliec� at the same time to achie�e tt�e target fload �e�ei. The width of the existing cancrete-lined chanz�e� is the lar�est at the upstream baundary and it deereases gradualiy t�ward the EI Carr�ino Reat Sr�dge crossin�. C�annet widening at the EI Camino Aeai S�dge �rossing is a rr:easure to lawer the flood le�e1 at the upstream boundary. The madified crvss-se�tianal geametry at the bridge �rassi�cg is shorv� in Fig.t� tagether with the existing crass-seetianal geametry. Basically, this cross se�iion r�ee�s ta �e enlarge� in arder to reduce the hackwater effe�ts u�streazn. With thes� ��anges, the corn�uted water-sutface ele�ation at the upsiream bau.ndary is not hig�Zer than the existing eie�atior�. The enlargement af the chanr►e� cross section at #he E� Camino Real Bridge crossing is alsa constrained by the bridge abutrrients and their foundations. Acearding to the as-6uilt plan for the �r�dge, faundatians of the abutments ha�e sloping piles. The crass-seetianal gevrnetry f4r the er��arged sectic�ra as shown in Fig. 10 is a reetangular in shape with a hed width of 74 feet. To a�aid interference wzth the abutrr�ent foundations, the re�tangular seeti�� can be mo�ed taterally within the given �onstraints T�e required lowering of tt�e channel bed is descril�ed �y the praposed in�ert e�e�at�ons af chanriel hed after �ar��rete lining is remv�ed. The existi�g and praposed in�e�t ele�atinns are given 13 in Table 4. The invert prafiles are shown in Figs. I I ar�d i�. The praposed i��ert ele�ations are slightIy Iower than the existing anes. Most vftI�e Iow�ering �an be ac�ie�ed by remo�ing the existing concrete s�ab. Tabie 4. Existing and propased ci�anne� in�ert ele�atians Ct�anrnel siation In�ert ele�atinn, feet feet Existing Prt��osed Tae of bank protection 38+13 9.7 9.3 3.b 38+54 3.8 �.4 3.4 �4+50 � �.5 9.5 4.5 41+�7 1p.4 9.4 4.5 42+34 � � . } � �. F 5.fl 43+�Q � � .'7 10.1 5.1 �3+9� I�.4 1 a.3 5.3 4�+1 � 12.4 I �.4 5.4 45+42 I 3.9 11.9 6.g 47+55 14.7 I2.2 7.2 `I'�e hydraulics of f#�od flow wiEh the �on�rete lining re�a�ed has also heen mcadeled �sir�g the HEC-RA5 pragra�rt. It was assumed that the downstream chann�l beiow 5outh Vista Way wnuid be maintained follawing the fi�e-year clearir�g pian. Tne cha�net reach after concrete Iining rernoved fram the �f�annel bed wil� be maintained at a le�si such t�at the bed rvugl�ness coefficie�t ,- is 0.45 or lower. �ross-sectiona! pro�les wi� the lowered channel bed and selected raugtu�ess coefficients are shawn in Fig. I 1. The camputed 1 ��-y�r ►�vater-surface eievativr�s for this case are listed in Table 3_ The waier-surface �rvfi�e fvr this case is shawn in Fig 12 with tk�e pro�le for t�e existing conditians. Findings far inis case are described belaw. (1} Rerr3c��ing cvncrete lining an channel bed wili result in �egetatian grawfh and increased char�el 14 raughness. With the specif�ed channet im�ro�ements and maintenance, the channel reach can still maintain the capaci#y for the 10�-yr flood. Flood water wi�l overtvp the cvncrete banks {��t it wiii not cause flaoding vf adjacent parking bt. �2) The c�annel will nat cause additianal hackwater eff�cts on upstream praperties because there will be na in�rease �f the lOQ-�r water surface at the ups#ream baundary (channel siation 47+55j. VII. FLLTVIAt MODELiNG �F STREAM CHANNEL An analysis an the sedimentatian effec#s af remor�ing the cancrete lining has heen made based on flu�ial madeling of channel �hanges during future flavd er�ents. Whsle remo�ing the �oncrete tining wilI pro�iae enviraninenta� enhartcement, there also exists fhe Gor�cern that charu�el bed sca�r may �estabilize the existing bank protection, bridge structures, and u�dergraund utilities, if any. 5treambed scour consists vf generat scour and �acat scour. General s�our is related to the seditxsent suppiied to attd transparted out of a channel reach. Laca! scaur is due tv a lvcal abstruction to flow by a bridge �ierlbent ar abu�nent. To detet-treine general scaur, it is necessary tn consider the sediment supply by f�ow to Ehe channe! rea�h an� sediment rem��al out af ih� rea�h. Sediment deli�ery in the ri�er channet and su�ply ta the subject area are reiated to the flood hydragraph, channel geometry, and sediment charac#eristics, etc. Tr� accvunt far tk�ese factars, it wi l[ req�ire mat�ematical siznu3ation of the hydraulics nf river flaw, se�iment transpart and strearr� c�annel changes far a Iang channel reach. The computer model FLLNIAL-12 (Chang, i 988} was �sed in the study. This rnvdei has ' been Form�lated and de�eZoped For water and sediment rauting in r�atuta� and man-made channeis. The combined effects of flow hydraulics, sedimer�t transport and �i�er chanx�el ct�anges are simulated ` for a gi�en �eriad afflaw. F�r a gi�en flc�od hydrograph, the FLCNIAL made� simulates spatia� and � tempo�al r�ariations in water-surface ele�atian, sedirnent transport and channei geometry. Scour and t f Il of the streaxn bed are �oupled witt� width �ariation in the predictian ofr-i�er �hanriel changes. � Cornputations are #�ased on finite difference appraximatiar►s ta energy and mass canservatian ihat i �� t are re�resen#ati�e of open channel flow, �i�e this modei is for eresd�ble channels, physicaI canstraints, such as bank pra#ection, grade-contral structures and bedrock ouicrap�aings rnay alsa �e specif ed. AppliGations of this model inciude e�a�ua#ivns af general scour at bridg� crossings, sediment deli�ery, channels respvr�ses to aggregate mining, ct�anne[izatifln, and other £actors. T�e 1�Q-yr Flood and Flnnd Series in 1 a�--yr Time Span - In this study, ihe 1�4-yr flood was u$e� together with a flood ser�es representati�e of #�e long-t�rm flaad flow. The 1�0-yr flood hydragraph for the study c�.annel rea�h is shawn in Fig. 12. In ti�e fut�re, one sho�ld expect �azior�s flood e�ents. In #he tirne span of � OQ years, one may expect statisti�ally c�ne flood e�ent exceed'zng th� 1 DO-year flood, two e�ents exceeding the 5(3-year f�vad, fQur e�ents exceeding the �5-year flvad, an� ten e�er�ts exceedir�g the l�-yr flaod, etc. For t�Cis c�arsnel, r�ost ❑f the sedime�t transpart accurs during majc�r floods. Those events less than the 5-yr flnod ha�e �ery limited discharge and hence transport capaci�y; therefare, oniy #hose e�ents equal to or greater than t�e 5-yr flood were include� in the €l�od series far sirt�ulaEion. Fig. 13 shaws a randvm seq�ence of e�ents fQr the l0a- yr time span that was used in the stt�dy. 'I`�e sequenCe of ac�urrence vf these floods is beyond I�urnar� predictir�n, but the ga�tic►�la� arder af flaod e�ents does nat affect the resulis �er#aining tc� the lc�ng-term sedinn�nt deli�ery. Madeii�ig Resuits an Genera� Sca�r - Camputer simulatians for genera� scour were made fvr the 1D0-yr #lood as weF1 as the flc�od series. The sir►�uia�ians were far the stream channel with the �anere#e lining remo�ed and �hannel inr�ert an� width modi�ed as sp�cifed. The simulatiQn study prodt�ced the changes ir� charu�el-bed prQ� Ie and channel cross sections during �he i QO-yr flaad ar�d th�se during the 1 f�Q-yr floac� series. T�ese results are presented in graphi�aI farms in Figs. 14, i S and I b. The de�iation ❑f the channel-hed e�e�ation from the desig-n (initial} b�d ievsl is g�t7�F�� SCDLiI. Sixnulated water-surface and �hanneI-bed pra%le changes along the r�ach for the I d0-yr flvo� are shown in Fig. 14; thase £vr the fIaod series are shown in Fig, i b. Crass-sectionat ct�anges during the �00-yr floac� are exerr�p�ified by those s�own in �'ig. 15. The results of the f�u�ial mt�deling stu�y show that t�e cha€�nel reach with �oncrete lir�ing remo�ed is sub�e�t to rrtild sedi�nent deposition. Ht�we�er, #he chaz�el bed at the 5outh Wiska Way Sridge crassing is subject to generai lf sco�r. The informatian an scaur is needed fvr se]ecting the toe ete�ation for the existing channel hank pratectian as the ban}c tae must entrench beyond the potentiai channel bed scour. In cansideration of the pr�dicted scour pattern at the S�uth Vista Way Bridge crossing, the existing bank pratection needs to he extended to ihe tae ele�ation af 3 f�et, which as ahout 4 feet beyand the general scaur. Far the remaining channei bank, the recaminenaed toe e2e�ation �s faur to five fee# below the praposed channel in�ert. The additional toe e�trenchment beyond �e scour ie�el is recommended as a safety margin against gotential channel hed chartges #hat are unacco�ted for, such as erratic hy�rfl[ogi� �henamenon, bank settlement, �acal scaur, bed forms, etc. The recvrnznended toe e�e�vatians are summari�ed as �isted ir� Tab�e 4. Laeal Scaur at Bridge PierslSents - T'3ae magnitude oflocal scour around hr�dge pierslbents may be estimated using certair� established formulas. �he Federal Highway Administratior� has adapted the following equation (see ��ydraulic Engineerin� Circular N�_ 18 by Richardson, 199�) %r round-nvsed pierslbents or �y[indricat pierslbents. Y�Y, = 2.4 K, Kz {blYi}a.ss Fo.a3 v+rhere Y=�e�th of Ioca� sca�r.r meas�red from the mean be� elevation, in feet; K, = carrectiar� fflr pierlbent nose shape, equal to t for circutar piersl6ents and F.1 for rectangular pierslbents; Kz = correctian factor for angie of attack, eclua! to 1 f�r zero skew; h = �rajecfed pierl6enc �vidth; YI � ap,�roach fiow depth; F= Fraude number = V1JgY,; and V= �et�city af ap�roach flow. t1} The required hydraulic information for this equation are inc[ude�i in tl�e FLUVIAL-12 output with the �ridge in place. The deptt�s of lacal sco�zr at the bricige pierslber�ts were comEputed using Eq. 1. Far the propvsed conditions, pertinent param�ters for tf�e bridge hydraulics were taken from the output 1Fs#ir�gs of FLWIAL-12 for the bridge crassing at ti�e pea.�c discharge. The circular piers ha�e the 17 diarneter of I.33 feet. J3ased c�n these �a�ues, the loca� scaur depth was �om�uted to he 4.$ feet at the pi�rs oI'the South Vista Way Bridge and it is �F.2 f�et at #he bent.s of the Ei Catnina Real Bridge. Tnta! Scour at Bridge PierslBe�ts - Totat scour is the surt� af general sG�ur and local scaur. 5tructura� e�aluation af pierslbents should alsa consider the scour depth. For the 5outh Vista Way Sridge, generai scaur is camputed ta reach the bed e�e�ativrt af 7 feet and the �aca� scour depth is 4.8 feet. The toEal scaur is predicted to reach fhe bed ete►ration flf a�uf 2 feet at t�.e 6ridge piers. For ��� Et Camino Rea� Bridge, generaf scc�ur is insignificant and the lacaI s�nur dept� is 4.2 feet. The total s�aur is predicted Eo reac� the �ed ele�ation vf �.2 feet helow the design b�d le�e1, or 6€'�et in ele�ativn at the bridge piers. VIII. REQU�AE� MEASURES FaR CONCRETE LINING [�EMQVAL FROM CHANNEL SED In order to mitigate I�ydraul�c and sediment effecf.s res►�lti�g €ram rema�ing the car��re1� f ining in channe� bed, the required measures are sumrr�arized belvw: {1 } The chanr�ei in�ert needs to be iowered slightly below the existing in�ert. The recommended invert ele�atiar�s are Iiste� in Tabie 4; t�ey are aiso s�awn in Fig. T I. Mosf of Ehe Iowering �an �e achie�ed with remo�aI of t�e concrete slab. (2) The �hannel needs to he �r�larged at ihe El Caminv Reai gridge crassing as showr� in Fig. i�_ The sloping sidcs wi[1 becamc vertical walls ic, pro�ide a iarger cross-sectional area af f�aw. ihe rectangt�lar crQss section has a width vf 74 feet; it �an �e maved Iaterally within the constra�nt af the bridge abutEnents. This s�art ci�annel rea�h with �ertical hank needs ta l�e cannected #o adjacent rea�hes with s�opping �anks by channel tra�sitians. (3} The tae of t�e cancrete char�el bank needs to �e extendad ta tflwer eievations �aeiow the e�annel in�ert. TI-�e recar�tmended profile af the bank tae is gi�en it� Table �. Toe entrenciunent is a necessary prote�tion for the channel bank. m (�} The piers ara� benis af the exisiing bridges are pratected }�y the existing concrete bed; they will be subj ect to scnur afler the cvn�rete slab is remo�ed. �hannel bed scour at a pier or �ent cansists of general scour and �acal scour. General scour is related ta sediment transport long the stream chanr�el. Local scour is �aused hy the structure's obstru�tion to f1ow. T'otaf scour at the Vista Way Bridge is cornputed t� reach the bed ele�ation of 2 feet a# the bridge piers. This eie�ation is abaut $ feet helow the existing concrete slab surface. Tatal scour is �redicted to rea�h the ele�atian af fi feet at the iaents of the El Camina Real Sridge. Th.is ele�ation is about 6.5 feet helow the exis#ing cQncrete slah surface. The stability of these structures as aff'ected hy scovr wi11 require the e�a�uatian 3�y c�ther engineers. {5} A portion oi the �2-inch D.i.P_ of the Suena Vista outfal� sewer is encased in charutel battam just beneath tne cancrete lining. The pipeli�e segment under the channel bed is near the El Camin� Real Bridge crossir�g; it was installed in the charutel bed by �utting the concrete slah. The sewer pipeiir�e wiil be exposed if the concrete slab is removed. In order to a�oid damage to the pip�line, possib�e nneasures are as fol�ows_ i. Relocatian of the Qipeline lo a soutY�erly new location that is outside the channei bed. ii. Develap pratecti�e measures to pratecti�e the expvsed pi�eline againsi potential channe� bed scour. iii. Keeping the concre#e slab �o�ering the pipeline but remn�ing the ather pnrtifln an the downstream side. �6} Dense �egetatian is expected ta de�elop in tk�e channel bed after concrete iiz�ing is re�naved. C�earing mainter�ance shal! be similar tn the rea�h downstream of the South Vista Way Bridge crossing. Such maintenance e2earing is necessacy far the sake af flaod cantrai. (7) Siltation is expected to occur aiang the channei reach after the concrete Iining remo�al. Periadi� dredging is a requireme�t in vrder to maintain the chaatnel capaci#y for f�aod cnntrat. Se�c}� maintenance dredging can he carried ❑ut in conjun�tion with �egeta#ion cieari�lg. 19 REFERENCES Chang, H. H., Ffuvia! Processes in River Engi�reering, ]ahn Wiiey & Sons, New York, NY, t388, 432 pp. Federal Emergen�y Management Agency, 1997, "Flaad insurance Study, 5an Diegv Caunty, Califomia". Richards�n, E. V., i99�, "E�aluating 5cour at Sridges", Hydraulic Engineering Cir�uiar No. I8, U. S. Dept. af Transpartation, Federal Highway Administrativn. U. S. A�ny Corps ofEngineers, 2001, "HEC-RAS, Ri�er Analysis Syst�m, Apglicatians Guide". � �4 Lr�T oF FIGUREs Fig. I. Location of t�e prQject site Fig. �. Plan view af channel reach with channel sta�ions Fig. 3. T�e effective FIRM map af the chant�e} reac� puhlished by FEMA F�g. 4. Map shvwing �vegetat�on dsstri6utian in channei hy Dude�C ar�� Assaciate� Fig. 5. Channel cross-sectiana� profiles with selected roughness eoefficients fnr ihe existing cvnditions Fig. 6. Char�el cross-sectianal praf ies with seiected rougl�rzess caefficients for r�e�ecatian clearing frvm one half af c�ar�el bed Fig. 7. Channei crass-sectional prvfiles with setected roughness caefficients for vegetation clearing frvm na�t�em half of channel bed in three years Fig. 8. Channel cross-sectiona! prafites with s��ected roughness coeffic�ents fvr vegetation clearing fi'diri ItOI#rieI'i] �1&1 f Q� C�13I�i[�� �?P� iIl �I V� j+�aCS Fig. 9. �amputed water-surface pmfiles for fo►�r case seenarivs Fig. i Q. C�annel enlargement ak El Camirco Real Bridge crossing with cancrete iinir�g rerxao�ed from �hannet k�ec� Fig. 11. Chans�el crass-sectional profiles with selected raug�ess �oefficients far cha�ulel reach with cancrete lining rema�ed fram chanxtel bed Fig. I 2. Channe� beci a�d camputed 1 Q�-yr water-st�r#'ace profiles for exis#ing conditions and for the case wit� cor�crete liniz�g r�maved Fig. 33. Hydrograph of #he 1D�-yr flooci ft�r Buena Vista Creek Fig. 1 Q. Hydragraph of fl�od series in a 100-yr iime span Fig. 15. Simula�ed water-surface and channel hed changes during the �0�-yr flood Fig. I6. Sinrtulated changes in �ross sect�onai geametry at selecte,ci locations Fig. 17. Sirr�ulated r�rater-surface and channel bed changes during fhe #lood series 21 �- � 0 U � �.- a ¢ ❑� �- Y � �--, n � � Q s- , ; �� � Q � � � Z � � W O �%Y � Q L.s.l U �� r � a r � v � � � -� V J ] C ) J ] ] ai � .� c3 W �O �. [�. a] � c.-, O � 0 "� � O � � w i } F � �� !� $ F: �� 1 � t]� , � �� � � 0 .� c� � � v � � � � � 3 � U Cd v i, a� � � U 4-a D 3 � .� � �+, � o+o t� � -- � . 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Simulated changes in crass sectianal geornetry at selected locatians �_ 14Q 160 LB❑ 26D 22R 2A� 26p 20Q Station (ionl�ng downstream). ft SecLinn 3813 Changes au�-i�g ino—yr f3oad Elev., feet 35 30 `�— Iuiiial bed Be� at peak f�oev Bed afier flaod 25 � :... ..:.... .........:.......... . ..... .. ... . ......... 2 C� • .;r. ..........; ..... . ............ ..., . 15 ..... ....:...............�.... • •-'••-............. . ...-- • - - •• .... - II3...:.. • ...:. ..<.. � .. . ........... . •..... 5 iQ0 i20 i4� 16Q 1BQ 2�Q 220 24E} 260 26d 3Qd StaLiat� (lfloking da�rnstxeam), it Sectinn i55D Changes during LQQ—yr €Iood Elev., feet 30 �5 20 15 iQ 5 Q 90 Ii❑ 13� 15Q 17Q 19(} 21d 230 25Q 27❑ 29U S►ataon (looking [�ownsiream�. ft �'ig. I b�conEi�ued}. Si�nulafed changes in cross sectiona� geame#ry at selected locatians a : c� � � � � -� 4J � ..� � � d.? � � � cd p" 'd -� � a .� q � � ;� w � -� �i �e � '� � a A � ..................:............. .� -• ...........;........... .. 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As-bui3t plan fnr the sewer pipeline i i � _� , , _ _� ; . _:�_ i", f_..: � t..� �PR�fILE SCALE-��R: �=4fl- VER: I'= 4� - -�- � � , �� . ..� . . �,� -3 -�� - I �. - ��T ! •�-I . �1'�y � � �� # f SI' . f . � � . � !., _ !1 . ki t _ .. � ' =� : ' � _ � -- - - - -- - - -`.: �=,— - - -_ _ ►-- ��, � � _ _ � _ L� � ;+� Li ; ; � • , ;_ , , � •.. . _ i." ` -- - F=-i--��= - _ - ;- -- : �. �•-:�--;i� : �i.. � . . { i , _ - _ �� _ � _.!_} _ -_��-��-I_1_� , . ; - - - ' - �i" �� -��:. I -� � i : _E . . 1� - _ ! �i.__ . - - - _..--'--F--*�� -t� �- - �;•_ �� � r � - i� - - - : _ _ _ ,� � �• f t .� -�r�- _ i � �� { _ . ..i _�� - .!'-�_ -{i� .!' �.r.� T , � i-� - _ � F- - - �- - - _ _. � . �_.}' :�_ `�. ;�"F - .! . _- � i � � . • �� _ s�_i' . 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I 3 Ins�aJl P:pr. •'.'• �Y r ~A J i.0 1� 5. .l = '�:.. r I s. tnY�al� �'s dar� E rt'e /fi ..,�y:. x.�la.x.. �`-. ��: - .: . - - - i ��.�E�n,:,��, �: -: ., � �ITY �F VlSTA � ' s. Errs�.:y ccr�refr a�rrSrres fc.kjor..cd �. cxunnd •- � �� } � � iSS nc�v mnertfr s/�I' dc fY�r�mvA?rSr GH� � c.�anrd6y.zz�d6krs�rnqa.y7rnar��yw!/.F �.{ j PLAItS FOft 3FiE CaKSTRUCTION OF ,i Epvxy�.r�carrpaw.djuslpr�rrm ' �e1lGtL�l =•'-1. t`s �t 6UEHA VISTA �REEK OifTFAL� SEVYE�i P,6cr.�rn� a� rreK- cnrxr �r. _, � PHAS � II , 3 •�-ti ` i B�. �, i G£nd Erreadr+erf af {r'r^���in�brr�p.r� ' 7A ys Q 4 4o STA E fl� + 3� ' � �i�nnrl do�/om. .rf ' T E$� i N C. C � 7, C crefe sur{yc� ih Lr�i�r n 4 S/ee1 d1� � . WAY [ ,491 Z@Z� � 4 e.�- � ; Yrowd {inish. '3 �� � i o E T A i L � •-.�.•- � E�}CA5E�v1E�1i iN CFiAN�lEL BQT ��-� .�,�. ���198 i �6�x o03. � 1 .[.H. 1�-84 R.3L 6M,1 . APPENDIX �3. INPUTIQUTPUT I]ESCItIPTInNS F�R FLUVIAI..-I2 l, dNPUT DESCRIPTI�N The 6asic data reguirements for a mode�ing study inckude { 1} topographic maps ❑f the ri�er reach Garrt the dawnstream end t� the upstream end af study, �2} digitiaed data for �ross sections in the HEC-2 farmat w�th crnss-sectionai lacations shown on the accarnpanying topagraphic maps, {3} flaw re�ords ar #load hydragraphs and #heir Wariatians aIvng the study stream rea�h, it an.y, and (4� size distributians of sedimen# samples atong the study reach. Additi�nal daEa are required far special feate�res of a study ri�er reach. The HEC-2 format for input data is used in aII ��rsivns of the FLWIAL mode�. Data records far HEC-2 pertaining ta cross-sectional geometry {XI and GR), jo� title �TI, T2, and T3}, as�d end o€'j�� �ET}, are used in the FLWIAL mndel. If a HEC-� data itte is a�aitable, it is nat necessary io delete tf�e e�n�sed re�ords except that the inf'ormatia€� they c�ntain are nat used in the cc�rnputatian. Far the purpose of waler- and sediment-r�uting, add'ttior►a� daia pertaining #o sediment characieristiGs, ilo�d hydrograph, etc., are requirec� and su�piied by ather data reccsrds, 5equential arrangement of data recorr�s are gi�en in th� foIlowing. Recr�rcis T I ,T2,T3 G1 G� G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 �S GB GQ GI 3Z ] Des�riptian of Record Type Title Rec�rds General Use Record General Use Recards for Hydr�graphs Generaf €,�se Recard Generai Use Record far Sslected Crass-Sectionat Output General LTs� Recard General Use Record for Se}ecting Times for S�mmary Qutput General Use RecQrd for Speci fying Erasia� Resistant Bed Layer General Use Re�ards for Initial Sediment Co�positions Generai �{.3se Re�flrds for Time Variatian flf Sase-Le�el General Use Records far Stage-Discharge Reiation vf I3owr�stream Section General Use Records for Time Variatior� ❑f S�dirnent Inf�ow �ross-5e�tionai Record XF Recard fflr Specifyirag Specia] Features of a Crass Section GR Recard far Ground Pra �i le vf a Cross Section SB Recard for Special Bridge Routir�e ST Recard fc�r Bridge Deck De#ination E3 End af ]ai� Ree€�rd Variahle locatians for eac� input recard are shown hy the f eld number. Each rec�rd has a.n input format vf tA2, FS.q, 9F8.0). Field Q occupying colwnr�s t and 2 is reserved far the re�uired recard identificatipn characters. Field � accupies �aiumr�s 3 t� 8; Fields 2 to 1� accupy 8 columns each. The data recor�s are tabulated and deserihed in the folltiwir�g_ Ti, T2, T3 Recor�s - These #hree recards are tit�e recards that are required for ea�h jah. I• Field Variabie Value Q LA T1 1-10 Nane Description Record ideniification characters Numhers and al�harne3-ic characters for titIe Gl Re�ard - This rec�rd is required far each }ob, used to en#er the genera� parameters lis#ed bei�w. This reeord is pIaced right aRer the Tt, T2, and T3 recards, Field VariahIe Va1ue Descripiion fl IA G 1 Record identification characiers 1 TYME + 5tarting time of camputation an the hydrograph, in hours 2 ETIME + Ending tirrxe af camputation on the hydrograph, in haurs 3 DTMAX + Maximum tir�e incr�ment ❑t allnwed, in secQnds 4 ISED 1 5elsct Gra#'s sediment transport equatinn. 2 SeIect Yang's unit streatn power equation. The se�iment size is hetween QOb3 and � Q mm. 3 Seiect Engelund-Hansen sediment equation. 4 S�lect Parker gra�ei equation. S 5elect Ackers-White sediment equatian. b Select Meyer-Peter Mu�ier equation far bed load. 5 BEF + Sank erodibi�ity factor far the study reach. This �alue is used for eac� section unless otherwise spe�ifed in Field 9 of the �F record. Use 1 for �ighly erodible bar�cs; �.S far moderateiy erodi- hte banks; an� �.2 #'or ernsion-resistant hanks. Any �alue hetwee� 0 and 1 may he used. 6 IUC a English units are used in input and output. 1 Metric units are used in ir�pnt and output. 7 CNN + Marining's n yalue for the study rea�h. T�.is �alue is used far a sec- � tic�n unless otherwise specified in Field �4 of the �F' re�ord. If hed � roughness is camputed based upon allu�ial bedforc��s as specif e� in Field 5 of fhe G3 recar�, anly an appraximate n va1�e needs to he entered here. 8 PTM1 + First time paint �n hours on the hydrograph at w�ich summary out- pu� and corr�piete cross-sectianal o�tput are requested. I# is usually i. a � 1Q the pealc time, but it may ba left blank if no ouipu# is requested. PTM2 + 5econd #ime point on t�e hyd�ograph in ha�rs at which surrur�ary o�tput and camplete �ross-sectional ❑utp�t are requested, It is us�a�ly the tirne just befvre t�e end of khe simu�ation. 'i�is fetd may �re leR blank if no output is needed. KPF + Frequency �f printing s�mmary a�tput, in number af #ime steps. The default �alt�e is l. G2 Records - These racvrds are requirec� �'or each job, used to defne t�� flow �y�rograph{s} in the chantiei reach. The first a�e {or two3 G� recc�rds are used to define the spatiai �ariation in waiec discharge along the reach; the succeeding anes are ernplayec� to de�ne the time varaation{s) af #he discharge. Up to 14 hydragraphs, with a rnaximum of 124 paints fQr each, are curreni�y dimensioned. See sectior� Ii for tributaries. These reeords are pIaced after !he GI r�cord. FieId Variable Va��e ❑escriptio€� Ftrst G2 g IA G2 R�cord idenii fication chara�ters 1 IHPI + N�.unber of �ast crvss section using the first (downstream most} 2 NPi + 3 IHP2 + 4 NP2 + 5 IHP3 + 5 Np3 + 7 IHP4 + g Np�4 + hydrr�graph. The r�ttmber �f sectian is cou�ted fram dawnstreart� to upstream with the downstream se�tion number beis-�g vne. See a�so sectior� II. Nurnber af pQints cannected by straight segr�ents used ta d��ne the f rst �ydrograph. Numher af last section using tF�e seeond hydrag�-aph if any. �therwise lea�e it hIanlc. Num��r of points use� to de�ne the se�ond hydre�graph iiany. �therwise lea�e it �Iar�Ec. Numher af iast section using the third i�ydrv�rapH if any. �therwise lea�e it �Iank. Number af points used to def �e the third hydragra�ah if any. Dtherwise lea�e it bIank. Num�er of last section using the fnurth ttydrograph if any. qtherwise iea�e it blank. Numher af poir�ts used to deftne t�e four�h hydrag3raph if any. �therwise lea�e it �lank. : � 9 IHPS + N�m�er �f last sectian using the fifth hydrograp}� if any. 4iherwise �ea�e it blanlc. 1Q NP5 + Number af points used to define the fftt� hydragraph if any. Dtherwise lea�e it blarLk. 5econd G2: Note that �his recdrd is used oniy if more ihan 5 hydrographs are e�se� for the jah. It is necessary ta p�ace a negati�e sign in front of IVFS located in the lOth �ield of the first G2 record as a means to specify that mare than 5 hydrographs are used. 0 IA G2 Record identi fication characters 1 IHP6 + Number af last crass section using the sixth hydragraph if any. C3therwise leave it bla.nk. 2 NP5 + Number af points �onnected by straigl�t segments used tv def ne - the sixth hydragraph if any. �ti�erwise lea�e it blank. 3 II-�P7 + Number of last sectian using the se�enth hydrograph if any. ntherwise iea�e it blank. 4 NP7 + Number of pairtts used to define the se�enth hydrngraph 5 THP8 + Number af last section using the eighth hydragraph if any. DEherwise Iea�e it t�lank. ` 5 NP`S + Numlaer of points used ta de�ne the eighth hydragraph 7 IHPg + Number nf last section using the ninth �ydragraph ifany. Qtherwise leave it blank. . S Np9 + Number af points used to define the ninih hy�ragraph t , � iHP I Q + Number Qf` last section using thc tenth hydragraph if any. � �therwise lea�e it blan.k. i D NP 1� + Number of pvints t�sed ta deFine the tenth hydrogra�h � Suc�eeding G2 1�tecord�s} ? 1 Q11, Q23 + Discharge coordinate ❑fpvint 1 for each hydrograph, , Q31 in R31sec or m3lsec 2 TM11,TM2t + 7ime coardinate afpoint i for each hydrQ�raph, xn hours . TM31 � 3 Q12, Q22 + I7is�harge coordinate of point 2 for each hydrogra�h, in cfs or �ms � Q32 ; S-4 4 TMt 2,TM2� + Time �ovrdinate of point 2 for ea�h hydrograph, in hours TM32 Cantinue with additional discharge and time �aordinates. Note thai time coordinates must be in increasing order. G3 Recard - T1ais record is used to defzne required and optionaI ri�er c�annel fearures for a job as listed helaw. This re�ard is placed aRer ihe G2 recards. Field Variable Value Descripkion � IA G3 Record identification characters t S11 + Sto�e of the downstream sectip�, required for a joh 2 SSP Q �ne-on-ane slope for rigid bank or bank pratec#ion + 5lo�e afk�ank prQtectian in BSP hori2ontaI units on 1�ertica] unil. In the case of �ertical bank, use O.flS far BSP. This �alue is used f�r all crass sectians unIess otherwise specified in Field 8 aftne XF record fvr a section. 3 DSDP q Downstream slape is allowed kfl vary during simulation. 1 Downstream slope is f xed at S 1 t gi�en in Field 1. 4 TEMP � Water temperature is 15°C. + Water temperature in degrees Celsius 5 ICNN d Manning's r� de�ned in Fieid 7 of the G1 record or those in Field 4 ❑fthe XF rec�rds are used. i Brownlie's formu�a far allu�ial bed roughness is used to cal�ulal� Manning's n in the sirnulation. b TDZAMA � Thi�kness af eraaibie bed layer is lOQ ft(3ti.5 m). + Thickness of erodible bed layer in ft �rr tn. This value is applied to the entire channei reach but it may be redefined Tor a section using Field 10 of the �CF record. 7 SPGV 0 Spe�i�i� gra�ity afsediment is 2.55. + SpeciCc gra�ity ofsedimerrt 8 KGS � The nurnber of size fi-actions for bed material is 5. + TY�e number �f size Gactions f�r bed materiat. It maximum �alue is $. 9 PHT 0 The angle of repose for bed ma#erial is 36°. + AngIe of repose far bed materia! : . G4 Record - T'f�is is an op#iar�ai record used to se�ect crass sections (up to 4) to be included at each summary autput. Each cross section is ide�zti�ed hy its num�er v��hich is caunted frorn the downstream seeti�n. This recvrd also c�ntains ather optians; it is placed aRer the G3 recorc�. Field Variable Vaiue Descripfio� fl IA G4 Record identif-�cation characters 1 iPLTI + Number af cross se�tinn 2 IPLT2 + N�mher of cross section 3 �PLT3 + Number af cross sectian 4 IPLT4 + Ntamher of crQss section 5 iEXCAV + A pasiti�e integer indicates nurnher of crass se�tian where sandlgra�el exca�ation uccurs. 6 G�FAC + A non-zero constant is used to rrtodify sediment inflow at the npstream section. 7 PZMIN 0 Minimum bed prc�file during sirnuiatian run is not requested. 1 Qutpuk file entitled TZMTN far minimum hed prafile is requested. i 4 REXCAV + A nan-zeza �a�ue specifies rate ❑f sandlgra�el exca�atian at 5ection IE�CAV. G5 Record - This is an optaonal rec�rd used to specify mis�e�laneaus optians, inc€uding unsteady-flaw routing #'or the �fl� based upon ti�e dynamic wa�e, bend flow characte�isti�s. If t�e �nsteady flaw option is not used, the waler-surfa�e pra�le for each time step is camp�ted using the standard-step methad. When the unsteady #�aw aption is �sed, the downstream water-surface ele�ation must be spe�ified using tl�e GB recards. Fie1d Yariable Value Descriptinn p IA G5 Record identifica#ion characters 1 DT � The first time step is 1 Ud seconds. + 5ize af the �rst time step in seeonds. � IRflUT � Unsteady water routing is not used; water-surfa�� profiles are com- puted �sing standard-step method. 1 Unsteady water-rvuting based upon the dynamzc wa�e is used ta c�i�pute stages and water discharges at ali crass s�ctians far eac� :. � tiii7� 5t��7. � 0 3 PQSS 5 TSED 5 FTV 4 N❑ autput of gradation o� sediment laad 3 Gradation ofseditnent load is included in output in 1,00� ppm by weight. 0 Rafe af tributary sediment inflaw is 1 times the dis�harge ratia. + Rate oftributary sediment inf�aw is TSED times the dis�harge ratio. a Nv autput of trans�erse distributian of degth-a�eraged �elacity 1 Trans�erse distrik�u#ion of depth-a�eraged �elo�ity is printed. The �ve}acity distributiQn is fur ben�is with fully de�e�oped trans�erse noW. I� DYMAX 0 Nfl GR pain#s are insertad for �rvss sections. +_ Maximum value af spacing between adjacent paints at a cr�ss section (ft ar r�}. If this �alue is exceeded, intermediate poir�ts will i�e inserted by interpalatinn. The numher of goinis inserted is gi�en in Field t 0 aF the X3 recard in autput. GS Re�ord - This is an optionat record used tv seiect time points for sum.mary vutput_ LIp to 34 tirne paints may he speci f ed. The priniing frequency (KPF} in Fie�d 10 nf t�e G 1 Record may be suppresse� by using a iarge numher su�h as 9999. Field Variahte Value Descriptian First G6 Recard 0 IA G6 Record identifcafion characters 1 NKPS + Numher of time points Succeeding GC Re�ord�s} Q IA Gb Record identi�catian chaxacters 1 SPTM(I} + First time point, in hours 2 SPTM(2) + Secand time poir�t, in hours Coniinue with additio�al time points. G7 Recard - This is an aptianal record used ta specify erasi�n resistant bed Iayer, such as a cafiche layer, thaf has a �ower raEe qf erQsian. Field Varia�te Yalue Description : a First G7 Recvrd 0 IA G7 1 KG7 + z THI��C + Succec;ding G7 Recard(s} p IA G7 1 ERATE{ � ) + Z G7V{2] + Record identifcation �haracters N�mber of t�me �vints used ta d�fine the known erasion rate in relatian tv flow �elacity Thickness af erasion resistank layer, in feet Recard identificatian charac#ers Erasian rate, in feet per hour Velocity, in feei per secand Cofltinue with additional time poir�ts. G5 Record - At �east tu+o GS records are required for each joh, used to s�e�i£y initial be.�.- mater�al catnpasitions in the chanz-►el at the downstreatn and upstream cross sectiQns. The frst GS recard is fvr the downstream section; i# s�Cauld be plac�d b�fore the �rst XI record and after the �4 record, if any. The secor�d �S recard is for the upstream sectivn; it shtiuld be pla�ed after al1 �rvss-sectianal c�afa and j�st before the E3 recard. Additiona� G5 recards may t�e inserted be�ween twQ cross s�ctians within the stream reach, with the tatal nurnber of G5 recards not to exceed � 5. Each G5 reeord sgecif es the sediment comgasition at the crass sectivn la�ated before the record. Fram u�siream ta downsEream, exponer�liat decay in sediment sixe is assumed for the i�itia� distribution. 5ediment camposition at eac� section is represented �y f�e size fi�ctions. Fietd Variable Value � IA 1 DFF 2 PC Des�riptia� Recard identificatic�n characters C�� Geometri� mean diameter �f th� smaltest size frac#ion in �nm + Fraction af 6ed ma#eria� in this size range + �Qntinue with other DFF's and PC's. GB Reeards - These optiQnal recards are ►�sed t� define ti�ne �ariatian of stage (water-surfac� eie�atior�} at a crass section. Th� first set af GB r�cards is ptaced befare aIl crass se�tion re�ords {� 1}; it speci�es tl�e dawnstream stage. When the GB optian is used, it supersedes a#her tnethods for deterr�ining the dawnstream s#age. �3ther sets of GS recc�rds rr�ay he placed in other parts of the data set; eact� speci%es the t�me �ariatian af stage for the crass sectifln imri�ediately fatlowing the GS recards_ Field Variabie Vale�e Descripti�u :: First GB Recvr� p IA GB 1 KJ3L + Succeedi�g GS Recard�s} 4 IA GB 1 BSLL{l} + Sase level af paint 1, in R ar m 2 TMBL�1 } + Time conrdinate of paint 1, in hours 3 BSLL(2} + Ease ]e�el af point 2, in ft or m �4 TMBL{2} + Time coordinate of point 2, in hours Continue with additian�i ele�aiions and time caordinates, in the increasing order af iime. � GQ Recflrds - T�ese aptional records are used to define stage-discharge relation at the dawnstream sectian. T�e GQ input data may not used toge#her with the GB records. Fieid V ariable V alue Ferst GQ Re�urd � IA GQ Recard identificatian characters Numh�r o£paints used ta define base-ie�el changes Record identificatian characters Descriptin� Recard identifi�ali�n characters 1 KQL �- Number af points �sed to define base-le�e1 changes 5ucceeding GQ Re�ord{s) Q IA GQ Record identification �haracters 1 B5LL�1 } + Base le�el af point 1, in ft or m � TMQ� 1} + Disc�arge of point l, in �fs or cros 3 BSLL�2) + Base le�el af point 2, in ft ar m 4 TMQ��} + Dischazge of gaint 2, in cfs or cros Caniinue with a�iditiana� ele�atians and discharges, in the increasing arder o£ discharge. GI Recards - T��se vptional recards are used to define time �ariation of'sediment discharge entering the study reach t�rou$h the upstream cross section. The GI inp�t data, if in�luded, wii� s►apersede ather methods far determ�ning seditnent in�law. The sediment inilavv is classif ed into the two following cases: tl} specified inflow at fhe upsiream secfion, suc� as �y a rating cuzve; .. and (2} sedime�t feeding, such as from a dambreach or a sediment feeder. These twa �ases are distinguished by DXU in Field 2❑ithis re�ord. �'dr the frst case, sediment discharge at the upstream section is comp�ated using size fractians �f bed-material at the section, but for khe second case, the sixe fraciiqns of feeding material need to be specified using th� PCU �alues in this record. The upstream section daes nat change in geometry far the first cas� but it rnay ur�derga scaur �r � 11 for the second case. Fieid Variab�e Value First GI Record � iA GT I KGI 2 nxu 3-I4 PCU Description Recard identi�catian charaGters + Number of points used to de�ne time �ariatian of sediment inf�ow. + or � Cha�nel distance naeasured fram the upstream sectian to the sediment source. A zero �aiue signif es case ]; ar�d non-zero DXC] - and KGI signify �ase 2, for which PCll �alues are required. + Size firactions of inflow ma#erial. The nutnher of si�e fractiflns is gi�en ir� Fieid 8 af the G3 re�ord and the sizes for the fra�tians are gi�en in the secand GS recnrd. Succeedin� Gi Record(s) � IA GI 1 Qsv�i} + Recorci identi f cation characters Sediment dis�harge of point 1, in cuhic ft ar m�net �alume) per $�o�,a 2 TMGI(1} + Ti�ne coordi�nate of point 1, in hours 3 QS�[2} + Sediment discharge nf point 2 4 TMGI(2} + Time coordinate vf point 2. Cantinue with additional sediment discharges and titne �oordina#es, in the in�reasing order af time coordinates. Xl lZecard -'This record is req�ired far each crass section (115 cross sectians can be used for the study �each}; it is used to speci fy the crass-sectianal geametry and prvgrarn aptians app�icable t� that cross-sectian. Cross sections are a�rranged in sequer�tial arder starting fram d.awnstream. Field Varia5le Value Description D TA Xl Re�ard identi�cation characters � 1 SECNO + Qriginal sectipn nurr►ber from tt�e map : � 2 Tip + 7 DX + 8 YFAC 9 PXSECE Tatal number af stativr�s ar paints vn the next GR re�ards for CELLT�i7t CCdSS S�C�l�fl Length of rea�h between current crass sectian anc� th� next �own- stream section along the thalweg, in Feet vr meters 0 Crass-sectian stations are nat modif�ed by the fa�tvr YFAC. + Factor by whi�h ali crass-se�tion stations are rnultipIied #� increase ar decrease area. It atso mu[tiplies Y�i, YC2 and CPC in the XF' recard, and applies to the CI record. U Verticai or 2 coordinate of GR points are nat madified. + Cvnstant hy whick� a11 crass-se�tion eIe�ations are raised or Zowered • 10 N�DA Q Cross section is s�bject to change. 1 Cross section is not suk�ject to chang�. �F Itecarr! - This is an optional recard used to ��ecify special features af a �r�ss sectian. Field Variable Value ries�ription 0 IA � Record identi�cation characters � YCi 2 YC2 . �. 3 R.AD � CN D Regular ero�ihle left bank + Station of rigid left bank in ft ar m, ta the le�t of which channel is nanerodible. Note: This station is lacated at toe of rigid bank; its �aIue must be ntin-zera and must }�e equat to or�e of the Y cnar- dinates in GR recards but nnt the first Y coardinate. 0 Regular eradible right bank Statior� of rigici right bar►k, tfl the right af which chanmel is non- erodible. N�te: This station is lacate� at toe airigid hanlc; its �aiue must be eyual ta one vf the Y coQrdinates in GR recards but n�# the �ast Y coardinate. 0 5traight char�nel with zero curvatw-e + Radius ❑f curvature at �nannel centeriine in ft ar m. Center vf radius is an same side of channe� where the station (Y-coordinate) sEarts. - Radius af curvature at channe] �ent�rline in R ar m. Center of radius is on opposite side Qf zero statian. Note: RAD is used anly ifconca�e ban�c is rigid and s� speci�ed using th� }fF recard. I�AD produces a trans�erse bed s�our due to curvature_ Q Roughness of this section is tne sa.me as that gi�en in �rield 7 of the S-ll + 5 CPC Q + 6 IRC Q 8 BSP 4 + 5 g SEFX RVL�D l D TDZAM ENEB Gl record. Manning's n �atue for this sec#ion Center of thalweg caincides with channei in�ert at this sectian. Sta#ion {Y-coordinate} of the t�alweg in R or m Reg�iar erodible cross section Rigid ar naneradible crass section such as drop structure or raad crossing. Tfiere is no Iimit on the tntaI numher of such crass sectians. 51o�e of bank protection is the same as that gi�en in Fieid 2 af the G3 record. Siv�e of barak protection at this sectivrz in BSP hflrizantai ixr�its on 1 �ertical unit. Use 0.45 far �ertical �an�c. Slope o� rigid bank is def ned hy the GR cv�rdinates. d Bank eradi6i�ity factvr is defined in Field S of the Gl record. + A �alue between 4.1 and 1.0 for SEFX speci f es the bar�c erodibility factor at ihis se�tion. + RWD i5 the width afhank protection of a small channel in the f�ovdpIain. Areas ou#side this �one remains eradible. RWD is spe�i�ed by a �alue greater than 1�ft or m} in this f eld. When RWD is used, BEFX is nflt speci�ed. 0 Erodible iaed layer at this section is dcfine.� 6y TDZAMA in Field 6 af fhe G3 record. � Thicktiess ❑f eradible bed layer in ft ar m. Only one decimal place is allowed for this n�mber. + Ele�ati�n of nan-eradi�ie 6ed, used ta define the crest eIe�atiQn of a grade-�oniraD structure which Fx►ay be abo�e ar helow the existing channel bed. Xn order ta distinguish it frvm TDZAM, ENEB musk }�a�e the value o£ l at the secvnd decimai place. �or example, #he ENEB value af 365 sha�ld be inputted as 365.OI and t�e ENES �a�ue of -5.2 shautd t�e ir��utted as -5.21. Wt�en Eh1EB is s�secified, ii supersedes ?DZAM and T�ZAMp CI Record - This is an aptfonal recard used to s�ecify channel impravement options de�e ta exca�ation or ��i. The exca�atian aptian r3nadifies ihe cross-sectionai geometry by trapezoidal exca�atiari. Thase �aints lQwer than the cxcavation )errel are nat �iled. The fill option modifies ihe cross-seckional geometry by raising #he bed ele�aiions t❑ a prescribed le�ei. Th�se points higher than the ��l �e�el are nat lawered. Exca�ation and itll can not be used at khe sarne time. Ttiis record shnuld �e placed after the X 1 and XF records buf �aefare the GR records. `The �ariable ADDVQL in Field 10 of this record is used ta �Ceep track af the tatal �alume 4f excavation or f ll along a ct�annel reach. A.DDV�L specifies the initial �o�ume af �i1 �r exca�atian. A �a1ue greater or �ess than 0. i needs to �e entercd in this field to keep track af the �_ B-12 tatal �olume of fi�l or exca�ation unti� anather ADDVDL is de�neci. Fie[d Var�a#�le Value Descriptivn 0 IA GS Record identification �haracters k CLSTA � Stativn of th� centerline af the trapezoidal exca�ation, expressed accarding to the statians in the GR records, in feet or meter. 2 �ELCH + Ele�atian of �hanneI in�ert for trapezoidal channel, in feet ar meters. 4 ?�LSS + Side slape of tragezoidal exca�atian, in XLSS hnrizvntal uniis far 1 �erticai unit. S ELFIL + Fiil ele�akian an char�el bed, in feet ar meters. � B W -� ged width o f trapeaoidal channel, in feet ar meters. T�is width is measured alvng the crQss section line; iherefare, a larger �alue shfluld be used if a sectior� is skewed. l0 ADDVQL � Vfllume of exca�atian or filt, if any, is addet# to the total �aIume already def ned. + Initial voiume af fitl an channel bed, in �uE�ic feec or cubic rneters. - Initial �aIume af ex�a�atian from chanriel hed, in �ubic feet or meters. GR Record - This re�r�r[3 speci�es the ele�atian and station of each paint fflr a digitized crass sectian; it is required far each Xl record. Field Variable Vaiue Descriptian ' 0 IA GR Record identi�catian ci�aza�ters 1 ZI f E]e�ation ofpaint 1, in ft or m. It may be positi�e nr negative. 2 Yl f Station af point 1, in ft Qr rra � 3 ZZ t Ele�ati�n of poin# 2, in ft or m . 4 Y2 t Sta#ion af point 2, in ft 4r r� Cantinue with additianal GR records using up to 79 points to describe the �ross section. Stations , shouid he in increasing arder. 5B Record - This speciat bridge re�ord is us�� to 5pecify data in the special hridge ra�tine. _ This record is used tagether wit� the BT and GR recards for bridge �ydraulics_ This recvrd is B-13 i � pIaced between �rass sec#inns that are upstr�a.rr� and dowr�stream of the bridge. Fiel� Variahie Va�ue i3eseriptifln 0 iA 5B Record identificatior� characters 1 XK + Pier sizape cQeificie�t for pier loss 2 ��R + Tota� loss coeffi�ient fvr arifice flow througli hridge opening 3 COFQ + Discharge cfletf'icient for weir f]t�w avert�pping bridge roadway 4 �B + Bric�ge ir�dex, starting with 1 firam dow�strearr� toward u�stream 5 B WC + Eottarn width of bridge apening including at3y abstructinn 6 BWP 0 No obstruetiQn (pier} in the hridge �+�r Total widih of obstnsctian �iers} 7 BAREA + Nei area of bridge apening �relaw t�e lvw chord in squaze %et 9 ELLC + E�e�ation af horizantal low chord for the bridge 1� ELTRD + E�e�atian caf hariaonta� fca�-af-roadway far t�Ze �ridge ST Record - Tfiis record is used ta comp�te can�eyanee in the bridg� sectian. The ST data def r�es the tap-of -roadway and the iow ��ard grafiles af bridge. The program �ses the BT, SH and GR �ata to distinguish and to cam��te low flow, nrifice flaw and weir fl�w. Fielcf Variable Value Uescriptia� � IA BT Record identification characters 1 NRD + Number af paints �efining t�e hr�dge raadway and bridge �ow chord to t�e read on the BT r�ords 2 RDST( �) + Roadway station corr�spvnding to RDEL�I ) and XLCEL[ i) 3 RDEL� 1} + Tap of roadway ele�atinn at statian RDST{1 } 4 XLCEL( I} + Low chard ele�ation at statian RI]ST( i} 5 RI]ST(2} + Roadway station correspanding #a RDEL�2} and XLCEL{2} 5 RDEL(2) + Tap of rnadway ele�atian at s�atian RDST(2} . , . 7 3CLCEL(2) + Low Ghard ele�atian at station RDST(2} Cor�tinue with ad�itiona] sets af RI]5T, RDEL, and �CLCEL_ EJ Record -`This record is reguired fallowing the last cross section for each jab. Each group of records beginning with ti7e T1 reeard is cansi�ered as a job. Field Var�ai�le Va1ue � IA EJ 1-t� ❑escreption Reeord identificativn characters Not used II. �UTPUT DESCRiPTI�N Q�Eput a#'the m�del include initial bed-materia� com�ositiar►s, tirne az�d spatia� �ariations of ihe water-surface profile, channel width, ftaw de�th, water discharge, �eiocity, energy gradient, median sediment size, and bed-material disc�arge. In addition, �rass-sectional profiles are printed at differet�t time intervals. Sym�nls used in #he autput are generally desGriptive, s�rne of them are de�ned beinw: SECTIQN TiME DT W.S.ELEV WTDTH DEPTH Q V Si.�P E D5� Q� FR N SED.YIELD WSEL Z Y DZ TDZ Crass section Ti��e on the hydrograph Size of the time step or dt in sec Water-surface ele�ation in fl or m SurfaGe width af channel flow in R or m Depth af £lvw measured frarn charu�e3 in��rt to water surface in ft or m D�scharge oT' flow in cfs or cros Mean �etocity Qf a �rass=sectivn in fps or mps Energy gxadient IVtedian size or dso of sedirnent load in mm Hed-materia� dis�harge for all size fractians in c€s or cros Froude number at a cross section Manning's roughness coefficient gulk �valume or weight af sedirnent having passed a cross sectivn since beginning Qf siinu�atian, in cubic yards ar tans. Vv'ater-surface ete�ation, in ft❑r r� Ver�ical co�rdinate (ele�ation} of a paint an c�annel boundary at a cross- section, in fl �r m Harizanta� ca�rdinate �station} of a point an charuiel houndary at a crass- sectian, in ft or x� Change in ele�a�ion during the current tinne step, in ft or m T�tat ar accu�muiated change in ele►rati�n, in ft or m B-15