HomeMy WebLinkAbout3184; CANNON ROAD WEST; PILE INSTALLATION MONITORING AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK BRIDGE; 2000-06-30•i 4 URS Greiner Wootiward Clyde i'-" , 77?, O E 1615 Murray Canyon Road Suite 1000 Division of URS Corporation - V , San Diego, CA 92108 V Tel: 619.294.9400 ' Fax 6192937920 V V ••VV •, ; • V June 30, 2000 ' Offices Worldwide V V - LIP - Mr. Greg Ponce Shea Homes Street r Suite 200 San Diego, CA 9213.1 $LLLir / Subject Agua , Bridge RVgcEIVED Cannon Road West Carlsbad, California URSGWC Reference No. 58-9851023K.00-000N1 . V V ' Dear Mr. Ponce: This report presents the results of our monitoring of the installatio n o f p i l e s t o s u p p o r t t h e east and west abutments and intermediate piers of the Agua Hed i o n d a C r e e k B r i d g e C r o s s i n g for the Cannon Road West extension This work was performed i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h o u r proposal dated March 11, 1998, and our, agreement revised d a t e d N o v e m b e r , 1 2 , 1 9 9 8 T h e location of the project and bridge foundation plan is shown in F i g u r e I . BACKGROUND An initial geotechnical investigation for the bridè foundation was perf o r m e d b y O w e n Geotechnical The results of that Investigation, including recomm e n d a t i o n s f o r f o u n d a t i o n design, were presented in a report entitled "Foundation Desig n P a r a m e t e r s , C a n n o n R o a d Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek, Kelly Ranch, Carlsbad, Calif o r n i a , " d a t e d A u g u s t 2 6 , 1985 Further recommendations were made by Woodward-Cly d e C o n s u l t a n t s i n a r e p o r t entitled "Geotechnical Evaluation, Agua Hedionda Bridge Emb a n k m e n t , C a n n o n R o a d W e s t , Carlsbad, California," dated July 16, 1997; and a written respon s e t o R . F . I . N o R 2 1 , d a t e d V October 9, 1998. , • • V For the project, we have spoken with Messrs Hank Gentile of Sim o n W o n g E n g i n e e r i n g a n d Greg Butler of T Y Lin McDaniel Engineering regarding pil e d e s i g n , c a p a c i t y , a n d V i'nstallation:criteria. V , • , . V • V . • PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Cannon Road bridge c'rssing of Agua Hedionda Creek inclu d e s f o u r s u p p o r t s t r u c t u r e s , including abutments at each of the approach embankments a n d t w o i n t e r m e d i a t e s u p p o r t W:\9851023Kcon1-a-l.doc\28-Jun-OO\SDG URS Greiner Woodward Clyde Mr. Greg Ponce. ' Shea Homes June 30, 2000 Page piers. These supports are designated Abutment 1, Pier 2, Pier 3, and Abutment 4, from west to east. The bridge is located at the eastern terminus of the Cannon Road West extension alignment (Cannon Road Reach 2); approximately 170 feet west of the road's in with El Camino Real in Carlsbad, California. The bridge is approximately 134 feet by 95 feet in plan dimensions. The abutments and piers are spaced at distances of approximately 35 to 48 feet on center. The individual piles supporting the abutments -and piers are designed to support 50 tons and 75 tons, respectively. The bridge abutment structures are supported on driven 12-inch 'square precast, prestressed concrete driven piles, while the intermediate piers are supported by 18-inch octagonal precast, prestressed concrete driven piles.. The layout of the bridge supports, in addition to pile arrangement and design data, were designed by McDaniel Engineering, and are presented on project plans entitled "Improvement Plans and Grading Plans for: Cannon Road Bridge Over Agua Hedionda Channel," Sheets 61, 62, and 63, dated July 1, 1998. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of services is outlined in our proposal dated March 11, 1998. The scope included full-time monitoring' during pile driving. Continuous monitoring was performed by a• representative from our firm. Monitoring was performed in general accordance with the requirements of the City of San Diego Building Inspection Department's "Technical Guidelines for Deep Foundation Inspection Reports." During installation Of the piles, our representative recorded the number of blows per foot of penetration, observed the operation of the hammer, and observed that the piles were installed as required. When unusual 'or unanticipated situations arose during pile driving, we provided comments and recommendations as deemed appropriate. Non-conforming piles, such as piles that were driven out of plumb, and piles interpreted as having incurred damage, were also reported. . . PILE INSTALLATION MONITORING The piles were driven by Pile Foundation, Inc. A total of 56 piles were installed as follows: 13 at Abutment 1, 12-inch square 15 at.Pier 2,, 18-inch octagonal 15 at Pier 3, 18-inch octagonal W:\9851023K\conl-a-I.doc\28-Jun.QQ\SDG URS Greiner Woodward Clyde Mr. Greg Ponce Shea Homes June 30, 2000 Page 3 . 13 at Abutment 4, 12-inch square The piles were installed using a crane with pogo stick leads and a Delmag D30-32 diesel hammer having .a maximum rated energy. of 69,898 foot-pounds and a ram weight of 6,600 pounds. The observed ram stroke was typically. 5.5 to 7.5 feet when the highest hammer fuel setting was used during initial driving. A ram stroke of 6 to 9 feet was observed when performing retaps. The safe allowable downward load of each pile was evaluated using the ENR pile driving equation: . . P 2E - (s+01) where: . P Safe load (lb) . E = Manufacturer's energy rating (ft-lb) s = Penetration during driving (in./blow) This formula yields the following driving resistances for the design loads based on an assumed ram stroke of 6 feet, which was typical during the indicator pile program: Allowable Pile Driving Criteria Capacity (Tons) (blows per foot) 50 17 75 28 The piles were driven between February 12 and February 26, 1999. Pile lengths at Abutments I and 4 were 50.25 feet, and 58 feet at Piers 2 and 3. Pile records maintained for each pile installed include the pile location, number of blows required drive the pile each foot of its length, stroke of the hammer at the end of driving, and other pertinent information. A field report summarizing the pile driving operation was also prepared and submitted on a daily basis These reports are maintained in our permanent files for future reference A summary of the pile driving data is included in Table 1 of this report The foundation plan for the bridge is presented on Figure L. W:'9851023K\con 1-a-I.doc\28-Jun-00\SDG URS Greiner Woodward Clyde Mr. Greg Ponce S Shea Homes June 30, 2000 ' Page 4 During the pile driving, one pile was broken prior t o i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d a n o t h e r w a s d r i v e n o u t of plumb. The broken pile was replaced with a n o t h e r p i l e f r o m o f f s i t e o f s i m i l a r c r o s s sectional dimensions. The'pile which was driven ou t o f p l u m b w a s a c c e p t e d b y t h e s t r u c t u r a l engineer. In addition, the majority of the ,piles di d n o t ' m e e t t h e d r i v i n g a c c e p t a n c e c r i t e r i a during initial driving. Selected "soft" piles which did n o t r e a c h d e s i g n c a p a c i t y d u r i n g i n i t i a l driving' were redriven after allowing for pile setu p . . U p o n r e t a p p i n g o f s e l e c t e d p i l e s , a n d with subsequent review by the geotechnical enginee r , t h e s e p i l e s w e r e a c c e p t a b l e b a s e d o n the adjacent' retaps. All other. piles 'were driven t o m e e t o r e x c e e d t h e d e s i g n c r i t e r i a w i t h respect to capacity, and each pile was driven to de s i g n ' t i p e l e v a t i o n . CONCLUSIONS Based on the monitoring performed, 'it is our opin i o n t h a t t h e p i l e f o u n d a t i o n s w e r e i n s t a l l e d in accordance with the intent of our recommend a t i o n s I t i s o u r o p i n i o n t h a t t h e p i l e s s h o u l d provide adequate support for the structure. Our monitoring does ,not imply a guarantee or warra n t y o f t h e c o n t r a c t o r ' s w o r k . U R S G W C warrants that our services were performed 'with t h e u s u a l t h o r o u g h n e s s a n d c o m p e t e n c e o f the engineering profession. No other warranty or rep r e s e n t a t i o n , e i t h e r e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d , is included or intended in this report. If you have any questions regarding this report, p l e a s e c o n t a c t , u s . Very truly yours, URS GREINER WOODWARD CLYDE At Senior, MA: lej Attachments (6 copies submitted), cc: Hank Gentile, Simon Wong Engineering Sherri Howard, City of Carlsbad W:'9851023K\con1-a-I,doc\28-Jun-00SDG Table 1 DRIVEN PILE INSTALLATION DATA AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK BRIDGE CANNON ROAD WEST DeWgn Design ttIal Retap Driving Rethtancefor PterlAbutment Pile Capacity Tip Elev. Dilvtng Driving Last 3 Feet Location No. (ions) (ft MSL) Date Date (blows per foot) Abutment 1 1 50 -16.0 2/12/99 5 5 4/8 Abutment 1 2 50 -16.0 2/12/99 5 6 5 Abutment 1 3 50 -16.0 2(12(99 2/13/99 6 6 10/6 Abutment 1 4 50 -16.0 2(12/99 6 5 6 Abutment 1 5 50 -16.0 2(13(99 5 4 5 Abutment 1 6 50 -16.0 2(13(99 4 4 4 Abutment 1 7 50 -16.0 2/13/99 4 4 4 Abutment 1 8 50 -16.0 2112/99 2/13199 5 6 9/4 Abutment 1 9 50 -16.0 2(13199 3 4 3 Abutment 1 10 50 -16.0 2/13199 5 4 4 Abutment 1 11 50 -16.0 2(13(99 4 3 4 Abutment 1 12 50 -16.0 2113/99 2/13/99 4 5 916 Abutment 1 13 50 -16.0 2(13199 10 9 4/5 Pier 1 75 -36.0 2/19199 14 18 20 Pier 2 2 75 -36.0 2/19/99 24 20 6/6 Pier2 3 75 -36.0 2119/99 2/20/99 16 16 2314.5 Pier 4 75 -36.0 2119/99 20 17 13 Pier 5 75 -36.0 2(19/99 12 It 9110.5 Pier 2 6 75 -36.0 2119/99 2/20(99 13 6/6 21/4 Pier 2 7 75 -36.0 2119/99 36 29 20 .Pier2 8 75 -36.0 2/26/99 . 12 17 . 20 Pier2 9 75 -36.0 2/25/99 17 20 19 Pier 2 10 75 -36.0 2/25199 2/26/99 13 7/6 29/6 Pier 2 11 75 -36.0 2/26(99 32 35 39 Pier 2 12 75 -36.0 2/26199 34 36 36 Pier 13 75 -36.0 2/26/99 54 59 68 Pier2 14 75 -3.6.0 2(25(99 34 45 53 Pier2 15 75 -36.0 2/25/99 44 47 48 Pier 3 1 75 -36.0 2/25/99 15 14 10 Pier3 2 75 -36.0 2(20(99 7 9 9 Pier3 3 75 -36.0 2/20199 2(20/99 12 6/6 21/7* Pier 4 75 -36.0 2/20/99 9 11 10 Pier3 5 75 -36.0 2/20/99 9 10 10 Pier 6 75 -36.0 2(20199 10 10 13 Pier 3 7 75 -36.0 2(20/99 2/25/99 8 5/6 3316 Pier 3. 8 75 -36.0 2/25(99 10 9 11 Pier 9 75 -36.0 2125/99 12 11 15 Pier 3 10 75 -36.0 2(25(99 8 10 10 Pier 3 It 75 -36.0 2125/99 2f26/99 11 11 38/7' Pier 12 75 -36.0 2/26/99 15 13 13 Pier 13 75 -36.0 2/26/99 10 10 9 Pier 14 75 -36.0 2/26199 17 12 17 Pier 15 75 -36.0 2/26/99 27 30 - 49 Abutment 1 50 -16.0 2/13/99 6 6 4 Abutmen14 2 50 -16.0 2/13199 5 5 3 Abutment 3 50 -16.0 2/13199 8 8 6 Abutment4 4 50 -16.0 2/16199 2/16199 6 5/i(r 18/6 Abutment 5 50 -16.0 2/16/99 7 5 5 Abutment 6 50 -16.0 2(16(99 2/16/99 4 5 14/5 Abu1ment4 7 50 -16.0 2/16/99 6 5 5 Abutment 4 8 50 -16.0 2/16/99 6 5 5 Abutment 4 9 50 -16.0 2/16/99 2/1 &99 .5 411 (r 15/6.5 Abutment4 10 50 -16.0 2/16/99 6 5 5 Abutment4 11 50 -16.0 2116/99 5 5 5 Abutment4 12 50 -16.0 2/16199 6 4 5 Abutment 13 50 -16.0 2/16/99 8 7 6 u:\spencer\Can-pile.xls 6/28/00@ 1:21 PM URS GREINER WOOD WARD CLYDE Itn \ \! FlierJ Abut 12J+708 I2J4O2J4 LI 4750' 4T50 U" 4 ft., WW LOL -- , WWLOL ( IZg+o 0+77.26 ? fll I 11224.67D0 02 - ID hil , L I I22+00 447t I- i -50 WW LOL— M11\ \\\\\\\ \ l 4750k 123+00 £ 20'56E aldwilfill II ç7 No Scale SOURCE: CITY OF CARLSBAD — ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND GRADING PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD BRIDGE OVER AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL FOUNDATION PLAN PILE DATA - CLASS 50 AND CLASS 75 Location Design Loading Specified (Service Load) Tip Elev Abut 1 50 Tons -1613 Pier 2 75 Tons -361) Pier 3 75 Tons -36.0 Ab,t 4 50 Tons -1613 PLAN VIEW CANNON ROAD WEST FN: FIGURES I PM: SLP I CHECKED BY: J,4 DATE: 4-9-99 1 PROJECT NO: 58-981023K.00—OCON1 I FIG. NO: 1