HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; RANCHO SANTA FE RD; AS GRADED REPORT LA COSTA TOWN CENTER, RSF RD, LA COSTA AVE; 2004-04-20I SOIL TESTING, INC. P H 0 N E P.O. Box 60062 (V (619) 280-4321 San Diego, CA 92160-0627 I 0 280 Riverdale Street (877) 215-4321 a . A X San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-4717 www.scst.com UU) 0 I V V AS-GRADED V I V GEOTECHNICAL REPORT I . LA COSTA TOWN CENTER RANCHO SANTA FE' ROAD- AND - V V . LA COSTA AVENUE I CARLp.AD; CALIFORNIA, - V I •V . •' 1 ' V V I. 0:V1 V . PREPARED FOR: s . V V MR. JEFF JENCO I V LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION V 1570 LINDA VISTA DRIVE V . SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 V - I V .• . . V PREPARED BY: V V V V V V SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. V V . 6280 RIVERDALE STREET V • V SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 V I V : V V Providing Professional Engineering Seryicés Since 1959 V V I ' V V S VV • I I I SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATION AND TESTING .......................................................................... 1 * 1.1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... ...................................................... ......... ............................................ I 1.2. SITE PREPARATION .................................... ........................ .......................... . ........................... .......2 1.2.1. Grading Equipment .............................................................................................................2 1.2.2. .Clearing and Grubbing ............................................................................................................ 2 1:2.3. Site Grading .........................................................................................................................2 1.2:4. Keyways .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2.5. Fill Slopes .................................... . ................................................................................. ........ 4 1.2.6. Cut Slopes ............ . ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.2.7. StormDrain Trench Backfill ................................................................................... . ................ 4 1.2.8. Subdrain ....................... ............................................................................... . .......................... 4 1.3.. FIELD OBSERVATION AND TESTING ...................... . ................... . ................................................. ......5 I.A. LABORATORY TESTS ......................................................................................................................5 1.5. AS-BUILT GEOLOGY ................................................................................................................... .1.6. REMAINING WORK .................... 6 CONCLUSIONS ............ . ...................................................................................... . ...................... 6 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. ................................................................. 7 3.1. FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1.1. General ..................................................................................... ........................................... 7 3.1.2., Reinforcement ........................................................................................................... . ............ 7 3.1.3. Seismic Design Factors..... ....... . ......... .... ............................... ............................................. .... 7 3.1.4. Foundation Excavation Ob'ervation ........................................... .........................................8 3.1.5... Settlement Characteristics ... .......... ....................................... . .................................................. 8 3.1.6. Expansion Characteristics ............................. . ...... . ..................... ........................................... 8 3.1.7. Foundation Plqn Review'............................... ............... ................. ............................................. 8 3.1.8. Soluble Sulfates ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.2. SLABS-ON-GRADE ................................. •' .. 8 . 3.2;1. Interior Concrete Slabs-on-Grade ....... ................... .................................................. ........... 8 3.2.2. . Extrior Concrete. Slabs-on-Grade. .................................... . ................................................... 9 3.3.. EARTH RETAINING WALLS ........ .................................. .•......1.0 331 Foundations ..................... .. ...................................................................................................... 10 3.3.2. Passive Pressure .......................... . ........................................................................................ 10 3.3.3. Active Pressure........................................................ ....... . ................................ ..................... 10 .3.3.4: Retaining Wall Subd rains and Waterproofing .................... .................................................. 10 3.3.5.. Backfill ................... ........................ ...................................................................................... 10 3.3.6. Factor of Safety................................................................................................................. 4. LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 11 • 'tSOIL & TESTING. I April 20, 2004 I. Mr. Jeff Jenco. Lusardi Construction / 1570 Linda Vista Drive i San Marcos, California 92069 P H 0 N E l P.O. Box 600627 (619) 280-4321' I San Diego, CA 92160-0627 TOLL FREE (877)215-4321 I 6280 Riverdale Street I FAX I San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-4717 I www.scst.com SCS&T No. 0411014 Report No. 4 I Subject: -AS-'GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT I - LA COSTA TOWN CENTER RANCHO SANTA FE 'ROAD,AND LA COSTA AVENUE - I.. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 0 References: 1) "Existing Storm Drain, La Costa Town Center, Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, California'; prepared by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc.; dated March' 12,'2004 (SCS&T 0411014-3). "Fill Slope Construction, La Costa Town Center, Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, California'; prepared by Southern California Soil and Testing, I . Inc.; dated January 20, 2004 (SCS&T 0411014-2). "Preliminaiy Geotechnical Study Update, Parcels S. E. 13 and 25Acres Easterly of La Costa Avenue and'Mission Estancia'; prepared by GeoSoils, Inc.; dated I . June 6, 1990. ' Dear Mr. Jenco: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present the 'results of field I . observations and testing performed in conjunction with mass grading 'operations at the subject site. Our services were performed between January 16 and March 19, 2004. The grading .was performed by Erreca's of El Cajon, California. To assist in determining the locations and 'elevations of our field I density tests, we were. provided with a set of plans prepared by O'Day Consultahts, dated December 18, 2003, which define the general extent Of site grading. , 1. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1.1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION' - - • The project site is located about 1,000 feet to the northeast of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue in Carlsbad, California. The site is bordered by the existing Rancho Lusardi Construction ' April20, 2004 La Costa Town Center .' . SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 - Page Santa Fe Road to the northwest, the new alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road (currently under construction) to the south, and the recently completed Paseo Lupino to the east. The recent grading 'operations that are the subject of this report produced a street-graded configuration with drainage directed toward a. catch basin near the west corner of the site. The western portion of the site is -bordered by newly-constructed fill slopes up to about 40 feet in height that descend to the existing and new Rancho Santa Fe Road alignments. The eastern portion of the site is bordered by cut and fill-over-cut slopes ranging' up to about 25 feet in height, descending to the new Rancho-Santa Fe Road and Paseo Lupino. All slopes were constructed at 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) ratio. Additional grading will be performed at a later date to achieve final proposed grades. The 'site.will ultimately be developed with a, retail center, inclUding two' retail structures and an asphalt parking lot. . . . . The sheet graded configuration of the site established by the recent mass grading-is depicted on Plate No. 1 A. .The currently proposed site,developrnent scheme is depicted on Plate No. 1 B. 1.2. . SITE PREPARATION 1.2.1. 'Grading Equipment The primary' equipment employed for the subject ,grading operations included: 2 -Caterpillar D10 Bulldozer 1 -Water truck . . 1 - Caterpillar 992 Loader', ' , 1 - Excavator 1 Caterpillar D9 Bulldozer' ' 3 - Caterpillar 773 Rock Trucks I - Caterpillar D8 Bulldozer. . ... 1.2.2. Clearing and Grubbing Site preparation began with the removal of existing vegetation and organic matter from the area, to be graded. The detrimental material generated from this operation was exported from the site. 1.2.3. Site Grading Existing fill, topsoil and alluvial deposits were removed from the areas to receive proposed settlement-sensitive improvements. The bottoms of ,the removal areas generally exposed metavolcanic rock. Pre-existing fill soils associated with the existing and new alignments of Rancho Santa Fe Road were left in place at the western end of the site. Temporary slopes were cut intothe fill soils at a 1:1 ratio as removals were made. The fill exposed in the 1:1 slope was benched as fill operations progressed. Removal depths ranged up to a maximum of about 25 feet'below existing grades. '. . . 1 1• I . Lusardi Construction : . . April 20, 2004 La Costa Town Center SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 Page 3 Up to about 55 feet of fill was placed to achieve proposed sheet-graded elevations in the western portion of the site, while cuts of up to about 25 feet (including over-excavation) were required in the eastern portion of the site. The proposed building pads were over-excavated to minimum depths of approximately 5 feet below proposed finish floor elevations. Parking areas were over-excavated to a minimum of approximately 10 feet below final parking, lot finish grade elevations. . Blasting was required to achieve the required cuts in the eastern portion of the site. Much of the material produced by.blästi'ng consisted of rock fragments up to 2 feet in diameter with adequate soil matrix material for placement as compacted fill. These rock/soil fills were typically moisture conditioned and placed-in thedeep fi.11'aieas of the site (at least 10 feet below proposed grade) in lift's of about 1.5 to 2.0 feet in thickness. Compaction was achieved primarily with rock trucks. Soil matrix material was added in some cases to provide sufficientfines to fill voids between rock fragments. Blasted material possessing only limited soil matrix material was generally renoved and stockpiled in the designated stockpile area to the east of the new Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment. Occasional boulders larger than 2 feet in diameter were placed within the. compacted fills, individually or in wirrows,, under observation of SCS&T's soils technician .. Fill placed within the upper 5 feet of the building pads and the upper 10 feet of the parking lot areas. consisted of select capping material. This material was comprised primarily of. silty 'sand/sandy silt with variable clay and rock fragments generally' not exceeding 6 inches in rnaximurn' dimension, although occasional boulders larger than 6 inches maybe present. Similar select soil material was also utilized as compacted fill within the outermost 6 feet of fill slopes. The select material was obtained from on-site topsoil and alluvial deposits, as well as a borrow site to the east of Rancho Santa Fe Road. .. Excavation bottoms were generally not scarified due to the rocky nature of the exposed material. The soils generated frorn the removal operations, on-site cuts, and import fill from the borrow site were placed in the removed areas as uniformly compacted fill material. Typically, fill soils were placed in moisture conditioned lifts and compacted until field density tests indicated a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Compaction was achieved primarily by means of a Caterpillar 992 loader, rock trucks and other heavy construction equipment. This process continued until designed elevations were reached. . . •. . . 1.2.4. Keyways To provide support for the proposed fill and fill-over-cut slopes, keyways were cut' Into dense métavolcanic rock along the proposed toes Of the slopes. Th&keyways were generally at leat' 15 feet wide and slop'ed back into the existing sloping terrain at an approximate gradient of two percent. U U U Si I U I I: Lusardi Construction. . Apri120, 2004 La Costa Town Center . . . . SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 Page 4. 1.2.5. Fill Slopes 0 Fill and fill-over-cut slopes were constructed at several locations within the subject site. In order to provide for a uniformly compacted -slope surface, the face of the slopes were track-walked with a Caterpillar D8 bulldozer. Field density tests taken in the slope surface indicated at least 90 percent relative compaction. . . . . 1.26. Cut Slopes . . . Cut slopes were observed by an SCS&T geologist and found to be free of significant adverse geologic conditions. . . . . . 12.7. Storm Drain Trench Backfill . - Three storm drains were installed for this project. Storm Drain A is located on site and Storm Drains B and 'C are located east of the new Rancho Santa Fe Road in the borrow site. The backfill soils for the storm drain trenches were tested by our firm for relative compaction. The approximate locations of the trench backfill tests for Storm Drain A are noted on Plate No. 1k The approximate locations of the trench backfill tests for Storm Drains B and Care noted on Plate No. 2. The storm drain in-place density tests have been labeled "SD". Typically, the soils generated from the borrow pit were used as backfill material. The backfill material was compacted to at least 90 percentof maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557-00 procedures. Compaction was achieved primarily by means of an excavator-mounted sheepsfoot compaction wheel and other heavy, construction equipment. 1.2.8. Subdèain . 5 . . . . . Groundwater was encountered in the western corner of the subject site at the bottom of the removal excavation. A subdrain was installed in. this area due to the presence'of the .groundwater. The subdrain- consisted of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe (SDR735), surrounded by about 6 cubic feet of crushed rock per lineal foot, wrapped in filter fabric. The subdrain was connected to an existing storm drain inlet adjacent to the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road. Approximately 12ieet of fill was placed,prior to construction of the subdrain to maintain fall into the, storm. drainpipe. The approximate location. and flow line elevations of the subdrain are indicated on Plate No. 1. s An abandoned storm drain pipe was encountered in the narrow area at the northeastern corner of the site. The eastern portion of the pipe was removed. The excavation resulting from the removal was backfilled with compacted fill. In-place density tests indicated relative compaction values of 90 percent or greater. The western portion of the storm drain was left in place because it connected to a live storm drain box slightly to the southeast of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road. It is our understanding that the southeast terminus of this segment wascapped with, I' Lusardi Construction / April 20, 2004 U - La Costa Town Center SCS&T No. 0411014-4 I ' Page concrete at the point where it exits the southeast-facing cut slope. SCS&T did not observe the I.. capping of the pipe. - - 1.3. FIELD OBSERVATION AND TESTING 0 I Field observations and density tests were performed by a represertative of SCS&T during the grading operations. The density tests were performed according to ASTM D 2922701 (nuclear. gauge) procedures. Rock corrections were applied as necessary as described in Section 1.4. In- place density testing was- limited within the rock/soil fills due to excessive rock content. Where testing was impractical, the fill was observed as it was placed and in potholes to verify.that sufficient moisture content, 'soil matrix material and uniform compaction effort had been achieved. Test locations are shown on Plate NOs. 1 and 2, while the test results are shown on Plate Nos. 3 through 6. The accuracy of the in-situ density test locations and elevations-is a.function of the accuracy of . the survey control provided by others. Unless otherwise noted, their locations and elevations were - determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the 1 .degree implied by the method. used. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we-observed the progress of work we were I . . involved with, and performed field density tests, which in conjunction with our observations were the - basis for our opinion as to whether the work was performed in substantial conformance with the geotechnical recommendations and the requirements of the applicable agencies I • 1.4. LABORATORY TESTS Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used-in the compacted fills according to ASTM D 1557-00, Procedure A and C. Procedure A is used wlen the soil contains 20 percent or less by mass of material retained onthe #4 sieve. This procedure 1 .specifies that a 4-inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/30 cubic foot volume be used and that the soil - -tested be placed in 5 equal layers with each layer compacted by 25 blows utilizing a 10-pound - . hammer with an 18-inch drop. Procedure C is used when the soil contains more than 20 percent by weight of material. is retained on the 3/8-inch sieve and less than 30 percent by mass is retained on the 3/4-inch sieve. This procedure specifies that a 6-inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/13 cubic I. foot volume be used and that the soil tested be placed in 5 equal layers with each layer compacted - . by 56 blows utilizing a 10-pound hamther, with an 18-inch drop. The results of these tests, presented on Plate No. 5, were used in 'conjunction with the'field density tests to determine the degree of I - relative compaction of the compacted fill.' I' . Rock corrections were, applied to the soil samples having not more than' 40 percent by weight retained on the #4 sieve -or not more than 30 prcent by weight retained on the 3/4-inch sieve - according to ASTM D 4718-87 (reapproved .1994) procedures. The results of these tests, as Lusardi Construction April 20, 2004 La Costa Town Center : SCS&T No. 0411014-4 Page 6. presented on Plate No.. 5, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the degree of relative compaction of the compacted fill. The expansion potential of the prevailing foundation soils was determined using UBC Test Method 18-2. The results of these tests, shown on Plate No. 5 indicate expansion potential ranging from SI medium to high. The recommendations contained herein reflect these conditions. Results of soluble sulfate tests are.pending. .. 1.5. AS-BUILT GEOLOGY S Based on the results of on-site geOlogical observations, the following conclusions are presented: ' 1) The geOlogical conditions exposed atthe site were found to be similar.tô those described in . . the referenced geotechnical repOrt(s). . . - 2) Cut slopes were observed and found to be free of significant adverse geologic conditions.. 3) All areas which were to receive fill were observed and found to be suitable for the support of the proposed structural fill and settlement sensitive improvements. 4) To the best of our knowledge, the site is geologically suitable for the proposed .. construction. 1.6. REMAINING WORK:-.. .- . . 0 .. The following operations remain-to be completed. It is recommended that field observations and relative compaction tests be performed during these operations to verify that they are performed in \ accordance with job requirements and local grading ordinances. . . Placement of additional fill to achieve proposed grades; Backfilling of underground utility trenches. . - I '• • S .' •• 2. • CONCLUSIONS • , To the best of our knowledge based on our field observations and the in-place density test results, - the subject grading was performed in substantial accordance with .the recommendations contained . in the referenced geotechnical reports, the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance, and the Uniform.' • . Building Code A site plan depicting the currently-proposed scheme for the future development of the subject site is included herein as Plate No. 1 B. The, recommendations presented below are based upon this development scheme. Any significant changes to- the development scheme should be reviewed by SCS&T so that recommendations can be modified as necessary. In particular, it is noteworthy that the building pad undercuts were designed to accommodate the specific building locations and finish -. • . . . • -.-,. - , . :1 Lusardi Construction. . . . . April 20, 2004 La Costa Town Center . . . SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 Page 7 floor elevations depicted on Plate No. 1B. Modifications to the locations or ele'iations of the buildings may necessitate additional undercuts, including possible additional blasting. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS . . 3.1. FOUNDATIONS . . .. 3.1.1.General' . . .. . . .. . Shallow foUndations'mày be utilized for the support of the proposed improvements. The footings for the proposed structures should have a minimum depth of 24 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. Footings for exterior improvements such as retaining walls may have a minimum depth.of 18 inches. A minimum width of 12 inches and 24 inches is reádfrvé?fdéd for continuous and isolated footings, respectively. A bearing capacity of 2000 pounds per square foot (psf)may be assumed for said footings; The bearing capacities maybe increased by 113 when considering wind or seismic forces. Footings adjacent to or within slopes should be deepened such that a minimum horizontal distance of 7 feet existsbetween the bottom outside footing edge and the face of the slope.. For retaining wall footings, the minimum distance should be increased to 10 feet. . . 3.1.2. Reinforcement Continuous footings should be reinforced with at least two No. 5bars positioned near the bottom of the footing and at least two No. 5 bars positioned near the top of the footing.. This reinforcement is based on. geotechnical considerations and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. . . . . -. 3.1.3. Seismic Design Factors Based upon the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, the following seismic design factors are considered appropriate for the subject site. Seismic Zone 4: Z=0.40 Source Fault: Rose Canyon Fault Zone 0 Seismic Source Type: B 0 0 0, 0 Soil Profile Type: .5c 0 Distance to Seismic Source: 11 kilometers 0 Near-Source" Factor N,=1.0- Near-Source Factor N,=1.0 0 0 0 It is likely that the site will experience the effects of at least one moderate to large earthquake during the life of the proposed structure. I - - Lusardi Construction S April 20, 2004 La Costa Town Center SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 - Page 3.1.4. Foundation Excavation Observation - It is recommended that all foundation excavations be approved by a representative from this office prior to forming Or placing reinforcing steel. S 3.1 5. Settlement Characteristics The anticipated total and differential settlements may be cohsidered to be within tolerable limits provided the recommendations presented. in this report are followed. It should be recognized that minor cracks normally occur in concrete slabs and foundations due to shrinkage during curing or redistribution of stresses and some cracks may be anticipated. Such cracks are not necessarily an indication of excessive vertical movements 3.1.6. Expansion Characteristics 0 . Expansion Index tests indicate expansion potentials ranging from medium to high. The recommendations contained in this report reflect 'a highly expansive conditIon. 3.1.7. Foundation Plan Review -. Foundation plans should.* hould be submitted to this office for review to ascertain that the recommendations contained in this report are implemented and no revised recommendations are necessary due to- changes in the development scheme. 3.1.8. Soluble Sulfates .. S Soluble.sulf ate tests are .pending. Appropriate recommendations will be provided as necessary, once results are available: . 32. SLABS-ON-GRADE 3.2.1. Interior Concrete. Slabs-on-Grade . Concrete slabs-on-grade should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches and be reinforced with at least No. 4 reinforcing bars placed at 18 inches onceflter each way. Slab reinforcement should be placed approximately at mid-height of the slab and should extend. at least 12 inches into the adjacent footings. Slab sunderlaihby retaining wall backfill should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches. In this case, minimum reinforcement should consist of No.4 bars placed at 18 inches on center each way. Slabs-bn-gràde should be underlain by 4-inch thick blanket of clean, poorly graded, coarse sand (sand equivalent = 30 or greater) or, crushed rock. This blanket should consist of no more than 20 percent and 10 percent passing the #100 and #200 sieves, respectively. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned., vapor retardant should be placed over the sand layer.' An -additional 2 inches of sand should be placed over the vapor retardant'. Typically, visqueen is used as a vapor retardant. If visqueen is'used, a minimum 10- mil is recommended. 0 , 0 • S • I Lusardi Construction April 20, 2004 La Costa Town Center ' SCS&TNo. 0411014-4 - .Page9 Itis our understanding that the moisture barrier described above will allow the transmission of 6. to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day through the slabunder normal conditions. Moisture emissions may vary widely depending upon, factors such. as concrete type and subgrade moisture conditiOns. If this amount of. moisture is excessive, additional I recommendations will be pro'iided by this office. It is recommended that moisture emission tests be performed prior to the placement of floor coverings to ascertain whether moisture emission I values are within the manufacturer's specifications. In addition, over-àtèring should be avoided, and good site drainage should be established and maintained to prevent the build-up.of excess sub-slab moisture.. - 1 3.2.2. Exterior Concrete Slabs-on-Grade Exterior concrete slabs should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches and should be reinforced I with at least No. 3 bars at '18 inches on center each way. All slabs should be provided with weakened plane joints. Joints should be placed where cracks are anticipated to develop I naturally, and should be in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (Ad) guidelines Section 3.13. Alternative patterns consistent with ACI guidelines also can be used. The landscape *,architect can be consulted in. selecting the final joint patterns to improve the I aesfhetics of the concrete slabs-on-grade, ' A concrete mix with a 1-inch maximum aggregate size and a water/cement ratio of less than 0.6 is recommended for exterior slabs. A lower water content will decrease 'the potential for (shrinkage cracks. 'It is strongly suggested .that the driveway concrete mix have a minimum I , compressive strength of 3,000 'pounds per square inch. This suggestion is meant to address early driveway use prior to full concrete curing. Both coarse and fine aggregate should conform to the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" ("Greenbook"), prepared by ,Public Works Standards, Inc. ' I It would be prudent to consult with a materials engineer regarding the review of the concrete mix design,' and to retain 'a registered special inspector to observe the placement of concrete. Special attention should be.paid tothe method of curing the concrete to reduce the potential for excessive shrinkage and resultant randomcracking. It should be,recognized that minor cracks I • occur normally (in concrete' slabs and foundations due to shrinkage , during curing and redistributiOn of stresses. Some shrinkage cracks should be expected and are not necessarily an indication of excessive vertical movement or structural distress. •, I ' • Factors that contribute to the amount of shrinkage that takes 'place in a concrete slab include joint spacing, depth, and design; concrete mix components; water/cement ratio and surface finishing techniques According to the undated 'Technical Bulletin" published by the Southern California Rock Products Association, and Southern "California 'Ready Mixed Concrete Lusardi Construction April20, 2004 La Costa Tdwn Center SCS& T No. 0411014-4 Page 10 Association (see Appendix B), flàtwork formed of high-slump concrete (high water/cement ratio) utilizing 3/8-inch maximum size aggregate ("Pea Gravel Grout" mix) is likely to exhibit extensive' shrinkage and cracking. Cracks most often oàcur in random patterns between construction joints. EARTH RETAINING WALLS 3.3.1. Foundations The recommendations presented in the foundation section of this repot are also applicable to earth retaining structures. -' '• ' . : 3.3.2. Passive Pressure The passive pressure for retaining wall foundations extending into compacted fill soils may be considered to be 300 psf per foot of depth, up to a maximum of 1500 psf. This pressure maybe increased one-third for seismic' loading. The coefficient of frictibn for concrete to soil may be assumed to be 0.25 for the resistance to lateral movement. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the friction should be reduced by 1/3. The upper 12 inches'of soil should not be considered when calculating passive pressures for exterior walls. 3.3.3. Active Pressure The' active soil pressure for the design of unrestrained and restrained earth retaining structures With level backfills may be assumed to be equivalent to'the presCure of a fluid weighing 35 and 55 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), respectively.' An additional 15 pcf should be added to the aforementioned values for 2:1 (horizontal to. vertical) sloping. backfills. These pressures do not consider any other surcharge- loads. If any are anticipated, this office should be contacted for the necessary increase in soil pressure. These values also assume a granular and drained, ' backfill' condition. 3.3.4. Retaining Wall Subdrains and Waterproofing, ' S Retaining wall subdrains should be intalled,in accordance with the detail presented on Plate" No.7. Waterproofing specifications and details should be provided by the project architect. The - gebtechnical engineer should be requested to verify that retaining wall subdrains and - Waterproofing have been properly installed. ' •, ' ' ' S 3.3.5. Backfill All backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Expanive or • clayey soils shoUld not be used for backfill material. Walls should not be backfilied until the masonry has reached an adequate strength. Lusardi Construction ' ', April20, 2004 'La Costa Town Center , ' ' ' SCS&T No. 0411014-4 Page 11 3.3.6. Factor, of Safety The above values, with the exception of the'ällowable soil bearing pressure, do not include a factor of safety. Appropriate factors of safety should be incorporated into the design to prevent walls from overturning and sliding. 4.' LIMITATIONS This. report covers only the services performed between January 16-and March 19, 2004., Our opinions presented herein are based on our observations and the relative compaction test results and are limited by the scope of'the'services that we agreed to: perform. Our services were performed in accordance with the currently accepted standard of practice, and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measuFe of the compliance of the grading and backfill operations with the job- requirements. No warranty, express or implied, is given or-intended with respect to the services which we have performed, and neither the performance of those services nor the submittal of this report should be construed as 'relieving the contractor of the responsibility to'conform with the job 'requirements. Our services were generally performed on an "on-call" basis. Therefore, the in-place density tests performed by our field representative can only be construed as representative of the areas tested which are shown on the attached plates. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, or if we, may, be of further assistance, please contact our office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. i( /L Daniejp..f&, RCE:37 Michael P. Farr, CEG 1938 Vice Pesidert 4: ' , 'Senior Enineering Geologist - - DAB:MPF:sd.i.._'...-'., ' OF (4) Addressee (2) Aspen Properties, Attn: Mr. Wayne ,George