HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD; FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING IMPROVEMENTS; 2003-03-25FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING IMPROVEMENTS .- RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD STATIONS 174+50 THROUGH 217+90 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY C10 MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - - MARCH 25,2003 - •. GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS I Project No. 06105-12-07 March 25, 2003 I Real Estate Collateral Management Company I C,0 Morrow Development Incorporated 1903 Wright Place, Suite 108 Carlsbad, California 92008 I Attention: Mr. Tim O'Grady I Subject: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD STATIONS 174+50 THROUGH 217+90 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING IMPROVEMENTS I Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated May 16, 2002, we have provided testing and I observation services during the installation of improvements within the subject roadway alignment. The scope of our services was limited to performing in-place density tests during utility trench backfilling operations for joint trenches, storm drain, sewer main, and water main. Our services were I performed during the period of May 20, 2002 through March 8, 2003. It should be noted that our scope of services was limited to underground utilities only and did not include surface paving. In addition, testing and observation services were also provided during grading operations for the construction of the subject roadway. A discussion of grading operations and the results of our testing and observation services were presented in our report titled, Final Report of Testing and Observation Services Performed During Grading, Rancho Santa Fe Road, Stations '174+50 through 217+90, Carlsbad, California, dated March 11, 2003 (Project No. 06105-12-07). The project improvement plans were prepared by Hunsaker & Associates and are entitled Improvement Plans for Rancho Santa Fe Road, Sheet Nos. 1 through 30, dated June 3, 2002. In-place density tests were performed using a nuclear gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D 2922-96. Laboratory compaction tests were performed on representative soil samples in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D 1557-00. The results of the field density tests are summarized in Table I, and the results of the laboratory tests are summarized in Table II. 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone (858) 558-6900 U Fax (858) 558-6159 I I I I [1 I I 11 Results of the in-place density tests jndicate that the utility trench backfill materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above the optimum moisture contents at the locations tested. If there are any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. . Very truly yours, Ro0 ESs' AU >"Sath 01 GEOCON INCORPORA CRCE Shane Rodacke &3OV6 63291 SR:AS:dmc CEG 1778. (6/del) Addressee Project No. 06105-12-07 -2- . March 25, 2003 Project No. 06105-12-07 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location SD 1 09/17/02 NRSF 199+66 SD 2 09/17/02 NRSF 199+10 SD 3 09/18/02 NRSF 180+60 SD 4 .09/19/02 NRSF 180+50 SD 5 09/24/02 NRSF 207+88 SD 6 09/24/02 NRSF 207+88 SD 7 09/27/02 NRSF 180+80 SD 8 10/01/02 NRSF 207+95 SD 9 11/01/02 NRSF 208+50 SD 10 10/02/02 NRSF 210+00 SD 11 10/02/02 NRSF 210+75 SD 12 10/02/02 NRSF 211+35 SD 13 10/04/02 NRSF 212+75 SD 14 10/04/02 NRSF 213+70 SD 15 10/04/02 NRSF 209+10 SD 16 10/11/02 NRSF 207+95 SD 17 10/11/02 NRSF 209+35 SD . 18 10/11/02 NRSF 209+35 SD 19 10/14/02 NRSF 199+60 SD 20 10/14/02 NRSF 199+40 SD 21 10/16/02 NRSF 198+42 SD 22 10/21/02 NRSF-209+35 SD 23 10/21/02 NRSF 209+35 SD 24 10/22/02 NRSF 199+66 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field .Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 422 8 60 139.6 5.8 127.6 10.0 91 90 418 8 40 134.1 77 120.6 8.7 90 90 350 1 0 119.6. 13.7 108.6 14.0 91 90 353 1 20 125.8 111 115.0 10.6 91 90 444 8 20 128.5 9.7 116.8 13.9 91 90 444 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.7 8.2 94 90 351 1 20 125.8 11.1 117.4 11.0 93 9.0 353 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.0 12.9 92 90 356 8 20 128.5 9.7 118.8 12.4 92 90 463 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.4 7.9 90 . 90 464 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.6 7.4 92 90 467 - 14 0 140.0 6.1 134.7 7.6 96 90 477 14 0 140.0 6.1 137.6 - 7.4 98 90 480 14 0 .140.0 6.1 131.4 8.2 94 90 455 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.2 6.7 90 90 356 8 40 134.1 77 125.9 8.1 94 90 366 8 40 134.1 . 7.7 123.0 8.3 92 90 367 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.7 6.5 93 .90 424 8 . 40 134.1 7.7 121.6 8.9 91 90- 421 8 40 l34.1.'..' 7.7 .123.7 8.3 92 90 414 8 40 I34.:1. 77 120.7 8.2 90 90 462 14 0 1.40.0 6.1 127.3 10.7 91' 90 162 14 0 14-0.0 6.1 126.4 7.4 90 90 419 8 60 139'6 5.9 130.9 . 9.4 94 90 Note: See last pae of table for explanation of coded terms - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-07 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SD 25 10/23/02 NRSF 199-i-69 420 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.9 10.2 91 90 SD 26 10/31102 NRSF 207+95 . 458 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.3 10.8 90 90 SD 27 10/31/02 NRSF 207+90 460 14 . 0 140.0 6.1 133.1 7.4 95 90 SD 28 10/31/02 NRSF 212+45 468 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.5 8.1 90 90 SD 29 10/31/02 NRSF 212+50 471 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.8 9.5 90 90 SD 30 10/31/02 NRSF 199+65 419 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.9 9.8 90 90 SD 31 10/31/02 .NRSF 191+10 392 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.1 8.8 90. 90 SD 32 10/31/02 NRSF 195+50 405 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.3 8.1 91 90 SD 33 10/31/02 NRSF 193+60 403 14 0 140.0 6.1 1287 8.3 92 90 SD 34 10/31/02 NRSF 192+35 397 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.0 8.3 .91 90 SD 35 10/31/02 NRSF 190+05 387 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.7 12.8 90 90 SD 36 11/25/02 NRSF 207+91 446 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.1 9.1 91 90 SD 37 11/25/02 NRSF 193+48 398 8 20 128.5 9.7 115.6 10.3 90 90 SD 38 11/26/02 NRSF 199+66 420 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.1 8.7 90 90 SD 39 12/05/02 NRSF 186+55 . 372 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.9 6.5 94 . 90 SD 40 12/05/02 NRSF 190+39 387 8 60 . 139.6 5.9 129.2. 7.4 92. 90 SD 41 12/10/02 NRSF 214+50 484 14 0 140.0 6.1 133.8 6.2 96 90 SD 42 12/10/02 NRSF 215+05 488 14 0 140.0 6.1 . 126.8 8.1 91 90 SD 43 12/10/02 NRSF 216+05 490 14 0 140.0 6.1 134.0 7.5 96 90 SD 44 12/10/02 NRSF 217+25 495 14 0 140.0 6.1 135.9 6.1 97 90 SD 45 12/16/02 NRSF 215+50 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.8 12.6 94 90 SD 46 12/16/02 NRSF 215+50 -2 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.7 8.7 92 90 SD 47 12/16/02 NRSF 215+50 -1 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.9 9.7 92 90 SD 48 12/16/02 NRSF 215+50 -2 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.0 6.5 91 . 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 06105-12-07 (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location SD 49 12/16/02 NRSF 215+50 SD 50 12/18/02 NRSF 183+30 SD 51 12/18/02 NRSF 184+90 SD 52 12/19/02 NRSF 185+90 SD 53 12/19/02 NRSF 186+15 SD 54 12/30/02 NRSF 185+46 SD 55 12/30/02 NRSF 182+44 SD 56 12/30/02 NRSF 182+44 SD 57 12/30/02 NRSF 186+55 SD 58 01/02/03 NRSF 189+90 SD 59 01/02/03 NRSF 189+90 SD 60 01/06/03 NRSF 186+55 SD 61 01/06/03 NRSF 186+55 SD 62 01/06/03 NRSF 193+49 SD 63 01/06/03 NRSF 207+97 SD 64 01/07/03 NRSF 193+49 SD 65 01/07/03 NRSF 207+97 SD 66 01/13/03 NRSF 186+55 SD 67 01/13/03 NRSF 182+45 SD 68 01/13/03 NRSF 183+15 SD 69 01/15/03 NRSF 193+45 SD 70 01/15/03 NRSF 193+45 SD 71 01/15/03 NRSF 179+50 SD 72 01/27/03 NRSF 197+60 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.3 7.0 92 90 -6 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.6 6.7 93 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.7 9.3 91 90 -5 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.6 7.3 93 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.4 7.1 94 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.6 7.0 90 90 -5 14 0 140.0 6.1 : 126.2 6.0 90 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.6 6.4 94. 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.0 6.6 91 90 -2 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.7 8.6 94 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.4 6.9 91 90 -6 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.7 5.9 92 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.1 6.0 92 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.6 6.8 93 90 -8 8 0 123.0 11.9 110.9 13.7 90 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.5 6.7 93 90 -5 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.8 7.3 91 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.5 6.0 90 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.3 7.3 92 90 -2 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.0 7.2 91 90 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.6 6.0 90 90 -2 14 0 140.0 6.1 129.4 6.8 92 90 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.1 7.3 94 90 -5 4 30 132.9 8.4 12018 7.6 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms — — — — — — — — M m — m—'— Mao — - — — Project No. 06105-12-07(I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist., Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SD 73 01/29/03 NRSF 197+00 -4 4 30 132.9 8.4 119.5 8.8 90 90 SD 74 01/29/03 NRSF 196+85 -6 4 30 132.9 8.4 122.7 8.3 92 90 SD 75 01/30/03 NRSF 196+30 -5 11 0 108.0 18.3 95.2 17.4 88 90 SD 75A 01/30/03 NRSF 196+30 -5 11. 0 108.0 18.3 97.1 17.7 90 90 SD 76 03/03/03 NSF DESILTING BASIN -5 13 20 128.4 9.0 117.7 12.4 92 90 SD 77 03/03/03 NRSF DESILTING BASIN -3 13 20 128.4 9.0 115.9 11.6. 90 90 SD 78 03/03/03 NRSF DESILTING BASIN -1 13 20 128.4 9.0 115.7 12.8 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms . Project No. 06105-12-07A (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SM 1 12/27/02 NRSF 179+70 -6 14 0 140.0 6.1 133.3 5.5 95 90 SM 2 12/27/02 NRSF 178+60 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.6 7.3 93 90 SM 3 12/27/02 NRSF 180+25 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.0 6.4 91 90 SM 4 12/28/02 NRSF 180+95 -4 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.7 8.2 91 90 SM 5 12/28/02 NRSF 182+25 -5 14 30 143.6 5.0 136.2 5.2 95 90 SM 6 12/28/02 NRSF 183+05 -8 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.1 6.5 90 90 SM 7 12/28/02 NRSF 184+20 -5 14 0 1400 6.1 128.0 6.4 91 90 SM 8 12/31/02 NRSF 29+05 4 14 0. 140.0 6.1 131.1 6.7 94, 90 SM 9 12/31/02 NRSF 181+60 -5 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.5 5.8 92 90 SM 10 12/31/02 NRSF 181+60 -3 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.4 8.3 90 90 SM 11 12/31/02 NRSF 178+20 -6 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.2 7.6 91 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - : ' - I. MM - - - - Project No. 06105-12-07B (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) WM 1 10/21/02 PIPELINE A 41+40 B 413 16 0 130.9 9.9 118.6 9.5 91 90 WM 2 10/21/02 PIPELINE A 41+00 B 413 16 0 130.9 9.9 119.3 10.3 91 90 WM 3 10/21/02 PIPELINE A 39+70 B 449 16 0 130.9 9.9 117.7 9.0 90 90 WM 4 10/21/02 PIPELINE A 40+39 B 435 16 0 130.9 9.9 118.9 9.5 91 90 WM 5 10/22/02 PIPELINE A 41+80 B 413 16 0 130.9 9.9 . 120.0 6.1 92 90 WM 6 12/22/02 PIPELINE A 41+35 SH 417 16 0 130.9 9.9 119..1 7.5 91 90 WM 7 10/22/02 PIPELINE A 41+87 SH 417 16 0 130.9 9.9 117.5 6.5 90 90 WM 8 10/23/02 PIPELINE A 41+12 SH 416 16 0 130.9 9.9 118.2 6.7 90 90 WM 9. 10/23/02 PIPELINE A 41+30 419 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.6 8.8 93 90 WM 10 10/23/02 PIPELINE A 41+76 418 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.5 9.4 94 90 WM 11 11/05/02 PIPELINE A 39+80 SH 451 16 0 130.9 9.9 125.5 9.7 96 90 WM 12 11/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+00 SH 439 16 0 130.9 9.9 121.8 11.0 93 90 WM 13 11/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+40 SH 435 16 0 130.9 9.9 118.4 . 9.0 90 90 WM 14 11/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+80 SH 425 16 0 130.9 99 120.2 9.1 . 92 90 WM 15 11/05/02 PIPELINE A39+70 454 9 0 126.9 10.7 117.9 15.1 93 90 WM 16 11/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+30 437 9 0 126.9 10.7 117.0 14.3 92 90 WM 17 11/06/02 PIPELINE A 40+60 . 435 8 0 123.0 11.9 113.8 12.0 93 90 WM 18 11/06/02 . PIPELINE A 40+00 440 8 0 123.0 11.9 114.1 11.1 93 90 WM 19 12/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+20 SH . 417 16 0 130.9 .9.9 121.5 9.4 93 90 WM 20 . 12/05/02 PIPELINE A 40+20 419 8 40 134.1 7.7 124.1 7.7 93 90 WM 21 12/27/02 PIPELINE B 217+05 B -5 16 0 130.9 9.9 120.2 12.8 92 90 WM 22 12/27/02 PIPELINE B 217+15 -4 16 0 130.9 9.9 117.4 10.3 90 90 WM 23 12/27/02 PIPELINE B 13+50 530 16 0 130.9 9.9 122.4 10.2 93 90 WM 24 12/27/02 PIPELINE B 13+35 552 14 0 140.0 . 6.1 128.4 7.0 92 90 Note: See- last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06105-12-07B (I) TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No,. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) WM 25 12/27/02 PIPELINE B 10+60 499 16 0 130.9 9.9 120.7 11.6 92 90 WM 26 01/09/03 PIPELINE B 12+40 507 16 0 130.9 9.9 117.7 10.5 90 90 WM 27 01/09/03 PIPELINE B 12+30 506 14 0 140.0 6.1 132.6 5.7 95 90 WM 28 01/10/03 PIPELINE B 12+80 529 16 0 130.9 9.9 118.3 12.4 90 90 WM 29 01/10/03 PIPELINE B 12+65, 524 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.3 5.1 93 90 WM 30 01/14/03 PIPELINE A 40+10 SH -5 16 0 130.9 9.9 117.4 12.8 90 90 WM 31 01/14/03 PIPELINE A 39+90 -2 ' 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.3 9.9 91 90 WM 32 01/29/03 PIPELINE A 199+00 0 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.7 8.0 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms , 0 — — -..-.- — — — on — — — — OWIMMOOM Project No. 06105-12-07 () TABLE I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) JT 1 03/07/03 NRSF 207+00 X -1 12 0 143.0 6.9 129.3 9.5 90 90 JT 2 03/07/03 NRSF 206+00 X -1 12 0 143.0 6.9 132.0 9.8 92 90 JT 3, 03/07/03 NRSF 208+60 X -1 12 0 143.0 6.9 130.2 9.0 91 90 JT 4 03/07/03 NRSF -1 12 0 143.0 6.9 129.8 8.7 91 90 JT 5 03/08/03 NRSF -3 26 0 138.5 6.9 125.6 8.5 91 90 JT 6 03/08/03 NRSF -1 26 0 138.5 6.9 127.3 9.6 92 90 JT 7 03/08/03 NRSF -1 26 0 138.5 6.9 124.9 9.4 90 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ml ml ml ml Project No. 06105-12-07 EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - Asphalt Concrete FG - Finish Grade RW - Retaining Wall SM - Sewer Main UT - Utility Trench B - Base IT - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain ST - Slope Test WB - Wall Backfill CG - Curb & Gutter iT - Joint Trench SG - Subgrade SW - Sidewalk WL - Water Lateral CW - Crib Wall PT - Plumbing Trench SL - Sewer Lateral SZ - Slope Zone WM - Water Main - SUFFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS A, B, C,... : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. R : Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil. - TEST LOCATION ABBREVIATIONSt V - Joint or Electrical Trench Vault N - North Side of Street X - Joint or Electrical Trench Crossing S - South Side of Street SH - Shade Sand E - East Side of Street - Bedding W - West Side of Street tFor Example: 'M-E" would describe a density test taken on the East Side of the Median Strip at the specified street and station number (i.e., MILLER RD 10+00 M-E) -CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in Table II, representing the laboratory maximum thy density/optimum moisture content data for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observations. - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum thy density and optimum moisture content values are then unadjusted values. - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. - TYPE OF TEST SC: Sand Cone Test NU: Nuclear Density Test - DC: Drive Cylinder Test f:\wpjob\tgeoconoffice\yp-word\document\DNSLGEND.doc (6/96) TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM 0 1557-00 Sample Maximum Optimum No. Description Dry Density Moisture Content S (pci) (% dry weight) 1 Orange to olive-brown, mottled, very Clayey 119.6 13.7 SAND 2 Brown, Clayey GRAVEL 123.6 11.4 3 Olive gray, Sandy CLAY 119.0 12.7 4 Reddish brown, Clayey SAND 125.2 11.3 5 Dark brown, Sandy CLAY 116.4 16.1 6 Brown, Clayey GRAVEL 125.4 11.6 7 Dark brown, Silty SAND 122.8 11.0 8 Reddish-brown, Gravelly, fine to coarse SAND 123.0 11.9 with trace silt 9 Reddish-gray, Sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL 126.9 10.7 with trace clay 10 Yellowish-brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 126.4 10.1 11 Light yellowish-brown, Silty CLAY with trace 108.0 18.3 sand 12 Dark Olive-brown, Sandy, fine to coarse 143.0 6.9 GRAVEL with trace sand 13 Light yellowish-brown, fine Sandy CLAY with 122.8 11.2 trace gravel 14 Dark Reddish-brown, fine to coarse Sandy 140.0 6.1 GRAVEL with trace clay 15 Brown, fine to medium Sandy CLAY with trace 122.9 11.0 gravel 16 Gray-brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND with 130.9 9.9 trace gravel 17 Light Olive-gray, Silty CLAY with sand and 117.6 13.4 gravel 18 Dark Grayish-brown, fine to medium SAND with 123.0 11.8 trace clay and gravel 19 Dark brown, fine to medium SAND with silt and 124.8 10.2 trace gravel 20 Dark brown, fine to coarse, Sandy GRAVEL with 141.9 5.8 trace of silt 21 Dark brown, fine to coarse, Sandy GRAVEL with 138.0 7.0 trace of silt I Project No. 06105-12-07 March 25, 2003 I I I I I I I [1 I I H I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-00 Maximum Optimum Sample Description Dry Density Moisture Content No. (PC') (% dry weight) 22 Olive gray, Clayey fine SAND 125.8 10.3 23 Brown, fine to coarse, Sandy CLAY with some 120.1 12.3 gravel 24 Grayish brown, fine to coarse, Sandy GRAVEL 121.1 12.0 with trace silt 25 Olive brown, fine to coarse, Sandy GRAVEL 140.6 6.6 with trace silt 26 Olive brown, fine to medium, Sandy GRAVEL 138.5 6.9 with silt 27 Dark gray, fine to coarse, angular SAND with 135.8 7.5 trace silt 28 Light brown-gray, fine to coarse, Silty SAND 129.0 10.9 with trace gravel and clay 29 Light brown-gray, fine to coarse, Silty SAND 130.1 10.9 with trace gravel and clay 30 Reddish brown, fine to medium, Silty SAND with 122.2 12.2 gravel 31 Reddish brown, find to coarse, Silty SAND with 126.8 10.4 some fine to coarse gravel and trace clay 32 Grayish olive-brown, fine to medium, Gravelly 144.0 6.3 SAND with trace silt LI Project No. 06105-12-07 March25, 2003