HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge; Rancho Sante Fe Road Bridge; 2000-07-01I (» I \ JTAhl ON E STRUCTURE FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR DOKKEN ENGINEERING SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA JULY 2000 3 HO c GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ProjectNo. 06535-22-OlA July 17, 2000 te P te te te p te p te te i te p te Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite A-153 San Diego, Califomia 92123-4491 Attention: Mr. Kirk Bradbury Subject: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNLV STRUCTURE FOUNDATION EWESTIGATION Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization of our proposal LG-00340 dated May 31, 2000, we herein submit the results of our foundation investigation for a proposed bridge spaiming San Marcos Creek at the subject site. The accompanying report presents the findings and conclusions from our study. Based on the resuits of our study, it is our opinion that the bridge can be constmcted as proposed, provided the recommendations ofthis report are followed. If you have any questions regarding this investigafion, or if we may be of further service, please contact the imdersigned at your convenience. Very tmly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED Joseph J. Vettel GE 2401 JJV:PD:dmc (6/del) Addressee Paul Dunster RG 6761 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone (858) 558-6900 • Fax |858) 558^159 p k TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 3. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 2 3.1 Alluvium (Qal) 2 3.2 Cretaceous Granitic Rock (Kgr) 2 4. GROUNDWATER 2 5 . GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 3 5.1 Landslides 3 5.2 Faulting 3 5.3 Soil Liquefaction Potential 4 5.4 Tsunamis and Seiches 4 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 6.1 Earthwork 5 6.2 Bridge Foimdations 6 6.3 Retaining WallsAVingwalls 9 te 6.4 Foundation and Cirading Plan Review 9 ^ LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1, Vicinity Map Figures 2-8, Log of Test Borings te APPENDDCA FIELD EWESTIGATION * Figures A-l - A-4, Logs of Borings • Figiffes A-5 - A-13, Logs of Trenches te APPENDIXB k LABORATORY TESTING Table B-I, Summary of Direct Shear Test Results te Table B-II, Summary of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content Test Results H Table B-III, Summary of Laboratory Water Soluble Sulfate Test Results Table B-IV, Summary of Chloride Ion Content Test Results te Table B-V, Simimary of Laboratory pH and Resistivity Test Results IK Figure B-1, Gradation Cin^e Figure B-2, Consolidation Curve ff il LIST OF REFERENCES P te k te 2 STRUCTURE FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION te 1- PURPOSE AND SCOPE k This report presents the results of a foimdation investigation for a proposed bridge spaiming San P Marcos Creek at Rancho Santa Fe Road located in eastera Carlsbad, California (see Vicinity Map, * Figure No. 1). The purpose of the investigation was to identify fhe site geology, to observe and p sample the prevailing soil conditions at the site and, based on the conditions encoimtered, to provide ll recommendations relative to earthwork and foundation support of the bridge as proposed. Geotechnical recommendations were presented for a previously proposed bridge at approximately the same location in our Bridge Foundation Investigation report submitted September 13, 1990 (see List of References). P " The scope of our Stmcture Foimdation Investigation included a site recormaissance, a field investigation including exploratory borings and trenches, laboratory testing, engineering analyses ^ and preparation ofthis report. The field investigation was performed on June 21 through 23, 2000, and consisted of the excavation of nine test trenches and four test borings. Six air track borings, eight m ^ borings and two trenches from fiie previous geotechnical investigation excavated in the general vicinity of the bridge are also included. Logs of the borings and trenches and other details of the current field investigation are presented in Appendix A and all data from current and previous investigations is presented on the Log of Test Borings (LOTB, Figures 2 through 8, map pocket). Laboratory tests were performed on selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings to determine their pertinent physical and chemical properties for engineering analyses. A discussion pertaining to the laboratory testing and results is presented in Appendix B. The recommendations presented herein are based on an analysis of the data obtained from the exploratory excavations, laboratory tests, and our experience with similar soil and geologic conditions. 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed right and left stmcture bridge will carry traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge over San Marcos Creek. The bridge will consist of two, three-span stmctures of cast-in-place, reinforced concrete box girder constmction, approximately 368 feet long and each about 52 feet wide. Approach embankments will be constmcted at each abutment. P Project No. 06535-22-01A ~- July 17,2000 p k p r te ! s p k p Ground surface elevations range from about 340 feet mean sea level (MSL) at the west side of Abutment 1 (south abutment) to approximately 325 feet MSL at the active stream. Final abutment elevations at the top of deck will be about 355 to 348 feet MSL. Final grading plans were not available for review; however, it is anticipated that site grading operations will consist of the placement of compacted fill up to 25 feet in depth at the abutments to establish final grades. 3. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS In general, the field investigation indicated that subsurface conditions are variable along the bridge aligimient. In general, the site is underlain by alluvium over granitic rock. The soil and/or rock conditions encountered are described in detail below. P |g 3.1 Alluvium (Qal) Alluvial soils were encountered at the surface within the majority of the low-lying portions of the te site including the northem chaimel embankment and within the San Marcos Creek channel. The alluvial soils are characterized by loose to moderately dense, moist to saturated, dark brown silty and clayey sands with some gravel, cobbles, and boulders. The thickness of the alluvium encountered wdthin the current and previous exploratory excavations ranged from approximately 1 to 14 feet. 3.2 Cretaceous Granitic Rock (Kgr) ^ Cretaceous-aged granitic rock correlated to the Bonsall Tonalite or Escondido Creek Granodiorite of the Southem Califomia Batholith comprises the bedrock material underlying the site. The weathered granitic rock is characterized by a dense to very dense, light brown, weathered to highly weathered te rock that excavates to a fine- to coarse-grained sand with gravel, cobble and boulder size fragments. ^ The granific rock is exposed over portions of the proposed southem bridge abutment location. In the te river channel, the depth to the weathered granitic rock is up to 14 feet from the existing ground ^ surface. It is not uncommon for granitic rock to weather to an uneven erosional surface resulting in 1^ "pinnacles" and "knobs" being located at shallow depths below the ground surface. Hence, the depth to granitic rock should be anticipated to vary throughout the site. 4. GROUNDWATER Groundwater was present at a depth of approximately 2 feet below the ground surface in the San Marcos Creek channel. It is anticipated that footing elevafions for Bent Nos. 2 and 3 could be as deep as 12 feet or more below the ground surface. Dewatering during constmction will likely be necessary to facilitate the foundation excavations and permit the foimdations to be constmcted in a Project No. 06535-22-01A - 2 - July 17. 2000 dry environment. Well points or other dewatering methods should be installed by the contractor to insure that all of the excavations remain free of standing water throughout constmction. Casing may be required during constmction of cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) piles. 5. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS e [ P te p 5.1 Landslides No landslides were encountered during the site investigation or are known to exist within the limits of the proposed bridge. 5.2 Faulting No active faults or potentially active faults are known to exist at the site. The Rose Canyon Fault is the nearest active fault and lies approximately 8 miles west of the site. The known active or potentially acfive faults within a (62-mile) 100 kilometer radius of the site as identified in the Califomia Seismic Hazard Map (1996) published by Caltrans are indicated in Table 5.2. Associated maximum credible earthquake magnitudes and peak horizontal bedrock accelerafions are also presented in Table 5.2. p IP te m TABLE 5.2 DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED ACTIVE FAULTS Fault Name Distance From Site (miles) Maximum Credible Event Fault Name Distance From Site (miles) Magnitude Peak Site Acceleration (g) Newport-lnglewood-Rose Canyon/East 8 7.0 0.32 Palos Verdes Hills-Coronado Bank 23 7.75 0.23 Whittier-Elsinore 24 7.5 0.17 San Diego Trough 34 7.5 0.12 Casa-Loma-Clark (San Jacinto Zone) 48 6.75 0.05 San Clemente 60 7.25 0.05 Peak horizontal acceleration values were developed from various sources (Slemmons, 1982; EQFAULT, 1993) in addifion to Mualchin's Caltrans Califomia Seismic Detail hidex Map, 1996. A peak acceleration of 0.32g is in good agreement with the value obtained from the Califomia Seismic Detail Index Map, 1996. P ProjectNo. 06535-22-01A -3-July 17, 2000 E lt is our opinion that the site could be subject to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of an earthquake along any of the faults listed in Table 5.2 or other faults in the southem California/northern Baja Califomia region. However, we do not consider the site to possess any M greater risk than that of the surrounding developments. Parameters for design in accordance with Caltrans criteria are presented in Section 6.2.6. 5.3 Soil Liquefaction Potential E Soil liquefaction occurs within relatively loose, cohesionless sands located below the water table that are subjected to ground accelerations from earthquakes. Because alluvial soils will be removed and Jl replaced with compacted fill within the abutment areas and dense granitic rock is relafively shallow, the potential for liquefaction occurring at the abutments is considered low. Pier footings will extend P into dense granitic rock and liquefaction of alluvial soils adjacent to fhe piers is considered te ™ insignificant to the performance ofthe pier foundafions. P te r te te k P 5.4 Tsunamis and Seiches The site is not located near the ocean, so there is no risk of tsunamis affecting the site. Lake San Marcos is several miles upstream from the proposed bridge. Seiches could be generated in a seismic event if the reservoir is fiill or nearly full. However, the bridge will be supported in granitic rock and k« it is estimated that no significant damage to the foundation elements would occur in the event of limited overtopping. Project No. 06535-22-01A - 4 - July 17, 2000 I P te 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Earthwork 6.1.1 From a geotechnical standpoint, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed bridge, provided the recommendations presented herein are implemented in design and constmction of the project. 6.1.2 The plaimed earthwork consists of removing alluvium and placing fill for the approach embankments at each abutment and placing backfill adjacent to the bridge supports associated with constmction ofthe foundation system. All grading should be performed in conformance with Sections 6-3, 19-3, 19-5 and 19-6 of the Caltrans Standard Specificafions. Backfill placed behind abutment walls, retaining walls and wingwalls should be non-expansive. The extent and placement of the non-expansive soils should conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications 19-5.03. Backfill should have an expansion index (EI) less than 30. P te •* kt f» 6.1.3 The current design shows 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slopes at the approach embankments te and VAil rip rapped slopes under the abutments. Analyses were performed to assess the stability ofthe proposed slopes. The final fill slopes have a calculated overall stafic factor of safety of 1.5. Under pseudo-static conditions, a factor of safety of 1.2 was calculated. Considering the relatively conservative strength assumptions used, the limitations inherent in the pseudo-static method of analysis, and experience with slopes constmcted using similar materials, the proposed slopes are expected to perform satisfactorily under both static and earthquake loading conditions. Jy C 6.1.4 Fill slopes should be constmcted of granular soils and may be susceptible to surface erosion. Consideration should be given to the use of jute mesh or other surface freatments to those slopes not being paved to minimize soil transport by nm-off until adequate J erosion-resistant vegetation can become established. All roadway drainage should be directed to appropriate collection and discharge facilities so that mn-off does not flow over the tops ofslopes. 2 E 6.1.5 Surface settlement can be expected at the abutments where substantial thicknesses ofnew fill will be placed. Based on the current plans, about 20 feet of fill will be placed at the abutments after removals. The settlements will occur as a result of compression of the new fill. The total settlement is direcfiy related to the thickness of new fill. Total ground surface settlement at abutments is predicted to be about Yi inch. We anticipate that most of ProjectNo. 06535-22-01A - 5 - July 17, 2000 the settlement will occur as loads are applied. Therefore, post constmction setfiement should be slight and no settlement monitoring period prior to bridge constmction is considered necessary. ^ 6.2 Bridge Foundations * 6.2.1 The abutments should be supported on a deep foimdation system extending through the C approach embankment fill into granitic rock. The fill at the abutments would compress excessively under the loads imposed by the bridge if spread footings were used. Piers 2 and 3 can be supported on spread footings founded in granitic rock. Because the site will be dewatered to excavate pier footings and remove alluvium for the placement of the approach embankments and driven piles have a difficult time penetrating the rock, we P anticipate cast-in-drilled-hole piles are the most economical pile type for deep foundations. Casing may be necessary where groimdwater seepage is encountered. te p te 6.2.2 CTDH piles will develop support by friction along the sides and end bearing in the granitic rock at depth. Because some nuisance water may be encountered requiring casing or tremie placement, 24-inch diameter CIDH piles are recommended. Pile tip elevations for 24-inch diameter, 70 ton, CIDH piles are presented in Table 6.2.1 for the right bridge and the left bridge. Table 6.2.2 presents pile tip elevations at the right bridge and left bridge for 24-inch diameter, 100 ton, CIDH piles. P te P ii 6.2.3 Ultimate uplift capacities of piles are also presented in Tables 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. Actual uplift capacity for design may be limited by stmctural considerations as outlined in Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications, Section, If pile spacing is at least 3 times the maximum dimension of the pile, no reduction in axial capacity for group effects is considered necessary. |p 6.2.4 Lateral loads causing 1/4 inch of deflection at the ground surface are presented in ii Table 6.2.3. These capacities can be increased proportionately with deflection to a maximum deflection of 1 inch. If greater capacities than those shown in Table 6.2.3 are 2 needed, Geocon Incorporated should be contacted to develop specific lateral capacity- deflection curves on a case-by-case basis. 6.2.5 Pile settlement is expected to be on the order of 1/2 inch for CIDH piles. Settlements should be essentially complete shortly after completion of the bridge superstmcture. Project No. 06535-22-01A - 6 - July 17, 2000 E — r c r te fe TABLE 6.2.1 TIP ELEVATIONS FOR 70 TON CIDH PILES (ABUTMENTS) Location Design Load (tons) Nominal Resistance Design Tip Elevation (feet) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) Location Design Load (tons) Compression Tension Design Tip Elevation (feet) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) Abutment IL (east) 70 140 70 315^315^315' 315 Abutment IL (west) 70 140 70 320', 320", 320' 320 Abutment IR 70 140 70 317',317^317' 317 Abutment 4R 70 140 70 313^313^313' 313 Abutment 4L 70 140 70 314^3I4^314' 314 'Compression; ^Tension; 'Lateral loads; ^Pile tip below anticipated scour; liquefaction anticipated TABLE 6.2.2 TIP ELEVATIONS FOR 100 TON CIDH PILES (ABUTMENTS) Location Design Load (tons) Nominal Resistance Design Tip Elevation (feet) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) Location Design Load (tons) Compression Tension Design Tip Elevation (feet) Specified Tip Elevation (feet) Abutment IL (east) 100 200 100 312',312^312' 312 Abutment IL (west) 100 200 100 317',317^317' 317 Abutment IR 100 200 100 314',314^314' 314 Abutment 4R 100 200 100 310^310^310' 310 Abutment 4L 100 200 100 3I1',3I1',311' 311 'Compression; ^Tension; •'Lateral loads; ^Pile tip below anticipated scour; ^o liquefaction anticipated TABLE 6.2.3 LATERAL CAPACITIES FOR CIDH PILES Pile Location Pile Dimension Lateral Load at 1/4 inch Deflection Pile Location Pile Dimension Fixed Free Abutments 24-iiich diameter 48 kips 20 kips ProjectNo. 06535-22-OlA -7-July 17, 2000 6.2.6 Piers 2 and 3 can be supported on shallow spread footings founded in granitic rock. Footings should have a minimum embedment of 4 feet into granitic rock. Bottom of footing elevations should be at or below the following elevations: • Pier 2 = Elevation 311 feet • Pier 3 - Elevation 311 feet pi 6.2.7 The rock surface can be highly variable and excavations for footings should be inspected ll to confirm minimum rock embedment. Footings bearing in granitic rock (Piers 2 and 3) may be designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 5 tons per square foot (tsf) and an ultimate bearing capacity of 10 tsf Footings should be a minimum of 3 feet in width. The horizontal distance from the surface ofa slope to the top outside edge of the footing should te be at least 5 feet. k E 6.2.8 Settlements of footings imposing the allowable pressure is estimated to be less than 1/2 inch. It is expected that nearly all ofthe settlement will occur as the loads are applied. P ^ 6.2.9 Lateral loads transmitted to footings may be resisted by friction acting along the footing bases and passive lateral bearing. An allowable coefficient of fiiction of 0.45 may be used. ^ For footings founded in granitic rock confined by a level ground surface, an equivalent passive fluid pressure of 500 pcf can be used. An equivalent passive fluid pressure of 300 pcf can be used for compacted fiU. te te 6.2.10 Pile borings should be filled wdth concrete and initial set achieved before an adjacent pile ^ boring is drilled. Caving and ravelling of sidewalls could occur if seepage is encountered. We anticipate that the entire bridge site will be dewatered to facilitate excavation of alluvium at the abutments and at the piers for footing excavations. However, the contractor should have casing available in the event that minor caving or seepage is encountered. 6.2.11 A value of 125 pcf can be used as the average wet density of the soils at the bridge site. 6.2.12 As discussed in Section 3.3.5, a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of 0.32g based on a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the Newport-lnglewood-Rose Canyon/East should be used for this site. This fault is considered a strike-slip fault and is approximately 12 kilometers from the site. Therefore, modifications to the specfral acceleration may be necessary depending on the period of the stmcture. Soil Profile Type B should be used for design. E Project No. 06535-22-01A - 8 - July 17, 2000 p te p 6.2.13 The soils on-site are only mildly to moderately corrosive with respect to concrete and k steel. This site does not have to be considered a corrosive environment, based on Calfrans criteria. Type II Portland cement should be used in concrete in contact with the ground. HI Adequate concrete cover over reinforcing steel should be provided in accordance with good constmction practices and design standards. te 6.3 Retaining Walls/Wingwalls P Il 6.3.1 Unrestrained walls are those that are allowed to rotate more than O.OOIH (where H equals the height ofthe retaining wall portion of the wall) at the top ofthe wall. Retaining walls not restrained at the top and having a level backfill surface should be designed for an active soil pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted by a fluid density of 35 pcf Where the backfill will be inclined at 2:1 (horizontahvertical), an active soil pressure of 52 pcf is recommended. For retaining walls subject to vehicular loads within a horizontal distance equal to two-thirds the wall height, a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of fill soil should be added. Soil placed for retaining wall backfill should meet the requirements outlined in Section 6.1.2. 6.3.2 All retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to prevent the P buildup of hydrostatic forces. The drainage system should consist of weepholes or backdrains. The above recommendations assume a properly compacted granular (EI less than 50) free-draining backfill material with no hydrostatic forces or imposed surcharge L load. 6.4 Foundation and Grading Plan Review 6.4.1 Geocon Incorporated should review the grading plans and foundation plans prior to final design submittal to determine if additional analysis and/or reconunendations are required. E Project No. 06535-22-01A - 9 - July 17, 2000 --4- P k p LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS li ^ 1. The recommendations ofthis report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon fel the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during 2 constmction, or ifthe proposed constmction will differ from that anticipated herein, Geocon Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. The P evaluation or identification ofthe potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials was * not part of the scope of services provided by Geocon Incorporated. C 2. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are U brought to the attention of the engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such 2 recommendations in the field. 3. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the k conditions of a property can occur wdth the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in P ^ applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings ofthis report may be invalidated wholly P or partially by changes outside our confrol. Therefore, this report is subject to review and fe should not be relied upon after a period of three years. P te p fe E Project No. 06535-22-OlA July 17, 2000 p b SOURCE: 2000 THOMAS BROTHERS MAP LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA REPRODUCED WITH PERMISSION GRANTED BY THOMAS BROTHERS MAPS. THIS MAP IS COPYRIGHTED BY THOMAS BROS. MAPS. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COPY OR REPRODUCE ALL OH ANY PART THEREOF, WHETHER FOR PERSONAL USE OR RESALE, WITHOUT PERMISSION 4 M NO SCALE GEOCON CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS 6970 FUVNDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 - 2974 PHONE 858 558-6100 - FAX 858 558-8437 JV/JMW DSK/EOOOO VICINITY MAP RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE PROJECT NO. 06535 - 22 - 01A FIG. 1 X/R14/1DRAFTlNG/JIMW/716/rsantfe1 p te P te fe E E APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation was performed on June 21 through 23, 2000, and consisted ofthe excavation of four small-diameter borings and nine backhoe frenches at the approximate locations shown on Logs of Test Borings (Figures 2 through 8). The small-diameter borings were drilled to depths ranging from Th feet to 23 feet below existing grade using a Ingersoll-Rand A300 tmck-mounted drill rig equipped with 8-inch-diameter, hollow-stem auger. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained with the drill rig by driving a 3-inch O. D., split-tube sampler 12 inches into the undisturbed soil mass with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The split-tube sampler was equipped with 1-inch-high by 2V8-inch-diameter, brass sampler rings to facilitate sample removal and testing. Standard penefration tests (SPT) were performed by driving a 2-inch O.D. split spoon sampler 18 inches in accordance with ASTM D 1586. The number of blows to drive the sampler the last 12 of 18 inches is reported. Disttu*bed bulk samples were obtained from drill cuttings and SPT testing. The frenches were excavated with John Deere 555 frack hoe with a 24-inch wide bucket. In addition to the borings and frenches for the current investigation, six air frack borings, eight small diameter borings and two frenches from the previous geotechnical investigation excavated in the general vicinity of the bridge are included on the Log of Test Boring sheets. The soil conditions encountered in the frenches were visually examined, classified, and logged in general conformance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual - Manual Procedure D2844). The logs of the borings and frenches excavated for the current investigation are presented on Figures A-l through A-13. The logs depict the various soil/rock types encountered and indicate the depths at which samples were obtained. Project No. 06535-22-01A July 17, 2000 PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. >-CD O _1 a X SOIL CLASS CUSCS) BORING B 101 ELEV. (MSL.) 333 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED IR300A 6/23/00 n U-w go >-b a - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION z - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - Bl-1 Bl-2 Bl-3 Bl-4 Bl-5 - 12 SM/ML FILL Dense, dry, moderate yellowish-brown, fine to medium, Silty SAND/Sandy SILT -Encountered concrete chunk at 5 feet, pulled rig forward 3 feet 44 127.7 3.4 ML ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, moderate brown, Sandy SILT -No recovery 52 BORING TERMINATED AT 12 FEET (REFUSAL) te I* te m E I I Figure A-l, Log of Boring B 101 RSFRS SAMPLESYMBOLS ° - UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E. B. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAHPLE !E ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > CD O _1 o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 102 ELEV. (MSL.) 327 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED IR300A 6/23/00 n IE w go >-b Q UJ CJ - 0 MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - B2-1 B2-2 B2-3 E P te 1^ L r te ALLUVIUM Firm to soft, damp, grayish-brown, Sandy SILT, highly organic and odorous 4L/MH -No recovery Refusal, puU rig forward 5 feet, refiisal at same depth BORING TERMINATED AT 7.5 FEET (REFUSAL) 18 25/5' 118.9 17.3 Figure A-2, Log of Boring B 102 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - UNSUCCESSFUL m ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAHPLE Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIKES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. > CD O _l o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 103 ELEV. (MSL.) 335 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED IR300A 6/23/00 UJ Ui=i go >-b tr • UJ^$ o - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ::f- •l :f-•\ \. ::f. •t i c [ - 2 - ' 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 B3-1 B3-2 B3-3 B3-4 I 5M/ML AIXUVIUM Loose, moist, moderate brown, fme to coarse, Silty SAND/Sandy SILT -Moist to wet -No recovery 23 PUSH 3 85.1 5.7 ML Firm, moist to wet, dark yellowish-brown, Sandy SILT 11 114.0 17.4 BORING TERMINATED AT 11 FEET (REFUSAL) r te r te P Figure A-3, Log of Boring B 103 RSFRB SAMPLESYMBOLS °- UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST 1... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAHPLE I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE E NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. p k PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > CD O _l o X H SOIL CUSS (USCS) BORING B 104 ELEV. (MSL.) 328 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED maooA 6/23/00 go >-b tr a hi - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - - 4 - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - 14 16 18 20 h 22 H B4-1 B4-2 B4-3 B4^ ll SW I CH I ! hi •j-f r ill ALLUVIUM Loose, diy, moderate brown, fine to coarse SAND, some silt -Black silt, soft, moist -Seepage below 4 feet 15 109.5 20.6 Stiff, wet, mottied oranges and olives. Sandy CLAY ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, mottled dark yellowish-orange, weak to moderately strong. Excavates as Silty. fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles 75 124.0 12.3 90 -Becomes highly to moderately weathered BORING TERMINATED AT 23 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-4, Log of Boring B 104 RSFRB SAMPLESYMBOLS °- UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B ... CHUNK SAHPLE 1... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHD TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IH FEET SAMPLE HO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T105 ELEV. (MSL.) 328 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE UJ Ul gu >'b a - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION T5-1 fe - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - T5-2 ML ML ALLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy SILT, abundant roots Becomes wet below 3 feet, with seepage, abundant angular cobbles and boulders to 2 feet diameter, olive black, organic odors -Heavy seepage, standing water ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottled browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles te P te TRENCH TERMINATED AT 13 FEET Figure A-5, Log of Trench T 105 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAHPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B ... CHUNK SAHPLE Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG Of SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITtONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. > CD O -I o X I-H SOIL CLASS CUSCS) TRENCH T 106 ELEV. (MSL.) 326 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE uj^jjo UJ ^9 CO >b o UJ^^ UJ •o CJ - 0 MATERL\L DESCRIPTION te - 2 - - 4 - k P te p te ML ALLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy SILT, abundant roots ML \ Becomes wet below 3 feet, with seepage, abundant angular cobbles and boulders to 2 feet diameter, olive black, organic odors -Heavy seepage, standing water ESCONDIDO CREEfC GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottled browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles / TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-6, Log of Trench T 106 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAHPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS B. . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B. . CHUNK SAMPLE ¥ . . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA m m fe DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE HO. >-CD O -J o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 107 ELEV. (MSL.) 328 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE UJSP iLU UJ CL' ID gu. go ^b a uj^; u - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - - 4 - T7-I k tm k P VlL/SM VlL/SM ALLUVIUM Soft, dan^. dark brown, Sandy SILT/Silty SAND, abimdant roots Below 2 feet becomes wet, olive black, organic odoT, with seepage, standing at 4 feet VlL/SM Below 4 feet abundant cobbles and boulders to 2 feet diameter :<t- \ ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottied browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fme to coarse SAND with angular cobbles TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-7, Log of Trench T 107 RSFRB « . . o n ... SAHPLIHG UNSUCCESSFUL SAMPLE SYMBOLS _ ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STANDARD PEHETRATION TEST 1... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAHPLE ^ - - - WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE m NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AHD AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATlOHS AHO TIHES. fe PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA E DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE HO. >• CD O _l O X I- H SOIL CLASS CUSCS) TRENCH T 108 ELEV. (MSL.) 335 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE III rnr^ UJsi go tr u - 0 MATERL\L DESCRIPTION P fe te - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - 8 10 h 12 T8-1 T8-2 PI P te ALLUVIUM Loose, moist, moderate brown, fme to coarse, Silty SAND/Sandy SILT 5M/ML 104.9 6.9 3M/ML Heavy seepage, standing water and caving between 9 and 11 feet -1-ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottled browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12 FEET Figure A-8, Log of Trench T 108 RSFRB . . ,^«T o Q--- SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL SAMPLE SYMBOLS __ ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE n. B. . STANDARD PENETRATION . CHUNK SAMPLE TEST 1... DRIVE SAMPLE (UHDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS SHOWH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG OR TREHCH LOCATIOH AND AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATlOHS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IH FEET SAHPLE HO. > CD O _i o X SOIL CUSS CUSCS) TRENCH T 109 ELEV. (MSL.) 326 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE og . guj; a. a Rfc- - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION fe P fe - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - P te P te s ML ALLUVIUM Soft, dry, dark brown, Sandy SILT ML Becomes saturated, heavy seepage, standing water, approximately 50% cobbles and boulders (angular and rounded) up to 18 inches diameter, caving, cannot keep trench open ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottied browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-9, Log of Trench T 109 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAHPLIHG UHSUCCESSFUL E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • . . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS B... SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B... CHUNK SAHPLE I . . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOWH HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE HO. > CD O _l o X I-H SOIL CLASS CUSCS) TRENCH T 110 ELEV. (MSL.) 327 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/21/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE On * <c£\ ujnip UJ ujs; §u^ go a 0£^ •o u - 0 MATERL\L DESCRIPTION P - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 te fe te te p fe JL ML ALLUVIUM Soft. dry. dark brown, Sandy SILT ML Becomes saturated, heavy seepage, approximately 50% cobbles and boulders, (angular and rounded) up to 18 inches diameter, caving, cannot keep trench open ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Highly weathered, weak to moderately strong, mottled browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND with angular cobbles TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-10, Log of Trench T 110 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAHPLIHG UNSUCCESSFUL E. . STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST • . . DRIVE SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS B. SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B. . CHUNK SAHPLE . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AHD AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. > CD O _1 o X t-H SOIL CUSS (USCS) TRENCH Till ELEV. (MSL.) 332 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/22/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE SUJ^ UJUO UJ^IO n Kw >-b tr a o^ •o u - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION E E - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - I* ii te - 14 fe ALLUVIUM Loose to medium dense, danq), moderate brown to dark brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND, scattered cobbles and boulders up to 2 feet diameter SM -Steel storm drain SM Seepage, standing water at 10 feet Becomes saturated 52 ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Moderately to highly weathered, weak to moderately weak, mottled browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-11, Log of Trench T 111 RSFRB r, * . ,r.T ,«^T H ... SAHPLI NG UNSUCCESSFUL SAMPLE SYMBOLS _ ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STAHDARD PEHETRATIOH . CHUHK SAMPLE TEST 1... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOWH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATIOH AND AT THE DATE INDICATEO. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE HO. >-CD O SOIL CUSS (USCS) TRENCH T 112 ELEV. (MSL.) 333 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/22/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE On • <r>E\ guj; 0. 'a:S gu^ go >b g- a| iz u - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION T12-1 P il p c - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - 8 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 te M 1- ALLUVIUM Loose to medium dense, damp, moderate brown to dark brown, Silty, fme to coarse SAND, approximately 20% boulders up to 2 feet diameter SM Becomes damp, increase in boulders, prevelant caving SM \ ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Moderately to highly weathered, weak to moderately weak, mottied browns and oranges, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND / TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16 FEET Figure A-12, Log of Trench T 112 RSFRB n SAHPLING UNSUCCESSFUL SAMPLESYMBOLS ^ :»«nKLifn. unsuLuc^ruL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STANDARD PEHETRATIOH TEST 1 ... DRIVE SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAHPLE Z ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWH HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AHD AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHD TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OlA E DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. > CD O -J o X I-H SOIL CUSS (USCS) TRENCH T 113 ELEV. (MSL.) 335 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/22/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE UiMo uj^oa CO. CJ >-b tr a UJ6* PI- CO UJ •o u - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION E i 2 - - 4 - - 6 - TOPSOIL \ Soft, dry, moderate brown, Sandy SILT P fe fe i fe P fe ALLUVIUM Loose to medium dense, moist, moderate and reddish-brown, Clayey SAND / 136.1 15.2 ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Moderately to highly weathered, mottied browns and oranges, we^ to moderately weak, excavates as Silty, fine to coarse SAND TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-13, Log of Trench T 113 RSFRB SAMPLE SYMBOLS n ... SAHPLIHG UHSUCCESSFUL B.. . STAHDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B.. . CHUHK SAHPLE z.. . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG OR TREHCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRAHTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATlOHS AHD TIHES. PROJECT NO. 06535-22-OIA DEPTH IH FEET SAHPLE HO. > CD O _l o X H- H SOIL CUSS (USCS) TRENCH T 114 ELEV. (MSL.) 340 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 6/22/00 JD 555 TRACK HOE UJ UJ^ KS > Su! tr a a| iz ^p CJ - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION E P fe P fe - 2 - - 4 - 6 - T^ •Kt \ SM 9 TOPSOIL Loose to medium dense, dry. moderate brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND, highly porous, abundant roots ESCONDIDO CREEK GRANODIORITE Moderately to slightiy weathered, closely spaced joints, mottled, strong to moderately strong, excavates as_angular cobbles Becomes strong to very strong TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET (REFUSAL) P fe E Figure A-14, Log of Trench T 114 RSFRB r,. ^ MT^T T-^^r^ ,T^^T ^ SAHPLING UHSUCCESSFUL SAMPLE SYMBOLS _ ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE E. B. . STANDARD PEHETRATIOH . CHUHK SAHPLE TEST 1 ... DRIVE Z ... WATER SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE I DATE IHDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHD TIHES. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other suggested procedures. Selected soil samples were tested for their shear sfrength characteristics and grain size distribution. Selected soils samples were also tested for pH, resistivity, chloride ion content and sulfate content. The results of our laboratory tests are presented on Tables B-I through B-V and Figures B-1 and B-2. The results of chloride ion content tests performed by Clarkson Laboratory and Supply Incorporated also are presented herein. P fe r te TABLE B-I SUMMARY OF DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Sample No. Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content (%) Unit Cohesion (psf) Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) B104-3 124.0 12.3 900 42 T105-1* 87.4 20.1 0 38 *Sample remolded to approximately 90 percent of maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. E G TABLE B-II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS Sample No. Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (% dry wt.) T105-1 Dark brown Sandy SILT 98.2 19.1 TABLE B-lll SUMMARY OF LABORATORY WATER SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS Sample No. Water Soluble Sulfate (%) T112-1 0.006 E ProjectNo. 06535-22-01A -B-1 -July 14, 2000 p fe fe te L te E TABLE B-IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY CHLORIDE ION CONTENT TEST RESULTS Sample No. Chloride Ion Content (ppm) TU2-1 33 p te TABLE B-V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY pH and RESISTIVITY TEST RESULTS Sample No. pH Muumum Resistivity (ohm-centimeters) T112-1 7.2 2201 Project No. 06535-22-01A -B-2-Julyl7, 2000 PROJECTNO. 06535-22-OlA GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COflRSE FINE :Ol^RSE MEDIUn FINE SILT OR CLAY U. S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 100 90 80 H UJ CQ tr z 50 H U. H 40 UJ u tr Ul 30 20 10 0 3" 1-1/2" 3/4- 3/8 8 IjS 30 50 10 60 100 200 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLEMETERS 0.01 0.001 SAMPLE Depth (ft) CLASSIFICATION »iAT WC LL PL PI T107-1 3.0 (SM) E GRADATION CURVE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RSFRB Figure B-I p PROJECTNO. 06535-22-OlA o H h-<c o H _l o CO z o o UJ u tr UJ Q. RSFRB SAMPLE NO. B102-1 -4 -2 10 12L_ 0.1 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE Ocsf) Initial Dry Density (pcf) hiitial Water Content (%) Initial Saturation (%) 100-H Sample Samrated at (ksf) 0.5 CONSOLIDATION CURVE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure B-2 c r fe I LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Blake, T. F., EQFAULT, A Computer Program for the Deterministic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized Califomia Faults, Users Manual, 1989a, p. 79 (Revised 1993). 2. Califomia Department ofTransportation, 1986, Bridge Design Details Manual. 3. ^ 1986, Bridge Memo to Designers Manual. 4. , 1987, Bridge Design Specifications Manual. 5. , 1995, Highway Design Manual. 6. , 1995, Standard Specifications. 7. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Oaks and Ridge, Carlsbad, Califomia, Geocon Incorporated, January 10,2000 (Project No. 06105-12-01). E 8. Bridge Foundation Investigation for Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment, Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Crossing at San Marcos Creek, Carlsbad, Califomia, Geocon Incorporated, September 13, 1990 (ProjectNo. 04367-05-03). 9. Geologic Map of the Northwestem Part of San Diego County, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 96-02, 1996. te 10. Slenmions, D. B., 1982, Determination of Design Earthquake Magnitudes for Microzonation, Proceedings of Third Intemationai Microzonation Conference, Vol. 1. r fe 11. United States Geological Survey, 7.5 minute Quadrangle Series, Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle, 1968, photorevised 1983, P L 12. Unpublished reports, aerial photographs and maps on file with Geocon Incorporated. ProjectNo. 06535-22-01A July 17, 2000