HomeMy WebLinkAbout3321; JAMES DRIVE STORM DRAIN; HYDROLOGY AND FACILITY HYDRAULICS REPORT; 1986-05-07• :·· ' <., r I I r 1, r r ~ r·~ r .. I [ . l .. L ! L_. L L l "-I L L I ~ .,·: (.~/-· ~.fT -----·--'---~- ___ p/2.,jp-;T 3:S2} ,·,, FRASER·& ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers • CIVIL ENGINEERING a WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS a LAND PLANNING & DESIGN a STUDIES & REPORTS a ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES a CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE .;-•,;,,,-( I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I CITY. OF CARLSBAD JAMES DRIVE UNDERGROUND EXTENDED STORM DRAIN SERVICE AREA HYDROLO~Y AND FACILITY HYDRAULICS REPORT '.}:""' " ·1· ~'.-1·. " . ·' .. ;·1 · ,, ,. I I ·1 ,, .I --1 ' :·1 .. l- -1 ·>I ,. ~ . :'-..,, ~' :, J • . ~ ,. ~ ~-1 ;,_ FRASER & ASSOCIATES-· -_ Consulting Engineers May-7, 1986 City of Car'l,_sbad l 20.0. El·m ,A.venue Carlsbad, California 92008 120-510 ATTN: Mr. Roger Greer, Director_-· U.tilities/Mainte~ance Department Subje:ct: James Drive Underground Extended Storm Drain~ Sydrology And Hydrau1ics Report ' Gentlemen: "' ' . ; ..-. [ ... .,. " . This te~brt exa~ines th, poition of Storm Water Basin BB, as -d~fined in the· C~ty of Carlsbad Master Drainage Plan of 1980, that is ·upstream of Tamarack Avenue and continues to the southerly terminus of James· Drive. 'The storm water basin has been divided in to sub-basins in 'cfrtl'et ic:i ·de.t~r.niine ., the incremental needs of the storm drain system·:.· ·'Ea'c·h '_iub_:;-bisin has , been further su·bdi vided into soil type areas 'ai:id _u~~: aie.as.-•. So.il types were determined using the·, "'SoiX Sur·v_ei_'o,f.'~~~np·iego ~r:ea, California", prepared -by the U.S. Soil-Coti'se:rva:ti.crn Seriv:i~e (.SC-S). Use areas were· taken from the "Ge-netal Plan ·tt~P."'~ _of .t'he Ci.t_y of Carlsbad. The procedure of the· s·tudy will -~e· discusse4. in detail in the "Methodology" set-tion·. , ·.-.. '.. _ ·: · ~-· · ' . -..,,_' '•- RECOMMENDATION$ · · l • 2. Although the scope of the study d~d not require the examination of the existing 18-inch diameter storm drain in the portion 6f_Jam~s Drive.i~mediately south of Basswood Avenue, we have checked it.and find it to be undersized. It should be iricria~ed io a ~0-in~h-diameter pipe sloped at 0.16-%. ·We understand, however, that you do not wish to prdt~ed ~ith.the_4~sign fo~ this modification at this ·time·.. _ ...... , · · .;_~ ,_ ... · -~-· · -~ ~ _ _ . ,• •• ' ... .. -~, .. ~ ~ ' ·-·~ < ~ ~ ' " . . ... ~-The. st'orm ·d:ra·in trom -the southerly terminus of the northerly section of Ja•es Drive to Chestnut Avenue sho-uld be a 42-i.nch diamet.er re1nf orced concrete pipe (RCP) a wi"th a· ,.$i'op·e ·of 0.1~l. -·,:· ::·-~-·-·. ,:,---:-;,"'. :·.: .. _.-;,:. .• .. . ,, '£ ••• . . . .• •. • FRASER & ASSOCIATE;~ . • 2945 HARDING STREET, S_UITE 211, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 !-,1'''. '. ;·-:1 ', '. ,, ,.', -, \,,·,. I' :--. . ,·~'. -~ - :_.:I I· ., I ·.1 : I· :,1 ~~I :-:·I ~: :I ::, ·'--; .... ,. ~;~. : :;, .. •;'I i~il -I Mr_ •. Roger Greer May. 7, -1986- Page two . 3.. .R.eplace · th.e 1;:wo · 30-inch diamet·er culverts under Chestnut Avenue. wit-h a sin.gle 4-2-irtch diameter storm drain to m,tch the up~tr~am art4 downstream stoim dra~n diameter_: req.uired for this rea·ch. 'l'he construe tion cost -of ·reinforced .concrete ttans.ition structure.s ·is almost as expen_sive as replace.ment. Most import.antly, howev~r .. , the tra~•ition siructuras woul~ constitute a higher· ·maiilten:ance o,blig:atiort a.nd increase the liability for fl.ood ·c;1ama·ges should it become blocked from debris caught up in tne tr:ansi-tion structure or g-oing from a 42-inch · diameter to a 30-inch (i,.ameter pipeline. 4. The -storm dt.ain from Chestnu.t Avenue southerly to Magnolia sho1,1ld be a 4.2-inch diameter RCP with a slope of 1.05% ±· 5. The storm draii from the northerly side of Magnolia Avenu~ to Tamarack Avenui should be a 54-inch RCP with a slope of 0.0064% ±~ 6. Perform a detailed hydro-lo·gy a-nd hydraulics study to determine tbe precise deficiencies of-the existing storm drain from Tamarack south to Agua Hedionda Lagoon and provide the hydraulic cap~city consistent with current standar4s. 'Th~s need will beco~e even ~ore important - when the lo~er reach is called upon to convey the full• caps.city generated in the newly constructed upper reach _nqrth of Tamara.ck Ave_nue. _ In this situation there will be insufficient cap~city in some reaches of the lower section (south of Tamarack Avenue) to adequately s·erve the southern sections of the drainage area causing local fiooding and erosion conditions. G6od engineering pra,ctice. n.ormally -wo.uld suggest that adequate downstream hydraulic capacity be ptovided prior to increasing the hydraulic· capacity of u.ps,tream sections of a storm wate-r system. METHODOLOGY 1. Drainage Areas: ·n,rainage areas were determined using Co.unty of San D'iego 200 .feet equal~ one inch scale, ortho-ph-0to contour maps. The northerly line of drainage basin BB was established as per the City of Carlsbad Master Drainage Plan. Each sub-basin vas plotted on the Qrtho-photp-~aps; ~ach ~ap was checked for scale and each sub-basin was measured us-ing a compensating Polar Planimeter. A' minimum of tw-o tnea,suremen ts for each basin were taken.1. · Planimetl'y ~nd the results of it are shown on Sheets 1~ 2 &_12 of the Appendix. FRASER.& ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 ·I : .. 1:· :I I I I I ·I I I I I I I· I I I. Mr. ~9ger · G-r.~er. ?-lay 7, 1986 Page three 2. Run·off Coefficients: Ru·noff c·oefficie11;ts were determined. by ~alculatl~s: the av~r~ge value .of C based on the cijaract~ristics of the ~bil g~oup, land use designation and the proportidn ~f a1tterent ~oils groups ~nd land uses within ~ny.~ne b••in~ Soils groups were taken from She.et 22 of the U,. $. Soil Co_nservation Service (S.CS), "-Soil Survey o,£ ,San Diego Area, California". A copy of t·he r,elevant portion of this refe·rence is included in the appen·dix as Exhi-bi t "B" .-· The hydrologic group of each s6il gioup was t•ken from Table il of pages 33 ~nd 36 of sa.id SCS survey ancr are incl.uded in the appendix as Exhibits· C .& D, respectivel_y. Levels of inten·sity of development were.determined using build-out densities as shown· on the General Plan Map o·f The City of Carlsbad an excerpt being included in the appendix-as Exhibit "A". Specific values for runoff coefficients were then calcula1:ed using the basic values. shown in Appendix IX of the County of San Diego Plood ~ontrol District, "Hydr9logy Manual". Ap~endix IX is included in th~ appendix of th;i.s report as Exhibit "E". 3. Intensity Valu·es: The value of D (Duration) was deteimined for the most remote reach using the sum of L {Lag) and Tc (Time of concentration) from the graphs .shown as Exhibi.ts "G." & "F", respect;i.vely, both graphs. are taken from ''Section 4" of the National Engineering - Handbook ai published bJ USDA~ Soil Conservation Service. Subsequent downstream ti~es of concentration were determined by the sum of the time of concentrations from the most remote point to the point in question. The resultant value was used as the duration value to compute intensity. The location of the project was maiked on the 7-1/2 minute U:SGS Quad Sheet, "San Luis Rey, California", and the latitude and longitude were measured for the cent~r of the overall area. A portion of said quad sheet is shown on Ex·hibj,.t "H" of the a.ppendix. Using the location so derived, t~e lotation of the project was -marked on the 10 year, 50 year and 100 year, 6 and 24 hour precipitatiori.maps prbvided by the U.S. Department o:f Commerce and ·1nclude·d as Exhi bi t.s "L", "M", "0", tip","R" & "S" in the ·appendix. The 6 and 24 hour pr¢cipi~ati6n rates were marked on and processed per the 1984 Intensity Duration Design Chart which are Exhibits flN", "Q" & "T" of the appendix. The value of I (Intensity) :was .then comput~d for individual case as the ~roduct df 7.44 tije~ the adjusted 6 hour precipitation rate ti~es the durat~on whi~h had been raised to the ~e~ative 0.645 power. FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDINt3 STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD. CAUFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 ' •., ':;. u •• ~, ••• I ·1- 1 I ·1· ·I. .·,. Mr. Roger-Greer May_ 7, 1986 Page four 4. Runoff Quantities:_: The sum of the areas of all of the ~u,-basins consider~a ~y th~~ report is 283.4 acres or 0.44$ square mire·. The· calculation of rainfall :qu·antities by· t})'e r~t·ipnal .me-thod, Q=CIA, was use_d a.s the appropriate· pr·oce'd.ure,-· Runoff quantities were computed manually and by pr.o.gt.an,:. ·. The manual results, shown on Sheets 6 through 13 of the appendix~ agree with the program r-esults $'howrt on· Sheet 14 of the appendix. The sli-g.ht d~ff.ere-nce in val ~es is due to the program results being carrif!d to a, gr.eater ~-egree of mathematical . accuracy. (The. d_.egree of mathematical accuracy of both pr-0ce~ures exceed• the •c~uracy of the statistical data 6n which 'the, a~e based). Th~'.results shown on sheet 14 are the data used to ~~n~lude this report. · Sheet 18 of th·e appendix, suminElrizes £.lows for the 10, 50, and 100 ye•r design storms vers~s the capacity of the existing and recommended storm d~ain conduits. Sheets 19 & 20 and Exhibit "V", of the ~p~endix, review the capacity of str~ets and swale areas to accept storm water flows. As reviewed· with you a:pd ?1.r •. ~ggleston on May 5, 1986, the ·performance requirements used to determine conduit sizing are: a. The. 10 year storm is carried within the storm d.rain. b. The 50 year storm is carri~d within the curbline of the· street~ ,. c. the 100 year storm is carried within the right-of- way of the street~ or side lines of the easement, where applicable. d. No lines are down~ized, except that the existing 48" diameter-storm drain that receives the project waters represents a size reduction. e. No existing storm drain :facilities a•re to be repla~ed excepting only as required for connection, existing 12" d;iameter drain under Magnolia Avenue and tbe 30"_ diameter drains under Chestnut Avenue. f~ · The hydraulic c~pacity of the receiving 48" storm drain is presumed to be such that it introduces no backwate,r effect into the new line • . As we di~CU$Sed, the results of this report should not be cQnstr~e~ to·reflect upon Orevious ~esigners' of storm drain f~cil:i, t;ies in th.e basin or upon t.he drainage master plan. The FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, $UITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 ' : , .~ .. ' .. • .. -~--~ C : ·· .• _: -~ ·,1·· ~I '.:I I I I I 1- :I . . I I .1 '' i, I :" ., -~1 -1 ... Mr. Roger Greer May 7, l986 Page five . . criteria for determining storm drain sizes was charige in 1984-85 when the San Die~o County Flo~l Control District introduced new Intensity-Duration/lsopluvial Charts. The result of the new· charts was to increase stDrm water amounts. DOWNSTREAM CAPACITY As you requested, we have performed a preliminary assessment of the hydraulic capacity of the storm drain system from Tamarack Avenue to its discharge into the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. We have identified the drainage area, subareas and each of the pipe el~ments on our working maps. By obser•ati&n, it is apparent that most elements of th~s portion of the ~torm drain are hydraulically deficient based on current design practices. Please refer to our recommendation, number 6. For additional information regar-ding our methodology, please ref er to Appendix "A", which is attached. If you have any questions plaase do not hesitate to Sincerely, FRASER & ASSOCIATES ~~~ Walter H. Brown, P.E. P.E. WHB:GTF:dlm Enclosures regarding this report, FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945·HARDING STREET; SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 /619) 434-1794 I 1 .. I . I I I I I I I. I I I I I I . I I I APPENI;>IX "A" ;.,. .;, ' ·. . . ; ''. ·1 If I- I I I .1 _:1 - I I( I I I I I :I I ( I I, FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers· ·. hJIF A.s~A. I!. maµ -r PRoM . Roa .SCA1,E AIAPP;Ht; -. ' . . ' , ,··. ,_· z . JU .,2ND ·AIEAAI AREA' ='.R>tt :SHEET · Dl(_I! f<l!!HPIN~ IRe,1p11v•G f?EAOJAIG (AcR.ES) Ze>W£ ~2-_1"s BB-tA* 1.,s, 1.,s7 1.,ss 22.Dt> 22,oo ; . . -. --1~ --188-IS o, ?33 o.?z-~ . o, 731 9. 7o 'J.1() 11 ·:· .. : BB-2.fl.,,. 2.1,c .2.110 a.,~o 2,. 07 11 , ,:. : · * 3· ..A/ · · 1 ~s ~ 13· B 41. / \T BB·3A . • J-, ,3 • .? · .,;;;Jt • · · -~ .s ' I/ •'' SB-SB (),(;>/() b* t:)/t:) I), t')/l) _(), /;3 11 -·,· -8B-:,,.A D.31,3 . (). 3 "11 ' ' ' • ; : ' • l ' < -• 4.83 ,s.,1 : -,, --. """" s· ,. . . -' __ ;::88-SA ~.~s :2 •. 2:B ' \ i 2,/I.S7 J(:).35 . ' .. . . .1 le I ,I I. I I I · I. 1c I I I I I I i le I I F.RA$ER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineer~ . . ·»fs:'.Asua.E!"il~EAJ'..-· · :./~·:. · ·. ·:u~~,, ____ __ __, .:/i.LIJ,~TIN. . fli'!'V/· ~)~l · .. : ;;a~ ~t!:,rN. ·G:tL~f,. • ;;t~~;~,. i'1!!~~ . :z. '0 ~ ·; ·, , · · , , · · , · · ·, ; 1 ·r-·"-~v l .. ;· ~IU"t~;Nwt . rccpvr,v~ ,,.,~..s_) ZONE ~$8·1,~S 8B-f~ · ·· i.-o:i2·::-~~~ l~:D)t/; · . ." ·J~fl_34 .. · 13. 72 _· :._Jl,.o;3 ' , • • '. ' -' • I ,-' • ' .• ' // .. , "D_ tt2~51_··:·a_, .. ~·~. ·_,~~.~ .. -.:-_.~.'.;:· ~---~'.··."',· ~--·.-~·_·.·A._.··.· · ' , ; , . , . ·__..---1-1~ &;;I "'-'" V4:IT .... ii/j,$S . ·.-3,,12 • . . . . .. 1· - 3~-1,71 88-SB .fti/94 D,-il~ 0,4,f ,.88 IZ,,.33 ~ -e- II 98-2A( H) /. J4D 1.13, JS.13 '·' '88-2A(R,~ ... ··· .. -13.,-, ··" , ,.BB-M(J) (),:ZJB· .. :o.218 (),218 2,81 ... II : 88-4-A.(E J. ~ . ... .. . ·· -7.20 ,., BB-4A(R~ I!); tJS 2.. . . D,DS2 o.os2 "·"' ~ H t).7t:I /f),,/0 -- H 0~2,,92 '3.Se . " ss-sAt*U1 -· _:. 1.~-s· rJsB~1,'-! BB·S~(JJ --___ . .... ., C,57? -,.,~ (17. 7,) _ 11 , ·: '. BB~SA!RLM) oAs, -;: -~' 4S7 -o.4s:? l.o 7 . :.(14.DS); :._(c~•¢,v ~.:... '.-'.~ , 21,3S-f :~1 ,~.;_:~ 283,-'IO :/1:t1¥1ii11R't' At{EA·s IN .So1L.Tf'P4 _Cj Cfiw,Aot~t:1cG11ouJ11 'P ,,eD, 2o,ie ~Jl-1,,s. ss.;.ts · ·D. •. as1.:.-1-::.tJ.2s3 ·i-c.zsa, 3 . .341 34.s,: · ·· 11 ss-,11 D,4s, ·:t o,.,,,a · D.4S1 .,,,,,,, ,-,.,,g · e :,:, BB;.$-~ ti,i3.;s '· :tJ~2 31. , D,-:233 3,01' -~ ·- 3ss~1us sa -sA · -l'l.2DI .... ~-.1~, 11,2Do a.~s .. e,'??. Jf,2-l"'G' BS-2A .0, 1,c ·-t,, l88 D• I B~ 2,,SI -4.Sf/1 ' J.tt,-~d {J)B IR ~H:,.,..•,1-;/Jli~:,~1.J!!)~)t#/.JA.~~·~ . .JOI NO. I IT · r . . SUBJECT S,p. I ~~--~J ,. I DAT! I SHUT 110. . . . '· ..... -.... -, ~. ~~ . . -. . . -' '.: ' ~ ' I ,, I -I I I I 1· I I( I I I I I I I -( I I FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting :Engineers _ I ~ : -' ' -:1-·: .. ,-.. ,'.·--·;,--_.:·. ·~:-·;· ·. ,·,· ·.·-.t .. : '-~-,\.,_. ::::.T~li-1 s. :15As,w -~'-'-.$ ·.EAJ.-ro 3· ·se>11.,· -1;;,::,i!-s) .. : 7 : . ;. ; . 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Rt.~ Low" MEOIIJIV/ lJENS'IT.,... l) .7o-? l7w6t.l-lNG VN~rs Pe~ 612.ossAcR.1£ ANP . ~. ·,! &_. t P1s1t.1AJAr10AJ.S ( /l'lt:N .fci!/Ol!)L~ Ju,.,,,oR. h'1dH..Sc,yocL ~ E'LE.mEA.JrA~~ S'cH001,,. l?EsPEc·r,veL ~) •. 7il1= ~ PPR.t:JP~1Ar£ · Ri1AJ0FF CoJEF,F1~1J£AJrs Fo"' 7;/1.s .SD/i ~Pe . & -~i.EVELS :OF 'fJEVEl-O;lllJEAJ7" /IRE.:- . : (R~t.M .·: _(:), -90. = c. · ScJticct..s ·. · .-e>. 3 O • C · · ·7iiE VAL-t.Jl! lls Er:, Fo1t. s eHee;t.s Is BAs£ · ()AJ: !HE }?19 r10 Ot: P6RV1t:J<JS 7o"' ImPIJI.RV/OtJ.S Su· R, F 14 c £ .• · . 3)-s·.,,.~ ,(J '-"t E' .,.. .s-,, :-_MAR, AJA ·'-o.Am yCt,A ' • ..> ,· ·I·· Ir I I I 1· I ·1 I 1c I I I I· ·I I I I I< I 11 I. :, l ,.,_ ~ . .. -'~ :-. , . ,_' FRASER & ASSOCIA tES, Consulting Engineer$ -;_r·:: ~ ~-{-:-:·t$:11f.~P 1 ~; _JO 3p h.rlc~µr'S,op~· HvPR.O Lt:)G,/(! .ff 1 t :_: ~~,ltt,~v~· ·A.· Osts' ~ f<.:tJA.JCFF CoEFFic1EiJr.S . ·:ff~;·:.: . --~~l,fii.a.'-. 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' ' ' .. . \ "tRACT TRACT · ,c* · HEACH AVERAGE LENGTH · HYDROLOGY STUDY - I . , Subject::.:>,.._"' 7' 6 'Ai2 ~.;,,,,,,,,,n, -:-·-..,. -,,. ,JV r'. Chkd. by . Date , -· ' . . I<~ c,,,..,.._~_ .i:-. --~, "PJ!i2~1':61 ~All' "'TI~~ •. RA"l"'l~A.>~C... ms;-r,M""D .. · i>r:oject: No.~ 120 ~ S:/(2 . $l~t /"'P ·of~ . Projec_t Tit!e JJimES PB,.5TolflM1?,AIVl)I Cale. by U/-B Oat-a.~&; "· . " ~, . ' '. . ., . . ' ... ' . . to . ,Tc .1:T_c. 150 I too· Q10 ·1· •,' . : . . ,-110 Q50 Q100-lQ10 I.Q50· :tQ1-oo , ·AREA NOOE . SLOPE (FT) · · ·CMlN) (MIN> <ftflNl-: · . C lPH > CI PH) < I PH,) CCFS'J · . (CFS·) (CFS> . <CFS) . (CFS> ,(CFS) i :1~-1 : '. ·1 I I I I ',1( .I ,I ·<ACRES). . ., ,, . ' ' -~ . , ., ,-' " . ' Jt:J'R~IA--22:00 ,0.30 ·', . ,. . ' 0 'AA•IR· . . .9,1o .D,"'1S · ~ . "'• . '"~ .-'. . /_ AA-~A. ·st--~2. 0,.3~ '· 2 aa~;tA 4',$.~( o.~2, ___ ,,_ {12.()1, 2-A R~-3A 1-4.s.ss ·0.41Z .... , ' . f3'3.f!>I -3 8P;~4A J 5,;l-f o.34. • -t ! ···-4 · BS.·s.A .U,,03 .0.3·8 - ' ' ....... . ,. S· . , ........ _ -.. .~-,-~A-11.z .• 3~ 0,40 · ' . ''!"', . ':. . . -~ .,, ~' . -~. ' . ~ . AA-7 A_ ,;,u C>,10 ... .. . . ----... 7 ' - . , -.. . . .. . . . . ., .. . .. -~ ~ .... -. -~ -. ... ... , .. -.. -., -.... ' .,., .. . ... - .......... ' . ... ,, . ' ' .. . -... --.... .. ' ... ·-. " . ...,.,_, .. ... --.-• ~ A _____ ____._ -_.. . ' _, ,, .. .. '' .. ' . .. .. ., .. .. .. ' . ---... ~-·-~ -.. ~ "" ' '' .. ,. '. IO. 7 1.,;c, 2.so· f ;,, ' I~ .57 14.,SZ 19.7S l~.S? ./~,S2 _ ,,.?s- . ,-. 22.0 1.77 ~~.33· 2,7, 7. 741 10.17 12,I~ 2t>,,jl a,.~, 3J,g/ ' '. 23..7 1.,,. 2,22 -2.,6 3,,·17 ~7.S4' s,s4. s~.4e '7.tf,,23 : ·B&7S . 2"'1:.£ I_:,,? . ~.19 2,,2 -~41S 11, I I 13.28 ~"'l,1.3 .es,3-f JD2.l!J3 '. ' . g,s.5' . ·1 ,, . ' . . ' 2~12, · 't,53 .22~-e,. 30,;(), ,35.97 Sl.BZ 1,s.-,2 l38t.DI_ .. . ' . 25,l:> J .,, : '2.1./ .2,S.3. e.s-3 ')1;2 ~ 13,,11 . :~ .. 3, '~·'·" 151/42. . ' I .. i 27.,, · · l,S.2 Z,Ot> ·2,3Y .38,17 So.17 · s,.98 l3'1,S3 176,SI ZII,~- " "' , ' i ·27.9·· I, S'~. 2.,00 2,31 '7,Stl 9,S, JJ.79 '.J'f~"'.3 ll¼-47 22.3,r, " )· .29.3 1,47 1,9-4 .'232 . lo.2;-f, 13:45' l~.08 · itS:l-2/. 2PJ,.J2 23,.2' ' .. i . . ; ' . ; .• . ' •· -· - . ' ' . ', .. .. '. '' ' - . ' - .. .. .. .. . . -· .l l ' . -l i ·i 'i. -- .. ·. 7 .. '• '* I• ,. l, -~-- ~ t j' -~-,~ .. I, I' 11 :1-{ . ' FRASER.&· ASS:OCIATES I , " , , . . . . I l .H\1 0RbLOG't,:-:. STUDY: , I >' . ...___ ;I ::1,., 2945-HARDING ST., SUJ:TE :?11',. GARLSBAO, CA 9200f$ • (619) 434:..1794 I.., • • t ' ' --' ' ' -' . -1:r' ' . ',. -l -Proj~ctNo. I_.Zo--:-5_/0 _ _ _ _ _ She~t--~----_of ___ -_·-. . ·. I Project Titl~ JAMM;.S l2s .. $-raPAtil?A, : ·Cal~: by, : k>B .. . : Date sL!/s, , l , -.SubjertINo, v /OHA i. 7R,11c 7"'.S ---Cl,_kd, bY--,---,------.;,__;_-l;)~te ~ - .'.·.· .... ' TRACT ' --. c·i >"H~ACH .. _~V~RAGI:: .LENGTH ' To ' . Tc : J: Tc -· :,10 ' '150···· -i100 ·. Qto-.· :-:· Q50 --. Q1oc/, .(ho ;·:·-;-·,-_:.__.;..;....;....:......:...:,_ =.:.:...-.... ....:...:.... ..... ..:....;....;. ___ _,_..:.::,=::,.:...:::~======== _ _]~_ :IQ5:o · ·. -11Qt6o · ' (CFS) I ( CFS} :. ·, _ -_ LotttV _ SLOPE <Fll '-H-,INJ --fMI-N'l --<t•HN> · (IPHl -.<JPH) (lPH> _. (CFS) -<CFS) ·.<CFS>\ :<-CFS-> ·'I . -, -~ n -· . 1~:1 · ..,~: .. /:: · · . -. P'P-S . · · ·n,~ ~.,. . · · ·. :. ,. . ' ' ~ j • ' ' • -~--,, , ,•,' .' ' , .... r:----~-.,D . . .. . -. . t ,, ' ·_ I o., o. :" · --4.s --.. _ , ;., , . · 5,.s · S,"I . . .l:i, I ~ I 4, o I/, 7 · H,-J · . · ·e fJ,i-l·O, e, '._I .. :I -~ .;. 4. 7 3_400 : 1,.4 . 23~5' 3. 'a -/1.,oo __ Z,O ____ I 3~:I .... · ._· •e'.e~,s I 17 ,3' I o,:1o \ ,··,;:' ' ,,, ,-11 l--.·. ' : ,l, . ri4_~1l3T .. rd_Al ..11· ', ' , . ·1a.· )I·: . I < '.I ·\1 I .1.· I· ' ( :II 4 :11 I I I I I_-I I-I I I • f;. r--f""' ,. . ~' ~ ,. -· '{.> r---·· . ' 'i~ .,., .:,. ! ,.,., , ·f>. ~-:~r;( ··~~ ·;-r :.• i ] I ' I I - !, I. ! '. , ,1 ·. '>-s, --- '·-. . '' ' . , ... : ·• .~ ·. ,. ,, ~. . ,, .. ,-·,--·,, #'', .. I 01 EXHIBIT 'A' ,., ->-·. : '-.... '-,,. _.. -;., """,_·,. ' --1 ... .... I( I I I .1~ I I I_ ·r \, I I 0 7 0 .... SH~Er2ff> • . -'' r--~ .... , fl"'A.-1-;.~,=: RVA 7"1t:JN ~RVJ.C: IJ! FYHTBJ'J' I BI .,---·. J::--.--,---------T-A_B_LE___,l_l_._--_I_N_T_E..,..RP,...R_E_T_A_T __ IO_N_s_Fo_R ___ L_AN_D_MA?_NA_G-:E-iMrE-NT_-_-_G_o-,n-:t1_·n_u_e_d ___ __, ______ _ Limitations for conversion from brush to grass l a02 'bB CbC flbD bE cc Cc_E Iii Cf02 lgC -'~; .kA ClD2 ClG2 / l mE2 CmrG ·1 ....___ CvG .I Soil Calpine coarse sandy loam, 9 to 15 pt!rcent slopes~ eroded. Carlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 2 to 5 percent slopes~----- tarlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 5 to 9 percent slopes---.--- Carlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 9 to 1S percent slopes----- Carlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes---- Carl-sbad-Urban land complex,· 2 to· 9 .percent slopes---..:--- Carlsba4-Urban land complex, 9 to 30 percent slopes--.---- Carrizo very gravelly sand, 0 to 9 percent slopes-------- thesterton fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes-------- Chesterton fine sandy loam, 5 to ~ percent slopes:-------- Chesterton fine· sandy loam, 9 t<;> IS percent slopes, eroded. Chesterton-Urban Jand complex, 2 to 9 percent slopes: Chesterton----------------------------------------.-- --Urban land.-------· ------------------------·--· .. -. ----- Chino fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes------------- Chino fine sandy loam, 2 t·o 5 percent slopes------------- Chino silt loaJ!!, saline, 0 to 2 percent slopes--------"'-- tieneba coarse sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. · Cieneba coarse sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. tiene_ba coarse sandy loam, 30 to 65 percent .slopes, eroded. Cieneba rocky ·coarse sandy ~oam, 9 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. · Cieneba very rocky coarse sandy loam, 30 to 75 percent slopes. k:ieneba-·FallbTook rocky sandy loams, 9 to 30 percent slopes, ·eroded: Cieneba -. -, ·-------. --. Fallbrook-------------------------------------------- (:ieneba-Fallbrook rocky sandy loams, 30 to 65 percent slopes, eroded: -Cieneba--------------------------------------------Fallbrook-------------------------------------------- :::layey alluvial land----·-------· ------------------------ Coastal beaches------------------------------------------ ~orralitos loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes------------- t:orra1:itos loamy sand, 5 to 9 percent slopes------------- Corralitos loamy sand, 9 to 1S percent slopes------------ Crouch coarse sandy loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes--------- Crouch coarse sandy loam, 30 to 50 perce·nt slopes-------- Crouch rocky coarse sandy loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes. Crouch rocky coarse sandy loam, 30 to 70 percent slopes . ~rouch stony fine sandy loam, 30 to 75 perce~t s:lopes. Diablo clay, Diab lo clay, Diablo clay, Diablo clay, Diab lo ·c1 ay, 2 · to 9 percent slopes·--.-:-------.--.,.------------ 9 to 15 percent slopes----------.. ----------- 15· to 30 percent slopes------~-------------- 15 to 30 percent slopes, eroded-------------- 30 to 50 percent slopes--------------------,-- footnotes at end of table. Hydro- logic group B C C C C D D A· D D D D : .o-~~ ... C C C B B B B B B C B. C D A A A A B B B B B D D D D 0 Erod1bility Moderate 2--- Severe 2----- Severe 2----- Severe .., ------Severe 2----- Severe 2 Severe 9----- Severe 9-----Severe 9----- Severe 16---- Severe 16---- Moderate ~--- Severe 16---- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- · Severe 16---- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- Severe 1-----Moderate 2--- Severe 2 Severe 2----- Severe 2-----Severe 2 ----- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- Severe 1----- Slight-------- Slight-------- Moderate------ Moderate 1--- Severe 1----- Slight. y Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Slight. 1/ Slight. 1/ Slight. 1/ Slight. 1/ Moderate~ y 33 EXHIBIT 'C' I ,, I I I I I I' I I I I I I l ;I ; \ .I· I,_ TABLE 11.-~lNTERPRETATIONS, FOR LAND t,IANAGEMENT--Continued Map syni>ol Soil LfE · Las Flores-Urban land .complex, 9 to 30 percent siopes: Las-Flores-------------------------_ ------------------ Urban land---------------------·---------------------- Lp:S. -Las Posas fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent s_lopes---------- LpC ~as Posas fine sandy loam, 5 to 9 percent slopes---------- LpC2 Las Posas fine sandy loam, 5 to 9 percent slopes, eroded. LpD2 Las Posas fine sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. LpE2 Las Posas fine sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. LrE Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, 9 to 30 percent· slopes. LrE2 Las Posas stony fine sandy· loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes, er(>ded. LrG Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, 30 to 65 percent LsE LsF Lu LvF3 Md 'IMlC MlE MnA. MnB MoA MpA2 MrG MvA MvC MvD MxA OhC OhE OhF OkC slopes. Linne clay loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes------------------ Linne clay loam, 30 to SO percent slopes----------------- Loamy alluvial land--------------------------------------- Loamy alluvial land-Huerhuero compl~x, 9 to SO percent slopes, severely erodeg: Loamy ai.luvial Iand--------------------------·------- Huerhuero--------------------------------------------Made land------------_ -----. -------------------·---------- Marina loamy -coarse-sand, 2 to 9 percent slopes~--------- Marina loamy .coarse sand, 9 to 30 percent slop·es--------- Mecca coarse sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes----------- Mecca coarse sandy loam, 2 to 5 p~rcent slopes--.. -------- Mecca sandy loam, saline, 0 to 2 percent slopes---------- Mecca fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, eroded----- Metamo1:phic rock land------------------------------------- Mottsville loamy coarse sand, Oto 2 percent siopes------ Mottsville loamy coarse sand, 2 to 9 percent slopes------ Mottsville loamy coarse sand, 9 to 15 percent slopes----- Mottsville loamy coarse sand, wet,, 0 to 2 percent slopes. K)livenhain cobbly loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes-_----------- ~livenhain cobbly. loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes----------- -~livenhain cobbly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes---------- K)liven~,ain-U~ban .land complex, 2 to 9 percen_t slopes: ·Ol1venha1n------------------------------------------- Urban land------------------------------------------- OkE IOlivenhain-Urban land complex, 9-to 30· percent sfopes: PeA PeC PeC2 Pe02 PfA Olivenhain------------------------------------------- Urban land------------------------------------------- Placentia sandy loam, Q to 2 percent slopes-------------- Placentia sandy loam, 2 to 9 percent s·lopes-------------- Placentia sandy loam, S to 9 percent slopes-, eroded------ Placentia sanely lo/:UII, 9 to 15 percent slopes-, eroded----- Placentia sandy loam, thick surface, 0 to 2 percent slopes. PfC Placentia sandy loam, thick ~urface, 2 to 9 percent ~lopes. Py Playas-----------------------------------·--------------- See footnotes at end of tab-le. 36 . , Hydro- logic group D D D D D D D D D D C C B D D D A A B B B B D A A A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Erodibility Moderate 2---- Moderate 2---- Moderate 2---- Moderate 2---- Moderate 1--- Moderate 1--- Moderate 1--- Seve,re 1----- Moderate 2--- Severe 1----- Severe 16---- Severe 1-----Severe 1----- Severe 2----- Severe 2----- Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 1----- Severe 2----- Severe 2----- Severe 2----- Severe 2----- Severe 16---- Severe 16---- Severe 1----- Severe 9-----Severe 9-----Severe 9-----Severe 9----- Severe 16.---- Severe 16---- Moderate 2 Llmi~ations for conversion from brush to grass Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Slight. ·severe. Severe. Slight. Slight. . Severe. Slight. 4/ Slight. 4/ Slight. 4/ Slight. r; Slight. Slight. Moderate. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. EXHIBIT 1 D' -~· r. --- I. I .I I I ·I .'t !ll I .·I I ·I ' :1 ·1 I .~ I I RL\~i:F cc::FFICIE:-;rs -(!t.\T!O~AL :-!ETHOD_; L\.\D USE Unuevelupecl Residential: Rural Sing.le Family Multi-Units MQbile Homes ( :?) Commercial (~) 80\ Impervious Industrial (.2) 90\ Impervious :-.:OTES: Coefficient, C Soil Group ( 1) i~: . ·' B C • .;u . 35 .40 . 3J .35 .40 • 40, .45 .so .45 • 50 .60 .45 .so .55 • iO • 7S .80 • so .8S .90 ,_ ~-=.·t . ~ ... :, . -l3 .. 55 . :-o .53 .35 .95 (1) Obtain soil group from maps on file with t~e Department of Sanita~:v~ and Flood Control. (2) Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficier.: C, may be revised.by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no c.ase shall the final coefficient be iess than 0.50. For example: Consider coi:nmercial property on D soil group. Actual imp•rviousness • 50\ Tabulated imp,rviousness = SO'o Revised C • i X 0.85 = 0.53 . . ~ .\PPENOI:< !\ ,-' I (. 1- I- I I I I I J. I I I I I I I • I .. ' -,--. -.. • •• 1 • .. --~ .--·. --.-,:···. ::-. -- . 15~ ·--,----,+' ·---100 ·----'--+-.. , -':I , ., ' ---~:-~-:[ 0\ ·-.+ ++ io I , 1'0 t====t:.:_-:_t:__:__1.--~t-_-...;."i-_-t--t-+-i·i"'j_~t:,~'1ri'T-tlrt..::-~-_::-_-~-t·t-·:.:.::.t::.:.t::.~f:"-~t~l:.+~tti-iiii-tt'i::.::.::..:.-:_t-;:.-:_-:_t-= -j-··-r··H·,.,,, .l ; I_ I ~ t::::_:f:::.:t:::t;::+:-t:+-:1J:,-t:f·i;::. tt:"t"t11~!;:f+·+-,t-l------------!-+,::::;,4:;:jJ:t:.t"-1-'°''+-~ --1i..--i.~,4j~i~tJvtj",Jtl•· i:11t":::;:::j=-.-i ·1· ,I, ~ I I 1'-I J IO l-'----+-....+-+--+-+--+-,.11-+-ff,+-;-.I 1-14-1-+.;.. !_ l-----+---,111'-_ -+-_ .... _-!-I;...:,.;...· 11~ J I l I I 40 ~-.......j-.;...,i--+--+-4--+-+-! ~;:....· _1--1-+-!++<ri~:~-....... -~-1,.l:.....-1-,.·:......1'.·--·~/ I L j' l / .-. -----'--____ ..J-_._-a--'-{ :t' •i-t-++-Hf++--·--/J--1---1-_ ,!)· ---r-. '!JI' I 1 _/ ____ _ ,1,-1-_--,-.--1---1-.-.... 4-.-.+-i-+ ...... i1_-+-_-+-1-4-_ 44--.,.........+~:-: ..... 1:· ~: i._:-, ,-l, -;.::,.f.t:~-V _.. 7_ .. j i, _J /:: : _ _. ___ :_. -- 1-_ ..... -. .;..· :...·~--_. -'-·-· .;...· .,..;.;-1--_,.;.,. -1--...; --t--+-t-+-·+-·i· _. ... ! : : : : : :~ ~::_: • 'I : ,. ' ..... ! ·:· . ...... ·::;1: t l l ·li/ :j:·:;:· :fJ-,.::/j j~.-l-j l!/ ·:·.--.:·:. ,.::·. 201-,--.-,-."""_-_-_...j .. --:·-,: .... :l-::_-::..,__....-1-.;.. 1 !..+-i!--+-.11-1-!-+-+-+-+~_ · .:r;:;-:-a.r,:,;:~.>. !; ,;-or.; l. ·rt';_: .. _.;; .. ·::: .. , .... . ~ 1 _,. .-... t. :/I:::· :1, ·1,r: 1.f :I -1-l ' J: ::::.:·:.:.:.:·. :.:.-:. ........ ,, .... -+ t· ,I ~J.-..• ·1-;.' ····/:-· ... il.'lt-'-]"-i:"IJ-I ; ••• -, ••••• --.... --,. --; -.... J -l 11~ 1 : : --,1-: . · --/''/. ·Vf ·rv. i~ 1 t 1 ·_:.-:.-: .. ~-1~: ~-- ····i··· 1 ~11 I·· ·a ··.'K';:·:··-~-~[ ...:.i· '1' i I·--······· ~ 10 , ~ ~ ~--,r-_ 1.. ~-.;. • l&I • I • ' ~ ·,r "-' ' . I ._:....,: ; : ' '. ' :;-. -~ ~-~j--_--lf, .§""', 1-t-4-; ; I , 4 -. 1 • , ~1 §' ~ -r:i: · • , , , , 7 t-----+---+-+--+--1--+--+-' ..+-+-1 ~ ' q_ ' ~ 0, ~ --r~ .:t+~H-~+-i ++1-+'+----1-~1-,-~ '----+-'--~--1,-1---...; -+-µ. / : · : l ;/ l -or~..., ~• ':: I/..!--++:++; f-iH+, 1---'--l-'----+--.t -I T , 1 ~ I I ' I ~ ~ . C' ¥ '-¥.J.',..J. , , I ! 0 1----1---1--_+-l -4--,-;_-+-.....+l~J ! I 0' 'S_ ~ . ~ ~ ~,r ·+++';·++, H!+...,.--+----h-- ;I 5· j J. .::1 1 , . -~ .... Ji', Cf"lL , Cfilr-,t-,--, ++++++H+---+---+---. ~ ~ ~--. ~r+-+-•+'!'-f-++4++-----,i---1-- 41--........ -+o-~--I-I--· ... ; 4,r: ; : ;~· .. i,r ~f f+111 i' i : : ; : ! .t.7 I ; I ~ I ~. ,.;: ~ -rtrr.~, I , l [ ,i-:----1---1-.-.. ,-.--+. -.• -.+-+-: -,1 ; ! 1&1 :z ... ~ -:.i. ·: .•. -~ ... ,r.ti-~, r • 1' -1' • --· ...... ----. · · ., · · · i 11,' ; ' -~ f. 1 , : '-.; ~ : · .. : ";.: ~-: ; .• .... ;_·:~.,:· .. ·~I; 1 f C, • .! ',S''' 8..:.r,1,~ 'or"-i 4_,· '-·! .. , -l .·.:.:.::::.:·r ·: .:· .... ·:~ :. L::. ~1 l f :1,;i :1 /: _o ~--,: (/r:· :/ I i-. r . l l "j I ~!-:: .::--::·:·1 :':. 3· . : : z '"'-'---'--'-........... _,-___ .... _ -~·. ~. j-/J~ 1· J. h .. :1'1::: ;.:.···4;f:~-~ . ; ... ; ;· I -·~-; 1 .. : ··:.·::·.:--1·:··::: ::· · f • • • Mi 1 ·1 t.,, ,. ~ • ·r .l} -· -· · · · · ,i -• t I • r 1 ... --• . -... ---. ··r··~6 ! -t. 1~-~-·, ' ~-, ......... ..,, .... ·t. , i ·""' • i, ······--·· ~----·- 1---"------....... -... : ...... 1/'·;~ -i -:---~7~_ 1 ~: i~-;.1 v;:----~-:·:--:.:·::::.:· :-·: ·:1-: -j-: : ;:--:-:::: .. ·:···:·.~-:-~ -" •!• I i U1 . '1 t ! ! '( ", • ' 1 • ' ' •· ,., .• , ' "f'" -·i . l J ' ,. i 1' .. , ............... • " .. · t · 1 1 ~"~· -"! i. 1 1 • ',lo • • t.. -· i --,:-·---r· ..... + -r· -~ , t 4 ................ .. 1,0 -~_,-. -' --~.' . _jl• ! . j · I ~ 1 · .: ...... •·'.:_ ·-·~,: t: ··· .... ···t • ; .. ·j· -l 1 .. , ..... -· ...... . ~-.... ----.---f-4.'-! ... t=====±===:!:::;tj==t=:t; -~Ir, " , ii I : / : 11 ' ; I L #. I I I ' . r i .. ,! , I ! I ! I ; ' ! I I ' 'I r, !J , I I 'I I I ; 0.5 I I i '.I I F, i l I I'( ; I ~ "I "! ~ :l "'! d ~ II! C! 0 0 0 0 .. N .. .. ·io • .... • • e VELOCITY IN FUT PO IECOND Fignre 15.2.-Velocities fo~upland me_:thod of estimating T0 .-,· .. • : ,-, • r: f-,..,--. , ·-· .-:,-.. 1-, •c I I. I- I I I I J I I I I I I I ( I I 15-10 I I l • Cllll(A1DT fUIIJf LINIITM .. ~ _ I • 111111 I I 111.1111 I --. ,-.. __ ,. --·-.... ·- -~ ......;_f4-_.f--·• ~t:~j~::t::~:t:t~=~tittt~~tlt-.::-: ,;.::. -::.::: .:.".:-. ---l---~ --t---··. f..- ·-,__;_ f--~ _,__,_ . II •,.; • I I!" I I -_, ., 1- If I I -,.,. ": -· . tt-±· t, ~-t:t~ :t,,,ti' -::·f·;·· t:t~:ttiiit~~tH::::l:::~~=~:~t~1fq~h~~~qt~~~=:-;i ,.~~==t~~~:~~~i~~.,11! +fl-tt1-V½·-=/"_-+·,-+4 ·;;.-·.:1· -+-++-41-1--~~-UH •~ I ,,II• • _ _. __ I, .. ~,I . ., I ,I ,--, ~ •• , • , ' I I , , I ~ • ' ---, • I' I j, ,I I II . ,. I' .. , ,I --, ,I I .. 'II ~ I • 1W I ,I ,- I ,I ·11 •.: • I .. ·--· •I I I _, I T -, , I I 'I I I ;, 7 1, T #, I -I -. --, , . ,. I . , I I I I ,, I ., --. .. .,, ,I I I -... , ' ' 1•: • .,,o.s IIMDf, I -~ -10 All) CII -;" lffllllCll.olll IOIL COiia COla'\IX- .. ,, ., "' ,,. --, 'I I +-+·+·t-t-++t-1+1fii·-;a ,1~-+--f-+·+~-t-~+H-l+H-l-H½--+-----l-,,!..-¥.'fl"·~+-1µ+1+1'-H-H1~ , ! ,, ,. I' ,, 't...,._,_ ,.., ,-I 7 ·I ---I---1--.. -.-- . • ..Lii-. •. ' _ .. T" l ~ • -~ +:I . .:. cl-,:... -iA--1+~+1-fjf+I--+--+-+-+ fl.... .• ~--h•-" ,1-/--::::-:2 ~--!if.. .• J. . 'b ::7. ·-;if--. j II I_;., ·-~ --.... -i-'--: ~ t-' -~ .:.·::: :-: ,----·t,--= . -._ __ L...--1-~-. ----1-~ j.4-..... , ____ .···' ',. ·,·. •I,• , .... ''"' Figu:re 15.3.--Curve number method for estimating lag (L) tJss C N == o.,s :;,. • . ... -I . ...__ ._, I I. 1< I 1 ....... 1~ ·,,\ ..,,;=· I 1-~ 1-., I ....... \ \ C'). \ \. ','_,-;, " 0 "'.:, 78 0 . '\ C'). ,:-.,· '· e 0 "7 "'. "7 \ 'C" ...... 7,,. "7 '· • _l I r I -,:::::::::.~:::-~==-=-=-==:::= " ,, \\ , -r• ·r 1:. •c I I- I. I I I I· 1c I I 1· I I ·1. I/ \ I I CONFERENC~ REPORT ~ ··-FRASER & ASSOC~ATES Consulting Engineers. By WA1.,: ER 'B & c, w ,,._, Project No.· I g O "' S:: t 0 · Project Title JAME.$ --· ~--.-.. ----~-_ ·Date. s/, I 8, . Time,.• oo (am)~ S:ro&0\12&A) N H"l'Do\.,OG'r' lndividua; Mi Kc Haw IE~ Title.__,'0c:;...a.L..QAu.:N::.iNi..:..:=E:i:..:'f\=---------,-- ' Or~n;zation)tAAJ_U/ Nd, c, T rOFO,-,u.ssA Q Location• Crry _OFF LC. ES · . _ -· Phone No.(~·,, ) 4.36 f'"'SS J)I ' Subject Su PE.&k>C"-:De ve.Lop M E.b,) ".'C . FRASER & ASSOCIATES 29"5 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211,CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619 .I _FRASER & ASSOCIATE$, Consulting Engineers le .. .-; ..... ,, " ... ' I .I. I • I I- I I I 1c I I I I 0PTIDAJ /J I Mt:# 'PkoMB11.. ,,,,-y .. I .. , _,,__, . \ .t,; I( .. I I . •' ttJ'B Psva1.opme:·AJ7i JAm a.r Sr; Sro&m !JuU( •Y . · . . SUIJECT .A_~ ,ii.' ;, ' . -. '"!." ,, - I Ir 1· I I I I I I f· 1. I I I I I ~ I I FRASER 8t ASSOCIATE$, Consulting ·engineers . • I ' ' . . ' ' ,. J:-' . ' -· ' ' .. < ~-•>l -!• .. . . Op,r1c,v. 13 .,t lllJ?loa~B ,L,rt" . •. )\ i - '1j ~ C: --1 XI --l 3 --i :-·----;..__,,. --\__ --------...._ ~ -.---~---.. ---------~ ____, ---., COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION~ FLOOD CONTROL 10-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATIOr:J 45' I I '1.1~ ·-· 30• I ~ 't \ -\. '~ IS' f. f">\ I I I -, • , 33• ________ 4s~1--------I_ -I I J Prep red II:, U.S. DEPARTME T OF COMMERCE NATION,\L OCEANIC AND A1' lOSPUERIC AD~IINISTRATION - .................. .,,, ..... c,o,o .................... THERIERVIC• I .. I I 30' I I I . , ,&112024""'"1'" I 11a 0 Its• 30• '''37"15• 117° 4s• 30• 15' 1,6. -- j.· ---~------~ ....... -------. -. --r-----_ __. --· ·-,_ illl '~ -· COUNTY OF SAtf DIEGO •. DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION~ f LOOD CONTROL, I m-vEAR 24-nouR PRECIPITATIOrJ . r70__, ISOPLUVIALS 451 =r-, IU\1.!:,~ -' -_y,~ 30• I "~ " ~4 .......... \\' 15'·1 l I 33• 4S' I I I 2 , Pnpt•4 br • 1 · U.S. DEPARTME T OF COMMERCE · NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT ,IOSPIIRRIC ADMINISTRATION --it:CIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE 01' I DROLOOY, NATION:"L WEATHER SERVICE rj <: r:: -I rJ -I 3 -s:: )QI I I I I --· ta11u•v-v -.-·-•1 118° 45 1 30 1 15 I 117° IJS I 30 1 15 I - 116° - ? rj X: r: -I Jj -; ~ -z: Jr. L 1, e. s. 4. -r'-' \ -· -----11111· "" -------· JNTENSITY~DUM.11.0N D~SlGN CHART i .l-'t ~ · <" -~----· ,C/ Tl!:A,R -.J·TDRA,f . - mhnwwlrn=H+Utf-mmnnmru,iu_=-+-,-,·-~~:-~fui:-l ~.:i:ni Lullihm1f D1 rect1ons for Application: Equation: I ··• 7.44 P6 D " 645 . D ·, l) From prec1p1tat1on maps. determine 6 hr; and · 198.4. I • Intensity (ln./Hr.) • Du_rat-ion (Min.) · 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in· the Co~nty Hyd_r~ 109 . Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps 1 ncl uded _rn . tt Des19n and Procedure Manual). · · · . ' ·2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if neceJsary) ~o .· that it 1s within the range of 45% to 65% o-f the 24 hr. precip1 tat ion: (Hot applicable: to Desert) · - ! .13) 4) 5) .Plot 6 hr~ precipitation on the right side of the .chart. · · Draw a line ti .. ·ough the point parallel to the. plotted lines. "·1 1 ! · ~ ! i I Tl! I ;;XU lilllti!ii!l;fl:,J...tl! 11.illl'i'K!.!l!lllllN ;--·N • ..! NJ. f8..!. N.~~b-.0 ~ I This line 1s the· intensity-duration-c;urve for the location being analyzed. ., •• ,l ., ,2 i-++++H+H+HtttttttHtttttlllltHtltttttfffflHI O! 1 20 30 40 50 ·1 2 . . 3 4 6 .......... ,..., """ W'C' Selected Frequency -10 yr. * P6 • 1.15 1n •• P24= .3. is. P6 = ss,,"li* P24 2) Adjusted *P6= I. 7S in. 3) 4) tc • · min. I• ____ in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensity- Durat1on-Frequency curves used since 1965. """"'1 rn · ... :.'!. n ~ . ~ - !:rj :><: ::c: -I ::cl -l -3 $. J -_JIii ..____ '----------,----,,.----... -----C.OUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT Of SANITATION g. FLOOD CONTROL 50-YEAR 5 .. uoup PRECIPITATUm ,...20../ ISOPLUUIALS f oF 5O-Y.EAR ·6--HOUR 45 1 ± 'WJlt}~ ~ , "~ 30• I l\ ] ,; ~ •' ' is•-1 I lilt"\ ' ~ \ I 7 33• 4s 1 I I I I U.S. DEPARTME T OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT. IOSPHJ.RIC ADMINISTRATION Prepi, t:d bJ . •0 -.CIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II 'PROLOGY, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICIIE -________ .. -.. r-\ __ _ - 30 , I I _ I _ I ,o~ ·r202a~u. ~u -,.-I . I I 11 a• · z.5, 301 1~· 117° 45 1 30 1 15' 116° ·-- ., ~ -__ .. l I.. . • --~ -..._ -·--- . COUNT'i_ OF SAN DIEGO· • DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION~ FLOOD CONTROL ---·---·---. r-. ---- 50-YEAH 24-HOU~· PRECIPITATIOr~ 45 • ·,,~ ---~ 1us1K4l~ ~ , .. ~ 301 1S1 33• 45' ..... ·-......... ___ , ---. ._..,_ .... _. l,"rj ·" :x: ::r: H to H ,-3 -1"d Prepaid 11, . U.S. DEPARTMEN r OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC:: AND AT. O!ll'IIERIC ADMINISTRATION ; IAL ITUDU!:I DRANCII, OFFICE OF II fJHOLOOV, NATIONAL WltATHER S£RVICII ! ... -·,· 301 i 11a• t~s I 30 1 15 1 11'70 115 I 30 1 ·, ----------~---_,;__ ..... 15 I 116·0 - ,. . ~ t:x:! X ::r: '-I ttl -l -3 . :) ------·---~ .. ------~' -· e. ~ 4. ., 2 • . , ., .3 · INTENSITY~DUAA.1 WN O~SJGN CHAR1 i . • : · . . . ., . · SO Y~~R SrQR.M · 198.4. :nu1hmuml:ra-,-1-ttAl-~n11i11 ..... ..,, 1-~i,.ifu:,1, fj.llJ m.mhm , ~quation: I ··• 7 .44 p 6 o··-. 645 I • Intensity (In./Hr.) Directions for Application: 1°) ~rom prec1p1tat1on maps determine 6 hr. a_nd 24 hr·. amounts for the selected frequehcy. These maps are printed in the County Hydrolog) Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in U . Design and Procedure Manual). · 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if nece.s'sary) so · that 1t 1s within the range of 45% ·to 65X of the 24 hr. precipitation. (t4ot applicable. to Desert) · -~ 13). Plot 6 hr. prec1pit~t1on -on the righ~ side c of the. chart. ... . 4) Draw a line ti .. ·ough the_point p·arallel \o the plotted lines. 5) This 11-ne 1-s the intensity-duratio·n curve for, the location being analyzed. Appl 1.cat1on Form:. 0) Se 1 ected Frequency SD yr. 1) P6 • 2,.i'J 1-n. • P24-= 4.30. *p6 = 53.5'%* P24 2) Adjusted *P6= 2. 30 in. 3) . t • · min. C .a i-H-++H+t+I-HttttHtHHHttlltttttlttttttHtltllHI 4) I • ______ in/hr .• o: l 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 ··~ ..._ .... "',.. l-f (\11 _..e 4 6 *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensfty- Durat1on-Frequency curves used since 1965. , rn · ... ~ (') ;-. . -. ·- (;.. :Ij )~ :u -I 'J:l -I -3 -~ :-·----'-,'~-:-·:-·: ... cou,rrv OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL 45' ! :--- 30 I I I ---l \ . "l1 I ,. I I 15 1 ,. :-I, I I, ~--- "' ~/ ---' ,,--... 33• I '. I I :-STUDY SITE •. , -- ---------. ---· ... ------·--. 45 I I ~ ,,--' I' l CAJ0~/1 . I I ... ,.., · _:\/N Oil 1.11 >~ ~ Prepaf:d by U.S. OEPARTMEN I' OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT OSPIIERIC ADIIINISTRATION SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II DROLOGY, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30• -i ' ' I lU ~ 'r., .. u.,.,.,~ 1)81 45• 301 15' 117° '•5' --· ----1·· -~ r-, ... -· .. ·.-,. '. ' . 30' 15' 116° ---------_,, ----· ·-------. ..._..._ ·---.... ~ -~ _.,. --··~ ·--··~---~-.r--·:'\ . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION g. FLOOD CONTROL 45' 30• 15 • · I 100.-VEJ\R 24-nmtn PllECIPITATION. r-20..,,.ISOPLU\IIALS Of-100 -VEAR 24-HOUR . .33° -;-----+------1-----U.f ,-,- 45' Pre11aJ·d br U.S. DEPARTPt1ENlr OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCt:A:-;1c AND A"l':.)O:»l'UEHIC AO~IINl:iTHATION :1AL STUDIES &RANCII, on·1ca:: Of' 11f UROLOGY, NA'flONAL WEATHER SERVICE _,_ -· _,__;-· ~~:. l:rj :x: ~ H tJj 1-1 ,-3 30 1 ~----~ I I I •---- 11 Ou JI !j I JO' 1 r1 I II 7° I I ~j I :an• I ft I 116" -'ll , - ·--_..---· ----· -.,._,_ .. --------~ - Ir,· . . lHTENSITY.PtlR/1110N o~s IGN CHART i / 0 0 Y"e:A Jot. ~7"~,W . ,.:,. . t W:J ·1mmnnmnnnr-4-1-h1-.1tr1:,1. ll1ll L. ...•• r. • . .:IihiiJ" . mhmwu · · "'"""'" · . . .... 645 198.4. ., ,j X ;::i:: -l :::cl --1 •:! -8 .. 1 ~ ~ 4. . • 9 •• ~, ., .~ ~ .l Equation: I ··• 7 •44 P 6 D I • Intensity (In./Hr.) t'I. i++f-+H+H-l·H-H-H-HiHHHHlll+H+l½H+IHfflHHll1 o: l 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 ·4 .............. ,.._ .. H"''"'" 6 0\ I Directions for .Application: .. 1 l From prec1p1 tat ion maps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected.frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hy.drolog Manual (10, 50 and. 100 yr.· maps included tn t D~stgn -and Procedure Manual). · 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if nece·s'sary) so that it is within the ringe of 45% to 651 6f the 24 hr. precipitation. {Hot applicable to Desert) . · 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the rioht side of the chart.. · · 4) Draw a. ·11ne ti .. ·ough the point parallel to the: plotted lines. 5) T~1s line is the intensity-duration curve· for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected.Frequency IOO yr. * 1) P6 • 2.?S in., P24= 4.Sp. P6 = ,1,1 %* P24 2) Adjusted *P6= Z, 75 in. 3) tc • ____ min. 4) I • ____ in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensity- Durat1on-Frequency curves used since 1965. ""'""'\ n,. ::!t . n ~' --. I le I I ·1 I I I I I I I I ~ I I · HYDRAULICS: DISCHARGE OF ·e1RCULAR PIPE .FLOWING FULL IIEFEAENCE U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF .AGRICC.-LTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE H. H. J:lennett, Chief E:-GI!'iEERI:SG 8TA!'iDARD8 r:-IT STANDARD DWG. NO. ES-54 SHEET_ 2 n,-ri-EXHIBIT 'U' I I ·I· c .. I I I I I I ,I I I I I ·1 1· I \ ) •. ,"-) ,, I :I. HYDRAULICS: CRITICA'L DEPTHS AND DISCHARGES IN TRAPEZOIDAL AND RECTANGULAR SECTIONS Values of" ~ • Crifit:ol dischorp ,:.f':•. I) b bolfom widfh --;;;- Ii ~ <:I I) <II ..: .; 0 .,; I) .. I) -s () a; () . .., <S d1111l11,11!i;11l11J1lit1,lflt1l111-l;•1!11111IJ11!IJL~1l111;l11d1111J1111J1JJl~111il ~111~111 1;,1 111•• 11l11,)'!1111!11;·lt 'tl>11111,1;111 1 ,l1111l11)1l1111i I I l, ')II t 0.00 ;; , ,, 7 ,, 7 ) J _> _ 1/ J , , 7 ,.! J 7 '-',~ --·~/ 't;ll,, //~ti5~¼~~H~~~~~11~~~~~~~wf / _.,,P / ii, o.tO o.tll ~ c.."' q.,. ~ CHECK OF' GRAPHICAL SOLIJT'ION The f"orm1.1/a /'or critical di.scharge in a chcmnel or any section is Ql•g_~ Q,:; •Crilica/ dischorg~ c.F.s. a • Cros~ ·sectional arep ·of" c;hann11I .~I crilical depth de -rt T •Width of' cross secllon al critical depth de -rt. ~XAMPL£• Q,: •15.;J t:.t:s; b•.3·rt;· Z•5 ,t •5./1 -i • j • 1,,t;7 l?eacidr: -o.1;ssr1.. ~· ~ •. bdc t ztfc z • J X{0.6SS) t S{o.,ss)Z • /.9'iS-tZ./45/Z •.4./10/Z sq •. f'f. T • b + 2 zdc " .J +(2 XS X 0. '655) . . • ~ + G.55 • 9.SS'rf. 4 (4.II0izJ4 Qci" g,:; -~~ •ZJJ.<!17 0c: • IS.29I c.f.s . REFtR~NCe This nomo9ram was Sfondorqs· · Llnif. d~veloped o/ Poul 0. Dovbf .or the ·Ell9ineerin9. .,'t.00 1v. ~ 'O ~-IIO 0 •' (l ~ . REeTANGIILAR SECTIONS For reclOJ?g.:,lar sect,pns,. (he rofio· ¾, • O end values of' d,:-COI? .he read directly olong the coinc,dt:nf Q¼ ond ¾ • 0 .sCDlt!'!I. F'or ezcmpte, 1r 0% •10.j f'or .recfangubr section, then de;•'{. 4!J . Wafer .su~race . . . r~Crifico/ discharge· A1' ~ QC . Z . 1-4 · b · .1 " •. c1,tz V g(b +·z de )a "<C C b+Z_~dc Qc •, Tofa/ crificalqischarge ~ c.f:s. de .. : ~rific;ol depth -f'f. h :; Bot fom width or .sec.lion -rt . 5 •,;J , • f • Horizontal .z a1 .1ue s,ope rp ,0, Vertical g • .JZ.16 f'l./.sec. ~ . ti. S. 1>.i-:P.AR"l"MENT OF AGRICUI.TURE . !STANDARD .bWG •. No; SOil. CO~SERVATl()N Sl<;RVICR '. · . H. JI. Ben .... ._, Phief . · · ES "'. 2 4 ~GJ~o'f!:E~IXG STAXllAUD~ l'.NJT·. SHEET DAJE REVI.SEO 3·30"-:51 _I -·°'-: .3.___ .L:,1·~50 ... EXHTRT'T' 'W' . ~-~ •., ,, .?· I FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engi'neers le· ~p_w· A . ..,-:AIDDl£._0 --lb ~AA. Sro..cm ·1 ., ) Tc (8B -f 11) = 17. 7 1'2, o • l~.7 . l . . . -D l)-,1,~~ ? A~ /, .,.,,"I$ . • _/. ' .. C 7. _,, 4 'i· . . = <• 7 T_~ /?;S X ,,. 7 ,,. /, 'O /'7 J-IIC. '.-. -c =-o. 30 /I-_,:: "1Z A·c., · :1 ,, I < .-:~,~-·c //J · •. =or·· -o xl,-j61e22,00 t:: 12,57-c,:-.s . . · _ . . _· __ Filom1i,.1t·cT B.8~~r Nc,;,s: 0} ·· ~s) ·_Tc·( 8 s ... t B @ _Nce>IE-.-o·_ _ Ft.oUJS AA.;£ /111 MOA : I ... I •. Fi.ow1AJG rULI-J No tAJ'rltANcs.· 01(.-'/=x~r Losss:s I --: 'PE1t.. s,c.s, Sn,, l?wa: Es -s+ _ ( -.. _ ··: _· /11 ~"X :: GI = ·. . CF'S ._ < _/Jl, S 7 cJ:s I · . :_ :. /IPJill(AQE. Pipe _$',ze:1 Stm« s &.Rourg . _-_, __ ,'=;co~ ES-$.,. H11£ti/UIR..ED S1z£ Is 30111J1111 I -: ... -._,_:: P,p£._ Wtt..L, F"9c..c,·w A PPA.o,c. eo?o Fu(..L. I v..~· ~If. ::: . /2,~Z . • • '3,.20 F'PS. ___ · . · 11>" _ ,1, ~s.ir. e I I I I le I I ·· _tc -/Ir Noolt .t -2',.s_,:44,-,,cJ!! = -ts tf:>_ -~ :z ,.3 fl\tt--> ------RATE. .. 3,ao-. ,o FoJrt 10· 'rl!ltR.. _Srt>litm f~ fo Noos J •·.I?. 7 +-· ,:,. 3 ~ -:J< .fill'J11J JrA.oM. -ss~1 A .+: '5B--1e : . , '~. " . . . ft. =-'Vllf ~ ti·'1 s-• 7.Hx 1.7$.1(.:ZJ,o-:'-'fS-,. /. 77,u) d--=-CIA• • 3ox l,?'?-,.22,o + t>, 4Sx -'~77~ ,. 7 :: 19, 41 c:Fs· 120-s ~ Hvoso·Lo,v,Jame.JPR. STosmt>a,111J ~-' JOI NO. IY _ . _ · _ . SUBJECT IHHT IIO. ~1 ' -,, I Ir· I I I ' " ,•, . I I I I le I I 1· I I I 'I( \ I . I . FR~:SER & ASSOC:IATES, Consulting Engineers ,F[. o~: ·. fAJ·:-7~~P6:Zd-,,z;,,111, C'N A~AJ IE'- .. : Assv~1it.. ·:: .· t . : . . .,) ,::·z i:,~~ .T $ . /;l~r,.-~ &~·otJ~Q. z, A) .S~ .. ~PIE R •:'!'A1NS .:7N~ .SARJE. · Fi&o.tYt:~·-is-~·4: . ·;: 36"'-~ P,pg. IP""·' CA-~A'r' ... ;.. . :_ · ·---~ -· :· . .-,&;.pw:··App,eo,t: · so,g· Fu"- . . lt{c, ::. _Q,,,. ·-= . lJ,;,, I -= . :3, -i-3 FPS -:4.,,"' · . ,;s-1'){x. 8 · · . . Tc· Fi:>A. .AR.IE.A.S BB.~/19, &a. SB-/B_ ~r Alt:JDE 2 . 3SO + :2.<,0 ·'= :23, 7 Af1A1 . 3-4?>,c~o · · · . Tc Fi>R. II A.S" a 8 ;._ z~ ii Pf" It/ Ot?E. :2 -= 1-,. I M11J Q,0 llr · Noos -~ Fo~ tc = I~. I C=0,38 .II r=sG-.3:2..l'lc ... ,,' ·~=CI/II . • t>,?,Sx:J,/7_,c s-,.3:z. = -£"1:I CFS " . [ s 7.'94· 'fl .. r;-,,4s ,:'7.-f4;. I. 7f 1< /~, ,-.'4S:: -;l., I 71,/JI ·o .88-l II.+ . ~te + __ ·2A 8r'NoDIE_,2: Ft;>A. -.' r~ =23,7m,~·: , l = 7. 4 "I~ P"" ~<f.S = '7, H x /, 7S ,C:Z 3. 7 -: I. '9S,: ,. ~ ~ Q : Cl// = 1 (c,;.-A.r,TC,••_14,,-t ~-A-) . . . = I.~ 'J. (D,3 Ox :22. o: + tJ, 4:$ I( 9, ") rl>~38x. s,.32) = ~s4,ZQ CFs . ;· t. IH-E ~GQRE~,1-,-e: .OF 'BB-JA,BS·ll5~BB-JA: ' • ' t' ' .. ~o,., .TJt',Dt,,$ C>v/1.R. BB-:2 A J/)JTH A Less EA.. r: C ·: I Ir I I I I I· I I. I( I I: I I I I I ( I I "· FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Cons1.;1ltinQ Engineers 7o'.'.}lor,• :_.; . .: . .: ·{·: ·i".;:; !-' ; ' ' ... ~S.su m J!: .: . . .. . --~ t. __ .;:_, ~-A:,:(>JJ.: ;.rs VN'D E.-~~~OVAJ ~: •.. ~ • • L ' --' i "'I • L O -·, ' •t ' ~) -, t ' .t=:. 2J :·sL~~: •. · Is t!)~. 4~1AJE ~.om· Noz,6 -2' t;:ND#I!. 3 · .. ··' ' ... _Jil ~,f)~: ~ A Is ~L;~ CA 'TS~ . . ;So~r).,e ,1t i )'-' ' = : · OF'; 'Nooa: ~ ·. -' · --. . . ... ______ ........,.. _____ ......__ ______ _ _.-UA,'4P0IE. #t>t:JIE 2 7o A/or,6 ·3 i . /() X /00% -·,so = · I.OS)e /=A.om E's~s~ G Pa-1t CcAJ()t.JIT =-5-9.70 . :Z. 7, 3S CFS It) . -:L,. ·2-30 "If fiow,,._, G 7S ,r, ·Fu1.1. l,J/1LL Su,:-11:1c£ T~y A SttJ>Gl.W: ·cc~~-lT ' I -'3, ~, t/ Flow,>-J·G 8 9 ?o FuL '-IJ/1 '-'-SuFFtCE. ... •• Use. A StuGLE 3~'' CctJOUt·-r tp N cr,e Z ~~II . ·t'c To Not,E. ZA-: 2-1,2 m,,.., . v = , . = s.,,. . .,.o . ,: .e. ,51 FPs 1,,•2r~. e, . · t = S'O ~ o,.4S MUJ . , ' - .U-1'1!'.C,I(. W·,c..t.. so: .YA., STC!>A.m RemA1AJ .. r AJ f;A"' I ~.A· A 11!. 1:,. $ ~ m .s. A.J'r ~. w I L '-/ o·o :)"."£ ~ "- ·. ·S70;;,.:m. · NoT /J.Js.r Foer,:iJ t. $ ? .. ti,., /i r. ·_ :A/ PQC ,2,_·li · .: . .. ; '9AEA Lt:>/lt01Ni:;_'~A:: -~g x4s.es=f2.07/Jc _, C = O; -'!Z . , : ; . .: , .. .: J,0 =7,4~1~ lJ·,&4 S::: i;,,~'<t7S·x.2-,,:z-:,~s-. I*~ 7 0,; ar A -;: l(c,,.,,tA+C,f·A.+C,,..•A.,,..,. ~ c,,.·A,~ = 8 IHt:f:T IIIO. ' ,, I le I I >I I. :1 I I 1c I I I I I ·1 I( I I .I FRAS~R & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers . ~10 -~ ti, ~-'IJ,.·3CJx ~2~0 +~.'f:S1t1;'1·.i-AB8'1<56,"32 + fg~tJ,"'12x-4S, ': ~ i2_,5:z CF'S ' ' ;~:.>;:~ . , . ~ ~ ~ ,_ ; -I ' . -· . J:NDPIZ-·!$ I ' • ' ~-s =::_ () •. _OIOS' ' ,, -.o.·.o;~ r:io.~ ES --S-1 --/-3, '"I CoAJPUIT F'Z-DWIAJ G-9s;g FuLt.. w,~ t. SuFFICI/£ t 14 N DI) IE 2 -A ___... 3 V --=-~ :: .2,sz, --=. ~' 3/ FP$ . /,.S-tiff~ ,,s ' ' . --' i, -=_L • 9S:o-2:5:o . = 1,2.S V -,. 31._·,-0 Fi>A. /0 Y6AA S'TDA.m re 7o #oPI 3 Is : a~2 +1, .a ;-• :z,.s-,s M~N Q,,, _ ~ ..,-Nt:J~IE .3~ I,0 • -7,ffJi p--~"'IS ~7.ffxt.7S x2S,5-,,4s: J,,/13/HR. :B.,o .. -tr C, A I + Ca A a+. f ' '_T Cl,\.~ n:).. . . . _. :_·-~ ,,~-/ (o,30'11:2:Z,t!:> +D..4'S->e1.7r~~3&hcS"~."'3:Z-I-~.-,~ )('}2,07 : +t>,4,2,c 33, ~I) = ,~1} 3 CF'.S . . -ca ,.J b u Ir f-7,s, &0&1 :$ 12112 Alo,oE 3 1o ·_ MoPE ~ _ _ _ .::·:··_ -_, . .• l!:LJ£V. Ct,,/11.B h.o;W'-~""~ ~ -'I-~ 1-,.7 (is) · #J ,~ P,P£ c~v.6R.· -·-.:2. 1 H-l=J:. ELE.v @ -3 : . _-:/-17 ~ z-o.s-3.o:==·11i,s Pr .-h/OL' -J : ~ SHUTNO, · I Ir· I ., I 1· I I .I I I I I I ·I I ~ I I FRA$ER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting l;ngineers . , --:~2 ~, fl RCP A.oa,1/AJ s ,&'u1,e. /u1J.1,. St1FF1c~ f/t,wtEvE.A... S Z'6c~£Aie..s. To 141, s -0:, S -l?a, s :::. .t:J, 00 60 I :I.SO --w A. :18 '"gJ C'ppou17 1.s l'?E~v,a.e-r, . /:4?1LJ s 771{ • Fut-'-.. V ""i . ~· t$, • B, &4 ,=-p.s ~ -ac,77 - 1,: = -CO · .. -:: · (2, I 2. _(,) 1 1,J a.64>C.~o ~•o A "f'.' Ne>'OE..: : 4 I1e = 7.44 P, 77-.1.'fs -7._,;,,)( '"7s x :;.s,,-.~s= ,. , 1 .. 6/,,; .. z,. (c,A,+~11,.·t n•·r•: ~+-~,Al\) , = 1. .,1 (i, .30 )ti 2 +-(), ~sx ,.7 +c.3_8 x s,. 32 +a 1~ "'-,s;gs +D.'34J<IS.:.,~ = 9/,,8 CFS :· Cr;va~, r FoR-Fl.ow ri:l.om #ops -4 leMJo.: S: S = o. ·C>DI, O 1l :;: l> •. t!J)3 : G ,. 'I. I,~ ' fi.kcm e-s-s-1 4.S"¢"cp /:iow1i..JG 8~ Z Fl>.,, ttl1LL SvFF1cs , ·~-s,o1111..a IH'(OB,()LOd \1 JArr,E$ QR, s~()ll.1111 /2,l.A/N . J09 ~O :1 . IY . · . SUIJECT . .. :I Ir I .I :I . I· ·1 I I I( I I 1· I I I ll ! I I !, FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consurting ·engineers :1,0 ,:·Ar NcDE S' ··, ··,. I,o = ,_.,,_,, ~ -r;;,,.,s-_= ,.44->< i. 7 S >< :J 7,y-.'"'5 s ,; sz ,AJA-tR .. Q,o Ar NoPE. !:r . . . ., ~o =l,0 (c,A, 1-C;,,A-.+., 11 • -1-C"A·I\):: 1,62. {S6 .91'+_D,3BxU-,o; ) -= I ~4,-,, c~s .. ()sr;. .S"ml!. ·re F'i,lfl. '/vt!)t7E. ·~ ·.,". 1,,, A-r_ NotJE. G = l,t::>.'J ,,..,/,i_.._ S,0 A..,-NoDE , ,. ~o = I,. (C.A, .,.Ca II.a .,. "• ' '. +-cCt.. 11,.) -= /.52 ( 92, 03 +D. '9()~ I 2, 33) .:· =-. 13·2..,e cF..s ~ -. ·Ce2,-,c·u,z: rb&Pi..ow f:iu,mlr'tu:te• 1Dt/t2PEZ :!I =F O, 01-0D Ir= c._ot3 ~ = J2-f,. ,., c.~s ~·Om fr s-s~ 48 ~",! /lCP /illi-t. :.SllO'ICJE Ei-ow/~6 .,s.;e Fit~L ··; l -• -) l /lCTtJAt.-St&E ,Is --,. B''I RcP .. , {lkR. Dw1, 13s~s) -.. ,, . , .. . ' /2t>~3't,,J WS IHY728CLe0tJV-)AhU;{DR. S'to&M Vs.a,..., . ' J~/4 /a,I · II . ~01 ~o I '" SUBJECT -,~ I ~ · ' !F •• ,;., ,,,_~ ' ' . _}f . I. le· I I I I .I I I I( I I I I I I -I I FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers . ' l I le ·1 I ·1 ·1 I -1 I I( I I. I I ·I I I '. ' ( :_1 .~-.I., FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers ·tF .Noo~:_·:~t, 7o.Nopg:7. ; :-, ~-. /,A ii-r 1/or,E 7 ,,. =i 7. ;,.,If f:J p-;'4f S # 7.4-,1( /. 7S '1<2 'J. 3'",t.-lS=. /, 4 7,;.,/4. ""'", -: , . -fiAo -~-/Ir A/oQE 7 . ~,. = l,,(c,.4,.,.c.-dla + ;,,,. +C,.An) =/,47(1¼,,t.+~-HJx l7.3~ •l.41-7x .~"3,,0" : / 3 8,04 C/:'S Ce,Npu1r .Ea& FZow Cf"om IVoPE 7 s = o, 01 oa 11 r= o, 01.a Q = I .38~ o-f, cFs , ~8~;(8¢P· (P,~-S'uFFICE T-i.oW/AJ(; ·p /f ..::, .r-;~JA 4 . ~?if:,-7<.E: •-• ..... ,t.J-""'. ~-•·1 •••C~l~:a-i ro r • r '"" ... .. ~ . . .. .liiii!> . .. *-. .., v-..,, .. .,,,, .., ,.,, . , ; ..,,,..,,, =lJA;·~ ··81:.'t.JQ:-]L.o-.$.sss·:~A.E. .-~;F'-u·c.--,upiSz:> -~j t"$.% A(.A&/;IA.! tµi.l.i.i. Su/ltf'/Jfl'/~.£ .. rA.J A T'r."Pl~A '- --.#$~:STl!ro ·.;: -~-r • ='IHI$ Po,AJ'T':TNs S~iS-~4'!41 ... .. ::~!Si . l'J l!t:R.G)?~ '9.-.L.. _:L&t.~1?E'L~t:tR.fYl8AJ~ ,Ei>-A-. J -,_~1J:_ .. ·:;/D1.t~-:Y~A·Jlt.·~?SrdR.m .. :· · ~ REv,~wE~: , ··,/flE SYSTEM Is· PR.ESEAJ'Tt.)"' . .TN P1.J1C.E FR. Oh? Ne>PE $' O.A,JUJllfR.Pa SH ES;. l"'9 (Fi:>1..,ow1i.Jr.)·7ilsul,.AT'JE'.S Pie RuN ·oF :· PR.e>GR.Atn -rz~s~ RllrtDNl'IL IIIErHDP. THE Qso ~~OD AmDUAJTS IJR.E· 'B1t·SS.P ON re's rDR.. t-Q,o -THE /11GHSR.. VsLoc.1r1E.S OF Clso ~ tl1oc A ttE O,F'ssr S,t' 7HE . r:?1ETl!.AJ·r1t:>AJ ~/# 7i,,e S78,*(ln /IYRT111.s(c0iJ'T 10.twSN,,. 1s) Ab·.SJ01 U)f) !Hvt2&0Loav. Ji,mes Oa ,SroRmP&8,N . l~"'A=.t!!!/3~ Jot HO. ~, ,,. ~ , $UIJ£l:T. . ~ I SHEIT IIO. ',t ' I le 'I I ·1 I I I I .. ,, I I I I 1· I· I .. \ I .r ,. FRASER & AS$OCIATES, Consultiryg Engineers · · ; i·t ~'i'n'r,-p1..:r· 7 · ·:--, --------------------------... · ;;~ ~~ n· f Ro~ \ ii';_ s,;·RAnoNR'-'j · tt\'£'T~OQ . · o ... , 1. 90 s 110 i -~:, r::---::• ,_ AIO • -: ... :: •,.Ji --\illl l .::'.. 57 • ~.,. · ·:• i::::n ~ lso ::...: ._,, .... - J E;:I ~52.: Qro J 6 .. 52 • S<lso 2. ·39s I, .. i l=-jL 75 ~ Q,oo l '3. ?::i •£&1o0 :~:€,=· ! 7 , ;:;,;:I l: 4 ::; 0.42 f;: ~-= ::-4 :3 · ;2= 1 ;:.J· • I •• -.... ; ::=." i".)i:::. 4. --: .-,i·": 1 ,;:= :r.::. :::~ 102.03 .-, ": ·-r ;;:. ; .1 s:l :;:5~ :37' 1-~.::::::. i] 1 2.c 11 2= 5:3 1 :~:-. 4-1 1--51::42 ----------· -· -·· ~o..;sro WB li'J'P&O\.C>&'r'. JAM'ESi :Pa, S,-o,U\. 1'&AtiJ ~OI NO. IY . F . . SUIJ[CT ;?. 00 2: :3'3 :5:31i ,3;:; 211x4,i] :.:~= C!Ci 13= f3E, 2:: :3=3 11c 7;3 22:3= 1 :3 .i.7. -.. ·t:· 7,-... I 29.30 0.40 .L iJr. ~~'-t 152= 2E: 1:: ;34 1 :~: = :4, ::1 2CH]:: 12 2= :;!C~ 1 E,=-1];:: . I I le I I .I :·1 I I I I I I I -I I ( I II LrJ a. ~ ... wJ 'LrJ ~ ~ •• ;,.: 20 -r ,a-4. 16-r 14--1 i 12~· 10 i 9 I 7 t....i--I 5 3 LO 0.9 0.8 0.1 ! 2% Q&-1-,.----=---"*'~~ 0.4 I 2 3 4 9 I "lltlO DISCHARGE (C F. S.) 20 30 40 EXAMPt.£: Given• Q.• IO S• 2.5o/e Cllart .,.., o.,ttl • Q.4, VtlocltJ = 4 .4 t p.s. ~TTER ANO ROADWAY DISCHARGE -VEL.OC I TY CHAR'T' 50 EXHIBIT 'V' I 1(. I I I I I I I I( I· I I I I I I( I I FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers Co#J r1AJ()~l7 rA,t:),n .. $Hs~r-l3 . · , ' ~ . . ~ . l . ·1-: ', , . ll/1rN1~ •);,,E Sr/ll.lEE.TS •. VE.Slt#AJ 11itR.AhJE'TER.S 'REt:/Ul:~S. 7HIE. .• so~ ~A.It' ~$TDA.m To 'B11: Rem~ -.W1r>11i/· · .71-1E · ImPRo.vEp . .S:Ecr,oN _t)p 7HE ·STR,',i,ir·· '; C> R-, W, rH f I,.) --7;;~-: OR. 111 IAJA &II l:/IISEHJEAJ, ~-·~: 7.'ks -100-YEl'IR. sroJtc:~ 7D REm;,;AJ··_c,,"R. · .o, Bv1'-P/IJG ~vMPAt-~aAJ.s. ------- . : , · . ' . . C,:,pt1,c17V (!)F .:SrDRm .JIYA r.-~ FZ~w IN l=-x.t.$7'/N& JAH'IES . SE741E.E.A.J ND/71! s O ~ t ~ E' -x.1 .s-r-1AJ c I 8 'fl Cu, v6.t<. r sc (!).00/6 n c.O, 013 IJ, sc,., AR. t; I! CA PA c.1-r·Y ::: -1, Z CF .s /J/1rH HEAOIU19 rs~ t.Sr11nllf7EP O:Jpy=S~4 ~ .S-rR..EET SI/E.e.~~OAJ CAPl'lt:.,r~ S== a oo.s-o · Fiflo,,, Si)C,=-c A PP£AJD1 ,c X-l? CCJAIJ HE. l(;H7 ::: "· so 11 C,tPACI 7y.=. :2 x ,. = /8 CF'S · ~ CAP,., c1"T'Y tv, r1-11 ~ _• CvR.S l1AJE -- 4.2 r lB ;: :2..:2 .. :a,. CF.S -_~l-0 = ''·?S CF.SJ,·. SC> ~,oote-JCJR..Src . Slso s; I ~,s~ c,s w"·'-,Be. CA'rl.'R..1JS.D W1rH11JLE.SIG,V.~~,u- . ·. l'YIEAJT S : .. : . ~,. ::: 12 .s 7 c;/11'.$ >. CAf/111'C1r,-18 ''f/S,1? .=r~ :l· c,r.s •• •. e;c,.·,s-r,AJ (; 18 ,,, . SnAm ,Z1A.19JAJ Poss:1./(!)T ll')•- Ve.s 1tJA.J Re~u,R.etnsAJr.s ) · IS' IHHTIIO. 1· Ir I I I I 1·· I I ,c I I I I I I · 1. ( I I I i . FAASER & ASSOCIATES, C-onsulJing _ Engineers _ 7 , ..... ' __ ' 1 · ,-~ --.. ... ,., ' ' ~/ . ! . t4, .. JJ b = . "'1-, {) ,., = ao, 31 ~,, . Qso = -2~.bl <:;,oo : · 3/, 9/ . \I = . 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