HomeMy WebLinkAbout3557; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Retrofit; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Retrofit; 2006-11-01( ilA ni'( •;irisb;kl 5','5fl i:i Uimimi Real (, ;ii lsh;.|d. ('A ')2008 3557" f Novcnilx:r 1. 2(H)6 Conlraci.No.,: Aitciiliion: Mr. Duaiie Soilcaii •i'-'*- '• Ajjril.rjK.I'r'tl t.'omi'ao-1-ioii Report ( i\v\<.\xu\ I'ilv.cl, i:;irlsb;id. ( VV 1 >c;ir Vll", Scilca in acciM-danrc ^vMh ymr rcc|ucsl. Icslino iMiyineerK San Diego ( l l-SD) has ennducled oradiih. ntea v;,i,,>ns and coiiipaclion icsiaig ctn il.c carlhwork perlbi-^i.cd al llic ah.>vc i^fcrenced pm,cci siic. Servicer. dc:;cnlvd licrcin vvere provided by Jf-.SD froin May I I . 2006 lo Scpiemher 13. 2(ll)f,. A rcprcscniahvc ol ihis olficc observed and leslcd ihc miscellaneous backlillinti upcralions (, e i'ridiic abniineiiis. vvum walls, and appurlenani ieatiires) in connection with the brid-e relrolii. .Miininarics ol iaboralnrv and Held eoinpaeiion lesi results are provided in Appendix A. Tallies' iand 2. rcspeclively. impori malerials Nverc nscd ibr I'iie rclaimnf, vvail baeknil. d he backllli sv;,,s I'laeed- rompaeied. and lesled Ibr coinpli;inec willi a niiniinnm;')()'M,»;nKl 95% relaiive conipaeiii'in reiplirenieni. as ap|ilicable. . ' ' II should b, uoled liial Ihe precision of the Held and labomlory maxinnnn drv dens,4 lesi resnlK are snbieei |M vanalion mliereni willi testing procedures and lieteiooene.uis material eleuaeierisiies, Uuaniiiaiive values ok testing precision have been doeun,emed hv the Ainene in >ocieiy ol lesnng and Malerials. |-or example, results indicate the aee.irace oMhe ASTM D- ICS! lo be plus ..r n.iinis Tpereenl ok ihc mean densitv. Based (in this inlbrinaiion relaiive e.-mpaeliou reh^nlls should.be inierpreled as approximaic values subject lo variations in kueral and \ en leal direeiions. Knrvev' lines and elevations relative grade modilkations. Una! desimi ura.ies. locations ok \anuns elements, etc., vvere esiiiblishetl by others. ' " kield MM„iiorin=^ services provided by d.is ofnce. consisting okvdsnal bbservalion ok compaction oi.eratams and rand.im iu-place density, test, are iniended as assistance to the owner/client in 'nomiorme apparent reasonable eOm,,liance wilh Ihe project eailhvvork specilkations khe Picenee ul our licki represcnialive during the work progress did not involve anv (hreci •iipervision o( die coniraelor/subcoutraclor. Technical advice and sin,i.esii„ns ^vere nrovided Hl'ou reqnesi based upon the results ok the tesis and observations. In ai^' case: no vvarramv or .ie:,pousihibl\ lor ihe coiiiractor s perhninance is intended or implied. Tesring Engineers San Diego, Inc. .-i tSurirau Vcriiiis Company /S95 Convoy ("ijtift, ^iuiie !H S'.ui Diego, 0\ 921 1 1 Main; (858)715-^800 (858 715-5810 wwvv.us.bua-aiiveri!;i.5,a City of Carlsbad OH Bridge Retrofit Contract No.: 134834 Based on the observations and testing made during construction by TESD representatives it is our opmton that the nnscellaneotts backfill earthwork was constructed in gene.^1 Lnfonnrce i h Z Z r I'HT'' '"'^ ^P-'^ificarions, and is considered to be suLle for .he intettded u e f you should have any questions afler reviewing this report, please do nof hesitate S ZnZ'ihe undersigned at(858) 715-5800 oo« f'csiwie to cgoii^Xlhe Respectfully submitted, TESD. Inc. Nick Traey El i Stafl'Engineer y I'Ja. C-50IAS e>i. 6,-30; G 5 RCE. RGE ill Principal G eotech n ica I EW|iiniglr Van W. Olin. GE 257"^ AlUichnicnLs,' Appcnili.\ :V l able 1 and Tahic 2 Disliihiiiii ('!) .Addressee* "Includes copies tor tildp, depannieiU siibniliial City of Carlsbad OH Bridge Retrofit Contract No.: 134834 Appendix A City of Carlsbad OH Bridge Retrofit Contract No.; 134834 TABLE 1 RESULTS OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS (ASTM-D.I557) SAMPLE tt DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DRY OPTIMUM MOISTURE DENSITY (PCF) CONTENT (%) On-site: Yellowish-Browh Poorly Graded 113 5 ' SAND with Silt 12.0 On-site: Orange-Brown Silty SAND 123.5 11.0 Contract Number: ' Project Name: Location: TABLE 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA 134834 Carlsbad Blvd. OH Bridge Retrofit Carlsbad, California Test # Sample Test Date 7/10/2006 Test Location Ele. Moisture Field Opt Dry Density (pcf) Field Maximum Relative Compaction Obtained Required Conform Non-Confomi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bent 5 footing b.f. 5' E of E wall, 32'N of S End 7/1 p/2006 Bent 5 footing b.f 10' W of W wall, 10'N of S End 7/10/2006 Bent 5footing b.f 10' WofWwall 20'S -ofNEnd 7/12/2006 Bent 5 10'W of W face, 20'N of S end 7/12/2006 Bent,5 lO-W.ofW face,.lO'S of N end 7/12/2006 E 1.5:1 slope b.f, 5' E of E face, 20'N of S end 7/12/2006 E 1.5:1 slope b;f. E of E face, 10'S of N end 7/12/2006 E 1.5:1 slope b.f, 5! E of E face. 30'S of N end 7/12/2006 E 1.5:1 stope b.f, 10 'E of E face. 20-N of S end 7/12/i2006 E 1.5:1 slope b.f. 10 'E of E face, 40'N of Send 8/9/2006 Bent 2 E face 20'N of S end 8/9/2006 Bent 2 E face, 40'N of S end • 8/9/2006, Bent 2 E face. 30' N of S end 8/11/2006 Bent 2; W face, 30' N of S end 8/11^006 Bent 2. Wface, 30' N of S end 8/14/2006 Bent 2, W face, 30' N of S end 8/14/2006 Bent 2, Wface, 15'Nof Send 8/14/2006 Bent 2. E face, 25' N of S end 8/i 5/2006 Bent 2,10' S of N end 8/15/2006 Bent 2: 20'S of N end 8/29/2006 Bent2,.N wing wall, 15' S of N end 8/29/2006 Bent 2, N wing wait, 15' S of N end 8/29/2006 Bent 2, S wing wall, 15' N of S end 8/29/2006 Bent 2, S wing wall, 15'N of S end 20.5 20:5 20,5 22.5 22.5 22.5 24.5 26.5 285 30.5 20.5 22.6 23;5 20.5 22.5 24.5 26,5 26,0 27.5 29.5 27.5 29.5 27.5 29.5 12:4% 12.0% 109.3 113:5 96% 95% Conform 12.8% 12.0% 108.2 113.5 95% 95% Conform 13,2% 12:0% 109.3 113.5 96% 95% Conform 12.8% 12.0% 108:9 113.5. 96% 95% Conform 13;2% 12.0% 109.4 113.5 96% 95% Conform 12.4% 12:0% 109:9 113.5-97% 95% Conform 12.4% 12:0% 108.1 113.5 95% 95% Conform 13:2% 12,0% 108.8 , 113.5 96% 95% Conform 12.8% 12.0% . 107:4 113.5 95% 90% Conform 13:6% 12:0% 107.3 113.5 95% 90% Conform 12.8% 11.0% -118,9 .123.5 96% 95% Conform 12:4% 11.0% 118:2 , - 123,5 96% 95% Conform 11.9°/i 11.0% 119.2 123.5 97% 95% Conform 11.9% 11.0% 118.4 123.5 96% 95% Conform 12.4% 11.0% 117.8 123.5 95% 95% Conform 12.8% 11.0% 118.3 123.5 96% 95% Conform 11.1% 11:0% 119.6 123:5 97% 95% Conform 11.9% 11.0% 117:8 123.5 95% 95% Conform 12:8% 11.0% 118.6 123.5 96% . 95%. Conform 11:5% 11.0% 119.5 123.5 97% 95% Confonn 12.8% ir.o% 118.1 123:5 96% .95% " Conform 11.1% -ii:6% 119.1 123.5 96% 95% Conform 11.9% 11:0% 119.7 123.5 97% 95% Conform 11.9% 11.0% 117.9 123.5, 95% 95% Cijnform ContracI Number. Project Name: Location: TABLE 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA 134834 Carlsbad Blvd. OH Bridge Retrofit Cartsbad. Califomia Test 25 Sample Test Date Test Location Ele. 31.5 Mois ture Dry Density (pcf) Relative Compaction Conform Non-Conform Field Opt Field IVlaximum Obtained | Required Conform Non-Conform 2 8/30/2006 Bent 2, VV side, 30' S of N end of wing" wall 25A 2 8/30/2006 Retest #25 26 2 8/30/2006 Bent 2, W side; 10'W of face, 45'S of N end of wing wall 27 2 8/31/2006 Bent 2, W side. 10'W of face, 30'S of N end of wing wali 28 2. 8/31/2006 Bent 2, W side, 10'W of face, 30'Nof S end of wing wall 29 2 8/31/2006 Bent 2, W side. 10' W of face, center of wall ,30 2 9/1/2006 Bent 2, W side, 10'W of wall, 25-S of N • end of N wing wall 31 2 9/1/2006 Bent2, Wside, 10'Wofwalk35'NorS end ofS wing wall 32 2 9/1/2006 Bent 2, W side, 15'Wof wa«, 40'S of N end of N wing wall 33 2 9/1/2006 Bent 2, W side. 10' W of wait, 25' N of S end of S wing wall 34 2, 9/5/2006 Abbut 1 and Bent 2 bf, 14'E of W face Bent 2,60'S of N end of wing wall 35 2 9/6/2006 E face Bent 2,1.5'E of face, 35'S of N end of wing wall 36 2 9/7/2006 E face Bent 2, 1.5'E of face, 35'S of N end of wing wall 37 1 9/7/2006 Bent 5,10'E Of E face, 10'N of S end 38 1 9/7/2006 Bent 5, 10'E of E face, 10'S of N end 39 1 9/7/2006 Bent 5,10'E of E face, 30'N of S end to 1 9/8/2005 Bent 5, 25' E of E face, 15' N of S end 11 1 9/8/2005 Benl5,<^25'EdfEface,25'SofN end 42 2. 9/11/2006 Bent 2.2'W of Wface, 5'N Of Send of wing wall 31.5 33.5 11.1% 12.4% 11.0% 11.0%. 120,3 116.2 123.5 123.5 97% 94% 95% 90% Conform Conform 35:5 11.5% 11.0% 116,4 123.5 94% 90% Conform 35.5 12.4% 11.0% 116.9 123.5 95% 90% Conform 35.5 11.1% 1L0% 117.4 123.5 95% 90% Conform 37.5.^ 11.9% 11.0%, 115,1 123.5 93% 90% Conform 37.5 12.8% 11:0% . 116.1 123:5 94% 90% Conform 39.5 11.1% 11.0% 114.5 123.5 93% 90% Conform 39.5 12.4% 11.0% 115.1 123.5 93% 90% Conform 41.5 12.4% 11.0% 112.3 123,5 91% 90% Conform 28:0 11.5% 11.0% 118.3 123.5 96% 95% Conform 30.0 11.1% 11.0% 119.5 123.5 97% 95% Conform 32:5 13.6% 12.0% 104.8 113,5 92% ^, 90% Conform 34.5 12.8% 12:0% 104.4 113.5 92% 90% Conform 36.5 14.1% 12:0% 103.3 113.5 91% .90% Conform 38.5 13.6% 12.0% 105.5 113.5 93% 90% Conform 40.5 12.4% 12.0% 104.9 113.5 92% 90% Conform 35.5 11.9% 11.0% 118.1 123,5 96% 95% • Conform TABLE 2 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST DATA Contract Number Project Name: Location: 134834 Carlsbad Blvd. OH Bridge Retrofit Carlsbad, California. Test # Sample Test Date Test Location Ele. Moisture Field Opt Dry Density (pcf) Field I Maximum Relative Compaction Obtained I Required Conform Non-Conform 43 2 9/11/2006 Bent 2, 2'W of Wface, 5'N of Send of wing wall 37:5 12:4% 11.0% 119.0 123:5 96% 95% Conform 44 2 9/11/2006 Bent 2,10' W ot W face, 5'N of S end of wing wall 39.5 11.1% 11.0% 119:8 123.5 97% 90% Conform 45 2 9/11/2006 Bent 2, 5' E of abbutment, center wall 41.5 11.5% 11.0% 118.2 123.5 96% 90% Conform 46 2 9/11 /2006 Bent 2,1' N of W face, 15' S of N end of , wing wall FSG 11.1% 11-0% 120:3 123:5 97% 95% Conform 47 2 9/11/2006 Bent 2, 1' W of W face. 5' N of S end of wing wall FSG 11.9% 11.0% 119:6 123:5 - 97% 95% Conform 48 , . 2 9/12/2006 W 1.5:1 slope, 5' S of S end. Bent 2 wing wall FG 12.8% 11.0% 112.2 123:5 91% 90% Conform 49 2 9/12/2006 W 1.5:1 slope, 10' N of S end, Bent2 wing wall FG 11.9% 11.0% ' 113.4 123:5 92% 90% Conform 50 2 9/12/2006 W 1.5:1 slope, 30' N of S end. Bent 2 wing watt FG 12.4% 1,1.0% 113.6 123.5 92% 90% Conform 51 2 9/12/2006 W 1.5:1 slope, center wall. Bent 2,15'W of west face FG 11.9% 11.0'% 111.9 123.5 91% 90% Conform 52 2. 9/13/2006 W 1.5:1 slope, 50' S okN end. Bent 2 wingwall FG 12.4% 11.0%; 112.7 123.5 91% 90% Conform 53 2 9/13/2006 W 1.5:1 slope. 20' S of Nend, Bent2,10' E of E face FG 11.9% 11.0% 114.3 123,5 9i3% 90% Confonn 54 1 9/13/2006 W 1,5:1 slope, 15' S of N end, Beiit 5. 10' E Of E face FG 13:2% 12.0% 105.0 113.5 93% 90% Conform 55 1 9/13/2006 W 1:5:1 slope, 20' N of S end, Bent 5.10' E of E face FG 12:8% 12.0% 104,1 113.5 92% 90% Conform