HomeMy WebLinkAbout3583A; CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION; FINAL REPORT ON GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS; 2002-07-30FINAL REPORT ON QP GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - C) by Haley & Aldrich, Inc. San Diego, Califoriia/Denver, Colorado for Poi Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. Carlsbad, California 0 File No. 26713-005 July 2002 S Haley & Aldrich, Inc. 9040 Friars Road Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92108-5860 Tel: 619.280.9210 Fax: 619.280.9415 30 July 2002 File No. 26713-005 www.HaleyAldrich.c&i Senior Engineer UNDERGROUND ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. 1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 300 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Wain Cooper, Subject: Final Report on Geotechnical Recommendations for Cannon Road Lift Station Carlsbad, California Dear Wain OFFICES Boston Massachusetts Cleveland Ohio Dayton Ohio Denver Colorado Detroit Michigan Hartford Connecticut Los Angeles California Manchester New Hampshire Newark New Jersey, Portland Maine Rochester New York San Francisco California Tucson Arizona Washington District of Columbia Haley & Aldrich, Inc is pleased to submit this report presenting the results of geotechnical engineering evaluations the proposed Cannon Road Lift Station Project in Carlsbad, California. This work was performed in accordance with Amendment No. 1 (10/26/01) to our Agreement (12/13/00) with you. This report .presents the conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the project, as well as the results of field explorations and laboratory tests. . * We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project.. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this report or any aspect of the project. With best regards, 0%QFESS/0 0 HALEY &ALDR IkL4'— Tracy J. Lyman;P.E., P.G. Senior Vice President G:\PROJECT5\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\final report.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES iii I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.01 General 1 1.02 Project Description 1 1.03 Purpose and Scope 1 1.04 Elevation Datum 2 H. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING 3 2.01 Subsurface Explorations by Others 3 2.02 Subsurface Explorations by Haley & Aldrich 3 2.03 Laboratory Geotechnical Testing 4 2.04 Laboratory Corrosion Testing 5 HI. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 6 3.01 Physiography and Land Use 6 3.02 Regional Geology 6 3.03 Regional Seismicity 6 3.04 Subsurface Conditions 7 A. Soil Units 7 B. Bedrock (Santiago Formation) 8 3.05 Groundwater Conditions 8 3.06 Geologic Hazards 8 A. Potential Landslide 8 B. Expansive Soil 0 9 C. Liquefaction Evaluation 9 IV. GEOTECHMCAL ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS 11 4.01 Landslide Concerns 11 4.02 Foundation Recommendations 11 4.03 Floor Slabs 0 12 4.04 UBC Seismic Building Design Parameters 12 4.05 Temporary Excavations 13 4.06 Detention Basin Fill 0 14 4.07 Pipe Trench Considerations - 14 A. Pipe Bedding 14 B. Trench Backfill 0 • 15 C. Excavation Difficulties 15 4.08 Recommended Compaction Specifications 15 4.09 Lateral Earth Pressures 16 4. 10 Construction Dewatering 17 V. LIMITATIONS 18 REFERENCES 19 TABLES FIGURES APPENDIX A - Excerpts from Previous Site Investigations APPENDIX B - Test Boring Reports APPENDIX C —Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX D —Corrosion Laboratory Test Results. LIST OF TABLES Táblé No. ,Title I Summary of Geotechnical Laboratory Test, Results II Summary of Corrosion Laboratory Test Results LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title 1 PrOject Locus, 2 Boring Location Plan 3 San Diego County Fault Map 4 Subsurface. Profile H-H' 5 Design Response Spectra (1997 UBC) I. INTRODUCTION 1.01 General Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (Haley & Aldrich) was retained by Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) to conduct a geotechnical investigation at the proposed site of a new lift station along Cannon Road in the City of Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). 1.02 Project Description The City of Carlsbad plans to construct the lift station at the site of an existing detention basin along the southeastern side of Cannon Road, approximately 0.3-mile southwest of the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real. The proposed lift station will have dimensions of approximately 60 by 25 feet, resulting in an approximate footprint area of 1,500 sq. ft. The lift station is to be constructed within the limits of an existing detention basin, which is located at the base of a 2H: 1V slope. The proposed wet well will have a depth of approximately 35 ft, and will be located along and immediately adjacent to the existing toe of the hillside. The proposed construction will also include an access road, valve vault, 20-inch diameter suction pipeline, 14-inch diameter discharge pipeline, a wet well, site development, and miscellaneous small structures associated with the lift station (Figure 2). The access road is to be located on engineered fill placed in the detention basin and will terminate on Cannon Road both north and south of the new lift station. 'A suspected landslide mass exists within the steep slope located above the site. Proposed grade at the location of proposed structures is approximately elevation 27. The elevations for the various proposed structures on the site are tabulated below. Structure Elevation (Estimated) Lift Station 27.5 (finished floor) Wet Well -3 (invert) Valve Vault 6 (invert) 1.03 Purpose and Scope The subsurface investigations andgeotechnical engineering studies described herein were undertaken to obtain information on subsurface conditions and to provide design recommendations for the proposed structure and site improvements. The scope of work undertaken in this study was in accordance with our 10 January 2002 proposal to you as modified by subsequent discussions. The following tasks were performed: 1. Prepared, arranged and monitored a program of three subsurface explorations to obtain geologic information for project design. G:\PROJECTS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\final report.doc 2 Made aiialSes related to., the geotechriical, engineering aSpects of foundation designs site development and construction, and prepared this engineering report summarizing our 4onsi. This report, does not include an assessment of the presencc of oil or hazardous matetials at the site, the characterization of excavated soil that may, be generated as a result of planned construction activity, or an assessment of the impact that any contamination could have on the proposed construction Additionally, the scope of our work did not include performing field investigations or slope stability analyses for the suspected landslide. 1.04 Elevation Datum All elevations in this report are based upon the Site Plan dated 2 May 2002 provided to Haley. & Aldrich by CDM Elevations refer to North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) G \PROJECTS'26713 Cannon Rd Lift Stacio n\tinai report do--,- 2 II. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.01 Subsurface Explorations by Others The lift station site is located within the Kelly Ranch development. Geotechnical investigations performed by other firms, for Kelly Ranch in general and more specifically for the detention basin, were reviewed by Haley & Aldrich. Some of the reports were reviewed in their entirety, and some were only reviewed in excerpted format; pertinent excerpts from these reports are included in Appendix A, including a geologic profile. Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. (PSE) performed geotechnical investigations of the project site and reported their findings in a number of reports [PSE (April 1997), PSE (October 1997), PSE (March 1998), PSE (January 2001)]. The work by PSE was performed in conjunction with a substantial re-grading program executed at the site, which resulted in construction of the detention basin at the base of the slope. The studies included geologic mapping, drilling and sampling of exploratory borings, geologic analyses with respect to the possible landslide, and laboratory testing. In general, the 1997 reports identified an ancient landslide complex on the hillside above the detention basin. The landslide was identified by topographic expression, geologic mapping and trenching, sheared claystone identified in borings, and discovery of a landslide on an adjacent property. Specifically, PSE relied on two borings (B- 11and B-12) which were advanced on the project site in 1985 by Owen Geotechnical Consultants; these borings are shown on Figure 2 and are included in Appendix A. These explorations were advanced using bucket augers that created - a 30-inch hole. Bucket auger holes are described by a geologist who enters the borehole and - maps the sides of the holes. Boring B-i 1 noted shear zones, slickensided surfaces and landslide debris; Boring B-12 noted a "zone of slide plane". 2.02 Subsurface Explorations by Haley & Aldrich Haley & Aldrich conducted a subsurface exploration program consisting of three test borings (HA-101, HAB-1, and HAB-2) as shown on Figure 2. The locations of the test borings shown were determined in the field by Haley & Aldrich personnel by taping from physical features, and should be considered approximate. The boring locations were based on a proposed site layout provided by CDM; the site layout has since changed. Two borings (HAB-1 and HAB-2) were located along Cannon Road and north of the proposed lift station. A description of the drilling and sampling procedures utilized for each boring is presented below. All test borings were observed in the field by trained Haley & Aldrich personnel (engineer or geologist). Test boring reports are included in Appendix B of this report. In November 2001, one test boring (HA-101) was drilled to a depth of 15.0-ft, to explore subsurface conditions at the wet well location as formerly located. The test boring was drilled by Pacific Drilling Company of San Diego, California. The test boring was performed with a Little Beaver tripod-mounted drill rig using solid-stem-augering techniques. G\PROJECTS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\iinal report.doc Soil samples were obtained at 5-ft intervals with a Standard Split-Spoon Sampler (2.0-inch 0 D , 1.375-inch I D), in general accordance with ASTM Method D1586 Field measurement of in-situ soil properties consisted of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) The Standard Penetration Resistance (N) is defined as the number of blows necessary to drive the Standard Split-Spoon Sampler 1-ft into undisturbed soil using a 140-pound weight falling freely for 30-inches. The tripod-mounted drill rig used during the subsurface exploration, was equipped for solid- stem augering only. Performance of the Standard Penetration Test requires removal of solid- stem augers from the borehole, which leaves the sides of the test boring in an unsupported state. For this reason, the test boring collapsed below the groundwater table when the augers were removed. All attempts to maintain the integrity of the bore hole failed and the test boring was terminated at a depth of 15 ft. In January 2002, two borings (HAB-1 and HAB-2) were, drilled at the locations shown on Figure 2. The test borings were drilled by Tr-County Drilling of San Diego, California. Soil-boring HAB-1 was advanced using a truck-mounted hollow-stem auger CME-95 drilling rig and soil boring HAB-2 was advanced using a track mounted all terrain limited access rig. Each soil boring was advanced to a total depth of approximately 40 ft below ground surface (bgs) Prior to drilling, the soil bormgs were hand augered to five ft below ground surface for utility clearances The first soil sample was collected at a depth of two ft, the next at a depth' of five. ft, then at 5-ft intervals. Hollow stem continuous flight augers (4-1/4 inch .I.D. were used to drill the borehole from approximately five ft bgs to the total depth of the borehole. Using an automatic hydraulic hammer on the drill rig, samples were collected by driving 2.5-inch diameter split spoon samplers 1.8-inch at the specified sampling interval. Samples were retained in 6-inch long by 2.5-inch diameter stainless steel sleeves. Teflon® sheets were placed at each end of the sleeve and capped with plastic end caps. Haley & Aldrich personnel logged all soils recovered from the borings in thefield. Collected sample intervals were observed and visual-manual estimates of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) types of soils were made in general accordance with the visual-manual procedures outlined in ASTM Standard D248893. In addition, grain size estimates were performed in the field using standard sieve sizes and observation to estimate grain size percentages on selected soil samples Estimated soil types and other observations were recorded on boring logs along with the sample depth, sample type and percent recovered Soil samples representative of the various subsurface soil types were selected and preserved from each sample interval for testing in a laboratory to determine various geotechrncal- engineering parameters; 203 Laboratory Geotechnical Testing Soil samples obtained during the field eploratiOnsp were submi.ed for testing to verify field visual USCS classifications and evaluate certain engineering characteristics Allied Geotechnical Testing of San Diego, California performed geotechnical laboratory tests Geotechnical testing of soil samples was performed in conformance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) testmg procedures or other generally accepted test S methods as follows: ____________ G \PROJECTS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\tinal report doc 4 Geotechmcal Test Test Method Moisture Content ASTM D 2216 Dry Density ASTM D 2937 Gram Size Distribution ASTM D 422 Atterberg Limits ASTM D 4318 Direct Shear ASTM D 3080 A summary of the results of geotechnical testing on soil samples is presented in Table I. The geotechnical test reports including; USCS descriptions, moisture densities, dry densities, grams size distribution graphs, Atterberg Limits graphs and direct shear graphs are included in Appendix C. 2.04 Laboratory CorrosiOn, Testing A bulk composite sample was collected using a hand auger adjacent to the location of HAB-1 for the purpose of corrosion testing. Test I Test Method PH ASHTO T289-91 Oxidation Reduction Potential ASTM D1498 Sat'd Resistivity AASHTO T288-91 As-Received Resistivity AASHTO 7289-91 Sulfates AASHTO T290-91 chlorides AASHTO T291-91 Sulfides DIPRA As-Received moisture content ASTM D2216 A summary of the results of corrosion testing on soil samples is presented in Table II. These results are provided for corrosion analysis to be performed by others The corrosion laboratory test reports are included in Appendix D. G\PROJECTS\267i3. Cannon Rd Lift SatithfiflãI report.doc 5 Ill. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.01 Physiography and Land Use The proposed site is located as shown On Figure 2. An existing detention basin is located on the southeastern side of future Cannon Road, which is currently (July 2002) an unimproved roadway..The bottom of the detention basin is located at approximate elevation 15 Ground surface elevations begin rising immediately east of the detention basin, to a high of approximately 357 ft at the crest of the slope known as Mount Evans The slope of the hillside above the detention basin is approximately 211 1V to 1.5H: 1V The top of the wet well will be located on the hillside at approximate elevation 27. The lower third of the hillside has been regraded, and is covered with erosion control mesh and surficial irrigation lines to promote re-vegetation of the slope The upper portions of the slope are vegetated with grasses, shrubs, and trees. The site vicinity is largely undeveloped, with the exception of a new housing development located northeast of the site. 3.'02 Regional Geology The regional geology consists of colluvium, alluvium, compacted and uncompacted fill and-also includes Eocene- to Pleistocene age sediments which comprise bedrock. The regional geologic units are the Bay Point Formation which overlies the Santiago Formation. The Bay Point Formation is absent at the project site The Santiago Formation consists of interbedded, light to dark gray, silty sandstone j light, to medium gray siltstOne and variable colored claystones. Where undisturbed, the Santiago Formation is. typically hard to very hard and is moderately well bedded. . 3.03 Regional Seismicity . The Cannon Road Lift Station project is located within the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of southern California which is characterized by faults which typically display right lateral slip and have a strong northwest orientation. The project is located on the Santa Ana sub-block, a subdivision of the Peninsular Range block, which is bounded on the northeast by the Elsinore fault and on the southwest by the Rose Canyon/Newport-Inglewood fault system The nearest strand of the Elsinore fault, the Julian and Temecula segments zone (characteristic moment magnitude, Mw -7.1 based on Peterson et al., 1996) are approximately 37 kilometers from the subject project The nearest strand of the Rose Canyon/Newport-Inglewood fault zone (characteristic moment magnitude, Mw=6 9) is the Del Mar segment, approximately 10 kilometers west of the project area Both the Elsinore and the Rose CanyonlNewport-Inglewood fault systems are north and northwest striking, dominantly right lateral, strike-slip faults, showing Holocene activity Literature review, aerial photographic study, and site reconnaissance mapping mdicate that active faults are not lOcated in the project area. G:\PROJECTS'26713 CaruioS Rd Lift Statiön\fihal repori.dod A regional map of active faults is shown in Figure 3. Based on probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) mapping performed by the USGS (1996) the peak horizontal ground acceleration (PGA) expected for a free rock surface at the site with a probability of exceedance of 10 percent in 50 years (consistent with 1997 UBC requirements) is 0.26g. Deaggregation of the 10 percent-50 year event indicated that the Rose Canyon Fault (Mw = 6 9) dominates the seismic hazard matrix The corresponding PGA at ground surface for the site is 0.32g which accounts for site specific soil amplification of the bedrock acceleration determined in accordance with the recommendations of National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP 2001). It is likely that during the design life of the project, the site will be subject to strong ground accelerations generated from earthquakes produced along offsite faults. Secondary ground displacements in response to a nearby or large regional earthquake are possible in the seismically active southern California region. 3.04 Subsurface Conditions Subsurface exploratiops at the site indicate that both soil and bedrock units are present on-site and are expected to be encountered during construction Soil and rock descriptions provided below are based upon the test boring reports presented in Appendix B. A geologic cross section of the site that was prepared by others is included in Appendix A of this report. All of the borings encountered interbedded fine to medium fine clayey and/or silty sands. Two of the three borings encountered bedrock classified as siltstone and medium to coarse- grained sandstone Groundwater was also encountered in two of the three borings. Groundwater was encountered at 15 to 15.5 ft below ground surface (bgs). A. Soil Units Fill (SM, SC, SP) Fill was encountered in two of the three borings at a minimum depth of 0 ft bgs and extended to a maximum depth of 15 ft bgs in HA-1. and 15 5 bgs in HA-2 The fill encountered was classified as silty clayi silty sand, and poorly-graded sand as evidenced by drill cuttings This material was generally medium dense with standard penetration test valUes ranging from 12 to 24 blows per foot (bpf) where sampled. Alluvium (SC, SC/CL, SM) Alluvium was encountered in HAB-2 at a minimum depth of 15.5 ft bgs and extended to a maximum depth of 33 ft bgs The sandy soils were classified as clayey sand, sandy clay, sand with silti and silty sand This material was generally medium dense with standard penetration values ranging from 12 to 25' bpf: G:\PROJECTS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Stàtioñ\final rej,ort.d'oc ' 7 3. Colluvium (SM) Colluvial material was encountered in HA-101 at a minimum depth of 0 ft bgs and extended to a maximum depth of 15 ft bgs. The colluvium encountered was classified as silty sand as evidenced by drill cuttings. This material was loose to medium dense/stiff to very stiff with standard penetration test values ranging from 10 to 18 bpf where sampled: B. Bedrock (Santiago Formation Bedrock was encountered in two of three borings. The bedrock samples were classified as sandstone, siltstone, and claystone of the Santiago Formation with consistencies ranging fron-i very dense to hard with standard penetration test values ranging from 36 bpf to 50 blows per 4 inches where sampled. 3.05 Groundwater Conditions Grdündwater Was encountered in borings HAB-1 and HAB-2 at depths of 15 ft and 14.5 ft below grade, respectively. In addition, wet conditions were encountered in boring HA-101 at depth-of approximately 15 ft, resulting in collapse of the unsupported borehole. These results indicate a groundwater table located at approximate elevation ,5 at the base of the slope in the vicinity of the proposed lift station. The groundwater table is located at higher elevations beneath the hillside, and generally represents a muted reflection of surface topography. 3M6 Geologic Hazards A. Potential Landslide As described in Section 2.01, previous studies performed by others [American Geotechnical (1983), Owen Geotechnical (1985), Pacific Soils Engineering (1997)] had identified the southwest facing slope of Mount Evans as a potential landslide In addition, a geologic map of the project vicinity (PSE, 1997) characterizes the surfiLial geology of the hillside as consisting of landslide deposits The geomorphology of the hillside is that of a classic landslide feature with a prominent headscarp visible near the crest of the slope. From reviewing the previous studies concerning the potential presence of a landslide mass on the hillside immediately southeast of the detention basin, Haley & Aldrich has concluded that 1) a landslide mass did exist within the slope, 2) the landslide mass had the potential to move downslope and into the detention basin during or after detention pond construction, 3) the risk of such movement was impossible to quantify based on available information, and 4) the slope should be carefully monitored for movement during and after excavations for the detention basin and mitigation of any landslide movement be performed immediately, The detention basin excavations were successfully excavated without resultant movement in the hillside G:\PROJECTS\.26113 CannOn Rd Lift StatiOñ\final idport.doc 8 Therefore, a landslide mass is likely to be present in the hillside inliflediately southeast, of the existing detention basin. The pOtential for landslide mOvement and slope instability is considered real and represents a serious risk to the proposed lift station site development without mitigation measures to stabilize the landslide material. Expansive Soil Based on the geologic setting and subsurface conditions encountered in explorations at the site, Haley & Aldrich has determmed that expansive soils are not a geologic hazard for this project. Liquefaction Evaluation Liquefaction susceptibility was evaluated using the simplified procedure originally developed by Seed and Idriss (1971) with procedural updates in accordance with Youd, et al. (2001). Seismically-induced settlement, which may result from the dissipation of excess pore pressure generated by earthquake shaking, was evaluated using the procedures of Tokimatsu and Seed (1987). Calculations were performed for profiles based on borings representative of conditions within the building area (HAB- 1 and HAB-2). The results of the analyses indicate that liquefiable soils are not present in boring HAB-1. Seismically induced settlements in the region of boring HAB-1 are expected to be negligible. hi boring HAB-2 the analyses indicated a zone of liquefiable material is present at a depth of approximately 14 to 32 feet below ground surface. Settlements resulting from post-shaking dissipation of pore water pressure were calculated to be on the order of 3 to 4 inches in the area of HAB-2. For the purpose of foundation design, it should be assumed that the liquefiable zone varies linearly from a thickness of 18 feet at the northeast side of the site to a thickness of zero at the southwest side of the site The bottom of the liquefiable zone is located at the bedrock interface which is at a depth of approximately 32 feet below ground surface in HAB-1 and 15 feet below ground surface in HAB-2 Figure 4 illustrates the subsurface profile beneath the structure. Post liquefaction settlement will result in the imposition of downdrag forces on deep foundations (refer to Section 4.02 of this report for further recommendations regarding seismic downdrag design) Site improvements which exist at or above liquefiable zone and which are not supported by deep foundations will be prone to settle differentially with respect to pile supported structures Flexible connections which can tolerate 2.5 to 3 5 inches of differential settlement should be made in such cases Hollow structures such as pipes which are located within the liquefiable zone should be designed to resist buoyancy forces equal to the unit weight of the liquefied soil (120 pcI). G\PROJECTS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift &ation\final réport.doc L The 1atera support of sOilS that surround deep foundations can be significantly reduced if the soils undergo liquefaction This effect can be modeled in lateral capacity analyses for piles and shafts by applying reducmg p-multipliers (a value of 1/10 is typical) to p-y curves (Ishihara and Cubrinovski, 1998) or utilizing a soft clay, p-y curve with a cohesion value set to the liquefied residual shear strength of the soil (Wang and Reese, 1998) The p-y curve adjustments ma de ade only over the limited depth that would liquefy. - G:PROJEC1S\26713 Cannon Id Lift Station\final époridd 10 IV GEOTECHT'IICAL ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS 4.01 Landslide Concerns As discussed in previous sections of this report, Haley & Aldrich has concluded that the hillside located above the proposed lift station includes an existing landslide mass The presence of a landslide on this slope is a concern for this project due to potential instabilities caused by temporary excavations planned for the proposed site development as described below: The current project concept includes no permanent cuts. However, temporary excavations are always required for a project of this nature. Excavations to remove Fill and Alluvium from within the detention basin and replacing them with imported fill is an alternative for mitigating potential liquefaction. This temporary excavation would be at the base of the existing landslide mass and therefore would redUce the existing equilibrium conditions in the slope. Temporary excavations will be required for construction of the influent line and force main. These excavations will also be at the base of the existing landslide mass and therefore will reduce the existing equilibrium conditions in the slope. CDM is requiring the sunken caisson method of construction for the wet well and valve vault, thereby reducing the concern associated with more traditional temporary excavations. At this stage of the design, there is not sufficient data available to rule out the potential-for instability within this potential landslide mass caused by temporary excavations currently planned for this project or more adverse natural conditions than have been experienced Since detention basin construction. Several steps can be taken to mitigate this potential hazard. However, prior to designing a mitigation scheme, a comprehensive geotechmcal investigation specifically targeted to evaluate the nature, extent and configuration of the landslide would be required Once the landslide geometry and strength properties of the basal landslide surface are understood, landslide mitigation could be designed Landslide mitigation could consist of construction of a shear key at the base of the slope using large diameter drilled shafts, reducing groundwater levels in the hillside through subhorizontal drainage holes, and controlling surface water flows and infiltration; Haley & Aldrich believes that landslide investigation and mitigation design and construction will be costly and that the risk of potential landslide movement will not be entirely removed even if such measures are implemented Therefore, we recommend that the construction contract documents preclude all permanent or Unbraced temporary excavations into the base of the hillside. 4.02 FoUndation Reconhiendations The Fill, Alluvium, and Colluvium soils vary in composition and density, are potentially liquefiable and are not considered appropriate foundation materials for the lift station Typically these materials are removed and replaced with structural fill to enable the use of shallow foundations However, for this site, an excavation greater than 20 ft in depth would be required at the toe of the landslide. This excavation could destabiliie the landslide. P:\PROJEUS\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\tinal report doc 11 Alternatively, ground improvement methods, such as stone columns could be implemented to enable the use of shallow foundations However, it has been Haley & Aldrich 's experience that for small projects, deep foundations are more cost effective than ground improvement. Haley & Aldrich recommends that the structures be founded on drilled shaft foundations. Drilled shafts are typically 12 inches or larger in diameter and are installed by placing concrete in the open hole after drilling Installation of drilled shafts below the water table will require the use of a temporary casing and/or possibly drilling fluid such as bentomte The shaft is reinforced with a steel reinforcing bar cage or with individual steel reinforcing bars. Drilled shafts should be installed through the unconsolidated soils present at the site and socketed into bedrock. The minimum recommended drilled shaft diameter is18 inches. Drilled shaft vertical capacity is a combination of end bearing and side friction. End bearing capacity of drilled shafts is dependent on the strength of the rock mass and the depth below the ground surface. Haley & Aldrich recommends 15,000 psf for the allowable bearing capacity of the rock. The side shear of shafts socketed into rock can be included when the depth of embedment into rock 'eqqilg Or exceeds the pile diameter. A side shear value of 1,500 psf should be used for that portion of the pile socketed into bedrock The shafts should be designed to withstand a downdrag load of 700 psf applied over a 15 ft thick soil column caused by potential liquefaction settlement. Based on the site geology, depth to bedrock should be assumed to be 30 ft for the purpose of foundation cost estimating. Overall pile lengths will be the depth to bedrock as determined during pile installation plus the required bedrock socket depth as determined by the structural engineer. 4.03 Floor Slabs Haley & Aldrich recommends that all floor slabs be designed as structural slabs capable of supporting all anticipated loads without the aid of soil interaction. The slab can be reinforced using conventional reinforced concrete, post-tensioned concrete, timber and/or structural steel. 4.04 UBC Seismic Building Design Parameters If the 1997 UBC is utilized for structural design of the proposed buildings, the following seismic assumptions should be made The Rose Canyon Fault (Seismic Source Type B) is considered the critical fault segment with respect to 1997 UBC seismic design At a distance of approximately 10 kilometers to the west of the site with Soil Profile Type Sc, this fault generates the following values Na=1 0, Nv1 0, Ca0 40, Cv=0 56, T0=0 11 and, T5=0 56 These are imrnmum values The structural designer may utilize more conservative values at his or her discretion Figure 5 presents the computed 1997 UBC Design Response Spectra. G:\PROJEGrS\267i3 cannon Rd Lift Stacion\finâl report.doc 12 4.05 Temporary Excavations Open cut methods for temporary excavations are not recommended because they could destabilize the landslide Therefore, sloped excavations and trench boxes should not be allowed The following recommendations for temporary excavations are intended to minimize the risk of landslide movement durmg construction Alternatively, for the pipeline excavations, microtunneling methods can be used to minimize excavation support. The construction contract documents should require that all temporary excavations be tightly braced and fully sheeted such that the surrounding ground is in intimate contact with the shored excavation at all times durmg shoring installation, subsequent construction and shoring removal. The contractor should be made responsible for designing temporary excavation support as part of required construction submittals and should be required to include, surcharge loads due to the slope in the design. o For the wet well and valve vault, the sunken caisson method of wet well construction is feasible Haley & Aldrich believes that the site conditions are suitable for sunken caisson construction While the presence of groundwater and bedrock complicate the construction, caissons are commonly sunk in these conditions by qualified contractors The caissons are typically installed without dewatering until after the bottom Slab is placed. It is not uncommon for caissons to penetrate bedrock similar to the bedrock encountered at the site However, if the surface of the bedrock is not horizontal which is likely at this site, it may be necessary to pre-excavate the bedrock to create uniform conditions for caisson advancement. Haley & Aldrich recommends that the sunken caisson be placed prior to construction, Of the lift station structure to prevent potential damage to the building. Temporary excavations should be kept as small as practicable in plan dimensions and only one excavation should be allowed to be open at any one time Inclinometers and surface monitoring points should be installed in the hillside above the excavations prior to construction and monitored at least daily during construction The contractor should be required to submit an instrumentation plan, monitoring plan and contingency plan for reacting to any measured deformation beyond threshold levels. - The Contractor should become familiar with and be aware of applicable local, state, and federal safety regulations, including the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety Standards Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who shall also be solely responsible for the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations Under no circumstances should the information provided in this section be interpreted to mean that Haley & Aldrich is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the COntractor's activities; such responsibility is hot being implied and Should not be inferred. The COntractor should be aware that slope height, Slope inclination, or excavation depths should in no case exceed those specified in local, state, or federal safety regulations, e g OSHA Health and Safety Standards for Excavations 29 CFR Part 1926, or successor regulations Such regulations are strictly enforced and, if they are not followed the Contractor and its subcontractors Could be liable for Substantial penalties. G:\PROJECT9\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\finai report.doc 1 The soils to be penetrated by the proposed excavations may vary significantly across the site. Haley & Aldrich'S preliminary soil classification is based solely on the mteriaIS encountered in widely spaced exploratory borings.,The Contractor should continually classify the soils that are encountered as excavation progresses with respect to the OSHA system. 4.06 Detention BaSin Fifi The lift station is located in the area of an existing stormwater detention basin; Up to -' toffillWil1 be required to achieve the floor elevation of the proposed lift station. The fill material should consist Of "Structure Backfill" as specified in the "Greenbook" (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction), and compacted according to Section 4.08 of this report, with maximum compaction loose lift thickness of 6 inches. Structure Backfill should be non-plstic, have a sand equivalent on not less than 20 and should have the following grading: Detention Basin Fill Sieve Size Percent Passing 4inch 100 No. 4 35-100 No. 30 20-100 4.07 Pipe Trench Considerations A. Pipe Bethllng Bedding should extend from 6 inches below the sewer pipeline to 12 inches above the sewer pipeline. The pipe should be bedded in 3%-inch crushed rock which meets the following gradation: Pipe Bedding Sieve Size Percent Passing 3/4 inch 100 No. 200 0.5 Maximum compaction loose lift thickness for the pipe. bedding should be 6 inches. Pipe bedding should be wrapped in a geotextile that meets the requirements. of Type 180N as specified in the Greenbook. ' G:\PROJECP126713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\tinal report.doc • 14 Trench Backfill Above the pipe bedding, on-site materials may be tised for trench backfill. However, material greater than 3 inches measured in least dimension should not be placed within 1 ft of the pipe and material greater than 6 inches measured in least dimension should not be placed anywhere in the trench Backfill should be compacted as outlined m Section 4,08 of this report Maximum compaction loose lift thickness for the trench backfill should be. 8 inches.. Excavation Difficulties Bedrock wag encountered in the borings within anticipated trench excavation depths. Haley & Aldrich anticipates that bedrock excavation can be performed with conventional methods without the need for extensive blasting, excavation may require the use of large excavation equipment utilizing a ripper tooth Jack hammering, or other approved rock excavation methods may be necessary in some localized hardened bedrock areas. 4.08 Recommended Compaction Specifications • Material Not Exhibiting a Well- Material Exhibiting a Well Defined Defined Moisture Density Moisture-Density Relationship Relationship Fill Type Minimum % of Modified Moisture Content Relative to Minimum Relative Density Proctor (ASTM D 1557) Optimum Moisture Content (ASTM D 4253 and D 4254) Maximum Dry Density Recompacted native soils beneath floor 95% -2 to ±2% 70% slabs and pavements . Recompacted native trench foundatiOn • and placed pipe 95% -2 to +2% 70% bedding. . I .. . Compacted detention basin fill 95% -2 to +2% 70% GRQJEC-rsti671:3, Cannon Rd Lift Staiiôn\tinal report.doc • 15 4.09 Lateral Earth Pressures Lateral pressures will be exerted on below grade walls by backfill soils, surcharge loads, and hydrostatic pressures caused by groundwater. Lateral earth pressures on walls depend upon the type of wall, type of backfill material and allowable wall movements. For walls that are restrained at the top., lateral earth pressures should be estimated for an "at rest" condition. "Active" conditions are applicable for walls which. are not fixed at the top and where approximately 1 inch of movement at the top of the wall per 20 feet of wall height is acceptable. Structures can be backfihled with on-site soils or with free draining sand and/or gravel within a zone defined by a 1:1 slope up and away from the bottom of the foundation. The following equivalent fluid pressures can be used: Native Soil Equivalent Fluid Pressures (psf per vertical foot) Case Static Above Groundwater Static Below Groundwater Seismic Above Groundwater Groundwater Seismic Below Point of Application Static Seismic Active 35 80 50 85 0.33H 0.41H At-Rest 60 85 75 100 0.33ff 0.63H Passive 550 - 450 . - 0.33H 0.33H Imported Granular Fill, Equivalent Fluid Pressures (psf per vertical foot) - Case Static Above Groundwater Static Below Groundwater Seismic Above Groundwater Groundwater Seismic Below Point of Application Static Seismic Active 35 80 45 85 0.33H 0.41H At-Rest 55 85 75 100 0.33H 0.63H Passive 550 - 450 - 0.33H 0.33H The recommended equivalent fluid pressure for foundation conditions below the water table includes hydrostatic pressure The recommended fluid pressures assume a horizontal backfill surface and do not include any surcharge due to nearby loading from structures, floor slab live loads or traffic. Gf\PROJECS\267I3 Cannon Rd Lift Siaiion\final reportdoc . - 16 For designing the below-grade walls, a design groundwater elevation equivalent to the maximum pooi elevation of the detention basin should be used 4.10 COnstruction Dewatering At the time of our investigation, groundwater was encountered within anticipated excavation depths at the site Groundwater fluctuates seasonally and thus may increase during the wetter season The excavations required will encounter groundwater and may require dewatermg Temporary excavations supported with tight bracmg and full sheeting should remain relatively watertight and may be dewatered using internal sumps External dewatermg is anticipated to be difficult due to the fines content of the soils, an effective dewatermg method may be using tightly spaced well points with vacuum-enhanced pumping Other methods may be equally effective or more effective, in any case, the selected method should be based on an evaluation of required drawdown, subsurface conditions, and areal extent of required dewatermg, among other factors Dewatermg systems should be installed well in advance of excavation operations so that drawdown will be achieved prior to excavation. G \PR0JECTS'26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\final report doc 17 V. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for specific application to the proposed construction associated with the Cannon Road Lift Station Project in accordance with generally accepted geotechmcal engineering practice The descriptions of subsurface conditions presented herein should not be understood or interpreted to be a guarantee or warranty that these conditions will actually be encountered during construction No amount of investigation or analysis can precisely predict the characteristics, quality, or distribution of subsurface and -site conditions ajid/or the behavior of such conditions during construction Such behavior will vary greatly and will be dependent upon and influenced by the specific construction means and methods actually selected by the Contractor. Therefore, the Contractor must undertake its own independent review and evaluation of all Contract Documents to arrive at decisions concerning the plañning of the work, selection of equipment and the means and methods techniques and sequences of construction and safety precautions to be used. This report was prepared in accordance with Haley & Aldrich's proposal to Camp Dresser & McKee. All users of this report are subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the proposal. The observations, described in this report are based solely on the scope of services provided pursuant to the proposal. Haley & Aldrich has not performed any additional observations, investigations,, studies, or other testing not specified in the proposal or referenced herein. Haley & Aldrich shall not be liable for the existence of any condition, the discovery of which would have required the performance of services not included in our proposed scope of services. S This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Cannon Road Lift Station Project Team. There are no other intended beneficiaries. Haley & Aldrich shall owe no duty whatsoever to any other person or entity on account of the report Use of this report by any person or entity other than the Cannon Road Lift Station Project Team for any purpose whatsoever is expressly forbidden unless such other person or entity obtains written authorization from Haley & Aldrich Use of this report by such other person or entity without the written authorization of Haley & Aldrich shall be at such other person's or entity's sole risk, and shall be without legal exposure or liability to Haley & Aldrich. This report reflects the subject site conditions observed and the records reviewed by Haley & Aldrich as of the date of report preparation The passage of time may result in significant changes in subject site conditions presented in this report Accordingly, any party to whom the report is provided recognizes and agrees that Haley & Aldrich shall bear no liability for deviations from Observed conditions or available records after the time of report preparation. Use of this report by any person or entity in vjolatjOn of the restrictions expressed in this report shall be deemed and accepted by the user as conclusive evidence that such use and the reliance placed on this report, or any portions thereof, is unreasonable, and that the user accepts full and exclusive responsibility and liability for any losses, damages or other liability that may result. G:\PROiEC7S\26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\final report.doc 18 I REFERENCES Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., "Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation and Grading Plan Review Kelly Ranch, Area 'E' in the City of Carlsbad California," April 15, 1997. Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., "Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation and Grading Plan Review Kelly Ranch, Areas D, F, G H, I and J, m the City of Carlsbad, California," October 17, 1997. Pacific Soils Engineering,Inc., "Response to City of Carlsbad Review Comments, Kelly Ranch, Area 'E', in the City of Carlsbad, California," March 3, 1998.. Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., "Geotechnical Summary for the Grading of the Desilting Basin, Adjacent to Cannon Road, Approximate Station 94+30 to 99+80, Kelly Ranch, Village E, Canterbury Project, in the City of Carlsbad, California," January 30, 2001. Ameritec Engineering, 2000, "SHAKE2000, A computer program for the 1-D analysis of geotechnical earthquake engineering problems", program and user's manual. Kramer, S.L., 1996, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, Inc., 653 pp. - Ishihara, K. and Cubrinovski, M., 1998, "Problems associate with liquefaction and lateral spreading during earthquakes", Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics III, Volume 1, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No 75, pp 301- 312. NEHRP, 2001, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic' Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures, 2000 Edition, Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C., 2001. Peterson, M.D., Bryant, W.A., Cramer, C.H., Cao, T., Reichle, M., Frankel, A D , 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California California Department of Mines and Geology and United States Geological Survey, accessed, via the internet at fittp:/,/www.consrv.ca.gov/dmg/piibs/ofr/96/08/index.htm 10 Seed, R B and Harder, L F , Jr.,1990, "SPT-based analysis of cyclic pore pressure generation and undrained residual strength", Proc , H Bolton Seed Memorial Symposium, Bi-Tech Publishers Ltd , Vancouver, 55,1-376. ii; Seed, H.B. and Idriss, LM., 1971, "Simplified Procedure for evaluating soil liquefaction potential", Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE 97(9), pp. 1249-1273. G\PROJECT8'26713 CannOn Rd Lift S( on'finãI reort.doc 19 12. USGS, 1996,. NatIOnal seismic Hazards Mapping PrOject, accessed via ; the Internet at http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/eq/indexhtm1 13; Wan g j S-T and Reese, L. C., 1998, "Design of pile foundations in liquefied soils", Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamicslu III, Vome 2, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication NO. 75, pp 133 1-1343. 14. Ydi.id, T.L.,, (2001). "Liquefaction resistance of soils: summary report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998. Nc•ER]NSF workshops on evaluation of liquefaction resistance of soils", Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvirOnmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 10, OctOber 2001, pp 817833. 15.. Tokimatsu, K and Seed, H.B. (1987). Evaluation of Settlement in Sands due to Earthquake Shaking; Journal of Geotéchnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 8, August 1987, pp. 861-8.78. I . G:0ROJECTS\267I3 Cannon R ft-SWi rèØoi.doc APPENDIX B Test Boring Reports TABLEI. SUMMARYOF.GEOTECHNICAL.LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Cannon:Road.Lift Station. :Carlsbad,California, Boring NO., Depth in feet USICS Moisture Dry Density Sieve Analysis (%) .Aterg_Limit Direct Sh.. (Pk) Soil Description C. (psO From, To (pct) Gravel Sand Fines .LL .PL P1. HA-101'A101 5 6 5 SM 9 7 Silty SAND 10 11 5 SM. 17 0 78 22 17 15 2 Silty SAND HAB 1 105 11 SM 132 1117 0 63 37 Silty SAND 205 21 BR* 13.7 99.7 75 35 26 9 SILTSTONEiCLAYSTONE. 2-5.5; 26 BR 15,.8! 1078 '36 32 4 SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE 35 5 36 BR 16 8 37 21 16 SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE HAB 2 5 5 5 SC 19 9 115 5 - 1097 22 7 Clayey SAND ** 10 10.5 SC . 17.5 111.3 0 .56 44 3113.18 Clayey SAND 20.5 2.1 1 SC 24.2. 123.3 . - . Clayey SAND ** 25.5 : 2.6 ML 26.4, 112.7 0.48 52 .Sandy.SILT *BR. Bedrock, based on visual-manual field description ,G:\PRQJECTS\26713;Cannon,Rd Lift Station\Lab data\[Tables Tests Summary.xls]Geotech 7/12/2002 Page 1 of 1 TABLE II, SUMMARY OFCORROSiONLABORATORY TEST RESULTS: Cannon.RoadLiftStation Carlsbad,, California SAMPLE LOCATION MOISTURE , OXIDATION REDUCTION % /0 SATURATED.; RESISTIVITY.RESISTI VITY NATURAL CIOT I SULFIDE BORING SAMPLE DEPTH (%) POTENTIAL CHLORIDE SULFATES (ohm cm) (ohm cm) (qualitative) NO (feet) (MV) LHAB'1A 06 t3.51 7.6: 280 j 0.0492 0.040 483 1,107 Mediumji G:\PROJECTS26713 Cannon Rd Lift Station\LabdataETables Tests Summary.xls]Corrosion 7/12/2002 Page lofi L CANNON ROAD Ufl STATION CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA ZON S1\ - PROJECT LOCUS UND0UHD z ENGNEINC& LU U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE: SAN LUIS REY, CA. 1975 soumo APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1:24,000 JULY 2002 FIGURE 1 G: Pro iects\2761.3\drawincis\267 1:3000A02.dwg CANNON ROAD (FUTURE) EXISTING STORM DRAINS G L\ -IB11 t 1 / . / / / / .. // --, p 01, /EXI'STl G 77111 VALVE VAULT HA-1O1 B12 HALEY AND ALDRICH BORING LOCATION B.12 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS BORING LOCATION AA SECTION G-G" SEE APPENDIX A, PROFILE H-H' SEE FIGURE 4 SITE FEATURES BASED UPON SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE MAY 2, 2002. WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE WET WELL ACCESS ROAD INFLUENT LINE, Hl 4/ I' 0 20 40 r. SCALE IN FEET CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BORING LOCATION PLAN UNDERGROUND ENC.INtEIUNG& ENVIRONMENTAL SOumoNs SCALE: AS SHOWN JULY 2002 FIGURE 2 Cannon Road Lift Station Carlsbad,. California. 1.2 1.0 0.8. 0 I- ' .0. 0, U C.) ° U) 0.2: 0.0 Figure 5 Design Response Spectra (1.997 .UBC). 0.0 0.5 tol 2.0 Period, T-(seconds) G:\PROJECTS\26713 cannon Rd Lift Station\drawings[1997 UBC.xls]Figure 4 UBC Spectra 30 3.5 4.0 7/11/2002 G:Projects\27613\drawings\26713000A02.dwg ESTIMATED PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND F PROPOSED LIFT STATION STRUCTURE HAB— 1 EL. 25 GROUNDWATER EL. i5. L.5 PIO EL. - EL. -15; c.L. 10 EL. 15 EL. 5 EL. -5 -- EL. -15. N 17 ENTIAL LIQUEFIABLE ZONE Ø/. INTERPOLATED TOP OF BEDROCK - .PICAL--DRILLED....SHA. .__ (CONCEPTUAL) o 10 20. -9--. VERT AND HORZ SCALE IN FEET FIGURE. 4 APPENDIX A Excerpts. from Previous Site Investigations Pacific Soils Engineering, Iic. April 15, 1997 . .. t * - fi. . 0• r RACI . F IC SOILS ItNIGINEEING, UNC.- 77 1'5 CONVO COUT, SAN DIEGO. CALIFQN!A 92111 TELEPHONE 16,1 5.601 5O17(3. FAX (619.) 5600380 KELLY LAND COMPANY ... . 20.11 Palomar Airport Road - Suite 206 Carb.ad, CA. 92009 April 15, 1997 Work Order 400581 Atténtioh: Mr. Curt R. Noland, . ,. . Director of Operations . .r 1, Subject: Supplemental Geotechnicél Evaluation and Grading Plan Review for Kelly Ranch, Aeà F. in the City of Carlsbad, California . fl References: See Appendix -- 1, Gentlemen: . Presented herein are the results of Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc.'s (PSE's) supplemen- tal geotechnical evaluation and grading plan review for Kelly Ranch, Area 'E', located in the City of Carlsbad, California. The purpose of this supplemental geotechnical evalua- tion and grading plan review is to provide: 1) a liquefaction analysis; 2) slope stability, analyses for landslide failure geometries utilizing geotechnical information recently ob- tained by PSE; 3) specific grading recommendations With respect toihe latest 40-scale grading design as prepared by Project Design Consultants (Plates 1 and 2), and 4) preliminary foundation design parameters :- PSE has identified a previously unrecognized (references) landslide that underlies .. .• much of the southeastern portion of the site Although PSE is in general concurrence With much of the findings and reommendations. resentedin,the referenced reports, the identification of this large landslide deposit does raise issues relating to the overall gross stability of the project These issues are addressed herein and in summary this landslide will not adversely impact the development of Area 'E' CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS LOS ANGELES COUNTY RIVERS(OE COUNTY SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY TEL 1 .22 .. TE (21131325-2 2 or 5 71 TEL 9091 66 (° 1 EL 14( 7k FAX. (71 22C95E FAX:,(7 229589 FAX,9O9 676-1579 • x. 714( 3-Pi Work Order4O05i Page 2 April 1, 1997 -. To accomplish our 40-scale study, PSE has undertaken the following scope of work: I. SCOPE OF WORK Site geologic mapping. Review of geologic literature and pertinent geotechnical reports (references). Aerial photographic interpretation (references). Limited seismic hazard evaluation. Subsurface exploration consisting of excavation, logging and sampling of ten (10.) exploratory borings (Plates A-i through A-iD) and eighteen, (18) backhoe test, pit excavations (Plãtës 5 and 6. and Table I). In-situ dnsity testing (Table Ill) of previously placed fills in selected test pits (Table I). Liquefaction analysis utilizing previous OFT data. Geologic analyses with respect. to the newly identified landslide. Laboratory testing that nclUded: 1) both low strain cyclic shear testing arid' c,Onverition,I dret shear testing ; 2) moisture/density: ) laboratory maximum density (ASTM: D1557-91); 4) hydrometer analysis. Results of this testing are summarized in Table II.,Plates C-i through C-14 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING INC Work Order 400581 S Page April 15, 1997 Slope stability analyses utilizing site specific geometries and shear strengths of low strength claystone collected around the landslide basal rupture surface. Preparation of this report and accompanying exhibits summarizing our findings. II. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Kelly Ranch, Area 'E' occurs south and east of the intersection of existing El Camino Real and proposed Cannon Road (Figure 1). The southerly project boundary is formed by the base of relatively steep, northerly facing, bedrock slopes. Carlsbad tract 91-3 (Evans Point) and the terminus of existing Frost Street occur on the eastern project boundary: Proposd Cannon Road forms the northwest project boundary, and it occurs adjacent to the open space along the southern edge of Agua Hedionda Creek. The northeast portion of the projet5 is directly bordered by open space area of Agua Heionda Creek and existing El 1 Camino Real. The terrain over the developable portions of the, site has been almost complelt&y modified by prior grading operations. Terrain slope angles range from flat to relatively steep (approximately 1: 1, horizontal vertical). Most of the site is cov- ered by sparse growth of annual grasses and a few shrubs, The steep, unde-' velopable, horth4acing slopes along the southern boundary are covered with a thick growth of native chaparral. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING INC al ip 225 0 Al 'co b RV ILK .7 ~Z—r- i.ntorossI - .-- - / ountry CI - 3 - - IF Ni - - . - - - - 6 ' / E Pfnt' f'-- !Z lilt- wi Jr if vi it 00 4p 0 or 11i L 1!T - . - SITE LOCATION MAP USGS San Luis Rey Quad FiGURE 1 SCALE: 1'2 000' . PACIFIC SOilS ENGEERG, LNC. SAN DIEGO. CA 72111 (o9) %0-.03 WO..: -- . . •- 400581 bATh 4.!15:97 Work Order 400581 Page 4 April 1.6i 197 Drainage over the site is by sheet flow directed to the north and west. Access Over the site can be gained by proposed Canyon Road southward on unini. prOved dirt trails. A horse farm with associated structures exists in, the east central part of the site. III PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT it is anticipated that cut/fill grading techniques will be Utilized to develop Kelly Ranch, Area 'E, into 144 single family residential buildirig pads, interior streets and, graded open space. As part of project development Cannon Road from El Camino Real to. the western project boundary will be completed, Cut and fill slopes are proposed at ratiosof 2 :. 1 (horizontal : vertical). IV SITE RESUME Gèotechnical studies on Kelly Ranch, Area 'E' began With American Geotechni- cal (198). Supplemental investigations Were conducted by Owen Geotechnical (19858 and b) and Geopacifica (198.5) These reports were submitted, to the City L. of Carlsbad and they dealt With typical hillside grading issues, and included: 1) laboratory data;, 2) settlement analysis.; and 3) slope Stability analyses. Landslide deposit$ in Area, 'E" were not identified in these repOrts. AIIC. soiLs EEru Irsi Work Order 40.581 Page 5 April 15, 191 Site grading occurred in August through November of 1985 under the testing and observation of Geopacifica (1900), This phase of grading involved the plaOe- ment of embankment for Cannon Road and the area adjacent to, and south of Cannon Road, realignment of a portion of AgUa Hedionda Creek near El Camino Real and various storm drain and desilting basin improvements. Much of the embankment for Cannon Road was borrowed from the southeast, portion of Area 'E'. Post-gradIng geote.chnióal studies for Area 'E' were completed by PSE in March. and September of 1990 (references). These studies compiled previous geotech- nical work and performed limited subsurface investigations for the overall Kelly Ranch (aka Villages of Cote 0' Azur. project. Landsliding on Area 'E' was not identified. A pertinent Offsitë geotechnical investigation of the adjacent Evans Point project was conducted by Geotechnics, Inc.. (1993). Evans Point was'graded in 1995 under the testing and ObServation of Geocon, Inc. (1996). During grading opera- tions immediately adjacent to Kelly Ranch, Area F a backcut failure extended onto Area 'E'.. These areas were repaired by replacement with compacted fill Geocoñ, Inc. (199.6) The information presented' herein (PSE, this report) represents a 40-sc8le grad-. in plan Study which incorporates all data from previous studies and suppemen- tal information, recently collected by PSE. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERIN, INC. Work Order 400581 Page 6 April 15, 1997 V. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY A. GEOLOGIC UNITS The geologic units underlying Kelly Ranch, Area 'E' include the Eocene-age sedimentary bedrock Santiago Formation, the late Pleistocene-age Bay Point Formation, landslide deposit, colluvium, alluvium, compacted fill and uncom- pacted fill. The following is a brief description of these units Their distribution is shown on the enclosed Plates 1 and 2. Santiago Formation (Map Symbol Ts) The lithologies of the Santiago Formation consists of interbedded, light gray to dark gray, silty sandstone, light to medium gray brown siltstone and variable colored, claystones. The Santiago Formation, where undis- turbed, is typically hard to very. hard1 The unit, is typically moderately- to well-bedded. The Santiago Formation, as mapped by Weber (1982), underlies the steep terrain south of the project. It is found at depth below Bay Point Formation and landslide. deposits - 2 Bay Point Formation (Map Symbol Qbp) The late Pleistocene Bay Point Formation, as mapped by Weber (1982). Oñi of a, llght tan to light gray, fine- to very-cO.arse-grained sandstone. The unit is friable, poorly cemented, and in large diameter borings the Unit often äVed everelyPebbly subunits are somewhat rare and bedding appear to be idis,tintt Within the area of the landslide deposit, the Bay Point appears disturbed. PA...IFtC SOILS ENOIrJEERIriG INC Work Order 400581 Page 7 April 15 1997 Landslide Deposit (Map Symbol QIs) A previously unrecognized; relatively large, ancient, landslide complex has been found in the southeastern portion of the project. The presence of this landslide was detected in a series of deep large diameter borings excavated for the purposes of this 40-scale study. The borings were down-hole logged where conditions allowed. Where severe caving pre-. vented down-hole logging, cuttings were used to describe the materials penetrated by the boring The pretence of the large landslide complex is based upon: 1) a marked. break-inslope that creates an accurate landform along the southeastern , subdivision boundary, 2) a consistently present sheared, striated clay- stone at the base of tdistufbed appearing Bay Point and Santiago Forma- tions, interpreted to be the basal rupture surface; 3) geologic mapping and backhoe trench logging of the existing cut slope; and 4) the identifi- cation of landsliding on the adjacent Evans Point project Mapping by Weber (1982) suggests that the sharp topographic break .along the southern, project boundary is attributable, to the formation of an- cient sea cliff. Weber (1982) did not map landslides in Area For Evans Point.. While this, is Valid for explaining the height of the steep topography (approximately 170 feet), it does not eliminate the possibility of landsliding enhancing the topographic break UI Ara. 'E' hurn'm.ocky to.o'graphy with. cloSed depressionsare not ob served to be present in older, pre-borrow topographic maps The lack of dilated contours, which are typical of landslide terrain is attributed to the * - •• ,•- -. - . . - PACIFIC SILS ENGINEERING INC • Work Order 400581 S Page 8 April 15, 1997 ancient nature of the slide and the availability of soft material (i.e., Bay Point Formation) for erosion and deposition. AlsO, much of the landslide headscarp area is observed to be deeply c011uviated. The landSlide materials consist of Bay Point and Santiago Formation. Generally, the landslide materials were observed to be oxidized, fractured and sheared blocks of sandstone, siltstone and claystone. Water seep- age was common above the basal slide plane. A very marked change in hardness and drive energy occurs between the landslide, composed of Santiago Formation and the in-place Santiago Formation below the basal rupture surface. Below the basal rupture surface the Santiago Formation was observed to be consistently very hard, Well cemented, unfractured and gently dipping to the south. The landslide deposit occurring in Area 'E' is probably a composite land- slide consisting of at least two separate Slide masses, designated herein as "east slide" and "west, slide". The distinctions, while not specifically mapped on Plates 1 and 2,. are based upon: 1) topographic differences; 2) dip direction of basal surfaces and striation directions.; and 3) the. construction, of cross-sections (Plates 5 and 6) by the correlation of boring longs. The "eastern slide" mass is located below the area of lots 82, 83, 89, throug,h 92 and 100 through 107, and it exte.nd.s onto the Evans Point pro- ject2 The geologic, dtä suggests that the eastern landslide, moved toward the northeast In contrast the "western slide" mass is located immediately west Of the eastern slide, In the area of lots 55 through 8.0., 83 PACIFIC SOILS ENG [Nit ERIJG INC Work Order 400581 Page 9 April 15, 197 through 88 and 94 through 98. The geologic data suggests that the west- ern landslide moved toward the northwest. Both slide masses probably extend below the alluvium and artificial fill as shown on the cross-sections (Plates 5 and 6). Colluviurn (Map Symbol Ocol) Locally derived, light. to dark brown silty sands with common pebbles and cobbles form colluvium deposits in the minor, north-flowing drainages emanating from the steep bedrock terrain south of the project. The mate- rial is typically slightly moist, and loose to moderately dense. Thickness probably exceeds twenty (20) feet. Alluvium (map Symbol Qal) Alluvium, associated with the Aqua Hedionda drainage underlies the north and northwestern portion of the site, It Was ob5erved to be dark gray and composed of silty sands, sandy to clayey silts and sandy to silty clays. These soils are typically very moist to wet; in a loose to medium dense, soft to firm state; Artificial Fill (Map Symbol af1) Cmpacted artificial fill placed during the grading of Cannon Road under the testing and Observation ofeOpacifica (1990) occurs in the northern Portion of Area 'E' It consists of a light gray or brown silty to clayey sand PAPIPIC SOILS ErJGH prs4 tI'.J Work Order 400581 Page. 10 April 15, 197 and sandy clay. These soils are typically moist, in a, moderately dense to medium dense, firm to stiff state. A nonwoven geotextile fabric was ob- served to occur at the fill/alluvium contact in test pits. T-11, T-14,'T-16 and T-18. Artificial Fill (Map Symbol af0) Compacted artificial fill, placed during the grading of the adjacent Evans Point project under the testing and Observation of Geocon, Inc, (1996) oc curs in the western portion of Area F. As observed, in boring B-i, it con- sists of a multicolored clayey sand which is moist and moderately dense. Artificial Fill (Map Symbol afu) U.ncompacted artificial fill occurs most notably in the central portion Of the project. Its Imits are approximated on Plates 1 and 2 Some test pit ex- cavatioris exposed buried "brush" at the alluvium contact. The uncom- pated fill consisted of silty sand, and thicknesses range from three (3) to twelve and one-half (12.5) feet. B. STRUCTURE Undisturbed Santiago Formation was. ObServed to dip gently five (seven degrees) in the southeast to softh West direction, Nun1.rous joints and shears, attributed to landsilding, Were dbseved, in the Santiago and By Point Formation, Sevefä.l Shears limited to the Santi.go Formation are attrlhute,d to tectonic faulting, the contact betWeer the. Santiago and Bay Point Within the landslide deposit. Was ob- served to be u.n conformably depositional and locally Sheared. The sheared PACPic SOILS ENGINEERIN, INC. Work 0rder40.0581 S Page 11 April 15 19 contact is attributed to tandsliding. Bedding dips in the Santiago and Bay Point Formation Within the landslide deposit are predominantly to the south ranging from, approximately 25 to 60 degrees (Plates 5 and 6). C. GROUNDWATER The current, groundwater surface, as observed in test pits T-1 1 through T-1 8 (Ta ble I) occurs at elevations r ngitifrom 16 to 26 in alluvial sails along Cannon Road. The groundwater turface, was Observed in Bay Point, Formation in boring B-9 (Plate A-9) at elevation 19. Perched groundwater, as observed in borings B-i and B-4 through B-i 0 (Plates A-2 and A-4 through A-b), Occurs several inches to several feet above the land- slide basal rupture surface. This Water appears to be perched On the relatively impermeable olaytone at the base of the landslide and the underlying, very hard Santiago Formation. VI LIMITED SEISMICITY The Kelly Ranch, Area 'E' project is located within the Peniñs:Ular Ranes Of I southern California which is characterized by faults with a strong northwest ori entation These faults typically display right lateral slip Area 'E' is located on the Santa Aria sub-block, a subdivision of the. Peninsular Range block, which is bounded on the northeast by the El irre fault zone and on the southwest by the Rose canyoniNeWpbrWrIglewood fau.lt system.. The nearest strand of the Elsinore fault, the Julian and Temecula segments PACIFIC SoiLs E.GINEE R!N, INC Pacific Soils gneezing, Inc. October 17, 1997 - /Pjl /751110 i:S 52S3 7 HAL' I Q..RIC iNC RAGE 2/2 ,ILLINGCOAPANY .-RCY RIG:BU T25 - 0 DRlVwi.s1 i ELEV4TICN: 13 L. SOIL DESCRIPTION Go 11 Uj La eoRNG'iO. Li oz 2 zLI= =-23AxS i.ry zlaylelaywy tay - • - - - - - - — - - - . . slightly pciAc. - - . - - SC 2.5 3.gt.ty cq'. silty. -qvd o.Uvs.bco. scict - — =3derawy dermef _____ - • ' clayey . C O aided fs bW t.rtj - I €•0• Apprieaiy % cozzon speck to 1/4-inch dist.v : ••' ..•. 7" (21503 - - - ww - =PC South • - - - - - - ..-. - - - I 9. 5 5cn aided wv,y aczac.. nottlad, light and da.zk • cirj,y. fiDe-tø ndlm-qarAimd send. moist. d5.. pagms. zoolawra - — - - - C 12.01 mttlm4 gray and brn. fine s4od4r Ciy. VSX7 '&t. clisc qzav*Z to L/-c. cazbon vaicitte —6 13.41 zi—grAlned zoi4. £1gtt1y clayey. vary moist to 4tna : ': • • I 13.5' =Ick4a added (.&C*€ • • IS - •• C LS.5 su sttud e • • - - - - - 0 17.01 or111Aq boacamen tLqr.c. sge into bcri.tvg -)ro c..t.y . SC -- moUz%c"r don" - C • - 20- - — — - -. - - - - - * 21.0. 3gq Clayey, fjM C.0 L4 Ufr1 1.*d utOd, Ut1atad. do=aa - •.-• • - (2i503 I •' --.• . -•'•• 3 • • I I 9.0' B=R= (S ttiago • ;cionL Li'jJt qe' iJity ffjsc-:od - j$Q) a&Dd, 4enscp COb.a to I £cJ,ll ia djaswt" I - —:_• -- E30RI NG LO G - "RalgeT No. 269.3.2 ?C1 IFtGURE 'iO - OWEN GOTECJN)C-L CONSULTANTS, INC Plate A-49 .: : -- :0 • - r) I I. I I • I I I A__I I___I_ I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1_ I J__ 1 1 1 1 I • - _ __J___ - • • eIQAMPL i iLf i 1 ItT4 11_J i[lJI' I I iTj_3L 1 CHIVE SAMPLE • • . LOW5IFCOV Li DRY DENSITY (9c() MOISTURE - cotITEIIT I%I - - •- -_ - SOIL CLABS. • 1t1..C.&I ryl • -• - 5 • • h •: 9 r - ci . • 14 d 0r t4'h. • Z CI(ri Z c. . . • • . •" 'L/'O • • (I • I I 1 1 i1 iTJ 1.TF £ I___.. ______I. I1Ti1 1 1 1 II 1 1 ._L_.J1 ITillil I 1 12/1;2S 13:S 125879 HALEY z ,;RIc:. ::Nc GCOMPANY: ALO DRI RIG: 9OCET uc AAAJETER: 30 - DRIVE WEIGHT: OR OP: 12 >. — I— .tU U. SO I L DESCRIPTION us - - BORING NO. - - to C '4 - - - scj 2SLE Or-Ma C5&zk brown wthy lay/cJaysy az4. moist to vty - S dX*I. - 2.' b.c:iit - 0 3.0 odera-jJy 4cn 1 carbon ap.ck.. / 3 0 4.01 )tLad, -Lint and "rk brown,Vora" S 0 6.3' Gray bzovn silty clay, moist, fix S — - — — - — - — l .5' Cray bTOWn Silty clay, LOi.*t, 5fi 3 • Sc I 0 0.01 C.aycy,. Lint to di -gr&iaed *and. -'st, 4c1tst • S S • S — — - — — -- - — — 0 14.S' Silty, firie to mmdivm,-qvALned sand - • S I2l5 S 12/i Z 03:OE 512S -L' & DRIC- ZINC C-E zz L-RCY RILL:NG RIG sucx ucz DATE: 30' ORIVE WEIGHT: AS NCT= DROP: ELEVATION: 60.0 10 S ta SOIL DESCRIPTION. UJ BORING N0.12 Cntied) 0 - - - - --0 32.0' Light gray. fgmtd sda.very dwme S0) - to 311.01 - Zoita of slide p1. silty fine-'&in.d sud with LL-32 pock*" cf white, very $StjC, ciay, v*zy mist to vat, 6c4orataly r'a 4•n". Veins of wait.. .1nytc 1/4.ic thick d.tpi4.aq .t 20 £ja N512 DXIi 54 vi.b1.. .titô..) (1350) '7 38.0' REMP= CS4ntjaao F.tm do,* Ptha-raj,n.4 undstoae • very eit to st to vár 4anu. indistinct q44(,,g e 42.0' b.ci wet to satUrated 47.0' Ac r.cov.r', hS.sy seepage of, werAm into baring - • 43.0' Ground vatar 40WILI - . - - - 50.3' Bec=ftm Mare 1syy1sU.t var y, laz p.*ntaqe of. fira 1... sc than I 200 3j•v - - - - ot.1 Dqpe $.0' Water iaC 470 NO C.wiq Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. March 3, 1998 PACIFIC 'BCIL.3 ENGINEERING, INC. 7715 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 TELEPHONE: (619) 560-1713. FAX: (619) 560-0380 SHEA HOMES ' 10721 Treena Street - Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92131 March 3, 1998 Work Order 400625 0 Attention: Mr. Russel Haley, Project Manager Subject Response to City of Carlsbad Review Comments, Kelly Ranch, Area F, in the City of Carlsbad, CA Reference: Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation and Grading Plan Review for Kelly Ranch, Area F, City of Cads- bad, CA., dated April 15, 1997 by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. (Work Order 400581) Gentlemen: Presented herein are Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc.'s (PSE's) response to hand written review comments by the City of Carlsbad for the Kelly Ranch, Area F, in the City' of Carlsbad, California. COMMENT t1Prnvide letter from soils engineer stating that anticipated settlement will not impact construction of storm drains or should there be a waiting period prior to construction of 'underground facilities'. RESPONSE '. As previously presented (PSE, 1997) settlement of left-in-place saturated aHuvium could take one (1) to three (3) months alter rough grade is achieved. These areas of -. left-in-place saturated alluvium are programmed to undergo settlement monitoring. It is PSE's recommendation that construction of storm drain and underground facilities not begin until time-dependent primary settlement is complete. Determination of the com CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS LOS ANGELES COUNTY • RIVERSIDE COUNTY SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY TEL (7141 n040-- TEL (213) 325.7772 or ''S-o TEL (9091 6'S-8 95 "EL -71 4 3C-2 22 rr,L Work Order 400625 0 Page 2 March 3, 1998 pletion of primary settlement will be provided by PSE based on settlement monitoring. PSE will provide a letter when this settlement is complete and when underground utility and storm drain construction can begin. QMME 'Provide, a letter from soils engineer stating that the grading foi this [desilting] basin, will be stable after cut s/ope grading'. RESPONSE A suspected landslide deposit occurs adjacent to the proposed desilting basin along the south side of Cannon Road (sheet 3). This landslide has been identified by American Geotechnical (1983) and Owen Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1985). Their subsur- face excavations do not appear to conclusively identify a landslide deposit or a basal rupture surface. A bucket auger boring recently excavated by PSE also proved to be inconclusive. The existence of this landslide is largely based On geomorphic expres- sion. Owing to the uncertainty of this landslide, PSE recommends that the slope be cut to de- sign grade and then be finally evaluated for stability. If PSE assumes the existence of the landslide and a geometry depicted On cross- section G-G' (Figure. 1) then a buttress or stabilization fill backcut behind the cut slope would likely result in a failure Of the entire landslide area. The failure Would extend well beyond the limits of a proposed backcut. This would result in disturbance and neces- sary grading in the open space above top of slope. Considering the above if S Work Order .400625 Page 3 March 3,1998. instability is detected during design cutting, it is recommended that the landslide area be removed and a stabilization fill be constructed whose width is one half the slope height. COMNEMTS 'Frov*le ie'.ned soils report plates to cover [des*Ytlng basin) and to match cuiient street and lotting pattem' RESPONSE These plans are enclosed herein (sheets 3 through 6). ,. A. Respectfully subafted, W 2314 PACIFIC SL42I C INC. - ' V 1~6 0 ~ Reviewed by- Addressee Manager Engkmring 4presid" €3 d Consultants, Marina i'irr PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. NORTHWEST G SOUTHEAST 00 60 to 0 0 TD-33 1 1 Tsa CROSS-SECTION G-G' SCALE: 1*=401 H&V • FIGURE 1 P PAC 771$ COHVOY COUIT rJ Ø1C SOflS NGINEERD4G, INC. S lAM DQ. CA 2I II 4I$ $.I III V.0.: 400625 DATE: 3316 Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. January 30, 2001 NOV-09-01 11:53AM 'FROM-Camp Uresser & McKee Inc. (50 435 1411 T-411 P.00Z/004 F-558 —i PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEE1NO1 INC. , 7715 CONVOY COURT. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 9211' TEL1P4ONE: (859) 560-171, FAX: 1858)S50380 SHEA HOMES 10721 Treena Street -Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92131-1039 January 30, 2001 Work Order 400625G Attention: Mr.., Greg Ponce , Subject: Geotechnical Summary for the Grading of the Desilting' Basin. Adjacent to Cannon Road, Approximate Station 94+30 to 99480, Kelly 'Ranch, Village E, Canterbury Project, in the City of Carlsbad, California References: See Appendix Gentlemen: . . Presented herein is Pacific Soils E69inèering1 Inc.'s (PSE) geotechnical summary for the grading associated with the desitting basin adjacent to Cannon Road, approximate station 94+30 to 99+60, Kelly Ranch, Village E, Canterbury project, located in the City of Carlsbad, California. This report represents a summary of the as-graded geologic and gectechnical conditions associated with the basin and adjacent cut slope. Project grading occurred in 1999 and consisted of the excavation of the desilting basin and adjacent cut slopes. Very minor amounts of compacted fill were placed along the southern edge of Cannon 'Road during project grading. The materials encountered dur- ing the excavation were observed to consist of colluvium and weathered bedrock.. Evi- dence for landsliding, which is discussed in PSE (1998), was observed to be not pre- sent Accordingly, based upon our recent observations and our observations. during grading the slopes associated with the desilting basin are considered to be grossly and surficially stable. it cORpoATg PIEAPU*1rTEJ T& (714) 0.a775 CAX (714) mmma LOS £kQ COUNTY MVMOE COUNTY TEL (30) 3-7272 or r=) 7754171 TEL; (09) 67C.B1 FAX: 1714) 9'' FAX: (9) G76.1879 SOSYHOft&NC COUNTY Ta: (714)73.21 22 FAI:(7141730.6191 JAN.31.201 12:7PM CAMP DRESSER MCKEE-CARLSBAD NO .9 . 84 P3 7G Work Order 400625G Page. 2 January 30, 2001 It is our understanding that the City of Carlsbad proposes to inlifi the basin and create a pad for a sewer pump station, It is PSE opinion that this is likely to be feasible without significant remedial grading. Gectechnicat raviow of the proposed design of the sewer pump station pad should be undertaken prior to grading, particularly if additional cuts are proposed for the adjacent slopes. The opportunity to be of service is appreciated, and should you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, 2314 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEING, INCA F. tf-CH4NEyi GE 7 613010 4*an §Y Reviewed by: AW If VW-1cetsiderit Dist:. (3) Addressee C' JAC/A?qIJ*;cpJ0424 J PclF$C 5iI.INUIRIMMING, INC. JAN.31.201 12:7PM CAMP DRESSER MCKEE-CPRLSBAD N0.9849 P. fl .lJ. • I I '.J1 —.Ir1i.d Work Order 400625G 0 A P P E N D I X 0 January 30, 2001 0 REFERENCES Pacific Soils Engineering, inc., 1999, Project Grading Report for Lots I through 144, inclusive, and Lot 153, Kelly Ranch, VillageE, City of Carlsbad, CA. dated April 12, 1999, (Work Order 400625G). 0 0 Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1998, Response to City of Carlsbad Review Comments, Kelly Ranch, Area E, In the City of Carlsbad, CA, dated March 3, 1998, (Work Order 400625Q). 0 I DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSURFACE MATERIALS ' SOIL •' ' ROCK .' .Soil description on logs of subsurface explorations are based on Standard Penetration Test results, visual—manual Rock descriptions noted on logs of subsurface explorations are based on visual—manual examination of examination of exposed soil and soil samples, and the, results of laboratory tests. on selected samples. The exposed rock outcrops and core samples. The criteria, descriptive terms ond definitions used are as follows: criteria, descriptive terms and definitions are as follows: Rock Quality Designation—Sum of the length of recovered cre pieces greater than, or equal to 4 inches divided by DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY ' ' ' ' ' ' ' the theoretical length of rock cored. Modified CA ' Density of SPT Sampler Consistency of , 'SPT Recovery Ratio—length of core recovered divided by the theoretical length of rock cored. Cohesionless Soils (Blows ocr ft (Blows per ft) Cohesive Soils (Blows per ft) FIELD HARDNESS: A'measure of resistance to scratching. Very Loose 0-4 0-4 Very Soft 0-2 ' 'Very Hard Cannot be scratched with a knife point or sharp picl. Loose 5-10 5-12 Soft 34 ' Breaking of hand specimen requires several hard blovs of geologist's pick. Medium 11-30 13-35 Medium 5-8 Dense ' 31-50 36-60 Stiff 9-15 ' ' .'.• Hard Can be scratched with a knife point or pick only with difficulty. Very Dense over 50 over 60 Very Stiff . 16-30 ' . ' , Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen. Hard' ' over 30 , ' ' Moderately Hard Can be' readily scratched with a knife or pick. Gouges or grooves 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by , PENETRATION RESISTANCE •' ' ' ' hard blow of point of geologist's pick. Hand specimns can be detached- by moderate blow. Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D-1586) - Number of blows required to drive a st,andord 2 in. 0.0. 'split spoon sampler ' Medium Hard Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated 1 ft. with a 140 lb. weight falling freely through 30 in. ' ' in small chips to pieces about 1—in, maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick. COLOR: Basic colors and combinations: black, brown, gray, yellow—brown, etc. , ' ' Soft Can be grooved or gouged easily with a knife or pick' point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several ' inches in size by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. ' MOISTURE CONTENT: : ' ' . ' Very Soft Can be carved with a knife and excavated with a pick point. Pieces 1—in, or more in thickness an Dry — Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch be broken with finger pressure. Con be scratched easily by fingernail. Moist ' — Damp but no visible water Wet — Visible free water, usually soil is below water table WEATHERING: The action of organic and inorganic and chemical and physical processes resulting SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL TERMINOLOGY: ' . ' ' ' in alteration of color, texture and composition. Bed — A sedimetary layer bounded ,by depositional surfaces Blocky - A characteristic in which cohesive soil can be broken down into small angular lumps which resist further breakdown ' . ' Fresh—FR , No visible sign of alteration, except perhaps slight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces. Bonded ' - Attached or adhering Fissured — Broken along definite planes of fracture , ., ' Slight—SL Discoloration of rock material and discontinuity surfaces. Foliated — Planar arrangement of textural or structural features Frequent —More than one per 12 in. of thickness ' , Moderate—MOD Less than half the rock material decomposed to soil. Some fresh rock;, continuous' "framework". Homogeneous — Some color and appearance throughout ' ' ' ' High—HIGH More than half the rock 'material decomposed and/J disintegrated' to soil. ' . ' ' . Interbedded — Alternating soil layers of differing composition , Fresh rock corestones or discontinuous framework".' Lamina — 0 to 1/16 in. thick (cohesive) , ' . . Layer - 1/2 to 12 in. thick ' ' ' Lens - Lenticular deposit larger than a pocket . ' - ' . ' Complete—COMP All rock material -disintegrated to sail, but mass 'still intact. Mottled - Variation of color . Residual Soil All rock material converted to soil. . . Occasional - One or less per 12 in. of thickness ' ' . Parting - 0 to 1/16 in. thick (granular) , . ' ' ' Volume of mass changed, but material has not been significantly transported. Poóket - Small, erratic deposit less than 12 in. size Seam - 1/16 ,to 1/2 in. thick ' ' , , , ' COLOR: Basic colors and combinations: gray, light gray,.brown, red—brown. Stratified - Alternating layers of varying material or color Stratum — > 12 in. thick . ' ' TEXTURE: ' Size, shape and arrangements of constituents. I Varved — Annually alternating thin seams of silt and clay , Aphanitic , ' Individual grains invisible (igneous/metamorphic only).' GEOLOGIC INTERPRETATION . ' ' , .• . Fine 'grained Grains barely visible to the unaided eye, Deposit type — GLACIAL TILL ALLUVIUM, FILL.... ' ' . up to 1/16 in. diameter. Medium—grained Grains between 1/16 and 3/16 in. diameter The natural soils are identified by criteria of Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), with appropriate group symbol in Coarse—grained Grains' between 3/16 and 1/4 in. diameter parenthesis for each soil description. Fill materials may not be classified by USCS criteria. ' ' Very Coarse— Grains larger than 1/4 in. grained U.S. Standard Series Seive ' ' , Clear Square Sieve Openings , 12" '3" 3/4" ' 4 ' 10 ' 40 200 , BEDDING: ' Boulder Cobbles Grovel Sand I s I Silts and Clays I , Irn ' Inches Term Inches Coarse I Fine I Coarse ' j Medium Fine , Extremely thin < 0.75 , Thick . 24-80 , 305 mm 76 mm 19 mm 4.75 mm 2.00 mm 0.43 mm 0.074 mm , , Very thin 0.75-2.5 Very thick 80-240 Thin ' 2.5-8 Extremely thick >240 Medium 9-24 C GENERAL NOTES Logs of subsurface explorations depict sail, rock-and groundwater conditions only at the locations specified on the dates indicated. Subsurface conditions may vary at other locations and at other times. The stratification lines designating the interface between soil types on the logs of borings and on the subsurface profile represent approximate boundaries. The transition between material may be gradual. - ' ' Water levels noted an the logs were measured at the, times and under the conditions indicated. During test borings, ' these' water levels could have been affected by 'the introduction, of water TEST B OR I N C KEY into the borehole, extraction of tools 'ó other procedures and thus m'a'not reflect actual groundwater level at the. test boring location: Groundwater' level fluctuations may also occur as aresult 'U of variations in precipitation, temperature, season, adjacent construction activities and pumping of water supply wells, and construction dewatering systems. .UNDECROUND p ' ' D4aNEBUW& ENVOLVOONTAL Sourno8 .- APPENDIX C Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results TEST BORING REPORT Boring No. HA-101 Project Cannôñ Road Lift Station Cannon Rd. Extension, Carlsbad, California!File No. 26713-005 Client Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.. Sheet No. 1 of 1 Contractor Pacific Drilling Start November 12, 2001 Finish November 12, 2001 Casing Sampler Barrel Drilling Equipment and Procedures Driller Gordie/Andreas H&A Rep. B. Barry Type NA s . Rig Make & Model: Tripod Elevation 35.0. Inside Diameter (in.) 1 3/8 Bit Type: Cutting Head Drill Mud: None Datum Location See Boring Hammer Weight (lb. 140 - Casing: Hammer Fall (in) 30 - Hoist/Hammer: Cat-Head Doughnut Hanimer Location Plan o - E - Gravel - Sand I Field Test a, a, E j1 Z.5; i - Visual-Manual Identification and Description a a,. ID— >. (Density/consistency, color, GROUP NAME, max. particle s1ze, . ' structure, odor, moisture, optional descnptioris, geologic interpretation) 0 - - - - Solid stem auger advanced to 5 ft. - - - ---- SM Medium dense, light brown to brown, silty SAND (SM), 15 60 25 7 S-i 5.0 9 18 6.5 dry, no odor, MPS =lnun. • 9 -COLLUVIUM- - 0 iLl —I z 10 SM Loose, light brown to brown, silty SAND (SM), moist, 78 22 5 S-2 10.0 5 18 11.5 0 no odor, MPS 1. mm. 5 Z . ... 20.0 Solid stem augers advanced to 15 ft. Augers wet at a depth of 12-ft. 5 150 ABoring collapsed at 12 ft. . End of exploration at 15 ft. Hole baOkfilled with cuttings. Water. Level Data Sample Identification Well Diagram ... SUmmary Date. Time Elapsed 0 Open End Rod RIs& PiPe FM Screen Oveiturden (Un. ft.) 15 Bottom' Casind Bottom athQ . Water ime (he, of T Thin Wall TUbe. U Undisturbed Sample . he Sand Cuttings Rock Cored (lin. ft.) Samples 2 11/12/01 0845 0 12 - 11.5 Boring NB.. HA- 11 Grout- S Split Spoon Concrete G Geopro Bentonite Seal . . :., Field Tests Dilatancy RRapid S Slow N None Plasticity N Nonplastic L Low M Medium H High .:_Toughness: . L-Low. .M-Medium. H-High . Dry Strength: N-None. L-Low, M-Medium. H-High. V~Very High. SP.T = Sahipler blows per 6 in.......-. "Maximum particle size (mm) is determined by direct observation within the limitations of sampler size (in millimeter' Note: SoiI.ldentificátión based on visuàl,manual methods of the USCS as practiced by.Haley.& Aldrich. Inc......... - - - - BORING No: -EST BORING REPORT HAB-1 - Patio I 2 - PROJECT - Cannon Road - : H&A FILE NO. - 26713.005 LOCATION Carlsbad. California - . PROJECT MGR. G. Raines - CLIENT Camp Dresser & McKee . - . FIELD REP.'J. Diebersow CONTRACTOR Tr-County Drilling . . . DATE STARTED. 1/22/2002 DRILLER Daniel . DATE FINISHED /22/2002 Elevation . 24 It. IDalum jBerino Location tern . Casino Samoter Core Barrel jRio Make & Model CME-95 Hammer moe - Dritllno Mad Casino Advance lye. NA - 9 Truck 0 Tripod 0 Cat-Head 0 Safety - Bentonite Tyo. Method Death . voId. Diameter 11n1 - . 2.5' 0 ATV 0 Geoprobe 0 Winch 0 Doughnut 0 Polymer Hammer Welohlllb.l 140 . x$lAfih 0 Track 0 Air Track 0 'Railer Bit 9 Cutting HeaddDrIlling 9 Automatic (2] . None HAS Hammer Fall tln.l . . 30 . Sf5'(/0 0 Skid 0 - Notes: - Sample -. . . . 0550.1 Sand Field Tess - - - - Sampler N Sam I W 1 a Stratum uscs VIsual-Manual Identification & Description Depth (ft.) .BIowaper6 R D ecovery ep ( .) agram Change ym 01 b ldensty/contistoy.reur.oRouPw'iEasvMaoLmaori.wrnpaisutt.1ze. In. (It) t,'sctuie. 0dm. moisten. 0p405d detaiptiarit. gnelogc interpretation) -0- Soil surface - hand auger in 0-2 FILL mixed with weathered sandstone -- - - - SP-SM and claysrone, light brown fine grain, moist . ....15 75 — SM (1.5- 2*) gray FILL silty sand mixed with clay weathered clasts . 8 S1 2 some oxidation staining -. 10 is, 3.5 (2-3.5) medium dense, brown FILL some gray .... - . 14 weathered ctastsofsandstone - FILL - - 5 - ---'------- ---------- ---•--- . . . .. . 8 S-2 3 SM (5-6.5) medium dense, mauled dark gray and black FILL - _ 2 18 - 6.5 interbedded clayey sand - very moist, some wood fragments .- 2 — weathered clasts of silty sandstone - 4 I' . ......- .. :__ .. -.... - 10 - ---- . - -. 7 - ....----.-- S-3 --- 10 SM (10-11.5') medium dense, mottled olive brown, FILL .-. .- - 9 18' 11.5 fine in medium grained, very moist, weathered formation clasts - ----3 37 H .. -.........- ............-.-.--- oxidation staining - ..... . (note: percentages based on laboratory test results) 0 . -......-.- ................---. ................-...... ................-.-..-.-.---.... ---- ................--- t BEDECK apprno depth to water IS' ._. -* ._.. * 56 S.d I) 46 16' 6.5 — (15 dense, very dark brown weathered SANDSTONE - - - ._ ..... 20 35 45 - - - _ DRCK coarse to mediam grain sand ndthsilt t5.5t6'colorconrao O light gray grades iran SILTSTONE/CI,AYSTONE - - very line grained, powder like, at about 16.25' dry I) 20 -.---- 40 S.5 20 't5 BEDeCK (20-21.5') same as above, very dense, light gray, moist H 50/4 14 21.5 SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE breaks along relatively . -.. .. _. ----..... .... - powder like wirendry _.._- — horizontal bedding plane. appears crystalline when moist,.....- .................... 0 , ...... - - z --- - 34 S-ri 23 BEDECK (25-26.5')sameasaboveStLTSTOP4E/CLAYSTOt4Eexceptsorne .._..v ..... _... 50/5 . 4' 26.5 . fine fractures, ooidariOnstaiiscd, very fine grained ........-- . . ..... . ._ .... cuttings dark grey "plastic" 30 Water Level Data . . . . Sample ID .. . Well Diagram . - ... Summary Date TintoElapsed Time (hr.) Depth In feet to: 0 Open End Rod I Thin Wall Tube U Undisturbed Sample s - SplitSpoonSample G. GisoprObe ILl] - Riser Pipe CM Screen Fillet Sand IM Cuttings M Grout Concrete Benlonile Seal - Overburden (Linear It.) . Rock Cred (Unear It.) NsirnlerbfSamples . . Bottom of Casing Bottám of Hole Water 1 1/2212002.. 9:45 AM . . - 5' . . . . . -. . . BORING NO. HAB.I . . . - Field Tents Dilatancy: R - Rapid S - Stow N - None Plasticity:— N - Nonplastic L - Low M - Medium H -High' .. Toughness: L Low M - Medium H - Nigh Dry Strength: N - None L - Low M -Meduim H - High V - Very High Maolnsun, Paettelo Size is determined by direct observation within the limitations of sareoler size..............-. .. .. . .. - NOTE: Salt Identifications based on vlsuaIanaaI methods of she USCS system as oracticed by Haley & Aldrich. Inc. . ..................... I v FowiPdm - ' . • . - - -. - . . . . , :1 • '• -I BORING NO. ______ TEST BORING REPORT HAB-1 Pane 2 of 2 - Oriseol Sand Field Test Sampler Sample - Stratum visual-Manual ldéntlflcanlon & DescrIptIon - - -. E - Depth (B) Blows per 6 Recovery Depth (ft) Diagram Change syrn i Id swnt,wyceGROUP NAME&SYMBOLmaxmon,pse sa In. (in.)at 30 N MM 36 - S-7 30 (3.31.5) arty dense, dark olive . 50/4"'14 31.5 BEDeCK gray clay @30.5• very moist to wet some oxidation stained in fractures at 31 SlLTSTON€- dark gray, very line grained., moist cuttlings - very dark gray. clayey material' medium tow plasticity 35 SANTIAGO FORMATION................... BEDRCK (35-36) very dense dark bluish gray J--... 50/4 .................. s- 12 36.5 SILTSTONE - slthy cleavage, very line grained . BEDeCK (36-36.4') contact. light yellowish brown swTs'royryjcL,ys'roy4E line grained dry to slightly moist - ...... ................. -40 -.. 40k- C'S tij) .. ------------ 0 1 0 - 76 t) - I- rID dense, gray SILTSTONE same as 35-36'. SLATY cleavage, moist — NOTES:- 1FILE NO. - - 26713405 .BORING NO. — — A — - -- . ?NOTE: Maximum Particle Sloe Is determined ho direct observation within the limitations of sameler sloe............- - - - NOTE: Sell Identifications based on slsual-inenoal methods of the USCS system as orxctleed by Haley & Aldrich. Inc. gonTi 53000 - --..- -. BORING NO. h TEST BORING REPO.T HAB-2 -. Page.'l of PROJECT Cannon Road - - .. . . H&A' FILE NO. 26713.003 LOCATION Carlsbad. California . PROJECT MGR G. Raines CLIENT Camp Dresser & McKee.. FIELD REP. J. Blackman CONTRACTOR Tn-County Drilling . - .. DATE STARTED I/23fl002 DRILLER Mike . - DATE FINISH ED 1123/2002 Elevation - 26 8. Iatum leonno Location Item - - - Casino Samoler Core Barrel Rio Make & Model - leo. etrllllne Mud I Casino Advance Tvoe - NA ID Truck 0 Tripod DAN 0 Geoprobe 0 Track 0 Air Track 0. Skid _D 0 Cat-Head 0 Winch !Ha mer Safety Doughnut Automatic 0 Bentonite 0 Polymer D None Tao. Method Death Inside . j 2.5 HAS ererWelahtllb,l 140 . '52ii2t 0 Roller Bit 0 Culling Head Ha mr Fall Iln.l Drilling Notes: — — — Oran.l and Field lest Sampler p Sample Well Stratum uscs Sample - Visual-Manual IdentIfIcatIon & Description Depth (ft.) Blown per Recovery Depth [M) Diagram Change Symbol 0n '°°°e fl 0 - Hand Auger to2.5 II, then drove sampler for lien sample ., .... . .... .... . SM medium dense, brown. FILL silty sand. tom to medium sand. dry to moist;oxidation staining io s-i 2 0 58 FILL - 12 - 5 - ••. ,,,,•_ . ,_.,._,...., 5.0 SC (5.6.5') medium dense. brown.l°lLLclayey sand. very fine iornedmum _.I_L 9• L . • 4 S.2 5 8 15 6.5 . sand very moist -. • 13 . -.,-•. .... -•• ... 0' ....-.. S..L .- 10 S3 10 SC (1041.5')mcdiumdense light brown to brown FILL clayey SAND 56 56. 44 S I. L L 8 14 11.5 very hoc to fine satid, traces of non plastic lines. 12 (note: percentages based on laboratory test results) - - - ...... . - - ° - --- . - 15. Ivit apptou depth snwateni4.5' 4• S.4 is SM (15.16.5) loose to medium dens. light brown, silty SAND. 20 30 S L 5 P15 16.5 15.5 - very fine tofinesand, saturated SC/CL medium dense, grayish to dark brown, clayey SAND) sandy CLAY, 0 very fine sand, traces of non plastic silts N .. ALLUVIUM. -...... -20-----------.---------.-.....-....---.. 4 S-S 20 SC (20.21.5') loosejo medium dense. tnediuns in light brown. - 5 sr 21.5 clayey SAND. moist. At 20.5 poorly graded SAND wits silt. - - - 20 70 tO R L medium to fine sand, wet. - .--.---- ...• — -.. o - - 25 - - Z 25.0 ML (25-26.5') loose to medium dense.dark olive brown, sandy StILT ,. 40 3 S-C 23 - S 1$' 26.5 . medium to ceurse sand, very moist to wet. .. ...•........-........ . . (noiE peieetftagesbissédonlaboraioryiestresklts) . in tip of sample. dark brown, coarse sand, wet. ,.. . Loose to medium dense. dark-briswis sandy CLAY, very line 40 S o fire sand . - ....,_,•, -30-. . ..... Waler. Level Data - Sample ID Well Diagram . . - - Summary ...Depthln feet to: . D2 Riser Pipe Bottom of Bottom of Date 0 Opiso End Rod Screed Doerburdeir (Urieai ft) Casin Hole Water T Thin Wall Tube M Filter Sand Rock Cored (Unedr ft.) . ... -6EIap-d, U Undisltirbed Samé - S Split Spoon Sample G. Geoprobe Cuttings =3 Grout Concrete Bentonite Seal Number of $aes . ...... 1/2312002 145 BORING NO:HAB . . . . . . . . -. Field Tests Dutalsncy Rm Rapid S Slow N None Plasticity N Nonpiaslic L Low M Medium H High - . - Toughness: L- Low M - Medium H - High Dry Strength: N - None L - Low M . Meduim H - High V - Very High Maximum Particle Size is determined by direct observation within the limitations of samoler sIze......................... - - ....- .. NOTE: Soil identifications based on olsaaI-marsuaI methods of the USCS system as oracticed by Haley & Aldrich.Inc-.-- - - . -:.I . : I Io,utO5iiIQ . BORING NO. ______ TEST BORING REPORT HAB-2 paoe 2 o . Or.nol Sand Field Test Sampler Sample No.& mple Weil . rat USCS Visual-Manual lde9tillatI0n & DescrIption Depth I"!) Blows p0r6 Recovery Depth (ft.) Diain.gram Change Symbol 1d osdylnuns.st my cot GROUPNAME8 SYMBOL euunvnaepoet i0 (in.) U - U a. - • 5 2 . . 4 5-7 30 SM (30-3I.5)@ 30.0--medium dense, light brown. sitly SAND. very - . 10 60 30 S L 9, 14.' 31.5 line to fine sand, very moist. SANDSTONE ..L6 SPISM 030.5-- medium dense. brown. poorly grade SAND ivith silt. 5 85 tO 1k I. N fine to medium sand, very moist to wet. ... ALLUVIUM . . .........................-.-- sand coarse, saturated. Started drilling harder approx. 33. 3S —.'. SANDSTONE ... 50/5.5' S.8 35 BEDeCK (35.36.5) hard. Lao. poorly graded SAND, fete to coarse sand .,, ........ 5.5 36.5 moist. SANDSTONE . SANTIAGO FORMATION weathered bedrock Cn to BEDRCK Appears to he same as above SANDSTONE ... 40 S79 40.q,Enco'ery ... ............................................................. • End of exploration 040.5 .. .. . ...... C.) • . :. -....11.. . .. ...... . C.) .. .• . C . ...- ..... .... . ........ . . . .— .. -..-. a) .. .. ... 0 .--.... z .. -........-... . ....-.... 2 2 • .. .. - .. ' NOTES: " 1FILE NO. 26713-005 BORING NO. HA 8.2 - ........................ - NDTE: Maximum Particle Sire Is determined bo dlroea obCeeaetloa within the limitations of samoler sloe.., ................. ..........NOTE,Soll identifications based on visual-manual methods of the USCS 50510w as oracttced by Haley & Aldrich. lnc , Ork U) N, .0 2.0 1 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF 4.0 U). z C') U) Ci 2.0 U) U) .00 . .06 .12 .18 .24 .30 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORING/SAMPLE : HAB2-5 DEPTH (ft) : 5 DESCRIPTION STRENGTH INTERCEPT (C) : 1.097 KSF (PEAK STRENGTH) FRICTION ANGLE (PHI) : 22.7 DEG MOISTURE DRY DENSITY VOID NORMAL PEAK RESIDUAL SYMBOL CONTENT (%) (pcf) RATIO STRESS (ksf) SHEAR (ksf) SHEAR (ksf) . 18.7 . 116.3 . .395 1.00 1.59 1.45 20.2 113.1 .434 2.00 1.79 . 1.68 A 20.7 117.0 .387 • 3.00 2.43 • 2.42 Remark Proj. 071 mt.s-02 •Cannon Road Lift Station ALLIED GEOTECliNICAL ENGINEERS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR TEST., Figure No WET WEIGHT BEFORE WASH WET WEIGHT AFTER WASH DRY WEIGHT L9.O BEFORE WASH DRY WEIGHT AFTER WASH U.S. STD. MINUS #4 SAMPLE PLUS #4 SAMPLE SIEVE WT. RET I % RET % PASS WT. RET % RET % PASS TOTAL DRY WEIGHT. 6" 5" 4" 3fl 2" 15" 1" 075" 0.5" 0.375" #4 #8 #10 / 19. #16 7 . .. ... ................. #60 35,C11 6 1q, C9 . .. . #200 JI09...'i2.38 /.62- HYDROMETER NO. DRY WEIGHT HYGROSCOPIC MOIST. _______ STARTING TIME DATE LAPSE . TIME READ CORR. ACTUAL PERCENT 1 MIN. 2MIN. 5 MIN. - 15 MIN. 30 MIN. 60 MIN. 250 MIN. 1440 MIN. .5 - —. b —.. —1 - — — — — — — -- I . I- — = = -,-,-, — =. 0 — — — — — — cH---------------- I rn C) Lf. UI - J () r . --- -TI —t-- I.) Ui ---- CO z —...—.---- p .5 - 0 in 1* zIti .. _:.X: —...J c - J 0 (fl -- — — — — — — — - — - 1- co cc) ol Cb o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 CD 00 W Percept finer . ,—I---- 1 -----ii' C>. !1!.I 1 !T .... !! !1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... H fb I ILn --.ij / CD cu H- - 0L, . •1 N '.,. CZ - cb El N , _..... -. - .. :hiiii.E.:.;.Ii .----- 0 - 0 COD 0 . N 0 t. 0 Percent 0 -n 0 flner ... 0 cp 0 w 0 d 4 WET WEIGHT BEFORE WASH WET WEIGHT AFTER WASH DRY WEIGHT 5/ -'12 BEFORE WASH DRY WEIGHT AFTER WASH U.S. STD. MINUS #4 SAMPLE PLUS #4 SAMPLE SIEVE WT. RET I % RET % PASS WT. RET % RET % PASS TOTAL DRY WEIGHT 6" I 5•' 4" 3" 2" 15" 1" 0.75" 0.375" . . - /5 - ...... 3c ......../. #10 2./I ............... #16 #30 -2..e.55 51 S ..#40 zzi #50 '/2.32 11 00 ,g.q1 z f,.g HYDROMETER NO. DRY WEIGHT HYGROSCOPIC MOIST. STARTING TIME DATE LAPSE TIME READ CORR. ACTUAL PERCENT I MIN. .2 MIN.. 5MIN. 15 MIN. 30 MIN. 60 MIN. 250 MIN. 1440 MIN. 02::: 01. .4 O Ni m a LJ (I)> T1 i--.--- ri — m __ --.... --- .... - — ------- a--__. --------------- - — b a-- -.---.--r- -. EE 1 1 xi7 4 I --_ I- C-. (J) -< 0 N 0 co w C--. . -.----- -I---.--...._ — .— — - . •• . EEEEEEEEEE; o .. - Percent Finer U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 SAMPLE PLUS #4 SAMPLE WT. RET I % RET J % PASS WI. RET j %RET % PASS TOTAL DRY WEIGHT 6" 4', 3,' 2" 0_75" 0_5" 0.375" #8 /76 i/.55' #10 1 /8' /.o _____ 116 /. /.2-Y I3./ #30 LI. ''Z 3. #40 16./ '/.'/ #50 a24'3 D.2 #100 05.92 22./ #200 53.5/ /3. I 4I3. HYDROMETER NO. DRY WEIGHT HYGROSCOPIC MOIST. STARTING TIME DATE LAPSE TIME READ CORR. ACTUAL PERCENT I_MIN. 2 MIN. 5 MIN. 15 MIN. 30 MIN. 60 MIN. 250 MIN. 1440 MIN. WET WEIGHT BEFORE WASH DRY WEIGHT-3 BEFORE WASH WET WEIGHT AFTER WASH DRY WEIGHT AFTER WASH WET WEIGHT BEFORE WASH WET WEIGHT AFTER WASH DRY WEIGHT '.'BEFORE WASH DRY -WEIGHT AFTER WASH U.S. STD. MINUS #4 SAMPLE PLUS #4 SAMPLE WT. RET J % RET J % PASS WT. RET % RET % PASS SIEVE TOTAL DRY WEIGHT 6" I 5" 4" 2" 1.51, 1" 0.75" 0.5" 0.375" ••# #8 0 #10 .7 ./? #16 °...... #40 iió 4/,t• / 'ioo ,g;'' #200 3I 0g /,ô _ HYDROMETER NO. DRY WEIGHT HYGROSCOPIC MOIST. STARTING TIME DIAFI. DATE LAPSE TIME READ CORR. ACTUAL PERCENT 1MIN. 2MIN. 5 MIN. 15 MIN. . • 30 MIN. 60 MIN. 250 MIN. 1440 MIN. . __________ . — — mom ENE 00 G)6) .•. .:__, - m — . z — I . m lF - . —* Ill -- 0 -i r cb C/) ...... 0.. - -_--... m ° LEZ CC) $ _z -.... .... - 0 m JI znl N'E 1 Co 03 7I 0 I) :.;.7. :LiII:ItIN 'd -zi— __ — -:•- - - - - -. -.' •j S... -. -- -- —i •.. . a 10 I. lb • 0 TII 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 Perce,i/ Finer APPENDIX D Corrosion Laboratory Test Results EoIordo AnaIjtic:aI Laboratories, Inc. LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT KEPORT TO: MINAL PAREKH S LAB NO: 9157 DATE RCVD: 5/31/02 BILL TO: HALEY & ALDRICH REPORTED: 6/11/02 110 16TH STREET, SUITE 900 DENVER, CO 80202 P0 NO.: VERBAL PROJECT: CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION 26713-005 MINIMUM METHOD REPORTING REPORTING PARAMETER REFERENCE LIMIT UNITS ESISTIVITY AASHTO T288-91 1 OHM.CM itEDOX POTENTIAL ASTM D1498 1 my - 0ISTURE ASTM D2216 0.1 DRY WT. % JLFATE ASHTO 7290-91 0.001 PERCENT pH ASHTO T289-91 0.1 UNITS JLFIDE DIPRA - S QUALITATIVE E-ILORIDE AASHTO T291-91 0.0001 PERCENT METHOD REFERENCE: S AASHTO = "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION MATERIALS AND METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING"; 16TH EDITION, 1.993; AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS. ASTM = "1992 ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS"; VOL. 04.08 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING & MATERIALS; 1992; R.A. STORER DIPRA = "DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION HANDBOOK OF DUCTILE IRON PIPE"; 6TH EDITION; 1982; AWWA. NALYS1S SUPERVISED BY - . . Page 1 of 2 Sutn Main Street / Brighton, oiorado 80501 -0507 / 303-659-2313 Mnc .00re: ....9o~ 0/ / 2nontor 0o;oado 90901-0507 ,1 ax: 303-65-2315 Eolomdo AnakjticaI ftk'Laboratories, Inc. rIALEY & ALDRiCH !A1NAL PAREKH 11/02 rjOJECT: CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION 26713-005 SATURATED NATURAL pH CHLORIDE SULFATE RESISTIVITY RESISTIVITY SAMPLE ID (UNITS) LOHM.CM) (OHM.CM)' .AB-IA S-1/S-2/S-3/S-4 COMP 7.6 0.0492 0.040 483 1,107 \ Page 2of3 C South Main Straet I 8nionton, Co!oraoo S3501-0507 / 303-659-2313 Ma: 507 ./ BniohtnCoicra:. 9DS0-O507 / Fax: 303-659-2315 EoIordo 'Laboratories, Inc. I ALEY & ALDRdCH MINAL PAREKH 11/02 WJECT: CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION 26713-005 REDOX POTENTIAL SULFIDE MOISTURE SAMPLE JD (OUAL) AB-1A S-1/S-2/S-3/S4 COMP 280 medium 13.5 j / / Page 3of) 0 ton, Colorado S0501-050-7 / 303-659-2313 -lonton. Ocloneoc 80601-0507 / Fax: 303-659-2315