HomeMy WebLinkAbout38971; HOLIDAY PARK RESTROOM REPLACEMENT; ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND LEAD COMPONENT REMOVAL; 2006-12-18CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4180 Ruffin Rd., Ste. 115 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 2440440 / Fax (858) 244.0441 www.w-and-k.com V11 TO: 'I FROM: 'I DATE: 'U RE: I ' Attachment: JOB #: Mr. Schuck, Dale A. Schuck City of Carlsbad Public Works 405 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 Jerry Sherman, Winzler & Kelly December 18, 2006 Asbestos Abatement and Lead Component Removal at Holiday Park Restrooms located in the City of Carlsbad, California Project Documentation and Analytical Results (Laboratory Reports) 1038206004.77010 1-1 A Based on the request of the City of Carlsbad Public Works, Winzler & Kelly performed air monitoring associated with asbestos abatement activities and dust-wipe sampling associated with lead component removal activities at the Holiday Park Restrooms located in the City of Carlsbad, California. Asbestos abatement and lead component removal activities were performed by Raul Mendoza Construction from October 10 to 12, 2006. Winzler & Kelly personnel, using the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NTOSH) 7400 methodology for phase contrast microscopy (PCM), analyzed' all daily progress air samples collected prior to, during, and after abatement activities of ACMs. Winzler & Kelly field personnel are NIOSH 582-certified for PCM analysis certified by the State of California for asbestos consultation services. Progress air samples for asbestos were collected from within and outside each representatiTe work area and analyzed through the use of PCM. Progress air samples revealed the airborne fiber concentrations within work areas to be below the permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cc) of air. Progress air samples revealed the airborne fiber concentrations outside work areas and inside the work area after abatement activities to be below the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)'s recommended occupancy criteria, following asbestos removal activities, of 0.01 f/cc of air. Locations of the air samples are presented on the Air Sample Location Map. Prior to, and after removal of lead-bearing substances (LBSs), dust-wipe samples for lead were collected I by Winzler & Kelly personnel in the representative work area. Samples were transported under chain-of- custody record to,' and analyzed by, an accredited laboratory, AmeriSci, Inc., in accordance with USEPA Method 3050/7420 for lead. 'I y JZLEzIKELLY ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS Holiday Park Restrooms December 18, 2006 I Page 2 The dust lead levels, as determined by wipe sampling, were considered acceptable when the dust lead I level was below 40 micrograms per square foot (ug/ft2) of interior floors. All work overseen by Winzler & Kelly was performed in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations governing the environmental aspects of asbestos abatement and disposal. The following pages attached include project documentation, sample results, and laboratory reports. I Sincerely, / I tephen1. Reese IJerryyerman Project Manager Hazardous Material Division Manager Certified Asbestos Consultant #05-3853 Certified Asbestos Consultant #97-2324 I DHS Lead Inspector-Assessor! DHS Lead Inspector/Assessor #5809 Project Monitor #13938 I Cleàrahce Speed. Memo 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 /1 I (' Client: I Facility: # WUZLESJ<ELLY .COM S U L T I No ENO INEER S 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 San Diego, CA 92123 Date: Project Number: /1?20 79OtO On /0 10-66Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers performed a visual inspection and coll e c t e d : . (Date) . . . . Select One Background Air Samples . . . . Background Wipe Samples Process Wipe Samples Process Air Samples . Clearance Air Samples . Clearance Wipe Samples From: ôt# 57k f2 QJL& (Location) . The results of the aforementioned air monitoring indicate that airborne fiber conce n t r a t i o n s w e r e : SelectOne Above (Fail) I Below (Pass) Select All That Apply LI] 70 Structures per square millimeter (S/mm2) per the AHERA Protocol Method outlined in 40 I CFR Part 763 Subpart E. . . EPA's recommended clearance criteria of 0.01 fibers per cubic centimete r o f a i r ( f / c c ) . Measured background concentrations of fibers per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc). The results of the aforementioned wipe sarnpj.ing-results indicate t h a t s e t t l J e r r E n c e n t r a t i o n s w e r e : SelectOne elect All That Apply _.- LI Above (Fail) LI HUD'sjeiiIimended clearance criteria of 40 ug/fl2. [I] Below (Pas Malied background concentrations of ug/ft2. 6-her (specify): Q&LP Based on the results of the inspection and analysis the following fu r t h e r a c t i o n s a r e r e q u i r e d : SelectOne None, containment may be removed. J None. Re-clean the Work Area. Re-testing is required. Other: . . . . . Comments:. I Analytical Method: . El AHERA Protocol • 1 NIOSH 7400 PCM El Other (specijj))z. LI EPA SW-846 & 3050/7420 V 1. /o'. Print Name Signature . • . Date CSM 1/04 Page 1 of 1 LI LI LI LI Clearance Speed Memo WD1ZLERcSzKELLY CO N SUITING ENGINEERS 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Aniilipiin r.4omnK San Die2o. GA 92123 Client: C'j °¼: (-V L: Date: / U Facility: t4 Project Number: /633 0 00L1_)C 10 On /0 _- / f• O( Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers performed a visual inspecti o n a n d c o l l e c t e d : (Dale) SelectOne Background Air Samples Background Wipe Samples Process Air Samples Process Wipe Samples Clearance Air Samples Clearance Wipe Samples From: L-tc Qk ' c (Location) The results of the aforementioned air monitoring indicate that airborne fiber concentrat i o n s w e r e : Select One El Above (Fail) Ej Below (Pass) SelectAll That Apply LIII 70 Structures per sar(millimeter (S/mm2) per the RA Protocol Method outlined in 40 CFR Part 763 Su E. R EPA's rødinended clearance criteri 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc). Meafd background.concentrationg of fibers per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc). The results of the aforementioned wipe sampling results indicate that s e t t l e d l e a d c o n c e n t r a t i o n s w e r e : SelectOne Select All That Apply . Above (Fail) HUD's recommended clearance criteria of 40 ug/fl2. Below (Pass) '' Measured background concentrations of _ug/ft2. Other (specify): Based on the results of the inspection and analysis the following further actions are required: SelectOne None, containment may be removed. XNone. Re-clean the Work Area. Re-testing is required. Other: Comments:_________________________ I - I Analytical Method: Li AHERA Protocol Other (specify): ieuQdk> Print Name igna ruI 1 LI NIOSH 740(1—PCM A 4 L. LI EPA SW-846 & 3050/7420 /Oi5-a Date CSM 1/04 Page 1 of 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Certificate of Analysis Form WINzLER&KELLY. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue S 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 IWA Inside Area Client: O Date: /O .0 OWA Outside Work HEX HEPA Exhaust Locatioñ:h/LI'i_k'?A_f-/'-- Page J_.ofL CLR Clearance __ PER Personal Project Number: /63 0TH Other ______ FLB Field _Blanks Sample Number. Location Flow Rate Start Time Stop Time Total Time Total Volume Fibers! Fields Fiber DenSity (f/mm) Fiber Conc ob~7 O9- /2/i) YX A7 Z/(cc LIT ô3 // 22o _____ S CYb3 o9-; /2/5 3 %> Lf(tf. 43 - _ ' I certify that the above samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with the requirements of the NIOS14 7400 Methodology. W&K Representate( OCA CSST Number: 032 Signature) S Certificate of Analysis Form 0 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 IWA Inside Area Client: Date:HEX HEPA Exhaust OWA Outside Work 1 CLR Clearance ,,4/I 1 Location: __/ CY-7 ' 7Y Page 4 off PER Personal OTH Other Project Number: /O ...ôôô'-i O/O 0 FLB Field Blanks Sample Number. Location Flow Rate (I/mm) Start Time Stop Time Total Time Total Volume Fibers! Fields Fiber. Density (f/mm ) Fiber Conc (f/cc) O o~3 3)3 3o WO /i O00 (DR b -'_ 0 ______ ______ ____ _____ O6' Y - S11 9) 69-53 /2 3 'Th cl J- ?1 OOü /336 1 33ô g'ô c ( ) o ____________ _ ____ ____ ______ ô /( ____ ____ _______________________________ ''• / certify that the above samples were collected and an in accordance with the requirements of the NIOSI-I 7400 Methodology. W&K Representative nCA /CSST Number Sign ure) Certificate of Analysis Form u_I T 3531 E. Miraloma A venue 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 IWA Inside Area Client (( J' DaJô' 12 OWA Outside Work HEX HEPA Exhaust ),Z-,-, / 1 CLR Clearance Location:y -tti( Page Of PER Personal OTH Other Project Number: /Lt~' öL/.. '7-O(O 0 FLB Field Blanks I Sample Number. Location Flow Rate Start Time Stop Time Total Time (mm) Total Volume (lit) Fibers! Fields Fiber Density (f/mm ) Fiber Conc (f/cc) O3 i//3 w 9ôo o 30 700 ) ö • O OQ3 O \ LI 4L '•• 1kLL )-0 061 5 /1/5 Eoi) qlx) 'E (1 o o (o3 O \ - - __ 0 { • I certify that the above samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with the requirements of the NIOSH 7400 Methodology. .• V W&K Representative:- ••• • SST Number-( Signaiiire) I I 1 L /MEtrS I 11 • I ( D2* STORAG I I ROOF OVERHANG - I I WOMEN'S L° ) I I I I JL - - I I 1 LEGEND 1 0 0 10 20 Approximate Scale in Feet 1 L SAMPLE LOCATION MAP I - HOLIDAY PARK RESTROOM ADAMS STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA a [ PROJECT NO. DATE AMERI Sci Please Reply To: ArneriSci Los Angeles 24416 S. Main Street, Ste 306 Carson, Cáflfomia 90745 TEL: (310) 834-4868 • FAX: (310) 834-4772 FACSIMILE TELECOPY TRANSMISSION To: Steve Reese From: Minh Q. Phung Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers I San Di AmeriSci Job #: 406101167 Fax #: Subject: Lead (wipe) 24 hour Results - Client Project: 1038206004.77010; City Of Carlsbad; Holiday Park Email: stevereese@w-and-k.com Date: Friday, October 13, 2006 Number of Pages: Time: 14:30:20 (including cover sheet) Comments: 0 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, the information contained in this facsimile communication is confidential information intended for use of the individual named above, lithe reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please Immediately notify the sender by telephone and return the original message to the above address via the US Postal Service at our expense. Preliminary data reported here will be verified before final report is issued. Samples are disposed of in 60 days or unless otherwise instructed by the protocol or special instructions in writing. Thank you. Certified Analysis Service 24 Hours A Day. 7 Days A Week Competitive Prices visit our web site - www.ameriscl.com - Boston • Los Angeles. New York • Richmond I AmeriSci Los Angeles A 4 I : 24416 S. Main Street, Ste 308 Carson, California 90745 ' IV! I TEL: (310) 634868 • FAX: (310) 83772 AineriSci Job #: 406101167 Date Received: 10/12/06 Lead Analysis Results Date Analyzed: 10/13/06 I Dust Wipes EPA Method 3050/7420 I Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers I San Di San Diego, CA Job Site: 1038206004.77010; City Of Carlsbad; Holiday Park I .. AmeriSci# Client Sample 0 Area Lead 406101167 Number Location (ff2) (pg/ft2) I 01 LW-001 Lead Wipe Backgrd ®Womens RR 1 22 I I 02 LW-002 Lead Wipe Clearance® Womens RR I <20 I I I I • AmeilSd Reporting Limit is 20 ug. ArneriSci does not correct sample results by the blank value. Reviewed by: CA ELAP No. 2322. AIHA Lab No. 100530. I HUD guidelines for dust wipes are: • 40 ugl112 for floors. Analyzed by: 250 ug/f12 for interior window sills, Minh Q. Phung ELAP No: CA 2322 Page 1 of I • I Boston • Los Angeles New York Richmond i 4061011.8' I Environmental Wipe Sampling Log I WINZLER & KELLY CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 3531 E. Miratoma enue, Anaheim, 9280 Diego, CA 92123 Client: c:1! ~—V J £O4t Project Number: /32og,7dI I Facility: J-~AJ Functional Space:L.,z.&et&..s ?\ Taken By: Date Sampled: ) 10 (R (a Sample No. Sample Description Sample Container Sample Area Laboratory Analysis Required cx\ Flame AA for Lead LtI.tLVbf -- Rr,4 Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Flame AA for Lead Chain of Possession Turnaround Time: Same Day 5 day I ar Title Inclusi e Date 10 1 (DIM Z. & A 11 1 igaure Title 3 Signature Title Inclusive Dates Page nf I r - 4 W1NZLER&EELLY I Daily Shift Review CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3531 E Mzraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin RoadSuzle 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 I Client IL)! b C Date/Shift Name Site Address:____1 I ________________ Project Number/ó3)OtcOo9i (6 Contractor/Foreman: Time In: I Time Out 2 1 3 ó No of Workers + Foreman 4F .M. Air Samples Collected During Shift PCM Lead Air Other: L1J Background I Inside Work Area 11WA) Outside Work Area (OWA) I HEPAExhaust (1IEX Clearance (CLR) I Personals (PER) ' Other(OTH) I Field Blanks (FLB) Total Samples Collected _ S ' Activities Conducted During Shift: 14 o4yo44g. I )r L,aA 66 A /I J4rL 6jP1 flO1' I jjJ 1 / Comments Related to Shift Activities/Performance: I &6 )qi i I, I W&K Representative I Page / iLL I I Dai ly S ift Review WJNZLER&FELLY CONSULTING 3531 E Miraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Roa4Suzle 115 I Client Anaheim, CA 92806 . . . ..: : San Diego, CA 92123 Name LV DaWShift Site Address C Pk.rL Projec t f/ 39 2OO Time In £ 7Z Contractor/ForemanüO FèJ I Time Out:- 531) . . . . No. of Workers + Foreman(3):-Lft -fF.M. Air Samples Collected During Shift PCM Lead Air. Other L J' Background I Inside Work Area IWA Outside WOrk Area (OWA) . . . I HEPA Exhaust (HEX) . . . .. . . .5. . . . Clearance (CLR) . . . . . I I Personals (PER) Other (0TH) I Field Blanks (FLB) . .. . . -. . Total Samples Collected . . .. Activities Conducted During Shift: . r ) ( "'1 21 L ~L -9 I . : S.... I .. I Comments Related to Shift Activities/Performance: .. S •.• . S . . .. .. S I ) I W&K I- Representative Page I I , Daily Shift Review WINZLER&XELLY CONSULTING 3531 E Mzraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Road Suite 115 Anaheim CA 92806 San Diego CA 92123 I Client /O Name Date/Shift Site Address: Project Number Time In Contractor/Foremanr Time Out No of Workers + Foreman -I-FM Air Samples Collected During Shift PCM Lead Air Other:- Background -. 0 I Inside Work Area WA) Outside Work Area (OWA) I HEPA Exhaust (REX) Clearance (CLR) I Personals (PER) : Other (0TH) I Feld Blanks (FLB) Total Samples Collected Conducted During Shift: f r tjOov'.v i Activities ç tL 0 /•. 1/ I I Comments Related to Shift Activities/Performance: I, I Page of I W&K Representative . 7 WINZLER&KELLY Daily Field CONSULTIForm I I N C ENGINEER S 3531 EMiraloma Avenue . . . 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123. Client Name: Ly 0 f 1:) L4 . Date/Shift: Site Address: )4€ l£1L4 P'tJL Project Number: I bO) ( REMEDIATION METHODOLOGY. UTILIZED Materials Remediated From: Removal _Containment - Floors - Piping Systems - Enclosure Glove Bag - Walls Ducting Systems Encapsulation Other - Ceilings - Structural Systems Tanks - Boilers Identify Specific Materials, Quantities and Locations Remediated (Estimate quantities for each day/s h i f t ) : 1M 'TFD Ix ILM çjcyLLt i CDTh)1vU{. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: RESPIRATOR TYPE RESPIRATOR MANUFACTURER . CARTRIDGE TYPE '( 1/2 Face >/— North - Survivair - HEPA - Full Face - Racal 3M P-lOO - PAPR MSA Other - P-95 - Supplied Air . - P-90 - Organic Vapor - Acid Vapor Other__________ Stacked Cartridges: Y / N Note: Cartridges must be the same manufacturer as respirator I I I DISPOSABLE COVERALLS Number ofSuit Boots Attached I. Hoods Attached (J/N PERSONAL AIR MONITORING Personal Air Monitoring is the Responsibility of: Contractor: IV W&K: Other: OTHER PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT $..,Hard Hats - Rubber Boots - Rubber Gloves Safety Glasses - Splash Goggles - Harness & Line Other_________________ I I Number of Workers Monitored: 1W 11.-1N,3W\J • Results Current & Posted: Y& NA I r \ W&K Representative: Pagel of I Daily Field Form # WINZLER&KELLY CONSULTING ENCEERS 3531 EMiraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 I Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 Client Name: ( L Date/Shift: I Site Address: S Project Number: DECONTAMATIO UNIT (EExcellent, AAëceptable, F=Fail) I C!J - Clean Room Shower Room / EF m Number of Chambers I Cleanliness EI/F VAI Debris E/1/F Airflow Direction E/- F / Condition of Polyethylene E I F Excessive Water E Breaches YIN YIN Cold Water Soap I Towels ()/N WORK PRACTICES & PROCEDURES (E=Excellent, A=Acceptable, FFail) I INSIDE WORK AREA OUTSIDE WORK AREA Adequate Water Use E hA hF Visible Emissions Aj Prompt Bagging of Debris E / / F Dumpster On-Site N Proper Decontamination Procedures E F Dumpster is Poly Lined (J_11J /NA I Work Area Cleanliness E / / F Dumpster is Lockable NA Dumpster is Labeled N/ NA I ENGINEERING CONTROLS Manometer On-Site and Operational Y / "Zero Calibration" Checked • HEPA Filtered Vacuum On-Site & Utilized Y IN NA MANOMETER RE GS: Hudson Sprayer On-Site & Utilized Ib 2 Time I Airless Sprayer On-Site & Utilized 1is1Water Hose / NA Time Reading________ Amending Agent On-Site & Utilized Y NA Encapsulant On-Site & Utilized Y iJ1 /NA BAG OUT Adequate Water Utilized for Bag Out ('I '1 / NA 3 4- Bag Out - Housekeeping Procedures 'E1 / F I Bag Out Polyethylene Condition E // F Breaches During Bag Out Procedures •Y )1 NA Generator Labels on Bags/Drums Y / I CORRECTICTIVE ACTION TAKEN Y i) Specify Corrective Actions Taken:___________________________________________________________________ I • COMMENTS: S • W& Representative: Page 2 of 2 I Daily Field L WINZLER&KELLY CONSULTING ENGIKEERS 3531 E; Miraloma Avenue 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92123 Client: . -' Date/Shift: /6 Work Location Project Number @:L C1,41V kx- Py (--,4 e_r oc_,x :••_eL_ C (-. AIC; R,•(i'4 / Ac4cJ It, a / W&K Representative êcc Page /of . Daily Field. Log I.. 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 Client: I J."i Work Location: /_1 I 67 -O7? áj¼S • 6LLe - u N i--- 10 i /23 i 'tiL • I /3 I'/ tJCa A • f) L) i—ks Jt • - c' A) WINZLER&KELLY CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4180 .Ruffin Road, Suite 115 San Diego, CA 92123 Date/ Shift: Project Number: 10 OLOO 9 -'AL&7 iLJ £1LA/,L( '1 7 cxA ck MJIJ~ F-d-- ~4~Pt4~ : WI-,Y, Representative____________________________ Page ---A of IN 7kk - cpO,i Daily Field Lo 3531 E. Miraloma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 Client: 6t I\ b Work Location: ,! /tA WINZLER&KELLY CONSULTING ENGICERS 4180 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 San Diego, CA 92123 Date/Shift: Project Number: 1630,-)-o 7Cic) $TATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Asbestos Contractors Registration Unit I Temporary Worksite Notification for Asbestos-Related Work I Company/Employer Name RAUL MENDOA CONSTRUICTION • INC 9058 WINTERGA.RDEN BLVD Headquarters Address: I LAKESIDE, CA 920I0 I Contractors State License Board License Number: DOSH Asbestos Registration Number: 800 I Address of Temporary Worksite and Precise Location: 3AS 9L qa008 I Nearest intersection: I TypeofBusiness: C-tm' PRPk PEsrPoom Name of the Certified Supervisor (Competent Person): RAUL NENDOZA I Name of the Qualified Person in charge of air monitoring, laboratory work, and respirators: V( C-ToPs IEI?fZc I Name of Certified Asbestos Consultant (if any): tfl I t' I Projected job starting date: 10- 11 - otp Projected completion date: 10-13 -o(,, Describe type, scope and work practibes of job: Pe.rnavc I Evaluation of potential for exposure m i. n m p,. I I Estimated number of employees on this job: Prior to the start of each job or phase of asbestos-related work. requiring the I employer or contractor to be registered, Section 341.9 of the California Co d e o f Regulations (8 CCR 341.9) requires notifications to the nearest DOSH District V Office. Do not send this notification to DOSH Headquarters or to DOSH Consultation. This will not satisfy the notification requirement and could result in citation. Note: Any change in the information provided to the district office by the written n o t i c e s h a l l b e r e p o r t e d I to the district office within 24 hours of such change. CAIJOSHA Fnrm 1RB P,f4r)flflA t7S-TATE* OF CALIFORNIA Division of Occupational Safety and Health I ('Note: items marked are required) - - - LEAD-WORK PRE-JOB NOTIFICATION 0 Annual Notification for Steel StrUctures Name of employer doing Lead Work Address 'Zipcode 'Phone RruL EO?V' dTUFbT) ' -R 9 - 3 1-4- Calif. Cont. Lic. No. (ii applicable) (3 130x 3?j i_<e..s I b E C-tn WIC14b Pager/cellular phone no. - 9 3 _7 ,, Supervisor: q C_TOf 'E I Ee.Ja n I F REZN FuEnTE6 Number of lead-job workers: (Check one below) Supervisor name: FRE FuEvTE California Department of Health Services Lead Cert. No. (if applicable) 7021 -30 1-5 06 -10 0 ii - 20 031-40 041 -50 > 50 'Job start date/time 'Job completion date/time Shift (Check all that apply) 'Approximate duration of Lead Work in days Day 16 -13-0(1 Swing DGrveyard I ?) CVS Other 'Street address or location of Job City Nearest cross street Eo'ZEJñ PL- ZLSôfl County Zipcode Cj't- 9y3 'Precise location of work (building no., room no., etc.) Entity contracting the lead-work (check one) Address Zipcode Phone fl remisesowner OLessee L OA)'- FVE- '1(O - Lf34 1L{ Pager/cellular phone no. Name: aALSBF e OoB 0-171 Type of structure and use: (Check all that apply) Dornce Building Residence Steel Structure/Type Public Access/Commercial 0 School Other Scope of work and work practices: 'Describe lead-related work to be done (check all that apply) Surface Preparation []Wall Repair . ICj0ther SCAP L E'#FLV1'\) Pti rT 0 Water/Moisture Damage Repair Paint Removal fJ Window/Door Repair/Replacement Demolition 'Describe paint removal methods (Check all that apply): , Manual Scraping/Sanding ci Demolition OHydroblasting 00ther work practices disturbing lead: Power Sanding/Grinding El Heat Guns []Torch Cutting Chemical Stripping ciAbrasive Blasting 0 Welding 'Amount of area to be disturbed: (Check one per column) 0 < 10 square feet 0 < 10 linear feet 10- 100 square feet 0 10- 100 linear fe?t R 101 - 1000 square feet Dl 100 - 1000 linear feet > 1000 square feet Dl > 1000 linear feet Torch cutling/welding Duration of work: Concentration of lead in disturbed materials: parts per million (ppm) I c'& I-StA r' I % percent by weight mg/cm 2 Assumed lobe lead-containing: ED YES Name of Notifier: rnEnôzPt aOriSfluQTiOf) to - ii-o c This information is provided in accordance with Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Consthction Safety Order Section-1 532.1 (p). 1/25/02 1/11/2006 12:35 519-39-59E6 RAUL MENDOZA CO PAGE 02/02 I. RAUL MENDOZA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. .Box 3O I ph (61i) 3s)O.S4 Lalces!cle, CA 02040 fax: (6 9) 3905682 RESPIRATOR FIT TEST REPORT Name: PQy'O Hiiz_— Type of Fit Test Used: - Negalive/ Positive Pressure irritant Smoke Name of Test Operator Raul Mendoza Datéof Test: IiLL.LO(o Expiration Date: RESPIRATOR BRAND MODEL - SIZE PAS/FAIL #1 t.io 1 EOQ s M. #2 SML P/F SML P/F S M L P/F I I I SIGNATURES: Worker This record indicates that you have passed or failed a qualitative fit test as shown above for the I particular respirator(s) shown. thertypes should not be used until fit tested. This record must be kept for at least the duration of employment I I I 11 EPA ACCREDITED No 14412 AHERA APPROVED OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. BE IT KNOWN TO ALL THAT Pedro Rodrigo Martinez Arce HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A DAY COURSE AND, AFTER PASSING THE REQUIRED EXAMINATION, IS AWARDED THIS CERTIFICATE ON August 20, 2006 FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKER TRAINING (SPANISH INSTRUCTION) COURSE DATES: August 17-20, 2006 EXAM DATE: August 20,2006 AAWT - 3327-06 ACCREDITATION NO. August 20, 2007 EXPIRATION DATE Nubia AUTH . , SIGNATURE EXAM ISTRATOR Nubia For purposes of accreditationrequired oxic Substances Control DOS H APPROVAL #CA-O 17-11 Act (TSCA) Occupational Training Institute, Inc (Occutrain) .660 Baker St. Suite #315, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, TEL 4714.556-7844 C SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CLINIC 408W. 8TH STREET NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 TEL# 619474-8666, FAXH 6194744325 ASBESTOS WORKER MEDICAL CLEARANCE REPORT I EMPLOYEE NAME ?&QWD /1'I7fleZEMPLOYEE'SSS.N i/3 -7-/S3 1 HEIGHT: 5 // WEIGHT: / Q AGE' DATE OF I f EXAM _____MALE FEMALE () PHYSICIAN'S OPINION OF EMPLOYEE EXAMJNA TION I I. HAS THE EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN EXAMINED ACCORDING TO ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 29 CFR 1910.1001, 29 CFR 1910.134, AND CAC 5208j$'ES NO() / 2. CAN THE EMPLOYEE SAFELY WEAR A NEGATIVE PRESSURE RESPIRATOR? WILL .I THE EMPLOYEE BE ABLE TO PERFORM HISIRER JOB NORMALLY WHILE WEARING A EGATWE PRESSURE RESPIRATOR? TESNO I 3. DOES THE EMPLOYEE HAVE ANY LIMITATIONS ON TIE TASKS HE /SHE CAN PERFORM WHILE WEARING A RESPIRATOR? ()YES NO IF YES, SPECIFY LIMITATIONS: oQ - 4. DOES THE EMPLOYEE HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDITION WHICH WOULD PLACE THE EMPLOYEE AT INCREASED RISK OF HEALTH IMPAIRMENT FROM EXPOSURE TO I ASBESTOS? ()YESf NO? IF YES, EXPLAIN. / I 5. HAVE YOU INFORMED THE EMPLOYEE, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, OF THE RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATION AND OF ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS? I -.-) YES ( ) NO? IF YES, - (EXPLAIN 1 6. HAVE THE FOLLOWING EXAMINATION BEEN PERFORMED AND USED TO EVALUATE THIS EMPLOYEE'S PRESENT MEDICAL CONDITION? CHEST X-RAY?7ES()NOSPmOMETRYr) YES NO PHYSICL4I1'S SIGNATU/: ALEX K HAN M.D. DATE I_LICENSE#: G024691 ( — — —=0=3 [&A WX _L T %J %.I -4 EPA ACCREDITED AHERAAPPROVED _A0 ccvTRA OCCUFA11ONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. BE IT KNOWN TO ALL THAT Daniel Robert Sarff HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A DAY COURSE AND, AFTER PASSING THE REQUIRED EXAMINATION, IS AWARDED THIS CERTIFICATE ON August 4, 2006 FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CONTRACTORS I SUPERVISORS COURSE DATES July 31-Auq. 4, 2006 EXAM DATE: August 4, 2006 noersection2O6o! EXAM ADMINISTRATOR DOSH APPROVAL ~~CA-017-03 For purposes of accreditation required Ile Tox,c Substances Control Act (TSCA) Occupational Training Institute. Inc (Occutrain) -660 Baker St., Suite #315, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. TEL #714-556.7844 A.ACS - 707-06 ACCREDITATION NO. August 4, 2007 EXPIRATION DATE ibia Aya Paul I I . RAUL MENDOZA CONSTRUCTION, INC. ( P.O. Box 330 1)h. (61.9)X()&-5964 CA 92040 fax: (619) 390-5682 I Lakeside, I RESPiRATOR FITTEST REPORT S. i Name: ¶TIpi(v(\ J\ Type of Fit Test Used: Negative! Positive Pressure Irritant Smoke I Name of Test Operator: Raul Mendoza Date of Test: ' ) 2\ / (- (0 Expiration Date: I RESPIRATOR BRAND MODEL SIZE PASS/FAIL #1 Nor4-b T1OC S F I #2 - S M L P #3 S M L P #4 S M L P SI ATU I'T2t rator I particular This record indicates th you have passed or failed a qualitative fittest as shown above for the respirator(s) shown. Other types should not be used until fit tested. This record must be kept for at least the duration of employment. I I I S I ' "M SOTJTH COAST MEDICATUCLTMC 48W 8TH EET NATIONALcA r. I -:.TEL 619-4744666, FAXM 619-474-0325 .... ASBESTOS WORKER MEDICAL CLEARANCE REPORT I EMPLOYEE MAKE i7d.14 f_ EMPLO'YEE'S EMPLOYEE'SS.sg 2c-cc 77Oo5 I HEIGHT;WE IGHT: AGE: DATE OF EXAM: f)f4?ysMAff FEMALE ( '212.. : PHYSICIAN'S OPLWON OF EMPLOYEE EXAMINATION I .HAS THE EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN EXAMINED ACCORDING T O A L L O F T H E REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 29 CFR 1910.1001,29 CFR 1910. 1 3 4 , AND CAC 5208? (/) YES NO() CAN THE EMPLOYEE SAFELY WEAR A NEGATIVE PRESSURE R E S P I R A T O R ? W E L L THE MPLOYEE BE ABLE TO PERFORM HIS/HER JOB NORMALL Y W H I L E . W E A R I N G A NEçl' ATIVE PRESSURE RESPIRATOR? (IYES ().NO DOES TEE EMPLOYEE HAVE ANY LIMITATIONS ON THY(AS K S H E /SHE CAN PERFORM WHILE WEARING A RESPIRATOR? ( ) YES)') NO IF YES, SPECIFY LIMITAT[ONS:___________________ 4: DOES THE EMPLOYEE HAYE ANY MEDICAL CONDITION WHICH WOULD PLACE THE EMPLOYEE AT INCREASEkISK OF HEALTH IMPAIRMENT F R O M E X P O S U R E T O ASBESTOS? ()YES (XNO? IF YES, EXPLAIN I S. HAVE YOU INFORMED THE EMPLOYEE, AS REQUIRED BY LA W , O F T H E R E S U L T S O F ;Er XAM1NATION AND OF ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY R E S U L T F R O M URE TOASBESTOS? )YES () NO? . IF YES, I EXPLAIN . 6. HAVE THE FOLL9'1NG EXAMINATION BEEN PERFORMED A N D U S E D T O E V A L U A T E TI-US EM PRESENT MEDICAL CONDITIONJ, CREST X-RAY? ()YES NO SP[ROMETRY? 4' YES NO I . PHYSICIAN'S SIGNATURE:______________________ f J<LEXKHANMD. DATE L _ ftLICENSE#: G024691 I ~' I I I I a- N9 12266 EPA ACCREDITED —A Occu"'TRAIN AHERA APPROVED OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. BE IT KNOWN TO ALL THAT Gerardo C. Perez HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A 1 DAY COURSE AND, AFTER PASSING THE REQUIRED EXAMINATION, IS AWARDED THIS CERTIFICATE ON July 17, 2005 FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CONTRACTORS / SUPERVISORS - ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE DATES: AACS-R - 3162-05 ACCREDITATION No. July 17, 2006 EXPIRATION DATE July 17, 2005 EXAM DATE: July 17, 2005 -' '• \. .vJ .> L " EATON Datid W Eaton-idmirosIraI ev h1jax Cediflos Ca'id'a E *XA M ADMINISTRATOR. . DOSH APPROVAL 4CA-017-04 aso ci aouediaz,a., required unde: secli3r, 205 at Sip Yxc.5jb1pnces Cow-a! .cl n54(pie Or lOcculpa,,,, - 6Q Eakr S .swleplls Costa Mesa CA S2.576 TF-- TOME. 05/61/2996 13:90 619-5912165 HIGHLAND PARTNERSHIP PAGE 09/23 ç&/ZFIPIb i.:l b1Sb6 . RUL HENDOA . PAGE 01/93 ...................----7:'-, 416yes . SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CLINIC 4W. W StREET NAtIONAL CrFY.CA OM TEL '0446G,FAX19474*325 Assmg WVAM UEDWALcLApANcE RPOR t!4PLOVEE mm ke—yga te 2 FF1YSTcL4ZY's OPJMONOFEMPLOYEE 174M7ls'A77ION I. WAS TRI EMPLOYEE WAS DN EXAMINED ACCORDING TO ALL OF THE RQ1JIREMZ2lTS SET 1'ORTR IN 29 CPR I90.1001, 29 CFR 19I0.I34 AND CAC 5209? NO() 2. CAN THE EMPLOY SAPEIX WEAR A NEGATW1' IPRMURE RESPIRATOR' vIrLL THE EMPLOYEE BE AJILE TO PERPOR1%( mSfuER .TOB NOMAU.Y WHILE WEAR1FG A AlIVE PRSWB RESPIRATOR? 4..}YESONO ' 3. DOES THE EMPLOYEE IYLVE Ai'V L1MUVAT1ONS ON ELE TASKS EZ /5HZ CAN PERFORM WWLE WEARING A RES?J1ATOR? )YES (\?f 0 IF flS, SPECiFY LtMITATIONS!' 4 DOES THE EMWYET HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDMON wcgwOjju PLACk TM EMPLOYEE AT TKOIX.Alp-ISIc or HEALIB JMPLt1RMET FROM EXPOSURE TO' ASBESTOS ()ES (M? LFYESEXPLAIN -.• S. BAVF YOU INORMEI) TM EMPLOYEE, AS BQIURED BY LAW, OF TRE P.€Sutts OF 1'RI ExAM1r4AflON AND OF ANY MEDICAL COwmONS THAT MAY RESVLT F1.CYM EXPOVBE TO ASBESTOS! NO? Th'YES, EXAIN •_. . •- .- _____ ----- 6 HAVE T= FOLLOWING EXAMWATIW MEN PERFORMED AND USED TO EVALTMTE TILlS ELOYCS-PISENT MEDICAL CONDITION? CHEST X.RAY!"flVES ()NO SPThO7 117 , 9 '!ES ()NO I rft'@iCs !JTOATTJR.E _ DATE, _________________ /J,% ALEXLBANMJ - t'- L CENL4 CO4øj I d I L] Li I I 05/01/2006 13:00 619_5912165 HIGHLAND PARTNERSHIP PAGE U9/2 UL MOZA CONSTRUCTION, INC (6 P) IkeSde. CA 2O 2 fox: (619) QO.S2 RESPIRATOR FITTEST REPORT I Name: I,11b I Type bf Fit Test Used: -. Negaiivi Positive Pressure Irr i t a n t Smoke Name of Test Operator : BAtit. !'4ENDOZA Date of Test: e7147 - Expiration Date: ,,/3 c RESPIRATOR BRAND MODEL SIZE PASS/FAIL #1 ]OITH T700 TC-21C-152/P100 3M L P/F #2 SML. . P/F I #3 SML P/F I - :SML Pr Worke( Test Operator This record indicates that you have passed or fail e d a q u a l i t a t i v e fit test as shown above for the particular respirator(s) sho w n . O t h e r t y p e s s h o u l d . n o t b e u s e d u n t i l f i t t e s t e d . This record must be kept f o r a t l e a s t t h e d u r a t i o n o f e m p l o y m e n t . I I I EPA ACCREDITED N? 14140 AHERA.APPROVED UCCUTRAIN OCCUPATIONAL TRAIN ING INSTITUTE) INCA 7 BE IT KNOWN TO ALL THAT Geràrdo C. Perez HAS SUCCESSFt LLYOPLE1ED A EJAYCOURSEAND, AFTER PASSING THE REQUIRED EXAMENATION, IS AWARDED This CERTIFICATE ON Juy7,2OO6 . FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CONTRACTORS I SUPERVISORS -ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE DATES: 7. 2006 EXAM DATE; July 7, 2006 AACS-R - 3153-06 14 _ Nubia - 'UTHORtZED SIGNATURE ACCREDITATION NO. JUty 2007 . - ij,44- . - EXAM ADMINISTRATOR DOSK APPROVAL #CA-017-04 5 Cri,o Ad 1i:;.A Oci rn e'LIk., - C *a4r . 5O Ekr .. Sc I31 Ctz tF. CA MGM, TEL Vf 4G.Y&4L EXPIRATION DATE Nubia I byeg - IC Y ---- I-, SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CLINIC 408W. 110 STREET NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 - TELN 6194744666, FAXN 619474-0325 ASBESTOS WORKER MEDICAL CLEARANCE REPORT I EMPLOYEE NAME_c Q- ia Yd) C2 PereZ EMPLOYEE'S SS.N (//- HEIGHT: ' WEIGHT: 2 ~ L1 b- AGE: DATE OF I EXAM: _-t-,_S_MALE :(4 FEMALE () I PHYSICIAN'S OPINION OF EMPLOYEE EXAMINATION HAS THE EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN EXAMINED ACCORDING TO ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 29 CFR 1910.1001, 29 CFR 1910.134, AND CAC 5208? NO() CAN THE EMPLOYEE SAFELY WEAR A NEGATIVE PRESSURE RESPIRATOR? WILL THE EMPLOYEE BE ABLE TO PERFORM HIS/HER JOB NORMALLY WHILE WEARING A \ NGAT1VE PRESSURE RESPIRATOR? 'JJYES()NO DOES THE EMPLOYEE HAVE ANY LIMITATIONS ON HE TASKS RE /SHE CAN PERFORM WHILE WEARING A RESPIRATOR? ()YES (\)1O IF YES, SPECIFY LIMITATIONS: DOES THE EMLOYE1 HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDITION WHICH WOULD PLACE THE EMPLOYEE AT INCREA D-RISK OF HEALTH IMPAIRMENT FROM EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS? ()YES ( IF YES, EXPLAIN HAVE YOU INFORMED THE EMPLOYEE, AS REQUIRED BY LAW OF THE RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATION AND OF ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM bTT TO A ' Tft9 EXPOSURE '61'ES ()NO? IF YES, / EXPLAIN I .6. HAVE THE FOLLOWING EXAMINATION BEEN PERFORMED AND USED TO EVALUATE THIS EMPLOYES ID RESENT MEDICAL CONDITION? CHEST X-RAY7"flYES NO SPmOMETRY1 YES NO I PW/SICIANS SIGr4ATURE / ALEX K. HAN MD. DATE ... LICENSE#: G024691 I - WORKER RESPIRATOR TRAINING & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I /I DATE: 1 EMPLOYEE NAME .• .1 ) / I AVAILABLE RESPIRATORS TO CHOOSE FROM: NORTH 7700 SERIES, HALF FACE RESIRATOR I c M7200 DUAL CARTRIDGE HALF MASK RESPIRATOR - :•. . 2 I D OTHERS:_ ACCESSMENT OF COMFORT - I .)SmONING OF MASK ON NOSE i KROOM FOR EYE PROTECTION dU4JV i-OR 'JJ I ci POSmONIN LS OF MASK ON FACE AND CHEECKS RESPIRATOR FIT . iHIN PROPERLY PLACED -. g( STRAP TENSION cY'FIT ACROSS NOSE BRIDGE I . DISTANCE FR9M NOSE TO CHIN ar TENDENCY TO SUP ' SELF-OBSERVATION IN MIRROR o/ CONVENTIONAL NEGA1IVE/POSI1IVE FIT-TEST I TEST EXERCISES - QUA1JTAT1V FIT -TEST/IRRiTANT SMOKE .REATHE NORMALLY O'BREATHE DEEPLY 'TURN HEAl) SDETO SIDE .NOD HEAD UP AND DOWN 1' TALK (RAIPIBOW PASSAGE) Cc/JOGGING IN RACE ' BREATHE NORMAUX, RESPIRATOR(S) CHOSEN ODcQ4- Ll Aaci-6 THIS CERTIFIES THAT (5•c.-o V 6 I2Z HAS BEEN MPDE AWARE OF THE HAZARDS INVOLVED IN WORKING Will-I ASBESTOS AND HAS RECEIVED TRAINING IN. AND UNDERSTANDS THE CARE I)JE PFITHE ABOVE RESPIRATORS. EMPLOYEE SlGNlTlJRE TRAINER SIGNITURE Respirator Medical Clearance Evaluation Review Form ExamDatè: •3 I Z/ / C' Employee Name: /S Age: Employer: &9Y- 5' C.Y -C 7— I conducted: JReview of OSHA Mandatory Respirator Evaluation Questionnaire (appendix C to Sec. 1910.134). ± Physical examination and pulmonary function test. Based on the above evaluation, I recommend the following for this patient: -)No limitations with regard to respirator use. - Some restrictions in respirator use as noted below under restrictions. No respirator USC allowed. Will need special lenses fitted for respirator use (cannot wear corrective lenses with respirato). May need to remove facial hair if it interferes with respirator fit or use (evaluate during fit testing), - Needs to return to clinic for respirator physical and spirometry. Restrictions Note: This evaluation did not include fit testing or endurance testing under simulated working coliditions. Physiciau Date Please circle name physician who preformed evaluation: Lawrence S. Pohl, MD,MPH Mark Krisburg, MD Dorian Reed, PA-C E1 F-IM 0 LIM -1M OM IIH 11 0 EIE ON EIM 00 E I M 0 0 L} L1 7 ED D SO ED[I] M0 [I1 IL I[I]ILJ ID EIE Certificate of Training DE This is to certify that [III EIIM Fred Fuentes LII .ILIJ has successfully completed 40 hours of formal traini n g e n t i t l e d [II tII AHERA Contractor Supervisor I[II FIN Flo as approved y the California Division of Occupation a l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h a n d a s c e r t i f i e d b y t h e Envvonmen,al Protection Agency and approved by AHERJ1 under TSCA Title Ii LI •. LII LI Presented by FM FIN Design For Health Training Center 3574 Kettiier Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: (619) 291-1777 Fax: (619) 291-4318 om IL. FIM OF]By: DOSH Approval #GA -011-05 010 Virginia L. Shefa, B.., "If NSc., cJA.Q.P Certificate #0306CS15345 ID LI President Course Date: 03113-17106 T4 -Exam D. 03117/U L1 L IS U!I all 11 JI b7: 03/27/07 Lj 11 [Do DE L! IJI On El [II LII El LII on [II LII [II LII [II] ED L] Ell On IL] IL IL] IL] ILl 00 IL l [ I 0 0 I D I L ] 0 C) flutmact InIie nTirnnrnnft1 cIttn{n rnrnn OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER This is to certify that on July 27, 2002 Alf rr u.nir has successfully complct.ed the OSHA 40-HourHAZtVOPER Training. This course satisfies the ieqtlirements for generalized employee training under 051-iA (1910.120) arid State of California Regulation 5192 Title 8 Rick Wilson, Instructor Pet •s, Instructor C.'uyamaca College . Cuyainaca College Mrk Bipes, [flStfuoj Cuvamaca College ian j! Bogue SD/REBRAC Director ,_. I-a - - A ;':- i ••: I ______ ______ _a ._ T4 -0 — — — — — M — — tlS iu JR ii lull. ulul ii .1 ul ala Cn EIL1IL1ILa LII MEJ 01:1 LIRLIOF] 01 ILl: LII aL Elm/ OL EIS 3 Ct XF] LA LII Certificate of Ti'ti in ing This is to certify that Fred Fuentes !sos successfully completed 24 Ito ars offorma! (raining entitled A HERA Building Inspector as approved by the California Division of Occupational Safely and Health and L_I• as certified by the Enviroumeit/al Protection Agency and approved byAHERA tinder TSc'A Title Ii arii Elm lLI DOSHApprovalfiC401105cla Certificate 110406B!1 5504 ME] Course Date: 0412,f-26106 Exam Dale: 04/26/06 FI N Presented by LI Design For Health Training Center 3574 Ketmner Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: (619) 291-1777 Fax: '619) 291-4318 TItic is an a,usl ceri'dication. 11, rust be newed h ':04/2.7 L] [I]LlI ElI UI El LII [iu Em Lil LII LII LII DIM LI IL] IL] IIL1 IL] l[I] MEl NO IL] IL] ILl MO IL] MFI