HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-18; LAGUNA RIVIERA NO. 3; GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE; 1967-01-10-:•5; J-J;c 4 Lcuio 1R,viw A3 AWAM WOOoWARD•CLYDESHERARD & ASSOCIATES pJ0. Southern CaliforniaOperations CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 3467 Kurtz Street, - january 10, 1967 SanD.go - Project C&Iforni 92110 - - (714) 224-2911 Kamar Construction Company, Inc 325 Elm Avenue P.O. Box 7l - Carlsbad, California Attention: Mr. Jerry L. Rombotis LACUNA RIVIERA ESTATES SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. 1 U CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA In accordance with our proposal dated December 20, 1966 and your letter dated December 22, 1966, we have made a geologic reconnaissance of the subject site in connection with our review of the report entitled "Foundation Soils Investigation for the Proposed Rancho Aqua Hedionda Subdivision" dated July 29, 1965 prepared by Dresseihaus Engineers. In addition, we have made a supplementary investigation of the proposed golf course area along the eastern side of the site. It is our understanding that 6 to 10 feet of fill 1s to be placed in the previously proposed golf course area and that the proposed construction in this area will be limited to one and two story residential, wood-frame structures supported on continuous footings or a pier and grade beam foundation with a raised floor or a slab-on- grade floor. On December 27, 1966, Mr. Richard While, Staff Engineering (eoloqist, of our office, made a geologic reconnaissance of the site and super- vised the drillinq of three test borings. The test borinas were made with a 6-inch diameter power auger at the approximate locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. FIeld loqs were prepared by the geologist on the basis of an Inspection of the samples secured and of the excavated material. The Logs of Test Borings shown on Figure 2 are based on an Inspection of the samples, on the laboratory test results, and on the field logs. The vertical position of each sample is shown on the Logs of Test Borings. The test borings were located in the field with the aid of a "Revised Tentative Map-Laguna Riviera" dated January 20, 1965, prepared by Roy L. Klema, Engineers, Inc. - - - Kamar ConstructCompanv, Inc. Project No. 66-237 January 103 1967 Page The soils encountered in the test borin g s w e r e v i s u a l l y c l a s s i f i e d a n d evaluated with respect to strength, swe l l i n g a n d c o m p r e s s i b i l i t y , characteristics, dry density and moist u r e c o n t e n t . T h e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of these soils was substantiated by th e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e p l a s t i c i t y characteristics of a representative samp l e o f t h e s o i l . T h e s t r e n g t h of the soils was evaluated by means of u n c o n f i n e d c o m n r e s s i o n t e s t s on selected samples and by consideration o f t h e d e n s i t y a n d m o i s t u r e content of the samples and the penetra t i o n r e s i s t a n c e o f t h e s a m p l e r . Compressibility characteristics were es t a b l i s h e d b y a c o n s o l i d a t i o n test on a relatively undisturbed samp l e . T h e r e s u l t s o f t h e m o i s t u r e content and dry density determinations a n d t h e u n c o n f i n e d c o m n r e s s i o n tests are shown with the penetration r e s i s t a n c e o f t h e s a m n l e r a t t h e corresponding .sample location on the Logs of Test Borin g s . T h e r e s u l t s of the consolidation test and the plasticit y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e nresented on Fioure 3. SITE, SOIL AND GEOLOnIC CONDITIONS The. proposed subdivision is located on a h i l l a n d v a l l e y a r e a a d j a c e n t to the northeastern end of Aqua Hediond a l a g o o n , b e t w e e n a p p r o x i m a t e elevations 10 and 260 feet. The topogra p h y i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y generally north-south trending ridges t e r m i n a t i n g w i t h g e n t l e s l o o e s a t the lagoon edge. These ridges are sepa r a t e d b y m o d e r a t e t o s t e e p relatively narrow canyons; a flat bottom e d v a l l e y 3 0 0 t o 4 0 0 f e e t w i d e extends along the eastern boundary. Th e g r o u n d s u r f a c e i s g e n e r a l l y covered with grasses with some small br u s h a t t h e h i g h e r e l e v a t i o n s . At the time of the investigation, Park D r i v e h a d b e e n r o u g h q r a d e d a n d a sewer line placed within its limits . A general reconnaissance of the site a n d r e v i e w o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n the previously noted soil report by o t h e r s i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e s u b s o i l s generally consist of 0 to 5 feet of a s a n d y t o s i l t y c l a y t o p s o i l m a n t l e overlying the relatively dense and ha r d s i l t s t o n e s , c l a y s t o n e s , a n d sandstones of the San Mateo formation of P l i o c e n e a g e . L o c a l l y t h e soil mantle reaches a thickness in exces s o f 1 0 . f e e t . A b o v e t h e a p n r o x i - mate elevation of 80 feet, the San Ma t e o f o r m a t i o n i s p r e d o m i n a n t l y composed of siltv,coarse to medium sa n d s i n t e r b e d d e d w i t h m i n o r s i l t y and sandy clay layers. Below elevation 80 feet, the format i o n a l m a t e r i a l is silty clay and sandy silts Interbedde d w i t h c o a r s e s a n d s a n d s o m e pebbly sand beds. These lower strata ar e m a r k e d l y c r o s s b e d d e d i n p l a c e s and the clay zones may be slide susceptib l e a s e v i d e n c e d b y a s m a l l slide in the relatively steep cut bank a t t h e c o r n e r o f M a r i n a D r i v e and Park Drive in the extreme western p a r t o f t h e s i t e . The test borings made for the supplemental investigation indicate that the subsoils in the broad valley along t h e e a s t e r n p o r t i o n o f t h e s i t e consist of alluvial materials which are c o m p o s e d o f s t i f f t o h a r d f i n e sandy clays, with some thin layers of loose to m e d i u m d e n s e s a n d s e x t e n d i n q to the maximum depths explored, approximatel y 2 3 f e e t . A m e d i u m d e n s e -2- ,, tçp; - - --. ----- - Kamar Construction •pany, Inc. S Project No. 66-237 January 10, 1967 Page 3 to dense sandy gravel-was encountered in Test Boring 1 at a depth of approximately 8 feet. The ground water level In Test Borings 2 and 3 was encountered at a plan elevation of apnroximately + 7 to + 9 feet at the time of drilling. No water was encoutitered in Test Borinri 1. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Based on a review of the soil Investiqation report dated July 29, 1965, prepared by Dresseihaus Engineers and a geologic reconnaissance of the area,. it is our oninion that the above-noted renort should orovide a suit- able basis for the proposed grading and construction ooerations at the subject site. The suonlemental test borings made by hloodward, Clvle, Sherard ? Associates indicate that the near surface subsoils along the eastern portion of the site consist of slightly compressible fine sandy, clays interbedded with some loose to medium dense sand layers. It is estimated that settlements in the order of 1 to 2 inches will occur in this area under the proposed fill loads of 6 to 10 feet. Most of this settlement should take niace within 2 to 4 weeks after completion of fillin'i. PECOMMENDAT,I ONS 1. It is recommended that all grading be done under the observation of a soil engineer and in accordance with the attached "Earthwork Specifications." 2. It is' recommended that in the valley along the eastern nortion of the site a waiting period of approximately 4. weeks be renuired after the completion of gradino and before the start of construction in order to allow for settlement and stabilization of this area. 3.. It Is recommended that soft loose and/or porous surface soils not removed by grading operations be excavated, replaced and reomoacted before additional fill, footings or slabs are Placed. The maximum depth of these loose and/or porous soils encountered in the borinris is about 2 feet:, however, the depth of compaction should he controlled in the field by a oualified Soil Engineer unon visual examination of the exnosed snil. ou s J. L7R 14129 - RW/LJL/ss Attachment 4 cc -3-. WOODWARD CLYDE - SI4RE AND ASSDCATES C,b&s!dti,V f42 4n4 Yowtdalion F and _. . .• . -•- - . - 3 ,' Ke P .80 Pc .70 0 .60 .50 L .01 .10 1 10 PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ. FT. Initial Dry Density, PCF 93 Initial Void Ratio, E0 .801 Initial Water Content, % 27 Final Void Ratio, Ef .689 Initial Saturation, % 9 Compression Index, C .249 Final Dry Density, PCF 100 Swell Index, C .044 Final Water Content, % 26 Existing overburden ess.,F,TSF .225 Final Saturation, % 100 Max. post pressure, PC,TSF 1.2 Llquio LIMIT - 58 Pt..AsTic LIMIT - 18 I WOODWARD, CLYDE, SHERARD & ASSOCIATES I CCNSOL;DATION TEST SAMPLE NO. 2-2 - LAGUNA RtVERA ESTATES SU8DIVSION UNIT I -í POECT PW. $..257 LCM al.tayw..a ,*,tfl.wv&c SeO.I%tfl. 14 .t• -',-. - e . S EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS I. GENERAL This specification covers preparation of -the existino surfaces to receive fills the type of soil suitable for use in 'fills: the control of compaction and the methods of testing compacted fills. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to place, spread, water and compact the fill in strict accordance with these specifications. A Soil Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to inspect the construction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection of the Soil Engineer; and he shall give written notice of conformance with the snecifications upon completion of grading. Deviations from these specifications will be permitted only upon written authorization from the Soil Engineer. A soil investigation has been made for this project; any recommendations made in the report of the soil Investigation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. SCOPE The placement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existinr, unsatisfactory material, oreparation of the areas to be filled, snreadinci and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work necessary to complete the qradinq of the filled areas. MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURAL FILLS Materials for comnacted fill shall consist of any material imnorted or excavated from the cut areas that, in the oninion of the Soil Engineer, are suitable for use in constructino fills. The material used in structural fills shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than .6 inches in size and shall contain at least forty percent of material smaller than one-quarter inch in size. (Up to 2% of the materials may be greater than 6 inches but less than 12 inches in size provided they are placed by the Contractor so that they are surrounded by compacted fines: no nesting of rocks shall he permitted.) No material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise of an improper nature shall be used in filling. Material placed within 12 inches of the bottom of footings or 24 inches of the finished floor elevation shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps and that swells less than 3% when compacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axial pressure of 160 pounds per square foot. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to determine the maximum 'density, optimum moisture content and classification of the soil. In addition, the Soil Engineer shall ODWARD - CLYDE - SHERPRD AND hSSOCIATFS Ctilcg Soil and c4 Cii - . ---- ---:•;:----- C- r ------1----'- -, -. - - .-.- -'" ::'t - S determine the approSdmate bearing value of a recomnacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the report of the soil investigation may he encountered by the Contractor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils. IV. COMPACTED FILLS 1. (enera1 Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall he comoacted by the Contractor while at a moistue content near the optimum moisture content and to a density that is not less than ninety nercent of the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM Test No. D-1557-64T, or other density methods that will obtain equivalent results. Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of twenty-four inches and shall he compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Filled (a) All trees, brush, orass, and other objectionable material shall be collected, oiled and burned or otherwise disposed of by the Contractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a neat and finished annearance free from unsightly debris. (h) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed by the Contractor from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose soils shall be removed or comnacted to the depth shown on the olans unless otherwise specified in writing by the Soil Engineer. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of six inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform comoaction by the equinment to be used. (c) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted as specified for fill 3. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material (a) The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed six inches. Each layer shall be soread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material In each layer. - WOGDWARD. CLYDE . SHERARD AND ASSOCIATES Co.t...U€ng .S01 and Foundtion Engivecn 4r4 G20.jias .1 S (b) When the moisture content of the 911 material is below that specified by the Soil Engineer,'water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is as specified. 34 When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to the specified density. Compaction shall be accomnlished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers or 'other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. Surface of fill slopes shall be compacted so that the slones are stable and there shall he no excessive loose soil on the slopes. V. INSPECTION Observations and comnction tests shall he made by the Soil Engineer during the filling and compactinci operations so that he can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifications. The Soil Engineer shall make field density tests in accordance with ASTM Test No. D1556-58T. Density tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the specified density, the particular layer or portions shall be reworked until the snecified density has been obtained. VI. PROTECTION OF WORK During Construction - The Contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces To provide positive drainage and prevent nondinq of water. He shall control surface water to avoid damaae to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. After Completion - After grading is completed and the Soil Engineer h1i finished his observations of the work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. -.7- WO1AD - LYE * SHERARD AND, ISOPXS MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING ó MEMBER VALUATIONS, SURVEYS '' AMERICAN SOCIETY DESIGN, SUPERVISION RAY v1DN D P. P I E3A L) CIVIL ENGINEERS CIVIL AND SANITARY ENGINEER - 770 SO. BElA BLVD, SUITS 203 BElA, CALIFORNIA 52- 41 j,J1 DESCRIPTION OF SCHOOL AND PARK SITE ø LAGUNA RIVIERA TRACT CARLSBAD1 CALIFORNIA ' MARCH 9 1 1967 \) That portion of Lot .I of the Rancho Agua 1-ledionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to 4" the Map thereof, No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly terminus of that certain course having a bearing of North 00 39' 25" West and a length of 974.01 feet said Southerly terminus also being the Easterly terminus of that certain course having a bearing of North 780 18' 37" East and a length of 663.11 feet according to Record of Survey Map No. 5289, filed in the office of said County Recorder; thence South 780 18' 37" West along last said course, 140.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 780 18' 37" West along last said course, 27_7-11 feet to the beginn- ing of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve througtta central angle of 510 54' 09", a distance of 362.35 feet to a point through which a radial line bears North 35L32 ; thence North 76° 01'17" West, 0-1-9 feet; thence North 50 09' 13" West, 85.00 feet; thence North 380 31' 59" East, i.2.24 feet;thence North 150 45' 20" East, 115.00 feet; thence North 21 0 44' 40" West, 399.45 feet; thence North 590 02' 00" East; 477.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 500 feet; thence North- easterly along the arc of last said curve through a central angle of 260 00' 17" , a distance of 226.93 feet; thence North 850 02' 17" East, 85.89 feet to a point in the arc of a curve concave Easterly and havin g a radius of 1500.00 feet, a radial line through last said point bears South 850 02' 17" West; thence Southerly along the arc of last said curve through a central angle of 60 52' 32", a distance of 180.00 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 110 50' 15" East, 655.33 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 14.202 acres more or less. Subject to restrictions, covenents and easements of record. Also subject to easements for future Kelly Drive (84 feet in width), future Park Drive (68 feet in width) 'and future Hillside Drive (68 feet i n width) as said easements are shown on that certain map of Laguna Riviera Unit No. 1, having a scale of 200 feet to the inch and Date of Last Revision March 9 196.7 on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City of Carlsbad. Prepared By 1ZaymonR. Ribal RCE 1136 770 So. Brea Blvd., Brea, California RRR: jp