HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-098-EG; Squires Dam No. 2 Foundation & Borrow Material; Squires Dam No. 2 Foundation & Borrow Material; 1972-03-10p^ GEOLOGIC AND SOILS INVESTIGATION FOUNDATIONS AND BORROW MATERIALS ^ SQUIRES DAM NO. 2 [I CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Conducted for: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P. O. BOX 1095 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 In Cooperation with: Woodside/Kubota & Associates 309 West Third Street Santa Ana, California 92701 and Benton Engineering, Inc. 6741 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego, California 92115 Project No, 71-098-EG March 10, 1972 FUGRO, Inc. '—I u CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEO n LJ- Jack J. Schoustra, President Jay L-Smith, Vice President Ronald F. Scott, Sc.D., Consultant ni •u. u Woodside Kubota & Associates, Inc. 309 West Third Street Santa Ana, California 92701 Subject: Project No. 71-098-EG March 10, 1972 J LJ L-j Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is our feasibility report on Squires Dam No. 2. Based on the geologic and foundation engineering studies, it is our opinion that the proposed dam and reservoir can be safely constructed at the site. The bedrock at the site will provide adequate foundation support and is sufficiently impermeable so that a lining will not be required. Except for riprap and filter material, there is a sufficient amount of surficial and bedrock material at the site for construction of the embankment and dikes. The investigation was performed under the general supervision of Jack J. Schoustra. The geologic studies were supervised by Jay L. Smith and were conducted by John D. Scott. The engineering studies were made by Stanley H. Madsen. We appreciate the opportunity of working with you on this project and will be glad to discuss the report with you at any time. r~\ L Sincerely, President SHM/JJS/jm LJ Encl. : a. s. LJ LJ FUGRO, INC. 730 East Third Street • P. 0. Box 2291 • Long Beach, California 90801 Telephone (213) 775-7642 and (213) 435-8351 • Cable: FUGRO LONG BEACH Affiliated with N. V. FUGRO • Head Office: Leldschendam, Netherlands Branch Offices: Arnhem • Eindhoven • Curasao • Paramaribo • Singapore o & ^SSOCO^YES, I. ,' .,.:! -J ENGINEERS 309 West Third Street • Santa Ana, California 92701 • Phone: (714) 542-3987 MARCH 14, 1972 HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS • • • •• CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT '. ' SUBJECT: SQUIRES DAM ADDITION No. 2 GENTLEMEN: • . . ' ON NOVEMBER 30, 1971 WE MADE A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTING SQUIRES DAM ADDITION No. 2 AND RECOMMENDED THAT THE PROPOSED SITE UNDER CONSIDERATION BE ACQUIRED. THIS WAS BASED ON THE PRELIMINARY SOILS-' AND GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS WHICH WERE AVAILABLE AT THAT TIME. THE "FIELD TESTING AND SOILS ANALYSES" REPORT WAS COMPLETED ON JANUARY 24, 1972 BY BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. THE REPORT ON "GEOLOGY, SOILS INVESTIGATION, > FOUNDATION, AND BORROW MATERIALS" WAS COMPLETED ON MARCH 10, 1972 BY FUGRO, INC. THESE REPORTS AND THE CONCLUSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN SUBSTANTIATE OUR CONCLUSION OF NOVEMBER 30, 1971 THAT THE SITE is SUITABLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SQUIRES DAM ADDITION: No. 2 AS PLANNED. THESE REPORTS CONTAIN THE NECESSARY INFORMATION FOR PREPARING ENGINEERING DESIGNS, .COST ESTI MATES, AND ^EVALUATIONS OF THE VARIOUS ALTERNATES FOR A FINAL DESIGN. THE REPORTS ALSO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION FOR EVALUATION OF THE SITE AS A BORROW AREA' FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. THE WEATHERED GRANITIC ROCK ON THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR USE AS BORROW MATERIAL. MOST OF THE MATERIALS WILL MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLASS 3 SUBBASE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, CLASS 3 BASE FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AND DISINTEGRATED GRANITE OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION.. THE BED ROCK AND DAM SECTIONS WOULD HAVE SUCH LOW PERMEABILITY THAT IMPERMEABLE LINING OF THE RESERVOIR WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY. CONCLUSION: ' . THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SQUIRES DAM ADDITION NO. 2 AND .SUFFICIENT SOILS AND GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DESIGN, .! NCLUD I NG COST ESTIMATES. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,. . . WOODS IDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. . ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS BY RDW/pjB>an Diego CouIn San Diego County, Carlsbad R. D. WOODS IDE CONSULTING ENGINEER j ; ; . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page U 1. INTRODUCTION 1 H 2. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 2 2.1 FIELD AND LABORATORY STUDIES 2 '-' 2.2 EXTENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS 3 H 3. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 4 * ) v 3.1 TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE 4 *-" 3.2 BEDROCK LITHOLOGY 4 H 3.3 SURFICIAL MATERIALS 6 3. 31 Alluvium 6 3. 32 Slopewash Deposits 6 M 3.4 BEDROCK STRUCTURE 7i I P, 3. 41 Joints 7 3.42 Faults . . 7 PI 3.5 REGIONAL SEISMICITY 9i I ,-, 3.6 GEOLOGIC CONCLUSIONS 10 M 4. AVAILABLE BORROW MATERIALS 11 nM 4.1 QUANTITIES 11 p. 4.11 General 11 u 4.12 Granitic Rock 11 (J 4.13 Torrey Sand 12 ri 4.14 Alluvium 12 4.15 Slopewash 12 FUGRO, Inc. n TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont. ) Page U 4.2 PROPERTIES OF EMBANKMENT MATERIALS ... 13 H 4. 21 Gradation 13 4. 22 Permeability 14 Li 4.23 Unit Weight 14 |~| 5. TYPICAL SECTIONS 15 5.1 GENERAL 15n L 5.2 CENTRAL CORE WITH BLANKET DRAIN 17 H 5.3 CENTRAL CORE WITH CHIMNEY DRAIN 17 5.4 HOMOGENEOUS SECTION WITH CHIMNEY DRAIN . 17 5.5 DISCUSSION 18 Fj 6. RECOMMENDATIONS ,. 19 6.1 EXCAVATIONS 19 ^ 6.11 Stripping Depth - Main Dam 19 P, 6.12 Stripping Depth - Cutoff Trench 21 6. 13 Stripping Depth - Dikes 23 LI 6.2 MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST AND COMPACTION CRITERIA . 24M 6. 21 Maximum Density Test 24 6.22 Compaction Criteria 24 p 6.3 GROUTING 24 6.4 RESERVOIR LINING 25 n I 6.5 INSTRUMENTATION 25 FUGRO, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont. ) Page 6.6 BORROW MATERIAL FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION . . 26 6. 61 Test Results and Specifications 26 6. 62 Conclusion 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY TABLES, FIGURES, AND DRAWINGS TABLE NO. 1 Quantities of Borrow Materials TABLE NO. 2 TABLE NO. 3 TABLE NO. 4 TABLE NO. 5 Recommended Permeability Values Unit Weight and Moisture Content Stripping Depth for Embankment Stripping Depth for Cutoff Trench 11 14 15 20 22 FIGURE NO. 1 Gradation of Available Borrow Materials Following Page 13 DRAWING NO. 1 DRAWING NO. 2 Geologic Map Geologic Sections In Pocket In Pocket FUGRO, Inc. -p 1. INTRODUCTION PM This report presents the results of studies performed at the pi site of proposed Squires Dam No. 2. The site covers an area slightly larger than 50 acres and is located just north of the existing Squires Dam. M The site is about five miles east of the city of Carlsbad and is easily -f-j reached by a road branching off of El Camino Real about 1. 5 miles north Li of Palomar Airport Road. (See Location Map on Drawing No. 1) n |_J The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of •|~~] constructing a second dam, primarily with respect to geologic conditions, suitability of surficial and bedrock materials for foundation support, and \^J available borrow materials. The report also includes a discussion of r~| design concepts and recommendations relating to stripping depths,u compaction, grouting, reservoir lining and instrumentation. A secondary j_J purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of using a portion of f~~j the reservoir area as a borrow pit prior to construction of the dam. The investigation has been coordinated with Benton EngineeringnU who did much of the field work and all of the laborjitory testing. FUGRO, j~| Inc. performed the geologic investigation, supervised the field and laboratory investigation, made site inspections during the progress of LJ the field work, evaluated the test data, made some preliminary calculations [^~j concerning quantities of borrow materials, and prepared this report. FUGRO, Inc. -2- The report includes data initially presented in a progress report dated October 27, 1971. The field and laboratory studies per- formed By Benton Engineering are included in a separate report dated January 24, 1972 under Project No. 71-8-6A. L fl 2. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 2. 1 FIELD AND LABORATORY STUDIES P The investigation included: 1. Research of available geologic data, both published and unpublished, and a review of large and small scale aerial Pj photographs of the site and vicinity; „ 2. Preparation of a geologic map of the site and geologic jj reconnaissance of the vicinity by an Engineering Geologist; P1 3. Excavation of 25 backhoe-trenches on and off the site; r—| 4. Excavation of 3 bulldozer-trenches in the abutment areas; 5. Drilling of three bucket-auger borings in the channel area p I near the proposed dam; pi 6. Drilling of five core-borings with water-pressure tests in the abutments and channel bottom of the proposed dam; and n ! 7. Laboratory testing of representative samples of surficial and j—I bedrock materials to determine their physical characteristics and engineering properties. n ' FUGRO, Inc. -3- All of the field work was coordinated with Benton Engineering, who performed rippability tests with the bulldozer (trenches 28 through 32) and obtained representative samples with the backhoe (trenches 22 through 27). Although not all trenches were excavated expressly for the geologic investigation, all were inspected by an Engineering Geologist. All of the laboratory tests were performed by Benton Engineering. The results of these tests are included in their report dated January 24, 1972. 2.2 EXTENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations included in this report are limited to those concerning foundations and available borrow materials. The recommendations are based on field inspection of trenches, examination of cores, and results of field and laboratory tests. Because the report is primarily a feasibility report and because maximum water elevation, reservoir area, and drawdown conditions have not been definitely established, the report does not include any discussion of stability. Strength tests and stability analyses will be performed at a later date as required Likewise, there is no discussion of the outlet works or spillway. Additional recommendations will be required as design concepts are finalized. FUGRO, Inc. -4- u 3. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS:° v '; '. : 3. 1 TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The site is located in an area of gentle, rolling hills. There D are two stream channels located within the site; the southern channel has .,' ' ••"'• • ' ^ n a westerly trend and the more northerly one has a southwesterly .trend. The two channels converge near the west end of the site. Located between the ni two channels is the most prominent ridge within the site; it has a maximum ^-, elevation of 547. 5 feet. The highest point (elevation 556) on the site is located in the southeast corner where a narrow ridge separates the site ni area from the existing reservoir of Squires Dam No. 1. The lowest point G (elevation 443) is located in the channel at the west property line. Two small peaks define the limits of the proposed dam. The northern peak p1 (right abutment) has a maximum elevation of 506. 8 and the southerly peak 0 (left abutment) has a maximum elevation of 512. 8. The only flow in the channels is that produced by runoff within the drainage area which is limited almost entirely to the site area. D 3. 2 BEDROCK LITHOLQGY The dam -and-reservoir site is underlain by granitic rock (quart/, (lioi'it'o) of tin; Southern California batholith. This crystalline rock is upper Cretaceous in age and is the oldest, most competent rock exposed at the site. Near the ground surface, the quartz diorite is commonly reddish n U FUGRO, Inc. n brown, very weathered, moderately to very jointed, and moderately hard. At depth the rock is light gray to bluish gray, slightly weathered or fresh, hard, and moderately jointed. Depth of weathering varies locally and appears to be controlled by the degree of jointing. According to core borings, the depth to moderately weathered rock in the abutment areas ranges from 23 to 31 feet on the ridges, and from 29 to 37 feet on the lower slopes near the gullies. The degree of weathering is shown in the sections I I . on Drawing No. 2. LJ A relatively-thin veneer of Eocene sedimentary rocks (Torrey Sand member of the LaJolla Formation) unconformably overlies the quartz diorite (Dwg. No. 1). Most of this member has been eroded away leaving only an elongate remnant in the canyon bottom along the north margin of the site. Trenches and borings indicate the Torrey Sand member has a 0 maximum thickness of about 19 feet in the site and is commonly less than. .-• _ 10 feet thick. The Torrey Sand member consists of light brown and gray Li interbedded silty sandstone, sandy siltstone, and claystone with some scattered lenses of clean uncemented sandstone. The rocks are moderately ,—, hard to hard and, with the exception of scattered lenses of loose, clean sandstone, are relatively impermeable. The bedding planes are nearly n I horizontal and the individual beds range in thickness from a few inches to-U r-i a few feet. FUGRO, Inc. D .-6- 3. 3 SURFICIAL MATERIALS •3_._3_1 Alluvium The two large canyons that converge near the west edge of the site are covered by alluvium consisting of sandy silt, silty sand, and clayey sand. These deposits are brown, firm, slightly porous to porous, and contain organic debris. A maximum depth of 16 feet of alluvium was encountered in Boring AB-2 near the upstream toe of the dam. Near the center and downstream toe of the dam, the depth of alluvium ranges from 9 to 14 feet (DT-31 and AB-2). No water was observed in any of the trenches or borings in the alluvial deposits. 3. 3Z Slopewash Deposits Nearly the entire site is covered by a thick blanket of slopewash deposits which ranges from 0. 5 to 2 feet thick on the ridges, to about 7. 5 feet on the lower slopes near trench 20. Drawing 1, the geologic map, indicates the distribution of slopewash deposits where observed or estimated to be greater than 4 feet thick. The slopewash deposits have been derived from disintegrated quartz diorite and consist of reddish brown and grayish brown silty sand. In some areas, portions of these deposits are classified as sandy clay. They are dry, porous, and contain some organic debris. FUGRO, Inc. -7 - 3.4 BEDROCK STRUCTURE 3.41 Joints Joints are extensively developed in the quart diorite and are the most common structural feature at the site. Prominent trends of joints are N 40 - 60 E and N 20 - 40 W, forming a nearly perpendicular conjugate set. Dips are steep and the joints have slight alteration or oxide staining along some surfaces. As indicated by the core, joint spacing in the abut- ments ranges from a few inches to a few feet. Water pressure tests in the core borings indicate the joints are tight and should not cause excessive leakage. 3.42 Faults Trenching in the northern part of the site revealed a fault striking N 55 to 60 degrees E and dipping 60 degrees N W. The fault is not well- expressed in the topography but could be traced in the trenches from the proposed right abutment (DT-30) through Trench 8 and is presumed to continue eastward to the site boundary. The fault displaces the Torrey Sand member 10 feet vertically in Trench 8A, but no slickensides were observed and the D sense or amount of slip could not be determined. The gouge zone is less. than one inch wide and the rocks (diorite and Torrey Sand member) adjacent to the fault are not noticeably fractured. In Trench DT-30 the fault is a thin shear zone with little or no clay, and the diorite adjacent to the shear is not fractured more than unfaulted rock in other parts of the trench. FUGRO, Inc. -8- Core borings CB-5 and CB-2, in opposite abutments of the main dam, revealed fault gouge at depths of 18 feet and 60 feet respectively. These gouge zones consist of reddish brown, slickensided clay ranging in thickness from 3 inches to 7 inches. These two small faults are not exposed in the exploratory trenches on the abutments and they have not been observed elsewhere at the site. Water pressure tests at these shear zones indicate only negligible leakage, although the core recovered from the borings is very fractured. Backhoe trench 'A' was excavated beyond the site boundaries to investigate a prominent northwest-trending lineation about 600 feet west of the proposed dam. This lineation was first observed on small-scale aerial photographs of the region and was suspected of representing a fault. In the field, the lineation could be traced for 3 miles as a series of aligned valleys and ridge-depressions. Trench 'A', which was 154 feet long, was excavated across the lineation just outside the west boundary of the site property. The trench revealed a near-vertical fault zone striking N 15 W and corresponding closely in position and orientation to the lineation. This fault zone is approximately one foot wide and is composed of numerous shear surfaces with thin films of clay gouge. A few of the shear surfaces have vertical slickensides but the total amount of slip could not be determined because the fault was exposed only in the diorite. Several other shears were noted in Trench 'A1 but these were significantly smaller and fewer in number than the fault just described. FUGRO, Inc. -9- No faults or shears parallelling the lineation were revealed in trenches in the abutments or in the channel area of the main dam. Other geologic maps of the region indicate that Tertiary sedimentary rocks overlie the north and south end of the lineation without displacement of the contact. This suggests no fault movement since Tertiary time (Eocene). Our inspection of these same relation- ships was not completely conclusive due to the poor exposures and the uncomformable nature of the contacts. However, the contacts do appear to be grossly continuous across the lineation and no evidence of displacement was found. Presently there is no evidence to suggest that the fault has moved in Holocene time or has been seismically active in historic time. 3. 5 REGIONAL SEISMICITY Historically the Oceanside-San Diego coastal area has been relatively quite seismically. The Crustal Strain and Fault Movement Investigation, Bulletin 116-2, by the Department of Water Resources, and seismological information obtained from the California Institute of Technology indicate no earthquake epicenters greater than magnitude 4 have occurred within a 15 mile radius of the site between 1934 and 1970. The two nearest earthquake epicenters (magnitude 4. 0 - 4.4) have occurred 17 and 25 miles from the site during that same time period. FUGRO, Inc. -10- Some of these small earthquakes have probably been associated •with the Elsinore fault zone, which is approximately 23 miles northeast of Squires Dam No. 2 and is the closest large fault to the site. From geologic and seismic evidence in the region, it is unlikely that earthquake groundmotion of damaging intensity has occurred at the site during historic time. 3.6 GEOLOGIC CONCLUSIONS 1. The geology of the dam and reservoir site is suitable in terms of stability and impermeability. 2. The quartz diorite •will provide a relatively uncompressible and impermeable foundation for the main dam. 3. The Eocene sedimentary rocks are firm and suitable for support j of the main dam fill; however, the permeability of the rocks varies and the cut-off trench should extend into the quartz diorite. 4. The abutment and reservoir areas are free of landslides and are not potentially unstable under anticipated conditions. 5. The faults observed to date in the abutment and reservoir areas are not expected to affect the dynamic or static stability, or water tightness of the proposed project. i>. Tin.: :;c'i .sinic it y of the Carlsbad region is relatively low, and earthquakes of damaging intensity are unlikely near the site. FUGRO, Inc. -11- 4. AVAILABLE BORROW MATERIALS 4. 1 QUANTITIES 4. 11 General It is expected that, except for filter material and riprap, all of the embankment materials can be obtained at the proposed dam and reservoir site. Available materials include very weathered granitic rock, Torrey sand, alluvium, and slopewash. The estimated quantities of each of these materials is shown in the following table. TABLE NO. I QUANTITIES OF BORROW MATERIALS Material Very Weathered Granitic Rock Torrey Sand Alluvium Slopewash Deposits Quantity Available in Site Area, cubic yards >500, 000 * 55, 000 10, 000 20, 000 4, 000 7, 000 + 2, 000 * The entire site is underlain by granitic rock so that the quantity available is governed only by the depth of excavation. 4. 12 Granitic Rock Since the granitic rock underlies the entire site, there is plenty of this material available for construction of the dam and dikes. The only limiting factors are the depth to which the material can be easily excavated FUGRO, Inc. nu -12- and the desired shape of the reservoir. The core borings do suggest that the rock is more deeply weathered in the high areas and that excavations in these areas will be easier than adjacent to existing channels. 4. 13 Torrey Sand The Torrey sand is a good source of embankment material because of its location and because it is a thick-enough unit to be processed. The main problem with using this material is the change in lithology with depth. It would be very difficult to separate silts and clays from the sands and, thus, it would not be practical to plan on using only portions of this formation in a particular zone of an embankment. 4. 14 Alluvium Since the alluvium must be excavated within the embankment area, it is logical to incorporate this material into the embankment. Additional alluvium is available upstream of the.main dam; this material decreases in thickness upstream but is generally thick enough to be processed. 4. 15 Slopewash Slopewash has been mapped in those areas where it is estimated to be greater than four feet thick. The volume of material shown in the table is the estimated volume in the two broad belts in the western part of the site for an assumed thickness of two feet. The actual thickness is quite variable, and where the thickness is two feet or less, much of it will be FUGRO, Inc. -13- removed daring stripping operations. All slopewash material not containing organic debris can be used in., the .embankment.. 4. 2 PROPERTIES OF EMBANKMENT MATERIALS 4. Zl Gradation The weathered bedrock generally breaks down to the extent that all of it passes the No. 4 sieve. For seven bulk samples on which mechanical analysis tests were performed, the percent passing the No. ZOO sieve varied between 5 and 12 percent. This percentage of silt and clay requires a dual classification when using the Unified Soil Classification system. All of the , samples tested fall into the classification of SW - SM, indicating a well- graded, fine to coarse, silty sand. The alluvium contains practically no gravel. Of the seven samples tested, the percentage of silt and clay varied from 21 to 42 percent. The typical classification is fine to medium clayey-sand. The range in gradation of both the alluvium and weathered granitic rock is shown in graphical form on the following page. (Fig. No. I) The Torrey sand has a wide range in gradation and includes material coarser than the granitic rock and finer than the alluvium. Based on visual inspection of trenches, it is concluded that 75 percent or more of the Torrey sand has a classification comparable to or finer grained than the alluvium. FUGRO, Inc. F i;.3o i /r PROJECT NO.: rl-098-EG GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION HYDROMETER 200 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER 100 60 40 ~20 . . 10 STANDARD SIEVE OPENING 3/8" 3/4" .IVi" 3" RANGE IN GRADATION OF ALLUVIUM RANGE IN GRADATION OF WEATHERED GRANITIC ROCK .001 .05 0.1 . 0.5 GRAIN-SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 5.0 10.0 50.0 SILT OR CLAY SAND MEDIUM GRAVEL FINE | COARSE GRADATION OF AVAILABLE BORROW MATERIALS SQUIRES DAM NO. Z Figure No. 1 • -14- 4. 2Z Permeability Benton Engineering performed five permeability tests on samples of the weathered granitic rock. Three of the samples were compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density (DWR Test Designation S-10) and two other samples were compacted to 98 and 99 percent of maximum density. The range in permeability was between 9. 8 x 10-6 anc[ 4. 4 x 10-7. It is recommended that for an embankment using weathered bedrock, the values shown in Table No. 2 bo used. Three permeability tests were performed on samples of alluvium. The range in permeability was between 1. 5 x 10~7 and 3.0 x 10-7 cm/sec. . The recommended values for alluvium are included in Table No. 2 TABLE NO. 2 RECOMMENDED PERMEABILITY VALUES Material Weathe red Granitic Rock Alluvium Vertical Pe rmeability c m / s e c 1. 0 x lO-6 2. 0 x 10 -7 Horizontal Permeability c m / s e c 9- 0 x lO-6 18. 0 x 10-7 4. 23 Unit Weight Because the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the alluvium and granitic rock are nearly identical, the same value can be used for both materials. The recommended values are FUGRO, Inc. -15- D shown in Table No. 3. TABLE NO. 3 UNIT WEIGHT AND MOISTURE CONTENT Material W e a th e r e d G rani tic Rock or Alluvium Dry Unit Weight, pcf 119. 0 Optimum Moisture Content, % 10. 0 Moist Unit Weight, pcf 131. 0 Submerged Unit Weight, pcf 74. 0 '5. TYPICAL SECTIONS D nu 5. 1 GENERAL Both the alluvium and the Torrey Sand could be used as core material and the quantities of these materials at the site appear to be sufficient for the main dam section. In determining a design, consideration should be given to both a centra.! core section and a homogeneous section. The following three sections are considered feasible and art; illustrated on the following page. 1. Central core with blanket drain. 2. Central core with chimney drain. .3. Homogeneous section with chimney drain. The final selection will depend on the maximum water level and a cost evaluation of the different alternatives. A brief discussion of each section follows. Since all of the sections will require wave orotection on FUGRO, Inc. SECTION I CENTRAL CORE WITH BLANKET DRAIN LJ SECTION II :ENTRAL CORE WITH CHIMNEY SECTION III HOMOGENEOUS SECTION WI i'H r;HIMKEY DRAIN FUGRO, Inc. D D -17- the upstream slope, the discussion will not include materials required for this protection. 5. 2 CENTRAL CORE WITH BLANKET DRAIN• The advantage of this section is that the only material that has to be imported is the blanket drain and it can be placed in one operation during an early phase of construction. The disadvantage is that the core material has to be carefully selected to insure that there are no pervious zones along which piping could develop. Very close field inspection would be required. Because of this selection and control, construction work would be slowed down. 5. 3 CENTRAL CORE WITH CHIMNEY DRAIN The advantage of this section is that, with the chimney drain, ^— ' the selection and control of the core material is not as critical. Thus, more liberal specifications could be used and less selection of materials would be required.D The disadvantage is that the chimney drain would have to be select import material, which would have to be trucked in throughout most of the construction period. [I 5-4 HOMOGENEOUS SECTION WITH CHIMNEY DRAIN «—, The advantage of this section is that all of the available materials, including the Torrey sand and alluvium, can be used throughout the embankment , Inc. -18- section. Such a procedure would tend to speed up construction of the embankment since there would be no selective use of the available materials. The disadvantage is the same as that mentioned above for a central core section with chimney drain. 5. 5 DISCUSSION Based on preliminary data, the homogeneous section with chimney' drain appears to be the preferable section. Using this section and the permeability values included in Section 4, preliminary estimates of seepage through the embankment of the main dam are on the order of five acre feet per year. Even if the embankment included a core zone and t the seepage were reduced to one-fifth this amount, it is doubtful that the additional expense of constructing a zoned dam is warranted. Because of the expected low seepage without a core, it does not appear logical to consider a core unless it provides some other additional advantage other than a reduction of seepage. The only other apparent advantage would be if the chimney drain could be eliminated, resulting in a section similar to Section 1 on page 16. In order to eliminate the chimney drain, the entire core section would have to have a sufficient percentage of fines to insure that the core was impervious. There would also have to be assurance that there was a sufficient quantity of core material meeting the specifications. The limited FUGRO, Inc. H -19-u U testing done to date is not adequate to determine these factors. A much more thorough investigation would have to be made of the alluvium and Torrey sand. An economic study may reveal that such an investigation LJ is warranted because of the potential savings if the chimney drain can be M eliminated. LJ 6. RECOMMENDATIONS nL 6.1 EXCAVATIONS n 6.11 Stripping Depth - Main Dam D To provide adequate foundation support for the embankment, . excavations must remove all of the soil cover, slopewash deposits, and P alluvium, and extend at least two feet into weathered granitic rock or at least four feet into the Torrey sand. The recommended depth of stripping required at trench and boring locations in the embankment area to meet u the above requirement is given in the following table. The stripping depth is also shown on the lower half of Drawing No. 2. The line representing the recommended, stripping depth has been smoothed out in some areas and does not always represent exact depths as given in I the table. FUGRO, Inc. -20- TABLE NO. 4 STRIPPING DEPTH FOR EMBANKMENT Location Left Abutment Channel Right Abutment Boring or Trench No DT 32 T 19 T 20 DT 31 CB 3 AB 2 AB 1 T 17 T 18 T 16 AB 3 T 14 T 12 T 15 T 13 DT 30 (1) (2) Surface Recommended Depth Elevation After Elevation of Stripping, feet Stripping 478 - 513 474 - 480 450 - 458 450 - 456 451 448 492 475 470 464 462 470 468 466 476 - 483 479 - 504 5 473 5 469 6 - 9 444 11 439 12 439 16 432 18 474 4 471 4 466 (> 458 7 455 8 462 8 ? (3) 460 5 461 S 47 1 (.. 473 - 508 - 475 - 449 - 445 - 478 - 498 (1) Where two elevations are given, it is the elevations at either end of the trend (2) Where two elevations are given, it is the elevation after stripping at either end of the trench. (3) Trench only 4. 5' deep. Probably Torrey sand in bottom foot of trench. FUGRO, Inc. -21- 6.12 Stripping Depth - Cutoff Trench It is recommended that the main dam include a cutoff trench which extends into the granitic rock. The trench should extend at least five feet into granitic rock in the abutments and at least three feet into the granitic rock beneath the Torrey sand and alluvium. After excavating, the trench should be inspected by an engineering geologist to see if there are any zones of highly fractured rock where the trench may need to be deepened. The recommended excavation depths are based primarily on the results of the water pressure tests which indicate that even the very weathered granitic rock is quite impervious. In Core Borings 1,2,4, and 5 the water pressure tests performed nearest to the surface were in rock classified as "very weathered" and in all of these tests there was no flow or neglibible flow. In Core Boring 3, there was only one foot of very weathered rock in contrast to the 20 feet or more of very weathered rock in the abutments. Because of the good quality of the rock within a foot or two of the bedrock- alluvium contact, it is anticipated that the cutoff trench will not have to extend more than three feet into the bedrock in the existing channel area. The recommended depth of excavation for the cutoff trench is given in the following table. FUGRO, Inc. -2Z- TABLE NO. 5 STRIPPING DEPTH FOR CUTOFF TRENCH Recommended Depth Elevation of Boring or Surface of Excavation for Base Location Trench No. Elevation Cutoff Trench, feet of Trench Left Abutment DT 32 478 - 513 Channel DT 31 450 - 456 AB 3 46 Z T 14 470 Right Abutment T 13 476 - 483 DT 30 479 - 504 7 471 - 506 12 438 - 444 . 22 440 14* Below 456. 8 468 - 475 9 470 - 495 * Trench did not penetrate into bedrock. FUGRO, Inc. -23- A comparison of Tables No. 4 and 5 indicates that in the abutments the cutoff trench needs to be about three feet deeper than the stripping depth for the rest of the embankment. In the channel area, the cutoff trench will be as much as 15 feet deeper than the stripping depth for the rest of the dam. V •-;•'.... The reason for this increase is that the cutoff trench must penetrate through the Torrey sand. The Torrey sand has adequate strength for foundation support but because it is nearly horizontally bedded and has lenses of relatively clean sand, it is locally quite permeable. ; For the height of the dam being considered, the width of the cutoff is governed mainly by ease of construction. A base width of 15 feet is recommended. The side slopes should be no steeper than 1:1. 6.1_3 Stripping Depth - Dikes . At the present time the location and height of dikes is not known and no field work has been done in the probable dike locations. Nevertheless, it is likely that the geologic and foundation conditions are quite similar throughout the site area and, therefore, a stripping depth of two feet into bedrock should be adequate. No cutoff trench should be necessary. After stripping for the dikes, a careful inspection should be made by an engineering geologist to see if any very fractured zones or other conditions are revealed that would require deeper excavations. A review should be made of final dike locations to see if there are any locations where additional field studies are considered necessary. FUGRO, Inc. ^ -24- D 6. 2 MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST AND COMPACTION CRITERIAQ — _ 6>. 21 MaXL mum Den sity Test It is recommended that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Test Designation S-10 b.e used to determine the maximum density i_1 and optimum moisture content of embankment materials. It is anticipated that all of the embankment materials will break down to pass the No. 4 sieve nj so that Method A can be used. The data on this method is as follows:LJ nI Size of Mold 1/20 cubic foot pi Hammer Weight 10 pounds Height of Drop 18 inches Number of Layers 5 p Number of Blows per Layer ... 13 Energy per Cubic Foot 19, 500 ft. Ibs. 6^. 22 Compaction Criteria p It is recommended that the following compaction criteria be used: D a. Average Percent Compaction - at least 95% b. Minimum Percent compaction, any test - 93% I c. Allowable number of tests below the average for any pi three consecutive working days - 10% U 6. 3 GROUTING p The results of the water pressure tests indicate that grouting will FUGRO, Inc. -25- not be necessary. Even at pressures of 150 percent of the estimated maximum hydrostatic head, there was no flow or negligible flow. It is anticipated that slush grouting in the bottom of the cutoff trench will not be necessary. It should be possible to produce a sufficiently smooth bottom surface so there will be an adequate bond with the embankment materials. Slush grouting would be required locally only if there is an irregular-shaped zone of more resistant rock. 6.4 RESERVOIR LINING Based on the performance of the existing Squires Dam, the results of the water pressure tests, and an examination of trenches, it is concluded that a reservoir lining is not necessary. The bedrock conditions are comparable to those at the existing Squires Dam. The records show that the seepage losses at this dam are less than one half acre-foot per year. Such low seepage is indicative of the imperviousness of the granitic bedrock. 6. 5 INSTRUMENTATION It is concluded that a minimum amount of instrumentation will be needed for the proposed dam. Surface survey markers and a few piezometers should be adequate. The number and location of piezometers should be determined after design details are known. FUGRO, Inc. 6.6 BORROW MATERIAL FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 6.61 Test Results and Specifications Consideration is being given to using a portion of the reservoir area as a borrow pit, using the available weathered granitic rock. Such a procedure will bring in additional revenue as well as enlarge the capacity of the reservoir. To evaluate the suitability of the rock as base course for road construction, 'RJ value tests, sand equivalent tests, p I and sieve analysis were performed on samples obtained from trenches I— , DT28 and DT29. The results of the tests are summarized as follows: Percentage Passing No. 4 . . . 98 - 100 Percentage Passing No. 200 . . 5-10 p, 'R' Value ......... 79 Sand Equivalent ...... 45-59 Based on these test results, the weathered granitic rock in the reservoir D area meets the specifications for subbase and base course of the following agencies and specifications: D Agency: California Division of Highways n [_j Standard: Standard Specifications , January 1971 D Section 25 Aggregate Subbases The granitic rock meets the specifications for (J Class 3 aggregate subbase. FUGRO, Inc. LJ -27- Section 26 Aggregate Bases The granitic rock does not meet the specifications for Class 1 and 2 aggregate base. Class 3 aggregate base must conform to the requirements of the special provisions. It will depend on the requirements of the special provisions, whether or not the granitic rock can be used as Class 3 aggregate base. Agency: San Diego County According to the assistant materials engineer of San Diego County, Class 3 aggregate base must meet the following specifications: Gradation Sieve Size 1-1/2 1 No. 4 No. 30 No. 200 Percent Passing 100 90 - 100 50 - 100 25 - 55 5-18 Sand Equivalent -- Minimum of 30 R Value -- Minimum of 73 FUGRO, Inc. U -28- The weathered granitic rock in the reservoir area of proposed Squires Dam No. 2 does meet these specifications. Locally, there may be areas where the percent passing the No. 200 sieve is greater than 18 percent and would not meet the specifications. Specification: Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1970 Edition Part 2 - Construction Materials Section 200 - Rock Materials The granitic rock meets the specifications of Disintegrated Granite, Section 200 - 2. 6. In this specification, the percent passing the No. 200 sieve shall not be greater than 16 percent. Locally the granitic rock may have more than 16 percent passing the No. 200 sieve and not meet these specifications. FUGRO, Inc. LJ -29-n 6.62 Conclusion It is concluded that the weathered granite in the reservoir area of proposed Squires Dam No. 2 can be used as a borrow pit. The rock is weathered to a sufficient depth so that adequate quantities of material can be obtained by blading and ripping. Most of the materials obtained will meet the specifications for the Class 3 subbase of the California Division of Highways, Class 3 base for San Diego County, and disintegrated granite of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. SHM/JDS/JJS/JLS/jm FUGRO, Inc. c D BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbot, Patrick, 1963, Geology of the Vista Region, San Luis Rey and San Marcos Quadrangles, San Diego County; unpublished Senior Project, San Diego Stale College. Brooks, Baylor, I960, Geologic Conditions at Squires Canyon Damsite, Carlsbad, California, Unpublished geologic report for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Department of Water Resources, 1964, Crustal Strain and Fault Movement Investigation, Bulletin No. 116-2. Jahns, R.H. et al, 1954, Generalized Geologic Map of the Penninsular Range Province, Southern California. Plate 3, Chapter II, California Division Mines Bulletin 170. Jones, B.F. , 1959. Geology of the San Luis Rey Quadrangle. Unpublished M.S. Thesis, U.S. C. Larsen, E.S. , Jr. , 1948; Batholith and Associated Rocks of Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis Rey Quadrangle, Southern California, Geol. Soc. America, Mem. 29, 182 pp. Merriarn, R.H. , 1951; Groundwater in the bedrock in Western San Diego County, California, in Cal. Div. Mines Bull. 159, p. 117-128 Weber, F. Harold, Jr. , 1961, Economic Geology of San Diego Region; Geol. Soc. Am., Cordilleran Sect. Field Trip Guide Book, San Diego County, California, March 1961. Weber, F. Harold, Jr. , 1963, Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California; Calif. Div. Mines & Geol. County Report 3, 309 pp. Woodford, A.O. , I960; Bedrock Patterns and Strike Slip Faulting in Southwestern Calif. , Am. Jour. Sci. , Bradley, Volume 0. 258-A, p. 400-417. FUGRO, Inc.