HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 00-62; Hamilton Residence; Compaction Testing and Inspection; 1998-10-14fifif/ffieenii;/, inc. CIVIL GEOTECHMCAL. t OUAUTY ENOINEEmNQ FOUNDATION DESIGN • UND SUFIVEYING • SOIL TESmO CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S INSPECTION CLIENT: TALLMAN PROJECT: TAL 898 DATE: 14 OCT. 1998 MR. JEFF TALLMAN 2946 State Street, Suite G Carlsbad, CA. 92008 subject: Results of Compaction Testing and Inspection for the lot located at.2335 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, CA. (APN: 156-350-08) Dear Mr. Tallman: pursuant to your request, we have completed our Inspection and compaction Testing of the rough grading operations for the subject parcel. Locations of our Field Density Tests are shown on Enclosure (1), and the results of these tests are detailed on Enclosure (2). Site preparation, compaction, and testing were accomplished between August 27 and September 4, 1998. Based on our observations and testing, it is our opinion that the work performed during that period was in general conformance with our Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation dated 27 June 1998 and the City of Carslbad Grading Ordinance. on August 27, 1998, grading began on the subject lot with the contractor removing some trees, the existing concrete slabs and retaining walls, and the surface vegetation in the area to be graded for the driveway and house pad. All debris was removed from the proposed grading area. on this date, the contractor excavated the loose surface soils in the area of the concrete rwQp^long the easterly side 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083 • 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 , K'^K Eiifihieerinii, inc. CIVIL GBOTECHNIUL t QUALITY ENQINEEmNQ FOUNDATION DESIGN • UND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S INSPECTION of the lot by removing approximately 2 to 3 feet of loose materials. These soils were stockpiled in the center portion of the lot. The contractor then replaced and recompacted these stockpiled soils on the easterly side of the house pad. Fill materials consisting of native silty sands were placed in thin lifts, watered as necessary, and compacted utilizing a T-973 trackloader and a D-4 bulldozer. < Upon reaching the design finished grade, the contractor over- excavated and recompacted the upper 3 feet of the surface soils for the house pad to create a uniform fill blanket and to help eliminate the effects of differential settlement. As indicated by our Compaction Test Results, Enclosure (2), density tests performed in the fill materials for the driveway, rear yard, and the main house pad indicated over 90% relative compaction as compared to ASTM Test Procedure D 1557-91. In general, the native materials exposed at surface grades were considered to have a moderate expansion potential according our test results of our Preliminary Soils Investigation. Foundations shall be sized and constructed in accordance with the recommendations found in the latter part of this report. For foundation design purposes, an allowable bearing strength of 1450 psf may be utilized for all continuous or spread footings founded in dense native soils or compacted fill soils compacted to over 90% relative compaction per ASTM D 1557-91. It is recommended that the continuous perimeter foundations and concrete slabs for a light weight, wood framed, stucco type structure shall be constructed and reinforced in accordance with the following minimum design criteria: -2- 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285. VISTA. CA 92083 - 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 Bni/ineerinji, inc. CIVIL GEOTECHNICAL t OUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESICN ' LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT i INSPECTION a The continuous perimeter foundations shall extend a minimum depth of 24 inohes and a minimum width of 15 inches into firm native or compacted fill soils for a two story structure. For a single story structure the foundations shall extend a minimum depth of 18 inches and a minimum width of 12 inches. The depth of the foundations shall be measured from the. lowest adjacent grade. The continuous foundations shall be reinforced with at least four No. 4 steel bars, two bars shall be P^-ed 3 inches from the top of the foundation and the other bars shall be placed 3 inches from the bottom. As an alternative to the No. 4 rebars, one No. 5 steel rebar top and bottom may be used. b. Footings which span from native material to compacted fill soils,'where applicable, shall be reinforced with an additional one NO. S steel bar top and bottom to control potential differential movement extended 10 feet oh either side of the daylight line. c Footings placed on or adjacent to fill slopes shall have a. .inimum horizontal distance of seven feet (7-) from the bottom edge of the footings to the face of the slope. d All interior concrete slabs shall be a minimum of four inches"in thickness and shall be reinforced with a minimum of No 3 rebars placed at 18 inches on center both ways and placed in the center of the.slab. The bars shall be bent downward into the perimeter footings at 18 inches on center to a depth of 3 inches from the bottom. In order to minimize vapor transmission, an impermeable membrane (ie: visqueen) shall be placed over 2 mches of clean, poorly graded, coarse sand, decomposed granite, or crushed rock. The membrane shall be covered with 2 inches of sand to protect it during construction and the sand should be lightly ^ r>r^n(~r«tfi All concrete used on moistened just prior to placing concrete, AM -3- 1611.A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285. VISTA. CA 92083 ' 760-945-3150 ' FAX: 760-945-4221 tt^it ihiiiineeriniftnc. CIV)L GEOTECHNICAJi. * OUAUTY ENQINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN ' UND SURVEYING ' SOIL TESVNG CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT i INSPECTION this project shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi unless otherwise increased on the Building Plans. These foundation recommendations are minimum design requirements for the finish grade soil conditions; however, actual foundations shall be designed by the Structural Engineer for the expected live and dead loads, and for wind and seismic loads. Findings of this Report are valid as of this date;, however. Changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time, whether they be due to natural process or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of this Report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this Report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one year. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of buildings are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this Report are modified or verified in writing. This Report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or of his representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the project Architect and Engineer and are incorporated into the plans. Further, the necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. -4- 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285. VISTA. CA 92083 ' 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 K^K Enf/hiecrhif^nc. CIVIL GEOTECHNICAX. t QUALITY ENQINEERING FOUNDATION DESICN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT t INSPECTION _i ^ 4.K=,t tine, qoil Engineer be provided the It is recommended that the boi i cnai.io opportunity for a general review of the final design P^-^ /p cifications for this project in order that the o this report may be properly interpreted and -P^—" design It is also recommended that the Soil Engineer be provided the opportunity to verify the foundation and slab construction in the field prior to placing concrete. (If the Soil Engineer is not accorded the privilege of making these reviews, he can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of his recommendations). The soil Engineer has prepared this Report for the exclusive use of the client and authorized agents. This Report has been pared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foun a ion engineering practices. No other warranties, either expressed or Tmpliedrare made as to the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the Report. a i B Engineering Inc. and Associates appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Si ncerely, Arthur C. Beard RCE RGE Chief Engineer 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285. VISTA, CA 92083 • 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 1-2. O APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FIELD -DENSITY TESTS PLOT OWNER: A.P.N.: PROJECT; TAC- DATE; 007,96 A N CIVIL, QEOTECHNlCAL. i QUAUTY ENGINEERS . STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • UND SURVEYING • PERCOUTION i SOIL TESTING • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S INSPECTION ENCLOSURE (1) i^Scifj^iif/wccrnifj, inc- aVIL GEOTECHNICAL i OVALITY ENCINEEHS . STZCTIPAL ENOIHBBPmO • UNO SURVErisO . PEKOLA TION I SOIL TCSTING . CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT I,NSPECTION PROJECT: Test Date / Test Location 5 /I 7 10 IZ ll tl ft tl Test El/Depth So 69 IL 39 'fi 21. 93 2£^ 95 1^- Soil Type A Dry Density, pcf Field /z/><&> Jl /I 1/ II Maximum. /I ll II tt CATE:_. Moisture, t Field II II ill.. 9-3 6r8> Opt. 8.S> /I If II ll ll Relative Compaction 92 P7 Retest No. /' 95- 94 94 98 3A- r^^^p&rTTnN CURVE DATA gniL TYPE ANP DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE % 0/3 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf /3/i 9 COMPACTION TEST DATA ENCLOSURE (2) m ' •••.V' ig;:' ^<.>^j^l««'.!«#^<o.<vc.. •:-..i V iV% m •Mm '••.TV 1 •ZL' If *lf l^nf/lnecrini/, inc. FoJIZ^^a^^^t:^^^''^^'^^^^ '° CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S INSPECTION This Report is issued with the understanding that it is the .espon bi ity of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure hat th information and recommendations contained herein are cal e to the attention of the Architect and Engineer for the ect and incorporated into the plans and that the necessary :;rps"re faKen to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The soil Engineer has prepared this Report for the exclusive use of the client and authorized agents. This Report has been pp e in accordance with generally accepted soil and founda ion g neering practices. No other warranties either --"^ " i'lied are made as to the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the Report. It is recommended that the Soil Engineer be provided the opportunity for a general review of the final design and specifications in order that earthwork and foundation . recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and'specifications. (If the Soil Engineer is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, he can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of his recommendations). B , B Engineering, Inc. appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, 'Arthur C. Beard RCE RQE RGE -10- Wn-ASa MEiROSe DRIVE 11235 VISTA. CA 92083 • 760-915-31SO • FAX: 760-945-4221 ~I0 riCO 0!? TP- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FIELD EXPLORATORY T TEST PIT PLOT PLAN OWNER • /y?!^- J^^^ rAU./^M THP.TTOM- F/O P/CO ^^/C/£ A.P.N. _ r?rT- rAL S9S DATE: _^ZM-PROJI /A^// tUnf/i/wenuf/, inc. CIVIL. GEOTECHNICAL. i QUALITY ENCINEERS . srflUCTl/flAl ENGINEERING ' UNDSURVBYINC . PERCOUTION t SOIL TESTINQ . CONSTRUCTION MANACEMENTi INSPECTION n&if !i:ti!piieeriiif^ inc. CIVIL GEOTECHNICAL * OUALITY ENGINEERS . %RUCTURAL ENGINEERING • UND SURVEYING . PERCOUTION I SOIL TESTING . CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTS INSPECTION LOG OF TEST PITS Backhoe _ ^- EXCAVATED. , n ' c p,T D.MENS^NSjr^^EETjV^^ TP- I Mean Sea Levet GEO LOG ICAL CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION -DePOSiT^ UJ 10 o >- < ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION ANO DESCR I PTION D4ii'y)P. COOSe TO TEST DATA M- ^-0 " IRCl PIT DIMENSIONS IN FEET W SURFACE ELEVATION IN FEET 10 15 USclh'Jifjinccrinfj, inc. CIVIL GEOTECHNICAL i OUALITY ENGINEERS . STRUCTURAL ENaiNEERING • UND SURVEYING . PERCOLATION i SOIL TESTING . CONSTRUCTION MANAOEMENT i INSPECTION aiEKT: PTOJECT: ,;^TT, DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE % 3,8 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf) /33i7 PYPAN.qiON POTENTIAL 1 - 20 = Very Low 21 - 50 = Low 51 - go = Moderate 91 -130 = High 131 -above=Critical vYPnN.qiON AND COMPACTION TEST DATA ENCLOSURE (^) 2000 ^ 1600 400 400 800 1200 1600 NORMAL LOAD (PSF) SOIL TYPE X BORING NO. (BN) TF'/ DEPTH (ft) K&K l^nninccrinur inc. CIVIL GEOTECHNICAL, i QUALITY ENGINEERS . STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - UNO SURVEYING . PERCOUTION t SOIL TESTING . CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT I INSPECTION MOISTURE (%)_ Goo ANGLE OF FRICTION C ) SHEARING STRENGTH TES'