HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 06-13; PROPOSED CAMPBELL RESIDENCE; REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 2006-04-27r b P oO>'^' ^. REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE Proposed Campbell Residence 5003 Tierra Del Oro Street Carlsbad, California JOB NO. 06-9164 27 April 2006 Prepared for: Mr. Dick Campbell D&K GROWERS, LLC GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC, SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • GROUNDWATER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 27April 2006 Mr. Dick Campbell D&K GROWERS 7668 El Camino Real, Suite 104-467 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject: Report of Preliminarv Geotechnical Investigation and Geologic Reconnaissance Proposed Campbell Residence 5003 Tierra Del Oro Street Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Dear Mr. Campbell: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated February 23, 2005, Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. has performed an investigation of the geotechnical and general geologic conditions at the location of the subject site. The field work was performed on March 8, 2006, by our field geologist. In our opinion, if the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are implemented during site preparation, the site should be suited for the proposed structure and associated improvements. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions concerning the following report, please contact our office. Reference to our Job No. 06-9164 will help to expedite a response to your inquiry. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. Leslie D. Reed, President C.E.G. 999Cexp. 3-31-D73/R.G 3391 7420 TRADE STREET • SAN DIE< 92121 • (858) 549-7222 • FAX: (868) 549-1604 • E-MAIL: geotecti@lxpres.com TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. PROJECT SUMMARY 1 II. SITE DESCRIPTION 3 III. FIELD INVESTIGATION 4 IV. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS AND SOIL INFORMATION 4 V. GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 7 VI. SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 10 VII. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 12 VIII. EARTHQUAKE RISK EVALUATION 17 IX. GROUNDWATER 18 X. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 20 XI. GRADING NOTES 36 XII. LIMITATIONS 36 FIGURES I. Vicinity Map II. Plot Plan Illa-c. Exploratory Boring Logs IV. Laboratory Data V. Foundation Requirements Near Slopes VI. Retaining Wall Waterproofing and Drainage Schematic APPENDICES A. Unified Soil Classification System B. Seismic Data - EQFault C. Seismic Data - EQSearch D. Modified Mercalli Intensity Index REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE Proposed Campbell Residence 5003 Tierra Del Oro Street Carlsbad, California JOB NO. 06-9164 The following report presents the findings and recommendations of Geoteciinicai Exploration, Inc. for the subject project. I. SCOPE OF WORK It is our understanding, based on review of preliminary plans prepared by Damian Baumhover Architects, dated October 4, 2006, that the existing structure will be removed and the site is being developed to receive a new single-family residential structure with a basement-level living area, an attached garage, driveway and associated improvements. The proposed structure is to be a maximum of two stories in height over a basement and will be constructed of standard-type building materials utilizing conventional foundations with a concrete slab-on-grade floor. Final construction plans for development of the site have not been provided to us during the preparation of this report, however, when completed they should be made available for our review. With the above in mind, the scope of work is briefly outlined as follows: 1. Identify and classify the surface and subsurface soils to depths, in con- formance with the Unified Soil Classification System. 2. Make note of any faults or significant geologic features that may affect the site. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 2 3. Evaluate the existing fill soil and native materials for soil type and consistency. 4. Recommend the allowable bearing capacities for the on-site medium dense to dense natural soils or properly compacted fills. 5. Recommend site preparation procedures. 6. Evaluate the settlement potential of the bearing soils under the proposed structural loads. 7. Recommend preliminary foundation design information and provide active and passive earth pressures to be utilized in design of any proposed retaining walls and foundation structures. Our subsurface investigation revealed that the site is covered by 3 to 5 feet of loose existing fill soils which are underlain by silty sand formational terrace materials. In general, the terrace materials are in a medium dense condition. In Boring 1, however, the terrace materials were in a loose condition to a depth of about 10 feet. The loose fill soils and any underlying loose terrace materials will not provide a stable soil base for the proposed structure and associated improvements. As such, we recommend that the fill soils and any loose terrace materials be removed and recompacted as part of site preparation prior to the addition of any new fill or structural improvements. Excavation for the basement will result in the removal of most of the existing fill materials at the proposed basement location. Approximately 2 feet of loose terrace sand, however, may require removal and recompaction below the basement elevation. The competency of the soils in this area should be evaluated during the basement excavation work. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 3 II. SITE DESCRIPTION The property is known as: Assessor's Parcel No. 210-020-22-00, those Portions of Lots 19 and 20 described as Parcel B, according to Map No. 3052, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. The existing, rectangular-shaped lot consists of approximately 11,750 square feet, and is located at 5003 Tierra del Oro Street (see Figure No. I). The property is bordered on the north and south by existing residential properties at the approximate same elevation; on the east by the northern terminus of the north- south trending Tierra Del Oro Street; and on the west by a rip-rap protected slope, a sandy beach and the Pacific Ocean. Refer to Figure No. II. Structures currently on the site consist of a single-story, single-family residence with a lower level living area below the western portion of the residence, an attached garage, a brick driveway, and brick walkways and patios. Vegetation on the site consists primarily of trees, decorative shrubbery, and grass with iceplant on the westerly slope. The split-level property consists of a relatively level building pad on a westerly- descending lot. An approximately 10- to 15-foot-high, 1.5:1.0 (horizontal to vertical) fill/natural slope descends from the western side of the level building pad area. The westerly portion of the property descends moderately to the top of an approximately 8 to 10-foot high, rip-rap covered slope that descends westerly to the beach. The building pad is at an approximate elevation ranging from 44 feet above mean sea level (MSL) at the street grade to 37 feet above MSL at the lower level. Elevations across the property range from approximately 44 feet above MSL along the eastern perimeter of the property to 10 feet above MSL along the western Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 4 property boundary. Approximate elevations were obtained from a topographic survey by Pasco Engineering, Inc., dated February 27,2005 (see Figure No. II). III. FIELD INVESTIGATION Three small diameter exploratory borings were placed on the site. The borings were placed in areas where the proposed residence is to be located in order to obtain representative soil samples to define a soil profile (for exploratory boring locations, refer to Figure No. II). The exploratory borings were excavated to a maximum depth of 18 feet. The soils encountered in the borings were logged by our field representative and samples were taken of the predominant soils throughout the field operation. Exploratory boring logs have been prepared on the basis of our observations and laboratory testing. The results have been summarized on Figure Nos. Ill and IV. The predominant soils have been classified in conformance with the Unified Soil Classification System (refer to Appendix A). IV. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS AND SOIL INFORMATION A. Field Tests Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by driving a 3-inch outside-diameter (O.D.) by 2-3/8-inch inside-diameter (I.D.) split-tube sampler a distance of 12 inches. Standard Penetration Tests were also performed by using a 140-pound weight falling 30 inches to drive a 2-inch O.D. by 1-3/8-inch I.D. sampler tube a distance of 18 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches was recorded for use in evaluation of the soil consistency. The following Proposed Campbell Residence Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Page 5 chart provides an in-house correlation between the number of blows and the consistency ofthe soil for the Standard Penetration Test and the 3-inch sampler. 2-INCH O.D. 3-INCH O.D. DENSITY SAMPLER SAMPLER SOIL DESIGNATION BLOWS/FOOT BLOWS/FOOT Sand and Very loose 0-4 0-7 Non-plastic Loose 5-10 8-20 Silt Medium 11-30 21-53 Dense 31-50 54-98 Very Dense Over 50 Over 98 Clay and Very soft 0-2 0-2 Plastic Silt Soft 3-4 3-4 Firm 5-8 5-9 Stiff 9-15 10-18 Very Stiff 15-30 19-45 Hard 31-60 46-90 Very Hard Over 60 Over 90 B. Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed on disturbed and relatively undisturbed soil samples in order to evaluate their physical and mechanical properties and their ability to support the proposed residential structure and improvements. Test results are presented on Figure Nos. Ill and IV. The following tests were conducted on the sampled soils: 1. Moisture Content (ASTM D2216-98) 2. Laboratory Compaction Characteristics (ASTM Dl557-98) 3. Density Measurements (ASTM D1188-90) 4. Determination of Percentage of Particles Smaller than No. 200 (ASTM DlMO) Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 6 The moisture content of a soil sample is a measure of the water content, expressed as a percentage ofthe dry weight ofthe sample. Laboratory compaction values establish the optimum moisture content and the laboratory maximum dry density of the tested soils. The relationship between the moisture and density of remolded soil samples gives qualitative information regarding soil compaction conditions to be anticipated during any future grading operation. In addition, this relation helps to establish the relative compaction of existing fill soils. The -200 sieve size analysis helps to more precisely classify the tested soils based on their fine material content, and to provide qualitative information related to engineering characteristics such as expansion potential, permeability, and shear strength. The expansion potential of the on-site soils is determined, when necessary utilizing the Uniform Building Code Test Method for Expansive Soils (UBC Standard No. 29- 2). In accordance with the UBC (Table 18-1-B), potentially expansive soils are classified as follows: EXPANSION INDEX EXPANSION POTENTIAL 0 to 20 Very low 21 to 50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 130 Very high Based on our particle-size test results, our visual classification, and our experience with similar soils, it is our opinion that the on-site fill soils and formational terrace materials have a very low expansion potential (EI less than 20). Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 7 Based on the laboratory test data, our observations of the primary soil types on the site, and our previous experience with laboratory testing of similar soils, our Geotechnical Engineer has assigned values for the angle of internal friction and cohesion to those soils that will provide significant lateral support or load bearing on the project. These values have been utilized in assigning the recommended bearing value as well as active and passive earth pressure design criteria for foundations and retaining walls. V. GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION San Diego County has been divided into 3 major geomorphic provinces: the Coastal Plain, Peninsular Ranges and Salton Trough. The Coastal Plain exists west of the Peninsular Ranges. The Salton Trough is east of the Peninsular Ranges. These divisions are the result of the basic geologic distinctions between the areas. Mesozoic metavolcanic, metasedimetary and plutonic rocks predominate in the Peninsular Ranges with primarily Cenozoic sedimentary rocks to the west and east ofthis central mountain range (Demere, 1997). In the Coastal Plain region, where the subject property is located, the "basement" consists of Mesozoic crystalline rocks. Basement rocks are also exposed as high relief areas (e.g.. Black Mountain northeast of the subject property and Cowles Mountain near the San Carlos area of San Diego). Younger Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments lap up against these older features. The Cretaceous sediments form the local basement rocks on the Point Loma area. These sediments form a "layer cake" sequence of marine and non-marine sedimentary rock units, with some formations up to 140 million years old. Faulting related to the La Nacion and Rose Canyon Fault zones has broken up this sequence into a number of distinct fault blocks in the Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 8 southwestern part of the county. Northwestern portions of the county are relatively undeformed by faulting (Demere, 1997). The Peninsular Ranges form the granitic spine of San Diego County. These rocks are primarily plutonic, forming at depth beneath the earth's crust 140 to 90 million years ago as the result of the subduction of an oceanic crustal plate beneath the North American continent. These rocks formed the much larger Southern California batholith. Metamorphism associated with the intrusion of these great granitic masses affected the much older sediments that existed near the surface over that period of time. These metasedimentary rocks remain as roof pendants of marble, schist, slate, quartzite and gneiss throughout the Peninsular Ranges. Locally, Miocene-age volcanic rocks and flows have also accumulated within these mountains (e.g., Jacumba Valley). Regional tectonic forces and erosion over time have uplifted and unroofed these granitic rocks to expose them at the surface (Demere, 1997). The Salton Trough is the northerly extension of the Gulf of California. This zone is undergoing active deformation related to faulting along the Elsinore and San Jacinto Fault Zones, which are part of the major regional tectonic feature in the southwestern portion of California, the San Andreas Fault Zone. Translational movement along these fault zones has resulted in crustal rifting and subsidence. The Salton Trough, also referred to as the Colorado Desert, has been filled with sediments to depth of approximately 5 miles since the movement began in the early Miocene, 24 million years ago. The source of these sediments has been the local mountains as well as the ancestral and modern Colorado River (Demere, 1997). As indicated previously, the San Diego area is part of a seismically active region of California. It is on the eastern boundary of the Southern California Continental Borderland, part of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province. This region is part Proposed Campbell Residence Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Page 9 of a broad tectonic boundary between the North American and Pacific Plates. The actual plate boundary is characterized by a complex system of active, major, right- lateral strike-slip faults, trending northwest/southeast. This fault system extends eastward to the San Andreas Fault (approximately 70 miles from San Diego) and westward to the San Clemente Fault (approximately 50 miles off-shore from San Diego) (Berger and Schug, 1991). During recent history, the San Diego County area has been relatively quiet seismically. No fault ruptures or major earthquakes have been experienced in historic time within the San Diego area. Since earthquakes have been recorded by instruments (since the 1930s), the San Diego area has experienced scattered seismic events with Richter magnitudes generally less than 4.0. During June 1985, a series of small earthquakes occurred beneath San Diego Bay, three of which had recorded magnitudes of 4.0 to 4.2. In addition, the Oceanside earthquake of July 13, 1986, located approximately 26 miles offshore of the City of Oceanside, had a magnitude of 5.3 (Hauksson and Jones, 1988). On June 15, 2004, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake occurred approximately 45 miles southwest of downtown San Diego (26 miles west of Rosarito, Mexico). Although this earthquake was widely felt, no significant damage was reported. In California, major earthquakes can generally be correlated with movement on active faults. As defined by the California Division of Mines and Geology (Hart, E.W., 1980), an "active" fault is one that has had ground surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). Additionally, faults along which major historical earthquakes have occurred (about the last 210 years in California) are also considered to be active (Association of Engineering Geologist, 1973). The California Division of Mines and Geology defines a "potentially active" fault as bne that has had ground surface displacement during Quaternary time, that is, during the past 11,000 to 1.6 million years (Hart, E.W., 1980). Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 10 VI. SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION A. Stratigraphy A geologic reconnaissance of the site was conducted to evaluate the on-site geology and potential of geologic hazards that might affect the site. Our reconnaissance drew upon information gathered from published and unpublished geologic maps and reports, as well as the results of our recent exploratory borings. The subject site is located within a residential area along the west side of Tierra Del Oro Street, along the edge of a coastal bluff in the City of Carlsbad. The subject site is located in an area with moderate to high geologic risk (as identified by Map 12a-b and 13a of the "Shoreline Erosion Assessment and Atlas of the San Diego Region — Volume II" [California Department of Boating and Waterways and San Diego Association of Governments])." No faults were shown to cross the site. The Rose Canyon Fault is located offshore approximately 5 miles west of the subject site. Our field investigation and review of pertinent geologic maps and reports indicate that the site is underlain by a limited amount of artificial fill soils, marine terrace deposits and the Santiago Formation. Artificial Fill (Qaf): A limited amount of fill (approximately 3 to 3V2 feet) was encountered on the surface of the building pad of the site. The fill is loose to medium dense and consists of light gray-brown to red-brown silty sand. The fills are considered to have a very low expansion potential. Refer to Figure Nos. Ill and IV for details. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 11 Marine-Terrace Deposits (Ot): The major portion of the site is underlain by Pleistocene-age marine-terrace deposits. These materials are loose to medium dense and consist of gray-brown to red-brown, medium to coarse grained, sand with some silt. These materials are generally damp to moist and are considered to have a low consolidation potential and very low expansion potential. Referto Figure Nos. Ill and IV for details. A review of several geologic maps for this area indicates that the marine-terrace deposits occur as thin, very gently dipping, mantle-like deposits within 2 to 3 miles of the coast. One of the older maps (Wilson, 1972) shows these deposits as part of the Lindavista Formation. However, a more recent map (Weber, 1982) includes these deposits as part of the Bay Point Formation. Review of the Shoreline Erosion Assessment report also indicates that these deposits are mapped as part ofthe Bay Point Formation. Santiago Formation (Tsb): The site is mapped as being underlain by the Eocene- age Santiago Formation (Weber, 1982). Although the Santiago Formation was not encountered during our investigation, the formation in this area typically consists of dense, well-cemented, tan-gray, silty sand. This portion ofthe Santiago Formation is considered to have low expansion and consolidation potentials. B. Structure The marine terrace deposits that underlie the site are considered to be massive and conformably overlie the massively bedded sandstone materials of the Santiago Formation. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 12 VII. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The following is a discussion of the geologic conditions and hazards common to the Carlsbad area of the County of San Diego, as well as project specific geologic information relating to development of the subject property. A. Locai and Regional Faults Rose Canyon Fault: The Rose Canyon Fault Zone (Mount Soledad and Rose Canyon Faults), located approximately 5 miles west of the subject site, is mapped trending north-south from Oceanside to downtown San Diego, from where it appears to head southward into San Diego Bay, through Coronado and offshore. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is considered to be a complex zone of onshore and offshore, en echelon strike slip, oblique reverse, and oblique normal faults. The Rose Canyon Fault is considered to be capable of causing a 6.9-magnitude earthquake and considered microseismically active, although no significant recent earthquake is known to have occurred on the fault. Investigative work on faults that are part of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone at the Police Administration and Technical Center in downtown San Diego, at the SDG&E facility in Rose Canyon, and within San Diego Bay and elsewhere within downtown San Diego, has encountered offsets in Holocene (geologically recent) sediments. These findings confirm Holocene displacement on the Rose Canyon Fault, which was designated an "active" fault in November 1991 (California Division of Mines and Geology — Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, 1999). Coronado Bank Fault: The Coronado Bank Fault is located approximately 20 miles southwest of the site. Evidence for this fault is based upon geophysical data (acoustic profiles) and the general alignment of epicenters of recorded seismic Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 13 activity (Greene, 1979). An earthquake of 5.3 magnitude, recorded July 13, 1986, is known to have been centered on the fault or within the Coronado Bank Fault Zone. Although this fault is considered active, due to the seismicity within the fault zone, it is significantly less active seismically than the Elsinore Fault (Hileman, 1973). It is postulated that the Coronado Bank Fault is capable of generating a 7.0- magnitude earthquake and is of great interest due to its close proximity to the greater San Diego metropolitan area. Elsinore Fault: The Elsinore Fault is located approximately 24 miles east and northeast ofthe site. The Elsinore Fault extends approximately 200 km (125 miles) from the Mexican border to the northern end of the Santa Ana Mountains. The Elsinore Fault zone is a 1 to 4-mile wide, northwest-southeast trending zone of discontinuous and en echelon faults extending through portions of Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties. Individual faults within the Elsinore Fault Zone range from less than 1 mile to 16 miles in length. The trend, length and geomorphic expression of the Elsinore Fault Zone identified it as being a part of the highly active San Andreas Fault system. Like the other faults in the San Andreas system, the Elsinore Fault is a transverse fault showing predominantly right-lateral movement. According to Hart, et al. (1979), this movement averages less than 1 centimeter per year. Along most of its length, the Elsinore Fault Zone is marked by a bold topographic expression consisting of linearly aligned ridges, swales and hallows. Faulted Holocene alluvial deposits (believed to be less than 11,000 years old) found along several segments of the fault zone suggest that at least part of the zone is currently active. Although the Elsinore Fault Zone belongs to the San Andreas set of active, northwest-trending, right-slip faults in the southern California area (Crowell, 1962), it has not been the site of a major earthquake in historic time, other than a 6.0- Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 14 magnitude quake near the town of Elsinore in 1910 (Richter, 1958; Toppozada and Parke, 1982). However, based on length and evidence of late-Pleistocene or Holocene displacement, Greensfelder (1974) has estimated that the Elsinore Fault Zone is reasonably capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude as large as 7.5. Recent study and logging of exposures in trenches in Glen Ivy Marsh across the Glen Ivy North Fault (a strand of the Elsinore Fault Zone between Corona and Lake Elsinore), suggest a maximum earthquake recurrence interval of 300 years, and when combined with previous estimates of the long-term horizontal slip rate of 0.8 to 7.0 mm/year, suggest typical earthquake magnitudes of 6 to 7 (Rockwell, 1985). B. Other Geoioaic Hazards Ground Rupture: Ground rupture is characterized by bedrock slippage along an established fault and may result in displacement ofthe ground surface. For ground rupture to occur along a fault, an earthquake usually exceeds magnitude 5.0. If a 5.0-magnitude earthquake were to take place on a local fault, an estimated surface- rupture length 1 mile long could be expected (Greensfelder, 1974). Our investigation indicates that the subject site is not directly on a known fault trace and, therefore, the risk of ground rupture is remote. Ground Shaking: Structural damage caused by seismically induced ground shaking is a detrimental effect directly related to faulting and earthquake activity. Ground shaking is considered to be the greatest seismic hazard in San Diego County. The intensity of ground shaking is dependent on the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance from the earthquake, and local seismic condition. Earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 Richter scale or greater are generally associated with significant damage. It is our opinion that the most serious damage to the site would be caused by a large earthquake originating on a nearby strand of the Rose Canyon Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 15 Fault Zone. Although the chance of such an event is remote, it could occur within the useful life of the structure. The anticipated ground accelerations at the site from earthquakes on faults within 100 miles ofthe site are provided in Appendix B. Liquefaction: The liquefaction of saturated sands during earthquakes can result in major damage to buildings. Liquefaction is the process in which soils are transformed into a dense fluid that will flow as a liquid when unconfined. It occurs principally in loose, saturated sands and silts when they are shaken by an earthquake of sufficient magnitude. On this site, the risk of liquefaction of foundation material due to seismic shaking is considered to be remote due to the density of the natural-ground material. No loss of soil strength is anticipated to occur at the site due to the design seismic event. Landslides: According to our geologic reconnaissance and a review of the geologic map (Weber, 1982) and aerial photographs (4-11-53, AXN-8M-99 and 100) there are no known or suspected ancient landslides located on the site. Tsunami: The site is located at an elevation between 10 feet above MSL at the base of the rip-rap protection and 44 feet above MSL east of the active beach. Based upon historical information on tsunami activity in Southern California, it is our opinion that the risk to the site from a tsunami is minimal. Groundwater: No groundwater problems were encountered during the course of our field investigation and we do not expect significant problems to develop in the future " if the property is developed as planned with proper drainage provided for the surface of the lot, and subdrains for the basement. It should be kept in mind, however, that the proposed grading operations may change surface drainage patterns and/or reduce permeabilities due to the densification of compacted soils. Changes of surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions, plus irrigation of Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 16 landscaping or significant increases in rainfall, may result in the appearance of surface or near-surface water at locations where none existed previously. Positive drainage measures should be constructed to intercept and divert all surface runoff waters away from the structure and improvements planned for the site. The damage from such water is expected to be minor and cosmetic in nature, if good positive drainage is implemented and maintained at the completion of construction. Corrective action should be taken on a site-specific basis, if and when it becomes necessary. C. Bluff Edae Evaluation It appears that the bluff edge is located between elevation 10 and 15 feet above mean sea level (MSL). This point on the site is where the marine terrace deposits slope steeply down to the west and come in contact with the relatively flat surface of beach sand deposits and the underlying Santiago Formation. The bluff face is currently covered with rip-rap, so it is not visible. The bluff edge is located approximately 20 to 30 feet lower in elevation than the proposed structure and should not be affected by the proposed new construction on the building pad. The westerly edge of the proposed new home will be approximately 70 feet from the bluff edge. D. Summary It is our opinion that a significant geologic hazard does not exist on the site. No evidence of faulting or landslide activity was encountered during our investigation of the site. The site is situated in a developed neighborhood of Carlsbad and in the event that severe earth shaking does occur from a seismic event, compliance with Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 17 Uniform Building Code requirements for construction should help reduce structural damage. From a geotechnical standpoint, our investigation indicates that the proposed residence can be constructed at the site provided the recommendations in this report are followed. VIII. EARTHOUAKE RISK EVALUATION Evaluation of earthquake risk requires that the effect of faulting on, and the mass stability of, a site be evaluated utilizing the Mio seismic design event (i.e., an earthquake event on an active fault with less than a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years). Further, sites are classified by CBC 2001 Edition into "soil profile types SA through Sp." Soil profile types are defined by their shear velocities where shear velocity is the speed at which shear waves move through the upper 30 meters (approximately 100 feet) ofthe ground. These are: SA => Greater than 1500 m/s SB =^> 760 m/s to 1500 m/s Sc => 360 m/s to 760 m/s SD => 180 m/s to 360 m/s SE => Less than 180 m/s SF => Soil requiring specific soil evaluation By utilizing an earthquake magnitude Mio for a seismic event on an active fault, knowing the site class and ground type, a prediction of anticipated site ground acceleration, g, from these events can be estimated. The subject site has been assigned Classification "Sc." Additional active near-source information is provided in Section X of this report. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 18 An estimation of the peak ground acceleration and the repeatable high ground acceleration (RHGA) likely to occur at the project site by the known significant local and regional faults within 100 miles of the site is also included in Appendix B. Also, a listing of the known historic seismic events that have occurred within 100 miles of the site at a magnitude of 5.0 or greater since the year 1800, and the probability of exceeding the experienced ground accelerations in the future based upon the historical record, is provided in Appendix C. Both Appendix B and Appendix C are tables generated from computer programs EQFault and EQSearch by Thomas F. Blake (2000) utilizing a digitized file of late-Quaternary California faults (EQFault) and a file listing of recorded earthquakes (EQSearch). Estimations of site intensity are also provided in these listings as Modified Mercalli Index values. The Modified Mercalli Intensity Index is provided as Appendix D. It is our opinion that a known "active" fault presents the greatest seismic risk to the subject site during the lifetime of the proposed residence. To date, the nearest known "active" faults to the subject site are the northwest-trending Rose Canyon Fault, Coronado Bank Fault and the Elsinore Fault. The owner should understand that there is some risk associated with any construction in the San Diego County area due to the proximity of the Rose Canyon Fault, which is considered "active". A structural engineer should be asked to review the ground acceleration possible at the site from the Rose Canyon Fault (see Appendix B). The maximum probable repeatable horizontal ground acceleration (RHGA) anticipated is 0.231g. The maximum probable peak horizontal ground acceleration anticipated is 0.356g. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 19 IX. GROUNDWATER No groundwater was encountered during the course of our field investigation and we do not anticipate significant groundwater problems to develop in the future ifthe property is developed as proposed and proper drainage is implemented and maintained. It should be kept in mind that any required grading operations will change surface drainage patterns and/or reduce permeabilities due to the densification of compacted soils. Such changes of surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions, plus irrigation of landscaping or significant increases in rainfall, may result in the appearance of surface or near-surface water at locations where none existed previously. The damage from such water is expected to be localized and cosmetic in nature, if good positive drainage is implemented, as recommended in this report, during and at the completion of construction. On properties such as the subject site where formational materials exist at relatively shallow depths, even normal landscape irrigation practices or periods of extended rainfall can result in shallow "perched" water conditions. The perching (shallow depth) accumulation of water on a low permeability surface can result in areas of persistent wetting and drowning of lawns, plants and trees. Resolution of such conditions, should they occur, may require site-specific design and construction of subdrain and shallow "wick" drain dewatering systems. Subsurface drainage with a properly designed and constructed subdrain system will be required along with continuous back drainage behind any proposed lower-level living area or garage walls, property line retaining walls, or any perimeter stem walls for raised-wood floors where the outside grades are higher than the crawl Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California " Page 20 space grades. Furthermore, crawl spaces shall be provided with the proper cross- ventilation to help reduce the potential for moisture-related problems. It must be understood that unless discovered during initial site exploration or encountered during site grading operations, it is extremely difficult to predict if or where perched or true groundwater conditions may appear in the future. When site fill or formational soils are fine-grained and of low permeability, water problems may not become apparent for extended periods of time. Water conditions, where suspected or encountered during grading operations, should be evaluated and remedied by the project civil and geotechnical consultants. The project developer and property owner, however, must realize that post- construction appearances of groundwater may have to be dealt with on a site- specific basis. X. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following preliminary conclusions and preliminary recommendations are based upon the practical field investigation conducted by our firm, and resulting laboratory tests, in conjunction with our knowledge and experience with similar soils in this area of the City of Carlsbad. We found the site to be underlain by medium dense formational terrace materials with approximately 3 to 5 feet of loose to medium dense fill soils that will not provide adequate bearing strength for the proposed structure and improvements. As such, we recommend that the fill soils and any loose terrace materials be removed and recompacted as part of site preparation in the building pad area prior to the addition of any new fill or structural improvements. The underlying formational terrace soils, have good bearing strength characteristics, and are Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 21 suitable for support of the proposed structural loads. Excavation for the basement will result in the removal of most of the existing fill materials at the proposed basement location, however, approximately 2 feet of loose sandy soil may require removal and recompaction below the basement elevation. In addition, shoring may be required along the north, south and east property lines if temporary steep cuts are not allowed due to space constraints. As indicated previously, final construction plans were not yet available for our review at the time of report preparation. When final plans become available we should be provided with the opportunity to review the project plans to see that our recommendations are adequately incorporated in the plans. A. Preparation of Soils for Site Development 1. Clearing and Stripping: The existing structures and vegetation observed on the site should be removed. Any buried objects, abandoned utility lines, or particular soft soil areas, etc., which might be discovered in the construction areas, shall be removed and the excavation properly backfilled with properly compacted fill. Holes resulting from the removal of root systems or other buried obstructions that extend below the planned grades should be cleared and backfilled with properly compacted fill. 2. Treatment of Existing Fill Soils: In order to provide suitable foundation support for the proposed residence and associated improvements, we recommend that all existing fill soils and loose, sandy terrace soils that remain after the necessary site excavations have been made be removed and recompacted. The recompaction work should consist of (a) removing all existing fill soil down to medium dense to dense formational terrace deposit materials; (b) scarifying, moisture conditioning, and compacting the exposed Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 22 natural subgrade soils; and (c) cleaning and replacing the fill material as compacted structural fill. The areal extent and depth required to remove the fills is anticipated to be from 3 to 5 feet but should be determined by our representatives during the excavation work based on their examination of the soils being exposed. Excavation for the basement will result in the removal of most of the existing fill materials at the proposed basement location. Approximately 2 feet of loose sandy terrace soil, however, may require removal and recompaction below the basement elevation. The lateral extent of the excavation shall be at least 5 feet beyond the edge of the perimeter foundations and any areas to receive exterior improvements. Where the organic/root content of the fill materials precludes their use as compacted structural fills, imported soils may be required. Imported soils should have similar strength characteristics as on-site soils and should be approved by our firm prior to importation. Any unsuitable materials (such as oversize rubble, clayey soils, and/or organic matter) should be selectively removed as indicated by our representative and disposed of off-site. Any rigid improvements founded on the existing loose surface soils can be expected to undergo movement and possible damage. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. takes no responsibility for the performance of any improvements built on loose natural soils or inadequately compacted fills. Any exterior area to receive concrete improvements should be verified for compaction and moisture within 48 hours prior to concrete placement or during the fill placement if the thickness of fill exceeds 1 foot. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 23 3. Subarade Preparation: After the site has been cleared, stripped, and the required excavations made, the exposed subgrade soils in areas to receive fill and/or building improvements should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted to the requirements for structural fill. 4. Expansive Soil Conditions: We do not anticipate that significant quantities of medium or highly expansive clay soils will be encountered during grading. Should such soils be encountered and used as fill, however, they should be moisture conditioned to at least 5 percent above optimum moisture content, compacted to 88 to 92 percent, and placed outside building areas. Soils of medium or greater expansion potential should not be used as retaining wall backfill soils. 5. Material for Fill: All existing on-site soils with an organic content of less than 3 percent by volume are, in general, suitable for use as fill. Any required imported fill material should be a low-expansion potential (Expansion Index of 50 or less per ASTM D4829-95). In addition, both imported and existing on-site materials for use as fill should not contain rocks or lumps more than 6 inches in greatest dimension if the fill soils are compacted with heavy compaction equipment (or 3 inches in greatest dimension if compacted with lightweight equipment). All materials for use as fill should be approved by our representative prior to importing to the site. 6. Fill Compaction: All structural fill should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 90 percent based upon ASTM D1557-98. Fill material should be spread and compacted in uniform horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. Before compaction begins, the fill should be brought to a water content that will permit proper compaction by either: (1) aerating the fill if it is too wet, or (2) moistening the fill with water if it is Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 24 too dry. Each lift should be thoroughly mixed before compaction to ensure a uniform distribution of moisture. For low expansive soils, the moisture content should be within 2 percent of optimum. For medium to highly expansive soils, the moisture content should be at least 5 percent over optimum. No uncontrolled fill soils should remain on the site after completion ofthe site work. In the event that temporary ramps or pads are constructed of uncontrolled fill soils, the loose fill soils should be removed and/or recompacted prior to completion ofthe grading operation. 7. Trench and Retainina Wall Backfill: All backfill soils placed in utility trenches or behind retaining walls should be compacted to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density. Our experience has shown that even shallow, narrow trenches (such as for irrigation and electrical lines) that are not properly compacted, can result in problems, particularly with respect to shallow groundwater accumulation and migration. Backfill soils placed behind retaining walls and/or crawl space retaining walls should be installed as early as the retaining walls are capable of supporting lateral loads. Backfill soils should be low expansive, with an Expansion Index equal to or lower than 50. B. Desian Parameters for Proposed Foundations 8. Footings: We recommend that the proposed residence be supported on conventional, individual-spread and/or continuous footing foundations bearing entirely on undisturbed formational materials and/or entirely on well- compacted fill material. All footings should be founded at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. If the proposed footings are located closer than 8 feet inside the top of slopes, they should be deepened Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 25 to Vh feet below a line beginning at a point 8 feet horizontally inside the slopes and projected outward and downward, parallel to the face of the slope and into firm soils (see Figure No. V). Footings located adjacent to utility trenches should have their bearing surfaces situated below an imaginary 1.5:1.0 plane projected upward from the bottom edge ofthe adjacent utility trench. 9. Footina Bearina Values: At the recommended depths, footings may be designed for allowable bearing pressures of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) for combined dead and live loads and 3,300 psf for all loads, including wind or seismic. The footings should, however, have a minimum width of 12 inches. 10. Foundation Reinforcement: All continuous footings should contain top and bottom reinforcement to provide structural continuity and to permit spanning of local irregularities. We recommend that a minimum of two No. 5 top and two No. 5 bottom reinforcing bars be provided in the footings. A minimum clearance of 3 inches should be maintained between steel reinforcement and the bottom or sides of the footing. Isolated square footings should contain, as a minimum, a grid of three No. 4 steel bars on 12-inch centers, both ways. In order for us to offer an opinion as to whether the footings are founded on soils of sufficient load bearing capacity, it is essential that our representative inspect the footing excavations prior to the placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. NOTE: The project Civil/Structural Engineer should review all reinforcing schedules. The reinforcing minimums recommended herein are not to be construed as structural designs, but merely as minimum reinforcement to reduce the potential for cracking and separations. Proposed Campbell Residence Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Page 26 11. Seismic Desian Criteria: Site-specific seismic design criteria to calculate the base shear needed for the design of the residential structure are presented in the following table. The design criteria was obtained from the California Building Code (2001 edition) and is based on the distance to the closest active fault and soil profile classification. The nearest active fault is approximately 5 miles from the site. Parameter Value Reference Seismic Zone Factor, Z 0.40 Table 16-1 Soil Profile Type Sc Table 16-J Seismic Coefficient, Ca 0.40Na Table 16-Q Seismic Coefficient, Cv 0.56Nv Table 16-R Near-Source Factor, Na 1.0 Table 16-S Near-Source Factor, Nv 1.02 Table 16-T Seismic Source Type B Table 16-U 12. Lateral Loads: Lateral load resistance for the structure supported on footing foundations may be developed in friction between the foundation bottoms and the supporting subgrade. An allowable friction coefficient of 0.40 is considered applicable. An additional allowable passive resistance equal to an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pounds per cubic foot acting against the foundations may be used in design provided the footings are poured neat against the adjacent undisturbed formational terrace materials and/or compacted fill materials. These lateral resistance values assume a level surface in front of the footing for a minimum distance of three times the embedment depth ofthe footing and any shear keys. 13. Settlement: Settlements under building loads are expected to be within tolerable limits for the proposed residence. For footings designed in Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 27 accordance with the recommendations presented in the preceding paragraphs, we anticipate that total settlements should not exceed 1 inch and that post-construction differential angular rotation should be less than 1/240. C. Concrete Siab-on-arade Criteria 14. Minimum Floor Slab Reinforcement: Based on our experience, we have found that, for various reasons, floor slabs occasionally crack, causing brittle surfaces such as ceramic tiles to become damaged. Therefore, we recommend that all slabs-on-grade contain at least a minimum amount of reinforcing steel to reduce the separation of cracks, should they occur. 14.1 Interior floor slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches actual thickness and be reinforced with No. 3 bars on 18-inch centers, both ways, placed at midheight in the slab. The slabs should be underlain by a 2- inch-thick layer of clean sand (S.E. = 30 or greater) overlying a moisture retardant membrane over 2 inches of sand. Slab subgrade soil should be verified by a Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. representative to have the proper moisture content within 48 hours prior to placement ofthe vapor barrier and pouring of concrete. 14.2 Preferably, any proposed basement slabs should be provided with a waterproofing membrane such as Paraseal on a 4-inch gravel base, per the manufacturer's instructions. The owner should be consulted as to the degree of moisture protection desired. 14.3 Following placement of any concrete floor slabs, sufficient drying time must be allowed prior to placement of floor coverings. Premature Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 28 placement of floor coverings may result in degradation of adhesive materials and loosening ofthe finish floor materials. 15. Concrete Isolation Joints: We recommend the project Civil/Structural Engineer incorporate isolation joints and sawcuts to at least one-fourth the thickness of the slab in any floor designs. The joints and cuts, if properly placed, should reduce the potential for and help control floor slab cracking. We recommend that concrete shrinkage joints be spaced no farther than approximately 20 feet apart, and also at re-entrant corners. However, due to a number of reasons (such as base preparation, construction techniques, curing procedures, and normal shrinkage of concrete), some cracking of slabs can be expected. 16. Slab Moisture Emission: Soil moisture vapor can result in damage to moisture-sensitive floors, some floor sealers, or sensitive equipment in direct contact with the floor, in addition to mold and staining on slabs, walls and carpets. The common practice in Southern California is to place vapor retarders made of PVC, or of polyethylene. PVC retarders are made in thickness ranging from 10- to 60-mil. Polyethylene retarders, called visqueen, range from 5- to 10-mil in thickness. The thicker the plastic, the stronger the resistance will be against puncturing. Although polyethylene (visqueen) products are commonly used, products such as Vaporshield possess higher tensile strength and are more specifically designed for and intended to retard moisture transmission into concrete slabs. The use of Vaporshield or equivalent is highly recommended when a structure is intended for moisture-sensitive floor coverings or uses. Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 29 16.1 Vapor retarder joints must be lapped and sealed with mastic or the manufacturer's recommended tape. To provide protection of the moisture retarder, a layer of at least 2 inches of clean sand on top and 2 inches at the bottom should also be provided. No heavy equipment, stakes or other puncturing instruments should be used on top of the liner before or during concrete placement. In actual practice, stakes are often driven through the retarder material, equipment is dragged or rolled across the retarder, overlapping or jointing is not properly implemented, etc. All these construction deficiencies reduce the retarder's effectiveness. 16.2 The vapor retarders are not waterproof. They are intended to help prevent or reduce vapor transmission and capillary migration through the soil into the pores of concrete slabs. Waterproofing systems must supplement vapor retarders if full waterproofing is desired. The owner should be consulted to determine the specific level of protection required. 17. Exterior Slab Reinforcement: As a minimum for protection of on-site improvements, we recommend that all nonstructural concrete slabs (such as patios, sidewalks, etc.), be at least 4 inches in actual thickness, founded on properly compacted and tested fill or dense native formation and underlain by no more than 3 inches of clean leveling sand, with No. 3 bars at 18-inch centers, both ways, at the center of the slab, and contain adequate isolation and control joints. The performance of on-site improvements can be greatly affected by soil base preparation and the quality of construction. It is therefore important that all improvements are properly designed and Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 30 constructed for the existing soil conditions. The improvements should not be built on loose soils or fills placed without our observation and testing. For exterior slabs with the minimum shrinkage reinforcement, control joints should be placed at spaces no farther than 15 feet apart or the width of the slab, whichever is less, and also at re-entrant corners. Control joints in exterior slabs should be sealed with elastomeric joint sealant. The sealant should be inspected every 6 months and be properly maintained. 18. Concrete Pavement: Driveway pavement, consisting of Portland cement concrete at least 5V2 inches in thickness, may be placed on properly compacted subgrade soils. The concrete should be at least 3,500 psi compressive strength, with control joints no farther than 15 feet apart. Pavement joints should be properly sealed with permanent joint sealant, as required in sections 201.3.6 through 201.3.8 of the Standard Specifications for Public Work Construction, 2003 Edition. Subgrade soil for the driveway should be compacted to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density. D. Slopes No new significant slopes, other than temporary basement wall slopes, are proposed for the project. The existing approximately 10- to 15-foot high slope along the west side ofthe property is regarded as stable. 19. Permanent Slopes: Any new cut or fill slopes up to 15 feet in height should be constructed at an inclination of 2.0:1.0 (horizontal to vertical). 20. Temporarv Slopes: A representative of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. must observe any steep temporary slopes during construction. In the Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Pa^e 31 event that soils and formational material comprising a slope are not as anticipated, any required slope design changes would be presented at that time. Proposed temporary slopes to be graded as part of basement construction should be stable for a maximum slope height of 14 feet in medium dense natural soils at a ratio of 0.75:1.0 (horizontal to vertical) and at a slope ratio of 1.0:1.0 in the upper 8 feet for existing loose surface soils or properly compacted fill soils. No soil stockpiles or surcharge may be placed within a horizontal distance of 7 feet from the excavation. Temporary shoring/underpinning or special phased construction procedures may be needed to ensure that the adjacent properties to the north and south will not be affected by the basement excavation or where the recommended temporary slopes can not constructed due to surcharge or space constraints. Where not superseded by specific recommendations presented in this report, trenches, excavations and temporary slopes at the subject site should be constructed in accordance with Title 8, Construction Safety Orders, issued by Cal-OSHA. 21. Slope Top/Face Performance: The soils that occur in close proximity to the top or face of even properly compacted fill or dense natural ground cut slopes often possess poor lateral stability. The degree of lateral and vertical deformation depends on the inherent expansion and strength characteristics of the soil types comprising the slope, slope steepness and height, loosening of slope face soils by burrowing rodents, and irrigation and vegetation maintenance practices, as well as the quality of compaction of fill soils. Structures and other improvements could suffer damage due to these soil Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 32 movement factors if not properly designed to accommodate or withstand such movement. 22. Slope Top Structure Performance: Rigid improvements such as top-of-slope walls, columns, decorative planters, concrete flatwork, swimming pools and other similar types of improvements can be expected to display varying degrees of separation typical of improvements constructed at the top of a slope. The separations result primarily from slope top lateral and vertical soil deformation processes. These separations often occur regardless of being underlain by cut or fill slope material. Proximity to a slope top is often the primary factor affecting the degree of separations occurring. Typical and to-be-expected separations can range from minimal to up to 1 inch or greater in width. In order to reduce the effect of slope-top lateral soil deformation, we recommend that the top-of-slope improvements be designed with flexible connections and joints in rigid structures so that the separations do not result in visually apparent cracking damage and/or can be cosmetically dressed as part of the ongoing property maintenance. These flexible connections may include "slip joints" in wrought iron fencing, evenly spaced vertical joints in block walls or fences, control joints with flexible caulking in exterior flatwork improvements, etc. In addition, use of planters to provide separation between top-of-slope hardscape such as patio slabs and pool decking from top-of-slope walls can aid greatly in reducing cosmetic cracking and separations in exterior improvements. Actual materials and techniques would need to be determined by the project architect or the landscape architect for individual properties. Steel dowels placed in flatwork may prevent noticeable vertical Proposed Campbell Residence Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Page 33 differentials, but if provided with a slip-end they may still allow some lateral displacement. E. Retainina Waii Desian Criteria 23. Desian Parameters - Unrestrained: The active earth pressure (to be utilized in the design of any cantilever retaining walls, utilizing on-site or imported very low- to low-expansive soils [EI less than 50] as backfill) should be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 38 pounds per cubic foot (for level backfill only). In the event that a retaining wall is surcharged by sloping backfill, the design active earth pressure shall be based on the appropriate Equivalent Fluid Weight presented in the following table. Slope Ratio 0.25 42 Height of Slope/Height of Wall* 0.50 0.75 1.00(+) 48 50 52 *To determine design active earth pressures for ratios intermediate to those presented, interpolate between the stated values. 24. Desian Parameters - Restrained: Retaining walls designed for a restrained condition should utilize a uniform pressure equal to 8xH (eight times the total height of retained soil, considered in pounds per square foot) considered as acting everywhere on the back of the wall in addition to the design Equivalent Fiuid Weight. The soil pressure produced by any footings, improvements, or any other surcharge placed within a horizontal distance equal to the height of the retaining portion of the wall should be included in the wall design pressure. The recommended lateral soil pressures are based on the assumption that no loose soils or soil wedges will be retained by the Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 34 retaining wall. Backfill soils should consist of low-expansive soils with an EI less than 50, and should be placed from the heel of the foundation to the ground surface within the wedge formed by a plane at 30° from vertical projected up from the heel ofthe retaining wall. 25. Surcharae Loads: Any loads placed on the active wedge behind a cantilever wall should be included in the design by multiplying the load weight by a factor of 0.32. For a restrained wall, the lateral factor shall be 0.52. 26. WaU Drainaae: Proper subdrains and free-draining backwall material or board drains (such as J-drain or Miradrain) shall be installed behind all retaining walls (in addition to proper waterproofing) on the subject project (see Figure No. VI for Retaining Wall Backdrain and Waterproofing Schematic). Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. will assume no liability for damage to structures or improvements that is attributable to poor drainage. The architectural plans should clearly indicate that subdrains for any lower- level walls be placed at an elevation at least 1 foot below the bottom of the lower-level slabs. At least 0.5-percent gradient should be provided to the subdrain. The subdrain should be placed in an envelope of crushed rock gravel up to 1 inch in maximum diameter, and be wrapped with Mirafi 140N filter or equivalent. F. Site Drainaae Considerations 27. Surface Drainaae: Adequate measures should be taken to properly finish- grade the lot after the residence and other improvements are in place. Drainage waters from this site and adjacent properties should be directed away from the footings, floor slabs, and slopes, onto the natural drainage direction for this area or into properly designed and approved drainage Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 35 facilities provided by the project civil engineer. Roof gutters and downspouts should be installed on the residence, with the runoff directed away from the foundations via closed drainage lines. Proper subsurface and surface drainage will help minimize the potential for waters to seek the level of the bearing soils under the footings and floor slabs. Failure to observe this recommendation could result in undermining and possible differential settlement of the structure or other improvements on the site or cause other moisture-related problems. Currently, the Uniform Building Code requires a minimum 2-percent surface gradient for proper drainage of building pads unless waived by the building official. Concrete pavement may have a minimum gradient of 0.5-percent. In addition, appropriate erosion control measures should be taken at all times during and after construction to prevent surface runoff waters from entering footing excavations or ponding on finished building pad areas. 28. Planter Drainage: Planter areas, flower beds and planter boxes should be sloped to drain away from the footings and floor slabs at a gradient of at least 5 percent within 5 feet from the perimeter walls. Any planter areas adjacent to the residence or surrounded by concrete improvements should be provided with sufficient area drains to help with rapid runoff disposal. No water should be allowed to pond adjacent to the residence or other improvements or anywhere on the site. G. General Recommendations 29. Proiect Start Up Notification: In order to reduce any work delays during site development, this firm should be contacted at least 24 hours and preferably 48 hours prior to any need for observation of footing excavations or field Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 36 density testing of compacted fill soils. If possible, placement of formwork and steel reinforcement in footing excavations should not occur prior to observing the excavations; in the event that our observations reveal the need for deepening or redesigning foundation structures at any locations, any formwork or steel reinforcement in the affected footing excavation areas would have to be removed prior to correction of the observed problem (i.e., deepening the footing excavation, recompacting soil in the bottom of the excavation, etc.) XI. GRADING NOTES Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. recommends that we be retained to verify the actual soil conditions revealed during site grading work and footing excavation to be as anticipated in this "Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Geologic Reconnaissance" for the project. In addition, the compaction of any fill soils placed during site grading work must be observed and tested by the soil engineer. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to comply with the requirements on the grading plans and the local grading ordinance. All retaining wall and trench backfill should be properly compacted. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. will assume no liability for damage occurring due to improperly or uncompacted backfill placed without our observations and testing. XII. LIMITATIONS Our conclusions and recommendations have been based on available data obtained from our field investigation and laboratory analysis, as well as our experience with similar soils and formational materials located in this area of Carlsbad. Of necessity, we must assume a certain degree of continuity between exploratory excavations and/or natural exposures. It is, therefore, necessary that all em Proposed Campbell Residence Job No. 06-9164 Carlsbad, California Page 37 observations, conclusions, and recommendations be verified at the time grading operations begin or when footing excavations are placed. In the event discrepancies are noted, additional recommendations may be issued, if required. The work performed and recommendations presented herein are the result of an investigation and analysis that meet the contemporary standard of care in our profession within the County of San Diego. No warranty is provided. This report should be considered valid for a period of two (2) years, and is subject to review by our firm following that time. If significant modifications are made to the building plans, especially with respect to the height and location of any proposed structures, this report must be presented to us for immediate review and possible revision. It is the responsibility of the owner and/or developer to ensure that the recommendations summarized in this report are carried out in the field operations and that our recommendations for design of this project are incorporated in the structural plans. We should be retained to review the project plans once they are available, to see that our recommendations are adequately incorporated in the plans. This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of personnel other than our own on the site; the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considered any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. The firm of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. shall not be held responsible for changes to the physical condition of the property, such as addition of fill soils or Proposed Campbell Residence Carlsbad, California Job No. 06-9164 Page 38 changing drainage patterns, which occur subsequent to issuance of this report and the changes are made without our observations, testing, and approval. Once again, should any questions arise concerning this report, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Reference to our Job No. 06-9164 will expedite a reply to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. Jay K. Heiser Senior Project Geologist Vssi^D^^^^, President C.E.G. 999cexp. 3-31-D7VR.G. 3391 Ja+me'TCCerros, P.E R.C.E. 34422/G Senior Geot REFERENCES JOB NO. 06-9164 APRIL 2006 Association of Engineering Geologists, 1973, Geology and Earttiquake Hazards, Planners Guide to the Seismic Safety Element, Southern California Section, Association of Engineering Geologists, Special Publication, Published July 1973, p. 44. Berger 8i Schug, 1991, Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Hazard in the San Diego-Tijuana l^etropolitan Region, Environmental Perils, San Diego Region, San Diego Association of Geologists. Bryant, W.A. and E.W. Hart, 1973 (10'" Revision 1997), Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Calif. Div. of l^ines and Geology, Special Publication 42. California Division of Mines and Geology - State of California Earthqual<e Fault Zones, La Jolla Quadrangle, November 1, 1991. City of San Diego Seismic Safety Element, revised 1995, Map Sheets 25 and 29. Clarl<e, S.H., H.G. Greene, M.P. Kennedy and J.G. Vedder, 1987, Geologic Map of the Inner-Southern California Continental Margin in H.G. Greene and M.P. Kennedy (editors),.California Continental Margin Map Series, Map lA, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, scale 1:250,000. Crowell, J.C, 1962, Displacement along the San Andreas Fault, California; Geologic Society of America Special Paper 71, 61 p. Gray, C.H., Jr., M.P. Kennedy and P.K. Morton, 1971, Petroleum Potential of Southern Coastal and Mountain Area, California, American Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 15, p. 372-383. Greene, H.G., 1979, Implication of Fault Patterns in the Inner California Continental Borderland between San Pedro and San Diego, in "Earthquakes and Other Perils, San Diego Region," P.L. Abbott and W.J. Elliott, editors. Greensfelder, R.W., 1974, Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes in California; California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 23. Hart, E.W., D.P. Smith and R.B. Saul, 1979, Summary Report: Fault Evaluation Program, 1978 Area (Peninsular Ranges-Salton Trough Region), Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, OFR 79-10 SF, 10. Hauksson, E. and L. Jones, 1988, The July 1988 Oceanside (ML=5.3) Earthquake Sequence in the Continental Borderland, Southern California Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 78, p. 1885-1906. Hileman, J.A., CR. Allen and J.M. Nordquist, 1973, Seismicity of the Southern California Region, January 1, 1932 to December 31, 1972; Seismological Laboratory, Cal-Tech, Pasadena, Calif. 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Burns, 1994, A Digital (GIS) Geological/Geophysical/Seismological Data Base for the San Diego 30-x60' Quadrangle, California ~ A New Generation, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, p. 63. Kennedy, M.P. and G.W. Moore, 1971, Stratigraphic Relations of Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Formations, San Diego Coastal Area, California, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, V. 55, p. 709-722. Kennedy, M.P., S.S. Tan, R.H. Chapman and G.W. Chase, 1975, Character and Recency of Faulting, San Diego Metropolitan Area, California, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Special Report 123, 33 pp. Kennedy, M.P. and E.E. Welday, 1980, Character and Recency of Faulting Offshore, metropolitan San Diego California, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Map Sheet 40, 1:50,000. Kern, J.P. and T.K. Rockwell, 1992, Chronology and Deformation of Quaternary Marine Shorelines, San Diego County, Caiifornia in Heath, E. and L. Lewis (editors). The Regressive Pleistocene Shoreline, Coastal Southern California, pp. 1-8. Lindvall, S.C. and T.K. Rockwell, 1995, Holocene Activity ofthe Rose Canyon Fault Zone in San Diego, California, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 100, no. B-12, p. 24121-24132. McEuen, R.B. and CJ. Pinckney, 1972, Seismic Risk in San Diego; Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, Vol. 17, No. 4, 19 July 1972. Moore, G.W. and M.P. Kennedy, 1975, Quaternary Faults in San Diego Bay, California, U.S.Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, p. 589-595. Richter, C.G., 1958, Elementary Seismology, W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, Calif. Rockwell, T.K., D.E. Millman, R.S. McElwain, and D.L. Lamar, 1985, Study of Seismic Activity by Trenching Along the Glen Ivy North Fault, Elsinore Fault Zone, Southern California: Lamar-Merifield Technical Report 85-1, U.S.G.S. Contract 14-08-0001-21376, 19 p. Simons, R.S., 1977, Seismicity of San Diego, 1934-1974, Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v 67, p. 809-826. Tan, S.S., 1995, Landslide Hazards in Southern Part of San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Open-file Report 95-03 (Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 33). Toppozada, T.R. and D.L. Parke, 1982, Areas Damaged by California Earthquakes, 1900-1949; Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, Open-file Report 82-17, Sacramento, Calif. Treiman, J.A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Open-file Report 93-02, 45 pp, 3 plates. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1953, Aerial Photographs AXN-8M-99 and 100. 04N VICINITY MAP HEDIONDA UGOON CARi.SBAD rJATE BEACH o Thomas Bros Guide San Diego County pg 1126 Campbell Residence 5003 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad, CA. Figure No. I Job No. 06-9164 Legend B-3 ASSUMED PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING STRUCTURE PROPOSED STRUCTURE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING \ \ \ \ SITE PLAN a 5' le' 2^' NOTE: This Plot Plan is not to be used for legal purposes. Locations and dimensions are opproxi- mate. Actual property dimensions and locations of utilities may be obtained from the Approved Building Plans or the "As-Built" Grading Plans. 06-9164-p REFERENCE: This Plot Plan was prepared fron an existing SITE PLAN by Brian Sipe Design dated 10-04-05 and fron on-site field reconnaissance perforned by GEL PLOT PLAN Campbell Residence 5003 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad, CA Figure No. II Job No. 06-9164 \ Geotechnical I Exploration, inc. April 2006 '^EQUIPMENT Limited Access Auger Drill Rig DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 6-Inch diameter Boring DATE LOGGED ^ 3-8-06 SURFACE ELEVATION ± 37' Mean Sea Level GROUNDWATER/ SEEPAGE DEPTH Not Encountered LOGGED BY SO/JKH FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) UJ LU a: o r) 3te Q a. 3 CO — 2 or Q_ O O E Z o r-1 u5 8 ii m o D UJ CO rJ UJ 2= ^ S O < 2 CO ^ SAND, fine- to medium-grained. Loose. Slightly damp. Gray-brown. FILL (Qaf) SP 4- 10 SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained. Loose. Slightly damp. Red-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) ~ 13% passing #200 sieve. SM 4.0 101.9 12 - 14- SAND, medium- to coarse-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Loose to medium dense. Damp. Light gray-brown to red-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) ~ becomes fine- to medium-grained. SP 4.5 101.5 SAND, medium- to coarse-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense. Damp. Light gray-brown to red-brown. \ TEJ^RACE DEPOSITS (QJ) SAND, fine- to medium-grained with occasional coarse grain and some rock fragments; mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense. Damp. Light gray-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) -• 4% passing #200 sieve. | SP SP' 7.0 107.2 Bottom @ 18' 7.5 122.0 84 83 88 10 13 10 28 25 2" 3" 2" 3" 2" i PERCHED WATER TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [Tj IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE dl FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST JOB NAME Campbell Residence SITE LOCATION 5003 Tierra del Oro Street, Carlsbad, CA JOB NUMBER 06-9164 FIGURE NUMBER Ilia REVIEWED BY LDR/JAC Geotechnical Exploration, Inc, LOG No. B-1 ^EQUIPMENT Limited Access Auger Drill Rig DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 6-inch diameter Boring DATE LOGGED 3-8-06 SURFACE ELEVATION ± 37' Mean Sea Level GROUNDWATER/ SEEPAGE DEPTH Not Encountered LOGGED BY SO/JKH FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) UJ >_ 3 CO _ UJ S IX Z3 =3 Q. O O E IF co^ o o t CO ii CD O O 4 ^ E o •t z CO c SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained. Damp to moist. Red-brown. FILL (Qaf) Loose. SM 11.7 108.6 6 - SLIGHTLY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained. Loose to medium dense. Moist. Red-brown. jrERRACEJ3EP0SITS_(Qt) J SLIGHTY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained. Medium dense. Damp. Tan to light red-brown. _IERRACEDEPOSjTSlQtL _/ SLIGHTLY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense. Damp. Gray-brown to red-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) SM SM" SM 7.8 107.7 12 SAND, fine- to coarse-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense. Damp. Light gray-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) ~ becomes fine- to medium-grained. SP 3.9 101.0 Bottom @ 13' 88 88 83 10 22 16 24 16 3" 2" 3" 2" 2" I PERCHED WATER TABLE Kl LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [H IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE [s] FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST JOB NAME Campbell Residence I PERCHED WATER TABLE Kl LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [H IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE [s] FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SITE LOCATION 5003 Tierra del Oro Street, Carlsbad, CA I PERCHED WATER TABLE Kl LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [H IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE [s] FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST JOB NUMBER 06-9164 FIGURE NUMBER lllb REVIEWED BY LDR/JAC Ifv4£-fi Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. LOG No. B-2 J I PERCHED WATER TABLE Kl LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [H IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE [s] FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST JOB NUMBER 06-9164 FIGURE NUMBER lllb LOG No. B-2 J CEQUIPMENT Limited Access Auger Drill Rig DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 6-inch diameter Boring DATE LOGGED 3-8-06 SURFACE ELEVATION ± 44' Mean Sea Level GROUNDWATER/ SEEPAGE DEPTH Not Encountered LOGGED BY SO/JKH FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size. Density, Moisture, Color) UJ or UJ s_ 3 eg Q_ Z ' UJ S Q E EC =3 ID is il X o UJ o tt CO ii m o Q 6 UJ CO _J UJ & 5 o < z CO ^ 4 - 6- SLIGHTLY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained. Medium dense. Damp. Red-brown. FILL (Qaf) SM 5.7 107.6 88 17 3" 12- 14 SLIGHTLY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense. Damp. Light to medium red-brown. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) SM 16 2" 18- SLIGHTLY SILTY SANQ fine- to medium-grained; with mica and black manganese staining. Medium dense to dense. Damp. L.ight gray-brown with occasional red-brown bands. TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) SM 5.3 108.1 88 30 3" 45 2" Bottom @ 16.5" Jt PERCHED WATER TABLE IEI LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [T] IN-PLACE SAMPLE • MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE [H FIELD DENSITY TEST ^ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST JOB NAME Campbell Residence SITE LOCATION 5003 Tierra del Oro Street, Carlsbad, CA JOB NUMBER 06-9164 FIGURE NUMBER llic REVIEWED BY LDR/JAC Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. LOG No. B-3 5 Source of Material Description of Material Test Method SILTY SAND (SM). Red-brown ASTM D1557 Method A TEST RESULTS Maximum Dry Density Optimum Water Content 122.0 PCF 7.5 % ATTERBERG LIMITS Curves of 100% Saturation for Specific Gravity Equal to: 2.70 2.60 20 25 WATER CONTENT, % i Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Figure Number: IV Job Name: Campbell Residence Site Location: 5003 Tierra del Oro Street, Carlsbad, CA Job Number: 06-9164 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS NEAR SLOPES Proposed Structure Concrete Floor Slab Setback ;^ Reinforcement of Foundations and Floor Slabs Following the Reconnmendations of ttie Arctiitect or Structural Engineer. Concrete Foundation 18" Mininnum or as Deep as Required for Lateral Stability TOP OF COMPACTED FILL SLOPE (Any loose soils on ttie slope surface shall not be considered to provide lateral or vertical strength for the footing or for slope stability. Needed depth of imbedment shall be measured from competent soil.) COMPACTED FILL SLOPE WITH MAXIMUM INCLINATION AS PER SOILS REPORT Total Depth of Footing Measured from Finish Soil Sub-Grade Outer Most Face^ of Footing TYPICAL SECTION Showing Proposed Foundation Located Within 8 Feet of Top of Slope 18" FOOTING / 8" SETBACK Total Depth of Footing # 1.5:1.0 SLOPE 2.0:1.0 SLOPE 2 9- LL. O (D <^ ^ o O Q. ui O 0 82" 66' 2' 66' 54" 4' 51" 42" 6' 34" 30' 8' 18" 18" # when applicable Figure No. V Job No. 05-9164 ff^ 4^ <| Geotechnical llPl^i Exploration, Inc. RECOMMENDED BASEMENT/SUBGRADE RETAINING WALL/EXTERIOR FOOTING DESIGN Exterior /Retaining Footing / Wall Lower-level Slab-on-grade or Crawispace Sealant Proposed Exterior Grade To Drain at A Min. 2% Eoll Away from Bldg Sealant Properly Waterproofing Compacted To Top Of Wall Backfill Perforated PVC (SDR 35) 4" pipe witti 0.5% min. slope, with bottom of pipe located 12" below slab or Interior (crawispace) ground surface elevation, with 1.5 ^cu.ft.) of gravel l" diameter max, wrapped with filter cloth such as Miradrain 6000 Between Bottom 12" of Slob and Pipe Bottom Miradrain Cloth NOT TO SCALE NOTE: As on option to Miradrain 6000, Grovel or Crushed rock 3/4" maximum diameter may be used with a minimum 12" thickness along the interior face of the wall and 2.0 cu.ft./ft. of pipe gravel envelope. Figure No. VI Job No. 06-9164 ittAC4\ Geefechnlcaf "iP^^I Exploration, fnc. base-retain APPENDIX A UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION Coarse-grained (More than half of material is larger than a No. 200 sieve) GRAVELS, CLEAN GRAVELS (More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size, but smaller than 3") GRAVELS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount) SANDS, CLEAN SANDS (More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than a No. 4 sieve) SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount) GW Well-graded gravels, gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines. GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines. GC Clay gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures SW Well-graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures. SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Fine-grained (More than half of material is smaller than a No. 200 sieve) SILTS AND CLAYS ML Liquid Limit Less than 50 Liguid Limit Greater than 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt and clayey-silt sand mixtures with a slight plasticity CL inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, silty clays, clean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or siity soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. PT Peat and other highly organic soils (rev. 6/05) APPENDIX B EQ FAULT TABLES TEST.OUT * * * EQFAULT * * * * Version 3.00 * * * DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER: 06-9164 DATE: 04-26-2006 JOB NAME: Campbell Test Run CALCULATION NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1600 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3500 SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 12) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor.-Soft Rock-Cor. UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 1 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 1 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CDMGFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 TEST.OUT EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 1 APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM PEAK EST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE INTENSITY MAG (Mw) ACCEL, g MOD.MERC. NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 5. 0( 8. 0) 6 9 0 356 IX ROSE CANYON 5. 0( 8. 0) 6 9 0 356 IX CORONADO BANK 20. 9( 33. 6) 7 4 0 150 VIII ELSINORE-TEMECULA 24. 4( 39. 2) 6 8 0 086 VII ELSINORE-JULIAN 24. 7( 39. 7) 7 1 0 104 VII ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 33. 4( 53. 8) 6 8 0 062 VI PALOS VERDES 35. 2( 56. 6) 7 1 0 072 VI EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 44. 5( 71. 6) 6 5 0 037 V NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 45. 4( 73. 0) 6 9 0 048 VI SAN JACINTO-ANZA 46. 9( 75. 5) 7 2 0 057 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 47. 3( 76. 1) 6 9 0 046 VI CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 47. 3( 76. 1) 6 7 0 057 VI WHITTIER 50. 8( 81. 7) 6 8 0 040 V SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 52. 9( 85. 1) 6 8 0 038 V COMPTON THRUST 55. 1( 88. 6) 6 8 0 052 VI ELYSIAN PARK THRUST 58. 0( 93. 4) 6 7 0 046 VI ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 58. 7( 94. 5) 6 8 0 034 V SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 59. 5( 95. 8) 6 7 0 032 V SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 64. 9( 104. 5) 7 3 0 044 VI SAN ANDREAS - Southern 64. 9( 104. 5) 7 4 0 047 VI SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 66. 9( 107. 7) 6 6 0 026 V SAN JOSE 68. 1( 109. 6) 6 5 0 034 V SIERRA MADRE 71. 8( 115. 5) 7 0 0 045 VI PINTO MOUNTAIN 71. 9( 115. 7) 7 0 0 032 V CUCAMONGA 72. 1( 116. 0) 7 0 0 045 VI SAN ANDREAS - coachella 73. 3( 117. 9) 7 1 0 033 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 75. 5( 121. 5) 7 0 0 043 VI CLEGHORN 77. 2( 124. 2) 6 5 0 021 IV BURNT MTN. 78. 2( 125. 9) 6 4 0 019 IV RAYMOND 79. 7( 128. 3) 6 5 0 029 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 80. 2( 129. 1) 6 7 0 032 V SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 80. 2( 129. 1) 7 1 0 030 V SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 80. 2( 129. 1) 7 8 0 051 VI EUREKA PEAK 81. 0( 130. 4) 6 4 0 019 IV CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 81. 5( 131. 2) 6 5 0 028 V VERDUGO 82. 4( 132. 6) 6 7 0 031 V SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 83. 4( 134. 3) 6 6 0 021 IV HOLLYWOOD 84. 2( 135. 5) 6 4 0 025 V ELMORE RANCH 87. 0( 140. 0) 6 6 0 020 IV LANDERS 87. 9( 141. 4) 7 3 0 032 V ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT Page 2 TEST.OUT DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 2 ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM PEAK jEST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE 1 INTENSITY MAG.(Mw) 1 ACCEL, g 1 MOD.MERC. SUPERSTITION HILLS (San jacinto) 88.0( 141.7) 6.6 0 .019 IV HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 88.2( 141.9) 7.1 0 .027 V SANTA MONICA 88.9( 143.0) 6.6 0 .027 V LAGUNA SALADA 90.1( 145.0) 7.0 0 .025 V MALIBU COAST 91.4( 147.1) 6.7 0 .028 V LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS 92.3( 148.5) 7.3 0 .030 V JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 95.6( 153.8) 6.7 0 .019 IV NORTHRIDGE (E. Oak Ridge) 95.6( 153.9) 6.9 0 031 V BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 95.9( 154.4) 6.4 0 016 IV SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) 96.2( 154.8) 6.7 0 027 V EMERSON SO. - COPPER MTN. 96.2( 154.8) 6.9 0 022 IV SAN GABRIEL 96.4( 155.2) 7.0 0 023 IV ANACAPA-DUME 98.0( 157.7) 7.3 0 040 V ******************************************************************** -END OF SEARCH- 53 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. THE NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.0 MILES (8.0 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.3557 g Page 3 TEST.OUT *********************** * * * EQFAULT * * * * Version 3.00 * * * *********************** DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER: 06-9164 DATE: 04-26-2006 JOB NAME: Campbell Test Run CALCULATION NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1600 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3500 SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 12) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor.-Soft Rock-Cor. UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 1 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 1 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE RHGA HORIZ. ACCEL. (FACTOR: 0.65 DISTANCE: 20 miles) FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CDMGFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 TEST.OUT EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 1 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM RHGA |EST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE INTENSITY MAG . (Mw) ACCEL, g MOD.MERC. NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 5 0( 8 0) 6 .9 0 .231 IX ROSE CANYON 5 0( 8 0) 6 .9 0 .231 IX CORONADO BANK 20 9( 33 6) 7 .4 0 .150 VIII ELSINORE-TEMECULA 24 4( 39 2) 6 8 0 .086 VII ELSINORE-JULIAN 24 7( 39 7) 7 1 0 104 VII ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 33 4( 53 8) 6 8 0 062 VI PALOS VERDES 35 2( 56 6) 7 1 0 072 VI EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 44 5( 71 6) 6 5 0 037 V NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 45 4( 73 0) 6 9 0 048 VI SAN JACINTO-ANZA 46 9( 75 5) 7 2 0 057 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 47 3( 76 1) 6 9 0 046 VI CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 47. 3( 76 1) 6 7 0 057 VI WHITTIER 50. 8( 81 7) 6 8 0 040 V SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 52. 9( 85 1) 6 8 0 038 V COMPTON THRUST 55. 1( 88 6) 6 8 0 052 VI ELYSIAN PARK THRUST 58. 0( 93 4) 6 7 0 046 VI ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 58. 7( 94 5) 6 8 0 034 V SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 59. 5( 95. 8) 6 7 0 032 V SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 64. 9( 104. 5) 7 3 0 044 VI SAN ANDREAS - Southern 64. 9( 104. 5) 7 4 0 047 VI SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 66. 9( 107. 7) 6 6 0 026 V SAN JOSE 68. 1( 109. 6) 6 5 0 034 V SIERRA MADRE 71. 8( 115. 5) 7 0 0 045 VI PINTO MOUNTAIN 71. 9( 115. 7) 7 0 0 032 V CUCAMONGA 72. 1( 116. 0) 7 0 0 045 VI SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 73. 3( 117. 9) 7 1 0 033 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 75. 5( 121. 5) 7 0 0 043 VI CLEGHORN 77. 2( 124. 2) 6 5 0 021 IV BURNT MTN. 78. 2( 125. 9) 6 4 0 019 IV RAYMOND 79. 7( 128. 3) 6 5 0 029 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 80. 2( 129. 1) 6 7 0 032 V SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 80. 2( 129. 1) 7. 1 0 030 V SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 80. 2( 129. 1) 7. 8 0. 051 VI EUREKA PEAK 81. 0( 130. 4) 6. 4 0. 019 IV CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 81. 5( 131. 2) 6. 5 0. 028 V VERDUGO 82. 4( 132. 6) 6. 7 0. 031 V SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 83. 4( 134. 3) 6. 6 0. 021 IV HOLLYWOOD 84. 2( 135. 5) 6. 4 0. 025 V ELMORE RANCH 87. 0( 140. 0) 6. 6 0. 020 IV LANDERS 87. 9( 141. 4) 7. 3 0. 032 V Page 2 TEST.OUT DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 2 ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM RHGA EST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE INTENSITY MAG (Mw) ACCEL, g MOD.MERC. SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) 88.0( 141.7) 6 6 0.019 IV HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 88.2( 141.9) 7 1 0.027 V SANTA MONICA 88.9( 143.0) 6 6 0.027 V LAGUNA SALADA 90.1( 145.0) 7 0 0.025 V MALIBU COAST 91.4( 147.1) 6 7 0.028 V LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS 92. 3( 148.5) 7 3 0.030 V JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 95.6( 153.8) 6 7 0.019 IV NORTHRIDGE (E. Oak Ridge) 95.6( 153.9) 6 9 0.031 V BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 95.9( 154.4) 6 4 0.016 IV SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) 96.2( 154.8) 6 7 0.027 V EMERSON SO. - COPPER MTN. 96.2( 154.8) 6 9 0.022 IV SAN GABRIEL 96.4( 155.2) 7. 0 0.023 IV ANACAPA-DUME 98.0( 157.7) 7. 3 0.040 V ******************************************************************************* -END OF SEARCH-53 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS, THE NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE, IT IS ABOUT 5.0 MILES (8.0 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.2312 g Page 3 APPENDIX C EQ SEARCH TABLES TEST.OUT ************************* * * * EQSEARCH * * * * Version 3.00 * * * ************************* JOB NUMBER: 06-9164 ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE CATALOGS DATE: 04-26-2006 JOB NAME: Campbell Test Run EARTHQUAKE-CATALOG-FILE NAME: ALLQUAKE.DAT MAGNITUDE RANGE: MINIMUM MAGNITUDE: 5.00 MAXIMUM MAGNITUDE: 9.00 SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1600 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3500 SEARCH DATES: START DATE: 1800 END DATE: 2006 SEARCH RADIUS: 100.0 mi 160.9 km ATTENUATION RELATION: 12) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor.-Soft Rock-Cor. UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of sigmas: 0.0 ASSUMED SOURCE TYPE: DS [SS=Strike-slip, DS=Reverse-slip, BT=Blind-thrust] SCOND: 0 Depth source: A Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 1 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 TEST.OUT EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS Page 1 FILE LAT. CODEl NORTH DMG 133 .0000 MGI 133 .0000 MGI 32 .8000 PAS 32 .9710 DMG 32 .7000 T-A 32 .6700 T-A 32 .6700 T-A 32 .6700 DMG 33 .7000 DMG 33 .7000 DMG 33 .7000 DMG 33 .2000 DMG 33 .6990 DMG 32 .8000 MGI 33 .2000 DMG 33 .7100 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 5750 MGI 33 8000 DMG 33 6170 DMG 33 8000 DMG 33 6170 DMG 33 9000 PAS 33 5010 DMG 33 6830 DMG 33 OOOO DMG 33 5000 DMG 33 7000 DMG 33 7000 DMG 34 OOOO MGI 34 OOOO DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 7500 DMG 33 3430 DMG 33 9500 DMG 33 7830 DMG 32. 8170 DMG 33. 4000 T-A 32 2500 LONG. WEST DATE TIME 1 (UTC) i DEPTH j H M Seel (km) 1 SITE 1 QUAKE! ACC. 1 MAG.1 g 1 SITE 1 MM |lNT. APPROX. DISTANCE 1 mi [km] 12130 0 .0 0 .0 6 .50 1 0 .210 1 VIII 1 11 .4 C 18 .4 1 730 0 .0 0 .0 5 .00 0 .041 V 1 23 .1 C 37 .1 IOOO .0 0 .0 5 .00 0 .033 V 28 .8 C 46 .3 11347 8 .2 6 .0 5 .30 0 .034 V 32 .8 C 52 .8 120 0 0 0 0 .0 5 .90 0 .049 VI 32 .9 : 53 .0 IOOO 0 0 0 5 .00 0 .027 V 35 4 : 57 .0 IOOO 0 0 0 5 .00 0 .027 V 35 4 : 57 .0 IOOO 0 0 0 5 .00 0 .027 V 35 4 : 57 .0 1 620 0 0 0 0 5 .00 0 .025 V 37 4 : 60 2 757 0 0 0 0 5 .00 0 .025 V 37 4( : 60 2 11547 0 0 0 0 6 00 0 .046 VI 37 4( : 60 2 1 235 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 025 V 37 7( : 60 6 1 83455 4 10 0 5 50 0 033 V 38 3( : 61 7' 123 3 0 0 0 0 5 70 0 035 V 40 4( : 65 0 11748 0 0 0 0 5 30 0 026 V 43 4( : 69 9' 1144152 6 16 5 5 00 0 021 IV 45 2( : 72 7" 12232 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 021 IV 45 4( : 73 1" 1223225 0 0 0 6 80 0 063 VI 45 4( : 73 1" 518 4 0 0 0 5 20 0 022 IV 46 4( ' 74 7" 12115 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 020 IV 46 5( ' 74 8' 154 7 8 0 0 6 30 0 043 VI 47 5( : 76 s; 11225 0 0 0 0 6 40 0 045 VI 48 6( ' 78 2; 119 150 0 0 0 5 10 0 020 IV 49. 7( • 80 0: IOOO 0 0 0 6 00 0 032 V 51 8( 83 4: 1104738 5 13 6 5 50 0 023 IV 53 7( • 86 4^ 1 658 3. 0 0 0 5 50 0 023 IV 54 1( • 87 1; 11035 8 3 0 0 5 10 0 018 IV 54 2( • 87 2; 211 0. 0 0 0 5 00 0 017 IV 54 4( • 87 5; 1 51022. 0 0 0 5 10 0 018 IV 55 6( • 89 G: 1 85457. 0 0 0 5 10 0 018 IV 55. 6( • 89 G: 73026. 0 0 0 6. 25 0 034 V 58. 3( 93 81 jlO 0 0. 0 0. 0 7. 00 0 055 VI 58. 6( 94 4] 1 230 0. 0 0. 0 5. 10 0. 017 IV 58. 7( 94 4: 1 910 0. 0 0. 0 5. 10 0. 017 IV 58. 7( 94 4: 1131828. 0 0. 0 5. 30 0. 019 IV 58. 7( 94 4: 323 0. 0 0. 0 5. 00 0. 016 IV 58. 7( 94. 4: 12 9 0. 0 0. 0 5. 00 0. 016 IV 58. 7( 94. 4: 1232042. 9 20. 0 5. 80 0. 025 V 59. 3( 95. 5: 1 719 9. 0 0. 0 5. 00 0. 015 IV 61. 7( 99. 2: 1 91017. 6 0. 0 5. 40 0. 019 IV 62. 3( 100. 3: 1 04654. 0 0. 0 5. 90 0. 025 V 62. 6( 100. 7: 112 6 0. 0 0. 0 6. 30 0. 032 V 62. 8( 101. 1: 120 0 O.OI 0. 0 5. 00 0. 014 IV 1 63. 4( 102. 1: Page 2 117.3000 11/22/1800 117.0000 09/21/1856 117.1000 05/25/1803 117.8700 07/13/1986 117.2000 05/27/1862 117.1700 10/21/1862 117.1700 05/24/1865 117.1700 12/00/1856 117.4000 05/13/1910 117.4000 04/11/1910 117.4000 05/15/1910 116.7000 01/01/1920 117.5110 05/31/1938 116.8000 10/23/1894 116.6000 10/12/1920 116.9250 09/23/1963 117.0000 06/06/1918 117.0000 04/21/1918 117.9830 03/11/1933 117.6000 04/22/1918 117.9670 03/11/1933 117.0000 12/25/1899 118.0170 03/14/1933 117.2000 12/19/1880 116.5130 02/25/1980 118.0500 03/11/1933 116.4330 06/04/1940 116.5000109/30/1916 118.0670103/11/1933 118.0670103/11/1933 117.2500107/23/1923 117.5000112/16/1858 118.0830103/11/1933 118.0830103/11/1933 118.0830f03/13/1933 118.0830 118.0830 116.3460 116.8500 118.1330 118.3500 116.3000 117.5000 03/11/1933 03/11/1933 04/28/1969 09/28/1946 10/02/1933 12/26/1951 02/09/1890 01/13/1877 MGI 134 1000 DMG 133 4080 DMG 133 2000 DMG 133 9760 DMG 133 7830 DMG 133 2830 DMG 133 2830 DMG 133 2830 DMG 133 2830 DMG 133 9940 117 116 116 116 118 116 116 116 116 116 30001 26101 20001 72101 25001 18301 18301 18301 18301 71201 TEST.OUT 07/15/1905 03/25/1937 05/28/1892 06/12/1944 11/14/1941 03/23/1954 03/19/1954 03/19/1954 03/19/1954 06/12/1944 2041 0 0 0 0 5 30 0 017 IV 65 0(104 5) 1649 1 8 10 0 6 00 0 026 V 65 1(104 8) 1115 0 0 0 0 6 30 0 030 V 66 5(107 0) 104534 7 10 0 5 10 0 014 IV 67 0(107 8) 84136 3 0 0 5 40 0 017 IV 67 4(108 4) 41450 0 0 0 5 10 0 014 IV 67 9(109 3) 95429 0 0 0 6 20 0 028 V 67 9(109 3) 102117 0 0 0 5 50 0 018 IV 67 9(109 3) 95556 0 0 0 5 00 0 013 III 67 9(109 3) 111636 0 10 0 5 30 0 016 IV 68 3(109.9) Page 2 EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS TIME SITE SITE! APPROX. FILE LAT. LONG. DATE (UTC) DEPTH QUAKE ACC. MM DISTANCE CODE NORTH WEST H M Sec (km) MAG. g INT. mi [km] DMG 32 .7000 116 3000 02/24/1892 720 0 0 0 0 6 701 0 038 V 68 G :iio 5 MGI 34 OOOO 118 OOOO 12/25/1903 1745 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 013 III 69 0 :iii 0 DMG 33 2170 116 1330 08/15/1945 175624 0 0 0 5 70 0 019 IV 70 4 :ii3 3 GSP 34 1400 117 7000 02/28/1990 234336 G 5 0 5 20 0 014 IV 70 G :ii3 6 DMG 33 1900 116 1290 04/09/1968 22859 1 11 1 6 40 0 030 V 70 G :ii3 6 DMG 33 8500 118 2670 03/11/1933 1425 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 013 III 71 1 :ii4 4 DMG 34 2000 117 4000 07/22/1899 046 0 0 0 0 5 50 0 017 IV 71 9 :ii5 6 PAS 33 9980 116 6060 07/08/1986 92044 5 11 7 5 60 0 018 IV 72 0 :ii5 8 DMG 34 1000 116 8000 10/24/1935 1448 7 6 0 0 5 10 0 013 III 72 2 :ii6 2 DMG 34 2000 117 1000 09/20/1907 154 0 0 0 0 6 00 0 023 IV 73 2 :ii7 8 DMG 34 1800 116 9200 01/16/1930 034 3 G 0 0 5 10 0 013 III 74 6 :i2o 1 DMG 34 1800 116 9200 01/16/1930 02433 9 0 0 5 20 0 014 III 74 G :i2o 1 GSP 34 1630 116 8550 06/28/1992 144321 0 6 0 5 30 0 014 IV 74 9( :i2o 5 DMG 34 1000 116 7000 02/07/1889 520 0 0 0 0 5 30 0 014 IV 74. 9( :i2o 5 PAS 34 0610 118 0790 10/01/1987 144220 0 9 5 5 90 0 021 IV 75. 0( :i2o 7 DMG 33 1130 116 0370 04/09/1968 3 353 5 5 0 5 20 0 013 III 76 0( :i22 3 PAS 34 0730 118 0980 10/04/1987 105938 2 8 2 5 30 0 014 IV 76. 3( :i22. 8 DMG 34 0170 116 5000 07/26/1947 24941 0 0 0 5 10 0 012 III 76. 8( :i23 5 DMG 34 0170 116 5000 07/25/1947 61949 0 0 0 5 20 0 013 III 76. 8( :i23. 5 DMG 34 0170 116 5000 07/25/1947 04631 0 0 0 5 00 0 012 III 76. 8( :i23. 5 DMG 34 0170 116 5000 07/24/1947 221046 0 0 0 5 50 0 016 IV 76. 8( :i23. 5 GSP 34 1950 116 8620 08/17/1992 204152 1 11 0 5 30 0 014 IV 76. 8( :i23. 5 DMG 33 9330 116 3830 12/04/1948 234317 0 0 0 6 50 0 030 V 77. 1( :i24 1 DMG 34 2700 117 5400 09/12/1970 143053 0 8 0 5 40 0 015 IV 77 4( :i24 6 T-A 34 OOOO 118 2500 09/23/1827 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 012 III 77 7( :i25 1 T-A 34 OOOO 118 2500 03/26/1860 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 012 III 77 7( :i25 1 T-A 34 OOOO 118 2500 01/10/1856 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 012 III 77 7 :i25 1 MGI 34 1000 118 1000 07/11/1855 415 0 0 0 0 6 30 0 026 V 77 9 :i25 4 DMG 33 2310 116 0040 05/26/1957 155933 6 15 1 5 00 0 012 III 77 9 :i25 4 GSN 34 2030 116 8270 06/28/1992 150530 7 5 0 6 70 0 033 V 78 0 :i25 G DMG 34 2000 117 9000 08/28/1889 215 0 0 0 0 5 50 0 015 IV 78 4 :i26 2 DMG 34 3000 117 5000 07/22/1899 2032 0 0 0 0 6 50 0 029 V 79 21 :i27 4 DMG 32 9670 116 OOOO 10/22/1942 181326 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III 79 2( :i27 5 DMG 32 9670 116 OOOO 10/21/1942 162519 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III 79 2( :i27 5 DMG 32 9670 116 OOOO 10/21/1942 162654 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III 79 2( ;i27 5 DMG 32 9670 116 OOOO 10/21/1942 162213 0 0 0 6 50 0 029 V 79 2( ;i27 5 DMG 34 2670 116 9670 08/29/1943 34513 0 0 0 5 50 0 015 IV 79 5( ;i28 0 GSP 33 8760 116 2670 06/29/1992 160142 8 1 0 5 20 0 013 III 79 G( :i28 0 MGI 34 OOOO 118 3000 09/03/1905 540 0 0 0 0 5 30 0 013 III 79 71 :i28 2 Page 3 GSP 33 9020 116 2840 DMG 34 3000 117 6000 DMG 32 9830 115 9830 GSP 34 2390 116 8370 DMG 32 OOOO 117 5000 DMG 32 OOOO 117 5000 DMG 32 2000 116 5500 DMG 32 2000 116 5500 GSP 33 9610 116 3180 PDG 34 2900 116 9460 MGI 34 0800 118 2600 DMG 32 5000 118 5500 GSP 34 0290 116 3210 DMG 32 0830 116 6670 TEST.OUT 07/24/1992 07/30/1894 05/23/1942 07/09/1992 06/24/1939 05/01/1939 11/05/1949 11/04/1949 04/23/1992 02/10/2001 07/16/1920 02/24/1948 08/21/1993 11/25/1934 181436 2 9 0 5 00 0 oil III 1 79.9(128.6) 512 0 0 0 0 6 00 0 021 IV i 80.0(128.8) 154729 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III 1 80.0(128.8) 014357 G 0 0 5 30 0 013 III 1 80.1(128.9) 1627 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III i 80.6(129.6) 2353 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III i 80.6(129.6) 43524 0 0 0 5 10 0 012 ml 81.0(130.3) 204238 0 0 0 5 70 0 017 IV i 81.0(130.3) 045023 0 12 0 6 10 0 022 IV 1 81.1(130.6) 210505 8 9 0 5 10 0 012 ml 81.4(131.0) 18 8 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil III 1 82.3(132.4) 81510 0 0 0 5 30 0 013 III 1 83.2(133.9) 014638 4 9 0 5 00 0 Oil mi 84.3(135.6) 818 0 0 0 0 5 00 0 Oil ml 84.3(135.7) EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS Page 3 FILE CODE LAT. NORTH LONG. WEST DATE I TIME (UTC) I H M Sec I DEPTH I (km) I QUAKE MAG. SITE I SITE I APPROX. ACC. i MM I DISTANCE g ilNT.i mi [km] - + -GSP GSP GSP DMG GSP DMG DMG GSP DMG GSP DMG MGI DMG PAS DMG DMG GSN DMG PAS PAS T-A DMG PAS GSP DMG GSP DMG DMG DMG GSP PAS DMG DMG DMG GSP 34, 34, 34, 34, 34. 34, 34, 34, 33, 34, 34, 34, 34, 33, 33, 33, 34 33 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 34, 31 34, 32, 33. 32 34, 34 34 34 32 34 0640 2620 1080 3700 3400 0670 0670 1390 1830 3690 0830 OOOO OOOO 0130 OOOO 0330 2010 2160 9190 0820 5000 9500 9440 2680 8110 3410 9830 2330 9500 3320 3270 OOOO OOOO 9000 2310 116. 118. 116. 117. 116. 116. 116. 116. 115. 116. 116. 118. 118. 115. 115. 115. 116. 115. 118. 115. 115. 118. 118. 116. 117, 116, 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 115, 118, 3610 0020 4040 6500 9000 3330 3330 4310 8500 8970 3000 5000 5000 8390 8330 8210 4360 8080 6270 7750 8200 6320 6810 4020 1310 5290 7330 7170 7170 4620 4450 OOOO OOOO 7000 4750 09/15/1992 06/28/1991 06/29/1992 12/08/1812 11/27/1992 05/18/1940 05/18/1940 06/28/1992 04/25/1957 12/04/1992 05/18/1940 11/19/1918 08/04/1927 11/24/1987 01/08/1946 09/30/1971 06/28/1992 04/25/1957 01/19/1989 11/24/1987 05/00/1868 08/31/1930 01/01/1979 06/16/1994 12/22/1964 06/28/1992 01/24/1951 10/22/1942 06/14/1953 07/01/1992 03/15/1979 04/03/1926 09/05/1928 10/02/1928 03/20/1994 084711 144354 141338 15 0 0 160057 55120 72132 123640 222412 020857 5 358 2018 0 1224 0 131556 185418 224611 115734 215738 65328 15414 0 0 0 04036 231438 162427 205433 124053 717 2 15038 41729 074029 21 716 20 8 0 1442 0 19 1 0 212012 .3 .5 .8 .0 .5 .2 .7 .6 .0 .5 .5 .0 .0 .5 .0 .3 .1 .7 .8 . 5 .0 .0 .9 .5 .2 . 5 .6 .0 .9 .9 .5 .0 .0 .0 .3 Page 9.0 11.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 8.0 1.0 -0.3 11.9 4.9 0.0 0.0 11.3 3.0 2.3 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 4 5.20 5.40 5.40 7.00 5, G. 30 20 00 10 5.10 5.30 5.40 5.00 .00 .00 5.40 5.10 7.60 5.20 5.00 5.80 6.30 5.20 5.00 5.00 5.60 5.20 5.60 5.50 5.50 5.40 5.20 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.30 0.012 0.013 0.013 0.037 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.010 0.010 0.019 0.013 0.011 0.055 0.011 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.014 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.012 0.009 0.009 0.011 III III III V III III III III III III III III III IV III III VI III III IV IV III III III III III III III III III III III III III III 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 90 91 91 91 93 93 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 96 96 97 98 4(135, 8(136, 1(136, 3(137. 5(137, 7(137, 7(137. 8(138. 7(139. 4(140. 8(141, 0(141. 0(141, 0(141, 5(142, 9(143, 0(143, 2(143, 3(145, 2(146, 3(147, 7(147, 8(150, 9(151, 0(151, 2(151, 3(151, 5(152, 6(153, 6(153, 9(154, 9(156, 9(156, 2(156, 2(158, TEST.OUT PAS I 33.09801115.6320104/26/1981112 928.41 3.8| 5.70 GSP 134.21301118.5370101/17/19941123055.41 18.0| 6.70 0.014 I III 0.026 I V 99.4(160.0) 99.7(160.4) ******************************************************************************* -END OF SEARCH- 143 EARTHQUAKES FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH AREA. TIME PERIOD OF SEARCH: 1800 TO 2006 LENGTH OF SEARCH TIME: 207 years THE EARTHQUAKE CLOSEST TO THE SITE IS ABOUT 11.4 MILES (18.4 km) AWAY. LARGEST EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE FOUND IN THE SEARCH RADIUS: 7.6 LARGEST EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION FROM THIS SEARCH: 0.210 g COEFFICIENTS FOR GUTENBERG & RICHTER RECURRENCE RELATION: a-value= 1.508 b-value= 0.381 beta-value= 0.877 TABLE OF MAGNITUDES AND EXCEEDANCES: Earthquake | Number of Times | Cumulative Magnitude | Exceeded | No. / Year 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 143 143 143 50 27 11 3 1 0.69082 0.69082 0.69082 0.24155 0.13043 0.05314 0.01449 0.00483 Page 5 APPENDIX D MODIFIED MERCALLI INTENSITY SCALE APPENDIX 0 MODIFIED MERCALLI INTENSITY SCALE OF 1931 (Excerpted from the California Division of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology DMG Note 32) The first scale to reflect earthquake intensities was developed by deRossi of Italy, and Forel of Switzerland, in the 1880s, and is known as the Rossi-Forel Scale. This scale, with values from I to X, was used for about two decades. A need for a more refined scale increased with the advancement of the science of seismology, and in 1902, the Italian seismologist Mercalli devised a new scale on a I to Xll range. The Mercalli Scale was modified in 1931 by American seismologists Harry 0. Wood and Frank Neumann to take into account modern structural features. The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale measures the intensity of an earthquake's effects in a given locality, and is perhaps much more meaningful to the layman because it is based on actual observations of earthquake effects at specific places. It should be noted that because the damage used for assigning intensities can be obtained only from direct firsthand reports, considerable time - weeks or months -- is sometimes needed before an intensity map can be assembled for a particular earthquake. On the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, values range from I to Xll. The most commonly used adaptation covers the range of intensity from the conditions of "/ - not felt except by very few, favorably situated," to "Xll - damage total, lines of sight disturbed, objects thrown into the air." While an earthquake has only one magnitude, it can have many intensities, which decrease with distance from the epicenter. It is difficult to compare magnitude and intensity because intensity is linked with the particular ground and structural conditions of a given area, as well as distance from the earthquake epicenter, while magnitude depends on the energy released at the focus of the earthquake. 1 I Not felt except by a very few under espedally favorable circumstances. II Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing. III Felt quite noticeably Indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but many people do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration like passing of truck. Duration estimated. IV During the day felt Indoors by many, outdoors by few. At night some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; wails make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing motor cars rocked noticeably. V Feit by nearly everyone, many awakened. Some dishes, windows, etc., broken; a few instances of cracked plaster; unstable objects overturned. Disturbances of trees, poles, and other tali objects sometimes noticed. Pendulum clocks may stop. VI Felt by ali, many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy fumiture moved; a few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimneys. Damage slight. VII Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in building of good design and construction; sligfit to moderate In well-built ordinary structures; considerable in pooriy built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons driving motor cars. VIII Damage slight In specially designed structures; considerable In ordinary substantial buildings, with partial collapse; great in poorly built structures. Panel walls thrown out of frame structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy fumiture overturned. Sand and mud ejected In small amounts. Changes In well water. Persons driving motor cars disturbed. IX Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb; great in substantial buildings with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Ground cracked conspicuously. Underground pipes broken. X Some well-built wooden stmctures destroyed; most masonry and frame structures destroyed with foundations; ground badly cracked. Rails bent. Landslides considerable from riverbanks and steep slopes. Shifted sand and mud. Water splashed (slopped) over banks. XI Few, if any, masonry structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad fissures in ground. Underground pipelines completely out of service. Earth slumps and land slips in soft ground. Ralls bent greatly. XII Damage total. Practically all works of construction are damaged greatly or destroyed. Waves seen on ground surface. Unes of sight and level are distorted. Objects thrown upward into the air.