HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 15-17; PASEO DEL NORTE PHASE 2; GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OBSERVATIONS & COMPACTION TESTING; 2016-12-19_EOTECi1N!CAL 80LU.T10NS.JNC.. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers & Geologists 5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109 Carlsbad, -California 92010 760-602-7815 smsgeosol.inc@gmail.com Project No. FC-15-10-38 December 19,2016 BSD Builders, Inc. Mr. Jeff Blair 8825 Recho Road, Suite A San Diego, California 92121 Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations And Compaction Testing Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad. California (Drawing No. 486-5A Submitted herewith please find the following summary report of geotechnical engineering observations and compaction testing recently completed by our firm in connection with the remedial and pad grading operations for the new parking lot extension at the above-referenced property. Overall, remedial grading operations for the project level parking improvement pad development consisted of removal and recompaction of all loose and eroded dump fills at the southern vacant lot areas, and excavation of deep erosional washout cavities, where they impacted the outer zone of the pre-existing slope face. A toe keyway with a heed back drainage system was developed at the base of the new fill slope along the southern perimeter. The project also included various trench backfill operations. Trench backfilling, slope reconstruction and stabilization and parking lot pad extension remedial grading operations were performed under engineering observations and compaction testing services periodically provided by this office from July 13, 2016 to November 8, 2016. The approximate limits of remedial grading works for the parking lot pad extension development with pertinent as-graded geotechnical information are shown on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map, reproduced from the project grading plans (Sheet 4 of 8) prepared by Hofman Planning & Engineering, dated August 11, 2016. I. REFERENCES The following pertinent plans and documents were used as a basis of our engineering observations and compaction testing services. 1. "Geotechnical Foundation Plan Review, Proposed Building Floor Addition, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California," Project No. FC-15-10-38, prepared by SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., dated October 21, 2015. I. I Report of Geoechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 2 'Proposed Pervious Paving, New Parking Improvements, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California," Project No. FC-1 5-10-3 8, prepared by SMS ,Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., dated September 28, 2015. Alternate Slope Reconstruction Concept, Proposed Building Addition And New Parking Improvements, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California," Project No. GI-12-14-34, prepared by SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., dated February 12, 2015. "Geotechnical Investigation, Second Floor Addition and New Parking Improvements, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California," Project No. GI-12-14-34, prepared by SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., dated February 10, 2015. "Grading Plans for 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Phase 2," prepared by Hofman Planning & Engineering, dated August 11, 2016. GECTECHMCAL.CONDITiONS Geotechnical conditions at the project parking lot pad expansions and pre-existing southern margins graded slope were found to be substantially the same as described in the referenced reports. In general pre-remedial grading conditions consisted of loose and eroded dump fills at the southern vacant lot areas and an irregular slope face impacted by mud-flow and slump sliding failures. Compacted fills and dense Terrace Deposits mostly underlaid the upper surficial deposits. H Subsurface profile, as encountered during the project remedial grading works, also remained substantially the same as presented in the referenced reports. Locally, deeper excavations extended at least 3 feet below the slope toe elevations did not encounter suitable bottom of m keyway, and earth reinforcement geogrid (TerraGrid RX- 1200) was needed to stabilize the exposed soft natural ground receiving new fills. Import sandy soils (SM/SW) were needed to complete grading and achieve final design grades. GROUND PREPARATION AND REMEDIAL GRADING OPERATIONS Prior to the remedial grading operations, surface vegetation and debris were removed and cleared for the site, as appropriate. All existing loose and eroded dump fills at the southern vacant lot were stripped and removed to the underlying dense and competent Terrace Deposits or well compacted fill. Erosional slump failure features from within the outer slope face and washout cavities, where they occurred, were also entirely excavated out as a part of stripping and removal operations to expose competent natural Terrace Deposits. A toe keyway was developed at the base of the new compacted fill slope along the southern margins, as approximately mapped on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map. The keyway was at least 15 feet wide, extended at least 3 feet below the toe elevation and heeled back a minimum of 5% into the natural hillside. Earth reinforcement geogrid (TerraGrid 7 Report of Geofechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Pasco Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 3 RX- 1200) was used to stabilize bottom of the keyway excavations, where soft natural ground was exposed at the depth of 3 feet below the toe elevations. Additional level benches were also developed into the natural hill side as the remedial grading and parlçing improvement construction progressed. All exposed keyway, subsequent benches and removal bottoms were visually examined, probed and tested as necessary, to assure dense to 'compacted existing fills or stable and competent Terrace Deposits, or stabilized ground surfaces suitable for receiving new fills. A subsurface heel back drain consisting of a 4-inch perforated (SDR 35) pipe surrounded with Y4-crushed rocks and wrapped in Mirafi 140N filter fabric material was installed in a bench above the toe keyway near the contact with the Terrace Deposits. Solid 4-inch diameter lateral outlet pipes (SDR 35) were provided to remove the collected subsurface water out onto designated discharge locations, as approximately delineated on the attached Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map. All debris and broken concrete pieces encountered in the dump fills were properly screened and removed using an excavator with a skeleton bucket. Import soils were necessary to complete grading and achieve final design rough finish subgrade. Import soils mostly consisted of sandy to silty sandy materials (SM/SW) deposits. Site new fills were properly processed and moisture conditioned to near or slightly above (approximately 2%) optimum moisture levels, manufactured into a uniform mixture, placed in thin (approximately 8 inches thick) horizontal lifts and mechanically compacted with heavy construction equipments consisting of a bulldozer (DGT 550), an excavator (330) with a sheepsfoot wheel and a compactor to at least 90% of the corresponding laboratory maximum density per ASTM D-1557. A hand-walker was used for compacting selected areas and tight corners behind the upper short retaining walls. Water was provided with a fire hose. 11 Periodic engineering observation of the grading operations and compaction testing of the fills placed within the graded areas was provided by this offie from July 132016 through November 8, 2016. Approximate limits of grading works and compacted fills, field compaction test locations and pertinent elevations including bottom of keyway elevations, as roughly established in the field by a hand level and pacing/tap measure form staking provided by others, or relative to identifiable features located at the site and noted on the project plans are shown on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map. . rn Site preparation and rough parking improvement pad grading were conducted in substantial conformance with Chapter 18 (Soils and Foundations) and Appendix "J" (Grading) of the 2013 California Building Code (CBC), the Grading Ordinance for the City of Carlsbad, the m requirements of the project soil report(s) referenced herein and our field recommendations, where applicable and as appropriate. All observations and testing were conducted by a representative from this office under direct supervision of the project geotechnical engineering. Field density tests establishing both the in-place dry densities and moisture contents were performed in accordance with the ASTM D1556 sand cone test method, and Nuclear Gauge m Method ASTM D6938 as the fill placement progressed. Test locations were placed to provide the best possible coverage. Areas of low compaction, as indicated by the field density tests, I Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 4 were brought to the attention of the project contractor. These areas were reworked by the contractor and retested. Engineering observations and compaction test results indicated that the fills within the approved m areas (see limits of grading on the enclosed Approximate Compaction 'Tests Location Map) were properly placed and compacted to at least 90% of the corresponding maximum dry density at the tested locations and are suitable for their intended use.' LABORATORY TESTING Pertaining maximum dry density and optimum moisture content tests (ASTM D1557) were obtained from prior geotechnical investigation reports (see references) and from additional tests performed on new soil mixture or import soils. Test results are summarized in the enclosed Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content 'Test Results sheet. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In our opinion, site excavations, remedial and parking extension pad grading operations, slope stabilization, fill placement and compaction procedures, and trench backfllling was completed in substantial conformance with the project approved plans, Geotechnical Investigation and subsequent plan review and update reports, applicable codes, and are acceptable for their intended use. Site conditions, earth materials and engineering properties of the compacted fills substantially remain the same as reported in the referenced reports. All conclusions and recommendations including soil design parameters, geotechnical pavement structural section and improvement designs provided in the referenced Geotechnical Investigation report Project No. GI-12-14-34, dated 'February 10, 2015 (Reference 4) and subsequent "Proposed Pervious Paving, New Parking Improvements, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California," Project No. FC-15-10-38, dated September 28, 2015 (Reference 2) will stay unchanged, as specified therein and should be considered in the final designs and, implemented during the Ofinal paving construction phase, where applicable and as appropriate. The following are also appropriate: The bio-retention basin at the north corner of the parking improvement pad was provided with an impervious geomembrane on the sides and bottom, and a 6-inch diameter perforated underdrain pipe, as shown on the project plans. Consequently, the recommended "cut-off' wall between the bio-retention basin and building was eliminated, on a condition that periodic maintenance and upkeep of the project bio- retention basins and site storm drainage system are carried out, as necessary, to assure proper performance, as intended. 2. Asphalt and PICP pavement minimum structural section designs will remain the as I specified in the referenced report. R-value conformation testing of finish subgrade soils should be considered to verify asphalt pavement structural section designs. I 7 Eli I 17, 71 :11 Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Not te, Carlsbad, California Page .5 Actual asphalt pavement structural section design should be established based R-value testing of finish rough subgrade soils. As a minimum, a pavement structural section consisting of at least 4 inches asphalt on 6 inches Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base, or the minimum structural section required by City of Carlsbad, whichever is more, may be considered for the onsite asphalt parking stalls and interior drive lanes, outside the private and public right-of-way. The asphalt concrete layer (4-inch total section) may consist of 2.5 inches of a binder/base course (3%-inch aggregate), and 1.5 inches of finish top course (½-inch aggregate) topcoat, placed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad requirements and applicable local and regional codes and standards. The Class 2 aggregate base (AB) shall meet or exceed the requirements set forth in the current California Standard Specification (Caltrans Section 26-1.02A). Aggregate base (AB) materials should be compacted to .a minimum 95% of the corresponding maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). Subgrade soils beneath the asphalt paving surfaces should also be compacted to a minimum 95% of the corresponding maximum dry density within the upper 12 inches. Base layer under curb and gutters should also be compacted to a minimum of 95%, while subgrade soils under curb and gutters, and base and subgrade under sidewalks should be compacted to a minimum of 90% compaction levels, unless otherwise specified, or required by the City of Carlsbad. - VI.' ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING This office should be notified before any of the following operations begin in order to schedule appropriate testing and/or field observations for confirmation and approval of the completed work: 1. Parking Pavement Improvements: Engineering observations and testing will be required as follows, unless otherwise approved or noted: Collection of a representative sample of rough finish subgrade soil materials, and performing a R-value test for confirming the minimum pavement structural section design. Preparation of a pavement structural section design report based on the result of R- value test and design traffic index (TI), for submittal to and approval of the City of Carlsbad, if necessary. •. t c) Final subgrade preparation and recompaction for achieving minimum 95% compaction levels within the upper 12 inches, to be completed at the time of pavement construction. 11 I Ii Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 ii Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad California Page 6 d) Observation and testing of base layer prior to placement of asphalt. Base materials should be compacted to minimum 95% compaction levels and approved by the project geotechni cal consultant Ii e) Observation and testing of asphalt layer, if required and as necessary. 2. Foundations and Trench Backifils: Engineering observations or testing will also be required for the following work prior to foundation/concrete pour and asphalt placement: Observe the plumbing, storm drain and utility trenches after the pipes are laid during 11 backfilhing. Backfill soils within all trenches shall be compacted by mechanical means to a minimum of 90% of the corresponding maximum dry density, unless otherwise specified or approved. All trench backfills within the public right-of-way shall be mechanically compacted to minimum of 95% compaction levels. Jetting or flooding of the backfill as a compaction method shall not be allowed. Care should be taken not to crush the utilities or pipes during the compaction of the trench backfill. Test the plumbing and storm drain trenches beneath the site improvements and paving surfaces for the minimum compaction requirements. Observe the bottom of the footing trenches for site improvements including but not limited to light poles and fence posts to verify proper embedment (minimum horizontal distance from bottom outside edge of foundation to daylight), compaction • levels, and minimum design widths and embedment. 3. Fine Grading and Improvements: • a) Observe placement and perform compaction testing for fills placed under any conditions 12-inches or more in depth, to include: Parking extension pad contour grading. Driveway, street and site improvements, sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Retaining wall backfllls. Spreading or placement of soil obtained from any excavation (spoils from footings, underground utilities, etc.). b) Observation and testing of subgrade in the perimeter side yards, and beneath patios, sidewalks, etc., prior to placement of concrete. The subgrade soils should be compacted to minimum 90% compaction levels at the time of fine grading and before placing the slab reinforcement, unless otherwise specified. I r Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing ç Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 7 c) Any operation not included herein which requires our testing, observation, or conformation for submittal to the appropriate agencies. VII. DRAINAGE V * , V The owner/developer is responsible for insuring adequate measures are taken to properly finish grade the pad after the structures and other improvements are in-place so that the drainage waters from the graded pad and improved site as well as adjacent properties are directed away from the new building foundations and top of slope. Drainage swales should be constructed at the top all graded slopes and shown on the approved drawings. The finished slope should be planted soon,after completion of grading. Unprotected slope faces will be subject to severe erosion and should not be allowed. Over-watering of the slope faces should also not be allowed. Only the amount of water to sustain vegetation should be provided. 'A minimum of 2% gradient should be maintained away from all foundations and top of slopes. Roof gutters and downspouts should be installed and all discharge from downspouts should be led away from the foundations and slab to a suitable location. Install area drains in 'the yards for collection and disposal of surface water. A well-established monitoring program should be, set up for periodic maintenance and continuos upkeep of the project BMP bio-retention facilities and storm drainage system. Planter areas adjacent to foundations should be provided with damp/water proofing, using an impermeable liner against the footings, and a sub-drainage system, if appropriate. Site and building type retaining walls should be provided a well-constructed back drain as specified in the project soil report(s). Planting large trees behind site retaining walls and building foundations should be avoided. It should be noted that shallow groundwater conditions may develop in areas where no such conditions existed prior to site development. This can be contributed to by substantial increases of surface water infiltration resulting from landscape irrigation which was not present prior to the site redevelopment. It is almost impossible to absolutely prevent the possibility of shallow water conditions developed from excessive landscape irrigation over the entire site. Therefore, we recommend that shallow water conditions, if developed, be immediately remedied. The property owner(s) should be made aware that altering drainage patterns, landscaping, the addition of patios, planters, and other improvements, as well as over-irrigation and variations in seasonal rainfall, all affect subsurface moisture conditions, which in turn affect structural and overall slope performance. U H Report of Geofechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 8 VIII. LIMITATIONS Our description of grading operations, as well as observations and testing servies herein, is limited to pad remedial grading operations performed periodically from July 13 to November 8, 2016. The recommendations provided herein have been based on Our field observations and testing as noted. No representations are made as to the quality or extent of materials not observed and tested. All geotechnical information, test location and mapping on the enclosed Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map are based on rough field measurements for the purpose of geotechnical presentations only. Surface run-off and captured water in the bio-retention basin should be directed into the storm water disposal facilities in a continuously uninterrupted controlled manner. Periodic maintenance and monitoring of the, project bio-retention basin and storm drainage system will be necessary and should be carried out by qualified personnel to assure proper performance, as intended. Should any saturated ground conditions or a potential for adverse impacts are noted, maintenance and repairs should immediately be implemented as necessary and appropriate. Poor bio-retention basin facility and storm drainage system performance or failure can potentially result in consequential slope, improvements and structural failures and shall not be allowed. Storm and surface run off water should not be allowed to impact or saturate graded surfaces, fi natural and graded embankment faces, backfihls, and bearing and subgrade soils. Concentrated run off, which could cause erosion or scouring, should not be allowed to develop over the graded areas. Over-watering of site vegetation should also not be allowed. Only the amount of water to sustain vegetation should be provided. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner or his representative is responsible OR for ensuring that the information and recommendations are provided to the project architect/structural engineer and respective contractors so that they can be incorporated into the U plans and implemented at the site. Necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that the project general contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations during construction. The project geotechnical engineer should also be provided the opportunity to field verify the foundation trenching and foundations/slab steel reinforcement prior to placing concrete. If the project geotechnical engineer is not provided the opportunity of making these reviews and observations, he can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of his recommendations. This report should be considered valid for permit purposes for a period of six months and is subject to review by our firm following that time. IF ANY CHANGES ARE MADE IN THE FINAL PAD SIZE, LINES AND GRADES, BUILDING LOCATION, ELEVATIONS, ETC., PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, THIS REPORT WILL BECOME INVALID AND FURTHER ENGINEERiNG AND RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BECOME NECESSARY ii. Report of Geotechnical Engineering Observations and Compaction Testing Dec. 19, 2016 Parking Lot Extension, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California Page 9 If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact this office at your convenience. II Reference to our Project No. FC-15-10-38 will help to expedite our response to your inquiries. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. £PIS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. . . S . rn No. 2085 E #2885 Distribution: Addressee (1, e-mail) Kurt Jellison, BSD Builders, Inc. (3, e-mail) IJ Attachments: Approximate Compaction Tests Location Map Maximum Dry Density And Optimum Moisture Content Test Results I Compaction Test Results (Parking Extension Pad Grading) Compaction Test Results (Trench Backfill) M0 III . S ii H... S2PIS CEOTCHN1CAL SOLUTIONS, INC. IR . . . S . ... S I PROJECT NO: FC-15-10-38 PROJECT NAME: BSD Builders, Inc. LOCATION: 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad TEST RESULTS Soil Type 1: Tan Brown Silty to Clayey Fine Sand O Maximum Dry Density: 129.0 pcf Optimum Moisture: 9 % Soil Type 2: Red-Brown to Brown Silty Fine to Medium Sand Maximum Dry Density: 123.5 pcf Optimum Moisture: 11 % Soil Type 3: Orange-Tan Silty Fine Sand with Rock Maximum Dry Density: 126.8 pcf Optimum Moisture: 11 % Soil Type 4: Brown to Dark Brown Sandy Clay Maximum Dry Density: 126.8 pcf Optimum Moisture: 9 % Soil Type 5: Tan to Olive-Brown Fine to Medium Sand (Import #1) Maximum Dry Density: 126.5 pcf Optimum Moisture: 9 % Soil Type 6: Tan to Brown Sandy Gravel (Import #2) Maximum Dry Density: 135.5 pcf Optimum Moisture: 8 % COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Parking Extension Pad Grading PROJECT NO: FC-15-10-38 PROJECT NAME: BSD Builders, Inc. PROJECT LOCATION: 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESIILTS(ASTM D1556/1)69i14 Date Test No Approximate Test Location Approximate ,' es Elevation (MSL ft) Field Moisture Field Dry Density (pet) Max Dry Density Relative Compaction (pet) Comments 8/30/16 1 Easterly, Bottom of Keyway 29 14 111.6 126.8 88 (Failure) - Bottom of Keyway @ 29± MSL 8/30/16 2 Central Bottom of Keyway 31 15 108.3 126.8 85 (Failure) Bottom of Keyway ® 31± MSL 8/31/16 1R Easterly Bottom of Keyway 29 13 .. 111.8 123.5 91 (Retest 1) Bottom of Keyway @29± MSL 8/31/16 2R Central Bottom of Keyway 31 14 111 .6 123.5 90 (Retest 2) Bottom of Keyway @ 31 ± MSL 9/2/16 3 Easterly, Keyway 31 12 112.2 123.5 91 Bottom of Keyway @ 29 MSL 9/2116 4 Central, Keyway 33 10 114.4 126.8 90 Bottom of Keyway @31± MSL 9/6/16 5 Easterly Keyway 33 9 112.1 123.5 91 ' 9/6/16 6 Central Keyway 31 9 1118 1235 91 9/6/16 7 Central Keyway 35 12 1152 1235 93 9/6/16 8 Westerly Bottom of Keyway 28 12 116.5 126.8 92 Bottom of Keyway @28 ± MSL 9/6/16 9 Westerly Keyway 30 12 1114 1235 90 9/7/16 10 Central Keyway 32 Ii 1145 1235 93 9/7/16 11 Westerly Keyway 31 11 1147 123.5.. 93 9/7/16 12 Westerly Keyway 32 12 1183 1268 93 9/8/16 13 Easterly Fill Slope 35 11 111.4 123.5 90 9/8/16 14 Central Fill Slope 37 12 111.7 1235 90 9/8/16 15 Westerly, Fill Slope 36 11 115.4 126.8 91 - 9/8/16 16 Easterly, Fill Slope 37 10 .116.2 126.8 92 9/8/16 17 Central Fill Slope 39 10 112.4 123.5 91 9/9/16 18 Easterly Fill Slope 39 11 1131 1235 92 9/9/16 19 Central Fill Slope 37 13 111 .2 123.5 90 Over-excavate Dump Fill SiftS GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS. INC. _: •: . .., ..i- : • .. ...,. Date Test No. Approximate Test - Location Approximate Test Elevation (MSL, ft) Field Moisture (/o) Field Dry Density (pci) Max. Dry Density (pet) . Relative Compaction (/o) Comments 9/9/16 20 Central, Fill Slope 39 13 111.3 123.5 90 Over-excavate Dump Fill 9/9/16 21 Central, Fill Slope 41 11 114.3 126.8 90 9/9/16 22 Westerly, Fill Slope 39 10 115 126.8 -- 91 . 9/12/16 23 Easterly, Fill Slope 43 11 115.4 126.8 91 9/12/16 24 Central, Fill Slope 44 10 - 113.6 123.5 92 9/12/16 25 Westerly, Fill Slope 44 12 111.4 123.5 90 9/12/16 26 Westerly, Fill Slope 43 11 111.1 123.5 90 9/13/16 27 Easterly, Fill Slope 45 10 111.3 123.5 90 9/13/16 28 Central, Fill Slope 47 11 112.8 123.5 91 9/13/16 . 29 Central, Fill Slope 47 13 115.1 126.8 •. 91 9/13/16 30 Easterly, Fill Slope 49 11 . 112 123.5 91 9/14/16 31 - Westerly, Fill Slope 48 11 115.4 126.8 91 9/14/16 32 Westerly,FillSlope 49 ii 114.2 . 126.8 90 9/15/16 33 .Easterly, Slope face. .F.S. ii 112.4 123.5 91 Finish Slope Face -------------- 9/15/16 . 34 Central,Slope Face F.S. 11 116.7 126.8 . 92 -.Finish Slope Face 9/15/16 35 Westerly,Slope Face .. F.S. . 10 111.3 123.5 . 90 . FinishSlopeFace 9/15/16 36 Westerly, Slope Face F.S. 11 116.9 . 126.8 92 .Finish Slope Face 10/7/16 37 . Easterly, Pad Area R.F.S. 12 111.3 . 123.5 90 ._Rough Finish Subgrade 10/21/16 38 Westerly, Pad Area .. R.F.S. 13 fl 119.5 135.5 . -- 88 (Failure) Wall Backfill, Rough Finish Subgrade 10/21/16 39 Westerly, Pad Area R.F.S. 9 127.2 135.5 . 94 (Retest 38) Wall Backfill, Rough Finish Subgrade 10/24/16 40 Central, Pad Area R.F.S. - 9 122.1 135.5 . 90 Rough Finish Subgrade 10/24/16 41 Central, Pad Area '- R.F.S. 9 122.9 135.5 91 ., . Wall Backfill, Rough Finish Subgrade 10/25/16 42 . Westerly, Pad Area R.F.S. . 135.5 91 Wall Backfill, Rough-Finish Subgrade 10/25/16 43 Central, Pad Area R.F.S. . 10 122.2 135.5 90 Wall Backfill, Rough Finish Subgrade - 10/28/16 44 Central, Pad Area - - - R.F.S. 9 - 8 ...123.5 111.2 123.5 - 90 - Rough Finish Subgrade 10/28/16 - 45 - Westerly, Pad Area -. R.F.S. 10 - 111.8 - 123.5 - - 91 - Rough Finish Subgrade - - -SJISGEOTECIINICAL SOLUTIONS. INC - p Max. Relative Dry Compaction Density (pcf) (/o) -1 - Date. Test No. Approximate Test Location Approximate T Test Elevation (MSL, ft) Field Moisture Field D Density (pci) . Comments 11/8/16 46 Easterly, Pad Area R.F.S. 8 123.4 135.5 91 Rough Finish Subgrade 11/8/16 47 Easterly, Pad Area R.F.S. 7 123.1 135.5 91 Rough Finish Subgrade 11/8/16 48 Central, Pad Area R.F.S. 8 122.3 135.5 90 Rough Finish Subgrade 11/8/16 49 Central, Pad Area R.F.S. 6 123.7 135.5 91 RoughFinishSubgrade 11/8/16 50 Westerly, Pad Area R.F.S. 7 1221 1353 90 Rough Finish Subgrade 11/8/16 51 Westerly, Pad Area R.F.S. 61 121.9 135.5 90 Rough Finish Subgrade 11/8/16 52 Westerly, Pad Area R.F.S. 9 122.7 135.5 91 Rough Finish Subgrade MSL = Mean Sea Level F.S. = Finish Slope R.F.S. = Rough Finish Subgrade I SJWScEoTECHIcAL SOLUTIONS. INC. ' . COMPACTION: TEST RESULTS Trench Backfill PROJECT NO: FC-15-10-38 CLIENT NAME: BSD Builders, Inc. PROJECT LOCATION: 6125 Pasco Del Norte, Carlsbad FIELD COMPACTION TEST RESULTS ASTM i5c6ffoR. Date Test No. Approximate Test Location Approximate Height of Backfill (BGS) Moisture Field sture 10/ Field Dry Density (pci) Max Dry Density Relative Compaction (0/) (pcf) Comments 7/13/16 1 Easter] Building -2 11 116.2 129 90 SDGEMain Power Trench Backfill 7/13/16 2 Easterly Building Areas R.F.G. 11 117.3 ••129 91 SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/13/16 3 N. E. Comer Areas ofBuilding -4 11 114.2 126.8 90 SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/13/16 4 N. E. Corner Areas of Building -2 9 111.1 123.5 90 SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7114/16 ..5 Easterly Building Areas -4 9 111.7 123.5 90 . SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/14/16 6 Easterly Building Areas -2 9 : 112.1 123.5 91 SDGE Man Power Trench Backfill 7/14/16 7 N. B. Corner Areas of Building R.F.G. 9 111.3 123.5 90 SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/14/16 8 Easterly Building Areas R.F.G. 11 111.5 123.5 90 "SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/20/16 9 Easterly Building Areas -2 11 . 111.2 123.5 90 SDGE Main Power Trench Backfill 7/20/16 10 Easterly Building Areas R.F.G. 12 114.7 123.5 93 SDGE Main-PowerTrench Backfill 9/14/16 ii Northerly Building Areas R.F.G. 10 ' 115.7 126.8 91 Electrical Vault Box Trench Backfill 9/14/16 12 Northerly Building Areas R.F.G. 11 114.8 126.8 90 Electrical Vault Box Trench Backfill 9/14/16 13 Northerly Building Areas R.F.G. 10 116 126.8 91 Electrical Vault Box Trench Backfill BGS = Below Existing Ground Surface R.F.G. = Rough Finish Grade $]KSCEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS -INC..