HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-30; Kelly Ranch Phase I; Soils Report; 1985-07-19..- - - - - .- ,.- .- .- - ,- - SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GRADING PLAN REVIEW PHASE I GRADING KELLY RANCH CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For Kaufman and Broad Development Group 11601 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 ally 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 /I ep iv P, - ..- ,~- - - ..- ,- - - - - - Pm4 TIERRA GRANDE SUITE 107 SPA DlEGO CALlFORNlA mm Iby bP5~3150 July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Kaufman and Broad Development Group 11601 Wilshire Eouievard Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Attention: Mr. Robert M. Galloway Subject: SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GRADING PLAN REVIEW PHASE I GRADING KELLY RANCH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ReFerences: 1. Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Kelly Ranch, by American Geotechnical, dated Juiy 29, 1983. 2. 40-Scale Grading Plans for Phase 1, Kelly Ranch, by VTN San Giego. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed a supple- mental geotechnical investigation and grading plan review relative to Phase 1 grading at the subject property. In addition, we have reviewed the referenced report. In general our findings and recommendations are in conformance with the American Geotechnicial report. Modifications and/or refinements are presented in the following pages of this report. - - - - - - - .- Kaufman and Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 2 We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, OWEN GEOTECHNICAL MARTIN R. OWEN, RCE 23155 President 9---- THOMAS C. G Senior Proj DANIEL K. STEUSSY Project Engineer / MRO/TCG/DKS:ssb Copies: (12) Addressee ( 6) VTN San Diego Attention: Mr. George Benton ( 61 Cal Communities Attention: Mr. Wayne Callaghan ( 1) McDaniel Engineering Attention: Mr. Keith Gallistel ( 1) Elfend & Associates Attention: Mr. Frank Elfend SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GRADING PLAN REVIEW PHASE 1 GRADING - KELLY RANCH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1. Calculated settlement along most of the proposed align- ment of Cannon Road (Stations 90+00 to 124tOO) averages between 0.8 and 1.3 feet. Calculated settlement at the southeast end of Cannon Road (Stations 82+00 to 9OtOO) reaches a maximum of 2.8 feet. 2. Over the alignment of Cannon Road between Stations 98+00 to 124+00, 75 percent of the calculated settlement will occur in approximately six months. Between Stations 82tO0 and 98tO0, 75 percent of the settlement will occur in approximately 12 to 13 months. Settlement will be measured by placement and monitoring of settlement monuments. 3. In accordance with your anticipated grading schedule, no fill surcharge should be necessary between Stations 98tO0 and 124tO0. Surcharge may be necessary between Stations 82+00 and 98tO0. 4. An ancient landslide adjacent to Cannon Road near Station 98tO0 can be brought to an acceptable factor of safety by placing additional fill as shown on the grading plans. 5. Proposed cut and fill slopes have been analyzed and determined to be grossly and surficially stable. 6. Removal of colluvial soils will be required in a canyon area towards the southwest end of Cannon Road (Stations 74t50 to 76tOO). 7. A volumetric expansion or bulking factor of approximately 5 to 10 percent is estimated upon recompaction of on-site bedrock borrow material. Shrinkage of recompacted borrow material from terrace deposits and alluvial deposits is estimated to range from 0 to 5 percent and 10 to 15 percent, respectively. d&0 [~13iNl~ ::A1 - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 2 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this supplemental investigation and grading plan review is to address the following items relative to Phase 1 grading: 1. Settlement of fill placed on alluvial soils in the low-lying wetlands, especially along the proposed alignment of Cannon Road: 2. Stability of proposed cut and fill slopes; 3. Stability of an existing ancient landslide: 4. Miscellaneous items such as placement of settle- ment monuments, location of subdrains beneath canyon fills, and volume shrinkage of on-site materials due to compaction. Subsurface exploration consisted of advancing ten rotary wash borings, seven electric cone penetrometer soundings, and two bucket auger borings. Laboratory tests were conducted on samples retrieved from the subsurface exploration to obtain design parameters for settlemont and stability calculations. Presented with this report are the results of our investiga- tion and specific design recommendations. Design charts are provided to simplify recommendations. Locations of test borings and cone penetrometer soundings are shown on Plate 1. Subdrain locations are also shown on Plate 1. Stationing along Cannon Road used in this report is taken from the referenced grading plans. PROPOSED PHASE 1 GRADING Proposed Phase 1 grading is generally illustrated on the accompanying Plate 1 and in greater detail on the referenced grading plans. The approximate location of the Kelly Ranch property is shown on the following Location Map, Figure 1. Phase 1 grading generally consists of filling for the proposed - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - . 80URCL U.8.0.8. SAN LOUIS REY QUADRANQLE SCALE: I t 0 I MILE ,d Iwo 0 - two zwo 3000 4cca 5m.3 icm Iwo FEET ub4 I 3 I KIL&R H-u---r LOCATION MAP’ OW&~O~CHNICAL /PROJECT NO. 269.3 2 I FIGURE NO. 1 - - - - - .- - - - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 4 Cannon Road and adjacent areas. In addition, construction of a bird nesting island is planned. Planned fill thicknesses for Cannon Road vary from approx- imately 8 to 35 feet. Maximum cut and fill slope heights (2:l inclination) are approximately 50 feet and 40 feet, respec- tively. Borrow material will be generated from three locations as follows: 1) highland areas in the central-east portion of the site (Santiago Formation) 2) highland areas in the east portion of the site (Terrace Deposits) and 3) alluvial areas adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek at the northeast portion of the site. Total volume of cut is estimated at approximately 500,000 cubic yards. W&EOECHNiCXl Kaufman 6 Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 5 SITE INVESTIGATION - .- - - ~,- - - - - - ,- 1. Rotary Wash Borings Ten borings (B-1 through B-10) were drilled to depths ranging from 41 to 151 feet using a Mayhew 1000 rotary wash drill rig and a modified California split-tube ring sampler. Samples were obtained at 5 foot depth intervals to a depth of 50 feet, and at 10 foot depth intervals thereafter. Standard penetration tests were performed at periodic depths. The primary reasons for rotary wash sampling were to obtain additional data regarding depths and settle- ment characteristics of alluvial soils along the alignment of Cannon Road. Also, strength data were needed for foundation design of Agua Hedionda Creek bridge (to be submitted in separate report). Locations of test borings are shown on Plate 1. Logs of all borings are located in Appendix A. 2. Electric Cone Penetrometer Soundings As a supplement to the rotary wash borings, seven cone penetrometer (CPT) soundings were obtained in the alluvial soils at locations close to those of the test borings. The electric cone penetrometer is an electromechanical device which is pushed at a constant rate into the ground from a specially designed heavy vehicle, Continuous readings are taken of: 1) the bearing resistance of the soil to the push of the conical tip of the instrument, and 2) the friction resistance of the cylindrical steel sleeve which is behind the tip. By continuous monitoring of these data, a detailed reading of stratigraphy can be obtained. This information, when combined with conventional soil sampling, provides a more accurate profile of soil types and relative thicknesses of the different layers. CPT data is also useful for calculating load-carrying capacity of many types of foundations such as driven piles. ;mc A - Kaufman & Broad Development c:rnnn July 19, 1985 - ---“= - .- - - - - .- - .- Project No. 269.3.2 Page 6 The primary reasons for performing the seven CPT’s were to supplement the soil borings and to determine precise thicknesses of the alluvial strata. These data proved helpful in calculating time-rate of settlement of the Phase 1 filling. Cone pene- trometer data were also utilized to design the pile foundations for the proposed Agua Hedionda Bridge. Locations of cone penetrometer tests are shown on Plate 1. 3. Bucket Auger Borings Two 36-inch diameter borings (B-11 and B-12) were drilled to depths of 33 and 55 feet in an ancient landslide area adjacent to Cannon Road (approximate Station 98+00) using a bucket auger drill rig. Each boring was visually logged in detail by a certified engineering geologist, who was lowered into the holes for direct inspection. The principal reason for drilling these two holes was to visually locate and evaluate the landslide slip-plane. Bulk and undisturbed soil samples were obtained for laboratory testing and the data used to calculate the stability of the slide under present and future conditions. Locations of test borings are shown on Plate 1. 4. Laboratory Testinq Laboratory testing was scheduled following a review of the field data and consideration of the proposed grading. Laboratory testing included determinations of unit weights, moisture contents, consolidation characteristics, and shear strength of the on-site materials. Moisture-density test results are summarised on the logs of borings included in Appendix A. The results of the remaining laboratory tests are included in Appendix C. - - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 7 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS .- .- ,- ,_ Geologic units at the subject site are discussed in the preliminary geotechnical report by American Geotechnical, dated July 29, ,1983. The units (those applicable to Phase 1 grading) are briefly described as follows: 0 Fill Loose to medium dense fill materials have been placed on the site to create access roads. These fill materials are generally free of debris and consist primarily of clayey sands. Road fill soils range in thickness from 2 to 5 feet. 0 Topsoil The alluvial areas along Agua Hedionda Creek are mantled with loose to medium dense topsoils to depths of appxoximately 2 to 8 feet. The topsoils are composed generally of silty sands, sandy silts, and clayey sands possessing some organics such as roots and rootlets. 0 Alluvium (Agua Hedionda Creek Area) The natural soils encountered in the Agua Hedionda Creek area are Holocene-age alluvial deposits. Where encountered during our field exploration, the alluvial deposits consisted of loose to dense, clayey sands, silty sands, and soft to stiff, sandy clays. The cone penetro- meter data indicate that the maximum thickness of clay layers is on the order of 10 to 12 feet. These clay layers are generally separated by sand layers ranoing in thickness from a few inches to more than 10 feet. The depth of alluvium as determined from our test borings varies from approximately 10 feet (Boring 6) to 116 feet (Boring 5). .- .- - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 8 0 Colluvium (Slope Wash) Colluvium is present within Phase I grading areas (Stations 74t50 to 76tOO) to depths of approximately 3 to 8 feet. Colluvial soils gen- erally consist of loose to medium dense, clayey sands and sandy clays containing varying amounts of organics such as roots and rootlets. 0 Landslide Debris Landslide debris were encountered in Borings 11 and 12 to depths of 28 and 38 feet, respec- tively. The landslide debris are comprised primarily of sandy clays/clayey sand.s (see also Boring Logs, Appendix A). Our borings in the debris typically encountered materials that ranged from slightly fractured to jumbled’ mixtures of claystone and sandstone. Boring 11 was downhole logged by a certified engineering geologist. Due to the presence of groundwater in Boring 12, down-hole logging of the entire boring was not possible. There was - no evidence of recent landslide movement. 0 Bedrock Bedrock underlying areas of Phase 1 grading consists generally of Eocene-Age Santiago Formation. Bedrock materials exposed and encountered in our test borings consisted of silty and clayey sandstone and dip generally to the west at an angle of 15 to 20 degrees. - - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 9 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS - - - .- The primary objectives of our analysis were 1) to determine magnitude and rate of settlement of alluvium beneath fill placed during Phase 1 grading: 2) to verify the stability of proposed cut and fill slopes and 3) to investigate the stabil- ity of an existing ancient landslide. 1. Settlement of Cannon Road and Adjacent Fill For purposes of calculating alluvial settlement, the soil profile was simplified as shown in Figure 2. Using consolidation parameters obtained from laboratory testing (Appendix C), total settlement of Phase 1 fill was calculated along the center line of Cannon Road. This settlement profile, from Station 82tO0 to 124to0, is also shown graphically in Figure 2. Selected values of settlement are listed in Table 1. Calculations supporting the data presented herein are on file in our offices. The parameters used in conjunction with Figure 2 are summarized in Table 2. For the majority of the fill area (Station 9OtOO to 124tOO) calculated settlement of the alluvium typically varies from 0.8 to 1.3 feet. From Station 82tO0 to 9OtO0, the increase of fill depth from 10 feet to a maximum of 36 feet over softer, more clayey soils causes a corresponding increase in settlement. The thickest fill and greatest settlement occur between Stations 82tO0 and 86tO0. In this area, predicted settlements reach a maximum of 2.8 feet. - - MSN/GEOECHNIK A , I I 1 I / I I i , , I I SIMWFIED QEOLOGIC PROFILE ~wloo 1ZWOO OCDO 4hb ’ ’ , I I I -- -7 M-l. B-61 [A: SOUTHWEST --y NORTHEAST TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF TOTAL SETTLEMENT CALCULATI@NS CAI~INON ROAD - .- - ,- - STATION 81tO0 82tO0 82t50 83t50 84t50 85+50 87tO0 88tO0 9otoa 95+00 lootoo 105too llot@o 114too 122too Assumptions: FILL THICKNESS, FT. 15 36 36 33 32 28 19 17 10 i 12 12 13 13 CALCOLATED TOTAL SETTLEMENT, FT. 0.0 0.4 2.1 2.8 1.8 0.0 2.1 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1. One-Dimensional Consolidation :: Fill Unit Weight = 130 PCF Instantaneous and Negligible Settlement of Major Sand Layers 4. Soil Profile As Shown in Figure 2 CJUVSN/G:Ol3;HNI~ Xl - - .~. - - .~- - ,- SOIL TYPE TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATION PARAMETERS USED IN SIMPLIFIED SOIL PROFILE FOR SETTLEMENT CALCULATIONS KELLY RANCH COMPRESSLOB BUOYANT INDEX COEFFICIENT OF UNIT WEIGHT, PCF BY PERCENTAGE CONSOLIDATION, FT2/M0 ---_- ..-_- - Topsoil 68 0.09 0.5 .- - Soft to Medium Silty Clay (82tOO to 98tOOl 42 (98tOO to 124tOO) 64 0.24 1.1 0.11 2.0 Medium to Stiff 65 - Silty Clay Stiff to Very 63 - Stiff Silty Clay 0.05 0.06 5.4 .- Assumptions: 1. Soil profile as shown in Figure 2 2. Settlement in sands negligible (verified by calculation) 4.6 CWSN/G:OECHNl!-XL .- - - .- - - ~- - - .- - - - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 18 The failure plane (as determined from our test borings and analysis) is shown on Plate 2. Based on our analysis the present factor of safety of the landslide is approx- imately 1.1. Following grading to the elevations shown on Plate 2 the safety factor will increase to a value in excess of 1.5. Stability calculations are presented in Figures D-l through D-3. 0 Proposed 40t-Foot High Fill Slope The gross stability of the proposed 40* foot, 2:l compacted fill slope west of and below Cannon Road (between Stations 82+00 and 83+00) was analyzed using “Singh’s Charts”. Based on the above parameters, a safety factor in excess of 1.5 was obtained. Calculations are included on Figure D-4. Surficial stability of the proposed fill slope was analyzed by the Infinite Slope Equation. A safety factor in excess of 1.5 was obtained. Calculations are included on Figure D-5. 0 Proposed 5Oi Foot High Cut Slope Slope The gross stability of the proposed 50* foot high 2:l cut slope (borrow area in terrace deposits) was calculated using Singh’s charts. A safety factor in excess of 1.5 was obtained (calculations are included in Figures D-6 and D-7). A proposed 35i foot high temporary 2:l cut slope adjacent to Cannon Road (Station 79+50) will ultimately be reduced to a height of 204 feet as part of Phase 2 - - - - Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Pro:ject No. 269.3.2 Page 13 alculated for three of Cannon Road as follows: Stations 98+00 Stations 86+00 to 98+00, and Stations teristics are sum- These figures may for fill surcharge ssed in a subsequent ority of the time-settlement for Phase 1 is characterized by the data shown in Figure tations 98tOO to 124tO0. In this area, the is relatively constant and 75 percent ent will occur in the first 6 months ions 86tO0 to 98tOO and Stations 82+00 to e clayey soils which most influence rate of t are finer grained and softer. In these time required to reach 75 percent of is approximately 12 to 13 months. 2. a. - .- .- .- ,- .- eters adopted in analysis have been based on direct sentative undis- s of the soils, materials. The in the static analysis .are based on average peak shear Residual strength values are existing slip- the analysis of the existing applicable portions of the erican Geotech- cone penetro- ilized in the .- -- - - - .- - - - - .- - - .- - .- - STATIONS’ 82+00 TO 85+00 STATIONS’ 82+00 TO 85+00 TUE~ FROM FILL PLACEMENT ONNllW TUE~ FROM FILL PLACEMENT ONNllW ---.-_. -. .-_ .-a ---.-_. -. .-_ .-a - _ -- a- a--. -. s-..- -A- A - -.-.a. - _ -- a- a--. -. s-..- -A- A - -.-.a. DESIGN CURVtS- RA I t WI- St I I LtMtN I lWl-4 L;ANNUN RD. FIGURE NO. 3 -~ -~ - .~ - - - - - .- - .~- -- .- .- - .- STATIONS 88fOO TO 98+00 Lo NAE FlyA FILL FUOEMENT (MONnw * s * 6 I , 8 10 II ,* ‘8 I. *a u DESIGN CURVES- RATE OF SETTLEMENT FOR CANNON RD. ~:o~cH[\Iick i,aEcT NO, 260.3.2 FIGURE NO: 4 .-, - - 0.01 u- ,.4- ri- e *a---- SA “- STATIONS 98+DO~ TO 124+DO TME FROM FILL PUC”“ENT (MONTW . DESIGN CURVES- RATE OF SETTLEMENT FOR CANNON RD. FIGURE NO, 6 Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 17 - .- ,- - - .- .- - .- .- .._ ,- Table 3 summarises the shear strength parameters adopted for slope stability analysis (see also Appendix C). TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF SHEAR STRENGTH PARAMETERS ADOPTED IN SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Geologic Unit Fill (compacted to 90%) 300 300 Bedrock (Santiago) 600 300 Terrace Deposits 300 300 Slide Debris (Santiago) 100 330 Slide Plane 100* 200* Alluvium (Low) 50 25O Alluvium (Average) 150 300 Cohesion (psf) * Residual Shear Strength Parameters Angle of Internal Friction (Degrees) b. Analyses The on-site slopes (existing and proposed) have been analyzed utilizinq the appro- priate shear strength parameters listed in the previous section and are described as follows: 0 Existing Landslide The stability of an existing ancient landslide located adjacent to and east of Cannon Road (approximate Station 98+00) was analyzed by the Modified Bishop method using the STABLE computer program. The analysis was performed along geologic cross-section A-A' included herein as Plate 2. @W&:0 IKi--IN ;/Al ,- - .- ,- ,- - - .._ Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 19 qradins. Further evaluation of this slope will be performed as part of our Phase 2 grading plan review. 3. Embankment Stability The stability of the Cannon Road fill embankment (assuming failure through the underlying alluvium) was calculated where planned fill thicknesses are greatest (between Stations 82+00 and 86+00). A factor of safety in excess of 1.5 was obtained. Calculations are presented in Appendix E. - UWSN/G~OlXli~l~ ~:A -. - - .- ,-. Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 ;f;n$e;; No. 269.3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Alluvial Settlement/Fill Surcharqinq The time of settlement or amount of surcharging may be determined from Figures 3 through 5. Each of these figures contains a family of time-settlement curves applicable to a specific area or location along the proposed alignment of Cannon Road. Each curve represents settlement behavior for one thick- ness of fill in that area. These curves may be used to estimate the time required for settlement beneath~ a given thickness of fill. Or, as the example in Figure 4 illustrates, the curves may be used to design a fill surcharge schedule should it be desired to accelerate settlement. Total settlement over most of the Cannon Road alignment (Stations 90+00 to 124+00) will be on the order of 0.8 to 1.3 feet. Differential settlement will be minor. From Stations 98+00 to 124tO0 surcharging is not considered necessary since approximately 75 percent of the settlement will occur in 6 months. Between Stations 9OtOO and 98tO0 and Stations 82tO0 and 9OtO0, total and differential settlement are greater and surcharging is necessary if 75 percent of the settlement is required in the same time frame (i.e. 6 months). The charts presented as Figures 3 and 4 may be used to calculate surcharge ~amounts. 2. Ancient Landslide Our analyses show that the existing ancient land- slide (approximate Station 98tOO) can be brought to a factor of safety in excess of 1.5 by filling in the toe area as shown on the grading plans. 3. Topsoil and Fill Removal In areas where Phase 1 fill is placed over unsatu- rated topsoils or existing fill, removal of these ~N/G:OECHNI~:~ :/?I Kaufman & Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 21 .- - ,- materials to within 1 to 2 feet of the water table should be anticipated. Specific areas and depths of removal should be determined by the project soils engineer during grading. 4. Colluvial Soil Removal Towards the southwest end of Cannon Road (Stations 74t50 to 76tOO) colluvial removals will be required which are estimated to be on the order of 3 to 8 feet. Actual depths and limits will be determined by the project soils engineer or engineering qeolo- gist during grading. 5. Excavation of Saturated Soils Excavation of saturated soils at or below the water table may require use of drag-line equipment. Saturated soils may not be reused as fill until they have been sufficiently aerated to allow compaction. 6. Settlement Monuments Settlement monuments should be placed in fill areas to verify magnitude and rate of settlement of alluvial soils. A typical settlement monument detail is shown on Figure 6. An alternate monument consists of a 2-inch diameter steel pipe driven into the fill surface to a minimum depth of 3 feet after grading is complete. This alternative, although simpler than that shown in Figure 6, has the disadvantage of providing data after much of the settlement has occurred. At least six monuments should be placed. Frequency of readings should be established during construc- tion. However, the first set of readings should be taken prior to placing fill if the settlement monuments shown in Figure 6 are used. Care should be taken to avoid destroying monuments. - .- Kaufman a Broad Development Group July 19, 1985 Project No. 269.3.2 Page 22 7. Volume Bulking/Shrinkage During compaction, a bulking factor of 5 percent may be assumed for on-site bedrock materials. For recompaction of alluvial deposits, a shrinkage factor of 10 to 15 percent of volume is expected. For recompaction of terrace deposits, a shrinkage factor of 0 to 5 percent is expected. a. Subdrain Placement Subdrains should be located as shown on Plate 1. Subdrains should be sized as indicated on Plate 1 and constructed according to the cross-section detail shown in Figure 7. The uphill ends of the subdrains should terminate at a distance from the edge of fill such that the end of the pipe is at least 6 feet below the fill surface, to prevent damage from subsequent construction. 9. Generalized Grading Guidelines Other aspects of site grading not covered in this report are presented in the referenced American Geotechnical report. - - OWiS/G~OIrCtiNl~ Xl - - - ,- - - ~- - - - - - - - .- DETERMIHE SETllEUElll OF PLATfORY BY OPTICAL LEVELLlllE OW TOP 01 DISEII PIPE C’vilFF~~ # 3’4” 3w ~~llOll5 PIPE uv PIPE WUPLEl ,i I 6 lwlr’ ,wllRAl PwllM SPIIAPE DETAIL OF SETTLEMENT MONUMENT O’W#BECHNICAL /PROJECT NO. 289.3.2 I FIGURE NO. 3 ,- .- - - - ,- - - - - - - - coMPAclEo flu. 8uRfAcE OP c- REM&E UNRUITARLE MATERIAL “. ,* . 0 ’ . MmrmYOClmcfEETPERlJNEALfOOT Of AfROm flLlER ROCK OR DRAIN DIMETERAPPROVED ’ ’ 0. PERfoRMED PIPE 0 (PERFORATION9 COW’ DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS’ FOR FILTER ROCK wwEsl2E li PA8)MWa APPROVED PIPE NPES 1" 100 1. sl%5lmi4owc 314- oo-190 2. CyP 14 OA’q AraeEi 3/e- 40-100 3. ACP l&O &3l AC. MF’PEZj No:4 23-40 4. SCHEDULE 40 ABS. OOO.fM No.8 G-03 No. 30 S-16 .m. 30 o-7 No. 200 o-3 CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL - W:~ECHNICAL iPRQIECr m. 2e9.82 iFIGuRE No. 7 I - - - - - - - - - - llLLlNGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: S-7-85 39.7 E-4- -- -. 6.1 1- -_ 20.9 15.8 .- DROP: 18” ELE”AT,GN: 31.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 1 BORING NO. 1 WwIupI: Pim., silty shy with interbedded *and layers I 2.0’ Tan. dlfY mna, *lightly oist to nvaist. derately denes B 3.0’ mcmes Imse I 3.0’ Craundnater ,estimatd 5.0’ TUI land, *aNrated. loose @ 10.0’ Tan *and, **turated, 1mse s 10.0’ Tan. Elay*y, *sty S.snd, *at”~.r.d, mderately dsnlo 8 23.0’ Bnundad TOCk fragwnts, water turns blue, sqgest* clay BORING LOG ~O.lECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANG+ FlG"RE NO. '-l OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - - - - - 3ILLINGCOMPANY: A L W DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: 5-7-85 -- __ 05.8 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 1 (Continued) @ 40.0 mu. sandy slay, *.tUlatfd, soft e 41.0’ scua 9.we1, drilling keo& e.*t*r, sugqest* Sand @ 40.0 mu. sandy slay, *.tUlatfd, soft e 41.0’ scua 9.we1, drilling b&ms e.*t*r, ,ugqest* Sand 8 50.0’ 8ecwm* firm to stiff, sand ia me&m graine.3, drininq s1w.m dam, *uggest* clay 8 50.0’ 8ecwm* firm to stiff, sand ia me&m graine.3, drininq s1w.m dam, *uggest* clay EORING LOG I I ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH IFIGURE NO. A-2 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - ?ILLINGCOMPANY: A L w DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: 5-7-85 I JG DlAh ,RI, = F: : Y z i _ 50 65.. 70 . 75, 80 85 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 1 ,continuad) BORING NO. 1 ,continuad) I --- --- 90.1 -- --- RIVE, G E” ;; ES =8 - ___ -- 25.4 -- -- e 70.0' Blue, sandy slay, saturated, soft to firm e 70.0' Blue, sandy slay, saturated, soft to firm e 80.0 mu. kle,iy, satYrate.3, stiff e 80.0 mu. kle,iy, satYrate.3, stiff -~ - - - - - - - - BORING LOG RaJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-3 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - --- --- 37.1 --- --- SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 1 (continued) @ 90.0’ B1”* sandy ckay, wet, firm to *tiff, Sand ia fine-grained BEDRocI( ls.ntiaw FOrmatlo”): BEDRocI( ls.ntiaw FOrmatlo”): BlYE gray medium grained mlv.+stme, BlYE gray medium grained mlv.+stme, poz3Y sorted. Iuh”gu1*). grains. dense to very 4enss Poz3Y sorted. Iuba”gu1*). grains. dense to very 4enss B llO.0’ NO r~overy. rocky BORING LOG I I ROJECTNO. ,69.?.2 KELLY RANCH IFIGURE NO. R-4 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSlJlTAN7S, INC. - - - - - - ,- - ‘RIP = F : Y E L? 20’ 25’ 30, 35 40 DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 31.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 1 (Continued1 BORING LOG 3OJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-5 OWEN GEOTECHNKAL CONSULJANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - - - - - 3ILL,NGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILLING RIG: y+TARY WASH DATE: 5-8-85 101.5 108.4 101.9 101.6 -- 107.6 102.8 3I”E w - ;s g sg =8 3.7 19.4 JL 14.7 24.1 -- 22.3 -- 23.3 Hi = f z vi 2 - c u F z z - P - CL SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 2 a 5.0’ Tan *and, wet, ka*e LuL%xni: Firm silty clay with interbedded Sand layers m Dalk brown to dark gray randy shy, wet, firm ! 7.0’ Ground water 3 10.0’ Bhhh bmnm randy slay @ 15.0’ Fix-m silty clay vie7 interbedded Sand layars, sat.“*atod, soft BORING LOG ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANM FIGURE NO. A-6 OWEN CEO~ECHN~CAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - .- - - - - - - - - - 3ILLING COMPANY: A 6 w DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: 5-8-85 --- - 99. .- --- 103, -- - RI” = 2” ;g 5: =: - 19.: - 1% 27. -- 23. 23. __ - $50 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 30.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. ?, ,continued, 35.0’ Dark gray s*may clay, firm. I 38.0’ mining beecue* ammr, suqg*sts claymy soih ! 45.0’ Greenish gray sand. scme iron ataininq. vet, dense I 50.0 Light brown-green aoty Sand I 51.0’ -niah.greY =laYeY sand, medium dense. iron stain BORING LOG ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGVRE NO. A-7 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC. - - -. - - - - - - - - - - ,- ?,LLING COMPANY: A 6 ” DRILLING R,G: BOTARY WASH DATE: 5-8-85 )RIN( F : Y E “0 w- 657 To- 75- 450 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 30.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BOWNGNO. 2 ,continued~ BOWNGNO. 2 ,continued~ P n 8% BORING LOG I ROJECTNO. X9.3.2 KELLY RANCH FlGURE NO. A-8 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ,- - - - - - - - - - \LLLINGCOMPANY: A h w DRn,LING RIG: mTARY WAS” DATE: 5-8-85 102.7 -- 103.3 - -- ma.8 104.2 101.9 --- - 3I”E Y - 5: ,El 55 ‘8 - 23.6 I~ -- 25.5 - -- 20.0 -. 24.6 24.8 --- - i DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 23.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 3 opy)JL, Black .dayyey sand, saturbted, (Iott 2.0’ Ground water I I 5.0’ Greyish tL*c* rilty clay. vat. Fina m: Bizm silty day with intsrtxd*ed Sand layers 1 10.0’ Brown coarse Sand, 1oo.e 1 15.0’ Brmm *an.dy Elay,wet, firm 0 20.0’ mown sandy clay, wt, firm 0 25.0 mm.n sandy clay, ret, firm - - OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC. - - - - - - ,RING DIAMETER: 55 I!. 16 60 E g- ;z k 0 - LO5.3 104.3 --- 103.1 -- 111. E Lug 5; k?E $g 0 23.3 23.0 -, _- 23.3 -- 19.2 i”’ = ‘;; u’ vi 2 i7 __ ZL z - SC - 35.0’ hccmes a&t. 37.0’ milling lwsou. taster, sugge*ta .Md 40.0’ sandy clay 45.0’ sandy clay 47.0~ Drilling becomes faster. BYggests *an.% SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 3 (Continued) BORING NO. 3 (Continued) EORING LOG ROJECT NO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-‘o OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - -~ -~ - - - - - --- - LP4.7 - -- - _- 23.3 - SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 3 (Continued) I 60.0’ 60.0’ Oran sand, saturated, dense Oran sand, saturated, dense 80.0’ Gray**h blue clayey sandsto”e, wet, dense 1 88.0’ Drilling beccmes rlower. suggests clay 80.0’ Gray**h blue clayey sandsto”e, wet, dense 1 88.0’ Drilling beccmes rlower. suggests clay BORING LOG 10JECT NO. 269.3.2 RELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-11 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, /NC. - - ,- - - - - - .- x=lIF 3 F : Y F i go- 95. LOO. 105. 110, 115, : z- Es;0 fi ,08.2 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BOf,,,,G NO. 3 ~OR,NG,,O.3 (Continued1 (Continue.31 moist, stiff GORING LOG ROJECT NO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-12 OWEN CEOJECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - .~ - .- - - - .- - - ?Il.L,NG COMPANY: A 6 w DRILLnG RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: 5-9-85 -cJ- 5- 10 - 15. 20. 25 30 - ; Y c : iAl - - fl r ! I - - - FU*Wt l/4’ 3 5- 6 3’ 5 105.6 -_ 110.0 113.1 -LG.; 92. 3I”E 1 = ;s 3+ ElYI 5% =8 21.9 L - 27.5 -- 20.2 11.3 Yz 31.9 22 ^ Y ; - L - P - I !I - a L8S DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 24 .o SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 4 -8 Crayish black siandy slay. sand is mediun-grained, rwtlets. et, firm. I 1.0' Groundwataz LLw*uxx Firm silty clay with interbd.ded ran* layers 6.o'Bl"iah br0v.m clay, little silt and sand. soft tr, fim 8.0' Drilling becm.es faster, ~"qqesitr sand, 10.0' Gray-black smd. medium dense ! 16.0’ bOCcmeS brnm *and, ooderatay d*“se, drillin becomas faster, i”gges+s sand 1 20.0’ mu= gray sandy clay, firm 1 25.0’ Blue 9*=y randy to silty clay, firm BORING LOG m- ‘-7 NO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH F"""'..^ * . ~ I OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, /NC. - - - - - 3ILLINCCOMPANY: A 6 w DRTLLING RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: j-g-85 ,RING OIAMETER: 5” L z- EZ >- E - L2.3 lix 00.4 _-- 93.9 RIVE v\ - ;” $ 5% =El 18.3 z;iTT- -- 30.0 23.4 -. 28.0 .-. 24.7 98.1 HI = f 2 vi ,2 F- - L - c _ . ;P al 50 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 24.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORINGNO. 4 (Continued) 30.0* Bhish qray mediunqrahed sand, &itm dense 35.0’ Bl”ie, ‘Iray *Mdy clay 40.0 Bl”iSh ‘Iray clayey Sand, medium dense 49.0’ Drilling beccmes t**it.x, mggests SM.3 50.0’ Bluish gry medium to coarse-grained sand. m.~erats,ly dense o dense 53.0 Drilling beccme* fl*ter, sugge*itr sand 55.0’ BlYiSh dray silty lland 58.0’ some gravel 1 59.0’ Drilling becanes slower, suggeets clay - - OWEN CEOTECHNlCAl CONSULTANTS, INC. ..- - - - - - - - 3ILLiNG COMPANY: A 6 ” DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WAS” DATE: j-9-*5 I3 = c 8 s 5 d .2 .6 16 28 - 16 - ___ .11.6 9z 94.3 LOO.5 - RIVE \ E 2s 3+ kz! 5; =z 22.0 19.4 26.6 28.9 - x.0 - 0 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 24.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 4 (Continued) 60.0' Bl"ish qray medium to coarss-grained sand. medium dense 65.0' Blvish gray coarse-grained sand, ndivm dense 70.0’ Gray and bias* mndy clay to d.y, firm to stiff, drilling ecmes slower 75.0’ GkxYiSh brcwl clayey sand. de”.. ED- wantiago Foraatio”)r Greenish gray clayey eand*tons, dense - - OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - .-. - - - .- - - ,lLLlNG COMPANY: A h w DRLLLING RIG: ROTARY W?-s” DATE: 5-9-85 IRIN S F : Y E 4 0 ‘0 - 15 - 10 - 25 _ 10. 15. 20 ,,AMETER! ! , t rG?- Eiz 2 --- RIVE VI - ws uz- 22 5; “8 --- SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. I Icontinued, 90.0’ Ckxen silty Band, .kwe %a1 mpth 91.0’ 9t*r at 2.0’ > caving I BORING LOG I I ‘ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY P.?+NCH FIGURE NO. A-16 I OWEN GFOTFCHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - .- - - - - - - - - - c G $= i 08 I >- I % - - 108.8 - 106.7 105.9 .- 95.3 _- 111.9 10.7 -E 12.9 23.1 .- 29.3 -_ 18.9 - 31.5 DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 29.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 5 e 10.0’ BPxwn c1ay.y Sand. kc.*a to medium dense e 15.0’ Bluish-gray *uty clay, *ioft @ 18.0’ Drilling be-s Slae~, sugqests clay I 10.0’ Bluish-qray soarse-grained dad, little clay, rmdium dense @ 25.0’ Bluish-gray *i1ry clay, moi*t. firm ta stiff EORING LOG I ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-1’ OWEN GEOTFCHNKAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - ,- - .- - .- - .- - - 35 I 40 45- 50- 55- OO- 7 - L7 - 6 - I* - L z- s:p >- : - LO1.7 98.0 -_ 109.1 105.8 - 109.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 5 IContinued) SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 5 IContinued) BORING LOG I ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-18 I OWEN GFOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ,,- .- - - - - - lRlN - F : 1L E i 0 io is - 10 - 75 - 80. 85 90. ll”E VI - “Z :; ii5 55 ‘8 - 16.9 17.4 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 5 (ContinuedI -- 100.4 -- 21.0 0 70.0’ mining b.COUS 0 70.0’ mining b.COUS 1110**1 1110**1 , , dense dense B 80.0’ silty sand @ 88.0’ mi11inrJ becones faster, Liqqests Ban.3 @ 88.0’ mi11inrJ becones faster, Liqqests Ban.3 BORING LOG 3OJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FlGlJRE NO. A-19 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - s bntisgo Formations : ‘resnish-gray sandstone, poorly sorted, dense, drilling bttcoM. very 81W. 318.0 Cvtting are hard ignW”* rock, drilling very Slow 120 120 BORING LOG BORING LOG I DROP: 1s” ELEVATION: 29.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BOR,NG,.,O. 5 (Continued) ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-20 FIGURE NO. A-20 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - - - ~ILLINGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILJJNG ~ILLINGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILJJNG RIG: ROTARY WASH RIG: ROTARY WASH )RING DIAMETER: 5” )RING DIAMETER: 5” R,“E VI - Ill% ;i 5; “g 120.0’ 121.0’ 14.1 DROP: 18” ELEVATICIN: 29.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORlNG NO, 5 IContinued) BORlNG NO, 5 IContinued) BORING LOG BORING LOG XJJECTNO. 269.3.2 XJJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-21 FIGURE NO. A-21 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - - - - ?,LLINGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILLING RIG: ROTARY “ASH DATE: 5-13-85 FIIN’ = F 2 LL F ! LSO- 15L la- X5- 17* 179 A, J ;’ 5 3 - 3I”E w - us PC- ii 5; =i3 16.6 w: 450 ms DROP: 18” ELEYATION: 29.0 f E SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 BORING NO. 5 ,continue.3, scme stickensided s”rf.ceJ, dry very OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - mm E F ii Y F s -o- 6- 10 - 15. 20 25 3lAMETER: 5” 50 LAS DROP: 18” ELEVATICIN: 19.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 6 H I 30 1 GORING LOG I SO,ECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FlGURE NO. A-23 OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - .- - - - - L8.9 19.5 17.1 - - SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 6 (Continued) 9 40.0’ Brounihl white cot, medium denen 9 40.0’ Brounihl white cot, medium denen Total Depth 11.0’ No caving er at 5.0’ ,**timatsd) GORING LOG ‘ROJECTNO. 26g.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGVRE NO. A-24 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC. .- - - - - .- - .- --- -- --_ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 7 BORING NO. 7 2.0’ 2.0’ Brown silty *an& mcdim dame Brown silty *an& mcdim dame 5.0’ 5.0’ Black silty clay, firm Black silty clay, firm / 5.0’ / 5.0’ Ground water‘ Ground water‘ BORING LOG RDJECTNO. 26923.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. R-2= I OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - RlLLlNG COMPANY: A 6 w DRILLING RIG: ROTARY WA.9H DATE: +1+*g 35- SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. , ,continued) X.0’ GmYiSh green clayey sandstone,siltsrone, “my denlla c 450 LBS mw: 1s” ELEVATION: 15.0 a % B T w atee at 5.0* N IO caving 35.0’ Bhutsh ta greenish gray medim-Ipaine. mw3ston,, dense BORING LOG I ‘ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO. A-26 I OWEN CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ,.~ ~,~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - LO2.0 -- 98.8 -_ 116.0 -- 91.1 97.7 -. 103.0 1 21. 25. - 17. - 30 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 8 (Continued) BORING NO. 8 (Continued) jLWIUnr sooft to film silty day xi* interbedded salI* layers 2.0’ Ground water 4.0’ TanniSh 9”Y nmdim to soarse-graimd Ban& saturated. k.a*e 5.0’ Bluish 9-Y sandy clay. rootlets, wet, *irm 10.0’ BlYi*h gray *a& *.CYr.ted, base 15.0’ BIDlm *anay silty clay, *Oft / 20.0’ Brown sandy. silty slay. soft 23.0’ BhiSh g.ray sandy clay to blDwliQh gray msdium-grained sand, esJm dense BORING LOG ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE NO A-2’ I OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. -. - - - - - ,- - - - - - - \ILUNG COMPANY: A L w DRILLlNG RIG: ROTARY WA!33 DATE: 5-24-85 ,Rlh a F ?I Y E : 30- 35- 40- 45- 50. 55. AMETER: ?= z: EZ i 103.3 - 104.2 92.1 - 115.0 .- 95.6 -. 110.1 3I”E a kg kzl 55 ‘2 25.) - 22.9 32.8 - 182 _- 30.6 -_ IB.? HI = f & ” 2 2, i- ZL - 524 .- z - E - 450 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 19.0’ SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 8 ,continued, rnN*m Rzo”t.in”ed~: soft to firm silty slay “ith interbedded Band aiyer. 35.0’ Bluish qray *anay *cry clay, firm ! 40.0’ ha-* wet, firm to stift ! 02.0’ milling hexmes fast**, *uggests Sand I 15.0, Greg mediuo to cou*e-gra*ned Sand # 17.0’ besows si1tier ? 50.0’ Bl”illh gray silty slay, firm @ 55.0’ Ci-ay medium to Eoarse-g.ai”ed Sand medium dense OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - - - - - - - DROP: 18" ELEVATION: 19.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORlNG NO. 8 tCOntiJU=dl BORlNG NO. 8 tCOntiJU=dl GORING LOG I RO,ECT NO. 26p.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGIJRE NO. A-29 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. .- .- .- .- .- RIG: BDTARY WAS” DATE: 5-24-85 1 - > k iz= x; > 8 Tr -- 105.8 RIVE vv - ,a IT- $2 ES =s 25.9 -- 21.5 23.7 50 LBS DROP: 18” El.E”ATION: ,q ” SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 8 Icontinued, BORING NO. 8 Icontinued, ! 90.0’ ! 97.0’ Drilling becceas .loYOI, *Yggests clay ! 100.0’ BlVish gr.9 silty San.3 to *and, noderat+ &nae 1 105.0* scmu grwel ! 97.0’ Drilling becceas .loYOI, *Yggests clay ! 100.0’ BlVish gr.9 silty San.3 to *and, noderat+ &nae 1 105.0* scmu grwel BORING LOG I I ROJECT NO. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGVRE NO. A-30 I OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. .- .- - - .- ,R,NG DIAMETER: - > t z”- 2t:, >- B 111.1 115.7 150 LBS OROP: 18” ELE"AT,ON:19.0 I SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 8 IContinued _ ____ ___.. water at 1.0’ HO cwving BORING LOG ~O.IECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCW FIGURE NO.+31 OWEN CEOTECHNlCAl CONSULTANTS, INC. - .- .- ~ILL,NGCOMPANY: A 6 w DRILLlNG RIG: ROTARY W?.SH DATE: 5-25-85 c z 5= oi i - 84.3 -- 91.3 107.1 .- 104.4 ‘z-4 il”E 1 YZ :; LZ 55 =3 - I 41.0 -. 32.8 .- **.* 25.6 -- 23.3 -1a.o DROP: 13” ELEVATION: 14.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 9 @ e to clayey Liard, firm @ 15.0’ Black *i1ty Sand, nwderately dens* @ 17.0’ @ 20.0’ Dark way sandy, ai1ry clay, sott to firm @ 25.0’ clayey sand, dense GORING LOG ROJECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY R&NC” FlGVRE NO. R-32 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ~. .~ -.. .~. - ,- .- 112.9 112.4 101.3 112.7 18.8 19.2 21.9 17.2 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 9 Icontinuedl @ 35.0’ Tannish-gz’ly *and. medium .isn*s. medium to coarse grained B 40.0 Gray sand, dense, fine to medium qrained Total Depth 56.0’ Total Depth 56.0’ water at 1.0’ water at 1.0’ NO caving NO caving # GORING LOG ~O.iECTNO. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FlG”RE NO. A-33 I OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC. .- - - .- - 3ILLING COMPANY: A 6 w DRTLLING A,G: F?xmY WASH DATE: 5-25-85 102,!? -. 101.7 -. 91.4 G.6 -. 71.0 75.8 19.8 I .-- 22.5 _- 32.7 .-. 24.4 .- 52.1 44.6 --. DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 10.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 10 @ 10.0’ Gray ana brown sandy claymaysp sand; ccmtainns rrxne coar** grains Of “tdrOEk” typa sand, medium dense @ 15.0’ Bl”*nh-.gray fina to radium-grained Band. verl hcmogen--Js* wdiu dens* @ 20.0 Bluieh-gray clay. Soft e 25.0’ NO recovery @ 26.0’ lItterlayered clay an.3 silty clay, rirm to stiff 6ORlNG LOG IO,ECTNO. 269.X.2 KELLY RANCH FlG”RE NO. A-34 OWEN CEOJECHNlCAl CONSULTANTS, INC. - - .- - - - - .- - - '.ICLINGCDMPANY: ,, s w m,n,Lx~G RIG: ROTARY WASH DATE: 5-*5-85 MING D,AMETER: 5" DRlVE WEIGHT: 450 LBS DROP: 18" ELEVATION: IO.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO, 10 (ContinuedI @ 55.0’ BIYish-gray clay, stiff to very stiff BORING LOG I I RDJECT ND. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGURE ND. A-35 OWEN CEOJECHNlCAL CONSUL JANJS, INC. - - ~- .- ,- 1ILLINGCclMPANY: A L w DRlLLING RIG: ROTARY “AS” IlATEr 5-25-85 I MING DIAMETER: 106.0 -, 106.4 91.2 101.9 ii7.i - - 22.4 -. 21.4 29.1 25.9 7.; - - 450 LBS DROP: 18” ELEVATION: 10.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 10 (Continued1 ALLWlIM ~Continusd~, soft to firm Silty Flay vi* Band wer* B 60.0’ B1”iSh gzay silty Band, mcbrately de”*e P 65.0 Black lilty *a*, mcderately den*. e 69.0’ Dli11ing bMOTs sk=.m*. sugqesta 0k.y ,,~smd i Bw)Rou( ,santiago FomAtion~: G&we” clayey *Md*to”e, dense. drillinq 0 75.0’ Green clayey sandsto”e, dewa 9 81.0’ Drilling MC-* much *lower $ 85.0’ Green sixty *ard*tm* Total Depth 86.0’ water at 3.0’ NO caving H BORING LOG RDJECT ND. 269.3.2 KELLY RANCH FlGURE ND. A-36 I OWEN GEOJECHNICAL CONSULJANJS, INC. .- - - - - - .- - .- - - ?ILLING COMPANY: AL-ROY RIG: BOCKET AUGER DATE: 6-25-85 I IRING DIP c : Y Y 4 il ; ! 2 -o-- z 5- 2 ICI - 15 7 2 20 - 25 - 30 - - -- -. - * -- - SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 11 ! 6.0’ Appro%~t.lY 1. cart+” .FeCk tO l/l-inch dhm.t.r # ! 8.5’ sHEAn* strik., N70W DIP: south 260. ! 9.5’ Slick.” .id.d r0iv.y .“rf.c., acJtt1.d. light and dark brnwn, :m*y, fine-to m.dium-gr.in.d *end, mo*.r. den.., porn’., rwtlera 1 H ! 12.0’ Wtrlad way an* brmn, fin. **nay clay, very !mi*t, firm rravel to l/l-in.&, Serb” Yeinlet* ! 13.0’ BIom fin.3-groined Send, *lightly clayey, very nwiet to wt. 3eens. 5 0.5’ slick.” dd.d *ud.c.: N63Y. “..~iE.1 3 15.5’ a. ..tul.t.d ii a 17.0’ Dzi~li”9 become. n9ht.r. . ..pag. into baring - blown c1ay.y land, vet md.r.t.ly dens. 9 17.0 cround “et*= ii # P 21.0’ Brown clayey, fin. to n.dium-3rain.d Send. ..t”r.t.d, dens. # @ 27.0’ NO recovery @ 28.0’ BumxK ~santiago Formation, : Light grey silty fine-grained ..“d*ton., saturated. de”... cobbles to 2 inches in diametol BORING LOG ROJECTND. 269’3.2 KELLY RANCH FIGURE ND. A-3’ OWEN GEOJECHNICAL CONSULJANJS, INC. .- - -. ~- - - - .- - - RIG: BUCKET ?."GER DATE: 6-*+gg I - ;= >& 5 - ,I”E k? - “2 :; ;;zi 55 ‘2 - SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. 11 (Continued, BEDRCCK mJ”tinu.d,i light grey nilry *in.-grained ..“d.to”., sat.“r.r.d, dense, cobble* to I inch.* in dhm.t..r e.1 Depth 33.0’ ltel s.eF.eq. B 17.0’ c?.aring fill. to this l.“Sl, Em. cwing flxm 17.0’ to 28.0’ drocx emmvh.~ di.t”rhd, 9 b. 01.3 landslide debri. H BORING LOG WXECT ND. 269.3.2 I KELLY RANCH FIGURE ND. A-38 I OWEN CEOJECHNICAL CONSUL JANJS, INC. .-. .- - - - .- ..- ,- ILUNG COMPANY: AL-ROY DRTLIJNG RIG: BUCKET AUGER DATE: 6-25-85 I 3IN GC =i f 2 : L 5 : 0-i 5- 10. 15 -. -- -. I”E I !ap ;c IY ;s :s - - - &a, 25 30 ‘1, &1 EORING LOG 269.3.2 ROJECT ND. KELLY RANCH c,c<>-c Lln A-39 2.0’ become. mist 3.0’ uYd.r.t.ly dens., E.rLw” .*c** 0.0’ Wttled, lifht and dark ixom, Prow 6.0’ Grey bmwn silty clay. n3oi.t. firn 6.5’ tray L3r.m” llixty Cl.Y, m0i.t. fin 8.0’ clwey, fin. to meaium-qrainad aad, ariet, dens. SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. Y. ,- ,- OWEN CEO TECHNICAL CONSUL JANJS, INC. ,..,. - .- .- .- - - .- ,~.. .- .- ILLlNG CDMPANY: AL-ROY DRILLING RIG: BUCKET AUGER CaTE: +*+*g I - - r32 ,-I8 - - - - SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO.12 ,continued, 32.0’ Light wr.y, fineqreined .an**tml., raiet, very denee 32.0’ Idgm wr.y, fineqreined .an**tml., raiet, very denee 36.0’ to 38.0’ - 7.0”. Of slid. &xl.“.. .ilQ. fine *ined Sand with clay, et, noderately 38.0’ Bemccli mnrie9o FormAtion,: Pine-grained .Md.~O”., very ai.t to .atur.t.d, den.. tn very dens.. Indietinct bedding 42.0’ ~cae. v.t to Jature~ed 47.0’ NO recovely, h..vy a..p.g. Of wat*r into b,Tring 47.0’ Ground w*t.r I.v.l 50.0’ B.fcm.. more clay.y,silty, lerger percanreg. Of fines l... R.” ” 100 *I.“* GORING LOG WJECT NO. 269.X.2 KELLY RANCH l=lG”RE ND. A-d0 1 OWEN CEOJECHNKAL CONSUJANJS, INC. - - - - - - - - .- - (Adjacent to Boring B-5) mod * 266.BZ DATE . s-lo-as LocATIrJN I c P. T. 1 FILE I I 6 fT+k2ww FRuTroN RATIO +-.*~~~--JI / 1 i & 1 1 _ / ; / I I L5 1 +.----i------ , ~~- -+ I / &=j I i -l- 1 .I I ~sr5rANcE <Ta >: je-a sol --- I j---+--t : i ! , 1 --I 1 ] i 1 $- I gi 1,s; ‘: ‘I : / I .._ +--i--i 1 ! I - - - - - : L- _~~.~ _... 7.~~ 1 i 1 j )I~~~~ -- -7 - .v-- ,;.. i j ; i 1% - l-b! Q!!LL ____. .i __-_._._.. j ._._ _.~ i- .*-.I-,-i.-_~,-.-,.-~ .-.. L-.--2 ! ; ‘7 I! / 4 / / : @=: : j ; ~__-~~_- ,,.- ~! ~~ ,... .__. jam ._._. -1 : i j i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Adjacent to Boring B-5) 3081 8 2w.3.2 DAlE a §-lo-e5 LncATIoN. c.P.T.1 FILE C s 6 ----T--v---- i c --.~L--~~i~~~..-~.. ; # ; + ; :i_i -A-...-, i i ,, g’I i ,~, 8, ; at-1 --i--~- -..-A ifi : --i- i i f-y : [ !, ; ‘: 5 i ._.I~ - i~.~i... i l P - -;--.- ~^_ .._ ~.._~,__ i L g _ ~._;: _... - - - - - - - - - - - (Adjacent to Boring B-5) 3oer I 2ls3.2 M-E . s-lo%5 LOCATION I tP.T.1 FILE 1y . B t i i I i t i ! ~+-------;------- I i I I ( / -k .--.. i .-- 7” i ; i i 1 / : I L ;i 1 / i c ; ; [ , !I -.+--- 1 -A.---- ! ; :j 1 ; : ; : i ;i ; : ! s, : i ; ; i j . j i ; : i ,F j --i.-;--.LA--.L- ’ ..-LA--~ - - (Adjacent to Boring B-2) Jost I 2m.3.2 DATE . 5-10-8s LOCATKON s C. P. 1.2 FILE 9 . 7 k-a ---“i”’ i~ -2 ;k;LF’:F&ON .-.-_-- T . --._ t-t/* -I- I 1 I -1 - {, < i ~~ 1 i - ; 1~ i _1: I. f ._-.-.-.- - 1 ; f I. f ._-.-.-.- - : I / , 1 -- 1 ! I I ] L , -[ -7-- ----- .-‘~ I-i_-! ; : ;&; ; s.q /5=: >--. ~..a- ~_~~.~i .._ .- i-----L -~ -2 - - /- c ~ - (Adjacent to Boring B-2) 3mf . 209.3.2 DATE t S-10-85 LocATxoN I c. P. T. 2 FILE # , 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - FRXTUE R4TiO q? ..- -_s~~~,~~.-.B, l- : j I z c / / & \ j .-~ _- ~~ .;- . --.,~.l_._~.~..~.~..( ..,_ - . . ..__ ~_._._~...~_ i ~I:.~--...~ i ~ i----.-.---- / _I _.~I ._.~..-_~.--- _- .._ %c.-?.-.-i~ ..-.., _-~. c ~___ -- .-~. -*-~- -- _~_ --...‘=; e I \ j ; , _-- .-... ~__. ,.~. ..~ ~~~- ...~~__ ” .: _~ _ _~_ .__ _-. --~--- : ! .,- ..__. -_ .___ -.L. ~_--._.~_-.-~-_ pi .i~, ~. i,.~ .,, .i i..~ .: -., 1 .~~ L ,,.~, - - - - - - - - - - - (Adjacent to Boring B-4) m3* n 289.3.2 DATE i s-zs-es mcATsoN. GP.T.3 FILE I I 6 - - - - - - FRICTION - - - (Adjacent to Boring B-4) JWY * 2w.P2 DATE .5--25-B LocATmN I c. P. T. 3 FILE C , 6 ! ---.--~~-‘.‘-~-~-‘--“~‘--‘- 5 i : _ ; : 8: .+ ..__ L--+$ __.-. + ,-.. ~. ; .-.. ~~-..~: (Adjacent to Boring B-4) - .- - - - - - - - - - - 105 I I 229.3.2 DATE I s-23-55 LOCATION . C. P. T. 3 FILE # I 8 +-.-...~i-..- _-.. I DEi'$l[ I / ! I I / j ! I ! i i / / ! j .i ) ;; j : : , ! : ., 1 1; : I i : / / 1 ! j ! i i j i c .._ -i.~.--- i ____ ~-.+-..----‘.- I,.l-s-+.,.-~ ..__.. ,-.I~.~_~~ _--.-. .~ !i ! ! , : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Adjacent to Boring B-8) JOQY * 2Ee.3.2 OAYE I 5-a-85 LDLhTiDN I C.P.7.4 FILE W . Q - - (Adjacent to Boring B-8) AXB w .2m.32 M-E I s-zs-ss LOCATION I c.97.1 FXE I . 0 - -. - - - - - y---L I ;?! ~ ~ -=x---L..--.-- . ..--.--.-. (Adjacent to Boring B-8) am iJ l 2843.2 M-E I s-2s-m LocATmN * L?.TT.4 FILE .4 I S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.~...,~._ I 5; ,... ~~~_ ..~.._ .- -- ~_i~-_~ \‘: : : CP 1:’ i+J?;; -- ,-A ~ A&.--:~-~. -.-~ ._-- --.-A.----.- --“-\_ ~ 1; &I : y: i ;:(-/- c. c--l ..-.-- 55. 25 1 : 2 I ; j is; I i j ---_7=_: ,;~.~-+ -.._ ~. .._. :> =z’ ~~_~_. _._ -_. ..,. --~.- -,.-.-----~~A--- -~~ --,~-- .i-.~ L=zzif=~ C-‘, y --y-. ;, [EL_ :[< f ---_ l-- .~+---.-.-- ~~_ 3 ,-- .---7.--- i...-- .- -__A --.~__-- .~.~.----_ - - - - - - - - - - - - JOB Y t ao.3.2 ?,%TE t 5-2s-85 LGCATiON I C. ?. i. 5 FILE w , :0 ii_: ~ .-‘> c >--; :ii + i 1 ! ..- A J IJ j y x E?X 3s. 30 22 - 108 i# I 269.3.2 3ATE I 5-a-m LUCATION * C.P.T.5 FKLE Y I iU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LDCAL FRiC7;ON FRKCX3X RATIO - maw I 2w.3.2 DATE I s-28-85 LOCAT:ON I C. P. 1.5 FILE dr I i0 - - - - - FRitSION RATIO -s p-[~q=-&---~; ; <X>.~. ; I ,;._-r--.-; -7 -.-km, >.~y---- i 5 <I ZIL..: : ~.-7- ~ -.+zL- _..- .__~_ I ;; j i ! ! ., ! j / j j : I: : : - - L I/ 8, : mi 1 : =qHh?~iww ST,. ,; ~,.~ .,., ~..~~ ,....,. ~, ~.,_ ..I ..~ .._. ~~~..~i ~. .~ . ~, aim ,.,.. .i_. .,~ .t~ .,. I ..~~ ~.. ! ,~. --i ,_~_ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >.-..---~~ ~_,~.~,~.....~ - ,.- _.._~~..~._ (Adjacent to Boring B-10) JOE P t 289.3.2 JAYE , S-26-85 LCCA:fON I c. P. 7. a FXE Y I li Loc,3L FRICTfCV F?fCT;OV &%'I0 I 1 (:on.~'ft-z) 5 5 ~-~.~r,.~~~~~,-- .~.. ? <?E?CEx,_~~ .a I -~ -~ ~i.~~,. - _-- >r - ~!~~, _c-~ ~-~~g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i (Adjacent to Boring B-10) F?:C;:OTl XA710 - - (Adjacent to Boring B-9) so.3 u , 263.3.2 JAE I s-zs-B5 LOCATION t c. P. T. 7 FT-E d I 12 ‘2X,% FRiCTION FRIGiW ii,4TiO ~~~ _ qorJ/ft‘2) 50 P:)ERCE.T> ~0 -9... ~-I-~- ‘I? RESiEiTANCE O. 7 conm;p _ T- ~~---~~ ~-F~‘----~-- - -i A- - - - - -- - - - JE?TI Cm) NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATlON NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION (KSF, . B-4 @ 20.0' 0.560 - - - - - CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS - QH#Y/G:O~CHNICI% /PmECTNo. 269.3.2 /FGUnE No. c-l - - - - - .- NORMAL PRESSURE (KSFI L PRESSURE “A...^.. ,.,er, lhJr m;,“,” 1 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~o~%Ic/% /PROJECT NO. 269.3.2 FGURE NO. c- 2 - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) 6 SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PREss.“RE AT SATURATION IKSFI . B-5 @ 10.0’ 0.560 .- - CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~:~EHNI~AL /mEcTm. 269.3.2 /FIGURE NO. c-3 NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMSOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION IKSFI . B-5 @ 20.0’ 0.560 .- - CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~zmcH[UIc& /PRoJECTNO. 269-3.2 I F,CU?E NO. C-4 - - - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSFi SYMBOL SAMPLE ‘OCATlON NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION ,KW . B-5 @ 25.0’ 0.560 Ll CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~W&ZCECHNICAL ImEC, No. 269 _ 3 _ 2 I FIGURE NO. c-5 NORMAL PRESSURE IKSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL I ‘RESSURE AT SATURAl I”,” ,nar, Tl,-..l #WCC, . B-5 @ 30.0’ 0.560 - - - - - - -__- -. _- _-_-_. ---- ---. -- CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS QHEJW/G:mcHi%k /PRQIECTNO. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. C-6 - - - - - - .- - NORMAL PRESSURE IKSFI SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION ,KSF, . B-5 @ 35.0’ 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS UWillO~CHNICAL /P~JXUNO, 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. c-7 - - ,- - NORMAL PRESSURE IKSF) I SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATlON NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION ,KSFf . B-5 @ 40.0' 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS OHESY/G=ojcHNIcAL /PROJECT NO. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. C-8 - - - .- - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRESSURE ~~SATVRATICIN IKSFI . B-5 @ 45.0' 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~zo~cHNIck /PmEcI NO. 269.3.2 i NGURE NO. C-9 r ,,- - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LclCATlON NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATlON IKSFI . B-5 @ 50.0’ 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS ~~~FCHNICAL iPRoJECT NO. 269 - 3 -2 I F!GURE NO. C-10 - - - - - .- - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) .O , SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCdTlON NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION IKSP) . B-5 @ 80.0’ 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS I F,GURE No C-11 - - - SYMBOL . t NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS I FIGURE NO. C- 12 - .- 0 6 8 10 NORMAL PRESSURE IKSFI SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRESSVRE ATSATURATION IKSF) I I . B-5 @ 100.0’ 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS C#U%S~~OFCHNICAL /mm NO. 269 _ 3 _ 2 I FIGURE NO. C-13 ,,- - - - ,- - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRE SSURE 1 AT SATURATIC.. x,.-r, \%I IYeC, . B-5 @ 110.0’ 0.560 .- CONSCjILlDATlON. TEST RESULTS ~:%cHr\lick /PRoJECTNO. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. C-14 - - - - - .- NORMAL PRESSURE (KSFI SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAL PRESSURE ATSATURATION ,KSPl l B-10 @ 10.0' 0.560 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS w:oCHNicAL IPmEcTNO. X9.3.2 /nGURE NO, c-15 - .,- - ,.- ,- - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) ‘ ‘ - -. .- -. .- -~ -. ---- ---. -- CONSOLIDATION- TEST RESULTS - ~:o~cHNIcAL /PRCUECr No 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO C-16 - - - - .- - - - - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION NORMAI ---~..~-- I AT SAT”f 1 . 1 B-10 @ 30.0' 1 0.560 1 CONSOLIDATION. TEST RESULTS QlllrfiiW/G-IicH(\IICAL /PmECrNO 269.3.2 i FWRENO c-1, , .- ,- - - - NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATlON COHESION ,LV‘, PRCTION ANGLE P, REMARKS 0 B-5 @ 15.0-16.0' 50 25'= Residual n B-5 @ 15.0-16.0' 100 28’ Peak Alluvium DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ~:~~CHNICAL /PR0JEci ~0. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. c-122 - - 0 I I I I I 0 0 !xo !xo Iwo 1soo 1soo xmo xmo ZSCQ 3m 3m NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) XQO 5 1500 1mo 500 I I I I I I SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATlON COHESION bfl FRICTION ANGLE (‘1 REMARKS B-5 @ 60.0-61.0’ 200 26O Residual B-5 @ 60.0-61.0' 300 36O Peak (AllUVim) DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS QH#YIIG~ECHNICI~L /PR~JEC~NO. 269.3.2 /~K~JRE ~0. c-19 - - - - - - - .-. .- .- - - NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION COHESION WI FRICTION ANGLE PI REMARKS 0 B-12 @ 37.0' 100 330 Residual Slid& Debris DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ~:o~cHNIc& /PmECT NO. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. c- 20 - .- - - - ,- - - - SYMBOL t r( NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SAMPLE LOCATION COHESlON I@, FRlCTlON ANGLE P, REMARKS B-12 @ 38.0' 100 200 Residual B-12 I? 38.0' 200 32O Peak DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ~~EHNICAL /pmEcT No. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. c-21 .~. - .- - ,- _. .- - --SLOPE STIIBILITY ANALYSIS-- SIIIPLIFIED JANBLI METHOD OF SLICES IRRESULAR FAILURE SURFACES PROBLEH DESCRIPTION: KELLY RANCH PROP. CANNON ROAD STATION 9BtOO (SLIDE fiREA) BOUNDARY COORDINATES: BOUNDARY X-LEFT Y-LEFT X-MONT ‘I-RIEHT SOIL TYPE NO. (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) BELDU BND 1 100.00 2 106.00 3 134.00 4 267.00 5 295.00 6 370.00 7 410.00 8 440.00 9 4SO.00 113.00 106.00 113.00 1 113.00 134.00 124.00 I 124.00 267.00 124.00 1 124.00 295.00 130.00 1 130.00 370.00 153.00 1 153.00 410.00 170.00 1 170.00 440.00 192.00 1 192.00 480.00 205.00 1 205.00 490.00 210.00 1 ISTROPIC SOIL PARMETERS: 1 TYPE(S) OF SOIL SOIL TOTAL SATURATED COHESION FRICTION PORE PRESSURE TYPE UNIT UT. UNIT UT. INTERCEPT ANGLE PRESSURE CONSTANT NO. (PCF) (PCF) (PSF) (DEG) PARAMETER (PSF) 1 125.0 130.0 100.0 20.0 0.00 0.0 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS - OlMt&~O~CHNlCAL /~nam NO. 2e9.2.2 I FIGURE NO, D-1 - _- - - .- - - - - - - - - - .- 1 PIEZOtiETRIC SURFhCEfS) HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED: PIEZOMTRIC SURFACE NO. 1 SPECIFIED BY 3 COORDINATE POINTS POINT X-UATER Y-UATER NO. (FT) (FT) 1 100.00 110.00 2 240.00 110.00 3 490.00 115.00 TRIAL FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 10 COORDINATE POINTS: POINT NO. X-SURF Y-SURF (FT) (FT) 1 106.00 113.00 2 160.00 100.00 3 200.00 94.00 4 240.00 92.00 5 280.00 94.00 b 320.00 102.00 7 360.00 112.00 8 400.00 128.00 9 440.00 160.00 10 480.00 205.00 FACTOR OF SAFETY FOR THE PRECEDING SPECIFIED SURFACE = 1.570 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ~%~ctiNick iPRoJECiNo. 239.32 I FIGURE NO. D-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTKIN A - A’ (SEE PLATE NO. 2) SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS t PROJECT No 203.3.3 I FIGURE No D-3 .~ .- - - - - - - - - ,- - - ,- - 0.6 I 1 EASED ON TAYLOR’S CHARTS I I I 0.5 _ I -4- I .i I I I I GIVEN c AND d OF SOIL AND y AND H OF THE SLOPi PLOT POINT c-/yH, + Oe4 I-l\iAyD YEAD FfGTOR,OF “Af”‘. , I h 0.3 2 0.2 I- SAME CRITICAL 0.1 I\ ’ ’ SURFACE LINES 0 IO . 20 4, DEGREE: 40 - 50 From Slngh, Artw. .Shaar Strangth and StablIlly of Yam-Made Slopam’ Journal of thm 8011 YDchmlca and Foundmllon Dlvl&m, ASCE No. ENO; Normnbw 1970. pp. 1~79-1882 2:l FILL SLOPE STATION 82 + 00 ,H.lght of 8Iop.W = 45’ IJnlt Walahl of Sol1 Cohmlon C Angle of Intwnal Frlcllon Q 125 pcf 300 300 = 0.053 F.&z 1.90 -----_- -_-. -_ --- --_-_. .-__ ___-. __-_- ROTATIONAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. D-4 r ,‘ - - - - - - ASSUMED PARAMETERS 2 = Depth of Saturation = 4' i = SlOPe Angle = 26.6 (2:l) XI4 = Unit Weight of Water = 62-4 Yt = Saturated Unit Weight of Soil = 130 pcf 0 = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction = 30° C = Apparent Cohesion = 300 c+~tan0 = c + tr, - rw)z cos2i tan 0 FS = T r, 2 sin i cos i FS = 2.04 2:l FILL SLOPE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS UVV#EOE2HNICAL /mx, m 269. 3. 2 I FIGURE NO D-5 r ~- - - - ,- - - - - - - - 0.6 BASED ON TAYLOR’S CHARTS ! I I 0.5 I #ALI ‘2 1 I GIVEN c AND 4 OF SOIL AND y AND Ii 0.4 \ OF THE SLOPE PLOT POINT c/yH. + - ANDREADFACTOROF SAFETY. I h 0.3 2 \ I I I I SAME CRITICAL SURFACE LINES 0.1 0 0 IO 20 (6, DEGREE? 40 . 50 From: Slngh, Awtar. ‘Shear Strength and Stablllty of Man-Made Slopw. Journal of the Sol1 MechanIca and Foundation Dlvl~lon, ASCE No. SMd, Novambor 1970, pp. 1879-1892 2:l CUT SLOPE , Height ot Slop. H = 50’ Unit Wolght ot Sal1 Cohwlon C Anal. of Internal Frletlon n 130.0 300 pcf 300 0.046 F.S.3 1.80 ROTATIONAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS QHII=‘~EOFCHNlCAL j~noxcr NO. 288.3.2 : FIGURE NO. D-B r .~ ,- ,~. - - - - - - - - .- .- ,- ,- _- ,‘ ASSUMED PARAMETERS 2 = Depth of Saturation = 4' i= Slope Angle = 26.6O (2:l) Y, = unit Weight of Water = 62-4 Yt = Satwated Unit Weight of Soil = 130.0 0 = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction =30° C = Apparent Cohesion = 600 psf c + v-tan 0 = c + N, - rw)Z cos2i tan 0 FS = T y, 2 sin i co.5 i FS = 3.48 2:1 CUT SLOPE SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS OWSJkOECHNICAL /~rmcr NO 269.X.2 / FIGURE NO D-7 .- - -_ .- - - - ,- - ._ - - .- - EMBANKMENT STABILITY PROPOSED CANNONROAD STATION 82+00 --SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS-- SIMPLIFIED J4NBU NETHOD OF SLICES IRREGULAR FAILURE SURFACES PROBLElf DESCRIPTION: KELLY RANCH STA.GZ+OO PROP, CANNON RD. STABILITY BOUNDARY COORDINATES: BOUNDARY X-LEFT Y-LEFT X-RIGHT Y-RIGHT NO. (FT1 (FT) (FT) (FT) SOIL TYPE BELOU BND 1 0.00 88.00 60.00 89.00 1 2 60.00 89.00 120.00 91.00 1 3 120.00 91.00 140.00 92.00 1 4 140.00 92.00 220.00 132.00 2 5 220.00 132.00 260.00 (32.00 2 6 260.00 132.00 320.00 132.00 2 7 140.00 92.00 320.00 100.00 1 ISTROPIC SOIL PARMETERS: 2 TYPE(S) OF SOIL SOIL TOTAL SATURATED COHESION FRICTION PORE PRESSURE TYPE UNIT UT. UNIT UT. INTERCEPT ANGLE PRESSURE CONSTANT NO. (PCF) (PCF) (PSF) (DEG) PARMETER (PSF) 1 125.0 130.0 50.0 25.0 0.00 0.0 2 125.0 130.0 300.0 30.0 0.00 0.0 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS I FIGURE NO. 2-l - - .- - - - - - - - - - .- - 1 PIEZONETRIC SURFACE(S) HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED: PIEZONETRIC SURFACE NO. 1 SPECIFIED BY 2 COORDINITE POINTS POINT X-UATER Y-UATER NO. (FT1 (FT) 1 0.00 83.00 2 320.00 92.00 A CRITICAL FkILURE SURFACE SEARCHING UETHOD, USING A RANDOR TECHNIOUE FOR GENERATING CIRCULAR SURFACES, HAS BEEN SPECIFIED. 100 TRIAL SURFACES HAVE BEEN GENERATED. IO SURFKES INITIATE FROM EMH OF IO POINTS EQUALLY SPACED ALONG THE GROUND SURFACE BETUEEN X = 40.00 FT. AND X = 140.00 FT. EACH SURFACE TERNINATES BETUEEN X = 240.00 FT. AND X = 318.00 FT. UNLESS FURTHER LIRITATIONS UERE INPOSED, THE NINIflUl4 ELEVATION bT UHICH A SURFACE EXTENDS IS Y = 35.00 FT. 20.00 FT. LINE SEGUENTS DEFINE EkCH TRIAL FIILURE SURFACE. FDLLOUING hRE DISPLAYED THE TEN ROST CRITICAL OF THE TRIAL FAILURE SURFACES EXAHINEII. THEY ARE ORDERED - HOST CRITICAL FIRST. SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ~:~E~NuI~AL IPmtC~NO. 269.3.2 I FIGURE NO. E-2 - -_ - - - .- - ,- - - .- - - - FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 9 COORDINATE POINTS POINT X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 117.78 90.93 2 136.50 83.89 3 156.23 80.64 4 176.22 81.32 5 195.69 85.89 6 213.89 94.18 7 230.12 105.87 8 243.75 120.50 9 250.86 132.00 *** SF- 1.587 *et FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 11 COORDINATE POINTS POINl X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 95.56 90.19 111.28 77.83 129.22 68.98 148.59 64.02 168.58 63.17 188.30 66.46 206.93 73.75 223.65 84.72 237.75 98.91 248.61 115.70 254.87 132.00 *** SF=l.588 :ttt SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS UW&~O~CdNlCX /PROJECT NO. 269.3.2 / FIGURE NO, E-3 - _- .- - .- - - - .- - - ~- - FAILURE SURFICE SPECIFIED BY 12 COORDINATE POINTS POINT X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 84.44 89.81 2 99.74 76.93 3 117.30 67.37 4 136.43 61.52 5 156.34 59.64 6 176.23 61.79 7 195.28 67.88 8 212.72 77.67 9 227.84 90.76 10 240.03 106.62 11 248.79 124.60 12 250.69 132.00 *** SF- 1.598 *** FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 12 COORDINATE POINTS POINT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 X-SURF Y-SURF (FT) (FT) 73.33 89.44 88.38 76.27 105.78 66.40 124.80 60.23 144.68 58.01 164.59 59.84 183.73 65.64 201.32 75.17 216.62 as.05 229.02 103.74 238.01 121.61 240.81 132.00 *** SF= 1.612 f** ! SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ~;o~cHN~C!% /PROJECTNO. 260.3.2 /NGURE NO, E-4 --. ,~~ _- - - - .- .- - - - - - - - ,- - - FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 10 COORDINATE POINTS POINT X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 106.67 90.56 2 125.78 84.68 3 145.61 82.04 4 165.60 82.70 5 185.20 86.65 6 203.89 93.78 7 221.15 103.89 a 236.50 116.71 9 249.52 131.89 10 249.59 132.00 **t SF= 1.619 a:* FhILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 12 COORDINATE POINTS POINT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 X-SURF Y-SURF (FT) (FT) 95.56 90.19 110.18 76.54 127.42 66.40 146.44 60.23 166.35 58.34 186.20 60.80 205.04 67.52 221.97 78.16 236.20 92.21 247.04 109.02 253.97 127.78 254.55 132.00 :t** SF=l.628 *a* SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS /FIGURENO. E-S -~ - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 10 COORDINATE POINTS POINT X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 117.78 90.93 2 136.01 82.70 3 155.49 78.18 4 175.48 77.55 5 195.21 80.83 6 213.92 87.89 7 230.89 98.47 8 245.40 112.16 9 257.11 128.42 10 258.73 132.00 *** SFa1.629 a** FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 9 COORDINATE POINTS POINT NO. X-SURF Y-SURF (FT) (FT) 128.89 91.44 147.38 83.83 167.10 80.50 187.07 81.62 206.29 87.15 223.81 96.80 238.75 110.10 250.37 126.38 252.72 132.00 *** SF- 1.629 *** SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ~:o~cH[UICk /PROJECTNO 269.3.2 /FlGuRENO Ed - .~ - - -- - - - .- - - - ,- - ,- - POINT X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 95.56 90.19 2 113.58 81.53 3 132.76 75.83 4 152.59 73.23 5 172.5s 73.81 6 192.23 77.54 7 211.04 84.33 8 228.54 94.01 9 244.29 106.34 10 257.89 121.00 11 265.24 132.00 *** SF= 1.653 t:* FAILURE SURFKE SPECIFIED BY 11 COORDINATE POINTS FAILURE SURFACE SPECIFIED BY 13 COORDINATE POINTS POINl X-SURF Y-SURF NO. (FT) (FT) 1 62.22 89.07 2 77.35 75.99 3 94.62 65.90 4 113.43 59.12 5 l33.1? 55.91 6 153.17 56.35 7 172.75 60.44 8 191.25 68.04 9 208.05 78.89 IO 222.58 92.63 11 234.36 108.79 I2 242.98 126.84 13 244.37 132.00 *** 6F= 1.659 *** SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS CilWE’YIIGEOFCHNlCAL /PRQIECINO. me.3.2 I FIGURE NO, E-7 I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I z . z EMBANKMENT STABILITY I PROPOSED CANNON ROAD STATION 82+00 I + YOST CRITICAL SLIP SURFACE \ ORIGINAL SURFACE OF ALLUVIUM I FILL BURFACE, I L J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . .O i . .2 . .g .P 8 . . .b-l 0 &2 . . . . . r.:: I . . . . 0 . , I.-J- .z:: . . . . . I -i-F.+?- hN I N . . y-----.-‘*-. :zz--Si - . o..c-+... . . . . . * . . . I . , . .OP r-3 .N. P.. . ..h .-I.. .9 .-a.. . . .: -v ‘c;N * : - c- T 2 p1 *..-... .:‘.:I ! . . -O . . . . .;*::c; :: .* . . . .YZ ‘;z -vm * . . . . . . . . . . ..*....... . . . . . . . . . . ...: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:“. . . . . . . . \ &I; C’S ; ; . - ;.; . - . . . . . . . . . . zi: . . . . . . . . WATER TABLE I . * . . . . . . . x Q x m u. SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS I PROJECT NO. 268.3.2 I FIGURE NO. E-6