HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-06; BRESSI RANCH MASTER PACIFIC RIDGE; GEOTECH RESPONSE FOR PROPOSED PACIFIC RIDGE; 2006-11-03I i GEOT OF BRESSI RANCH PLANNING AREA PA-13, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED IHQV 1 6 2005 Bureau Veritas San Dtego Prepared for: PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL 12750 High Bluff Drive, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92130 Project No. 971009-044 November 3, 2006 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY 4 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY To: Attention: Subject: References: November 3,2006 ProjectNo. 971009-044 Pacific Ridge School 12750 High Bluff Drive, Suite 200 San Diego, Califomia 92130 Mr. Phil Hitch Geotechnical Response to City of Carlsbad Review Comments and Addendum Recommendations for the Proposed Development of the Pacific Ridge Private School, Parcels 2 tiirough 4 of Bressi Ranch Planning Area PA-13, Carlsbad, Califomia Leighton and Associates, 2004, As-graded Report of Mass Grading, Planning Areas PA-13, PA-14, and a Portion of PA-15, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-014, dated September 17,2004 , 2006, Geotechnical Update Study, Parcels 2 through 4 of Planning Area PA-13, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 971009-044, dated August 4,2006 Project Design Consultant (PDC), 2006,-Grading and Erosion Conttol Plans for Bressi Ranch Planning Area 13, Job No. 3336.00, 9 Sheets, dated September 11, 2006 Introduction This report has been prepared to address the City of Carlsbad review comments of the project geotechnical documents conceming tiie proposed development of the proposed Pacific Ridge School witiiin Parcels 2, through 4 of Bressi Ranch Planning Area PA-13, located in Carlsbad, Califomia. Our response to the review comments by the City of Carlsbad that were hand written in a copy oftiie Geotechnical Update Study (Leighton, 2006a) are provided below. Please note that comments within parenthesis ( ) were added by us to clarify the City of Carlsbad's review comments. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 •www.leightongeo.com 971009-044 Response to Comments; Comment No. 1: Why isn't the undocumented fill import stockpile soil location shown on the map? Where is this on the grading plan? (comments on Page 4 of the Update Stiidy) (The existing on-site stockpiled soils) should be shown on the plans (comment on the back side of page 8). Based on our review of the project grading plans (PDC, 2006), approximately 68,000- cubic yards of import soil are needed to grade the site to the proposed elevations. At the time of our update stiidy (Leighton, 2006), only a portion of the import soils had been placed on the site. Since the extent of the import soils (i.e., undocumented fill) was assumed to vary as additional import soil was brought onto the site, the location of the undocumented fill was not shown on the Update Geotechnical Map (Plate 1 of our report dated August 4, 2006). Based on a site reconnaissance performed on October 30, 2006, we mapped the approximate location of the import soil/undocumented fill. The approximate location of these soils is presented on the revised Geotechnical Map (Plate 1) included in this report. The location of the undocumented fill should also be presented on the project grading plans. As indicated on Paragraph 1 of Page 5 of our Update Study (Leighton, 2006), tiie undocumented filL/import soil will need to be removed and replaced as compacted fill. Depending upon tiie moisture content of these soils, the soils will either need to be moisture conditioned or dried back in order to meet the recommended parameters presented in Section 5.1 of tiie Update Study (Leighton, 2006). Additional recommendations presented in Section 5.1 should also be followed during the site remedial, rough, and fine grading operations. Comment No. 2: (In order to reduce the potential for differential settlement of the proposed buildings in areas of cut/fill ti^sitions, we recommend tiie entire cut portion of tiie building pad be overexcavated and replaced witii properly compacted fill. This...) should be evaluated and included as remedial grading work (Comment on the back of Page 12). Based on our review of tiie referenced grading plans (PDC, 2006) and tiie existing as-graded conditions (Leighton, 2004), it appears tiiat there will be no cut/fill ttansition conditions witiiin tiie proposed building pads. However, potential cut/fill ttansitions should be evaluated during the site remedial and/or rough grading operations. • 4 -2- Leighton 971009-044 Due to the lengtii of time since the site was mass graded and since the site has been used as an area to stockpile excess soil fi-om the other parts of tiie Bressi Ranch project, we recommend that at a minimum, the upper 2 feet of the existing finish grade surface be removed, reprocessed, and recompacted. This 2-foot reprocessing should be done after tiie undocumented fill/import soils have been removed. The actual depth of this reprocessing should also be evaluated during tiie remedial grading operations by the project geotechnical consultant. Limitations The conclusions presented in this review are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such tiiat differing geotechnical or geological subsurface conditions can and do occur. Therefore, the findings, conclusions and recommendations presented in tiiis review and previous report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe tiie subsurface conditions during constmction of tiiis project. Only witii these observations are we able to confirm tiiat our preliminary findings are representative for the site. In addition, tiiis office should review any revised plans tiiat incorporate tiie design changes. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact tiiis office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCL\TES, INC. Randall K. Wagrfer, CEG 16^ Principal Geologist Attachment: Plate 1 - Geotechnical Map - In Pocket Distribution: (4) Addressee (4) Project Design Consultants, Attention: Ms. Marina Wurst -3-4 Leighton INSERT DRAWINGS HERE