HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-06; BRESSI RANCH MASTER POINSETTIA & EL FUERTE; ALLUVIUM EVALUATION AND ADDITIONAL; 2001-09-12Leighton and Associates A GTG Company GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ALLUVIUMJVALUATIQN, AND ADDIIIONAL GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS, POINSETTIA LANE AND EL FUERTEJIREEF ^ — ^RESSHIANCH;^ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA September 12, 2001 ProjectNo. 971009-006 Prepared For: LENNAR HOMES 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 320 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 RECEIVED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, #B205, San Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0771 • www.leightongeo.com I I I I I I I I ^••••r^ Leigiiton and Associates A GTG Company GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS September 12,2001 ProjectNo. 971009-006 To: Attention: Subject: Lennar Homes 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 320 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Mr. Dale Greenhaigh Alluvium Evaluation and Additional Geotechnical Recommendations, Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California Tn accordance with your request, we have perfomied an additional geotechnical evaluation ofthe alluvial foiratnTa poln of the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments within the Bressi R^ch p?^^^^^^^^ in Calsbad, Califomia. The purpose this alluvial evaluation was to detemune the SerL col^^^^^ characteristics ofthe alluvial soils along the proposed roadway alignments. ™s s^rato e^^^^^^^ th! effects of the proposed roadway fills on the alluvial soils and the need for a surch^S^o other methods to consolidate the left-in-place alluvium to withm designable limits and onstLn ti^fr^^ This report presents the results of our geotechnical evaluation and analysis and p^v^es a" ^^^^ of our conclusions and recommendations relative to the construction of Pomsettia Lane '^£1 Fuerte Str^roadway alignments across alluvial soils within the Bressi Ranch property. Based on the results ofthis alluvium evaluation and review ofthe previous geotechnical reports pertinent to fhe Poins^^^^^^^^^^^ El Fuerte Street roadway alignments, the proposed development is considered LfbTta a gTotechnical standpoint provided the conclusions and recommendations —m ^^^^ report and our lupplemental Geotechnical Investigation for the Bressi Ranch Property (Leighton, 2001b) rrmXen edging the design, site grading and constmction operations. If you have any questions Tegardfng our report, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCL\TES William D. Olson, RCE 45 Senior Project Engineer Distribution: Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612 Director of Geology (6) Addressee unv^^ (2) Lennar Home5?5ill^^flfi?Mr. Jim Urbina (2) PDC, Attention: Ms. Karen Mossburg (5) Kimley-Hom, Attention: Mr. Tim DeWitt 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, #B205, San Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0771 • www.leightongeo.com 971009-006 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report has been prepared in accordance with your request and presents the results of our additional alluvium evaluation of the Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street roadway alignments within the Bressi Ranch property located in Carlsbad, Califomia (Figure 1). The purpose ofthis report was to determine the thickness and compressibility characteristics of the alluvial soils along the proposed roadway alignments, evaluate the effects of the proposed roadway fills on the alluvial soils, and determine the need for a surcharge or other methods to consolidate the left-in-place alluvium to within designable limits and constmction time frames. The results of our preliminary geotechnical and supplemental geotechnical investigations for the Bressi Ranch property (Leighton, 1997, 2001b) relative to the alluvial soils along the roadway alignments were utilized as part of this sttidy. The 200-scale Tentative Tract Map/Grading Plan (PDC, 2001b) was utilized as base map for the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). Our scope of services included the following: Review of pertinent available geotechnical literature (including previous geotechnical reports of the Bressi Ranch, Rancho Carrillo, and La Costa - The Greens developments), grading/development plans, geologic maps, and aerial photographs (Appendix A). An additional subsurface exploration program consisting of the excavation, sampling and logging of six small-diameter exploratory borings within alluvial areas along the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments. The small-diameter borings were excavated to evaluate the characteristics of the subsurface alluvium soils. Logs of the borings are presented in Appendix B. Included in Appendix B, are logs of previous borings and trenches excavated by Leighton and others that are pertinent to the constmction of the Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street roadway alignments. Laboratory testing of representative samples obtained during our alluvium evaluation subsurface exploration program (Appendix C). Geotechnical analysis of the data obtained including a settlement evaluation of the alluvial soils. Preparation ofthis report presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations including General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (Appendix D) with respect to the proposed grading of the Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments. The approximate limits of the geologic units encountered and the boring and trench locations applicable to the development of the site are presented on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). The subsurface geotechnical conditions along the approximate centeriine of Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street within the two alluvial study areas are presented at the rear of the text as Cross- Sections N-N' and 0-0' (Figures 2 and 3). -1 Roadway study limits V HUHMtNGB NORTH BAS E MAP : Thomas Bros. GeoFinder for Windows, San Diego County, 1995, Page 1127 0 1000 2000 4000 1 "=2,000' Scale in Feet Lennar / Bressi Rancii Roadway Alluvial Study Carlsbad, California SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 971009-006 Date Sept. 2001 Figure No. 1 971009-006 1.2 Site Description The Bressi Ranch property, with a total acreage of approximately 600 acres, is located southeast of the intersection El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road in the City of Carlsbad, Califomia (Figure 1). The site consists of an irregular-shaped piece of property bordered on the north by Palomar Airport Road, on the west by El Camino Real, on the southwest and south by the Greens at La Costa property, and by the Rancho Carrillo development and Melrose Drive to the east. Topographically, the Poinsettia Lane roadway alignment is generally along an east-west trending relatively large canyon (westem portion) and ridgeline (eastem portion). The southem portion of the El Fuerte Street roadway alignment is generally along a large north-south trending drainage while the northem portion is along a gently sloping ridgeline. The central portion of the El Fuerte Street roadway alignment will be along an east-facing hillside. Elevations on the site range from a high of approximately 465 feet mean sea level (msl) in the north central portion of the site to a low of approximately 125 feet msl within the major east-west drainage in the southem portion of the site. 1.3 Proposed Development Based on the Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street roadway alignment grading plans prepared by Project Design Consultants (PDC, 2001) and Kimley-Hom (Kimley-Hom, 2001), the proposed roadway alignments within Bressi Ranch will consist of approximately 1-1/2 miles of four-lane roadway (two lanes each direction). The proposed Poinsettia Lane roadway alignment is located in the far southeastem portion of Bressi Ranch and will connect the existing portion of Poinsettia Lane on the Rancho Carrillo project to the proposed section of roadway on The Greens at La Costa property. The portion of Poinsettia Lane within Bressi Ranch includes approximate Station No. 68+70 to 93+70. The El Fuerte Street roadway alignment is located along the eastem side of the site and will connect the existing portion of the road southeast of the comer of the Bressi Ranch property to Palomar Airport Road on the northem side of the site. The portion of El Fuerte Street within Bressi Ranch includes approximate Station No. 8+30 to 64+50. The proposed fill embankments for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments within the alluvial study areas have thicknesses on the order of 10 to 20 feet and 15 to 30 feet, respectively. The two alluvial study areas along the Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street roadway alignments are located in the southeastem portion of the site (Figure 1). The alluvial study area along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment is located between approximate Station No. 68+70 to 74+00. The alluvial study area along the proposed El Fuerte Street alignment is located between approximate Station No. 31+50 to 44+50. •3- 971009-006 2.0 SUMMARY OF ALLUVRJM EVALUATION 2.1 Current Site Evaluation The current site investigation included the drilling, logging and sampling of six small-diameter exploratory borings to a maximum depth of approximately 57 feet. The small-diameter borings were excavated in deeper alluvial areas along the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Stteet roadway alignments to evaluate the engineering properties of the onsite alluvial soils and to assess the depth of remedial grading and post-grading settlements. The borings were logged and sampled by a geologist and backfilled upon completion. The small-diameter borings drilled in conjunction with this sttidy have been designated Borings B-8 through B-13 and the approximate locations shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1) and on Cross-Sections N-N' and O-O" (Figures 2 and 3). Logs of the borings are presented in Appendix B. 2.2 Previous Site Investigation In addition to the borings performed during the current evaluation, pertinent logs of exploratory trenches, large-diameter borings, small-diameter borings and cone pentrometer tests previously presented in supplemental investigation (Leighton, 2001b) related to development of Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street are presented in Appendix B. The approximate locations ofthe borings, cone pentrometer tests, and trenches are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Figure 1) and, if applicable, on Cross-Secfions N-N' and O'-O' (Figures 2 and 3). 2.3 Laboratory Testing Appropriate laboratory testing was perfbrmed on representative soil samples obtained during our alluvial soil evaluation. The laboratory tests included Atterberg limits, moisture/density determinations, hydrometer and gradation, and consolidation tests (including time-rate consolidations). A discussion of the tests performed and a summary of the test results are presented in Appendix C. The density/moisture determinations of the undisturbed samples obtained from the borings are shown on the boring logs (Appendix B). 2.4 Geologic Conditions During our additional evaluation for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments at Bressi Ranch, we observed alluvium thickness, in general, ranging from approximately 10 to 55 feet in thickness. As observed, the alluvium typically consists of brown, soft, silty to sandy clays and light orange-brown to brown, loose to medium dense, clayey to silty sands. The alluvial soils were found to be porous and damp to moist above the ground water table and saturated below. The alluvium encountered along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment has a maximum thickness on the order of 50 to 55+ feet. The alluvium encountered in the vicinity of the proposed El Fuerte Street has a maximum thickness on the order of 20 to 45+ feet. Silty claystones and to a lesser extent silty sandstones of the Santiago Formation were encountered beneath the alluvial soils. •4- 971009-006 2.5 Ground Water A perched ground water table was encountered in most of the recent borings excavated along the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments. No evidence of surface water was encountered within Bressi Ranch during our recent field investigation. The ground water table encountered in the main east-west trending drainage (along proposed Poinsettia Lane) at the time of our 2001 investigation ranged fi-om approximately 9 to 12 feet in depth. The ground water table within the north-south ttending tributary drainage (along proposed El Fuerte Street) ranged from approximately 29 to 32 feet in depth. For comparison, the ground water table encountered during our 1997 investigation along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment was on the order of approximately 7 feet below the ground surface (or 2 to 5 feet higher than the current ground water table elevation). The groundwater table along the proposed El Fuerte Alignment during our 1997 sttidy was approximately 10 feet higher than the depth encountered during our recent investigation. The approximate location ofthe ground water table encountered during our investigation is depicted on the boring logs (Appendix B) and on Cross-Sections N-N' and O-O' (Figures 2 and 3). Seasonal fluctuation of the ground water should be expected. 2.6 Settlement Evaluation As part of our alluvium evaluation for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments within the Bressi Ranch project, we performed a limited subsurface investigation (described in Section 2.1), laboratory testing and a settlement analysis to determine the compressibility ofthe alluvial soils present along the proposed roadway alignments. In addition, our analysis evaluated the depth and extent of planned remedial grading operations and surcharging of left-in-place alluvial soils below the ground water table. Our analysis utilized the previous and recent fieldwork that was performed (including the ground water table elevations and the depth and geotechnical characteristics of the alluvial soils). Since the proposed fill embankments for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Stteet alignments have thicknesses on the order of 10 to 20 feet and 15 to 30 feet, respectively, settlement of left-in-place alluvial soils present below the relatively shallow perched groundwater table will occur due to the additional loads imposed on the alluvial soils by the planned fill soils. The results of our settlement evaluation are discussed in Sections 3.0 and 4.3. 2.7 Liquefaction Due to the fine-grained nature of the alluvial soils and anticipated remedial grading operations and fill embankment heights, the potential for liquefaction and dynamic settlement along the proposed roadway alignments is considered low. -5- 971009-006 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Summary of Conclusions The geologic conditions of the site are essentially unchanged from those reported in our preliminary and supplemental geotechnical investigation reports for the site (Leighton, 1997 and 2001b). However, with the additional data obtained, we were able to better determine the depth ofthe alluvial soils and groundwater table and to fiirther evaluate the settlement characteristics of the alluvial soils along the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments. Based on the results ofthis alluvium evaluation and our review of the previous geotechnical reports applicable to the project (Appendix A), it is our professional opinion that the proposed roadway alignments are feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the following conclusions and recommendations and those presented in our preliminary investigation report (Leighton, 2001b) are incorporated into the project plans, specifications, and followed during site grading and constmction. The following is a summary of the geotechnical factors that may affect future development of the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments: • The alluvial study area along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment is located between approximate Station No. 68+70 to 74+00. The alluvial study area along the proposed El Fuerte Stteet alignment is located between approximate Station No. 31+50 to 44+50. The proposed fill embankments for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments within the alluvial study area have thicknesses on the order of 10 to 20 feet and 15 to 30 feet, respectively. • Alluvial thicknesses, in general, range from approximately 10 to 55 feet in thickness. The alluvium encountered along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment has a maximum thickness on the order of 50 to 55+ feet. The alluvium encountered in the vicinity of the proposed El Fuerte Street has a maximum thickness on the order of 20 to 45+ feet. • As observed, the alluvium typically consists of brown, soft, silty to sandy clays and light orange-brown to brown, loose to medium dense, clayey to silty sands. The alluvial soils were found to be porous and damp to moist above the ground water table and saturated below. • Geotechnical observations during our subsurface investigation indicated the alluvial soils are soft or loose, porous and/or potentially compressible in their present state and will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposed development or future fill. • Due to the fine-grained nature of the alluvial soils and anticipated remedial grading operations and fill embankment heights, the potential for liquefaction and dynamic settlement along the proposed roadway alignments is considered low. • A perched ground water table was encountered along the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Stteet alignments. The ground water table encountered in the main east-west trending drainage (along proposed Poinsettia Lane) at the time of our 2001 investigation ranged from l&l 971009-006 approximately 9 to 12 feet in depth. The ground water table within the north-south trending tributary drainage (along proposed El Fuerte Stteet) ranged from approximately 29 to 32 feet in depth. For comparison, the ground water table encountered during our 1997 investigation along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment was on the order of approximately 7 feet below the ground surface (or 2 to 5 feet higher than the current ground water table elevation). The groundwater table along the proposed El Fuerte Alignment during our 1997 study was approximately 10 feet higher than the depth encountered during our recent investigation. No evidence of surface water was encountered within Bressi Ranch during our recent field investigation. Due to the soft and/or loose to medium dense nature of the alluvial soils, settlement of the alluvial soils will occur due to the anticipated fill embankment loads. Assuming removals ofthe alluvium will be made to the ground water table and the fill embankments heights (as shown on the proposed grading plans) are made, settlement of the left-in-place alluvium on the order of 2 to 14 inches is anticipated. In general, our geotechnical analysis indicated that the sandy alluvial soils will likely to consolidate rather quickly under the anticipated fill embankment loads. However, the clayey alluvial soils are anticipated to consolidate rather slowly under the proposed fill embankments loads unless additional measures are undertaken (i.e. surcharging of the alluvium, additional removals of the alluvium below the ground water table, or installation of wick drains). -7- 971009-006 40 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General Recommendations Geotechnical recommendations conceming the rough and fine grading of the Bressi Ranch project that have been presented in the Preliminary and Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Reports (Leighton, 1997 and 2001b) are still considered pertinent and applicable to the proposed project. This report is intended as a supplement to the previous project geotechnical reports. Therefore, recommendations herein that supersede previous recommendations should be incorporated into the final design, grading and constmction ofthe site. 4.2 Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork during the grading operations for the proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments will consist of site preparation, removals of unsuitable soil, excavation of cut material, fill placement, utility trench excavation and backfill and stteet section placement and compaction. We recommend that earthwork on-site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough-Grading (GEGS) included in Appendix D. In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those included as part of Appendix D. 4.2.1 Site Preparation Prior to the grading of areas to receive stmctural fill or engineered stmctures, the areas should be cleared of surface obstructions, any existing debris, unsuitable material (such as desiccated documented fill soils, undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, alluvium, landslide deposits, and weathered formational materials) and stripped of vegetation. Vegetation and debris should be removed and properly disposed of off-site. Holes resulting from the removal of buried obstmctions that extend below finished site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material. Areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 to 12 inches, brought to an above-optimum moisture condition, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on American Standard of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Method D1557). 4.2.2 Removal and Recompaction of Unsuitable Alluvial Soils As discussed in Sections 2.4, 2.6 and 3.0, portions of roadway alignments are underlain by unsuitable alluvial soils, which may settle under the surcharge of fill loads. These materials include desiccated documented fill soils, undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium, alluvium, landslide deposits and weathered formational material. Compressible materials not removed by the planned grading should be excavated to competent material or the ground water table, moisture conditioned or dried back (as needed) to obtain an above- optimum moisture content, and then recompacted prior to additional fill placement or surface improvements. 971009-006 In cut and fill areas, alluvial materials should be completely removed to competent material. Where the alluvium is located above the water table, this will most likely entail complete removal of these soils to competent formational material. In areas where a shallow ground water table prevents the complete removal of these materials using conventional earthmoving equipment, (i.e. scrapers), we recommend the remaining material be removed by top loading (wet removal) or the roadway embankments should be surcharged with the placement of additional fill above the design grades. If surcharging is undertaken, settlement monitoring should also be performed until analysis indicates that the majority of the anticipated settlement has occurred. Removals should be started at least 10 feet outside the limits of the proposed fill and be excavated at a slope inclination of 1:1 (horizontal to vertical). Where removals are anticipated to be deeper than 10 feet, the removal excavation should be started at the same distance away from the limits of fill as the anticipated depth of the removals. The actual depth and extent of the required removals should be determined during grading operations by the geotechnical consultant; however, estimated removal depths along the proposed Poinsettia Lane alignment is anticipated to be on the order of approximately 7 to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Removal depths along the proposed El Fuerte Street alignment are anticipated to be on the order of approximately 25 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface. Since potentially compressible alluvium will be left-in-place below the ground water table, surcharging or the complete removal of the saturated alluvial soils to competent formational material will need to be performed in order to reduce the post grading settlement to designable amounts. Specific recommendations related to the removal depths, surcharging, and settlement monitoring time frames are presented in Section 4.3. 4.2.3 Excavations With the exception of localized cemented zones mainly within the Santiago Formation, it is anticipated that the on-site sedimentary and surficial soils may be excavated with conventional heavy-duty construction equipment. Localized cemented zones may require heavy ripping. If a significant amount of oversize material (typically over 8 inches in maximum dimension) is generated, it should be placed to prevent possible settlement of the soil around the rocks, as recommended in Appendix E. 4.2.4 Fill Placement and Compaction The on-site soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic material, trash or debris, and rock fragments larger than 8 inches in maximum dimension. All fill soils should be brought to above-optimum moisture conditions and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on the laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557). The optimum lift thickness required to produce a unifonnly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches 971009-006 in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound constmction practices, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications of Rough-grading presented in Appendix D. 4.2.5 Expansive Soils As it is anticipated that materials of low to highly expansive potential will be generated from various onsite excavations, we recommend that select grading be performed so that materials with an expansion index less than 50 (i.e. low expansive soils) be placed within the upper 3 feet of the roadway subgrade. Materials of higher expansion potential should be placed below a depth of 3 feet beneath the finish subgrade elevation or placed in other parts of the Bressi Ranch project. 4.3 Surcharging and Settlement Monitoring The proposed Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street alignments will cause significant fill loads on areas where complete removals of alluvium cannot be accomplished due to the relatively shallow ground water table. We anticipate these areas will include Poinsettia Lane between approximate Station No. 68+70 to 74+00 and El Fuerte Street between approximate Station No. 31+50 to 44+50. Due to the low permeability of the underlying materials and relatively long duration estimated to accomplish a majority (90%) of the consolidation settlement at the analyzed locations, surcharging and a constmction delay are recommended to expedite consolidation. For preliminary analysis, we have assumed that removals will be made to the ground water table for a distance of at least 10 feet outside the grading limits and that a minimum 5-foot surcharge will be placed above the planned finish grade elevations along the proposed alignments. Based on our analysis, we have estimated the magnitude of settlements, constmction delay (or time needed for settlement to occur), and the surcharge height needed to consolidate the left-in-place alluvial to within designable limits. These estimates are presented on Table 1. 10- 971009-006 Table 1 Magnitude of Settlement and Constmction Delay Estimates Roadway Location Magnitude of Settlement (inches) Constmction Delay (months) Surcharge Height above Proposed Roadway Grade (feet) Poinsettia Lane (Station No. 68+70 to 70+00) 6 6 5 Poinsettia Lane (Station No. 70+00 to 74+00) 14 12* 15 El Fuerte Stteet (StatiolnNo.31+50to 34+75) 2 N/A+ N/A++ El Fuerte Street (Station No. 34+75 to 41+00) 4 12* 15 El Fuerte Street (Station No. 41+00 to 44+50) 2 N/A+ N/A++ * Additional removal below the ground water table can reduce constmction delay periods. + It is anticipated that complete removals of the alluvium can be made to competent material. ++ No surcharge will be needed if complete removals are made. We recommend that placement of the underground utility lines, street pavement section and concrete curb-and-gutter and sidewalks be delayed for the following constmction delay periods. However, the utility constmction can commence if the individual utility can tolerate the anticipated settlement. We estimate that approximately 2/3 of the following settlement amount will occur within the first 1/2 ofthe consttnction delay period. We anticipate that approximately 20 settlement monuments will need to be installed to evaluate the amount and timing of the settlement after the surcharge fill is placed. It should be noted that the above settlement values are rough estimates and actual settlement values and time-rates may vary. 4.4 Earthwork Shrinkage/Bulking The volume change of excavated on-site materials upon recompaction as fill is expected to vary with materials and location. Typically, the surficial soils and bedrock materials vary significantly in natural and compacted density, and therefore, accurate earthwork shrinkage/bulking estimate cannot be determined. However, the following factors (based on the results of our subsurface investigations, laboratory testing, geotechnical analysis and professional experience on adjacent sites) are provided on Table 2 as guideline estimates. If possible, we suggest an area where site grades can be adjusted be provided as a balance area. 971009-006 Table 2 Earthwork Shrinkage and Bulking Estimates Geologic Unit Estimated Shrinkage/bulking Topsoil/Alluvium/Colluvium 5 to 15 percent shrinkage Landslide Deposits 0 to 10 percent shrinkage Santiago Formation 3 to 7 percent bulking* * The clayey and more cemented sandy soils of the Santiago Formation are anticipated to bulk more than the slightly friable sands. 4.5 Conttol of Ground Water and Surface Waters Based on the data gathered during this investigation and previous preliminary investigations on the Bressi Ranch property and adjacent sites (Appendix A), it is our professional opinion that except for the perched ground water present in the main alluvial areas, a permanent shallow ground water table does not currently exist at the site. The control of ground water along the proposed roadway alignments is essential to reduce the potential for undesirable surface flow or seepage, hydrostatic pressure, and the adverse effects of ground water on slope stability. We recommend that measures be taken so that drainage water is directed away from top-of-slopes. No ponding of water should be permitted. Drainage design is within the purview of the design civil engineer. Even with these provisions, our experience indicates that shallow ground water conditions can develop in areas where no such ground water conditions existed prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration resuhs from landscape irrigation. We recommend that an engineering geologist be present during grading operations to observe and record areas of present and possible future seepage. Canyon subdrains should be installed in the canyon bottoms that will be in-filled and in the keys of stability or butttess fill slopes in order to collect subsurface water and minimize the saturation of the fill soils. The locations for recommended subdrains should be made after review of final grading plans. Additional subdrains may be recommended based on observations made during site grading and review of final development plans. If seepage conditions develop after completion of grading in cut slopes or other areas, shallow subdrains may be installed to collect the ground water and minimize problems associated with saturated soil. The subdrains should be installed in accordance with the details presented in Appendix D. 4.6 Graded Slopes It is recommended that all graded slopes along the roadway alignments be planted with drought- tolerant ground cover vegetation as soon as practical to protect against erosion by reducing mnoff velocity. Deep-rooted vegetation should also be established to protect against surficial slumping. 12 971009-006 Oversteepening of existing slopes should be avoided during fine grading and constmction unless supported by appropriately designed retaining stmctures. We recommend terrace drains on the slopes be designed by the civil engineer and be constructed in accordance with current City of Carlsbad specifications. Design of slope and surface drainage provisions are within the purview of the project civil engineer. 4.7 Preliminary Pavement Design Final pavement recommendations should be provided based on R-value testing of roadway subgrade soils as final grades are achieved. Since we encountered both clay and sandy soils in our investigation, the R-Value of the actual roadway may vary greatly. As we anticipate that materials of low expansion potential will be utilized within 3 feet of the finish subgrade, we have assumed R- Values of 20 and 40 for preliminary design. Utilizing an assumed traffic indices of T.I. = 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0, the stmctural pavement section designs presented on Table 3 can be assumed for planning purposes. Table 3 Preliminary Pavement Sections Traffic Index Recommended Pavement Section Traffic Index R = 40 Subgrade R = 20 Subgrade 7.0 4 inches asphalt concrete over 7 inches aggregate base 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 12 inches of aggregate base 8.0 5 inches of asphalt concrete over 8 inches of aggregate base 5 inches of asphalt concrete over 14 inches of aggregate base 9.0 6 inches of asphalt concrete over 9 inches of aggregate base 6 inches of asphalt concrete over 15 inches of aggregate base The upper 12 inches of subgrade soils should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557. The aggregate base material should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. Class 2 aggregate base should meet the requirements of Caltrans specifications. We recommend that the civil engineer or stmctural engineer design the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. In accordance with City of Carlsbad guidelines, concrete improvements within city right- of-ways should be underlain by a minimum of 6 inches of Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. If pavement areas are adjacent to heavily watered landscape areas, we recommend some measures of moisture control be taken to prevent the subgrade soils from becoming saturated. It is recommended that the concrete curbing separating the landscaping area from the pavement extend below the aggregate base to help seal the ends of the sections where heavy landscape watering may have access to the aggregate base and subgrade. Concrete swales should be designed in roadways subject to concentrated surface mnoff -13 - 971009-006 4.8 Plan Review and Construction Observation Leighton should check final project drawings before grading to see that the recommendations in this report are incorporated in project plans. Construction observation of all on-site excavations and field density testing of all compacted fills should be performed by a representative of this office. We recommend that a geologist map all excavations during grading for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions. All footing excavations should be reviewed by this office prior to placing steel or concrete. - 14- 971009-006 5.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton and Associates has the opporttmity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction ofthe project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. 15- (A N 200- Existing profile 150- co iin r- Q. ^ o3 100- Qal L TD=52' N' Proposed grade Af m TD=49' to _^ CNI 2001 Groundwater level CO o CO mS Qal TD=57' m Qal Ts CL TD=65' Ts -200 Af Qal TD=57- TD=56- CL Qt Ts CL •150 -100 N70*'E CROSS-SECTION N-N' Lennar / Bressi Ranch Roadway Alluvial Study Carlsbad, California Project No. Scale Engr./Geol. Drafted By Date 971009-005 1"=50' WDO/RKW KAM September 2001 Leighton and Associates, Inc. Figure No. 2 300- 250- 200- N5°E Section subparallel to El Fuerte Drive. Part 1 of 2 CROSS-SECTION 0-0' Lennar / Bressi Ranch Roadway Alluvial Study Carlsbad, California Project No. Scale Engr./Geol. Drafted By Date 971009-005 1"=50' WDO/RKW KAM September 2001 Leighton and Associates, Inc. Fi gure No. 3 O' <Ni O V. (0 Q. Q> 0) CO UJ a: o 1^ 2001 Groundwater level Existing profile Proposed grade 1997 Groundwater level m LU C3 'o* • a. Af Af Qal Af I-Qal J2_ Qal Qal _ _ _ ^ - ^ Ts CL TD=26.5' TD=25.5' Ts CL Ts CL Ts CL N5°W Section subparallel to El Fuerte Drive. Part 2 Of 2 CROSS-SECTION 0-0 Lennar / Bressi Ranch Roadway Alluvial Study Carlsbad, California Project No. Scale Engr./Geol. Drafted By Date 971009-005 1"=50' WDO/RKW KAM September 2001 Leighton and Associates, Inc. Figure No. 3 971009-006 /LPPENDIX A References Eisenberg, L.I. and Abbott, P.L., 1985, Eocene Lithofacies and Geologic History, Northem SanDiego County in Abbott, P.L., ed., On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northem San Diego County: San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 19-35. Geocon, Inc., 1982a, Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, Bressi Ranch, San Diego County, Califomia, File No. D-2714-TOl, dated March 23,1982. , 1982b, Report of Phase I Geotechnical Study, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, File No. D- 2714-T02, dated June 4, 1982. , 1992, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Rancho Carrillo, Villages E, J, and K, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 04787-12-04, dated December 30, 1992. , 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-01, dated January 15, 1993. , 1996, Geologic Investigation, Rancho Carrillo - El Fuerte Detention Basin Embankment and Existing Bressi Dam, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 04787-12-11, dated November 25, 1996. , 1998, Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading, El Fuerte Detention Embankment, Rancho Carrillo, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 05845-12-07, dated November 20, 1998. , 2000, Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Greens, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 06403-12-01, dated March 24, 2000. Kimley-Hom, 2001, Poinsettia Lane Working Exhibit, Bressi Ranch, 1 Sheet, undated, plotted July 26,2001 Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971009-002, dated July 29,1997. , 1998, Recommendations for Overexcavation of Potentially Compressible Materials, for Onsite Portion of Land Outfall Sewer Relocation Project, Future Poinsettia Lane, Bressi Ranch, Carfsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated March 26, 1998. -, 2000a, Geotechnical Review of Conceptual Grading Plans for the Wetland Restoration Area, Bressi Ranch, Carisbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-005, dated January 25, 2000. -, 2000b, Geotechnical Review of Land-Use Plans for Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971009-005, dated March 2, 2000. A-l 971009-006 APPENDIX A (continued) , 2000c, Wetland Restoration Area Grading, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971009-005, dated April 17, 2000. , 2000d, Remedial Quantity Estimates, Offsite Portion of Proposed Poinsettia Lane, Bressi Ranch Development, Carisbad, Califomia, Project No. 971009-005, dated August 25, 2000. , 2001a, Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Offsite Poinsettia Lane, Alicante Road and Borrow Sites Within The Greens of The Villages of La Costa, Bressi Ranch Development, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 971009-005, dated January 5,2001. , 2001b, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation for Mass Grading, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 971009-005, dated March 14,2001. , Undated, Unpublished In-House Geotechnical Data. Project Design Consultants, 2001a, Cut/Fill Exhibit, 200 Scale, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, dated Febmary 14, 2001. , 2001b, Tentative Tract Map/Grading Plan, 200 Scale, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, undated, received Febmary 16, 2001. , 2001c, Alignment and Grade Study, Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street, 12 Sheets, dated December 29, 1999, revised April 19,2001. , 200Id, Bressi Ranch Master Tentative Map, CT 00-06, HDP 99-06, 17 Sheets, dated April 3, 2000, revised April 19,2001. Tan, S.S., and Kennedy, M.P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestem Part of San Diego County, Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 96-02, 2 Plates. Weber, F.H., 1982, Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides and Related Geology of the Northem-Centtal Coastal Area, San Diego County, Califomia: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12LA, 77 p. Wilson, K.L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles, San Diego County, Califomia: Master Thesis, University of Califomia at Riverside, 123 p. A-2 Appendix B B-8 through B-13 Small-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, Current Investigation GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/-. KEY TO BOlMNG LOG GRAPHICS Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of Project No. TVpe of Rig _ Drop in. c Ul o ao ia_i c CO 01 a E a CO 03 b OL CH-OI U a a L. a o • = o u GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By fi 10- 15- 25— V CL CH Inorganic clay of low to medium plasticity; gravelly clay; sandy clay; silty clay; lean clay Inorganic clay of high plastidty; fat day OL-OH ML f Adicate: SPT Sample Mdicate Cal Sample Organic clay, silt or silty clay-claycy silt mixtures Inorganic silt; very fine sand; silty or dayey fine sand; clayey silt with low plastidty MH CL-ML Inorganic silt; diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils; elastic silt Low plastidty clay to silt mixture ML-SM CL-SC Sandy silt to silty sand mixture Sandy clay to clayey sand mixture bfdk^tes ground waier level at time ol driKng SC-SM SW Qaycy sand to silty sand mixture Well graded sand; gravelly sand, little or no fines SP SM Pooriy graded sand; gravelly sand, little or no fines Silty sand; pooriy graded sand-silt mixture SC GW Qaycy sand; pooriy graded sand-clay mixture Well graded gravel; gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines GP GM Pooriy graded gravel; gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines Silty gravel; gravcl-«and-silt mixture GC Qaycy gravel; gravel-«and-clay mixture Sandstone Siltstone Qaystone Brecda (angular gravel and cobbles or matrix-supported conglomerate) Conglomerate (rounded gravel and cobble, clast-supported) Igneous granitic or granitic type rock Metavolcanic or metamorphic rock Artifidal or man-made fill Asphaltic concrete Portland Cement Concrete 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 7-16-01 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-8 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 1 of Project No. 971009-005 F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 134 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level UJ u Q.O L CD Ifl as o z 0. (0 tn ta CM- Qt U a Q. L. a *- o CJ GO CO GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 130 125 10- 120- 15- 115 20- 110 25- 105- - SC SM OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Clayey SAND: Brown to dark brown, damp, loose I 2.5': Silty SAND with clay: Light brown, damp; loose CL 1 I 39 I 109.8 17.3 Bag-2 <fel2'-14 SZ 3 I 21 I 101.8 22.9 CL/SC SC 4 I 15 I 107.8 21.0 5 I 14 I 111.4 16.9 CL SC I 8': Sandy CLAY: Brown, damp to moist, hard; mottled 12': Ground water encountered 15': Sandy CLAY to clayey SAND: Light brown, saturated, very stiff 18': Clayey medium SAND; Light brown, saturated to wet, loose I 25': Sandy CLAY; Light brown, saturated, stiff I 27': Clayey SAND with silt: Brown, saturated, medium dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-8 Date Project 7-16-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 2 Project No. of 2 971009-005 Drilling Co. F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 134 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level UJ (U o z a. E « cn OD Jl CM-(U U a a. \^ L. a u .c/j cn" GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 30- 100 35- 95 40- 90 45- 85 50- 80 55- 75 ML 17 SC OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Continued) @ 30': Silty clayey SAND: Brown, saturated, medium dense 7 I 34 I 104.5 22.9 SC I 35': Clayey medium SAND; Orange-brown, samrated, medium dense 18 9 I 55 I 110.2 19.3 SC/CL CL CH I 40': Clayey fine SAND and sandy CLAY with silt: Brown, moist, very stiff ) 43': Sandy CLAY with silt: Brown, saturated, stiff I 45': Fine sandy CLAY: Black to brown, saturated, hard 10 20 > 50': Clayey SAND: Olive to orange-brown, samrated, dense; weathered SC 11 I TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 54': Clayey SANDSTONE: Olive, moist, dense to very dense 53 104.2 20.5 Total Depth = 57 Feet Ground water encountered at 12 feet at time of drilling Backfllled with native soil on 6/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 7-17-01 GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-9 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 1 of 1 Project No. 971009-005 Project Drilling Co. F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 208 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c 111 u .C D) (LO (d-l c CD (U Ot 0. (0 cn Q. Ji (U u a Q. Jl L a 3a_ Vt ^ o u GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 205 200 10- 195 15- 190 20- 185 25- 180 Bag-1 @6'-8' CL OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Sandy CLAY: Brown, damp, loose; desiccated, scattered roots SC/CL SM I 6': Clayey SAND to sandy CLAY: Light red-brown, moist, loose I 9': Silty fine SAND: Light orange-brown, damp, medium dense 2 • 34 I 105.7 13.2 4 (tel4'-16 I 37 104.0 17.1 15': Silty fme SAND: Light orange-brown, damp, medium dense 5 • 55 I 110.8 13.2 I 20': Silty fine SAND with clay: Light brown, damp, dense SC TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION ©21': Silty clayey SANDSTONE: Light brown to olive, damp, dense I 91 128.5 5.4 I 25': Silty clayey fine SANDSTONE: Light brown to olive, damp, very dense; oxidized Total Depth = 26.5 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled: 7/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-10 Date Project 7-17-01 Sheet 1 of 2 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Project No. 971009-005 Drilling Co. F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 231 ft. Ref. or Damm Mean Sea Level <i>3 UJ csZ u JC 0) (LO «_1 L CD Ifl at a. e (0 cn 2^ \tl/~^ CH-OI u Cl (L Jl c a 0)^5 3.- Ifl C OJ - o u jcn u .cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 230 225 10- 220 15- 215 20- 210- 25- 205- CL/SC OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Sandy CLAY to clayey SAND: Dark brown, damp to moist, loose I 1 I 37 ;-2 5'-7'| 113.8 13.3 SC I 5'; Clayey fme to very fine SAND: Brown to dark brown, damp to moist, medium dense 23 SC 10': Clayey fine to very fine SAND: Brown, damp to moist, medium stiff SM/SC 13.5': Silty SAND with CLAY: Light brown, damp, medium dense 4 I 34 5 Bag-6 (tel7'-19| 52 33 105.1 99.7 12.7 12.7 SC SM CL 17': Clayey SAND with silt: Brown, damp, dense I 20': Silty fine SAND: Light brown, damp, dense > 22': Sandy CLAY with silt; Orange-brown, moist, hard 8 I 49 I 102.9 23.2 SC/CL SA TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 27': Sandy CLAY to clayey SAND: Olive, damp, dense (per driller) i 30': Ground water encoutoered 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-10 7-17-01 Date ___ Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 231 ft. Lennar/Bressie Ranch F&C Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 8 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level UJ u .C 0) (LO (0_l L CD HI Qt a. e m cn CO ifi/-\ CH-OI U a a J> L a tn ^ o u cn _cn cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 30- 200- 35- 195- 40- 190 45- 185- 50- 180- 55- 175 36 CL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': Fine sandy CLAYSTONE: Olive, damp, hard Total Depth = 31.5 Feet Ground water encountered at 30 feet at time of drilling Backfllled with native soils on 7/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-11 Date 7-17-01 Project Drilling Co. Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 971009-005 F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 222 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level OJ hi ifl at a. e (0 cn to ^ CL CM-OJ U a (L J> (- Q 0)*5 OJ • o o Ift IS "5 o .cn cn' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 220 215 10- 210 15- 205- 20- 200- 25- 195 30- lg-1 @3'-6' 2 I 38 I I 58 4 I 53 I 17 SC/CL 111.7 14.4 CL 109.4 17.9 SM 105.5 20.9 CL SM OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Clayey SAND to sandy CLAY: Bi-own, moist, loose to soft; interbedded clay and sand 10': Fine to medium sandy CLAY: Brown, moist, hard 15': Fine to medium sandy CLAY: Brown, damp to moist, hard; calcium carbonate stringers 19': Silty fine to medium SAND with clay: Light brown, damp, dense I 25': Silty CLAY with very fine sand: Light orange-brown, moist, very stiff TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 29': Silty medium SANDSTONE: Orange-brown, moist, dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-11 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 7-17-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet Project No. of 971009-005 F&C Drilling 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 222 ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level (U3 UJ at^ u x: 0) ao (. CD Ifl at a E m cn a ifi^ CM-OJ u a a Jt L a s • o CJ _cn cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 30- 190 185 I 55 120.9 11.3 SM 29 SC TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': Silty medium SANDSTONE: Orange-brown, moist, dense 32': Ground water encountered i 35': Clayey very fine SANDSTONE wifli silt: Olive, moist, dense 40- 180- 45- 175- 50- 170- 55- 165- Total Depfli = 37 Feet Ground water encountered at 32 feet at time of drilling Backfilled with native soil on 7/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-12 Date Project 7-17-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 971009-005 Drilling Co. F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 m. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 162 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level UJ lfl at o z at a (0 cn §8 ta ^ a Jl ifi/-^ CH-OI U Q a Jt L a aj*5 o u CJ CJ .cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 160 155- 150 15 — 145- 140- 25- 135 @3'-6' 2 I 36 I 3 I 59 I 4 • 57 I 23 108.5 12.2 112.3 13.7 105.7 23.0 CL SC CL CL SC XZ OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Sandy CLAY: Brown to dark brown, damp to moist, medium stiff I 8': Clayey SAND with silt: Light red-brown, damp, medium dense; calcium carbonate stringers 15': Inceasing density I 20': Becomes a sandy clay TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 24': Sandy CLAYSTONE: Green-gray, damp, very stiff; weathered ) 27': Clayey SANDSTONE: Light olive-brown, damp, dense 29.5': Ground water encountered 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-12 Date 7-17-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch F&C Drilling Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 162 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 140 pounds Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level UJ 130 125 120 115- 110 105 aZ 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- M. u .CD) ao nt-i c CD in OJ a E nl cn a I 65 CH-OI U a a \^ Jt L a 112.2 O CJ 19.7 ifi^ _cn cn SC GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': Clayey SANDSTONE: Light olive-brown, damp, dense Total Depdi = 32 Feet Ground water encountered at 29.5 feet at tune of drilling Backfllled wifli native soil on 7/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-13 Date Project 7-17-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 971009-005 Drilling Co. F&C Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter Sin. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop _30_in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 128 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 125- 120 a*" 03 115- 110 105 100- 10- 15- 20- U !cro ao (0_l L CD 25- 30- ifi at 01 a m cn Bag-1 a I 17 3 I 25 I ifi/-^ CH-OI U a a Jl L. a 101.0 OIC w fe CJ SZ 28.4 2c^ u .cn CJ cn' CL SM CL SC/CL 108.2 I 23 18 107.5 21.1 19.4 GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM @ 0': Sandy CLAY: Brown, damp, loose; roots, desiccated upper 2 feet I 3': Silty fine SAND: Light brown, damp, loose; traces of clay i 5': Very fine sandy CLAY: Brown, moist, loose; fat clay SC SM GM CL ) 9': Clayey SAND to sandy CLAY: Brown, samrated, medium dense, ground water encountered 15': Clayey medium SAND with silt: Brown, satorated, stiff I 20': Silty medium SAND to silty very fine SAND wifli clay: Light brown, satorated, medium dense '23': Gravel layer I 23.5': Sandy CLAY: Orange-brown, satorated, very stiff; motded 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG B-13 Date 7-17-01 Lennar/Bressie Ranch F&C Drilling Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 128 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 971009-005 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level lft at a B rd cn CD Ifl^ CH-OI u Q a Jt c a _cn o8 cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ MDJ 30- 95 35- 90- 85 80 75 40- 45- 50- 70 55- 1 43 95.1 37.8 SM-CH 15 I 16 10 10 I 36 I 101.4 24.9 I 11 1100/6" 106.7 115.9 21.0 16.6 CL SC ML SM SC OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Contmued) @ 30': Silty SAND and sandy CLAY: Dark gray-brown to light gray/brown, satorated, dense to stiff I 35': Sandy CLAY; Olive, satorated, very stiff I 38': Clayey fine SAND: Olive, satorated, medium dense I 45': Clayey SILT: Dark brown to black, satorated, stiff; porous I 50': Silty medium SAND: Light brown, satorated, medium dense, weafliered TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 52': Clayey fme to medium SANDSTONE: Olive, damp, very dense, uicreasing density (per driller) Total Depfli = 57 Feet Ground water encountered at 9 feet at time of drilling Backfilled widi native soil on 7/17/01 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Appendix B (continued) LB-22 through LB-29 Large-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, 2001b, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation for Mass Grading, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Cahfomia, ProjectNo. 971009-005, dated March 14, 2001 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-22 9-18-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet Project No. Type of Rig 1 of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 Sjm's. 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3,im's Drop J2_in. Mean Sea Level 5 — 10- 15- 20- u des No. 1 !c 0» 3 01 ao •f-01 m-l — ti c ••-Sami CD -f- <n Sami B:N35E 5SE 25- s- .-- B: horizontal B:horizontal FR:N61E, 46S CS:N20E, 7NW XB:N5W, 27NE (Q fe a I I 2 I 4 Bulk-3 4 I 3 I I *ft^ CH-OI U Q a w Jl C a 01 $5 "u! fe ^ o o 111.6 121.4 115.2 118.6 U _tn cn Logged By Sampled By 9.5 8.0 15.3 11.6 SM SM CL SM CL SM CL SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION MDJ/RKW MDJ TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) I 0': Silty SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense; fossiliferous @ 5': SUty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense Dense layer at 5.5' @ 6': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, dense @7': Silty SANDSTONE @ 8'-9': Cemented zone-concretionary layer: fossiliferous @ 9': 3-4" diick blocky claystone bed: very fliin sand stringers wifliin bed 11': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining; fossiliferous 11.5': Concretionary layer; fossiliferous 13.5": Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, very stiff; blocky; abundant iron-oxide staining 18': Fractored and blocky CLAYSTONE ' 19.6': Remolded clayseam 1/8" fliick, slighdy plastic, platey; claystone on eiflier side, becomes less blocky with depfli I 20': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp to moist, very stiff @23': Concretionary layer 1 25.5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense. I 27.6': Erosional contact/cross-bedding 2iL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-22 Date 9-18-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300ii''s, 58-87 SAOOff's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level aZ o Jc OS ao (D-l L CD Ift 01 X) 3 o z 01 a E CQ fe Q. trt CH-OI U a a Jt c a tt fe o u _tn oe cn Logged By Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION MDJ/RKW MDJ 30-SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) <"? 30': Silty, very fine to fine SANDSTONE: gray-brown to orange-brown, damp; iron-oxide staining common ' 32': Krotovina (remnant animal burrows) 35- 40 — B:N85E, 6S 45- B: horizontal 50 — 55-till. ' * * , 1 I I 111.2 111.6 17.8 SM 17.7 SM-CL CL SM ML SM-SC SM i 36'; Abundant iron-staining, scattered Krotovina I 39.5': Concretion I 40': Silty, very fine SANDSTONE and dayey SILTSTONE; minor silty claystone beds, orange-brown to green, damp, very dense to hard I 40.5': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, dense; irregular contact @ 43': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense I 47'-47.3': Concretionary layer I 47.3': Clayey to fme sandy SILTSTONE ! 49': Concretionary layer, irregular contact i 50'; Silty fine SANDSTONE to silty clayey SANDSTONE; orange-brown to green, damp, very dense '52': Same as at 50' but color changes to orange-brown ' 54': Fossiliferous concretionary layer 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-22 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 9-18-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 of _3_ Project No. Type of Rig 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 435 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58, 4.300<''s. 58-87 3.100<''s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level o ao lO-i c CD Ift at TJ D O z a E ffl cn CQ fe a. tft/-\ CH-OI u a a Jt L. a 01 wfe _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 60- m B:N40W, 15S 65- B:horizontal 70- SM SM/ML CL/ML SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 61'; SILTSTONE to CLAYSTONE: dark gray, damp, dense; calcium carbonate laminae common @ 62': Silty CLAYSTONE to clayey SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp to moist, very stiff to hard; horizontal and vertical calcium carbonate stringers, unoxidized I 13 112.0 14.0 SM ML @ 68': Silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp to moist, dense, minor seepage encountered to 70' @ 70": Very fine sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp, hard; ti^ces of clay, well indurated 75- 80- 85- 3SL Total Depdi = 77 Feet Geologically Logged to 71 Feet Minor seepage at 68 to 70 feet Backfilled; 9/22/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-23 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 9-18-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drillhig Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. Type of Rig 971009-005 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Bucket Auger 0-35 Sjm's. 30-58. 4.300ii''s. 58-87 3.100<''s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level OZ u Z as ao ffl-j t- CD Ift 01 •o 3 O z a E ffl cn CQ 01^ CH-OI U a a Jt (. a 0)^ 2-^ I c • o u cn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION MDJ/KBC MDJ B:horizontal B: horizontal 10- CS:N44W, SNE C:generally horizontal 15- 20- 25- B:horizontal FR:N15W, 42W 2SL I I 2 I 3 I 3 I 3 I 4 I 3/8 107.2 20.1 109.2 19.1 115.9 13.1 117.2 11.7 SM SM ML CL PT SM ML SM TOPSOIL @ 0': Clayey silty SAND: gray-brown, damp to moist, medium dense TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 3': Irregular tiansitional contact to silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, medium dense; iron-oxide staining along fracmres and bedding ) 6.8': Very fme sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, dense, orange and yellow staining along laminations conunon; weakly fissile 10': Becomes very dense 12.3': Paper fliin, plastic (less flian 1/8") clayseam wifliin 2" fliick finely laminated bed 12.5'; Paper fliin black organic rich peat bed 12.8'; Contact to silty medium SANDSTONE; orange-brown, moist to wet; medium dense 13.5": Silty medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, very dense; fossiliferous, (gastropod and mulloskshells); iron-oxide stained 15': Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, veiy dense < 18': Fine sandy SILTSTONE bed: light gray, moist, slighdy plastic < 18.5'-19.3': Cemented zone, fossiliferous I 19.3'; Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray and yellow orange-brown, damp, veiy dense; traces of clay, fossils common I 20'-21.5': Cemented zone, fossiliferous } 25'; Fossiliferous coarse sand bed: orange-brown; approximately 3" fliick J 25.5': Steep fractore oifsets fossiliferous bed by approximately 8" } 25.5': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE; light gray to yellow-gray, damp to moist, dense >27': Concretionary nodule I 29.7': Minor seepage, red-brown, iron-oxide stained 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-23 9-18-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 Sjm's, 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3.100iy's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level a" x: 0) ao ffl_i c CD Ift 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQ fe a. tft/^ CH-OI O a a Jl (- a 01 3a_ W fe *- o u _«) cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 30-SANTIAOO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30.5': Fine sandy SILTSTONE: orange and green, damp, very stiff; iron-oxidized stained ©31': Cemented zone @ 32'-33': Coarse SANDSTONE; orange-brown, wet, medium dense @ 32.5'; Seepage encountered @ 33'; Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE; light gray, damp, very dense 109.3 B:horizontal « * . 35- FR:N15W, 45SW C:horizontal 40-I 10 121.7 45- I;N25W, 74N Bulk-7 50- 55- ilSL B:horizontal 19.7 ML SM SM/ML 12.9 ML SM-ML ML SM/ML SM I 35.5'; Erosional contact, irregular contacts, iron-oxide stained I 36.3'; Fracture with approxunately 1' offset ! 36.5'; Moderate seepage I 37': Horizontal contact to silty fme to medium SANDSTONE and interbedded fme sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray to blue-gray; very dense, unoxidized > 39': Concretionary layer I 40': Black organic rich layer -1" fliick wifli underiying concretionary nodule > 42'; Cemented zone I 43': Silty very fine SANDSTONE to sandy SILTSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense, unoxided I 47.5': Clayey SILTSTONE bed I 50'-5r: Clayey SILTSTONE bed; weakly plastic 52": Silty fine SANDSTONE: gray, damp, very dense • 54.6'-58': Fine sandy SILTSTONE bed: dark brown to dark gray, moist, very dense; organic-rich 58'-60': Interbedded SILTSTONE and silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense; interbeded peat stringers common, unoxidized 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-23 9-18-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 438 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3.100»'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level ut ao ffl_i L CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn IA ca fe a UI/-\ CH-OI o a a Jl a w fe *- o u cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 60- 65- 70- 75 — SM SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 60'; Silty fine SANDSTONE: dark gray, damp, very dense; interbedded peat stringers common, unoxidized 80-Total Depfli = 80 Feet Geologically Logged to 76 Feet Seepage at 29.7 Feet, 32.5 Feet, and 36.5 Feet Backfilled: 9/20/00 85 — 3SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-24 9-20-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 356 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300<''s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level at .c us ao ffl_i L CD in OJ TJ 3 O z a B ffl cn •a w cQfe a CH-OI o a a \^ Jl (-a oii> 3a. ID «• fe ^ O u _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ B:generally horizontal IO- IS- 20 — 25 — 2iL I I I I 108.4 15.6 115.9 12.2 111.7 16.6 115.2 14.9 SC SM TOPSOIL @ 0': Clayey SAND: brown, damp to moist, loose; roodets TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (T.sa) @ 1.5': (Weadiered) silty SANDSTONE; orange-brown, damp to moist, dense; slighdy fractored, fractores infilled widi brown silty SAND < 4: Iron concretions common, sandstone becomes denser with depth I 5': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense; iron-oxidized staining conunon I 7': Calcium carbonate layer, wavy irregular contact, 2-3" thick, moist, iron-oxidize, staining along bedding < 7.3'; Discontinuous concretionary layer 10': Silty fme SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining, slighdy micaceous 12'; Calcium carbonate layer: ~1" thick @ 15'; Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray wifli orange-brown iron-oxide staining, damp, dense I 19.6': Iron-oxide stained, concretionary nodule, sand becomes moist I 20': SANDSTONE: laminated bedding visible; yellow-brown, interbedded with gray sandstone I 22.3': Minor to moderate seepage encountered I 29': Moderate seepage at 29' I 29.3'-30.3': Concretionary nodules up to 12" in diameter > 29'-30': Silty fine SANDSTONE: orange-brown to gray, damp to moist, very dense; iron-oxidized stained 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-24 9-20-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 356 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100i»'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level at Jl us ao ffl_i c. CD lfl at TJ 3 O z a E ffl cn ta Jt ifi/-\ CH-OI u a a Jl c a 01 i> 3.*- _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 30-• 5/9" 113.3 16.0 SM B: horizontal 35- 40 — SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) ML SM 1 34.5'-37'; Slighdy clayey SILTSTONE: gray-brown, damp to moist, hard; thinly laminated; yellow and orange-brown staining common > 37': Large concretionaiy nodule -12" in diameter I 37'; Silty fme SANDSTONE: gray-brown, damp to moist, very dense; yellow to orange-brown staining common I 112.1 15.8 I 40.5'-4r: Concretionaiy nodules common 45- 50- ) 47'; Heavy seepage encountered Total Depdi = SO Feet Geologically Logged to 46 Feet Seepage at 22.3 Feet, 29 Feet, and 47 Feet Backfilled: 9/20/00 55- 6SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-25 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 of 3_ Project No. Type of Rig 971009-005 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. u !c us ao ffl_i c CD in 01 TJ 3 o z a E ffl cn CQ itt/-\ CH-OI O a a Jl L a 01-5 3.*. lft »• fe o o _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION lx)gged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 10- B:N40E, 4W 15-B; generally horizontal 20- 25- 2SL C:N54E, 6W CS:N40W, SSW 1 I 1 I I 2 I 3 Bulk-3 4 I 2 I I 5 I 5 108.0 16.1 115.9 8.8 117.4 8.5 121.5 9.3 ML SM CL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 0': Very fine sandy clayey SILTSTONE: green-gray, damp, medium dense horizontal and vertical calcium stringers, iron-oxidized staining along bedding > 4'-8': Steeply dipping fractores/joints Steeply fracmred ' 9.3': Cemented zone, irregular contacts < 10': Very fme sandy clayey SILTSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense; calcium carbonate stringers common, few shell fossils @ 11.5': Cemented zone @ 12': Calcium carbonate-lined fractore @ 13.5': Grades into very fme SANDSTONE @ 14.5'; Silty very fme SANDSTONE; orange and gray-brown, damp, dense; calcium carbonate stringers common @ 15.7': Silty SANDSTONE: gray, damp, dense; slighdy friable ) 18.6"; Laminated bedding common, fractores/joints infilled with calcium carbonate common > 20'; Silty fme SANDSTONE; light gray, damp, veiy dense, orange and red iron-oxidized staining, calcium carbonate common i 36': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, stiff I 27.8': Plastic clayseam (less flian 1/2" fliiclc) 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-25 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.30fti''s. 58-87 3.100<y's Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. oz u Z 0) ao ffl-j c CD in 01 TJ 3 a B ffl cn li. CQ fe a CH- OI O a a Jt L a 01^5 ti £ _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 30-1 35- 3^ 40 — 45-C; horizontal 50- FR;N62E, 30NW C:N3W, 15NE 55 — I Bulk-8 112.3 15.1 107.0 15.8 ML SM ML SM CL SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @30': Fine sandy SILTSTONE: iight red-brown to dark gray, damp, dense, fissile; yellow-brown stringers common 1 34'; Silty SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense @ 39'; Cemented zone, dark gray; fossiliferous @ 39.6': Clayey sandy SILTSTONE: brown to orange-brown, damp, very dense; iron-oxide staining; irregular erosional contact below cemented zone ©41': Dark gray, organic-rich bed (—1" thick) @ 41.5'; Silty fine SANDSTONE; dark gray, damp, very dense, unoxidized @ 45'; Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; gray-brown, damp to moist, dense; yellow stringers common I 49.5': Seepage encountered '51': Silty CLAYSTONE: gray-green, damp, hard; moderately blocky silty claystone I 56': Becomes very hard and less blocky 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-25 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 282 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5,740#'s. 30-58. 4,3m's, 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 m. Mean Sea Level ot u !c u) ao ffl_i c CD ifl at TJ 3 a B ffl cn go CQ fe a Jl ifi/-\ CH-OI U a a Jl C a 3.._ tn fe *- o u I8« CJ —<o cn' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85- Total Depdi = 59 Feet Dowhole Logged to 56 Feet Seepage encountered at 49.5 Feet Backfilled: 9/21/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-26 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 9-21-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 242 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4,300rs, 58-87 3.100iy's Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. ^ 2 ot ill 01 •a 3 O z a E ffl cn -a ^ 2^ to fe a IH/-N CH- OI u a a Jl C a 01^5 3.._ ift O _cn cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ FR;N20E, 6N 10- FR;N28W, 2SNE RS:E-W, 39N RS:N85W, 34NE RS:N60W, 1-3SE I I I 3 I 2 I 4 I 2 121.3 10.7 115.5 14.1 110.4 15.1 114.4 15.8 ML ML/SC SC CL CL OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 0'; Clayey sandy SILTSTONE: green-gray, damp, medium dense; randomly oriented fractores > 5'; Clayey silty SANDSTONE to clayey sandy SILTSTONE: green, damp, stiff I 6'; Clayey silty medium SAND: yellow-brown, damp to moist, medium dense I 6.5'; Sandy CLAYSTONE: green, damp, medium stiff; very fractored; blocky; irregular upper contact 10': Sandy CLAYSTONE; green, damp, stiff, very fractored, fractores are steeply dipping and randomly oriented 15'; Medium sandy CLAYSTONE; green, damp, stiff; fractored; becomes more stiff at 17 and less fractored @ 20': Silty CLAYSTONE; green, damp, stiff; fractored @20.9': Minor seepage @ 21': Backshear: polished striated and grooved surface with 1/16" remolded clay above polished surface @ 23.5': Backshear: polished and striated surface, no remolded clay along surface , @ 25.3': Ruptore surface: moderately plastic remolded clayseam 1/16" thick, \ blocky and fractored above, massive and hard below TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 25.4'; Silty CLAYSTONE to clayey SILTSTONE: olive-green, moist, very stiff to hard; massive, increasing density wifli depth, iron-oxide staining common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-26 Date 9-21-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. 242 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58, 4.300ii''s. 58-87 3.100if's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level ot o s: us ao ffl_i L CD Vl 01 TJ 3 o z a E ffl cn CQ Vl^ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jt c a 01-5 ti g ^ o CJ _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 30- 35- 40-B;N-S8-10W B;N4SE, USE 45 — B;horizontal SO — 55- 5 I 1/6" 99.9 CL 14.4 SM CL/SM SM CL SANTLVGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 32': Silty CLAYSTONE: green, damp, hard; iron-oxidized stained; very minor seepage along fractores @ 34': Cemented zone @ 34.5': Silty, very fine to fine SANDSTONE: gray-green, dense to very dense; unoxidized @ 36': Becomes very dense I 40'; 2" claystone bed; gray, damp, stiff > 40.5': Grades into very fine SANDSTONE to sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, very dense to hard I 41.5'; Silty fme SANDSTONE: light brown, damp, very dense I 44.5': SUty medium SANDSTONE: light brown to orange-brown, damp, very dense > 46.4'-47.5': Claystone rip-up clasts common I 49': Irregular erosional contact to silty fine SANDSTONE: light brown, damp, very dense I 56': SUty CLAYSTONE: dark gray-green, damp, very stiff, heavily fractored, seepage along top of claystone I 57': Becomes hard 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-26 9-21-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 242 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300#'s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level ot u !c us ao ffl_j L CD in 01 TJ 3 01 "a. ffl cn §8 CO 01 Vt/-^ CH-OI U a a Jt C a 01*5 m fe jcn .cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 60- 65- 70 — 75- 80 — 85- Total Depdi = 60 Feet Geologically Logged to 57.5 Feet Seepage encountered at 20.9 Feet, 32 Feet, and 56 Feet Standing water at 54 Feet on 9/25/00 Backfilled: 9/21/00 Feet 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-27 9-22-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 236 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740i!''s. 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level a" at o Z us ao «-i L CD in OJ TJ 3 a E ffl cn IQ fe a Vt/^ CH-OI u a a \-/ Jl c a • o CJ _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ I push 105.0 16.7 CL 10-I push 99.1 21.2 CL 15- RS:N10-15W, SOSW B:generally horizontal 20- "ML" SM I 5/10" 122.4 13.0 CL FR:N73W, UNE 25- 2iL SM OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) @ 0': Sandy CLAY: brown, damp, loose; calcium carbonate blebs common @ 2': Silty CLAY: light brown to gray-brown, damp, soft; motded clay chunks wifliin sUty clay matnx; few sand-infUled fractores @ 3': Sandy CLAY; green, damp to moist, soft; fractored irregular upper contact, motded light gray, damp to moist, calcium carbonate stringers 10': Sandy CLAY: green, damp to moist, soft 12'; Becomes medium stiff ' ® 16': Ruptore surface: slighdy irregular, mdistinct plastic zone, no definite ' surface, l/4"-l/16" thick, material below appears to be hand and ' sIijhdy_block^; material abqye_ weathered_aiid somewhat distoi^ed TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) ® 16': Sandy SILTSTONE: pale olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff. massive to slighdy blocky, becomes less blocky with depth, scattered iron-oxide staming @ 17.5'; SUty to clayey SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense @ 20': SUty clayey fine SANDSTONE; green, damp, very dense @ 20.5'; SUty CLAYSTONE: green-gray, damp, hard, moderately fractored @20.5': Seepage encountered @ 22'; Becomes blocky, widi discontinues short fractores @22.5': Becomes massive and hard @23': Cemented zone I 28': Silty fme SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense to very dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-27 Date 9-22-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 236 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4.300iy's. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level at JZ us ao ffl_i c CD IA 01 TJ 3 O z ffl cn §8 2^ CQ fe a. Vtr\ CH-OI U a a 31 L a ti fe ic o o GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/RKW MDJ 30-• 4/4" 123.6 11.1 SM 35- SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30': SUty fme SANDSTONE: light brown to yellow-brown, damp to moist, very dense @ 30.5': Cemented zone Total Depdi = 36 Feet Minor seepage at 20.5 Feet (jeologically logged to 34 Feet Backfilled: 9/25/00 40- 45- 50 — 55- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-28 9-26-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 418 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. 971009-005 Type of Rig Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 S.740#'s. 30-58. 4,3<m's, 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level ot JZ us ao L CD VI at TJ 3 o z 01 a ffl cn CQ CH-OI O a a Jt {- a 01 ti g *- o u Ift . _cn cn' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 10 — 15- B:horizontal XB:N45E, 30SE 20 — + + 25- I I 112.4 8.0 111.8 13.3 SM ML SM ML SM SM TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 0': Silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, dense; few calcium carbonate stringers I 7'-8'; Well cemented concretionary nodule, orange 10'; SUty fme SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense; micaceous 12.8'-13.3': Very fine sandy SILTSTONE: gray, damp, dense; laminated 15.3'-15.6': Very fine sandy SILTSTONE; gray, damp, dense, laminated 16.2"; Clay-lined cross bedding wifliin silty fine SANDSTONE; 1/4" fliick @ 20': SUty fine SANDSTONE: orange to gray brown, damp, very dense; fossilferous; iron-oxidized staining @ 20.8'-21.6': Cemented zone, iron-oxidized staining 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-28 Date 9-26-00 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. 418 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4,300ff's, 58-87 3.100<''s Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level at u .c us ao ffl_i (. CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 O z 2 a ffl cn 2^ CQ fe Vt/-\ CH-OI U a a Jl c a 01 •5 tig ^ O o oB cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 30- 35- 40-B;N30W, 20E 45- 50- C:E-W. 4S B:N60E, 38S 55- 1 I 115.0 12.3 111.0 7.7 SM SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30'; SUty fine to medium SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, very dense; iron-oxidized stained, yellow-brown stiingers common; variable thin remnant bedding and cross-bedding common @ 32'-33': Cemented zone I 40': SUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; light gray, damp, very dense ! 48.5'; Contact to silty very fine SANDSTONE: gray-brown, damp, dense; iron-oxidized staining 51.7"; Silty fine SANDSTONE; light gray, damp, dense 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-28 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 9-26-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 418 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Damm 0-35 5.740<f's. 30-58. 4.300#*s. 58-87 3.100#'s Drop 12 m. Mean Sea Level at 60- .C D> ao ffl_i (. CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a e ffl cn CQ ifl.^ CH-OI O Q a Jl L a OJ5 tig *- o u _cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By MDJ/KBC MDJ 1 16 106.3 7.5 SM 65 C;generally horizontal 70- 75- 80 — 85- SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 60.5': SUty fine SANDSTONE: light gray-brown, damp, veiy dense; variable thin bedding and cross-bedding common CL SM @ 68.2: 1/4" diick CLAYSTONE bed: brown, damp, stiff, irregular contact; discontinuous Total Depdi = 80 Feet Geologically Logged to 78 Feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled: 9/26/00 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-29 9-27-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. Type of Rig 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4,300ff's, 58-87 3.100<y's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level vt at TJ 3 O z 01 a ffl cn CQ fe a. ifl,^ CH- OI O a a \^ Jl c a o u u .cn QB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 5 — 10- 15- 25- SC CL SM CL CL/SC CL ARTIFICIAL FILL UNDOCUMENTED (Afii) @ 0'-2': Drill pad TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) @ 2'-S'; Fine sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard; blocky; calcium carbonate-lined fractores common @ 5'-5.8'; Irregular contact to very fme SANDSTONE: off-white, damp, very dense; orange-brown staining conunon @ 5.8'-6.8': Silty fme to medium SANDSTONE: orange-brown, damp, dense iron-oxide stained @ 6.8'-15.5'; SUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE: light green widi yellow and orange-brown staining, damp, dense; friable; few calcium carbonate-lined fractores 14.5': Becomes slighdy coarser grained 15': Clayey intraclasts common 15.5': Gradational contact (over -1') to sandy CLAYSTONE: gray-green, damp, very hard; coarser sand at upper contact grading to fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE at approxunately 16.5'; blocky; orange-brown staining common 18'; Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE/clayey SANDSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard/dense I 21.S': Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green, damp, hard; blocky; irregular shiny faces on blocks; minor manganese and orange-brown (iron-oxide) staining; few coarse sandy claystone zones I 27': Gradational contact to fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard; few red to orange-brown, manganese and iron-oxide stains 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-29 9-27-00 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740iy's. 30-58. 4,300rs, 58-87 3.100#'s Mean Sea Level Drop 12 in. at u 'jz us ao ffl-i L CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 O z 01 a ffl cn §8 to fe a CH- OI o Q a Jl c a 01 ?5 tig *- o o S«! _cn cn' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 30- 35 — 40 — 45- 50- CL sc SM SW SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) @ 30'; Fine to medium sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard I 37': Becomes sandier I 39'-42': Becomes weakly blocky wifli shiny ped faces I 40'-42': Coarse sand-lined fractore I 42'; Concretionary nodule I 42'; Sandy CLA"ySTONE, becomes very hard I 45': Gradational contact to clayey SANDSTONE; gray-green, damp, very dense I 47'; Grades to slighdy clayey, silty fine SANDSTONE: light gray, damp, very dense; yellow and orange-brown staining common I 49': Grades to sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE: light brown, damp, dense; friable; yellow and orange-brown staining common 52': Concretionary nodule ' 52.5': Becomes very dense I 55'-57': Large concretionary nodule I 57'-6r: Grades to silty fine to very coarse SANDSTONE: light greenish brown, damp, dense; sand grains, coarser widi depdi; orange and yellow-brown stains common; few fine gravels near base 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-29 Date Project ^ Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 9-27-00 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Gallagher Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 971009-005 Bucket Auger 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 275 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-35 5.740#'s. 30-58. 4,3m's, 58-87 3.im's Drop 12 in. Mean Sea Level ot o Z ut ao ffl-i c CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn §8 cofe a Jt irt/«N CH-OI u a a \^ Jt L a 01 3a_ Ifl CJ QB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 60- C:N30E, 2SE 65- 70- 75- 80- SW CL SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued) ©61': Erosional contact to sandy CLAYSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard to very hard; red-brown manganese? staining common CL/SC I 65'; Becomes a sandy CLAYSTONE to dayey SANDSTONE: light gray-green, damp, hard/very dense CL I 74'; Grades to sandy CLAYSTONE: olive-green and rose-brown, damp to moist, hard: blocky and fractored; shmy ped faces Total Depdi = 80 Feet Downhole logged to 77 feet No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled: 9/27/00 85- 3SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Appendix B (continued) B-l through B-7 Small-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29,1997 Date _ Project 5-21-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-l Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of 1 ProjectNo. 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 In. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop JO_in. Drillmg Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 200 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level vt Ul u lfl 01 o z a E ffl cn CQfe 0- ifl/s CH-OI U a a Jl C a ti g ^ o u oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 200 195 190 185 15- 180-20- 175 25- CL OUATERNARY ALLtWIUM (Oal) © 1': Dark brown, damp, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY; abundant fine pores, few charcoal fragments 40 29 101.9 100.1 18.9 18.6 SC I 5': Light orange-brown, moist, medhim dense, clayey, fme to medium SAND; few fine pores I 63 106.6 18.3 10': Orange-brown, moist, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY; rare cartxmate nodules I 71 110.4 18.2 SM © 15': Light green, moist, very dense, slighdy clayey, sUty fine to medium SAND; orange-brown, iron-oxide stains common 5 I 50/6" 115.3 14.5 SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 20': Light green, moist, very dense, sUty, fme to medium SAND; micaceous 6 1 50/5" 116.5 12.4 I 25': Light green, moist, very dense, sUly, fme to medium SAND Total Depfli = 25-1/2' No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of DrUling BackfUled on May 21, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project 5-21-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop _30_in. Drillmg Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 175 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c It Ul Ifl OJ o z o z a E ffl cn CQ ifl/> CH-OI O a a Jl t-a 01 ^5 tig o u GH oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 175 170 165 10- 160 15 — 155 20- 150 25- I I 17 24 I 3 • 35 4 I 50 I I 5 I 55 SM 104.7 104.9 11.8 14.4 SC 111.8 17.8 CL 113.8 15.3 110.7 18.2 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) © 1': Light brown, moist, medmm dense, sUty, fme to medium SAND; few fine pores I 5': Brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine to medhim SAND; few charcoal fragments 10': Brown, moist, hard, fine to medium sandy CLAY 15': Brown, moist, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY I 19.5': Ground water encountered I 20'; Light gray-brown, moist, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY; few charcoal fragments 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-21-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole +1- 175 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Barge's Drilling Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Typeof Rig 4971009-02 Sin. Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level 01^ Ul 145 lfl 01 O z a E ffl cn 2^ CQfe ifl/^ CH- OI O a a Jl L a tig *- o CJ SH oH _cn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 140 35- 135 130- 125 50- 120 55 — 1 37 45 50/5" 50/ 5-12 SW I 30'; Brown, satorated, medium dense, coarse SAND SC ) 40': Light green, satorated, hard, fme to medium sandy CLAY SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 45': Light brown, wet, very dense, sUty fme to medium SAND © 45i5': Drilling became more difficult (per drUler) I SO': Gray, moist, very dense, fme to medium SANDSTONE Total Deptfi = 50.5' Ground Water Encountered at 19.5' BackfUled on May 27, 1997 505A<11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project 5-27-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4971009-02 Type of Rig Hollow-Stan Auger Hole Diameter Sin. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop J0_in. Drillmg Co. Barge's Drilling Elevation Top of Hole +/- 220 ft. Ref. or Damm Mean Sea Level 2 lfl 01 o z o z a 6 ffl cn 1^ CQl Jt lfl,-N CH-OI O a a C a tig lc *- o u CJ _tn oB cn^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By MRM/KBC MRM/KBC 220 215- 5 210 205- 15 — 200 195 25- ig-1 2'-5' 26 23 I 4 I 24 I S I 38 I 6 I 22 CL 94.8 101.8 20.3 17.8 100.1 17.7 102.2 24.7 96.6 Sl 25.2 SC SM OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) I 3': Brown, moist, stiff, sandy CLAY I 5': Daric brown/brown, moist, stiff, sUty, fme sandy CLAY 10'; Brown, moist, very stiff, clayey SAND 15': Light brown, wet, medium dense, clayey fme to medium SAND I 19': Ground water encountered ) 20': Light brown, wet, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Date 5-27-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 220 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet Project No. of 2 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling 140 pounds Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Augor Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level c at Ul ^ 2 at lfl 01 a E ffl cn §8 CQ fe Q- Vt^ CH-OI U a a Jt L. a ats ti fe lc *- o CJ ISH GH —tn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By . Sampled By MRM/KBC MRM/KBC 190 so- las 180 175 170 165 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- 28 21 50/4" _10_I 50/5" SC I 30'; Light gray-brown, wet, medium dense, sUty, clayey fine SAND SC/SM I 40'; Light gray-brown, wet, medium dense, interbedded sUty fme to medium sandy CLAY and clayey fme to medium SAND ( 46'; DrUling became more difficult (per driUer) SP I SO'; Greenish brown, wet, very dense, fme to medium SAND ML DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) ©53': DrUling became more difficult (per drUler) I 55': Olive-green, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE Total Depfli = 55'S" Ground Water Encountered at 19' BackfUled on May 27, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-27-97 Project Drillmg Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 Project No. of 2 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter Sin. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 240 ft. Ref. or Damm Mean Sea Level lfl 01 a E ffl cn CQfe (L Ifl^ CH-OI U Q a Jl L. a ats ti g lc *^ o u u .H CJ 6B cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 240 235 230 225- 15 220 215 25- I 28 I 47 I 35 25 CL 110.2 16.2 99.5 15.4 SC 104.5 19.8 CL SZ OUATERNARY AaUVIUM (Osl) ©1': Brown, moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; fme to medium pores common, roodets common I 5': Brown, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; fine to medium pores common, roodets common © 10': Brown, moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND; fine pores conunon, few rootiets 15'; Light brown, moist, hard, fine sandy CLAY; few roodets I 19': Ground water encountered I 20': No recovery of sample 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 5-27-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole +/- 240 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Barge's Drilling Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Typeof Rig 4971009-02 Sin. Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Hollow-Stem Augw Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level c 2^ It Ul a^ at .cut ao ffl_i L CO in 01 01 a E ffl cn CO (fl^ CH-OI O a a \-/ Jl L • ats ti g It ^ o CJ SH oH _(n GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By_ KBC KBC 210 30- 205 35- 200 40-[ 195 45- 190 50- 185 55- Mi 60 SP 81/9" SP SM ® 30': Light brown, moist, veiy dense, clayey, fme to coarse SAND; few fine gravel @ 32': DrUling became more difficiUt (per driller) PEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 37': DrUling became very difficuh I 40': Light olive-green, damp, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; moderately cemented Total Depdi = 40'9" Groimd Water Encountered at 19' BackfUled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project 5-28-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4971009-02 Type of Rig HoUow-Stem Augq" Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 m. Drillmg Co. Barge's Prilling Elevation Top of Hole •¥/- 138 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level (fl 01 o z 01 a E ffl cn §8 cofe Q. (fl/> CH-OI U a a Jl {. a ats ti g lc ^ o u SH GH _cn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 135- 130 io- ns 120 115 110 15- 25- ig-1 l'-5' SC I I 33 32 109.3 107.1 12.7 9.6 I 4 I 26 106.5 19.9 I 5 • 43 17 105.3 SZ 17.2 SW CL OUATERNARY ALLUVUM (Qal) I 2': Brown with light brown motdes,. damp, medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND; few roodets I 5': Light brown, damp, medium dense. sUty fme to coarse SAND; few fine pores 10': Brown, moist, very stiff, fme to medium sandy CLAY 13'2": Ground water encountered IS': Brown, moist, hard, fine to medium sandy CLAY > 20': Light brown, wet, very stiff, fme to medium sandy CLAY 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 5-28-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole -f/- 138 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Sin. Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datimi 140 pounds Mean Sea Level Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Augar Drop 30 in. c 2^ It Ul ^ 2 ot lfl 01 o z a E ffl cn 2 cofe 0. (fl^ CH-OI O a a Jl c a ats ti g lc ^ o u Sto _cn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC so- los- 35- 100 40- 95- 45- 90- 50- 85 55- 10 I 80 26 SC 25 61/9" SM 50/4" @ 30': Light gray and light brown, wet to satorated, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND I 40': Light green, wet, medium dense, clayey, fme to coarse SAND DEL MAR FORMA'nON (Td) © 51': Light blue-green, moist, very dense, sUty, fine SANDSTONE; weakly cemented ©55-1/2': Practical refusal @ 55-1/2'; Light blue-green, moist, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; well \ cemented Total Depdi = 56' Ground Water Encountered at 13'2" BackfUled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project Drillmg Co. 5-28-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 1 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 m. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 180 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level ^t Ul ot u Zus ao «_i L Cfl Ifl 01 +-o z a g ffl CA CO Vl^ CH-OI U Q a Jl t-a ats tig lc *- o u Sen oB CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 180- 175- 170 10- 165 160- 155 25- nn-i ^0 SM OUATERNARY- ALLUVIUM (Oal) @ 1': Brown, damp, loose, slighdy clayey, sUty fine SAND; roodets and organic material common 2 I 13 I 98.9 11.2 SZ 17 '8-1/2': Ground water encountered 10': Light brown, satorated, medium dense, slighdy clayey, sUty, medhim to coarse SAND 24 CL 15': Light gray and light brown, wet, very stiff, fme to medium sandy CLAY 32 SM ( 20': Interbedded light gray and orange-brown, satorated, dense, slighdy clayey, sUty, fine to coarse SAND 75/11" CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) ©23'; Drillmg became more difficult (per drUler) I 25': Light green, damp, hard, CLAYSTONE Total Depdi = 26-1/2' Ground Water Encountered at 8-1/2' BackfUled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project Drillmg Co. 5-28-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-7 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 1 Project No. of 4971009-02 Barge's Drilling Type of Rig Hollow-Stem AugCT Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole -I-/- 210 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 013 u Q3 Ifl 01 ^-o z a 6 ffl cn CQ fe 0- (fl/-> CH-OI O a a Jl t-a ats tig lc ^ o u cn _co cn' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By, Sampled By KBC KAB 210 205 200 10- 195 190 185 25- 1«n- SM I 33 105.7 19.7 CL OUATERNARY/ALLUVniM (Oal) I 3': Light brown, damp,'medium dense,'sUty fine to medium SAND; witti roots and organic debris common throughout I 5': Brown, damp, medium dense to very stiff, clayey to sUty fine SAND and sUty fine sandy CLAY I 40 105.2 20.8 10': As at 5 feet slight increase in moistore content I 51 95.8 25.3 SZl 15': Motded green and purple, moist, very stiff, clayey SILT to sUty CLAY SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) 50/5" I 20': Light greenish tan, moist, very dense, sUty, fme SANDSTONE, weakly cemented and slighdy oxidized Total Depdi = 2r6" Ground Water Encountered at 16' BackfUled on May 28, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Appendix B (continued) LB-1 through LB-21 Large-Diameter Borings From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29,1997 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 Date 5-22-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drillhig Sheet Project No. Typeof Rig 1 of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.im: 25-47'. 2,98U 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 01 ot JZ us ao ffl-i L CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQ fe ifl^ CH-OI O a a Jl C a fts ti g SH GH _cn o cn P3 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 5 — CL TOPSOIL ©1'; Brown, damp to moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; sandstone Augments common, roodets and organic material common CL I push 94.7 27.3 10- C: horizontal 15- 20- 25- I 2 I 2 107.8 19.3 C: horizontal 3 I 2/4 C; horizontal 111.9 I 4 I 8 114.5 13.1 15.5 SM CL SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 4': Vety irregular contact to olive-green, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; abundant ftactores, orange-brown, iron-oxide stains common along fractores, few mterbedded sUty sandstone units, carbonate nodules, common tiim yellow-brown, irregular interbeds conunon approximately every 3 mches 10': Gradational contact to very I'ght green to gray, moist, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE, orange-brown, iron-oxide stains common, few carbonate nodules 12': Approxunately horizontal irregular contact to green, moist, dense sUty fme SANSTONE; approxunately 2" of orange-brown sandstone at upper contact 12.5': Horizontal gradational contact (approxunately 4 inches) to light green and brown, stiff, moist, CLA"ySTONE; fissUe, fliin yeUow irregular sUtstones beds approxunately 2 inches apart I 14'; Gradational contact (approximately 4 mches) to light gray, veiy dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; micaceous I 15'7'': Approximately horizontal, irregular contact to brown to red-brown, moist, dense, sUty, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; sheU fragments common to abundant I 20'3": Light brown, damp, very dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; well-cemented, few shells I 21': Brown, wet to satorated, very dense, sUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE wifli abundant shell fragments I 22'; Orange-brown, satorated, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE (2 mches fliick), mmor seepage > 22.1': Horizontal sharp contact to light green, wet to satorated, very dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; flim beddmg common > 25': Light green, moist to wet, very dense, sUty, fme to medium SANDSTONE; micaceous 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 5-22-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. 2.981# 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level aS^ ot 30- u Z u> ao ffl_i L CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn §8 2^ cofe Q. (fl/^ CH-OI U Q a \^ Jl (. a at^ tig lc *• o CJ Ifl^ SH GH _(n oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC i: 112.8 14.7 SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- Total Depdi = 31' Seepage Encoimtered at 22' BackfUled on May 22, 1997 505A{11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter 5-23-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 320 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,imi 25-47'. 2.9SU E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ot IO- IS— 20- 25- O Z us ao ffl_i L CO Ifl a xt 3 B; N80E, 9S C: N4SW, 4SE C: NlOW, SE C: horizontal 01 a ffl cn ffife Q. lfl/-\ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl c a I I I 112.4 114.5 112.5 ats tig lc o u 12.5 12.5 13.3 iH ;cj oB cn CL SM" GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC TOPSOIL © 0-1': Red-brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY; abundant roodets near surface TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 1': Irregular contact to light gray, damp, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; (bin red-brown, iron-oxide stained layers common near upper contact, fractores common, tfiin yellow beds common (approximately every 3 to 4 mches) Gradational contact to off-white, damp, very dense, sUty very fme SANDSTONE; diin iron-oxide stained layers common every 3 to 4 inches I 9': Grades toto sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE I 20': Grades to orange-brown color I 21': Light gray, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; dim (approxunately 1/4 mch), yellow and gray-brown mterbeds common I 22': Gradational contact to red-brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; few dim gray sUty fine SANDSTONE mterbeds I 26.5': Irregular contact to brown, samrated, loose, fme sandy SILT to sUty fme SANDSTONE; very dim (approximately 1 mUluneter) diick organic rich layers abundant I 27': Sharp contact to flunly mterbedded light gray and orange-brown moist, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE I 27.5': Sharp contact to light gray to brown, moist, very dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; abundant shell fragments 2SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 5-23-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 320 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUfaig Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Typeof Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datimi 0-25'. 4.113»; 25-47'. 2.981<' 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level Q3 30- (fl u 01 TJ Z at 3 ao •*-ffl-j .— L •»-(D +-(D 35- B: N20W, 12S 40- 45- 50- 55- a E ffl cn C: N20E, SNW S-5 (S35'-37 to fe VI/-\ CH-OI O Q a Jl L a lU.l 01^5 tig ic ^ o CJ 15.7 2 SH GH _(n cn Logged By _ Sampled By SM ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC I 28.9': Irregular sharp contact to interbedded light gray, moist to wet, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE and diin beds of yellow and brown SILTSTONE, seepage at contact I 29': Gradational contact to light gray, moist to saturated, dense, silQr fine SANDSTONE widi diin mtebeds of yeUow and rose-brown, sUty fine sandstone to sUtstone I 30.5': Gradational contact (approxunately 2 mch) to ttimly interbedded rose-brown, yellow and light gray, moist to samrated, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; seepage common ) 34.7'; Sharp contact to gray, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE widi mtertiedded brown, fine sandy SILTSTONE m upper 1-1/2 feet I 37.5'; Ground water encountered Total Depdi = 39' Downhole Logged to 37-1/2' Ground Water Encountered at 37-1/2' BackfUled on May 23, 1997 ML 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 5-23-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUfaig Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. Typeof Rig 4971009-002 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auga- 0-25'. 4,11311: 25-47'. 2.981iy; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level at X us ao «_i c CO Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQ fe 0- iflr\ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl L. a /-s ats 3.^ cn —(f) oB CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC/RKW KBC C: N45W, 6N C: N65W, 10-lSN 10- C: N45W, 7N 15-C: N20W, ISN 20— . 25 — 2SL C: N6SW, 14N C: N7SE, 12E C: N50W, 8N CL 'CL~ I push/1 I I 116.0 5.1 101.3 22.7 110.6 18.6 SM CL SM CL SM TOPSOIL © 0': Dark gray-brown, diy to moist, stiff, clayey SAND to sandy CLAY; blebs of calcium carbonate TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) ©1': Irregular contact to olive-green, moist, stiff, sandy CLAYSTONE, blebs of topsoU and light gray SAND © 2.1': Sharp slighdy hregular contact (1/2" of ux>n-oxide staiiung) to off-white, moist, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; massive, few infilled near vertical fiactores; infilled widi gray-brown sandy CLAY, few calchim caibonate-lmed fractores (trend approximately northeast; dippmg steeply east) © 3.5': Approxhnately 1' diick iron-oxide stamed bed ©4.6': Beds become more cemented © 5.6': Erosional contact (hregular) to olive-green, slighdy moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE, very blocky, numerous randomly-oriented fractores, mfUled widi sUty SANDSTONE, iron-oxide stams along fractores I 8.5': Scattered sandstone blebs, becomes less blocky, red iron-oxide stainmg common 10.4': Becomes more clayey, moist, fissUe claystone to 11.5' 11.5': Becomes blocky agam 14.6': Sharp slighdy irregular contact to light gray-brown, motded orange and yeUow-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; few iron-oxide stamed zones, slighdy friable, highly weadiered concretion (approxunately 5" m diameter) 16.6': Gradational contact (over approximately 3") to olive-green CLAYSTONE 17.1': Erosional contact (1/4 to 3/4" diick) to orange-brown sUty fme SANDSTONE bed I 19'; Claystone grades mto, sUty, fme SANDSTONE (over approximately 5") I 19.5': Concretion < 20.1': Sharp contact to 3/4 mch layer of orange-brown, sUty fme SANDSTONE bed I 23': Erosional contact to approximately 3/4" layer of orange-brown, sUty fme SANDSTONE I 25.5'-26.3': Cemented zone; contact to olive-brown SANDSTONE, massive '29.5': Contact to silty fme SANDSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Date 5-23-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 of 3 Project No. 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113iy; 25-47'. 2.981#; 47-72'. 2.168# Drop _30_m. Mean Sea Level a^ ot Ifl o 01 TJ Z as 3 ao +• ffl-i L CD 4-CD 30- 35 — 40- 45- 50- 55- ML C: N20W, SN XB: N25W, 8S a E ffl tn (ofe CL 1 Ifl^ CH-OI U a a Jl L a I 5 I 5 I 27 01^5 ti fe • o u 114.9 14.1 112.0 112.2 16.7 18.2 Logged By Sampled By SM SW SM SW SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC/RKW KBC TORREY SAND.STONE (Continued) I 31.5': Cemented zone (l.S' ttiick); contact to fine to coarse SANDSTONE i35.5'-36.r: Cemented zone i 39.1'-39.9'; Cemented zone; scattered concretions below I 42.7'-43': Cemented zone; irregular contact > 44.5': Grades to sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE ) 45.8': Grades to light gray to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; hon-oxide stamed, micaceous I 47.9': Sharp irregular contact to fme to coarse SANDSTONE I 49.7'; Sharp irregular contact to sUty, very fine SANDSTONE; mmor seepage along contact i S2'-S4': Concretionary nodule I 56': Sandstone is weakly cemented 59.5': Sandstone is less cemented 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 5-23-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 395 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 3 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.113#; 25-47'. IMlIf: 47-72'. 2.168^ Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level a^ at 60- .c 0> ao ffl-j L (0 65 — (fl 01 TJ 3 a s ffl cn CQ ifl.^ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl L a 25 fts 3*. Ifl g 114.0 16.3 SH oH —t/i o cn Q3 Logged By _ Sampled By SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC/RKW KBC TORREY SAND.STONE (Continued) 70- Total Deptii = 69' Downhole Logged to 65' Mmor Seepage at 49.7' BackfUled on May 28, 1997 75- 80- 85- 3SL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date 5-28-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4,1130; 25-47'. 2.981^ 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level at JC 0) ao ffl-j L CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn ifl^ CH-OI o a a \-/ Jl L a fts tig 1^ ^ o CJ SH GH oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC B: NSSE, 9S F: N20E, 8SSW B: N25W, 9NE 10 — 35 15-C: horizontal C: horizontal 20- C; -EW, 2S 25- B: N35W, lOSW B; N70E, ISS CL CL 2 Ipush/l I 3 I 3 89.9 31.4 107.5 112.0 19.1 16.7 SM CL TOPSOIL © 0-l.S': Brown, damp, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; roodets conunon TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) ©1.5*: Very irregular contact to light gray-green, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; ttiin discontinuous and kregidar, orange-brown and yeUow-brown, sUty fine SANDSTONE mterbeds, common approxunately eveiy 3", large carbonate-lmed fractore, ttiin caibonate-lmed beds common ©3': Becomes fissUe © 4'-6': Becomes blocky © 6': Becomes slighdy more sandy; fissUe © 7': Becomes clayey agam ir-12': Large concretionaiy nodule; approxhnately 1/2" of red-brown uon-oxidation around perimeter; upper 3" of nodule is Stage IV calcium carbonate 12-1/2': Gradational contact (approxunately 5") to light gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; orange-brown, iron-oxide stamed sUty fme sandstone, mterbeds coimnon 14.5': Sharp irregular contact to orange-brown, sUty, fine to medium SANDSTONE; few dim irregular, discontinuous gray mterbeds 16.7': Irregular gradational contact (approxunately 3") to light gray, damp, very dense, sUty very fme SANDS'TONE; irregular, discontinuous ttiin orange-brown mterbeds 17.3': Irregular contact to orange-brown, sUty fme SANDSTONE 17.8'; Grades (over approxunately 4") to light gray, damp, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE with few orange-brown, dim discontmuous sUly sandstone mterbeds I 22': Irregular contact to white concretion layers; upper 2 mches are red-brown, iron-oxidized sUty fme SANDSTONE I 22.7': Sharp horizontal contact to light green, damp, dense, sUty, very fme SANDS'TONE; dim irregular, discontmuous yellow-brown and orange-brown iron-oxidized, mterbeds common >24': Grades to light gray I 25.5': Large concretionary nodule wifli abundant shells, orange-brown, iron-oxidation abundant ! 27': Sharp contact to approxunately 3" fliick, light gray, damp, dense, sUty CLAYSTONE bed ) 27.2': Light gray, dark gray, and yellow mterbeds common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date Project 5-28-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 of 3 Project No. 4971009-002 Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Augor Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2,9SU Drop _3g_m. Drillmg Co. San Diego DriUfaig Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level lfl a •a 3 01 a E ffl cn cofe (fl/% CH-OI U a a Jl L a fts 3... Ifl w g lc ^ o u VI , SH GH —</) oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 1 115.6 12.6 SM 40-I 45- 50- 55- C: horizontal B: N60W, ION B: N80E, 17N 116.6 16.0 CL SM TORREY SANn.STONE (Continued) i 31.S'-33': Orange to red-brown concretionaiy layer, irregular contact at top and bottom > 37': Orange-brown, iron-oxide stamed zone ) 46': Orange-brown, iron-oxidized layer approxunately 5" thick, irregular contact at top and bottom I 48.5'; Gradational contact to light gray, damp, hard, sU^ CLAYSTONE; . .. fissUe, thm yeUow-brown and orange-brown, iron-oxide stained mterbeds common I 49.4': Sharp contact to white, well-cemented concretionary layer to 50' deptti; shell fragments common at base ) 50.2': Irregular contact to light gray, sUty CLAYSTONE as above; Uim calcite-lmed beds common; discontinuous I 52.7': Grades into light gray-brown, damp, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; massive, orange-brown, iron-oxide staming common I 53.5': Orange-brown concretionary nodule I 54': Gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; abundant dim yellow-brown and brown mterbeds I 57': Very thm discontmuous calcium carbonate stringers dipping approxunately 70 degrees soufli 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 5-28-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 3 of 3 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.113<!'; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ^ 2 oz lfl 01 xt 3 a E ffl cn u. (fl^ CH-OI o a a \./ 3> L O fts tig lc SH GH _cn o3 cn GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC B: N70E, 6N 65- SM TORREY SAND.STONE (Continued) CL I 63.5': Interbeds are slighdy less common and more irregular I 66': Orange-brown, iron-oxidized concretionaiy layer (approxunately 3" ttiick) above dark gray-brown, damp, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; 70-Total Depdi = 69' Downhole Logged to 67.5' No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of DrUlmg BackfUled on May 29, 1997 75- 80- 85- SSL 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 6-2-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level at c as ao ffl-i t-cs Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn §o o^ to fe a ifl/^ CH-OI O • a Jl L a fts tig lfl' lfl ffl u cn u .cn cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C: N60E, 8S CL SC SM B: NISW, low C: N42W, 6S ig-2 5'-9' I 105.6 20.1 10-I 115.2 11.2 15- 20- 25- 2SL I 117.4 12.2 C; N30W, 5S JQESQIL. © 0': Brown, moist, very stiff, fme sandy CLAY; roodets common near surface @ 1-1/2': TopsoU gradually becomes sandier TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) @ 2': Light brown witti orange-brown motdes, moist, dense, clayey fine SANDSTONE © 2.6': Sharp contact to, ioff-'white, damp, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; animal borrows infiUed witti topsoU common in upper 6", dun orange-brown, kon oxidized sUty SANDSTONE inteibecfs conunon © 4': Sandstone gradually changes to a light gray-green color @ 6.3'-6.8': Thm (approxunately 1") calcium carbonate layers @ 7.4': Material grades over approximately 4"to orange-brown, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE © 8.2': Few sheU fragments © 8.4': Off-white, weU-cemented SANDSTONE layer (calcium carbonate and sUica cement) sheU fragments common © 9.2': Irregular sharp contact to red-brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE © 9.5'; Grades to light gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; dim orange-brown iron-oxidized wavy discontinuous layers common, few calcium carbonate nodules, iron-oxide stainmg decreases with depdi 17.4': Orange-brown iron-oxide stauung, gradually decreases, yellow-brown thm wavy, irregular mterbeds common I 23'; White, weU-cemented SANDSTONE concretion; dark red-brown iron-oxidation around perimeter I 26.2': Sharp, hregular contact, to light gray, damp, veiy dense, sUty very fme SANDSTONE; wavy discontinuous, dim orange-brown, iron-oxidized layers common TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) © 29.7'; Material grades to slighdy coarser sUty, fme SANDSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date 6-2-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 2 4971009-002 San Diego DrilUng 30 In. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop J0_ui. Mean Sea Level ftO» at 30- 35 — 40- O JC as ao ffl_i c CO 45- 50- 55 — Ifl 01 TJ 3 O z a E ffl cn CQ fe CL 1 tfl^ CH-OI O Q a Jl L a 109.5 fts t! g lc ^ o o 13.9 I 7/2" 112.6 14.7 SH GH —(/) oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By SM ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC © 34.1': Material grades mto sUty very fine SANDSTONE © 36': Material grades to slighdy coarser agam © 40': Off-white, weU-cemented SANDSTONE nodule © 45.5': Grades mto light brown, damp, very dense, sUty, fme SANDSTONE ©46.5': Possible perched ground water encountered © 49'; Dark gray, dry, veiy dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE; fissUe \© SO': Practical refusal Total Depdi = 50'2" Downhole Logged to 46.5' Ground Water (Perched?) Encountered at 46-1/2' BackfUled on June 2, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 6-3-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUfaig Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 215 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 5 — 10- JC US ao ffl_j L CO 20- (fl OJ TJ 3 a E ffl CO Fr: N38E, 80SE Fr: N40E, 72NW B: NSOW, 2NE Fr: N6SE, 75-90N §8 to I (fl.^ CH-OI U a a Jl L a fts ti g of: 124.4 SH GH _cn 0 = <n Logged By _ Sampled By SC 11.7 SM SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION RKW/KBC KBC I.AND.SLIDE DEPOSrrS (Ols) © 0': Brown, moist, stiff, sandy CLAY/ clayey SAND, homogeneous, roodets common I 6': Gray-brown, moist, slighdy clayey SAND to dense, fme SAND; contams small blebs of light brown SAND I 9': Grades to motded light olive-green and light brown, moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; jumbled (graben material?) I 9.5': Calcium carbonate stringers common I 10.6'-14.2': Grades mto light brown, damp, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SAND 14': Randomly-oriented fractores, calcium carbonate lined 15': Density mcreases 15.6'; Near horizontal fractore i 17.5': Cemented concretions 117.9': Very irregular undulatory contact to light orange-brown, moist, dense, fme to coarse SAND; massive, slighdy cemented, olive-green, very fme SILTSTONE rip-up clasts abundant, few granitic fragments I 19.7': Very irregular contact to light gray to light brown, moist, dense, sUty fme SAND, rip-up clast of fme to coarse sand common I 21'-21.8'; Light brown, sUty fme to coarse SAND I 22.5': Grades (over approxunately 5") to fme to medium SAND I 25.5': Cemented zone 6" diick, mmor seepage, fissUe fme sandy SILT I 26.1': Ruptore surface at base of cemented zone; no definite surface, in-fUled toncated on cemented zone PBL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 26.1': Material below cemented zone is moderately sheared and has a higher clay content © 26.4': Sharp, irregular contact to olive-green, moist, very dense, sUty, very fme SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stained zones, manganese staming and iron-oxide stams along tectonic shears 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-6 6-3-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 215 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet Project No. of 2 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-100 Bucket Augar 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ot c as ao ffl-j (. CO (fl a TJ 3 a s ffl cn CQ fe vs^ CH-OI O Q a \J Jl c a ft^ ti g lc *- o CJ SH oH — O) oB cn^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC 30-1 14 121.9 35- 40- 14.3 9 SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) I 32.5'; WeU-cemented concretion, mmor seepage I 34.3': Gradational change to;gray.to olive-gray, more friable SANDSTONE 45- Total Depdi = 42.S' Downhole Logged to 41.5' No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drillmg Hole BackfUled on June 3, 1997 50- 55- ML 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 6-4-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 210 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level at o Z as ao ffl_i L CO Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn go o^ CQ fe a (fl/^ CH-OI O a a Jt L O fts ti g SH GH _cn o3 cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC/RKW 5 — 10- 15- C:N70E, 15NW GC:N40E, 12SE GC:N25E, USE 20- 25- JL CL SM CL 9 LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) © 0': Motded light olive-green and light brown, damp to slightiy moist, stiff, sUty CLAY; massive, iron-oxide stamed zones, mcxierately, sheared, roodets m upper 12 mches I 2.8': Contams scattered zones of Ught brown, slighdy, moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SAND, hon-oxide stamed, massive I 4': Becomes blocky,CLAY I 6': Becomes slighdy cemented I 6.3': Gradational change to pale olive-green, slightty moist, dense, sUty fine SAND, massive, scattered iron-oxide blebs, slighdy nucaceous © 9*: Very faint cross-beddmg dippmg to die nordi © 10.3': Sharp, irregular contact to olive-green, moist, stiff, sUty CLAY, blocky; iron-oxide stained zones 13.1': Sharp irregular contact to clayey SAND (jumbled clay and sand mix?) 13.3'; Light olive-green, moist, medium stiff, sUty CLAY; highly weathered and punky; possible mptore zone, material below is very jumbled and relatively soft 14': Discontmuous plastic layer, approxunately 1/2" thick 14.2': Very mmor seepage 14.5': Clay becomes stiff and blocky 16.5': Contams zones of fme-to medium-gramed SAND 17': Gradational change to olive-green sandy CLAY; blocky shiny . randomly-oriented shear surfaces I 19': Discontmuous sand layer (pale olive-green, moist, dense, fme to medium SAND) I 20' to 22': Up to 1" diick, near vertical sand mfUled fractore (desiccation crack?) I 23': Gradational change to CLAY; becomes mcreasmgly blocky and sheared, iron-oxide stauung present along shmy shear surfaces, shears are discontmuous and randomly oriented 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 6-4-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 210 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level &5 ot 30- c as ao ffl_j L (0 VI a TJ 3 O z a E ffl cn o^ to fe Q- (fl/^ CH-OI O a a \-/ Jl L. a fts tig 1^ ^ o u SH oH _tn 0= cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC/RKW I RS:N80E, 1-2NW 35- 40- CL "CL" SM LANDSLIDE DEPO.SrrS (Continued) ©31': Seepage on northeast side of boring © 32': Clay becomes jumbled and highly weadiered •"'j© 32.4': Rupmre surface - 1/16" or less, sharp, irregular, highly plastic soft clayseam PEL MAR~FQRMATION f~Td) I 10 © 32.4': Pale olive-green, moist, veiy stiff, clayey SILTSTONE, massive, iron-oxide stamed zones © 33.3': Gradational change to gray olive-green, moist, hard, sUty, vety fme SANDSTONE; massive, micaceous ©36': Increasmg iron-oxide stamed zones I 40': Light brown, moist, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; massive 45- 50- 55- ML Total Depdi = 41' Geologically Logged to 38' Very Mmor Ground Water Seepage at 14 and 31 Feet BackfUled on June 4, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-8 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 6-4-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 fal. Elevation Top of Hole 225 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level a^ at JZ as ao ffl_i t-co Ifl 01 T> 3 01 a ffl cn lfl 2 CQfe a ifl/^ CH-OI u a a \-/ Jl L a fts t! g lc ^ o (J SH GH _w oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC/RKW KBC 10- 15- S:N60E, 26SW S:N80W, SSS C:N6SW, 7SE C:N35W, 20NE C:horizontal I 20- 25- 30- ? ? CL SM CL SM SP SM SM SW LAND.SLIDE DEPOSITS (Qlii) @ 1': Brown, damp, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic matter common, 1/8" diameter calcium carbonate blebs common, large and medium pores common © 1.7': Very hregular contact to light green, moist, dense, clayey, sUQr fine ' SAND; abundant random gypsum-lmed fractores, rust colored ' manganese stauis common © 3.5': Gypsum becomes ctystallme along 1/4" fracmres © 4': Grades mto fine sandy.CLAY;,blocky, rust colored manganese stams common ) 7': Irregular gypsum-line 1/4" fractores; generally dippmg 35 degrees southwest ' 9': Irregular, irregular, polished and striated shears I 10'; Irregular, irregular, polished and striated shears I 10.5': Gradational contact to sUty very fine SAND; thm iron-oxide stamed stiingers common I 12': Gradational contact (over approximately 2") to light gray-brown, moist, very dense, fme to coarse SAND; fmer and coarser beds common, upper 3" orange-brown iron-oxide stamed, 1/4" gypsum Iming along contact I 14.5': Sharp contact to light orange-brown to light brown, moist, dense, medium to very coarse SAND; fme-gravel common > 14.8': Sharp contact to wet, fme to coarse SAND 17.3': Sharp waxy contact.to light green, damp, very dense, sUty, very fine SAND; blocky, seepage along contact, orange-brown iron-oxide stains common © 23': Grades to light brown, moist, sUty, fme to medium SAND; iron-oxide stams common © 24'; White, well-cemented concretion © 24.5': Sand becomes wet @ 25.5': Sand becomes damp to slighdy moist > 27': Gradational contact (approxunately 2") to light brown, wet, dense, fme to medium SAND; moistore mcreases wifli depfli ! 29': Grades to light brown, wet, dense, fine to coarse SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-8 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-4-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 225 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ot 30- 35 — 40- 45- U !c as ao ffl_i L CO S:N25E, 38SE (A 01 TJ 3 a E ffl (n §8 (D fe Q. Vt/^ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl L a S:N45E, 38SW 3 Bag-2 1 RS?;N80W, 32S I 10 fts U> g lc cn CJ". _cn 0= cn Logged By _ Sampled By CL "CL- GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC/RKW KBC LANDSLIDE DRPO.srr.S (Continued) © 29.6': Base of sand is a 2" ttiick layer of black coarse SAND, followed by a 1-1/2" layer of orange-brown very dense, sUty, very fine sand © 29.8': Sharp contact to light gray-green, tectonically-sheared CLAY approximately 1" diick © 29.9 : Light green, dan^, hard, fme sandy CLAY; blocky, iron-oxide . stauung common along randomly oriented shears @ 30': Zone of high angle shears to 44.5' I 35': Color gradually changes to medmm gray-green ©45': Possible niptore surface/backscarp continuous around boruig dim (approxhnately 1/16") plastic CLAY, very sheared above, less sheared ' below DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 45.2': Gray- olive-green, moist, stiff, sUty CLAYSTONE; massive, slightty sheared, slighdy unoxidized 50- Total Depdi = 48' Geologically Logged to 46' Ground Water Seepage at 16.5', 27.4', and 29.8' at Time of Drilling BackfUled on June 5, 1997 55- ML 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter 6-5-97 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-9 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 180 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Buckrt Auga- Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level aS. ot 10 — u Z as ao ffl_i L CO (A 01 T3 3 CS:N60E, IOS 15- 20- 25- JL 505A(11/77) B:N70W, lis C:N50W, 5N C:N22E, 21NW XB:N80E, 19S S:EW, 30S CS;N42E, 25NW 01 a E ffl cn §o CQ fe a I I Jl Iflz-s CH-OI O a a 3» C. a fts tig ot: jcn u o3 cn Logged By _ Sampled By CL SM ? SM SW CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC T .ANn.SLIDE DEPOSITS(Ols) 1': Dark brown, damp, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; medium pores common, organic material common, few calcium carbonate blebs 1-1/2': Very hregular contact to light green, dan^, dense, sUty very fine SAND; mfilled fisictores common along upper contact, few • orange-brown iron-oxide stams, few manganese blebs I 5.2': A ttun (1/2") clayseam composed of veiy light green tectonized CLAY; diin layer of orange-brown, iron-oxide staining at top and bottom foUowed by a dim layer of manganese staming at top and bottom contacts > 5.25': Below clayseam light gray-green, sUty very fme SAND; few iron-oxide stamed blebs ) 6': Grades to light brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SAND; few orange-brown, hon-oxide blebs I 13.5' to 14': Zone of orange-brown, iron-oxide stauung I 14.8': A coarse SAND and gravel stringer I 15': Sharp slighdy wavy contact to light brown, moist to wet, dense, fme to coarse SAND; upper 3" are stamed orange-brown by iron-oxide, crudely bedded > 16': Shaip irregular contact to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SAND ! 17': Sharp iron-oxide stamed contact to light yeUow-brown, moist, dense, fme to coarse SAND; flame struetore at contact, fme gravel common ) 18.5': Area of abundant gravel size fme SANDSTONE clasts ! 19': A 1-foot zone of cross-beddmg;;wet to satorated witti mmor seepage at base } 20'; Wavy approxunately horizontal contact to light green, damp, hard fme sandy CLAY; heavUy randomly sheared, hon-oxide and mmor manganese stams on shear surfaces, blocky, few pocket or coarse SAND fractore mfUl? 5 20.5': Contmuous wavy, irregular shear; manganese and iron-oxide stams on shear surface, mmor seepage ! 24.6': Thm (1/16") continuous clayseam (possible back shear), dim layer of tectonized clay along surface of shear, manganese and iron-oxide stahis common, minor seepage along surface ) 25': Light olive-green, damp, hard, CLAY; massive LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-9 6-5-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 180 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Dattun 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level at 30- O JE as ao ffl J c CO IA 01 TJ 3 35- 40- 45- 50- S5- S:N70E, 25NW S:horizontal RS?:horizontal a E ffl cn CO fe Q. I 11 Ifl^ CH-OI U a a \-/ Jl L C3 fts ti g lc o u —tf) oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By CL CL" GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC © 31.5' and 32': Approxhnately horizontal shear planes ^ 32': Possible ruptore surface along shear plane nRLMAR^ORMATiON TTd) @ 32': Olive-green, damp, hard, CLAYSTONE; blocky \© 37': Practical refusal Total Depdi = 37' Downhole Logged to 34' Ground Water Seepage Encountered at 20' and 25' At Tune of Drillmg BackfUled on June 5, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-10 6-5-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 187 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level o (A 01 TJ 3 a s ffl (n CO fe a. Ifl/-s CH-OI O a a \-/ Jl L. a ft^ tig lc ^ o u SH oH _cn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 0 — 5 — C:horizontal C:horizontal C;horizontal 10- 20- 25- 2SL C:N75E, ION C:N4SW, ISNE CL SM I 1 I 6 I 2 I 7 SW SM SP TOPSOIL © 1': Brown, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAY; organic matter common, . roodets common j^RL MAR^ORMATTON (Td)" " ' ' rl.8': , Sharp, irregular contact to light green, damp, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; orange-brown ujon^xide stams common > 5.9': Irregular contact to light gray to orange-brown, damp, very dense, fine to coarse SAND witti abundant fme to medium gravel I 7.8'; Irregular contact to light gray-brown, damp, very dense, sUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE; scattered fine to medium gravel © 12.5'; Sharp very irregular erosion surface; fme to medium gravel above contact to light gray, damp, very dense, sUty very fuie SANDSTONE © 13.2' to 15': Zone of sheared olive-green CLAYSTONE; blocky shears randomly oriented witti manganese and iron-oxide stams © 15': Light gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty, fme to medium SANDSTONE; uxin-oxide stams common 17.5': Concretionary nodule ) 23'; Sharp, wavy contact to light gray-brown, damp to moist, very dense, sUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE; iron-oxide stained along contact ) 24.S': Undulating gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE I 27.8': Sharp contact to light orange-brown, damp, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE; fme to medium gravel common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-10 ASSOOSIES 505^C1V77) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-11 6-6-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 290 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Buckrt Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level Q3 c as ao ffl-j L to Ifl 01 TJ 3 01 a E ffl cn cofe a ifl^ CH-OI O a a C a fts 01 - o u in SH oH _<n o3 cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 5 — 10 — CS:N60E, 12NW STR: N3SW, IINW CL I I C:N60W, SSW RS;N40W, 7N, Str:N10-15W, 4W C;N60W, IOS SC CL ML SM SP SM SM/ML SM ML SP SM LAND.SLIDE DEPO.SITS (Ols) r Daric gray-brown, moist, stiff, medium sandy CLAY; massive, organic matter common, charcoal common I 2.8': Very irregular contact to motded orange-brown and gray, moist, medium dense, sandy CLAY; massive, orange-brown, unn-oxide stringers and stains common, few fracture uifills bf overlying material, few discontmuous vertical fractores (approxunately 1/4' ttiick), stained rust-brown witti manganese © 6'; Grades to motded light gray and orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty, clayey, fme S/^D; massive @ 10': Chtyseam: 1/8" diick remolded clay, famt striations on slip surface, sharp contact to olive-green, moist, hard, CLAY; fissUe, abundant gypsum in upper 1-1/2" common tielow, horizontal discontinuous orange-brown, hxin-oxidized stringers abimdant © 11': Gradational (approxunately 1") undulating contact to, light gray to light rose-brown, damp, medium dense to dense, clayey, fme sandy sR-'T; moderately fissUe, yeUow discontinuous horizontal stringers abun(lant, scattered gypsum layers © 13': Grades to light gray, damp to moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SAND; abundant discontmuous approxhnately horizontal orange-brown, iron-oxide stamed stringen, gypsum common © 13.5': WeU-cemented concretion, 1/2" layer of gypsum around perimeter ® 15.5' to 18.5': Light brown to brown zone of moist, dense to very dense, medium to coarse SAND; sheU fragments common, irregular weU-cemented concretions common © 18.5.*: Sharp contact to veiy light gray, damp, dense, sUty, vety fme SAND dim (1/16") gypsum layer at.upper contact, ttim orange-brown iron-oxide mterbeds common (approxunately every 1 to 3", ttim (< 1/4") gypsum layers common (approxunately every 5") © 20.3': Sharp contact to ttiinly mterbedded rose-brown and light gray-brown, damp, dense, clayey, fme sandy SILT and clayey, sUty, finej-SAND; orange-brown iron-oxidized and yellow, dim, horizontal stringers common, moderately fissUe © 21': Grades to dark rose-brown, damp, very dense, sUty, very fine SAND to very fme sandy SILT; fissUe, abundant horizontal yellow stringers (approximately eveiy 1/2") © 22.S' to 23': Layer of brown, damp, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SAND © 24': Black very weU-cemented concretion © 25.3': Light gray, damp, dense, sUty, fme to medium SAND; wavy brown and yeUow horizontal stringers common @ 26.5': Sharp contact to dark rose-brown, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILT; yeUow and orange-brown, horizontal stringers common, fissUe ' © 27.5': Undulatory, ruptore surface: 1/4" fliick remolded, fat plastic clay ^ on a smoodi shinny surface; very famt straitions on_surface TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 27.7': Below ruptore surface: sharp contact to light orange-brown moist, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE; thudy bedded 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-11 6-6-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 290 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUfaig Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop _30.m. Mean Sea Level at 30- (A u 01 TJ Z at 3 ao •*- ffl_i c -t-CD +• CD <C 35 — 40 — 45- 50- 55- C:N45W, SSW C: NSW, 8W C:horizontal B;horizontal C:horizontal C;horizontal o +-z in O 01 § O 1^ a E CQ fe ffl • 0-cn 1 I 11 lfl/> CH-OI O a a Jl c. a fts ti g lc o o SH GH _tn oB cn SM sw 9 I 25/10" 2. 9 SM ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lpgged.By_ Sampled By KBC KBC TORRRY SAND-STDNR (Tt) (Continued) © 30.5': Cross-beds common © 31': Sharp contact to light gray and light orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SANDSTONE; ttimly bedded I 34': Grades to fine to coarse SANDSTONE I 37': Sharp contact to light gray and orange-brown, medium to very coarse SANDSTONE 141*: Sharp, wavy contact to mterbedded light gray and light orange-brown, iron-oxide stamed beds of moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE, dimly bedded DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 44.5': Sharp contact to dark gray, damp, very dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE, ground water encountered © 45': Sharp contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE \© 50.9*; DrUlmg halted due to abundant cavmg of satorated sand Total Depfli = 50.9* Downhole Logged to 47' Ground Water Encountered at 44.5' at Tune of DrUlmg Seepage at 40 Feet and 47 Feet at Thne of DrUlmg BackfUled on June 6, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-9-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level at JZ as ao ffl-i c CO Ifl QJ TJ 3 C:horizontal >:N40W, lOSW 10 — 15- IO- IS- JL C;N20W, SSW C:N70W, 20S a E ffl CO CQ, I I (fl^ CH-OI O a a Jl t- a <ng lc ^ o u cn —tn cn Logged By _ Sampled By CL SM SW CL SM ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC LANDSLIDE DRPOSFTS (Oil) @ 1*: Red-brown; damp,, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic material common © 1.2': Grades to orange-brown, moist, dense, sU^, fme to medium SAND; light gray-brown motttes common, massive, few vertical fractores @ 2.2': Grades (over approxunately 2") to hght gray-brown, damp to moist, ,'sUty fine SAND; massive, yellow: horizontd stringers common; •orange^'brownj stams common,rmoderately fissUe, few gypsum blebs, few vertical fractures © 3*: Becomes very fissUe _:: 10.7': Sharp contact to orange-brown, damp, dense, sUty fme to coarse SAND, cradely mterbedded with light gray-brown sUt, fine SAND above and below, gypsum layers common below 15.2' to 16': Well-cemented concretionary layer 16i8': Slightty irregular-contact to gray-green, damp, hard, sUty CLAY; ::blocl^,. abundant orange-brown approximate horizontal stiingers 19' to 21': .,Grades to gray-green, dense, sUty fme SAND; few high angle fractores > 2V-22': Light gray, damp, dense, sUty fme to medium SAND; massive I 22'; Light gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty, veiy fine SAND; orange-brown, horizontal stringers common, irregular discontmuous gypsum layers common I 24.5': Grades to diinly mterbedded, light gray, dense, brown and orange-brown, damp, very dense, sUty fme SAND; yellow horizontal stringers common, gypsum layers conunon, very fissUe ! 26.5': Grades to predominandy rose-brown, fine sandy SILT with mterbeds as described above; moderately fissUe I 28.5': Grades to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty, fme to medium SAND; large concretionary nodules common, shell fragments common; few area of coarse SAND 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-9-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level at c as ao ffl_i c CD Ifl 01 TJ 3 01 a ffl cn CQ ifl/^ CH-OI O a a Jl C a ti g 1^ *- o u SH GH _cn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 30-1 SM LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Continued) 35- B:N65E, 4NW 40- C:horizontal 45- RS:N34E, IINW 50 — 55- ML C:N15E, 6W FR:N80E, UE ML SP -CL- - I 35.5': SheU fragments become rare © 37.2'; Irregular contact to light gray, dense, moist, sUty fme SAND; thm orange-brown and brown mterbeds common @ 37.5': Gradational contact to light gray, moist, very dense, sUty fme SAND with rose-brown, orange-brown and yeUow wavy horizontal mterbeds coimnon @ 39'; Grades to predominandy rose-brown, fine sandy SILT widi thin mterlieds as described above common, veiy fissUe ©40 to 41': Brown to white, moderately to weil-cemented concretionaiy layer ©41.2': Seepage encountered © 42.5' to 44.7'; Area of predommandy light gray sUty fme SANDSTONE @ 42.5' to 44.7'; Grades to predommandy rose-brown, damp, very dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE widi mterbeds as described above; very fissile I 46' to 46.5': Black weU-cemented concretionary layer; sheU fragments common, coarse SAND above and below I 47-'; Irregular wavy sharp contact to dark gray, damp, hard, sUty, CLAY; slighdy fissUe I 47.2': Sharp planar l/8"-diick raptore surface, tectonized CLAY along slickened surface, truncates 1-1.5" wide gypsum-lined orange-brown fractores SM DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) I 51-1/2'; Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE CL i 55.5': Wavy horizontal contact to light gray and orange-brown, wet, dense medium to coarse SANDSTONE < 56.5'; Becomes light gray ' 57.2'; Sharp contact to olive-green, damp, hard, sandy CLAYSTONE to claystone; few fractores 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-12 6-9-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 315 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 3 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level a* a^ at c as ao ffl-i • t- (0 lfl 01 TJ 3 O z a £ ffl cn ta fe ifl^ CH- OI U a a Jt L C3 fts tig CJ _cn o3 cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 60- FR:N20E, 36NW 65- CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) I 67': Ground water encountered 70- 75- 80- 85- 3SL Total Depdi = 69' Downhole Logged to 67.5' Seepage Encountered at 41', 47', and 57' at Time of DrUling Ground Water Encountered at 67' at Time of DrUlmg BackfUled on June 9, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-13 6-10-97 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 265 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datiun 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level at c as ao ffl-i L CO Ifl 01 TJ 3 01 a ffl cn 1^ cQi ifl^ CH-OI O Q a Jl L a fts tig lc *- o CJ SH GH _cn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sanq)led By KBC KBC 10- 15- 20- B:EW, 13N C:N10E, lONW FR:N45E, 30NW FR:N1SE, 62NW C:N42E, 52NW FR:N15E, 30NW C:horizontal I I 2 I 6 2 CL SM SP CL SM TOPSOIL © 0': Brown, damp, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic material common, sand > blebs, common, roottets common ML/SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 0.8': Very irregular contact to light brown, moist, medium dense, sU^ fine SANDSTONE; few medium pores m upper 1-foot, massive, orgame material common © 2.3*: Thm black layer of peat © S.S': IrreguIat.erosion'Surface:taIight gray-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE;:orangeTbrown, mteibeds common, few yeUow mterbeds, moderatelyvweattieredv fissUe © 5': Very irregular contact to yeUow-gray, wet, loose, fine to medhun SANDSTONE; orange-brown and siltier m upper 3", massive © 7': Sharp contact to light gray, wet to moist, stiff to hard, fme sandy sUty CLAYSTONE; seepage above contact, discontinuous randomly oriented thm orange-brown and red-brown stringers common © 8*: Material becomes crambly U.S': Material becomes blocky and is heavUy fractored; fractores are lined with orange-brown staming 13'; Black sandstone concretion ' 13.5'; Grades to gray, moist, very dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; massive, few approxunate vertical fractores, few Imed with gypsum 19'; Steep,fractore, gypsum and iron-oxide stains along surface ) 22': Sharp contact to mclusions of gray-green, damp, very dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE f 24.2': Planer fractare; orange stamed on surface I 27.7': Gradations contact (dippmg approximately 20 degrees northwest) to orange-brown, moist, dense, medium to coarse SANDSTONE DEL MAR FORMATION?(Td) © 28.8': Undulatmg contact to light gray, moist, dense, fme sandy, SILTSTONE, tn .silly, fine SANDSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-13 Date 6-10-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 265 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ot c 0> ao ffl_j c CO Ifl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQfe CL Ifl^ CH-OI U a a Jl c a t. cn _cn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC so-lo SM DEL MAR FORMATION? (Td) (Continued) 35 — 40 — 45 — 50- 55- ML Total Deptfi = 31' Downhole Logged to 29.5' Seepage Encountered at 7', 12.5', 19', and 24*, at Tune of DrUling " Ground Water Encoimtered at 29 Feet at Tune of DrUlmg BackfiUed on June 10, 1997 1 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECIINICAL BORING LOG LB-14 6-10-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 235 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 Project No. Typeof Rig of 2 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Augar Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level a" a^ at JZ us ao ffl-j c. CD (fl 01 TJ 3 a s ffl cn cofe ifi/-\ CH-OI O a a \-/ Jl t-a fts tig lc ^ o CJ itn —tn oB cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By RKW/KBC KBC B:N10E, 4W N80E, 40SE 10- CL SM C:horizontal CS:N35E, 30SE I 20- 25- JL I FR:N3E, 67E CL SM ML CL SM ML SW LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) © 1': Brown, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAY; organic material common, few medium pores, calcium cartionate blebs common near base © 1.7': Irregular gradational contact to light gray-brown, moist, dense, sflty fme SAND; approxunately horizonbl orange-brown stringers common, cradely bedded © 3.8- to 4.2': Dark brown discontmuous 1" thick zones of tectonized clay, moderately sheared ©4.5': Fractore mfiU of moist, loose to medium dense, fine to coarse SAND; fine pebbles common, few inclusions of brown tectonized clay, few gravels, massive, few large pores, rare charcoal I 7.2'; Very hregular gradational contact to light to dark gray, moist, stiff, fine sandy, sUty CLAY; orange-brown motdes common, few calcium carbonate blebs, charcoal common, massive I 8.5': Grades to sUty fine to medium SAND; charcoal common 10': Undulatmg contact to dark gray-brown, moist, hard, clayey, fine sandy SILT; massive, orange-brown mottles abundant, gypsum blebs common 11.8' to 12.8': Zone of moderately sheared light olive-green CLAY 12.5': Grades to light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, slighdy, clayey, sUty fme to medium SAND; light gray approximately 1" ttiick wavy sUty CLAY mterbeds common 15'; Lense of fractore infUl of light orange-brown to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fine to coarse SAND; few fme gravels 16': Angular irregular contact to dark gray-brown, moist, hard, clayey, fine sandy SILT; sandy mterbeds common .17": Grades to light brown, moist,: dense, sUty fine to medium SAND; massive, coarser areas common 18': White, moderately cemented concretionary nodule @ 20': Grades to fme to coarse SAND; fme gravels common, massive I 26.5'; Gypsum-lmed fractores 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-14 6-10-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 235 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrUling Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Typeof Rig 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 2.9810 4971009-002 E-100 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level (fl 01 TJ 3 O z a . E ffl cn §8 CQ fe a (fl^ CH- OI U a a Jl L. a fts tife SH GH _cn oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION RKW/KBC KBC 35— — _ FR:N10W. 65E C:horizontal FR:N5E, 70E RS;N80E, 8SE 1 40- 45- FR:N80E, 18S FR:N60W, 40SW ? ? SW CL SM CL LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Continued) © 30.5': Fractore (possible backscarp) © 33': Wavy sharp-contact to >olive-green, moist, stiff, CLAY; minor shearing m clay along contact © 33.5: Grades to olive-green, moist, dense, clayey, medium to coarse SAND © 34.3*: Clayseam raptore surface offsets fractore (1/4" ttiick tectonized clay) DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © 35.5': Olive-green CLAY as described above © 36': Becomes hard, blocky and fractored I 40.2': Thm (1/4") fractore, polished surface moist, CLAY above fractores I 41.2'; Fractore, l/4"-l/2" thick area of tectonized CLAY above pohshed surface © 43': Moderate seepage Total Deptti = 47' Downhole Logged to 45' Mmor Seepage at 33', 39', 40,', and 43' at Tune of DriUmg BackfUled on June 10, 1997 50- 55- ML 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 6-11-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Buckrt Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level a 01 u Z 0) ao ffl_i L CO (fl 01 TJ 3 a s ffl cn 1^ coi (fl^ CH-OI U Q a Jl c a fts it tn CJ-: _cn oB cn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC C:NSOE, 9SE 10 — 15- 20- 25- JL C:horizontal C:horizontal g-2 @7'-10 C:N70E, 4SE C:N75W, 20SW C:EW, 8S B:N45W, 20S C: horizontal C:NSW, 20E I I 4 I 4 Bag-S : g24'-26 ML SM CL ML SM SW CL TORRRY SAND.STONE (Tt) © 1': Light gray to light gray-green, damp, dense, fine sandy, SILTSTONE; blocky, orange-brown stringers common, carbonate coating on ped faces © 1.5'; Sharp, wavy contact to light orange-brown, damp, medium dense, sUty fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive, few sheU fragments © 4'; Light gray clay stiingers common © 5*-6': Shell fifagments and fine gravels conunon © S.S': Large black weU-cemented concretion, sheUs common ©6*: Contact along black wavy 1" thick bed to orange-brown, damp, dense. sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive © 6.5': Sharp contact to light green, moist, stiff, sUty CLAYSTONE; red-brown flun SILTSTONE horizontal stiingers common,'moderately fissUe, randomly oriented gypsum-lmed fractores common, gypsum blebs common ©10': Shaip gypsum-lmed contact to light gray to light rose-brown, damp, dense, clayey, SILTSTONE; moderately fissUe, massive, approximately horizontal orange-brown stringers common IS.S'-U.S': Black concretionary nodule, abundant gypsum-lmed ftactores 15': Sharp contact to light gray with orange-brown motdes, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive 17': Sharp contact to off-white, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE;,diickly bedded, fmer beds common, cross-beddmg above contact 121.8': Sandstone becomes wet I 22.3'; Sharp contact to light gray to light gray-green, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; moderately fissUe, orange-brown and yellow horizontal stiingers common, few gypsum-lined stiingers I 25.6'; Thm sandstone interbeds common ! 26': Sharp contact to gray, moist, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; dimly bedded, orange-brown and red-brown stams along bedding common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 6-11-97 Date Project DriUing Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datiun E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ot 30- JZ 01 ao ffl-i L CO (fl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl tn §8 o^ CQ fe GL VI/-\ CH-OI O o a Jl L a ft^ 2 a Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC 1 C:horizontal 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- ML SW CL TORREY SAND.STONE (Continued) ©31': Sandstone is moist to wet ©32.3': Sawlstonejjecomesj^ery coaree, few rip-up clasts_ bRLMARFORMATiON (Td)" " " " © 32.7': Contacts light gray, moist, stiff to hard, slighdy sandy sity, V CLAYSTONE; orange-brown and .red-brown motttes common I 7 I 8 8 124/8" I 45': Few randomly oriented fractores, rose-brown, manganese stauung common along ftactores < 55': Claystone grades to sandy CLAYSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-15 6-11-97 Date Project DriUmg Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 310 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Di^o DriUfaig Sheet 3 of 3 Project No. Type of Rig 4971009-002 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level at (A o 01 TJ Z (J) 3 ao +• ffl_i (. +-CO •H <c 01 a ffl cn 2 CQ fe ifl^ CH-OI U a a Jt C a ti fe lc o CJ SH GH —tn oB tn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC 60- 65- 70- CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) © 60': Sandy daystone grades to CLAYSTONE • 25/6" 10 125/6" 75- 80- 85 — 3SL Total Depdi = 70.5' Downhole Logged to 68' No Ground Water Encountered (mmor seepage at 22') BackfUled on June 12, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 6-12-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. Typeof Rig 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auga- 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level a^ at c as ao ffl-j c CO 10- 15- 20- 25 — JL (fl 01 TJ 3 C:horizontal C:horizontal a E ffl cn Bag-2 i^lS'-17 C:horizontal CO lfl/-N CH-OI U Q a \y Jl L a I I 13 fts 3*. Ifl - O u Ifl^ SH GH _cn 0 = cn Logged By Sampled By -SC- SM ML/CL CL SM SW CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC TOPSOIL © 0.5': Red-brown, moist, medium dense, medium sandy CLAY; few * _ ftactores _ TORRRY SANDSTONE~(ft)" © 0.8': Gradational contact to light orange-brown, to Ught gray, moist, . dense, sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; few ttim SILTSTONE mterbeds @ S': Sharp contact to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine to coarse SANDSTONE; 1" ttiick rose-brown sUtstone bed at contact, massive DFL MAR^ORMATION TTd)' I 5'; Wavy contact to light gray, moist, very stiff, clayey SILTSTONE to sUty CLAYSTONE, crambly, approxhnately horizontal orange-brown stringers common I 7': Becomes hard and moderately fissUe ) 7.5': Concretionary nodule; moderately cemented 10': Becomes moderately blocky and fractored 13.5': Grades to olive-green, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; massive, few fractores © 21'; White well-cemented concretionary nodule © 22': Becomes sandier © 23.5' to 25.5': Large well-cemented white concretionary nodule @ 24.5'; Contact partiaUy obscured by concretion to light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, fme to coane SANDSTONE; cradely bedded I 28.5'; Sharp undulating contact to olive-green, damp, hard, CLAYSTONE; massive, blocky, coarse SANDSTONE tofiUs along fractores at upper contact 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 6-12-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level lfl OJ TJ 3 a E ffl cn 6^ cofe CL (A--\ CH-OI O a a Jl L a fts •21= C - o CJ CJ _cn oB tn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC I II CL S: N65E, 25SE 40- 45- 50- 55- C;horizontal FR:NSE, 40E I 5 I 10 60- ? sw CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) • 32.5*: White,. weU-cemented concretionaiy nodule I 33*: Claystone is moderately fractored, orange-brown iron-oxide and :< rose-brown manganese stams on fractore and ped surfaces common I 36.5': Shear plane widi approxunately 3/4" of sheared CLAYSTONE along wavy polished surfaces I 40.4': Very hregular contact to light gray-brown, damp to wet, very dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE I 41.3': Horizontal sharp contact to olive-green, damp to moist, hard, CLAYSTONE; ftactored and blocky I 41.3'; Contmuous fractare with week seepage, sand common along fractare I 46': Grades to light gray-green, less blocky and fractored I 52'; Becomes moderately blocky and fractored I 58.5'; Grades to olive-green CLAYSTONE 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-16 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter 6-12-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 3 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 280 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-100 Bucket Auger 0-25'. 4.1130; 25-47'. 29810; 47-72'. 2.1680 Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ot 60- o Z as ao ffl-i c CD (fl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn §8 cofe Ifl^ CH-OI U a a Jl t- a t! g lc o o SH GH —tn oB tn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC ^ - 65- 70- CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) I 19 I 63*: Moderately fractored 75 — 80- 85- 2SL Total Depdi = 71' Downhole Logged to 69' Mmor Seepage at 42' BackfUled on June 12, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 6-13-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUfaig Sheet 1 of 4 Project No. Type of Rig 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datimi E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level (fl OJ TJ 3 O z 2 a ffl cn cofe Q. (fl/-\ CH-OI U a a Jl L a fts tig lc ^ o u SH GH —tn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C: horizontal 10- F:N1SE, 7SW SM C:N55E, SNW 1 I 6 I 15- F:NSE, 6SE 20- C;EW, SS I 2 I 7 25- C: horizontal CL TORREY .SAND.STONE (Tt) ©1': Light gray-brown, damp to moist, dense, sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; ttimly bedded, orange-brown, uon-oxide stamed beds common, fractares common, few caelum caibonate linings, calcium carbonate-lmed fauU f 3:7': Wavy contact to light gray, damp, dense, silty fine SANDSTONE; vertical calchim cart>onate Imed fractores common, massive, fault is stamed orange-brown oneittier side of sharp slip plane I 9'; Material grades to orange-brown, fme to coarse SANDSTONE I 9.5' to 10.5'; Orange-brown concretionary layer; well-cemented sheUs common, stams are troncated by fault 111': Grades from orange-brown stamed, sUty fine SANDSTONE back to light gray sUty fme sandstone ! 12.1'; Thto 1" diick light gray sUty CLAYSTONE bed along contact to tan-brown, damp, dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; massive 14': Grades to orange-brown 15': Thta fault trace (approxunately 1/16" wide) apparent displacement: east side down 1/2" 18': Wavy hregular contact to off-white,.damp, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE 18.5': Orange-brown, moderately cemented concretionary nodule ) 21': Sharp, slighdy wavy contact to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; diickly mterbedded widi light gray-brown sUty fme SANDSTONE I 25.5'; Orange-brown concretionary nodule I 26.2'; Grades to light gray sUty fine SANDSTONE i28'; Thto fault trace I 29.5': Sharp contact to light gray, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 Date 6-13-97 Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter _ Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 Project No. of 4 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level 50- 55- Ifl 01 TJ 3 C: horizontal ~ B:N25W, 8SW F; NSE, 70E 2 a ffl cn CQ fe a 1 I Vl/-^ CH-OI U a a Jt L a fts ti g lc o CJ u tn —tn QB tn Logged By _ Sampled By CL SM CL SM SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC concretionary nodule at contact; few ttim orange-brown mterbeds @ SO': Fault is stamed orange-brown m CLAYSTONE ©31': Material gradually becomes sandier © 31.5*: Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE © 32.5': Grades to light gray-brown, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; weakly fissUe I 34.5': Sharp contact to light gray-brown, damp, dense, sUty fine to veiy fme SANDSTONE; ttimly bedded, cross-beddmg common, orange-brown stam common I 45': Abundant orange-brown stahis I 45.5' to 46.5': White weU-cemented concretionary nodule ! 46.5';; Veiy irregular contact to gray to:gray-brown, moist, hard,.ftoe sandy CLAYSTONE; orange-brown mterbeds common ! 48.5': Grades to light gray, moist, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; orange-brown statos.common ©52'; Grades to orange-brown @ 53.5' to 55.5': Dark brown, weil-cemented concretionary nodule © 55'; Sharp 1/4" red-brown fault dace I 58.5' to 59.7': Dark brown, moderately to weU-cemented concretionaiy layer; shell fragments common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 6-13-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet Project No. Typeof Rig 3 of 4 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level (fl OJ TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQ fe a (fl/-V CH-OI O a a Jl (. a fts ti g lc ^ o u (fl . SH u .tn od cn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged. By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 15 SM C: horizontal 70— C: horizontal C: NSSE,SS 85 — ML I 6 • 14 C: horizontal Bag-7 CL ML @ 60': Contact below concretion material to orange-brown, moist, dense, sUty fine to medhim SANDSTONE © 61.5' to 63': Red-brown 1" wide near vertical fractures common; gypsum Imed © 63': Thm (1/2'!) red-brown SILTSTONE layer; fractores stop © 63':' Contact to gray-brown, moist; dense, sUty fine to very fine SANDSTONE; thinly liedded, .clayey units common < 68.5': Grades to orange-brown, sUty, fme to medium SANDSTONE I 69.3': Sharp contact to dark gray-brown, moist, very dense, fme sandy clayey SILTSTONE; abundant thm faterbeds of rose-brown and yeUow-brown sUtstone, horizontal gypsum stringers common, vertical gypsum-lmed fractares common I 77',; Sharp, wavy: contact to dark gray, damp, very dense, clayey, fine sandy, SILTSTONE; thinly bedded, few gypsum-lmed fractores @ 85.1' to 86': Dark gray, coarse, sandy moderately cemented concretionary layer © 86': Dark gray, moist, hard, sUly CLAYSTONE © 86.6' to 86.9': Claystone is very fissUe © 86.9': A 2" layer of plastic fat clay © 87': Sharp contact to dark gray, damp, very dense, clayey fme sandy, SILTSTONE, dimly bedded © 87.2' to 88.6': Light gray well-cemented concretionary nodule 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-17 Date Project DrillmgCo. _ Hole Diameter 6-13-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 4 of 4 Project No. 4971009-002 San Diego Drilling 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 380 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level : ai» at 90- 95- 100- 105- 110- c as ao ffl-i L. CO (fl 01 TJ 3 I - i C: horizontal 115- a E ffl cn cofe 8 i 16/6" (A^ CH-OI O C3 a JS c a ats ti g 1^ ^ o u cn _cn o3 cn ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By, _ Sampled By KBC KBC TORRRY SAND.STONE (Continued) ©91': Few clayeyer units CL SM I 97'-98'; White well-cemented concretionary nodule I 98': Grades to dark brown, moist, hard, sUty CLAYSTONE; light gray sandy SILTSTONE layers common 101'; Light gray weU-cemented concretionary nodule @ 103'; Sharp contact to gray to light gray, damp, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE Total Depfli = 116' Downhole Logged to 114' No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of Drillmg Backfllled on June 16, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-17-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 fal. Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ot (A o 01 TJ Z as 3 ao •*- ffl_i L •*- CO -f- <E o z 01 a E ffl cn 2 CQfe Q. Ifl^ CH-OI U Q a Jl L a fts 3.*. (fl w g lc ^ o u SH GH -tn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 15 — 20- 25- C: horizontal C:N50W, SNE F;NS, 57W B;NSSW, ION C:N30W, ISNE B:N85W, 9N F;N5W, 71W B:N87W, ION CL I I SM SC SM TOPSOIL © 1': Brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy CIAY; fine pores common, roodets common, calcium carbonate blebs common, few charcoal fragments © 2': Discontmuous layer (0.4* thick) of calcium caibonate TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 3.S': Discontinuous wavy contact to mterbedded orange-brown and gray, moist, medium dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; calcium carbonate Imed fractores and concretions common © 5.5': Calcium carbonate layer 0.5' thick © 6'; Sharp contact to orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive © 7': Fme to coarse SANDSTONE; fme gravel and sheU fragments common, 1/2" diick carbonate-filled fractores common, abundant calcium carbonate blebs @ 10': Bed (0.5' thick) of olive-green, moist, stiff, medium to coarse sandy CLAYSTONE; sheU fragments common, fissUe, calcium carbonate blebs common ©11'; Green claystone motdes common @ 12'; Very irregular contact to light gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, sUty fme SANDSTONE; abundant random orange-brown stams, fractores common, fissUe to areas, calcium carbonate blebs common © 13'; Areas of deep red and rose-brown mangnesium staiiung © 14': Slighdy wavy, gradational contact to off-white, damp, dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; flitoly bedded, yeUow statos common parallel to beddtog, orange-brown blebs common @ 24': Thto calcium carbonate-ltoed fractore @ 25': Brown, moderately cemented concretionaiy nodule © 27.5': Black, moderately cemented concretionary nodule 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 6-17-97 Date , Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 2 Project No. Typeof Rig of 3 4971009-002 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level (fl 01 TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQ Jt (A/-\ CH-OI U Q a w Jl L a ft^ 3^ «rt g lc *• o u CJ cn u .cn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC F:N15W. 76SW B:NS,10E F:NS, 62E SM 35 — rr 40- 45- 50- 55- C:N85E, SS C: horizontal I C; horizontal ML SM TORREY SANDSTONE (Continued) 131.5': Two faults mtersect, lower fault is west side up I 31.7': YeUow-brown concretionary nodule I 38': Sharp wavy contact to light gray, moist, very dense, sUty veiy fine SANDSTONE; massive ©41 to 42': Orange to red-brown, moderately cemented concretionary nodule 41.5': Sharp contact to light gray, moist, dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE; fissUe, red-brown and orange-brown stams along contact 43': Shaip contact to light gray, moist, dense to veiy dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; thinly bedded, yellow statos common I 45'; Irregular fractare I 50'; Sharp contact to light gray, moist, very dense, sUty very fme SANDSTONE; ditoly bedded, orange-brown statos common, rose-brown statos along contact i 53' to 53.5': White well-cemented concretionary layer; abundant shells I 53.5'; Becomes massive I 57.5' to 58.5': White, well-cemented concretionary layer, shells common 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-18 6-17-97 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 405 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 3 of 3 Project No. Typeof Rig 4971009-002 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum E-120 Bucket Auger 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410; 60-90'. 2.4460 Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level £ as ao ffl-i L CO (fl 01 TJ 3 O z a E ffl cn o^ to fe Q. Ifl^ CH-OJ U a a \-/ Jl t-o fts tig lc *- o CJ SH GH — CO oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 60-I B: horizontal SM C: horizontal 65-C: horizontal 70- 75- 80-I 16 TORREY SANDSTONE (Continwgd) © 60.5': Bed of orange-brown, moist, medmm dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE I 62.5': Sharp contact to orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, sUty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive ! 64.5': Sharp contact to lightgrayito "gray, moist, dense, sUty very fme SANDSTONE; dimly bedded I 65* to 65.5*: White, weU-cemented concretionary layer I 72': Sharp contact to orange-brown, moist, medium dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive I 74' to 74.7': White, well-cemented concretionary layer I 74.7': Contact to light gray to gray, moist, very dense, sUty fine to very find- SANDSTONE; ditoly bedded 85 — 3SL Total Depdi = 81' Downhole Logged to 78' No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of DrUling BackfUled on June 17, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-19 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-17-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DriUing Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 285 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level ^ m £33 o Z as ao ffl-j L CO Ifl OJ TJ 3 a E ffl cn CQfe Q. (fl.^ CH-OI O a a Jt L a fts 3*. Ifl g 1^ O u o; tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC C: horizontal 10- CL "SM" CL SM CL ML/CL I 15- 25- JL C;N8SW, SON B:N60W, IOS C:N20E, SW SM I SM SW TOPSOIL ©_0J_: _Brown, mojst, stiff, fine sand^ CLAY;_organic material_coimnon TORREY SANDSTONE (Tt) © 1': Sharp, wavy contact to light yeUow-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, sUty fine to coarse,SANDSTONE; thm well-cemented beds common © 2.8' to3.3': Light brown weU-cemented concretionaiy layer; sheU fragments common © 3.3*:, Sharp contact to gray, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; crambly . calcnim c^bonate blebs common, yeUow-brown and : orange-brown stringers common, few ftactores © 3.8'-4': Orange-brown, sUty, fine to coarse SANDSTONE bed © 4.5': Claystone is less crambly and more fissUe with tocreasmg depdi Grades to light gray to gray, moist, dense, fme sandy SILTSTONE and CLAYSTONE; thto yeUow and orange-brown stringers common; weak to moderate fissUity, few fractores with orange-brown iron-oxide staintog IS'-IS.S': Bed of off-white, moist, dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE 16'; Rose-brown SILTSTONE, mterbeds common 1.18:8': Irregular layer of toterroixed orange-brown, fme to medium SANDSTONE and Jight grayisandy CLAYSTONE ! 19.1'; Sharp, wavy contact to off-white, moist, dense, sUty, fine to medium SANDSTONE, cradely bedded I 20* to 20.4*: Orange-brown to brown bed of moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; abundant rip-up clasts I 21.5': Sharp contact to light gray, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; ditoly bedded 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-19 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter 6-17-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. Type of Rig 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 285 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level (fl OJ TJ 3 a E ffl cn CO fe CL (fl^ CH-OI U a a \./ Jl L a fts ^t ic - o u SH oH —tn oB tn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC SW -, C: horizontal 35- CL TORREY SANDSTONE (Contmugd) ©30': Claystone rip-ups and stringers common © 32': Mmor seepage S2.5':_Seq>age_is_moderate DELMAR FORMATION (Td)" I 32:5': Wavy contact to light olive-green to olive-green CLAYSTONE; heavUy fractored, seepage: along fractores, blocky I 37.5': Mtoor cavtog I 14 -S- 45- Total Depfli = 47' Downhole Logged to 40' Seepage at 32' Ground Water at 40' Hole BackfUled on June 18, 1997 50- 55- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-20 6-18-97 Date Project DriUmg Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 250 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego DrilUng Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 fal. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level ot c as ao ffl_i c. CO 10— t-C 25- (A 01 TJ 3 F:N70E, SSS •-• RS:N30E, 50SE W-^ FR;N20W, 82SW O z 01 a E ffl cn CQ I I VI/-. CH-OI U Q a Jl c o fts tig o-J: —tn o3 cn Logged By _ Sampled By CL SC CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (Ols) © 1': Mixtore of dark brown and dark gray-brown, moist, hard, fine sandy CLAY; organic material common, few medium pores © 2': Gradational contact to dark gray-brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; ' plastic, crambly texture, calcium carbonate blebs © S': Grades to light olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; plastic, ; : crumbly, calcium •carbonate-.blebs. common, gray-brown mottles - ;;conimon, gypsum blebs abundant I 7': Black manganese stains common ! 7.8' to 8.4'; Pocket of orange-brown clayey SAND I 9.5'; Fractare hifiU: Reddish brown, moist, medium dense, zone of dayey ftoe to medium SAND; green and brown motdes common, gypsum l>lebs and pockets common, wide (approxmiately 3 feet) pocket of infill material on south side of hole, north side of hole and below fractore is crambly to blocky light olive-green CLAY, clay is crambly along base of tofUl 16': Clay is hard blocky and moderately fractored ' © 18';- Thto (approxunately 1/8 toch) shear, 1/4 toch of crambly clay along ' . shear, yellow-brown motdfag;below shear, red-brown manganese stams ' below DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) Light olive-green, moist, very dense, clayey SANDSTONE; massive, few red-brown, manganese stams m upper portions © 21'; Material grades to light olive-green, moist, hard, sandy CLAYSTONE; blocky, heavUy fractored SM @ 27'; Grades to gray-green, moist, very dense, sUty fme to medium SANDSTONE; massive 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-20 Date Project 6-18-97 Lennar/Bressi Ranch Sheet 2 Project No. of 2 4971009-002 Type of Rig E-120 Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight 0-30'. 4.9910; 30-60'. 3.8410 Drop _30_in. Drillmg Co. San Diego DriUing Elevation Top of Hole 250 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level Ifl u 01 TJ Z tJS 3 ao +-ffl-j •— c. •H CO +• 2 a ffl tn CQ fe a. (fl/-\ CH- OI U a a Jl C Q fts ti g lc *• o CJ Ifl^ SH GH _tn oB tn Logged By Sampled By GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC 30-1 12 SM 35- 45- 50- C; horizontal SW CL PRL MAR FORMATION (Continued) ©SO': Off-white, weU-cemented concretions I 32': Grades to sUty fme to coarse SANDSTONE I 34.5': Grades to orange-brown;'material:isvmoistto wet I 37': Very irregular wavy contact to gray-green, moist, very dense, sUty fine SANDSTONE; massive I 40': White, weU-cemented concretionaiy nodule > 45': Sharp contact to light orange-brown, wet, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; massive, weak seepage I 474; Sharp contact to^olive-green, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAYSTONE Total Depdi = SO' Downhole Logged to 48.5' Mtoor Seepage at 45' Backfilled on June 18, 1997 55 — 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-21 6-18-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 230 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. Typeof Rig 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum N/A 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level £5 a;" at o Z as ao ffl_i L CO IA 01 TJ 3 O z a E ffl CO (A/^ CH-OI U Q a N./ L a /-s fts - o u Itn —tn oB GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By _ Sampled By KBC KBC 5 — 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- CL IQESQIL. 1' Brown, moist, stiff, fme sandy CLAY; organic material common, roottets common SM OUATERNARYljALLIJVnTM (fSfr-^. © 2': Gradational cohtacrto~brown, mofit, medium dense, sUty fine to medhim SAND; organic material common, roodets conunon, clayey sand layers common SW SM 13': Brown, sand mixed witti light green, moist, fme to medium sandy CLAY; motded DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) © IS*: Light gray-brown, moist, dense to very dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive 19': Sharp contact to orange-brown, damp, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE; massive I 22': Light gray-brown, moist, dense, fme to coarse SANDSTONE I 28'; Light olive-green, moist, veiy dense, sUty fme SANDSTONE; massive 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-21 6-18-97 Date Project DrillmgCo. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 230 ft. Lennar/Bressi Ranch San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 30 in. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum N/A 4971009-002 E-120 Bucket Auger Drop 30 m. Mean Sea Level £5^ ot o Z tfs ao ffl_i c CD IA 01 TJ 3 01 a ffl cn CQ fe a VI/-. CH-OI u a a \-/ Jl i. a fts 3.*. Ifl g 1^ O u (fl . SH GH _cn oB tn Logged By _ Sampled By GEOTECIINICAL DESCRIPTION KBC KBC SO-sw CL DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued) © 30': Light green, moist, dense, fine to coarse SANDSTONE; massive @ 31': Olive-green, moist, hard, fme sandy CLAYSTONE; blocky, fractured 35- 40- 45 — 50- 55- ML Total Depdi = 34' Downhole Logged to 33' No Ground Water Encountered at Thne of Drilltog Backfilled on June 18, 1997 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Appendix B (continued) T-l through T-30 Exploratory Trenches From: Leighton and Associates, 1997, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 4971009-002, dated July 29, 1997 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-l o I > o CD O 3 > (0 CO o o » CD (0 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Logged bv: KBC Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Elevation: 450' location: Car1sba(j GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @ 0-1 5': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine sandy clay; organic rich TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 1.5'-5': Light brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone; thinly bedded GEOLOGIC UNIT unmappec) Tt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC/CL SM Sample No. Moi st. {%) Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N15°E llll llll J I II I I I I llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 5 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-2 Ol o I > CO o CD (5 > CO CO o o CD 09 Project Name: I ennar/Bressi Ranch Logged bv: KBC Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Flevation: 425' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @0-2': Light brown to gray-brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine sandy clay; rootlets common, organic material common, very porous TORREY SANDSTONE B & 2'-5' Off-white with orange-brown stains common, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone; massive GEOLOGIC UNIT unmapped Tt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS CL SM Sample No. Moi st. {%) Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 7°S TREND: N60°W llll llll llll llll llll llll llll 1 1 1 iV -TiSSii 1—iV •^-T: r~i -:/ I I 1 llll llll llll llll —1—1—1—1— —1—h—1— — 1 -4— 1 1 r : llll 1 1 1 1 llll —1—1—1—1— —1—h—1— - * * r : llll 1 1 1 1 llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 5 FEET _ NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 " LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-3 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 275' Location: Carlsbad CJl o I > o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Molst. Density (pcf) LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS Qls A @ 0-3' B (a3'-5' @ 5'-9' Brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff,'fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets and organic material common Orange-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to coarse sand; massive, infilled fractures common Off-white to light gray, moist, loose to medium dense, fine to coarse sand; calcium carbonate layers common, few thin sandy clay beds SC SM SW CD O > (0 to o O 5' CD CO GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N50°W LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-4 cn o -A > I o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 280' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS Qls (1) BS: N25°E, 75°SE A @ 0-3' @ 3'-9' Brown, damp to moist, soft to slightly stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets and organic material common Orange-brown, and light gray, moist, loose to medium dense, fine to medium sand; massive; few Infilled fractures SC SW TORREY SANDSTONE Tt C CD IQ O > (0 CO o o W CD 09 West of landslide backscarp Torrey Sandstone bedrock and overlying topsoil is medium dense to dense; thinly bedded SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1":=5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N60°W I I I I llll TOTAL DEPTH AT 9 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-5 cn o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Flevation: 285' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES CD o 3 > 09 09 O O CD (0 DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @ 0-2.5' unmapped Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand to sandy clay QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM B 0 2 5-13': Greenish brown, moist, loose to medium dense. clayey, silty fine to medium sand to clayey, fine to medium sand DFI MAR FORMATION C @ 13'-15': Light brown and olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff, 'sand claystone; crumbly to blocky GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal Td ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC/CL SM/SC CL Sample No. Moist. {%) Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: NS LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-6 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 340' Location: Carlsbad cn o I > (O o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-1.5' unmapped Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand; organic rich, rootlets common SM OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM B 0 1.5-5.5': Brown, moist, medium dense, silty. clayey fine to medium sand; organic material and rootlets common Qal SC CD zr Zi > eo 09 O o CD 09 TORREY SANDSTONE C @5.5'-6.5': Tt Pale brown to light brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE:5-10° STREND: NS LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-7 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment; Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 240' Location: Carlsbad cn o > I CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. a) Density (pcf) (1) BS: N45°E, 70°SE CD co' zr o 3 J30 > 09 09 O o CD 09 TOPSOIL A § 0-2': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium sand to clayey fine to medium sand; rootlets and organic material common DEL MAR FORMATION B @ 2'-7': Light olive-green to olive-green, damp, hard, fine, sandy claystone; blocky, fractured POSSIBLE LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS C Possible landslide backscarp on south side of trench unmapped SM/SC Td Qls? CL CL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 20°SE TREND: N45°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-8 cn o I > (D O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 1701 Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/TERRACE DEPOSIT A (a 0-2': Dark gray, damp, dense, silty fine to medium sand; gravel common DEL MAR FORMATION B § 2'-6': Light gray-brown, damp to moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone Qt SM Td SM r- CD (D 3 o 3 > 0) 09 O o B CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0: TREND: NS LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-9 cn o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 215' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) A (a 0-5.5' Light greenish brown, damp to moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand; crumbly, massive LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS B (a5.5'-8' Afu Qls SC Brown, moist, medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand SC CD (Q O > 09 09 O o a CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: NS LOG OFJRENCH NO.: T-10 cn o I > (O o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 2401 Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-2' Brown, damp to moist, loose to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets and organic material common CD CQ' zr 3 > 09 09 O O » (D 09 (1) BS: N70°E. 70°S DEL MAR FORMATION B (a 2'-7': Light olive-green, damp to moist, hard, fine sandy claystone; crumbly to blocky, moderately fractured LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS C Steep fractured zone (landslide rupture surface), landslide deposit in south side of trench south side of trench' unmapped Td SC CL Qls CL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1"> 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°S TREND: N20''W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-11 cn o > I to o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevati on: 425' Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A (a 0-1.5': Brown, moist, soft, to slightly stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 1.5'-6' unmapped Tt CL Off-white, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone; few orange-brown iron-oxide stains SM CD > 0) CO o o »' CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°E TREND: N70°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-12 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 415' Locati on: Carlsbad cn o I > CO o GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @ 0-2.5': Brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy clay; rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 2.5'-6': Gray-brown to greenish brown, moist, dense, clayey fine to medium sandstone unmapped Tt CL SC CD (5' o 3 SO > (0 09 O O 2. CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 15°E TREND: EW TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-13 cn o > I CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 325' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-2.5' Brown, moist, stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; organic material and rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 2.5'-5': Light orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone unmapped Tt CL SM CD 3- o 3 > 09 0) o o » CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N60°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-14 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 340' Location: Carlsbad cn o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) CO o TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-4': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 4'-6': Light gray-brown, moist to wet, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sandstone unmapped SM Tt SM CD (5' ZT S 3 > 09 09 o o » CD to GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION' SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N60°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-15 cn o -A I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe ^ Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 3601 Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGiNEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. a) Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A (a 0-1': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine to medium sand TORREY SANDSTONE B (a l'-6': Light gray, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone (a 2.5'-3.5': Moderately cemented concretionary nodule unmapped Tt SM SM CD IQ zr o 3 > 09 09 O o CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: N70°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF;TRENCH NO.: T-16 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 340' Location: Carlsbad cn o > I to o GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. {%) Density (pcf) COLLUVIUM A @ 0-3' unmapped B (a 3'-9' Dark gray-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand Dark brown, wet, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand; gravel common near base SM SM TORREY SANDSTONE C @ 9'-10': Light gray-brown, moist, dense, silty very fine sandstone Tt SM CD ID 3- O 3 > tn 09 O O ff CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°SW TREND: N40°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-17 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 385' Locati on: Carlsbad <n o > CD O GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A (a 0-3.5': Dark brown to dark gray-brown, moist to wet. fine to medium sandy clay; organic rich, rootlets common TORREY SANDSTONE B @ 3.5'-5': Light gray, moist, dense, silty fine sandstone unmapped Tt CL SM CD Si 3- o 3 SO > 09 09 O O » CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N45°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 5 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-18 cn o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 325' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) A @ 0-3': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine sandy; concrete fragments and rebar common OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM B @ 3'-9': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet, soft to slightly stiff, fine to medium sandy clay TORREY SANDSTONE C @ 9'-10': Light gray and orange-brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone Afu SM Qal Tt CL SM CD IQ 3 3 > 09 09 o o » CD 0) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 4tW TREND: N80°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 10 FEET. NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 ' LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-19 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevati on: 355' Location: Carlsbad cn o I > CD O GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (undocumented) A (a 0-6': Light olive-green, moist, soft to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay; massive, crumbly B @ 6'-10': Greenish brown, moist to wet, soft to stiff, fine to medium sandy clay @ 7': Moderate seepage TORREY SANDSTONE C @ 10'-15': Dark gray, moist to wet, slightly stiff to stiff, clayey siltstone to silty claystone, moderately fissile Afu CL Tt CL CL/ML CD »* O 3 > 09 09 O o ff CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION j SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0: TREND: N40°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-20 cn o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 2901 Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) COLLUVIUM (a 0-5.5': Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand DEL MAR FORMATION (a 5.5'-8' unmapped Td SM Light green, moist, stiff to hard, silty claystone; fissile, crumbly CL CD (Q' 3" s Zi > 09 0) o o ff CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2-3°W TREND: N60°W LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-21 cn o I > to o Prnipct Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Logged bv: KBC ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Prniert Number: 4971009-002 Elevation: 340 Equipment: Backhoe Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT USCS Sample No. Moist. (%) Density (pcf) ARTIFICIAL FILL (Undocumented) Afu A @ 0-5': Brown, damp to moist, loose, silty fine to medium sand SM OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM ' Qal . B (a 5'-10': Gray-brown, moist to wet, medium dense, silty. clayey, fine to medium sand SC DEL MAR FORMATION 1 C (a 10'-12': Light olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy claystone; crumbly CL 1 CD CO > 09 09 O O ff' •* CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: lf2°W TREND: N70°E llll 1-1 I r I I I I I I I I TOTAL DEPTH AT 12 FEET. NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-22 cn o -A > I CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: Equipment: 4971009-002 Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 320' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES uses Sample No. Molst. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A @0-2': unmapped Light brown to red-brown, damp, loose to medium dense, slightly clayey, silty. fine to medium sand, rootlets common SM TORREY SANDSTONE B (a 2'-6': Light gray, moist, dense, silty. fine to medium sandstone Tt SM CD S 3 3" 3 > 09 09 O O »• CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1":=5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5^:S TREND: N20°W LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-23 cn o I > CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 2901 Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM A @ 0-4': Brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand; rootlets and organic matter common DEL MAR FORMATION B (a 4'-8': Light green, moist, stiff, sandy claystone: crumbly unmapped SC Td CL CD 3 o 3 > 09 09 O O »• CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N50°W LOG OF:TRENCH NO.: T-24 cn o > I CO o GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES CD i 3 po > 09 09 O O ff CD 09 Project Namp- I ennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 3151 Locati on: Carlsbad DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A @ 0-1.5' TORREY SANDSTONE unmapped Reddish brown, damp, loose to medium dense, silty, clayey, fine to medium sand; rootlets common B (a 1.5'-6': Light brown, damp, dense, silty fine to medium sandstone GEOLOGIC UNIT Tt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS SC SM Sample No. Moi st. Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION; SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0; TREND: N40°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-25 cn o Project N^mp- I ennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 230; Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. a) Density (pcf) CO o QUARTERNARY COl LUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A @ 0-2 ': Dark gray to black, wet, stiff, silty. fine sandy, clay; abundant organic material B @ 2'-8': Light gray-brown, wet. stiff, silty fine sandy clay; organic material common OFI MAR FORMATION C @ 8'-12': Light brown, moist to saturated, clayey fine to medium sandstone (a 10': Ground water encountered Qal CL CL Td SC CD Si ZS o 3 po > 09 09 O O ff CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5 SURFACE SLOPE: Oi TREND: N25''E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-26 cn o > I (O o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation:_2201 Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st. a) Density (pcf) QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A @ 0-2': Brown, moist, loose, silty fine to medium sand, rootlets common, organic material common B @ 2'-4': Light brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine to medium sand C (a 4'-15': Dark gray to black, moist to wet, clayey, fine to medium sand Qal. SM SC CD <Q' 3- o 3 po > 09 09 O o ff' CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: r':=5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N25°E LOG OF TRENCH NO. T-27 cn o I > CO o Project Name- I ennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 235' Location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGiNEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist, Density (pcf) (1) BS: N25°W, 75°NE (2) B: N30°W. 15°SW TOPSOIL A @ 0-2': Brown to red-brown, damp to moist, loose to medium dense silty to clayey, fine to medium sand DEL MAR FORMATION B (a 2'-9': Light brown, orange-brown and gray, damp, dense. medium to coarse sandstone; thickly bedded OUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS C East of rupture surface unmapped Td SP Qls CD Si 3 o 3 > 09 09 O O » CD 09 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" =5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°E TREND: N70°E LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-28 Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 280' Location: Carlsbad cn o I > to o GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. Density (pcf) OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM A @ 0-14': Dark gray-brown, moist to wet. clayey fine to medium sand to sandy clay; organic rich @ 9': Ground water encountered DEL MAR FORMATION B @ 14.5'-15': Light green and orange-brown, wet. stiff. claystone; crumbly, few concretionary nodules with shells common Qal Td SC/CL CL CD GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N20°E LOG OFiTRENCH NO.: T-29 cn o I > CD O Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: location: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC AHITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moi st, Density (pcf) (1) C: N70°E, 3°NW CD St zr o 3 > 09 09 O o CD 09 TORREY SANDSTONE A @ 0-2.5': Light pink to off-white, damp, dense, silty fine sandstone to sandy siltstone; fissile DEL MAR FORMATION B (a2.5'-3.5': Light gray-green, damp, hard, silty, claystone to clayey siltstone; fissile C @ 3.5'-6': Light olive-green, damp, hard, silty claystone; fissile, thin bedding, gypsum layers along bedding common, orange-brown stains along beds common Tt SM/ML Td CL/ML GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION \ SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10°S TREND: N10°E TOTAL DEPTH AT 6 FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/26/97 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-30 cn o > I CO o Project Name: Lennar/Bressi Ranch Project Number: 4971009-002 Equi pment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC Elevation: 3851 Locati on: Carlsbad GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/26/97 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES USCS Sample No. Moist. {%) Density (pcf) OUATERNARY COLLUVIUM/ALLUVIUM Qa1 A @ 0-1.5': B @ 1.5'-5.5': C @5.5'-8.5': TORREY SANDSTONE D @ 8.5'-10': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine to medium sand; rootlets common Brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine to medium sand; organic material common : Dark gray-brown, moist, dense, clayey fine to medium sand; organic rich SM SM Tt CD S' 3 (•«• O 3 > 09 09 O o ff CD 09 Light blue-green, moist, dense to very dense, silty, clayey, fine sandstone SC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0 TREND: N40°W Appendix B (continued) GB-4, GB-15, and GB-16 Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1988, Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation For La Costa - Northwest Area, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. D-4230-H01, dated November 11, 1988 File Mo. November D-423G-H01 11, 1988 BORING 4 eL£VATION__L2IL .DATE HRii I Fn in/s/«a EQUIPMENT E-IOQ 30" Rot:ary Bucket Hi zu: Sis is MATERIAL OESCRIPTION CL ALLUVIUM Stiff, moist, dark grayish-brotvn, Sandy CIAY B4-1 III.] 15.- becotaes very aolst 8 . 10 , 12 _ 14 . 16 B4-2 B4-3 PUSH 12" 103.C 20.: strong seepage (in sand) water table (caving) : lULK S \MPLE SW V B4-4 Loose, saturated, light brovm, coarse SAND PUSH h 12" 105.3 21. - 18 - 20 CL Soft, wet, dark broxra, Sandy CLAY BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-4, Log of Test Boring 4 SAMPLE SYMBOLS cn _ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL H DISTUBBEO OB BAG SAMPLE D__ STANOARO PtNeiBATION TEST Kl CHUNK SAMPL€ . ORIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTtJReED) . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE MOTC THF LOG OFSUBSURFACECONOITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIESONLVATTHESPECIFICBOniNGORTRENCHLOCATlON ANO Pile Mo. D-4230-H01 [ovember 11, 1988 r o " BORING 15 ELEVATION. 305 .DATE nnii i FD 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket zu. so Ox Sis 58 MATERIAL OESCRIPTION r ° . 2 I 6- h 8- ^ J i h t- [• 20 |- 22 I I I- B15-1 I i I i2- 14- 16- I kl I I y ''1 26- 28- 30- CL TOPSOIL Hard, slightly moist, brown, Sandy CLAY with SILT fractures CL-ML DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, light olive, Silty CLAYSTONE to very Clayey SILTSTONE Bedding nearly horizontal 3/12" 107.9 18.3 Bedding N60U, SSW ML Hard, moist, light orange/olive-mottled. Clayey SILTSTONE; some very fine SAND 3/12" r Bedding nearly horizontal 108.4 BULK 19.5 lAMPLE CL Hard, moist, olive-mottled, Silty CLAYSTONE; yellow-white gypsLim stringers; slight to moderate fracturing — Few steep hematite-filled fractures; N40E, 85SE (joints) Cemented zone (calcium carbonate cement about 12" fossil shells) Remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick; N60E 2''S 2/0" SM- SC Dense, noist, light olive-tan Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; some CLAY (No s 118.2 , imple) 13.8 Figure A-23, Log of Test Boring 15 (Boring 15 Continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS n SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] STANOARO PENETRATION TEST S DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTUHBED) — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOT= THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING ORTflENCH LCXJATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSUSFACECONOITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES File Mo. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 BORING 15 (Continued) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket zu. MATERIAL OESCRIPTION Hard, moist, olive-brcjwn mottled Silty, Sandy (JLAYSTONE Remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick; S'SW; throughgoing gypsum Hard, moist, medium-olive, silty CLAYSTONE; abundant gypsum seams; "random fracturing Remoded CLAY seam 1/8-3/4" thick; NlOW, 5'SW, throughgoing, r^ith large crystals of gypsum within gouge Dense, moist, light orange-tan, medium SANDSTONE .— Contact nearly horizontal; sharp \4 depositional Hard, moist, dark olive-brown mottled with yellow, Silty CLAYSTONE; gypsum seams, random fracturing; fossiliferous and carbonaceous Becomes very dark olive/black and carbonaceous, seepages of slight to moderate flow Remolded CLAY seams 1/4-1/2"; N20W,5''SW at contact Very dense, dark gray, cemented, fine Silty SANDSTONE; fossiliferous Cemented zone; CaCO^+ . 5 106.6 [BULK 20.!; AMPL! 92.0 IBULK 3 29.1 AMPL: BORING TERMINATED AT 59 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-24, Log of Test Boring 15 SAMPLE SYMBOLS EH SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL l]~ STANOARO PENETRATION TEST ORIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTURBEOI 1 1 S DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE Ei]_ CHUNK SAMPLE 1 WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPEOFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION ANO ATTHE DATE INOICATEO. ITIS NOT WARRANTEOTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONtXTIONSATOTHERLOCATIONSAND TIMES ^ile Mo. D-423Q-H01 ovember 11, 1988 2 n— 30 BORING 16 ELEVATIO N_ 300 .DATE noil I Fn 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT E-100, 30" Rotary Bucket Sw Zu. Si MATERIAL OESCRIPTION CL 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - - 12 - - 14 16 18 - 20- B16-1 C .-71- •.l--|:;i:- [•f-i.'.v.- I'-i:;':" -•4-'-i:-': \y-v.K- •:i:;L TOPSOIL hard, humid, brown, Sandy CLAY, highly fractured - becomes very stiff and slightly moist SM lJ)ELMAR FORMATION W Very dense, humid, light gray-blue, very Silty l| fine SANDSTONE; iron-stained, carbonate, Ij weath^i^Jig at top bedding N20W10S strongly iron-stained /" / B16-2 ML /. hard, slightly moist, light grey-blue. Clayey SILSTONE, iron-stained, fissile, hematite filled joint N4SE82E layer of stiff, moist, orange Sandy SILTY, friable, fossiliterous; N20W10S bottom contact iron-stained, Sandy with fossils PUSH 7" 1 93.4 29.5 —ML - 22 - 24- -26- t 28- SM •:l:-i-:':. hV."l'T: \:y.-.\ stiff, moist, orange-brown. Clayey SILT, fossiliterous, — cemented lenses - iron-stained, fossiliterous, rip-up clast of grey-blue SILSTONE 10 L18.0 14.0 il scour contact very dense, humid, light tan, very Silty I fine SANDSTONE, iron-stained in places 1 \i— iron-stained \ thinly bedded, dipping approximately iCS — iron-stained, lenses of friable, organic rich SILT with gypsum stringers Figure A-25, Log of Test Boring 16 (Boring 16 continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS Q SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE I] STANOARO PENETRATION TEST B CHUNK SAMPLE • _ ORrvE SAMPLE (UNOISTURBEOI ?• _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE. THELOG OFSUBSURFACE CONOmONSSHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFIC BORING OHTRENCHLOCATION AND ATTHE OATE INDICATED ITIS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES File Mo. November D-4230-H01 11. 1988 B0RI:^rG 16 (Continued) ELEVATION DATE HBII I Fn 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT , Oa; ti • MATERIAL OESCRIPTION - 30 -32 - 34 36 -38 - •40 4f scoured contact, generally horizontal , 9 BULK SAMPL hard, slight moist to moist, light blue-grey il Sandy SILSTONE very stiff, moist, reddish-brown, Silty I CLAYSTONE many non-continuous remolded planes with gypsum, general orientation N5W7S continuous medium stiff, very moist, grey remolded CLAY N30W5S becomes-Organic rich, gjrpsum and sulfur-rich 15 117.8 BULK I 15.1,f sAMPL very dense, very moist, grey Silty fine to I medium SAITOSTONE, slight seepage very strong cemented BORING TERMINATED AT 40 FEET (REFUSAL) 1 V Figure A-26, Log of Test Boring 16 SAMPLE SYMBOLS Q SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .[|_STANOARD PENETRATION TEST B_ CHUNK SAMPL€ • ORrvE SAMPLE (UNOISTURBEOI ?• _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I Wl-ITF THF LOGOFSuaSURFACECONOmONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION ANO A?THe D*TE?NO?CATEO JVIS NOT W^^^^ TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES Appendix B (continued) GLB-12, GLB-14, GLB-15,and GLB-17 through GLB-19 Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 2000, Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation, Villages of La Costa - The Greens, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 06403-12-01, dated March 24, 2000 PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 12 ELEV. (MSL.) 215 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/24/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" Ul ^•4 gci oe uliS K si - 20 - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Stiff, humid to dry, dark gray-brown, Sandy CLAY SANTLVCK) FORMATION Dense, damp, light brown to tan. Silty, fine SANDSTONE, with coarse lenses, massive 122.9 11.7 Dense, damp, light olive, very Silty, very fine SANDSTONE to Sandy SILTSTONE Dense, damp to moist, light brown, Silty, medium SANDSTONE _-NJ:S_, lOE^ very imgular de£osition_contact_ Hard, moist, olive to brown, Silty, Sandy CLAYSTONE, with irregular l"-2" lenses of sandstone, with scattered gravel Hard, moist, olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; fracmred, massive 108.0 20.6 -Joint with 1/4", jarosite-stained clay lining N80E, 30S Figure A-24, Log of Boring LB 12 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST .. CHUNK SAMPLE 1 ... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE 1 NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 3 3JECT NO. 06403-12-01 r PTH FEET [ SAMPLE NC. >-CS o -I o X t-M SOIL CUSS (USCS) BORING LB 12 ELEV. (MSL.) 215 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/24/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" <C2:N ^tno go a 3 coS CJ 30 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION r 32 •6 -I LB12-6 ]- I - 18 - 40 - -Slight seepage along fracture -12' horizontal deposition contact Very hard, damp, gray-olive, Sandy SILTSTONE, with some clay -Massive, no fractures, difficult drilling ML BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET 14/7" A-25, Log of Boring LB 12 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS °- '^^'^'''^ UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE D. B. .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. CHUNK SAMPLE I ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NuiE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHO TIMES. PROJECTNO. 06403-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. s- Cfl o -J o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 14 ELEV. (MSL.) 195 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/29/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" gci u6' - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 4 - - 6 - - 10 - m •f. -B14-1 li't**:? - 12 - - 14 16 - 18 - - 20 -LB 14-2 - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 SC SM ML SM CL TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark gray-brown, Qayey, fine SAND SANTIAGO FORMATION Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty. fine to medium SANDSTONE Dense, damp, light olive, Sandy SILTSTONE, with trace clay Very dense, damp, light brown-tan, Silty, fine to medium SANDSTONE -Becomes moist -Very irregular scour-contact into weathered claystone (to a clay seam), N70E. ICS, wet, plastic, _ 1/2-1 "_thick_ Hard, moist, li^t olive, very Silty CLAYSTONE. with some sand mterbedded throughout -Discontinuous day seams (slickensided firactures and varying dips in 6" zone) 8/10" 124.2 14.0 Figure A-28, Log of Boring LB 14 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Cl @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANOARD PENETRATION TEST • CHUNK SAMPLE I 1 .. ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I I .. UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE j- NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESEMTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. ? 3JECT NO. 06403-12-01 iPTH IM FEET SAMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 14 ELEV. (MSL.) 195 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/29/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" Q. ^ w gci Qi a u-5 a: ^ at =o u 30 32 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -B14-3 «4 - J6 - 38 - 40 - ML Very dense, moist, gray-olive. Clayey SILTSTONE; with some very fine sand -Horizontal balding^ Very hard, moist, dark olive-brown, Silty CLAYSTONE. massive 15/8" LB14-4 ~-B14-5 CL 42 BORING TERMINATED AT 42 FEET 15/8" F jure A-29, Log of Boring LB 14 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B ... CHUNK SAMPLE ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE " ^" olrF'-°,un°,r/T"pn^"'',T*'ic u?It°LVoo'lLln^JJ. """"^ *^ ^"^ SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. PROJECTNO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 15 ELEV. (MSL.) 250 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/30/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" gci a ^6- u MATERDVL DESCRIPTION LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Loose, humid, dark brown, very Clayey, fine SAND -Becomes medium dense, damp, light olive, very Clayey, fine to coarse SAND -Highly weathered and fracmred -Clay seam, l/8"-I/4'; N65E, 25N, joint, witii calciiun sulfate lining Stiff, moist, olive, very Sandy CLAYSTONE7 with" some silt, very fracmred, weadiered -Fracture and clay seam; l/8"-l/4"; N60E, 8-lOSE, wet, plastic and slickensided, throughgoing, with calcium sulfate lining -Remolded clay seam; l/4"-l/2", NSOW, 15-20NE; wet, plastic and throughgoing, with orange iron oxide Staining-base of slide SANTIAGO FORMATION Hard, moist, olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; fracmred, but massive and intact -Becomes medium olive -Massive, moderate fracmring -Discontinuous clay seams; zone - 12" thick at N40W 30^0NE -Becomes very hard, massive, with few fracmres -Horizontal transition to siltstone and sandstone Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silry, fine SANDSTONE -3-6" thick cemented sandstone 1/6" 106.7 21.0 122.2 13.4 Figure A-30, Log of Boring LB 15 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL c. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1 . . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE 3C . . UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. OJECT NO. 06403-12-01 •PTH tH FEET SAMPLE NO. >- CO o _l o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 15 ELEV. (MSL.) 250 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 11/30/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" tit coR tx."^-^ Ul gu: gci Q CK u 30 m. m m m m m m m m: m MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION 32 - J4 - 36 - 38 - 40 --B15-6 I 20/11" -Becximes medium to very coarse-grained and massive 20 128.9 12.4 BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET f gure A-31, Log of Boring LB 15 r LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE k E: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 17 ELEV. (MSL.) 240 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" UJ u »i coR uizd gu: gci a UJ^S tnfs u MATERL^L DESCRIPTION FILL Soft, humid, mottled dark brown to light olive, Silty CLAY, with some sand, porous texture, rootiets SANTIAGO FORMATION Very stiff, damp, medium olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; very fractured, britde -Near-horizontal contact (transitional over several inches) Dense, damp, light olive to brown, very sllty, fine SANDSTONE, witii some clay -6" X 24" lenticular concretion -Becomes light brown to tan, very Silty, fine SANDSTONE -Becomes medium-grained (orange, horizontal 3" bed) -Becomes orange, coarse-grained -Becomes very moist, orange, Silty, very coarse SANDSTONE -Slight seepage (perched above sharp, horizontal, scour-conta(y Hard, moist, light olive, very Clayey SILTSTONE -Cemented, fme sandstone, 6"-8"-l--, gray, horizontal at base 127.4 11.5 8/10" Figure A-34, Log of Boring LB 17 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL c... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST a... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B... CHUNK SAMPLE ¥ •• UATER TABLE OR SEEPA(iE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. •.OJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 17 ELEV. (MSL.) 240 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" >- gci >-'''^ a eg u MATEIUAL DESCRIPTION 1- Dense, wet, light olive, Silty, medium SANDSTONE -Slight seepage -Scoured deposition-contact; NlOE, IOW (with — 1" *^ iron-stainedJ>asal layer) Hard, moist, milium olive, SUty CLAYSTONE -Becomes very sandy Qenses) 14 123.4 12.3 -Becomes very hard, dark olive-gray, Silty CLAYSTONE 20/10" BORING TERMINATED AT 42 FEET ""'gure A-35, Log of Boring LB 17 LCG ' SAMPLE SYMBOLS °- UNSUCCESSFUL @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE c. B. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAMPLE ? • • • WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE TE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 18 ELEV. (MSL.) 215 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" UJ en' UJ gci >-e? O Ui^ UJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COLLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY SAimAGO FORMATION Hard, moist, medium light, olive-brown, very Silty CLAYSTONE Dense, damp, light brown to tan, Silty, fine SANDSTONE -Near-horizontal contact Hard, moist, light medium olive, Sandy CLAYSTONE, some silt -Deposition-contact, N65E, IOS Dense, damp, light olive-brown, very Sandy SILTSTONE -Cemented sandstone layer 12"-!-- tiiick, - 20" wide (lense) -Horizontal contact Dense, damp, light tan-olive, Silty, fme SANDSTONE, massive BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-36, Log of Boring LB 18 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. OJECT NO. 06403-12-01 BORING LB 19 ELEV. (MSL.) 275 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" og' t^'^-<^ gu: go a: a 3v tnt -o u MATERLU, DESCRIPTION TOPSODL Stiff, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY SANTIAGO FORMATION Loose to medium dense, damp, reddish-brown, very Clayey, fine SAND, with gypsum, very weathered sandstone Dense, damp, light olive, Sandy SILTSTONE Dense, damp, reddish-brown, Silty, fine SANDSTONE -Fossiliferous, with organic odor -Cemented sandstone (concretion) 121.1 Dense, moist, light olive. Clayey SILTSTONE, witii some sand -Horizontal beddingnxintact Very stiff, very moist, medium olive, Silty CLAYSTONE, witii interbedded sandstone (fossiliferous) and gypsum, and jarosite (iron sulfate) coatings on fracmres Dense, moist, reddish-brown, Silty, fine SANDSTONE; very fossiliferous 9.4 •gure A-37, Log of Boring LB 19 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. CHUNK SAMPLE I .. ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I -E: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 06403-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. >-to o -I o X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING LB 19 ELEV. (MSL.) 275 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 12/1/99 ROTARY BUCKET 30" iUI' ^tn° >- H-H CSl a: a UJ^ a: ilL - 30 32 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LB 19-6 34 36 - 38 - 40 --B19-7 LB19-8 - 42 1^19-9 - 44 - ML Hard, moist, olive, Silty CLAYSTONE -Strong seepage at 34.5 feet -Horizontal coiuact 107.2 21.5 I' CL Hard, wet, medium-daric olive, Silty CLAYSTONE -Fractured (with water seepage) and jarosite/gypsum coatings t -Horizontal contact Dense, moist, reddish-brown, Silty, medium to coarse SANDSTONE SM 16 ZL-ML Very hard, moist, dark gray-olive, SUty CLAYSTONE to Clayey SILTSTONE BORING TERMINATED AT 45 FEET Figure A-38, Log of Boring LB 19 LCG SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C. .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • . . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) @ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B. .. CHUNK SAMPLE I . . UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE; THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Appendix B (continued) EFB-1 through EFB-4 Small-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1996, Geologic Investigation, Rancho Carrillo - El Fuerte Detention Basin Embankment and Existing Bressi Dam, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-11, dated November 25, 1996 OEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 1 ELEV. (MSL.) 184 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 10/14/96 CME 55 :UJ' las :LU: - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Bl-1 - 4 - - 6 Bl-2 10 - 12 ^ Bl-3 14 - 16 r 18 - 20 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - Bl-4 Bl-5 Bl-6 SC CL CL I SM SC-CL CL FILL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND Stiff, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 20 122.1 Becomes stiff, slightly moist, orange, olive and light brown, Sandy CLAY 15 TERRACE DEPOSITS Very dense, slightly moist, orange-brown, Silty, fine SAND 74 111.7 Becomes medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fme to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY 29 Becomes very stiff, very moist, orange-brown and gray, Sandy CLAY 30 16.9 Figure A-l Log of Boring B 1, page 1 of 2 RCll CAx^nr r- c-^xn^T o D ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUNK SAMPLE U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. UNDUATER I BORING B 1 ELEV. (MSL.) 184 DATE COMPLETED 10/14/96 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. THOLOG"! UNDUATER I SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 1 ELEV. (MSL.) 184 DATE COMPLETED 10/14/96 RATION STANCE IS/FT.) RY DENSITY (P.C.F.) *-o DEPTH IN FEET H _J GRO SOIL CLASS (USCS) EQUIPMENT CME 55 RY DENSITY (P.C.F.) *-o a (J - 0 -MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - Bl-1 \ SC FILL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - Bl-2 1 :/'/ CL Stiff, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 20 122.1 12.2 - 10 -Bl-3 1 1 V CL Becomes stiff, slightly moist, orange, olive and light brown, Sandy CLAY 15 - 12 -- - 14 -- - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - Bl-4 j Ml- % SM TERRACE DEPOSITS Very dense, slightly moist, orange-brown, Silty, fine SAND 74 1 1 1.7 13.9 - 16 - - 18 - - 20 -Bl 5 ^" / •/ SC-CL Becomes medium dense, moist, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY 29 - 22 -1 ^" / •/ - - 24 - - 26 - - 24 - - 26 - Bl-6 $ CL Becomes very stiff, very moist, orange-brown and gray, Sandy CLAY 30 116.9 16.0 - 28 -- '//• Figure A-l Log of Boring B 1, page 1 of 2 Rcn SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^'^"^'-"^'^ UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUNK SAMPLE B... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO SE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 2 ELEV. (MSL.) 183 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 og' Cfl' lUi: tn Ui gL LU a >-ct: a u Ul MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 20 22 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - 82-1 10 - 12 - 14 B2-2 16 18 - - 24 - - 26 - B2-3 B2-4 B2-5 SC FILL Medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Clayey, fme to medium SAND -Becomes orange-brown and gray sandy clay CL Very stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY • o.<=..o SM TERRACE DEPOSnS Medium dense, moist, orange-brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND SM-SC GP SC-CL Dense, moist, gray-brown, Silty, fine to medium _S_A_ND_with clay _ _ Medium dense, dry, gray and red, fine to medium GRAVEL Medium dense, very moist, mottled orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND to Sandy CLAY with little gravel CL Stiff to very stiff, wet to saturated, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY with little gravel BORING TERMINATED AT 27 FEET REFUSAL 16 24 36 36 28 110.0 13.6 114.2 13.S Figure A-3 Log of Boring B 2, page 1 of 1 RCll SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1 S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E ... CHUNK SAMPLE B... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. I I I I I I I I I I I i li k k k k PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 DEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 3 ELEV. (MSL.) 141 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 UJ JUJ' :|> :(/)5 cn' UJ: UJ^CQ gL a (n H •o u - 0 - 6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION B3-1 - 2 - 4 - CL ALLUVIUM Firm, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY B3-2 CL-SC Becomes loose, wet, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND 10 I- 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - - 22 - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - B3-3 B3-4 B3-5 B3-6 B3-7 B3-8 B3-9 B3-10 CL Becomes stiff to very stiff, saturated, orange-brown and gray, Silty CLAY Becomes soft, samrated, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND CL-SC CL Becomes firm to stiff, saturated, gray and orange-brown, Sandy CLAY with silt Becomes firm, saturated, olive-gray, Sandy CLAY CL 5 HELBY 27 109.9 21.9 5HELBY 106.7 23.3 J HELBY 22 102.8 23. 5HELBY 10 95.5 29.6 Figure A-4 Log of Boring B 3, page 1 of 2 RCll SAMPLE SYMBOLS . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • .. . DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS m.. . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. . CHUNK SAMPLE . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 BORING B 3 ELEV. (MSL.) 141 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 LJ :Ll. n LC ^ >-a: a (n H UJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Becomes soft, samrated, olive-gray, Silty CLAY with little sand 91.3 32.7 -Becomes firm 11 Becomes medium dense, saturated, olive, Sandy SILT 11 101.3 25.2 DELMAR FORMATION Dense, saturated, olive, fine coarse SAND with little clay -Refusal at 45 feet Very dense, saturated, orange-brown, Clayey GRAVEL BORING TERMINATED AT 46 FEET 82/ir Figure A-5 Log of Boring B 3, page 2 of 2 RCll CAA^Di tr cvx^nr^i c 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUNK SAMPLE B... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 DEPTH IN FEET SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 4 ELEV. (MSL.) 143 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 UJ cn* UJ: (/) uj^m gt g' a cn gz u UJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 B4-1 - 6 - 10 - - 12 - B4-2 B4-3 16 - 20 - 22 B4-4 24 26 - 28 B4-5 CL CL CL SP-SM SM SP- ML-CL ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, orange-brown, very Sandy CLAY Becomes soft, samrated, gray-brown, Silty CLAY with little sand Becomes soft, samrated, orange-brown and gray, Sandy, Silty CLAY Loose, saturated, orange-brown, fine to coarse SAND with little silt Medium dense, samrated, green-blue, Silty, fine to medium SAND -No recovery at 25 feet Interbedded, very loose, saturated, olive-gray, fine to coarse SAND and soft, samrated, gray. Clayey SILT to Silty CLAY 11 17 105.4 24.4 / / ' " " —" Figure A-6 Log of Boring B 4, page 1 of 2 RCll CA^^nt c cv*xr,r>r c n ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUNK SAMPLE B ... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-11 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. CD O _J O X SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING B 4 ELEV. (MSL.) 143 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED CME 55 10/15/96 ;UJ' l-l cnH UJ gu >-'^ CK^ Q Ui^ cn Ul u - 30 32 - 34 - 36 - 38 - 40 B4-6 1 / / B4-7 1 7^' B4-8 •/ / / / / / MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ML Becomes medium dense, saturated, olive, Sandy SILT 19 111.5 19.6 SC DELMAR FORMATION Very dense, saturated, orange-brown. Clayey, fine to medium SAND with gravel 68/7" \ -Refiisal at 41 feet BORING TERMINATED AT 41 FEET Figure A-7 Log of Boring B 4, page 2 of 2 RCll CAXxni c cvx^n^i o Q ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUNK SAMPLE B ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. Appendix B (continued) BM-27 through BM-28 Large-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-01, dated January 15, 1993 BORING BM 27 ELEV. (MSL) 215 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG ? 1,1 vs ia3 UJ g D (L ^ > a. cr 2fi o CJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY; minor rootiets, voids DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE: loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, abundant disseminated caliche, orange to dark red oxide staining, very massive -Becomes less sandy and very hard at 13 feet Subhorizontal lense of very dense, very moist to moist, light yellowish green, Silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE -Somewhat gradational contact, 1/4 inch pebbles, minor seepage from 21 to 24 feet Hard, cfamp, fight io medium green," fine Sandy CLAYSTONE 112.8 15.4 123.4 12.6 10 10 10 "20/10" BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET J Log of Boring BM 27, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^AHPLINC UNSUCCESSFUL S ... DISTURBED 0« BAG SAMPLE c. 0.. . STANOARD PENETRATION TEST B ... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAMPLE Z ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING Ofi TRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING BM 27 ELEV. (MSL) 215 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY; minor rootlets, voids DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to medium green, fine Sandy CLAYSTONE: loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, abundant disseminated caliche, orange to dark red oxide staining, very massive -Becomes less sandy and very hard at 13 feet Subhorizontal lense of very dense, very moist to moist, light yellowish green, Silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE -Somewhat gradational contact, 1/4 inch pebbles, minor seepage from 21 to 24 feet Hard, cfamp, fight to medium green," fiiie Sandy CLAYSTONE BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET J M y H UJ ^ (D Q. >^ 10 10 10 "20/10" > Su: UJ A 112.8 123.4 UJ i5 tr in ^ o o 15.4 12.6 Log of Boring BM 27, page 1 of 1 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - S... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C. 0.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B . . CHUNK SAMPLE T .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING BM 28 ELEV. (MSL) 290 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG S UJ ^ M 3 III " t-\ cr • ujb' *^ o o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, damp to moist, orange-brown Sandy CLAY 113.4 15.6 DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to dark green, fine Sandy SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE to Silty/ Clayey fine SANDSTONE -Loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, excavates blocky, orange oxide staining, abundant caliche veinlets -Subhorizontal 4 to 6 inch lense of silty fine SANDSTONE at 9.6 feet -Gradational contact at 14 feet "Very dense, damp, lighl yelFow to light green, Silty fine SANDSTONE: grades into fine to very coarse sandstone below 16 feet 116.2 15.3 Hard, damp, green CLAYSTONE; very massive and blocky, black and orange oxide staining along fractures, abundant shining parting surfaces -Very thin highly irregular, subhorizontal, orange-brown clay seam at 18 feet, no apparent remolding BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET Log of Boring BM 28, page 1 of 1 CROR ^ n... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ H ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUNK SAMPLE ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING BM 28 ELEV. (MSL) 290 EQUIPMENT _DATE COMPLETED 12/4/91 E-100 BUCKET RIG 5 UJ in M s UJ rv UJ >- Ui A a UJ2 cr zt cn z UJ §^ ^ o u MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Medium stiff to stiff, damp to moist, orange-brown Sandy CLAY DELMAR FORMATION Hard, damp, light to dark green, fine Sandy SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE to Silty/ Clayey fine SANDSTONE -Loose and highly weathered to 5 feet, excavates blocky, orange oxide staining, abundant caliche veinlets -Subhorizontal 4 to 6 inch lense of silty fine SANDSTONE at 9.6 feet -Gradational contact at 14 feet Very dense, damp, light yelfow to light green, Silty fine SANDSTONE: grades into fine to very coarse sandstone below 16 feet Hard, damp, green CLAYSTONE; very massive and blocky, black and orange oxide staining along fractures, abundant shining parting surfaces -Very thin highly irregular, subhorizontal, orange-brown clay seam at 18 feet, no apparent remolding 113.4 15.6 116.2 15.3 BORING TERMINATED AT 26 FEET Log of Boring BM 28, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS •- SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL m ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE c... Q... STANDARD PENETRATION CHUNK SAMPLE TEST fl . % . .. DRIVE .. UATER SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPECIFIC BORING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS OR TRENCH AT OTHER LOCATION LOCATIONS AND AT THE AMD TIMES. Appendix B (continued) SBM-6 through SBM-9 Small-Diameter Borings From: Geocon, 1993, Geologic Investigation for Rancho Carrillo Project - Major Roads, Carlsbad, Califomia, ProjectNo. 04787-12-01, dated January 15, 1993 OEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > (3 O J O X I- SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 6 ELEV. (MSL) 175 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY u V k. H 3 Q. ir ^ So cr UjJJ cr cn Ui 0 2 4 6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION :>BM6-l I ";BM6-: SC sc i TOPSOIL Loose to medium dense, damp, dark grayish brown, fine to medium, Clayey SAND ALLUVIUM Loose to medium dense, moist, medium grayish brown, fine to medium slightly clayey to Clayey SAND 13 111.8 11.9 12 - 14 ;5BM6- - 16 - 18 - 20 22 - 24 :>BM6-^ SP-SC Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light grayish brown, mottled, fine to medium SAND to slightly clayey SAND SM SM Becomes medium dense, moist, very light greenish brown, mottled, fine to medium Silty SAND TT" IT 111.9 DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, very light green to white, fine to medium slightly silty SANDSTONE 66 r3T 115.4 13.1 BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-8 Log of Boring SBM 6, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - '''''''' '''''''''''' ^ - S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE tzI .. . STANDARD PENETRATION . CHUNK SAMPLE TEST fl . T . .. DRIVE .. WATER SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. DEPTH IN FEET - 0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 10 12 SAMPLE NO. >• C3 O _l O X I- i ;>BM6-1 I 1 ";BM6- 14 - i ;5BM6-: - 16 - 18 SOIL CLASS (USCS) 20 ":;BM6- 22 - 24 SC SC BORING SBM 6 ELEV. (MSL) 175 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose to medium dense, damp, dark grayish brown, fine to medium. Clayey SAND ALLUVIUM Loose to medium dense, moist, medium grayish brown, fine to medium slightly clayey to Clayey SAND ^ UJ " cn in iu ^ CD 13 >• -u: So >-°- Q 111.8 SP-SC Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light grayish brown, mottled, fine to medium SAND to slightly clayey SAND SM Becomes medium dense, moist, very light greenish brown, mottled, fine to medium Silty SAND SM DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, very light green to white, fine to medium slightly silty SANDSTONE TT UJJ3 cr 3w cn Ul 11.9 TTTTT 1^ IT 66 TJT 115.4 13.1 BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-8 Log of Boring SBM 6, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I I I I I I PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. >-(3 O _J O I I- H -1 SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 7 ELEV. (MSL) 170 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY 2 III in cn > ^u: Ui o IT • UJ 2 cr cn ;>BM7-1 - 6 -1 "!5BM7-; MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SC TERRACE DEPOSrrS Dense to very dense, damp, light brown, fine to coarse. Gravelly SAND with some clay SM Very dense, moist, medium brown, fine to medium, Silty SAND with small chunks of green claystone 52 115.0 6:4 BORING TERMINATED AT 11 FEET 47 117.1 12.2 Figure A-9 Log of Boring SBM 7, page 1 of 1 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ? ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COND DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT ITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING SBM 8 ELEV. (MSL) 142 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY HI " IN UJ CD cr " I- ^ cr ^ a ui2 Q: !25 o u MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Firm, dry fo damp, very dark brown to black Sandy CLAY -Water table after stabilizing at 1 foot ALLUVIUM Very loose, saturated, grayish brown mottled, fine Clayey SAND Becomes medium soft, grayish brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND -Gravel at 13 feet Becomes soft, saturated, bluish gray, slightly sandy CLAY, interbedded with brown, medium to coarse SAND and little gravel Becomes firm, grayish blue, slightly sandy CLAY B'ecomes dark blue to black CLAY to slightly sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND 91.8 "WX Figure A-10 Log of Boring SBM 8, page 1 of 2 ITT 33.7 "257 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE T ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE- THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BORING SBM 8 ELEV. (MSL) 142 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/24/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -Layer of sand with pieces of decomposed wood from 31 to 31.5 feet Becomes dark blue to black CLAY to slightly sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND (Continued) -Becomes gravelly from 38 to 40 feet Becomes medium dense, saturated, dark gray, fine to coarse SAND Becomes medium dense, saturated, black, Sandy GRAVEL with some cobbles -Becomes very cobbly at 47 feet -Heavy caving from 47 feet, very difficult drilling DELMAR FORMATION Very dense, wet, very light greenish gray, fine Clayey SAND BORING TERMINATED AT 54 FEET <i 2 \ ZW'S CL >^ ^IL Ut u cr a 27 24 95.8 Uib' 30.6 126.3 13.4 Figure A-11 Log of Boring SBM 8, page 2 of 2 CROR n SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ^ . DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 123 ... CHUNK SAMPLE fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLT Al IMt if-tLlML BUKINI. UK IKCNOH Lui.«iiur. n, , n.. DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. I IROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 ,DEPTH IN FEET BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY S3 Sg ^5 > fill o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL „ ^ Soft, damp to moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY ALLUVIUM Soft, wet to saturated, dark brown mottled, Sandy CLAY -Water table after stabilizing at 7 feet 106.8 19.9 Becomes fine, saturated, medium grayish brown, Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND -Medium dense, saturated, light brown, slightly clayey sand lense from 11 to 11.5 feet Becomes loose, saturated, light brown mottled, fine to medium Clayey SAND to slightly clayey sand -Becomes loose to medium dense at 20 feet T5" 'Becomes soft, saturated, light brown, Sandy CLAY and Clayey SAND 13 WTT "I5T lUYTT I Figure A-12 Log of Boring SBM 9, page 1 of 3 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL STANDARD PENETRATION TEST .. DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) IL ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTF. THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDIC^^^^^^^^^^ TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECTNO. 04787-12-01 SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY IN «g go >- go IU *5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 34 - 38 - :>BM9- 44 ">BM9-« SBM9 -10 SBM9 -11 CL-SC CL CL-SC CL SP-SC Becomes stiff, saturated, dark brown mottled, slightly sandy CLAY -Becomes light gray and yellowish brown at 35 feet Becomes soft, light green and medium brown, Sandy CLAY with thin layers of fine to medium slightly clayey SAND Becomes dark bluish gray and black. Clayey SAND to Sandy CLAY Becomes stiff, grayish blue mottled, Sandy CLAY Becomes loose, saturated, grayish blue, fine to medium Clayey SAND to slightly clayey SAND -Becomes gravelly from 59 feet TT 11 T5 ~7T 94.8 30.1 TIT Figure A-13 Log of Boring SBM 9, page 2 of 3 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS ° - ''''''''' UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B.. 0.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . CHUNK SAMPLE 1 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Z ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. 1 PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > CD O -I O X H -I SOIL CLASS (USCS) BORING SBM 9 ELEV. (MSL) 130 EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY UJ 9K 23 Kg UJ M go ><>• a |-5 - 60 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SBM9" -12 - 62 - - 64 - GC Dark blue. Clayey SAND and cobbles DU/2.5' BORING TERMINATED AT 65 FEET PRACTICAL REFUSAL (Figure A-14 Log of Boring SBM 9, page 3 of 3 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS •- SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 1 ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E.. 0.. . STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . CHUNK SAMPLE fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 3C ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE INOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. Appendix B (continued) CPT-9 and CPT-10 ® Cone Penetrometer Tests From: Geocon, 1988, Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation For La Costa - Northwest Area, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. D-4230-H01, dated November 11, 1988 FRICTION RESISTANCE TSF (KC/CH*I 0-1 0- l- s- 2- 3-lo- 4- ts 5- TJ —1 = 7- -0 —t X as o) [N METERS ^25 -n m m —i 30 10- n-SS 12-40 13- u-4S 15-SO CONE RESISTANCE SOIL TSF(KC/CM*) COLUMN SO IQO ISO 200 250 300 350 400 FRICTION RATIO IX) 1 •' • • llll llll X — c r 400 PROJECT! LA COSTA RANCH NW PROJECT NUMBER: 89-230-1702 INSTRUMENT NUMBER: F15CKE088 DATE: 10-06-1988 ' fhe Earth Technology Corporation CONE PENETROMETER TEST PROBE; CPT-9 ii • - -i Vtv • O-J 1 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 7 35- 36- 37- 38 FRICTION RESISTHNCE TSF (KG/CM*) 6 4 2 ^ CONE RESISTANCE TSF(KG/CM*) 10 IS 20 1^5 120 125- 50 iqO 150 200 300 31 4Q0 SOIL COLUMN FRICTION RATIO IX) llll llll < i ^— —= • ,——^ — • • 10 15 - 20 -lis 120 400 125 a r ° -1 2 9 4 S Y 6 7 -35 ^6 -97 •38 PROJECT; LA COSTA RANCH NW PROJECT NUMBERJ89-230-1702 INSTRUMENT NUMBER«F15CKE088 DHTEJ 10-06-1988 The Earth Technology Corporation CONE PENETROMETER TEST PROBE : CPT.-I0 Appendix B (continued) GT-1 through GT-47 Exploratory Trenches From: Geocon, 1982b, Report of Phase I Geotechnical Study, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomia, File no. D-2714-T02, dated June 4, 1982 •a-Ili >ioii Z717 COTO DE C.^Z.-^ LTD El 009 . 0 sM/m.r tea t s*/*^e TRENCH NO. 1 Birr OtMtlTr - 8 . 10 • 12 •WV. I' • *' y >./. . . ::n:f: \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, lighc brown, Silcy Sandy CLAY/Clayey SAND TERRACE DEPOSIT D«nse, damp, eecidish-brown, weakly cemenced, Clayey SANDSTONE TORREY SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, lighc gray-olive, weakly Cftcaenced. incerbedded very fine 5ILTSTONE/SANDSTONTE V TRENCH TERiMINATED AT II.O FEET •igure , Log oi Tesc Trench 1 A-l GaSOCON iMcoKpaiiATKg COTO DE CAZA LTD ©010 IM 0 2 . 4 . 6 9 10 12 14 16 19 -1 TRENCH NO. 2 cotrttff a Iff wr A I •I'I TOPSOIL ' ' Loose, damp, lighc brovn, SUcy Clayey SAND TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, oolsc, reddlah-yellow. gray noc clad, very fine Silcy SANDSTONE V Dense CsclfO. weachered, callchefied, Ughc gray SILTSTONS Very aciff, damp, gray, well bedded, atcicude apptfoxlfflacely horiaontal, well cemenccd SILTSTONE Very dense, moiac, reddiah-brown. hard, well cemenced SANDSTONE, highly fossilif erouiS beccjmea very hard 20 TRENCH REFL'SAL AT 19.5 FEET Figure Log of Test Trench 2 A-2 GEOCON INCOHpi^t^TtO ' O i. U . 1 I COTO DE C.-^Z.A LTD (Soil xsemFrtQH TRENCH NO. 3 TOPSOIL Loose, damp, reddish-brown, Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE ~^ ' Highly weachered. callchefied. Llahc gray SILTSTONE * ..becomes very sciff, damp, orav SILTSTONE ^ ^ "^^P* i^^ddish-brown. SANDSTONE, highly fossiliferous Very dense, damp, Ughc gray, medium ceaenCed, fine SANDSTONE "becomes very well cemented, finely bedded SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET O0T etmtrr Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 3 A-3 GEOCCN IMCO«fOI»AT«0 12. 24-96 10:18 ©714 ioS 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD ©012 If tat (fiosriom 9f aitr Mr.' Bfurwufr . 0 TRENCH NO. U . 4 . 6 a 10 12 14 16 lil TOPSOIL Llghc brown, damp, Silty Sandy CLAY -\\ TORREY SANDSTONE Medium dense, damp, fraccured, caliche- fled, olive gray, very fine SANDSTONE Highly fractured, weachered, caliche- fled, daap, Ughc gray SILTSTONE •|;i.r. Very dense, damp, llghc gray, massive, very fine Silcy SANDSTONE Dense, damp, reddish-brown SANDSTONE, highly fo«4iUferous I L very dense, daap. light gray, medium to well cemenced, v«ry fine, massive, I Siley SANDSTONE becomes moccled lighc gray, reddish- yello« SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log or Tesc Trench 4 A-4 GECXX)N 12.24.'96 10:18 ©714 8.58 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD [2)013 l.0i * Qf 0»r atMSirr At.f ua/fru/re 2- 6 8 10 12 - 14 ' 16 TRENCH NO. 5 ^•:i.J> \ TOPSOIL Soft Co medium stiff, damp, reddish- brown, Silcy Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, moccled light gray-reddish, very fine Sandy Clayey SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE grades into massive Sandy CLAYSTONE DELMAR FORMATION Very sclff, damp, olive-green-gray CLAYSTONE wich shiny parCing surfaces TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEEI Figure , Log of Teac Trench 5 A-5 GEOCON iHcokvoaAriD •Q'lli 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD ® 014 IM 2 . 6 . 8 . 1-10 • • 12 • • .16 . •18 of 6-1 6-2 r.l..' iV'-' ettcHiPTiaN TRENCH NO. 6 TOPSOIL Sofc, molsc, lighc brown, Sllcy Sandy CLAY \ TORREY SANDSTONE \ Highly weathered, noise, reddish-gray. •^^ fine ahaley SANDSTONE \ reddish-btoun, medium-grained SANDSTONE \ interbedded, Shaley, moist, dense, Ughc gray-reddlsh-brown, very fine SANDSTONE; several callchefied layers approximately 1/2-1" chick; bedding attitude hocizoncal or dipping gencly (1-3*) coward the wesc becomes masslva, very dense, damp, gray, fine- co aediua-grained SANDSTONE becomes moccled. gray-reddlah-btovn SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, incerbedded light gray, fine, medium cemented SANDSTONE and reddish-brown, medium cemenced. medium-grained SANDSTONE. Very fine, disconclnuous, shaley SILTSTONE layers (approximacely 1/10-1/20" chick) wichin the SANDSTONE mass TRENCH TERMINATED AT 17.5 FEET IMmt^Mee 0*r ffusirr AT.' IOS. 2 % .M 16.0 Figure , Log of Teac Trench 6 A-6 GEOCXDN INCQftrOHATtO 12/24/96 10:IJ ©714 8.58 2711 COTO DE CAZA LTD @01." •M-'LAet IM ftr LOS S leairfOM e»r aensiry Af.' fOitTi/»€ . 0 TRENCH NO. 7 » « . 2 , TOPSOIL Soft, moist CO wee, reddish-brown. Silty Sandy CLAY . 4 , •'•I Vj • • TORHEY SANDSTONE Medium dense, highly weachered, moisc. light gray, incerbedded fine SANDSTONE . 6 . . 8 - •.'•'••lv ^*.»'—^ \ and reddish-brown, medium-grained to \^ coarse S.\NDSTONE "becomes very dense, damp, lighc gray, T massive, medium cemenced, floe Sllty \ SANDSTONE A'—hard, reddtsh-brown-black, dlsconcin- uoua concrecions with fossils -10 - \ and reddish-brown, medium-grained to \^ coarse S.\NDSTONE "becomes very dense, damp, lighc gray, T massive, medium cemenced, floe Sllty \ SANDSTONE A'—hard, reddtsh-brown-black, dlsconcin- uoua concrecions with fossils • • • 12 • •• •! grades -into very dense, damp, Inter- bedded llghc gray, fine SANDSTONE - li . \ and reddish, medium SANDSTONE, bedding \ attitudes horlsoncal • a » « TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.5 FEET » -1 * • Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 7 A-7 GEOCOSf iNflaspaaATKo 1^016 IM 2 - 4 . 6 8 10 H 12 14 . 16 • 18 20 kit s Of mi 0€ScmFriOM TRENCH NO. 8 TOPSOIL Sofc, moist, dark brown, Sllcy Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, damp, callchefied, lacerbedded gray, very fine SILTSTONE/ SANDSTONE and reddish-brown SANDSTONE —^grades into very stiff, damp, purple- gray SILTSTONE V^ry dense, hard, damp, reddiah-brown with black manganese scain, well cemenced, fossiliferous SANDSTONE air aiHStrr At.' \ Very sciff, damp, purpliah-gray, finely bedded, well cemenced SILTSTONE, bedding accicuda horizontal thin reddish SANDSTONE interbeds Very hard, damp, dense, well cemented. coarse-grained, olive gray SANDSTONE TRENCH TEWHINATED AT 18,5 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 8 A-8 GEXXXDN INCO»PQI«»T<& COTO DE CAZA LTD ©Oil >M 6 S 10 9-1 9-2 t<9« J 7 . oeseinftiCM TRENCH NO. 9 TOPSOIL — Sofc, moisc, dark gray-brown, Silcy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE' '~ Highly weachered, moist, moccled, incerbedded lighc stcay-reddish-brown, fine, Sandy Clayey SILT, bedding actitudes N10°W/4OW -becomes denser Very dense, damp, light gray, fine Silcy SANDSTONE TRENCH TER>1INATED AT 10.0 FEET m-Mt.4ct aeMsirf At,' BULK 107.8 f^triMt eoMTftr % f'r " SAMPLE 15.5 TRENCH NO. 10 10-1 >f:l. ALLUVIUM Very sofc, loose, wee, dark gray-brown, mottled, Silty Clayey SAND with randomly oriented, black 1"-10" chick Clayey zones BULK SAMPLE \ TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, moisc, lighc gray, weakly cemenced, very fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8.0 FEET figure , Log of Tesc Trenches 9 and 10 A-9 GEOCCN j.<: <:4.ao iu:Zi ti'714 «5S 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD ©018 far nmttn U)9 * UKttlOlt if 00 r OtMfitr Af,' TRENCH NO, 11 7. ••11 6 . 11-1 5 11-2 I 8 - TOPSOIL Soft, wee, dark grayish-brown, Sllcy CIAY TORREY SAINDSTONE Dense, weathered, daap, incerbedded reddish-yellow, nedluo to coerse SAND- STONE and llghc gray, fine-grained Silcy ^ SANDSTONE ' becomes very hard, highly cemenced, incerbedded reddlsh-yellow/gray SAND- STONE, very slow digging BULX 115.4 SAMPLE 13.4 TRENCH TESKINATED AT 7.0 FEET Figuce , Log of Test Trench 11 A-10 GEOCON INCOHroAATIB ©714 858 2711 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121019 aewru jitrr SMtFtS Mutte* 6 . 8 - 10 - a 12 - 14 16 18 20 22 LCS § LOOATION of UM0I.C 12-1 12-2 :|-f.|- 1^. '•• •r, I- oetcfifTiOM TRENCH NO. 12 TOPSOIL Very sofc, damp to moisc, llghc reddish- brown, Sllcy Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, fractured, damp, reddish-brovn-gray, Sandy CLAY V Very sciff, danp, purpltsh-gray, well bedded, shaley SILTSTONE, bedding atticude approximately N-S/4W, chickness of beds approximacely 1-2" P~>manganese and iron scainlng along I bedding planes iM'0L0er O0r At' BULK 105.2 Very dense, molsc, reddish-brown, weakly cemenced, medium-CO coarse- grained SANDSTONE (—becomes interbedded, very dense, ' damp, reddish-brown and gray SANDSTONE -j--— grades inco lighc gray, weakly cemented SANDSTONE with sCiff, dark gray SILTSTONE interbeds TRENCH TERMINATED AT 22.0 FEET eauftrtr SAMPLE 22.0 Figure , Log oi Tesc Trench 12 A-ll GEOCON I 11.): 22 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD il020 •M TU ltM0t0 tawt'O- or ttem0TioM m.0i.Att 00" OtMSirr At' uottrwe TRENCH NO, 13 2. . 4. . 6. TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, dark brown, Silcy CIAY V \ TORREY SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, interbedded (moccled) reddlsh-brown/Ughc gray, medium- co coarse-grained, weakly cemenced SAND- STONE, bedding aCCiCudft N85E/4°N •10 - 12 14 16 18 \^ Very dense, reddish-brown SANDSTONE \ \ becomes olive gray-reddlsh-brown aoctled SANDSTONE — 4i. heavy manganese concencradon 13-1 13-2 20 Very dense, damp, olive green-gray, medium cemenced SILTSTONE wich occa- sional chin reddish, fine SANDSTONE incerbeds t—Bedding Plane Faulc, approximacely 1/2" highly sheared guiomy gray CLAY, acclcude N60E/2*NW BULK 111.6 SAMPLE 17.7 \ V Very dense/sciff, damp, incerbedded moccled fine, olive gray SANDSTONE/ dark gray SILTSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET Figure , Log of Teac Trench 13 A-12 GEOCON INeORfO»»ttD iM WCiTIOH af OtfC0l0TIQM O0r ofMSirr A*.' TRENCH NO. 14 •'i75'PS<5rL Very sofc, loose, damp, dark brown, 6 8 10- 12 • 14 14-1 Sllcy CLAY yyvit mm. sAifflSTajiE ———__ Highly weachered, callchefied, soft/ loose, damp, whlctsh-can, Sllty Clayey ._SAND/SILT grades inco medium dense to dense, damn, olive gray, weakly cemenced. Clayey Sandy SILTSTONE, frequenc reddlsh-brown iron scain .— becomes dense, damp, moctled olive green-gray-reddiah, very fine SANDSTONE ^— Bedding Plane Faulc, highly sheared. noist. dark gray CLAY, chickness 2"-5". \ acclcude approximacely horizoncal V 16 - Very dense, damp, incerbedded, Ughc gray/ceddish-brown, fine SANDSTONE wich occasional black manganese scain ivery hard, highly cemenCed concretion TRENCH RERISAL AT 15,0 FEET BULK SAMPLE Figure . Log of Test Trench 14 A-13 GEOCON INCgilrOKATSD ii-c-i-i)K> itj;;;4 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD (2)002 m far uffte MmM0 0 l- 4 . 6* 8 10. 12 14 L04 f Of .t 5 ' ' * . * ' * . • 15-1 15-1 oete»i0*it>M TRENCH NO, 15 TOPSOIL Sofc, d*np, llghc brown, SilCy Sandy CLAY TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered, damp, reddish-can moctled, fine SAND Very dense, damp, whlttah-lighc gray, maaslve, weakly cemenccd, fine-grained SANDSTONE , —grades into mottled, reddish-gray, \ very dense SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, llghc gray, medium cemented, fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.3 FEET Figure , Log ot Tesc Trench 15 A-14 »0r 0€M4irr A*.' BULK U7.2 UOISTUMW % tr, .t SAMPLE 9.7 GEOCON INCORPgAATtO I X -i .> O il I 1 I CUTU DE C.4ZA LTD 121003 m IU SAMfLt iOO * toatriw Of SiUflt lip^ oetenfTioM 'M-fkACC 00 r OfMSirr tt f tOisru»t eenttur % *tr If 2 , - 8 -i • 10 -12 14 TRENCH NO. 16 A I I TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, dark brown Silcy CLAY I I;). TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weachered. damp, reddlsh-lighc gray moccled, incerbedded fine SANDSTONE — grades inco highly callchefied, lighc gray Silcy SANDSTONE, bedding acclcude ^ N10E/4°E A Ueathered, damp, motclad lighc reddish- brown-gray SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, incerbedded, purpliah- gray, very fine SANDSTONE/SILTSTONB, bedding aCCicude approximately hori- zontal CO dips 4" coward E-SE TRENCH TERItlNATED AT 12.5 FEET Figure , Log oc Test Trench 16 A-15 GEOCON IKeOINfQ«AT»0 i.UiU Ul. lvAZ.A LIU 1^004 HUMtf 2 , 4 . V 6- 3- \ 10 12 I. 14 16 LOi 0 ifilUTlOM 3f sAUfte —rr ./••• V • 7 I .i. ; •I-; 'J'. N , becomea blacklsh-green-gray, very stiff >^ CLAYSTONE wich shiny parting surfaces oese»i0TioM TRENCH NO. 17 TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, grayish-brown, fine. Clayey SAND/Sandy CLAY DELMAR FORMATION Stiff, moist, greenish-dark gray- blackish, fractured SILTSTONE grades inco dark gray, Sandy Clayey SILTSTONE, frequent manganese and iron scainlng grades inco dark gray-brown, well cemenced, very fine Sllcy SANDSTONE becomes very sClff, reddish-brown, callchefied SILTSTONE grades inCo greenlah-brown, Clayey, callchefied SILTSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET ,M.*L4er atMJiTtf At.' Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 17 A-16 »tonTU0e anrtirr GEOCm INeOltPOAATBD I X-i OOO i / i I l^UiU UL LALA LIU l^UU5 eviK IM fwtr uOt 0 iSCAtlOM Of S0M0U H**tf0 KjefioriQit B'T OtHtlfT At,' mQHTv0f CCHrtMf %*'/<' 0 TRENCH NO. 18 . 2. ALLUVIUM! Looae, molsc, blackish-brown. Sllty Clayey SAND 4 _ , 6 . . becomes dark reddlsh-brown and very loose fine SAND becomes wet • • . a. •/•l'l.. • -10 • ••••I'iH'i-' •12 -m seepage, caving • 14 - k m heavy seepage 9 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET k • » • Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 13 A-17 GEOCON INCOtfOlATIO I J.•* ooo ^ I X I l^LUU UL L.-iL.A LIU 1^006 10 ftp MU00t0 Loa 0 SJXAtlOm Of W0iJ otse»>*TtoM iM~ML»et 90r otMiirt At.' M^iTu0t ct>$rtMr % t'r tt . 2 . 4 » . 6 ' 8 . 10 . 12 14 16 13 20 TRENCH NO. 19 \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark gray, Silcy Sandy CLAY/SAND ALLUVIL'M Loosa, moist to wet, reddlsh-brown, fine Sllcy Clayey SAND '— becomes wac Stiff, dark brown, moisc CLAY (Paleosol) •'•-'< ; v.: v "grades inco dense, molsc co wee,' reddish-dark brown, Clayey SAND 1/ IL becomes lighc brown-tan, moisc, Silcy Clayey SAND/Sandy CLAY '-1 LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly weachered. callchefied, damp co Boist, moccled whitish-can, pale olive green. Sllcy Sandy CUY/SILT -ramalded olive green CLAYSTONE sheared plane I atclcuda approximacely horizoncal loEU-lAA MfLMATIdN , Highly weachered, callchefied, raoisc, pale olive green, Silcy CLAYSTONE ll It— becomes medluxn sciff TRE.NCH T£R,MINATED AT :0.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 19 A-18 GEOCON .-k ilV XV , iL I WIli 0 0 0 Zlll COTO DE CAZA LTD 121007 att SAtftr MU*llt0 leaitioM if SAMftr I't-nftl acjif'ftiOM lM^t.»Ot 00 r At.' uaistutt % "r - TRENCH NO. 20 2 . • . 4 . . 6 . 3 . 10 12 14 16 . 18 •yyy. ALLUVIUM Loose, dry to damp, dark gray-brown, Silty Clayey SAND/Sandy CLAY 20-1 m Loose, dark brown, noisC, Sllcy Clayey SAND Medium dense, wee, reddish-brown, SiiCy Clayey fine SAND V--\'.' •——becomes saCuraced — heavy seepage, caving 20 - TRENCH TERMINATED AT lfl.5 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 20 A-19 GEOCON •MCoafomAfCO lZ-24.y6 10:27 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121008 UMfir m.if0r0 Ml 0 Of acsc0>fTt9n 007 O€0Sirr AT.f ioitru0t eanrwr % trf It TRENCH NO. 21 2 • 4- 8 10 . 12- 14- • 16 TOPSOIL sofc. damp, dark brown, Silcy CLAY DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, fraccured, callchefied danp, dark olive-gray. Clayey Sandy SILTSTONE Very dense, damp, olive green, weakly cemenced. Clayey, very coarse SANDSTONE V grades inco Sandy CLAYSTONE Very sciff. damp, olive green, nassive, Sllcy CL.\YSTONE wich shiny parcing surfaces V TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15,0 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Tcanch 21 A-20 GEOCON raCOAfOBA-rCO iu: zo ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121009 Figure , Log of Test Trenches 22 and 23 A-21 GEOCON IMCQKPgitATfC 10: 29 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)010 Oi^9f m fm IdMtUt Mi0t0t0 too i tovirtoM of »fte0tfTIQM lMm0(,Aer O0r otMtirr AT.' Manru0t cotrtur % tff tt . 0 2 4. V 6 • 8- 10 I. 12 TRENCH NO. 24 14. 71 TOPSOIL Sofc CO medium stiff, damp, dark brown, Sllty Sandy CLAY \ TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, weachered, damp, reddlsh-caa, nedlum-gralned. weakly cemenced SANDSTONE DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, callchefied, olive green-reddish-can incerbedded SILTSTONE/ \ SANDSTONE; bedding atCicude horizoncal V or dipping 1-2*^ coward wesC grades into very stiff, damp, olive green, Sllcy CLAYSTONE wich random iron and manganese scainlng TtlENCH TERMINATED AT 12,3 FEET figura , Log or Tesc Trench 24 A-22 GEOCON L -t O 'JO I X f UL Liil 1^1.111 . 2 . 4 - 6 14 16 tA¥ftr Mim0e0 oesififTiOM TRENCH NO. 25 ropsQiL —" Loose, damp, reddish-brown, Sandy CUY DEUMAR FORI-LMION (TORREY SANDSTONE) Transition zone! Highly weathered, , callchefied, damp, moccled olive green » CLAYSTONE and reddlsh-brown SANDSTONE grades inco dense, olive green CLAYSTONE interbedded with chin, reddish-brown-can SANDSTONE, chickness of sandstone layers l/4"-l" l0^i,ACC O0T I UOtSTo0t otMttrr I eeitroir At.' \ H tf » Very dense, hard, damp, well cemenccd, incerbedded olive green. Clayey, coarse SANDSTONE and reddish-purple, lighc gray, medium-grained SANDSTONE, chick- ness of beds 2"-10"; cannon bali con- crecions wichin chls assemblage developed along the bedding planes; bedding accitude N15E/4°E TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14.5 FEET A-23 GEOCm INCQKPg»ATSD :;4'yt> i(j:30 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)012 tAitf^t LO0 0 Of UU0U otiemfTiott m*0L4e€ O0T At.f 1«tTUMt % 4t*» TRENCH NO. 26 2 - • 4' • 6- 8 10^ V 12 14 16- Xjim-'. TOPSOIL Sofc. moisc, dark brown, Sllcy Sandy CUY TORREY SANDSTONE i Highly weathered, fractured, callchefied • damp, light gray-tan, very fine Sllty \SANDST0N£ Very sciff, damp, Ughc gray-purpllsh, i well cemented SILTSTONE with occasional I thin (l/2"-l/4" chick) reddish-brown ' SANDSTONE incerbeds; bedding acclcude \ N40°W/6°NE " •'i^ \__-minor faulc N8SW/vertical \ ^—Bedding Plane Faulc, highly sheared, remolded, molsc, dark gray-purple CLAY wich several gypsum seams (approximace- ly l/2"-l/4" chick); shear sone 4"-6" thick: acclcude N20W/4«-5''E V TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14.5 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 26 A-24 GEOCON tncQKPOAATia 12/24/96 10:.30 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121013 figure . Log of Test Trench 27 A-25 GEOCON CKCOSFOkATiB Ill - Zi-iu: 31 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)014 'VCt 10* 0 iBotnoM Of tA1t%* crse0i0rtom 10*01.001 O0T OfMtlTY HOisruAt eOlTBtT TRENCH NQ. 28 lOHbOlL Very loose, dry, light reddlsh-brown, 2 . 4. 6- 8 • 10 • 12 . 14 . 16 Silty Clayey SAND LANDSLIDE DESRIS (SOIL CREEP) Soft, molsc CO wet. pale olive green, highly disturbed, sheared, remolded, Sandy CLAY wich numerous reddlsh-brown- can, irregularly-shaped Sandy zones grades inco highly fraccured, Sandv SILTSTONE (Base of Slide) no discinccive slip plane DEDIAR FORMATION Sdff, fractured, damp, massive, olive \ green, Clayey SILTSTONE Very dense, moist, reddish-tan, nedium- co coarse-grained, weakly cemenced SANDSTONE; dips approximacely 4C-5'^ coward SE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 23 A-2 6 GEOCaSI . -» .J .J O .,1X1 ^,UiU UL L.-iZ.A LIU l^U15 . 0 ttFTS, IM fW • 2 - - 4 - . 6 - • 8 10 12 . 14 . 16 - 18 20 J SAMfLt MUUU0 i.00 0 LoetrioM Of fAMifie TRENCH NO. 29 \ TOPSOIL Sofc CO medium stiff, damp, dark gray, Silty CLAY DELilAR FORi^UTION Dense, damp, pale Olive green, fine, weakly cemented. Sllty SANDSTONE wich occasional reddish SANDSTONE interbeds; bedding acclcude NBSW/S^NE —very hard, highly cemenced, coarse, can SANDSTONE concrecion Very dense, damp, pale olive-green, well CO very well cemented, medlum-r to coarse-grained SANDSTONE; bedding attitude approxinately horisoncal very chin reddish-brown SANDSTONE incerbed 'M-MLAOf O0r atMtlTT A f.t MOttTvAt CCftttXT TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 29 A-27 GEOCON IZ-Zi-itti 1U:32 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD (2)016 0 2. 4. UMfU LOO 0 LX0TIOM Of SAHfti oesofffTioM TRENCH NO. 30 imm^tACS 007 OtMtirr At.' itOlSTUft tatrtnr . 6 - 8. 10- •12 ^\ 11/ 7 7 TOPSOIL Soft, damp, dark gray-brown, Sllcy \ CLAY DELMAR FORMATION Highly weachered, fraccured, damp, oUve green CLAYSTONE V grades Into very sclff. damp, olive green, masaive CLAYSTONE bedding atcitudc horizoncal or dipping 2" coward wesc TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.0 FEET Figure . Log of Tesc Trench 30 A-23 GEOCON IHCOAPOA^tCO ii'i-i-yo IV : .iZ ©/i4 050 27Vi COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)017 Mumotf otsc0i0riOM iM-fnet O0r otMtitr At.' "otstvMt COMtDnT K tf, tf TRENCH .NO, 31 . 6 • 10 12 TOPSOIL Loose, dry, lighC brown-Can, Silcy Clayey SAND TORREY SANDSTONE \ Medium dense, weachered, callchefied, light gray, Sllcy, very fine SANDSTONE grades inco dense co very dense, damp, Incerbedded llghc gray and Ught reddlsh-brown, fine SANDSTONEj bedding acclcude N150E/5<>W Sciff, damp, gray, medium cemenced SILTSTONE grades inco Ughc gray, damp, weakly cemenced, medium-grained SANDSTONE with occasional chin reddish-brown SANDSTONE interbeds, Chickness of incerbeds l"-4" TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 31 A-29 GEOCON INCOIPOIIATtO 1^/^4/yb lU: 33 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)018 10 'Am0t0 i.00 f wa>tiO0 Of UmfU XlOflftlOM 10-01, AOt «0r OtMtirr At.' etntur % t'r tt . 2 . 4 - bA 8 h 10 TRENCH NO. 32 TOPSOIL Very loose, dry to damp, lighc graylsh- [ brown, Silty Clayey SAND DEIAHAR FORJIATION Veachered, fraccured, damp, pale olive- gray, callchefied, Sllcy SANDSTONE V grades Into very dense, damp, pale olive green, medium- co coarse-grained, highly cemenced SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8.5 FEET Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 32 A-30 GEOCON InCaKPQKATCO 1 • 4 • y 0 1 u : J .3 ©*714 858 2711 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)019 fAstf^e f^tt0 LO« $ i^noM Of 0AMm.t 0»Mfm oese0ifriO0 i0-*tAer O0r OtMSITT A',' nOiSftmr eatrtitr % tt, m . 6 • 8 10 12 14 16 m • f,' .,/ ./'•• TRE,N'CH NO. 33 STREAM TERPsACE DEPOSITS Medium dense, damp, reddlsh-brown, Silty Clayey SAND wich numerous angular mecavolcanic rock fragmencs f becomes dense, moisc. reddish-brown, coarse, Clayey SAND grades inco massive, stiff, damp Co moisc, raoccled gray-reddlsh-brown, Sandy SILT/Silty SAND Stiff, moist, mottled dark gray, blackish CLAY with irregular dark brown. Sandy zones TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15,0 FEET Figure . Log of Tesc Trench 33 A-31 GEOCON i«co«»oiiATte liL'Zi-iSb 1U;34 ©714 858 2711 COTO DE CAZA LTD (2)020 0 2- . 4. . 6- a m ' 8- 10 12- 14, 16 18 20 SAMAU ^0 LOO a leosriOM Of Itimwlt OttemffiOM TRENCH NO. 34 m-ALAOt 007 010 ftr At.' tottruM€ eatTTMT % tr, m \ TOPSOIL Sofc, damp, brown, Silcy Sandy CLAY/ SAND LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly disturbed, sheared, remolded, damp, mottled reddish-brown-dark brown- black, Silcy CLAY, SAND 7 s, becomes sofc. molsc, mottled reddlsh- brown, Ught olive green SAND/CLAY Soft, moisc, highly disturbed, sheared olive CLAY random Sandy zones within a moist. lighc olive, sheared Clayey mass „ J '— Slip Plane, acclcude approximacely / horizoncal (6-B' below flood plain) TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET Figure , Log oc rest Trench 34 A-32 GEOCON INCORrOAATCO ii' iLi- yo iU: .to '£i"714 058 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)021 SAVftf MdMlCf 2- 4 . 6- 8 10 . 12 . 14 - - 16 loe 0 lecAfiOM Of SAftfit 7 . •/,, , /. ., y. • /. •: V oeseiifTiOH TTxENCH NO, 33 TOPSOIL Soft, damp, reddish-brown, Silcy Sandy CLAY LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly fractured, dlscurbed, weachered, fine-grained, llghc gray-olive SANDSTONE Clayey seams along fraccures; random reddish-brown, Sandy zones becomes lighc gray-olive, highly fraccured CLAYSTONE wlch frequenc hemaclce concentracions; randomly oriented, frequenc shear planes minor slip surface TRE.NCH TERMINATED AT lo.O FEET iM-^LAOe 60 r ecMSiTv At.' Figure , Log oi Test Xrench 35 nOifruMe % trt t A-33 GEOCON IHCOIirOSATKD Li I l-t OOO ili/ tUTu DE CAZA LTD 121022 iM-0LAer OV0 IM >V7 SAAlfU MUM0t0 too • IMATIOH Of uttfU '^An^ eesemfrroH 007 e€0tif7 At.' MOitroAt eairoft rt TRENCH NO. 36 TOPSOIL p • • 2- \ Very loose, dry, Ught broxm-can, \ Sllty SAND • « . 4- • 6- TOR&EY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, callchefied, light gray-tan-graylsh, incerbedded \ very fine SANDSTONE . '"--bedding attitude approximately \ N45E/1°-2*'NW \ ^""becomes very dense, tnasslve, damp, lighc gray, fine SANDSTONE wlch occasional reddish hemaclce scain • 8" TOR&EY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, damp, callchefied, light gray-tan-graylsh, incerbedded \ very fine SANDSTONE . '"--bedding attitude approximately \ N45E/1°-2*'NW \ ^""becomes very dense, tnasslve, damp, lighc gray, fine SANDSTONE wlch occasional reddish hemaclce scain . IC , . 12 •.' * •' \ ^——grades into massive, hard, fine to nedium gray SANDSTONE \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12.0 FEET * • Figure , Log of Tesc Trench 36 A-34 GEOCON iu : .JO 'Wlli 050 i:717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121023 IM *AM0t.t MUMU0 LBS 0 LearioM Of UJtm 0iiwi/tr O€SQ0I0TIOM I0-.0LACC OMT OtMsifr At.' MOlSruMt e^rvtr % trr f ..I . J •' - -"l TRENCH NO. 37 TOPSOIL Loose, dry to damp, Ughc brown, Clayey SAND . 4 . • 6 • - 8 •10 • 12 14 16 . •j.i-r- .•!-l-lv TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, callchefied, Ught gray-can, very fine, Sllty SANDSTONE —calicbefied, reddish-brown-gray SANDSTONE interbed: bedding acclcude approximacely horizoncal "grades inco olive-gray, damp, medium cemented, very fine, Silty SANDSTONE very hard, highly cemenced, grayish- brown, fossiliferous SANDSTONE bed \ Very dense, damp, reddish-brown, mediun CO well cemenced, medluffl-grained. fossiliferous SANDSTONE Very dense, damp, lighc gray, very fine SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trench 37 A-35 GEOCON tMOdHPOIATIO L i • ^ • t) O 1 U . .J 0 •ti'/i4 0 50 Z717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121024 10 fwtr 0 2 . 4. 6. 8- 10- 12 • 14. l> 16 18 UvfU Mimt€0 ua a WQAfiOtt Of •Mi * «•» * . V,." • v. . • y. • • v .: ./. f. . V' • • "''.•..' OtfOfiATiom TRENCH NO. 38 LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly disturbed, fraccured, callchefied, dry, «hicish-tan, vary fine, Silcy SAND fraccured, damp, dark black SILTSTONE \ seam V Interbedded. damp, purple-gray, sheared SILTSTONE with yellowish, very chin. Clayey SILT incerbeds; structure dipping IJ"* toward south m-fLAOt 007 otMiifr At.l grades into reddlsh-brown, sheared Clayey SANDSTONE becomes coarser and nassive TRENCH TER^UNATED AT 18.0 FEET yarinnrt emrvtr % f, tt Figure , Log of I'esc french 38 A-36 GEXXON |aCI>>POtlATID xii^'wo iU:o/ •0"714 050 ;:717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121025 • 2- . 4 - - 6 - 8 • 10 12 14 16 SAUfSj Mulfie* !' '• • v- • •/. :•• '/.••: /. \-'. '• ' • • ' A.' . • •• •, . •, '.•, • .A • • y.: LOS a lOOATIOH Of SAMfLi 7^ iit.'t/f O£SC0)0TIOM TRENCH NO. 39 TOPSOIL Very loose, dry, lighc brown, Clayey Silcy SAND/CLAY UNDSLIDE DEBRIS Highly disturbed, remolded, sheared, moiat, olive green CUY/SAND wlch random reddlsh-brown zones becomes very Loose, raoisc CO wee, coarse, cohesionless Clayey SAND Slip Plane dipping south approximately IQO becomes medium sciff, highly fraccured. moisc, olive green CUYSTONE wich .<shiny parCing Surfaces iM'ALAer 007 Otnsnr At ' uotfrufe COMTtMt 'li trt tt TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET Figure , Log ot Tesc Trench 39 A-37 GEOCON IHCOKPOKATIP 'll-l X'L LIU SAlALt MUIt0t0 ma a ifiCfriOM Of tAHfU amnm O(fe0i0Tio0 '0-»LA«t 007 OtMSirr At.' voitru0t eennnt % AT, wt TRENCH NO. 40 . 2 . 4 - 6 . - 8 10 TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, loose, wet Co sacuraced, reddish-can-oUve green, Sandy CLAY/SAND •—j—'—grades inco dense, wet, Ughc gray- can, coarse, weakly cemented SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET TRENCH NO. 41 f 4 -t 6 A 8 • 10 - 12 - V i/f I \ TOPSOIL Loose, damp, Ughc brown, Silcy CUY DELMAR FORMATION •I Highly weachered, damp, olive green. \ Sllcy CUYSTONE ,\ \ Dense, damp, weachered, grayish-can. \ cohesionless SANDSTONE, conCaCC \ attitude N25E/4SE \ l_- becomes very dense, damp, graylsh- \ can moccled, well cemenced, massive \ SANDSTONE wlch several highly cemenced, \ hard incerbeds u.» becomes reddish-can, coarse and very weakly cemenced TRLN'CH TERMINATED .\T 11,0 FEET Figure , Log of Test Trenches 40 and 41 A-38 GEOCON 1 z • i 4 • y 0 1 u : 3 0 ©714 858 2711 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121027 IM trr iAtftt MVMttM toe a I^TIOH Of UMfte oesofifrioM iM,fLAee 00* OtMtlTr At.' tOiiriHtr eairtrtr % ff tt TRENCH NO. 42 y 2 - 4 - • 6- 8 • . 10 . - 12 LAMJSLIDE DEBRIS (SOIL CREEP) Soft, remolded, wet. light reddish- brown, Sllty Sandy CUY /grades Inco weachered, sheared, molsc, y olive green CUY wlch randomly oriented shear planes Slip Plane dips 3''-4'' coward ease DELMAR FORMATION Weachered, fraccured, moist, olive green, Sandy SILTSTONE grades into massive, very dense, damp, olive green, medium co well cemented, very fine, Silcy SANDSTONE TRENCH TERMINATED AT "11.0 FEET figure , Log of Trench 42 A-39 GEOCON INC0llri»»ATtO { X-i OOO i / J. / ^UlU UL ^A/.A LIU 1^028 ettOMiffigM TRENCH NQ. 43 ORGANIC DEBRIS (BRUSH FILL) Very loose, wee, dark brown-black SAND, CUY, wooden debris ALLUVIUM Very loose, wee, reddlsh-brown, Sllcy Clayey SAND /TORREY SANDSTONE " Vary sclff, damp, purple-plnklsh-gray, well bedded, shaley SILTSTONE, very Chin, reddish-yellow, fine Clayey SAND incerbeds, thickness of incerbeds 1/10", Chickness of SILTSTONE beds l"-l/2" grades inco very dense, moisc co wee, noccled light gray-reddlsh-brown, nedlum-gralned, weekly cemented SANDSTONE 'M'^^AOf arr Atntirr At.' TRENCH TERMINATED AT 13.5 FEET Figure . Log of Trench 43 t^rtruMT e»rtitr % fftt A-40 GEOCON iMCamronATto i il • 4 - y 0 10 : ©'714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 12)029 nrr S40ft.t MUU0t0 LOO 0 LBOATIOM Of tA/*0lt 0i.ti'tr.f tfit-ll Ht>tvn ofseftfrfOM IM'-0iAB£ OAr OtMiirr A'.f ¥oiiru0e cotTvtr % trr tt . 2 . » 4. - 6 . TRE.NCH NO. 44 TOPSOIL Very loose, lighc brown, dry. Clayey SAND 1' TORREY SANDSTONE Highly weathered, fractured, damp, \ interbedded fine, Ughc gray, Sandy \ SILTSTONE and reddish-brown, fine SANDSTONE I ""very hard, highly cemenced, \ fossiliferous concrecion 4"-6" thick Very dense, damp, mottled reddish-brown- gray SANDSTONE grades inco light gray, very fine, weakly ccmenCad SANDSTONE with reddish- brown, chin Sandy incerbeds, bedding acclcude N30°E/3U TRENCH TE?>MINATED AT 7.5 FEET TREVCH NQ. 45 • 8 \ TOPSOIL Very soft, wet, dark brown, Silcy Sandy CUY DELMAR FORJj'iATION Highly weachered. fractured, callchefied olive green, Sllcy CUYSTONE. bedding acclcude N-S/6W UJ4 Very dense, damp, light can. medium- grained. (n«dli.iffl CO well cemenced, massive SANDSTONE TRE.NCH TERMINATED AT 0.0 FEET Figure , Log of Trenches 44 and 45 A-41 GB0CX3N IMCOIPORATIP iz-i:4/yb 1U:39 ©714 858 2717 COTO DE CAZA LTD 121030 6 h 6 10 tAM0t.t MUaOtA 2 - 4 . 10- 12 . 14. 16 iaa a UXfiTlOU Of s*i0u will' /y^i aiiw*^ rrrr .J atteiK0rio0 TRENCH NO. 46 V TOPSOIL Very loose, dry. light gray-brown, Sllcy SAND \ TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, damp, whitish-gray, medium- grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE grades into coarse, grayiSh-can. medium- to coarse-grained, weakly cemented SANDSTONE becomes mottled light tan-reddlsh- ' brown SANDSTONE DELMAR rOR>UTlON Sdff, damp, mottled pale ollve- ceddlsh-brown. fac CUYSTONE wlch shiny parcing surfaces l0-0LACe 007 OKMiirr At.' TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET uaitfwtt ecumr Figure , Log of Trench 46 A-42 GEOCON 971009-006 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D4318 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and presented in the table below: Sample Location Liquid Limit (%) Plastic Limit (%) Plastic Index (%) USCS Soil Classification B-2 #7 @40'* 35 16 19 CL B-3 #7 @30'* 39 16 22 CL B-5 #6 @20'* 42 20 22 CL B-6 #4@15'* 42 17 25 CL B-8#5@25' 29 13 16 CL B-8 #9 @45' 50 11 39 CH B-10#8@25' 47 20 27 CL B-12 #4 @20' 48 17 21 CL B-13#6@30' 50 10 40 CH * Previously reported test results (Leighton, 2001b) Classification or Grain Size Tests: Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by sieving from U.S. Standard brass screens (ASTM Test Methods C136 or D422). Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered. The data was evaluated in determining the classification of the materials. The grain-size distribution curves are presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) is presented in both the test data and the boring and/or trench logs. Moisture and Density Determination Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. C-1 971009-006 APPENDIX C (continued) Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples in accordance with Modified ASTM Test Method D2435. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1-inch height. The consolidation pressure curves are presented on the attached figures. Where applicable, time-rates of consolidation were recorded and presented below: Sample Location Coefficient of Consolidation Cv (ft^/day) B-8#l @10' 0.023 B-8 #5 @25' 0.6 B-8 #9 @45' 0.0065 B-10#4@15' 0.09 B-13#2@10' 0.48 B-13#8@40' 0.05 C-2 ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTMD 4318 Tested By: BCC Input By: BCC Checked By: Depth (ft.): 25.0 ProJectName: BRESSI RANCH Project No.: 971009-005 Boring No.: B-8 Sample No.: 5 Visual Sample Description: (CDs. PALE BROWN LEAN CLAY WITH SAND Date: 07/26/01 Date: 07/27/01 Date: 07/30/01 PLASTIC LIMIT LIQUID LIMIT TEST NO. 1 2 1 2 3 Number of Blows [N] 39 29 20 Container No. 1 2 3 4 5 Wet Wl. of Soil + Cont. (g) 8.31 8.89 8.63 8.32 8.62 Dry Wt. of Soil + Cont. (g) 7.51 8.06 7.09 6.75 6.93 Wt. of Container (g) 1.30 1.30 1.32 1.32 1.33 Moisture Content (%) [Wn] 12.9 12.3 26.7 28.9 30.2 Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index USCS Classification PI at "A" - Line = 0.73(LL-20) = One-Point Liquid Limit Calc LL=Wn(N/25)''"^ PROCEDURES USED Wet Preparation Multipoint - Wet fifl, 29 50 g 40 •a t30- 13 50 g 40 •a t30- 16 50 g 40 •a t30-CL 50 g 40 •a t30- 1 20 0- 10 7 1 20 0- 10 ' 0- For dassttication of fine-(p^ined soils and fine-grained flection of coarse-grained soils y / CH or OH y/^ .— "A" Line / CL or OL > / • MH or OH / ML or ^ " - ni 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (LL) Dry Preparation Multipoint - Dry Procedure A Multipoint Test Procedure B One-point Test 40.0 38.0 36.0 34.0 c 32.0 0) 32.0 "c o O 30.0 28.0 (0 o 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 10 20 25 30 40 Numberof Blows 50 60 70 100 Rev. 9-00 60 50 X 40 11 •o c >> 30 'o sti 20 III 0. 10 7 4 0 For classification of fine- grained soils and fine- grained fraction of coarse-grained soils CLor OL / ML or OL y CH or OH "A" LINE MHor OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Uquid Limit (LL) GRAVEL SAND FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY U.S. STD. SIEVE OPENING U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER ~ 3.0" 1 1/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 -rT+ f P # I I I—• ! ' I li ' I I '—r-rt- HYDROMETER 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) 0.010 0.001 Hole No. B-8 Sample No. Depth (ft-) 45.0 Soil Type CH GR SA Fl (%) 0 35 65 LL PL PI 50 11 39 Sample Description: CH, DARK BROWN FAT CLAY Iili;,, ""V,. iT Project Name: Project Number: 971009-005 BRESSI RANCH Rev. 11-00 ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318. 0 422 60 50 40 30 20 10. 0 For classification of fine- grained soils and fine- grained fraction of .f /• / CH or OH coarse-grained soils / / "K LINE / y / • / CL or OL / MH or OH ML or OL 10 20 30 40 50 60 Liquid Limit (LL) 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL SAND FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY U.S. STD. SIEVE OPENING U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER ~ 3 0" 11/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 mt- IH-—# » I I I » ' I •••-.^ nil , ! I l| ' I I ' nt- HYDROMETER 90 80 70 60 in Q: UJ iZ 40 H Z UJ ^ 30 UJ a 20 10 0 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) 0.010 0.001 Hole No. B-10 Sample No. 8 Depth (ft-) 25.0 Soil Type GL GR SA Fl (%) 0 45 55 LL PL PI 47 20 27 Sample Description: CL, MEDIUM YELLOWISH-BROWN LEAN CLAY '-I Project Name: Project Number: 971009-005 BRESSI RANCH Rev. 11-00 ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318. D 422 60 50 ';r4o 01 TJ C -30 o 1 20 JS Q. 10 0 For classification of fine- orained soils and fine-/ / grained fraction of coarse-grained soils y / / CH or OH ^X "A" LINE / • y'" CL or OL MHor OH ^-"T^ ^ X^ MLorOL V-—. . ° 1° 20 30 L^O,i,£D,,(ilC^ 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL SAND FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY U.S. STD. SIEVE OPENING U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER HYDROMETER ~ 3.0" 1 1/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 II ||. I I e :—9 #' I I »' I 0 —-tA^! 1 ! Ii H-H—r-it^ 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) 0.010 0.001 Hole No. B-12 Sample No. Depth (ft.) 20.0 Soil Type CL GR SA Fl (%) 36 64 LL PL PI 48 17 31 Sample Description: CL, IVIEDIUM BROWN LEAN CU\Y Project Name: Project Number: 971009-005 BRESSI RANCH Rev. 11-00 ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318. D 422 60 50 '40 .30 01 •a c o 20 JS Q. 10 0 For classification of fine-grained soils and fine- grained fraction of / CH or OH coarse-grained soils / X * * "A" LINE / / / CL or OL / / MH or OH \ y'^ MLorOL ^ 1 1 1 :—1 1 I 1 1 0 10 20 30 ifj^uid ^Snit (1^1 ^° °° ^° GRAVEL SAND FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM RNE SILT CLAY U.S. STD. SIEVE OPENING U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER ~ 3.0" 1 1/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 TT+ ^—f » ' I I • ' I—» —-JJL ! ' ! II • I I I—nt- HYDROMETER 90 80 70 1- O 60 UJ UJ E 40 H z UJ ^ 30 20 10 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE - SIZE (mm) 0.010 0.001 Hole No. B-13 Sample No. Depth (ft) 30.0 Soil Type s(CH) GR SA Fl (%) 0 34 66 LL PL PI 50 10 40 Sample Description: s(CH), DARK GRAYISH-BROWN SANDY FAT CLAY Project Name: Project Number: 971009-005 BRESSI RANCH Rev. 11-00 ATTERBERG LIMITS, PARTICLE SIZE CURVE ASTM D 4318. D 422 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-8 Sample Number: 1 Date: 08/02/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 10 0.1 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 16.00 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-8 Sample Number: 5 Date Tested By Depth 08/03/01 BCC 25 0.1 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-8 Sample Number: 9 Date: 08/03/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 45 0.1 -1.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-10 Sample Number: 4 Date Tested By Depth 08/02/01 BCC 15 0.1 15.00 16.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-10 Sample Number: 8 Date Tested By Depth 08/02/01 BCC 25 0.1 ^ 7.00 (0 15.00 16.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 ^^^^^^ Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-11 Sample Number: 3 Date: 08/02/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 15 0.1 15.00 16.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 1L.......V- ^ Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-12 Sample Number: 4 Date: 08/02/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 20 0.1 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 Project Name: Project Number: Boring Number: CONSOLIDATION BRESSI RANCH 971009-005 B-13 Sample Number: 2 Date: 08/01/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 10 0.1 0.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 JjBijaii, ^^^^ l^^l^ ""'"'^'^'''^''''''ft^^ CONSOLIDATION Project Name: BRESSI RANCH Project Number: 971009-005 Boring Number: B-13 Sample Number: 6 Date Tested By Depth 08/02/01 BCC 30 0.1 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 2- 7.00 2 tn 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0 CONSOLIDATION Project Name: BRESSI RANCH Project Number: 971009-005 Boring Number: B-13 Sample Number: 8 Date: 08/02/01 Tested By: BCC Depth: 40 0.1 STRESS (ksf) 1.0 10.0 100.0