HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-22; REDEEMER BY THE SEA; ADDENDUM GEOTECHNICAL REPORT; 2001-09-12September 12, 2001 Redeemer By The Sea C/o-Ken Voeriman . . 1617 South Pacific Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Subject: Addendum GeOtechnical Report Proposed Church and Residential Development Redeemer by the Sea . . . Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road Carlsbad, CA CT 00-22 References: ''Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Church and Residential Development, Redeemer by the 'Sea, Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road, Carlsbad, CA", by Geopacifica, Inc., dated . November 20, 2000. "Rough Grading Plans, Redeemer by the Sea", by Sowards and Brown, dated April 23, 2001. Dear Mr. Voer1man: 'In response to your request and based upon a response by the City of Carlsbad I have prepared this addendum. report to provide additional' geotechnical recommep.dations regarding the grading of the residential portion of the proposed·grading. In particular, the quest!.on regarding the trea1ment of the. daylight areas bordering the natural area southeast comer of the property adjacent to lots 8-12.and "A" Street. ADDmONAL GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS The residential development was recognized and addressed in the referenced geoteChnical report. In the grading re~mmendations section (7.0) it was noted that the undocumented :fill and colluvial soils areas adjacent to the canYon areas (residential area and street "A") it was stated that removai of up to 4-8 feet was anticipated. I have. attached Plates EG-6 . (Fill-over-natural). EG-IO (Daylight Cut Lot) and EG-11 (Transition Lot) to further explain my grading recommendations for the conditions that occur on the residential. lots. . . . 306 0 INDUSTRY 5T SUITE 105 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 TEL: 760.721.5488 FAX: 760.721.5539 c-r 00':'-2.2. In the area of Lots 11 & 12 and Street "A" Figure EG-6 applies. ,All unsuitable soil should be removed dqwn to bedrock or Terrace Deposits and a nlinimum 15-foot wide key excavated prior to placement of fill. The fill should then be placed and b~nches . excavated into bedrock and the slope is. being constructed. In the area of Lots 8-11 figure EG-I0 applies. All unsuitable soils are removed down to bedrock or Terrace Deposits a minimum 1:1 projection from the edge-of the pad. Fill is then placed and benched into bedrock. The resulting cut/fill is handled in accordanCe with Figures -EG-lO and EG-ll. . All other qutJfill transition lots are. handled in accordance with Figure' EG-ll. The cut portion of the lot is overevcavated a minimum of three feet and replaced as compacted fill (minimum· 90%relative compaction). All other conclusions and recommendations contained in our g~tecbnical report of November 20, 2000 apply to the residential lots and are still valid. .. TRANSITION ·LOT DETAtL· CUT LOT (MATERIAL TYPE TRANSITION) --~~---... ------ PAD GRADE .. TYPICAL BENCHING .. CUT-FILL LOT (OAYUGHT TRANS·ITIONJ PAD GRADe . . NOTE:"* OEEPER OVEREXCA~ATION ·MAY BE RECOMMENDED BY .THE SOIl.S ENGINEER '. .. .. '. .. . ANq/Ofl..ENGINe:ERING GEOLOGIST IN STEEP CUT-ALL TRANSJT10N AREAS. PLA·TE EG~11· \ \ " . --.... " FILL OVER NATURAL DETAIL . , SIDEl:-IlLl FtL'- COMPACTED Fill TOE, OF SLOPE' AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN PROVIDE A 1:1 MINIMUM PROJECTION FROM DESIGN TOE OF SLOPE TO TOE OF KEY AS.SHOWN ON .~S,BUILT NATURAL SLOPE TO BE RESTORED· WITH ~ ~ ~ . BENCH WIDTH NAY VARY ...... 1 j ~:ilINIM~M . . NOTe: 1. WHERE THE NAtURAL: SLOPE APPROACHES OR EXCEEO·S THE -0. ~. rrt m' C) 'I' Ol. 1!;'MINIMUM KEY WIDT 2')( 3' MINIMUM KEY DEPTH 21 MINIM UM .IN BED ROCI( OR "'APP.ROVEO MATERIAL. DESION SLOPE RATIO, SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD BE . . . PROVIDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. 2. THE NEEO FOR. AND DISPOSITiON OF DRAINS WOULD as OETERNINEO BY THE SOILS ENGINEER 9AS~O UPON EXPOSED CONDITIONS. , . ~ , .. e e r l DAYLIGHT CUT, LOT DETAIL, " .. ,. ~. ~ .: ,RECONSTRUCT COM~ACTED FIt.1.: SLOPE AT 2:1 OR FLATTER ~"'TUR"'L DRADE /. ~ ~ / ;/ . /" ... ~. 'IMAY INCREASE. OR DECREASE PAD AREA). -u !j; -I m m' .(i) . I -to O. OVEREXCAVATE AND 'RECOMPACT t REPLACEME~T FILL AVOID AND/OR CLEAN UP SPILLAGE OF MATERIAL~ ON THE NAT.URAL SLOPE '/ . .~1.:t~\r-:/ . ,,;:' ~~"",-~ .. ~~ . . b~ ~ PROPOSED FINISH GRADE 3' MlNIMUM BLANKET, FILL ,~\.~\~\\t?\\\W\\\~ -. . . NOTE: 1. SUBDRAIN AND .KEY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WIL", BE OEiERMIt~EO BASED ON EXPOSED SUB·SUR.FACe CONDITIONS ANDTHICKNE$S OF OVE·RBURDEN. 2. -PAD OVER EXCAVATioN AND RECOMPACTION SHOULD BE PERFORMED iF DETERMINED ·NECESSARY BY THE SOILS .EN~INEER AND/OR THE ENGINEERING OEOLOGIST. --',,' ''f-' ~ e '. e RECEI,\tED SEP 2 6 iDU2 ENGINEERING OEPARTMEtJT . -.