HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-07; EMERALD POINTE ESTATES; UPDATE REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHICAL INVESTIGATION; 2012-04-30GEOTECHNIOAL EXPLORATION, INC. -SOIL'&.FOUNDAT!ON ENGINEERING" GROUNDWATER, HAZARDOUS MAtERIALS MANAGEMENT• ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 30 April 2002 'Mr.'Tdny HUmmel 0 JobNo.'977i89 BCS NATURAL -RE5OURCESCORPORATIQN 1303. Avocado Avenue,Suité245 NeWport'Beach, CA 92660 Subject Update Report of Prehminary Geotechnucallnvestigition BCS Property,APN2.12-040-50 Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. .Hummel: In ,accordance with yourjequest ,and per ou proposal dated April 4, 20021 Gèotëchnical Eiplörätlôn, 11w. has prepared this- update rëOrt bf'geOtechnical investigation, and geologic reconnaissance of the,soil and geplo,gic conditions at,the subject site. The geologic reconnaissance Of the site was pet-formed per the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. This firm previously issued a report tit!ed "Repoi-t of Preliminary Geötechnical Investigation," dated 'March 25, 1998. 'The original field workwas p.rformed on•.Janiay 23i 1998. Present conditions. at-the site remain as they were at the .time of -our initial I , 'investigation in 1998. It is our understanding that the site is being developed'to receive a residential project with, adjacent streets and associated improvements. 'The proposed 'develOpment -is anticipated tO include 14 residential lots on approximately 18 acres at the northwest.corneróf Cobblestone Road and Saphire Drive. Grading is.anticipated.to invoIve'cutsup to'18.feet and-fills up to.23feet to create level. building pads, and .streets, The structures are to be a maximum of two "stories in height and 'willbe'constructed 'of standard-type bUildingrnaterials' utilizing a conventional, concrete slab-ongràde fdundationsystem. 'The purpose of this :update report and prior subsurface investigation was to evaluate the soil conditions in .the .,proposed building Lareas, recommend .,,any 'neëessary site preparation proceduies, a'ssessthe 'llowable bèai-i'g'cáádty'of the on-site soils, and,to,providé.slab:and foundation.design recommendations. 0 'The-accompanying -rep.ort,presents. the results' of our review of available. geologic reports and "maps,"field investigation sand -laboratory., analysis,-. as Well as 'our conclusions and recorhmeridations' for the proposd'development. 7420 TRADE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 • (858)549-7222 FAX: (858) 549-1604 • E-MAIL: gèotech@Ixpres.corn 2 The work perforñied and recommendations, presented in this report are the result of. _an, investigation and .anal.ysis that meet the contemporary standard of -care in our profession withinthe CoUhtyôiSan Diego. S 'This. Qpportunity to :be of service is sincerely appreciated. Sho.jld you have any questions concerning the following report, please do not hesitate to contact us Reference to our3obNo. 97-7189 will expedite 'a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. 5 5 5 ___ 0 .•• -Jaime.-A.IE Cerros, P.E. ( 5 Sr D. dent Senior Geoechnical Engineer C;E.G. .999[exp. 3-31-03]/RG. 3391 R.C.E. 34422/G.E., 2007 5 5 JKH/JAC/LDR/pj LU / Zjo OF CA S S 0 • 5 . _ TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I SCOPE OF WORK 1 II. SITE DESCRIPTION 2 III FIELD INVESTIGATION 3 IV LABORATORY TESTS 4 V GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 6 VI SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 7 VII GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 9 VIII EARTHQUAKE RISK EVALUATION 15 IX CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 X LIMITATIONS 36 REFERENCES FIGURES Ia. Vicinity Map S lb. Plot Plan and Geologic Map IIa-k. Trench Logs lila-c. Laboratory Test Results Foundation RequiremehtsNearSlopes S Regional FaultMap S VI Bench and Key Requirements APPENDICES A Unified Soil Classification System B Seismic Data - EQFault C Seismic Data - EQSearch D Modified Mercalli Intensity Index E. General Earthwork Specifications S.. • S S J r , - -UPDATE REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates BCS Property APN212-040-50 Carlsbad, California . 97-7189 The followihg. rpdrt presents the firi'dings nd recoiimendations of Geotéchnical Exploration, Inc.for-the -subject property (refer to Figure No., I- for VidñityMap andSite Plan). S ,I SCOPE -OF WORK - •1 •..-i It is our understading, based on communications. With Mr. Jack Hnthorn and- Associates, and review of a Revised Tentative Map prepared by Hunsaker and .Assoiats, dated February 5, 2002, that. the site is beihg developed to receivea residential project with adjaent streets and associated improvements. The proposed development is anticipated to include 17 reidential lots on approximately * 18 acres located 1/4-mile south of Palomar Airport Road, and east of Laurel Tree Road'..Grading is anticipated to involve cuts up to 18 feet and fills up to 23 feet to , create level building pads -,and . streets. As part ofthis update report preparation,- reviewed our previous report prepared for this site, dated March 25, 1998 With theäbôve fnThihd, theSop6of'W60V-is btiéfly outlined asfolldws: .•.' 1. Identify and classify the surface arid subsurface soils in the area of th proposed construction, in conformane with the Unified Soil CIissifictin System (refer to Figure Nos II and III, and Appendix A) 4 ro'4 4 P - -c4 Proposed ErneraldPointeEstates Job No.97-7189 Carlsbad, California . :page 2: Make note of, any faults or significant geologic, features that may affect the site (see Figure No. V, and Appendices B, C and D). Recommend site p.repa ration, procedures, including recommendations for the proposed grading operation and slope construction. Recommend preliminary allowable bearing capacity for the on-site ,,formational soils or properly compacted fill soils. S. .. ' Evaluate the settlement potential of the bearing soils under the proposed structural loads 6.'..'_ Recommend preliminary foundation design information and provide active and passive earth pressures to be utilized in design of any proposed retaining walls and foundation structures. . . In addition, as part of our investigation, we reviewed the preliminary grading plans and City of Carlsbad Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan II SITE DESCRIPTION The' property is known as: Assessor's Parcel No. 212-040-50, in the 'City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. . . .' . The site, consisting of approximately 18 acres, is located approximately 1/4-mile south of Palomar Airport Road at Cobblestone Road and Sapphire Drive, in the City of Carlsbad The property is bordered on the north by undeveloped land, on the south by .the Greystone/Cobblestone 'residential development; on the east by similar undeveloped land and Sapphire Drive; and on the west by -Cobblestone Road. .Proposed -,Emerald Pointe Estates Job No.. 9767189 Carlsbad, California Page 3 The site is presently u-ndeveloped, and was previously cultivated for agricultural purpOses. Access to the site is provided from the Greystone/Cobblestone residential development on Sapphire Drive. High tension power transmission lines extend :approxim.atel'/ north to,south through the extreme northwest, portion of the site. A large depression exists in the northwest portion of the site that may have been a former water: storage reservoir. The.-depression is approximately 140 feet long by .60 feet-wide and 10 feet deep. Acut was made on the uphill, side and a fill slope constructed. on the downhill side; Vegetation on the site consists primarily'of wild.-grasses on flat areas, with some' thick shrubbery 'and chaparral on the slope The property' slopes moderately to steeply down to 'the north and west from a gently sloping ridge top in the southern, portion of the property. Approximate elevations across the 'site range from a high of 262 feet above mean sea level (MSL) to a low of 100 feet .MSL. Survey information concerning elevations across the' investigated portion of the site was obtained from topographic maps and preliminary grading plans by BHA, Inc., dated -November 18, 1997, and a Revised Tentative "Map prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, dated February 5, 2002. III. FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation, 'conducted on January 23, 1998, consisted of 'a geologic reconnaissance of the site and surrounding terrain, plus the excavation of 11 tractor-mounted backhoe trenches. The excavations were located in the field by referring to a preliminary, grading 'plan prepared byBHA, Inc.,' dated November. 18,. 1997. The trenches, were -observed and logged by. our Engineering Geologist, and samples were taken of the-predominant soils throughout the field operation. Trench logs 'have been prepared. on the basis of our observations and' the results hav'e been Proposed Emerald Pointe' Estates . Job No. .97-7189, Carlbad, California Page 4 summarized on Figure No. II. The predominant soils have, been classified in conformance with the Unified Soil Classification System (refer to Appendix A). IV. FIELD AND.LABORATORY TESTS Field and laboratory tests were performed on the soils in 'order to evaluate thir physical and mechanical properties and.their ability, to support the proposed residential structures, streets and 'irnprovemeflts'. The .following tests were conducted on'the sampled soils. •Móisturè/bensity Relations (ASTM D155,7-91; Method A) Moisture Content (ASTM D2216-92) .. Mechanical Analysis (4STM D4229O) 'Expansion Test (UBC Method 29-2) .Density' Measurement ASTM D11,88-'84 and D2937-83) Consolidation 'Tests (ASTM D2435-90).. 'The relationship between the moisture and density of the soil gives qualitative information regarding the soil strength characteristics and soil conditions to 'be anticipated during' the proposed grading operation. The mechanical analysis 'and Atterberg Linit tests We're used to aid' 'in the classification of the 'soils according to the'LJ'ni'fi'ed'Soil 'Classification System and for the liquefaction potential analysis. The 'expansion potential of the 'on-site soils was evaluated utilizing 'the Uniform Building Code Test Method for Expansion. Soils (UBC Standard No. 2972). In accordance with the.UBC (Table 18-1-B), expansive soils are classified as follows: :Pr0POs.ed Emerald Pointe.-Estates •Job'No...97-7.189 Carlsbad, California Page5 EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION 0 to 20 Very low 21t050 'Low' 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Abäve 130 Very high Based'on our laboratory analysis, the On-site soils tested can be classified as havihg a very high ex5añsion potential, with a maximumtested expansion index of 198 It should be noted-that the expansion potential at existing soil moisture contents is medium, 'with tested expansion potential :ranging from 65 to 9.0 percent of the sample height, which would roughly correspond to an Expansion Index between 51 and ,..90. The expänsive soils will require, proper moisture, conditioning and compaction to help reduce expansion potential. consolidation tests were performed .on relatively undisturbed samples of 'the existing natural-ground soils. The consolidation test aids in evaluating, whether there is significant settlement potential of the existing. soils under the anticipated. loads and proposed surcharge loads Results of laboratory testing can be found on Figure No. III. ' Based on the above laboratory test data, observations of the primary soil types on :the project, and our previous experience with laboratory* testing of similar soils, our Géotchnical 'Engineer has assigne-d values'fbr friction angle, coefficient of friction, and cohesion to those soils which will have significant lateral support or bearing functions on the project These values are presented in Figure No III and have been utilized in the assigning the allowable 'bearing values, as v4ell as active-and passive earth pressure design criteria for wall and 'footing designs in competent - native soils ,or properly compacted fills. 4 _ Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 6' V. GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION The Carlsbad area is part of a seismically active region of California. It is on the eastern boundary of the. Southern California Continental Borderland, part of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province. This region, is part of a broad tectonic boundary between the North American and Pacific. Plates. The actual plate boundary is characterized by a complex system of active, major, right-lateral strike- slip faults, trending northwest/southeast. This fault system extends eastward 'to the San Andreas Fault (approximately 81 miles from. Carlsbad) and westward to the San' aernente Fault (approximately 54 miles off-shore from Carlsbad) (Berger and,. Schug, 191). During 'recent history, the San Diego County area 'has been relatively quiet 'seismically. 'No fault ruptures or'major earthquakes have been experienced in historic time within the San Diego. area. Since earthquakes have been recorded:by instruments (since the 1930s), the San Diego area has experienced scattered 'seismic events with Richter magnitudes geheratly less than 4.0. During June 1985,' a series of small earthquakes occurred beneath San Diego Bay; three of these earthquakes had recorded magnitudes of 4.0 to 4.2. In addition, the Oceanside earthquake of July 13, 1986, located approximately 26 miles offshore of the City of Oceanside, resulted in a magnitude of 5.3 (Hauksson, 1988). In California, major earthquakes can generally be correlated with movement on active faults. As defined by the California Divisio.n of Mines and Geology (Hart, E.W., 1980), an "active" fault is one that has had ground surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). Additionally, faults along which major historical earthquakes have occurred (about the last 210 years in California) are also considered to be active (Association of Engineering Geologist, 1973). The California Division of Mines and Geology defines a "potentially active" fault as'one Proposed,-Emerald Pointe Estates Job .No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 7• that has had ground surace.displacemént during. Quaternary, time,, that is, during the past 11,000 to 1.6 million years (Hart, E.W., 1980). VI SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION A geologic investigation of the site was conducted to evaluate the on-site geology and potential of geologic hazards that might affect the site. Our investigation drew upon information gathered from published and unpublished, geologic maps and reports, as well as the results of our exploratory trench excavations A. ,Stratiqraphv The subject site is located within a residential area approximately 1/4-mile south of Palomar Airport Roadr at Cobblestone Road and Sapphire Drive, in the City of Carlsbad. A review of available geologic maps and reports, as well as our field investigation, indicates that the subject property is located in an area underlain by surficial topsoils and dense materials materials oftheEocene-age Del Mar/Friars Formation (undifferentiated) and the Santiago Formation. A description of these units, from youngest to oldest, is included herein Refer to Figure Nos II and III for details. ; Topsoils Topsoils were found overlying the formational materials on most of the site and consist of soft to' firm, moist, dark brown,' silty clay with some sand and abundant roots The topsoils are approximately 11/2 to 21/2 feet in depth and are considered to be very highly expansive The topsoils have been previously disturbed by agricultural cultivation and are unsuitable to support structural loads and compacted fill. Propose'd'EmeraldPoiflte'Estates Job, No. 97-7189., Carlsbad, California Page. Santiago Formation (Tsa): The majority .of the site is underlain by the. Eocene-age Santiago Formation, which consists of light brown and tan-gray, silty, fine to medium sandstone with interbeds of darker-colored sandy siltstones. The sandstones 'are 'by far the most common and -typically they- are- moderately well- indurated. The siltstones. of the Santiago. Formation may exist with some moderate to high expansion characteristics. Del Mar/Friars Formation (undifferentiated -. 'Td/Tf): The site is mapped showing Santiago Formation 'being 'underlain by the Eocene-age Del Mar/Friars FormatiOn (Eisenberg, 1983). At the site, we found this formation to be comprised of several. lithologic (material. -type) units. Our trenches advanced, at the-site revealed the D& .Mar/Friars Formation to be primarily, massive, tan-gray and dark gray-green, and orange, silty sandstone, siltstone and claystone that is dense but 'poorly to moderately well-indurated. Along the perimeter of the steep slopes we encountered approximately 2 to 4 feet of highly fractured and weathered formation. These rriterials consist of medium dense to dense, dry to damp, tan-gray and light brown, silty .sandstone with some shells and caliche beds. Some of the caliche beds 'ranged fràm 1 to 4 inches thick and are thought to be related to topsoil chemical weathering processes. B. Structure Adjacent-slopes and .nearby road cuts allowed observation of bedding and. geologic structural features of the Santiago and Del Mar/Friars Formation in the vicinity of the subject site The observed Del Mar/ Friars formational material appears to be massively bedded (as exposed in the relatively shallow depth exploratory excavations) In the vicinity of the subject site, the formational materials strike 'app roxi'àtely N 800 and dip'2 to 3'degrees to the south '(Eisenberg, 1983). Proposed Emerald, Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California 'Page'9. VII. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS A. Local and Regional Faults Reference to a geologic map for the area (Eisenberg, 1983) indicates the presence of a northeast-trending fault less than 300 feet west of the site. The published projection suggests that the fault displaces the Eocene.-age formation but not the Pleistocene-age terrace material and Holocene-age sediments. This fault is considered minor and does not impact the site. It is our opinion that a known "active" fault presents the greatest seismic risk to the subject site during the lifetime of the proposed structures. To date, the nearest 'known "active" faults to the subject site are the northwest-trending Rose Canyon Fault,. Coronado Bank Fault and the Elsinore Fault. Pose Cahyon Fault: The Rose Canyon Fault Zone (Mount Soledad and Rose Canyon Faults), located approximately 5 miles west of the subject site, is mapped trending north-south from Oceanside to downtown San Diego, from where it appears to head southward into San Diego Bay, through Coronado and offshore. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is considered to bea complex zone of onshore and offshore, en echelon strike slip, oblique reverse, and oblique normal faults. The Rose Canyon Fault is considered to be. capable. of causing a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and considered microseismically active, although no significant recent earthquake is known to have occurred on the fault. Investigative work on faults (believed to be part of the Rose 'Canyon Fault Zone) at the Police Administration and Technical Center in downtown San Diego and at the SDG&E facility in Rose Canyon, has encountered offsets in, Holocene (geologically recent) sediments. These findings have been accepted as confirmed Holocene displacement on the Rose Canyon Fault and this previously classified "potentially active", fault has now been upgraded to an "active" fault as.of Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California •Page 10 November 1991 (California Division of Mines and Geology -- Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, 1994). 'Coronado Bank Fault: The Coronado Bank Fault is located approximately 21 miles southwest of the site. Evidence for this fault is based upon geophysical data (acoustic profiles) and the general alignment of epicenters of recorded seismic activity, (Greene, 1979). An earthquake of 5.3 magnitude, recorded July 13, 1986, is known to have been centered on the fault or within the Coronado Bank Fault Zone. Although this fault is-considered active, due to the seismicity within the fault zone, it is significantly less active seismically than the Elsinore Fault (Hileman', 1973). It is postulated that the Coronado Bank Fault is capable of generating a 7.0- magnitude earthquake and is of great interest due to its close proximity to the greater San Diego metropolitan area Elsinore Fault: The Elsinore Fault is located approximately 25 miles northwest of the site. The Elsinore Fault extends approximately 200 km (125 miles) from the Mexican border to the northern end of the Santa Ana Mountains. The -.Elsinore Fault zone is a 1- to 4-mile-Wide, northwest-southeast-trending zone of discontinuous"" and en echelon faults extending through portions of Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties. Individual faults within the Elsinore Fault Zone range from less than 1 mile to 16 miles in length. The trend,' length and geomorphic expression of the'Elsinore Fault Zone identified it as being a part of the highly active San Andreas Fault system. Like the other faults in the 'San Andreas system, the Elsinore Fault isa transverse fault showing predominantly 'right-lateral movement. According to Hart, et al. (19.79'),'this movement averages less than 1 centimeter per'year. Along most of its 1ength1 the Elsinore Fault Zone is 'marked by a bold topographic expression consisting of linearly aligned ridges, swales and hallows. Faulted Holocene alluvial Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. -97-7189. Carlsbad, California . . Page ii. : deposits (believed to be less than 11,000 years old) found along several segments of the. fault zone suggest that at least part of the zone is currently active. Although the ,Elsinore Fault Zone belongs. to ,the 'San Andreas set of active, j,orthwest-trending, rightslip faults in thesouthern California area (Crowell, 1962), it has not been the site of a major earthquake in historic time, other than a 6.0- magnitude quake near the.-town of Elsinore in 1910 (Richter, 1958;. Toppozada and Parke, .1982). . However, based on length and evidence of late-Pleistocene Or: Holocene displacement, Greensfelder (1974) has estimated that the Elsinore Fault Zone is reasonably capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude as large as 7.5. Recent study and logging of exposures in trenches in Glen Ivy Marsh across. the Glen Ivy North Fault (a strand of the Elsinore Fault Zone between: Corona and Lake Elsinore), suggest a maximum earthquake recurrence interval of 300 years, and when combined with previous estimates of.the long-term horizontal slip rate of. 0.8 to 7.0mm/year, suggest typical earthquake magnitudes of '6 to 7,(Rockwell, :- 1985). . S. Other Geologic Hazards Ground Rupture: Ground rupture is characterized by bedrock slippage along an established fault and may result in displacement of. the ground surface. Forground rupture to occur along a fault, an earthquake usually exceeds magnitude 5.0. If a 5.0-magnitude earthquake were to take place on a local fault, an estimated surface- rupture length .1 mile long could be expected (Greénsfelder, 1974). Since a fault does not cross the subject site, the risk of ground rupture at the site is considered remote. GF49 Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 12 Ground Shaking: Structural damage caused by seismically induced ground shaking. is a detrimental effect directly related to faulting and earthquake activity. Ground shaking is considered to be the-greatest seismic hazard in'San Diego County. The intensity of ground shaking is dependent on the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance and. orientation from the earthquake, and the soil and geologic structure beneath the site. Earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 Richter scale or greater are generally associated with significant damage. It is our opinion that the most serious damage to the site would be caused by a large earthquake originating on a nearby strand of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone or one 'ofthe major regional active faults. Although the chance of such an event is low, it could occur within the proposed development The ground accelerations that could be reasonably expectd to occur during a major earthquake, on a fault within 100 miles of the site, are provided in Appendix B. ; Landslides: According to our geologic reconnaissance and a review, of the geologic maps (W.ber' 1982, and Eisenberg 1983) and aerial photographs (4-11-53, AXN- 8M-71 and 72), there are no known or suspected ancient landslides located on the site However, we encountered some highly fractured and weathered caliche beds 'within the dense, Eocene-age formational sandstone materials in exploratory 'trenches. The 1- to 4-inch-thick 'caliche beds were encountered along the perimeter of the steep west-facing slopes . The beds were present within the massive formational sandstone, but found to be moderately compressible due to the dry condition and void space present Due to potential slope instability, we have recommended deeper removal , and recompaction in the areas where highly weathered 'formational materials exist. Proposed Emerald. Pointe Estates Job No. .97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 13 Sloøe Stability: The proposed cut and fill slopes, should remain, stale' for the proposed elevations and/or configurations shown in the preliminary plans for the project The slopes possess a factor of safety against deep shear failure of at least 1.5. The fill, slope toe in the area along the western subdivision boundary shall be cut below the weathered formation approximately 5to .6 fet below existing grade. 'Geotogial observations sand further slope stability evaluations shall be provided during grading ofcut and fill slopes, asneeded. Liquefaction: The liquefaction of saturated, sands during earthquakes can result in major damage 'to 'buildings. Liquefaction is the. :pro'cess in which soils are transformed into a dense fluid, which will flow as a liquid when unconfined It Occurs principally in loose, saturated sands and 'silts when they are sufficiendy. shaken by an earthquake Although there is a potential for experiencing a seismic event that could produce the required ground acceleration to induce liquefaction, the earthquake necessary to cause this magnitude 'of acceleration has not occurred in 'the .San Diego County area since the year 1800 (see Appendix C) :Since no submerged loose san.d or,silt conditions exist at the site, the probability of Occurrence of soil liquefaction is negligible. 'Flooding: Due -to the site's-elevation and the proposed grading,there is little risk of flooding on the proposed site, building pads. However, the natural drainage ,cany.o,n along the western portion of the site could be subject to occasional flooding- Although the- drainage ofthe area, in general, appears to be.adequately controlled within the existing channel and the drainage basin is relatively small, the project civil engineer should evaluate the potential for flooding in this area. Pro posed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 14 With the construction of an adequate on-site drainage system and proper finish surface grades, the risk of'flooding should be minimal 'withifl the proposed building-'- areas. Groundwater: Groundwater was not encountered during our field investigation and we do nOt' expect significant groundwater problems to develop in the future -- if the property is developed as presently proposed and. proper drainage is provided and maintained. It, sho1d.be 'kept in mind that the proposed construction and grading on the site may thange surface drainage patterns. Such changes,, plus irrigation of landscaping or s1nificant increases in rainfall, may result in' appearance of surface or near- surface perched water at locations where non existed previously The damage from such w'aer is expected to be localized and cosmetic in nature if good positive' drainage is implemented,' as recommended in this report, during and at the completion of construction. . It: mue und'erstood, however, that unless , discovered during initial site exploration or encountered during site grading operations, it is extremely difficult to predict if or where perched or true groundwater conditions may appear in the future. When site fill or formational soils are fine-grained and of low permeability, water problems may not become apparent for extended periods of time. Whereas water conditions encountered during grading operations should be evaluated and remedied by the project civil and geotechnical consultants, the project 'developer and eventual homeowners must realize that post-construction :appearances of groundwater may have to be dealt with on a site-specific basis. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189-1 Carlsbad, California Page 15 The alternative to the possible post-construction,. site-specific appearance and resolution' of subsurface water problems is the design and construction of extensive subdrain dewatering systems during the initial site development process. This option isusually selected when there is sufficient evidence during.initial .exploration orsite grading to indicate such efforts are warranted. C. Summary The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is ground shaking, probably resulting from an earthquake on the nearby Rose Canyon Fault or more distant Coronado Bank Fault or Elsinore Fault. In the event that severe earth shaking doe occur from major faulting within the area, compliance with UBC and City of Carlsbad Building Code requirements, and the accompanying recommendations for construction, should help to minimize structural damage. No soil liquefaction k anticipated to occur in the buildable areas of the site and no loss of strength or stability i's anticipated in the soils Of the same buildable area due to seismic activity. From ..a geotechnical standpoint, our investigation indicates that the site is favorable' for the proposed development, provided the recommendations in this report are followed.' VIII. EARTHQUAKE RISK EVALUATION Evaluation of.. earthquake risk requires that the effect of faulting on, and the mass stability of, a site be evaluated utilizing the M10 seismic design event, i.e.', an earthquake event on an active fault with less than a 10 percent probability of beirg, exceeded in 50 years. Further, sites are -classified by UBC 1997 Edition into "soil profile types SA through SF." Soil profile types are defined by their shear 'velocities where shear velocity is the speed at which shear waves move through the upper 30 meters (approximately 100 feet) of the ground. These are: , - Proposed -.Emerald Pointe' Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad,California ' Page 16 SA Greater than. 1500 rn/s 760 to: 1500 m/s. Sc = 360 m/s to 76.0-rn/s 180 to,360 m/s SE Less than 180 m/s SF Soilrequiring specific sOil evaluation By utilizing an earthquake magnitude M10 for a seismic event on -an active fault, knowing the site class and ground type, a -prediction of anticipated site ground acceleration, g, from these events can be estimated. The subject site has been assigned Classification "Sc " An estirrtion of the peak ground acceleration and the repeatable high ground acceleration (RHGA) likely to occur at the project site by the known significant local and regional'fàults within 100 miles of the site is included in Appendix C..,..Also, a listing of-the known historic seismic events that have occurred within 100 miles. of -. the site ..at 'a magnitude of 5.0 or greater since the year 1800, and the probability of: - exceeding the, experienced ground accelerations in the .future based - upon the historical record, is provided in A5pendix C. 'Both tables generated from computer programs EQ Fault -and. EQ Search by Thomas F. Blake (1989) utilizing a digitized.': - file of late-,Quaternary' California faults (EQ Fault) and a file listing of recorded earthquakes (E,QSearch).. Estimations of site intensity are also provided as in thése, -. - - - - listings as Modified 'Mercalli Index valUes. The Modified Mercalli Intensity Index is - - - - attached as Appendix D. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job, No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 17 IX. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are based upon our report a n d p l a h reviews, *the limited field investigation conducted by our firm, and re s u l t i n g laboratory tests, in conjunction with our knowledge and experience with the s o i l s i n this area of the City of Carlsbad. Based on a review of a Revised Tentative Map for the site prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, it is our understanding that the site is to be developed to re c e i v e a 17-lot residential development with adjacent streets and associated improvem e n t s ' . Fourteen lots will be developed and three will be designated open-space ar e a s . T h e . . site is to be graded into relatively level building' pads, resulting in c u t s u p t o approximately 18 feet and fills up to approximately 23 feet in depth. Final plans should be submitted for our review as soon as they become available, s o t h a t m o r e specific design recommendations or needed alterations can be provided, if req u i r e d . In general, we found that the site is underlain by dense, sandy and silty form a t i o n a l material of good bearing strength for support of the proposed develo p m e n t . However, some soft to firm topsoil and weathered formation was found on th e r i d g e top and slope edges. As such, we recommend that in order to provide a m o r e f i r m , uniform soil base, the loose topsoils and weathered formation be 'remo v e d a n d properly compacted (to at least 90 percent per ASTM D1557-98) prio r t o a n y addition of new fill. In cut areas, any remaining underlying loose soils sho u l d b e removed and properly compacted. In addition, on all cut/fill transition lots, w h e r e the proposed structure is underlain by both cut and fill, the cut portion o f t h e building site (and up to at least 10 feet beyond the perimeter thereof), sho u l d b e undercut to at least 3 feet at the farthest shallow end and gently transition t o t h e deep end and replaced as compacted fill, so as to reduce the pote n t i a l f o r differential settlement under the proposed structures. The moisture conte n t f o r t h e .Proposed. Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 18 upper 10 feet. of fill shall be at.least 5 percent over their Optimum Moisture Content. If medium -to highly expansive formational" soils are encountered, they shall be moisture conditioned and recompacted in a similar manner in the upper 2 feet(as a minimum). A. Site,Grading . .. - 1. Thepro posed grading operatiOns shall be performed in accordànce"with the General Earthwork Specifications (Appendix •E) and the requirements. of the City. of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance. Geotechnical. Exploration, Inc.. recommends that our firm verify the actual soil conditions revealed during the grading to be as anticipated in this "Update Report of Preliminary Geotechnica/ Investigation." In addition, the compaction of any fill soils placed during the grading, must .be tested by the soil engineer. It i's the responsibility of the grading contractor to comply with' the requirements of. the grading plans and the local grading ordinance. Any fill soils that are observed to be loose or that have been, placed, without control or sufficient . -. testing . shall •be removed and recompacted to comply, with the' grading , . s'pecificatins. . . It is recommended that our firm review the final, grading plans and project soil-related specifications prior to the start of construction. Also, we recommend that a pre-construction conference be held at the site with the owner/developer, architect, civil engineer, contractor, grader, and 'geotechnical. engineer in attendance. Special.. soil handling proce,d.irs. and the grading 'plan' requirements can be discussed at that time. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California 5 5 0 Page 19. We, recommend that the entire property, be cleared of all vegetation and any other debris or rubble The generated should be disposed of off-site prior to the placing of any new fill.: Our investigation revealed that the eastern (investigated) portion of the' site is underlain by dense formational. materials, with some loose (soft to firm) S topsoil, and, weathered formational rnateials ranging from 21/2 to 51/2 feet deep 'overlying the site. 'Since a portion of' the site is to be lowered' to- achieve -the finish grade, it is.anticipated that dense formational materials will be exposed over the majority of the easte*rnL portion of the site. Some ' "removal and recompaction of the loose surface soils and weathered formation ' will be required in the proposed fill areas and also in cut areas when the sóil'.. are not at the adequate moisture content (as' discussed previously). We estimate that the deepest removal of loose topsoil and weathered formation will be in the northern and western portions of the site and along the edges of the slopes where thicker topsoils and weathered formational materials ' S were encountered. Also, any areas with unfavorable' geologic conditions may require special grading and drainage recommendations. The excavated, low''::. "expansive 'soils to be used, as fill shall be watered. to approximately optimum moistUre content and compacted, to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry,, Density ASTM D1557-98. Any soils possessing an expansion potential'equal to or higher than 50 shall be compacted' with a moisture content at or higher'than'5 percent' over the optimum moisture content. The relative compaction of such' compacted soils shall be at least 90 percent of the maximum obtained per ASTM D1557-98 - Highly expansive soils shall not be overcompäcted higher than 93 percentr of Maximum Dry Density,. S Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189, Carlsbad, California Page 20 In addition, a deeper key will be required at the toe of the proØosed, fill slàpe along the western subdivision boundary. Caliche beds were encountered within the exploratory trench excavations placed in this area 4 Any backfill soils placedr in utility trenches or behind retaining walls, which support structures, and other improvements (such as patios, sidewalks, driveways, pavements, etc.) shall be compacted, to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry. Density S. No uncontrolled fill soils shall remain on the site after completion of site grading In the event that temporary ramps or pads are constructed of uncontrolled fill soils, the loose fill soils shall be removed and/or recompacted prior to completion of the grading operation..'.' . B. •' Preliminary Design Parameters . . . . . . . 6.' . For' -preliminary foundation: design of new footings, 'based on the assumption that new footings will be placed on low expansive to medium expansive soils at least 18 inches as measured from the adjacent ground surface into medium dense to dense natural (formational) soils or properly compacted on- site soils, we provide a preliminary allowable soil bearing capacity equal to 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for properly compacted fill and 3,000 ' pounds per square foot for dense formation. 'Footings restingon compacted fill or formational soils with high ,to very high expansion potential shall be ehibedded. at least 24 inches in. depth. Footing width, in all cases, shall beat least 12 inches For wider and/or deeper footings, the allowable soil bearing capacity may be calculated based on the following equation Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California . Page 21 Qa = 1000D+500W for footings in compacted fill Qa ,= 1500D+750W for footings•in.for,matibn where "Qa" is the allowable soil bearing capacity (in psf); "D" is the depth of the footing (in feet) as measured from the, lowest adjacent grade; and "W" is the width of the footing. (in feet).. The allowable soil bearing capacity may. be increased one-third for. analysis including wind or earthquake loads. The maximum total allowable soil bearing capacity for dense fills or natural formation is 6,000 psf. We recommend that all footings be founded either entirely in dense formation or entirely in compacted fill. The final 'foundation embedment will, depend on expansion index test results obtained from representative soils obtained,from the. upper 4 feet of b'uildng pad's. If imported soils are required to bring 'the site to grade, the imported soils should be low expansive (El lower than 50) and be obta+ned from. an approved off-site borrow area. Should soils with 'an expansion index higher than 90 be left at subgrade elevation, in , the building areas,,, the footing excavations shall be' deepened to atl'east 24 inches. . . 7 The passive earth pressure of the encountered dense natural-ground soils' and any' properly, compacted' fill soils (to. be. used for design of shallow :fbundation and, footings to resist the lateral .forces) shall be' based...on an Equivalent 'Fluid Weight of 275 pounds per cubic foot. This passive earth - pressure'shall only be considered valid for design if -the, ground adjacent to. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 22 the foundations structure is essentially level for a distance of at least three times thtotal depth-of the foundation.. 8. A Coefficient of Friction of 0.35 times.the dead load maybe used to calculate * friction force between the bearing soils and concrete wall foundations or structure foundations and floor slabs. - 9 The following table summarizes site-specific seismic design criteria to calculate the base shear needed for the design of the residential structure The design criteria was obtained from the Uniform Building Code (1997 edition) 10. Our experience indicates that, 'fdr various, reasons, footings and, slabs occasionally crack, causing ceramic tiles and brittle surfaces to become damaged Therefore, we recommend that all conventional shallow footings and slabs-on-grade contain at least a minimumamount of reinforcing steel to 'reduce the separation of cracks, should they occur. ' Paramétér Value Reference Seismic Zone Factor, Z 0.40 Table 16-I' Soil Profile Type Sc Table,16-3' Seismic Coefficient, Ca 0 40Na Table 16-Q 'Seismic Cbéfficient, C. O.'56NV Table 16-R :Near-source. Factor, Na 1.0 , Table 16-S Near-Source Factor,,Nv 1.1 Table 16-T Seismic Source Type B Table 16-U Proposed Emerald, Pointe .Estates . Job No, 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 23 10.1 A minimum of steel for continuous footings should include at,.leat four No. 5 steel bars continuous,, with two bars. near the bottom of the footing and'two.bars near thetop. A minimum clearance .of'3 inches shall be maintained between steel. reinforcement and the, top, bottom or sides of the footing. 10.2 Isolated square footings should contain, as a minimum, a grid of No. 4 steel bars on 12-inch centers, both ways, With no less than two bars each way. . 10.13. Interior floor slabs should be a minimum of 5 inches actual thickness, and be reinforced With at least No. 3 steel bars. on 18-in6h centers, both ways', placed at rnidheight' in the slab (or 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 welded.-. wire mesh mats). Slabs shall be. underlain by a 2-inch-thick layerof. clean sand (S.E. = 30 or greater) overlying, a moisture retardaht. membrane over 2inchè of sand. Slab .sUb'gadé soil shall be verified by a Geotechnicál Exploration, Thc. representative to have 'the proper moisture. content within 48 hOurs prior to placement of thè vapor barrier and pouring of concrete. Slab thickness may be reduced to 4 inches if the expansion index 'of the' soils in the upper 4 'feet is '50 or lower. As an option, post-tensioned slabs on-grade may be used in lieu of a conventionally reinforced slab. ' However, the pen me footing shall. be embedded at, least .18 inches for-soils with an expansion index. below 90, and 24 inches for soils with an expansion index over 90. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 24 We recommend the project Civil/Structural Engineer incorporate isolation -joints and sawcuts to at least; one-fourth the thickness of the slab in any floor designs. Control joints should not be spaced farther than every 25 feet for slabs reinforced With rebars, and 15 feet for slabs reinforced; with welded wire fabic. The joihts' and cuts, if properly placed; should reduce.the potential for and help ,control floor slab cracking. However, due to a number of reasons (such as base preparation, construction techniques, curing procedures, and normal shrinkage of concrete), some cracking of slabs can be expected. Control joints shall be placed within 12 hours after concrete placement and shall penetrate at least one-quarter the slab thickness Following placement of any concrete floor sla'bs,:sufficient dryingtime. must be allowed prior to placement of floor coverings. Premature placement of floor, coverings may result in degradation of adhesive , materials and loosening of the finish' floor materials. Tiled floors shall be provided with an approved isolation sheet to prevent reflective shrinkage and/or control joint cracking. NOT: The project Civil/Structural Engineer shall review all reinforcing schedules. The reinforcing minimums. recommended. herein are not to - - be construed as-structural designs, but merely as minimum safeguards - -' to reduce possible crack separations. Actual reinforcing requirements should be-provided by the project Structural Engineer for the design - - loads and anticipated deflections. Proposed Emerald -Pointe Estates Job No. 977189; Carlsbad, California Page 25. Based on. our laboratory test results and our experience,.with the so,il.typeson the subject site, the dense natural soils and properly compacted' fill' soils should experience differential angular rotation' of less than 1/240 under the allowable loads. The maximum differential settlernent across the, structure and footings when founded on properly compacted fill or dense natural formation shall bean the order of 1 inch. 11 As a minimum for protection of on-site improvements, it is recommended that all nonstructural concrete slabs (such as patios, sidewalks, etc.'), be founded, on properly compacted, moisture-conditioned -and tested fill' or dense." native formation and underlain by at least 12 inches of low expansive potential, properly compacted soils, with 6x6-6/6 welded wire. meth, at the center of the slab, and contain adequate isolation and control joints The performance of on* site improvements can be greatly affected by soil base preparation and the quality of construction It is therefore important that all improvements are properly designed and constructed for the existing soil -conditions The improvements should not be built on loose soils or fills placed without our observations and testing Any rigid improvements founded on the existing loose surface soils can be expected to undergo movement and possible damage and is therefore not recommended Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. takes no responsibility for the performance of the improvements built on loose or inadequately compacted fills Any exterior area to receive concrete improvements, shall be verified for. 'compaction and moisture within 48 hours prior.to concrete placement.. For exteriorslabs with the minimum shrinkage reinforcement, control joints shall be placed at spaces no farther than 15 feet apart or the width of the slab, whichever is less, and also at re-entrant corners Control joints in Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No., 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 26 exterior slabs shall be,s.ealéd with elastomeric.jöint sealant. The sealant shall be inspected. every 6 mOnths and be properly maintained. Control joints shall penetrate at least one-quarter the thickness of the slab; 12. Driveway pavement, consisting of Portland 'cement concrete at least '51/2 inches in thickness, may be placed on properly compacted and moisture. coflditioned. subgrae. :soils. The, concrete shall be at. least 3,500 psi compressive strength, with control joints no farther than 15 feet apart or the Width Of the slab, whichever is less, and also at re-entrant corners. Pavement joints shall be properly sealed with pavement joint sealant, as reqvired in sections 201 3 6 through 201 3 8 of the Standard Specifications forPublic Work Construction, 2000 Edition Depending upon the lateral slab support of the drive, restraining steel dowels may be required in areas that- are not sufficiently restrained C Floor Slab Vapor Transmission 13 Vapor moisture can cause some problems on moisture sensitive floors, some floor sealers, or sensitive equipment in direct contact with the floor, in addition to mildew and staining on slabs, walls and carpets. 14 The common practice in Southern California is to place vapor retarders made of 'PVC,. or of polyethylene. PVC retardrs are made in thickness ranging. from 10- to 60-mil. Polyethylene re€ardersi, called visqueen, range from. 5- to 10mil in thickness The thicker the plastic, the stronger the resistance will be against puncturing.. . , . Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 27 Although polyethylene (visqueen) products are most commonly used, products such as Vaporshield possess much higher tensile strength and are more specifically designed. for and intended:to retard moisture transmission into concrete slabs. The use of Vaporshield or equivalent is highly recommended when a structure is intended for moisture-sehsitive floor coverings or uses. The vapor retarders need to have joints lapped and sealed with mastic or manufacturer's recommended tape for additional protection. To provide some protection to the moisture retarder, a layer of at least 2 inches of clean sand on top and 2 inches at the bottom shall also be provided. No heavy equipment, stakes or other puncturing instruments shall be used on top of the liner before or during concrete placement In actual practice, stakes are often driven through the retarder material, equipment is dragged or rolled coss the retarder, overlapping or jointing is not properly implemented, etc. All these construction deficiencies reduce the retarder's effectiveness The 'Vapor retarders are not waterproof. Thy are intended to help prevent or reduce capillary migration of vapor through the soil into the pores of concrete slabs. Other waterproofing systems must supplement vpor, retarders if full waterproofing is desired. The owner should be consulted to determine the specific level of protection required. D. Retàininci Walls :1 tte active earth pressure (to be utilized in the design of cantilever retaining walls utilizing a mixture of on-site or imported, low expansive soils as backfill) shall be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 45 pounds per cubic foot (for level backfill and properly drained retaining wall backfill only). The Proposed Emerald Pointe. Estates ,. Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California ' . Page 28 designer of the retaining walls shall specify in the' retaining wall. plans thàt.the wall, backfill shall consist-of soils with an .expansion index less than 50. The "wall backfill" shall be all retained material within a distance equal to its, height. In ,the. event that , a retaining wall is. surcharged by sloping backfill (of the.. same soil type), the design active earth pressure shall be based On the. appropriate Equivalent Fluid 'Weight' presented, in the, following table:, *Utilization of other than clean sandy soils as backfill or any encountered adverse geologic conditions in the cut slopes behind wails will require the use of high'er equivalent fluid weights. In the event that a retaining' wall is to b'e designed for a restrained co'ndition''.. a uniform pressure equal to 1OxH (ten times the total height of retained wall, considered in 'pounds per 'square foot) 'shall be considered'' as acting everywhere on the back of' the wall in addition to the desigh Equivalent Fluid Weight. Any additional load Or surcharge located within a horizdrtal distance equal' to the height of the wall shall be'includedas extra pressure. ..Any,ioads placed on' the active Wedge behind a cantilever retaining -wall shall be included ,in the design by multiplying' the lOad weight by a factor of ,045, and 0.62 for restrained retaining walls. The ternporary'cuts and bottom of Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates S Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 29 excavation soils, during retaining wall construction shall be maintained, with proper moisture until, ,just 'prior to backfilling.' 18. Due-.to possible buildup of groundwater (derived, primarily fro,m rainfall and irrigation), excess moisture is a common problem in below-grade structures. or behind retaining wal!s that may be proposed. These problems are generally in the form of water seepage through walls, mineral staining, mold growth and high humidity. Even without the presence of free water, the capillary draw characteristics, especially of fine grained soils, can result in excessive transmission of water.: vapor through walls and floor slabs. In order to reduce the potential for moisture-related problems' to. develop at the site, proper and sufficient ventilation and waterprbofihg shall be provided for below-ground areas and the backfill side of all structure retaining walls 'should be properly waterproofed and drained 19 Proper subdrains and free-draining backwall material or geofabric drainage 'shall be installed behind all retaining walls (in addition to . proper. waterproofing) on the subject project. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. will assume no liability for damage to structures or improvements that, is attributable to poor drainage; The architectural' plans shall clearly indicate that the subdrains for any lower-level walls shall be placed at an elevation at least 1. foot below the bottom of the lower-level slabs. At least 05-percent fall, shall be, provided for the s'ubdrain. ' The subdrain shall be placed in an envelope of crushed rock gravel up to 1 inch in maximum diameter, and be wrapped with Mirafi 140N filter or equivalent (see Figure No. VI). Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, .California I Page 30 In general, guidelines and requirements of Chapter 18 and its Appendix (UBC 1997 Edition) shall be followed for wall and floor basement waterproofing. Proper ventilation (per UBC requirements) shall be provided to the- crawl space areas. E. Slopes 20. The preliminary grading plan (Revised. Tentative. Map, Emerald Pointe Est'ates) calls for maximum cut and fill slopes up to approximately 30 feet ; hg h, both at an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical).,..Review of the slope stability analyses, for both surficial and deep-seated stability, indicate -- that the proposed grading slopes have factors of safety of 1.5 or greater These analyses assume no weak clay seams, no groundwater, and no othei adverse geologic conditions exist in the cut slopes or within the foundationof fill slopes In addition, the weakest soil on the slope shall possess at least one of the following combinations of shear strength parameters Friction Angie (degrees) Cohesion (psf) 28 300 29 260 30 : 225 31 185 30 150 Soil shear strength parameters shall be evaluated using representative samples of soil composing the slopes.. PrOposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189.. Carlsbad, California Page 31' We. recommend that. a geologist from our firm observe all cut slopes during grading for possible adverse conditions Additional investigation and analyses may be 'required if adverse geologic conditions' such as groundwater seepage., adversely oriented bedding, relatively weak or sheared claystone.beds, or adverse jointing or faulting are encountered. Although buttress fill slopes are not anticipated, out-of-slope bedding or, highly weathered formatioñal materials encountered during the grading may require the construction of stability and/or buttress fills if needed. 21 We., recommend that-all faces of fill slopes be backrolled at maximum: 4°':*'''.:: fill height intervals during the grading operation Additionally, we recommend that all faces of fill slopes be track-walked at the completion of ' the rough grading operation so that a dozer track covers all surfaces at least twice All cut and fill slopes should be properly drained, planted, an& maintained to control erosion and surface sloughing. No pad runoff water shall drain over the tops of slopes All building pads shall drain toward the front street. 22 If unshored temporary slopes are to be constructed on the site or along the' "property 'lines, design engineers and/or excavation contractors must take into account any adjacent utility lines or subsurface structures. Geo.technical Exploration, Inc. has no knowledge as to the location or condition of any such utility lines, or as to whether any such lines can tàlerate slight vibration-induced by earth movements associated with excavation, an'd/or shoring of temporary slopes in close proximity to any such lines. 23 Weanticipate that steep temporary slopes may be required on portions of thesite during grading. Based on the results of our field investigation and laboratory tests, it is our opinion, that steep 'temporary slopes may. be Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189, Carlsbad, California Page 32 considered in areas where the slope topwill. beat least 10 feet away from any existing Improvements; The existing sbilsmay be cut to temporary slope ratios of 1.0 horizontal7 to. 0.75 vertical (for an unsupported period, not to exceed four weeks) for slope heights up to 18 feet. A representative of Geotechnica! Exploration, Inc. should be called to observe all steep temporary slopes during construction. In the event that soils and formational material comprising a slope are not as anticipated, any .required.slope design changes would be presented at that time. 24 Where not superseded by specific recommendations presented in this report, trenches, excavations, and temporary slopes at the subject site shall be,,- .constructed in accordance with subparagraph (1) paragraph (f), of section '1541 of Title 8, Construction Safety Orders, issued by OSHA. .' ;....-. .. 25 The soils that occur within the proximity of the rim or face of even properly coTpacted fill or dense natural ground cut slopes often possess poor lateral sta-Jity The degree of lateral and vertical deformation depends on the .inhérent expansion and strength characteristics of the soil types comprising the slope, slope steepness and height, loosening of slope face soils by burrowing rodents, and irrigation and vegetation maintenance practices, as well as the quality of compaction of fill soils. Structures and, other i:rnprovements could suffer damage due to these soil movement factors if not 'properly designed to accommodate or withstand such movement. Foundations and footings Of proposed structures, walls, etc., when founded 5 feet and farther away from the top of compacted fill slopes, may be of standard design. However, if the proposed foundations and footings are located closer than 5 feet (or H/3 for slopes 15 feet high or greter) from the Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California . Page 33 top, of compacted fill slopes (whereH=height of the slope), they should be deepened to at least 11/2 feet below a line beginning at a point 5 feet horizontally and to provide a daylight' distance of at least H/3 inside the fill slopes (for slopes with heights of 15 feet or, higher) and projected outward and downward, parallel to the. face of the fill slope (see Figure No. IV). Special reinforcement, and design considerations should be provided by the Structural Engineer for all improvements within 5 -feet of the top of fill slopes, due to the anticipated "creeping" movement of the underlying fill soils. As', a general rule, the recommended setback from the slope face is a minimum of 5 feet and a maximum of H/3 for slopes 15 feet in height or higher. .4 ,..: 26 Rigid improvements such as top-of-slope walls, columns, decorative planters, concrete flatwork, swimming pools and other similar types of improvements :c be be expected to display varying degrees of separation typical of improvements constructed at the top of a slope The separations result primarily from slope top lateral and vertical soil deformation processes The separations often occur regardless of being underlain by cut or fill slope material Proximity to a slope top is often the primary factor affecting 'the" degree of separations occurring. Typical and to-be-expected. separations can range 'from minimal to up to 1 'inch' or greater in width. In' order to minimize the effect of slope-top lateral. sOil' deformation, we recommend that the top-of-slope improvements be. designed with flexible connections and joints in rigid structures so, that the separations do not result in visually apparent cracking damage and/or can, be cosmetically dressed as part of the 'ongoing property maintenance. These flexible connections may include "slip joints" in wrought iron fencing, evenly spaced vertical joints 'in block walls or fences, control joints with flexible caulking in extériorflatwork improvements, etc. Proposed Emerald Pointe, Estates Job No. 97-718.9 Carlsbad, California Page .34 In .addition, use of planters to provide separation between top-of-slope hardscape such as patio slabs and pool decking from top-of-slope wallscar aid greatly in reducing cosmetic cracking and separations in exterior. improvements. . Actual materials and techniques would need to. be determined by the project architect Or the landscape architect for indiJiduäl properties. Steel dowels placed in flatworkmay•prevent noticeable vertical differentials, but if provided with a slip-end they may still allow some lateral displacement. 27. It is recommended that all compacted fill slopes and natural cut slopes be planted with an erosion resistant plant, in conformance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. . S F. Site Drainage Considerations .. 28. . Subdrains shall be installed under ay canyon fills. The subdrains shall be ... . • .pled in an envelope of gravel and wrapped with filter cloth. If stabiliatiO'' • fills or buttresses are required during grading, subdrains shall also be.. : . required where recommended by ourfirm. . 29. Groundwater was not encountered during the course of our, field investigation, and we do not expect groundwater to cause significant problems if the property is developed as presently designed. It shoüldb S • • kept in mind, however,that any required additional grading operations may change. surface drainage, patterns and/or reduce. per.meabilities due to the densification of compacted soils. Such changes of surface and subsurface S hydrologic conditions, plus irrigation of landscaping or significant increases .in - •' rainfall, may result in the appearance of minor amounts of surface or near- surface water at locations where none existed previously. The.damagefrorn Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page35 such water is expected to be minor and cosmetic in nature, if good positive drainage is implemented at the completion of construction. Corrective actiob should be taken on a site-specific basis if and when it becomes necessary. Any significant seepage observed during grading will be reported to the contractor for corrective work Additional recommendations will be provided as warranted. 30 Adequate measures shall be taken to properly finish-grade the site to prevent ponding or erosion, specifically of the slopes Drainage waters from this site and adjacent properties are to be directed away from building pads and slopes, onto the natural drainage direction for this area or into properly designed and approved drainage facilities Roof gutters and downspouts should be installed on all structures, with runoff directed away from the foundations via closed drainage lines. Proper subsurface and surface drainage will help minimize the potential for waters to seek the level of the bearing soils under the building pads Failure to observe this recommendation could result in excessive uplift or undermining and differential settlement of the future structures and improvements on the site We recommend that the minimum gradient around the structures be not less than 5 percent in the nearest 5 feet to structures 31 Appropriate erosion-control measures shall be taken at all times during construction to prevent surface runoff waters from entering footing excavations and ponding on finished building pads or running uncontrolled over the tops of newly constructed cut or fill slopes Particular care should be taken to prevent saturation of any temporary construction slopes Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates, Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 36 Sediment accumulation. and standing water along street curbs is a common. occurrence after construction of a residence or subdivision, most often as a result of excess irrigation and/or relatively level street. grades. Continual slow water flow from yard drainage systems into street swales often results in curb areas that remain wet, muddy or support moss growth and algae. During high water flow conditions (such as during a heavy rainfall), the velocity of the water. will most likely carry the sediments and dear the curb area. However, during low water flow (such as Continual slow draining of yard area drains into the curb outlets), the slow velocity allows silts 'and fine sands to deposit and accumulate. Heavily landscaped yards., the presence of cut ground lots that create near-surface perched water conditions, and relatively level streets with shallow gradients to storm drain inlets all contribute to wet and muddy curb conditions. It is the responsibility of the p.roject Civil Engineer to, design adequate street/curb surface drainage. It. is recommended that the future homeowners be advised as to the' irrigation-related cause(s) of persistent water and sedimentation in the tree't'.... curb areas. If street curb flow from yard area drains is not considered ...... acceptable, we may be contacted by the project Civil Engineer to discuss the design of a yard area discharge collection system. - . Planter areas, flower beds, and planter boxes shall be sloped to drain away from the foundations, footings, and floor slabs at a gradient of at least 5 percent within 5 feet from the perimeter walls. Any planter areas adjacentto the building or surrounded by concrete, improvements shall be. provided with sufficient area drains to help with rapid, runoff disposal. No water shall, be allowed to pond adjacent to the building or other irñp'rovements. Closed planter boxes shall be constructed with a sealed bottom and a subsurface drain, installed in gravel, with the direction of subsurface and surface flow. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Job No. 97-7189L Carlsbad, California Page 37 away from structures, to an adequate drainage facility. Sufficient area drains shall be placed in landscape areas to providea fast runoff disposal. The landscape surface shall be provided with effective flow lines and gradients to reduce water ponding throughout the project Roof gutter and downspouts shall be tied to storm drain lines. G. General Recommendations H 34 In order to minimize any work delays at the subject site during site development, this firm should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to any need for observation of slopes or field density testing. 35. Design of the street pavement sections- Was not included within the scope of this report. Pavement sections will dependlargely on the street subgradesoil conditions exposed after grading and the expected traffic load, and should be. based on R-value test results. These tests should be performed after completion of the rough grading operation X. LIMITATIONS It should be noted that all recommendations are of a: preliminary nature and subject to change, based upon review of your final grading and building plans, and our observations during grading Our preliminary conclusions and recommendations have been based on the available data obtained from our report reviews, field investigation and laboratory analysis, as well as our experience with the soils and formation materials in this area of the City of Carlsbad Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates Carlsbad, California Job No. 97-7189 Page 38 Of necessity, we, must assume a certain degree Of continuity between exploratory excavations and/or natural exposures. It is, therefore, necessary, that all observations, conclusions, and recommendations be verified at the time grading operations begin. In the event discrepancies are noted, additional recommendations may be issued, if required. This report has been prepared far design purposes only, and may not be sufficient to prepare an accurate bid for the grading work. The work performed and recommendations presented herein are the result of an investigation and analysis that meet the contemporary standard of care in our profession. within the County of San Diego. No warranty is provided. This report should be considered valid for a. period of two (2) years, and is subject tbrevJ,ew:by our firm following that time. If significant modifications are made to the grading plans, especially with respect to the height and location of any proposed cuts nd fills, this report should be presented to us for immediate review and possible r-v;sion The firm of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc shall not be held responsib'e for changes to the physical condition of the property, such as addition of fill soils or changing drainage patterns, which occur subsequent to issuance of this- report. This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of personnel other than our own on the site; the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates' Job No. 97-7189 Carlsbad, California Page 39', It is . the responsibility of the owner andtor . developer to ensure that the recommendations, summarized in the report are carried out in the field 'operations' and. that our recommendations for design of the project are incorporated, in the building and grading plans. Our firm should review the grading and the, building plans when they become available and béfóre grading' starts. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should you ,have any questions' regarding this matter, please contact the uridersignéd. Reference to our Job'No 97-7189 will' help to expedite a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, 'GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. Jak. l'eiser . , . .. Jaime A.',Cerros, P.E Senior Project Geologist. R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 '" Senior Getechnical'Eh'ginr ' LeD';'eeet • ' C. E.G'. 999(exp. 3-3].03]/R.G. 3391 • ' TIFIED . • \ )'' JKH/JAC/LDR/pj FESs,N' . ••.. • P.9/30'3 WA j/ • • . .: • ,• • •, 41PhO. ' . REFERENCES JOB NO 97-7189 April 2002 Association of Engineering Geologists, 1973, Geology and Earthquake Hazards, Planners Guide to the Seismic, Safety Element Southern California Section Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication Published July 1973, p. 44. S Berger & Schug .1 991, Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Hazard in the San Diego Tijuana Metropolitan Region, Environmental Perils, San Diego Region, San DiègoAssociation of Geologists Bryant W.A.and E W Hart 1973 (10th Revision 1997) Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California Calif. Div of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42 California Division of Mines and Geology Alquist Priolo Special Studies Zones Map November 1 1991 City of San Diego Seismic Safety Element, revised 1995, Map Sheet 29.; Clarke, S.H., H.G. Greene, M.P. Kennedy and J.G. Vedder, 1987, Geologic Map of the Inner-Southern California Continental Margin in H.G. Greene and M.P. Kennedy (editors),.California Continental Margin Map Series Map 1A Calif Div. of Mines and Geology, scale 1:'250,000. Crowell, J.C., 1962, Displacement along the. San Andreas Fault, 'California; Geologic Society of:America Special Paper.71, 61 p. Gray C H Jr M.P. Kennedy and P K Morton 1971 Petroleum Potential of Southern Coastal and Mountain Area, California, American Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 15, p. 372-383'. Greene H G 1979, Implication of Fault Patterns in the Inner California Continental Borderland between San Pedro and San Diego in Earthquakes and Other Perils San Diego Region P L Abbott and W J Elliott editors.: Greensfelder, R W 1974 Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes in California California Division of Mines and Geology Map Sheet 23 Hart E W 6-P. Smith and R B Saul 1979, Summary Report Fault Evaluation Program 1978 Area (Peninsular Ranges-Salton Trough Region), Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology, 0 F 79-10 SF, 10. Hauksson E and L Jones 1988 The July 1988 Oceanside (ML =5 3) Earthquake Sequence in the Contenental Borderland Southern California Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v 78 p 1 885 1906. 5 Hileman, J.A., 'C.R. Allen and J.M.Nordquist, 1973, 'Seismicity Of the Southern California Region, January 1;. 1932 to December 31 1972; Seismological Laboratory Cal Tech Pasadena Calif. Kennedy M.P., 1975, Geology of the San Diego Metropolitan Area California Bulletin 200 Calif Div of Mines and Geology. Kennedy M.P., and S H Clarke 2001 Late Quaternary Faulting in San Diego Bay and Hazard to the Coronado Bri.dge,.California Geology, July/August 2001. Kennedy M.P. and S H Clarke 1997A Analysis of Late Quaternary Faulting in San Diego Bay and Hazard to the Coronado Bridge Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Open file Report 97-10A. I-ol 40 __-__ 1 -.. 2 .\ L TREE LEGEND ASSUMED SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE EXISTING 170 TOPOGRAPHY (feet) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF i-n EXPLORATORY TRENCH OV I 1-9 / I SCALE 1' = 1W / toy T10 1-7 Owl T T- 1 0005 / MW / - % 0?1119' 240 Ir .01 Ile 210 00 low 190 T-3 170 NOTE: This Plot Plan is not to be used for legal purposes. Locations and dimensions are approxi mate. Actual property dimensions and locations of utilities may be obtained from the Approved \\ N IIIII II F IUII 1)1 LI l r - LIII I. I I.IU I PLOT PLAN d GEOLOGIC MAP / Proposed Emerald Pointe Estates APN-212-040-50 C8ifsbad,CA - S Figure No. I REFERENCE: mrs Plot plan was rpared' From Job No. 97-7189 an exfst1n CAD. drawf rig f I Is provided by Geotechnical Nunsakr 4 Associates 5P, Inc. and from on-site 'W'1 Exploration, Inc. field reconnaissance performed by GEl. _ Apnl 2002 Page 2 Kennedy M.P. and S H Clarke 1 997B Age of Faulting in San Diego Bay in the Vicinity of the Coronado Bridge an addendum to Analysis of Late Quaternary Faulting in San Diego Bay and Hazard to the Coronado Bridge Calif Div of Mines and Geology Open file Report 97-1 OB Kennedy, M.P., S.H. Clarke, H.G. Greene, R.C. Jachens, V.E. Langenheirn,J.J. More and D.M. Burns, 1994,'A Digital (GIS) Geological/Geophysical/Seismological Data Base for the San Diego 30-x60', Quadrangle California -- ANew Generation, Geological Society of America Abstracts withPrograms,v. 26, p. 63. Kennedy, M.P. and G.W. Moore, 1971, Stratigraphic Relations. of Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Formations, Sari Diego Coastal Area California American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin v 55 p 709-722'. Kennedy, M.P., S.S: Tan, R.H. Chapman and -G.W. Chase, 1975, Character and Recency of Faulting, -San Diego Metropolitan Area California Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Special Report 123, 33 pp Kennedy, M.P. and E.E. Welday, 1 980, Character and Recency of Faulting Offshore, metropolitan San Diego California Calif. Div of Mines and Geology Map Sheet 40 1:50"000. Kern J P and T K Rockwell 1 992 Chronology, and Deformation of Quaternary. Marine Shorelines San Diego County, California in Heath, E. and L. Lewis (editors), The Regressive Plèistocéne Shoreline, Coastal Southern California pp 1-8. Lindvail .&C. and T K Rockwell 1995, Holocene Activity of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone in San Diego California Journal of Geophysical Research v 100 no B-12, p 24121-24132. McEuen R. B.' and C J Pinckney, 1972 Seismic Risk in San Diego Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, Vol. 17, No. 4, 19 July 1972. : Moore G.W. and M.P. Kennedy, 1 975 Quaternary Faults in San Diego Bay California U S Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, p. 589-595. Richter C G 1958, Elementary Seismology W H Freeman and Company San Francisco Calif. -Rockwell.,, T K D.E. Millman R S McElwain and D.L.Lamar, 1985 Study of Seismic Activity by Trenching Along the Glen Ivy North Fault Elsinore Fault Zone Southern California Lamar Merifield Technical Report 85 1 U S G S Contract 14080001 21376,,l 9 p Simons R S 1977,-Seismicity of San Diego 1934-1974; Seismological Society of America Bulletin v 67 p 809-826. - Tan, S.S., 1995, Landslide Hazards in Southern Part of San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Open-file Report 95-03. Toppozada T R and D L Parke 1982, Areas Damaged by California Earthquakes 1900-1949; Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology,- Open-file Report 82-17, Sacramento, Calif. Treiman J A 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone Southern California Calif. Div. of Mines and Geology Open file Report 93-02, 45 pp. 3 plates. - U.S.Dept of Agriculture 1953 Aerial Photographs AXN 8M 71 and 72 - - - DIMEISION.'& TrPE•'OFcAVA11ON VDATE 'LOGGED. ' Case'Backhoe 2' x 10' x 6" Trench 1-23-98 SURFACEELEVATION" "GROUNDWATER' DEPTH- LOGGED :BY ± 205' Mean Sea Level , . Not encountered JKH FIELD. DESCRlPT1ON•. AND MIIU .— .CLSSIF1CAT1ON. ' + I DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS V = = (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color)CL o SILTY CLAY. with some sand and roots CL! 1 , Stiff to firm.- Moist-' Dark brown. CH 2 . T0S0IL SILTY SANDSTONE, highly fractured ML' ' and weathered'. Medium dense to - dense. Damp. Tan-gray and: ' V . light brown. V V V•t ,'• . V , . V . . V ' 'WEATHERED FORMATION . V SANDSTONE, well cemented with same SM . V - concretions Very dense 'Damp. 6 :::.. V Tan-gray. V , V . FORMATION 7V- V, Bottom of hole @.-6' • V V ' .10 V V V V 3 • V VV WATER TABLE V V ''-LOOSE BAG SAMPLE, j , IN—PLACE SAUPLE V V DRIVE SAMPLE SAND CONE/F.D.T. I,- JOBEBCS.ppèrty APN 212-00-50 ' • SITE -LOCATION East of Laurel iree Koac , V ' V North of-Cobblestone, Road, ,CarIsbad.,CA JOB NUMBER , REVIEWED. BY - LOG No. V V 189 FIGURE NUMBER' V V EQUIPMENT Case Backhoe SURFACE ELEVATION ± 214' Mean Sea Level DIMENSION. & TYPE OF., EXCAVATION 2' x 10' x 7 Trench GROUNDWATER DEPTH: - Not encountered FIELD, DESCRIPTION.: AND c 2 CLASSIFICATION. d LH L . +. ' .. • 's DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Groin size, Density, Moisture, Color) i - T SILTY CLAY with some sand and roots. CL! H 1 — — Soft to firm. Moist. Dark brown. CH 16.6 112: TOP-SOIL ! SILTY FINE SAND/SANDYSILT with SM/ t9 ' some roots and abundant cal iche ML . - - beds, iron 'oxide staining, very . punky and porous. Medium dense. 18.9 92.3 19.5 107 86 • Dry to damp. Dark gray-browi and - - - -- 5 4 .ç1• SILTY SANDSTONE:, more massive and St well indurated, with 3-4" thick 'caliche. beds. Medium dense. Damp. 6 Tan-brown and white. : • -:{.T: l: . . WEATHERED, FORMATION SILTY SANDSTONE, well cemented. - Sill • 1 . ' Dense. Damp. Tan-gray,. FORMATION- 9_ Bottom •of hole @ 7 - , . . ' - . . UBC EXPANSION INDEX V WATER TABLE • '1 LOOSE, BACI...SAMPLE IN—PLACE' SAMPLE N DRIE SAMPLE . [] SAND . CONE/F.D.T. V72- fS PS 'rT k II I PS I I r' PS #•\ 11 I' I II t•i JOB NAME BCS Property -APN 212-040-50 SITE, LOCATION East of Laurel' Iree loac North of Cobblèstone Road, Carlsbad, CA JOB', NUMBER REViEWED. BY LOG N. 97-7189 FIGURE NUMBER' I I L ' Ull rJ fl - EQUIPMENT DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION DATE LOGGED Case Backhoe 2' x 20 x 7.5' Trench 1-23-98 SURFACE EVA11ON GROUNDWATER' DEPTH LOGGED,. 13Y ± 236 Mean, 'Sea Level Not encountered JKH FIELD. DESCRIPTIONt MIIU b d • CLASSIFICATION d + DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS • (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) c1 5 CD U SILTY CLAY with some'sand and roots CL/,: 1 Soft to firm. Moist. Dark brown. CH - TOPSOIL SILTY SANDSTONE, moderately well - SM 2 -* cemented with some shell and . , caliche beds(pockets). Medium dense to. dense. Damp. . Tan-gray and light brown. 4 - .. . . - WEATHERED FORMATION frE•1:. 7 - becomes more dense, but caliche 16.6 84.0 beds still prsent at —c —--•--------- 6 :4i:] . SILTY SANDSTONE, well cemented. SM - Dense. Damp. Tan-gray and . 7• light brown. - - FORMATION 6- Bottom of hole @ 7 .5' - - WATER TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE fflfNPLAcE SAMPLE MDRIVE. SAMPLE. ff]' SAND CONE/F.D.T. t'f\ L !TI k I Iff I if-, P' f\ i r - JOBNAME BCS P APN 212-040-5O SITE LOCATION East of Laurel Iree loaa North of Cobblestone Road., Carlsbad,, CA JOB NUMBER' ' I REViEWED BY • LOG No. 97-7189 - I-S. FIGURE NUMBER 'EQUIPMENT- DIMENSION & TYPE OF AVATh DATE LOGGED Case Backhoe 2' x 10' x.6' Trench 1-23-98 - SURFACE ELEVATION GROUNDWATER DEPTH LOGGED BY ± 230 Mean Sea Level Not encountered JKH FIELD.. DESCRIPTION AND ci - 2 CLASSIFICATIONS. WIaJ Lgf • 'DECRIFflONAN0REMARKS. (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) a - SILTY CLAY with some sand and roots CL 1 - Soft to firm. Moist. Dark brown. 2 ON TOPSOIL -. SILTSTONE with some clay, slightly ML ol oo e weathered. Firm. Moist. Dark -'Ile V gray-green and orange. - 14 .--,,.. 211.14 99.9 19.5 107 93 65 -e lo, SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE, moderately ML! 5 loo" uñdurated. Stiff. Dam to moist. MC -eoo Dark gray-green and orange. 6 FORMATION - - Bottom of hole @ 6' 10 - -- UBC EXPANSION INDEX. . WATER TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE []J IN—PLACE SAMPLE I'DRIVESAMPLE MS SANDCONE/F.D•T: JOB NAME BCS Property. -APN 212-0110-50 SITE LOCATION . East of Laurel 1ree Koac North ofCobblestone.Road, Car1sbad,CA JOB NUMBER.: - I REVIEWED, BY LOG No. 97-7189., FIGURE NUMBER .- . . r QUIPM4T DIMENSION '& TYPE OF EXCAVATION , DATE LOGGED Case Backhoe 2'x 20 c 7 Trench , 1-23-98 SURFACE ELEVATION GROUNDWATER DTH LOGGED-13Y ±2145' Mean Sea Level Not encountred JKH FIELD. DESCRIPTION AND -- • CLASSIFICATION CZ + I .CM DESCRIF11ON AND REMARKS CL (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) ui I E- - .. SILTY CLAY with some sand and roots CL! - Soft. Moist. Dark brown. CH TOPSOIL 2 -:j.1 • SILTY SANDSTONE with caliche beds, S moderately well cemented. Medium ) - 1I•114•: 1 dense to dense. Dry to damp. 114.4 111.3 Tan-gray and light brown. - 14 3" to 14" thick cal iche beds with - dense Sandstone layers between. WEATHERED FORMATION -fi - 6 ;:i.II SILTY SANDSTONE, moderately well - -i-:I cemented. Dense. Damp. Tan-gray and orange. 7 fI.; FORMATION 6 - Bottom of hole @ 7' io_: 'I- WATER TABLE ' LOOSE'BAG SAMPLE IN -PLACE.SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE SAND CONE/F.D.T. JOB NAME.8c5 Property 'APN 212-040-50 SITE LOCATION East of Laurel Tree Koaa & North1ofCobblestone Road, Carlsbad,, CA. JOB.NUMBER REVIEWED BY . LOG No. 97 `7189' T - 5- FiGURE NUMBER (l•l1_D - 'EQUIPMENT DIMENSION .& TYPE OF EXCAVATION DATE LOGGED : CaseBackhoe 2' x 10' x 6' Trench 1-23-98 ------------ SURFACE ELEVATION GROUNDWATER DEPTH LOGGED BY ± 2521 Mean Sea Level Not encounterec1 JKH FIELD-. DESCRIPTION AND - CLASSIFICATION WW LLJ, CL + . DESCRIP110N AND REMARKSCL Uj (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color)CL ca SILTY CLAY, with some sand and CL /,"A' Hori.zo cul ivated I - roots. Soft to firm. Moist. CH Dark brown. 2 - - some caliche (pockets) S - S TOPSOIL "B" Horizo wit I cal'ich MLi9.L 92.0 19.5 107 86 *90 . I SILTSTONE with some clay, slightly 01 01 weathered and fractured. Firm. Moist. Dark gray-green and orange. • SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE, moderately ML! 01 0 indurated. Stiff. Damp. Dark 18.3 100.9 91 *70 - gray-green and orange. 6- FORMATION - 7-; Bottom of hole @ 6' o - -I - . UBC EXPANSION INDEX V WATER TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE []]1 IN-PLACE SAMPLE.' I DRIVE SAMPLE : SAND CONE/F.D.T. JOB NAM BCS Property APN. 212-O050 SITE LOCATION East of Laurel Tree Roaa North ofCob.b.les tone- Road; Carlsbad,CA JOB NUMBER . REVIEWED BY LOG No.. 97-7189 611. . ]• - FIGURE.. NUMBER S In . ATE LOGGED 1-23-98 LOGGED8Y JKH - 'EQUIPMENT, DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 'CaseBackhoé - V 'x .1O', x 6". Trench SURFACE O1VA11ON-- .. GROUNDWATER ± 256 Mean Sea Level Not encountered TI - FIELD. DESCRIPTION" AND ' • '' 2 • • I A '.p,i tE1# A Yt...lrl kI CLASSIFICATION - i r ,ai Li W, C. + CL " CL ' S DESCRIPTiON AND REMARKS ensity, Moisture Color) (Grain size, D Z - .- -. SILTY CLAY with some sand and CL . 1 roots.- Soft to firm.: Moist. - • Dark brown. - 2 some ca.Iiche pockets TOPSOIL SILTSTONE with some clay, slightly ML • weathered and fractured., Firm. - 4 oo Moist. Dark-gray-green and orange. . 'o oo -o' o SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE-, moderately ML! 22.2 - 5 - indurated. Stiff. Damp. Drk CL - gray-green and orange. - -6-— FORMATION 7 _1- Sot torn of 'ho I e@ 6' - - • , -.- - I it 0 - • 5- - -•- S -S '5 , - • . - • - • - - L - ' ,-.- •• , -- ' - .WATER-TABLE 'LOOSE BAG SAMPLE IN—PLACE- SAMPLE W DRIVE SAMPLE: S'SA NOCONE/F.D.T 073 fl IS't rr9t •P%IJ •nflr-•-.-% . . JOB NAM EBCS Property -APN 212-04050 SITE LOCATION East of. Laiire'I Tree toac - • North- of' Cobb le.stone Road, Car1sbad,CA - JOB NUMBER - - RE'1EWEDBY LOG No.. 97-7189 - - 'T- 7 -, FIGURE NUMBER. - ( (fjb EOUIPMOT' C ase Backhoe SURFACE 1VA11ON ± 258' Me•an• Sea Level - DIMENSION & TYPE. OF' Z(CAVA110N 2' x 10'.x 6' Trench GROUNOWATD11-l' Not encountered DATE LOGGED 1 -23-98 - LOGGED, BY JKH FIELD. DESCRIPTION AND. " 2 ' CLASSIFICATION _ + I DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS. g tAq Cn CL ' .- CZ (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) vi 1 5 , 13 ' 9 SILTY CLAY with some, sand. Soft CL! 1 - to firm Moist. Dark brown. , CH' TOPSOIL. 2 . SILTY SANDSTONE with slight caliche SM fractured and weathered. Dense. -I Damp. Tan-gray and light brown. Lf WEATHERED FORMATION _t - - -- 5 SILTY. SANDSTONE, well cemented. SM - Dense. Damp. Tan-gray. - . .. . . 6.- FORMATION .__. 7 - Bottom of hole @ 6' 10 • . ,. ... . . V WATER' TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE IN—PLACE SAMPLE N't DRIVE SAMPLE [] SAND CONE/F.D.T. f'f%klTtkll !P%I IC' f'f'%It C' A t IC'S r• JOBE'BCS.P r bperty - APN' 212-00-50 SITE LOCATION East of Laurel Tree Koaà , North of-Cobblestone.Road, Car 1sbad,, CA- JOB NUMBER REVIEWED, BY LOG. No.. 97-7189 •4: . FIGURE NUMBER I ' EQUIPMENT-, - Cases Backhoe SURFACE ELEVATION ± 262'Mean Sea Level- - DIMENSION '& TYPE '0F EXCAVATION, 2'X 10' x 6' Trench. GROUNDWAT, DEPTH Not encountered DATE LOGGED. 1-23-98 LOGGEDBY: JKH — — FIELD. DESCRlPT1ON•-r-- AND. U. - _____! CLASSIFICATION . o_ + C) () . (I j3 DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture; Color) .9 'co Cj — SILTY CLAY with some sand and CL! roots. Soft to firm. Moist. CH . . ... • Dark brown. . I 4 TOPSOIL . .. . . . SILISTONE with some clay, slightly MC 3 - weathered and fractured. Firm. • 1 Moist. Dark gray-green and orange o.8 . oo oo —oll SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE, moderately ML/ indurated. Stiff. Damp... Dark CL .lol000X gfay-green and orangeolloe .. . 6 .. : FORMATION • Bottoth of hol @ 6' . :. i• . . I . . . - ; _.i .i 1.•.• :. . .. ... . V WATER TABLE LOOSE 'BAG SAMPLE IN—PLACE SAMPLE . DRIVE-I SAMPLE SAND CONE/F.D.T. r'f,ITRII tr, I ic' f'f'Dc * JOBNAUEcs Property — APN 212-01+0-50 SIrELOcAIlON East of Laurel iree loaa-& Northof CobblestoneRoad, .- . ...- .Carlsbad,CA. . JOB,NUMBER . . R1EWED. BY LOG No S)7 -71819 . . • • UI rtfl . - FIGURE NUMBER ii: . EQUIPMENT DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXAVATION DATE LOGGED Case Backhoe 2'x 10' x 6' Trench' 1-23 -98 SURFACE ELEVATION GROUNDWATER. DEPTH LOGGED. BY ± 21+2' Mean Sea Level Not encoUntered JKH 1 - FIELD. DESCRIPTION AkIr #I1Ld CLASSIFICATION Uj + C2-. Vi CL. EL DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) CL g. CL F - SILTY CLAY with some sand and roots 1 - Soft to firm. Moist. Dark brown. CH - some caliche pockets . . TOPSflII • oo SILISTONE with some. clay, slightly ML - weathered and fractured. Firm. 4 _Moist. Dark gray-green and orange. oll . . oolloll SILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE, moderately ML 5 - indurated. Stiff. Damp. Dark MC . -. gray-green and orange. . 6. - o"N - FORMATION . . . 7 - Bottom of hole @ 6' 10_ . - . 1 17, WATER TABLE Z LOOSE BAG SAMPLE [fl IN-PLACE SAMPLE E DRIVE SAMPLE , SAND CONE/F.O.T. JOB NAME BCS Property -.APN 212-040-50 SITE, LOCATION East of Laurel Iree Roaa j, North of Cobblestone Road Carlsbad, CA JOB NUMBER . REVIEWED BY LOG No. 97 -7189 .._J&2 -- •r-io FIGURE NUMBER J ,iira EQUIPMENT. DIMENSION & TYPE OF- EXCAVATION DATE LOGGED Case Backhoe 2' x 10' x 6' Trench 1-23 -98 SURFACE ELEVATION GROUNDWATER DTH' LOGGED BY ± 225' Mean Sea Level Not encountered JKH - FIELD 'DESCRIFliON AND - CLASSIFICATION '.- Uj . + i i-• Li C.) 'C.) - - DESCRIFflON'.ANDRBIARKS.: Vi (Giainize, Density, Móistiire, Color) cu i i o CL - SILTY CLAY with some sand and roots CL Soft tofirm. Moist. Dark brown. CH 'TOPSOIL oo SILTST0E with o'me clay, slightly ML weatheredand fractured. Firm. Moist. Dark gray-green and orange.lo . S ol SILISTONE/CLAYSTONE, moderately ML/ in'durated. Stiff. Damp. Dark , MC gray-green and orange. ol FORMATION - Bottom of hole @ 6' V: WATER TABLE LOOSE BAG SAMPLE EjJ IN—PLACE' SAMPLE I DRIVE SAMPLE ' iSAND CONE/F.O.T. - JOBNAME BCS Property - APN 212-0140-50 SITE LOCATION East of Laurel lree Ioao North of Cbbbl.estone Road, Carlsbad, CA JOB, NUMBER' REVIEWED BY LOG No 97-7189 T'- l' 1- FiGURE NUMBER J S ',fi1Ib - ' 130 AR TEST A 1* 2 3 10N(psf) 260 300 I0H ANGLE 299 280 I I IVk\ Assigned Value - PJIiii U. SIstand'a ra sieve-sizes IIHhIflh1flhIIIIIIIlIIIIflhIIIiIiu IILIUI1!IIhIHIIIulIOIIIIIuIoiii IIhIIIiIIIghIBIIIllUIIIIIIIulIiIii IIIlIIlItIINIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIllhIHui IOhIIIIiIINIIIIIIIIIRIHIIIIIUIiiui IItIIIHIIllhIiIIIUIOIhIIIUIOHI IIIlIIII1IINIIEIIIIIIIIllhIIIUIIIUi IIHIIIlIIIIIII1IIIIIUIOhIIIIiIiUi IIHIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIllhUIIIIIIIIIIIIIi !illi!!iIi!IIIIIlIIHIIII!LHIIIIIM! 120 110 100 9 . 80 0 - d d d GRAIN DIAMETE?., MM SPECIFIC GRAVITY ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES 10 20 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST LABORATORY SOIL-,DATA SUMMARY 140 SOIL SOIL CLASSIFICATION BORING TRENCH DEPTH TYPE No. No. SILTY CLAY.with some sand. Dark brown. T-2 1.5' 2 SILTSTONE with some clay. Dark gray-green. T-6 4 1 3 SWELL TEST DATA - 1 2a 2b INITIAL DRY DENSITY (pcf) 98.2 92.8 100.0 - INITIALWATER CONTENT (%) 15-51 19.6 24.2 LOAD.(psf) i+z+. izz i+.. UBC EXPANSION INDEX - 198 90 65 FIGURE NUMBER' lIla JOB NUMBER 97-7189. ATTERBERG LIMIT DETERMINATIONS (ASTM:D423r*NDD424) No. DESCRIPTION Liquid limit;LL Plastic Limit;PL, Plastic Ind ex: Pl. 1 SILTY CLAY with sone sand. Dark brown. 61.0 26. 31 ,6; 2' SILTSTONE with some clay. Dark gray-green. 42.0 31.0 12.0: 50 40 30 >- 20 Cl,. - _j 10 : i 4 0 I I • PLASTICITY INDEX P1= L1-PL Iz - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - —: - - V -2 DrML Th 10 20 • 30 40: 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMi,LL FIGURE NUMBER linib •• • JOB-NUMBER- 97-7189 REGIONAL FAULT MAP \70 N \ . — N'.4' '1'td,S '•: •\%\ FAULT - FAULT __________ - \..._ of 1O MTh FAULT S \, jj. ~Z" I \ •. \ ,, \4 all V. c OA \h DIEOO ... " f S PA C/AC - '—&CO - - Zp OCFAN COMPILED FROM CDMG AND UC'SD MAPS Fault Mop of southern California,. .0 10 20 30 40 50 60 miles L b... • I .0 ......60 km Figure No. V Job No. 97-7189 Giotsthnlcl Inc. a PROPOSED STRUCTURE,TOP OF COMPACTED FILL SLOPE (Any loose soils on the slope surface - shall not be considered to pro.vide. CONCRETEFLOORSLAB lo 1 ateiil or v;itical stienth for the SETBACK footing-or-for slope stability Needed depth of iedment shall be measured I' , • '4 7 from et compent soil ) I • ,b, 1 114 4 1 CO PAC ED FILL SLOPEWI1H / MAXIMWI INCLINATION AS PER SOILS REPORT nr,.,enna-rnrtal flC - 1 iruir.r'i' i yr - -% FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR " TOTAL DEPTH OF FOOTING MEASURED \ SLABS FOLLOWING THE FROM FINISH SOIL SUB-GRADE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ARCHITECT OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER T- COMPACTED FILL CONCRETE FOUNDATION P AS a MINIMl OR A OUTER MOST FACE REQUIRED FOR LATERAL OF FOOTING STABILITY TYPICAL SECTION, (SHOWING PROPOSEDJOUNDATION LOCATED WITHIN 5FEET OF TOP OF SLOPE) 18" FOOTING/ 5' SETBACK j TOTAL DEPTH OF FOOTINGa 15105LOPE 201t 0SLOPE 0 5811 4811 5111 LLv 42" 36" z 0 34" 30" ot 26" 24" 1 0 a 51 18" 18" n P-ERCKAN D KEY REQUIREMENTS REMOVE ALL TOPSOIL, STRIP AS SPECIFIED ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE H . SLOPE RATIO = H: V Iv = HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL -. =2.0:1.0 (OR AS -PER SOILS ENGINEER, ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST) SLOPED SUCH THAT SLOUGHING~/ O:R SLIDING DOES NOT -OCCUR DRAINS (IF REOUIRED SPECIFIC DESIGN'CRITtRIA - WICL BE ISSUED) • SEE NOTE NOTES BOTTOM DR NOTE I SEE NOTE 2 The minimum width 'B'. of key shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the width of the SEE compaction equipment. Minimum width of benches shall he not less than three feet (or as 'per Soils Engineer/Engineering Geologist). Key and benches shall be excavated to firm, dense, natural-ground and verified by a Soils Engineer/Engineering Geologist. The outside edge of bottom key shall be below topsoil or loose surface material: Minimum one foot enibedment Into dense material (or as per Soils Engineer/Engineering Geologist). Key and benching required where the natural slope is steeper than 5.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical (5.0:1.0), or as per Soils Engineer/Engineering Geologist.. .. 4. Minimum 10% fall (10.0:1.0 slope ratio) into slope (or as per Soils Engineer/Engineering Geologist) . - . . - • . . - : - • - - . - - :'. - . -. . - .. - - -. - - • - - -' - 5. Compaction test required every two (2) vertical feet from lowest fill area. . . Figure No. VI '111 111 I.',, U • - ' •-, . UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION COARSE-GRAINED More than hail of material is larger than 'a No 200 sieve GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than GW Well-graded gravels gravel and sand mix No 4 sieve size but smaller. than 3 tures little or no fines GP Poorly graded gravels gravel and sand mix- tures little or no fines GRAVELS WITH FINES GM Silty gravels poorly graded gravel-sand-silt (appreciable amount) mixtures GO Clay gravels poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures SANDS CLEAN SANDS SW Well-graded sand gravelly sands little or no More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than a no fines No 4 sieve SP Poorly, graded sands gravelly sands little or no fines SANDS WITH FINES SM Silty sands poorly graded sand and silty, (appreciable amount) mixtures SC Clayey sands poorly graded sand and clay mixtures FINE-GRAINED More than hail of material is smaller than a No 200 sieve SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands rock flour sandy silt and clayey-silt sand mixtures with a slight plasticity. Liquid Limit Less Than 50 CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity gravelly clays sandy clays silty clays clean clays OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity MH Inorganic silts micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils elastic silts Liquid Limit Greater Than 50 OH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils APPEND.IXB GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS General The objective of these specifications is to properly establish procedures for the clearing and preparation of the existing natural ground or properly compacted fill to receive new fill; for the selection of the fill material; and for the fill compaction and testing methods to be used. Scope of Work The earthwork includes all the: activities and resources. provided by the contractor to construct in a good workmanlike manner all the grades of the filled areas shown in the plans. The major items of work covered in this section include all clearing and grubbing, removing and disposing of materials, preparing areas to be filled, compacting of fill, compacting of backfills, subdrain installations, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas. Site Visit and Site Investigation The contractor shall visit the site and carefully study it, and make all inspections necessary in order to determine the full extent of the work required to complete all grading -in conformance with the drawings and specifications. The contractor shall: satisfy himself as to the nature, location, and extent of. the work conditions, the conformation and condition of the existing ground surface, and the type of equipment, labor, and facilities needed prior to and during prosecution of the work The contractor shall satisfy himself as to the character, quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be -encountered Any inaccuracies or discrepancies between the actual field conditions and the drawings, or between' thedrawings and specifications; must be brought to the engineer's attention in order to clarify the exact nature of the work to be performed 2. A soils investigation report has been prepared for this project by GEL It is available for review and should be used as .-.a reference to the surface and subsurface • soil and, bedrock, conditions on this project. Any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or , subsequent reports shalt become an addendum to these specifications. Authority of the Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist The soils engineer shall be the owner's representative -. to observe and test the' construction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be. under the observation of the soils engineer and his/her representative, ,'and he/she shall give a written opinion regarding conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. The'soils engineer shall have the authority to cause the removal and replacement of porous topsoils, uncompacted or improperly compacted fills, disturbed bedrock 'materials, and. soft alluvium, 'and shalt have the: authority to approve 'or reject materials proposed for Use in the compacted fill areas. ' The soils engineer shall have, in conjunction with the engineering geologist, the.. authority to approve the, preparation of natural ground and toe-of-fill benches to receive fill material. The engineering geologist shall have the authority to evaluate, the stability of the existing or proposed slopes, and to evaluate the. necessity of remedial. measures. If any unstable condition is being created by cutting or filling, the engineering geologist and/or soils engineer shall advise 'the contractor and owner immediately, and prohibit grading in the affected area until such time as corrective measures are taken. ' The owner shall decide all questions regarding: (1) the interpretation of the drawings and specifications, (2) the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of'the contractor, and (3) the matter of compensation. Clearing and Grubbing Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the removal from all areas to be graded of all surface trash, abandoned improvements, paving, culverts, ..pipe, and vegetation (including -- but not limited to -- heavy' weed growth, trees, stumps, logs and roots larger than 1-inch in diameter). All organic end. inorganic materials resulting from the clearing and grubbing: operations shall be collected, piled, and disposed of by the contractor to give the cleared' areas a neat and, finished appearance. Burning of combustible materials on-site shall not be permitted unless allowed by local regulations, and at such, times and in such a manner to IrC4 10 WIT lim prevent the fire, from spreading to areas adjoining the property or cleared area. 3. It is understood that minor amounts of organic, materials may remain in the fill soils due to the near impossibility of complete removal. The amount remaining, however, must be considered negligible, and in no casei can be allowed to occur in concentrations or total quantities sufficient to contribute to* settlement upon decomposition. Preparation' of Areas-to be Filled 1. After, clearing and grubbing, all Uncompated or improperly compacted fills, soft or loose soils, or, unsuitable materials., shall be removed to expose competent natural ground, undisturbed bedrock, or properly compacted fill as indicated in the soils investigation report or by :our field representative. Where the unsuitable materials are exposed in final graded areas, they shall be removed and replaced as compacted fill. 2. The ground surface exposed after removal of unsuitable soils shall be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, brought to the specified moisture content, and then the scarified ground compacted to at least the'specified density. Where undisturbed, bedrock is exposed at the surface, scarification and recómpactiOn shall not be required. 3 All areas to receive compacted fill, including all removal areas and toe-of- fill benches, shall be observed and approved by the soils engineer and/or engineering geologist prior to placing 'compacted fill. 4. Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas with gradients \ greater than 20 percent, horizontal benches' shall be cut into firm, undisturbed, natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base so that e-ach layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane.' The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least 10 feet' in width" on firm, undisturbed,' natural' ground at the elevation of the toe: stake placed at the bottom of the design slope. The engineer shall determine the width and frequency' of all succeeding benches, which will 'vary with the soil conditions and the steepness o,f the slope. Ground slopes flatter than' 20 percent" (5;O:1 .0') shall be benched when considered necessary by the soils engineer. ( Fill and Backfill Material Unless otherwise specified, the on-site material obtained from the project excavations may be used as fill or backfill, provided that all organic material, rubbish, debris, and other objectionable material contained therein is first removed.. In the event that expansive materials are encountered during foundation excavations within 3 feet of finished grade and they have not been properly processed, they shall be entirely removed or thoroughly mixed with good, granular material before. incorporating them in fills. NO footing shall be allowed to bear on soils which, in the opinion of the soils engineer, are detrimentally expansive -- unless designed forthis'clayey condition However, rocks, boulders, broken Portland cement concrete, and bituminous- type pavement obtained from the project excavations may be permitted in the backfill or fill with the following limitations: 1. The maximum dimension of any piece used in the top 10 feet shall beno larger than 6 inches.* 2 Clods or hard lumps of earth of 6 inches in greatest dimension shallb.e broken up before compacting the material in fill. ' 3.. If the fill material originating from the project excavation contains large rocks, boulders, or hard lumps that cannot be broken readily, pieces ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 2 feet in maximum dimension may be used in fills below final subgrade if all pieces are placed in such a manner (such as windrows) as to eliminate nesting or voids between them. No rocks over 4 feet will be allowed in the fill. . . 4'. Pieces larger than 6 inches shall not be placed within 1'2 inches 'of any structure. . . . 5 Pieces larger than 3 inches shall not be placed within 12 inches of the subgrade for paving. 6. .Rockfills containing less than 40 percent of soil passing 3/4-inch sieve may-be-permitted in designated areas Specific recommendations shall be made by the soils engineer and be subject to approval by the,,city engineer. T ., Continuous observation by the, soils engineer is required during rock placement. 85 Special and/or -additional recommendations iiiay'be provided in.. writing by the soils engineer to modify, clarify, or amplify these specifications. During grading operations, soil types other, than those analyzed in the soil investigation report may be. encountered by the contractor. The soils engineer shall be consulted to evaluate the suitability of these soils as fill materials. Placing and Compacting, Fill Material 1. After preparing the areas to be. filled, the approved fill material shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers, with lift thickness compatible. to the material being placed and the..type of equipment being used. Unless otherwise approved by the soils engineer, each layer spread 'for compaction shall not exceed 8 inches of loose thickness. Adequate drainage of the fill shall be provided at all times during the constructiän' period.. . . . . 2.. When the moisture content of the fill material, is below that specified by the engineer, water shall be added to it until the moisture content is as specified. When the moisture content of the fill 'material is above that specified by the engineer, resulting in inadequate compaction or unstable fill, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satisfactory methods' until the -moisture content is as spé'çified. . . 4 After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly,..it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the density set forth in' the specifications Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneurnatic-ired rollers, or other approved types of acceptable compaction equipment Equiment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified relative compaction Compaction' shall cover they entire' fill area,-:and the equipment shal'lmake sufficient trips to ensure that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entire fill At locations where it would be impractical due to inaccessibility of rolling compacting equipment, fill layers shall be compacted to the specified requirements by hand-directed compaction equipment. ' 5. When soil types or combination of soil types are encountered ,whiôh 'tend to develop densely packed surfaces as a result of spreading or compacting operations, the surface of each layer of fill shall be sufficiently roughened after compaction to ensure bond to the succeeding layer. Unless otherwise specified, fill slopes shall not be steeper than 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. In general, fill slopes shall be finished in conformance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. The surfce f fill slopes shall be .overfilled to a distance from finished slopes such that it will allow compaction equipment to operate freely within the zone of the finished slope; and then cut back to the finished grade to expose the compacted core. AIternate"compaction procedures include the backrolling of lopes with sheepsfoot rollers in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain. Alternate methods maybe used by the contractor, but they shall be evaluated for approval by the soils engineer. Unless otherwise specified, all allowed expansive fill material shall be. compacted to a moisture content of apprOximately 2 to 4 percent above the optimum moisture content. Nonexpansive fill shall be compacted, at near-optimum moisture content All fill shall be compacted, unless otherwise specified, to a relative compaction not less than 95 percent for fill in the upper 12 inches of subgrades under areas to be paved with asphalt concrete or Portland concrete, and not less than 90 percent fOr other fill The relative compaction is the ratio of the dry unit weight of the compacted fill to the laboratory maximum dry unit weight of a sample of the same soil, obtained in accordance with A.S.T.M. 0-1 557 test method. The observation and periodic testing by the soils, engineer are intended to provide the contractor with an ongoing measure of the quality of the fill. compaction operation. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to utilize this information to establish the degrees of compactive effort required on the,-project.More importantly, it is the responsibility of the grading contractor to ensure that proper compactive effort is applied at all times during the grading opératioñ, including during the absence of soils engineering representatives. Trench, Backfill . . 1. . Trench excavations Which extend under gaded lots, paved areas, areas under the influence of'structural loading, in slopes or close to.slope areas, shall be backfilled under the observations and testing of the- soils engineer. All trenches not falling within the aforementioned locations shall be 'backfilled in accordance with the City or County regulating agency specifications., 2. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum degree of compaction shall be 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dr density'. 3'. Any soft, spongy, unstable, or other similar material encountered in the trench excavation upon which the bedding material or pipe is to be placed, shall be removed, to a depth recommended by the soils engineer and replaced with bedding materials suitably densified. Bedding material shall first be placed so that the pipe is supported for the full length of the barrel with full bearing on the bottom segment. After the needed testing of the pipe is accomplished, the bedding shall be completed to at least 1 foot on top of the pipe. The' bedding shall be properly densified before backfill is placed Bedding shall consist of granular material, with a sand equivalent not less than 30, or other material approved by the engineer. No rocks greater than 6 inches in diameter will be 'allowed in the backfill placed between 1 foot above the ''pipe and 1 foot below finished subgrade. Rocks greater than 2.5 inches in any dimension will not be allowed in the backfill placed within 1 foot of pavement subgrade. Material for mechanically compacted backfill shall be placed in lifts of horizontal layers and properly moistened prior to compaction. In addition, the layers shall have a thickness compatible with the, material being placed and the type of equipment being u-sed. Each layer shall be evenly spread, moistened or dried, and then tamped or rolled until the specified relative compaction has been attained. ' Backfill, shall be. mechanically compacted by means of tamping rollers, sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic' tire rollers, vibratory rollers, or other mechanical 'tampers. Impact-type pavement breakers (stompers) 'will not be permitted over, clay, asbestos cement, plastic, cast. iron, or nonreinforced. concrete pipe. Permission to use 'specific compaction equipment shall not be construed as guaranteeing or implying that the use of such equipment will not result in damage to adjacent ground, existing improvements, or' improvements installed 'under the contract. ' The, contractor shall make his/her own determination in this regard. Jetting'shall not be .permitted as a compaction method unless the.soils engineer allows it in writing. . ' S. Clean granular material shall not-be. used as backfill or bedding in trenches located in slope areas or within a distance:-of 10 feet of the top of slopes unless provisions are made for a drainage system to mitigate the potential buildup of seepage forces into the slope mass. Observations and Testing 1. The soils engineers or their representatives shall sufficiently observe and test the grading operations so that they can state their opinion as' to whether or not the fill was constructed in accordance with the. specifications. :2. The soils engineers or their representatives shall take sufficient density tests during the placement of compacted fill. The contractor'. should assist the soils engineer and/or his/her representative by digging test pits for removal determinations and/or for testing compacted fill In addition, the contractor should cooperate with the soils engineer by removing or shutting down equipment from the area being tested. Fill shall be tested for compliance with the recommended relative compaction and moisture conditions. Field density testing should' be performed by using' approved methods by A.S.T.M., such as A.S.T.M.. D1556, 02922, and/or D2937. Tests to evaluate 'density of compacted fill should be provided on the basis of not less than one test for each 2- foot vertical lift of the fill, but not less than one, test for each 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate In fill slopes, approximately half of the tests shall be made at the fill, slope, except that not more than one test needs tb be, made for each 50 horizontal feet of slope in, each 2-foot vertical lift. Actual' test intervals may. vary as field conditions dictate,. FilIfound not to be in conformance with the grading recommendations should be removed or' o'therwise'handled as recommended by the' soils engineer. Site Protection' It shall be. the, grading contractor's obligation to take all measures deemed necessary' during grading' to' maintain, adequate' safety measures and-.working- conditions, and to. provide erosion-control devices: for the protection of excavated areas, slope areas, finished work on the site and adjoining properties, from storm damage and flood hazard originating on the project. It shall bethe contractor's responsibility to maintain 'slopes in their as-graded form until all slopes are in satisfactory compliance with the job specifications, all berms and benches have been properly constructed, and all associated drainage devices have been installed and meet the requirements of the specifications. All observations, testing services, and approvals given by the soils engineer and/or geologist shall not relieve the contractor of his/her responsibilities of performing the work in accordance with these specifications After grading is completed and the soils engineer has finished his/her observations and/or testing of the work, no further excavation' or filling shall be done except under his/her observations. Adverse Weather Conditions Precautions shall be taken by the contractor during the performance of site clearing, excavations, and grading to protect the worksite from flooding, ponding, or inundation by. poor or improper surface drainage. Temporary provisions shall be made during the rainy season to adequately direct surface drainage away from and off the worksite. Where low areas cannot be avoided, pumps should be kept on hand to continually remove water during periods of rainfall. During periods of rainfall, plastic sheeting shall be kept reasonably accessible to prevent unprotected slopes from becoming saturated. Where necessary during periods of rainfall, the contractor shall install checkdams, desilting basins, rip-rap, sandbags, or , other ' devices, or methods necessary to control erosion and provide safe conditions. During periods of rainfall, the soils engineer should be kept informed by the contractor as to the nature of remedial or preventative work being performed (e.g. pumping, placement 'of sandbags or plastic sheeting, otherlabor, dozing, etc.). Following periods of rainfall, the contractor shall contact the soils engineer and arrange a walk-over of the site in order to visually assess rain-related damage. The soils engineer may also recommend excavations and testing in order to aid in his/her assessments At the request of the soils engineer, the contractor shall 'make excavations in order to evaluate the extent of rain-relat'ed damage. 5 Rain-related damage,,shall be considered to include,, but may not be urn ied, to, erosion, silting, saturation, swelling, structural distress, and other adverse conditions identified by the soils engineer. Soil" adversely affected shall be classified as Unsuitable Materials, and shall be subject to overexcavation and replacement with compacted fill or other remedial grading, as recommended by the soils engineer 6 Relatively level areas, where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths of greater than "1.0 foot, shall be overexcavated to unaffected, competent material Where less than 1.0 foot in depth,-,unsuitable materials may be processed in place to achieve.'-near-optimum moisture conditions, then thoroughly recompacted'in',accordance with the applicable specifications If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be over-excavated, then replaced in accordance with the applicable specifications 71 In slope areas, where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths of greater than 1 0 foot, they shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill in accordance with the applicable specifications Where affected materials exist to depths of 1.0 foot or less below proposed finished grade, remedial grading by moisture-conditioning in place, followed by thorough recompaction in accordance with the applicable grading guidelines herein presented may be attempted If materials shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill, it shall be done in accordance with the slope-repair recommendations herein As field conditions dictate, other slope-repair procedures may be recommended by the soils engineer. '0 TABLE 1' DATE: Thursday, March 26, 1998 0 00 *, 'EQ FAULT *. 00 •'0 0* , ,0 ,, *0 00 - 0 * Ver. 2.00. 0 * (Estimation of'Peak Horizontal Acce1eration : 0 From Digitized California Faults) SEARCH PERFORMED FOR JAY JOB NUMBER: .97-7189 JOB NAME: BCS.'POPE'RTY SITE COORDINATES: , : 0 ,• ,• 0 0 ,0 LATITUDE: 33.12 N. •' ' , 0 , ,, ' : 0 , ,: LONGITUDE: '1173 W SEARCH RADIUS:. 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz — Deep Soil & Soft Rock UNCERTAINTY (M=Mean, S=Mean+1-Sigma) M 'SCOND: 0' , ,' 0 ,0 0 0 0 : ', •' ., 0, COMPUTE PEAK HOR,I ZONTAL ACCELERATION, '•. ' ' , ' '0 ' ..:.. o , ' 0 0 FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CALIFLT.DAT SOURCEOF DEPTH' VALUES (A=Attenuation File, F=.Fault Data File): A . , DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- Page 1 - MAX. CREDIBLE EVENT: 1 MAX. PROBABLE EVENT APPROX. ABBREVIATED IDISTANCE I MAX.1 PEAK I SITE 11. MAX. PEAK 11 SITE FAULT NAME I mi (kth) 1CRED.1 SITE 1,INTENSI 1PROB.1SITE 1INTENS ----------------I MAG.ACC. g 1l I ------ MM H II ------ MAC. IACC. g 1l ----- MM BLUE CUT 1 --------------------------- 81.(131)1 ----------I I I 7.00: -----I I 0.0111 ------I_ I III H -----I.I__ I 6.25: __I____ ------ I 0.006 I ------- --- II I BORREGO MTN. (San Jacinto) 65 I (104) 1 I 6.501 I . 0.012j II• 111.11 I 6.251 0.010: I III I--------------------------I I. ---------I -----I ------.1 ------II I I II -----I I ------ I ---I CAMP ROCK - EMERSON 1100 -----------------------I ---------I (160)1 7.50: ------------ 0.0101 I III H ------II 6.001 -----I 0.0031 ------ I I I CASA LOMA-CLARK (S.Jacin.fl 48 ( 77) I 7.50: I 0.039: II V H I 7.001, I 0.028 V --------------------------I 1 --------- I -------------I •I I I II -----I ------ I - CHINO 1 .1 - - - - - - - - - I - --------------- - - 49 ---------I ( 79)1 7.00: -----I 0.032: ------I V H ------•I 4.751 I -----I 0.007: ------ II . . I CLEGHORN ...: 80 I (128)1 I 6.501 ,0.0081 II II H I 6.251-0.007 I - 11 --------•'. -------------------I --------- I___.__ I ------I ------ ... .. I I I It I CORONADO BANK 1 --------------------------I 21 ---------------I ( 34) 7.001 0.0901 --------------I VII H 6.501 I ------------t__ - 0.0661 VI I COYOTE CREEK (San Jacinto) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 51 I ( 81) 1 - - - - - I I 7.50: -----I_ - ----- -- I 0.0361 - -- - - -I II V H ------I I 6.001 I -----I I 0.013 -- - - - - - -- - III - --- - - - ICUCAMONGA . 1 I - - - - -I -- - - 73 - - - - (118)1 - - - - -I I 7.001 -----II --------•_•_. - ------ - - - - I 0.0161 ------ II IV ------I H 6.751 I ----- I 0.0131 ------I III I ELSINORE .• . 1 -------------------------------------I 25 ( 40)1 7.501 ------------I I 0.100 I VII 11 ------I I 6.751 I -----I I 0.0631 ------I VI ______ I . . I GLN.HELEN-LYTLE CR-CLREMNTI 51 I ( 82) 1 I 7.501 I - -------------------------I I 0.0351 II V 11 I 7.00 1 I 0.0251 V I ---------I -----I ------I ------I I I I II I -----I ------I ______ I I . S HELENDALE 1 I - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -I 85 (137)1 ---------I 7.501 ------------- 0.0141 iv I---------I 1.6.25 1, I -----I 0.006 ------ II II ______ I . HOT S-BUCK RDG.(S.Jacinto) I --------------------------I 51 I ( 82)1 I --------- I 7.501 I ----- 0.036: ------I II V 11.6.251 I -----I 0.0151 ------I IV ______ LENWOOD . . 94 I (152)1 I 7.251 0.0091 ------I I III I H 6.001 I 0.0041 I I I I -------------------------- ---------I____.._ I I ------I ------I I I -----I I ------I ------ I MALIBU COAST 1 96 (154): 7.50 0.013: III H 5.001 0.002 1, - I --------------------------I - I ---------t I . I -----I -------I ------I I It I -----I I ------I I ______ IMOJAVE RIVER (Ord Mtn.) 1 I ---------------------------_I 82 (132)1 ---------I 7.001 -----I 0.0131, ------I III ------I H I -----I ------I II ______ I -- I INEWPORT - INGLEWOOD I 42 I ( 68)11 I 7.50 11 I 0.0481 .11 VI I H 6.51 I 0.0251 V I -------------------------_I.---------------I IOFFSHORE ZONE OF DEFORM. 1 9 ( 15)1 7.'501 - ------I 0.2741 ------I IX -----I I H 6.00 11 . -------I 0.1211 ______ VII I -------------- - - ------------I _ ---------I I -----I I ------I I ------I II ------I ------ I I ______ I . . I OLD WOMAN SPRINGS 11 92 (148)1 I 7.00 1, - -----I 0.0081 ------I III ------I H 5751 I_______ I 0.003 ------I I I - ---------- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - I . . I IPALOS VERDES HILLS 1 I -------------------------- - - - 41 - - - - - - I ( 67)11 I --------- I 7.001 I -- --- I 0.0351 V 1 I ------ II I 11 5..50 1' I I ----- I 0.0131 --------- - - -- - - III II PINTO MOUNTAIN - MORONGO I 74 I (119)11 I 7.501 ------I I 0.019.11 IV II I H 6.001 0.0061 1 -7 II. I--------------------------I I I RAYMOND . 1 82 ---------I I (132)1 -----I I 7.501 ------I I 0.0181 IV ------ H 5.50: 0.0041 -----I ------ - ------ I I-------------------------- ----------I I i ----- I i ------I ------II ii i ROSE CANYON . 1- 5( 8)11 7.501 i . 04221 ------I X --------------------------- H 6.251 0.2501 IX - I I I II I I SAN ANDREAS (Southern) 1 69(111)1 8.00 0.030 V 11 7.251 0.0181 IV I ---------I -----I ------I ------II -----I ---- ---I_ -- I I I II I I DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS 'age 2 MAX. CREDIBLE EVENT I MAX. PROBABLE EVENT! APPROX. ABBREVIATED DISTANCE FAULT NAME ml (km) SAND HILLS 94 -(151) 'SAN CLEMENTE 54 ( 87) SAN GABRIEL 86 (139) SAN GORG.ONIO - BANNING 62 (100) .SANTA MONICA - HOLLYWOOD L 87 (141) !SIERRA MADRE-SAN FERNANDO 76 (123) 1 SUPERSTIT:I0N HLS. (S. Jacin) 84 (136) SUPERSTITION. MTN. (S.Jaciri) 79 (127) VERDUGO 84(136) WHITTIER - NORTH ELSINORE' 47( 76) * ** * **** * ** * ** * *** **** * * ******** **** MAX.: PEAK { .I SITE H MAX.! ___________________ PEAK I SITE. CRED.1 SITE INTENS: PROB.. SITE INTENSI MAG.{ACC.g{ 1 -------I MM H ------II MAG.ACC. g' I -----I MM ------I I 8.001 .1 0.0171 I .11 IV H I 7,001 I I --- --- 0.0081 I ------ III ---- __ I 7.501 I I 0.03211 ------I -------I I V H ------II ----- I I ' -----I 6,.251''0.0141 I ------I 1111 ------I I 7.50: I 0.0141 I II IV H ------I I ------I 6.251'0.005'1 I -----"_I_____ I II' I I 8.00.1 I 0.0361 I II V H ------I I 7.00 ------I I 0.018 ------I I IV 1 ------I I 7.501 I I 0.0161 ------I II IV H ------I I. 6.001 I -----I I 0.0051 ------I_ II I -----I I 7.501 I I 0.0211 ------I IV 11 ------I I I 6.501 I -----I I 0.0101 ------I I .111 1 ------I 7.00 I.., 0.010 -- - - ---- III 11 - - - -I 5.751 I_,.._ I 0.0041 I _ __ _ _ _. I 11 ------I 7.001 I 0.0111 I II III H -------I I 6.001 -----I 0.006 ' I.,. I :11 1 I 7.001 I I 0.0121 ------'I 'II III ------II I H 4.50 1, -----I I 0.0021 ------I - I 7.501 I 0.0401 I--------------- V II I H 6.251 ------ 0.0171 I-- I IV. I ********************************* I II I .I. ******* ,,- --,--I ., I -END OF' SEARCH- 35 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED -.SEARCH RADIUS. THE ROSE CANYON FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE. SITE. ITIS ABOUT 5.1 MILES AWAY:. LARGEST MAXIMUM-CREDIBLE SITE'ACCELERATION: 0.422 g LARGEST MAXIMUM-PROBABLE SITE ACCELERATION 0 250 g TABLE 2 DATE: Thursday, March26, 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQFAULT * * * * Ver. 2.00 * * * * * * **_*** *** *********** * * ***•****** ** ** ** (Estimation of RHGA Horizontal Acceleration From Digitized California Faults) SEARCH PERFORMED FOR: JAY JOB NUMBER: 97-7189 -JOB NAME: BCS PROPERTY SITE COORDINATES: - LATITUDE: 33.12 N LONGITUDE: 117.3 W SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep-Soil & Soft Rock : UNCERTAINTY (M=Mean, S=Mean+1-Sigma): M SCOND: 0 COMPUTE RHGA.HORIZ. ACCEL. (FACTOR: 0.650 DISTANCE: 20.0 ml) FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CALIFLT.AT - SOURCE. OF DEPTH VALUES (A=Attenuation Fil', F=Fault Data File): A ----------------------------- DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- age ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX. CREDIBLE EVENT! 1114AX. PROBABLE -------EVENT MAX.! RHGA 1 SITE H MAX.: RHGA 1 SITE CRED.1 SITE IINTENSHPROBJ SITE 1INTENS MAG.IACC. gl I ------I MM H ------II MAG.IACC. gl. -----I --------I ----- MM I 7.001 .0.0111 ------I III 11 ------II 6.251 -----I 0.0061 ------I ------ II 6.50 11 0.0121 I III H ------'II 6.251 -----I I 0.010 ------I. ------ III. I 7.501 I I 0.0101 ------I I III H ------II I I 6.001 -----I 0.0031 ------I ------I I 7.501 0.039,1 I V H ------II 7.001 -----I 0.0281 ------I ______ V 7.001 0.0321 V H 4.751 0.007j .11 I 6.501 I I ------I 0.0081 ------I ------I II II H -------II I -----I I 6.251 -----I ------ 0.0071. ------------ II.,, I 7.001 I I 0.090 ------I II VII H -------I 6.501 ------------I 0.0661 VI 7.501 I 0.036 V :1,6.001 I I 0.0131 ------ III 1 7.001 I ,I I 0.0161 ------I ------I II IV ------I I H 6.751 -------------------- ------------- 0.0131 11:1 7.501 I 0.1001 VII 11 ------ I 6.751 I ------ 0.0631 ----- I 'VI _ 7.501 I ------ - 0.035 V 11 -------------II I- I ' 7.001 -----I 0.0251 ------I ------ V ______ 7.501 I 0.0141 ------I IV ------I II I H 6.251 I -----I I 0.0061 ______ II 7.501 0.0361 V 11 I I 6.251 I 0.0151' IV ____I 7'.251 ------I 0.0091 I --------I III 11 ------I -------------- 6.00 1' I -----I -----II -----I 1 0.0041 ------I_'_____ ______ I 7.501 I 0.0131 ------I I III ------I I H. 5.001 ------ I I 0.002 11 - - ______ -- I 7.001 I 0.0131 I I III I I H 6.251, -------------------- -- - - - -I 0.0071 II 7.501 _I 0.0481 ------I VI ------II II H 6.501' -----I 'I 0.0251 ------I v ______ I 1 7.501 I I 0.1781 ------I VIII II ------II------I I H 6.001 0.0791 ------I VII ______ 1 7.001 I 0.0081 I I III ------II I I H 5.751 -----I I 0.0031, ------I I ______ I 7.001 I -------------II I 0.0351 V II I H 5..5 -----I I 0.0131 -------------- III I 1 7.501 ____I I 0.0191 ------I_ IV II I 6.00 -----II__-___I I 0.0061 -------I II, I 1 7.501 _....._.._.I I 0.0181 ------I IV ------II II I H 5.50 -----I I 0.004 ------I_------ ------ I 1 7.501 0.2741 IX :1 II 6.2511 -----I 0.1621, -------I VIII ______ APPROX. ABBREV I ATED DISTANCE FAULT NAME mi (kin) ----------------------------- BLUE CUT 81 (131) -------------------------- BORREGO MTN. (San Jacinto) 65 (104) --------------------------- CAMP ROCK - EMERSON 100 (160) CASA LO4A-CLARK (S.Jacin.)! 48 ( 77) --------------------------- CHINO 49 ( 79) ---------------------- CLEGHORN 80 (128) ----------------------- CORONADO BANK. 21 ( 34) -------------------------- COYOTE CREEK (San Jacinto) 51 '( 81) CUCAMONGA 73 (118) ---------------------------- ELSINORE 25 ( 40) ------------------ GLN.HELEN-LYTLE CR-CLREMNT 51 ( 82) -------------------------- HELENDALE 85 (137) HOT S-BUCK RDG.(S.Jaclnto) 51, ( 82) ---------------------------- LENOOD 94 (152) ftIALIBU COAST 96 (154) MOJAVE RIVER (Ord Mtn.) 82 (132) --------------------------- NEWPORT -. I NGLE WOOD 42 ( 68) OFFSHORE ZONE OF DEFORM. 9 ( 15) -------------------------- !OLD WOMAN SPRINGS 92 (148) PALOS VERDES HILLS 41 ( 67) 'PINTO MOUNTAIN - MORONGO 74 (119) -------------------------- RAYMOND 82 (132) ROSE CANYON 5 ( 8) -------------------------- - I_i_I__I Il ___I ------ SAN I - - - - I I - I I - I ANDREAS (Southern) 69 (111){ 8.00.1 0.0301 V H 7.251 0.0181. ,IV - ----------- ----- - -I ---------I I P I II I ----------------------------- DETERMINISTIc SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- age 2 ft1AX CREDIBLE EVENT{ ft1AX PROBABLE EVENT APPROX . ------------ .- ----------------------------- ABBREVIATED IDISTANCE MAX. { RHGA I SITE. H MAX. I RHGA ,SITE FAULT NAME I ml (km) 1CRED.1 SITE 11 INTENS11PROB.1 SITE IINTENS I ---------I I.MAG.II ACC.. g1 -----I . MM 11 -------------II MAG. ACC. gl -----I ------I MM I -. I SAND HILLS . . 94 I (151)1 8.001 I 0.0171 II IV 11. I 7.001 I 0.0081 ...... III I I I P --------------II II -----I ------I I I ... I . SAN CLEMENTE 1 I ----------------- I ---------- 54 ---------I ( 87)1 7.501 -----I 0.0321 ----- -I V ------ II H 6.251 I ----- I ------- 0.0141 I III - I I -SAN GABRIEL 1 - ---I I - 86 -----------I I (139)1 7.501 -----I' ,1 0.0141 ------I I IV ------I I H 6.251 I, -----I ------.1 I 0.0051 II-'-- I ISAN GORGONIO - BANNING .1 I--------------------------I 62 -- ----_- - - - - - - - - ---------I (100)1 8.001 -----I . 0.0361 ------_I ------I ii V 11.7.001 .1 I I 0.0181 . IV I I 1 SANTA MONTCA .- HOLLYWOOD 1 87 (141)1 I 7.50,1 -----I I 0.016 1 -------11 I IV 11 ------ I I 6.00 ------------I - 0. 005 1 . II - I . I SIERRA MADRE-SAN FERNANDO 1 -----------------------,_I 76 ---------I I (123)1 7.501 ----- - I 0.0211 ------ I IV 11 ------ I II I 6.50 1 I -----I___ 0.0101 I III ISUPERSTI.TION HLS.(S.Jacin)1 i 8.4 (136)1 I 7.001 ------------------------I 1 0.0101 III H 5.75 I -----I __I 0.0041 -------I I -- SUPERSTITI.ON MTN.(S.Jacin)1 I 79 (127)1 ------ I I 7.001 ------------ 0.0111 I III 11 -------I 6.001 -----I I 0.0061 ------I II I IVERDUGO . .1 I---------------------------I --- 8.4 I (136)1 ---------I 7.001 -----I 0.0121 ------I_ III ------I H 4.501 -----I 0.0021 - -. I I IWHITTIER - NORTH ELSINORE 1 47 I ( 76)1 I 7.501 -I 0.040 1 II V 11 I 6.251, I 0..017 1' IV I ----------------------------I I . I * * * * * *•** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * ---------- - I I * ** * * * * * * * -----I I * *** * * ------I.------I -'I ** * * * *.* * * * * ** ** Ii- I -----I ------I I I * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * *** END OFSEARCH 35 FAULTS. FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. THE ROSECANYON FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.1 MILES AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-CRE[IBLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.274 g LARGEST MAXIMUM-PROBABLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.162 g TABLE 3 )ATE: Thursday, March26, 1998 EQSEARCH * * Ver. 2.00 * (Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration. From California Earthquake Catalogs) 3EARCH. PERFORMED FOR: JAY JOB NUMBER: 97-7189 JOB NAME: BCS PROPERTY- SITE COORDINATES.: LATITUDE: 33.12. N LONGITUDE: 117.3 W t'YPE OF SEARCH: RADIUS SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi SEARCH MAGNITUDES: 5.0 TO-1 9.0 1 . SEARCH DATES: 1800 TO 1997 . ATTENUATION RELATION 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz - Deep Soil & Soft Rock UNCERTAINTY (M=Mean,, S=Mean+i-Sigma): M SCOND: 0 . . FAULT TYPE ASSUMED (DS=Reverse, SS=Strike-Slip): DS COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION EARTHQUAKE-DATA FILE USED ALLQUAKE DAT lIME PERIOD OF EXPOSURE FOR STATISTICAL COMPARISON 25 years SOURCE OF DEPTH.VALUES (A=Attenuation File,, E=Earthquake Catalog).: A age TIME I I SITE !SITE! APPROX. ILE LAT. LONG. DATE 11 (GMT) 'DEPTH QUAKE 11 ACC. 11 MN 11 DISTANCE ODE NORTH WEST I I I H M Sec I (km)l -----I MAG. 1 ------I g ________ IINT.1 mi [km] )MG I -------I ------------ I I 33.000 1,117.300 11/22/1800 - -------- 12130 0.01 I 3.01 I 6.50 1 0.219 I ---- ' IX 1 _----------- 8 [ 13] IGI 132.8001117.1001 5/25/1803 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.024 1 IV 1 25 [ 40] )MG 34.3701117.650' 12/ 8/1812 115 0 0.01 3.01 7.00 11 0.011 1 1111 89 [ 143] '-A 134.0001118.250' 9/23/1827 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1 I 82 [ 132] 'IGI 134.1001118.100 7/11/1855 1 415 0.01 3.01 6.30 1 0.008 1 II 1 82 [ 1321 '-A 134.0001118.250' 1/10/1856 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 if I 1 82 [ 132] iGI 133.0001117.000 9/21/1856 1 730 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.034 1 V 1 19 [ 311 '-A 11 32.6701117.1701 12/ 0/1856 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.017 1 IV 1 32 [ 51] IGI 134.0001117.500 12/16/1858 110 0 0.01 3.01 7.00 1 9.022 1 IV 62 [ 100] -A 134.0001118.250 3/26/1860 1 0 0 0.01 3-.0' 5.00 1 0.003 1 I 82 [ 132] )MG 132.700117.200 5/27/1862 120 0 0.01 3.01 5.90 1 0.034 1 V 1 30 .[ 48] NA 132.6701117.1701 10/21/1862 1 0 0 0.01 3.0 5.00 1 0.017 1 IV 1 32 [ 51] 1-A 132.6701117.1701 5/24/1865 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.017 1 IV 1 32 [ 51] 1-A 133.5001115.8201 5/ 0/1868 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 6.30 1 0.006 1 II 1 89 [ 144] 1-A 132.2501117.5001 1/13/1877 120 0 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.005 1 II 1 61 [ 981 )MG 133.90.01117.2001 12/19/1880 1 0 0 0.01 3.01 6.00 1 0.014 1 1111 54 [ 87] )MG 134.1001116.7001 2/ 7/1889 1. 520 0.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.004 1 I 1 76 1 122] )MG 134.2001117.9001 8/28/1889 I 215 0.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.004 1 I I 82[ 1321 DMG 133.4001116.3001 2/ 9/1890 112 6 0.01 3.01 6.30 1 0.014 1 1111 61 [ .98] )MG 132.7001116.3001 2/24/1892 1 720 0.01 3.01 6.70 1 0.016 1 IV I 65 [ 104] )MG 133.2001116.2001 5/28/1892 11115 0.01 3.01 6.30 1 0.012 1 1111 64 [ 1031 )MG 134.3001117.6001 7/30/1894 1 512 0.01 3.01 6.00 1 0.006 1 II 1 83 [ 134] DMG 132.8001116.8001 10/23/1894 123 3 0.01 3.01 5.70 1 0.022 1 IV 1 36 [ 59] )MG 134.20011.17,4001 7/22/1899 1 046 0.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.005 1 II 1 75 [ 120] )MG 134.3001117.5001 7/22/1899 12032 0.01 3.01 6.50 1 0.009 1 1111 82 [ 132] DMG 133.8001117.0001 12/25/1899 11225 0.01 3.01 6.40 1 0.021 1 IV 1 50 [ 811 'lG1 134.0001118.0001 12/25/1903 11745 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.004 1 I 1 73 117] 4G1 134.1001117.3001 7/15/1905 12041 0.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.005 1 II I 68 [ 109] MG 134.000 118.3001 9/ 3/1905 1 540 0.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.0031.. 1.1 .84 { 1351 DMG 134.200 117.1001 9/20/1907 1 154 0.0: 3.01 6.001 0.007 1 II I 75 [ 121] )MG 133.700M7.4001 4/11/1910 1 757 0.01 3.-01 5.00 1 0.012 1 1111 40 [ 65] .XIG 133.700 117.4001 5/13/1910 1 620 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.012 1 1111 40 [ 65] DMG 133.700 117.4001 5/15/1910 11547 0.01 3.01 6.00 1 0.022 1 IV{ 40 [ 65] )MG 133-5001,116.5001 9/30/1916 1 211 0.01 3.0 1, 5.00 1 0.007 1 III 53 [ 851 )MG 133.750 117.0001 4/21/1918 1223225.0 1, 3.01 6.80 1 0.030 1 . V 1 47 [ 751 MGI 133.800 117.6001 4/22/1918 12115 0.01 3.0 5.00 1 0.008 1 1111 50 1 81] )MG 133.7501117.000 6/ 6/1918 12232 0.01 3.0 1, 5.00 11 0.009 1 1111 47 1 75] IGI 34.0001118.500 11/19/1918 12018 0.01 3.0 5.00 1, 0.002 11 - 1 92 [ 1481 DMG 11 33-.20011-116".70011 1/ 1/1920 11 235 0.01 3.01 5.00 it 0.014 11 IV 35 1 57 MGI 34.0801118.260 7/16/1920 118 8 0.01 3.01 5.00:. 11 0.003 1, 86 [ 139] IGI 133.2001116.600 10/12/1920 11 1748 0.01 3.01 5.30 11 0.014 11 IV 41 [ 66 -)MG 134.0001117.250 7/23/1923 1 73026.01 3.01 6.25 1 0.013 1 III 61 [ 981 DMG 134.000,116.000 4/ 3/1926 120 8 0.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.003 1 I , 96 [ 155 )MG 134.0001118.500 8/ 4/1927 11224 0.01 3.0 5.00- 1 0.002 1 - 92 [ 148] )MG 34.000 116.000 9/ 5/1928 11442 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.002.. - 96 [ 155 DMG 132.9001115.7001 10/ 2/1928 119 1 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.002 1 - 94 [ 1511 1)MG 134.180 116.9201 1/16/1930 1 02433.91 3.01 5.20 11 .0.004 1 I 1 76 [ 123 )MG 34.1801116.920 1/16/1930 1 034 3.61 3.01 5.10 1 0.004 1 I ' 76 [ 123] DMG 133.950 118.6321 8/31/1930 1 04036.01 3.01 5.20 1 0.002 1 - 96 [ 154 DMG 133.6171117.9671 3/11/1933 1 154 7.81 3.01 6.30 1 0.018 1 IV 1 52 [ 831 )MG 133.750.118.083 3/11/1933 1 2 9 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.005 11 II .63 [ 1011 ''(I11O IN 0 13 1 13 /1 1/1Q1 I (U 5.10 0.006 1 11 63 [ 1011 1G 1 33.7001118.0671 3/11/1933 1 51022.01 3.01 5.10 1 0.006 1 II 60 [ 961 4G :33.575:117.983: 3/11/1933 518 4.0 3.0 5.20 0.009 1111 50 [ 811 MG 133.6831118.0501 3/11/1933 1 658 3.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.009 1 1111 58 [ 94] MG 133.7001118.0671 3/11/1933 1 85457.01 3.01 5.10 0.006 1 II 1 60 [ 96] MG 133.750 1,118.0831 3/11/1933 1 910 0.01 3.01 5.10 0.006 II 63 [ 1011 age 2 TIME SITE SITE APPROX. 'ILEl LAT. I LONG. I DATE 1 (GMT) 1DEPTH I QUAKE 1 ACC. 1 MM 1 DISTANCE ODE: NORTH 1 WEST - - - ------ H M Sec: - --- I (km)l -----I HAG. 1 -------------- g 1 INT.1 ml [km] MG I -- - - -- -I I 133.8501118.2671 - - - - - - - 3/11/1933 - I 11425 0.01 I 3.01 5.00 1 0.004 1 --7 -1 1 I 1 75 1.121] 'MG 133.7501118.0831, 3/13/1933 131828.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.006 1 II 1 63 [ 101] )MG 133.6171118.0171 3/14/193.3 119 150.01 3.01 5.10 ' 0.007 II 1 54 [ 86] MG :33.783:118.133: 10/ 2/1933 1 91017.6: 3.0 11 5.40 0.006 II 66 [ 1071 MG 1.32.083:116.667: 11/25/1934 11 818 0.01 3.01 5.00 0.003 I 1 81 [ 130] )MG :34.100:116.800: 10/24/1935 11448.7.61 3.01 5.10 1 0.004 I, 74 [ 118] )MG 131.8671116..5711 2/27/1937 1 12918.41 3-.01 5.00 1 0.002 - 1 96 155] )MG :33.408:116.261 3/25/1937 11649 1.81 . 3.0{ 6.00 11 0.010 III, 63 102] )MG :33.699:117.511 5/31/1938 1 83455.41 3.01 5.50 1 0.015 IV 1 42 671 )MG 132.000.1117.500 5/ 1/1939 11 2353 0.0' 3.01 5.00 1 0.003, 1 I 1 78 '126] )MG 132.0001117.5001 6/24/1939 11627 0.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1, I 1 78 [ 126] )MG 1340831116.300' 5/18/1940 I 5 358.5, 3.011 5.40 11 '0.003 1 I 1 88 141] )MG 134.0671116.3331 5/18/1940 1 55120.21 3.01 5.20 1 0.003 1 I 1 86 138] )MG 34.0.671116.3331 5/18/1940 1, 72132.71 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1 - 86 [ 1:38] )MG 133.0001116.4331 6/ 4/1940 11035 8.31 3.01 5.10 1 0.008 1 111 11 5'l'[ 82] )MG 133.7831118.2501 11/14/1941 1 84136.31 .301 5.40 0.005 1 II . 71 [ 1.15] )MG 132.9831115.9831 5/23/1942 1154729.01 3.01 5.00 It 0.003 1 I 1 77 [ 1241 )MG 132.967:116.0001 10/21/1942 162213.01 3.01 6.50 1, 0.010 1 1111 76 [ 122] )MG 132.9671116.0001 10/21/1942 1162519.01 3.0: 5.00 1 0.003 1 I 1 76 [ 122] DMG 132.9671116.0001 10/21/1942 1.62654.01 3.0: 5.00 1 0.003 1 I 1 76 [ 1221 JMG 133.2331115.7171 10/22/1942 1 15038.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.003 1 I 1 92 [ 148] DMG 132.9671116.0001 10/22/1942 1181326.01 3.01 5.0.0 1 0.003 1 I I . 76 [. 122] DMG 134.2671116.9671 '8/29/1943 1 34513.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.004 1 I 1 81 [ 131] DMG 133.9761116.721: , 6/12/1944 1104534.71 3.01 5.10 1 0.005 1 II 1 . 68 [ 109] DMG 133.994:116.7121 6/12/1944 1111636.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.005 1 II 1 69 [ 111] DMG 133.2171116.1331 8/15/1945 1175624.01 3.011 5.70 1 0.007 II 1 68 [ 109] DMG 133.0001115.8331' 1/ 8/1946 1185418.01 3.01 5.40 1 0.004 1 I 1 85 [ 137] DMG 133.950,116.8501 9/28/1946 1 719 9.'0 3.01 5.00 1 0.005 1 II 63 [ 101] DMG 34.017 116.5001 7/24/1947 1221046.01 3.01 5.50 I 0.005 1 II 1 77 [ 12,41 DMG '34.017 116.5001 7/25/1947 1 04631.01 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1 I' 1 77 [ 1241 DMG 34.017 116.5001 7/25/1947 1 61949.01 3.01 5.20 1 0.004 It 1 1 77 [ 1241 DMG 34.017,116.500 7/26/1947 , 24941.01 3.01 5.10 1 0.004 1 ' I 11 77 1 124] DMG :32.5001118.5501 2/24/1948 1 81510.01 3.0 1, 5.30 1 0.003 1 I ' 84 [ 136] DMG 133.9331116.3831 12/ 4/1948 12343.17.0 3.011 6.50 1 0.010 I III 77 [ 1241 DMG 32.200,'116.550 11/ 4/1949 204238.01 3.01 5.70 1 0.006 1 II 77 [ 124,] DMG 132.200:116.550, 11/ 5/1949 1 43524.01 3.01 5.10 1 0.004 1 'I 77 [ 1241 DMG 132.9831115.7331 1/24/1951 717 2.61 3.01 5.60 1 0.004 1 I 91 [ 147] MG 132.81.71118.3501 12/26/1951 1 04654.0 3.01 5.90 ' 0.009 I III 64 [ .104] -)MG 132.9501115.7171 6/14/1953 I 41729.91 3.01 5.50 It 0.003 I I'll 92 [ 149] DMG 33.2831116.1831 3/19/1954 1 95429.01 3.01 6.20 1 0.011 1 1111 66 [ 1051 )HG 33.283116.1831 3/19/1954 11 95556.01 3.01, 5.00 it 0.005 11 II 66 [ 105] )MG 133.2831116.1831 3/19/1954 110-2117.01 3.01 5.50 1 0.007: II 66 [ 1051 DMG 133.2831116.18311 3/2.3/1954 1 41450.0 1 3.0 11 5.10 1 0.005 1 II 11 66 [ 1051 DMG 133.2161115.8081 4/25/1957 1215738.7 3.01 5.20 1 0.003 1 I 1 86 [ 139] )MG 133.1831115.8501 4/25/1957 1222412.01 3.01 5.10 1 0.003 1 I 1 84 [ 1351 DMG 133.2311116.0041 5/26/1957 1155933.61 3.01 5.00 1 0.004 1 I 1 75 [ 121] DMG 133.7101116.9251 9/23/1963 1144152.61 3.01 5.00 1 0.009 1 1111 46 [ '741 )MG 131.8111117.1311 12/22/1964 1205433.21 3.01 5.60 1 0.004 1 I 1 91 [ 1461 2289.1 3.01 6.40 1 0.012 11 1111 68 [ 1091 )MG 133.3431116.346 4/28/1969 1232042.91 3.01 5.80 1 0.011 1 III 57 [ 92] )MG 134.2701117.5401 9/12/1970 1143053.01 3.01 5.40 1 0.004 1 I 1 81 [ 130] DMG 133.0331115.8211 9/30/1971 1224611.31 3.01 5.10 0.003 I 86 [ 138] 3AS 133.9441118.6811 1/ 1/1979 1231438.91 3.01 5.00 0.002 - 98 [ 157] ?AS 134.3271116.445 3/15/1979 121 716.51 3.01 5.20 0.002 - 97 [ 156] PAS 33.5011116.513 2/25/1980 104738.5: 3.0 5.50 0.010 'III 52 [ 84] 'AS.33.0981115.6321 4/26/1981 112 928.411 3.0 5.70 1 0.003 I , .96 [ 155] 3AS 133.9981116.6061 7/ 8/1986 1 92044.51 3.01 5.60 1 0.006 1 II 1 73 [ 117] 'age 3 TIME SITE SITEI APPROX. 'ILE LAT. I LONG. 1DATE 1 (GMT) DEPTH: QUAKE 1 ACC. 1 MM 1 DISTANCE ODE NORTH 1 WEST 1 1 H M Sec I--------------I (km)1 MAC. ------ 1 g I_ ------ 1 INT.] [km] ?AS 32.9711117.8701 7/13/1986 11347 8.21, I 3.01 5.30 I. 1 0.018 I I 1 IV 1 35 [ 56] ?AS 134.0611118.0791 10/ 1/1987 1144220.0 3.01 5.90 1 0.006 1 II 1 79 [ 127] PAS 134.0731118.0981 10/ 4/1987 110593.8.2 3.01 5.30 1 0.004 I I 80 [ 129] PAS 133.0821115.775 11/24/1987 l 15414.5 3.01 5.80 0.004 1 I 88 [ 1421 PAS 133.0131115.8391 11/24/1987 :131556.51 3.01 6.00 1 0.006 1 II 1 85 [ 137] AS 133.9191118.6271 1/19/1989 1 .65328.81 3.01 5.00 1 0.002 it - 1 94 [ 152] SP 134.140:117.7001 2/.28/1990 1234336.61 3.01 5.20 1 0.004 1 I I 74 [ 119] SP 134.2621118.0021 6/28/1991 1144354.51 3.01 5.40 1 0.003 1 I 1 89 [ 143] SP 133.9611116.3181 4/23/1992 1045023.01 .3.01 6.10 1 0.007 1 II 1 81 [ 130] SN 134.2011116.4361 6/28/1992 1115734.11 3.01 7.60 1 0.016 1 IV 90 [ 144] SP 134.1391116.4311 6/28/1992 1123640.61 3.01 5.10 ,0.003 1 I 1 86 [ 139] SP 34.3411116.5291 6/28/1992 1124053.51 3.01 5.20 1 0.002 1 - 1 95 [ 153] SP 134.16.31116.8551 6/28/1992 1144321.01 3.01 5.30 1 0.004 : IJ 76 [ 123] ,SN 134.2031116.8271 6/28/1992 1150530.71 3.01 6.70 1 0.011 1 III{ 80 [ 128] SP 134.1081116.4041 6/29/1992 1141338.81 3.01 5.40 1 0.004 1 I 1 85 [ 138] SP 133.8761.116.2671 6/29/1992 1160142.81 3.0: 5.20 1 0.004 1 I 1 79 [ 1271 SP 134.3321116.4621 7/ 1/199:2 074029.91 3.01 5.40 1 0.003 1 I 1 97 [ 155] SP 134.2391116.8371 7/-9/1992 10143.51.61 3.01 5.30 1 0.004 1 I 1 82 [ 132] SP 133.9021116.2841. 7/24/1992 1181436.2.1 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1 •1 1 80 [ 128] :;SP 1.34.1951116.8621 8/17/1992 1204152.11 3.01 5.30 I 0.004 1 I 1 78 [ 126] SP 34.0641116.3611 9/15/1992 1084711.31 3.01 5.20 0.003 1 I 1 85 [ 136] SP 134.3401116.9001 11/27/1992 1160057.51 3.01 5.30 1 0.003 1 I I 87 [ 141] SP 134.3691116.8971 12/ 4/1992 1020857.51 3.01 5.30 1 0.003 1 I 1 89 [ 1441 SP :34,0291116.321: 8/21/1993 1014638.41 3.01 5.00 1 0.003 1 I 1 84 [ 136] SP 134.2681116.4021 6/16/1994 1162427.51 3.01 5.00 1 0.002 1 - 1 95 [ 152] IC * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *•* * * * * * * *•* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -END OF SEARCH- 141 RECORDS FOUND 2OMPUTER TIME REQUIRED FOR EARTHQUAKE SEARCH: 0.4 minutes IAXIMIJN.SITE ACCELERATION" DURING TIME PERIOD 1800 TO 1997: 0.219g IAXIMUM SITE INTENSITY (MM) DURING TIME PERIOD 1800 TO 1997:. IX 4AXIMTJM MAGNITUDE ENCOUNTERED IN SEARCH: 7.60 TEAREST HISTORICAL EARTHQUAKE WAS ABOUT 8 MILES AWAY FROM SITE. 4UNBER OF YEARS REPRESENTED BY SEARCH: 198 years RESULTS OF PROBABILITY ANALYSES TIME PERIOD OF SEARCH: 1800 TO 1997 LENGTH OF SEARCH TIME: 198 years TTEN1JATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep Soil & Soft Rock ** TIME PERIOD OF EXPOSURE FOR. PROBABILITY: 25 years PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE FOR ACCELERATION ------------------------------------------- NO.OF AVE. 1RECURR. COMPUTED PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE - .CC. TIMES. OCCUR. INTERV. in I in in in in in in g 1EXCED1 -- -----------------------I #/yr I years 10.5 yrj 1 yrl 10 yrl 50 yrl -------I ------I ------I -------------I 75 yrloo yr yr ----------- - 0.011. 33 I I I I 0.167 153511 if 0.021 91 0.0451 22.000:0.022510.044410.365310.897010.966910.9894110 ..6790 0.031 41 0.0201 49.5000.01010.02000I829[O.6358O78O2IO8674O3965 0.04 1 0.005 1198.000 10.0025. 0.0050 if 0.0493:0.2232 0. -31.53 10.3965 0.1186 0.051 110.005 1198.00010.0025 10.0050:0.0493:0.2232:0.3153:0 396501186 0.061 110.005198.000:0.0025 10.005010.049310.223210.315310 3965:0 1186 0.01 11 0.005:198 .000:0.0025 10.0050:0.0493:0.2232:0.3153: 0.3965:0.1186 0.081 11 0.0051198.000:0.0025 '0.00500.049310.223210.315310.396510.1186 0.091 ' 11 0.005:198.000:0.0025 10.005010. 04930 .2232{0. 3153.10 . 3965,1 0.1186 0.101 11 0.005:198.000:0.0025 10.005010.049310.2232{0.315310.3965{0.1186 0.111 11 0.0.051198.00010'. 0025:0.0050:0.0493:0.2232:0.3153:0.3965:0.11.8,6 0.1211 '1 0.005:198.000:0.0025:0.0050:0.0493:0.2232: 0.315310.3965,1 0.1186 0.131 fl 0.005:198.000.: 0.0025:0.005010.049310.223210.315310.3965:0.1186 0.14: ' 11 0.0051198.00010.002510.005010.049310.223210.3153,10.3 0.15: 11 .005 1198 . 000 10 . 002510.005010.049310.223210.315310.396510 - 96510.1186 11.86 0.16 1 11 . 0051198.00010.002510.005010. 0493:0.2232 10.3153:0.396510.1186 0.171' U 0.0051198.000.0.002510.005010.049310.223210.315310' 396510 1186 0.181 , . 11 .0.0051198. 00010.002510.005010.049310.223210.315310.396510.1186 0.191 . 1 :' 0.0061 198 00010.0025': 0.0050:0.0493: 0.223210.315310.3965 '0 .,1186- 0.20: 11' 0.0051198.00010.0025,10-005010.049310.223210.315310.396510.1186 0.211 11 0'.005 198.00010.002510.00501:0.049310.223210.315310.396510 1186