HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-18; THE BLUFFS; GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 2001-07-31I . Is. .- ~N""k Mk" I / $ • . 3 . . - V I ' .• . .-.- .. -. P V . ;.• V . .. S. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION .. -. Proposed Residential Development '. 5 South of Chinquapin Avenue . . Between Harrison Street and Adams Street , Carlsbad, California - • - • -' - . . •-r - '- . - - -• - Prepared For Anastasi Construction • -• • - - • 1200 Aviation Boulevard, Suite 203 Redondo • - Beach, California 97 - - - Attn.: Mr. John Simons • - .. - . -, .5 . - V • • • •- •-• • • • . .5 - - -• -5- . V S 5 -. *•5 - - -. • .• S- • * S - . .-. - V . •• - •- S S - S - 55- • *• *-t 5, -. 5 . Project Number 9482-01 fi / - - July 31,2001 • •• - -- - - • - - • • - - - - • -. -••. S . - - - *5 - • • . -- . • - - . S - r _ VS V .. -! •. - • 3 ,- •... , . • - i-- . NorCal Eiiginerhi - Soils and Geotechnical Consultaiits 10641 Humbolt Strèet.Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 799-9469 Fax (562) 799-9459 .: • - - .'. 4 .• t * July 31,2001 PrOject Number 482-01 Anastasi Construction 1200 Aviation Boulevard, Suite203 • Redôndo'Beach,California 90278 . - - Attn Mr. John Simons - • - ' - -•-• • ..*-. • . -* - •i - • ,• . RE: GEOTECHNCAL- INVESTIGATION, - Proposed Residential Development '- • Located at South of Chinquapin Avenue,Between Harrison Street and Adams Street in the City of Carlsbad California - -t ,• . -. Dear-Mr. Simons: -. 4 • * - •; • Pursuant to your request, this firm has performed a Geotechnical Investigation for the above referenced project in 'accord ance with your authorization of our, proposal dated July 20 2001 The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the geotechnical -' conditions of the subject site andtd provide recommendations for the proposed project. - 4 • - • -..• •- • This geotechnical,engineering report presents the finding, of our - study along with conclusions and recommndations for development We appreciate this opportunity to • be of service to you If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned - Respectfully submitted, - . N9RCALENGINEERING TUC - * Ixp12/31fO8 Keith D. Tucker - - * Q * • Troy D. Norrell -. Project Engineer President - OF r of 4 - 4- • • - - 1' - • .• ' - - - .4, • •. - . * - ' July 31 2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page2 ProjectDescription The purpose of the investigation was to explore the subsurface conditions and to provide preliminary geotechnical' engineering deign parameters for, evaluation of the site with * respect to the proposed development. •.It is proposed to construct an eighty unit p. .... condominium development on the subject site Other improvements will comprise of concrete, asphalt pavement and green belt areas. -' • ,. SiteDescription The subject project is situated within a residential tract south of Chinquapin Avenue between' Harrison Street and Adams Street; in the City' of Carlsbad. The lot is approximately ±4.8 acres in area and irregular in shape The site is relatively level with topography descending gradiially from west to east of a few feet The property contains slabs and foundations from 'previous structures A single family residence with detached garage and a trailer is located in the southerly portion along with an avocado orchard. The open areas of the site are covered with a moderate growth of vegetation and the ,south and,-east property lines contain trees. Small stockpiles of soils and'debris as well as scattered debris is located throughout the site. A layer of mulch was scattered throughout the northerly section of the parcel.. • ' - * •- -. .•- Field Investigation The investigation consisted of the placement ofnie (9) borings to, a maximum depth of 15 feet placed at accessible areas throughout the site The explorations were visually classified and logged by a field engineer with locations of the sibsurface explorations shown on the attached Site Plan. The exploratory excavations revealed the existing earth materials to consist of a fill and native soil A detailed description of the subsurface conditions are listed on theexcavation logs inAppeidix A. These soils are described as follows . - .'- ,• -. . -• ' . - • -• -. 1 NorCa1'Eñgineeiinj '. - • • .' ' - - • .• - • 4 • - 4 July31 2001 'Project Number 9482-01 Page 3 Fill/Disturbed Soils A fill/disturbed soil to a depth of 1 to 3 feet was encountered consisting predominately of a brown, fine to medium grained, slightly silty SAND which was noted generally to be loose to rhedium dense and damp These soils were noted to contain sme small gravel, wood, debris, vegetationnd root structures. The heaviest debris was encountered in test . Excavation TE-4 to a depth of 3 feet and contained large roots, palm bushes concrete and gravel A leach line with ,a clay pipe was encountered in the west .end of the trench. Approximately one foot of mulch was encourtered in TE-9: 1 • Natural: An undisturbed native materialvas encountered directly beneath the upper fill soils consisting predominately of a brown to redbrown fine to medium grained slightly silty SAND which were noted to be dense to very dense and dry to dafrp to moist 4 The overall engineering characteristics of the earth material were relativel' uniform with each boring Groundwater was not encountered and no caving occurred to the depths of our excavations Laboratory Tests Relatively undisturbed samps of the subsurface soils were obtained to perform laboratory testing and analysis for direct shear consolidation tests, and to determine in- place moisture/densities..-.These'. undisturbed samples consisted of one-inch rings with inside diameter of-2.5 inches Bulk bag samples were obtained in the upper soils for expansion index tests, maximum density tests, atterberg limits and sulfate tests All test results are included in Appendix B, unless noted otherwise A The field moisture content (ASTM D 2216) and the dry density of the ring samples wire determined in the laboratory. This data is listed on the log of excavations B' Maximum density tests (ASTM D-1 557-00) were performed on typical samples of the upper soils. Results of these tests are shown on Table I NorCal Engineering .. 0 I - July 31,'2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page4 -. V . V• V -. V .. I . V - •.IV V V V - .C. Expansion indextests in accordance-with theUniform Building Code Standard -. • No 29-2 were ,performed on remolded4sampies of the upper soils to determine the expansive characteristics. Results of these tests are provided on-Table II. - V •V 4% V - D. Determination of Atterberg limits (ASTM: D 431884)V.consisting,of liquid limit, : plastic limit and plasticity index of soils were' performed on representative samples Results are shown on Table Ill V •• E Soluble sulfate tests in accordance with EPA Method 9038 were performed on : representative soils samples.. Results are provided in Table IV. V V 4 -V ' - V • - V . -- V V - , V• V•.VV .•. 4 4 V F. Direct shear tests _(ASTM: . D-3080)were performedon'undisturbed and: V' .. V V disturbed samples of the subsurface soils. "The -test i's performed under V V V saturated conditions at loads of 500 ibs./sq.ft., 11000 lbs./sq.ft., and 2,000 V V lbs:/s.ftwiih results shown on Plate A. . G. Consolidation tests (ASTM: D.2435) were performed on undisturbed samples.V * to determine the differential and total settlement which may be anticipated Vbased upon the proposed loads. Water was added to the samples, at a V . . .'surcharge of one KSF and the settlement curves are plotted on Plate.B. -,• • V .; V Conclusions and Recommendations - - V Based upon V our,, èvaluations, the proposed development'' i '.acceptable from a geotechnical engineering standpoint By following the recommendations and guidelines set forth in our report, the structures will be safe from excessive settlements under the anticipated design loadings and conditions The proposed development shall meet all requirements of the City Building Ordinance and will not impose any, adverse effect on existing adjacent structures It is recommended that site inspections be performed by a V. VVV ,V • -V ,, • Vc VV 5 V. representative of this firm during all grading and construction of the development to Verify the findings and recommendations documented in this report The following sections present a discussion of geotechnical elated requirements for specific design. V • V recommendations of different aspects of the project 'V • • V V V* V NorCa1 Engineering • July 31, 2001 Project Number 9482701 Page 5. Seismicity Evaluation * , There are no known active ortpotentially activefau1ts trending .toward or throuh the site The proposed development lies outside of any Alquist Priolo Special Studies Zone - and thepotential for damage due to direct faultrupture isconsidered very remote. The site is located in an area of high regional seismicity and a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.47g may occur from a Magnitude 6.9 earthquake along the Newport 'Inglewood fault zone, which Js located approximately 75 kilometers away. Ground shaking originating from earthquakes along other active faults in the region is expected t6 induce lower horizontal accelerations due to smaller anticipated earthquakes and/or greater distance's to other faults. ' . • The following earthquake design parameters are based upon the 1997 Uniform Building • ,: Code (UBC) for a Seismic.:Zone 4 with a Zfactorof 0.40 and a Soil Profile Type of SD, based on 'a stiff soil profile 1997 UBC Seismic Design Parameters Distance from Site (Rose Canyon Fault) 7.5 km = Seismic Source Type B . Seismic Cdefficient = Ca (Table 16-Q) . (0.44) Na • • Seismic Coefficient Cv (Table 16-R) • • (0.64) Nv - Near-Source Factor Na (Table 16-S) •: 1.0 Near-Source Factor Nv (Table 16-T) 114 Site Grading Recommendations Any vegetation or demolition debris shall be removed andaUled from proposed grading • areas prior to the start of grading operations. Any remdvedsoils may be réutilized as compacted fill once any deleterious material or oversized materials (in excêssàf eight inches) is removed. All grading operations shall be performed :in accordance with :the • attached Specifications for Placement of Compacted Fill • . .- • ,• • • .• • • •. ••• - • - p NorCal Engineering • • - • • .• •.; - July 31, 2001 . Project Number9482-01 Page 6, •- • The upper disturbed/fill soils (upper 1 to 3 feet) shall be rmoved to expose native soils, the exposed surface shall be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% of the laboratory standard prior to, placement of any additional compacted fill soils, foundations and concrete slabs. This fill shall extend a minimum of five Iorizontal feet or to the depth of vertical overexcavation, ..t - -• .. whichever is greater, beyond the outside edge pf the perimeter foundation. It is highly probable that cesspools and leach lines will be encountered which also shall be - removed to competent native soils •-. . .. 0 .' • 'Temporary Excavations . Temporary unsurcharged excavation&in the existing site materials less than 4 feet high may, be made at a vertical gradient unless cohesionless soils are encountered. Temporary unsürcharged excavations from 4 t 8 feet high may be trimmed at 'a 1 to I - (horizontal to vertical) gradient In areas where soils with little or no binder are encountered, where adverse geological conditions are exposed, or where excavations : are adjacent to existing structures, shoring, slot-cutting, or flatter excavations may be equired. The temporary cut slope gradients given do not preclude local raveling and sloughin. . All excavations shall be made in acordance with the requirementsof CAL-OSHA and other public agencies having jurisdiction Care 6houldbb,taken to provide, or maintain adequatejateral support for all adjacent improvements and structures at all times during • the grading operations and construction phase . .•• Foundation Design •' • - 0 All foundations may be designed utilizing a safe bearing capacity of 2,200 psf for an embedded depth of 18 inches into approved compacted fill soils or competent native soils The bearing value may be increased by 500 psf for each additional foot of depth in excess of the 18 inch minimum depth, up to a maxinium of 3,000: psf. A one third increase may, be used when considering short term loading rand seismic forces .0 ' • •0 - .0 .0- • 00 0 .0, '00 ,• 0 •• • 0 .. .0 0, .0. • • - .0 •, • c • 0 • .0 - .0 :- • -NorCal Engineer-ing. ,0 - • - . -.0 •. . .0 -. •, July 31,-2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page Lateral Resistance - The following values may be utilized in resisting lMeral loads imposed on the structure. Requirements of the currentUniform Building Code should be, adhered to when the coefficient of friction and passive pressures are combined: Coefficient of Friction -0.40 Equivalent Passive Fluid Pressure = 250 lb /cu ft Maximum Passive Pressure .= 2,500 lbs /sq ft The passive pressure recommendati6ns are valid only, for compacted fill soils, and/or - comrcetent native soils Settlement Analysis . • - Resultant pressure curves for the consolidation tests are shown on Plate B Computations utilizing these curves- and the recommendd safe, bearing capacities reveal that the foundations will experience settlements Pon the order of inch and differential settlements of less than 1/4 inch. - . Retaining Wall Design Parameters • .. ••• . . Active earth pressures against retaining walls will be equal to the pressured developed by the following fluid densities These values are for granular free draining backfill . mterial placed adjacent to the walls at various ground slopes above the walls. . .• .- .: -. SOrfacelope of Retained Materials Euivalent Fluid (Horizontal to Vertical) - Densi (lbicu.ft) . •: Level • - . -. .30 .. .5101 .• 35. . . 4to1 . . . . . .38 3to1 . '.•-' 40 2tol 45 . . Any applicable short-term -construction surcharges and seismic fordes should be added to the above lateral pressure values A backfill zone of non-expansive material shall ' consist of a wedge beginning a minimum of one horizontal foot from the base of the wall extending upward at an: inclir'ation no less than 1/4 to 'l (horizontal to vertical). All walls shall be waterproofed as needed and protected from hydrostatic pressure by a reliable permanent subdrain system NorCal Engineering • July 31, 2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page 8 Slab Recommendations All concrete s1a6s shall be a minimum of four inches in thickness and placed on approved subgrade soils A vapor barrier sandwiched between four inches of select sand shall be utilized beneath floor slabs which would bèénsitive to the infiltration of - moisture. All concrete slab areas to receive floor coverings should be moisture tested to riieet all manufacturer requirements prior to placement. - - Corrosion Design Criteria Representative samples of the surficial soils typical of the subgrade soils expected to be encountered within foundation excavations were tested for sulfate concentration According to the'! 994 Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table 19-A4 - Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulfate-Containing Solutions these contents revealed negligible • levelof sulfate exposure -I- .-' -. I Therefore, a Type II cement according to latest UBC specifications may be utilized for building foundations at this time Additional sulfate tests shall be performed at the • completion of rough grading to assure that these soils are consistent with the recommendations stated in this design Sulfate test results may be found on the attached Table IV. ,. -.-., o . ., .. Limitatins The recommendations and conclusions contained in this report are based upon the soil conditions uncovered in our test excavations No warranty of the soil condition between our excavations is implied NorCal Engineering should be notified for possible further recommendations if unexpected to unfavorable conditions are encountered during construction phase - .,.- J • NorCal Engineering - ..-. V. July 31, 2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page 9 Any unusual conditions which may, be encountered in the course of the project development may require the need for additional study and revised recommendations. It. iè.the responsibility of. the owner to ensure that all information within this report Js submitted t6 the Architect and appropriate Engineers for the pröfect. This firm'-should. . have the opportunity to review the final plans to verify that al! our recommendations are incorporated This report and all conclusions are subject to the review of the controlling + authorities for the projeôt - A preconstruction conference should be held between the developer, general contractor, grading' -contractor, city inspecthr, architect, and geotechnical, engineer to ôlarify any questions relating to the grading operations and subsequent construction Our representative should be present during the grading operations and construction phase to certify that such recommendations are complied within the field 4 - This geotechnical investigation has been conducted ^in a manner , consistent with the level of care and skill exercised by members of our profession currently. practicing under similar conditions in the Southern California area. No, other warranty, exçressei or implid is made. •. 44 * -• - ,• - .t V .-•* V - *V - .• • V. • V • • . •T -V • 4. - - • V • - ¶.. •••• V • • * V. • • V. IV - V .. •_V • . . 4 - -V •• I V NorCal Engineering 4. . • July 3l-,200 1 Project Number 9482-01 Page -10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILL S 1 - . . .. I... N Preparation * Any, existing low density soils 'and/or saturated soils ähll be removed tb competent natural soil under the inspection of the Soils Engineering Firm After the exposed 4 • surfae has been cleansed of debris and/or vegetation,.-it'.shall be scarified until it is uniform in consistency, brought to the proper moisture .content and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM D-1 557-00) • 1*. '4 Material For Fill . The on-site soils or approved import soils may be utilized for the compacted ill ovided - . * . the'y are free of any deleterious materials. and shall not' contain any rocks brick, asphaltic concrete concrete or other hard materials greater than eight inches in maximum dimensions Any import soil must be approved by the Soils Engineering firm ,a minimum of 24 hours prior to importation of site • .4 -* 4 4- -I Placement of Compacted Fill Soils The approved fill soils shall be placed in layers not in exess of six inches in thickness Ech lift shall be uniform in thickness and thoroughly blended The fill soils shall be brought to within 15% of the optimum moisture content, unless otherwise specified by the Soils Engineering firm Each lift shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (in accordance with ASTM D-1 557-00) and approved prior to the placement of the next layer of soil Compaction tests shall be obtained at the discretion of the Soils Engineering firm but at a minimum of one test for every14500 cubic yards placed and/or for every two vertical feet of compacted fill placed - : .•, '.. NOrCal Engineering' I •• , I,, - - •- •' - - . . •44* - j $ - July 3.1,-2001 Project Number 9482-01 Page The minimum relative compaction shall be obtained in accordance with accepted methodsin the construction industry. The final grade of the structural areas shall be in a - dense and smooth condition prior to placement of slabs-on-grade or pavement. No fill, soils shall be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When the grading is interrupted by heavy rains, compaction operations shall not be resumed until approved by the Sails Engineering firm. Grading Observations The controlling governmental agencies should be.noUfied prior to commencement of any grading operations This firm recommends that the grading operations be conducted - under the observation of a Soils Engineering firrii as deemed necessary: A 24 hour notice must be provided to this firm prior to the time of our initial inspection - -- - I . - - Observation shallinclude the clearing. 6nd grubbing operations to assure that all - unèuitable rnaterials have been properly removed; approval of-the exposed subgrade in : areas to receive fill and in areas where excavation-has resulted in the desired finished - grade and designate areas of overexcavation; and performance of field compaction tests. todetermine relative compaction achieved during fill placement In addition all foundation excavations shall be observed by th Soils Engineering firm to confirm that appropriate bearing materials are present at the design grades and recommend any modifications to construct footings • - . - -- -- NorCal Engineering - -. - - *- -- S 00' ADAMS STREET 1 m,11 'B—i oiii1iiiicii.o 174 - T # SI I 2104107 - ENaELT 440 ACRES 71 F 3I ' 420018 SF 5004 ACRES ~fl -ri, .'1) L-ffiP - LET L ;s. .1ARRISON STRE El NorCal Engineering SOILS AND GEOTECHN1CAL CONSULTANTS LOCATION OF CONPACTIOf4 TESTS ANASTASI PROJECT 9482-01 I DATE JULY 2001 MAJOR DIVISION GRAPHIC LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS 0 SVMROI qYMRnl C> GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL. o 0 , SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVEL CLEAN GRAVELS AND (LITTLE OR NO GRAVELLY FINES) SOILS GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, , GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE COARSE OR NO FINES GRAINED SOILS. MORE THAN GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- - 50% OF RA SILT MIXTURES 'WITH FINES COARSE FRACTION 'APPRECIABLE RETAINED ON,, AMOUNT OF GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- NO.4 SIEVE FINES CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SW SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SAND CLEAN SAND ________ ' r AND (LITTLE OR NO - '! • SANDY FINES) POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVEL- MORE THAN SOILS SP LY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES 50% MATERIAL . IS LARGER ,. THAN NO. MORE THAN SM SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT 200 SIEVE 50% OF SANDS WITH MIXTURES . SIZE COARSE FINE - . FRACTION (APPRECIABLE PASSING ON AMOUNT OF Sc CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY NO. 4 SIEVE FINES) MIXTURES, I I I r INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE I I I ML SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR I I I CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO FINE SILTS LIQUID LIMIT CL MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY GRAINED AND I FSS TI-IAN Sfl CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY SOILS CLAYS _______ ________ CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS - - - ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC - :--:-. OL SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR Ufill MH DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR MORE THAN SILTY SOILS If . 50% OF ,MATERIAL SILTS LIQUID LIMIT CH HIGH &c IS SMALLER AND GREATER THAN FAT -. NO. CLAYSTHAN F F F 200 SIEVE SIZE OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS * PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP' SOILS WITH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS Lim NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NorCal Engineering - .• . , COMPONENT DEFINITIONS' COMPONENT '. SIZE RANGE .B oulders. Larger than 12 in ' Cobbles 3 in to .12 in Gravel ' 3 in to No 4 (4.5mm) ' Coarse gravel . - 3 in to 3/4 in Fine gravel 3/4 into Np 4 (4.5mm) Sand No. 4 (4.5mm ) to No. 200 ( 0.074mm y Coarse sand No.4(4.5 nim )to No. 10(2.0mm) Medium sand No. 10 (2.0 mm ) to No. 40( 0.42 mm) Fine sand No. 40 (0.42 mm ) to No. 200 (0.074 mm) Silt and Clay Smaller than No. 200 ( 0.074 mm DESCRIPTIVE TERMS RANGE OF PROPORTION 'Trace 1-5% Few ' 5.10% Little 10-20% Some ' ' 20-35% And 35:50% DRY - Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. Some perceptible ' DAMP moisture; below optimum MOIST ' No visible water; near optimum , moisture content WET Visible free water, usually soil is below water table..' II. COHESIONLESS SOILS .' - COHESIVE SOILS Density - ' N (blows/ft) Consistency - N (blóws/ft) Approximate Undrained Shear -. - - Strength (psf) Very Loose .. . , '0 to 4 Very Soft '0 to 2 <250 Loose • 4to16 ' Soft 2t04 250-500 Medium Dense • 10 to 30 Medium Stiff 4 to 8 ' 500 -'1000 Dense - . - ' . ' 39 to 50 ,'Stiff • 8 to 15 1000 - 2000 Very Dense over 50 - Very Stiff 15 to 30 - 2000 -4000 Hard A over 30 . ' > 4000 KEY!" Indicates 2.5-inch Inside Diameter. RingSample. ' ' indióates 2-inch OD'Split Spoon Sample (SPT); I -. ,'. - ' - -. - F '• •' ' S ., Indicates Shelby Tube Sample. Eii " Indicates NoRecovery. • . . E Indicates SPT with 140# Hammer 30 in Drop "Indicates Bulk Sample. .' ' . -• " ' .5 Indicates Small Bag Sample Indicates' Non-Standard ' S , ' • - Indicates, Core. Run. ... COMPONENT PROPORTIONS - RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N -VALUE _,fl*.#u nu,i_. flu.. •• u -. • ' - S - 5; -' • . _ . -• .5.- - - ' S • - ' - _ * . ,S;•, • . - Log of Bonng B-I Project: Anastasi/Carlsbad . . . 'Da . te of Drilling: 7/25/01 - Groundwater Depth:. None Encountered, Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. £ Drop: 30" . Depth .. .,. . Samples Laboratory (feet) . . Geotechnical Description .,, Lith- a- ' U) ology >, .22 Co 0 I— a T Suiface Elevation: Not Measurd :- - FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS : .. .. Silty fine to rnedkim grained SAND : - ,\Dark bro'wn, loose to medium dene, dry with small roots, pieces of wood 30 1176 NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND ".Reddish brown, dense to very dense - 5 Slight decrease in density and silt content @ .- • 67 1158 Boring completed at depth of 8' -10 -15 :- -20 -25 •.•. .- i .. - 4 -- -30 -, * - -35 : NorCal Engineering C fL Oroje ° , -' - - . . - . - - . 4 - Log of' BoringB-2:- Project Anastasi/Carisbad - Date of Drilling: 7/25/01 -. j Groundwater Depth: None Encounteied Drilling Method: Hollow StemAuger Hammer Weight: 140 Ibs. -. Drop: 307. Depth - Samples Laboratory (feet) Geotechnical.Description . ,• Lith- - ' ology .2 Q • Surface Elevation: Not Measured - FILUDISTURBEDTOP SOILS- ... . : - • Silty fine to medium grained SAND. \Dark brown, lobse to medium dense, dry with small roots, pieces of wood -: : • 2.7 4.9 NATURAL SOILS - ' Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND - Reddish brown, dense to very dense 5 Slight decrease in density and silt conteit @ 6' ' : :-: : • - -• 41 - • •• .,3 .4 116.1' Boring completed at depth of 8 —10 - . • . • . . - I- . -15 • -• : • : • - . - - —20 • -.. . - AA —25 • - . . •.-- . •. —30 - . . . . -- -, -' - -I •• • • .. • 35 ep No'Wa'Mi:ngE'ng - P;o;;t No. 2 Log of Boring B-3 Project Anastasi/Carlsbad Date of Drilling: 7125101 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger : Hmmer Weight: 140 lbs. Drop: 30" p V — Samples Laboratory - (feet) . . Geotechnlcal Description.'•Ljth- ology 2 . c- • ____ Surface Elevation: Not Measured -o FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS . - • Silty fine to medium grained SAND . - / : - \Dark brown, loose to medium dense, dry with small roots, pieces ofwoodj/ : V 21 1138 - NATURALSOILS - Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND : :: V Reddish brown, dense to very dense 5 - Slight decrease in density and silt content @ 6' • - : Change to light brown @ 9 V - : 59 116.8 Boring completed at depth of 8' - -10 V. V V V I V - V •V , V- V - - V, 4 V VV V9 . - V • -20 VV V V W -25 30I - V• V V • V V - V V• V V V 35 --- V •V V V • V V V V NorCal Engrneering -: -'V Project No. •- V 9482-01 - - V * V V - .,V• V V. - V V • V 'V - • V V VV 4 fr V Log of Boring B4 Project Anastasi/Carisbad Date of Drilling 7/25/01 Groundwater Depth None Encountered Drilling Method Hollow Stem Auger Hammer Weight 140 lbs Drop 30 Depth _Samples J..aboratorv_ a (feet) Geotechnical Description Lith- ology > - .2 . c a .E:. Surface Elevation Not Measured 0 - FILL. SOILS : Silty fine to medium grained SAND Dark brown loose to medium dense dry with heavy debris large roots,3.5 1.00 .7 palm tree and concrete .- I - U 4.2 111.4 NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND 5 - Reddish brown dense to very dense Slight decrease in density and silt content @ 6 U 5.6 113.8 Change to light brown g,12' 60 1161 —10 • 67 1198 fine to medium grained SAND 15 Tan to dark brown dense',*moist slight caving Boring completed at depth of 16 -20 -25 - * -30 -35 N orCal Engineering Project No 948201 'I - ,- - .- Log of Boring B-5 . Project: Anastasi/Carlsbad . . . Date of Drilling: 7/25/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger. ,. Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. -. Drop: 30" Samples Laboratory Depth (feet) Geotechnlcal Description Lith a ology >, .2 .. . .E. LI. Surface Elevation: Not Measured - . j. FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty fine to medium grained SAND . . Dark brown loose to medium dense dry with gravel and small pieces of 3.2 115.0 - \wood . /.-• -. NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND , :: 4.1 ,113.8 Reddish brown, dense to very dense Slight decrease in density and silt content @ 6 Change to light brown @ 9 - - 10 3.6 11,5.2 - fine to medium grained SAND Tan to dark brown, dense, moist, slight caving 15 - . Boring completed at depth of 15' . . . . —20- 25,. - . . —30 ;.' .. —35 NorCal Engineering ° I Log of Boring B6 Project: Anastasi/Carlsbad - - - Date of Drilling: 7125101 - Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. . Drop: 30" Depth - - . • ...Aamples _Laboratory.__ a • • (feet) Geotechnical Desàription .. Ljh- - . . ology > .2 .- a Sufàce Elevation: Not Measured -0 FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS '. - Silty fine to medium grained SAND Dark brown, lo'oseto medium dense, dry - . -: 11.7 103.2 • NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND -.E.- Reddish brown, dense to 'ery dense . . - 5 Slight decresôin density. and silt content @6' - :-: - 5.3 112.6 Change to light brown @ 8 —10 - fine to medium grained SAND Tan to dark brown, dense slight caving ,6:4 109.1 15 I- Boring completed at depth of 15' . -. —20, - -- -25 - •- * -. —30 4 - . - •• .- - - -- - - - . • - - . NorCall'En` gineering Project No. 94821 - . - •• 6 • - :- - - S Logof Boring B-7 Project Anastasi/Carisbad — -. Date of Drilling: 7/25/01 j Groündwater Depth: None Enc66ntered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger 'Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. -.. Drop: 30" . Depth Samples Laboratory — .--- —, GeotechnicaIDescription (feet)- - - Ljh CL ology >. ' -'.2 .o o :.. CD E. :' Surface Elevation: Not Measured o .F1LL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS Silty fine to medium grained SAND Dark brown loose to medium dense dry with pieces of wood — '4.1 -.117.6, NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND Reddish brown der'se to very dense -5 Slight decrease in density and silt content @ 6.5' Change to light brown @ 10 . • .. : : .. '53. 11•.1 -10 Boring completed at depth of 13 I • - .. ,. - -15 ' .',.'• -. . - ..: I - --•• -20. . . * r •- - - -25 - 4 - . - .. •,_ . . • -- - S - - '--a • . • . .- .30 - . . . - -4. - S S 4* 5 2 S - r . S -35 . . . .' . ... . . - . . . Project No. NorCal Engineering 948201 - - - - - - " - -4: - ,. 5 - -S.- -- - - . • - . . - . . - - - • . •- 5 - -- •.- S . -'4 .- p• -. . - .5__ 4 - 5 . I;.- 5. 0 .. Log of Boring B8 Project:, Anastasi/Carisbad Date of Drilling: 7/25/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. ' Drop: 30" Depth Samples Laboratory (feet) . Geotechnical Description - Lith- a ology > .2 . J3 C a .E Surface Elevation: Not Measured o' FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS - Silty fine to medium grained SAND • Dark brown, loose to medium dense, dry m 3.4 113.6 • NATURAL SOILS - - 0 Slightly silty .fine tornedium grained SAND : : Reddish brown, dense to very dense Slight decrease in density and silt content @6' - Boring completed at depth of 8' -10 . -15. . * 4 0 •,r, -20 - - 0 -25 - -• -30 U 4- LI • ' 4 .. .. 0 . - -. .4 - -. . - . . 0••,• -35 *4 • -- . . . 0 - .0 . + 4 0 NorCal Engineering Project Nw' 9482-01 ' - 0 • , 0 - 0 • . - - • F fl S S . S Log of Boring B-9 Project: Anastasi/Carlsbad 'V Date of Drilling: 7/25/01 Groundwater Depth: None Encountered Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hammer Weight: 140 lbs. Drop: 30" Depth - - Samples Laboratory (feet) ' Geotechnical Description Lith-CL , ology >.. .2 m . . .E. U. . Surface Elevation: Not Measured ______ - FILL/DISTURBED TOP SOILS V Upper 12" mulch : V Silty fine to medium grained SAND 2.7 114.9 • \Dark brOwn, loose to medium dense, dry with heavy organics to wood NATURAL SOILS Slightly silty fine to medium grained SAND V : 4.8 115.6 5 Reddish brown,-dense to very dense Slight decrease in density and silt content @ 7' V Change to light brown @ 10' 5.3 115.1 —10 V . 7.1 115.2 - fine to medium grained SAND VV - Tan to dark brown, dense, moist, slight caving - 15 V V V Boring completed at depth of 16' V - C —20 - —25 —30 35 V • - NorCal Engineering o - Project • July 31, 2001 . ..; . Project Number 9482-01 Page 12 TABLEI MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS -. * . (ASTM:D-1557-OO) * Optimum * . Maximum Dry Sample . Classification Moisture Density (lbs .Icu.ft.) . BI @ 0-3' SAND, fine to medium grained,. 10.0 120.0 slightly silty B9 @ 34'. SAND, fine to medium grained,--.9.0 125.5 slightly silty • • . . - - •• r * -. , , - : TABLE II - . . • . EXPANSION INDEX TESTS •• - . •. (U.B.C. STD. 29-2) 1. - * ,* - - Expansion Soil Type Classification Index B1 @ 0-3' SAND,fine to medium grained -•- . 05 . slightly silty + • - ... B9,@ 374' SAND, fine to medium grained 02 slightly. silty • . -. -. TABLE Ill * . ATTERBERG LIMITS - I - . .- - Sample -. Liquid Limit Plastic Limit - Plasticity Index B6@2-4 17 13 4 * .• - - - _•*- .-. .- . *- - - I . - - 4- • * * - •- • TABLE IV . • •• -. * SULFATE TESTS.. . . * SarrpIe *, Sulfate (%) Composite .0.025 ' * • %by weight -••. a •- .- NdrCa1 Engineering .-. -- 4 - - - - 1* -. -• - • . . __.1* C- C- 2500- LLJ 20O0 U. 1500- IT - IIIT EEEEI -: TT? I __ _ ________ ____ ____ ____ 2' _______ _______ 500 All- 71 - - - -- - - 7- 0- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 - NORMAL STRESS (PSF) DRY MOISTURE SYMBOL NUMBER [ DEGRE JES (PS F) DENSITY CONTENT x 1 2.5 34 200 117.6 3.0 o 8 3.0 31 125 113.6 3.4 9 2.0 36 175 114.9 2.7 0 NOTE: TESTS PERFORMED ON SATURATED SAMPLES UNLESS SHOWN BELOW. (FM) FIELD MOISTURE TESTS PERFORMED ON UNDISTURBED SAMPLES UNLESS SHOWN BELOW. (R) SAMPLES REMOLDED AT 90% OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY NorCal Engineer.ing PLATE A SOILS AND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS PROJECT 9482-01 I_ DATE __JULY _2001 -2 -- NOTE: MATER ADDED AT NORMAL - PRESSURE AT 1.0 KSF 0 - dL .5-. .-. rk 6 - 10- 0.1 0.5 1.0 5 10 20 40 N0I1AL PRESSURE (KSF) BORING DEPTH DRY MOISTURE LIQUID PLASTICITY SYMBOL I(WBER DENSITY CONTENT LIMIT INDEX (PCF) (%) (%) (%) 2 4 114.9 -2.7 o 4 8 116.1- 6.0 9 12 : 115.2 7.1 0 - COMPRESSION (FN) FIELD NOISflJ - NO RATER ADDED REBOUND (R) SAMPLE ROWMAT 90% OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY NorCal Engineering . P B SOILSAND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS CONSOLIDATION TEST. RESULTS PROJECT 9482-01 1 DATE JULY 2001 r N W _ rim I' OW I m am WA-ml PA FO"/ ifft