HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-20; LA COSTA GREENS; ACOUSTICAL SITE ASSESSMENT; 2002-08-28, ,~' , ,~. , , 1. ,~ • • , '\ \' '.' , , : \ -CTOl .. 2f) \ ' , " :';: ' August 28, 2002 .: ,7 ,,'oe'ar Mr. O'Grady: ',' ,-~', •• : I, - ,,' :-." ' At your request, Ir'IVe~tigativ~' S~i,e~ce:'an~ EI19'i~~e·~i~~j;;E):\/~~s 'd)t~ci~'~:t~ :.';,::'~:',~;';-':~,~,',,:: 'c',' •. irives'tisate potential noiseini'p~cts to the propo$'ed 'VlIIage~ :9.1' pi 'Gp~ta' T~nfatiy~ :M~p", .. " ',:" ;,~':.," "" ~ '"", . t.1 0' residential development IOC;flted· :fn .Carlsbad;, Calif9r.nia. The~ ~esu.l,ts 9f. tl:i~t sur:v~y./· " '. ;',' ::' ' , . ' , . ',as well as'predicte,d future sound levers 'at the sit~, ,are:presentedlh thi~Jetl~r rep'Otl.', ",>.~'.' :.',:,';., '. , " ':, , . ~ ~ . '_"~., "-)" ,F_", '::'_: .'_' _ :',; ~~:';. , 0.' -;: . <'.', 'INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS' . " :, ': '.";'. ",' ,'::" :'>",,~" , " . , . -'\ " . \'. ,.:: .. -:: 'l . ~ , ," " , '. "" " :" Existing Site CharaCterization" , . , ,': .. '" " ,',: ," :,", , . . " :,. ' . '. i~:~., ... : .. " ~ . ~ ~~_., "',.'" ~ ' ... :~ >0 ':, I;, ,.'> ";'". ~:~ ".:.,...~, .,,\~, . -'" .' ;.': ~.' ," , '. , ... ',: . ,-". : < ."' > ," ,:" The proposed proj~~t 'is located' witl;tin the, ,s'outh~ast portion :of;the' ,Ci~yqf " '",',' , , , :--~:. .Carlsbad and is part "of the 'Villages': of L~'Costa.:'Ma$ter. P,I~rL{~0(0)" MP :98~O:1',: "~ ,~," ';"'" :-,,' ' \, development (refer to: Figure 1J: Tent!=itivEdii1ap 1 Ao' ,b9i'lsi$ts'of 64,$epaf~te' resiae~ntial " ,,'" " 'lots.' within the La, Cbsta Greens' '''v, II Clge''', The La· 'C'osta' Gn~ens:' yillci'geencotnpa,sses, ~:. ~ : '.' ':,;; , >-\' 66(f7 acres arid IS the, f~r" westerly ,area. ~t' ,th~, Vill~ges',9fta, "CQsta 'M,~stef:I?!~n ~:, ;', '::,',-":, , .:.: ',' , deveiopmeht. The' proposed dev$lopm~nt: ideritifie~, in: this, ,report -wOIjIcl. encompa'ss.,a; ,'.;, "", ';': total' gros~ area of 37.3·acre~. Ali,cante Road bbun'd~,the site to the.e~~t. The'n~mainder ,-. ,; ',', ,:'.' , . ". , 'of.l~e. project area,is surround~d by. exfsti.IJ~;f and:~propo's~cl: residEmti~I:.dev~lopr;;ents:,' ' , '.':; : ,"".~ :'.:,;,,' , The project site ,is classified as RLM-(Resid~!1tial";,Low' Medi~ni ;.De'nsitY), withirt the'; , , :', ',' " ',':; CitY'sGeneraIPIl~,n. " '., , ...... :'.'.. ,.".~""."::,,;,:,:.~~~,.:,, '.:.;~. -' , , The topography, of the' site is :~hqtsct~ri~~~" b;~'ocier~t~I~~,sl~Pin9' '~iIISi4e:'t~,r~~ln:' ,,', ," :' "::, ~ ~ , , ,dissected by various dendric. drainages ·arid:canyoOs'~ EIElVatic)Os';.c"n. site:i"~ngeJ:~etwe~ri ,.,.' ' ~ ~ ,;.' h ',:: "', '100'to 400 feet MSL across the 'entire proje'ctarea·.,th~' e,i:lt[r~:La·,d.6sta·Gte'ei:ls.TM l08:,~ ",' ", ) through 1'.14 development area is sHo~n .in, Figur~:2 belbw.: .'De~~19p.me'nt ~.re.~. tM 1..:.1,0," ,:', is shown beloW in Figure 3. , ,':', ",' " " .': ,"', ",,: " ' ,.", '. ,;~. -" . ' ,'. -. ~~ . .. ~, ",.;', ;, , .-l ", '. '1 ':.-. , , ' , " " .' " .. , .'" . ."" -.' '<.' • " -t' .. ',. , . " ~, SCie(ftific and For~I1.SiC: EI?gine~ring Consultants " ; ~ !.' :',":, ,.'. '. " :', :,: ' ~ '( I '. ,. ~. I ~ r, , \ .".. . \.~ '. " . " , , ~ -:' .;Y.~ .. ~ , ~: . -'~,.~ j, ." :_-~., # -:_' .. ~ , , . , " :: " .. '~ . .' : 1. ' '. ," '. ,Mr . .Tj!1:l O'Grady ;' '.' ", " T~ntative Map, 1.10'AcCiustLcal Assessment-Carlsbad,",GA' , ',1St:: ,Report#q2-066 ' ", : :,,' " AUQl:Ist 28, ,2902 ... ~, .'. " '. . '-",' ",., '.' , ~, ) , ,.:: , ,,'> ) I .,' . ~ .' . ", ' "',-~,; " .~ , ~\: , ,;' , " . " , --. .' ~ . '" -. I" ..... " ," '" Pa~e'2 of 20 .' ' ,'~ . "': -~; .. , - '-~ . , -= " ;, . " , ., -,'. ,', ': --" , '\, . '(, ',t-t ',' " ~: ,. \, : :' ' , .. , " , ' '. ' . ,', ' .. " I ••• -" ~ .' " , ;" ;.' . ' " . " . ,,~ ,.":. I, ,', " , 'r' • . (-. ,-::: " -+'t " ~. " ':. f')' , " ~ \ ... f -'. ,. ~ ' .. ' -, . ~ " ~, . ~ ,,' " ., , " QIlAl/.." : , '1tof/<'lP(~ : GMIZ:NS~ Figure 1 :P~oject Vicinity Map :(Thomas, 'Gt!ideC9rnp}jSit~,,20Q1i' , , ' -"'-. ~ ; , . ',~. ,.,., ~ ; -:. . , ' \ -, , ' ". :,:,' . ,.,' ,"~ ''', .' '. ':,-, , ~' . " ~ .... '" ~ -,-, . . ;.'. ", . ': ~ . .. "'." .;:, ,.-.... " <. ., ", --' ' ,~ . ',.' .- :," : " .. ~. :. '. " -! -' ". " Acoustical Definitions ' ' , ." . , ". :. ':, . , ' , . :", , S~~O!l 'Naves ~re 1;"e~r.nieCH~nl¢a1 ~v~~,th~Y· ~~'~Jl~p1;gaje~.i~ s;'I;~," "",. ,liquids,",and gase~. The 'material trar.l~'niittin,g ~suc~, a:wav~ ,o&dUates "ltrJhe·:~i~e~flon'. of ,-~', " , ':,\ ;,::'i , Pfopagation. of, the waVe itself. ' .. Sound wav~s "originat~fi'om' ,'s()ri1,e ,sorL:of' vibrating " ',surface. Whether this. surface is th~ vibrating string, of a.'violiru)~:ci persO-ri'~s vecal ,cords,:, ',;,-I t,.- ~ -. ~' .... ' " I . ,'-.:. .,~' .' i;' •. ',' a vibratihg coll)mn 9~ 'air from an'organ "ot ',~I~rioet, or,'~;vfbratlng',p~'ii.~f'from,a ':., , loudspeaker, drum" or ',airc;raft, 'the sQund'waves' '~erietaJeq., a.re.·'aWSrmi!~r: AI[:6f ;the$6 ; .:~, .. ' vibrating elements. alte(natively compress the su'rrotlnding, air,oo ,i;i:fqr\Narctm,oveme.,nt :, "',' and expan~ it on':a backwar<;lmovenlent. ' . ,.;, , ',' " I' ;_, ",',:, ", ':" ,:" ' , "" , , ,", ,"j.'-" . ,' .. ,,:' I ,,,.,' , " ', .. , ' , , ,~ , ' • ~ '. ' -~: >', -:' ;' ~ • ',~ ~ '.-,' , . ( , '", ~ '-. t· ' .',' ",~',',:'~ ,:: " , " ':," , " :, c,' ' , •• '" ": 1_' '6 ~"', /: • \ " :. , ' " ~ , :J -'. : ~. .) '.' ~ " ... , ~ -': ... \ ~ . -.'.. "., . ,. , • >' ' , , ~ .... .'~\ . ", . ~ ~ I ,~_ .' ' j • ~ ~-• , >, , , ,.~ . l,: " " " •• ,-" ~ , "t' • , • -•• " ~:: : ( I i <;-.: "' . .:, ".""T -' ,,-~ . ,-,- .... " {f '" . ," , .', ;. J , , " " , ',*' ,'I " , " " '. J," I' I~ { , ,~ . '" . .' ", '~" ", , " .. -:. .> ' • . ' , " " , '. Mr. Tim O'Grady, .. ' , Tentative Map 1.10 AC(;!!!IsticaIAssessment-Carlsbad; cA ,IS£:' Report #02-066 , August' 28, 2002' . , Page 3 of 20 )-.... ---1 , . I I ,I I , . " . " " '.: '.' : \" ~ I' , -",~. W_'·t\, r , ... , .'."" " ~ :1 ~:~ .. f' 1 ->~< '." .' ; ,-';-. :- , ,,-.... ] " , ,'>~ ~ " 1. , ;.' , , . ~ -, ,~-. ,-" : ." ~ .. , ,. ';.'-. ". -.. '''' .. ~, " , ~ I " j .~ :. ~' '~""'\".:'.~: .• ~r" .. ~. -.' . -~ '. ~ . . . . ~ .'~' . ~ .~. ~ _ 'L ' '';' ", • • .. ' ; I ~ ~ : _-e' J-.,' •• ~ ,. ;:; . . ~: . , , ,~. -, '-'~' ...... : , . ' , , , " ' ~ ,', . '~ .' ': 1: .. : , ~. ~. ~ -, " " ,.1 ---'. '. ", .' J ',' -~ , , : " .- , " :-.. ~ , , .' ~. -'t' ~ - ,-" . ,.:-.~ " {. ,~ :~ " . , . " " ' . .' . -'to· .' ~ ,',' *' " , . ,~." . -, ,-~., ., .-",' " . .-'~> ',~. ~ ,'.' ,f, • ','" ,... ., " --J ~, ___ • ,'~ : ~ ~ ~ I • " ' " -,_ 'f-;, , 'There' i~ a 'Iarg'e .. range 'of ;fr:equenqie~:= 'withirl' ~riiq~, 'IIne~r', "~ave~ ;,'~an-~'be' " ,>~:" '-~, >, 'generated, sOl:lnd waves, being c'onfinecl to the ,frequency' tange,tnat-ca'r1. .. ~timulate the", ',' ':' " , "auditory ,organs to)he s~nsation:of, hea[jng.:i=o(h~h1ar.1'~tIiJs:ral1ge:'i~:frort1 ,ab0'ut 20'", >'~'" ':, ,'~', '~, ",: ~ ,,' 'Hertz (Hz or cycles per second)'to ~d;)out:~O,OOO:Hz.,The ait,trah'Sfrl'ifs:'tf.tese frE!qt:!~nby " ',' :,'" ,~:; ." . , disturbances outward, from th~ s,ource 'of, the 'owa.ve.., Sound wav~s'~ 'if :uninif)edeq, '''Viii ': :.. " '" ,. "" :' spread out in all directions from a sou'r~e: .UPQIl e8tering the,' a~9itory otgansi'~these " " ' ,,::' .": ' , waves produce 'the sensation of sound. Wa.veforms thaUir:e 'appt6xrrnat~Jy ~Rel:jodic ,or" < ~':" :,', ' " con.sist of a. ,smalli1umb'er of'peri6di~ components can give rise"toa pl~~~ant,serlsaliori:, ':',: ; : : ',,", ~ '(assuming the intensity is not too high), for: exar'npl,t?, a~, rn ,a"ML!sic~(fc9rtIP9~iti0~.,N~is,e;':,: ,,:" "," ~;'::',:-.. ,', on the other hanq, can be'represen'ted:as a superposition Of p~riqdic_wa.'les With :aJ,afg~"" , " , .. ',' . ' '" , " ' ~ , -\ " , '." i-," , ,. number of comp0nents. ' ' , ' '. ",',' ,',:" ",,:~,"" ", . , .. -.~-,: . , ~ -. ~; , ,1, c-. " ~ -',-,,-.. ' -.: ~, ' . ' '. '-.. .. '. ~ .' , · ... 1' •. ".., . ',' -~ '--: -\ , __ , .:" I. , " ~ '.. , ~ " '-' \ '.'.-' ~,' ' , " " , .. : , ' ~"'.' ., ,'~ -, ,~" ., ", . , , , . _.' , .,., , -' , ' ~ ,-, " : ' . " .. ,' : Mr. Tim O'Grady . ' . ' ",' 1entatiVe Map 1.,10 AcQustical.Assessment -Carlsbad,. CA ISE Report #02,-066 ' ,~ " " '" i ',', August 28, 2002, Page 4 of20 .' -' , .. ';, .. \ , i,' ~ .',' ::: ~ • _ f ~': I ~', '. -" '-, , ~. ~ ~. , :"' '. • < ' : ' ~. ' , 'I -\ ';' , ,,,A " I \, _.' __ " ... I~~~__ ,~~ "" .".1 , , .. ' ., ~(.': ' " ',i:, , " _r' f' ~ ',' ~ .. I' ',,' ', .. ' :.. " ~ I, '". , .... -'. , " ", ;. -',' -' ',-- , , ~. t;: ,', " ' " ... ' ' " .' , " _' •• J .11 " . , .,,.'" \", " -:-..... ' , , I ' , , ",' ~...: . -' -'._ I , ".---------(' ~ . :', ': ~ ~-.. ",', . , " , " ,I "-'_.-' , ,Noise is gener~lIy' defir)ed 'as-:'u~wa~t~d<:()r>~f1ri'~Yi~~: SO,tlA~·",fh~t :i$'typi~aiiY~:'::--, ',', ,:,.~: ... :~"., .. ~\:, ,':::! , "associated ~ith, hum~n 'activity ,'and whrch,!,;terf~res,c with-pr ,di~r.upt~ .'h9rmar~,~ctivJt.ies.: :,: " ': ",: ,-;' . , ,;. ",' Although exposure,to high noise levels.ha$'beeh"d,emont?trateq.to"ci3u$e,h~aring 10'S8,"· .. .' '. :. ,',' ,. ",,', .;' ',' t. ,the principal human response to erwitonmental noise '15 ,armoyance.~'The 'res'ponse' Qf .. " ~". :. ': .. '" :' .: .' ':" .individuals to simitar noise events is ·.diverse. and. infhje'nce~H5y fhe type ·,of':npise/,tlie'·.·., .:,,; .' " ';'. ': ,.,' : " .: ,perceived importance of. the noise andit$ approprist.eness in the· s·ettin·g;.~f.ie' tim,~ o(~aYi:., ,',' ,:' " ,! , 'and the sensitivity of the il'ldividual'·hearing-th~ $ound. -'.;'..',,':.' .. '" " .. ,:. ':. '::' ,', .. ,'. : .' ~' . ,'" ,-:'. " , '. ~' ~,~, , '. ~'.: -'-, ~ ~.' ' •• ~' ,.':,', _ • f .' :.?-,,~.' ~ ~ ,.';, :'i ,: , .. ,' -: ~.'" " ,-: ' , , .. ,. Airborne sound . is 'a-rapid.-fluctuation ',bfair,' pressure: above.cc:i'nd::;belC)w.',,>.'·, , .""','" ", . ','" : . atm,ospheri.c lev~ls. The lou~est. 'so'Li~ds . ."th.~' hlfman.· e~r,' can h~a'r eonf.o.trTj~bIY· :ar~' . ' ; :.. . '.< .. > <" ":; ·approximately 'one. trillion times. the acoustic'. energy that the':,e~i: .6ari:b,a.reIYd~te'Ct .. ,'~, , .. :. '~' ~ : \'; '~ " '. . :~'Because of. this 'Vast rang'e, any attempt to, ·repj-e.s~nt the:-a'c(:)tistic ,jriten'eity;' ora ,p~nib-i:llar : '::. '.' ;'. : . " - , ';, .: sound on a linear scal.e becomes ,unwieldy. ·As a ·re$.ult"a, <Iog·i;ldthmi~. fc;ltio:;cidg,kraily, ~,' ',,',' ,.', ........ . , '.: .' :conceived for radio work known c;lS thedeCibeJ (d13)"is:coJifnioniY·;:EllTujloyecr:,As(jUricL,·>.>.~:, -... .', :," I~vel of zero. "O"d!3 issc~ledsl.Jch, thatit js defi~ed.as',tfie :thresh:dl~:J.~ofhi:lnian'··hear:.in'g, ' '-';.-.: .. :' :,:' , :and . would be barely audible to a' human> 9(h6im~r he,aring;:CJi1'der~,$xJ~em$ly :,q'l;Iiet., ;~<,'; ,.; -",': " listening conditions. $uch qonditions.can ohly'pe g~nerafecfih·aiiechcjiq6r!'dead:ro6mslJ. ' " " . ",' '., : ~.-'.' .. typically, the quietest. Emviror:Jmemal,.~(jRditlons (extreme . rl;lrah:area~:,''W.itRe~t~n~!ve,:· 'f, ,_ ~" . _' " ' shielding) yield sound levels of approxim~tely.2(} ,de:c'ibe,ls::NQrmarspee~h.has· ~' sOL!nd .:... :~ '.', .:' ';:'~ .. , • • f ',I~vel' of approximately 60' dB.: Sound 'Ievels', abov,e ':120, dB, -roughly "cQrr~spoJ'ld, fa' the' : :, " -, .:. "',;",: :. ~. " . . ttireeholddtpain. ' ',_ ',' " -'. ~., .' ,' .... ""," :." .:":.:'.,'. , , ' -' -~ ': _. 0",' , -" '. ",' • .. • '~ ~ ... " . ," , ." , ' . '\ :.' , • -' "'-~,. ,A ... ". .,'_ " . " ~ • ,!, :' ,',. ~.,..... '...;' , ': \" . ~. '. '," , ;,. ' , . , .-\. " .,' '~. - >'.' " . ' ~ ::, ' " "'" ,. ~ :. ... . '. • ',' ,i .~ ... " -"', , ":. , , "~ _,_ " '_ I ~ • , 'Mr: Tim O.'Gr:ady. .' , "-'.. : '-... " ,_ ,_ -' J~' -. Tentative Map 1, .·1 0 Acoustical Assessment ~. Carlsbacl~,CA '. . . , . ; ,> , ISE Repor,! it02-066 . . ..' . " ,August 28,2002 Page'5'of 20' . " ' . , \ :~ ~,-:"r' , \ .' , ' :, '\ ',' ~: ~ '- '_. "~' 0-, ... ~ . I ' ""~ '.'~ ',,:~ , '.' ,'" : . ~ :,"" ,,-;', ,-. ~ - • ~. , I .. ' .-~. .. " . -~' , . , ..... ., The . minimu'n, 'change . 'in 'sound 'j~Vel' ,h~af 'th~': ~.h:~·rt,ci:~· :~a.': ~:c~~ <~'~t~~f:: is.:~·' ': ~/ :. ::: ',:" .>' .. ';';:, ,. ., approximately' 3-dB. A' change, in '~oLind level 'O'f .1;0 de is usuaIlY'~per~ei~~d' ',by :the· ;,'.' . '.' ' ~"'" ,. " . ' .. ', average persqn as i;l doubling (or.haiving) of Ule,'sounds ·Ioudness. At~ang~ 'in sound,~' ';-:: , : ~ ." . : . " leve! of ·10 dB actually repre$ent~:"an ,apprqximately 90 percent''CI]a;hg~ ,i~"tbe:s08n'9 ""',' .'.:'. ". ":'.' ,'.,: .,.' '. '. intensity, but only about'a 50 percenfc,hange: in ·'th~ ·p$rc~iv~d ·loudQes$. ':This/is: due' to, "": : . ". :. ' ',' ' " .' .' the nonlinear response oUhe human earto sound .. '.. -: :. . , .... , -:. ' .~ ; ' .. ,' ", :~,-.. ' .... : ",-' " ,,' ... • • • • .. , • • .'1 • ~ _' • j ,,': r,) • , .:( .... ! . " -.. ,.., "'" . .' . . As mentioned .above·, most of the· sou~~.s' we h~ar'. in-.the-'~~:~lrQH~~n\ ~b: .not, . -. ;,' ... ': .' I,' , .~, ,'" . , , " . " ' .' ' ,con~ist oCa single' frequency, but;rath~r.-a proa~ ·oarid cif ir:eql:le'ncies".G1ifferting rn.-sbt;md. " :,::, ,'._ . -. 'jevel. The iritensiti~s of each frequency add tt;> gen~rate" th'e:.sound.·W~;h~ar-;r;hi3"rnethod· '; '.' :, " /' ':-: ... '- " . . commonly 'used to quantify environ'm~ntal"s6unds' 'CQri5i~ts of' d'etetrnil1inga'll, J)f Jhe ,., ~." "0. '. > :, frequencie~. of a sound accor.c;t1ng to· a..weighting ·sysfem··that.(~fl~9t~ thenOriJiri.eat , .... -', :: .... , .... :: : response ctitaracteristic$'Qf th~ human e~r. Thl.s·Js·called:jiAil\~eigh.ting,'ahd;the:decib~I.·::'-' '.:,:' .. ~-.. ',,::: level.ryieasured .is· ca,nect the A-weighteq ,s9Ij[;ld:i~VEU ,(or deA). ·.In pra¢tJ'ce((he I~Y~.I. of. ~' __ ::"'''. ,,:_: .:' ;~:" ' .. '; . noise source ,is cor.}\,ieriiently·measuredusin~:a. .Sbl,lhd-!e~el. meter thatj~Cl4,de~'aY.filter; : .... :: " ',': .,_".,: Gorrespo,,!ding to th$ dBA ,curv~.· , -. ..,. . --. .. '.: ", . ,:. , .. ' . 0 '. '. .... . Although the A-weight~d $OUnd,:.leve'l.maY,ade~oat~l~ .i-~~i'c~te':·the,·ieVer of' .,',-'" ,'. ;' . environmental noise a t a n'y'i hStant.i rio time, c:btnm'unity:noise levelsv~ii:;C9.~tin.uoi:isly.· . ., : .. :.~', ,:.~ , . :" " . . .. Most en~ir6nmental noise irlcludes a conglomer:atiq.n9tsoun¢s fr9~'dl~taht sQurCes.tnat' .... "-':,., .. -.. _ create· a relatively steady backgroun9 noise 'iri'whi~h no part,icular ~o~rceJ~ id~ntrfiabl!3.. ' ... ,' '_.' . ,For this type of noise, ocr single descriptor-called th~. Leq tor equi·valen'f.SQUita 'Iev,el), .is:. used. Leq is the energy-meari. A-weighted SOl,lrid level~'dLit!n~r~' r:neasiJr~d. tim(;l·.interval~ it . '.-. .':, I' .-:., . is.,the 'eq,uivalent' cdnstant.?oUnd levei.1 thaLw6uld' ·~_a.veJo'be ;p.rQ9~ce((.~y .. ~given":-< .'.: :,/ :, _,- ,source to equal .th~ av~rag~. q{'the" fl~ctuatlr\g. level me-ash;jr¢Q.::For.mos.t aCOLJstital :". ., stw;iies, the monitoririginterval. is generally t~ken:as on e':'hou r 'and: is.~itibrevia'ted (,iiq:..h,· .:' '. c ',-: .., •• :~:' .' ...: <, ... ",,:.', :,:;,::"":: .. ". f.· ..... ::·' .. :,:.:: ... ,:, .. : ... : .. ,_ ... ,.-.: (,-.~,.' To Qescribe the time-varyingchara~ter;bf 'envirQ.nrl)ental'1l0i.se,<the /statistical",:, " .. ~ ':. ·'.l ... :' .'. noise descriptors L 10: L50, and L9.0are ~omtno'!'lIY used .. ::tt:Je-Y'.:ar~Jhe. noi~~Hevels:·,. . _.:.. . . equaled qr e'xce~ded du'ring 10' perG~nt, '50 percemt,' and ~O·,.pe~c~nh)f 'a' s.tate.d:,iime .. · -.. : .. ~' : .. '.; :' Sound levels· associated with '~he 1::1 0 typic~Hy de~ctibEp" transient or 'l?hort-term e~ents; " .' .. ' .. " .. ' , , .while levels associated with the· L90 ·descr.iQe the steady: ~tate,' (pr mosr:prevalef-1t~ AOise,,, ,,' ,:_ .. :' , ... . ::"." .. conditions. In addition, it is often d~sirable to:-knoW:the 'aGoustic rang~ .. ;Qf :th~' noise' ' .. ':'. ,., . ' .solJrce being .measur~d. This is accom'plished-.through th~ ma~im.~r:n ·ahd .. miriiml:lni, -. :'-. ' ·measured. sound level--(.L.max ~rid. ,Lmin) .indicators. -The ,Lrnin v;alueJ o~tain~d ':for: .8' -':~": . . pa'rti~ular· monitoring 'Iocatjon is ofteri"caUE?d .the·'.~QQu$ti~""'6otJqr:~hatiQ~t'on. :,',:. :'. '.:: .... : .: '. ..:', ." '" ,,_ •• '~ ',', > "",> .,'~, t:. 1""_ ,:1:: ,,:~~~<' ',.~\' ·,\'-'·r~ :} ,."" ,\>~,~; ~:.; "~/:, .' ',_ . '. Finally, a sound -measur:e 'employed by-the State' of Califqrnia . .(and:-aqqpted'.by . '<. • -..... . ' . the City of Carlsbad} is knowll as' the90mmun'ity Noise EqtJiv~lel1¢e.L~v~1 (or CN~L) i~-' '.-::.,. ,... . :. defined as the "A" weighted .avei'ag~ sOu'ri.d I~ve[ for .a.',24-hout: ,d~Y.· ·11. is·,c~Jcyl~ted·\by,·.: 0:',' -.. '-. '< '.. : •••• ;,. .' 'adding a 5:-decibel penalty to soul1d'l~vels 'ri"th~ ·9vening''(?:,O.g. ·P:ri:C~to1:Q::Qd.,p'·.r:n.J;, and .c'. "': '>:. : ;., .. ;. '.:' . ' .. " .. . a 1,O-deciberpenalty to, sound levels;: in .the n'igh1 (1'0':00 p.m;to .. t:Oo.$·;ri1~Lto·.cQrnp~i1~~f~·· '. "':.. _' -.. ' ,. ".: , ' , " ... .. : for' the increased sensitivity to noise. du.ring 'the' q~~~ter' eve:nirig: ~hd .ni~htti~e:h6Ul's~' . . ... '. .: ~':: : .. ~;.-. _:. ':.,~ ::·.·",-':i .: ~ •• "j, -,' ,: •• ~, •• ~-.~~-:I " '.' ,'i '. ',"- . " , ' ., _T > _I ': • ,', • ~ ;' .; • ' " I' -, ' .' '~,: j , :, " : ... , " "",1 • (' • ,.:'. " ' .,' " " . "-" " - . '~'.--I' . , ;.-' . •. ', " , .:.. • ' ~' c :. \. • .' ,i '" <: ... , "-; ; !, , ....... ". : -" ';', " -.->,' •. '. . -; -t..;:<"', ;. " , . :: . ..,. '. ,~. -' . , : -' I' ~ -\. r '~ _ .. " ~ ~. '. -. '~. ':.' .-:: '.,. , , ..... ~/~' '"." .. , , . -~. " " '. ,,'i'. ,_ ""-:'" ';' " ~ .:. -... - ,-, f , :.; , ~. ; ' .. ,.,' • ;:-! " \.' ',' " -\. -" , ~ ~' ." \. . , ',' -.. · -'Mr.,~im O'Grady , ". 'Tentative Map 1.10. AcoustiCal Assessment .""" Carl~Qad; C,A, '. , "t.~· ' .. '. ,/' ,. .' . ISE Report #02~066 August28,2002 Page 6 of20· " ':-, .. ~ -J' • -L' • , : ~',' \ .. ' ",; . " ,~ ',' \ '}' .' ~ '. .; , . .' , ' -,'" ", .' . ~.. -•• ":' J 'APPLICABLE SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA . ~ . ' -. ~. . . ~ ... :~" '.: .~. I: ""." ", ' ", '. ,,"' ,-,~. ~.'" , .' .... ~' ':\( City of Carlsbad '. , , i' .. .I ,"" ,Ii .. , . ,. ~ ,~ " .",' < .- The Noise Element ·of. the City.o(C~rl.sbad .ide~iifies·~sO~nd lev~ls .,tf.1aJ,:are· ' .... ' ... " ... ' . .,. . compatible with various land us·e$ .. According 'to,:tfre 'City 'of Carlsbad' br~f(Noi~e .' •. ,' "':'::,': :: '. '.~ .:" : '., : . GUidelines Manual,' 'sound level$ !:IP t660' c;iBA ¢N'~L '~i"e comp.atlbl~;With'. ·r~side-r.ittal . :"" ":'-'0' ; .~:" '. . . la,nd' u~es. Sound levels uP, to· 65 d BA eN ~L C!re ,cOr:Dp~tibJ~ .Witll.· r.~GI;e·a:tibnarc~r~as. s~e~: .' ~:":: :.::.~. >.-: : ..... ;' as parks and playgrounds' .. The City '$lso 'i"equires:.an. ihteri9i" nqise stlJ.~Y. .(cornpli~nt Wit~'~: :" : : .. :.~ ' ...... :' .... : .. , State ot-California-CCR Title 24 Standard~J wherE!:.;.exterior.·expOsur~·,is·in exce$$.ofthe .: .. : .. <'. t . . . above land use criteria. . '," . , .. :' . ; .. --,," . ,. " ,'" . .-' "":,, , .... '. .' ~ .' " . '.~ - ,\,' .' I " ,~ ,;' :. :'1'~" ,"', ~,~;-~,::J, '. .'~ " " ", -" , , "~:: ':-\~ , ,', • ," I " ( ~' .,' J ; J . , <;<: -' ~ ~ :', ~ ... · State of California CCR Title. 24 . . i \ l ~ f') , ' • ~', '\ ., ' )" <'. ,':.: F • ~ '.'.''':, 1,' '" ... ~i". ' ,"', ' .. -I' ""'" " _, •• ,,' ~. ". ",::~ 'J":''':',,,,,'~;',~:.~ )<:'~~.', > .:'~. :,' . ..' The' California .Code of Regul,~tibns, ~(G9R);' fitl.~.2~;. ~oi~¢' :'nsula~icir:l' ~ta8g.af;ds;,. .: .. , " r '.' .. ,'. ~ ,'" , :/' < .' ~tates that multi-:family dwellings, h.otels, arid' 1Tl'0teils laqateq wl1ere' th~·· 9NEL: exce~qs :. '.':. . . .: ... ,', .' :. '.60 dBA, must obtain' an' aco(;istical·a-nciiIYsis ·showing. thatthe:··prOP9sed.desigh :wilffimi( ·i',. t.:.:., .. :"':;.' ".: interior noise to less than 45 dBA CNEL Jt:lterior rJois'e:standards;are ly'p'l.c~·lly·:~pplied.to~'·.: .. ··:," . '.':' .' ;.: '.: sensitive area$ within··the ·structure: wh..er~ :Iow .pQj~e:!evef$are. ·d,t7si~~bl~·. (su~h ·as :Ii~i.ng:·;' ." '.::;: ': .: ,: :" : .... , . -rooms, dining rooms, oedrooms, ~.Rd·den's·Qr..studie$), . :'. '-'.;. ~."" .,::. ' .... :, .' .. : .... '. ":~'/,,' /,'y " l . ~ ~ , , ~ "( • ~ ", ' . ," .' :. Worst-case' noise: Ieyels, eit~~t'..'$~i.sting or· f~tl.l~~,:,"ri1'~it '~~ ·Used. ':for' jtii~' " '\. '.:. : ,~ .. -:>. <: . . determination. Future noise levels must be predicteo atJeast ten Y!3ars'frbfn -t/;1eJime of .' .~ < ".' ;~ ' .. '. : .' c,," ,building permit appHcatio'n. The City. of Carlsbatt has .ad~pte~ the. '~X~R': Title·.'44. '. . ". ;':. ;., '. ' , standards. :':". " ." .... " ." ','. c. -, .:.' '.., " ~., ". '.~' +.'. ," ( ".-,'''' .'J~':., ", ~." ,',', , ".,'-_,:~, ( ... ~': . ',," .... , , Th!:ls, for the·purpo~e$ 6fanalysis"th~' al?pIi9~bl~u~xt~ri6r nOise,.des,ign thr:e·$!iOld· .. ·, . , ,'.. . ,is' 60 dBA CNEL. The applicable' interior poise ~tandard.i.s 45:d~A CNg!:,..: .~ .. ':' ". ',-~~ .. :_. , ., , , ' • ,_ ~ I ~ ,_ .. ' • .' ,"", " : ~:~ \ ~', <-,~ ,,~., ~. ,_ \ . -'-. ... , .. ~.,+ :,.ANALYSISMETH,ODObOGY: ..;:;, ',", ':'::,'" ,.,'.::'> .' ...... ;'., .. ) .... • • \ \ .' > ''), " ( , • • '''~' • < , \, ',.. .' .,. Existing Conditions Field Survey', " . '. ,',. '. '. ...... .. . . :':' r • ~ < • ',I ",. • "-.' , " :,.'.~' ,--.,.:; ,'<,.': ~.(,'-.',., '·,':.,,'~>"r:.(,:.:";"'·"· ~-' '. ""~-:','~'::~::'~"-, -,'-, f'· .. ". '.' ',. ". Due to 'the Close proximity' QF:le6t~tl¥e·:,¥~p5··1:;ba· t,;rro4gh·1~".,1.4:With Tespec(tq ".: ::;: :':: .. :.;'.>." ',', .>:.' ... , .' ei?ch .. other, the ambient .data ~6l1eqtion WpS' achi~~ed:by pladng S9UAC;!, 'Iev~r "!Ie,t~r5 .,'" '. : .... :. '.<: ". ' ..... ; ... ',,, 'th~oughout the general area gf all pr,?posed.l)m·t,ative··Map.~r:eas.s~~.w.n in:.Fi~u·rc!3~. " .. ~', ;'.:., .. ::: . . -.':..' above. Thus, tbe ambient monitoriRg:-loc9tioA ;Oat~.will be ideriti9i?1:.for:.Te,n~~ti¥.e~·M~·p~'· ... ' ; .c.,: ' .. :':::, / c'. 1 ;08· through t .14. '. '. ". ;.: . , .. ...... , '. ".: . '. ',' . . '~-: '!' \. '~-~'~:'.j"J-' ':~"""!'~:~'~":' . '. ~. .' " ',"", -" ~ ~' . ",,'~. ~, . -' .', . -.. ' ~:' (t . · .For the proposep field survey,~ight j;.arson .Qavis·fVlbdel. 70.0<ANSI.T:ypef.2 . ',' ,~, '.: ,.' .. ' ,j'ntegrating sound level meters yiere used ,asth~ :~a.ta Gollectfdn ~d~vi9'9s. The;Fn·~t¢rs,. ',' ,were mounted to tripods .approximately five fe~t,appve:'Qr~un'd:Je~~I';ir;:qrder·to:simulate ~ -" I ~ _ "~l . \ .. , '. ~ -. :', . . ' '.' . . .. :., .' .. , " . . the nois~ exposure of ~n average-heighthUmart ~~in.g .. :· : .. : : . -.. ' ." . ' .: ' .. ,~ ' .. ',.:. .. . '. '. :-. '. . - . The meters -were placed at p,oints cbrr~S:Pb:nding)o·.cm apprOXimate, 'unifQrm ,.' distribution across' the five planning map area~ I.deritified a bbV~ i:n 'o-rder·t-~ro,btc;iin,a'r'I .. . . _. ',' ,-, . ... ' , .. ' ~ .... ~ , . " , .,", '~, . " . :' "',' - '." .-,'. , ' I .. . ', ,., '> 1 '~_ ~ I '\ ,.- }' , -, ~'" ; ,. ,:,':. ",' ", " ,,' :"" , . --.. ,' ~ -"' ... " . .~ ---\ j ,'~ :".. '.' .'~ -1 \ ~ ..... " ,; ,,', '. '1', ,". ',' ;. . , ,,' , : . " , , ' " . " " , ':.' , j -,. MI'. Tim O'Grady .. . Tentativ~ Map 1.10 Acoustical' A~se~sment.-Carlsbad·, CA ISE Report #02-066 ' . . , August28,2002 ' Page 7 of 20 . ' " --,' : -~ • < " . " ' ,-,' , .... "';: .. ' - , .... ~ '_~ .~. l,~'" ";'<~.: .' ~ . -~ ': ~. -', -' .. ~ , :'-.~::':. '~>." .. /~~\ I _, .,:_~;~.: ,'I ~" ,,-'" , __ ~'. ':'r ,: \ ~ ': .. : -' : -... ~ : '\-.- -.'" <.' ., . -~--"', ' _ I '-• : ... ,' ' •• ~ -: ~ •• ': - I?sti~~te of the existing on~ite' nois~ varlatlcm ,d~(,i,~g .. afterho~n;:peak tl'd~r')t~tfic, •. ,,' .' :: .. ' cond,itions. Allmoni~oringsltes were spatially 'Iogg~d l.{sing-,a g~Rgr~phicpositiphil'1g:". :'~~'" .::: '~,I; " . .. , system (GPS). The monitoring locations c~m be s~~riin'F:igyres 4~ tnrdugh'~h'b$19W:, .. , .. ' ,'. , ... ~ .:, , ~ ..:' " • • • , ','" '-.' _' ',' ! :"t _, " '" ': -~,: ~ .,,~ :,.' . . _,: ~ ..... ,~ .' .', ~ ~ ,The. measurement,s were,.pe·rf6rrned on Augu$!" it~ & atr, '2002. AII::~ql,liprn~ht,w~S ,'.", .. ' ,", ": -, ,'calibrated befo~e testing at .ISE'$~acolisflc~·, arid~il:irat.ior{ '.!i3bora.tQr-y\:'.fO",verlfy" :." ". ", "\.~, : conformance with ANSI S1-4 19?~'Typf?'~ an~'IEC 6~1"Ty'pe'2 ~.t~nd~·rd~, :-.:--,". ",: ,'" ',",'" , . ,..' -~.,,' .' . ~;-" . I.,';. ,'_ .~ . '," Future Acb"ustical EriVirorinient'Mbdeli'o?( : i '" '" '. • .>. ,"'" ", _, ;' ,-' '.' :; , .~, '/'", " " ":, , : The Caltrans' ,', S,Qund., 32 Tr~ffic, NijjS~,\' ~re~i:~~i~~,:o,M<?d~'1 .. 'Y'it~:, • :'9~lif~t[lI~: ,,':'" '. :~" .::> .:", ' : " (CALVENO) noise er'DissioQ ~fact0rs ,(/;Jased qn· FHWA 'RD ... 7.7 ... {08, and'FHWA/CAjJ;L"'.,::·,' .. :. -,.,.;: " '., ": ',,' " ,87/03 $tandards) was used ·tocalculate.'future orisite: veh:iqulc;lr tr~ffh::' npi$e .Ievel$;~Mdder'·" .:', , " ,.", ,<' i'nput included a digitized represehtatiC>fI oT Alicante R.oati-:(tbe m~)Qr ,.serVicing roadway ... ' " ,," '" . .. .. -'. .', ' -, .'in a close proxiniity.of the.project'area),,'8s well as·ahy-"ayail~bl~ !oca:1 site topograptly: "" : ... :.',>,." " ':: '. > . : future Averag~ Daily 'Traffic . .(ADT). volumes, vehicle.;i'Tiix, "and r.eC?pto(EfIElvc;lti~ms: Th'e:." '.: :, '.':-, '. " . ',', , roadway and'site topography elevations.,Were obtaJped. froJTdhe .dat~. 8f1clfplans:proVide'd' ,": ", ': .. ' ' , ,:'.' .' ", '·.bY Hunsaker & Associates 'dated 8/26,/02. 'Moder.oqtput cQnsi~ted~cifpe~K"IiQUr ,energy-'~,,,: • ':" ;0, ... " '. '. '. , mean A'-weighted sound levels'(o~ l.eq-h) f9r '~acti' j:ecePtor,exalT1in'e~":··' .,' ,:' " , <.:' ."', :' ... ' '.' , . I," ... ...", \0' , t... ~.,:',~ .-1 ~"" ~ R .~: I':'" '.'_. _. > ~.: ,~:-'~: " :'-/," ,~~ _ • ~~, ": '~~_&. .:.. _:,_.'.~.41 ~eceptor eleva~ions were consider~a. :five .f~et-:a.~,6v~th!3. ap,pt~priat~.:fI99r(p'a,~). .~:'" " ":, . . ~ '. ;elevation and were taken near the center-Of the .pr,oposec! rear y~rd' ,~reas:.of'.'ea~h !oL .,' ':, . -. '. .. ,.: , The model assumed a "hard" sHe .sounCl propagation' rule (j.e::' a 3-d.BA 1~5s' pe'r' 'dQublifJ'g "':<. .....~.,. '. ',' .; -' ~, ~, . , "'",', ' of di$tance from roadway t9 receiVer,~' for tAe recep~b.rs:,adjacep( fo any ;r:9adways~ :~h~;" '.,,':. ,;,,:", ' . , mod~I, als<? considered the: ;aUemuatibnduetQ ~tQP'e?toP09t~phy :a.djp~~ii~,itc;Hh~ ;pr'bj~,9t' '; :",: .:,', '., .; " \'., sit~as well a$ the effect of any .prQPo~~d structure-so ,th'\3t-Wci.uld,llrhit'theftpadWaY,$jg,ht: . " ,')' Iir:le. distaQce. Sec0ndJloor receptor areas,Y'ere"modele9:~t,1'5 f¢ef.at>:pv~'Jhe'r~~p·~~tive·"· ....... """ pad elevation; The mod~l~d receptotlbc;3tiQns ,~re.shbwb·b·~low;in .F;igure 5;· .. ',,-<,:~ ,:,. ". :'.; --' "-.-" ,1 .:.: ':,' . " . . , , . " , . ~ " . ," - " ,.' -..... " .~. \. -, ')~~'.~ -,.: .... ': " -.t ~" -"', '-, " ", ( ", -:,: "',' ... " >-. ~ -. -' • : ,'-' ' . . , " ~ , . ", ~, I . .' " " ' >-, ':'. ' .• " , . '.' ' ~,t. .. ' ' ~' .,'" ,. .' ~ ~ .: ,~",:" ': '. , , , , '. ~ ." , .. ' .... ' " .. -'. '. , .' t " .\ , . " 1" ' .... . ' , . -.'. ',.., ,~. " ' " ," .. " " .. ' , ";' '" " ,: . .' :. .. : . .,' ... ' . :-. ,',' : -~,).~ 1"'- .' ' .' " ' " . -', , .... " >.' .. ' .'( , '. '; , ~ . .... .', ... ~ " '. :'.: -....... -'. '. ,,-: ':" . .-.' ~" '. ' '. '", .":! 'I.,,' " ~ r, . ,'.' " I ~ • '~ "'" " ~'" ' __ ~.' ".. I I~, _<. , -~\ : " '.,'N. : . ' " ,. ' • ~ .• :. .:,; -," " I ...:. ,~' ~ , " . '" ' .... .; ,l:,_":'.:._, ,,'.-~, .. ~'\, _",,\"';" :.~, ':, "~:: :~::,:',: ~ ',', ,:." • l . ," " .; " ~_, ;. ~ . . , , ,.-..... _ f", . ~-. .. ~ , ,. \' >,-;,\ ... .',' , " .. ~' e " ' , ~ '" Mr. Tim O'Grady .' Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -,Car,lsb~d, CA 'IS'E Report #Q2-066 " ", " __ "',' August 28, 2002 ' , ", Page 8 of 20 'J ,," " .. " "'''', .,. ., ... ',' . ~ .. , '!-" Figur,es 4a through ·d: AmbientMOlJitoririg'L,oc~tions M.~ '1 t~ru:~L 4,: TM~tj)8,,+ 1:.f4':': -, • 1. • ~ '-, -" '." •• ',,' ". J ", ,~ , ~. .... : , " ;, , , " ...... ';-,' ',~, .' , ' '. '-; , . ,'( , . , ' '.'> ... ••• ' .~..l , J_ '.' ',;,' .. ~:' ,--;., ' " ~. ><. t , " , -; ,> '--'< >," .~ ...,.; ....... ,', ~; , .~. ": I . ,'" I': ' ... '\ , ""r' ~ .. " .. '" ,-': , ',' , " " , -. " ..... ,. ,",' " ,:, ':" " )', "" \,1 " " \':',' ',*,! -" ~ • !', ~'". -, , ' " , .' , '''! - -' , , . " " " , .. ',' .,;: ~" ,'0 ,', ':'. .' , '. ,"~r.. Ti'm O'>Grady-. _~ -, Tentative Maj:,,1.10 Acoustic,al Assessment -Cailsbad;' CA,~ ISE Report #02-066 ' " August 28" 2002 Pag~ '901. 20 ' '.' ' . ~. , .;, ,', ~, -," ;, , " -.', ... , , .... > , Figures 4d through ·h: Ambient· Mc)nitorlrig LOC{i#OI1SM,,1.. 5thru ML, ~(iM"1~O~ ~ <, ' t, ',' , " , J .. ' , , : ,,' " ," ,--',' " , , . .: , , ,,' " ' • ~ i. .,~ ~ ...... ~ =-~{.-4~' )'-l '.,: (, . t, , ,." ,'.' ,.: 'v ,,,. •. ;~ " " .., "~~~:-~" . ' .. ,~., ';:" . , , " .' r ~.. (' , '-. ~. ,--> . ,.;~ .. .' ; ... . . ',~ . " . ~ " , - "" ' .' ~ '-, . , " : , -", , I ',. I "', I • , ' . '·e·,.' Mr. Tim O'Grady , . Tentative Map ,1.10 AcousticaLAssessmeri't ..... Carlspad, cA .' ISE Report #02-066 . -, .' .. .'.: '; .\,' .. : . . " August 2S, 200~ , ' . " Page 10 of 20 ".' >~ - "" ' .•.. , W,o,. r-~:.' .', ) " • , : ... , J-, ,'" ' .. "", '. " . -! , , . , ,. ,,' 1 " , '. -. , ~' - t .. ;t' ,1 ;: '. . '., '.~' -. . , " " " , ,j' '/' '. j ) " '-" , '. r ~." ,. _.' ,,' .'. . ," '. ,. : :.: ~ \ , . ~ "..,." ....... ' , ~'-C-~ .*J 'P • '.' ~ • .t :.:.', -.: ' .' A-.-" -,I" \ , '\ .~ '" , , , ,".- ':, ~ . . .:~ ~ • ,',.':.:. '> ~ ... : .. -" ,-.,0 "'f ~ . ~....~ .. ': ~ "" .--.,'" .,'< " ,~ ',' \-".:, . • " ,,' • .-'. \ r ~ ~ • ,-." ~ ." .) '. ',~.' , l' ' .:" -~; :. --" -' .', . ,,-- -< ~ " • ,:~ ~ '. + . --.' ' ,,~, ',;, " " ~1IIiiIIIIIi __ ""'''''''''liIiI!iIiIIiiiii_II!!I[iIiIlj''"", __ ''''",,~' ':, ',':, :." .' .-:-,./ ~'~.~4 ~ ••• ~. '-.: ' .. . i ., . ~ ,:, .. J , , '~" , ." '" '. ,Figure 5: Mode/~d Traffic N~ise ~e~~p~ot :Lo~a,tio!1s.-Tfti:'1 ~,1:0 ' :: .'" ~" '., "'; :"-.:, " -:.. ~''- ... ~. _ " r :. -'> ',> '. • -• '",' • " < " ... ", •• -• ,'; •• "";-' ;,'. -.,. - FINDINGS . '( " ,; \ .~' . .' i • ": -', Ambient Sound MeasuremenfResuUs, . '~' ): :. "., • ;.. " , • 'J •• ~, ' -", : ; ,,', : '. "', ' ~,!, ',i" ::.,' .~ ~;,4_:-_, .': ,~;, ,.A_,: _ ,.~~,' ,\. ,I ." .. ~~; . '.' .', ~ ~."", Testi~g conditions :dunng tbe md.nitoring peridd:we(E(~~~:ny and part(y.:,ciOOdY·~i.t~ :ah:: .,,'. '>: <: . " ',,' " :.:... ,'average barometric pre,sgure readi.rig.pf.29. 91 )f.1~H~i,:;~Q averageridrtli~esteny.Wihd, s~ed of: :::' ':::'. .,:' .. , ',' " ""': .. : , .' 2 to 4 miles· per hour (MPH),-a'np an·,apprOxim~te .. meaD-temperature, o{ 74 'qegrees' .' . ./-.,:',".' .. :' , .'" .~". '" Fahrenheit. The results oHtie 'qne-hout soundJeveLmphitqriOg' are'showi1 'beldw'jri Table't ':. ','.,' .' .:"" >' , . " .~~ .. '" The values. for the. energy equivalent souna.,leveJ:·([~q),:~t~e' .max.imurii.:::~m~:f;miriiml;liri_, ',::', : ,0".> ,_ '. 'measur:ed sound, levels (Lmax ~nd Lmin),and tbe sf~tistiCaI.:iriaicatots L10;,t.:$O"EiriCll~9'dj··are' .. '::", ~'" .. " ,:". : '0'.: . "given for each monit~ring focatiort .. ' '. , " ',:., ::" ,,'.":.' .:. ':~",;', -" " , :'~ ~', -' ..... ' .. '.: ,~.:. : , ,_ _ • -:. \ -.: I, .. ' '~}'. • 1, . • I • H' ;-;-~ .. • _~ ~ _ ,-, • c;" .. , Measurements coll~cted: atJhe ·h')oni!Qfipg'locati.O'nS. r~ilect the,:,tyj:>iC~I.:.s,olm(t;;;-.: " .', ,;:" " ',levels' associated, with, the Semi:'rural, cO,ril'!l1Uhity· settin.g :Wilh "qri'~',~djacerit,~aj6i":'" .> -' ',' .' ',roadway.· The hourly, average'soun4 revels, "(qrteq:h)' [e·corq~-d·:~oyerjii~,.:ttr6rijtQrih~r; .. ' . . ' " peri6q ranged frqiTl 48 to 70': dSA ·al1dwa·s ~bserv,ed~ tcf be pte'qomi"at~lyg~e: to· the·, '.:,. :~ .' -":".:, ,,'" .. " prese~ce of Alga' Road,. diSfant $,l,.nface ,¢'tre~t·ttaffi~"and·'Wilalife~6tiVitles~' . :', -,' .. ,' . .-: :.i.', : ';.'- .r • ' -'. ....., • • ,-. • "'\1'\ ,". ~ .: .', • _ .: -( \ -..-•• ",' .;' ~ ~ :~ I .. ,' . ~' .... . :. . ":. , " • ~ t' ,)r '. ' ~ ',' . , .' .-~ . . , , -, " ... , .' --~' ", ~ '( . ~ " .' . ' " -'. , ... ". ~ ," .c .' " " ,:. t ,-""I" ., •••• , , . ., ' ..... ~i'.':" r - . "-. ';' '-,",.' . " r, .,' ,- , ., ." : > ' .... ' ': ... o' • -.: ~, ~ ,~, ':: •• 1' . , '\ , ~ . :"'1 ' -. ", ;.~ , -, ,', .. , '-. , .' . , ...... ' .\') .. . '. . '. : ) -'. .' . .. . ',. ' .. - '.-'.,' ,~. ' :"" ,~ • ! .. ' ~' ," ,"- .; '.' :~:" " 1', ~' i "':! ;' .. i · . "~vk Tim O'Grady . .. T~htatiye Map .1.1 Q Acoustical Assessment:... Qarlsbad,CA . .' '~, , '.' iSE RepO'rt #02-066.' . . .: . ,.' . " "',~'-' ~~':(.:/~' -( , > , " 'I, ~ .,,' . ", ~ • ~ " _, ~ ~ ."" \ , ••. ,,->. , ..... August2B, 2002 .. Page 11 of 20 '. , '< " ,_ , ' ' '-~:, J' , "':"~ , ,-, .' ..', • " '", ", • " ',. • ••• " ,,~, • ~ I '~ 0' ~ '. l' "~"'-';'~' < ' •• '" ,: "f ' ,,~~-I • ... ~ .'. ".("-,' ~,,'. . -.. '~. ) ~" . TABLE 1:' Measured Ambi~il~ SounCt4eVe/$:~ .TM:1,.fJ8th;~L!:gh':1~14:""'·Y .. ' .".' '. '.' <. ':::':'; .".\:: . . ;.,:.' , '.' , '!." -,., -' .;-' ',,-, • .' ',-'-.-~,.'..: --.-~: ~<-: .... -.,., •• ~,"'~'}' ~. • -:. '/ ., '", " -,.. ('" _, , ___ .' , __ • _ , _ ... ,'.' , _ ," :., -.,' '. '(0" ~. '. ;".-; , ~!IIIIIIi __ BIII!I __ ~"'_iIII'-:' ::' , . .-.1-Ho",f~oi$e ~ev'~i'.Desi:;tip'tot$·';ri (1St.: '.,:.':': .;', ... .' .... ' . '~>., . ';.' '. > .,' . '. • Site:·' . ~ ~ta~Tj~~. . ·'~e~·"'.'·::::L.RJ.~~) .... ~\L~.i.~~ .. >~., :::.~~'~;.~~:: .. :~: '~~Q>'-.:.:~.: 'i90 :'-<':, ,;" ,', . ;·'·c·'·:: : .. " : : ... ~ ML1 Mt2' .·ML3 ML4 . 1iOOp.m. 12:15p'IT)' 12:30p.m. ,-,' -\~ , .50:.2' .. ',' .. 6 .. 8:;0' ; 4:4.5 ,: .. ,\::'.:~3:~ ... ·: ... · .... :'~'~:.:5 .. ,'~·:::': .. ::·'4;~.",,9 .. : '>""'.,'.:':', .. ". ':::: .. 'C •. .51.1 . 62.9 . 3'9.0,. .• ,5.!?J;>. '.' 49.0 " : 4j .. 5 .. ,,'. .' ~', ". -.., ~ --( ~, ~ ",~: ---~. ,.. 4B.1 ': 59.0' 42.5, . ·' ... ~90~~·'··:···,: .. ,49.Q;,.:.,.,:.4:4:0'·;·, , " .:.:,., , ~-\ , 12:4qp.m. 49'.3' '. 59.9· 44.{5::: '.52.5: ,;47.0' . :·'.45:0 ',' .. , .'.~ '»'~ ._ . 5~. 7 .. " '6B:0' . "'~7;O .... , ~ .. ·.~2'.:5··' :", ·58.S,~. :->:' .i~:a' :,. : f. ': '~. ..' 49:6 '58,0:' . 44.(>" "53.0".' '4:t:5~" ,', 45.5. ':, . ~< ... ;.:!tJ:' "".,;. ',", ' , , ". ML5 1:00p.m. . ML6. ' ... ML7 1:15p.m ... 1:30p.m .. :;:! .:~:~'.' :t:d.~' ~~,~f!~;:~ ' •••.. ,: ,;'> MLB 1.:45p.m: . Monitoring Locations: , .... / .. , . ,'~' :: .. : ...... ' . '."""'." . : .' '.' ~".' .. " .' o ML 1 GPS·33·06796'Nx·117"'15576)·W· . '.',., o· ~L5'GRS~33.:0~;:1.9p;N;~.1:17~1:5.6q3<·.w· ... :] .', ,' ..... ', .. ~', ,'. . : .':" ~ " " ; .' ,: . " q, ry1l:. 6 GPS::33 ,06,392'·/'1. x 1'17'·':!'S:,19q';W. . o ML 2 GPS .. 33. 06.964,N ~ 117.15.20QI 1,11 .. ' '.' o':ML 7 .. Gf$:·33~06;()28~ N x {1:7"·t,5.400IW· : .. :,:. :'.:" ,'~ " . o ML3 GPS. 33.06 .. 531 N x117:15,42·2"W c' "0 ML.8GPS:j3·(j6;'1.62''Ni'{ii~'.15;342''W:.·: .,. > ,,"':' ';'. o ML 4 GPS: 33 06.670' Nx 117 1.q.357' W ; .. ; , . . '. ~ ,.,." ~ .. :,'" .. ,. ".' " '.0:. " .. Me.asurements p~rfo~med by IS~.on Augusi t~ &J/~: 2002 .. J;.~ti,Jiaif3t(po~ii;<;JhJrror(i5pE) ~"'; ~ i~~f.: ,:.. :: ;'<:' : : :'.: ,":'. . _. " i,', . _' , .• ' . '~,_ ,_' _~.,~ ,: __ :"-:' :_' __ ._ ___ ',:.:...' __ "' " __ ~.r: ','"'~:' __ " ., ~ --~' ~, ',-. ~", , .... ~ .. ' "":, ,', ". ' ' ,--,,:, ". j" " ~'.' • ':'.~" -":_, ~ .'; ::w : ,I, I .I~.,. "~ .' ~,_ --" '-,~ ';:' ,: •. : ' '''". '· .. r " ' ", . As i~dicated by the ~~nitdring:~qUipm~~~: ;~i 1~~~t'Q6·p~·~~~h(cif.lh~ji~e:(L9i)::" < ... (': .'~: ~':':' .. , '. the onsite sotmd level ~rc;mged b~tweenappt6XimClteIY.4f~o .5t·dBA.(agaJri·indtcatin~tth·e~~:' .. ; .." .: ..... lack,bfany direct noise sources such~ as Il~arby,·~urfac~. $treelsj:;?'ii-9ratt 'aGtivity!~tc,r: ". : ..... :: .. ~ ..... ' ,.~ .", ' .. " The acoustiq floor 'for the site, as seen"by t,h.e LminTIi9i'~at6r.;range~ ·be:tWeer:r. 9~.\to 54<.'. :. ,.:~.;' . :,.,,': · dBA.. This Would ·t)'e considered the 16w~st:attain'~~le 'SQUfld leve!s forth~ .P')~Qj~~ta'r'e.a,. ';. :. • .... . . . " , • ..' , -" • -,--• ' '." , ~I :.. ", ._: ~ I,). '. ~ ~ , i' ~ .:, ~ '~", ;', : ~ .. ' ., ' . , t '-,f, , Fut8re Traffic Noise 'Impacts : t', _ " , ' .. , -~.. " -~ ~ .-',' , '. : . .'_ ':. ~r '" .' .; . Th~ primary source ~ffuture ~';aTfiG r;lOi~~;near·;t~e.p(~ie~rsit~'(rrv1·.1. ;1~.)·~~8.fctpe</ .: . ,,:-':'-.'. '. '. "', · from Alicante Road. 'Future traffi,c s'stimalesJort·his r6adway,ar~;PfEHjjc.ted.:.t·(fh?ve ~.': .. -' .'_ ',' '" If " . ~ ." vo.lUme as high' as 4;5PQAO.r (Source; Fil]a"Progrcfiri~EJR\'fort!Je Vil(~ge.$·pl.l:.a·:Co~ta~· ..... ;".-. ' . .' .. .-,; > Ma$ter Pian, 7116(01). The futl,lre ~p'eed lifT)it al.o'l1~( thil? roadway 'is';p:r:bject~d' to 'pe.3~", .,'." ;>'. '.' r .: . ," MPH. All other 'nearby roadwpy segfnerts {i;e~, Alga'R9a~H;liid P0insettiaL:atie)~W~re;.hdt; .• ". ~ .... ', .' .' " considered due to .the future. ~!Jild out.:of Tehtativ,e Map~··3.08', ··.:~:OS.·C;inp 3.tlthro.ugtl •. ·.;:, , "','" ,'., .~.: 3.14 which are located 'between the f9ac!w~ys·and the.pr,6jed Site . ., ::. ':: :",' ' '" , ..' . :.';-- .' ~ ~., .. ,.~ ~ • -'. " ,:. ,~ ~~~', ,., ,', -,:', •• >'-~"" .", ." ~ .,~ ':,,' '.:'.' " :"'~I:":~~ . ",' ,",-; : ". .' . . Peak h.our traffic va'lues are GaIGl:Jla~ed,fQr 'a, 10%·V~ffi¢JI6w.p,a~t<?.iTI)~nd~:(96/:41~·.· ,::;,:." .... ;.{ ." .. ' (automobiles/medium/heavy vehicles) percent· mix ;im ,a:c~ordal1ce 'With'C~ltra~s :traffic: '.' .; '.' .'.-,.:': . ',.' ...-, forecasting practices and. tne obserVed' traffic distributio.ti;.·.·· For: ·pe$k . hour '.traffl:c~: . , . ." . :','. . percentages between' approximately .8:and '12 "per.centi"i,h~ 'en~rgy':meaA A-w~ig~tefJ' .. ' .:.~ .' ,"'" . :.~,' : .. ' , ',_ -I ' ,I ' " i 'l" " ' --i:, ,',' , ~ .'. '-' ~! ~ .'-~+-,',~-, • ': !.~'," ~ ,'''~_':'.<''J-'' .. - , ' .' ,-" ,r ,.>. '.~' ,'-, '.: ".: .:~: :.;' '~~" ';", .' :. ':,.':I:'~ , ,~ ~,' , ~ -.-'-, , • "¥ ~' " .1' .I" • ~ , "'1-_"". .. '. ' ~ .~ " :' ~-" ,". ',~ t :-, ';' ':" . -: . ~ ... :. '. -, + ;" ; '-: .' .. ,,'; ,-' .' • t' .-;. _ ' • ~, '. , . ' .. ,-' ,,', .. ~ : . ':~~, " ... ~" ',''\-'/~' --~,~. " ':. , • /' '.' ~ '_' ~ .: • ~: t I" J, ~ • , " -. , '" .. ",' .; '\. " ,,.1. 1 ~'_ e· . Mr. Tim 01Grady.. . . Tentative :Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbl:\~, CA ISE.Report #02-066 . -.. .. ' . August 28; 2002 .Pagf? 12 of 20 . ~, '.~ , " . . .. -'." ·e·······:·,·:·· ~ " -I' , .; .,--. . · : ~ .: ' ". I:' J, ~ "< . .i' '. Y. ,I '<': •. :. . ... . ,':.-.-.,' ." ,. ;",' '-, • I.. . ~'.: ~. ' ",' r ' . <,' .... 1":" - 1 I '. ".' ~ \. '. , ,~ l' v _ ,_ " " " .... , " " ~ ' . -,", , --,f ; '.' ''-~ , -' > ',,' ,'"' " '.,1, .'-.. ' ..... '.:..:~. '~;~:':_-." "'-" '".,'. \ • ~' ,~. , ~' " l = :'.. ,'. ,~ ',~ ': .. "', ' '-~ '," " : " '-. ~ ::.'.. '" :, .. 50UDd level'is equivaient to the Community Noise E'q~,iv~lerh LeXIe! ·(GNEL).;' Odtside .tl;iis:· '.: ',.:, ;, .' ..... " .. range, a maximum v.ariance of up to twq dBA occursbetvy.~en. Leq-h and GNJEL: " . ,'.' -:.', , • •• ' ." '. • I. 1". • ~" ,'-::' ' .... 1 • ~ ." ~ -",,., r', " ,F" .,.--,' " ", ,'. , The result~ of the ·acousticaL modeling ~re, 'showp' :Qeh;>w .jn, Table', 2: for"~ . ' .. representative $arnpli1l9 Qf lots within th~·,prQPo$ed'~developnienfa're~;.j=or.eacb receptor;', ... ".". '~ -:, :,'~ ., area examined in Figure' 5, the 'cb~resPbno(ng, Tof n'~mb~rqs:' giv~rr aif\vell' a$ the '::.'. : :.. .".' ," ';"',' ,unmitigated ground floor (out900r patl):~oise'le~eJ, tn~ mitigate(fg~~:)tir;id.floornl)ise·.leY.ei; ~'.::. ';c":,:' ",,: .".,. and the upper (s~cond story) ,noi,se leveL Bas'~d 00 the, model results;' no:eXterior areas· ' ,:" '.-': ,; . ',within the propo$ed 'graded pads. of the.' project sit~. would e?<ceed :the", 'City'& . noise,: '. . .:'... . , ,: : ' " abat~ment thresholds with the' exceptibn' of ;Lots 50 through 52. and-(:01s:59' thr:o-ugh~64: ;"~.':' , '; .... : " " . '-~ ~. , " .' . . . ' 'j".' .. -,~. :" " .. -. ' .. "-, ; '"" , < ,,': .. ,,' . " '., v " ,:,'( , ~'\' ,,~' -{'::"",,~, .~.'-, .. ::~".~~:-,: , ". ' .. ; ! '. ' , . ,. ::," ".' . , ,". , " "- .... ~ " \ ", . '. 'J "',. '" .. ' ... TABL~2: Predicted Transportatiop Noi$~.:L!fJveis .~. tM 1.'1,0' ,: _ .' ~'.: :'. . .. -':: . . ' ~, ' , -,,'. "'_ " • ~'.~' -' •• :-.:: -.', ._~, --, ¥ __ • ,0, _ " • , ." ~ • ~ ,~.' • ~ ". ' ' • Lot 49 Lot 50 l,ot 51 Lot 52 . Lot 53 Lot 54, L,ot 55 . Lot 56 Lot 57 Lot 58 Lot 59 Lot 60 Lot 61 Lot 62 Lot 63 Lot 64 54.0, . 60.4 61'.0 60.5' 60.1 59.7 p9.7 ' 59,.7 60.0 60.0, . 60.4" , 60:.1 60.3· 60.5 60.6 . :' . 61,0' " ,.' < <._.' , ~ I , '. f" c • "".',' , . .:' ".' '" , ·'.-r:, " " .. ', \, ~i'-... -," . . . • < '" ," : .. ,).,,,,,.", • " J .,' ,'. f '. ~ • ~ ~: ." '. , ' ,,,,.,,' '\ " ~':. · \',.' , ~ . , , ' -t' .-., ".' ..... ' ".. f"' ,', . ~ ... .:, -~ " (." " , , '. '~ ... .'" .. ' ~" .. ~I' '" " ,~,': .1 , . , ~' , • J .' .,'" t :"", ':' _,' . ~ "'. ' -"."", .J.-•• ' < -; .' _. '._.' .'----....-~~~.-"-~.--'-'--. ....:..---'-"'-"'-______ ,.:-..11 " " , " , -. '.',' -, :1' 1, -.... ' , . ", ',' ~,' . ' . ~, - 'J, ,e, , -' Mr: Tim -OiGr~dy , ,-'; -. " ,Tentative Map -1.10 Acoustical Assessment.,.. ea'rls,Qad, CA _ ' , ISI= Report #02-066 " - . -, .. " . , \ .' •. " t' ".' '. :' . ".", ',.:' ' ... ...-.• ,,\ .!. " • )~'. , ..•• ",':' ", ,~_!" ,',,' '.-~ :,' ~ ~,~ 1',.-',"' ;./, August 28, 2002 ' . -,~Page 13 of 20' . '" ,.' ~',' ~,; ':; ;;',:,'~.~~~.~"",'~';-'( '.,'~"""~:'. ,'.,' :~. ': ~. '.~ '"; :' ',~" • ~.'-' ':, ,:.-,. ~ -' " .f:_ , _ ,,"'.". ' . L'" -: :;~: • '. II < •• ', .~ ... ..... .,---...... --"'!"'"".,;;,'_ . ...,-,"l""r"----:-:r-="~r--~~~~~'t"'""':'~~~~~~_+I ...... ~.., ~'~ ---'.~_ ,.' ""',' . --' ,,:-' ~', ',J.. • ....... ''''', :~. , . '~ .. ~' _. i:, " ,'.: ~: " -, ,-, ", , , . ,~ .: . >,:~ ~',' --": " ;;~'-.", F-+-''-?--''''''''-"-'-" ,': ':::';> -'-"': ~ ... ,'I .'., ,. -.. " :::~ !... ,.f,' _ • ',' , , ,-' -' '< -', ,\,." -,,~:, . .' '''-', " . ,Figure 6: Proposed Mitigation Plan";' tM 1.10 ,_ :: -~:. -, ~ ,~ .. , '-.: '.~' , ,,' ::: - -i , " ".' ,'-, ' -'. "', _ . ; -,"--. , --' ". '." "'.' , " <" • • : .. -\, "" •• , --). " > ' .. ' +'-CONCLUSiONs I RECOMMENQATIONS : ,'. ,', ... " . :,' ,,' :', :','::-:,/:.":':-',' "'<' ,.:::. ~~'" '. ','. :,':' 't " ,-, ,,' .,,~ '-'~-',_ "', "'1 .... : .~ ~ t -"~. ,:""" .:~' ',,~.'~"",.~(''''"':~~:'~'':.:' ""':",::-;'.-~'-~ '~, :~'.'.'.~,:~e~ . No exterior areCl~ within-the proposed graded'pad$ofany.l~t·Would.excee!d·-the' ", .',.,:', ,',',1 , , City's noise abat~ment th'resholds with th~ ,exc~ption i:WLo~s $d, .t~ro~gh, 5'3 ~Q<fLbf$ 5Ji) ': , ,': .:' ,:': ,:. ' (. ' ", " ' thrbug~ '64. A mitigati<;>n plan conSisting' of"eqn~t~ucting a -·fqut-rc;>ot-lii.gn.-!1oise:'t;>~rrj'ef at· ' , ".':: ' .,; .. '" . ':. ",,',, ,'-'_ ~lie edge' 'of Lots 50' 'through 53.-am~ lots 59 throl,lgh ·64 was fou'hd. w~s;"f6uhd':tq' , ::'; ',.:," .,', --. . -' ',.:,:" Cigequately reduce trame-related noi~e .Ievel.s -,within' the. ~ffe'~t~,9 tots' ,to b'~'low~th·e:.City:s; ." > ;' '. ," ." .. '" ", :." ... ':' ~. ,-·noiseabatementthreshol'ds. -"", 0-.'.',," '.,' .. "~I " _ ,'. ~; • -'; , i ~. 1-,~., " .' ~ -'.. '.' " .. ', . . . '~, ~ , " .. ". ~,,-''','t ' ~',,"'"'' ,'~:;;:'.-',~.~~~~', ~:' ~,., .. t~~.""."" •• :r. Finally, second story areas of Lots· 50 through·;53,and·l:..ots:51 tHrough 64 wquld . --', : '~_' equai or exceed the OCR Title. 24 j;ibise CibatemehUhresno!<:f Thus, ah'~i!iteriqr"n6ise,: ... :': ' , ... ::. assessment to' deter:rnin'e. p,roper: ~.rehitect~r~I .. ~tfeat'm~_rtis','(L~,:,' spe:6iiafizEid',:db9f::a.QC{,,:,,; . . '. "~':, w.i8dow treatments) wOl;Jld be ~equiie9 for any s,e~ond 'flo~r ,~~eas -wit.hir)h$;s~ lots. ". ': . ", .':. ~ • -.~ • ~. , 't ., ; , . ~ .. , . . ~ ~ ,-. ,'-.', " - , t' , • ~ " '. : t ,'. ":) ~_ " '-' :',.! ',," , ~ , , :.~;,:-" ",', , , k' \" ~ f '" " , , .' ' ' .. ;,' --.. ~. , , '. , .... '-' ,. ~ ,; , " f.' f' }.. . .: ""'"" ~ '." " .. ' . : ~ .' ---,.<: "'.;., , ... ' r " . " ~ , ; \' .' .. -, \ ". ,~ -.. .' ,/. ~ , '.~ ..... ,' ~' '. \ ' , -.!t ~ .... " . , • 1 "" 'l _ ~ " , .. ' .' " . , . " .-', .... ,'. ' ,; " '., ''\ \ '0, " , .. -:: ' '" " " .. ' -, 'Mr. tim O'Grady , : Tentative ,Map 1.1 0 Acou~tic~1 Assessment --Carlsbad, :CA~ , 'ISE'Report#02 .. 066 .' , August 28, 2002 '. ," " " ;-" , ,', " ' '.-. , " Page 14 of 20 ' . • '" oj ~ , .'. ," , ~. , ,~ , ., . ., ... , " ". ;.., .. : ,. ~'. -. ,-.' '.' .: • -i' • ' ., , Should you have any,ql,iestion~ reg~rding' tt)efindj'ng§ :identified ,n$fei,n, pl~ase, do not hesitate to'contact me at (619),6'40-~37~: 0 ",," ,:'" _" '<":,:<'" .\ ' I ~~ • " ' ~"'" " , r " , -, A /~.s ~, : --'~ .-,,~'" . 't.', . • , I, <,. '" " , ~Rick Tavares, ph.D; : ~.;: Project Principal, . , ::..,.~ -. ~ . ~ . , , '-'. -. .'. ~-' .. ~ . -... ,i '.': ,"\ ',' .... -~- .~, . ',: ' , ' .. ' ,.",.-,~j' , ~. __ t' '.:, " " : r: _ Investigative Science and Engineerin'g, Inc. .... ,\' ."\ , , •• ... 1 .~ .," 'Cc: Jere~y Louden, ISE , , .Atta~hmerits: S32 Ttaffic Noise Model Input (j:ecks, .: -, -:.: ' ,r ,,' " , " .' " -~ ... t,. :. I"' - '. .' ·r' r ~ , • , .: : ':. ,_ .. ' " ,' .. ,I' 'I ,,~ ~ . . ' •• 'j . ". " • ~'f I . -,.' " _.,- or":;' ,",. '" "'. " '-N." " . , '" , , I, -, .,',-, , .. ,'. , '" " , ,'-," .,,\' 'f"' > ,~ • , , ~, . " .. ' .: -. ,,'t",}' '.' , " " . '.~ , M "'-;. '{ : .. "." . :' .-(1',"" '.:, '{. ~J" r' ',' ", .:~. ":4 • '" " -' ~ . : " ". . , '-,< ," -' ' l' •• ,,~ , ::" . .. ~ '. .. ' " ,-", -, . ~ ','. , ,~ ,tl I 1 '.' . '". -::: ~ .' ~I \ '.' " c " ' . '", ''',' :' :'r . " " , ,V',_ , ' t' ',,' :;"" T ~,' , " , ",- ,.r, '.. ., ...... -" 1. ", , " . , ( " ", e Mr. Tiri,. O'Grady' " . , TEmtative, Map 1 .10 Acoustical Assessment..,. Carls.bad; CA ISE Report #02-066 ' ' ' ,August28, 2002 Page·j5 of 20 ,-LA COS'TA GREENS ,AREA-1.10 UNMITlGAT'ED' -,T,-P$AK HOUR TRAFnc' CONDITWNS, 1 -. "04-32, 35 , 9 " 35 , 9 ,,' 35' ,T'-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIG'CONOIiI0N13, "2 432'~ 35 , 9·', 3.5 , 9', 3'5 't-A'L.ICANTE ROAD, l' ., , N",2414., 3950, 139,AR-;3 . ,,', c', N,~~42,~. , 3844,140, AR-4 ,N, 2482,.,3683·, 142,AR-;-o., ,.: 'N,25'50 .', 3567" 147,AR-.6 , N, 2683., 3419r163"AR~1 N" 2 9'~'6. , 3?00, 194; AJ3.dl " ' "", " , , , - 'l '. · .:., \' .' , ... ·i · :," . " .' .'" , " . .. , .. ~ ~ -~ , -: - • • ~:," • ~ <, . ) ", " ' ~ . ,,,. ;'.,' .~~ \ . " : ~i, • -. ",,' ~ . ~ .', ' ., . '." . ',' '-, ' ',' , ':: .. -t. ., ' ,. ;, ... 1 -" ,'.' ... • 1.,- '; ~ , , -. 'I " ,:" '-~:"> \ ~ , ',', \' ;-. . .". :-, -,-.',-, ,',", : '. 1_ .. -' '. ~'. ' , ',," [, ' " ) .... ", .. ,> ' , " " , ~--' , ....... - :" ) " ' ,; r ...... ': ,-.; " I' " ' , '. ~ " .' , " , " ; .' ~.' .'. ,1.'.,',-, , 'i"",' , .-. ,', \ .. -.'. \ oN" 3018. , 3119,200, AR'-9 Nj,3064., 3033, 205',AR'-10 ; _." I, " N;,30,99. ,2937',210, AR":"l1 , 'N',3120 .. ,2803,21~';AR-12 . N,:310·9.,2652,216,AR-13' 'N, 3926.,2'302, 206"AR-14 N, 29,96. ,2168, 210,AR-~5 .L.,.ALIC~TE ROAD, ~ 'N', 2996, 2168, 2'10,AR-16 ' 'N ,,'2 9,96,2055,215, AR-1 7 , , , N,3014" 1945, 220,AR-18 N,,3ll7, 1714, 22,5,AR:-19 , B";BARRIER PLACEME;NT, ,1 " 1 ,. 6 '~9 ',' 2360,3545p138,138,TS1 24,~3, 3599, 138, 138, TS2 ~478,3579p1387138;TS3 ~496,3536,138,138,TS4 2502,3.524,1,42,H2,TS5 2545,3457,142~142,rS6 25'57,3450,,146,1'4'6, T,S7, 2611,3382,146~14~,~S8 2630,3379,150,150,T~9, 2676,3327,150,150,'TS10 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, ;2', 1 ,,' 0 ,. b 2,676. , 3327,150, ISO, TSll, 268,9. ',3'322,15,6,156" TS1'4 2~(6.,3264,156,156,TS13 '27'67.,3263,163:, J,63,T$14 282'4.,3199,,163,163/1'S:1,5 '2'842.,3195,.169,169', TS16 2903.,,3112,169,169,TS17 i~17,3105,175~175,tS18 2959~300S,175r175~TS19 297'9,3'000,181,181, TS20 ' B-.BARRIER PLACEMENT, 3 " 1 , 0', 0 . 297'9. , 3000,'181,181, TS21 ~060, 2898" ],.81,18'1, TS22 ,3010,2887, 18,5, 185~ T$23' ~01~,2~82,185,185,~S24 3024,2772,189,189,TS25 3'018,2682,189,189, TS26 3029,2670,193,1~3,TS27 3012;2582; 193; 193'"TS28 ' 3016,2572 ,197,197, TS2'9 , ,. , ' ~. , .. -. . , ,.:" "",,- ,I ," '" '" ' ", ',. " ' , ' .. '.:' .," , " ' " ; ,1 ',' " , , I ' ~', , •• " 'I" -.;.' i : ~:: <~. \' .- . ,:.~ .. ~". '.. -;-, ", , " , ' , , " .' .', ", " ,,' .. , " . '~ '~ -'>,' ..... , '.', " ;-- . "~ ':", .. , ',:1' ",; . . ,~, ", ": "'. < ' 'I • ~ •• - , " '~ .'"). . ': ~' , , :.. ~ '.' " . ' , ; .' ';-'\'"' f • -., " , " . . ; , " . '" J' , . ", , ',:~ " . " , . ' t -.-",' : " , }-,', " • ~ "'. ' '. ~. \ > , .' ~' .' ,~ .• I ; .. 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':,> ," • t',' .;'. ~, " " Mr. Tim O'Grady , ,Tentative Map 1: 1'0 Acoustical Assessment -Ca~ISbad,"GA _ ' ISE Report #02-066' ' ' August 28, 2002 Page 16 of 20 ,'3000,,:2484; 1~7 ,1'97, T,S30 , B:" BAARIE'R PLACEMENT, 4' 3000.,2484,197,19J~TS'31 ,~b01,,2473,200,200;Tq32 , 2985,23~7,2,60,200,TS:33 , '2953',2376,200,200,1'$3.4 2900,"2384,200,2Q'0,TS35 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 5 4'95q. ,2280,207,207, Wl 49'72. ,:2170, 207,207, W2 2690. ,2222; 2'07 ,'207, W3 R, ,1" 65 ,10 ,2'776,,2230,210., LOT '49 R:, 2 ,'S5 ,10 2921,2197,212.jLOT 50 'R, 3 , .65 ,10 . 297~~2431~205.,LOT 51, ,~, 4, , 65 ,10 2984,2326r 202.,LOT 5~ R, 5 " 65 ,10 2994,,2620,198.; LOT 53"" R,' 6 , 65 ,10 . 3005,2724,194.,LOT 54 'R, , 7 " 65 ,10 :, 30.0;3.1 2829,190. ,LOT ,55 R, ~ , 65 ,10 2978,2940,186:, LOT, 56 R, 9 ,65 i 10 1 0, Q , , ,'.,' ,. " ", '-'. ',', :.,' . ' ,~ • • I ~. .. '. ", , . ,', ' " . ", . ~ ~, ~ .. " , .' -'~' I' •• ~ ';, ,", I. • , ~ -..... ,,1"<,( "1 " --,' . :,', :' J,' :' , ... -, \, . ". ;: I' " .. , "--~ _-.. J ' .;.. ~ -' 1:-.,: ' .. , ' , ~' . ',,,-' : .. -\..' . I' ".;. I.' , ' "- .. , ,," v, , -.' . ~ -' " .' ,,/,, • t ~ t r:, :." .,: -,..; ..... --7," : ' " .\' !' .' ... '. ',-' ' <,.' . \ ~. ~. , \, ., ... , , , '~, ' "',' ........ ~ : .-, ' , ~.~ J ;.- ~; , " , , ":', ','I -,-" . : ,:'" . -.,. .-. ..., ','-,,: , , ~' , " --", .. ". ... -. -~ .. , " j *, ~ " , " . "'''':''j' "... .. ~, -I' " , -.~,' , ~ • 0-• '" _ '- " ,~930,3048~18d.iLOi 57 R, 10 , 65 ,10 2861,3137~174~~LOT 58 R, 11 " 65 ,10.' 2788,32i5,188.,L01 59 _i... I } ": , ~':"" ',- 'R,' 1i,' 65 ,16 2705,3276,161.,tOT 60 R, 13 ,'65 ,10. ,2'63'4,3'341,155., LOT 61 , R, ,14 , 65 ,10 ,', 2573; 3407,151., LOT 62 ~,,15 , 65 ,10 2512,348'O,H7.,LOT 63 R, 16 , 65 ,10 , ~455,3569,143.,LOT 64 C,C ", ' . " . ~ ,'-, . " I,' , ,~, ' ... .'.' , ',; ,', . ~:', . . ' :" ' . , ... , ,~-'~ , , . " ~. , " \. " -,', , ~ -.... -:: '. ~".~. '. ' '.::.~ ' .. , " , "~ r ,'~. : • ' :', ~ " ':' , ' " , , " :.' "" . ';' I, .," . ~ I -" ."."-, ~, ,: , • "_,1' :. > ".,_~ ", '. -,', I ~ -, " -.... ~' . -". ( , ,"),' , " • ~-I , -1\' ,> -",,' '" r ,":-: \~ -, > ,.. '. • .. \ '~:' ::.: " .:-' \ ." ~: .,'" ..... ,. , , :'. ; 'r -~ • 'I , .!'-',- .-...1 I ".--.,Y ' .••• Ji " , " ' ... ' '. " ' -.... ' i ~.. • , -~I ." ' ',I , \ ... ~'.- . ~ '. : ,. '--. ~ -, "" " , ',:. " ' '<"-• : "~ 'J." 1 " .<.- , ; . , , " ' e ~1r'. Tirh b'Grady , ''. ' . T~ntative Map 1.10 Acousti<;:al A!?ses~ment -Carlsbad; GA .- I$E Report #02-066 ' " ", August 28,,20Q,2 Page 17 of 20 TM,1.10 TRAFFIC NOISE MODEL· BASELINE'MITJGAT~D, ! .,' 'LA COSTA GREENS AREA 1.10, MITIGA:TED , T-~EAK HOUR TRAFFIC C,ONDITIONS; 1 432 , 35 , 9 " 35 " 9' , 35 ' '., T-j?EAK HOUR TRAF~IC' CONDITIONSH,' 2 4,32 " 35" 9 , 3,5', 9' , ,35 'L-ALICANTE ROAD, 1 N, 2316, 4516, 133,'~R-1 "' ,N, 2412,4258, 136,.AR-2 N, 2~i4, 3950, 13,9,AR-3 ,N-, :U29, 3844 ',140 ,AR-4 N; 2482,3683, 142,AR-5· 1'1,2550,3,567, in,AR-'6 N, 2683,'3419, 163,AR-7 'N, 2956, 320Q,'194,AR-8 N,~3018, 3119, 200 ,AR-9 ."' .N t 3064,3033,205, AR-10 N;3099,2937,210,AR-ll N,3iiOt2803,212,AB.~12 N, ~109, 2652, 216,AR~1.3, N, 3026,,2302, 206,AR-.J;4 'N; 2996, 2168, 210,-AR-1q L-ALICANTE ROAD, 2 ' . N, 299.6, .2168,21'0, AR-16 ; N·,2996, 20S5, 215,AR-17 N.~ 3014,1945,220, AR-l:8 " N,3117;1714,?25,AR-19, " ' . B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 1" ·2 " 0 ,0' , '2360.~3545,138,142,TSi ',243,3,3599,138,142,TS2 2478,3579,~38,142,TS~ 2496,3536,138,142,TS4 2,$.02,3524, i42, 1~6, TS5 2545,3A5T,142~146,~S6 2'.'557, 3'4'50, 14'6, 15 O';,'1'-S 7 2611,3382,lA6~150,TS8 263.0,,3379,150., 15'4,'TS9 2676,3327,150,154,'1'S10 B-:-B1\.RRIER PLACEMENT,,' 2 , 2 2676.,3327,150, 154,T'Sll ' 2689.,3322,156,i6.ol TS12 2746.,3~64,15E,160,TS13 2767.,3263i163,~67iTS14 2.824.; 3199, 163, 167,1'$15 2842.,3195,169,173,TS16 2903.,3112,169,173,'r-S17 2S1i,3105,17~,179;Ta18 29.59,3009,175,179,TS19 ,2979~·3000, 181, 185, TS20. B-BARRI~R PLACEMENT, 3 ; 2 2979,,3000',181,185,TS21- "', ':3000,2898, 181, ~85;,TS22 , " 30.10,2887,185,189, TS23 3016;2782,185,189,T8.24 '3024,2772,189,19$,TS25 .3018,2682',189,193, '1'S2.6 3029,2670,193,197,TS27 0-,.d ° '" b, " , -.;1,.. < ~!'. ,>. -, ",,- " , ... , '. , .". ",' ~ ,,i t' ; "',." . , .:: > ~" _, II" •• I .. ... ( ~. -.:,' " , " :. ,,' , ' . .;'" . .','-, " , .,'\ " ' , -'. , ' , . 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C.II ,. , . ~ . , ~ .. , ; ': " ',: .' ,".10, ", ' -" ~, .' ..... I,' , " 'Mf.Tim O'Grady tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical' Assessment -:-Carlsbaoi CA ,IS'E Report #02-066' . August 28, 2002 Page~ 18 of 20 ,3012,25'82', :\.93, 197" TS28 ,j016,2572,197A201,TS29 30PO, 248'4,197,201, TS30 .~-BARRIER PLACEMEN,+,. 4' , 2 . .3,00'0'.,,24'84; 197 ,201, TS3r ," 3Qbl,2473',200,204,T~32 Z~85(i397,200,204,TS3~ 2953; 2376, 200, 204, TS34. 2900,2384',,200,204, TS.3'5 B-.BARRIER PLACEMENT,S" 1 2~SO.~2280,207,207,W1, '2972,., 2i 70',207,2,07, W2' 2690.,2222,207,207,W3 R, 1 , 65 ,10 2776j 2230,210.,LOT 49. R, 2. , 65 ,10 i92)" 2197,212., LOT 50' Rt 3 " 65 ,10 2972,2431,205.,LOT· 51 ,R', 4', 65 ,10 2984,2526,202., LOT 52. R, 5 , 65 ,10 .', 2,99~.,.2620,1'98.,LOT 53 R, , 6 , 65 ,10, 3Q05,2724,194.,LOT 54 R" 7 ., 65 ,10 3003,2829,190.,LOT 55 R,,,8 i 65,10 2'978,2940,186.,LOT 56 R, "9·,, 65 ,10 293,0, '3048,180. , LOT 57 ~, 16 r ~5 ,10 ' "2861,3137,174.,~OT.58 'R, .11 , 65 ,10 2788~3215,168.,LOT 5~ 'R, 12 , 6'5 ,10 . 270'5,.3276,161. , LOT' 60 ,R, 13" 65 ,10 2634,3341, 155'., LOT' ,61 R',-14 " 65',10 :2573,3'407,151., LOT 62' R, 15 , 65 ,10 2512,,3480; 14 7. , LOT 63' R, 16 ',65,10. 2455f 3569,143.,LOT 64 C,C '0 ,0 o ,0 , ' . " ,', ,,' .,1 'II ' " " , , . . . ~.' , " , . ,';-'.. ~;.. !. '. .' . :' ,.' • 0''' . ,-... ~ ... -. ~. i.: ,'. " .. ,' ..: -! ~< -,,-.. .. ' ... > f ~1 " ' 1 -.",; ,.,' ) c.'~ I . " . : ( :-~' ""o,: ., ,'-.. ') ~,' ',- ~', ,~ '.! . ; .-.;, .,' .', '" ." ;' -,' ... , , .-''- '-,' ~' .. -.. ','". '.: ," ( . ' ..... ' \~.: .1,' ',' I , ',' ,~~> ~'." '.' ',' '.'. -.,.>. ,-.-,., - ," " . ~ '_."1 ,to " .. -'. '.':' -'. ~. ' I~ " • ", 1,_,. 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'.'- " " ,~ '( " ,Mr,.Tim'O'Grady " 'Tent~tive Map 1.10}'coustical Assessmeht -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02;.066 August 28, 2002 Page 19 of 20 ' 'L~ COSTA GREENS AREA 1.;Ld 'SECOND S,TORY 'T-PE~ HOUR, TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, '1 . 432 , 35 i 9 " 35 " 9:, 3'5 ' T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS'H,2 4~2~ '35 , 9 , 35 , 9', 35 L-ALICANTE ROAD, i' ,./<~ N, 2316, 4516,.133,AR-l N; 2412, 42,58, 136"AR-2 'N; 2.41'4,3950, 139,AR-;3 N ~ 2'429, 3'844 ,140, AR-4 'N,2482,3683,142,AR-5 N;2556,3567, i47,AR-6 f;I, i68,3, 34'.l'9, 163, 'AR,-7 N',,2956;3,200, i94,AR~8 N, 3018.,3119, 200, AR-9 ,', N, 3064, 3033, 205,AR,...10 N, 3099, 2937; 210', AR-11 N, ;312'0',28'03, 212,AR-12 N:, 3109,'2652, 216,AR"':13 'N,30.'26, 2302,,206,~-14' N,2996, 2:1,68, 210"AR-15 , , r."'ALICAN~E ROAD> '2 N:,,2996,2168, 21Q', AR~16 ~., 2996,2055, 215,AR~17 N,3014,'l'945,220;AI!--lB N ,,311 7,1:714,225, AR-1'9, 'B-BARRIER 'PLACEMENT; .1 23.60. ,3545,'138,142, '1',si 2A33,3599,138,142,TS2 :2478,J579,138,142,~S3 2496~3536,138,142,~S4'; ,·25'02.,3524,142, 146,'TS5, 254,5,34;57,142, 1461,TS6 2557,3450,,146,150,TS7' , 2611,3382,146,150,TS8, '2'6-30, 3379;i50, J,54,TS9 i~76i3327,150,15~,TS10 2 , b ,0:, J;\-BARRIER . PLACEMENT , 2 , 2', ,0 ,0 "2676.,3327,150,154,TS11 '2~89.,~322,156,160,TSi2 274'6,: , 3264, 156, :).60, TS13 27~7.,326~~lfi3,~67~Tg14 ", ',' ' .. :; ,-~, " ~ ; ~' ;. " ,', .' ' ,,' .';, . , " 4824. ,31~r9, 163,1'67, ~S15 2842.,3195,169,173r TS16 ' 2903.,3112,1~9,L73,~Sli 2917,3105,17-5,179"T,$18 " ' 2959, '300~" 175,.17,9, TS1.9' 4979,3doo,l~1,lB5,~~~b B-BARRIER PLACEMENT', 3 , 2 "0 . ,,0' ,2,979.,3000,lin,185,TS21 ' ' 3000,,2898,i,81,;L8.?,TS22 " -301'0,2887,185,189, '1'S23" 3016,2182,185,189,TS24' 3024,2772~J,89,i93;T~25 301B,2682,189,193,TS26 3029,26~O,193,197,TS~7 , " . ~ " -/. ,. " ~ ~ , ' ", " "-. ' , , . , . ", , 'r .. ' .. :.,. ,i ' .' 'r,' ~ '"':' : ,,--, " :,'\ " ',' .', , " , .,,' " , " , -",'~' I. , ' ,., ~, I ' (. _: • -,~ . -,~-\ , ! ~', , " ~, '. > .. c \ . , , ~ .. \' 'J ~. "." ',' , ~", L . , " .' " "~" ~ . '.'-." • < .' ~ \ -.( , " ... , , .. :-\ , ':: .- --... ', , .. ' ~ ;" " " ~,,_, _,'':.,.:.'.~, >-, "-'-> t : , .' .l· ';:." 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' ',,- " ,'.\ " " " I.;, Mr. !ilTl O'Grady , ,', , ' " ", Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment-.c~rls,b~,g',CA ',iSE-Report#02-066 ' , ',Augl:l~t'28, 2002 RageiO o{20 .. -3,Oi2, 25'82, 193, 197 ,TS28 , "3d16,2$72,197,201,TS2S , ;3000:,24'84,1,97,.201, TS30 ~-BARRIER' PLACEMENT, 4',,' 2 " '9 , 0 , ,300.0,.,,2,48'4, 197i 201,TS3,1 " " '36.0+,:2'4 '73-; 20b, 204, TS32 298S;2397,200,204,TS33 '" \ ,: . "2953,,2376,200,2;04, TS34 2,900,23'84,200; 204, TS35 '13"-B1\RRIER PLACEME,NT,5 " 1 , 2956.1 2280,i07,267,W1 .2'972. ',21'70,2,07,207, W2 2.6~b. ,2222,207, 20i, W-3 R," ~ " 65 ,'10 2776,2230,220., LOT 4'9 'R" 2 ", 65, ,10' -2921,2197,222:,LOT 5b R, ,3 " 65',10 ' , 2972,23431,215. ,LOT ,51 :R, 4 " 65 ,10 ' '~9'84,,2526,212., LOT 52' RI 5 ; 65 ,10 , ,'2994,2620,208~,LOT 53 R; , 6 ',' 65 ,,10 3005f 2724,204.,LOT 54 ',R" 7 , '65 ,10, ' :3003r 282i,200.,LOT 55 R" 8 , 65 r10 29784~940,196.,LOT ~6 'R, 9 , 65' ,,10 ' 2,93:0,,3048 l 190.,LOT 5,7 ',~ R" '10 , 65 ,1'0 286113131,184.,LO~ 58 R, 11 ," 65 ,10 '218~,3215~17&.,LOT 59 R, 12', 65 ,10 ','2705,;.3276,171.;LOT 60 ;'R, 13 , 65 ,10 , '2634,3341,165.,LO~',61 "R, '14", 65 ,10 ' .2573,.3407,161., LOT 62 :R", 15 , '65,,10' ~5i2,3480,157.,LOT 63 R, 16,65 ,10' 2~55,3569,153."LOT 64 t~c ' " o ,0 ). ~' .~ J • : : "r, . v'. • <' v' " " " ,,. " ..:, .; '" a·' .' ,'~ , -,.: '. ~ ! -~ :." ", " 'f-I, r, , , ... . ~, " 'I·', ,,- ..... , " ~": , 4: . ..,. -,,' .. :'. ~, I '. "" , .. ',' , .. ': \. ~ ." . -,;,°';1: •. ' ..., ~, " ~,-~. I"· " ! '., .' 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" '" .~' j " ~ ..... , ' . -. <,',' ',', .. -' ~ " .•••• ~ ,~I, :,1 . ,,' '. .,' ',,' ., " ,-. - January 14, 2003 (Revised) Mr. Tim O'Grady Morrow Development Inc. 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~EN~""'C Corporate Office 16486 Bernardo Center Drive, #124 San Diego, CA 92-128 PhonelFax: (858) 451-3505/ (858) 451"0946 www.i$einc.ws RE: ACOUSTICAL SITE ASSESSMENT -TENTATIVE MAP 1.10 LA COSTA GREENS -CARI,.SBAD, CA ISE REPORT #02-066 Dear Mr. O'Grady: At your request, Investigative Science and Engineering (lSE) was directed to investigate potential noise impacts to the proposed Villages of La Costa Tentative Map 1.10 residential development located in Carlsbad, California. The resuits of that survey, as well as predicted future sound levels at the site, are presented in this letter report. • INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Existing Site Characterization The proposed project is located within the southeast 'portion of the City of Carlsbad and is part of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000) MP 98-01 development (refer to Figure 1). Tentative Map 1.10 consists of 64 separate residential lots within the La Costa Greens "village". The La Costa Greens village encompasses 660.7 acres and is the far westerly area of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan development. The proposed development identified .in ·this report would encompass a total gross area of 37.3 acres. Alicante Road bounds the site to the east. The remainder of the project area is surrounded by existing and proposed residential dev.elopments, The project site is classified as RLM -(Residential-Low Medium Density) within the City's General Plan. The topography of the site is characterized by moderately sloping hillside terrain dissected by various dendric drainages and canyons. Elevations on site range between 100 to 400 feet MSL across the entire project area. The entire La Costa Greens TM 1.08 through 1.14 development area is shown in Figure 2 below. Development area TM 1.10 is shown below in Figure 3. Scientific and Forensic Engineering Consultants Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 2 of 20 Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map (Thomas Guide Composite, 2001) Acoustical Definitions Sound waves are linear mechanical waves. They can be propagated in solids, liquids, and gases. The material transmitting such a wave oscillates in the <;Iirection of propagation of the wave itself. Sound waves originate from some sort of vibrating surface. Whether this surface is the vibrating string of a violin or a person's vocal cords, a vibrating column of air from an organ or clarinet, or a vibrating. panel from a loudspeaker, drum, or aircraft, the sound waves generated are all sim"ilar. All of these vibrating elements alternatively compress the surrounding air on a forward movement and expand it on a backward movement. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 3 of 20 Figure 2: La Costa Greens Site Configuration (Hunsaker & Associates, 8/26/02) There is a large range of frequencies within which linear waves can be generated, sound waves being confined to the frequency range that can stiml,llate the auditory organs to the sensation of hearing. For humans this range is from about 20 Hertz (Hz or cycles per second) to about 20,000 Hz. The air transmits these frequency disturbances outward from the source of the wave. Sound waves, if unimpeded, will spread out in all directions from a source. Upon entering the auditory organs, these waves produce the sensation of sound. Waveforms that are approximately periodic or consist of a small number of periodic components can give rise to a pleasant sensation (assuming the intensity is not too high), for example, as in a musical composition. Noise, on the other hand, can be represented as a superposition of periodic waves with a large number of components. . Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 4 of 20 Figure 3: TM 1.10 Site Configuration (Hunsaker & Associates, 8/26/02) Noise is generally defined as unwanted or annoying sound that is typically associated with human activity and which interferes with or disrupts normal activities. Although exposure to high noise levels has been demonstrated to cause hearing loss, the principal human response to environmental noise is annoyance. The response of individuals to similar noise events is diverse and influenced by the type of noise, the perceived importance of the noise and its appropriateness in the setting, the time of day, and the sensitivity of the individual hearing the sound. .. Airborne sound is a rapid fluctuation of air pressure above and below atmospheric levels. The loudest sounds the human ear can hear conformably are approximately one trillion times the acoustic energy that the ear· can barely detect. Because of this vast range, any attempt to represent the acoustic intensity of a particular sound on a linear scale becomes unwieldy. As a result, a logarithmic ratio originally conceived for radio work known as the decibel (dB) is commonly employed. A sound level of zero "0" dB is scaled such that it is defined as the threshold of human hearing and would be barely audible to a human of normal hearing under extremely quiet listening conditions. Such conditions can orily be generated in anechoic or "dead rooms". Typically, the quietest environmental conditions (extreme rural areas with extensive shielding) yield sound levels of approximately 20 decibels. Normal speech has a sound level of approximately 60 dB. Sound levels above 120 dB roughly correspond to the threshold of pain. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 5 of 20 The minImum change in sound level that the human ear can detect is approximately 3 dB. A change in sound level of 10 dB is uSl)ally perceived by the average person as a doubling (or halving) of the sounds loudness. A change in sound level of 10 dB actually represents an approximately 90 percent change in the< sound intensity, but only about a 50 percent change in the perceived loudness. This is due to the nonlinear response of the human ear to sound. As mentioned above, most of the sounds we hear in the environment do not consist of a single frequency, but rather a broad band of frequencies differing in sound level. The intensities of each frequency add to generate the sound we hear. ThE;l method commonly used to quantify environmental sounds consists of determining all of the frequencies of a sound according to a weighting system that reflects the nonlinear response characteristics of the human ear. This is called "A" weighting, and the decibel level measured is called the A-weighted sound level (or dBA). In practice, the level of a noise source is conveniently measured using a sound level meter that includes a filter corresponding to the dBA curve. Although the A-weighted sound level may adequately indicate the level of environmental noise at any instant in time, community noise levels vary continuously. Most environmental noise includes a conglomeration of sounds from distant sources that create a relatively steady background noise in which no particular source is identifiable. For this type of noise, a single descriptor called the Leq (or equivalent sound level) is used. Leq is the energy-mean A-weighted sound level during a measured time, interval. It is the 'equivalent' constant sound level that would have to be produced by a given source to equal the average of the fluctuating level measured. For most acoustical studies, the monitoring interval is generally taken as one-hour and is abbreviated Leq-h. To describe the time-varying character of environmental noise, the statistical noise descriptors L 10, L50, and L90 are commonly used. They are the noise levels equaled or exceeded during 10 percent, 50 percent, and 90 percent of a stated time. Sound levels associated with the L 10 typically describe transient or short-term events, while levels associated with the L90 describe the steady state (or most prevalent) noise conditions. In addition, < it is often desirable to know the acoustic range of the noise source being measured. This is accomplished through the maximum and minimum measured sound level (Lmax and Lmin) indicators. The Lmin value obtained for a particular monitoring location is often called the acoustic floor for that location. Finally, a sound measure employed by the State of California (and adopted by the City of Carlsbad) is known as the Community Noise Equivalence, Level (or CNEL) is defined as the "A" weighted average sound level for a 24-hour day. It is calculated by adding a 5-decibel penalty to sound levels in the evening (7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.), and a 10-decibel penalty to sound levels in the night (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) to compensate for the increased sensitivity to noise during the quieter evening and nighttime hours. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 6 of 20 • APPLICABLE SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA City of Carlsbad The Noise Element of the City of Carlsbad identifies sound levels that are compatible with various land uses. According to the City of Carlsbad Draft Noise Guidelines Manual, sound levels up to 60 dBA CNEL are compatible with residential land uses. Sound levels up to 65 dBA CNEL are compatible with recreational areas slich as parks and playgrounds. The City also requires an interior noise study (compliant with State of California CCR Title 24 standards) where exterior exposure is in excess of the above land use criteria. State of California CCR Title 24 The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24, Noise Insulation standards; states that multi-family dwellings, hotels, and motels located where the CNEL exceeds 60 dBA, must obtain an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed design will limit interior noise to less than 45 dBA CNEL. Interior noise standards are typically applied to sensitive areas within the structure where low noise levels are desirable (such as living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and dens or studies). . Worst-case noise levels, either existing or future, must be used for this determination. Future noise levels must be predicted at least ten years from the time of building permit application. The City of Carlsbad has adopted the CCR Title 24 standards. - Thus, for the purposes of analysis, the applicable exterior noise design thresholc1 is 60 dBA CNEL. The applicable interior noise standard is 45 dBA CNEL. • ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Existing Conditions Field Survey Due to the close proximity of Tentative Maps 1.08 through 1.14 with respect to each other, the ambient data collection was achieved by placing sound level meters throughout the general area of all proposed Tentative Map areas shown in Figure 2 above. Thus, the ambient monitoring location data will be identical for Tentative Maps 1.08 through 1.14. For the proposed field survey, eight Larson Davis Model 700 ANSI Type 2 integrating sound level meters were used as the data collection devices. The meters were mounted to tripods approximately five feet abOve ground level in order to simulate the noise exposure of an average-height human being. The meters were placed at points corresponding to an approximate uniform distribution across the five planning map areas identified above in order to obtain an Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 7 of 20 estimate of the existing onsite noise variation during afternoon peak hO\.lr traffic conditions. All monitoring sites were spatially logged using a geographic positioning system (GPS). The monitoring locations can be seen in Figures 4a through -h below. The measurements were performed on August ih & 8th, 2002. All equipment was calibrated before testing at ISE's acoustics and vibration laboratory to verify conformance with ANSI S1-4 1983 Type 2 and IEC 651 Type 2 standards. Future Acoustical Environment Modeling The Caltrans Sound 32 Traffic Noise Prediction Model with California (CALVENO) noise emission factors (based on FHWA RD-77-108 and FHWAICAlTL- 87103 standards) was used to calculate future onsite vehicular traffic noise levels. Model input included a digitized representation of Alicante Road (the major servicing roadway in a close proximity of the project area), as well as any available local site topography, future Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes, vehicle mix, and receptor elevations. The roadway and site topography elevations were obtained from the data and plans provided by Hunsaker & Associates dated 8/26/02. Model output consisted of peak hour energy- mean A-weighted sound levels (or Leq-h) for each receptor examined. Receptor elevations were considered five feet above the appropriate floor (pad) elevation and were taken near the center of the proposed rear yard areas of each lot. The model assumed a "hard" site sound propagation rule (i.e., a 3-dBA loss per doubling of distance from roadway to receiver) for the receptors adjacent to any roadways. The model also considered the attenuation due to slope topography adjacent to the project site as well as the effect of any proposed structures that would limit the roadway sight- line distance. Second floor receptor areas were modeled at 15 feet above the respective pad elevation. The modeled receptor locations are shown below in Figure 5. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 8 of 20 Figures 4a through -d· Ambient Monitoring Locations ML 1 thru ML 4: TM 1.08 -1.14 I I Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 9 of 20 Figures 4d through -h: Ambient Monitoring Locations ML 5 thru ML 8: TM 1.08 -1.14 Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 10 of 20 Figure 5: Mode/ed Traffic Noise Receptor Locations -TM 1.10 Ambient Sound Measurement Results Testing conditions during the monitoring period were sunny and partly cloudy with an average barometric pressure reading of 29.97 in-Hg, an average northwesterly wind speed.'of 2 to 4 miles per hour (MPH), and an approximate mean temperature of 74 degrees Fahrenheit. The results of the one-hour sound level monitoring are shown below in Table 1. .. The values for the energy equivalent sound level (Leq), the maximum and minimum measured sound levels (Lmax and Lmin), and the statistical indicators L 10, L50, and L90, are given for each monitoring location. Measurements collected at the monitoring locations reflect the typical sound levels associated with the semi-rural community setting with one adjacent major roadway. The hourly average sound levels (or Leq-h) recorded over the monitoring period ranged from 48 to 70 dBA and was observed to be predominately due to the presence of Alga Road, distant surface street traffic, and wildlife activities. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 11 of20 TABLE 1: Measured Ambient Sound Levels -TM 1.08 through 1.14 1·Hour Noise Level Descriptors in dBA Site Start Time Leq Lmax Lmin L10 LSO L90 ML1 12:00p.m. 50.2 68.0 44.5 53.0 47.5 45.0 ML2 12:15p.m. 51.1 62.5 39.0 55.0 46.0 ·41.5 ML3 12:30p.m. 48.1 59.0 42.5 50.5 46.0 44.0 ML4 12:45p.m. 49.3 59.5 44.5 52.5 47.0 45.0 ML5 1:00p.m. 59.7 68.0 47.0 62.5 58.5 53.0 ML6 1:15p.m. 49.6 58.0 44.0 53.0 47.5 45.5 ML7 1:30p.m. 70.3 87.0 53.5 74.0 66.5 56.5 ML8 1:45p.m. 53.6 69.0 43.0 55.5 51.0 47.5 Monitoring Locations: 0 ML 1 GPS: 33°06.796' N x 117°15.576/W 0 ML 5 GPS: 33°06.190' Nx 117°15.603/W 0 ML 2 GPS: 33° 06.964' N x 117° 15.200/ W 0 ML 6 GPS: 33°06.392' N x 117°15"196/W 0 ML 3 GPS: 33°06.531' N x 117°15.422/W 0 ML 7 GPS: 33°06.028' N x 117°15.400/W 0 ML 4 GPS: 33°06.670' N x 117°15.357/W 0 ML 8 GPS: 33°06.162' N x 117°15.342'W Measurements performed by ISE on August fh & £ih, 2002. Estimated Position Error (EPE) = 12 feet. As indicated by the monitoring equipment, at least 90 percent of the time (L90) the onsite sound level ranged between approximately 41 to 57 dBA (again indicating the lack of any direct noise sources such as nearby surface streets, aircraft activity,. etc.). The acoustic floor for the site, as seen by the Lmin indicator, ranged between 39 to 54 dBA. This would be considered the lowest attainable sound levels for the project area. Future Traffic Noise Impacts The primary source of future traffic noise near the project site (TM 1.10) would be from Alicante Road. ~Future traffic estimates for this roadway are predicted to have a volume as high as 4,500 ADT (Source: Final Program EIR for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan, 7/16/01). The future speed limit along this roadway is projected to be 35 MPH. All other nearby roadway segments (Le., Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane) were not considered due to the future build out of Tentative Maps S.08, 3.09 arid 3.11 through 3.14 which are located between the roadways and the project site. Peak hour traffic values are calculated for a 10% traffic flow pattern and a 96/2/2 (automobiles/medium/heavy vehicles) percent mix in accordance with Caltrans traffic forecasting practices and the observed traffic distribution. For peak hour traffic percentages between approximately 8 and 12 percent, the energy-mean A-weighted " I Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 12 of 20 sound level is equivalent to the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Outside this range, a maximum variance of up to two dBA occurs between Leq-h and CNEL. The results of the acoustical modeling are shown below in Table 2 for a representative sampling of lots within the proposed development area. It should be noted that the lot numbers have changed on the approved TPM and th€? new lot numbers are shown in prentices following the previous examined lot numbers. For each receptor area examined in Figure 5, the corresponding lot number is given as well as the unmitigated ground floor (outdoor pad) noise level, the mitigated ground floor noise level, and the upper (second story) noise level. Based on the model results, no exterior areas within the proposed graded pads of the project site would exceed the City's nois~ abatement thresholds with the exception of Lots 50 (31) through 52 (33) arid Lots 59 (40) through 64 (45). TABLE 2: Predicted Transportation Noise Leve/s-TM 1.10 Lot No. (New Lot No.) Lot 49 (30) Lot 50 (31) Lot 51 (32) Lot 52 (33) Lot 53 (34) Lot 54 (35) Lot 55 (36) Lot 56 (37) Lot 57 (38) Lot 58 (39) Lot 59 (40) Lot 60 (41) Lot 61 (42) Lot 62 (43) Lot 63 (44) Lot 64 (45) 1st Floor Unmitigated Level 54.0 60.4 61.0 60.5 60.1 59.7 59.7 59.7 60.0 60.0 60.4 60.1 60.3 60.5 60.6 61.0 All values given in dBA CNEL 1 st Floor Mitigated Level 54.5 59.2 57.8 60.0 59.5 59.4 59.5 59.6 59.6 59.6 60.0 59.5 59.7 59.0 57.6 58.7 2nd Floor Mitigated Level 55.6 60.8 61.0 60.5 60.0 59:9 59.9 59.9 60.0 60.1 60.5 60.3 60.4 60.6 60.7 60.9 A mitigation plan consisting of constructing a four-foot-high noise barrier at the edge of Lots 50 (31) through 53 (34) and Lots 59 (40) through 64 (45) waS fQund to adequately reduce traffic-related noise levels within the affected lots to below the City's noise abatement thresholds. The location of the noise barrier can be seen in Figure 6 below. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 13 of 20 Finally, second story areas of Lots 50 (31) through 53 (34) and Lots 57 (38) through 64 (45) would equal or exceed the CCR Title 24 noise abatement threshold. Thus, an interior noise assessment to determine proper architectural treatments (Le., specialized door and window treatments) would be required for any second floor areas within these lots. Figure 6: Proposed Mitigation Plan -TM 1.10 • CONCLUSIONS I RECOMMENDATIONS No exterior areas within the proposed graded pads of any lot would exceed the City's noise abatement thresholds with the exception of Lots 50 (31) through 53 (34) and Lots 59 (40) through 64 (45). A mitigation plan consisting of constructing a four-foot-high noise barrier at the edge of Lots 50 (31) through 53 (34) and Lots 59 (40) through 64 (45) was found was found to adequately reduce traffic-related noise levels within the affected lots to below the City's noise abatement thresholds. Finally, second story areas of Lots 50 (31) through 53 (34) and Lots 57 (38) through 64 (45) would equal or exceed the CCR Title 24 noise abatement threshold. Thus, an interior noise assessment to determine proper architectural treatments (Le., specialized door and window treatments) would be required for any second floor areas within these lots. Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 14 of 20 Should you have any questions regarding the findings identified herein, please do not hesitate to contact me at (858) 451-3505. Sincerely, Rick Tavares, Ph.D. Project Principal Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. Cc: Jeremy Louden, ISE Attachments: S32 Traffic Noise Model Input Decks Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 15 of 20 TM 1.10 TRAFFIC NOISE MODEL -BASELINE UNMITIGATED LA COSTA GREENS AREA 1.10 UNMITIGATED T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, 1 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, 2 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 1 N,2414.,3950,139,AR-3 N,2429.,3844,140,AR-4 N,2482.,3683,142,AR-5 N,2550.,3567,147,AR-6 N,2683.,3419,163,AR-7 N,2956.,3200,194,AR-8 N,3018.,3119,200,AR-9 N,3064.,3033,205,AR-10 N,3099.,2937,210,AR-11 N,3120.,2803,212,AR-12 N,3109.,2652,216,AR-13 N,3026.,2302,206,AR-14 N,2996.,2168,210,AR-15 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 2 N,2996,2168,210,AR-16 N,2996,2055,215,AR-17 N,3014,1945,220,AR-18 N,3117,1714,225,AR-19 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 1 , 1 , ° ,0 2360,3545,138,138,TS1 2433,3599,138,138,TS2 2478,3579,138,138,TS3 2496,3536,138,138,TS4 2502,3524,142,142,TS5 2545,3457,142,142,TS6 2557,3450,146,146,TS7 2611,3382,146,146,TS8 2630,3379,150,150,TS9 2676,3327,150,150,TSI0 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 2 , 1 , ° ,0 2676.,3327,150,150,TS11 2689.,3322,156,156,TS12 2746.,3264,156,156,TS13 2767.,3263,163,163,TS14 2824.,3199,163,163,TS15 2842.,3195,169,169,TS16 2903.,3112,169,169,TS17 2917,3105,175,175,TS18 2959,3009,175,175,TS19 2979,3000,181,181,TS20 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 3 , 1 , ° ,0 2979.,3000,181,181,TS21 3000,2898,181,181,TS22 3010,2887,185,185,TS23 3016,2782,185,185,TS24 3024,2772,189,189,TS25 3018,2682,189,189,TS26 3029,2670,193,193,TS27 3012,2582,193,193,TS28 3016,2572,197,197,TS29 Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 16 of 20 3000,2484,197,197,TS30 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 4 , 1 , 0 ,0 3000.,2484,197,197,TS31 3001,2473,200,200,TS32 2985,2397,200,200,TS33 2953,2376,200,200,TS34 2900,2384,200,200,TS35 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 5 , 1 , 0 ,0 2950.,2280,207,207,Wl 2972.,2170,207,207,W2 2690.,2222,207,207,W3 R, 1 , 65 ,10 2776,2230,210.,LOT 49 R, 2 , 65 ,10 2921,2197,212.,LOT 50 R, 3 , 65 ,10 2972,2431,205.,LOT 51 R, 4 , 65 ,10 2984,2526,202.,LOT 52 R, 5 , 65 ,10 2994,2620,198.,LOT 53 R, 6 , 65 ,10 3005,2724,194.,LOT 54 R, 7 , 65 ,10 3003,2829,190.,LOT 55 R, 8 , 65 ,10 2978,2940,186.,LOT 56 R, 9 , 65 ,10 2930,3048,180.,LOT 57 R, 10 , 65 ,10 2861,3137,174.,LOT 58 R, 11 , 65 ,10 2788,3215,168.,LOT 59 R, 12 , 65 ,10 2705,3276,161.,LOT 60 R, 13 , 65 ,10 2634,3341,155.,LOT 61 R, 14 , 65 ,10 2573,3407,151.,LOT 62 R, 15 , 65 ,10 2512,3480,147.,LOT 63 R, 16 , 65 ,10 2455,3569,143.,LOT 64 C,C Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 17 of20 TM 1.10 TRAFFIC NOISE MODEL -BASELINE MITIGATED LA COSTA GREENS AREA 1.10 MITIGATED T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, 1 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONSH, 2 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 1 N,2316,4516,133,AR-l N,2412,4258,136,AR-2 N,2414,3950,139,AR-3 N,2429,3844,140,AR-4 N,2482,3683,142,AR-5 N,2550,3567,147,AR-6 N,2683,3419,163,AR-7 N,2956,3200,194,AR-8 N,3018,3119,200,AR-9 N,3064,3033,205,AR-10 N,3099,2937,210,AR-ll N,3120,2803,212,AR-12 N,3109,2652,216,AR-13 N,3026,2302,206,AR-14 N,2996,2168,210,AR-15 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 2 N,2996,2168,210,AR-16 N,2996,2055,215,AR-17 N,3014,1945,220,AR-18 N,3117,1714,225,AR-19 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 1 , 2 , 0 ,0 2360.,3545,138,142,TSI 2433,3599,138,142,TS2 2478,3579,138,142,TS3 2496,3536,138,142,TS4 2502,3524,142,146,TS5 2545,3457,142,146,TS6 2557,3450,146,150,TS7 2611,3382,146,150,TS8 2630,3379,150,154,TS9 2676,3327,150,154,TSI0 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 2 , 2 , 0 ,0 2676.,3327,150,154,TS11 2689.,3322,156,160,TS12 2746.,3264,156,160,TS13 2767.,3263,163,167,TS14 2824.,3199,163,167,TS15 2842.,3195,169,173,TS16 2903.,3112,169,173,TS17 2917,3105,175,179,TS18 2959,3009,175,179,TS19 2979,3000,181,185,TS20 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 3 , 2 , 0 ,0 2979.,3000,181,185,TS21 3000,2898,181,185,TS22 3010,2887,185,189,TS23 3016,2782,185,189,TS24 3024,2772,189,193,TS25 3018,2682,189,193,TS26 3029,2670,193,197,TS27 Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 18 of 20 3012,2582,193,197,TS28 3016,2572,197,201,TS29 3000,2484,197,201,TS30 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 4 , 2 , 0 ,0 3000.,2484,197,201,TS31 3001,2473,200,204,TS32 2985,2397,200,204,TS33 2953,2376,200,204,TS34 2900,2384,200,204,TS35 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT,S, 1 , 0 ,0 2950.,2280,207,207,Wl 2972.,2170,207,207,W2 2690.,2222,207,207,W3 R, 1 , 65 ,10 2776,2230,210.,LOT 49 R, 2 , 65 ,10 2921,2197,212.,LOT 50 R, 3 , 65 ,10 2972,2431,205.,LOT 51 R, 4 , 65 ,10 2984,2526,202.,LOT 52 R, 5 , 65 ,10 2994,2620,198.,LOT 53 R, 6 , 65 ,10 3005,2724,194.,LOT 54 R, 7 , 65 ,10 3003,2829,190.,LOT 55 R, 8 , 65 ,10 2978,2940,186.,LOT 56 R, 9 , 65 ,10 2930,3048,180.,LOT 57 R, 10 , 65 ,10 2861,3137,174.,LOT 58 R, 11 , 65 ,10 2788,3215,168.,LOT 59 R, 12 , 65 ,10 2705,3276,161.,LOT 60 R, 13 , 65 ,10 2634,3341,155.,LOT 61 R, 14 , 65 ,10 2573,3407,151.,LOT 62 R, 15 , 65 ,10 2512,3480,147.,LOT 63 R, 16 , 65 ,10 2455,3569,143.,LOT 64 C,C Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 . January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 19 of 20 TM 1.10 TRAFFIC NOISE MODEL -MITIGATED SECOND FLOOR LA COSTA GREENS AREA 1.10 SECOND STORY T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, 1 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 T-PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONSH, 2 432 , 35 , 9 , 35 , 9 , 35 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 1 N,2316,4516,133,AR-l N,2412,4258,136,AR-2 N,2414,3950,139,AR-3 N,2429,3844,140,AR-4 N,2482,3683,142,AR-5 N,2550,3567,147,AR-6 N,2683,3419,163,AR-7 N,2956,3200,194,AR-8 N,3018,3119,200,AR-9 N,3064,3033,205,AR-10 N,3099,2937,210,AR-ll N,3120,2803,212,AR-12 N,3109,2652,216,AR-13 N,3026,2302,206,AR-14 N,2996,2168,210,AR-15 L-ALICANTE ROAD, 2 N,2996,2168,210,AR-16 N,2996,2055,215,AR-17 N,3014,1945,220,AR-18 N,3117,1714,225,AR-19 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 1 , 2 , 0 ,0 2360.,3545,138,142,TSI 2433,3599,138,142,TS2 2478,3579,138,142,TS3 2496,3536,138,142,TS4 2502,3524,142,146,TS5 2545,3457,142,146,TS6 2557,3450,146,150,TS7 2611,3382,146,150,TS8 2630,3379,150,154,TS9 2676,3327,150,154,TSI0 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 2 , 2 , 0 ,0 2676.,3327,150,154,TSll 2689.,3322,156,160,TS12 2746.,3264,156,160,TS13 2767.,3263,163,167,TS14 2824.,3199,163,167,TS15 2842.,3195,169,173,TS16 2903.,3112,169,173,TS17 2917,3105,175,179,TS18 2959,3009,175,179,TS19 2979,3000,181,185,TS20 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 3 , 2 , 0 ,0 2979.,3000,181,185,TS21 3000,2898,181,185,TS22 3010,2887,185,189,TS23 3016,2782,185,189,TS24 3024,2772,189,193,TS25 3018,2682,189,193,TS26 3029,2670,193,197,TS27 Mr. Tim O'Grady Tentative Map 1.10 Acoustical Assessment -Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #02-066 January 14, 2003 (Revised) Page 20 of 20 3012,2582,193,197,TS28 3016,2572,197,201,TS29 3000,2484,197,201,TS30 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT, 4 , 2 , 0 ,0 3000.,2484,197,201,TS31 3001,2473,200,204,TS32 2985,2397,200,204,TS33 2953,2376,200,204,TS34 2900,2384,200,204,TS35 B-BARRIER PLACEMENT,S, 1 , 0 ,0 2950.,2280,207,207,Wl 2972.,2170,207,207,W2 2690.,2222,207,207,W3 R, 1 , 65 ,10 2776,2230,220.,LOT 49 R, 2 , 65 ,10 2921,2197,222.,LOT 50 R, 3 , 65 ,10 2972,2431,215.,LOT 51 R, 4 , 65 ,10 2984,2526,212.,LOT 52 R, 5 , 65 ,10 2994,2620,208.,LOT 53 R, 6 , 65 ,10 3005,2724,204.,LOT 54 R, 7 , 65 ,10 3003,2829,200.,LOT 55 R, 8 , 65 ,10 2978,2940,196.,LOT 56 R, 9 , 65 ,10 2930,3048,190.,LOT 57 R, 10 , 65 ,10 2861,3137,184.,LOT 58 R, 11 , 65 ,10 2788,3215,178.,LOT 59 R, 12 , 65 ,10 2705,3276,171.,LOT 60 R, 13 , 65 ,10 2634,3341,165.,LOT 61 R, 14 , 65 ,10 2573,3407,161.,LOT 62 R, 15 , 65 ,10 2512,3480,157.,LOT 63 R, 16 , 65 ,10 2455,3569,153.,LOT 64 C,C • RECEIVED OCT 05 20M ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT