HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-29; CASA LA COSTA; PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY REPORT; 2003-02-17• . ,• • Preliminary Hydrology and Detention Calculations for PREPARED FOR: RANCHO LA COSTA LLC 28118 Agoura Road Agoura Hills, CA 91301 CASA LA COSTA City of Carlsbad San Diego County, California 2/17/03 PREPARED BY: Pacific Coast Civil, Inc. 30141 Agoura Road, Suite 200 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Phone: (818) 865-4168 • • PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY & DETENTION CALCULATIONS Casa La Costa The proposed Casa La Costa residential development is located southwesterly of the corner of Levante Street and La Costa Avenue and is bounded by Centella Street on the west and Rancho Santa Fe Road t9 the southeast. The site can be located on the Current Map (see attached). The Existing Site The property, which totals 4.49 acres in size, is primarily vacant, with the exception of an approximately one-half acre portion that is c;urrently occupied by a temporary fire station. The fire station is proposed to be relocated to a permanent location prior to the ultimate development of the site, and all existing structures will be removed. Along the easterly and southeasterly, or La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road sides of the site, a variable height slope descends from the improved roadways to natural lot grade. From the toe of the roadway slope, the site trends downward from east to southwest at a relatively uniform rate of approximatdy 5%. Site drainage sheet-flows toward Centella Street. The Proposed Pro,iect The proposed project, consisting of two development phases, is a medium-density attached residential development consisting of 39 units. Thirty-four of the units are located in Phase I, while Phase II, which is currently occupied by the above mentioned temporary fire station, consists of only five units. A ·looping driveway system, "A" Street, with three access points along Levante Street and Centella Street is proposed to serve 33 units, including all of Phase II. Proposed "B" Street is the lone spur driveway, serving six units. Proposed Drainage Under this plan, existing drainage patterns will be approximated as possible considering the size of the proposed buildings. The existing roadway downslope will remain in place primarily, and the site will drain in a similar east to southwest manner toward Centella Street. • The majority of site storm drainage will be transported from local yard basins and driveway Page 1 • • • .. :., .. · catch basins via small ( 6"-12") PVC gravity drains to the site detention basin. A common use area at the interior of the site will function as the detention basin during storm events. The area will be depressed below adjacent grade to achieve the required detention volume (see the next section of this report). Outflow pipes will allow for only the defined Q to flow during design storm events to achieve the required detention capability. In an event that storm flows exceed the capacity of the drain system, a secondary overflow path has been defined along the common use areas located adjacent to Units 8 throt1gh 6 and between proposed Units 4 and 5. A separate low-flow drain system has also been designed to carry everyday nuisance waters and "first flush" storm waters past the detention basin to a Bio-filtration basin located near the intersection of proposed "A" Street and Centella Street. This bio-filter will incorporate hardy turf over a sand substrate and a perforated pipe subdrain system, which will carry the filtered waters to the parkway drain outfall. The low flow drain system will allow for unencumbered use of the common areas except during storm events. Additional detail regarding the Bio-filtration basin function can be found in the Preliminary Stonn Water Management Plan, prepared by this office and included with this submittal. Prelimina07 Hydrology/Detention Calculations The 10-year, 6-hour storm is the control in designing required detention. Precipitation was determined using the County of San Diego Department of Sanitation and Flood Control charts II-A-4 and II-A-10. Storm Intensity was determined using the County's Intensity- Duration Design Chart. Time of concentration (Tc) for the undeveloped condition was estimated to be 9 minutes based on site drainage characteristics. Tc for the developed . -,· condition was set at the minimum, 5 minutes, which will yield a more conservative, that is, larger detention volume calculation. Infiltration shall be ignored. P6= 1.9 inches A= 4.49 acres I(undeveloped)=3.43 inches/hour _ c(undeveloped) = 0 .3 8 (perennial grass) Q(undeveloped)=5.85 c.f.s. I(developed)=5.0l inches/hour c;( developed)=0. 70 (Residential; multi-units) Q(developed)= 15.75 c.f.s. Detention storage volume was cal_culated using the County's Detention Storage Computation Procedure, Single Hydrograph Form and Hydrograph, copies of which are included herewith. Reservoir volume was determined to be 3800 cubic feet. The on-site detention basin has a surface area of approximately 2600 square feet. At depth of 1.5 feet, the project's calculated detention reqllirement will be exceeded . Maximum outflow allowed is 5.85 c.f.s. (undeveloped condition) Page 2 ... ···-:.·,._ CASA LA COSTA PLAN DETAIL-DETENTION BASIN Q 1' \~ \ / ·o \ m ., ,-- PROFILE-DETENTION BASIN AREA _.,.,.___ Low Flow Pipe ~ PREPARED BY: Pacific Coast Civil, Inc. 30141 Agoura Road, Suite 200 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Phone: (818) 865-4168 8 ~ .2 ~ ti1 10' O' 20' SCALE: l"= 20' NOTTO SCALE 1.5' min. ----- Current Map I ·;. I ·.'· tA>bA LA u»-rA- ~"?" tldr' ; I" \ -\\1°14''11 11 i ___ _ ~ ~ . . • • COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT 0~ SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL 10-YEAR 6-HOU(j P~ECIPITATm~J l Of 10-YEAR G-{~nun 45' 30 1 \. '• I; 15 I 1 · -, . I i, I I < r ' 33° 45' -1-----+-----1--:---·'f-l-r.d.1.11.11 I ___.. i -a--·---•·----•-------• p,.p,fr•d by U.S. DEPARTME~T OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC A:-1D A1l:os1>11f.:R1C ADMINISTRATtON ,, SPEC1At. STtJDIE~ BRASCH, OFFICE OF l~'DROLOGY, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30' 118° 45' 30' 15 I 117° 45' 30' • 15 I 116° • • . . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO • DEPARTMENT OF SANITATIOn S. FLOOD CONTRO.L \ 10-YEAR 24-HOU1R PRE'.CJPIT ATION , ,...20...,.. ISOPlU\flALS bF lO-YEAR 24-HOUR 45 1 ''l;)J{'i~ ~< -.. ~ 30 1 . ·p, '\ 'l[.; I .. Ct { 15'-1-----1------i 33° 45, t--~r-7-----_. . l · NATtOl'fAL OCEANtC AND A"rJ.10Sl'IIF.RlC AD:O.IINlSTRATtON j Pl!CtAL STUDIES DRA~CII, o~·r-1cr;: o~· 1fvotWLOClY, Nt\T!ON:-4'?. WEATHER s1Ht~CI!! 1 P~p.(,~d by U.S. DEPARTME1~T OF COMMERCE 30',----t--~+---i+--===~== 118° 45 1 30 1 15 I · 117° 1~5 I 30 1 • )'. ,: :~; :: .: ;i• ,•. :<' 15 1 I l 6° • • I• t-t-l•l•l•f.+111 M 11 llltlllllUIIU ) 15 20 30 40 50 1 MintrtP<: INTENSITY-DUAAT DE·· CHART • ,_.._._"91-l•l,,.L.L..I. 1,-.,,. I 1111 i, 1.1,11 2 . 3 4 5 6 1-lnir.,..e Directions for Application: 1) Froq1 preci:pi tat ion maps detenni ne 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrolo9y Manual no, 50 nnd 100 yr. maps included in th Oesigrt and Procedure Manual). 2) Adj9st 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so · that it is within the range of 45Z to 65% of the.24 hr. predpitation: (Not i'lrrlicable to Desert) 3) P-l~.t 6 hr. precipitation on the rinr:t zide . of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines . . 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. ~ Selected Frequency \O yr. P5 d:: } ,1 in., p24= ~-l ' * p 6 = (g' %* 2) Adjusted *P = f.~ ~4 6 in . 3) t = .9 min. C 4) I IZ · g, 4 3 in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region .I APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Rrqri ,0rl 1 /.Qc; • • . . . -:" . -. .. . :, ::_-.:· ...... TABLE 2 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) DEVELOPED AREAS (URBAN) Land Use Residential: Single family . Multi-Units Mobile Homes Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) Corn rnercial (2) 8096 Impervious Industrial (2) 90% Impervious NOTES: (1) Type D soil to be used for all areas. --·.:---..-~ ~ Coefficient( C Soil Type 1) D .55 .70 .. 65 .45 .85 .95 ~ .... , I .. (2) Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated· imperviousness values of 8096 or 9096, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 8096. or 9096 by the ratio of actual- imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50. For example: Consider commercial property on D soil. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C 50 0.85 0.53 ;. = 80 X = 82 F\-l • • I} • URB/1)/ /lRE/?S (}YERL/l!VLJ TIME or FL/JW CURVES ._,. ·~ • V ,. . ..., , ., lo" .A• .... , . ' .r ., ... J • .r. " "· "I V , .... !J . J, ~ I I I .,, ... ., .,. . _, ·-. . ., . ;,, J ,r ,,.. v· ..,, ,,, V b \ . .1_·. ;...-- ~ • I "' . t . .., •• c.. ; -,~ ~ Exomp/~ .. 6'/n~n : L eng/1, a/ F/ow • .3tJO /,f Slope = I. tJ ¾ Co~/h;:,ienl o/' Runol'/. C •.50 Read: 1Nerh11o' /low/ime ,/.Y Jltnule.s SAN 01 EGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES f"\ C' C' I r. II.I U II. II.I I I fl I I ... ,.9d ~ -A•~ • '"9 ! i I URBAN AREAS OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW CURVES . •.:::-,:--. OJ/01/2002 11:18 FAX l4l 0521054 • • • DETEN'rION STORAGE COMPUTATION PROCEDURE SINGLE HYDROGRAPH FORM Input.Variables (Urban Conditions} ID1r six hour pre<;:iipitation alll.ount (inches) Time of concentration (min.) coefficient of runoff· Basin area (acres) Computation . . Time to peak . '.rl! -2.0'l'cl{n/(1 + Kp} = 1.l072Tc (1.101-i..)(5) Time of hydrograph to begin TB = 20 -T, ( '2.,0 -'?,S~) Time of hydrograph to end ( ( :'I ... _____ . .T6 = 20 +. 1. 5 T, . "z,o + I · S' '?,'?3); Peak flow ( ) / ?l ~ = CIA (O,?t>) 5.0/ ( 4,4&/ lTe -7. 44 P4/T 0.6(5 =-5.-0 I in. /hr. 7. 44-(\.'~)7 so,b'fl' surrounding flow ((4) Depth of precipitation for 2 hours D120 --7.44 P,/120°-"5(2 hr.) 0120 ..,_ 0. 6785 P6 = /, '2!) in. Depth of ~recipitation for hydrograph DH = (P~Te :J5Sl/5. 8.3 = 0.58 in. p6 /. :3 Tc 5 C 0, 70 A 4.4-~ TP 553 Tn 14.47 TB .za .. 3o Qp /5, 75 c/s (0 .,;s 03~ J _$'; '07 SUJ,'.'rounding Intensity !11 = 60(D~ -Di!)/(120 -2.S'l'c}~ ~0(1.'t~-0.78)/(1?.0·'l,S(S)) .-··· I 5 = 0,1Q .in./hr. . 0s ~ CJ:sA (o,1o)(t1,40)(4.4~) Qs /.2.h t:,f.f Plot Hydrograph and surrounding ll'low· outflow/ Basin Si2e (Natural Conditions) 1. Plot on Hydrograph a. Draw line from surrounding flow intercept with beginning hydrograph limb to QN 2. Estimate volwne needed for reservoir a. Determine preliminary reservoir di~ensions b. Surrounding flow discharges directly through reservoir without detaining any storage 3 • Size outlet works · a. Outlet flow, 0o less than or equal to QN b. stay within the limits of the reservoir 4. Rout a. Refine reservoir dimensions and/or outflow faoi1ity smek.liy6 I .. PACIFIC COAST CIVIL, INC. .... vv . ' It?, 30141' AGOURA COURT, SUITE 200 AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301-4334 PH: (818) 865-4168 FAX: (818) 865-4198 " -~V' V 'i:\ - '~\ ~~ w I A -· ~~ :\ '"' IV "\~ l/21! V'" r-,.. 0~ / ... ~ r~~ "'· , '.'0~ t\ : I~ ~~ ~. ' ' ,. -r . '-.. IJ' '"" ~~ ~\ ' i ' ;~~ ~ l ' ' ,-~~ &> \ r-,~ l\.: ' ~10-.'/ \ A ,_ . t---I'<:--..;,, ,,i:.,., ~ 0--'./ \ ~) ~ y \ 'I' j \ ,~ ,.~ ~lo ~D ~T1 H"e --14 .4--e.=-7.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c.. .... s: 'M.IJ / ,, :5~ ()1,, -J!.J. '" . ~ ,I, 'C. z:-~ . / ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ r? '4(. ~F~ ~~ 1-:/ i/~ 1/ 1 "o', '4/) LI. .,., 4' t<.t .f; - DATE . II· Z/-t) z_ PROJECT ).J/ Ctl.5 T/9 ENGINEER %J> /:,= l~ ;7, ~ ~ lP~ .. SHEETNO. __ OF __ WORK ORDER ___ _ CHECK BY ____ _ v~ 1<. . Yt PL..1 'e I/ .. tR :2 ~ t/,/2 -/,J --~ ~iA t "2 v~, 1r. II. ~).: -~ 17 ~ r?_ c,/~ ~ ii)' ~;:j rlN , ' ~ y ~. ::?t". ~t t;i:: ,,. . ' . ~ -~ 'N; i::; , z:: 1:,, -1-:.r .... "4 ' I. J4!" = }, '2~ C;. ~ (' 4D 5 :> 7 ¼ E ~ ·t/1.J ~J .~,~ x4 ~/ ~II-I/ )<. 6 :, :s ct:. ~ 1//V = l~.i: ~01 ') ~ p. ' . \ \ \ < < \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '. ' \ ., \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ < ·. \ \ \ \ \ \ '-\ ' < < \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ',, \ ' \ \ \ \ \ 7,-' I , I l ' \ \ \ \ ' \ < \ \', \ \ \ \, ' \ \ < \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ < \ \ \ \ <, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ ··--------' .... ___ ..... "' \ \ \ "-..,-.,,,,._ \ \ "\,_ \ \ \ \ \ < .. \ \ \ \ ' 1 \ \ \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ t \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \. < \ \ \ \\ ' \'" ) ,._.,.,-" 30 \ \\\ \ SCALE 1 '= 30' \ \ , , , I LEGEND I 90 i I I i WATERSHED FLOWLINE NODES BOUNDAR)' '-, \ \ \ \ \ ' \ 1.1cfs. A= 0.58 ac. Tc =10.2 min. 43 i f 6. 5 cfs. A= 3.95 ac. Tc =13.4 min. ) ,/ ,,, ,/ ,_// ,,,,,. --------/ / / --··-···-··· 0 \ ,,, -~~---\ \,. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \,._ \ \ ',. \ '\\ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ ', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ' \ \ \ \ \\ ~ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ , .. ...., ' \ \ ...... \ "\ \ \ ·,. \ \-, \_ \ ,,~\/ / \ ' '~>< \ \ \ \ \ \ ,/ \\,_ .,, -\ ......... ~ \ \ ....,_ \ \ " \\\\\ \ \ . t 1 ' '~::,.. \ \ .... , \ \, \ \\ "\ \\ \, ' " \ \\ @) ' \ \ \.\ \ \\\ \\ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \, \. \\ ~\, \ \ ' \ \ \~ \ ' \ \ \ \ \.._, \ \ \ \ a ~ \ \ ', < \ \ \ \ PREPARED BY: ! j I I I ..... ---,.,,-"" , ... --· I { \ \ -···--....... ., .. , ____ -------~·-" ____ ,,_ ------------- DEVELOPED CONDITION BMP SITE MAP FOR SHEET VILLAS DE LA COSTA 1 OF st (!) (!) N ..... ll) N ..... N (I) " \ \ ' \ \ \ 30' \ \ ' ' ' ' \, \ \ . ' ' ' \ O'; ' . ' ' ' ' . \ ' ' ' \ / ' ' 30 SCALE !'= 30' LEGEND // /./ ' 60 / / .,./~ ,,,..// 90 WATERSHED FLOWLINE NODES BOUNDARY SUBAREA AREA J\JJJ-\P -J? 67 L} Q 10 1.1cfs. 51 Q 10 A= 0.58 ac. Tc =10.2 min. ~ ~ t .-\ 6. 5 cfs. 43 A= 3. 95 QC. Tc =13.4 min. \I J / / ............ .--"' ---------------- 0 11.00 ACRES I I\ I', \\ ~ l\ \ \~ " ii i\ . I ''v \- i I ,, ii \\ !( I, LI I\ 1~ Jl \ \ / \/ /\ \ \ \ ' . \ ,- r-r-1 I '0 I . ' \ ,, ' \ \ \ -F - N 8478'19'°W .D: , . " '2.84 (N 84'17',o-w 332 • \-. \ ~ ,_ .BT') ~ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8059 .. \," '· \ • ' \ ', ·\. \.,'-. \ •. \ :m l__ ·-1 '0 Cb' 11' l._TT7 01 '178.IID Ql'l'-,,2?!;,4 ~~ \ I _.....,.,,,_,,.j i \ I! '---;;:1--, ' \ \ lI&i\. 2/24/04 \ // // ??7 ,.,/ / / I \ \,_ \ \ \ 'iVJAP I I I -J.r:;.r.:;-p 11 00..,....-j' \ ( 2 7950 i j j I I r) C) "' .rL, . .JD~ ' I \ ' \ \\\ ! PJYJ I \ -J? 9-J 5 \ '" '· .... ·, / /I / j, / // /";/· / / ./ /./ / / / /;' / / I//, / ./ . I _/ I I / / . / ,, I / / ;~-/, / /!. ,/ ,(,/,,/ --'// ,// I /'// .. / /// // \ / / / / -----L . ' . ' . z_ "1 ........ ) -J-?586 \ \ _..,,.- ----·-""" ... '" -~--~-----·------"'- ·---······ / ,/ ,..,.---·- PREPARED BY: DEVELOPED CONDITION HYDROLOGY MAP FOR SHEET PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC 11Jl79 Huellllckcns Street San Diego, Ca 92121 PH(858)558-4500• FX(858)558-1414 VILLAS DE LA COSTA 1 OF CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 R, \0206 \ 8.Hycl\ 0206$H02-Flno.l -Eng-Dev .clwg[ 12 7 5]Jo.n-27 -2004•13•32 r--..., I '" 0 N "" 0 3' \ \ / \ _,.//,../ / _.,.--,,·' / .. - ----~---------~---- \ 2 LEGEND 30 0 30 SCALE 1·~ 30' ""\,_ \ \ I'· '\\" ... \ \ \ \ \ \...._ ____ ,, ... ~--~. \ • \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ Q 10 5. 9cfs. A= 4.55 QC. Tc =13.3 min. .,.,-~,,~ / ,, { / ,/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ .. .. \ \ \"' w A 1E-RsHEo· sou .. ND-AR·'f"/-,, F;tOWLINE ' ~GOES SUB AREA AREA 1.00 ACRES 60 ', \ \ \ ' \ \ • '\ \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ 90 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ·, ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ j \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ '· \ I f ' \ l \ --\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ '\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ ·. ~\ ~ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ ', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ - -\ 14.21 ACRfS I \ .. \ \ \ ', / •, \ > ·, \ \ • \ V \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ . \ ' \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \'\ \ I I I '~ -. ,/ / / / / / / / ,: i j •j I / ,, , \ \ \ .( ,/ / ,,,l ;1 1· /,,/ / / I ) / ;' // /!,// ;" / " f I I Ii I ,I /,/ /'/ / I : / : . : t ' I /'.1 •;· I j / , i I I r / I _, / / ',) /!/; ; / / / ; I / ( I i c • , I f j / / / / -f / / I I , , 1/11<1 /./ / / ' ' ' /' £,~.,__ Ii I ' / ///~/, /i TI&A 2/24/04 \ \\ 5:)~ . . \_)>"'/ \ I I / / \ . \ \ \ \ '· \ \ •. \ --....---~\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.,,.-,---··' /\ ,-\ ·, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \., "-...,, \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ . \ \. \ \ \ • \ \ - \"....,....,, \ ! I ' / j "'·,.,' \ \ \ \ \ j\ \ . 1/ j . / •, '· PREPARED BY: PLANNING ENQNEERING SURVEYING HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC. 10179 Huennekens Street San Diego, C,a 92121 PH(858}558-4500· FX(858}558·1414 \ • f ;-"\ _,,. ./' '-.,, .,) ! ~~-~---~· __ _.,, _,,,,/ / / ,/ ... / ~---/·/ ____ ,.,,,-- -·--; r··--....; '\ · ... _,/ '· ... ,.J EXISTING CONDITION HYDROLOGY MAP FOR SHEET VII_LAS DE LA COSTA 1 OF CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 R,\0206 \1.Hyd\0206$H01-Fin<1l-Eng-Exist.dwg[ 2018JOct-14-2003•16•14 .... ., I "' 0 N "" d ;,;