HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 03-12; PROMONTORY BUS. PARK LOT 21; STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2003-08-29Bl RICK ENGINEERING ®COMPANY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 03-12 JOB NO. 14437 AUGUST 29, 2003 REVISED: FEBRUARY 2, 2004 Cl C>~-I2.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 03-12 JOB NUMBER 14437 AUGUST 29, 2003 REVISED: FEBRUARY 2, 2004 Prepared by: Rick Engineering Company 5620 Friars Road San Diego, California 92110-2596 (619) 291-0707 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1· 2.0 Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................................. 2 3.0 Water QualityRequireme~ts Post-Construction ......................................... : ............................. 3 4.0 Pollutants and Conditions of Concern ....................................................................................... 5 5.0 Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) .. , .............................................. 6 6.0 Anticipated Maintenance Condition(s) ....................................................................... : ........... 10 7.0 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 13 APPENDICES A. AES 2000 Rational Method Analysis: 100-Year, 6-Hour Rational Method Analysis for On-site Hydrology B. Calculations for Water Quality Treatment Flow Requirements C. KriStar Enterprises, Inc.: Water Quality Treatment Capacities, Details, and Costs D. Suntree Technologies: Water Quality Treatment Capacities, Details, and Costs E. CDS Technologies In-line Treatment Units: Water Quality Treatment Capacities, Details, and Costs F. SUmplary of Approximate Costs for TJ,:eatment Control BMPs MAP POCKET 1. Preliminary Drainage Map for Proposed On-site Condition Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This technical report summarizes stonn water quality treatment based on exisiting conditions on Carlsbad Tract 03-l210cated in the City of Carlsbad. The project entails subdividing an existing 5.38 acre site consisting of 6 buildings and parking lot around its perimeter. Access exists from Loker Avenue via a driveway in the Northbound direction. Please refer to the Vicinity Map (next page) for the approximate project location. The scope of this project is to determine the flow rates contributing to each ofthe three existing catch basins / inlets on site and the appropriate water quality devices to be selected based on the calculated Qs. There will be no construction activities taking place on the project. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES requirements are contained in Section 402(P) of the federal Clean Water Act. These requirements are implemented through permits issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) or the local California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) in which the project is located. These requirem.ents are discussed in further detail within Section 3.0 of this report. This project is exempt from permanent storm water requirements as defined by the . . Municipal Storm Water Permit. Section F.l.b.(2)(a) of the Municipal Pennit states that projects adding or creating at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on an already developed site are subject to SUSMP requirements. This project proposes no improvements and thus no new impervious surfaces. This preliminary technical report is intended to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirement to provide a Stonn Water Management Plan with application submittals. Proposed BMP's, flow calculation and maintenance requirements are provided. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 1 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2,2004 ST:jf\K:\Job File~\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.0 VICINITY MAP Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company ·2 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\SWMP. (002).doc I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I. I· I I I I I I 3.0 WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR POST-CONSTRUCTION The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region is the State Agency tasked with regulating stonn water discharges in the City of San Die~o, the County of San Diego, the Port of San Diego, and 17 other cities in the region (hereafter referred to as Copennittees). On February 21,2001 the Regional Board adopted a new Municipal StorIi1 Water Pennit, Order No. 2001-01 (Municipal Pennit). This Municipal Pennit coupled with the existing Statewide General Construction Pennit, Order No. 99-08-DWQ, places greater requirements on new development. The Municipal Pennit requires municipalities to develo:p and implement Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Programs (JURMP). The JURMP contains several components. These components include: • Land-Use Planning for New Development and Redevelopment • Construction • Existing Development • Education • illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Public Participation • Assessment of Jurisdictional URMP Effectiveness • Fiscal Analysis The Land Use Planning for New Development and Redevelopm~nt ~omponent requires each Copennittee to modify their development project approval processes. Prior to project approval, Copennittees are tasked with conditioning each proposed project to implement measures that ensure pollutants and runoff from the development will be reduced. This reductinn of pollutants is accomplished through the development ofproject requirements in local peIlI).its. These conditions include specific requirements for project proponents, such as: • Implementing source control Best Management Practices (BMPs) for all applicable development projects; Prepared By: August 29, 2003 . Rick Engineering Company 3 . Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\JobFiles\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I '1 I I ·1 I I I I I' I I I ·1 • Implementing site design/landscape characteristics which maximize infiltraiton, provide retention, slow runoff and minimize impervious land coverage for all development' projects; and • Providing proof of a mechanism which will ensure ongoing long"-term maintenance of all structural Post-Construction BMPs. Another constituent of the Land Use Planning for New Development and Redevelopment Component of the Municipal Permit requires Copermittees to provide SUSMPs to reduce pollutants from all new development and significant redevelopment projects falling under' specific priority project categories or locations. The SUSMP includes the use of structural treatment BMPs. These BMPs should be located to infiltrate, filter or treat a required volume or flow prior to its discharge to any receiving water body supporting beneficial uses. This volume or flow based BMP treatment is known as Numeric Sizing Criteria. The San Diego Final Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (San Diego SUSMP) developed by the Copermittees and approved by the SDRWQCB on June 12, 2002 provides an implementation guide for compliance with the Municipal Permit. . Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 4 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST;jf\K:\Tob Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 POLLUTANTS AND CONDITIONS OF CONCERN Pollutants from the Project Area Typical storm water pollutants that may be anticipated from a commercial development such as this property include trash and debris that are contributed by humans and landscaping, as well as oil and grease that may result from leaking vehicles. Pesticides may pose problems when excessive applications containing toxic levels of its active component result in runoff While the, site is not expected to generate a large volume of sediment since no construction activities will take place, some sediment will be tracked in by cars and a small amount may be generated on site. This sediment is defmed as a pollutant, and may also contain attached pollutants such as heavy metals. The majority of these typical pollutants will ~e transported by low flows occurring during the initial stage of a storm event. Pollutants of Concern in Receiving Waters According to the "Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (9)", dated September 8, 1994, the Lot 21 property is within the Agua Hedionda Hydrologic Subarea of the San Marcos Hydrologic Area within the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. The corresponding number designation is 904.51 (Region '9', Hydrologic Unit '04', Hydrologic Area '5', Hydrologic Subarea '1'). Existing condition collects runoff in a drain network that will discharge into Agua Hedionda Creek. Agua Hedionda Creek drains west into Agua Hedionda Lagoon and ultimately drains into the Pacific Ocean. Lot 21 does not discharge directly into any impaired water bodies and the property is therefore not subject to the requirements of a 303(d) li~tings. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 5 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jt\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I ,I I' I I I il 5.0 PERMANENT STORM WATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) ill order to meet the requirements for termination of coverage under the Municipal Permit, and the San Diego SUSMP requirements, a project such as this would incorporate a tr~atment train of non-structural and structural BMPs' to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). The Storm Water Standards manual indicates projects shall incorporate the following BMPs into the project design: Site Design BMPs Source Control BMPs BMPs for illdividual Priority Project Categories (these ate site design and source control) Treatment Control BMPs ill general, site design, source control, and category specific BMPs are non-structural; and treatment control BMPs are structural. A more detailed description of each type ofBMP is discussed below. Site Design Site design BMPs are designed to maintain or reduce pre-development erosion and protect stream habitat. Since the proposed subdivision will not result. in any disturbance of the native vegetation, site design BMPs are not required for this project. However, the discharge within an existing storm drain network would be treated by structural treatment control facilities, which are discussed below. Source Control Source control BMPs are generally non-structural and are intended to reduce the quantity of pollutants entering the storm <:Irain system. This can be accomplished by employing integrated pest management (JPM) principles that includes minimizing the use of pesticides on site, Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 6 August 29, 2003 Revised:.February 2,2004 ST:jf\K.:\Tob Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I utilizing efficient irrigation systems to prevent runoff from landscaping, through public education (e.g., storm water conveyance system stenciling and signage, pollution prevention literature), as well as street sweeping. Public education is a preventative measure to reduce potential storm water pollutiol1' at its source. Public education typically inciudes literature describing storm water pollution prevention, resources for reduction, and proper disposal techniques for potential storm w~terpollutants. Stenciled inlets are another form of public education that informs the general public that the storm drain system discharges directly into downstream ~ater bodies. The owner of a property subject to source control BMP's would be responsible for removal and disposal of waste material from the project site and mainta~g landscaping on the project site in a manner that would prevent soil erosion and minimize sediment transport. Street 'sweeping physically removes sediment and trash from the roadways and parking areas to prevent it from entering the storm drain system. Site specific source control BMPs would be described in greater detail within the PCSWOMP as required for termination of coverage when urider the General Construction Permit. Treatment Control Treatment control BMPs will treat, infiltrate, or filter a specified amount of runoff from the project based on the numeric sizing criteria described in the Storm Water Standards manual (and the Municipal Permit Order No. 2001-01) .. The amount of I1.l11off that must be treated may be calculated using either the volume-based criteria or flow-based criteria, depending on the type of BMP selected to meet this requirement. The Storm Water Standards manual provides several criteria for calculating treatment volume of runoff for volume-based BMPs or treatment flow for flow-based BMPs. The following discussion of structural BMPs describes the treatment control BMPs which could be used to address the pollutants of concern associated with a project such as this. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 7 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\JobFiles\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I Structural BMPs For Treatment Control Structural BMPs on this type of project may include in-line stonn water treatment units andlor catch basin/inlet filter inserts. Following are descriptions of Structural B:MP options that could be used on a site such as Lot 21. In-line stonn water treatment units (with absorbent booms added) are mechanical separators that physically reduce sediment, trash, debris, and oil and grease from the flow and pesticides that attach to sediment. In-line stonn water treatment units are installed after the last inlet to the stonn water conveyance system and before the system connects to the existing off-site stonn drain system. In-line stonn water treatment units are flow-based BMPs. These BMPs would be incorporated to meet the requirements of the S,tonn Water Standards manual and would be sized using ~ flow-based numeric sizing criteria. Catch basin/inlet filter inserts (with absorbent booms added) are flow-based BMPs. Catch basin/inlet filter inserts reduce sediment, trash, debris, oil and grease from the flow and pesticides that attach to sediment. The catch basin/inlet filter inserts must be capable of treating the required treatment flow for the area of the project site draining to the catch basin or inlet. These BMPs would be incorporated to meet the ~equirements of the Stonn Water Standards manual and would be sized using a flow-based numeric sizing criteria. The required treatment flow for in-line stonn water treatment units and/or catch basin/inlet filter inserts is calculated using the flow~based numeric sizing criteria provided in Table 3 of the Stonn Water Standards manual, Table 3 ..:.. Numeric Sizing Treatment Standards (Section III of Stonn Water Standards). Appendix C provides calculations for water quality treatment flow requirements for the project based on the following numeric sizing criteria: ''the maximum flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall intens~ty of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour for each hour of a stonn event". For the purposes of this water quality technical report, Suntree Technologies filter inserts and KriStar Enterprises, Inc. filter inserts (named FloGard+PLUS) have been sized according to Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company "8 August 29, i003 Revised: February 2,2004 ST:jf\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I 'I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I' water quality treatment requirements for the development area coveted 'by the proj ect site. The specific structural BMPs that have been selected for installation throughout tbe development area are listed in the tables provided in Appendices D and E ofthis report. Approximate costs for both manufacturers have been provided in Appendix G of this report. CDS Technologies in-line treatment units have been sized according to water quality treatment requirements' for lot 21 and approximate costs have been provided. Additional approved manufacturers of in-line treatment facilities exist and may be substituted if the appropriate calculations are performed to size each facility according to its own unIque water quality treatment capacities. Refer to Appendix F for water quality treatment capacities, details, ?lld costs associated with CDS Technologies in-line treatment units. These water quality treatment capacities, details, and costs provided in Appendix F are unique to the CDS Technologies in-line treatment facility and shall not be used for sizing in-line treatment facilities by additional manufacturers. Depending on the overall design capacity of the storm drain system, the CDS Technologies in- line treatment units may require diversion boxes in order ~o provide for the 'local lOO-year design storm event. Preliminary rational method analyses have been perforpled, for the 100-year peak storm event and are provided for reference in Appendix B. The size and slope of pipe and amount of discharge passing through the unit are the parameters, which determine if a diversion box is required. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company , 9 August 29, 7003 Revised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\Tob Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I I I I I I I .1 'I I I I· I I I I II 6.0 ANTICIPATED MAINTENANCE CONDITION(S) Typical Maintenance Procedures for Treatment Control BMPs The maintenance procedure for servicing in-line treatment units or curb inlet filter inserts typically includes contracting the maintenance cleaning/waste removal through a provider of those services. Manufacturers often offer servicing f9r their own facilities, however, maintenance sery-ices are also offered through a variety of other manufacturers and cleaners as well. The frequency of maintenance required is site and drainage area specific. The units should be inspected periodically to assure its condition is adequate to handle anticipated runoff. Initially following the installation of new treatment BMPs, it is important to check that the unit is functioning properly and measure the amount of deposition occurring from specific storm events. At a minimum, inspections should be made on a .monthly basis and after every storm event to check that the unit is functioning properly and whether the unit requires servicing atthat time. Based on these inspections, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency of scheduled inspections and maintenance cleanings. It is important to note that for the purpose of this water quality technical report, anticipated maintenance costs and the frequency of servicing (as discussed below for "Anticipated Maintenance Cost of Post-Construction StructuraI'BMPs") are approximated and do not reflect the periodic· inspections that are nec"essary to determine the actual frequency that site specific units will require. Specific to the curb inlet filter inserts provided by KriStar Enterprises, Inc., service procedures include the removal of the manhole cover, vacuuming the collected debris, replacing the hydrocarbon pouches as necessary (sorbent material), inspecting for needed repairs andlor replacement of the filter medium, closing the manhole cover, properly disposing of the waste, and recording the maintenance service for future reference. Specific to the curb inlet filter inserts' provided by Suntree Technologies, service procedures include the removal of the manhole cover, removing the curb inlet basket, properly disposing of Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 10 . August 29,2003 Reyised: February 2, 2004 ST:jf\K:\Job Fiies\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I '1 I I .1 I' I: ., I, I I I I I 'I I I I the waste, replacing the hydrocarbon absorption boom (sorbent material), returning tbe filter-to' its secur~ position and closing the manhole cover, and reporting on debris and condition of filters for the maintenance service. Specific to the CDS Technologies units, "a unit can be cleaned using a vacuum ~ck or a small clamshell bucket, or a basket can be provided to fit a standard sump," as specified in the "CDS Technologies Stonn Water Pollution Control Technical Manual," dated July 2.0.02. If a basket is desired, CDS Technologies should be advised so that the material and installation costs can be adjusted accordingly. Anticipated Maintenance Cost of Post-Construction Structural BMPs Please refer to Appendix G of this water quality technical report for a SUlTI.l11.ary of the approximate maintenance costs associated with the proposed post-construction BMPs. The . annual maintenance costs provided within Appendix G assume th~t the catch basin inlet filters will be serviced four times a year, and the CDS units twice a year. However, periodic inspections should be made to ensure the unit is functioning properly and that the frequency of maintenance does not need to be increased (as des.cribed above in "Typical Maintenance Procedures for Treatment Control BMPs"): It is important to realize the annual maintenance costs provided within this report are preliminary and are approximations, which do not reflect the actual frequency that installed units may require servicing. Pursuant to information provided to Rick Engineering Company on May 2.0, 20.02 from Bio Clean Environmental Services (a provider/vendor of Suntree Technologies Curb Inlet Baskets), . maintenance costs for filter inserts are $3 ~6.GG per inlet per year, which assumes f?ur $79 . .00 cleanings per year per inlet. It is recommended that maintenance requirements are monitored for any necessary increase in frequency. Pursuant to a phone conversation made on April 23, 2003 with Bob Griese ofDownstreahl Services (a local distributor ofKriStar Enterpris~s' FloGa~d+PLUS units), maintenance costs associated with the filter inserts range from approximately $15.0 . .0.0 to $45.0 . .0.0 per inlet per year Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 11 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2,2004 ST~f\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\SWMP (002).doc I I I. I I 'I I I I ,I. I' I I I' I '1 I I I (depending on the number of filter insert components for each inlet), which includes four cleanings per year per inlet. It is recommended that maintenance requirements be monitored for any necessary increase in frequency. Pursuant to a phone conversation with Gordon Wilson of CDS Technologies, Inc. on June 3, 2003, maintenance costs associated with the PMSU20_15_ 4 treatment unit proposed for this project is approximately $1,470 per unit per year, based on two cleanings a year. The number of cleanings a year is based on soil and site conditions and may range from one to four cleanings a year. It is important to note that a variety of vendors distribute, install, and maintain these types of treatment facilities and may offer significantly different costs associated with each unit than those provided within this technical report. Responsible Party for Maintenance and Funding of Structural BMPs The owners of the subject property would be responsible for maintenance and funding of structural BMP's. The Covenant's Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) established for this subdivision will include provisions for maintenance and funding. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 12 August 29, 2003 Revised: February 2,.2004 ST:jf\K:Vob.Files\14437\Report\sWMP (002).doc I I I ,I I' I 'I I I' I I I' I ,I' I I I. I Ii 7.0 SUMMARY The applications to the City of Carlsbad consist of a non residential Tentative Map and Planned Unit Development and Final Parcel Map for an existing light industrial site. No improvements or creation of impervious surfaces are proposed. Based on these conditions, this project would be exempt from requirements for permanent BMP's and water quality treatment, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Storm Water Permit adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. However, pursuant to the conditions of approval for this project as set forth by the City of Carlsbad, permanent HMP's will be provided. The owner has elected to use catch basin/inlet filter inserts as described in Section 5 of this report, and as specified in Appendix:D & F. Prepared By: Rick Engineering Company 13 August 29, 2003 Revis!;d: February 2, 2004 ST~t\K:\Job Files\14437\Report\sWMP (002).qoc I I I' I I: 'I I ,I I; ,I 'I I I I I ,I" I 'I I APPENDIX A AES 2000 Rational Method Analysis 100,:" Year Rational Method Analysis for Carlsbad Tract 03-12 •• . .1 I .. :1 I , .~ .1, ! .J I Ii i I d ,. , , I. " ) ,I: , l- II I~ **************************************************************************** RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE Reference: SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD' CONTROL DISTRICT 1985,1981 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2000 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 1.5A Release Date: 0.1/01/2000 License ID 1261 Analysis prepared by: Rick Engin.ee:r:ing Compan'y 5620 Friars Road . San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 291-0707 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY *************.************* * Drainage Study for Lot 21 * 07/24/03 * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: C:\SCRATCH\LOT21.DAT· TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 14:48 07/24/2003 * * * -----------------------------------------------------------~--~------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: 1985 SAN 'DIEGO MANUAL CRITERIA USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 6-HOUR DURATION PRECIPITATION (INCHES) = 2.600 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(lNCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS (DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE SAN DIEGO HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: ONLY PEAK CONFLUENCE VALUES CONSIDERED 0.95 *USER-DEFINED STREET-SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF-CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER-GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN-/ OUT-/PARK-HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. ; (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) ;===== ========= ================= ====== ====== 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0;0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow-Depth = 0.00 FEET 'as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) -·(Top-of-Curb) 1. (Depth) * (Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 101.00 IS CODE = 21 ------------------------------------------------~-------.~------~----~------ »>'»RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ========================7=============================~==================~== USER-SPECIFIED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .9500 S.C.S. CURVE NUMBER (AMC II) = 92' INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 140.00 I' .. ~ f I; } 1 I~ , ) I: , j I} , l ! If , d 11 .:i! II ,l. j '11 ~ 1 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 395.00 383.60 11. 40 URBAN SUBAREA OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW (MINUTES) 1.588 *CAUTION: SUBAREA SLOPE EXCEEDS COUNTY NOMOGRAPH DEFINITION. EXTRAPOLATION OF NOMOGRAPH USED. TIME OF CONCENTRATION ASSUMED AS 6-MINUTES 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) = 6.090 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 1.10 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = . 0.19 TOTAL RUNOFF (CFS) 1.10 ************************************************ft**********~****t*********** .FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 101.00 TO NODE 102.00 IS CODg = 62 -------------------------------------------------------------~------------~- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 1 USED)««< ============================================================================ UPSTREAM ELEVATION (FEET) = 383.pO DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION (FEET) = 380 . .50 STREET LENGTH (FEET) = 490.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) -8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 30.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSF~L GRADEBREAK(FEET) 20.00 INSIDE STREET CROSS FALL (DECIMAL) 0.018 OUTSIDE ·STREET CROSS FALL (DECIMAL) 0.018 S?ECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF 1 STREET PARKWAY CROSSFALL(DEClMAL) 0.020 . Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Street flow Section (curb-to-curb) 0.0150 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Back-of-~alk Flow Section 0.0200 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW (CFS) STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH (FEET) = 0.44 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH (FEET) = 15.51 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) 2.19 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC .. ) 0.96 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.72 Tc(MIN.) 9.72 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 4.461 USER-SPECIFIED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .9500 S.C.S. CURVE NUMBER (AMC II) = \92 SUBAREA AREA (ACRES) 1. 88 SUBAREA RUNOFF (CFS) TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.07 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) . . END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH (FEET) = 0.51 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) 19.57 5. J,4 7.97 9.07 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.51 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.28 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 102.00 = . 630.00 FEET. ********************************************************************~******* FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 201.00 IS CODE = 2~ -------------------------------------------------------------~---~---------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< =================================~====================~========~===========~ USER-SPECIFIED RUNOFF COEF.FICIENT = .9500 S.C.S. CURVE NUMBER (AMG II) = 92 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 115.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION 395.00 2 ~I 1 l 'I './ ,... ~ I: J 1 I~, .i 1 ,I!' ~, ;:j I: " , I: .. i I~ , , 'I, '" j 11 , l '11 . ! ;, , 11 , " ii 11 .d :1 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 384.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 10.50 URBAN SUBAREA OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW (MINUTES) 1.385 *CAUTION: SUBAREA SLOPE EXCEEDS COUNTY NOMOGRAPH DEFINITION. EXTRAPOLATION OF NOMOGRAPH USED. TIME OF CONCENTRATION ASSUMED AS ,6-MINUTES 100 YEAR ~INFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) = 6.090 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.04 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.18 TOTAL RUNOFF (CFS) 1.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 201. 00 TO NODE 202.00 IS CODE = 62 --------------------------------------------------------------~------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 1 USED)««< ======~===========================================================~======~== UP.8TREAM ELEVATION (FEET) = 384.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) STREET LENGTH (FEET) = .255.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8,0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 30.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) 20.00 INSIDE STREET CROSS FALL (DECIMAL) 0.018 OUTSIDE STREET CROSS FALL (DECIMAL) 0.018 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF 1 STREET PARKWAY CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) 0.020 381. 50 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Street flow Section(curb-to-curb) 0.0150 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Back-of-Walk .Flow Section 0.0200 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTlMATEP FLOW(CFS) STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH (FEET) = 0.37 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.84 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) 2.58 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) 0.96 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.65, Tc(MIN.) 7.65 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 5.207 USER-SPECIFIED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .9500 S. C. S. CURVE NUMBER (AMC II) = ,92 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) 1. 08 SUBAREA RUNOFF('CFS) TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.26 PEAK FLOW RATE (CFS) END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH (FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH (FEET) 14.9'6 3.72 ~.34 6.38 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.91 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT'kFT/SEG.), 1.25 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 202.00 = 3"(0.00 FEET. *************************************~********~***************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 301.00 IS CODE = 21 -----------~---------------~-----------------------------------------~------ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAR~A ~NALYSIS««< ========================~=================================================== USER7SPECIFIED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT =',9500 S.C.S. CURVE NUMBER (AMC II) = 92 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 100.00 UPSTREAM EL~yATION = 395.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION 384.50 3 " i , , < $ 111 "'I';.. , , j '11 ~) ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 10.50 URBAN SUBAREA OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW (MINUTES) 1.233 *CAUTION: SUBAREA SLOPE EXCEEDS COUNTY NOMOGRAPH . DEFINITION. EXTRAPOLATION OF NOMOGRAPH USED. TIME OF CONCENTRATION ASSUMED AS 6-MINUTES 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) = 6.09.0 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.81 TOTAL AREA (ACRES) = 0.14 TOTAL RUNOFF (CFS) 0.81 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 301. 00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------~- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 1 USED)««< ===================================================~===================~~~== UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 384.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) STREET LENGTH (FEET) = 585.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 30.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FE~T) 20.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECI~L) 0.018 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) 0.018 SPECIFIED NUMBER Of HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF 1 STREET PARKWAY CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) 0.020 380.80 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Street;flow Section(curb-to-c-urb) 0.0150 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Back-of-Walk Flow Section 0.0200 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW (CFS) 3.89 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.41 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.79 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) 2.06 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) 0.84 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.74 Tc(MIN.) 10.74 100 YEAR RAINFALL I,NTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 4.183 USER-SPECIFIED RUNOFF' COEFFICIENT = .9500 S'.C.S. CURVE NUMBER (AMC II) = 92 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) 1.52 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 6'.04 TOTAL AREA (ACRES) = 1 . 66 PEAK FLOW RATE (CFS ) 6. 8'5 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH (FEET) = 0.47 HALFSTREET FLOOD ,WIDTH (FEET) 17.46 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.35 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC,) -1.11 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 302.00 == 685.00 FEET. ===================================================================~======== END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) 1.66 TC(MIN.) = 6. '85 10.74 ===~========~====================================================~========== ======================================~===================================== END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 1 4 _ _' ~ .. .. .. '.... .. ..... e'" "i_ ., --... ~ "\-:r,,' -"' .. " ... .-_ ....... ~;--.,~. ~:-; .. ,,-. :.. '~. '. ::: .•••• -.' ~.\ .. ,J '~. '. : .. ~ l~r·ERsrrY~Mr.MrDES"iGN c~TARr .. :.. ,-~ ,... -..,. , ~ ,~.. - 'Directions for Application: 1) From precipitat.ioll maps detennfne 6 hr. and. 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are'printed in the County Hydrologj Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in tt . Design and Pr-ocedure ~1anual ). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitati'on (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not nrrlicable .to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the riunt side of the chart. 1 4) Dra\,1 a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. . .5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location. being analyzed. Selected Frequency \00 yr. . * 1) P6 = ,iZ.-{" in., P24= 4. , , P6 = o-b?> %* I.~.·;:-::: .. : P24 :~-FHI-F+H=+-I+!+++t+l :!-/-tUttl-H .. ': :. : >-:: .' > .. ' , 2) Adj us teC1 -.:: ~~. ~.-' ~-.. ,:': .. : -: ': -. :: .. : . .: ' . : ...... :. : . : ... -. .. . ;' .. ~ ,":: :" :; 1J: ' •• , • • .' 3.2 -,-- . --.... , . . '. ... . . :I ... ... .. f ".': '., . '11'11···--'. ...... 'f-&.:..L-I;&' ... I~.:t!1 .a"'I":;::'~l. 0 1111 I I I II+H-'· ~ -4, 1--1-"1-.-1-1-1 ... 1-1_'.1 ·1--I-I-H": -1 ............. 1-.-....... ---~+-H-I-H-I-I-H+H .•. ~ 1-1-1--1,--- .; IIII-I-+-t-+ .. H+H-H-H···,·,· ....... · .... ··•·· -I--+--· .. -.. _I ...... u ,.,1 I' I I I I)'! 111·IIII.1IHrllllllll.III"I·III~III"IIII'!J1I1111I1I1 J I J IIIIIIIIIJ.I!IIIIIIIIII ;TO' . . '- H-j-·H-++l-H-H+I-· ........ . . . 15 20 Mi nlltl=!~ 30 40 50' 1· 2 Hours 3' 4 5 6 3) t = e 4} I = ; . j. • ','. \'.:.-:'~'.' ".'::;:. r .' . *p = . 2-f, 6-..... o. min. i n/hr. ~N~t'Applicable ~o·Desert Region ., . APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Revised 1/85 , ... " ...... ~ . ..-,,,.:.--. ~ -.......... -I" ·· .. 1 ~-"'1-::._--:/ .... , :._ J:, .... ::::_ r'-: .. --.,., ..... b....,..-:.~_ \_~~ ~.~ ~ .. :~ ",," .,-:;-S loot-.~, ..... ,~ .... ,'I;~ .... l,. •• ~.' .4-.--~ ".~ ~ ~ ~"~ ~ ..... ~ , . f ""'-J COU1ITY'OF'SAN DIEGO. DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION·& FLOOD CONTROL 100-YEAR 6-m:Bl.!~. PREClrlT AIION "-20./ ISOPLUVIAlS rFl00-VEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPiT/\TIOrl IN iEi·3THS OF tHJ H~CU 45 • \: ' :.! ~ \II\~ I '>.;.-;: j' , 330 s ---:-._-_ ... --. .. .. -. '--45 ' n n.. ,-_.G.I~ Dllr.1i I' l (;I\~~ P'~pn .. d b,. u.s .. DEPARTMEN l' OF COMMERCE NAt10;fAL OCEANIC AND AT.OSPlIltRIC AOMI~ISTRATIO~ SPECIAL STt.iOlES BRANCH; Of'FIC~ OF" II. UROLOGY. NATIONAL W£ATH£RSERVJCE 30' -I I I ~u "U"V.W"" I '. I . 118', 45' 30 1 15' 1170 . l~51 30' 15" 1160 . • ... -I" 1IiIiii-.. " ,..... < ......... (.. ...... ",; .. " ,._. , ........ ':(iiiiIIIIiI ~_ :.~: : ,_. :\jiiJllt :._ L." : .... ~~.,_ . ""-_-":'-.~ .......... _~ t._r~ ..., .. ~ ... .:. . ..;. ....... ~ . .,.'-'~ "'~,. -'"_ \..o.~ >e •••• ,,1 ;." ~ I~ ... ,~ ... ~ '___ ,~. • . . .: COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL 45 1 • 30' 15' 1 OO~ YEAR 24-lolmlR pm~CIPIT ATio~j r20J ISOPLUVIALS' Of 1 00 -YEAR 24-HOUR ,33 0 -i \\,~ ,-'- 45 1 Pre"D~'<I by . U.S. DEPARTMENlr OF COMMERCE NATION,\L OCJ;I\:-'IC ANO A1':'!OSI'IIER1C AOMINls'rRATION SP~C/AL STUDIES SRA:-ICII, ot'l'ICE OF 1I10'~OLOGY. NA'n~NAL WEATJlER S~RVIC£ '..., H 30' .. -I. ~.. 111lu I,!.i' 30' , I~' • w '/,!i ' :10 1 I ~, ·116" I ~I, ',1"1 I : 'I' I v I ,I, 1'-, , I 'I 'I III , ii, I' 'I 'I:' I J 'I" , , APPENDIXB Calculations for Water Quaiity Treatment Flow RequirelD.ents -': :-=-=-~ :-~-:-:-:-:~-,.-:.-.-,.-.-,-~ .-.- ~I~' WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR FILTER INSERTS Post Construction BMP's for Lot 21 Project Required Treatment Flow (cfs) = 'C' x 'A" x 0.2 in/hr (pursuant to Numeric Sizing Criteria within Storm Water Standard manual) ~~~ ---------~---------------- Drainage Map Type of Inlet Tributary Rational Method Required Treatment Node # Area (Ac) Coefficient 'C' Flow (cfs) 102 C 2.07 0.95 0.39 202 G-3 1.26 0.95 0.24 302 B 1.66 0.95 0.32 -~ .. --_ ... " . I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I, I i I 'I I I APPENDIXC KriStar Enterprises, Inc. Water Quality Treatment Capacities, Details, and Costs , I , I ~ I t I I , 1 I , ; I • i I I . l I~ I: l I :. J I :i 11 , , i < , I: , . , : 07/23/2003 .15: 55 -... ·707:":'524-8186 Flo-Gerd+Pfus Rlt~ Installed -t-----JI:IHI::fI: "!;tIES: IntotlD Model No. (In I( In) FGP·12F 12x12 FGP·1530F 15x30 FGP-16F 16x16 F.GP·18F 15X,18 FtGP-1822F l!D x 24 FGJ>-1824F 16 x 22 FGP-1S36F 18x36 fGP-2024F 20x24 FGP·21F 22x22 .=GP·2142F 21 x4l! FGP·24F, 24X24 FGP-~6F 24x3G FGP-244SF 24x45 FGP-2448F 24x48 FGP-28F ~x28 FGP40F 3Q~3Q FGP-36~ 36x36 FGP·364SF 36x~ , FGP-48FJ2 pc) 48~~ ,. ~cqxdtyrdl<d:saO!!oa( ~tr/.lrn!IC11t:I8 _ coIcoIIonprl<rigl~rcnte.<lnqb~ •. :a FllI>/ndflo~'!:'r>;lu~",,:a~dtt.rla" of2. ~ Fl<)-Ga'dOI'W$CIM'\ Bl>I<ln RIla-lnoc1:!o=zM.Il:ble • itllI')oI#W'\d .. dSl=I"""_I<rin .... m .. _ " CIIlford.t:aa",,,,, anlam,,;t • ...,.Its. GndeOD (10 xiII) 14x14 16x36 18;1t18 20x20 18x22 2Ox24 18x40 22x24 '24x24 26x42 ~6x26 24x40 ' 26x47 2~x48 30 x, 30 3Ox34 56x40 401(.(8 48l1: 52 ". FkH3!rd>flU3fU~ ~~ bcu=:lih~lOn • wth:. reQUJl!r rm!nIlImIl'Cl_l'raQ'DIII. Rof.d" ' , ·1Ill~:;I!:IXImmmi1ed Jmlnlen~1'O eUl;ltlIrei:. !.I$ PATeN,.peIlIlIllO Solids StorillJ9 Cap. feu tt} 0.3 2.3 O.~ 0.8 2.1 1.5 2.:! 1.2 2.2 4.3 2.2 3..4 .4.4 4.4 2.2 3.6 4..6 6.8 9.5 - KRISTAR, ENTERPRISES . ' Inlf\~1 Total Filtered 'l3y'p~ S&col1dary. 13~p~' RoW' Cap. ' Byp3US Cap. (c:fs) (crs) Cap.(d51 J¢S) 0.4 2.7 0.1 2.8 1.6 6.5 0.4 6.9 0.7 4.4 0.2 4.7 O.t 4.4 0.2 4.7 1.4 5.6 0.3 15.9 1.2 4..8 0.2 5;0 1.6 "Ii.S 0.4 fI.9 f.() 5.6 0.3 5.9 1.5 5.8 O.S 6.1 2.4 8.7 0.4 B.1. 1.5 5.8 ().3 6.1 2.0 7.5 0.4. B.O 2.4 8.9 0.4-9.3 2.4 8.11 0.4 9.3 1.5 5.8 0;5 6.3 ' 2.1) 7.S O.S 8.1 2.4 8.6 O.S 9.1 S2 10.8 0:6 1.1.5 s.g 12.5 0;7 13.2 fLO..GARdr~ +P,LUS .CATCH BASIN FILTER INsERT (F~Mount) FLPirGRAnSOf.lL.Cr .SJ-EET1 a:::z: WiSler E/II:erprlS9s.1nc~ 5ardl:l R~~, CA (SOO)S7B·a81B . '. . PAGE '02/07 POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL S I ! I I -J I I I I I I I j I , . I I I ~ J • 07/23/2003--15:55 707.::-524":8186 KRISTAR ENTERPRISES OoodaTrap Catcll~n (l'Ial catals S~e) ---'-,---::::r.:======::-::::::::=:L -~Oulfet Pipe U.S. PATENT PENDING NOTES: 1. AD6a!'d+PL~TM ({tame mount) high (lIIpecIty catch basin tns.cts oro av-all/lbtlilln $lzes to fit moot irKfusli}"" 6limdal'd catch basin ~i%e$ alld !1Iy11il$ ($(Ie specifier ch&rt). -Rafer to the F1oCSaid-tPLUSlM (weD mount) irl$ert tQl' <lev/ees 10 fit nan-standard or eombtna1l00 etyIlj <:¢h basins. 2. Filter iMll>rt sht\lt ha~e !)Qlh $0 '1I1It1s'" filte~ byp= al'ld '\IIU~' hlgiJ. flow ~~fo!llLl/'Q. _ 3. FIlter aBS9I7lbly shan btl C!Onstrllcwd from stslnleaa atssI (T~ 3(4). 4. Mow A mlnfml.lll1 (lf2'·O" 01 c!ssmnce betweoo ~ bottOt'll of grate-and top cllnlat or outl91plp$($). R~fCr to the Fli>GwQ1'II in~ertfor'ahanO'lY' Imi1l1Ualions. 5. FI'-mediwn atmIl be PassU Rod?" lristaJjed and nialntalned in OICQQ~ with msnufac1unlrre~on(l; FLOGAROtPLUS'" CATCH BASIN-FILTER INSERT (FRAME MOUNT) FLAT GRATEOINi..ET SHEET20f'2 ,PAGE :-03/67 -, -~ I " v I l L I " ~-l. -, , I <"1i I . , I : b, I , J I '.t • .!. I ! .J: I , I I ,I , ; I' ; j: I~ • j I: .,.j I: c.:! ;' I~ "- ;:. 1 I: ,L }.; . 07/23/2003' i5:55 . 70:7--:·524-8186 Ro-GardfPIus installed In'~t ~fate: "'adel ~o. width (In) Inxln FGP·24CI 24 r:C;P-.30CI 30 FGP-36C1 36 FGP-42CI 42 FGP..,fSCI 48 FGP..sCI 60 FGP-6CI 12 FGP·7CI ~ FGP-6CI 116 ' FGP,.10CI 120 FGP·12CI 144 'FGP~14CI 168 ~GP-16C1 192 FGP-18CI 216 FGP·21CI 252 FGP·UCI 336 .1. l!b1rq>~tyr"'l~ao<l\Q' n\;KflI.ImlilORdll • ooIIQCf;fonpriort411rfl'1'lIrQllIt'lrlngb)p-. tl-fIlt<nd! Ioy.inl:R fnaIu~ 1I1Af4lllr~ d ~ ;it. F1OoOdKd+f1l11' c.toI;I &:.in Al cri~ ""'I ...al<bl., • 1n1he~IIrd$l=<-:Hx1",,'orln""::Ioin"'''''''' • ColI fo..,l"hil"oo cwfom ..... In..ns. I. F1o-Glnl+l'Il5f/H..-/1lRtt!I S'loufdb!lUzlllClIn c:onunClion • WiharOQtJ ... wq:nll"1~PI'OIIr.1m. R4Iftil"N • ~~"re:omMlndI!d II'IlI/riI!n:rta!gUdd....",. IJ~ PATENT FEUDING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Solids Storago Cap. (cu ttl 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.2 . 3.7 4.6 5.6 6.S 7.5 S.3 9.1 13.0 KRisTAR ENTERPR"r5I::s Initial Total Filtered Byp~ S~condary . Syp:iss Flo\\( ~a~; Bypass Cap. fefsl . em .; C:lO~ lml (efsl 0.8 5.5 0.1 5.6' 1.0 6..5 0.2 6.7 1.2 7.5 0.2 1.7 1.4 8.6 0;2 8.8 1.5 9.6 0.3 9.9 1.B 11.3 U 11.1) 2.2 13.4-0..4' 13.8 2.5 1M M 15.9 2.9 17.5 0.5 18.0 3.5 21.3 O.e. 21.9 4.2 25.4 U 26.2 4.9 . 29.2 0.9 30.1 5.6 3:l.4 1'.0 34.4 6.2 37.2 1.1 38.3· 7.2 . 43.0 U 44.3 9.5 , 56.8 1.8 58.5. : FLO.-GARdhl +PLUS CATCH ~SlN FILTER INSERT !CUrbMoumJ FLATGRATSJINLET .sfi:ST 1 OF 2 I l' I · ; , -I I , b I • I I _ I- I : l I. ~ . I .; .,.l. I :· ; l i' I · i I' Ii , .. .1 I , 07/23/2003 15: 55 '707-524-8186 KRISTAR ENTERPRISES PAGE '05/07 Attach to catch basin waif or wall mount bracket assembly Debris Trap (16 Ga. slainless,steel) 12" r--------------------------VMes------------------------~ TOP VIEW Initial (filtering) Bypass Gasket T 12" ~~~~~~J Stainless Staal Support Basket C.,:toh B<tsin Wall Liner FRONT VIEW Stainless Steel Debris Trap (16 Ga.) Filter Liner (optional) Stainless Steel Support Basket (0.08) FLOGARD+.PLUS'" . CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT (CURB OPENING STYLE) SHEEi20F2 Krlstar Enterpri~s. Ino .. SMta Rosa, CA (800) 579-8$1 B I ~ I I , I" .. I I " ..... I 1 I ,1 I , , I' , .I I I I: ;! j, II ~ .i 11 ~ ill " 1 IJ , l ~ J ,07/23/2003' 15:55 '707~524-8185 KRISTAR ENTERPRISES Scope: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FLO-GARD AND FLO-GARD "PLUS" (HIGH CAPACITY) CATCH BASIN INSERTS This specifioation descn'bes a Catch Basin Filtration D-evice that removes sediment, debris~ trash and petroleum hydrocarbons (oil and grease) from water flowing into the, drainage inlets during low flows (:first flush) without impeding the ~et's maximum design flow. Hydraulic bypass calculations shall be supplied upon request. The nitration device shall incorporate a silicate adsorbent filter medium capable of collecting and containing nQn-soluble pollutants including, b~t not limited to~ petroleum hydrocarbons (oil and grease). Filter medium shall be contained'in separate removable containers that can easily be replaced without removing the filter liner. Filtration device shall not rely on collected sedim~ debrist trash or filter liner as the medium for hydrocarbon collection. High capacity filtration devices shall incorporate a debris trap, designed to retain , , float,able pollutants during high flow periods and both an :initial filtering bypass fur IIlOdetate flows and an ultimate bypass for peak desiglrflows. The installed device '~sball not" impede drainage inlet's peak: design flow prioI' to or after tpe device has reached'its pollutant storage capacity. Material Properties: Filtration device support frame and hardware shall be manufactured from Type 304 stainless steel It shall be designed to support ,maximum anticipated loads from the, collected pollutants and water. StruCtural calculations or laboratory tests shall be supplied upon request. , Field modifications. welding or pairiting of the device shall not be allowed. ' Device shall incorporate a removable :filter liner made from a: woven polypIopo~ep.e ' monofilament geotextile with a cleap. flow rate of 140 gallons per minute (gpm) per square foot. The use of a non-woven geotextile filter liner shall not be allow-ed. Filter medium shall be hydrophobic silicate adsorbent material treated to, attract and :l'etain petroleum hydrocarbons and other non-soluble pollutants. It shall be non- biodegradable and non-leach~ and contain no hazardous in~edients as defined by the 0-7 PAGE', 135/137 I · l I l , ~ I < • I I -} I J t I ~ 1 I .:. j I~ · ! I • j I: · , Ii , 1 II • j I~ ; ""2 I! • .! I t ! , J ·07/23/2003 15: 55 707-,524~8185 KRISTAR ENTERPRISES u.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. J ccupationol Saf<lty and Health Administration (OSHA), and the World Health orgd:tion (WHO). Installation: I Installation of filtration device 'shall not 'require ext~ns~e modification of th~ cat~ baSin and shall be performed by a manufacturer-approved installation contractor. Installation ~ontractor shall be licensed and insured in accordance with agency requirements. ' Filtration devices installed into grate~ or combination grate with ourb opening inlets ' shall be either supported by resting thff support brackets on the grate bearlng ledge (installed without the use bolts ,or other anchoring devices) or moUnted to the Catch basin wall with easily removable separate wall mount brackets to allow for quick access to the piping System in the event of an emergency.' , Devices fur curb opening style inlets (no grate) shall be installed across the entire width ofthe curb opening and shall be secured to inlet wall, across aud beneath the ourb opening, using corrosion-resistant anchors (Type 304 .sta1n1ess steel). The use of chains or cable to secure the device shall not be allowed. Filtration devices shall be installed 'in such a manner as to direct all flows into the device. Distanoe (gaps) between the inlet Wall and the de'Vice sba1l1;lot exceed linch. Gaps of less than 1 inch shall be sealed with a flexible weatherproof sealant~ as approvedby' agency. Installation contractor shall supply agency (engineer) with an installation record, denotilig the date ofinstaUatiOn, drainage inlet location, type of drainage inlet and type and/or size offiitiation device. . PAGE 07/07 I b. 1 .. -····., ~ J I . _..9 I I. I. f'" • I • h I L ~ , I I -J' -' . I I , . I , ; i .I lO' .A i(riStar 'Enterprises, Inc. InstaUation/Maintenance Department DRAINAGE PROTECTION SYSTEMS DRAINAGE PROTECTION SYSTEMS P,O. Box 7352 . . Santa Rosa, CA 954Q7 Phone: 888-950-8826 . ~ax: 7075248·186 www.kristar.com . General Specifications For ;tY1.aintenance of Cat~h Basin Filtration Systems SCOPE: 'Federal, State and Local Clean Water Act regulations and those of insurance carriers require that stonnwater filtration systems be maintained and serviced on a recurring basi~. The intent of the regulations is to ensure·tl:).at the systems efficiently remove petroleum hydrocarbons, chemicals, sediment and other harmful pollutants from stormwa~er runoff. . RECOMlYlENOED FREQ1JENCY OF SERVICE: Drainage Protection Systems (DPS) re~omInends that catch basin filtration systems be serviced on a recurring basis. The frequency qepends on the amount of runoff, pollutant loading and interference from debris Cleaves, vegetation, cans, paper, etc.). AS'a rnlnimum, it is reco:nunended that each installation be serviced' a minimum of three times per y~ar~ wj~h a change of filter . . . nie~ium once per year. SERVICE PROCEDURES 1. The catch ba~in shall be visu~ily mspected f~r defects and. possible illegal dumping. if defects that affecf the efficienQY of the catph basin are found, the·c].lstomer rep:\esentative will.be so notified and a note made on the catch basin, service log~ It: illegal duuiping .has occurred, the proper authoritie~ and prop~rty owner reprl=lsentatiye should be notified as . soon as possible. ·Debris around the. catch ba~in shall be collected and placed in a'DOT approved container for later di~pos?-1. . . 2. Dep.ending on the type of'system, the catch basin grate or manhole cover wilrbe removed and the conclition of the "filter and filte~ me:dium. visually inspected .. Servic~abmty' of the gaskets, silicone sealant and stainleSs steel concrete anchors should be detennined ancl a check made to insure prope.r P9sitioning of the filter within t~e·catch basin. Problems found with the filter will be corrected and noteq on tqe catch "basin service log. The filter qledium pouches will be inspected for remaining useful life and rep~aced as needed. 3. The collected debris will be vacu).lmed' from tlie filte~ and placed in a DOT approved storage tank. Materials in the filter that are qu~stionable interms ofpo-Uutio~ pote{ltial will be placed in a separate DOT approved con~ainer. Once th~ debris has. been reIIloved, . the filter liner and liner connections will be inspected for damage. :Damage to the liner or liner connections will be corrected and an appropriate notation made on the catch basin s.ervice' log. '. . 4. After the filter is cleaned, and :necess~ry repairs or adjU$tments made, the grate or . manhole cover will be replaced. The amount and typ.e of debris removed from the filter will be recorded' on the catch basin.service log.~ Reco~endations or po"tential problem.s will also be noted on the catch basin servJce log. ,' .. N' • "M, •• 'lI_~'-'."".-t:.U" .. -:_ •••• ~ • .;~.~. _ ....... "'". ~ ....... "' •• ~ .•• '_ -'J, ._ .......... ~ ••• " .:r\ " J I~ .' ,.] l L 'I: ,4 I: 1 I: : L I · l'~ I t t' I~' • 1; , r I,' I \ • 0\ 1 I . , I . , I t J I . . EXCHANGE AND DISPOSAL OF EXPOSED FlL TER :MEDIUM The frequency offilter medium pouch exchange will be'in accordance with the maintenance agreement. DPS r.ecommends that the medium be changed at least once per year. During the appropriate service call, or if so determined by the service techniCian, the filter"rI!ediuin pouches, will be replaced ,with new pouches and the exposed pouches pl~ced in it sepaTa~e DOT approved container. Once the filter pledium is removed, DPS takes possession of the waste and becomes responsible for proper handling and disposal. The exposed medium and the debris re'rrtoved from -. the filter and catch basin will be kept in separate DOT approved coritain.ers. Because the task·of the filter medium is to remove 'petrole1;lm'hydrocarbons, some beavy metals and other harm:fu:l pollutants from stormwater runoff, the pouches must be treated, as an EPA Class 2 Hazardoqs Waste and disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal agency·regulations. DISPOSAL OF REMOVED DEBRIS Debris removed from the catch basin will be placed in a DOT approved container. Once the . " debris is removed from the catch basin,. DPS takes possession and becomes responsible for proper disposal. The debris removed from the catch basins will be transported off site, tested and . profiled to'detennine the proper method of disposal: After the deb~is is profiled, it will'be .-' manifested and transported to an appropriate waste facility. All manifests and. test results will be, retained by DPS. Copies of the manifests and test results. can be supplied upon request of the customer. .. CATCH BASIN SERVICE LOGS Every catch basin that contains a fIlter will be assigned an identifying tracking number. A catch basin"ser.:vice log' folder will be assembled for each specific site. The catch 'basin service log will be used to track the' debris removed and al,ly potential problems for each individual catch basin for each service call. After each service cali, copies of the catch basin serviee log. will be forwarded to the customer and these should be placed in thefolder·provided to the customer by DPS. DPS -will send copies of the service logs to the appropr~ate government agency upon requ~s~ of the customer., . . . ." " . . ., , , . ADDIDONAL SERVICES, IF REQUIRED Services not Included in the foregoing service agreement, but may be neCessary, are removal and disposal of debris, sediment, etc. at the bottom of the catch basins or more frequent filter services. . . : DPS also has. the capabil~ty of servicing catch basins without filters, underground oil/water . separators, stormwater interceptors, and other devices'. Call us at (800) 950;;.8826 for further information. " d ,-~"~"~~~-..,;~ .. ---.- <1 " . 1\ .: ! • > ,. I· '.' , I. . - I ~-;; , ,. -. "£. , • • , -I· i • .J. '&1 RICK . ENGINEERING '. COMPANY O~/~ ~~-~ -~ 5620 Friars Road· San Diego, California 92110-1.596' [619)·1.91-3588' www.rickengineering.com -' .l5' .~ ~ Rc\(;~J ~ 0$"/05-lo~ 3" .. ~ fit 1 ~ ~ . // . f4ffmx'r~Ot+e Co ~i-S: Ii'. . '. ~('\~~\\ 'price \$ 3 '{2,'S-O) .~ ~·~C")e. ~Q\. eO\c.~ \(\\e+ +yp€ p . If\Jepe(\J'w\,r of haw. 0~nl r"l\+U-\C\s~r+-CQMP0flt..At--s c.,:tt L- MA~t\-\-enCl..\\Ce. f("~c.e. :5 .$.37,~O pe-~ f;lter InS~(+ .(og p~; ."le· ~~e-fort.,.) lYF~ 13-' OI.AOL 'S ... 1. .~t\J.C!T5 ~~;ch heAve ·}L..)O o..t'-J tN:ee f~ \~ ',(\5" e (ts' e. ",-c.. h )' r e <;'~ eft ~ \ 7') CoSo + .. 1'<\ 0 {~ +-0 (Y\<1 1'\,\ \- Tht 5 e f'\ o..'i 1\ \-erI" ('\ C' e . c~ 5" h q,. i e p ~ r c.I c",-('\; 1\ ') -!\ PfCO >< i """, ~ Iy fov.c e-I eC\0i0-~5 rae jeo....\ ~~t . be ,(\~ce ~a...(y ... Nvte. ~ 1L st ff'~ce ~ tA,\'e frat"' t\"'t. \oc~ \ Ji~tr ,1.",+&(" fo(- krl Sh(" Z;I'krp-iseo:;proJu.c+S., Tk ~()t,lfe¢:+~rer ItJ 0 .. kI. I I, I I I' I I .1 I' I I I I I :1 I I .1 I APPENDIXD Suntree Technologies . Water Quality Treatment CapaCities, Det~ls and Costs ;:: ,.; , , , ,R G>i~SGd) 'TABArtrJetJr F1J:;w W'At-tTt1 ~A'-UJt-AT lerAl 1 PD ri;.;: ::' '" . . c..v,i.~ ':;, i-J~T' a AS k"~ /' , ' " TW\S:, c.hlC..U~I;to~ ,w~~s wt:: ,0'U: .. ~LATI()".:f D~D k> 12.9, \61. fE:;t<.Folt,M~..D fO"j R\c..\¢ ,e.~,IN~ /t.ltvG, C-aM P.l~·~ GA5E:f) ON tVe:W It-i PoftMATIClN . fc~ GoGo l-A~~~"i o"F ~'I(.<..; . , , GU ~(?:. I ~~\ ~¥%'"\' we" R.. ~ , , , A-r H:> 3,S;1I SCM6 FL..oW MAt..{ SI.{f'/t55 8P!S~,rt" .s:Or?BeNI . mp..,~~ :. H-.::2.t;;;" \$ MA~'H' :FDr2- ': ' ~,C;O d/o n~,A "'i1V\e:-iVT ' 5-22 HANDBOOK OF HYDRA.UL~CS creSt is likely to become dulled or'rill!ted, or it may be damaged ,by floating ice and debris. Under such conditions 'it may bc advisable to use a weir with a thicker crest. It is often con- venient to use an' existi.p.g weir or overflow dam' for mep,suring discharges. Weirs of various dimensions and shllpes are used in hydraulic structures. When designing such'structures it is :important to be able to estimate approximately the di;ch~rges over these w~irs (p. 2-15). The amount of water which will pass over a weir, ~ot sharp- crested, depends tq a large extent upon, its'sectional form' and the shape -of its crest, and it is necessary to reBort to experiment to determine the discharge over any particular shape. Inas- much as -the number of shapes of weirs is uiilimited,' it is not to be expected that experimental data are or ever will be ava.ilable fo~ them all. There are available, however, the results of 'several series of experiments on :weirs of different cross sections which furbish much valuable information for deteim.ining discharges o,ver weirs of the same or similar shapes. The available experiments are not extensive enough for a comprehensive study of the effect of velocity of I).pproach on weirl! not sharp-crested. The coefficients 'given in this chapter probably apply more accurately where the velocity of approach ~ is not high. 'From a consideration of s.harp-crested weirs ~t appears that discha:rges, "for high velpcities of approach,. will be somewhat greater tQ.an is given by formula (5-10). Since exp~im.ental conditions will'seldom be duplica.ted in practice, it is probable th!lot errors inay resiJlt from th~ ,gen~ral use of the coe,fficients given in this chapter. Extreme.accuracy., however, is not always necessary in 'design, where uncertainty as to the exact quantity of water to be provided for may exist. The problem of establi~hing a fixed relation between head and ~charge, for weirs not sharp-crested, is co;nplicated pi' ._ . ,the fact that the nappe may assume a variety, of forms in passing over,t}:le'weir. For 'each inodification of nappe form, ' there is a corresponalng change m the relation between head and disc.harge. The effect of this cOlldition is'more noticeable for low heads. The nappe, may undergo--seyeral of these modifications in succession a,s the head is y~ried.. Th!ll suc.cess~ve forms t~at appear with an increasing. ,stage may di.ff~r from those p'er-., taining to simila~ stages with a decreasiftghead. The head a:t. which the changes of na.ppe,form occur 'varies with the rat~ of 1'-:---I WEIRS 5-23 change of head, whether increasing or decrelliring, and with oth'er conditions. Among weirs of irregular section there is a., la.rge class for which, from the nature of their section, the napp~ can assume only one form unless drowned. Such weirs, it is suggested, miLy, if properly calibrated, equal or exceed the usefulD.ess of the thin-edged weir for purposes of stream gaging, ~~cause of their stability of section and because the thin-edged weir is not free from modifica~ion of nappe form for low heads. 'Broad-crested Weirs. A weir approximately rectangular in cross section is termed a broad-crested weir. Unless other,wise noted, it will be assumed to have vertical faces, a pJane level ~%--=-~~~~=§.§ ~=-;:.c:~=~~-~~~~ ~'JK'''::=-='::'-_~''3%-~~~ 12:E-::-:=-.:--====--=--=-__ -=-~~~~ '/" -------"., , ~'ll ..., ....-:: -> ................ ::::: ~?//, b -------~ "'> ~ ........ ~///I~-----· ///'ll; 1/1 I. I I I I I FIG. 5-6. Broad-crested weir. crest, and sharp right-angled corners. Figure 5-6'represents a: broad-crest"ed weir of breadth b. The h!lad H should be measured at least 2.5H upstream from the weir. Because of the sharp upstream edge, contraction of the nappe' occurs. Surface contraction begins at, a point slightly upstream from ,the weir. , The discharge over broad-crested weirs is usually expressed QY the equation Q = CLm~ (5-10) Experime~ts on. broad-crested weirs have been performed by ;Blackwell, Bazin, Woodburn, the U.S. Deep Waterways Board, and the 1!',S .. GeoJogical 'Survey. These 6Xper.iments cover' a' wide range of conditions as to head, brea:dth,and height pf weir. Oonsiderable discrepancy e~ists jn ~he results of' the different experimenters, especially for ~ads below 0,5 ft. For heads frq:qJ. 0.5 to ~bout 1.5 ft the coefficient becomes more uniform, ~nd for heads from i.5 ft to that at which the nappe becomes deta.ched from the crest, the coefficient,;w given by,the ,different experime~ts is nearly constant and equals approximately 2.63. 'j ~i~' .~ 6-40 RAND.B.OOK OF HYDRAULICS Table 5-3. Values of C in the Formula Q = CLH~~ for Broad- . crested Weirs . :Measured \ lhe"dth of crest of weir in fe,ot . head . /. fit. ..~. 5?JO. 7511:O011.5012 •. 0~1~· 5oI3·~~I~·~oI5.ool.~0:00116.oc C~ ~. 0:.2' 2.801.7~2.692 •. 622.M2.~.2.~2.a812.M ~.49 2.68 0.4. 2.9J2.802.722.642.612.l?q2.~81ra.M2.liO 2.56 2.70 0.6 fa-;082.892.752.642:612.llq2.682.692.70 2.70 2.70 O.~ . 3.303.042.852.68 2.60 2.60~ 2.68 2.68 2,69 2.M 1.0 . 3.323.14 2.98 2.75 2.66 2.64 2.65 2.67 2.68 2.68 2:63 1.2 3.323.203.082.862.702.65 2.6t 2.672.66 2.69 2.64 1.4 3.323.263.20 2.92 2.'17 2~68 2.~ 2,652.65 2.67 2.M 1.6 3:323.'152.682.662.65 2.M 2.63 '1.8 3.323.323.313.072.882.'14 2./!8 2.66 2.65 2.M .2.63 2.0 3,'!~ ~.313.30 3.03 2.85 2.76 2.722.682.65 2.M 2.~3 '2.5 3.323.323.313.283.072.89 2.81~. 72 2.t!7 2.M 2.68 3.0 3.323.323:323.323;'20 S.05 .2:92 2. '132.66 2.64 2.63 3.5 3 •. a! 3 •. 32 3.3213:32 3.32 3.19 2.97 2.76 2;68 z.:M 2.63 4.0 3.3_ 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.07'2.792.70 2.M 2.63 4.5 3.323.323.32\3.323.323.323 • .322.882.74 2.640 2.6S 5.0. • 3.323.323.32 ·3'.32 !I.a2 3.32 3.32 3.07 2.79 2.M 2.63 5,5 . 3.323.323.323.323.323.323.323.322.88 2.64. 2.6S ,. ' Table 5-4. Values of C in the Formula Q = CLHY..for Models pf Broad-crested Weirs with RoU:nded Upstieam Corner ~ 1tl.1l, . Head in feet, H " -..; ..; -~ ;~o! NAmeo! ~.s d .• \ •. , \., \'+' \'.' \" \, .. \··1,· exPerimenter' +'c~~ =" ~-:,~.;: ;ri>-.... f"ii1-;;"iil ~g ~id!:~ I I . Bum .......... : 0.332.622.462.932.97 :Ui8 3.oi 3.0i BUiin ........... 0.336.562.462,702.822.872.892.92 ·U. S. Deep' ' ' . , W .. terwe.yS ••• 0.332.62 i.57 .... 2.712.802.832.923.003.083.17 3.34 3.5~\ U. S. Deep 'W .. terwaY •••• 0.336.564.56 ........ 2.832.83 2.83 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.822.81 ~~,J.,.,,-... :;~. J:._ ~ .. _ ~ .. ' !IIII!iior'-~ • • .-" " , , -. --.. WEIRS 5-41 Table 5-5. Valuell of C in the Formula Q = CLH~5 for Broa9.~ crested Weirs with Crests Inclined Slightly Downward (a) , Energy he .. d -H, Crest 0_5 1 0.6 I 0'.7 1 0.8 1 0.9'11. 0 11. 2 11. 4.1 1. 5 -----------1--1-· -1--1-.-1--1--1--1-- Level. ................. '12.7812,7912.8012.8112.8212.8312.85/2.85,12.85 Slope -0.004 ..... , ..... 2.1l52.94~.932.922_912.902.8B2,8T\2.87 Slope -~,026 ...........,q.033.023.00Z·.99 (b) Length Head in feet, H Slope of of weir crest in feet 0.1 I 0.21 0.3! 0.41 0.51 0.6.1 0.7 12 to·l ........... : •. .3 •. 0 .. 2.58 2.81 2.57 2.60 2.84 2.81 2.70 18 to 1 .... ,' .. "., .. 3.0 !I.1l1 2.92 2.53 2.60 2.80 2.74 2.62 18 to 1. ........... 10.0 2.52 2.68 2.73 2.80 2.90 . 2~80 2.68 ! Table' 5-6. V!llues of C in the Formula Q = CLHH for Weirs of . Triangular Cross Section with Vertical Upstream Face. . and Sloping Downstream Face . . Slope of Height Head ill feet, H down-of weir etrea.m in.feet, !l.2Io.3!0.4Io.5!0.6Io.7!0.8Io.911.0 11.211.5 face P Hor. Vert. 3.8513.853.85 3.853 .8513.85 3:~5L:85 1 to 1 '2.46 3.88 3.85 3.85 2 to 1 2.46 3.48 3.48 3.4p 3.493.503.60 3.50 a.50 3.50 3.513.51 2tol 1.64 3.56 3.47 3A7 3.'51 11:54 3.57 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.59 3.57 3 to 1 1.64 ...... 2.90 3.1'1 3.22 3.26 3.33 3.37 3.tO 3.40 3.41. 3.tl .5 to i 2.46 3.0B 3'.06 3.05 3.05 3.07 3.09 3.12 3.13 3.13 3.13 10.to 1 2.46 2.82 ~.83 2.1li 2.86 2.89 2.90 2 .. 9} 2.!/l 2.92 2.93 . / Curb Inlet'Basket Heavy 'and Expensive Equipment Is. Not equired To Do Service Work Multi-stage Filtration Captures Everything From Hydrocarbons, To Sediment, To Grass Clippings, 1.'0 Litter ... Everything/ No Nee.d To Enter' The. C()njin.ed Space Of The Catchbasin To Service To Service: . +' Remove the .. manhole lid + Reach in with by hand or with a . manhole hook and remove the basket .• ~m,pty the contents of the basket-and' repla·ce·the -Stonn Boom + Replace the bask~t and manhole lid Techno~ogies lricQ 720 Mullet ~Qad, Suite "H" 'Cape Canaveral, FL ~2920 Phone (321) 79~"()001' Fax (3~1) 799·1245 . www.sufitreetech.com~appel@suntreetech.com . Curb' Inlet Basket (CIB) , Curb Inlet Basket Maintenance The Curb Inlet ,Basket i~ easily cleaned without entering' the manhole and avoids the complexity of having to deal wi,th Safe Entry Laws. Simply re~ove the manhole lid, reach iri with a manhole hook to retrieve the basket,' empty the contents of the basket into a container for disposal, and then replace; the basket and manhole lid. -Because the maintenance of the' crn is so simple and quick, one man ;:l.nd a 'small truck can serviCe up to 80 CIBs in one day, removing hundreds of pounds, of debriS, ~nd helping' to meet Clean Water Standards. Cleaning the Cms can also be done by the local county/city trash colleb~ion,services. Installation Square Catchbasin:' For ins~llation into a square catchbasin, there is a left half and a right half that telescope together to adjust for size, which :riJ.ak~ up the main body of the cm and mounts solid to the catc,hbasin ,wall with either, drive, pins or Tap-Cons. The non- , ',removable portio~ consi,sts of a ,tray area , 'that, directs the flo w toward the weir, and a w,eir that channels the flow into the removable basket The basket is placed on ,last, and is simply dropped in place and hangs from the: top of the weir. '(See the schematic on the 0ther sid~ of this page) Round Catchhasin: To install the eIB into 'a round catchbasin there are 3 main pieces; the weir, which attacp.es to' the catch basin wall, the, tray which attaches to the catc,hbasin wall arid weir, and the removable basket. The weir and tray attach to the catchbasin wall with either Tap-Cons or drive pins. The basket ts placed on last, and is j'qst dropped in place, and hangs from th~ '.top; of the w~ir. , Technologies InCa 720 Mullet Road, Suite "H" , Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 , ' "Phone (321) 799-0001 Fax (321) 799·1245 : www.suntreetech.comhappel@suntreetech.com After each storm 'event, the CIB drains completely of all ,weiter and the captured debris dries· out and loses lis nutrient pollutant load tf! the air. Technologies, IncQ 720 Mullet Road, Suite "H" , Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Phone (321) 799-0001 Fax (321) 799-1245 www.sl.mtreetech.comhappel@suntreetech.com Curb Inlet Basket (CIB) (1),Stormwater runoff carrying d'ebrb and pollutants enters curb inlet. ® Adjustable throat ~idth funnels water to weir. The immediate drop ~n the throat elevation prevents, head losses ,through the inlet. Sediment Will' collect along the incoming side of the weir. @ Water ',flows over weir arid into "removable basket, fIltering trash, leaves, yard clippings, sediment, etc.~, If desire~, 'a hydto~arbon absorption boom can be fitted along. the.incomh;lg edge of the basket. @ Cleaner water leaves basket and enters catchbasi:q, then flows' down ,stream. The poSition of the CIB, high in the, catch basin, avoids, any r'estriction of up-stream pipes flowing ~hrough the catchbasin. , The COm telescopes to change size so that it can fit almostiany catchbasi~. ", In additio;n, eIBs that fit a round c'atchbasin are also; available'. .4' _ Licensed under: US Patent No. 5.405.539 -: ;::: ,. , ~l r <' ':;J J i ~J ,', i.j ,c ] I r-" " , , , i J r f ~. !f, , ~-,q I( ,] 'i)~ Technologies Inc(j 720 Mullet Road, Sult~ "H" , Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Phone (321) 799-0001 Fax (321) 799~1245 -. www.suntreetech.com happel@Suntreetech.c0l!" Storm Boom Hydrocarbon Absorbtion Booms Designed For Stormwater Applications Absorbs Qydrocarbons On Contact The Storm Boom -has been specifically designed for stonnwater applications to remove hydrocarbons." The outside covering will not . clog' with sediment, allowing inde-finite stormwater penetration, all-~he-w'a:y to the' center of the boom. The absorbent filler is Absorbent W, and: is made from reClaimed paper mill by-products. It is' certifiec;l by Green Cross as 100% recycled material. ,Ab.sorbed liquid' is draV(.Il into the cellulose fibers through 'capillary action and locked into the boom. This process prevents leaching and draining which is . a co~on problem with polypropylene ~oo~s·. Abso.rb~nt W Facts.o . @Absorbs 2-3 times more volume than polypropylene' .@A.bsorbs up to 14 times ftl(Jre volume than clay-. ,@Absorbs immediately on contact . @ Absorbs and retains up to 7 times its weight " @ Retai~s absorbed hydrocarb.ons; prevents leaching @It is hydrophobic -~will not absorb water @ Works in all temperCl:tures, s~b-freeiing to hot @100%·organic -environmentally friendly , t;)]t is not toxic to hUftlans-or-the environment .: , @It wilthiodegr.ade naturally. if lost in fIle envir~ni1:lent @No dangerousfumes when burned '@Incinerate at low temperature with less than 1% ash :! l1ade Fron ~FROM; BIO-C~ EN6lROfM3'lTAL. Ute ..... . . . PROREl'la:: :. ·76043331"76 "' ... May~ .20 2602 136: i2PM P2 J ~ P ~ I , l i I FA t ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: ST'oRMwATER FILTRATION SYSTEMS '. ...... ". :.. .Price 'List Effective June 2-002 Gr~te -Inlet Skimmer Box .' . . Fla.nge Dimensions . Price Per Unit Up to 247' x 14" $ 826.00 25" J':' 25~ up to 28" x: 36" . $' 945.00 .. . 2.9~' x 37' up to 36" x 4~~" ,. $ '1064.00 3't~X:49!'upto48','~S4~" "'$ 11&3.00 . Foi ~ger sizes -pleas;e call for qUQte~ ' . . . Curb Inlet Basket Product D~crlpt1.on Curb Inl~t Units·with Basket 30'" to 52" Curb.InlI~t Units withl3asket . 54" to 120" Curb Iulet Units with B:~kets 1.20~"to 180" 180" an,~i above call for Quote .. p'rice Per Unit . $ 82p.O,0 ~ $'1000.00' $ 1200.00 , --tt~ 1/ ~'t:\S'~et {"Of 0. H ~." ~ , i"",1e.+S· 'Wing E,; tenslo nS up to 8;· fong $ , 1 bo:Op Deflector Shields viI pi~o hinge up 36" $ 1}5·.09. . . :-Deflector' 'Shield~ :w/'pi~no hinge up 48',' $ . ~ 5.0 .. 00 . ~~b in~~( ~tS;: CD4~i~t :of fibetglaSs '$;1£ bolted ~ctos~;tq~, ~dth of open41g Wi~h b~ket Jocatep. :jmp,er,,~ole. Fron~ tQ,l?a9~' dei?tJ:>. 'f;?f s?-elf dep·ends OJ}. depth. '. {)frnanhole from fuoe orcurb. ': ' ,,' . '. .. .... , . -;. ,,' : . ,', '" Baffle Box .;. . ': ~ -' . ... ,'I • ". '. I, • !. • ' . ........... -....... ,.. .. ,~ .. • • .. '0 ri : ~ . . . '. 0..." • .. • I .. ...... ,'.' '",: .. ' :'"" .. • • ... 1 ... :, • , .' •• :Ot : .; . .: .. " PHONE NO. : 760433317~ Mal:!. 20 2002 06:' 13PM P3 810 CLEAN . , ENVIRONMENTA~ SERVICES STORrlIWATER FILTRATION" SYSTEM·S· Installation Cost ElfecciYc J-tlne 2002 Grate I~let Skimmer Box Up to 24" x 24" 25" x 25" up to 28" x 36" 29" x 37" up to 36"·x 48" 3(' x 49" up to 48" x 54" OYer 48'" x 54" Up.to.10 Units $ 75.00·ea. $ 75.00 ea. $ 75.00 ea.. $ 75.00 ea., Per Quote Curb Inlet Basket 10 or More'Units $ 55.00 ea. . $ '55.00' ea.· $ 55.00 ea. $ 65.00 ea. :Per Quote' Unit Size 30" up to 52": Installation includes instaJ.lin.g a fiberglass shelf mounted. ~o the concrete vault. Installation of the back basket, located under manhole. Unit caulked in, place. . . $~55..Q{j . Unit Sizes 52" up to 120": Installation includes install~g a :6,berglass shelf mounted; to the concrete vault Installation of the. back b8.sket located under rna.n4ole~:Unit Caulked in place: . $200.00 each ~nit Sizes 120" up to 180": Installatjon inclll;des insta:lling ~ fibergl~s 'shelf i mounted to the concrete vault. Installation a.fllie baek b~enocated under manhole. Unit caulked iu place. $250.00 each Curb Wet Units ~th Custom Work:" Exam,ple -Wing" Extensions and Front De:qector' Shields on <;trat'e Curb Inlet :Units= . Whig Extensions up to 8' long ·$100.00 each incl~des"install .. Def\ec1;~r Shi~lds up.to 8' loag $15~.OO ~h in,eludes lXl!?tall . BIO··.CLEAN ENVI!lONMENTJU ... SEftVICE·$' . p. 0. 'BOX 869, OCeANSIDE CA '~2049' '. (760) 4..1·3-0?640 fAX (760) 433--3176 ", , '\ ".1 . . PHONE NO. 7604333176 . Ma~. 20 200;2 06: 13PM P4 . . . ' : . ·1310· CLEAN. ENVIRONMENTAL. SERVicE'S . . STORMWAT~R FILTERSERVI·CE PROGRAM~ EffoctJv. J,brch 2002 Grate Inlet Sldmmer Box. . ·Up.to 28".x 36" ... 29" x 37 up to 48" .x·54" Curb Inlet Basket 30" to 84': S.helf & Basket 84" to 144'" Shelf & BaSket 144" to 180'>· Shelf & Basket $79.00 per Unit $89.00 per Unit $79.00 per Unit $99.QO per Unit . $110.00 per Unit Service Includes~ Disposal of d~bris c~ptured by filtration device. ·Replac.ementof Hydrocarbon Absorption Boom. Report on debris and: condition ~f filters along with . recommendations, sugBjestions and 'changes for each filter:' Service ;3..greement does n9t include any water sampling or testing. .. . . . Bio Clean Environmental Service mainteI1Bl1ce program is based u:pon riortnal wear and removal of nGruia,l deb$s ~d hydrocarbon boo~ lrolIl stormwat~r futers. : '. . . i . . .' A. m.in.inlum of 10 units. per day in needed for service~ Units caD. be a combination of . Grate Inlet Skimmer B6xes and Curb Inlet Baskets: Bio Clean Eumonmental Services' reserves the right to servi~e filte:r:.systems that hay~ misused, vandal.iied., illegally dumped into or not used for intended pUrposes. . " . Please' s~e Bio Clean Servi~e Agreement for specific detills.: '.' . BIO ·C~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. POBOX 869, OC~~N~IDE CA 92049 (760). 433-·7640 FAX (760}'433 .. 31·76 '.' " . I -J' ,~ I) 11 :1: I: I I 'J~ "'- I :1' ,t- ;;: .... 'I, :1 -" ,I II I II, I ArpENDIXE CDS Technologies Water Quality Treatment Capacities, Details and Costs 'I " I I <._ ,,, __ ,.,_ ....... ,._ h_ ' ... _ ,._ ~_ ,._ .. _ "_ M_ "'_ -... ,_ ... _ .' ~ •• -. ··r.: ., ..... , ••. ~ .. ___ "<'~ ••••••• ~,,:'I! :. _........ t Ul., ...... ~ ....... .... , h ... l ... I~' IM~ .. ~ --• --. • .~" . -----,,-•• • 1-,"'_. ~ "'. "". ' .-. -'< ,,, .~ •• J~, . ~ ",---,,' · ~,; APPROXIMATE CDS MAINTENANCE COSTS ---T-~ . .,. '-": ~~~1;~; <~:$UMP:'·:-_ :::;h;~~4M.e:'·, ";' ".O,ISr-OSAt.; ~V~~-tOR -:VACTOR., ' , .. ,. , . . . :: '.'-~: ~ -Q~~T ,'1:0TAL :-, _-M_~DEP:,;;.-·: : .:<q E:~);: ' J4CB.'ES)·: ':V¢)J~~ME" ;;MAiER1~-:' :; ;:i~Cq~.T1:?'!-~ ~!' :"-::tIME,_ .. " . _c~A.RG.if· .~ ::"&Q~l"-:-:: ':(1""--' ---. " " --11,;"':; ~."', -"-$Ann-oN -:. ,;.;, (}1J{st.'~: :·-~;$17$.}flk : ' • ','.: • • M: :", . -,',.:. :,'. ;. ,.::-:~~ .. " COYD$}. ::WJ.: (IQt:,fs)' ,~, i : ~:~ : ",:', '-; ':'-;: PMIU 20 15 0.7 4 1 1 $35 4 $700 $735 --.::l» PMSU 20 '15 4 Q.7. 4 1. 1 $35 4 $700 $735 PMSU 20 15 0.7 .4 1 . '1 $50· 4 $700 $750 . PMSU 20-·20 1.1 6' . 1 1 $50 4 $700 $750 PMSU 20 25' 1.6 8 . 1 1-_ $50 4 $700 $750 PMSU 30 20 2.0 10 2 2 $100 4 $700 $800 PMSU 30 30 3.0 20 2 2 $100 . 4 $700 $800 PSW 30 30 3.0 20 1 2 $65 4 $700 $765 PMSU 40 30 4.5 25 '6 6 $250 4 $700 $950 PMSU 40 4D 6.0 30 -'6 6 $250 4 $700 $950 PSWC40 30 4,5 -80 6 6 -' $250 4 $700 $950 PSWC'40 40 ' 6.0 8.0 6 . 6 $250' , 4 $700 $950 PSW·50 42 9.0 50_ 2 2 $85 4 $700 $785 PSW5050 11 60 2 2 $85 4 $700 $785 PSWC 56 53 14 110 6 6 $250 5 $875 $1,125 PSWC 56 68 ·19 . . '110 6 . -6 $250 ·5 $875 $1,125 , PSW70 70 26 -150 . 4 4 $180 _. 6 . $1,050 $1,230 PSW100 60 30 210 ' 14 16 , . $635 ' 7' $1,225 $1,860 PSW100'80 .50' 280 14 16 $635 7 $1,225 $.1,860 ~SW, ,1 00_100 64 350 14 ' 16 $635, 7 _~t,225 . $1,~60 --~------------- Assum'ptlons: 1. Sump material weighs 85 Ib$ per cubic foot . 2. Cleanout intelVal~ arE;! based on the amount and types of fioatables anq sediment ca~tured by eac;h CDS unlt. . CDS installations'in Southern California typically require 1-2 clecnoutS' per' year. . 3. This estimate does not. include hazardous waste disposal fees, if required. , 4. Liquids may be deCanted back into the CDS unit or discharged Into the sanitay sewerwithol..!t fees. S.Minimum vactor charge of 4 hours appies. Actual maintenance time is les$. Therefore, cleaning fT)ultiple CDS 'uhlts in one day is recommended to reduce cost. - ' .. (S) en ........ '<Sl w ........ N (S) (S) W (S)' 1O: N N rn en N .l>- N .I>- CD W W en o tJ Ul ~ :r: z o r o G) H fTl Ul lJ m (S) w ""-(S). w ... x. __ {, __ ... ,r'. __ ~,. __ , .. _ •.. _ ... , ....... _ .,_ •. _ ,. __ ._._ '--.. __ . ~."',.,.,__ .t....-.~ ~1 . ..-=-·t"':I\..,..,. -"',. -' .. ~ ... ...... . ........ },~ ----=-J -"It... ~,.. , ••• ~ .<:i'r' • --: .. L...-.... I~·---..·,· iii... .~ ori ~ t)~ \ .. " -_ ... ..::aD!: l'b" I . '", '" . ; Q'lffilitfue·ril ' .'.: MODEL; " .... .:. .... JPES):~' .. .. ~. . . ~.:,. ~ :'::<.;~:.-: ',.; ;:' . ':.,.!: .• ," ._. :.:':;7:.:1" PMU20 15 0.7 PMSU 20 15 4 0.7 pMsu 20 15 0.7 PMSU2020 1.1 PMSU2025 1.6 PMSU 30 20 2.0 PMSU 30 30 3.0 PSW3030 ·3.0 - PMSU 40 30 4.5 . PMSU 40 40 6.0 PSWC4030 4.5 PSWC4040 6.0 PSW5042 9.0 PSW50 50 11 PSWC5653 14 PSWC56 £8 19 PSW70 70 26 PSW 100 60 ~8 P$W 100 80· .. 50 - PSW 100 100 64 . A = .Qfet (J = 0.2 IN1HR, C·= 0.9) . . : i .. i 'I . -' '--~., : I. ·1 CSJ !~. CSJ W "- APPROXIMATE CDS COSTS ~. ... " ·.:::J.iQ1BA·;:r:·:~. ?;. EQUIRMEN:-t'··:; '. ·.iN~:E~t~rtQ~:/ <.' ".:'; ",tb+~·~·,~· .: .. : \ ..... . :l~ . . i,}. ;'j :'.'::: qq~5r.~f:.~;;·~:,::~:: ~~~i;:':::'e·9.S:fSt*·:. ':':'. i. .. ,' .;:. ..... . .. .:.. ::~,. '" ~ .. 1(:.: :{\~Re$· :~ .. :.: ::' .. :.-.... i ...... ,.;:·,,·I~.. " .. 4 $4,600 $2,400 $7,000 4 $6,900 $2.400 $9,300 4 $8,200 $3,400 $11,600 6 .. $10,500 $3.800 $14,300 9 $14,700 $3.800 $18,500 11 $19,200 $3.800 $23,000 17. $24.500 . $4.500 $29,000 17 $19.700 $9:300 $29,000 25 $28,000 $6,000 $34,000 : 33 $32.700 $7,000 $39,700 -I 25 $23,900 $13,000 $36.900 ., 1 33 $28;000 $13.000 $41,000 - 50 . $35,500 $18,000 $53,500 61 $36,200 $20,000 $56,200 . ·78 $42.000 $26;0:00 $68,000 106 $51.600 $33,000 .$84,6QO 144 $64.900 $4G,000 $104.900 . -211 $115.300 $et-,OOO $175,300 278 ·$121",600 $7C,OOO $191.600 356-$127,900 $80,000 $207,900 ~--.----- (Based on Regional W2.te.r quality Control Board Requirements (SUSMP»), W' CSJ LD ·N ·N Ul 01 N .p.. N .p.. CD W W 01 o t::.J en --l fT1 2 ·z o r 8 H fT1 en ; EqUipment cqs~ include deliyery to job:?ite (FOB}. PriCes ·are basea,on finished grade to invert" depth~ of 5 ft. Prices are subject to change. . . -n: Installa:tion costs may vary d~pending on site conditions. Costincfudest~e ca.st-in-place weir bo~ (if required). "0 ~ fT1 CSJ N "-CSJ W I, ... - f ·---r---· .. ------------------------__________________________________________ ~--~ , I~ l 1····-··) I ' -l' . , 'I~' ~ : I~ --j I: i I~ I I: L~ : I , • . i I • i I • , i j L J .' 11 ~ J FIBERGLASS INLET & SEPARATION CYLINDER INLET PIPE PLAN VIEW . FLOW~ ELEV. VIEW SEE SHEET 3 , I ~---' : NOTE: 30"\21 MH COVER & FRAME 1Y,P., OTHER HATCH SYSTEMS READILY AVAILABLE THE INTERNAL COMPONENTS' ARE SHOWN IN THE RIGHT-HAND CONFIGURATION-THESE COMPONENTS MAY.BE FURNISHED IN THE MIRROR IMAGE TO THAT SHOWN (LEFT-HAND CONFIGURATION) • CDS MO:QEL PMSU20_15_4 . . . 0.7 CFS CAPACITY . . FOR USE ON PIPES ~ 18"¢ .PROJECT NAME PROJECT LOCATION OUTLET PIPE t. MH ELEV. VlEW SEE SHEET 3 , I ---~ 48" ID MH. 4'-10" 00 DATE 12/~/01 DRAINN JSF APPRDV, SCALE '1 "~2" SHEET .; , r------------------------------~-------~~--I ~ I 1 1 .. ··,·_· -1:' I I , r I r-f' ' I \ f I •• I , < , I .l t I I, " t 1= ; .: .J ': -!"f.I 11 , e:·_4 .: ,;;'; . I ,/ NOTES: SECTION FIBERGLASS INLET & SEPARATION CYLINDER 'FLOW~ t. MH' CENTER OF 25"¢ SCREEN ANO SUMP ACCESS HOLE CENTER 48" 10 MH CUT '1. THE INTERNAL COMPONENTS ARE SHOWN IN 1;.HE RIGHT-HAND CONFIGURATION-THESE COMPONENTS MAY BE FURNISHED IN THE MIRROR IMAGE TO THAT SHOWN (LEFT-HAND 'CONFIGURATION). ' 2. ALL STAINLESS STEEL, FASTENING HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY COS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (888) 535..,..7559 . .CDS MODEL PMSU20_15_4 0.7 CFS CAP ACITY FOR US'E ON PIPES s 18;'¢ '48" IDMH; 4'-10" 00 ~OUTLET' PIPE ,FASTEN OIL BAfFLE OVER OUTLET USING CONCRETE ANCHORS' DATE . ,12/3/01' TM PR,OJECT NAME PROJ,ECT LOCATION DRAWN JSF TECHNOLOGIES APPROV. " " PATENTED ~. __ SCALE 1,"=2' SHEET 2 1··-t I I"~" :j" I J i :-i I : .I I c 1 I I I· ~ ..... . • .J I I. '. f I I I; i .i. J VARIES ELEV ATI 0 N VIEW 30" ¢ MH COVER . AND FRAME TYPICAL;7 c. CDS SEPARATION CHAMBER OTHER HATCH TYPES 1- READILY ~VAILABLE. <t MH RISER "I~',.J.-n;:.j-=_=_=_=_=-rl=l+=_=_=_=-?::;I1_~-'~--'-fll-L -1111-1-11. :-"11"-' ---fJ$\,;).. ~~ISXHX~~X G~DE I . < ': .. ' . • , ... ' : A' ' • ,,' .: .. VARIES' .. , .. .• ' SECT. CUT ::. SEE SHEET 2 ,;. , " FIBERGLASS SEPARATION CYLINDER & INLET +---c...:=.=i¢:ll-r--:t: -.L - - 3'-6" TYP. .. -22" ~'. . 25" III SEPARATION SCREEN ~. . (SEE NOTE) .' . ". ~ . .I,-1:..,o:L-----I.rrIr----.1 <I' ';4' I~" " . .. SUMP 14" TYP. ',' ---~ I , SECT. CUT SEE SHEET 2 ." $ INVERT EL. XX.XX .. '1:: '~.t " ~ • ,:, ' •. ! .. ' .. "II '. ' ' ..... : .. ' ,'. ". " v. ...•• 6 TYP ..... ' -'-_--1-_____ ." . .. i' '. "', '. ..' _---fAi'. ..... SUMP INVERT 'l' EL. XX.XX ~ 11. 4:~10~" .1 .1 CDS MODEL , fMSU20 15_4 NOTE: . 0:7 CFS CAPACITY FOR USE ON PIPES ~ lB"¢> FOR PROPER INSTALLATION, GREEN FLANGE ON SCREEN FACES' UP FOR RIGHT-HAND l)NIT CONFIGURATIONS; RED FLANGE FASTENS TO FIBERGLASS' SUMP INSERT. . PROJECT NAME PROJECT LOCATION DATE DRAW'N . APPRDV. 12/3/01 JSF SCALE 1 "=2' SHEET 3 , I . .,. 1..--'" .J" ) ~. , I· : 1 I' ,} ~ • If I d· -"f '" ,.-) I . I' , , .i VARIES 3'-6" (TYPICAL) <t CDS SEPARATION CHAMBER <t MH RISER FIBERGLASS SEPARATION CYLINDER & .\r---h INLET I 'r-- c...::::..=..:~r'-~ --1 - - - . 4, SCREEN . j. • . , <I SUMP .. . " (BASE) ." 4' " 4 "'!I--..",.u.-.:-.,---!-. +-. -. ....,..-!..1.._. l--U. '." ,,'":'.., .ld., ....... '6" . . . " . ";" ", ',' .·~._I ': .. ,~ 'd'" A: :-. ~ ':,4,', .1 1'.-4'-0,,~I·" l=---4'-10,,==--1 ,. :} .. ' 'qONSTRUCTION NOTES: 'i I· 1. APPLY BUTYL MASTIC AND/OR GROUT TO SEAL JOINTS OF MANHOLE STRUCTURE. APPLY LOAD TO MASTIC SEAL IN· . JOINTS OF MH. SECTIONS TO COMPRI;:SS SEALANT IF NECESSARY. UNIT MUST BE WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER UP ~.1 T0 FLOWLINE INVERT (MINIMUM). . I 2. BEFORE PLACING MORE PRECAST COMPONENTS OR BACKFILLING, ENSURE FIBERGLASS INLET AND 'PIPE INLET . INVERT ELEVATIONS MATCH. . ;. . 3. GROUT PIPE CONNECTIONS TO SEAL JOINT. I "/ . 4. USE .GRADE RINGS, BLOCKS AND/OR GROUT TO ENSURE COVER RIM MATCHES FINISHED GRADE. SEAL AS REQ'D. I. GENERAL NOTES: ~,j 1. CDS UNIT COMES COMPLETE WITH FIBERGLASS INLET/DIVERSION STRUCTURE, OIL BAFFLE AND SCREEN CYLINDER 1'1.: . .' PRE-INSTALLED. . 2. ·IN.STALL CDS UNIT PER CDS INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. . . 'i:;:J . 3. CONTRACTOR TO BE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE THE HEAVIEST PICK SECTION (6,200 LBS, TYPICAL). II i c. j. I DATE 12/3/01 SCALE CONSTRUCTION NOTES· N.T.S. TM DRAINN SHEET MODEL PMSU2b_15_4 J's.F. .. 4 APPROV. '--7 I ~ I I,.r-,·, ) • .l' , , ~ CDS SEPARATION CHAMBER I ~ MH RISER I· INTERNAL 'COMPONENT A.SSEMBLY AND'TNSTALLATIO}1 fIOTES: Ji 3. PosmON FIBERGlASS OIL BAFFLE INSIDE BASE BARREL I, AT THE 28· ABOVE THE' SECTION FLOOR INVERT AND MARK LOCATION BEFORE PLACING NEXT PRECAST MH RISER SECTION. TRIM THE BonOM OF THE BAFFLE AS ... NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE ,2B" HEIGHT WHILE ENSURING F1BERGLASS. SEPARATION C'r'LlNDER &: . INLET I 1 I · 1 ,1-! I • 1 I, t .1 I" , ..1 .~ I , · " I' :..1 I t. i I~ THE TOP FlANGE OF OIL BAFFLE ms INSIDE THE MH STRUCTURE. MARK ANCHOR BOLT POSITIONS AND PRE:- DRILL HOLES IN THE PRECAST BASE THE SECTION FOR THE CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS. DO NOT FASTEN OIL BAFflE AT llilS TIME -INSTALLATION OF THE SEP ARATION ASSEMBLY MUST BE COMPLETED FIRST. 4. FIRST CENTER SCREEN OVER FIBERGlASS SUMP HOLE. MATCH DRILL HOLES IN' FIBERGlASS SUMP AND INSERT FOUR (4) SETS OF 1/2· x' 1 1/2" SS BOLT w/ NUT AND WASHERS TO FASTEN SCREEN ASSEMBLY TO FIBER GlASS SUMP. . IMPORTANT: GREEN FLANGE FA::;TEN::; TO I.;YLlNDRII.;AL INLET LANGE FOR RIGHT HAND UNIT::;, RED FLANGE FA:iTEN::; TO ::;UM ; REVER~'E ::;t)REEN ORIE!:,TAT/ON FOR LEFT HAND i;ONFIGURE UNIT::;. ~--------------~----------------------~ 5. NEXT. CENTER THE FIBERGlASS INLET CYLINDER OVER THE !?CREEN CYLINDER AND MATCH DRILL HOLES'IN THE FIBERGlASS FlANGE; FASTEN THE FIBERGLASS INLET TO THE SCREEN CYLINDER FLANGE WITH FOUR (4) SETS OF .... 1/2" x 1 1/2" SS HEX HEAD BOLTS W/ NUTS &: WASHERS, (HARDWARE SUPPLIED BY,.CDS TECHNOLOGIES). , k PRE-DRILL A MINIMUM' OF FOUR' (4) 9/16" HOLES IN THE INLET FLANGES AND PLACE THE SEPARATION ASSEMBLY INTO THE PRECAST BASE: MARK THE POSITIONS OF THE INLET FlANGE HOLES ON THE RISER· WALL AND . REMOVE .THE SEPARATION ASSEMBLY FROM THE MANHOLE: PRE-DRILL HOLES FOR THE CONCRETE EXPANSION . ANCHORS USED TO SECURE THE INLET/SEPARATION ASSEMBLY: REPosmON THE SEPARATION ASSEMBLY AND FASTEN THE INLET FLANGE TO THE MANHOLE WALL USING A MIMINUM OF FOUR (4) 3/8· x 2 3/4" SS EXPANSION ANCHORS. SEAL ANY'GAPS BETWEEN THE INLET AND BARREL SECTION WITH GROUT OR AN APPROPRIATE SEALANT MAT~RIAL . 7. PLACE OIL BAFFLE WITHIN MANHOLE STRUCTURE ALIGNED WITH THE PRE-DRI.LLED HOLES AND FASTEN TO MANHOLE· WITH A MINIMUM OF (10) 3/B" x 2 3/4" SS EXPANSION ANCHORS •. SEAL ANY GAPS B~EEN THE BAFFLE AND THE MANHOLE RISER WITH AN APPROPRIATE SEALANT MATERIAL. MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. APPLY BtITYL MASTIC AND/OR GROUT TO SEAL JOINTS OF MANHOLE STRUCTURE. APPLY LOAD TO MASTIC SEAL IN JOINTS OF MH SECTIONS TO COMPRESS SEAlANT IF NEESSARY. UNIT MUST BE WATER TIGHT. HOLDING WATER UP TO FLOWLINE INVERT (MINIMUM)..' . . . ' 2. IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACING BASE COMPONENT, ENSURE FIBERGlASS INLET AND PIPE INLET INVERTS MATCH BEFORE PLACING MORE PRECAST COMPONENTS OR BACKFIWNG. B. GROUT PIPE CONNECTIONS TO SEAL JOINT: 9. USE, GRADE RINGS, BLOCKS' AND/OR GROUT TO ENSURE: COVER RIM MATCHES FINISHED GRADE. SEAL AS REQ'O. GENERAL NOTES: 1. INSTALL CDS UNIT PER COS INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO BE EQUIPPED TO HANDI .. .E THE HEAVIEST PICK SECTIONS. CONSTRUCTION NOTES MODEL PMSU20_15_4 DATE DRAW'N APPRDV, 11/24/01 JSF / WGS' SCALE N.T.,!:;. SHEET' 5 I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I , I I I APPENDIXF Summary of Approximate Costs for TreatD;lent Control BMPs :."._ :. __ U-. _::. __ :~. _ ~ .. _ ~._ .... _ :. _ :: ... _ ;:. _ , .. _ ~. _ ,.. _ .~ .. _ .,~._ iw .. _ ~. _ -.. _ DRAINAGE OPTION # lOCATlOl\l AREA (AC) Area 1 2 OPTION 1 Area 2 2 AreaS 2 OPTION 2 Entire Site 6 COMMON LOT 21 CARLSBADJCA SUSMP TREATMENT FLOW CALCULATION JULY 28, 2003 . . SUSMP. . SI:l~MP: RUN0FF IN.TEN~'i:Y TRI;ATMENT RE~OMMI;:NDED C:;OEfFICn;aN"F FL.€)W CDS MOt;JEl, . (IN/fiR} . lcp~n 0.95 0.2 0.38 PMSU2015 0.95 0.2 0.38 PMSU2015 0.95 0.2 0.38 PMSU2015 0.95 0.2 1.14 PMSU2025 .. Depending upon sIte conditions, 1 or 2 cleanouts'peryear are typically required. 11 1.1J ~".-;l' /1 .... ",. \j,}. ~'n V'f.IFf"\Y\-... trfL{"! ~\ .. , . r \f''''! 't~\; o;i-I{)I1'l> de4;~:(? eDS TUTAL TREATMENT ESTIMATED FLOW IN-PLACE . iiiif.s) COST 0.7 0.7 :$ 30,000 0.7 1.6 $ 18,OOtL t:tHIMAtt:D .MAINTENANCE COST PER CLEANOUT* $ 750.00 ~---750.00 (S) --..J ...... N OJ ...... N (S) (S) W (S) LD 'w o;l U1 01 N .p.. N .p.. OJ W W 01 o t:I (f) -I ~ I II l> fii (S) N ...... (S) N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ :_IJIII :~_ ... t." :. .. ~.-.:~ .. : -::.-_, ... -,._._"-_.-., .. -_._.---wI" 1<:.-~ ~,..~ 0-." ..... I~~I~ 0,:-' ......... J: SUMMARY OF APPROXIMATE COSTS FOR TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs Post Construction BMP's for Lot 21 Project Manufacturer 1 (Suntree Technologies Filler Insert Products) Drainage Map Type of Inlet Equipment Material Cost Installation Cost Annual Maintenance , Node # -102 C 202 G-3 302 B Cost Curb Inlet Basket $826 $155 $316 Curb Inlet Basket $1.200 $200 $316 Curb Inlet Basket $826 $155 $316 Total: $2.852 . $510 $948 Note 1: Treatment Flow Capacities for'B-1 Inlets is 0.85 cfs (see Appendix C). All Required Treatment flows have been Provided with the 'units specified ablove. Note 2: For locations of basins, node numbers. and inlets, refer to "Via de la Valle Preliminary Drainage Map for Proposed On-Site Condition", Located in Map Pocket 2 Note 3: Annual maintenance cost is based on an estimated 4 cleanings per year. Refer to section 7.0 of the water . quality technical report for additional information on required frequency of maintenance. i I :.. ... :.. __ L_ t:. .. _ .,._ " .. _ "'._ ._._ , •.. _ .,... .... _ ~_ ... ____ J,~_ -.... b._ '-_ -_ . : SUMMARY OF APPROXIMATE COSTS FOR TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs Post Construction BMP's for Lot 21 Project Manufacturer 2 (Kristar Enterprises Filter Insert Products) Drainage Map Type of Inlet Node# --. 102 i . C 202 G-3 302 B - Inlet Opening Equipment Material Cost Installation Cost (ft) 5 Fio-Gard Plus Catch Basin Filter Insert (Curb Opening Style) $531 $42.50 nfa Fio-Gard Plus Catch Basin Filter Insert (Curb Opening Style) $893 $42.50 5 Fio-Gard Plu!? Catch Basin Filter Insert (Curti Opening Style) $531 $42.50 Total: $1,424 $85.00 Note 1: Treatment Flow Capacities for Flo-Grd Plus in J Inlets is 1.76 cfs and b-1 inlets is 2.76 cfs (see Appendix D). All required treatment flows have been provided with the units specified above. Note 2: For locations of basins, node numbers, and inlets, refer to "Via de la Valle Preliminary Drainage Map for . Proposed On-Site Condition", Located in Map Pocket 2 Note 3: Annual maintenance cost is based on an estimated 4 cleanings per year. Refer to section 7.0 of the wa~er quality technical report for additional information. on required frequency of maintenance . Annual Maintenance Cost $150 $150 $150 $300 , i " ,. ; "i i I : 1 , I ! I ! ,. I j : ! , \ , , \ , , , \ \ , " --, ~ ~,;i'\-':7~-'--'- > l .~ . l', .. / ~ -:;::-,.--2 i:"··~";'.f;-'::'l .. , '. I t , , J \ . ! . ~.j. , 1 .. " ~:'-"; _._----- Rr \d.144J7\44l1drn. <kin ",~wy ..rlbl \R IckShRkrdlli\ I plotV I o..SE\SO\Pert\ca I coro. '*" 28-JUI..-200l 16.1IJ . ~ '~ K '380.,~-·,\ I I I I' I I \ i " " , , s ~' < , \\ ~ < \ ", t \' ) ,~' , < 1 " " _ ... __ 'V __ ~ __ "" PARCEL 2 , , , I d , ( , ... ! i i , i i i ~ , • 2. , ~ i .' I I I . - X 381. 7 TYPE G-3 X 386.3 U:OH f YlIIP!IlvD ..... \~)viljI3all1J2VldAJI;~ l@'b, 1!t1I'nIr1' xID:lIOrfJ ~nO 1IJ",i,mlX {l3elU naB 1>11 ~ I 1II03.1Mbh,'wr"" • nu-IU (11181 1>111 • tl't9-U~ iDle; • lJIIu.(Iun I". ~9K1 GPe • baWl neh"I o:&r -.., -,-",I·. " "." <: , I! ';' Of"~.o.f~lc."'Ity.).IJ'-,rVt<Jh:jI/~I, ·J;)ho'x.>t~ <1· r.;, , ''-M.' ~r I ; tuO' .;~! ' i Wi •• ,'~ , i, \ < ,--~ "¥'~f~" r !-' PARCEL 3 ,~ 1 ~'-';:~L f ~. " ;; 1 " ' x - 'lfl3rlO' , > (1.SSAe) ," '~', .. J PARCEI:"4~ (1.0SAc) I ® .,> (0. 1S Ae} .,,', I I I ~ PARCEL. (1.52 Ae) I ~~-----~s='~~===~~~~=~~~~~~ , X I 387,4 ,,--1-:'-CONe J~, t'A i, " i' x -". '-'~, -.:. ....... ,. , . --.. _-." --'T "'~ X'" ',-,= ... - x, I LEGEND: • " ;1 A "f.j .. (O.OOAe) Ixxxxx I .,-- --- ----:------c----- . " LOCATION OF POTENTIAL COS TECHNOLOGIES IN-LINE STORM WATER UNIT LOCATION OF POTENTIAL CURB INLET FILTER INSERT DRAINAGE BASIN ACREAGE (ACRE) NODE NUMBER DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY INITIAL BASIN BOUNDARY LOT 21, PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE MAP PROPOSER) ONSITE CONDITION FOR MAP #1 Q ,. 3 h 4 f I I I I I , I I