HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-01; YAMAMOTO SUBDIVISION; NOTICE IN CHANGE OF GEOTECH CONSULTANT OF RECORD; 2010-04-01' Orange County / Environmental / Corporate 3185-A Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, Califomia 92G26 T: 714 549 8921 F: 714 549 1438 �_ =_. �i.. Y � _... � .._. i i _.. � � ^ � �`' � � � '� r ) } E1 1 �. � ��� � ,.) � ) � , ,� � � ;. � , ,, ; E � �1 � } �1� ` ' ' � � � � � � � � � , _� � � � � 1 �- i. \ l" � �.r . � ,. .. . � i Mr. Tom Tupman WARMINGTON RESIDENTIAL CALIFORNIA 3090 Pullman Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ��""5�.�,���A�� ������ a����, �i 9 `1��% �'�(���°�������� ���.'�,�,��i�� �'`� {�as4 -�- �aresent + �taiuwe its atz o2tt� scierzce Engineers, Geologists Environmental Seientists April 1, 2010 J.N. 155-10 Subject: Notice of Change in Geotechnical Consultant of Record, Precise Grading for Lots 1 through 16 Carlsbad Tract No. 04-01, Tlae Poinseftia Ridge Project, Southeast Corner of Black Rail Road and Songbird Avenue, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California References: 1. Christian Wheeler Engineering, Report of Field Observation and Relative Compaction Testing, Grading and Site Improvements, Black Rail 16-Lot Development, Black Rail Road and Songbird Ave., Carlsbad, California: prepared for Watkins Landmark Construction, dated January 4, 2007 (CWE 2050489.05). 2. Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Carlsbad, San Diego County, California; dated January 8, 2004 (W.O. 4132-A1-SC). Dear Mr. Tupman: , Yamamota Properly, APN 215-040-05, prepared for Cunningham Consulting, Inc., Petra Geotechnical, Inc. (Petra) has been retained by Warmington Residential California for the purpose of providing geotechnical consulting services related to development of the subject lots. We have reviewed the referenced reports and we are in general concurrence with their findings, conclusions and recommendations contained therein. Petra hereby accepts the referenced reports as the basis for our geotechnical services on the site subject to modifications as dictated by field conditions during site grading as well as those dictated by the applicable codes. Corrective recommendations will be provided, if deemed necessary, by Petra representatives. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, PETRA GEOTECHNICAL, INC. �__,__�__...--�. `�... `1J S",/oe� Siamak Jafroudi, hD Senior Principal Engineer GE 2024 � •p �' �' N� �FO� v � � �� 6�3�/f�24 � �p��HNiC',4'�`Q../ _ W:�2010\100U 55-10 Warmington Residential Califomia (Black Rail)\150�Engineer of Record.doc ��� ��. � �, ; . _; � . . � y � � � � �, _ �,rw � r. . r. , _ � r. �,_., CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING Januaip 4, 2007 `Y�atl�ins Landmark Constiuction 6965 El Cainino Real, Suite 105-625 Cailsbad, California 92009 Attention: Dean Schumachei CVijE 2050489.05 SUBJECT: REPORT OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND RELATIVE COMPACTION TESTING, GRADING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS, BLACI� RAIL 16-LOT DEVELOPMEIVT, BLACI� RAIL ROAD AND SONGBIRD AVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Refeience: "Pieliminaiy Geotechnical Evaluat'ton, Yamamota Piopeity, t1PN 215-040-05, Cailsbad, San Diego County, Califoinia," 6y GeoSoils, Inc., dnted Januaiy 8, 2004. Ladies/Gendemen, In accoidance �vith youi request and widi d�e iequiteinents of Section 1701.5.13 of fl�e Uniform Building Code, Cluistian Wheelei Engineeiing has ps-epaied fliis iepoit to suminarize oui obseivations of the earth�voik opeiations at the subject site and to piesent the iesults of ielative compaction tests peifoimed in flie fills and backfills that �veie placed duiing the giading and site unpiovements opeiations. The obseivation and testing sei-��ices addiessed by this iepoit ��eie cooidinated by Watkins Landscape Constiuction and �veie piovided during the period of l�iay 23, 2006 thiough Octobei 23, 2006. INTRODUCTION AND PRO,�ECT DESCRIPTION SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject site �vas au undeveloped, xoughly iectangulai shaped propeity on the southeastein comer of the inteisection of Black Rail Road and SongbiLd Avenue in the City of Cailsbad. Piioi to the giaditig addcessed vi tlus iepoit, the piopeity sloped to the �vest and an appiotimate 15-foot lugh cut slope �vas located along the noxthein piopeity line and �vas inost likely const�ucted dw-ing the giading of SongbiLd Avenue. The �Tegetation consisted of �veeds and one ttee. 3980 Home Avenue a> San Diego, CA 92105 �i� 619-550-1700 �� FAX 619-550-1701 C�YjE 2050489.05 Janu�uy 4, 2007 Page 2 PROPO��I) CONSTRUCTION: The subject site «�as giaded to foim 16 ielatively le�Tel pads foi t11e constiuction of one-and/oi rivo-stoxy, single family iesidences, and the associated st�:eets. ��e anticipate that the pioposed stiuctuies `vill have con�Tentional shallow foundations and on-giade conciete flooi slabs. PLAN REFERENCE: In oidei to augment oui undeistanding of the designed configuiation of die pioject, oui fitm �vas piovided ��itl� appioved giading and eiosion contiol plans and impiovement plans foi die site piepaied by MLB Engineeiing, of Escondido, California, beai'vig an appioval date of Apii16, 2006. Plate Nos. 1t� through 5 of tivs iepoit is a xepxoduction of the plan, modified to sho�v die appiosimate locations of oui field tests and die ielevant liinits of contact �vith the encounteied geologic units. SCOPE OF SERVIC� Seivices piovided by Chxistian �Uheelei Engineeiing dusing tlie couise of the eaidiwoik consisted of the follo��ing: • PaLticipation in a pxe-gtading meeting �vith City of Cailsbad building officials; • Continuous obseivation of die mass gtading �voik in piogiess; � Pioviding field iecommendations foi elements of dle eaith�voik not specifically addiessed by flie iefexenced geotechnical repoit; • Recording the appio:citnate elevations and litnits of significant geotechnical elements; • Peiformance of relative compaction tests in the fills placed duiing tlie giading opexation; • Peifoiinance of ielative compaction in the vaiious site impioveinents; � Peiformance of laboiatoiy masitnum density and optunum moistuie content deteiininations on the mateiials used foi the fills, backfill, subgiade, aggiegate base couises, and asphalt conciete; • Peiformance of laboiato�� ezpansion indez, and �vatei soluUle sulfate content tests on the soils encounteied in the foundarion zone; � Foundation obseivations foi the ietainit�g walls; and, • Piepaiatiou of tliis iepoit. SITE PREPARA.TIOIV AND GRADIl�G GRADING CONTRACTOR: The eaithwoik addiessed by this xepoit �vas peifoimed by Vuici Pacific Coipoiation of Rancho Santa Fe, Califoinina; Contcactoi's License No. 550349. The piunaiy equipment utilized by the contiactor in the �voik consisted of the follo�ving: C`�E 2050489.05 Jaiivaiy 4, 2007 Page 3 �ITE PREPARATION: The site piepatation consisted of the iemoval of the e�sting suificial soils (undocumented fill, topsoil, colluvium and weatheied teirace deposits� to the contact with the coinpetent teuace deposits and ieplacing the mateiials as piopeily compacted fill. The iemovals ��eie extended to die piopeity line of each of the builcling pads. The appxoYitnate limits of iemoval aie sho�vn on the attached Plate No. 1B. The soils esposed at the flooi of the elcavations �veie scarified 12 inches and fill material �uas then placed as desciibed in the follo�ving `Fill Placement' paiagiaph. CUT PAD UNDERCUT: Lots 5 duough 10 �vere undetcut to a]lo�u foi tlle ezcavation of the foundation tienches and utilit�T ttenches on the pads by means of noimal light trencl�ig equipment. The undeicut e:ctended at least tluee feet below finish pad giade and estended lateially to flle piopeity lines of each lot. The soil eYposed at the floox of flle undeicut aieas weie scaiified, moistuie conditioned and iecompacted prior to Fill placenlent. Fill mateiial was tlien placed in die niannei desciibed in the `Fill Placement' paragtaph. TRANSITION UNDERCUTS: In oidei to lessen the potential foi diffeiential setdement wliicll could occux due to die dissinvlai chaiacteiistics of soils in `cut' and `fill' conditions, the cut poitions of pads, �vith cut/fill transition lines, �veie undeicut. The undeicuts eztended to at least tluee feet below the designed finish-giade elevation. The soils esposed at the flooi of the undercut aieas �veie piepaied, and subsequent fills placed, in the mannei desciibed uz the follo��ing `Fill Placement' patagiaph. The appxoYimate limits of the tcansition undercuts aie shown on the attached plate No. 1B. C`UE 2050489.05 Januaiy 4, 2007 Page 4 �'ILL SLOPE AIVI3 I�EEYWAY�: Keywa��s �veie ezca�Tated along the toe of the fill slopes at the eastein aiid �vestein edge of the site. The key��a5� excavation eYtended into the competent native mateiial, and �vas configuted to dip slighdy to��asds its heel of the key. The key�vay extended appiozimately 1.5 to 2 feet into competent foimational mateiials and �vas appio�imately 20 feet �vide. The soils ezposed at the flooi of the key�vays �veie scarified to a depth of 12 inches and moistuie conditioned pxioi to fill placement. Fill mateiial consisting of the on-site silt�� sands weie dien placed as desciibed in the pieceding `Fill Placement' patagiaph. 1�s the elevation of the fills incieased, horizontal beuches weie eticavated into the foimational materials. FILL PLACEP/�E1VT: Fill mateiials consisting of the on-site silty sands weie typically placed by the sciapeis and cxawlei dozers in ielativelp tl�in, unifoim lifts. IVloistuie conditioning was applied as needed and compactive efforts weie then perfoimed by ineans of the �vheel dozeis to at least 90 peicent oF inaYitnum diy deusity. RETAINING WALLS FOUNDATION OBSERVATION: Piioi to the pioposed consttuction of dle ietait�ing walls, die foundations eYcavations foi the walls weie obseived by a representative of oui firm. The eticavations �veie found to eYtend 'uito competent bearing stcata. GENERAL: Foui retainiiig �valls �veie consttucted at die subject site. The walls aie located between Lots 3 and 4, along the iear yaids of Lots 5 tlitough 7, between Lots 16 and 17, and bet�veen SongUiid Avenue and Lot 16. The Letainisig ��alls �veie `Allen Block' type reinforced eaith, segmental block �valls. Representatives fiom oux office observed the constiuction of the ietaining walls, the placement of the geogrid reinfoicement and the placement and compaction oE the backfill soils. SUBDRA.INS: Preceding d1e backfilling of flle ietaii�ing tvalls, subdiains �veie installed at the base of the walls. The subdiains consisted of a foui-inch diametei peifoiated PVC pipe set in a matrix of ciushed iock, wiapped �vith geotechnical filtei fabiic. WALL BACI�FILL: The foui ietaining walls �veie backfilled using native sandy soils. The baclifills weie placed ui thin hoiizontal lifts, wliich weie wateted to neax optimum conditions and compacted in place to at least 90 peicent of znasunum diy densit�� by means of the iecipiocating compactors. C�UE 2050489.05 Janu�y 4, 2007 SITE IIVIPROVEMENTS Page 5 Our field iepresentatives peifoimed peiiodic obseivations of tsench backfill foi wet and diy utilities as well as the piepuation of subgiade and aggiegate base couise mateiials and subsequent asphalt conciete placement in the road�va5�s. In geneizl, flle utilit�� tiench backfill opexations consisted of soils being placed in tl�in unifoim lifts, moistuie conditioned with a �vatei tiuck and compacted to at least 90 peicent of the malimum diy density. The subgtade piepaiations consisted of ininoi cuts and fills to designed giades, �vith die soils being scarified, moistuie conditioned and compacted to 90 peicent of die maumum diy densit�T foY areas of pioposed sidewall�s, and 95 peicent of maYimum diy density foi paved aieas. t�ggiegate base couise materials �veie placed in thin, unifoim lifts, moist�iie conditioned and compacted by means of dual di�um vibiatoijT compactois to at least 95 peicent of dze ma�num diy densit�T. Asphalt conciete placement was motutoied foi tempeiatuie duiing laydo�vn opeiations. The contractar peifoimed compacti�Te effoits of the asphalt conciete using smooth dium vibiatoi5� compactoxs, as well as a pneumatic tiie coinpactor, to attain at least 95 peicent xelative compaction. FIELD ANl� LABORATORY TESTIIVG FIELD TE�TS: Field tests to measuie the ielative compaction of the fills, backfills, subgiade, aggiegate base couises and asphalt conciete, weie conducted in accoidance �vith ASTl��I Test Designation D 2922-91, "Standaid Test Methods foi Density of Soil and Soil-Aggiegate in Place by Nuclear Methods," and ASTNI Test Designation D2950-91, "Test Method of Bituminous Conciete in Place by Nucleai Method." The locations of the field tests �veie selected by ow' technicians in aieas disceined to ezhibit a degxee of ielative coinpaction that �x�as geneially iepiesentative of dlat achieved in flie backfills, subgiade, aggiegate base course and asphalt concrete placeinent. The iesults and appiozimate locations of tlie field tests aie sho�vn on the attached Plate Nos. 1A tlitough 5. OUTSTANDIIVG LOW COMPACTION RE�ULTS: Oui secoids indicate diat theie aie ateas that contain `test iesults Uelo�v the iecomtnended ielative compaction of 95 peicent of ma�num dxy density. These iecoids show that tlitee stteet subgiade, si.z ctub and guttei base, and nine asphaltic conciete tests indicate low compaction �vidl no ietesting peifoimed. Though not necessatily indicative of potential pioblems that could occur �vith low compaction, otu office cannot veiif�T tlzat these aieas were xewoiked and/oY iecompacted to iecommended values. T�venty tests weie iecoided tluoughout flie aieas that weie paved witll asphalt concrete duruig d�is phase of the paving. Of tliese tests, nine tests ��eie above 95 peicent ielative compaction, 5 weie in the 93 to neai 95 C`�1E 2050489.05 Januaiy 4, 2007 Page 6 peicent iange and 4 test was below 93 peicent, but gieatei than 91 peicent. It is oui opinion diat the maiginally low densities iecoided in the asphaltic conciete shot�ld not have a significant effect on the peiformance of the pavement. Elperience has sho�vn fliat unit �Ueights pioduced bjT asphalt cores taken aie t��picallST highei than the �ralues pioduced in the field by the nucleat gauge method. If ietesting is necessaiy, we suggest diis method be utilized. T ARORATORY TE�TS: The maY'ttnuin diy density and optimuin moistuie content of the soils piedoininately encounteied in the eaidlwoik ��eie pexfoimed in oui laboiatoiy U�T ASTIVI Test Designation D 1557-91, "Test Nlethod foi Laboratoiy Compaction Chaiacteiistics of Soil Usu1g l��Iodified Effoit." The tests ��eie conducted in accoiduice with the mediodology piesciibed foi the giain-size distiibution of the soils tested. The iesults of these tests aie piesented on the attached Plate Nos. 14 and 15. Repiesentative samples of the soils piesent within dle foundation zone of the pioposed stcuctures weie tested foi thev- eYpansion potential in accoidance �Uith ASTI��I D 4829-95, "Standaid Test Method foi Etpansion Indel of Soils" and for theie sulfate content in accoidance with Caltrans l�Iethod 417, "1Vlethod of Testing Soils and Wateis for Sulfate Content." These test iesults aue also piesented on Plate No. 15. CONCLUSIONS GENERAL: It is the opinion of Cliristian Wheelei Engineering that the giading addiessed by tlus ieport has been peifoxmed in accoidance with the iecommendations piesented in the iefeienced geotechnical iepoit, the giading iequirements of the City of Cailsbad and dle Unifoim Building Code. This opuuon is based upon out obseivations of the eaithwoik opeiations, the iesults of the density tests taken in the field, and the ma:�imum density tests peifoiined in oux laboiatoiy. It is oui fuither opinion that the site is suitable foi the pioposed construction. Oui iecominendations foi the ininitnuin design of foundations foi the pioposed st�:uctuie, based on the as-giaded conditions, aie piesented in the "Foundations" section of this iepoit. Based upon the field and laboiatoi-�T tests, it is otu opinion diat, �vith the eaception of the areas iepresented by the afoiementioned lo�v compaction test iesults, the suUgiades, aggiegate base couises and asphalt conciete pavements �veie placed and compacted in accoxdance with ow- iecomtnendations, and the Uniform Building Code. AS-BUILT GEOLOGY: The geologic units encounteied during die eaxthwoik opexations weie geneiall�T consistent �vith those anticipated in oui iefeienced iepoit of geotechnical investigation. The e�udl�voik C��i�E 2050489.05 Januaiy 4, 2007 Page 7 opeiations addiessed by tliis iepoxt have, in oui opinion, satisfactoiily initigated the potentially adveise conditions described in die iefeienced iepoit. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS GENER_AL: It is oui opinion that the pioposed stsuctuie may be suppoited by conventional continuous and spiead footings. Specific details foi the design of the foundations should be piovided bj� the stiuctuial engineei foi the pioject; howevei, the foundation design should incoipoiate dle mit�iinum iecoinmendations piesented in tlle follo�ving paiaglaphs. EXPANSION CI�ARACTERISTICS: The soils piesent �vitivn die zone of influence of the pioposed foundations aie consideied as being non-dettimentall3T ezpansi�7e, �vith an eapansion index less than 50. The iecoimnendations piesented heiein ieflect tlus condition. CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION�: Conventional spiead footings suppoiting the one- and t��o-stoip single-fatnilST iesidences should be emUedded at least 12 and 18 inches belo�v finish pad giades, iespectivel5�. Continuous footings foi one- and t��o-stoiy sttuctures should have a minimum �viddi of 12 and 15 inches, iespectivel��. Isolated footings should have a minimum �vidth of 24 inches. BEARING CAPACITY: Conventional footings �vith the above recommended minimum ditnensions ma�� be designed for an allowable soil beaiing piesstue of 2,500 pounds pei squaie foot. Tliis value ma�� be incieased by one-tlu�:d foi combinations of tempoiaiy loads such as fllose due to wind oi seisinic loads. FOOTING REINFORCIlVG: Based on the as-giaded soil conditions, �ve iecommend that the rniniinum leinfoicing foi continuous footings consist of at least one No. 4 bai positioned tiv:ee uiches above die bottom of the footing and one No. 4 bai positioned t�vo inches below die top of the footing. Tlus ieinforcement is based on soil chaiacteiistics and is not intended to be ui lieu of ieinfoicement necess�uy to satisfy stcuct�ual consideiations. LATE1tAL LOAD RESISTANCE: Lateial loads against foundations may be iesisted b�� friction between the bottom of the footing and the suppoiting soil, and by the passive piessuLe against fl1e footing. The coefficient of .friction bet�veen conciete and soil map be consideied to be 0.35. The passive iesistance may be consideied equal to an equivalent fluid �veight of 250 pounds pei cubic foot. Tl1is assumes the footings ale pouied tight ag�ist undistuibed soil. If a combination of die passive piessuie and friction is used, fl1e fiiction value should be ieduced by one-d1'v:d. CWE 2050489.05 Januai-�� 4, 2007 Page 8 SE'I'TLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS: The anticipated total and diffeiential foundation settleinent is ezpected to Ue less than about 1 uzch and 1 uich ovei 40 feet xespectivelp, piovided die ieconunendations piesented ui this ieport aie follo�ved. It should be iecognized fllat minoi ciacks noimally occur in conciete slabs and foundatioris due to shtinkage duiing cuiing oi iedistiibution of stiesses, tl�exefoie some ciacks should be anticipated. Such ciacks aie not necessaiily an indtcation of excessive �Teitical movements. FOOTII�tG SETBACI�S: If footings foi structuies aie pioposed adjacent to the top of slopes, tve xecommend diat a minimum hoiizontal setback fiom the outei edge of the footing to the adjacent slope face be piovided. The miniinum setback fiom die slope face recommended is 5 feet fiom slopes 0 to 15 feet high, 10 feet foi slopes 15 to 30 feet high, and 15 feet foi slopes ovei 30 feet. The building setback distance foi die top of slopes ma�� be inodified by using deepened footings. Footing setback is,measuied foim competent soil and should neglect any loose of soft nati�Te soils tlzat map occui at the top of a natuial slope. Footings planned undei the specified setbacks should be piovided specific ievietv by the Geotechnical Consultant piior to constiuction. FOUI�DATION OBSERVATION: In oidei to confiim that the footing eYcavations estend into a suitable beaiing sttattun and to verify dlat the footing dimensions and ieinfoicing steei schedules ue in accoidance with tlie miLvmum iecoinmendations piovided by the geotechnical engineer, Cluistian Wheeler Engineeiing should be contacted to obseive the eYcavations in advance of sttuctural inspections fl�at may be conducted oi iequited by the Building Official. ON-GRADE SLAS RECOMMENDATIONS INTERIOR FLOOR �I,ABS: The minimum flooi slab ducl�less should be not less than four inches. The flooi slabs should be xeinfoiced with at least No. 3 bais placed at 18 inches on center, each �vaST, and the ieinfoicement should estend hoiizontally at least 6 inches into flie footings. Slab ieinfoicuzg should be positioned on chaits oi moitax blocks at mid-height in d1e flooi slab. UNDER-SLAB VAPOR RETARDERS: Steps should be taken to minimize the ttansmission of moistute vapoi fiom die suUsoil tl�xough the viteiioi slabs wheie it can potentially damage the interioi flooi covexings. Local industty standaids typically include the placement of a vapor ietaidei, such as visqueen, between tzvo, 2-inch-tluck layeis of coaLse sand placed dixectly beneath the conciete slab. This is the inost common undei- s11b �Tapoi ietaidei system used ui San Diego County. The vapoi ietatder should be at least 15 inil visqueen ��ith sealed seams and sliould eYtend at least 12 inches do�vn the sides of the inteiioi and peiimetei footings. C�UE 2050489.05 JanuaiST 4, 2007 Page 9 The sand should contain less than 10% passu�g the numbei 100 sie�Te and less than 5% passing the numbei 200 sieve. Although dle spstein desciibed above has liistoiically peifouned adequatel�T, national standaids foi d�e uistallation of vapoi ietaideis belo�v 'viteiioi slabs aie changing as evidenced iu cuiiend5� published standaids including ACI 302, "Guide to Conciete Flooi and Slab Consttuction" and AST1��1 E1643, "Standaid Piactice foi Installation of Watei Vapoi Retatdei Used in Contact with Eaid1 oi Gianulai Fill Undei Conciete Slabs". Radiei than placing the vapoi ietaider bettveen the two sand la5�ers, bodi of these standaids iecommend placing the sand capillaip bieak laSTer onto the subgiade �vith a vapoi ietaidex placed above the sand and tlie conciete placed dii:ecdy onto the vapoi ietaidei. Theie aie advantages and disadvantages to each of these installation piocedtues. An advantage to placulg conciete ditectly onto a vapoi ietaidei is that it eliininates dle layei of sand bet�veen the slab and vapoi ietaidex. Tlvs layei of suid t��pically contains moist�iie pxioi to die placement of conciete and can ieceive moie moistuie duiing the cuiing and constsuction piocesses. This moisture can be ietained in the sand layei fot an etitended peiiod of time until the conciete moisttiue decxeases to the point at which the excess sand moistuie is absoibed by the conciete and tcansmitted up tiv ough the slab. Tlvs piocess can take many months dependu�g upon die enviiomnental conditions. One disadvantage to placing conciete diiectly onto a vapoi ietaidei is that iemoving die sand layei fiom diiectlST beneatli the conciete iestiicts die ability of the conciete to lose moistzue on both flie top and bottom sw'faces duiing the initial ctuing peiiod. Vatiations ui flie diying rate bet�veen die top and bottom surfaces can iesult in incieased conciete ciacking, cuiling, and othei fuiisliing issues. The diying rate diffeiences and theit potential side effects can be iz�itiiinized, hotvevei, widi suitable finislvng and cu�ng pioceduies. Recognizing the stated benefits and 1'vnitations of these standatd belo�v-slab vapoi retaider systems, the o�vner and designei should select the system that they believe is inost suitable foi this pioject consideiing the const�uction schedule and planned flooi coveiings. It should be undeistood that neithei of the desciibed sj�stems piovides a"��ateipioof baiiiei". It should also be undeistood that slab conciete contains fiee �uatei and should be allowed to xeach equilibrium in an envu'onment similai to that anticipated in die completed structuie piioi to installing flooi co�Terings. We iecommend tl�at the flooiing installei peiform standaid moisture vapoi emission tests piioi to the installation of all moistuie-sensittve flooi co�Teiings in accoidance with ASTNI F1869 "Standaid Test Nlediod foi l�Ieasuiing NloistuLe Vapoi Einission Rate of Conciete Subflooi Using Anhydious Calcium Chloiide". C� 2050489.05 Januaiy 4, 2007 Page 10 EXTERIOIZ COIVCRETE FLATWORI�: Ezteiioi slabs should have a riiin.imuin tlucl�iess of foui inches. Reinfoicement and conttol joints should be constiucted in ezteiioi conciete flatwoik to ieduce the potential foi ciacking and movement. Joints shouid Ue placed in eztexior conciete flat�voik to help contiol the location of slvinkage ciacks. Spacing of contl-ol jourts sliould be in accoidance �uith the Ameiican Conciete Instit�ite specifications. LIMITATIONS The descriptions, conclusions and opinions piesented in tlus iepoit peitain only to die �voik performed on the subject site dtuing the peiiod fiom May 23, 2006 thiough Octobei 23, 2006. As litnited b�� d�e scope of the senTices which we agleed to peifoim, the conclusions and opinions piesented heiein are based upon ow' observations of the �voik and the iesults of oui laboiatoiS� and field tests. Oui seivices �vere peifoimed in accoldance �vith die cuiiendy accepted standaid of piactice in the iegion in wllich tlie eaidi�voik was pexfoimed, and in such a mannei as to piovide a ieasonable measuie of the compliance of tlie described �voxk �vith applicable codes and specifications. With the submtttal of tivs iepoit, no waiianty, espiess oi itnplied, is given or intended �vith iespect to flie seivices peifoimed by oui fiim, and oui peifoimance of tliose seivices should not be consttued to ielieve tlze giading contractoi of his iesponsibility to peifoi�tn his woik to the standards iequited bp the applicable building codes and pioject specifications. Cluistian Wheeler Engineeiing sinceiely appieciates the oppoitunity to piovide piofessional seivice on tlus pioject. If you should have any questions aftei ieviewing this repoit, please do not hesitate to contict oui fum. Respectfully submitted, CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING � Douglas Hicks, Supeivisoi �� ' �. Chatles H. Chiistian, R.G.E. 00215 CHC/ CRB /DH:mah cc: (6) Submitted � Cuitis R. Buidett, .� 9 � ���c��� �re�r��� ��; ���� N. C1y�,�'�� S� � � � ido.GE21� � � � Exp. �•��•09' � ���� `�� r�c �+t��G`���� �������f�� ¢ ct �a,. 1�s� �= c���iFi�� .� � �t1GIt�EENIrrG G E06QG15T ' `�`� �x� y+J_1� �F �x �;,��.'�``� � C�TE I� E F P `TES 1�5 O RELATIVE COMI�ACTIOI� TESTS 379a0 FLOOR ELEVATIOI�TS �r . : ;� ; � � �� � _� � � � �.���� .� r� � r i� �, � ' :v = � �' � fi. /: ARTIFICIAL FILL OVEl� TERl�t�CE DEPOSITS TER�ACE DEPOSITS CUT PAD UNDERCUT LIMIT� OF REMOVAL KEYWAY TRAIo�SITIOI� UI�TDERCUT BACKCUT FOR RETAII�TIIo�G �ALL �.. �• . . �,,,i � !I i , . :�_...:1.,� � , __ � �L � .. j:.'i�.� �.� ``i 1 '• '' : �;_� r ` � iR � y �1�� a _. .. 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(pc� 1 : 5/23/2006 ` Ke va at Lot 13 � ; ,„ ,,. 8 6,,., 1281 1310 97 8, • ....................................:............................�....Y........,,.,....,,.....,,...................;.... . ..372: �.,..,._.,. ..1... ...;.,, • • •. : ....................... . ' 372.0 : � ...8.1.. ..126.4... ...131.0.. ,..96.5... 2 : 5/23/2006 ` I�e va at Lot 15 ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,.. . . •• •� � ...........................Y..�....Y......,,...................,,,..........,,.:..,.,.. ...,....,... ,. .. ... ,..,. ...... .,.,... ... .........:.....................................:. �,,,,,374.0 ,.1.. ..6.9.. .,125.5... ...131.0,. ...95..g.. .'.'.......' Lot 15 • 3 � 5/23/2006 : • ...... ..... ... ... .. .. .. . ......:..................................................................................:. ..,............_.., ,. .....................:............................... . 4 ; 5/23/2006 : Lot 14 ;.....376,0 ..,.,.�.1.�,.... .,. 7.8 ... ,. 121.4... ..131.0 . 92.7.�� .......................................................................................................:. .. .....;... ....................................... ' 376.0 ; ..1., ...7.8.. ,.123.8... ..,131.0.. .,,94.5,,. 5 : 5/23/2006 : Lot 13 ' ...... ..... ... .... . . .. .. ........................................:.......372.0 .. ..� .. ,..;... ...:... ..... ,. .,........�.. ..........� ...................�.�...1/2006.......:.................,........ ......... � ..... ..... .. .. . .. .. . ........... ..:... .... ......... ....... .... ' Lot 16 : : „8:2.... '• 114.3... .�.131.0 �37..� • ......... � ........................:..................................................................................:.... • ....................:... .. ....................... 6/1/2006 € . • 372.0 : ..1.. ...,... . 10.9 ..;.....119.7.. ..., ..131.0.....,... ...91.4,..... � E���test;G`( ...,..376.0.. ........1....... .. .. . .. . ................................................................................................:. ...;... ;.,. .....,,....... ..;... ...,,,,,....,......{.,, ...........,...,...,;... ,,.......,,... ,., ... .............................................. • � • 12.0 '• 118.2 131.0 90.2 8 : 6/2/2006 � Lot 15 ` ° ` • ,. . �� � ...........................................................:..................................................................................�.,....,,.,,....,,,...,,.;,....,,,....,..,........�.............,,........,,. , ,....,,,.... ,,..... ... ...,..... ' Lot 14 ' 377.0 ; 1 : 10.1 : 120.0.....�......131.0�....;.�� ..�91.6..�... 9 € 6/2/2006 € .............................................:.................................................�.......,......,,,,.....q.......................<.....,,......,........,.;.,.,..,....,....... ..,.....10.......�....,,...�.�/2/2006 ............................................. 377.0 ; 1 : 10.5 '• 120.7 '• 131.0 : 92.1...,, ' Lot 13 � .....................�.......,....,,,.....,.,,,,...........�.,,,......,..........,,,,,...................,,,.............,,................... t..,..........,..........�....................,.,,�...........,.....,,....o.......................�......,....,....,,......�.........,.......,...... ' Lot 15 ` 378.0 '• 1 : 11.2 : 118.9 � 131.0 � 90.8 ........� ........................................................................................................................<...,,.............,.....�,...........,,..........s,..........,.........., a........,,.,...........t...........,,.......,,..�......,........,,,...,.. 11 � 6/5/2006 : � 379.0 : 1 ; 11.7 � 121.3 � 131.0 � 92.6 ... ' Lot 14 ' .....,.,12,.......�......, ��5/2006....,,..� ..................................................................................<,...............,.....,.�.....,.,,,,...,,,,......>.............,......,,,�...,,..................�,,......,,,...,...,,...,�..,..,...,.,,,......,... � 6 5/2006 � Lot 13 : 379.0 : 1 � 9.9 : 122.9 : 131.0 � 93.8 ........� .....................................:............................................10 ........................,........:.............,,.........�...,,..............,....>..,......................,...........,..........:......,,...............,�........................ ........13 � -,,...375:0 � 1 ...........:.......12:3.......<......120.7 : 131.0 : 92.1 14 € 6/6/2006 :.......................................... ................,.,......... ...... , .. .. ...,..... ...;. ........15 ................6�6/�006.......: ` ...... ..... .. .. . .. .. . o . .. . . ......:... .... ......... ....... .... ......... : � � Lot 11 ;.....376,0 : ..1,,. : 10.9 : 118.9......... �..131.0.�...�... ...90.8.. .�. • ............................................... 376.0....,:... 1 .....................:........G...�...2006............................................. . . ....... .............. . ,........... . .... ' Lot 12 � 's ;......,12.1 121.0... ..131.0.. ...92.4 :........................... .......................................................:.... ..................... . ..........,,........:.,....,,..,.....,,......: ........1.�' .........:.......... �...� _ , „ .., ,. ............ , ,....,, ... ., ,...,,... ., 17 € 6/6/2006 :.................. �}Jest Keyway South...,...........,,.,......337: �.,. .... 1 ,..., ... 6.6 �.,.. . 122.3.. ..�131.0.. �.�93 � ,. ...;.., ,.......18...... ,, ....,....,/ ., � ..................: ...... ..... ... ... . . .. .. ' 6 6 2006 � West Ke va Center ` 339.0 € �1 ; 5 8 120.6 131.0 92.1 .....................:.....................................:..................... r.............. Y..�,.,..Y..,,,..,..,,,,....,,.........,,....:. ..... .., . .......... ....... ....... 19 : 6/6/2006 ` �Uest Ke va North ' 341.0 ` 1 ; ... 5.9 ... . �119.4... ...131.0. ..91.,1 .. .....................:......................................Y.�....Y...,,.,,.,..,,.............,.....;.......339.0.. .....,,.� ..,.... ...;... .....................:................ . . ...;... .... ........... ,.... .. ,. . .,..... 2� € 6/6/2006 € �est KeywaY South ..................:.... ..,... ...,. .., .... . .. . ........:................ .....................:.................... ........,,....,,....;.., 6.0 121.6 131.0 92.8 .,..... ,,.;... 21 : 6/6/2006 :................. ��est Key�vay Center...............,.;......340.0 ...... 1..... ...�..7.2 ... . 1,22.5... .'.131.0 . 93.5�.. .... .. ..... :... .. ... . : . . .....................:...................................... .. ... . � 342 0 ` 1 ' ... ... .. ... ..�... .. . .....;... . . ...... ... ... ... ... 22 ; 6/6/2006 : ��Jest Ke va Noith : . 5.9 : 121.3 131.0 @ 92.6 Y�.,..Y ..................................:..............:.........:........................:.......................,.......................;... . , .... ... .. ,.... ..............................................:................................... ° 372.0 : 1 11.4 119.8 131.0.. ...91.5... ............. • Lot 9 ' : • .... . . ...:........................ • ..................................................................................................s.......,...............:........................:................. ..�... ., .......23 ........:.......6�6/2006 , 374.0 � 1 : 9.1 : 121.6.....s....��131.0 92.8 ........2`� ........:....... 6/6/2006......,�...,,,,.....,..,...,..,.,..,,,... Lot 10.,..,,...,,,.,,,....,..,....,.....;...,.,..,,,..........,..;...........,,,..........,...... .,. , . ,. . ............ ..;,,, .,......,,,... ...�,.. .. ' Lot 11 � 375.0 € 1 : 8.5 : 119.8 131.0 91.5 : , 25 • 6/6/2006 ...........................................................�.......,..,.............>.,............,......,.b,,,..........,.........i......,....,.....,.... �.......,..,...... . ........2.�.�.......�,,......6/6/2006 .......:................................................ 375.0 : 1 : 9.4 : 120.3 '• 131.0 '• 91.8..,... ' Lot 12 � .....................�.,,,,,,...,,.,,,...,................,�.................,,............,,,..........,.,,.......................,,,,....,,.t.............,,,.....,,,�.....,,.......,,,......,>.............,,.....,.. a.......................<...,,,,....,,........,,.�......,,.,,.....,,...... 27 € 6/7/2006 : Lot 13 � 380.0 € 2 : 8.1 ; 120.0 � 126.0 '• 95.2 .....................�......,,.......,,,,..................�......,.........................,............,..............,.................,.,.t............,,.....,....�..,,....,.,....,.......,.,,,...........,,...... o.......................<.,.,.....,,,....,...,,..�................,....,.. '- Lot 14 � 380.0 : 2 : 10.7 � 116.5 � 126.0 � 92.5 ......,,28...,,,,.�....... 6 / 7 /2006........� ..................................................................................<.,..........,,..........�....,,,.......,,,......,�....,...........,......a......,.,..............�.,.....,......,,....,...�,....,,,.......,........ 29 € 6/7/2006 : Lot 15 � 379,0 : 2 ; 10.1 : 119.0 � 126.0 : 94.4 .....�..� .....................................f...........�..............�........................................�................ ......�..............................�.................c.......�...............i.............. �........;... ...�.......�...... ........30 : 6/7/2006 : Lot 16 € 374.0 € 2 , , .. .. ; 11:0 : 118.1 : 126.0 : 93.7 .....................:................ ........................................................................................................:........................:.......................:.. .. 31 ; 6/7/200C .......:.................................Lot12 �...,.379:�....,.:........ 2..... ...10.4.....:.....115.2.....,...;..126.0.....,...:•'91.4.. ................................................. . ....................................,,.........,. . 32 : 6/7/2006 ` Lot 11 � 379.0 € ..2.. .. .....9.0 ,. , 117.4... ...126.0 , 93.2 .. .....................:..................................................................................:.......378.5., .......,Z..... ,..:... .....................:................ , : ...:... . 33 : 6/7/2006 : Lot 10 � � .......................:...... ... . . .. , ............. ..:.... ...................:... ........................ . .... 11.5 : 114.7 's 126.0 91.0 .....................:........................................................................................................................:........................ . .. .. ,,....... 34 : 6/7/2006 : Lot 9 ;..,,.374;0 � 2 ; .. 9.6 .. . 116.7... ,..126.0 . ...92.6.,. .....................:................................................................... ...................................................� ..... ...., „ ........:... ........ .,,. .... „ ......... .........,. .,.;... , 35 € 6/7/2006 � .....................West Slope Soud1.........,......,,,..:......342.0 ..... 2. ..... .. ,. , . .. . ...................... . ........:... 11;�, 117;8 126:0 93:5 .....................:........G...7 2006 : ...11.4., ..115.5... ...126.0.. ...91.7.,. 36 € West Slo e Center ' 343.0 2 ,.,.. „ „ , , .. .. / / ..................:........................................k'.....,...,,...,,,.................,,....;.......344.0.. ,,.2,. ...;... .....................:................ . . ...;.,. . 37 ; 6/7%2006 :....................West Slope Nordi...............,.....:,................,......€......... .,... .. .. . . .. .. .....................:....................................... . . ....... ...:...........� 117.2 126.0 93.0 . 38 : 6/7/2006 � West Slo e Soud� � 345.0 � 2 ' , „ , , .. . .. , .. .,�..... 10.9 : ........:.....................................:......................................... .P...........................,...........:.................... ..... ..... . ............. ..�... ...................;... ....................:... ......,....... ... : : 11.3 ; 115.7 : 126.0 : 91.8 ....:... ........ ...:... .............. ..,......................;.......................;... ......,........... 39 � 6/7/2006 : �Uest Slo e North ' 346.0 ' 2 � 10.1 116.5 126.0 : 92.5 .....................................................................................................p......................................�....................,,..,........................;...................,...;... .... ....... , ... .. ......,.. .. 40 � 6/8/2006 : �Uest Slo e Soudi 345.0 : 2 ; 12.4 € 117.2 126A � 93.0 , € . � .....,,.� .........................................P...,.,,..,..,......,.,,.....,,....,.....�..,,,...,........,......,................,,,,....,,.,.....,,.............;.,...,,................,,.....,,.............. ,. ...,,,... . ................................................... . 346.0 ' 2 : 13.3 : 116.8 � 126.0 ...92.7.., : 6 8 2006 � West Slope Center ...................r' �........................,..........,,.....,.,,..o..,.,.............,....t.,,,,...............,,. �..................,.,.., .,..... `�1 .....................!....�..................,.....,,,,,..............,................ �......................... : 12.7 '• 116.5 126.0 92.5 42 € 6/8/2006 : West Slope North ....................� 348.0 ,.......... 2...........�............,,.......,.a.... .,.......... . ......, ... .. ,....,,,. ., .....................�.,,..,...............................�,...............,.,...,,,,,...... ...,. <.......353.0.,,..• 2 : 11.8 : .,-118.3..,..i......126.0....,�... ,,.93.9.. ... ' Lot 1 � ........`�3......,,�...,,,. 6/ 8/200G........i ..................................................................................<.,..........,...........�....,,,.....,,,......,.,>....,,,......,,........a......,................:....,,,.........,....,,.�.......,..............., ' € Lot 2 � 352.0 € 2 € 12.1 117.7 126.0 93.4 ........� .................................................................................. �,.. ......,,,....,. �.....,.........,,.......>.. ........4:�......,,�.......,��8/200G : . ...,352.0 : 2 € ...,,,13.0.... ..,118.5... ..,,126.0.. .....94.0,... ..a.,. ..�... .,.�... 45 6/8/2006 Lot3 CVUE 2050489.05 Plate 6 TestNo.� Date .,,...4.�'..,,,,...�....... ��8�200G....... ....,,47..,,,...�,...... �� 8/200G......, .....48 € 6/8/2006......, .....,..� .......................... ......`�`� .........:....... ��8�2006....... 50 € 6/8/200G ...,,, 5� ................6� 8/200G..... ........................................................ ': 6/9/2006 .......52 ........:.................... .....,,53 ........:....... ��,`,�.�2006....,, .......5`� ........:....... ��.`�.�2006..... ... ,..,,,..5.r' .........:.........�.' � 9 / 2006..... 56 : 6/9/2006 ........ 57 .................�.� � �/ 200 6.,,. ..,..... 5 g .......:........ G `� / 200G ,,.. .....................:.................................. .....,..... �.,...��12/2006... 59........,. ............. : 6/12/2006.. 60........�......... 61 � 6/12/200G .........G Z ..,.... �....,..6 / 14 / 2006 .....................�,............,.........,......... 63 € 6/14/2006 ..,� ........................... ..... (,4 : 6/16/2006 ...� ............................... .................. . 65 € 6/16/2006 ........:........................... ����....��� : C/16/200G ....G7. „ ..... Gg. .. ......................... „ �� .. .. 70 ..71. .. 72 .. 73 ..�`�. .. 75 .. .. 76 ....;. .. �� ,. ,.�. .. 78 ....�. .., 79 ....�, ... 8p0 .. ..; ..• •01 ' �. ..i ... 82 ., .,i ..83. .., ..8�..... ...................... ............. '• 85........, ........86.,,.....' ... 87 ,,. ,,. 88 ... . g.��... ,.. .90. ., ... 91 .. ... .. ..... ... ........92....... 93 6/16/2006 6/22/2006 ..................... 6/22/2006 6/23/2006 6/23/2006 6/23/200G „ 6/23/2006 .6/23/2006 ,. . . . ..,.., 6/23/2006 ............. 6/23/2006 .., ...,. 6/23/200G . ......................... . ......7/5/2006 ................... 7/5/200G ...... ......., �.� 5/200G....., ....... ��5/2006...... 7/G/200G ........ ...... .....,. .1.� 6 / 2006....., I.,.... 8�24/2006,,. ........... ;.,....8�a�t2oo�... ... : 8/24/200G... :............................. ;......8/25/2006... ;...... 8�25 /2006... : 8/28/2006 Location Elev. Soil Type l��ioistuxe Dry n�Iax. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Densit�* Comp. (pcf} Lot4 ......................i...... ........................................................ , .................`�est Slope South,,...,...,....,....,.<...... ..., . .................West Slope North..,........,....,,...<.,..., ,,... ..,. . Lot 15 Slope ...........................�...... .......................Lot 13 SioPe.....,.,.,.....,,...,,.....:. .... .......................Lot 11 Slope...........................€. .... ............................. .Lot 4 ..................... . ... ............ ....... . ................................ . ....................... Lot 12,.�: G:�......,....,,.,,.....,....;...,, ....................... Lot 12..�: G:�,......................,,.;.... ........................Lot 11.,�,�.':�.......,,...,.....,.......;,,,. ...,..,, ........................Lot 11 �:G,�...............,,....,....;.... ............ .. ........................Lot 10..�,�.'.:�,,.,,....,,.......,,....,.:.... ... ........................Lot.,10,.�, G:�......,,...,,........,....{,... .............................. Lot 1 .............................. ..�... ... .. .. .. � . • .................................Lot 3 � ............................... Lot 2 .,,............,,.,,....,...i.. ............................... .Lot 6 ....,.........,................<.. ,. Lot 5 .......................�.. ............................... .... ................ . . ......................... Lot 13..�: G:�..............,....,......<.., .........................Lot 13 �:G;�................,,....,,..:.. .............. .......................... Lot 14..�: G,�,,,...,,,........,........;,. ..........................Lot 14..�: �.'.:�...,..............,.......;.. ............ ..........................Lot 15..�, G:�....................,.....:.. .......................... Lot 15..�: G:�...............,,.....,,..:.. .... ........................... Lot.1...�: G:�,....,,...,......,.,........;. Lot1 ...................... .... .. .......... ..,;, .............................Lot 2 (F:.�.�:�............................;. . .... ... .... ...... Lot 2 ,(F: G:�.. ..,..,,,............., • ........ . . . .. . ...;. ;,.. : Lot 3 (F, G:� ............................:. :.............................................. .. : Lot 3 �' ;G:� .....:......................: :.......................................... . i L.Ot 8 � . ....................................... ............................................. . ; Lot 7 � .:............................... ......,,,..,,,,..,,,........,......... � Lot 3 Slope ............................i .� ................................................. . : Lot 1 Slope ............................` .:................................................. . € Lot.4„�;G:� ............................ .s .................................... € Lot 4 (F :.�.�..,� ............................ ,� ............................................... ..:........................... Lot 7 (F.G:�,...,,.....,,....,..,......, ..................... ..:........................... Lot.�..�: G:�............................ .... ..:........................... Lot 8 (F.G:�............................ .... ........... .. ..:...........................Lot 8 (F;G:�............................ ..:........................... Lot.�..�: G,�..,..,....,.....,..,,....... ..:........................... Lot..�.'...�: G:1.,.,...,...,,..........,... .... : Slo�e at Lot 16 ,,,,,,,,, ...:....................... : Slope at Lots 5;6:7 .................... : Slope at Lot 16 ,,,.,,,,, ...:........................... : .................Slope Above Wall 16................. ...,. � ,��,�, 3 1�.eCes[ ;,-ou ................. ...� ............................ ................................... . Slobe at �Uall Lot 16 _ 347: �...,,.�.. 347.0 € ...............�,. 348.0 : ...............�., 377.0 € ...............r., 378.0 : ...................:. 377.0 ; ...................:. 349.0 ; 379.0 . , „ ..,...;. 379.0 : ..,379.0.. ..379,0.. . . . ...,,,,: 378.5 : ....................: 378.5 : ..................... 354:0 ; 353,5 . ' „ 354, 0 , .,,,.. 633.5 ..................... 654, 0 ....,,.. 380.0 ....,...,, 380.0 380.0 ..................... 380:0 379.0.... .....379.0.... ..................... 356.5 356.5 ................. . ... 355:5 355.5 355.0 ..................... ......354.0.. 354.0 ..................... 351:0 . 351.0 t ..................... : 350.5 < ..................... ; 350:5 : 356.0 :. . .................. ; 356,0 € 356.5 � 356.5 . 355:0 . 355;0 368.0 ...,,...,. : 362.0 .:................... : 366, 0 : 368.0 .t.......369.5 .5.......370.5 2 ..... ..... ..>. . 2. ........2. ,.... ,.i, ..,.,...2. ..... .; ..... ..2. ..... .,.,. ..2. ,,... ......................: ,.,...... �.....,.....: ,,..... �. ..... ,..,,. 2 ...,. ...... � ..... .�2. ..,.. .,2,..,.., ...,, ..2. ..,.. ...,.. ..Z....... ....... 2. ..... ;., ..... ,.2......, �., ..,,. ..2. .,... �.. ..... ..2. ..... �., ..,., ,.2. ,..,. ...,. ..2, ,,... ..... ..Z....... .:...........2........ ,.,,...,2. ,.,.. ..... ..2...,... ..... ..Z. ..... ,.. . 2, .,... .2. ..;.. ..... .,Z. .... ..:.. ........2. .... . , �...........2 ...... ..�,. ..... ..2. .... ..�.. ..,,. ..2...... ,.�.. ...,, ..2...... .,�„ ..... ..2.... ..�.. ..... ..2. ... .,,.. ,.2. ... ... : ........... Z , .... ................2..... . ,,... Z. .. ..,,. ? .. .�2. ..... ,.2, .. ..;., ..... .,2, ,. ;., ..... ..2. .. .....:...........2... ..;.. ..... ..2... 12.5 ,,, .....a.. ..9.8 ... ..9.4 , .,...o.. ... „9.3.......�.. .......................:... ......,10,:1 : 8.7 . ... .. . ....................:. .. 11.9 .........7.7 .......�. ... .12:8.... ... 9.1 .... ,.. 9.0 ... ..7.7 ... ..7.6 , ... :........................: 11.7 .: ................... . ... � .�.......11; 4 : .......:. ; 11.1 : ........................., : 11.6 : .:....................... . : 11.4 : .>,. ... „7.3 ..... .s.. .,...,6.9 ...., ,.>.. ... ..8.4. ... ,.. ,.8.1...... ..,.........9.0 ....... ..:.........8.0 ....... ... ..8.6 . ... ...:....................... ': 10: 2 9.5 . .., ..;.. .,,. 9.3...... ..69 . ..;,, ... ,.7.7.. .., ....:...................... : 10; 4 ....s• �.8...... ....:...................... : 10.1 . ..�., .,. .,8.5 , .., ...:> ..................... : 11.6 .....s ..................... : 10.0 .. „�.. .,, ..8.2. ,.. ., .., ,.8.6 , .,. .....:.........7.9 ..... ...... .........8. 8 .... ,.. ., 9 .p ..., ... ... �.6 .. ..9.6 ......:.................... �.......1.1:1 ......; ... : 11.4 ......:................... � ......10.:8... .......;. 11.1 .......: ................... 11.1 116.4 : ....................<.... ...114 9 ` . ... ...�,... 115, 4 € ..... ...<.,,, 114.1 € . .....,:... 113.4 : ........;,.. 113.7 : . ....................;... 120.6 : ...................... :... ,...122.8 : ........;.. 119.6 : 125.0... , 122.9... ...... ......:.. .� ..125.6 : ....................... s.. 120 0 : ......,:., 116.9 � ......115.3.....�. ....................... �. 117, 4 '• ...... . .....<. 113.6 € d � ...................... t. 113.9 i , ....................... �, :,....125.4 : ..,< ... ...... : 124.8 : 3...��....�.....•.......t :....,117.1 : ... .........: :.....121. 8 : ......,.. :.....125.9 € 121.3 :........................ :......114.2 . ...... :.,....121, 2 ........ .:..,..121;8 ...... : 115.4 .... ......, .:...,.119.8 122.9 '... ..116.4.... . a ...................... : 115.7 .; ...................... : 113.8 .. a ...................... : 114.6 . , a ...................... : 123.1 .•3•�� .............•.... : 120.4 ..3� ...............•...� ,.:.....117, 3 : 11G.7.�. , . � . . ................... ...`......118:Z.... 's 115.9 . . 114:7 . 116.4 .::.... . . .... .. : 106.7 ... :..................... � ..,,114:g.,. � 113.5 ....� ..... ............ : 113.9 ....�......114.8.. . , .. a ................... : 114.8 126.0 : ....................�,.... 126.0 � ...�..... ....,,. 126, 0 `• .,,�..,., .,... 126.0 � ..........:..... 12G0 € ........:.... 126.0 : .......................... 126.0 : .......................... 126.0 : 126 0 , ,126.0 . 126.0 . . ... ...........:... 126.0 ; , 126.0 ... ..........:... 126.0 € ....12G0�. ... .. ,..;.. .. ..... ... ... 126.0 `• , ....�.. .. .., .. .....126: �,,,...�.. ,,..,126, 0 � ....,,�.. ......12G0 `• ...�., . ... 126.0 € 126.0 ... . . ...........:. 126.0 : • ........................:. :......126.0 ; ......,. :......126.0 : .......,,... :...,.,126.0 : ,..,.....,, :.....,126.0 : ,,,.....; ;......126.0 ; ..,.,.,., :..,,..126, 0 : ........; : 126.0 : .� ........................: .;......126: �...... .:......126.0 ...... : 126.0 .:........................ : 126.0 .:........................ : 126.0 .t ........................ : 126.0 ..t ........................ : 126.0 ..t ....................... : ...,,126. 0 .... , ..... ..:.....,126. 0 : 126.0 ..:.......126.0.... , 126.0 , 126:p.. ...:... ..... . . . .... ; 126.0 ..,;. ....,. ; 126, 0 ,.. ...... : 126.0 .., i ...................... `.....126: �.... ...�. ' .....126: �... � 126.0 92.4 ................... .. 91.:� ...,,... 91:6 90.6 ,. .., ....., .,. 90.0 . 90,2 , .. 95.7... .. .................... ,...`.�,�:5 ,...,,.. .,, 94.9 ., 99.2,,.; ., 97.5... , . ,,..... ... ...99.7 ., ,�5.2 ., . ......... ... 92.8 .. .91.:� ..... . .. .. . ... ..... 93.:� ....,... ...., �0.2 ........ .,...90.�F ....,... ....,,`.�.9:5 ......., .......`,�,9:0 ..,,... ..,...92:9 .....,.. ......96;7 ........ ...... 99:9 ........ ..,... �6,3 ..,,,... ........`.�.0:6 ,...,... .,....,,`.�.6,2 .,....,, .......,`,�,6.7 ...,.... ,...,...`,�,1.6 .,,. ,...,,.. .......,`.�.5;1 ........ :....... ��;5 ....... ;..,.... 92;4 .,..... ; 91.8 ......................... : 90.3 ......................... : 91.0 � ........................ : 97.7 � ........................ : 95.6 .i...�••...��...��•..��.•. .:,....,. 93,:1 ,....,,.� .:....... 92:� ........ .:...,....`�,3:8 ...,.... .:,......,`.�.2:0 .:.,...., 91.0....... ..:....,.. ��;:� ... . : n F .. ;;'`�' � .... ..:... .. ...... .. ..:...,...91.1 ..,...,,,.. : 90.1 ..:....................... � ...... 90:4 • ....... ••,• : 91.1 ..,., .. .,91..1,.... ' Plate 7 CWE 2050489.05 Test No. ,.�`�,... ..95.... 96 97 . .98, Date ....8/28/2006 ,.... 8%28/2006 ............... ..... 8/29 /2006 8%29%2006 STORIVI DRAIN Relauve Com act Test No. Date SD1 : 7/10/2006 .............:.............. ... SD2 : 7/10/2006..., ..........:.................... SD3 : 7/10/200G ..........:.............. SD4 : 7/12/2006 .. ... ......:.......... . ... SD5 ......:......��12/200G... SD6 : 7/17/2006 SEWER Relative Cc Test No. Date .... S1.... S2 ... S3 ,. .' ..5�. ..... S5 ..,.. S6 .,.. S7 ..,, S8 ......5�' �... ..... . ..., ,..... S10..... ,..,,, S11.,,... S12 .................... ...... S13..,., S14 .......S15.... . ...,,.. S16 .......S17.,., .�.,...S18 .. ... ... ,...,, S19... S20 . S21, .. . .. ... ...S22 .......S23... Location Elev. SoIl Type ��Ioishtre Dry ��ias. % Rel. (feet� (%� Density Density Comp. (pc� Slo e at �Uall Lots 5,6,7 � 364.0 p .... ................................ ............... ................. . . 373.0 Slope at Wall 16 : ............... ,...,,....,.....,,...<.........,,,...,,,...., Slope Above Wall at Lot 7 : 367.0 ............................... �..,,.,....,..,,..,...., Slope Above Wall at Lot 6 : 365.0 ...............................:...................... Slobes at Lot 16 Wall 370.0 Tests Location 18" Stoxm Drain Tiench ................................................................................. 18" Storm Diain Trench ."...�.,....18';"Storm Drain Trench ..,,, ,.,,, ................................................... 18" Storm Drain Tiench ................................................................................ 18" Storm Diain Tiench . . .. .. ................................. 18" Stoim Drain Trench Tests Location n�iant�old at Sta. 23+25 Black Rail Road ; ........................................................................... . T4anhold at Sta. 23+25 Black Rail Road : ................................................................................. �.. Blacl� Rail Road Sta. 23+25 :. ....................................................... Biack Rail Road Sta. 23+25 : ............................................................................ Se���ei Easment Sta. 8+70 � ................................................................ t. Se�vei Easment Sta. 8+85 � .......,. . ............................................................<. Sewer Easment Sta. 8+60 : ................................................................<. Sewer Easment Sta. 8+80 : � ............................................. ,..,..,,,..,,,.............;. Sewer Easment Sta. 9+00 ; :.................................................................................... ` Se�ver Easment Sta. 8+85 ; Se�uer Easinent Sta. 9+65 ,,.,,,, Se�ver Easment Sta. 9+40„ • ............................ .................. .... �......�..,�.....��Sewer I��Iain Sta 6+20 '• :..................................................................................: : Lateial Lot 16 : ...............................................: :...........................Lateial Lot 9 � .:................................................................................... � Suif Crest Sta 5+50 ,,,,,,'; . ............................ ............................ .:.................. Surf Crest Sta 3+37.................. .. . . . ...................... : Suif Ciest Sta 4+74 ,,.. • ......................... . . . ............................... Lateial Lot 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ ...................................................... € Latexal Lot 15 ,,..,,,.,., ,s ......................................................... : Lateial Lot 13 ..:.................................................................................. : Lateral Lot 11 ..:.................................................................................. . Tlv�ashex Pl. Sta 1+30 Elev. (feet� 352.0 354.0 ............... 350.0 . ............ 352.0 . ............ 351.0 . ........... 351.0 2 � 10.9 : 113.5 € 126.0 's 90.1 �•....••...Y�...�•....•••...�......6......���.......••....•<•�...•••�........�.�...�I�....�•....�....�� ,.,,..,,.., ....,...2 ; 8.3 � 116.1 : 126.0 ; 92.1 ........................: �...,............. ,,..,,..,,, o .......................�....,..,..,,.....,....... ........2 ; 8.9 : 116.7 : 126.0 : 92.6 ........,..> .......................:........................�..,.....,....,......,...�.......,...,,,... 2 € 10.2 : 116.8 's 126: �....,,i..,.,..92:7 .......................:.......................:.............. ....................... ; 116.3 � 1'26.0 : 92.3 2 . 10.9 , Soil Type I 1�Ioisture (%) 2 € 9.6 € 116.4 ......................:....................... :................... 2 : 8.8 : 117.7 ......................:....................... :................... 2 : 9.3 : 116.8 ...............................................: .................. 2 : 10.3 ' 117.4 .................................................................. ; ': 115.1 ....,... Z ...........:.........`.�.: �........;.................. 2 _ 9.4 ; 116.3 ASTM D2922-91 Dly ll�ial. % Rel. Density Density Comp. I ��� Elev. Soil Type \�Ioistuie (feet) (%) 336.0 : .....................: ...338;0 ' 338.0.....'! 338;0 .., 339.0 , ,342.0 ,,. 340.0 .., . ,340.0 .. . 345:0 . .344: 0 354:0 , 351:0 365.0 . ,367.0 .. . . ... ........ 366.0 , 36G0 .. . ............. 374.0 ......374.0... ................... 370; 0 369.0 375.0 .. ..... ,.. ; 375;0 i 344.0 1 .......................: 1 � ..................... . .: ..,..... 1 ..... .,,,.... 1 ..,,. ..1. ,.... ... 1 ,,.. ... ,........ 1 ......,, ..,...,,. 1 ...,... 1 ........... � ......... ....,, 1 .,..... ..... .1 ....... .�2� ..... 2. ..,,.. .2. ...., ? .... . ..2,. ..... ..2. ...... ;...........2........ ,;.. .,... ..2. ...,, ,�., ...,. ..2. .,... .�.. ,,.., ..2. ..,.. .�....,,. ..... �2. 126.0 € 92.4 . ................................... 126.0 € 93.4 ................................. .., . 126.0 : 92•7 ...............:................. : 126: � ......:........`.�.3.:� : 126, � ...............`.�.1.:3, 126.0 : 92.3 ASTM D2922-91 Dry 1bIa1. % Rel. Density Deusiry Comp. {pc� 9.1 .., ..8.8 .... .....10;1.... .:. ... 8.6 ... o ,. .... 10.1 .....................� ..,..11:4 : ...•�..6 ,....,12, 3 : .,....,;. ......11; 6 : .......y ......10: � � .......� 12:1 : ..,. 11.7 ,. ...,. . ... ... ....,.12: 3 ' ,,...,.., 10.4 ..... 9.2 ....: ..... ........ 10: 0 ...,. 10t� ... ..11.2.. ....................... .......10: `�....... .....,,10; 8 ;.. ... 9.7 .. .. ;,. ,.. 8.7 .... ;,. .. 9.2 ... 10.0 122.4 ............... 117.9 118:4 . 119.G. 119.7... 121.2.., 119.9 .121.5.. 120.3 119.0. 121.3 119;1 ..113.9. , 116.7 ....... .. 115.6 . 117.3 115.1 . ............ 116.2 . 115.3. . 11 G.2 , 117.4 116.7 116.3 131.0 . .............. 131.0 . 131.0 , 131:0 . ..131.0 , 131.0 ................. 131:0 131.0 ....... ......... 131; 0 131.0 131.0 ,. 131;0 126.0 „ 126.0 126.0 .. 126.0 ..,.... ...,. 126. 0 126.0 ,,. 126:0 , 126.0 126.0 , 126.0 126.0 93.4 ......90.0,.. ,.. ,90.4 . 91.3 ..... .......... ...., 91 �F ..,, ,.....92.5 91.5 ..,. ,`.�2.7, . .. 91.8�. .......90.8.. ..,, 92,6.. ,.. . ,. ,....., 90.9 90.4 , ... 92.6. ...91.7 .,..'�"93.1 ... ..91.3 ....,...92.2 ;........91.5 ;,......,92.2 :................. ; 93.2 � ................. �.....,..`.�.2:6 92.3 6/1/2006 � .....................: ..,. ��1�2006........; 6/1/2006 € ............................ 6/2/2006 € ................... ,...,, 6/2/2006 '• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; ..... ��2/200G...,,,..; ,.... 6/2/2006 .... ....................: ..... ��2/200G.....,,. ..... ��2/2006........ ....,. ��2/2006........ ...... ��2�2006......., ...,........ 6/2/2006 6/21 /2006,,,,. .......................... 6/2,1 /2006 6/21/200G ............................ 6/21/2006 .................................... ......6/21 /2006...., 6%21/2006 6/21/2006 .................... ..,,....�'.�21 /2006.... ....,.... !...... 6 � 22 / 2006.... ........................ 7/11/2006 CWE 2050489.05 Plate 8 I ;. Test No. Date Location Elev. Soil Type l��ioisture Dry l�Iax. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� S24 € 7/11/2006 ; ., Thrashei PL Sta 1+15 351.0 2 11.1 115.6 126.0 91.7 .....................:.............................. ... .. ............... S25 "s 7/11/2006 :.......................... Lot 7 Lateial ,,, . 352.0 2 ..... ...9.9 ., . 115.8... ..126.0.. ...91.9 .....................:...................................... .,.,........... ,.. ,. .... ..., .................:... ........, ...,.,, S26 ; 7/11/2006 ': Lot 2 Lateral : 352.0 .,... 2....... ... 10.6 ... , 117.3.. ,�.126.0.� �..93.1.. .............................................................................................................................................. ..... ....................p... ........ ...;... ............ ..:.... .... ......... ..,..,, ... ......... . ............ . ......:... .. S27 7/11/2006 , Lot 8 Lateial 353.0 2 9.4 116.7 126.0 92.6 WATER e c�rn� n����_o� CWE 2050489.05 Plate 9 JOINT TRENCH . ...,.,_ _ �..,.,.,, ,., SIDE�`Jt1LK SUBGRt1DE Relative Com action Tests ASTM D2922-91 Test No. Date Location Elev. Soil Type l��toistuie Diy 1��fas. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� SWSG1 : 10/19/2006 : Soudi Side of Son�biid ; SG € 2 : 9.0 118.3 126.0 93.9 ..� .................................................................................... ,........,..,�.....,..,.....,,,......:,.................. ................... , . SWSG2 : 10 19 2006 : South Side of Son bird SG : ,,, ,,, ,,, , , .. . ..�... .. � „2... € 8.7 "s 114.5... ...126.0�� ...90.9.� / / . ...............................�.............,,......,..:......,.......,,,,,.....:..., ... . ., ,...,,,,. ....,,...., ...,.,... .................................................................................... , : _ _ . ...... ...:... ... .. ... .,�..... , • . ......:... ... SWSG3: 10/19/2006 € ..............SouthSideofSon�bird...............:........SG........:..........2........,..;........8:..r'.........:.......11..�.':�......<.....126:�......:........`.�.�:�.'........ ............................................................. . SWSG4; 10/19/2006 :...............SouthSideofSon�biid...............:........SG........:..........2....,......;........�r.�.'.....,...:.....,11.�.:1,,....:......126:�......:.......94:5....... .......................................................: SWSG5 ; 10/19/2006 � East Side of ThLasher Place SG 2,,.,, „ „ , , ., ,. .....................:......................................................... ......,,...... ..,..., .,,.... .,, 13,2 : 105.9 126.0 oa.0 SWSG6 ; 10/19/2006 ; East Side of Tlu-asher Place SG ,,,,, ,,, ,,, „ „ .. ,. ... ..;,,,. ,. 2 12.5 € 109.8." .�.126.0,� ..97.1 ...........................................................:................... ,.........., ...;,,. ....... ,,. ...... ...,,...... . SWSG7 ; 10/19/2006 : East Side of Tl�asher Place : SG , 2 7.6 ,,, , 121.5 126.0 96.4 .....................:.....................................:..................................................................................:.... . SWSG8 � 10/19/2006 ; East Side of Thiashex Place ; SG 2 . 8.5 , 1"13.9 126.0 . 90.4 . ...........................................................:..................................................................................:.... . ....... ... SWSG9 : 10/19/2006 ; East Side of Thrasher Place € SG , 2,,,,. „ 7•9 „ 117.2 126.0 . 93.0 .....................:.....................................:..................................................................................:............ ... SWSG10: 10/19/2006 : East Side of Thxasher Place : , SG., ...:,,, „2,,,,,,,,,,;,, ,,, „ , ..,:,,,.,,12G0,.,,, 3... „fi:7.6,,..., ..............................................................................................................................................: SWSG11: 10/19/200G : East Side of Thrasher Place : SG 2 ,,,, , ............. ..,,., ........... 11.9 : 110.4 ............................................................. ...,............... ................,.......,........:........, � ..., ,,. SWSG12; 10/19/2006 €.... West Side of Thrasher Place.........f.,...... SG ........:..........2.......,.;....... 8:2 .....� ....10.�'..:3......:.....,126:�......;.......�1:.r'......... ............................................................... .. . . .. ..........,.......,,........... . . . . ° 8 5 � SWSG13_ 10/19/20�6 ; �est Side of Thrashex Place : SG : ,,.,,.2,,,,,,,,,,; ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,d,,,, , .. .. ...........................................................�............................ ..,,........ �.....,,.......,,... 122 6 � 126.0 '• 97,3 S��1SG14: 10/19/2006 ; �Uest Side of Thrasher Place SG 2,,,,,, 9 2 118 9 . 126.0 94.4 ....,,, ...,,� ......................... ... .........,,..,.,,..,,,., <...............,.,, ......... . .....,,... �... ,,.ti.t... „ ... ,,...... ,,,� ................................ .... ,. . o ,. .. ....... �... .. , ,,....:.. y. SWSG15: 10/19/2006 : West Side of Thrasher Place : SG � 2 � 12.0 � 111.5 � 126.0 � �'��1..'> ..............�,,,,....,,...,.....,,................�.,,,,.,........,,.....,.,.......,,,,..,.,,,,,.....,..,.........,..........,,...,..<...,,......,,,..........�.....,..........,.....,,>,.....,,,.......,..,.,.a....,...,...........,,.�.......126.0.....� .. .. ....... . � • � 10 3 ° : ,., ...�.1 „O,. ... SIX1SG16€ 10/19/2006 � Nest Side of Thrasher Place..........i.,...... SG..,,.,..�.......... Z.........,.i .............:.........z.... ...<...,.,.,......:,........�,.,.......,..:........,. ..................�....,,.........,,....................�,,..........,.,........,..... .... ,......,.. ... . ; : S�X�SG17� 10 19 2006 € South Side of Son bixd � SG � , ` � .....s ........................................................a�..,....,.....,,...,.....i,,....,..........,,.....�...,......2......,,...i.,.......`.�.:�........�,.....11,G.6.....:,,,,. .,,;,....,,92:5..,,... .....................�.......... �...., �........... . • - ' ; 2 : 9.2 114.1 126.0 90.6 SDVSG18: 10/19/2006 : South Side of Son�bird ...............:........ SG,,......r.......,,,.......,,,....s,,.....................a..........,............i.,.........,,...,.,.....:....,,........,.,,,..... .....................:................................................................................ . , S`USG19: 10/19/2006 :...............South Side of Son�bird...............:........ SC''.........;..,.......2...........'s.......13: �....,..:......107:.'......:......126:�......E.......':.'.:2....... ............................................................ . : . : : SWSG20: 10/19/2006 :................. East Side of Blackiail.................:.....,.. SG.,......:...,...... 2...........:.......11:.'.......:.,.,..110:�......;......126: �.,....;....... �`Y.:�....... ...........................................................: SWSG21: 10/19/2006 :................. �ast Side of Blackrail,.....,,,,.....,.;........ SC,'..,,.....:...,,.,,., 2....,.,....;,....... 8:3........:.,,,..117.5.....:..,...126: �...,..:....,,. 93:3,...... ........................................................: . SWSG22: 10/19/2006 ; .,,,, East Side of Blackrail : SG ; 2 : 7.8 : 116.1 ; 126.0 : 92.1 ....,.r .............:.....................................: ...,......................,.......;..,... .,,,... ... ...... ... ...... .. .. . . ::...�9 .. ... .. ...;... SWSG23: 10/19/2006 ; ,,,East Side of B1acliraIl : SG „ 2 ,,,,, ,,, ,,, , . ... ..............:............................ ....: .... ............,............,..,. ,........... ... .... . ...2 8 7 ��1�14.4... ..126.0.�. ...90.8.. SWSG24: 10/19/2006 :.................East Side of Blackratl SG ..... .,, ..... ,,. .. .. ... . ........... , ....,..... .. .,....... . ..................:...................................... „ .,.,,,..,........,.,.....,..,.,.....,.,.......;,.....,.........,,......:... SWSG25; 10/19/200G . ,..EastSideofBlackrail :.,,....SG ........:...........2.�,.... ......9.9 ,.. .113.0�.. ��.126.0.. ...f�9."/.. .................. ......................,., ....�.... � � .......,,,,..,,.... SG ,..2., ...7.5.. ..117.6... ...126.0.. :... ..93.3. ... ............................... SWSG26; 10/20/2006 : 1,ctc:,;t ��`J5 =1..� : ..... ..... ... .,., , . .. .. .............................................:............................,...,l.....,..,,.....,,,,......,,...,.............,...,, ,....,. ,.....;... ... ...;.., ., ,. ,,.. ,,. .. ... .. ... „ .. . . � .. ,.. SWSG27: 10/20/2006 € Ct�tc.,c �l� 3C�1G ':....... SG i.....,....2.......... � 7.3 .�... „115.9 ....s.......126.:� ......:........`.�.2:�....... ............... ............................................................................................................................:. ............. ... ........................�......... . . SWSG28€ 10/20/2006 : [�ee�st.�«5Gt0 .......................i........SG........;.,,.......2...........;........�:8........;.....115.2.....;......126:�......;.......91.:4....... , � <' 1 ' ....................................................................................................................... • SG : 2 € 8.1 � 117.8 � 126.0 93.5 SWSG29€ 10/20/2006 : Ret�:�t �`��1�Gil ................. ... ....... ... ..... ..... ... .. .... . ....... .... .....,.... .. .. ,,....... .. .......................................................................................................................... ...;... .,.�... ... ,.;.,, : : ' ..... ... ., ... .. .,,,,.. „ ..a.., ,. , .....< ... . .. ......:... . SWSG30; 10/20/2006 : ReteG;i �\�J`s`Gll : SG € 2 : 9.3 • 121.0 • 126.0 96.0 ......r .............�...,.....,,,.....,..,,,.............,....,,,..,...................,.. ...........,,,.,.,......................,,....,.<...,........,...,.......�..,,,,....,...........,,......................, o........,..............�.,..,.......,,....,...,,�,..';..,.......,.,..;.., SWSG31: 10/20/2006 € 1�etr_,� 5«5G20 � SG € 2 ' 7.7 ' 114.5 � 126.0 � 90.9 .....................�,,............,.....,...............,�,..............,.........,......,,,,..,...,.,.........,,...,........,............. �....,,..,..,..,......,..�,.....................,.�..,...,..,,...,,.,.,...a....,...,..,,.....,....<..........,.............t... . S�\1SG32: 10/20/2006 : Itetest �S�/3C'i�5 : SG € 2 � 7.9 � 123.0 � 126.0 � 97.6 .........�.......�...� ................�....�..............,�....�....���...........�...��.�....,....r�....��.....2,' ..��......�.��..�.....o................�...�..�....�......��....�..�..s.��..............�.....n...��.�................i.............��.......��i��....�.��........�..... SWSG33€ 10/20/200G � Itetesr �7�V.�Ca ,_> � € 2 - 8.2 � 122.4 � 126.0 : 97.1 .....................:........................................................................,,`....�,....�......, ................., ... ... ,,......2,...... ..,...7.3..... ....116.4... ....126.0.. ....92.4 SWSG34€ 10/20/2006 € l�et�.,� �1� 7G5 ................. ...�SG ... ..... .,... ... ,.. . . .. ,. .:,, ` ., .. .. ..,...... . <... .. . ..................:.....................................:........................................ ............... ...:.,. ...�... .., ...:... ............ ...:... • � , � ri� : ...Z.. ,���.7 �� ��117.0.. .126.0.. ...929.. .,.s... „�„ SNSG35; 10/20/2006 : Itetc,�:.��:_,G6 s SG ; �....�. ..�... ` : ...........................................................:..................................................................................:................................................ :.......................�.......................,........................:.....,..........,....... SWSG36 10/23/2006 :................Surf Crest Sta 6+20 W..............,;........5.�..J.........:,.........2...........:.........`.�.:3........:.....,.108:�......:......126:�......:.......`�6::�....... .....................:...................................... .,........,.......,..... . : • : SWSG37: 10/23/2006 :................ Surf Crest Sta 6+00. E................;........ SG...,....:....,..... 2...........:.......10t�.......:......107 0......;......126: �.,....:.......f3�l.:.�.�........ ......................................................... ....,................ SWSG38: 10/23/2006 : Suxf Crest Sta 5+00 �U SG 2.,,.. ,., 8.7 ,,,, „ ,. „ ,. ...........................................................:..................................................................... ...;.., ............ ...:... ........ ...:... ..... 110.7 126,0 �1:�} SWSG39: 10 23 2006 Surf Ciest Sta 4+50 E ' SG : 2,,,, ,,, 9.1 ,,, , 111.4 126.0 . 8°: �6 : .....................:..........�.,...�,...............:.........,...,,.........,,,,,.,....,......,,. ,,....... ... . ,��.. ......................... ...;. ....... ..,:... SWSG40; 10/23/2006 : Suif Ciest Sta 3+70 �U : SG . 2 ,,,,, ,,, ,,, , . „ , ...:... ............ ..;.... ,,....,..... ,....,..., .. .................. :....................................,...,....,,.............. ...............,;.,.. ...SG.. ' ,.;... ..g:5... : „-112.0... .,,126,p.. .. , �,.. ... ...;.,. SWSG41: 10/23/2006 : Surf Crest Sta 3+70 E €,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,, ,,.. , .. .. . . „� ... ... ..... ......:... .. .... . . . .,. 2 9.2 ; 109.3 : 126.0 �3C,."7 ...................................... n j t _......................:. ..2.. ,,,7.1. ..11G.6... ,... ..126.0.....:... . 92.5...... .....................:........................... : ...,... ..,: ,.. SWSG42: 10/23/2006 ; I2�te.,c:7�7:�C36 ................. ... SG ,. ` ` ' ' .,...,, ,,,;,...................,,.. .. � ...................................................... .... ,..;... ... „ ...;...,,....,,,............;.,..................,..,;.....,..,..............s.,. ................................................. ........ ... ,.. SWSG43: 10/23/200G � ..................... Retes t�\'U�G.:t�3.......................;........ SG........;..,....... 2...........;........ �:�........;.......119 3......�.......126:�......;....... 94:�..,.... ...........................................................• � . : . : : : SWSG44: 10/23/2006 '• ..................... P.ea,esr ti�Y� jl;<IO.......................i........ SG........;.......... 2...........;..........�'.:.`.�.........;......114:`�.....�......126:0......;.......90:8.... .. .....................�.,...................................,. .. S�USG45: 10/24/200G ; T'.�eies� J�1�'��=:37 SG 2 9.1 113.8 126.0 90.3 C�E 2050489.05 Plate 10 { Test No. Date Location Elev. SoIl Type l��Ioisture Dry \�IaY. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� SWSG46€ 10/24/2006 : ....l3etest �',1�J•`=��;.39 � SG �... 2..... � 103 � 114.1 ' 126.0 � 90.6 ..............���..�.n.....��.���.....�..�,..,............�........���........ .��.��.........�....�.....................�..�....�.....o......�...�..........��i��.. .�� .�.i................�����..b.....��................i.......�................i..�...................�� .�, .. S��/SG47: 10/24/2006 ; I:etes� ���JziC3�`t : SG � 2 � 8.6 � 113.5 � 126.0 � 90.1 �.. � ................. u...... �.............. �.... �.........n..........,... �.... � �........... �. � �. �.........,. � � �........ � � �.............. �... a.. �.. �.... �.. �.... �....n...... � �...............� �..... �.. �............. b �. � �................... i...... �....... �. �. �.....i............. �. � �....... S�USG48€ 10/24/2006 � Son bi�d Ave Sta 15+00 's SG � 2 € 9.9 � 115.1 � 126.0 � 91.3 .���.i........�•.���.....�......••� .....................i...........•..••�..•...�..��.•�••.......i�••�.........••••.........��•.........•�f��• .•••�..i...��l�i••.......11�••.��.....)..••.•.•........�.���..L....�......•...........L.•...•�.•.•••.........�1•�••......�.•....�...��� SWSG49: 10/26/2006 : Lot 14 Ent�-ance Drive SG 2 10.7 114.0 126.0 € 90.5 CURB �ND GUT"TER SUBGRADE Relative Com action Tests Test No. Date Location ASTM D2922-91 Elev. Soil Type l��Ioisture Dry n2a:c. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� CGSG1 : 9/20/2006 € Surf Ciest Sta 3+45 Ri�ht SG 2,,,,, ,,., 7•3 120.0 126.0 95.2 .... ................................................. ,......................,.,,,,............,.. .... ,..,.... ....... ... ..... ...,..... ..,...,..,, ....,...,, , .. ...:,,. CGSG2 ; 9/20/2006 . Suxf Ciest Sta 4+10 Left � .., ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,, ,,, , , „ .. ...:... ... .. ...... ............ .....................:....................................................................................................:...................:. SG 2 6.8 121, 5. 126;0 96;4 CGSG3..:.....,9/20/2006 ................... Suif Crest Sta 4+65 Rt�ht.....,,. ... SG .. .......�2....... ... 7.0 ... . 120.3.. .��126.0.. ..�95.5 .,,, . ....... ...... ,,,;... ...... .. „ .... . ..... , .... ,...... . . ,,,. , CGSG4 ; 9 j20/2006 's Surf Crest Sta 5+10 Left ; SG , 2 7.4 , 120.8 126.0 . 959 ....................................... ,,...,,,.;.,,.,.,.......,,..,,,.,.................,.,.................,........,,,,.,,............ .........,, CGSG5 ; 9/20/2006 ; Thiashei Place Sta 1+75 Left ; SG . 2 , 7.3 119.8 126.0 95.1 ...........................................................:..................................................................................:.... ............ ... :.............. ...:... ........... ..:.......................: .......... .,,...... : .. ... . .......... ... CGSG6 : 9/20/2006 . Thrasher Place Sta 1+50 Right SG 2 6.7 120.2 126.0 € 95.4 SUBGIt�1DE Relative Com action Tests ASTM D2922-91 ; Test No. Date Location Elev. Soil Type 1l�Ioisture Dry T�Ias. % Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� SG1 : 8/22/2006 : Surf Cxest Street Sta 0+60 : SG 2. 10.3 116.4 126.0 Ci2,� .................................. .............................................................................. ......... ...... ..... ... ...:.... ............. . ... ...... ,,,,........ .,..... ., ,,:.,. SG2 : 8/22/2006 ; Surf Crest Stceet Sta 1+40 : SG : , 2 11.5 120.3 126.0 95.5 .....................:............................ .........................................................................................:............................. SG3 : 8/22/2006 ; Surf Crest Street Sta 2+00 : SG : 2 ': 10.7 ':. 121.6 126.0 96.5 ... ...s... .....................�................�.................�.��...............�.........��..............................��.......................y....� ......� .....j........................j.......................q.......................i... .. ....... ... ..��..... ... ... � ... ... SG4 € 8/22/2006 ; Surf Crest Stseet Sta 2+75 : SG � 2 : 10.6 s 122.8 : 126.0 : 97.5 ..............................................................................................................................................:........................:........................:.......................;..,,...................,....,,.........,.,,,,,..;,...........,,..,....... SG5 : 9/19/2006 ; Surf Ciest Sta 3+30 : SG € 2 : 11.6 : 122.1 : 126.0 : 96.9 .....................�.......,...,.........................,....,,.............,,.......................................................,.....<........,.,..,.........,�,...........,,..........,,,, ...,, ...;......,,,,,..,,.,.....,,.,,,,...................�..,,.....,........,...,, SG6 € 9/19/2006 : Suif Ciest Sta 3+90 : SG € 2 : 6.2 '• 120.9 � 126.0 '• 96.0 .....................�,,,.,,,...,.........,..,.............�.,...,.........,,,.......,.,,,,,..............,.,.............,,........,,.,...... �,................,......�.......,,........,,,.,,.>........,,............, o.,.,.................,.t...,,......,..,,.,......c,.......,......,........ SG7 � 9/19/2006 : Surf Ciest Sta 5+70 : SG E 2 : 5.6 � 119.9 � 126.0 � 95.2 ..................... �.............,...,.,.................,,........,,.........,,,............,.........................,......,,............<,,.......,...,,.,....,., �.....,.....,,,.........,,,,.,..,.....,,,.......a..........,............t......,............,....�.,.,....,,,...,......... SG8 € 9/19/2006 : Surf Ciest Sta 4+50 � SG € 2 : 7.4 : 116.8 � 126.0 � 92.i .....................�....,.............,,,.,..............�,,,,,,.........,,,.,......,...,...........,.,,,..........,.,..,.............,,.,.. �.........,..............�.......,..,.....,,,,,...�..........,....,.....,,;..,,,,,,,,..............<...,,.,.,,.............,�.,..,,.........,....,... SG9 € 9/19/2006 � Surf Crest Sta 5+00 € SG � 2 : 6.8 € 118.4 � 126.0 � 94.0 .....................:.....................................�.......,.,.............,,...,.,.,...,,...............,.............,.,...,......., �,.......,...,,.,........,...,,...................s.,..........,,.........:.............,,.........�..................,,,,..�.......,,...,,..,.....,, SG10 : 9/19/2006 : Surf Ciest Sta 4+75 € SG ' 2 � 5.9 € 117.8 € 126.0 � 13.� .. ....: ...................................... ...,,..........................,.....................<....,,.......,..........�....................,..;.......................:,,......................:.,...,.,..............,.:,.................,..... SG11 : 9/19/2006 = Surf Ciest Sta 5+25 ; SG ' 2 6.1 121.7 126.0 96.6 .....................:.....................................:.................................................. .......................... ..... .., ..... .... .. . . ,... .. ..126.0.. ...97.9.. SG12 € 9/20/2006 : SE �uad at Son�bird & Surf Crest € SG . 2 . 10.4 . 123:4 , ..............:.....................................:.......... ,....... , .., SG13 ; 9/20/2006 € Thiasher Place Sta 1+95 SG 2 7 8 1217 .126.0 96.6 , ........... .............................................:...................................................... ... ......................... : ............ . SG14 ; 9/20/2006 ; Thiasher Place Sta 1+55 ; SG 2 6.9 120.1 126.0 . 95.3 ....................................... ,,,..,;,.........,,..,.........................,,,.........,..,.......,,,..........,..,,.;. ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..... . ..:... ... ,.. .. ....,....... ,...... ,.. ...,,. ... SG15 : 9/20/2006 ; Thiashei Place Sta 1+25 ; SG ; 2 7.5 121.6 , 126.0 96.5 , .................................... ....................:..................................................................................:. ... .............:... SG16 : 9/21/2006 ; ThrasheL Place Sta 0+35 ; SG : 2 ,,,, 7•6 ,,, 123.7 126.0 98.2 .......................................... ..............:.................................................................................... ... . .............:.... SG17 ; 9/21 /2006 : Thiasher Place Sta 0+55 ; SG . 2 6•4 ,,, , 121.5 126.0 . 96.4 .....................:............................. ......:.................................................................. ......... .... . ... ,,.;. , .,. ...:... SG18 ; 10/6/2006 : Blacl�ail Rd Sta 22+25 : SG : , 3 7.8 118.5 . 126.3 )3.8 .....................:........................................................................................................................:. ..., .,.;... .........:.... ....... ...:... . . . . ... ... SG19 : 10/6/2006 : Blackrtil Rd Sta 21+10 : SG : 3 : 8.9 ��:��� 114.3 =��� 126.3 ���':��� 90. � .............................................................................................................................................., ...........,.;.. .. . ..... ...;.. .. ,.. SG20 : 10/6/2006 ; Blackrail Rd Sta 20+50 : SG : 3 : 7.5 ; 115.9 t 126.3 ' 91.� .....................�....,,..,....,.,.....................,,............,....,,,........................,,...,,,........,..,,.........,,,.,,, �...................,...,,...,..............,.....,.......,,...........,..�..........,............<..........,,,,,,,...,...;.......,...,...,........ SG21 : 10/6/2006 ; �'Eete��i "C.li; '• SG '• 3 € 9.7 � 123.4 � 126.3 � 97.7 ... • •. • •.......... � •.1 • •.. •....... � .. • • .. � � •.... � • • •. •..... � ..... � � . �.. •. •.......... � � � � � . �........ • •.. •........ •. • •. •......... � � � �. � � ....... � ( � •. •. •.. � ... � � . � � i .. �... j.... �. •.. •......... •. • • � ) � ......... � • � � �. �...... 6.. •. • .................. V • •. � �.. • •.......... � �. • 1 � • • •... •..... �.. � �. • •... SG22 € 10/6/2006 : Rc:re;yi: �C�1f} : SG '• 3 : 9.2 � 121.2 � 126.3 � 96.0 .....................�,.,,,...............,,...............,....,....,..,,................,,,,......................,,,,,,....................<....,,.,,............,,.�,.....,,.............,..�................,.,.,.. a.....,.................<.......................,�...,...,.,,..,,......... SG23 € 10/6/2006 : Re€.est��?U :.....SG ' 3 � 8.8 � 124.2 � 126.3 `• 98.3 •.........�....��.•�.1�...��.•.�•.�...� �.....•.........)i.....•........•...���•........._.•.•...�.....�.••�.�•.......•����.•.•.......���•.D.. .•.••........1..•.........��...•......).•.•...�.••........•••.8.i ..................••.4.........���.���••.•.•.1..........��••�••.�..... SG24 � 10 6 2006 Blackrail Rd Sta 19+65 SG 3 7.2 121.8 126.3 96.4 CWE 2050489.05 Plate 11 Test No.� Date Location Elev. Soil Type \�Ioisture (feet) �%) : Blaclirail Rd Sta 22+71 � SG : 3 � 7•8 : 121.6 � 126.3 � 96.3 SG25 € 10/6/2006....,.� ......................... ... ,,,...,... . .,. ,.... ..... ,,. ..,. .. .. ., .. ....................................... .. .,, <..... .., �.., ...,........ ,,..,.,. • ...> ... ........... ..E.. . .. ,........ ...<... . ...................�.......,.,,..,,........,..... : SG ; 3 's 8.3 : 122.8.. �126.3., ,..97.2 SG26 : 10/6/2006 Blackiail Rd Sta 23+30 CURB AND GUTTER B�SE ASTM D2922-91 Relative Com action Tests Test No. Date Location Elev. Soil Type n�toistuie Dry Mas. % Rei. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� CGB1 : ....,,,... CGB2 : ............... CGB3 : CGB4 , CGB5 CGB6 CGB7 , . ..... ... .. CGB8 ..CGB9.. ............... CGB10 ,CGB11 CGB12 CGB13 CGB14 .............. CGB15 . ............... CGB16 9/8/2006 � Blaclirail Sta 22+25 ...................�. ..............................:............................................... ; ` Blackrail Sta 22+80 ° 9/8/2006 : ' ..............................�....,,..,,,....,...,.,.,,,.,.......,..,......,........,.,....,...,.........,,.....:. ` Blacl�ail Sta 23+30 ' 9/8/200G a ' .................... .........:..................................................................................:. 9/8/2006 i Blackrail Sta 23+75 „ ...:, 9/21/2006 „ Surf Ciest.Ave.Sta,3+40,Left,,. = .. ........ .... . . ..... ....... .. ...:. ... ..... .................:... .................... . : 9/21/2006 € Suif Cxest �ve Sta 4+10 Ri�ht : ............. : ...............................:........................................ .. : 9/21/2006 : Surf CrestAve Sta 4+10 Left ; ..............................:.............................................. . . . 9/21 /2006 : Suif Crest Ave Sta 4+75 Left : ...............................:............................. •• . 9/21/2006 ; Surf CiestAve Sta 4+75 Ri�ht ; ...............................:................. 's No Tests Recorded .,,,.; ............................................... ...............................: t No Tests Recorded ,...,,, .................... . :.............................................................. ... ........ 9/22/2006 : Surf Crest Sta 5+50 R ............ ..................................... ..., � ............................................. ................ 9/22/2006 : Surf Crest Sta 5+70 ,,,,.., ................................�....,......,,...,.............,..........,,..,.,..........,..,.. . 9/22/2006 � Thrasher Pl Sta 1+65 R .................................�.......,,.............,,....,..........................,......,...............,... 9/22/2006 € Thrasher Pl Sta 1+65 L ......�...... .. .. . . ................................. 9/22/2006 : Thiasher Pl Sta 0+80 R BASE Relative G Test No. Date ..... B1...,... ..... B�...... ,.... B3...... ... B`� ... B5 .... ..B.�„ .,, .,,, B� .. ..B 8 . .... ..B.��..,..: .. B 10 .. .... ..... .. ,....,811.... ......B12,.., B13 .,.�..B14.� � ..�B15.. I B16 ,..9/22/'lUU6..... ... .......... ...9/22/200G..... .,.9�22/2006..... .,. ��25�2006...., .............. .., ��25 � 2006.... .,. ,...9/25/2006.... ... ....9/25/200G .......... .... 9/25/200G 9/25/2006 . 10/5/2006 ... .. . . . .... 10/5/2006 10/5/200G ............................ .... 10/5/2006 10/5/200G ......................... 10/5/2006 ...... 10/5/2006 Base .................... Base Base,., . , Base ��.Base....., ...,,... Base .....,..., Base ....... . ....... Base ........ . ....... Base ............... .................. ................... Base Base , . Base... Base ......... . ...... Base 4 8.2 .. ...•• ..5.. .•. •.•. ... . . ........... ..:. ..4 : 7.0 � .................s.,.,...,....,,..,,,....y ... `� ...........:........ g: �........ ; ... 4 : 7.9.........; ...........:............... ,... � € 2.5 : ...........:........................ 4 ' 4.6 i .................:..........�..7 ....,... ..., `� ..........:........................ .... `� € 3.2 ...........:....................... 4 ; 39 ...................:.........4 .6 ..,..., ..... 5 > ...................... ........... � .,,,,.' '• 4.2 .,..,.,...,> ...................... ,......' � 5.0 ...........� ...................... ..,...... � 5...........>........ `�: �....... 5 . 43 Dry 1��Iax. % Rel. Density Densiry Comp. (pc� 128.2 ..127. 4' 127.0 .... ...,....... 128.3 124.7 , 121;5, , 123. 9 , 123.4 128.5 133.4 132:8 133.4 134.7 . ........... 135.2 129.0 : 99.� ......................�.........,........,...,. : ..,,129: �......�........`.�.8;8....... 129.0 "s 98.4 .......................:........................ ...,,129, 0 � 99:5....... ................... .....129, 0 : 96.7.,.....� ........:................. .,.,.129.0 € 9�i.2...,..: .......................... 129,0 ; 96.0 ......:........................ ......129,0 : 95.7 ......:........................ 129.0 : 99.6 .................. ..:.. .................... � .......................:....................... ; 142.8 : 93.4:,..... ........................................ : 142.8 : 93.0....., � .......................................... : 142.8 : 93.4 � ........................�,,....,....,...,...... :......142, 8 : 94.3 ...... � ...................... € 142.8 '•. .94. % ASTM D2922-91 Tests Location Elev. Soi1 Type Nloisture Diy Max. % Rei. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. (pc� Thrasher Pl. Sta. 1+75 : .,...... .........................................................:. Thrasher Pl. Sta. 1+15 : ...............................................................................:. Thsasher Pl. Sta. 0+60 .., ....................................................... . . . Suif Crest Ave Sta 6+30 ,; ............................................. . Suif Crest Ave Sta 5+75 ,..,,: ............................................. Suif Crest Ave Sta 5+25 ,,.; .......................................... Surf Crest Ave Sta 4+60 .,; ............................................. , Suif Ciest Ave Sta 4+00 : ............................................. Surf Ciest 1�ve Sta 3+50 .................... ........1� e te;:t. 33.3........................... . I�,erest T37 ........................... . ..................... .............................Rc: t��s � I36 .............................................. .............................�`�eCes9 i3 j ......................................... . ............................1Lete<.at I3�i ................................................................................. I�c�tesf I�3 ........................... ...� et�� ,�r��j�;.,............,,.,......- Base .....................: Base € ....... . .......... Base ....... . ... Base ..................... Base ....,..., Base .....,... Base ......... Base .,....,,. Base ......., Base ........ . ........ Base ..................... ,,...,Base ......,. Base ......., Base ,...,.., Base I3ase 5 ; 4.8 : 134.5 's ....................:........................:.......................t € 132.7 ; 5 .................... `�: �........�.......................; .......5 € 4.8 ; ....132.9 : .....................:.......................�. .........,: 5 € 2.8 : 132.0......; .....................:........................;,................ 5 € 3.0 : 133.9...... .....................:.......................................... 5 : 3,4 ; 134.0 .....................:.......................,,....................... 5 ': 2.6 : 135.9 .....................:.......................,..,,.................... 5 ; 3.3 : 133.1 .....................:................................................ 5 ; 3.1 : 136.4 .....................:.......................�....................... ; : 139.6 5 .......5:� ........:....................... .........5..........,. 4.2 : 136.6 .....................:>,......................�. ...... 5 . 3.6 ; 142.0 .................................... .........�..,................... 5 : 4.8 : 140.0 ..............................................4...................... 5 ; 4.0 € 142.5 .............................................. fl....................,. 5 : 3,4 : 139.5 .•....�....f...��......�.•...•�....6�� ................•... ..........5 : 3.9 : 138.1 1Y2.0 ................. .....142: 8 ,....' ...,.142, 8 ..,... .....142.8 ....,,.. .....142, 8 ... ......... ,.....142.8 ,........, ,...,,142.8 .,,...142, 8. ... 142.8 ....142.8 .. .142.8 .. :... . .. ..... ... ; 142.8 ........................ ; 142.8 ........................ ; 142.8 � ...................... : 142.8 ....................... ; 142.8 lV..� ,.}2.q.. ..�)3. �.. ..92.-1 ..�i..H.. ..�)3. &.. ..95.2.� 93.2 . ,...,.... 95.5 ...97.8 ...95.7 99;4 , 98;0 .,.99.8 , 97.7 ..�96.7 Plate 12 C`UE 2050489.05 Test No. ,..B17.,, B18 ... B19 . ...B20 B21 .�.B22 , ..B23 ...B24 B25 Date 10/5/2006 ..... 10/6/2006 .................. 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 ..................... 10/6/2006 ................. 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 .... .......................... 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 Location I`tci�:;i I11 ............................... ................................................ Blacl�ail Rd Sta 22+45 ,.,,,,,, ...................................... � ��tesc 731�3 ................................................................................. Blackrail Rd Sta 21+75 ,,,,, ........................................... Blackiail Rd Sta 20+75 ..................... ......,,. Blacl�ail Rd Sta 19+90 ................................................................................. Blacktail Rd Sta 22+71 .......................................... Blackrail Rd Sta 23+30 ........................................................ .�........���.�.Blacktail Rd Sta 22+95 ASP�IAI,TIC CONCRETE Relative Com action Tests Test No. Date Location AC1 : .... AC2.. . .,...:.. AC3 € ... AC4 .. ..AC5... ,. ,.,, ...;. ...,, .. ... ,....AC6.....�. .,... AC7,,...�, ..... AC8 € .,... AC9 �� ... ...� AC10 : �C11 ...�1C12 ...: .,,..., , ,. . AC13 ; AC14 ....... . ...........: AC15 ; .......... ......... AC16 ; AC17 ... AC18... ..................... ..,.AC19 .............. AC20 .............. AC21 ............. ... AC22 .... ..,... �C23 .. . ... AC24 ....AC25 .. ....AC26 .. .. AC27 ..�C28 ................... AC29 10/6/zuu� , 10/6/2006 ..................... 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 ... ... ... ... . .. .... 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 .., . . . .... 10/6/2006 10J6/2006 ,. . . . . .,.. 10/6/2006 10/6/2006 .. ..., .. 10/6/2006 .................... 10/6/2006 10/20/2006 . ....,...... 10/20/2006 ............................... 10/20/2006 10/20/2006 10/20/2006 ... 10/20/2006 ....................... 10/20/2006 . .. .. .. . ...... . . . . 10/20/2006 . ...,..... . 10/23/2006 10/23/2006 ..................... 10/23/2006 Elev. I Soil Type I 11�ioistuie (feet� �%� Base .............. Base ................... Base ...,...., Base Base,,.,,, Base ..... . ........ Base Base,...., Base 5 ,,,....5, ....., ,.,....,5. ..... ...., ..5. ,,.,. ,.... 5 ... . 5 ........5....... .,. ., 5 .... ,..5.. 4.2 .......,4.6 . .,, ....,...4.9 ..... ,..,.....4.6 . ... .,...,. 5.3 ,. ..4.5 .........4.5 .... ....,. 4.7 .. . 5.0 Diy 1�4az. % Rei. Density Density Comp. (pc� 140.3 ..................... 130;0 13 8.6 ..................... ..,.139, 7 ,... 135.7.�, ,.... .... 136.1 ......137.4... .,, 137.7 , 136.8 142.8 ............. 142.8 ,........., 142.8 .,......... 142.8 142.8 142.8 . ........... 142.8 .142. 8 ..142.8 98.2 ,. ..91.0...,. ................... ,.... ��.;1 97.8..... .., �5.0 .. ...95.3.. ......96.2.... .„ 96.4 ., ...95.8.. ASTM D2950-91 ' Elev. AC Type yfoistuie Wet P�Iaz. % Rel. (feet) (%) Densiry Density Comp. (pc� BC ....................:.. ..., BC........;. .. BC .. BC .. ..BC„ .. ,.;. ,.. ..BC . .. ..;. ,,. ..BC . .. ..�, ... ..BC,. .. ..;. ... ..BC.. ., ..� ... ..BC . .. ..; ..BC . ., ..� BC BC ,.,BC... ... ..BC . .,... ..F.S. .,,... .........,. ... BC .......,BC ....... ... ..BC . ,... ,.. ..BC . .,,. ... BC .... ..BC . ... ..BC . ,,.. ..,,.. ..BC . ,,., ........F.S...... ........F.S...... ;........F.S...... �., ....F.S. .,.. .. ,.F.S. ,,. AC1 ; N/A ;.. ,.,AC 1 ............. N`�......: ..,AC1 .....::...........� ....,..., �.. .. .. N � .. ............. ...:....... ....... ..�.. : N A :, .. AC1 .......:.......... �,,......... . : N A € „ AC1 .................. �.......,..,. .. AC1 .......:.......I.N.�..��...,.o. ,.. t�C1.,..., `s........,. �,.........o. ... AC1 : ....,N��......a. ... . ......... , s N : ... AC1 .................. �A..,...z. ... AC1...,,..5........�..T.��...,..� AC1 : N/A : ....AC 1 ............. N/�......, ...,AC 1 .......:...... N /� . ...,.AC1 .............N/�,,,,. `•: ,....AC1 ............. N/� .....' .....AC2 .....:....... N/�......, ......................: ......................... AC1 ; N/A ,,,; .....�C 1 ............. N /� ......AC 1 .....:....... N/A...... ......AC1 .............N/�..... .,.,..AC 1 ......:.........�..T /� ,.... ,....,AC 1 ............. N/�..... ......AC 1...,..>....,. N /� ..... ,......AC 1,......>....,, N/�..... .......t�C2 ......�........�..T /�..... ........ . ................ ....................... AC3 : N/A .......AC3 ...............�..T /�..... ........................:................ ....,. AC3 : N/A .... .......s ..................... AC3 : N/A 143,2 : ......;... 143;5 : 146.0 , 143.7... ..145.4... �.. ..... . .. . . .....:.. ...,142.6 ; ,,......�., ....143.2 : ,,....,.....<.. ,,..145:8 ` .,....t.. ....141;8 i ......�., .....142.3 � .....143 8 : .<. ............:. 145.1 € 143,1 . ,........:. .....143. 9 : 143 0 € ......................... ......142.8 ; 144.5......, . 143, 9.. ; .... . . .......: � 1449 ; ; ...... ................ �...,.144.6 ', �.....146.3,.,.., ............... ; 144.7 , ....................... : 143.5 , ....................... o..,..143. 8 : 143.1 ;,......133: 4 .., .:... ... .. . .. � 134;0 132 9. . . 133.8 152.1 : ..................... 152.1 : ..152.1.� , ,.. ,.....:. 152.1 : ...,. 152.1 � ... ........,�, .... „152:1,.....: 152,1 � ........, 152.1 € 152.1 � ....... .. ......� 152.1 : .,.�,...,.. 152.1 ' 152.1.....�. ,...152.1 ,., ................. 152.1 152.1 .. ............ ... 150: 3 152.1..... . 152.1 ,. 152.1 ..................... 152.1 152.1 „ ..... ... ....... 152.1 152.1 ...................... 152,1 150.3 ... ,146.0... .. . .. .... 146, 0 146 0 146.0 i?=;.3. . ................ ...�)•1.;i ,. 96.0.,.1 ... . .., ,.. 9��,� .,,.,95.6,.. ...)3.S ., .....� �#•.i'�.. ,,;95.9. .. ..... �J ; n.. : .. .. ..�3.G . . . ...I ,...'9L� ;'�... ... ..,.. . . .. 95.4 .....�L� ,1,,.... ....... ..,. .,.... }�.:�.'. ....,. .....,4:�.,� ....... ......95.0 ....... ...... �5:0 ....... .,....9� .6 ....... .......95,3 95.1..... ......... . .... . ....... ,......96.2 ,,.,,.,,.... ....,,.,`.�,5:1 94.3,..,, ,. .,9L'_'..'.. ., ;........95.2...., � ..................... i....... `� �::`�..... �.,.. °1.8 „ .. ,�1.0 , :... . ........ . 9"l.6 Tluasher Pl Nbl Sta 1+85 € Tl�rasher Pl Nbl Sta 1+15 .,,,,, ...................................................... ...:... Thrasher Pl Nbl Sta 0+45 � ..:..............................................................................:... Thrashei Pl Sbl Sta 1+65 � ..................................................................................�.,. ThLashei Pl Sbl Sta 0+80 � ..................................................................................�.., Surf Crest St Sbl Sta 3+90 � .................................................................................. t... Suxf Crest St Sbl Sta 4+90 '• .................................................................................. �.., Suif Ciest St Sbl Sta 5+70 : ........<.. . .................................................................... . .... Surf Crest St Nbl Sta 3+55 : ,....,. .............:................................................... .......,...<.. ; Surf Ciest St Nbl Sta 4+45 „�„ � .......................................... : Suif Crest St Nbl Sta 5+50 t :... ....................................................... ,. , +15: sBlackLail Rd Tiench Patch Sta 22 . :. .................... €Blackrail Rd Trench Patch Sta 21+25 • .................................... €B1ackLail Rd Trench Patch Sta 20+25; .................................. :Blackiail Rd Txench Patch Sta 22+65: .................................... :Blackrail Rd Trench Patch Sta 23+30. .............................. ......... ... . ; ERctt at AC l '• ...................................................:. .:............................Iier.e<;t.11C? � ...... ........ .... . .C,�ees t ,F�,L.�.....,...,,,.,,,.. ,.... • . , ,.. ,... ...; .;... ...... ,. . i Retc.st tiC:6 : • ................:... ...........................s .............................. : : Fte t�: s t �f' % : • ..................................................... ................................. , € lZeiest��C4 : ..:.. ..................... „It�tc:st �'�C1�....,.....,,,,...,,......; ..:.............................. ... ................... ....... : Etete�,t �C1i ........................... ..� ........................................................ : �tete;�CF�C15 .................... ..� .............................................................. ,.y AC Stsip East Side of Black Rail Rd; .............. .................................... . : t1C Strip East Side of Black Rail Rd; : Son�bird Ave at Suif Ciest ...:.................... .... .. ...... ... . Cnnohird Ave at Suif Crest Plate 13 C�UE 2050489.05 RETAINING Wt1LL Relative Com action Tests Test No. Date Location R� 1: 8/9/ � R�U at Lot 6 ................... � 200G.......: ........................... ....................�.......,.........., ,.....,..,,...........,...,.. C�e.tcst 1E�`�jl ................... € RW2 � 8/9 200..........:. ........:......................... ,.........,,..,,,.,....................,,,..........,,. """""" � : R�U at Lot 6 RW3 .....:....... g��,..200..........;......,,,.,.............,...,,.,,,. ...................................... ...�..�....� . � RW at Lot 7 R`U4 : 8/10/2006 : .......... ............... • ............................................. .....:....................................... ............... • i2��esi �21C/�r RW5 : 8/10/2006 Test No. Date Location , R��.�'...,..�.. RW7 ..... .. .....:.. ..RW8 ; R�U9 �. ..............:.. .... R�,U10 ; RW11 ? ..RW12...,� ...................:. R`U13 ..RW14...,. . . . .,,.;. RW15 : ..................... ., R�16,,,.; .......... .. RN17....: RW18 € � R�X119...� .... .. . . RW20 RW21��. ,...R�22, . ���RW23 ......... . .. ... RW24 RW25 .,.. .. , .,.., R�U26 RtiU27 ....RW28.. ..�RW29� RW30. RW31 RW32 ...... .... „ .. , R�U33 RW34 R�35 RW36 ....R��V37 Elev. (feet� 356.5 .356.5 356.5 357.0 357.0 Elev. (feet� Soil TS�pe I l�foistliie �%� 2 10.8 ,.... ..... .s„ ., .... ........ . . .............. 2 : 10.4 ......................:....................... ...,.... � : 10: 9..,.... ...........:.......... : 10.6 .................................. . ......... . � 2 10.9 AC Type il�Ioisture (%) 2 .....2,...... ..2. .,.. ..2....... ,.,. ..2. ..... ..... ,.2,...... ..... 2. ..... 2 ...,. ..2....... ..... ..Z. ..... ..; ..... ..2..,,... ..; ..,.. ..2. ..... ..; ..... ..2. ..... .,; ... . 2. ..... .,... 2. ,,.... ..,.. 2. ...,, �.2. ..,.. 2 .. .. ..2. ... , ? . ... ..2. ...........2........ ..... ..2. ..... ..... ..Z....... ;,. .. .. ..2,.. .., 2 .;.. ..,.. ..2, ..... ,�„ ,.... ..2. ...., .i.. ...,. ..2, ..... .� ..................... .�.......... 2....... ..�.......... 2....... 2 ASTM D2922-91 Dry 1��iaz. % Rel. Density Density Comp. 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"' RW at Lot 6 ' 8/15/2006 � � ...................................�...............................,...,,,...........,,......,,..............,,.......;.. 8/15/20d6 ; RW at Lot 7 � ..........., ........................... ......................................................:. 8/17/2006 : Noitheast RW Noidi of Lot 16 : ...................................�.................................,,...............................................<. 8/17/2006 : Northeast RW Noidi of Lot 16 : ...................................�,,......,,........,,............. : 8/"17/2006 € Noitheast R`U Nord� of Lot 16 • ...... ..,,. ..., ,.. ,.<. , ..................................................... . 8/18/2006 :,,,,, Northeast RW Top of Ro�U 8,,,,,,,,. g/18/2006 Northeast R�� Top of Row 10 ..,.. ,.. .........................:........ .... ,.....,., : 8/2"1/2006 's Northeast R��V Top of Row 11 : ..................................:............................................... . .,...,,. 8/21 /2006 : Northeast R`Y/ Top of Row 12 .............................:....:............................................... . 8/2"1/2006 : Noitheast R� Top of Ro�u 13 8/21 /2006 : Noitheast RW Top of Ro�v 15 .................................................................................... g/22/2006 : RW bewteen Lots 15 8c 16 Row 2,,, ...................................:......................... .. 8/22/2006 : iieiest R.\\�2S .,... ...................................:...................................................................... ....... g/22/2006 : R�U bewteen Lots 15 �. 16 Row 4 ..... ..... ....................................................... 8/22/2006 = 13.ete:,t i3. �4/.30 ....................................�.....,....,,,..,,,,,.......,..........,....,.,,.......,....,.....,.....,......... 8/23/2006 : Southwest Wall at Lot 3 Ro�v 4 .................. . .................s...,...............................,,............. .....,....,. g/24/2006 � Southeast Wall Row 4 ....................................s.....,,,,...,,.....,,......,,.................,,.........,....................... 8/24/2006 � Southeast Wall Row 6 ......................�,...,...,........ .....................,...,,...................,,...,...,...... .. .. 8/25/2006 : RW bewteen Lots 15 & 16 Row .......................................................................... . .. .. 8/25/2006 : RW be�vteen Lots 15 & 16 Row 8 .,..,.� ..................................... . .. 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