HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-09; La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1.17; Update Soil and Geological Investigation; 2001-06-25 (2)APPENDIX C BORING AND TRENCH LOGS AND CONE PENETROMETER TESTS FROM PRELIMINARY SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION FOR LA COSTA - NORTHWEST AREA, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PREPARED BY GEOCON INCORPORATED, DATED NOVEMBER 11, 1 988 (PROJECT NO. D-4230-H01 ) And PRELIMINARY RIPPABILITY STUDY, LA COSTA NORTHWEST, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PREPARED BY GEOCON INCORPORATED, DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 1996 (PROJECT NO. D- 4230-12-03). VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 06403-12-03 File No. November D-4230-H01 11, 1988 = _ 8*B . o m H . 2 . . 4 _ . 6 .. . 8 _ - - 10 - - f2- - 14 - -. *. - 16 - - 18 - - 20 H - 22 - - 1 _J n. I 31-1 Bl-2 i O 1} '/''• '•':.'• '•'•'•''3?' '•'/'••m^;; /^'- '^ui-3 w ••:'••; Bl-4 - Bl-5 ••-' • y. \fi:\ '.-'/'• J.'-X^ f~. ' • ''} v| .[ . | • • »|-'-l '-I.''-1 • •'.•• .'. |:-a( IBB -/'t ' •' \r' ' * ' '•-':/•£> in Y- §g t* CL CL SM-SP "^-v ^> BORING 1 ELEVATION 115 DATE DRILLED 10/5/88 EQUIPMENT E-100' 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, very dark brown, Sandy CLAY A Soft, wet, dark reddish-brown, Sandy CLAY . " "-water table rising (caving) \\ Medium dense, wet, gray, slightly, Silty fine to medium SAND ,i- 12" clean sand \ -Soft, wet, dark reddish-brown, Sandy CLAY BORING TERMINATED AT 21.0 FEET (REFUSAL) l?t §5535g» ^ - -PUSH 12" • - PUSH " 12" - . "PUSH - 12"'_ - PUSH '18" H - - •t zu:%2g 112.5 iULK S 108.8 107. 1 97.3 u,* Hi-*?z»sOS=8 16.6 ^CPLE 19.6 21.1 30.1 Figure A-l , Log of Test Boring 1 SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1 — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) E_ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE S3 — CHUNK SAMPLE ?•-. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHEDATEINDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTOBEREPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONDITIONSATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 ir tu Q "• 0 - 2 . 4 . _ 6 . 8 . .10. - 12 - 14 _ - - g UJ_J Q. i B2-1 B2-2 B2-3 8ej Ij /•'.- '.'•': • - •'• •/•'•'•/?'•'fi* • : \$> V':'-/ '.' ~'s'~' •:'•'•••/•m ' 'y* '•s^-'-:- '.':;•;.£ ~ • .• *! '*."• X'-viP ttUJ i i T in °$ tn CL sw CL BORING 2 ELEVATION 125 DATE DRILLED 10/5/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY becomes orange-yellow-brown, wet becomes dark reddish-brown strong seepage - water table caving . Loose, saturated, light brown, coarse "\ SAND -\ - Soft, saturated, dark brown, Sandy. CLAY BORING TERMINATED AT 14.0 FEET (REFUSAL) §gc- 111 - „ PUSH " 12" - _ PUSH 12" - - "™ - - fc£zu.UJQJ >. D 110.1 BULK i 99.0 f [7UJ 16.5 SAMPLE - 24.0 Figure A-2, Log of Test Boring 2 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B_ CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHEDATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVEOF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File NO. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 . 0 _ ™ ™ . 2 . . 4 . » « . 6 . - 8 . -10- - 12 - — ™ - 14- - 16 - -18- - -20- 3- 2 UJ-JQ. 5 B3-1 B3-2 B3-3 B3-4 B3-5 B3-6 > § gP x^;-'- B'.'-.y ;/.:.-. '•'/./, • . '. 'y «^-' '*' fe' •5^ :'o'-'0- ' -'X^ .' /x i1 x Xpi1 xl X / V ;• X, .' /x ,' / / i 1 - CA <t/J ^ CL 3C-CL CL ML BORING 3 ELEVATION 155 OATF DRILLED 1D/5-/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotarv Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY - Loose, wet, light brown-orange, very Clayey fine SAND Soft, wet to saturated, mottled olive- orange, Sandy-Gravelly CLAY 1 \: \_ isolated 12" rock \ DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, medium olive, very Clayey SILTSTONE, massive BORING TERMINATED AT 22.0 FEET "tllg ||§ " - -PUSH 12": - PUSH -1/3" • - — 2/ "6" - " 5 — - £enzu:UJCj Ea L09.8 Lll.O BULK 13.2 .18.6 BULK UJ# Isi§ 16.5 17:2 5AMPLI 17.4 15.3 5AMPLI Figure A-3, Log of Test Boring 3 SAMPLE SYMBOLS LJ — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST — CHUNK SAMPLE — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHEDATEINDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONSATOTHERLOCATIONSANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Q "" 0 • ™ 2 _ _ _ 4 - , 6 - - 8 - - . 10 - _ 12 _ - 14 _ 16 - _ 18 _ _ 20 _ 0ztu1 0> 1 T -1 #.*•"'"."!. - . '•> • • •/*'. ' B4-1 |f -.-•.'. R#Nfo B4-2 •'••:/•' :/: :N\'/ -.-B4-3 B4-4 •v-'-.V, ''•:'•:•'•'•'• .' • . " *. ' '/ • P."--;• ' •'/• '/^- •' ' •^/?'",'.'• •::fc £":•:# s z o Y 31« CL sw CL BORING 4 ELEVATION 120. DATE DRILLED in/^/RR EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Stiff, moist, dark grayish-brown, Sandy CLAY becomes very moist strong seepage (in sand) water table (caving) \ \ Loose, saturated, light brown, coarse \ SAND \ Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET (REFUSAL) lit JESS |S» - 1 M» PUSH " 12tr "PUSH - 12" - 55zu- °o: Ck_- wfii. =8 111. 1 15.7 103. C iULK S 105.3 20.3 MPLE 21.2 Figure A-4, Log of Test Boring 4 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPL-E 1 _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 3r — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHEDATE INDICATED. ITIS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACECONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES, File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 tsS D "• 0 . 2 _ . 4 _ . 6 . . 8 . - 10. - \2. ~ ™ _ 14. _ 16. - - 18- — - - g Q. S B5-1 B5-2 B5-3 '. 8 = ^V i^ft'--;aP x^ • ' ' •$ r-S '••/'••''/' . '• ~, \'•'••'••'£• •~ ~ ' • .' •.'• ...'-.'.'.: § 1 T" S_ "^82 CL sw CL SW BORING 5 ELEVATION 12° DATE DRILLED 10/5/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY becomes wet strong seepage; water table (caving) 1\ Loose, saturated, light brown, coarse SAND \ Soft, wet to saturated, medium brown, ~\ Sandy CLAY \ SAND BORING TERMINATED AT 18.0 FEET (REFUSAL) oSn IIa pi -PUSH _ 12" - - J./12" - 1/12" — - - - t Zu. a L02.6 L10.8 LOS. 8 u* =z 10.3 19.0 21.4 Figure A-5, Log of Test Boring 5 SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E3 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE LI — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST Ik] — CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHEDATE.INDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 988 Q 0 - _ 2 . . 4 . . 6 . - - 8 . - 10 - - - 12 - - 14 - - - 16 - - 18 - - 70 - ciz UJ a. 5 B6-1 B6-2 B6-3 >8 3 -.'•.' '-I.' .T '•• ••ri' -i:"' .' -hi'.1 .' * i • ,• '.'-.I.T;-' ''•1 •'''' H-l..1 '••l:'.i'- '.-.[•K ''•i'T. :'-T.:rV :^!::- JS :j-'.l': ;.;i; i": it JU i z * in *<tfi u° 8a CL SM BORING 6 ELEVATION 122 DATE DRILLED 10/6/88 EQUIPMENT E-IO° 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM \ Loose to medium dense, humid, tan, silty \ fine SAND with some clay \ Medium dense, slightly moist, tan, Silty fine SAND with little clay, small chunks of alluvium in sandy matrix strong seepage (caving) \ BORING TERMINATED AT 19.0 FEET zOOH <<55a(:5 - - — 3 - - 4 - - 3 - - t lucirn 106.7 111.0 110.4 iu# SiB §Z 8 13.8 18.5 18.0 Figure A-6, Log'of Test Boring 6 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL t*3 ~ DISTURBED OR SAG SAMPLE —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE •I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?. _. WATER TABLE OH SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES. File No.D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 £zS 0 ™ ™ . 2 . -_ 4 _ - . 6 . - . 8 . - - 10. - 12 - - 14 . - 16 _ - 1 R -•" i O -™ - - 20 - - 22 - • « - 24 -_ - 26 - - 28 - 30 Ciz UJ1 1 B7-1 B7-2 B7-3 003oE ^vv:'-: .•'•!-':'•:• '•' •v->i->: ;£ '•'• '*•;?::-;: v *•:?:; :-K' •#:;.(•;• >'-.•; , * ' * • 1. • '•"-' "I'-'.:; ;V \ ;; • • * * • t * * t//*'^•' .':.''•:•''.'•' .'•'.•'/•'. $& '•:/J-::'-/*' • ' '* . ";i * * * . ° ° ''.'••'•• '/-:•.•'//.•••.•^:: ••::-:if -••/'1^:-- J;^?^- • -".."-.'• :\- ••'/•.-.:..- -A•.•!.\r."-i:'. Q-g5 § 1 W <y?djJ V) SM ^>"""" ML SC SM BORING 7 ELEVATION 300 DATE DRILLED 10/6/88 EOIJIPMFIMT ' E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TORREY SANDSTONE Loose, dry, tan, Silty fine SAND \ Dense, damp, tan, Silty, fine to medium I SANDSTONE, cemented 111 1 1 — cobbles \ \ h(^r*(^Tn^Q O"T"3\r 1 occ /"• OTnon "f* or!i- IJ Ct— wlilCo gl. cty j J_Co o L.cLUciil_CU. 1 — depositional contact: N30E75E Hard, moist, gray, Clayey SILTSTONE Very dense, slightly moist, gray, Clayey fine SANDSTONE - bpcomps light blush gray and slightly cemented I — becomes light greenish gray // zOOH il53If! " 10 / - 6" ' UM • ™ -_ 15/ -6" >£COzu:SO Q. I 112.2 108.4 109.3 u/# Is §§ 6.7 16.5 7.1 Figure A-7, Log of Test Boring 7 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS NOTE. 1 U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 N . 30. . 32_ - 34- ' ) j, " - 36- ->•-> - 38- - 40- -VO - 42- ~ - 44- - 46-SAMPLE NO.LITHOLOGY.'•'.' i* • " ' 'i'"l-' '.••'•':'''-:'•' ••••-l:^ N- ••;•-. B7-4 •:•.;;'.:. B7-5 :..;!. -.I.-: :"'"-f.'K W i'.'l ••!'.' •::;: fj:- • •• • • . • . ••••'MVi;.:^-:: (T I SOIL CLASS(U.S.C.S)X ^^ BORING 7 (CONTINUED) . ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/6/88 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dense, moist, greenish-gray, Silty fine SANDSTONE _ becomes light bluish-green gray strongly cemented BORING TERMINATED AT 45.0 FEET PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/FT.^ " 15 / L- 6" — - — - - -DRY DENSITYP.C.F.103.7 5UL1C S MOISTURECONTENT. %7.8 ^MPLE Figure A-8, Log of Test Boring 7 SAM RLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST Ik]—CHUNK SAMPLE • — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?. __ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE:' AT TH E DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 x H Q "• 0 _ 2 . —.4 .6 . .8 . .10 . -14 .H . 16 _ -18 - . 20 _ 00•» £* £* mf - .24 . -26 . .28 . •» * 30 i HI 0. w B8-1 T» O 1B8-2 B8-3 B8-4 B8-5 B8-6 §-J Ij :"10;l;;K •'• ifi-'l'* T-'t'"-'")( : : l/; •'•••'^'O'-l'-'.i-r^- \^m.-.'••J'.-l;- 11 II '••'• 0.' :K l^i'-'i'-' •V;:-|"-\:' •':;:l! ;!'•.• >::$i:: .••.•'•it/ :-'.:i-V: :-':y-\:'-i'-i'r- '•::':&:/'-;. ;-i;.t-'. •:'.'.':|.:!v xiI a |3 ^ss SM-GM " SM SMrSC. ___. BORING 8 ELEVATION 305 DATE DRILLED 10/7/88 EQUIPMENT E-1QO 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TEREACE DEPOSIT Very dense, moist, light reddish-brown, very gravelly Silty coarse SANDSTONE, grit pebble size' gravel. • •i r sricnrp dspositionsl. con.t3.ct j N50W ^ 15 SW TORREY SANDSTONE . Very dense, moist, light tan, Silty fine SANDSTONE, massive, some orange, laminated thin beds Very hard, moist, light tan, olive, orange, Silty very fine SANDSTONE, some clay I1 1 — bedding N45W.3NE T \ — bedding N10E.8W less clay 88f<<a|i§ - - 107 r n" - - - . 157 " 10" - - " -_ " 15 —_ g Zu.' 1 BULK 1-16.9 BULK 124.2 119.6 BULK Ul* ?1i| SAMPLI 7.3 SAMPLI 5.0 7.8 3AMPLI Figure A-9, Log of Test Boring 8 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS LJ — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE I] — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE • _. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) X. _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE 1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITIS-NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDT1MES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11. 1988 ^zuBj5s; 30 - 32 - .34 36 _38 . _40 . s -42 _ -44 . -46 _ _ .48 . _50 . -52 . c>z u t 1 B8-7 B8-8 >• 3O 3 :'f:!Wv:.;I-H--. ' * * *.-I-T.-I.'.-1/K.r-;:•!.•: r.-j;: Mlt\ /x \A...... ••l-'.V1'- .;;i:;,|:i;' ' ' i i • i *. •];•!•. I- ;:''-:-i.'i-.:- 4;W; ::i.-i:i;: •':l'-l:.:}'.: •ii-'-j-'-i,; ,::i-.lM;; . * * • ••'•r *\'v•\ •'.;!.•'•v'.|.".i.V:•'"••••••Vr-i-'l-'-' • 1-1-1 •'••I.-'' •••v;^:':-: •-•.i:;l-:l-.- P | ^(5 <n <o) dd -j°* SM ML-MH SM ^J^> BORING 8 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/7/88 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION sharp depositional contact with hematite band in sandstone, 1/8-1/2" wide, no i shearing N70E.11S Very hard, moist, light olive-green, Clayey SILTSTONE / — nearly horizontal V . Very dense, moist, light tan-white, Silty fine SANDSTONE, cross-bedded and massive dark brown layer 6" thick above cemented layer cemented sandstone layer 12" thick, calcium carbonate cement • BORING TERMINATED AT 51.0 FEET z ll| z«3ffSm - - 10 " - - - - ^ m t - - tozu;W(J ^Q 112.7 3ULK S _ Ul*e*J-UJ 6Z28 15.5 AMPLE Figure A-10, Log of Test Boring 8 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E_ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST •M CHUNK SAMPLE I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 3- _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE File No. D-4230-H01 November.11, 1988 o "• . 0 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - _ - - 8 - - - 10 - - 12 - - - 14 - - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - - 24 - - 96 -i. U - 28 - " 30 " gz UJ Q.i > _jO 3 vl'-''^ '•'J.'.J^V; '.''J^'l' * ' • •:-i::' ;V:'.; ••j'-':r-';: B9-1 ||, •';, '';.'; B9-2 |:'-.::;;: vjv: :•.':•' •'•LV.:.'; ^••(•: ?£i ' * * t '•:li :'•'•• B9-3 ••;:•::': PI';-;|.-:':'; B9-4 & ':•'•'• ''-•.'•: :!M ' t i * . |.'i:-'::-'. :•' \ •'•'•'"•> • . . ' "»• y' s / E i § * j_ M g| "." sc SM ML BORING 9 ELEVATION 245 OATF DRILLED 10/6/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark brown, Silty-Clayey fine SAND TORREY SANDSTONE Dense', moist, light brown-orange, Silty fine SANDSTONE, some clay, fracturing mostly massive ' 1 -Unearly horizontal bedding seepage, slow, spotty seepage, slow !. — sharp deposltional bedding/contact 1 horizontal |f j DELMAR FORMATION Hard , wet , medium to light olive , Clayey u SILTSTONE, massive, little fracturing z III||§ " " 4 - - - - - - - " 7 ™ - - - - " 8 - ^£55zu:tu^ I 114.6 BULK 5 1.10.9 110.5 u* §§ 15.1 AMPLE 17.0 17.6 Figure A-ll, Log of Test Boring 9 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPL£ • — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAQE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION ANDATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT I SNOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. November D-4230-H01 11, 1988 I H . 30 _ . 32 - - - 34 - - 36 - .*•SAMPLE NOLITHOLOGYB9-5 • l/f B9-6 X 'i y>(\ c GROUNDWATESOIL CLASSIU.S.CS)CL-ML BORING 9 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED ID/fi/RR EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Hard, moist, dark gray-olive, Silty CLAYSTONE to very Clayey SILTSTONE, contains lignitic material \ BORING TERMINATED AT 35.0 FEET PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/FT.10 - — ™ - -DRY DENSITYP.CF.115.0 BULK £MOISTURECONTENT, %< 15.1 AMPLE Figure A-12, Log of Test Boring 9 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL £3 ~ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •J STANDARD PENETRATION TEST E — CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAQE NOTE THE LOG OF SUBSURFACECONDIT1ONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFICBORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHEDATEINDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTOBEREPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONDITIONSATOTHERLOCATIONSANDTIMES. File No. .D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 |s£o "• 0 — 7 _ 2 • •• _ 4 . 6 . _ . . 8 . - . - . 10 ._ .15. - _ 14 _ _ 16 . - _ 18 _ _ 20 . — - - 22 _ . 24 _ - - _ 26. _ - _ 28.. - 30 C5 UJ £s B10-1 B10-2 j. B10-3 B10-4 B10-5 ' i§ P -J VJ#.T : £ r H>- iii^r'-: X./' • • • i ,' • • | '. |] ^|/f. r-'''''-Ifitjjfif fe:1:'; t#i £•'•:/ !^S' " 'y^- ^'-•-> ^ [;''.r.'i'.:. '••f-i-'-l'- #& • '••i'V-1'l^j* '.i'-ji'-'.yii/r 1 1 • i \/ <iyj/ |iy?Ki-j /1 1^ yf 1 1/ l 'MX1 J/ii /r i CC1i5" 0 mm* T" S- "^ 10 SM-SC CL SM-SW CL — . , • T2 f}-& TTkTP 1 AJoUKUNtr J.U ELEVATION 15° DATE DRILLED 10/6/88 • EQUIPMENT -P;-] nn ^n" T?r,tarY B^T-V°t•^ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION UNDOCUMENTED FILL Loose to medium, damp, medium-dark brown, mottled Silty, Clayey fine SAND Soft, wet, dark-medium olive-brown, mottled Sandy CLAY p— Irregular, but sharp fill /formation contact slopes in SE direction no debris or strong odors V DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, light tan-olive, medium to coarse, Silty SANDSTONE Irregular , but sharp deposition— contacts nearly horizontal \ ' . Hard, moist, medium olive-green, Silty CLAYSTONE, massive, blocky 6-8" calcium carbonate cemented layer ' becomes medium, light olive, more fractured jj random slickensided surfaces 11ll slight seepage"^ij og •III C^oIs™ 3 - 7 -_ ™ - ™ . 14 - -_ _ fc- ZU.'UJM=5:£o 122.0 BULK L27.6 L22.1 BULK „ gg iSn- §8 8.3 SAMPL 8.8 12.6 5AMPT. Figure A-13, Log of Test 10 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAM RLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST w _ CHUNK SAMPLE _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFICBORINQ OR TRENCH LOCATION AND ATTH E DATE INDICATED. ITIS NOTWARRANTEO TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 i.x* |SS 30 32 . - 34- - 36. jf « mm SAMPLE NO.LITHOLOGYI/,. /\ 1 "/ /'1 \y I/I 1 -SOIL CLASS(U.S.CS)BORING 10 (CONTINTJFJD) . ELEVATION DATP DRILLED EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION "\ BORING TERMINATED AT 35.0 FEET PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/ FT.^ • •DHV DENSITYP.C.F.MOISTURECONTENT. %Figure A-14, Log pf Test Boring 10 SAMPLE SYMBOLS LJ — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE I] — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B CHUNK SAMPL€ • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) £ -. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THELOGOFSUBSUHFACECONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHEDATE INDICATED. ITIS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONOITIONSATOTHERLOCATIONS AND TIMES Pile No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Z ). £ZS O **" n. 0. . .2 _ .4 - -6 - - 8 - - 10 - — •~S - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - _ •• _ - 28 - ™ — 30 g ill 0. 1 Bll-1 Bll-2 511-3 - Bll-4 Bll-5 1o_ /y« / • AY°v1 o®/•o / 1 I ' y \v( TMX 1 ' 1 \/ A \ • \j( /^^^ III/1 1 y J/l 1 \ ' ' ^** !? i /ii \y xT '•1/f i1 1 1//n [yf Xj ' 1 i U7 •/i; •''•'-• ^nl>;?;...i i W:l i: tr 1| 1 * fe^tfl to CL - CL-CH BORING 11 ELEVATION 300 DATF DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT E-100r 30" Rotarv Ritrkpf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 1QP..SOIL . ••"*,,, Soft, moist, dark brown, Gravelly CLAY \ DELMAR FORMATION Soft, moist, light olive 'mottled white, Silty CLAYSTONE, highly fractured, weathered ' U JJ- \TCnTJ nOTlTTT i. • 1gypsum seam in uedding Nj(JE,^/NW, potential shear filling \ — becomes firmer, with yellow-green jbanding mottling \ ^ — bedding-plane shear N5SE.15NW, V remolded slickensided orange/olive clay with gypsum, thoroughgoing / becomes harder, blocky j sharp depositional contact, but with thin 1/16" orange remolded clay seam, N50W,6°SW • 1 Moist to wet, light olive-tan, slightly / Silty coarse SANDSTONE 1 — strong seepage '. — becomes clean sand // •'/ — rocksj |gt|<^ ll§ TUSH JO" 1 /A"1/4 ^ PUSH 6" -2/6" M ~ M * 3 H " 9 ~ tozu: UJ(J Q 104.9 96.5 5ULK £ 106.8 123.6 S*^5 1§ 20.1 26.5 AMPLE 20.8 11.6 Figure A-15, Log of Test Boring 11 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?. __ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHEDATEINDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTOBEREPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 NQ "• .30 . 32 - d tusi S | KJ (C 1 1 COen —<tfl ^8s BORING 11 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATF DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION \ ( — contact not visible because of water " 1 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, dark brown, gray, green porphyritic VOLCANIC ROCK, slight to moderate fracturing BORING TERMINATED AT 31.5 FEET (REFUSAL) 111pis=m - - - fctozu:UJrj £g UJ*ffe-fciu 5|28 Figure A-16, Log of Test Boring 11 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST kJ — CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE:! ATTHEDATEINDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHERLOCATIONSANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 az£ 0 . 2 _ . 4 _ . 6 . - _ 8 . _ 10. - . 12. - 14. _ 16- - 18- -20- - -22- - 24- - 26- - Oz UJ5; s . B12-1 B12-2 B12-3 B12-4 >g 5 ••k: "•':•'•.' :':$i •;.;; ';•!'; I'f £J / f* / / '.'•'.''. • ' • ' ' i-;!-'-;: •'• •. '•/• . . . '••'$ *'• '':-•' •'J'.V- '-••• / / '/X i X tr IS I 8o -tn <efl ^ SM ytL-CL SM "]^> CL \ ^>. ^ BORING 12 ELEVATION 215 DATE DRILLED 10/7 /R8 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, moist, tan, Silty fine SANDSTONE nearly horizontal depositional contact DELMAR FORMATION ]- Hard, moist, olive-orange, mottled, \ Clayey SILTS TONE \1 — bedding horizontal Dense, moist, light olive-tan, Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE, interbedded thin siltstone beds cemented zone \V Very hard, moist, olive mottled with yellow-orange, Silty CLAYSTONE -\ \ V cemented zones \ becomes brown - olive BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FEET OoH!§s P - - _ 3 - - - - _ 9 - - - -5/ _ 5" — - - - & 01Zu.LJrJ > Q 107.0 5ULK S 116.0 111.6 UJ*H52 20.3 AMPLE 8.0 9.3 Figure A-17, Log of Test Boring 12 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D__ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C STANDARD PENETRATION TEST K — CHUNK SAMPLE •i DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTEDT08E REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 Nnvprnh^r 1 1 . TflRS H 0 . 2 . • •• . 4 _ . 6 . _ 8 . - 10. . 14- _ 16- Imi — - 18- - 20- - 22- - - 24- - 26- - 28- -30 SAMPLE NO.B13-1 Io ' '•\ \• • ;;' '.' / .- B13-2 1 B13-3 | '; •';• ;• B13-4 • r•'• -:•'.'•• •_'. x/ _ * >; '_• '•. .• . t ' • 1 ; •:••. . . • , •; .; .;•:. •' '! ;:' '. :• ;• ': •'; ; : ;. :'. ';• •'. :. ;'. •.' •'• '•, • . •'• •V :• • :t •; ^:••'. / , '. • •( . '• • ', /. '•'.-GROUNDWATER 1SOIL CLASS(U.S.C.S)SM-ML ML SM-ML ^.^-^ BORING 13 ELEVATION 325 DATF DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TORREY SANDSTONE Dense, moist, light tan, Silty very fine SANDSTONE, to Sandy SILTSTONE; laminated to massive with orange banding A \ — bedding N45W.7SW / — contact sharp, N45W,15°SW Hard, moist, light olive-tan, Clayey SILTSTONE Dense, moist, light tan, Silty very fine SANDSTONE to Sandy SILTSTONE, laminated to massive - - greenish-gray zone PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/FT.~ ^ 8 - - 11 ^^ - - - - - - 11 - _DRY DENSITYP.CF.115.9 113.7 BULK E 112.1 MOISTURECONTENT. %7.0 16.0 AMPLE 10.5 Figure A-18, Log of Test Boring 13 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS U EE3 SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE EJ — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B_ CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 z S5!o "• - 32 - - - 34 - -.36 - - - 38 - - 40 - - 42 - - 44 - - 46 - — — - 48 - » «• 50_ _ - 52 - - 54 - 56 - ez Q. 5 x Xo£ 3 | ""I B13-6 B13-7 . / \7 /^ ^ / _•' f ./. \ '<• :• V'.': •.;'•. •'.';• - j •': ( t ' 1 * ' » V '•; / / f '.••'.'.. ''•: ••: / •,, * ? •.• • •; 1 z o * * X «<<a "$ a- ~^^^ MTrib 4L-CL BORING 13 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION , .slight seepage 'slight seepage ^ bedding horizontal strong seepage \ i — sharp deposition contact, nearly horizontalu DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, dark olive to brown, very Clayey SILTSTONE, calcium carbonate cemented lenses 11 1 — dark brown cemented fossil zone approx. 8" thick 1 — horizontal beds Very hard, dark greenish-gray to gray, Clayey to Sandy SILTSTONE; scattered coal fragments , carbonaceous BORING TERMINATED AT 56.0 FEET 2UJ li|i«sujjjjm • - 9 •* • _ 30/ " 7"_ ^ - - E 5o >* a 106.1 138.6 BULK UJ# 25 QZS8 19.8 6.8 ;AMPLI Figure A-19, Log of Test Boring 13 OAIIDI c CN/IIDI-II ooAMrLc oYMaULo SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPL€ _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE. 1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 I H. a 0 2 4 6 8 . 10. - x - 12 j . 14. 16 _. . 18. _ 20. _ 22. . 24. . 26. _ 28. 30 Zai a. 5, B14-1 B14-2 B14-3 - B14-4 8 t •••I-.-M:.- ']\;-\:ti mif:'rr;:- ^*'•'j-'i-'1-: .'.'i/'i--' ••'•'<"'' * .-•i.-.-i- ••.- *sfe••0n :X^':p Sv.;;^ ^ 1 i §3? 8- : SM CL BORING 14 ELEVATION 245 DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT E-100 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION DELMAR FORMATION Dense, moist, light tan, Silty medium to coarse SANDSTONE, massive friable roots Hard, moist, light-medium olive-green, very Sandy CLAYSTONE, fractured with random, slickensides surface fractured on north side of hole, no continuous plane becomes light gray and less fractured becomes dark gray IS P - - 6 - - - - 7 - - - - 8 - ^ tn2U.UJ[j >co 121.1 119.4 SULK S 119.0 UJ*n Oz 6.6 14.3 AMPLE 14.4 Figure A-20, Log of Test Boring 14 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS LI — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE El — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST E_ CHUNK SAMPL'E • _- DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: ^ ATTHEOATEiNDICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 I5ff 30 32_ - 34 36 38_ 40 >: 44 46 _ _ _ 48 _ . 50_ 52 54 - 56._ — • _ 58 60 i g s § | X:.V;X ^fei 7 B14~5I ./ '•":Wf:.v•A--- ^ / / ':. '; .' '•' '•. .' '. ' '• ' .' '.'• ?;;:,.; B14-6JI-.' •.;•'.' B14-7 B14-8 %M ''.]':'••:'•"•* • •"•• '•' :' ^1.•if::--:-: .'• ''. ''. '.'' • '. , * I* • J • • il '*•'(.', . • v J ;•:.-•••.• s z 0 3t !-g CL ^> CL-CH ~""^> SM SM-ML SM ML BORING 14 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATF DRILLED EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION becomes more sandy Very hard, moist, medium olive-green, Silty CLAYSTONE A\' — sandstone lenses with seepage . — undulating contact, dipping approximately I 5° at slope Very dense, moist, orange-tan, Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE, fining upwards sequence becomes medium— grained , has "cannonball" concretion on N side of hole becomes coarse to very coarse 1 1 — rip-up clasts li contact irregular, channeledr i / Hard, moist, gray-blue, very Sandy1 ' SILTS TONE / • J| ' Very dense, slightly moist, orange tan, || / Silty fine to coarse SANDSTONE J //. scour surfarp annvoviTrml-pl v W?ci'F'?nNW / slight seepage J: Stiff* VPTV innn ^i" o-T'flv "hi n*a T.TT t*Ti n -rrt-n / staining, Sandy SILTSTONE, fractured near / top, no through going remolded zone litPiSgo •• 13» 217 . " 10" - — - • 157 - 7" M t zu.' >- 5 119.5 128.7 3ULK S - L26.7 IISB 13.6 9.8 AMPLE 10.6 Figure A-21, Log of Test Boring 14 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAM RLE SYMBOLS LJ — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IS — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST H— CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• —. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE:' ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITISNOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONOITIONSATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Pile No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 '.N . 60 . . 62 . - 64 - - - 66 - - 68 - - - 70 - M ••SAMPLE NO.B14-9 B14-LITHOLOOY:•{'••{•'•['•'.. 15xl 1 . f / ,S / > / , / / / /GROUNOWATER 1SOIL CLASS(u.acaiCL ML BORING 14 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Hard, moist, olive green, Silty CLAYSTONE with shiny parting surfaces Hard, moist, gray blue, very clayey SILTSTONE with trace fine sand, fissile \ BORING TERMINATED AT 70.0 FEET PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/FT._ L4 •» -DRY DENSITYP.CF.115.0 BULK S MOISTURECONTENT. %16.7 AMPLE . Figure A-22, Log of Test Boring 14 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL £3 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPLE • — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHESPECIFICBORINGORTRENCH LOCATION AND ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 x£sso "• " 2" - A _ • tf M - 6- V M * R -o - 10- - 12- - 14- - 16- - 18- - 20- - - 22- - - ~ 24- - 26- " — O O —zo - 30- i2 a B15-1 B15-2 B15-3 B15-4 B15-5 / * / / ' I I 2 / A J/ J/o H 1 / > e; /• r* / r' i/ y * y \/ \/ /s f) / )r 5i i -' . . / J /If ,' A A / / / /I / / x' // y' / / / / >/ /f r, i /f / y £CUJ § § V) CO —<»1is- CL CL-ML ML' CL — _^ _^> SM-sc BORING 5 ELEVATION 3°5 DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Hard, slightly moist, brown, Sandy CLAY with SILT fractures V DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, light olive, Silty CLAYSTONE to very Clayey SILTSTONE Jieaaing nearly horizontal . Bedding N60W, 5SW Hard, moist, light orange /olive-mottled, Clayey SILTSTONE; some very fine SAND i — Bedding nearly horizontal ./Hard, moist, olive-mottled, Silty CLAYSTONE; yellow-white gypsum stringers; slight to moderate fracturing j — Few steep hematite— filled fractures; J N40E, 85 SE (joints) I — Cemented zone (calcium carbonate cement / about 12"- fossil shells) 1iJ Remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick' N60E 2°S Dense, moist, light olive-tan Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; some CLAY QoK <<g |l° - in, . - - 3/12" •» - - - - _ 2/0"^- / \j " 3 - g zu.; a 107.9 108.4 BULK ! (No s; 118.2 uf =z Wt- 02 18.3 19.5 ;AMPLE Lmpls) 13.8 Figure A-23, Log of Test Boring 15 (Boring 15 Continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST . I __ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) B__ CHUNK SAMPLE ?•_. WATER TABLE OH SEEPAGE NOTE:! ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVEOF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTMER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Is!D . 32 . -34 - - 36 - -38 - -40 - -42 - ^f - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - -50 - - ^9 —J/ - 54 J - 56 - - 58 - - 60 - d UJ_;0. 5 B15-6 B15-7 B15-8 Bl'5-9 I o£ D / 1 1/I | L ••'•.'• '.v•.•I-..I/?.-.i.;tvi.;. ^ 1 1I l/r X> ' liti i/ryfinil/ • :'.'•'•.•• 1 l/f i/i i/• /fl 1 i \x \ r\ >'l-';i:V- •.•I.'-'.'-!-.' •Vti'' '!• I"V" SI-TJ,-: •:-i- •!-•."•:•••I-'.IMV. •.•M'V. ••T.-'r.'f-'- •.•j;.'l;/|-:. 1 | X %. T <c?Hoj!2 8- CL- ML CL SW CL- CH SM "^•5* BORING 15 (.Continued; ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/12/88 EQUIPMENT 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Hard, moist, olive-brown mottled Silty, Sandy CLAYSTONE \ — Remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick; 3°SW; throughgoing pypsum \ Hard, moist, medium-olive, silty CLAYSTONE; abundant gypsum seams; random fracturingiI I ^ — Remoded CLAY seam 1/8-3/4" thick; N10W, • 5°SW, throughgoing, with large crystals of gypsum within gouge Dense, moist, light orange-tan, medium SANDSTONE ., . — Contact nearly horizontal; sharp-11 ' ' "• \ J depositional Hard, moist, dark olive-brown mottled with yellow, Silty CLAYSTONE; gypsum seams , random fracturing; fossilif erous and carbonaceous ~ Becomes very dark olive /black and carbonaceous, seepages of slight to moderate 1 flow V I Remolded CLAY seams 1/4-1/2"; N20W,5°SW \ f at contact 1 Very dense, dark gray, cemented, fine Silty SANDSTONE; fossilif erous -\ \ — Cemented zone; CaCO.,+ • BORING TERMINATED AT 59 FEET (REFUSAL) III fc*° l& - - - - . 5 - 4 - - - - t ZuJLUO rO • 106.6 BULK i 92.0 BULK < a* 5$fcUJ 20.5 AMPLE 29.1 AMPLE Figure A-24, Log of Test Boring 15 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 _ DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST — CHUNK SAMPLE — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHEDATE INDICATED. ITISNOTWARRANTEDTOBEREPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONDITIONSATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 H - 2 - - A __ n — - 6 - - - 8 - - - 10 - •>• - 12 - - 14- - 16 - -18- « M - 20- ~ -22- - 24- " -26" - 28- Z UJs;1 >8yor^j ^;--v'; : -. .-. \-jf\ :. : J.;-v Vv.7'^.' .'••'•" • '.' '••'• '• • . •• .•}_. •'• ''V'." •' • •• • '.['• •'•• '. / . * • • . •:l; ''•'•' :• [ir ;•:;:•:, L--I--B16-1 a- "•1 I B16-2 .- , / '. ' U1 1- :- y '.'•"-/ •' / / . \ /' / / , ? / / •'• /* ,•' •. '< '• • . '• '.'• ;'v .'• :•>";:•1 f t * ' . ' • • •* • " '.'.'•'. '; •'• ••> •]}; y :•[".' ••-:'-',:.'.' cff 1 § in ?S P CL*O^J ^^-^ 'SM --^-^~~ ML ^ --"^ • — ML._ ~~~~^>— • SM n^x\ ^ — ^-^ ^>- BORING 16 ELEVATION 30° DATF DRILLFH 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT E-100, 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 1 TOPSOIL | hard, humid, brown, Sandy CLAY, highly fractured i — becomes very stiff and slightly moist pELMAR FORMATION 11 Very dense, humid, light gray-blue, very Silty 1, fine SANDSTONE; iron-stained, carbonate, i weathering at topll— ' shells V 1 1 — bedding N20W10S N — strongly iron-stained hard, slightly moist, light grey-blue, Clayey SILSTONE, iron-stained, fissile, 1 hematite filled joint N4SE82E 1 ^ — layer of stiff, moist, orange Sandy SILTY, friable, fossiliterous; N20W10S bottom contact ! — iron-stained , Sandy with fossils j J stiff, moist, orange-brown, Clayey SILT, fossiliterous, 1 I — cemented lenses n\ Y — iron-stained ,• fossiliterous , rip-up clast 1 of grey-blue SILSTONE 1 / — scour contact I/ "* very dense, humid, light tan, very Silty fine SANDSTONE, iron-stained in places -\!1' — iron-stained\ ' — thinly bedded, dipping approximately 10 °S iron-stained, lenses of friable, organic rich SILT with gypsum stringers ZQJQoHPz"- . £2?>-!2SSwS •s=° - - - - — - -PUSH .7"' • "" 11 — - • — 10 " - " ^ — M ^ - t zu.tilrj OS; fia 93.4 118.0 „,# P"KUJn>=5z 58 29.5 14.0 Figure A-25, Log of Test Boring 16 (Boring 16 continued next page) SAMPLE SYMBOLS NOTE 1 SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE IJ_.STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE • _. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) *• _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE File No. November D-4230-H01 11, 1988 £Z£ a "• _ in _ " ~ -34 - -36 - - -38 - * —- - - - CJz 5? I B16-3 B16-4 B16-5 B16-6 >-og §£ I'M {]/Y '/i i i1 ,/I \/i/fi ^i&1 •«•1 1:.[, '.'•' .'••'.'• 1 § ?• (/> If 8- ML ^ GL - — SM ~^> BORING lo (Continued) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION \ — scoured contact, generally horizontal\r 1 hard, slight moist to moist, light blue-grey 1 Sandy SILSTONE .11i very stiff, moist, reddish-brox^n , Silty CLAYS TONE I many non-continuous remolded planes with 1 gypsum, general orientation N5W7S i j' — continuous medium stiff, very moist, grey 1 remolded CLAY N30W5S ' — becomesrorganic ..rich, gypsum and sulfur-rich very dense, very moist, grey Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE, slight seepage 1 — very strong cemented BORING TERMINATED AT 40 FEET (REFUSAL) . ill _ 9 •^ 15 •• - £ CO UJ(J a BULK 117.8 BULK g*. is SAMPLE 15.1 SAMPLE Figure A-26, Log of Test Boring 16 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL £9 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .E STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE • _. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 3~ _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: i ATTHEDATEINDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDITIONSATOTHERLOCATIONSAND TIMES File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 lst ' Q "• - - 9 - - 4 -_ - 6 - - n -o - 10 - 12. - 14 - - 16 - - 18 " " 20 - -22- - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - Z \u n!25 B17-1 B17-2 B17-3 ^ § K_J uX"-'. •''•' •••;:y?• . -,/\ . •. #"i/:iv '.•\-.\'$- •Htff'- C'l'l11'l>4: •:.i::.j$; #yi;;t;; •'•i.'.-i:>^.' ?^!| i^::'.; '•'•' -X^ '•&:i '0:'^mm- •::i-.-.'i:.:i-'.; II;- IS iilli; 11 PV Q O w 5—to CL CL SM-. sc CL sc- SM SM JiwixJ-JNvj j. / ELEVATION 26° DATE DRILLED 10/13/88 EQUIPMENT E-100, 30" Rotary Bucket MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL Soft,, dry, dark brown Sandy CLAY \ DELMAR FORMATION Hard^ moist, light olive-brown mottled Sandy-Silty CLAYSTONE; abundant gypsum , , — contact bedding N10E10NW\r Dense, moist, light tan-olive Silty-Clayey coarse SANDSTONE Hard, moist, light olive Sandy CLAYSTONE; highly fractured, multiple oriented slickensided surfaces Dense, moist, light tan-orange Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE Dense, moist, light tan-orange Silty fine to medium SANDSTONE bedding N40W, 9°NE !ii •uj — O g§0 - — 6 " - - 9 - - - - lu:UJrj°a! 3 111.2 124.5 |*. 52^- io*u 17.1 11.9 - Figure A-27, Log of Test Boring 17 BORING CONTINUED NEXT PAGE SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE _.STANDARD PENETRATION TEST E_ CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHE DATE INDICATED. 1TIS NOT WARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMEa File No. D- November 11 4230-H01 , 1988 g-s - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - i _jQ. $ B17-4 I i -* •vf-'i-vi.--'•'.i-'-uX •'•['•''r-i'.'; ;:i •'']•'• i'-"1 1* 1 . • " * i*'•'f-'k •':-.'i/r.i-.-: 'Miil :•',•'}£.•*. c1 1 o T tn 53%« SM \NN ^>,* CL BORING 17 (CONTINUED) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED ' EQUIPMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — — becomes moist to wet strong seepage 1 r~ irregular contact; . remolded CLAY seam, \ E-W, 8°N; throughgoing I Hard,, moist-wet, medium to dark-olive, 1 Sandy CLAYSTONE i1 1 remolded CLAY seam 1/8-1/4" thick, N45E, 12°SE BORING TERMINATED AT 42 FEET §UJ . ll| |g§ —- - - - - - £ Zu.UJU >ttQ BULK UJ# Eg §8 SAMPLE Figure A-28, Log of Test Boring 17 SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E3 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE _. DRIVE SAMPLE IUNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY ATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND ATTME DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDltlONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES File No. November D-4230-H01 11, 1988 Q "* . o _ - 2 — - 4 - - 6 - - - 8 - 10 - -19- - - - ti ai a. (0 8ip i#''v'-\' '••\'-\'ffi ':'.i:'.Ki-v •.:Nvk '.•i-'n.;.•.f.'u'.T.v. •'f-'J-'i-'-••'.•V1,...' -i . '[•* r i.-_!. -I.'!-, •' r'-l' •'!.'•. -l-.i- j . • i, "i-'i..•J'-J;.-1. '. •.''. •[' .'• •"f.i-".-'j('-/. E 1 § 5 to LL SM SM UL TRENCH 1 ELEVATION 110 DATF DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COLLUVIUM Hard, slightly moist, dark gray, Silty -\ LLAY, with fine sand, highly fractured DELMAR FORMATION Dense, humid, light olive, Silty fine SANDSTONE, highly fractured, carbonate \ in joints \ Very dense, humid, light olive, Silty fine SANDSTONE, with areas of fine to coarse sand, iron staining •\ WEATHERED SANTIAGO PEAK Hard, slightly moist, olive and brown, Sandy CLAY with unweathered chunks of SANTIAGO PEAK, some shiny parting surfaces TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11.0 FEET o$tri<g j£jjjlm - - - _ —_ - - t tnzu.wo s ' UJ* i§ Figure A- 29 Log of Test Trench 1 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL EE3 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST •U _ CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• _ WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITISNOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND.TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Izgui-£o 0 . 2 _ . 4 _ . 6 . - 8 . j- - - 0 - - 2 - - 4 - -6 - - dz Uli 5 1 J *-•? 4 '/'*•*. v. • • . v • • • i/ • ' "X•',•:•:# 0 X"/-••a *K <0v• V3/ /• :~' •'••',;•••:.--/\ ffi.:•:•:••••/. V X ?/o.1 * ,« n/>NDWATE8O COSsd,s§- CL CL GC CL CL GC TRENCH 2 ELEVATION 215 DATE DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COLLUVIIM" Hard, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY and Santiago Peak boulders "\ WTTA TWyPTTn CATJTTAPn "DTTAV \ WEii4.in.£iXUUJ OAlNliAlJU IriiAJN. Very firm, moist, brown, Sandy CLAY, with pieces of Santiago Peak SANTIAGO PEAK Excavates to very dense, damp, orange-tan, Clayey COBBLES with some samd and boulders. Santiago Peak jointed with some surfaces dipping out of slope TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7.5 FEET TRENCH 3 Elev. 245' COLLUVIUM "\ Hard, humid, gray, Sandy CLAY with some \ Santiago Peak cobbles \ Very stiff, very moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY with some Santiago Peak cobbles SANTIAGO PEAK Excavates to very dense, moist, green and orange, Clayey COBBLES TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5.0 FEET £"^tS£g pljggrf - - - - — _ - •» •• tenZU.UJM >IXa 1D# Ch-' 150228 Figure A- 30 Log of Test Trenches 2 and 3 SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) •?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ATTHEDATEINOICATED.ITISNOTWARRANTEDTOBE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONSATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDT1MES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 0 ^ 0 - - 2 _ 4_ _ 6 - - - 0 , _ . - 6 - - 8 - _ - - oz UJ_J Q.2 I _ >' /' X ••ix:. •;•, ' '"0-. .' ,: .'.'• j/^ '.•/I .'•' ft I-) :': V /fv. Hi ^•'••H•. .'. • ]/.' S^ii/ iX i X* ' 1 J''xl i z § to °$.s2 ML SM CL CL CL ML TRENCH 4 ELEVATION 210 DATE DRILLED 1Q/10/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION DELMAR FORMATION Very firm, slightly moist, light gray- green, Clayey SILTSTONE, fractured \ - Very dense, humid, light gray-green, Silty fine SANDSTONE iwht few fine to coarse patches. Iron stained, with clay along some joints \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6.0 FEET TRENCH 5 Elev. 265 -, COLLUVIUM 1 Very firm, slightly moist, reddish brown, Sandy CLAY "becomes very stiff and moist, with Santiago Peak cobbles WEATHERED SANTIAGO PEAK . , Very stiff, moist, olive, Sandy CLAY \ Very firm, moist, olive-green and orange, Silty CLAY iwth little Santiago Peak • cobble1 Very firm, moist, light greenish-gray, Clayey SILT with little fine sand, cobbles of Santiago Peak Volcanics TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8.0 FEET |m . Ill P - " - - - - . - _ - - t toZLi.'UJ(J O u,#11 °0 Figure A-31 Log of Test Trenches 4 and 5 SAM RLE SYMBOLS U _ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL £J — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C_ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B CHUNK SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE:! ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITIS NOTWARRANTEDTOBE REPHESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANOiTIMEa File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Izg Q 0 - - - - 2 - - 6 - -S3- O ~ _i i n _ — s 1U — jf - 12 - - 14 - — — - 16 - ~ 1 ft — — o n - i _jQ_ 5 T6-1 ^> v t " J '• ^ / / / \ C H '.;:' .;/- • i / / / / •i / »'r r->><l• *» /i j *% . / / / s %ty •^s('0 / / • • ' '•'. / fei o (Atf)'- <$ g^ GC-SC CL CL ML CL ML TRENCH 6 ELEVATION 130 nATP DRILLED 10/11/88 EQUIPMENT -ID555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Loose, damp, orange-tan, Clayey SAND and BOULDERS Stiff, moist, olive-green, Silty CLAY with small chunks of unweathered Delmar Stiff, moist, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY with some GRAVEL, chunks of Delmar & Eocene materials •\ \ Stiff, moist, light olive-green, Clayey SILT with little SAND, GRAVEL Stiff, moist, grey & green, Sandy CLAY \\ Stiff. to very stiff, moist, light olive- green with some grey, very Clayey SILT with little SAND and GRAVEL \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 18 FEET Zuj i| •_ — - - "* - ~_ - - ti* o 110.7 UJ#55- =8 16.3 Figure A-32, Log of Test Trench 6 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E3 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE C_ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST fill—.CHUNK SAMPLE • _ DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITIS NOT WARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVEOFSUBSURFACECONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 Izgj o "• - 2 - - y - 6 - 8 - - - 10 - ' • -— • - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - i UJ 0. 5 1 - '•X^':'.' • •'••' y•: -yv ?£'* L/l 1 •#•# 0 . *fi 9 Q * *'•'•''••&• \y(\ f 0 jfo / ®/\0xl M/ •::ui/5;.: /r^ril;; '.'•l.v;pt? '•^T.'!'-'.A . ."•*•* "• I1 "I *" f "y^.'• .,y?' i-l/^.-lp ^ z CO "i 8- CL CL GC-SC GC-CL TP FTJfR 7 ELEVATION 125 DATE DRILLED 10/11/88 EOUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Very firm to hard, slightly moist, tan, very Sandy CLAY with pieces of wire, plastic bags, concrete Medium stiff, very moist, light green, Silty \ CLAY with little GRAVEL ,' -SAND ' \ Dense, slightly moist, brown, Clayey SAND T and GRAVEL \ Very stiff, moist, light green, .withr.br own, Silty CLAY and GRAVEL Very stiff, moist, light green, .Silty CLAY, highly fractured with SAND . TRENCH TERMINATED AT 17 FEET §S •il| P M - feV)zu: ECQ uf |z 38 Figure A-33, Log of Test Trench 7 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST — CHUNK SAMPLE • — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 3L WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE.! File NO. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 ^Z jy O . 0 _ - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - —- 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - - 1 R - - 20 - i Ul Q. 5 T8-1 T8-2 § K3 •:Q/-O •;•' /.'••-.'j^ Ojffi': .'•/_ : : ••.• ';.'•':'•'•'/. ' ' * "^ " » if •'•-.''•U'-'.' ••'•»r .' ./•)f.' ^f::'-- Vi- .•i'''-i'^'/ / ' '/ n 1i O |_ ^(rt 82 GC-CL qp SM TRENCH 8 ELEVATION 135 DATE DRILLED 10/11/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Hard, damp, orange-brown, Sandy CLAY and GRAVEL \ Medium dense, moist, tan, very Clayey, fine to medium SAND with some GRAVEL, lenses of black organic material Becomes grey-blue Medium dense, moist, yellow-tan, Silty, 1 fine to medium SAND:;with some SILT, lenses \ of black organic material 1 1 Stiff, very moist, grey, Gravelly CLAY with lenses of black organic material 1 1I,\ \ ~ Becomes grey-blue TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16%".FEET . 2U1 II*|i§ — - _ - ~- -- - £ zu: UJ(j >EO 111.0 BULK wf ii'z 15.0 SAMPLI Figure A-34, Log of Test Trench 8 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE:1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONSiAND TIMES File NO. D-4230-HQ1 November 11, 1988 |sSa "• . 0 - "* ™" - 2 - - 4 - - - 6 - - 8 - - -10 - - 12 - - -14 - -16 - - — 1 8 -10 -20- - g UJ a 2 8 0 B i:#ra.':'.: •;i7'.-/ '.;;<1 • •. . ' -.X. •,v.vxV.-' • • -.. •-•. •/'.' * • '•' •:'.'.> *•• '.': <-*''•-"X- ; • - • • '. '* ''• '•'y/-'- •'.•.•:•'•/£•. •/• t. •• \ •• :|f[* \W\ s{ ££v''»v': - :;:,-. •:'/.-: 'M^-o$M si §^52in sc ML CL SC TRENCH 9 ELEVATION 135 DATF DRILLED 10/H/88 EQUIPMENT >JI>555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Loose, humid, tan, Clayey SAND with GRAVEL \ \ Very firm, moist, tan and blue-green, Clayey SILT with chunks of CLAY, SAND, organic material Stiff, very moist, blue-green and black, Silty CLAY \ Very firm, moist, blue-green, Clayey SAND with pebbles,. arid chunks of organic material \ \ * — Becomes more Sandy TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16% FEET og • ll| |S§ •v - . - £ CO zu- ca wfisoz Figure A-35, Log of Test Trench 9 SAMPLE SYMBOLS NOTE: 1 D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IE] — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE I — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) XT _. WATER TABLE OH SEEPAGE File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 I p- o "• . 0 _ ™ ™* . 2 . . 4 . - 6 _ - 8 . - - 10- - - 12- - - 14 - - 16 - - bz a!i 8 O 3 •'.i-i-'i-': Y-i-r'.•'•.' . ':W.{ ;;•;;[;•;: •iW •iKi-;1;. '•.I't'.'N': ':l':r-'.T.v ;:i'-i:.:i- •.'•K'i/.i.-; /r'.r.t- S.-.':jii ^8o T 1» "0 CO SM CL TRENCH 10 ELEVATION 175 DATE DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Loose, moist, dark brown, Silty fine SAND j roots , voids . becomes wet Soft, saturated, medium brown, Sandy \ CLAY1 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET % =20 k<5° - £ zu:UJM >tra „,* Figure A-36, Log of Test Trench 10 SAMPLE SYMBOLS D — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPLE I — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• „. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: 1 ATTHE DATE INDICATED. ITISNOTWARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACi CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November-11, 1988 I >- o 0 2 4 _ 6 8 14- 16 -SAMPLE NO.Tll-1 LITHOLOGY'•j£rf.':. •!#£w. fl | If •iM. ":/•-' :-. •.'.•.££•.•GROUNDWATER 1SOIL CLASS(U.&CSICL - CL SC TRENCH 11 ELEVATION 125' DATE DRILLED 10/10/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY Stiff, moist to wet, medium light brown, Sandy CLAY Dense, moist to wet, light brown-tan, Clayey fine SAND \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 16.0 FEET ||1 - - 106.2 - - -DRY DENSITYP.C.F./ 14.7 MOISTURECONTENT. *Figure A-37, Log of Test Trench 11 SAMPLE SYMBOLS — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B _ CHUNK SAMPLE — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED] ?•_. WATEH TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE! AT THE DATE INDICATED. ITISNOTWARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDITIONSATOTHERLOCATIONSANDTIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 fsg o 0 2 4 _ 6 . 8 - 10. _ 12J - - 14^ 16 - -^ UJ n!2s •$?••••] '•$%. W-W- •j$; W- &;£ ."• •'/^.•'•- .'•:i>':'r-: •J.-.I-V1-':' Alkl-'KV j § T (0 <«j (0 CL / ^ TRENCH 12 ELEVATION 110 DATE DRILLED 10/11/88 EQUIPMENT - • JD555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft,. .moist,, dark brown, Sandy CLAY' becomes wet strong seepage Loose, saturated, light brown, Silty fine SAND ' \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET ll| !§N - - - - - ~ - -- - t zu:liitj o - g*. =8 Figure A-38, Log of Test Trench 12 SAMPLE SYMBOLS NOTE:! U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL K — DISTURBED OR SAG SAMPLE C — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B — CHUNK SAMPLE I _ DRIVE SAMPLE 1UNDISTURBED) ?• _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 0- ^Uj Q 0 - - . 2 _ 4 . 6 . " . 8 . ~i 10 - _ g _jQ.s 8 t #••••••• ' '•*"/• :X:- '•••'/•! •'••^/;'.'.;• . '. ' • •/? .' • ' 'x^- ' . • !*'..'. •'.• .'.'.' : '•' CC 1 zo 0 T~ 5s "^o—en CL / fS sw TRENCH 13 ELEVATION 10° DATE DRILLED 10/11/88 EQUIPMENT JD555 Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY .very strong seepage; filled to. 8" in less than 2 minutes Loose, saturated, light brown, fine to. coarse SAND, friable \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10.0' (REFUSAL) °Sf<|s uJ-Os=° M g QOJ g IU# ?iWj-oz§8 Figure A-39, Log of Test Trench 13 SAMPLE SYMBOLS LJ — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 — DISTURBED OR SAG SAMPLE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST CHUNK SAMPLE • — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED! ?. _. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: ^ ATTHE DATE INDICATED. mSNOTWARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OFSUBSURFACECONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 I _ 0 • ~ 2 4 . 6 . _ 8 . _ 10. _ 12. _ 14 _ _ 16 _ _ 18 _ - UJ LITHOLOGV:-'.i;:i'-;.i-;. •'.i.:.r'.|-:: ' I'TY'' Vi::i;:i-v ••'.i'.V.'-'i:- [•T'i'r- TU-jl ;g£ Si •viSi .•'.'I'vi'M;/ ;-i/'|'''-l-' :$nV: or GROUNDWATESOIL CLASS(u.ac.aiSM-SP SM SM-SF TRENCH 14 ELEVATION 17° HATE DRILLED 10/11/88 EQUIPMENT JI)555 24" Track Backhoe MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Loose, damp, light brown-tan, slightly Silty fine SAND Medium dense, moist, light brown, Silty fine SAND, roots, voids, blocky Medium dense to dense, moist, tan, slightly Silty fine SAND \ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 18.0 FEET PENETRATIONRESISTANCEBLOWS/FT.• - - - - -DRY DENSITYP.C.F.MOISTURECONTENT. %„. Figure A-40, Log of Test Trench 14 SAMPLE SYMBOLS U — SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 23 — DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •J STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ml __ CHUNK SAMPLE I — DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ?• — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE 0- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- • - 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- u- 15- 18- 17- am 3I.- Sll- 320-m3D "21 is!<22 23- 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 94 • 95 36 37 38 FRICTION RESISTflNCE TSF (KG/CM1),2 q Q - III 15- 20* M. 35- At\ •*u ^« M. cc . am•n-J go- »-« m B5-rn-i .XilO,(i*te-' ne.J BO- ac i nn iim tin|1U "fit• M? 120 125 ^•HHH^MHI >• ~^~ G J •^ f ^> \ "^sV> 1 IL t f 4)J CHNE RESISTRNCE TSF (KG/CM1 J0 100 _ 1^0 zqo _ 2^0. _ . 3qo 3q / ». ~~- J—"-- t — crmi "^s , — ** Nfc•tr4-^ ~> SOIL COLUMNa 400 q 400 FRICTION RRTIO (X) 1 1 9 ' _r ..-=^1-= — n «M_^M^^£ • • - ^.*— _. •s. ' — — , — •» — ==^ -«KB=S==^±: "• -=^I_ ^ •" < _. • " r'' *^Z 1^^^^j: =S=3»—1— — '-r?_-_,_-^^=T-i — i -- —•-•M -=£ — =s < '"^ Jg^ Q S 10 15 - 20 • 25 - 30 • 35 - in . en arnTl, Bn ~iBU x *-<z - 85?it 70 - TC - iin - RI; HU . DC -105 IIS -125 8 Q 1 2 3 ! 4 5 - 6 - 7 • B • 9 -10 -11 12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 ,a 'm 'IB2 19£ ™5m DOin-21 L I « •24 •25 ^26 <Z7 ?B <28 •so : ^1 ^2 «3 ^4 ^S •36 -37 -38 PROJECT i LA COSTA RANCH NW CONE PENETROMETER TEST PROJECT NUMBER i 89-230-1702 SS The forth technology PRPIOF . r*v>-r , INSTRUMENT NUMBER! F15CKEOB8 SS Corporation rnuDt . Lh"rr| DRTE» 10-05-1988 DEPTH IN METERS in in DEPTH IN FEETo in a tnau inu ucn • o ou ur tu au (OU ILJX,cccd2 OU."* u ccu_ to /K^^/^A* -\jVvArvv in a in a tn-i w r« en crjDEPTH IN -FEET in ain DEPTH IN METERS CONE PENETROMETER TESTT-^?l • <LPRHRFrMUHtS£ The Earth TechnologySS CorporationNW1703KE088PROJECT : LAPROJECT NUMBER: 89-230-INSTRUMENT NUMBER: F1SCDRTEs 10051988 DEPTH IN METERS Q>-iri«<*uiia en ^ in DEPTH IN FEETnaina cnou CZnt-z (OU u in 3 ur tnu UJV.ecu on."*. •-•OT U u. (a .A U»m a in, a in •* (M CM 01 CODEPTH IN FEET aID DEPTH IN METERS CONE PENETROMETER TESTPRHRF • CPT-3rHUBt . v,riologyThe Earth TeorporationH NW-1702KE08BNC30-5CPROJECT: LA COSTA RPROJECT NUMBER: 89-2INSTRUMENT MBER: F1DflTEs O-OS9B8 •.'"$•'.fe'--\$$f 0- 1- 2- 3- 4- S- 6- 7- B- 8- 10- n- 12- 13- u- 15- 18- 17-arn 218' SIB- §20-m3 W21- •' 22i 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 28- 30- 91- ?2- 33- 34- — 35-*> . 36- 37- 3B- rniCTIDN RESISTANCE TSF(KG/CHa)e 20D - in- *irt-211- 7S- SO- «. 4O- ^s-Ta M. <:<:- arn-o-J Bn.I pu t-lz m BS-rn-1 v >"1''^,'i • 7c. Sti- fle -aa an>au O«S- ino-tuu i nc-1U9 s nn- •••-• t ^*M? . 4*U 125- _^— -" (r ^^ 4] 4 ^^r>i CONE RESISTflNCE r3??ibijTSr (KG/CM" ) COLUMN50 100 ISO 200 250 300 950 4QO Q rl { ^f ^^ ^>- ^ L C — ' -~_•R. 400 FRICTION RRTIO (X)2 4 6 fl *— -= •««=•<=rz ~ - -<==: ii. -^_ i ~_r ~i: am -=^ z^?=- ^^ -rf -1 c — == — — •~ .— i _*— - » -SE- ii ~_: SB= — n ^ •s^ •C ^^ -==^I ~^=^ r±3u 3. ™ 3" r=*- ^5*= ^^^-^^=— *__, . •- **-~^-— -_ ^ 3 _^- fe==^- •- 0 - 5 - 10 • 15 - 95 - an - 35 • 40 om~o . en ""•BU x • *~*ac - RC2!65 mrr - 70 - 75 . BC au - 65 -t nn iiu 1<U 12S Q Q - 1 • 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - B - 9 -10 -11 12 13 -14 -15 -16 -17 arn -IB 2!:r 10* -20 5m 31u21 •22 •23 24 25 26 27 2B •?g ^0 ^i •92 ^3 U4 ^5 36 37 ^B PROJECTJ LA CDSTA RANCH NW CONE P ENETPn^ET E R TEST PROJECT NUMBER « 89-230-: 702 Sff /** toM Tichnology PRPIRF . ^br AINSTRUMENT NUMBER! F1SCKE088 5S Corporation rnUDt . LK 1 T^ DRTEt 10-06-1988 DEPTH IN METERSa »- CM n •» in at o -« CM en •» in DEPTH IN FEET in a in aPI IM en DEPTH IN TEET in aui o •»CM in <B r> a CB o DEPTH IN METERS <n -*u>CONE PENETROMETER TESTT-»Si 3TechnologyforporatSSSSPROJECT; RANCHPROJECT NUMBER: 89-230-1702INSTRUMENT NUMBER: F1SCKE088DRE 0-Q6-19BBCOSTA DEPTH IN METERSa r* oj m oiiiiT DEPTH IH FEET tnou in in oinarM(Mtn DEPTH IN FEET in ain a -« DEPTH IH METERS CONE PENETROMETER TESTThe Earth TechnologyCorporationgSSSSCR-230-1702F15CKE088COSTABER: 89NUMBER:198806PROJECT: LAPROJECTINSTRUMEnoTF: 10- a -< <N <n •» tn t i ii i i a in a in •4 *« H-a: CC ZJvfa— ^ i-u»•••tc 1 I I (m r 1 1 DEPTH IN METERStot— BJOTO-— (Ntn-*m. . i • r r r r r r DEPTH IN FEETa in a in a in a(<i ^i ^> ^> •«• — > i 1 1 1 ' i/M ^!|V II [' 1 I •x. _1£ •-•3 0-1 U o >». a' m. a' en. u g:z-SlSi -too - w^_- W1)0 ItiS"-CCu. -lutngKg:u U7- 0 •-4 a uzez 2t~.cnuiu>.cti ^Ota.'**-><nh-i-ui-> CCu_ m ^V / \r \J ^^ -^ 'V, v^X/^^S\j\ a in a in*4- v« i i i i i ta -* r* en •* in A/ \ I ^ ^ Xv^ /v\J 1 A \\- \ I CO oo-*• • • •• • • • a a in a in o in am ,w m at —>•*«> DEPTH IN FEET 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1to r- CD o> o -^ oiffs^i/) DEPTH IN METERS PROJECT? LA COSTA RANCH NW CflNE PENETROMETER TESTPROJECT NUMBER: 89-230-1702 gg ^e Earth technology PRHRF • PDT 7INSTRUMENT NUMBER: F15CKE08S SS Corporation rnUdt . ^r\-(DflTE: 30-06-1988 DEPTH IN METERS o_r DEPTH IN FEET <nou m. CCnI-Ztou o(j OT uj a-u crt--^(On f tnuUJXC(J) i— OTI-H-U U. (O in a in a ino« 'IN en n DEPTH IN FEET ain a —•* in DEPTH IN METERS cc UJ H UJ 00I 1- Q. O • *LU GQa Q U I,•£-£ii«». -•JIII 00r\i co 00Is UJ teVgOLD & m ^5711-^SE. •• CDCT QC SCT UJ 3>-im z! Ur Z U3W =i-o u ua UJ UJ CC ••—) -) i— ujo o en i—en a: z a:o_ a. i-1 a DEPTH IN METERS o '-*r r DEPTH IH FEETo JJL 0-1toou C£n I-X (O(J u_111 OT o ou ^T iu ou•z.cr nu UJX(CO Oil.1*. ecu. to lA—--x/JU in in Qen DEPTH IN FEET inn in oin in ID c- 03 01 DEPTH IN METERS tn Hil- UJ UJ Z -. M OiO I C I- i-o- LJ .0 z » UJ Li-1 ft. m "~ o U Q_ u I I ^a U! 03 CM 03 zP.9 .. O) "m£ min •• OD CDo DC s:u>u uj z)^ D3Z | < 5. ID •• UJ,1-1-2:U CJ 13 UJ LU 01 " -) -) H-IU O O CO h-oz orzo:0_ Q. H- 0- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- u- 15- 16- 17-am tl.oHlB SlB- 320-mm W2lJ —22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- OQ - 90- 31- 32- 33- 34- "~35- 36- 97- 3B- D - 5- 10- 15- 20- nc . 3D-i 4U" 4a 50- am Tl 3 60- »—fz m B5-rn—i *ii\- 75- BD- R>«* flfl-i fl(\- t nn- 105- •i in- 11S-• *T3 i ?n- 125- rniCTlON RESISTflNCE CONE RESISTRNCE rnPnbu TSFIKG/CH') TSF (KG/CM1 ) nn COLUMNB ,4 ,2 q s,Q iqo 1^0 zqo 20 sqo 35.0 _ 490 < ' — -:_- . •• 6 r \ / ^%1 4 ) _;> • - • ^ ) ^i_ <CZri -=£L e ^^ < ~ • - • »j . r^=- rr- IS > . —- • — ;- 400 f FRICTION RHTIfl (X) 3 -1 ^ ' < -=: -rf~ _ ^d*~ — —r_ •=H ^L \\ C . ^==- zss: • •__- •T ~"^ - •s^ -=. — -rrr; ^==^--=n — — - -=. S^ — *=^5S -^ — T^F* ~~Z1 !• ^==_ rz=3 — — *szzr^"£. ^= — . =^£- =^ — — -*» Q 5 10 - J5 - 20 - 25 - 30 - as - in . JC *3 ab amT) - RH ~*Dll ac 1-4z -65^, m— \ • 70 - 1C*3 QS BU Ob -100 110 "115 120 125 8 Q I - 2 • 3 • 4 - 5 - 6 • 7 - o - 9 -10 -11 -12 13 14 -15 -16 •17 a«sa: -IB£ ?o5m3D*lw 11 -23 -24 ^5 26 27 38 -29 •30 31 32 "33 -34 -35 36 37 -38 pROJECTi LA COSTA RANCH NW CONE PENET R OMET ER TEST PROJECT NUMBER. 89-230-1702 Off Jht forth Technology PRHRF . rbT •• IAINSTRUMENT NUMBERj F1SCKEOB8 SS Corporation rhUdt . Lh' IrlQ DflTE: 10-06-1988 DEPTH IN METERS t i if ti t ' i i 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* j* DEPTH IN FEET ainomainainaino ^-ccoc o— ^ u cu. ** cnoua «*, a' a 0). UJ o cc*> 'h-Z tnisg. cc w u_vun g^i C3 ^4 a o" u cc EiXinu UJN. CO . z~* h-t-U CCu. a Av^•A^AjL . (I//X"V y -A-\^ \A/ijv V . HJ i \ Jli^ . i \Jl A r A fV \s-^~ f "\ l\ \A/ i^* i V^ //v- .X x\ y V A, _y\ ^v~*v> I/ \ V* n -A A|y \ ^A\ t\1/1w A V1 ( T "^r ^' A. 1 \V oo • • • • • • • to a in a in o in a in a in a DEPTH .1^ FEET" <I i i i i i i i i » a — M « «* in DEPTH IN METERS PROJECT* LA COSTA RANCH NW CONE PENETROMETER TESTPROJECT NUMBER: 89-230-1702 S£ Me Earth Technology PRHRF • rPT-MINSTRUMENT NUMBER : F1SCKE088 •*» Corporation rnUDQ . ^r 1 IIDHTE: 10-06-1988 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- B- 9-1 10- 11- 12- 13- H- 15- 16- 17- 0rn3lfl- zl9- 320-ma W21- ..r. 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 26- 20- 30- 31- '• 32- 33- 34- V<35-•«?:• •"' 36- 37- 38- S _ on- «. 30- 40- it- <;n- cc . amm 3 BO- 1-4 rn-i - in- 75- M. ae. an- i nn - i n<> - 1 1 n i i m-.- t*9 . 125- FRICTION RESISTHNCE TSFIKC/CH'J6 * . ,2 . 5°. J -r~ -^ -= • -. .- G <T - ~^C -= ^i •K r=— SE ^= „ ss4 ^ f. ^, 15- ^ ^=> 1^=> > ' H3=> % •5^ \ 1 ' ^3(•). L__ V -s£±: -™=:cr<r — i_tz l> »-3 ^1£L - — =>. =» „ — —:>• „: = •;=*• «=- — " T^ - CONE RESISTflNCE TSF£KG/CMa)01 0 , , ? 0 2 0 t 3 = _ T: — ** «M^Bmse= • • —L_ S=» «^_ mi • ' —._• -.— •- , 03 0 _ 4 • SOIL COLUMN 0 400 FRICTION RflTIO (X)2 • — ^_ «d -~- *— =^z: ^K£ ^E=^ ^^ -••>.. '.T^Z ^ — — ^»m. i ~* . ^-_^ ^F— — rzr: -^ ^^= 2> *=^=='- m-£ ^ _==^L ""^cP "m— __ :^^— — _- te. ~~ 'i i — • •* _ sfa*. * —=> ^Sc* i = — .-- — ~~~^ii*e- — ' D - 5 • 10 - is - 20 - 25 - 30 • 3S - 40 - 45 - 50 - cc am-a - 60 3 *-*z • 65 nlrn— \ - nc - ftfl - AR • an * fl*? -105 -110 •115 120 125 il r ° • i - 2 • 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - B - 9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 am ->B2 IB, ?0?m3J ^1W 71 123 -24 •25 26 -27 ^8 •29 -30 31 32 ^3 -34 •35 36 *7 -ae PRQJECT » LA COSTA RANCH NW CONE PENETRGMETER TEST PROJECT NUMBER a 89-230-1702 £g Ihe Earth Jschnology PRflRF - rPT! \?INSTRUMENT NUMBER JF1SCKE08B *~ Corporation rnUDn . ^If 1 .. \<L DflTEs 10-06-1988 SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT No TEST DATE DEPTH (•ft) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.006.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 1.2.00 13.00 14.30 15.00 16.00 17.0018.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.0029.00 30. 0031.00 32.0033.00 34.00 35.0036.00 37.00 33. 60 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 43.00 49.00 50.00 CONE P E N E TRQMETE CPT-2LA COSTA RANCH NW 89-230-1702 10-05-1988 CONE (tsf) 0.0 28.9 19.3 26.2 27.1 23.9 24.8 23.0 19.4 21.7 26.7 27.2 26.3 20.3 23.5 21.7 22.6 24.9 19.4 33.7 24.7 23.6 16.3 20,0 25.0 21.3 24.1 26.9 39.753.1 26.429.2 40.726.5 30.6 • 32.5 12.7 21.9 29.327.0 27.0 42.253.3 97.8 37.2 117.5 78.5 193.8 FRICTION(tsf) 0.00 0.54 0.78 1.77 1.43 1.77 1.74 1.94 1.61 1.20 1.54 1.51 1.681.61 1.41 1.45 1.45 1.41 1.11 1.72 1.42 1.25 1.12 1.151.29 1.051.19 1.39 2.45 3.131.16 1.26 1.161.371.64 1.510.591.201.4B 1.75 1.62 2.84 3.62 1.42 1.42 3.22 1.62 1.69 1.80 3.0213.63 RATIO(V.) 0.00 1.83 4. 06 6.75 5.28 7.41 7.00 8.45 8.30 5.54 5.77 5.55 6.39 7.94 5.99 6.66 6.39 5.67 5.71 5.11 5.75 5.30 6.86 5.77 5.15- 4.93 4.93 5.19 6.16 5.89 4.39 4.33 2.B6 5.17 5.36 4.64 4.655.49 5.05 6.43 5.98 6.73 7.253.91 3.916.74 1.66 4.56 1.53 3.35 7.06 R TEST DATA LOCATIONINSTRUMENT ELECTRONICS OPERATOR : CARLSBAD- CA : F15CKE08S 5 Tl: EC/MS/EC/MS PORE CONDUCTIVITY (psi) (uMHOS/cii) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA MA NANA NA NA NA NA NANANA .NA NANA NA NA NA NA . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANAMA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANA NA NA NA NA NANANANA NANA NA NA NA EXCIT (vdc) 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.30 10.00 IB. 00 10.00 10. 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0010.00 10.0010.00 10.00 -10.0013.00 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT No TEST DATE DEPTH (ft) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 B.0B 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 IB. 00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.02 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.003 1 B0 32.0033.00 34.0035.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 CONE PENET R Q M E T E : CPT-3: LA COSTA RANCH NW : 89-230-1702 j 10-05-1988 CONE (Isf ) 0.0 31.7 28.9 35.8 30.328.0 34.4 27.5 25.7 21.1 21.1 19.721.6 26.6 30.3 23.4 24.8 25.3 23.9 23.0 22.037.7 34.0 45.5 23.0 22.026.6 26.6 49. 1 46. B 51.9 60. 6 64.7 88.2 30.829.4IT ~r -?JO . o 70.7 70.7 59.7 45.5 54.2 65.2 73.5 52. B 164.4 'FRICTION (tsf ) 0.00 0.41 0.37 0.81 1.42 0.71 0.87 2.26 2.02 1.41 1.44 1.31 1.27 2.10 2.36 1.57 1.81 2.25 2.2B 1.50 1.40 1.94 1.49 2. 10 1.361.59 1.69 1.52 2.81 2.47 3.04 2.23- 3.41 2.33 1.821.61 2.B0 4.32 4.53 3.74 3.06 2.59 3.26 3.98 2.96 9.80 RATIO (X) 0.00 1.28 1.2B2.26 4.682.52 2.54 8.22 7.87 6.69 6.84 6.62 5.89 7.87 7.77 6.72 7.30 8.91 9.56 6.53 6.33 5.15 4.40 4.63 5.917.226.36 5.71 5.72 5.27 5.87• 3.68 5.272.64 5.905.48 5.25 6. 11 6.40 6.27 6.74 4.77 5.01 5.41 5.60 5.96 R TEST DATA LOCATION INSTRUMENT ELECTRONICS OPERATOR i CARLSBAD CA : F15CKE0BB s Tl: EC/MS/EC/MS PORE CONDUCTIVITY (psi) (uMHQS/c») NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NANA NANA NAMA NANA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA - NA NA . . NANA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA MA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA EXCIT (vdc) 10.80 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10. £10 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10. 00-10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10. 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.30 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 -10.00 SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT No TEST DATE DEPTH (ft) 0.0a 1.00 2.00 6.007. BO8.00 9. 20 10. 00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.0015.0016.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.0026.0027.0028.00 CONE CPT-6 LA COSTA PENET RANCH NW ROMETER 89-230-1702 10-06-1983 CONE (tsf ) 0.0 66. 1 66.1 102.3 90.868.3 61.8 63.6 82,963.1 69.5 77.7 62.1 42.7 36.3 40.4 28.9 29. B 31.1 27.9 3B.9 42.5 44.8 52.1 31.4 40.137.3 4B.7 21.2 FRICTION (tsf) 0.00 1.80 4.62 6.83 6.223.88 4.663.95 3.444.975.14 4.70 4.87 3. 89 3.14 3.17 2.16 2.26 2.40 2.07 2. 81 3. IB 1.99 3.04 2.23 2.34-2.17 3. 15 1.42 RATIO (7.) 0.00 2.72 6.99 6.67 6.855. 68 7.54 6.20 4.157.87 7.39 6.04 7.84 9.09 B.65 7. 86 7.47 7.597.71 7.43 7.22 7.49 4.46 5.83 7.12 5.83 5.826.47 6.73 TEST DATA LOCATION INSTRUMENT ELECTRONICS OPERATOR : CARLSBAD CA : F15CKE0BB : Tlj EC/MS/EC/MS PORE CONDUCTIVITY (psi) (uMHOS/co.) NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANA - NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA EXCIT (vdc) 10.00 10. 00 10.00 10.30 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00' 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 NA -10.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0010.0010.00 SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT No TEST DATE DEPTH (ft) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 b.00 7.00 "8.00 9.0010.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.0025.0026.2027.0028.0029.00 30.00 31.00 32.0033.0034.0035.00 36.00 37,00 38.0039.00 40.00 41.00 42.0043.0044.0045.0046.0047.00 48.00 CONE CPT-IJ LA COSTA P ENET RANCH NW RQMETER 89-230-1702 10-06-1988 CONE (tsf ) 0.0 48.7 41.330.7 44.9 48.6 49.9 60.0 70.6 87. 1 89.380.6 78.7 88. 8 97.5 96. 1 93.4 103,0 85. 1 74.0 60.2 68.5 63.078.166. 1- 118.4 119.8 94. 1 B6.7 234. 1 111.5 105.3 98.1 87.1 80.266.8B9.3 52. 1 91.1 99.4 75.9 79.1 7B.4 62.5 50.6 60.7 124.5 97.4 141.4 FRICTION (tsf) 0.00 0.71 0.54 0.37 0.61 0.61 0.B1 0.91 0.98 1.56 1.35 1.25 1.59 1.62 2.16 2.50 1.722.062.361.621.141. 171. 14 1.14 3.21 3.21 2.70 2.46 1.98 4.294.563.30 3.34 2.32 2.42 2.83 2. 08 3.37 2.08 1.98 2.14 1.87 1.60 1.29 2.51 2.04 2.38 3.46 1.83 RATIO TEST DATA LOCATION INSTRUMENT ELECTRONICSOPERATOR : CARLSBAD CA : F15CKE088 : Tl: EC/MS/EC/MS PORE CONDUCTIVITY ('/.) (psi) (uMHOS/Cft) 0.00 1.46 1.31 1.21 1.35 1.25 1.62 1.52 1.39 1.79 1.51 U55 2.02 1.82 2.22 2.60 1.84 2.002.782. 181.891.71 1.67 1.46 4.85 2.71 2.25 2.61 2.29 1.834.09 3. 15 3.40 2.66 3.02 4.232.336.47 2.28 1.992.822.372.27 2.07 4.97 3.36 1.91 3.561.30 NANA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANANANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANA NA NA NANA NA NA NA . NA NANA NA NA . NA MANA . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NANA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANANANANANA NA NA NANANANA EXCIT ivdc) 10.0010.00 10.00 10.00 10.0810.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT No TEST DATE DEPTH (•ft) 0.00 1.02 2.00 3.00 4.00 5. 08 6.00 7.008.00 9.01310.0011. aa 12.00 13.00 14.013 15.0016.00 17. B0IB. 00 19.013 20.00 21.0022.0023. 0924.0025.0026.0027.0(228.0029. 0B 30.00 31.0032.0033.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.0040.00 41.0042.00 43.00 44.00 45.0046.00 47.0048.0049.80 50.00 51.00 52.01353.00 54.0055,0056.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 CONE s CPT-12: LA CUSTA : 89-230-1 PENET RANCH NW 702 ROMET . 10-0^-1988 CONE (tsf ) 0.0 40.4 40.9 45.0 28.5 17.0 17.5 11.5 8.3 9.7 14.3 19.8 13.9 11.1 10. 7 17.6 17.1 22.2 23.1 13. B 14.8 16.7 17.6 12.1 15.8 18.1 27.7 26.8 38.3 34.2 24.1 31,5 48.9 26.0 111.452.6 49.4 75. 1 94.0 47.6 35.7 105.9 190.4 63.7 151.9 111.5 22.4 22.9 53.2 53.2 44.0 59.6 34.4 29.8 15.1 17.0 14.7 14.2 170.3 B6.8 FRICTION (ts-f) 0.00 1. 12 0.85 2.58 2.48 1.06 1.06 0.75 0.41 0.41 0.82 1.30 1.16 0.75 0.75 0.99 0.96 1.37 1.50 0.89 0.93 0.76 1.40 0.67 0.83 0.83 1.75 1.75 1.88 1.75 0.97 1.38 2.29 1.31 3.38 2.67 2.16 1. 18 1.35 2.16 1.99a. aa 3.93 2.60 0.B1 2.61 0.40 0.81 0.94 2.74 2.74 1.52 1.220.98 0.54 0.40 0.54 0.78 4.02 1.43 RATIO (V.) 0.00 2.77 2.88 5.73 8.70 6.20 6.03 6.51 4.95 4.25 5.73 6.54 8.37 6.78 7.07 5.65 5.61 6.17 6.51 6.87 6.25 4.55 7.97 5.53 5.24 4.58 6.29 6.51 4.91 5.11 4.01 4.37 4.69 5.04 3.03 5.07 4.37 1.56 1.43 • 4.54 5.58a. 76 2.06 4.09 0.53 2.34 1.78 3.53 1.78 4.71 6.24 2.55 3.54 3.29 3.57 2.39 3.69 5.48 2.36 1.64 ER TEST DATA LOCATION INSTRUMENT ELECTRONICS OPERATOR : CARLSBAD CA : F15CKE088 : Tl: EC/MS/EC/MS PORE CONDUCTIVITY (psi) (uMHOS/ciu) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA i NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EXCIT (vdc) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0013.3010.133IB. 30 10.0012.00ia.00 10. 00 10.0010.0010.0010.0010.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 10.03 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1Q.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00NA -10.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.03 File No. D.4230-HOI November 11, 1988 TABLE I Summary of Direct Shear Test Results Sample No. B7-2 B8-7 B9-5 Bll-2 B14-5 *B15-8 B16-3 *B17-1 Dry Density •ocf 108.4 112.7 1115.0 95.9 119.5 92.0 107.5 111.2 Moisture Content % 16.5 15.5 15.1 26.5 13.6 29.1 18.9 17.1 Unit Cohesion DSf 1160 1420 290 250 730 190 990 700 Angle of Shear Resistance Degrees 27 30 35 29 28 10 27 16 * Residual Shear File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 LABORATORY REPORT Telephone (619) 425-1993 CLARKSON1LAB0RAT0RY AND SUPPLY 350 Trousdale Dr. Chula Vista, Ca. 92010 ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING CHEMISTS Date: 10/18/88 Purchase Order Nunber: 4230-H01 Account Number: GEOX. To: •* . ,—* GEOCCN INC. . 9530 DOWDY DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CA. 92126 * Laboratory Number: S02054 Customers Phone No: 695-2880 Sample Designation: • * ; : : * One soil sample marked job name La Costa NW file #4230-H01 sample #B15-9. Established 1928 INC. ANALYSIS: By Test Method No. Calif. 643-C October 2, 1972 State of California Department of Public Works Division of Highways Materials and Research Department Method for Estimating the Service Life of Metal'Culverts. SAMPLE • PH 3.3 Water Added (ml) 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Resistivity (ohm-cm) 4110 1450 ' 490 270 380 280 250 250 250 Less than 5 years to perforation for a 16 to 8 gauge metal culvert. File No. D-4230-H01 0 1 2 Z 3 O g 4 OCOZ 5 0 5 o go CE 01a. 7 8 9 IO 0 SAMPLE NO. B2-3 \ X 'n ^ • "•^s \ •^ *•*. "X, w; *s XT « ^ ER ADDE . \ ^v D \\ ^ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ N^\ •^s ^ - | .1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) INITIAL DRY DENSITY INITIAL WATER CONTENT 99.0 ( pcf ) 24.0 ( % ) I 5O.O 100.O INITIAL SATURATION SAMPLE SATURATED AT 85.0 (%) 0.5 (ksf)* CONSOLIDATION CURVE LA COSTA RANCH - NORTHWEST AREA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure B-l „ ile No. D-4230-H01 SAMPLE NO. B6-3 PERCENT CONSOLIDATION01 ^ W 10 - o\ Vx fl s^ •••• ^ ^ ^ — "•* ^ — -U/ATPR ~^ x. \ ADDE X ^ D \ X] X N -v. ^ •• 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) INITIAL DRY DENSITY INITIAL WATER CONTENT II0.4 (pcf) I8.0 (%) INITIAL SATURATION SAMPLE SATURATED AT 87.5 (%) O.S (ksf ) « CONSOLIDATION CURVE LA COSTA RANCH - NORTHWEST AREA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure B-3 File No. D-4230-H01 November 11, 1988 SAMPLE NO. B4-4 PERCENT CONSOLIDATIONw cv> — o\ \ \ v_ •»• Vs. r <s ^ ^"^ /A •- ^ TER ADC ^\ ED ~\ \ ^^\ \>s I I I - - 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) INITIAL DRY DENSITY INITIAL WATER CONTENT I05.3 (pcf) 2I.2 (%} INITIAL SATURATION SAMPLE SATURATED AT 92.6 (%) O.5 (ksf) CONSOLIDATION CURVE LA COSTA RANCH - NORTHWEST AREA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure B-2 Project No. 0423 0-12-03 September 25, 1996 Morrow Development c/o Villages of La Costa Post Office Box 9000-685 Carlsbad, California 92078-9000 Attention: Mr. Fred Arbuckle Subject: Gentlemen: LA COSTA NORTHWEST . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY RIPPABILITY STUDY In accordance with you request, we have performed the initial phase of a preliminary rippability study for the subject property. The purpose of this study was to provide an initial evaluation of the potential difficulty in excavations during grading within the portion of the project underlain by rock. The Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp) are exposed along the upper slopes in the southeast corner of the site. Ten seismic refraction traverses were conducted on September 23 and 25, 1996. The approximate locations of the seismic lines are shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. The results of the survey indicated a variable but relatively shallow depth of rippable materials. The interpreted depths are present in the summary in Table I and on Figure 1. This rock formation is characterized as highly variable in depth of decomposition. While seismic studies are a suitable method of evaluation, the actual extent of rippability may exceed the interpreted depth where fracturing within the rock is present. It is our experience that where the fracturing is extensive, grading may be possible although more difficult. Grading in this condition requires an extensive soaking to soften the fracture zones. It is recommended that a second phase of the rippability study be implemented. This could consist of either trenching or borings utilizing an air track drill. The latter is less intrusive and would not result in the extent of disturbance associated with the trenching. If you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, INC' RCE 22527 \ AS:DFL:slc (6/del) Addressee CEG 1778 • :/, - • • * ;;* .'b Seismic Traverse^ si' No.- - S-l S-2 " S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 -, ^ • -' .. J> , ........ :••:.-.•_ ••.'.. " , <; ''"> •- 3" •? -.TABEEiE;?: '• " "• •'•~f-~'. .••:•• • ~ SEISMICTRAVERJSES7' AveragfrVelocity: ..'•^' V'~^r(tt/se&) .,;••;" «:; 'V.^Vr^i'-Z!££f .it;. -; u--:i-:....-j.3'. 4198 3178 3403 5192 1791 1459 3430 2981 1411 2378 iiln 10619 9976 8868 32685 8019 3639 18373 32156 4581 12892 — — — — — 10989 — ' — 9055 — - Average Deptfc t" ":(ft)- -•;.. SaDrtiififfe - 14-17 5-6 2-10 22 4-8 2-3 16-21 19-21 3-7 4-8 ' ' Dr^v*• .-,•*—:* — — — — —12-24 — — 12-24 — , Length of" .Traverse? 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Approximate Maximum- Depth Explored - - '.: •' i y| .V. (lt).= . 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -YI = Velocity in feet per second of first layer of materials V2 = Second layer velocities V3 = Third layer velocities DI = Depth in feet to base of first layer D2 = Depth to base of second layer NOTE: For mass grading, materials with velocities of less than 4500 fps are generally rippable with a D9 Caterpillar Tractor equipped with a single shank hydraulic ripper. Velocities of 4500 to 5500 fps indicate marginal ripping and blasting. Velocities greater than 5500 fps generally require pre-blasting. For trenching, materials with velocities less than 3800 fps are generally rippable depending upon the degree of fracturing and the presence or absence of boulders. Velocities between 3800 and 4300 fps generally indicate marginal ripping, and velocities greater than 4300 fps generally indicate non-rippable conditions. The above velocities are based on a Kohring 505. The reported velocities represent average velocities over the length of each traverse, and should not generally be used for subsurface interpretation greater than 100 feet from a traverse. Project No. 04230-12-03 September 25, 1996 APPENDIX D SELECTED BORING LOGS FROM GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR RANCHO CARRILLO PROJECT—MAJOR ROADS, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PREPARED BY GEOCON INCORPORATED, DATED JANUARY 15, 1993 (PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01). FOR VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 06403-12-03 3ROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET - r2- - 4 - Ir - 6 - - 8 - i n _1U - 12 -i 14 - - 16 - - 18 - ~" ~~ - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - SAMPLE NO. SBM 10 -1 SBM10 -2 SBM 10 -3 SBM10 -4 SBM10 ™* J cc c J. H y/6mi"Mmwwi %i • ;' J)1) i1 % /x/ y//.%%•&.p %,i \i% '% trUJ <t Q Oo:a ? SOIL CLASS (USCS) CL PT CL-SC SC SP-SC BORING SBM 10 ELEV. (MSL) 111 DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 EQUIPMENT MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSO1L Firm, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY ALLUVIUM Firm, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY -Water table after stabilizing at 4 feet Becomes loose, saturated, light brown, fine Clayey SAND and Sandy CLAY -Becomes very light brown with lenses of slightly clayey sand at 15 feet Becomes light brown, fine to coarse, Clayey SAND with little, fine gravel Becomes medium dense, saturated, light brown, medium to coarse, slightly clayey SAND to Clayey SAND SS2 <r * \ HJ!J3 Z "1 -J £o:S " 3 8 _ " 10 - " 11 17 - i- _ H ?Lgo;> ^8" 120.4 112.8 UjX DKHS °z u 17.1 19.0 - Figure A-15 Log of Boring SBM 10, page 1 of 2 CROR •^SAMPLE SYMBOLS D ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST • ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE f. ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 [ DEPTH IN FEET - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - "" "™ - 38 - - 40 - - 42 - 44 - - - 46 - SAMPLE NO. SBM1UI -6 1 SBMIOJ SBM10: -8 SBM10: -9 CDO § H J Ifl^9Y/MV, to - •'. \- FT. •\\\% ji:f H jj imvii%'Ipl a\u JNDWA0irC9 SOIL CLASS (Uses) CL GC GC BORING SBM 10 ELEV. (MSL) 111 DATE COMPLETED 4/27/92 EQUIPMENT MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Very stiff, saturated, green, Sandy CLAY -Becomes gravelly at 32 feet - Very dense, saturated, yellowish brown,Clayey SAND and gravel Becomes very dense, green, Sandy CLAY with gravel and cobbles BORING TERMINATED AT 46.5 FEET REFUSAL i H 2 t- « f X III ^! Oz S-i Q- **• w IS 78 "50/3" - ~50/3" - - >- *™ • > ^ Q 111.5 UJ-Jh °z O iy.3 Figure A-16 Log of Boring SBM 10, page 2 of 2 CROR - PSAMPLE SYMBOLS D... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. ,m PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN rt-T ft - - - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 1 O1 U - 12 - 14 - - 16 - _ - 18 - - 20 - - - 22 - - 24 - - 7fi - - 28 - SAMPLE NO. SBM 11 -1 SBM 11 -2 SBM 11_1 SBM 11 -4 SBM11 -5 a THOLOM J ^Xifm^/x/ mmp% • , _ / • • ' / '. ; y • '. / ' • ' / , ' / • : /f , ;•' / ; '. / 'W/<///,mI I %'%. '%ys% %i//.I 1 %fy$/%• %i^i\%'/? KUJ1-UNDUA0 CD ' SOIL CLASS CUSCS) CL n SC-CL SP-SC CL BORING SBM 11 ELEV. (MSL) 110 DATE COMPLETED 4/28/92 EQUIPMENT MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION hli-L Firm, damp, yellowish brown, Sandy CLAY with desiccation cracks ALLUVIUM Stiff, moist, yellowish brown mottled, Sandy CLAY Becomes alternating stiff, yellowish brown Sandy CLAY and medium dense, brown, Clayey SAND Becomes loose to medium dense, saturated, yellowish brown mottled, fine to medium, Clayey SAND alternating with slightly clayey SAND, with little gravel Very stiff, wet, light green. Sandy CLAY > §82 Pi2 !{] J£ K2 ~ 15 20 12 ~~_ """ ~ 32 - - - 16 ^> - i- _ H ~ |o. > J; a 111.1 105.1 104.0 ujS s|2 z u 19.0 21.4 24.U Figure A-17 Log of Boring SBM 11, page 1 of 2 CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS D... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Z... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. _ PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 DEPTH IN FEET - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - "• *~ - 40 - - 42 - |- 44 - - - 46 - - snJU - SAMPLE NO. iSBMll -6 SBM 11 -7 SBM 11 -8 SBM 11_Q SBM 11 -10 >r c i- H !y//'///<% iiii^j iwi. $1I% w, $y '%/%/% V? //? % yy/ '/// crui^-<r nz nEXa SOIL CLASS (USCS) CL-SC SP-SC CL CL CL BORING SBM 11 ELEV. (MSL) 110 DATE COMPLETED 4/28/92 EQUIPMENT MAYHEW 1000 ROTARY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Becomes alternating of green mottled, fine to medium Clayey SAND and very dark brown, Sandy CLAY Becomes medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to medium slightly clayey SAND with carbon flecks and fine voids; more clayey in places WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION Dense, wet, light green mottled, Clayey SAND and grayish brown, Sandy CLAY -Becomes very stiff, wet, light green with dark red staining, slightly sandy CLAY, fractured with trace of fine gravel DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, light green, slightly sandy CLAY with trace of fine gravel BORING TERMINATED AT 51.5 FEET S|H Ml H Q Ssi 31 20 — 37 _ ~ 30 - - 46 - i- ^ H go » i a 103.4 107.3 mx E HU Q E» Qu 25.3 21.7 Figure A-18 Log of Boring SBM 11, page 2 of 2 «*» •'•:''. : ______-___-_—_——_——_____^__^__^______^—— CROR „ '"} SAMPLE SYMBOLS D... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE . . . CHUNK SAMPLE Z . . . WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01k DEPTH IN FEET - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - 86 —i - i n - 12 - "> ,4 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 74 - 26 - - 28 - - i SAMPLE I NO. I h BM34 1 ''••• \ -l 1 i;j BM34-2 ;; j/ , / j BM34 -~\ BM34 J -4 lr— BM34 ''•• i; -5 : !: BM34 ; !• -6 ! BM34 p -7 ~ = . ...GROUNDUATER• ! i J: — .j _ji ni I ; i v i = = EEE SOIL CLASS (USCS) SM ML SM SM CL SM CL SM CL' BORING BM 34 ELEV. (MSL) 210 DATE COMPLETED 1/15/92 EQUIPMENT E-100 BUCKET RIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION DELMAR FORMATION Dense, damp, light to orange-brown, Silty, fine SANDSTONE -1.5 x 1 foot highly cemented concretion ', in south side boring at 5 feet i v -Sharp irregular, near horizontal contact 'i ' Dense, damp, light green, Clayey ', SILTSTONE: thinly bedded ,' i -Gradational contact 'i i Dense, damp, light to medium brown, Silty, fine to medium SANDSTONE: several 1 to 2 inch interbedded green claystone lenses with orange oxide -1 x 1.5 foot highly cemented concretion at 9 feet -10 inch x 2 foot highly cemented concretion 10.5 feet -Continuous well cemented from 12 to1 ij.j leei witn snens ' -Becomes fine to coarse at 14 feet i -Irregular near horizontal contacti StiTf to very stiff, damp, light green, Sandv CLAYSTONE: gvosum fracture fillings. orange oxide staining -Gradational contact 'i Dense, damp, light gray to light green, Silty, fine to coarse SANDSTONE: massive • -Sharp, slightly irregular, near horizontal contact f* ;v ; , Very stiff, damp to moist, light green, Silty CLAYSTONE: moist along contact at 24 feet, thinly bedded with orange ', oxide along bedding i -Irregular, near horizontal contact• \- i Dense, damp, ifghf gray, Silty, Tfne to"1 medium SANDSTONE PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT. >~ 2 4 r 7 - ~ 5 ~ 5 4 — —DRY DENSITY(P.C.F.)110.9 122.1 123.9 MOISTURECONTENT <.'/,)6.7 12.8 7.6 Figure A-86 Log of Boring BM 34, page 1 of 2 T> CROR SAMPLE SYMBOLS D... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B ..., STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAHPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. PROJECT NO. 04787-12-01 I. li '"'DEPTH IN FEET - 32 - - 34 - — - if. —JO - - 38 - - 40 - - - 42 - — 4 A A ~ _ Af. _40 SAMPLE NO. BM34 BM34 -9 BM34 -10 BM34 -11 BM34 -19 ao c t- H J • •: : : • : ; : • • : : 1 '. ; :: -. : : tu <X 1 0 (3 SOIL CLASS (USCS) CL SM BORING BM 34 ELEV. (MSL) 210 DATE COMPLETED 1/15/92 EQUIPMENT E-100 BUCKET RIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION i -Sharp irregular contact N2h, bNW ' -1/8 to 1/4 inch moist to daihp cfay at co~ntact" Very stiff to hard, damp to moist, dark green CLAYSTONE: micaceous from 28.2 to 32 feet, thinly bedded below 32 feet -Gradational contact' • • i Dense, damp, Ifghf green to Ughf brown, Siltv. fine to medium SANDSTONE: massive with abundant cross bedding, orange oxide staining -Becomes fine to coarse at 36 feet -Cross beds N10W, 15SW at 37 feet -8 inch thick continuous highly weathered concretionary bed at 42 feet; irregular shape, some dark brown clay developed from weathering within the concretion, clay not continuous BORING TERMINATED AT 46 FEET H § H ill K Oz S° UJ ry Qo. "• •" y ~ 9 - "" 8 - _ ™ ~ 3 > go > C'tr w Q 103.4 115.3 UjX gfe 2 2*-oo 16,0 15.3 Figure A-87 Log of Boring BM 34, page 2 of 2 CROR - t SAMPLE SYMBOLS D... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) & ... CHUNK SAMPLE 51 ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. s^^Jfe^SSS^^i^^r&i^^evKfc^QaSSss^a&oa APPENDIX E SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES for VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 06403-12-03 Project No. 06403-12-01 200 50 Village of La Costa - Greens Cut Slope 1 1.871 PL 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Distance (ft) 450 600 Description Qcf Ts B.P.S. Unit Weight (pcf) 130 130 130 Friction Angle (degrees) 25 30 10 Cohesion (psf) 300 300 100 File Name: La Costa GreensWLd .sip Figure E-2 Project No. 06403-12-01 liJ 200 Village of La Costa - Greens Cut Slope 2 2.278 PL Qcf 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Distance (ft) 400 450 500 550 600 Description Qcf Ts B.P.S. Unit Weight (pcf) 130 130 130 Friction Angle (degrees) 25 30 10 Cohesion (psf) 300 300 100 File Name: La Costa Greens\VLC2.slp Figure E-3 Project No. 06403-12-01 Village of La Costa - Greens Cut Slope 3 2.167 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Distance (ft) 450 500 Description Qcf Ts B.P.S. Unit Weight (pcf) 130 130 130 Friction Angl (degrees) 25 30 10 s Cohesion (psf) 300 300 100 File Name: La Costa Greens\VLC3.slp Figure E-4 Project No. 06403-12-01 Village of La Costa - Greens Cut Slope 4 1.797 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Distance (ft) Description Ts Fault Unit Weight (pcf) 130 130 Friction Angl (degrees) 30 10 j Cohesion (psf) 300 100 File Name: La Costa Greens\VLC4.slp Figure E-5 Project No. 06403-12-01 50 Village of La Costa - Greens Cut Slope 5 1.731 Qcf 100 150 200 250 300 350 Distance (ft) 400 450 500 550 600 Description Qcf Ts B.P.S. Unit Weight (pcf) 130 130 130 Friction Angl (degrees) 25 30 10 j Cohesion (psf) 300 300 100 File Name: La Costa Greens\VLC5.slp Figure E-6 APPENDIX F RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS for VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 06403-12-01 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL 1.1. These Recommended Grading Specifications shall be used in conjunction with the Geotechnical Report for the project prepared by Geocon Incorporated. The recom- mendations contained in the text of the Geotechnical Report are a part of the earthwork and grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. 1.2. Prior to the commencement of grading, a geotechnical consultant (Consultant) shall be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for substantial conformance with the recommendations of the .Geotechnical Report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the Consultant provide adequate testing and observation services so that he may determine that, in his opinion, the work was performed in substantial conformance with these specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assist the Consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes so that personnel may be scheduled accordingly. 1.3. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions such as questionable soil materials, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, and so forth, result in a quality of work not in conformance with these specifications, the Consultant will be empowered to reject ~ the work and recommend to the Owner that construction be stopped until the unacceptable conditions are corrected. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. Owner shall refer to the owner of the property or the entity on whose behalf the grading work is being performed and who has contracted with the Contractor to have grading performed. 2.2. Contractor shall refer to the Contractor performing the site grading work. i 2.3. Civil Engineer or Engineer of Work shall refer to the California licensed Civil Engineer or consulting firm responsible for preparation of the grading plans, surveying and verifying as-graded topography. GI rev. 8/98 2.4. Consultant shall refer to the soil engineering and engineering geology consulting firm retained to provide geotechnical services for the project. 2.5. Soil Engineer shall refer to a California licensed Civil Engineer retained by the Owner, * who is experienced in the practice of geotechnical engineering. The Soil Engineer shall be „ responsible for having qualified representatives on-site to observe and test the Contractor's m work for conformance with these specifications. "«•2.6. Engineering Geologist shall refer to a California licensed Engineering Geologist retained by the Owner to provide geologic observations and recommendations during the site « grading. m ^ 2.7. Geotechnical Report shall refer to a soil report (including all addenda) which may include a geologic reconnaissance or geologic investigation that was prepared specifically for the development of the project for which these Recommended Grading Specifications are intended to apply. •«m 3. MATERIALS •(•*«# 3.1. Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any soil excavated from the cut areas or imported to the site that, in the opinion of the Consultant, is suitable for use in construction **" of fills. In general, fill materials can be classified as soil fills, soil-rock fills or rock fills, as defined below. '*=** 3.1.1. Soil fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension and containing at least 40 percent by weight of _ material smaller than 3/4 inch in size. 4BI 3.1.2. Soil-rock fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 4 •* feet in maximum dimension and containing a sufficient matrix of soil fill to allow « for proper compaction of soil fill around the rock fragments or hard lumps as specified in Paragraph 6.2. Oversize rock is defined as material greater than 12 inches.*** 3.1.3. Rock fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 3 feet * in maximum dimension and containing little or no fines. Fines are defined as „ material smaller than 3/4 inch in maximum dimension. The quantity of fines shall be less than approximately 20 percent of the rock fill quantity. a/oa 3.2. Material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise unsuitable nature as determined by the Consultant shall not be used in fills. 3.3. Materials used for fill, either imported or on-ste, shall not contain hazardous materials as defined by the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 30, Articles 9 and 10; 40CFR; and any other applicable local, state or federal laws. The Consultant shall not be responsible for the identification or analysis of the potential presence of hazardous materials. However, if observations, odors at soil discoloration cause Consultant to suspect the presence of hazardous materials, the Consultant may request from the Owner the termination of grading operations within the affected area. Prior to resuming grading operations, the Owner shall provide a written report to the Consultant indicating that the suspected materials are not hazardous as defined by applicable laws and regulations. 3.4. The outer 15 feet of soil-rock fill slopes, measured horizontally, should be composed of properly compacted soil fill materials approved by the Consultant. Rock fill may extend to the slope face, provided that the slope is not steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) and a soil layer no thicker than 12 inches is track-walked onto the face for landscaping purposes. This procedure may be utilized, provided it is acceptable to the governing agency, Owner and Consultant. 3.5. Representative samples of soil materials to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Consultant to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and, where appropriate, shear strength, expansion, and gradation characteristics of the soil. 3.6. During grading, soil or groundwater conditions other than those identified in the Geotechnical Report may be encountered by the Contractor. The Consultant shall be notified immediately to evaluate the significance of the unanticipated condition 4. CLEARING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED 4.1. Areas to be excavated and filled shall be cleared and grubbed. Clearing shall consist of complete removal above the ground surface of trees,, stumps, brush, vegetation, man-made structures and similar debris. Grubbing shall consist of removal of stumps, roots, buried logs and other unsuitable material and shall be performed in areas to be graded. Roots and other projections exceeding 1-1/2 inches in diameter shall be removed to a depth of 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Borrow areas sfeall be grubbed to the extent necessary to provide suitable fill materials, i r,T rev. 8/98 4.2. Any asphalt pavement material removed during clearing operations should be properly disposed at an approved off-site facility. Concrete fragments which are free of reinforcing steel may be placed in fills, provided they are placed in accordance with Section 6.2 or 6.3 of this document. 4.3. After clearing and grubbing of organic matter or other unsuitable material, loose or porous soils shall be removed to the depth recommended in the Geotechnical Report. The depth of removal and compaction shall be observed and approved by a representative of the Consultant. The exposed surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. 4.4. Where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 6:1 (horizontakvertical), or where recommended by the Consultant, the original ground should be benched in accordance with the following illustration. TYPICAL BENCHING DETAIL Finish Grade Remove All Unsuitable Material As Recommended By Soil Engineer Original Ground Finish Slope Surface Slope To Be Such That Sloughing Or Sliding Does Not Occur Vanes •B" See Note 1 See Note 2 - No Scale DETAIL NOTES:(1) Key width "B" should be a minraum of 10 feet wide, or sufficiently wide to permit complete coverage with tire compaction equipment used. The base of the key should be graded horizontal, at inclined slightly into the natural slope. (2) The outside of the bottom key should- be below the topsoil or unsuitable surficial material and at least 2 feet into dense fonnational material. Where hard rock is exposed in the bottom of the key,, the depth and configuration of the key may be modified as approved by the Consultant. 4.5. After areas to receive fill have been cleared, plowed or scarified, the surface should be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from large clods. The area should then be moisture conditioned to achieve the proper moisture content, and compacted as recommended in Section 6.0 of these specifications. 5. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 5.1. Compaction of soil or soil-rock fill shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot or segmented-steel wheeled rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of acceptable compaction equipment. Equipment shall be of such a design that it will be capable of compacting the soil or soil-rock fill to the specified relative compaction at the specified moisture content. 5.2. Compaction of rock fills shall be performed in accordance with Section 6.3. B. PLACING, SPREADING AND COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIAL 6.1. Soil fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.1, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.1.1. Soil fill shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that, when compacted, should generally not exceed 8 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to obtain uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. The entire fill shall be constructed as a unit in nearly level lifts. Rock materials greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension shall be placed in accordance with Section 6.2 or 6.3 of these specifications. 6.1.2. In general, the soil fill shall be compacted at a moisture content at or above the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557-91. 6.1.3. When the moisture content of soil fill is below that specified by the Consultant, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is in the range specified. 6.1.4. When the moisture content of the soil fill is above the range specified by the Consultant or too wet to achieve proper compaction, the so/7 fill shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading/mixing, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the range specified. 6.1.5. After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio (expressed in percent) of the in-place dry density of the compacted fill to the maximum laboratory dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Dl557-91. Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area, and compaction equipment shall make sufficient passes so that the specified minimum relative compaction has been achieved throughout the entire fill. 6.1.6. Soils having an Expansion Index of greater than 50 may be used in fills if placed at least 3 feet below finish pad grade and should be compacted at a moisture content generally 2 to 4 percent greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 6.1.7. Properly compacted soil fill shall extend to the design surface of fill slopes, To achieve proper compaction, it is recommended that fill slopes be over-built by at least 3 feet and then cut to the desiga grade. This procedure is considered preferable to track-walking of slopes, as described in the following paragraph. 6.1.8. As an alternative to over-building of slopes, slope faces may be back-rolled with a heavy-duty loaded sheepsfoot or vibratory roller at maximum 4-foot fill height intervals. Upon completion, slopes should then be track-walked with a D-8 dozer or similar equipment, such that a dozer track covers all slope surfaces at least twice. 6.2. Soil-rock fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.2, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.2.1. Rocks larger than 12 inches but less than 4 feet in maximum dimension may be incorporated into the compacted soil fill, but shall be limited to the area measured 15 feet minimum horizontally from the slope face and 5 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the deepest utility, whichever is deeper. 6.2.2. Rocks or rock fragments up to 4 feet in maximum dimension may either be individually placed or placed in windrows. Under certain conditions, rocks or rock fragments up to 10 feet hi maximum dimension may be placed using similar methods. The acceptability of placing rock materials greater than 4 feet in maximum dimension shall be evaluated dining grading as specific cases arise and shall be approved by the Consultant prior to placement. GI rev. 8/98 6.2.3. For individual placement, sufficient space shall be provided between rocks to allow for passage of compaction equipment. 6.2.4. For windrow placement, the rocks should be placed in trenches excavated in properly compacted soil fill. Trenches should be approximately 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep in maximum dimension. The voids around and beneath rocks should be filled with approved granular soil having a Sand Equivalent of 30 or greater and should be compacted by flooding. Windrows may also be placed utilizing an "open-face" method in lieu of the trench procedure, however, this method should first be approved by the Consultant. 6.2.5. Windrows should generally be parallel to each other and may be placed either parallel to or perpendicular to the face of the slope depending on the site geometry. The minimum horizontal spacing for windrows shall be 12 feet center-to-center with a 5-foot stagger or offset from lower courses to next overlying course. The minimum vertical spacing between windrow courses shall be 2 feet from the top of a lower windrow to the bottom of the next higher windrow. 6.2.6. All rock placement, fill placement and flooding of approved granular soil in the windrows must be continuously observed by the Consultant or his representative. 6.3. Rock fills, as defined in Section 3.1.3., shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.3.1. The base of the rock fill shall be placed on a sloping surface (minimum slope of 2 percent, maximum slope of 5 percent). The surface shall slope toward suitable subdrainage outlet facilities. The rock fills shall be provided with subdrains during construction so that a hydrostatic pressure buildup does not develop. The subdrains shall be permanently connected to controlled drainage facilities to control post-construction infiltration of water. 6.3.2. Rock fills shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 3 feet. Placement shall be by rock trucks traversing previously placed lifts and dumping at the edge of the currently placed lift. Spreading of the rock fill shall be by dozer to facilitate seating of the rock. The rock fill shall be watered heavily during placement. Watering shall consist of water trucks traversing in front of the current rock lift face and spraying water continuously during rock placement. Compaction equipment with compactive energy comparable to or greater than that of a 20-ton steel vibratory roller or other compaction equipment providing suitable energy to achieve the .,,,.--_..„,„„„.„..,,,.„ GT rev. 8/98 required compaction or deflection as recommended in Paragraph 6.3.3 shall be utilized. The number of passes to be made will be determined as described in Paragraph 6.3.3. Once a rock fill lift has been covered with soil fill, no additional rock fill lifts will be permitted over the soil fill. 6.3.3. Plate bearing tests, in accordance with ASTM Dl 196-64, may be performed in both the compacted soil fill and in the rock fill to aid in determining the number of passes of the compaction equipment to be performed. If performed, a minimum of three plate bearing tests shall be performed in the properly compacted soil fill (minimum relative compaction of 90 percent). Plate bearing tests shall then be performed on areas of rock fill having two passes, four passes and six passes of the compaction equipment, respectively. The number of passes required for the rock fill shall be determined by comparing the results of the plate bearing tests for the soil fill and the rock fill and by evaluating the deflection variation with number of passes. The required number of passes of the compaction equipment will be performed as necessary until the plate bearing deflections are equal to or less than that determined for the properly compacted soil fill. In no case will the required number of passes be less than two. 6.3.4. A representative of the Consultant shall be present during rock fill operations to verify that the minimum number of "passes" have been obtained, that water is being properly applied and that specified procedures are being followed. The actual number of plate bearing tests will be determined by the Consultant during grading. In general, at least one test should be performed for each approximately 5,000 to 10,000 cubic yards of rock fill placed. 6.3.5. Test pits shall be excavated by the Contractor so that the Consultant can state that, in his opinion, sufficient water is present and that voids between large rocks are properly filled with smaller rock material. In-place density testing will not be required in the rock fills. 6.3.6. To reduce the potential for "piping" of fines into the rock fill from overlying soil fill material, a 2-foot layer of graded filter material shall be placed above the uppermost lift of rock fill. The need to place graded filter material below the rock should be determined by the Consultant prior to commencing grading. The gradation of the graded filter material will be determined at the time the rock fill is being excavated. Materials typical of the rock fill should be submitted to the Consultant in a timely manner, to allow design of the graded filter prior to the commencement of rock fill placement. GT rev. 8/98 6.3.7. All rock fill placement shall be continuously observed during placement by representatives of the Consultant. 7. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 7.1. The Consultant shall be the Owners representative to observe and perform tests during clearing, grubbing, filling and compaction operations. In general, no more than 2 feet in vertical elevation of soil or soil-rock fill shall be placed without at least one field density test being performed within that interval. In addition, a minimum of one field density test shall be performed for every 2,000 cubic yards of soil or soil-rock fill placed and compacted. 7.2. The Consultant shall perform random field density tests of the compacted soil or soil-rock fill to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the fill material is compacted as specified. Density tests shall be performed in the compacted materials below any disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that specified, the particular layer or areas represented by the test shall be reworked until the specified density has been achieved. 7.3. During placement of rock fill, the Consultant shall' verify that the minimum number of passes have been obtained per the criteria discussed in Section 6.3.3. The Consultant shall request the excavation of observation pits and may perform plate bearing tests on the placed rock fills. The observation pits will be excavated to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the rock fill is properly seated and sufficient moisture has been applied to the material. If performed, plate bearing tests will be performed randomly on the surface of the most-recently placed lift. Plate bearing tests will be performed to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the rock fill is adequately seated. The maximum deflection hi the rock fill determined in Section 6.3.3 shall be less than the maximum deflection of the properly compacted soil fill. When any of the above criteria indicate that a layer of rock fill or any portion thereof is below that specified, the affected layer or area shall be reworked until the rock fill has been adequately seated and sufficient moisture applied. 7.4. A settlement monitoring program designed by the Consultant may be conducted in areas of rock fill placement. The specific design of the monitoring program shall be as recommended in the Conclusions and Recommendations section of the project Geotechnical Report or in the final report of testing and observation services performed during grading. m „.,,, fi/oa 7.5. The Consultant shall observe the placement of subdrains, to verify that the drainage devices have been placed and constructed in substantial conformance with project specifications. 7.6. Testing procedures shall conform to the following Standards as appropriate: 7.6.1. Soil and Soil-Rock Fills: Field Density Test, ASTM D1556-82, Density of Soil In-Place By the Sand-Cone Method. Field Density Test, Nuclear Method, ASTM D2922-81, Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). Laboratory Compaction Test, ASTM D1557-91, Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using J 0-Pound Hammer and 18-Inch Drop. Expansion Index Test, Uniform Building Code Standard 29-2, Expansion Index Test. 7.6.2. Rock Fills Field Plate Bearing Test, ASTM Dl 196-64 (Reapproved 1977) Standard Method for Nonrepresentative Static Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, For Use in Evaluation and Design of Airport and Highway Pavements. 8. PROTECTION OF WORK 8.1. During construction, the Contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. Drainage of surface water shall be controlled to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control features have been installed. Areas subjected to erosion or sedimentation shall be properly prepared in accordance with the Specifications prior to placing additional fill or structures. 8.2. After completion of grading as observed and tested by the Consultant, no further excavation or filling shall be conducted except iti conjunction with the services of the Consultant. 9. CERTIFICATIONS AND FINAL REPORTS 9.1. Upon completion of the work, Contractor shall furnish Owner a certification by the Civil Engineer stating that the lots and/or building pads are graded to within 0.1 foot vertically of elevations shown on the grading plan and that all tops and toes of slopes are within 0.5 foot horizontally of the positions shown on the grading plans. After installation of a section of subdrain, the project Civil Engineer should survey its location and prepare an as-built plan of the subdrain location. The project Civil Engineer should verify the proper outlet for the subdrains and the Contractor should ensure that the drain system is free of obstructions. 9.2. The Owner is responsible for furnishing a final as-graded soil and geologic report satisfactory to the appropriate governing or accepting agencies. The as-graded report should be prepared and signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer experienced in geotechnical engineering and by a California Certified Engineering Geologist, indicating that the geotechnical aspects of the grading were performed in substantial conformance with the Specifications or approved changes to the Specifications. GI rev. 8/98 UPDATE SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE GREENS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA VOLUME II OF II PREPARED FOR REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA JUNE 25, 2001