HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 14-08; LOT 9 WESTIN; SWMM MODELING TO DETERMINE LID SIZES FOR HYDROMIFICATION; 2016-10-26I SWMM MODELING TO DETERMINE LID SIZES FOR HYDROMODIFICATION COMPLIANCE LOT 9 D EVELC)PMENT, CARLS BAD CA 92008 DATE: January 23, 2015 Rev.1:May12,2015 Rev. 2: October 26, 2016 Prepared For: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. 5900 PASTEUR COURT, SUITE 200 CARLSBAD , CA 92008 Telephone: 760-431-8500 Prepared By: ,~:r.,~~ RECJF: VE APR O 3 201 ENGINEERING 440 STATE PLACE ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 TEL: (760)745-8118 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING U) ·-U) > 0 C <( C 0 ·-I 0 u ·-I I ·--0 0 E 0 ~ -0 .... -Table of Contents - -.. -• ---• - .. -----------• - • - • - • INTRODUCTION Section I Section II Section Ill Section IV SectionV Section VI Section VII Pre-and Post-Development Model Setup ............................................................................ 4 System Representation ........................................................................................................... 7 Continuous Simulation Options ............................................................................................. 11 Bio-retention As LID Control .................................................................................................. 12 Running the Simulation .......................................................................................................... 21 Result Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 21 Summary and Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 33 ATTACHEMENTS Attachment A SWMM Drainage Management Area Map Attachment B SWMM Statistics Analysis, Flow Duration Curve and Pass/Fail Table Attachment C SWMM Input Data Summary and Detail 1 -• -• -• -• -• -• -• ------------.. • ------ INTRODUCTION This report provides Hydromodification and Water Quality design based on LID (Low Impact Development) principles for the proposed Westin hotel and timeshares on the west side of The Crossing Drive Cul-de-sac, approximately 560 ft north from the intersection of Grand Pacific Drive and The Crossing Drive. The site is approximately 3.60 acres with graded pad with impervious asphalt slurry in existing condition located in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. The Hydromodification and Water Quality calculations were performed utilizing continuous simulation analysis to size the storm water treatment and control facilities. Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) version 5.0 distributed by USEPA is the basis of all calculations within this report. SWMM generates peak flow recurrence frequencies and flow duration series statistics based on an assigned rain gauge for pre- development, unmitigated post-development flows and post-development mitigated flows to determine compliance with the State Water Resources Control Board Order R9-2007-0001 and the County wide Model Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP) and Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) requirements. The developed project is comprised of several tributary areas directed to five bio-retention basins (BMP 1-5) . There are three points of compliances (OUTFALL B,C and D). This system detains storm water in the basin surface and also in the underdrain reservoir. Bio-retention filters storm water through plant roots and a biologically active soil mix, and then releases it into the existing storm drain system which currently collects the sites storm flows. The resulting mitigated outflows are shown to be equal to or less than all continuously simulated storms based on the historical data collected from the Oceanside rain gage. Low Flow Threshold A downstream channel assessment has not been completed for this project and therefore the low flow threshold utilized for the system analysis is 10% of 2-year storm event (0.1Q2). This will be used as the low flow threshold to meet peak flow frequency and flow duration controls. Soil characteristics No percolation tests were conducted for this project, however based on Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Map this project is categorized as 47% soil type B loamy sand and 53% soil type Dor low infiltration rate soil with clay texture assumption. This is the most conservative approach due to an incomplete soil investigation conducted for this project. The USDA NRCS soil texture classification was used to determine the average soil capillary suction, saturated hydraulic conductivity rate and the soil initial moisture deficit. 2 I I • t; ... ... I ' II z z :S,, WMW .. I ~z ~ lo Q l I l~ C ~ ~ i M ~ Js ~ l I 9 f j i i~ I 8 1i • ; ~ l .. f ~ j I r ~ !! ~ i n "Tl r i 66' I I !i i C: !""" ~g :c ; 11 < Q. I .., n'~ 0 ti 0 a.s. ~ '8 n i~ VI I 2. -~ G) J .., 0 r: C: 'O I Ii I I II I i I I I w•2w I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION I. MODEL SETUP Pre-development Model Setup The SWMM model for this projects pre-development site is analyzed using historical rain gauge data. The Oceanside gauge is utilized for this project. That data provides continuous precipitation input to a sub- catchment with its outfall based on the contributing basins imperviousness. The imperviousness parameter in SWMM is the amount of effective or directly connected impervious area. The effective impervious area is the impervious area that drains directly to the Stormwater conveyance system. The pre-development condition is a vacant area with impervious pad, a water tower and some shrubs with no trees. For the purpose of this study, the site is assumed to have 90% of impervious surface in the existing condition, except some spots that were used to be a slope. Approximately 100% of the on-site area has been disturbed and compacted (vehicle access). Post-Development Model Setup The proposed project is a hotel and timeshare condominium units consist of buildings, road access, underground parking lot and pool area. Please refer to Attachment A for detailed impervious/pervious area and the point of compliance locations. The Stormwater runoff is treated and mitigated by means of bioretention system. (see Fig-2 below). Figure 3a through 3f illustrates each contributing basin discharging its overland flow directly into the bio- retention system. Each bio-retention layer section has a similar configuration as seen as in the detail drawing below. There is no actual elevation entered in the program. The bottom elevation of the bio-retention surface storage is assumed at O ft. J' Srai'AIMAN 0//flET l'!1i PUN fOP(TIJASIV £l/Y l'!1i PUN Fig-2. Typical Bio-retention Section METCl'!lil'UN 4 ------- oceans Cle-!:> Ut> r 121 , ·'Nr ~; ..... ' ......... ~ ,- PfeiP.)S[l) IH:.:J'I~' H(J,U t Fig.3a -SWMM Post-Development with Mitigation Model for POC B Eill -~ - -- 5 -C. r-~ f ~ '"(.' . ~- ~ .. - - - ' - Oteanside-SID67 f2J ·~ STD-BMP3 Fig.3b -SWMM Post-Development with Mitigation Model for POC C 6 .. - - - - .. -- - I, J ..,.,.,. __ . ' I - - \ \ \ \ ,, \ ~-\ POC-0 .-1. ,,, .. ··>' \~ ' , ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' Fig.3c -SWMM Post-Development with Mitigation Model for POC D . . ' ' ' ' - --- - - - - -&;:31 - Oceanside-S1067 12) 7 E:m I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,, (!ti' w a. ... I V, ~ ~ ~ ""O -, It> I C, It> < It> 0 "C 3 It> ::::s ..+ ~ 0 a. ~ -0 -, ""O 0 n 0:, :::-,,.. 00 0 0 .. .. :, rn~ ~ Sl ..... II • \g C') ... a,, ";' ....... ~, •' -•' ,• -.:;\_ ,, . ' ' ' . ' , " '', ~ . \ ' '. '. . ~ ' . ' ' ' ' J ' l I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 0 a. ti) o' ~ ID " / • ~~....,,,~ . ..L... .... -J_ . • ~· I • ( ;I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '~ • • I • I ·-I I -n ~· w -I I Vl ~ ~ ~ I ""C .... tl) I 0 tl) < I tl) 0 "O 3 tl) :::, ..+ ~ 0 C. ~ I o' .... ""C 0 n 0 I ~ L I I ~ Ill :, ~ii ~ S? ... I I .... 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION II. SYSTEM REPRESENTATION SWMM is a distributed model, which means that a study area can be subdivided into any number of irregular sub-catchments to best capture the effect that spatial variability in topography, drainage pathways, land cover, and soil characteristics have on runoff generation. For modeling of Hydromodification calculations, there are four main system representations: Rain gage, Sub-catchment (contributing basin or LID area), Nodes and Links. lime Series Oceanside 0 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 Bapsed Tirre {hours) Fig. 4 -Time series rain data, which corresponds to runoff estimates for each of the 508,080 time steps (each date and hour) of the 58-year simulation period. (Inches/hour vs. elapsed time) Rain Gauge The properties of a rain gauge describe the source and format of the precipitation data that are applied to the study area. In this project, the rainfall data consist of a long-term rainfall record stored in a user- defined Time Series labeled as "Oceanside" rain gauge station. The Oceanside rain station was chosen due to its data quality and its location to the project site. The rain gauge supplies precipitation data for one or more sub-catchment areas in a study region taken from the Project Clean Water website (www.projectcleanwater.org). This data file contains rainfall intensity, hourly-recorded time interval, and the dates of recorded precipitation each hour. The Oceanside rain data has approximately 58 years of hourly precipitation data from 8/28/1951 to 5/23/2008 and generates 58 years of hourly runoff estimates, which corresponds to runoff estimates for each of the 508,080 time steps (each date and hour) of the 58 year simulation period. See figure 1 for hourly precipitation intensity graph for 58 years in inches. Sub-catchment (contributing basin or LID area) A basin is modeled using a sub-catchment object, which contains some of the following properties: 11 ---• -• -• --• -• -• -----• .. --• -• -• -• Rain Gauge The rate of stormwater runoff and volume depends directly on the precipitation magnitude and its spatial and temporal distribution over the catchment. Each sub-catchment in SWMM is linked to a rain gauge object that describes the format and source of the rainfall input for the sub-catchment. Area This area is bounded by the sub-catchment boundary. Its value is determined directly from maps or field surveys of the site or by using SWMM's Auto-length tool when the sub-catchment is drawn to scale on SWMM's study area map. This Project is divided into several sub-catchments based on its outfall. Width Width can be defined as the sub-catchment's area divided by the length of the longest overland flow path that water can travel. When there are several such paths, one would use an average of their lengths to compute a width. If overland flow is visualized as running down -slope off an idealized, rectangular catchment, then the width of the sub-catchment is the physical width of overland flow. In natural areas, true overland flow can only occur for distances of about 500 feet before it begins to consolidate into a small stream flow. In post-development, the true overland flow can be very short before it is collected into open channels. A maximum overland flow of 500 ft is appropriate for a non- urban catchment, while the typical overland flow length is appropriate for non-urban catchments; the typical overland flow length is the length from the back of a representative lot to the center of the street for urban catchments. If the overland flow length varies greatly within a sub-catchment, then an area- weighted average should be used. Slope This is the slope of the land surface over which runoff flows and is the same for both the pervious and impervious surfaces. It is the slope of what one considers being the overland flow path or its area- weighted average if there are several paths in the sub-catchment. Imperviousness This is the percentage of a sub-catchment area covered by impervious surfaces such as sidewalks and roadways or whatever surfaces that rainfall cannot infiltrate. Roughness Coefficient The roughness coefficient reflects the amount of resistance that overland flow encounters as it runs off of the sub-catchment surface. Infiltration Model The pre-development condition is primarily a barren land with the dirt roads. Some minor areas have been developed with pavement. Based on the hydrology manual this area was grouped as soil type B and D. In the model, clay soil was used for the post-development condition and the pre-development condition for a conservative approach. Infiltration of rainfall from the pervious area of a sub-catchment 12 I I I I I I I I into the unsaturated upper soil zone can be described using three different infiltration models: Horton, Green-Ampt, and NRCS Curve-Number. The Green-Ampt method was chosen to calculate the infiltration of the pervious areas based on the availability of data for this project. It is invoked when editing the infiltration property of a sub-catchment. Table 1 -Soil Infiltration Parameter SWMM Paramct1..·r Unit Range u~e in S:m Diego Name Suction I lead 1 nches (Grec:n-Ampt) 1.93 -12.60 prcsenred I lyclrologic Soil Group A: 1.5 in Table A.2 of S\X'/'\IM Hydrologic Soil Group 13: 3.U Conductivity (Green ,\mpt) I nicfal Dcficic (Green-,\ mpt} fanual flydrologic Soil Group C: 6.0 Hrdrologic Soil Group D: 9.0 Inches pt:r hour 0.01 -4.74 presented in Table ,\.2 of S\'fM\l Manual by soil tcimirc cla"S O.fK) -~0.45 prc .. cnrcd in Table ,\.3 ofS\'fl\t\l l\lanual by hydrolo~ic soil group The difference between soil porosity :ind inicial moisture content. Based on the t·alues prO\~idcd in Table A.2 of S\X'MM l\fannal, the range for complcrd)• dry soil would be 0.097 to 0.375 l lydrolugic Soil Group A: 0.3 f lydrologic Soil Group B: n.2 Hydrologic Soil Group C: 0.1 Hydrologic Soil Group D: 0.025 r-.:ote: reduce conductivity by 25",~, in the post-project condition when nauve soils will be compacted. Conducci,·ity mar al"o be reduced by 25n,.,, m the prc-dc,·dopmcnt condition model for rcdc,·clopmcnt areas that arc currently concrete or asphalt but must be modeled accordin~ to their undcrlyini ~oil characteri~rics. for fill !ioils in post project condition, sec Section G.1.4.3. Hydrologie Soil Group A: 0.30 Hydrologic Soil Group B: 0.31 1 lydrologic Soil Group C: 0.32 Hyclrologic Soil Group 0: 0.33 Note: in long-term continuous !-imulation, this \·aluc is not important a~ the soil will reach c:quilibrium after a few storm event.s regardless of the initial moisture contem specified. Groundwater yes/no yes/no NO UD Controls Snow Pack Land Uses Initial Buildup Curb I .cngth Project Specific Not applicable to h)dromodiflcation management studies Source: Model BMP Design Manual San Diego Region Appendices, February 2016 13 - "'" .... •• •• •• ... •• .... •• ... •• .... •• • • --• -- --- LID controls Utilizing LID controls within a SWMM project is a two-step process that: Creates a set of scale-independent LID controls that can be deployed throughout the study area, Assign any desired mix and sizing of these controls to designated sub-catchments. The LID control types selected were bio-retention cells that contain vegetation grown in an engineered soil mixture placed above a gravel drainage bed and Linear Sand Filtration trenches. Bio-retention and Sand filter provides storage, percolation, infiltration (not applicable for this project due to soil type D) and evaporation of both direct rainfall and runoff captured from surrounding areas. For this project, we do not allow infiltration to the existing/filled soil. SECTION Ill. CONTINUES SIMULATION OPTIONS Simulation Dates These dates determine the starting and ending dates/times of a simulation and are chosen based on the rain data availability. Start analysis on 08/01/1951 Start Reporting on 08/01/1951 End Analysis on 05/23/2008 Time Steps The Time Steps establish the length of the time steps used for runoff computation, routing computation and results reporting. Time steps are specified in days and hours: minutes: seconds except for flow routing which is entered as decimal seconds . Climatology -Evaporation Data The available monthly evaporation data for project area was obtained from the California Irrigation Management Information System "Reference Evapotranspiration Zones" brochure and map (CIMIS ETo Zone Map), prepared by California Department of Water Resources, dated January 2012. Project site falls in "Zone 4" South Coast Inland Plains based on CIMIS ETo Zone map . Table 2 -Zone 4 Monthly Evaporation data (in/day) January February March April May June 0.060 0.080 0.110 0.150 0.170 0.190 July Augustus September October November December 0.190 0.180 0.150 0.110 0.080 0.060 14 - ---• -• -• -• -• ------... -- • - - • - SECTION IV. BIO-RETENTION AS LID CONTROL LID controls are represented by a combination of vertical layers whose properties are defined on a per- unit-area basis. This allows an LID of the same design but differing coverage area to easily be placed within different sub-catchments of a study area. During a simulation, SWMM performs a moisture balance that keeps track of how much water moves between and is stored within each LID layer. If the bio-retention basin is full and water is leaving the upper weir, the flow is divided in two flows: the lower flow discharging from the bottom orifice directly draining to the point of compliance and the upper flow is routed at the top of the bio-retention basin and after routing, discharged to the point of compliance. In this project, we used 100% of the area of this specific sub-catchment for bio-retention. l. Surface Storage Depth When confining walls or berms are present, this is the maximum depth to which water can pond above the surface of the unit before overflow occurs (in inches). The surface storage depth is set to 6". The storm water fills up the soil mix and the gravel storage. When soil starts saturating, the storm water is routed to SWMM storage tool. Storage is modeled based on the bioretention surface storage, see Section V. Modeling surface storage. Vegetation Volume Fraction Vegetation Volume Fraction is the fraction of the volume within the storage depth that is filled with vegetation. This is the volume occupied by stems and leaves, not their surface area coverage. According to San Diego County BMP Design Manual this volume can be ignored. Therefore, the value of O for the vegetation volume fraction was used . Surface Roughness Manning's n value for overland flow over the surface of a vegetative swale was based on San Diego County BMP Design Manual. Manning's value of O (n=O) was used for the brush roughness. Surface Slope Slope of porous pavement surface or vegetative swale (percent) was considered as O percent for bio- filtration based on San Diego County BMP Design Manual. 2.Soil Thickness The thickness of the soil layer (inches). A typical thickness of a rain garden, or 18", was used for the ponds to promote taller type vegetation. Porosity Porosity is the volume of pore spaces relative to the total volume of soil (as a fraction). The maximum porosity value of 0.40 was used for soil mix to reach the most efficient percolation rate (see Table G.1-7 below) . 15 - ----- • -• -• • -----.. -.. ------ Field Capacity Volume of pore water relative to total volume after the soil has been allowed to drain fully (as a fraction). Value of 0.2 was used for the soil as no vertical drainage of water through the soil layer occurs below this value. (See Table 1-Soil Infiltration Parameter). Wilting Point Volume of pore water relative to total volume for a well-dried soil where only bound water remains (as a fraction). The moisture content of the soil cannot fall below this limit. Conductivity Hydraulic conductivity for the fully saturated soil is 5 inches/hour. This is a design minimum value for percolation rate. Conductivity Slope Slope of the curve of log (conductivity) versus soil moisture content (dimensionless). Typical values range from 5 for sands to 15 for silty clay. The conductivity slope is 5 since the soil was designed to have a very good percolation rate. Suction Head The average value of soil capillary suction along the wetting front (inches). Loamy Sand was considered for approximately 10% clay content and sedimentation collected during a rain event, therefore the suction head will be 1.5 inches . 3. Storage Layer The Storage Layer page of the LID Control Editor describes the properties of the crushed stone or gravel layer used in bio-retention cells as a bottom storage/drainage layer. The following data fields are displayed: Height this is the thickness of a gravel layer (inches). Crushed stone and gravel layers are 18-30 inches thick including 3" filter course. Void Ratio The volume of void space relative to the volume of solids in the layer. Typical values range from 0.5 to 0.75 for gravel beds. Note that porosity= void ratio/ (1 + void ratio). We designed this void ratio to have a value of 0.67. Seepage rate The rate at which water infiltrates into the native soil below the layer (in inches/hour). This would typically be the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the surrounding sub-catchment if Green-Ampt infiltration is used. However due to fill soil on this project, therefore impervious liner is utilized to prevent water infiltration to the soil. Clogging Factor Total volume of treated runoff it takes to completely clog the bottom of the layer divided by the void volume of the layer. A value of O was used to ignore clogging due to insignificant seepage rate. 17 """ - - """ --• -• - ., • -• -• -• ---- --• ---• 4. Underdrain Layer Height of any underdrain piping above the bottom of a storage layer (inches). In this project, this value was set to O as the underdrain piping is at the bottom of the storage layer. LID storage layers can contain an optional underdrain system that collects stored water from the bottom of the layer and conveys it to a conventional storm drain. The Underdrain page of the LID Control Editor describes the properties of this system. It contains the following data entry fields: Underdrain C Factor Equations Based on the slotted drain example in the SWMM Drain Advisor (EPA SWMM 5.1 Help/Contents/Reference/Special Dialog Forms/LID Editors/LID Control Editor/LID Drain System/Drain Advisor) the underdrain coefficient C is the ratio of the orifice area {total slot area) to the LID area times a constant {60,000). SWMM Ex: If the drain consists of slotted pipes where the slots act as orifices, then the drain exponent would be 0.5 and the drain coefficient would be 60,000 times the ratio of total slot area to LID area. For example, drain pipe with five 1/4" diameter holes per foot spaced 50 feet apart would have an area ratio of 0.000035 and a drain coefficient of 2 . The 60,000 constant in the above example corresponds to the combined constants in the standard orifice equation: {Standard Orifice Equation) q=CoAofig ./h (cfs) and {SWMM Underdrain Equation {per unit area)) q=q/AuD or q=CoAo;Auofig ./h (cfs/sf) With a Co=0.6 and converting .Jfg to units of inches and hours the constant becomes 60,046. So the underdrain C factor per unit area of the LID becomes: C=60, 046 Ao/AuD (in A 1/2 /hr) and q=C*hl/2 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 3 -Summary of Bioretention Drain Coefficient AREA ORIFICE GRAVEL BMP NAME C (SQFT) (IN) (IN) BMP-1 937 0.5 18 0.089 BMP-2 374 0.5 18 0.223 BMP -3 1956 0.5 18 0.043 BMP-4 763 0.5 18 0.109 BMP-5 216 0.5 9 0.385 STUDY RESULTS The above values of SWMM "C" factor, which is directly related to the orifice size, and the Divider flow rate which is also a function of the underdrain orifice size, are put into the SWMM model. After running the SWMM input files with the SWMM program and then doing a statistical comparison of the pre and post development conditions, the results of the statistical analysis show that the project passes hydromodification requirements using the above orifice sizing and soil layer depths. 5. Modeling Bio-retention surface ponding The main elements used to design surface ponding in SWMM are storage units (labeled as BMP#) with orifice and weir outlets. Sto111ge Curve Editor Curve Name STO-bmp3 Description Area (ft2) 1009 1.85 1956 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 View ... load ... Save ... OK Cancel Help Sto111ge Curve Viewer 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 ... -, Jo.a 0.6 0.4 0.2 Storage Curve STO-bmp3 Ol_~...l::==================~L_____J [ CopyTo ... j Print j [ Close 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I Storage Units Storage units are drainage system nodes that provide storage volume. Physically they could represent storage facilities as small as a catch basin or as large as a lake. The volumetric properties of a storage unit are described by a function or table of surface area versus height. Storage volume is described by a storage curve, an evaporation factor and a maximum depth of storage. Detention pipe as hydromodification flowrate reduction Two (2) underground detention pipe systems utilize 42" (adjacent BMP-5/POC-B) and 36" (adjacent to BMP-3/POC-C). However only 42" detention pipe was used to analyze hydromodification at POC-B. The other detention pipe was analyzed for peak flow 100 year storm event analysis only. This detention pipe stores storm water and releases it through a controlled outlet or holds it with a controlled small flow rate. A bypass system is provided to allow bigger Stormwater to be conveyed to the downstream. In SWMM, this system is modeled by storage node, a weir and an orifice. The weir is representing a metal plate installed in the cleanout box as shown on the detail below and the orifice is representing a rectangular opening at the bottom of the plate. The main elements used to design ponding in SWMM are storage units with orifice and weir outlets. 1. Storage Units Storage units are drainage system nodes that provide storage volume. Physically they could represent storage facilities as small as a catch basin or as large as a lake. The volumetric properties of a storage unit are described by a function or table of surface area versus height. Storage volume is described by a storage curve, zero evaporation factor and a maximum depth of storage. Storage Curve Editor Curve Name STO-pipe Description l 3 3 4 .4 5 .5 6 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1J Area (ft2) 263 365 441 502 551 594 630 662 689 711 731 Vi-... I Load... J Save ... OK Cancel Help Figure 5 -Example Storage Curve for Storage Unit Storage Curve Viewer 3 25 g 2 ! 1.5 0.5 Storage Curve STO-pipe I CopyTo ... j Print I ( Close 20 - • - ·- - - • -• -• -• ------ • -• -• -• .. • Depth vs. area represents a sloped pipe. Water surface in tilted pipe has different phases or shape: parabolic, trapezoidal or ellipse depending on the steepness of the pipe. 2. Orifices SWMM's orifice-type link can be used to represent the opening along the side or bottom of the storage unit that serves as an outlet. The upstream node of the orifice is the storage unit while its downstream node would be a junction that connects it to a downstream conduit. A circular shaped orifice was selected to drain the ponding water. 3. Weirs A Rectangular-shaped weir was used to represent the weir at the stand box riser. 21 -• -• -• -• -• -• -• --- • - - • - • - • -• -• SECTION V. RUNNING THE SIMULATION In general, the Run time will depend on the complexity of the watershed being modeled, the routing method used, and the size of the routing time step used. The larger the time steps, the faster the simulation, but the less detailed the results. Model Results SWMM's Status Report summarizes overall results for the 58-yr simulation. The runoff continuity error is -5.31 % and the flow routing continuity error is 0.00%. When a run completes successfully, the mass continuity errors for runoff, flow routing, and pollutant routing will be displayed in the Run Status window. These errors represent the percent difference between initial storage+ total inflow and final storage+ total outflow for the entire drainage system. If they exceed some reasonable level, such as 10 percent, then the validity of the analysis results must be questioned. The most common reasons for an excessive continuity error are computational time steps that are too long or conduits that are too short. In addition to the system continuity error, the Status Report produced by a run will list those nodes of the drainage network that have the largest flow continuity errors. If the error for a node is excessive, then one should first consider if the node in question is of importance to the purpose of the simulation. If it is, then further study is warranted to determine how the error might be reduced . The SWMM program ranks the partial duration series, the exceedance frequency and the return period. They are computed using the Weibull formula for plotting position. See the flow duration curve and peak flow frequency on the following pages . SECTION VI. RESULT ANALYSIS Development of the Flow Duration Statistics The flow duration statistics are also developed directly from the SWMM binary output file. It should be noted right from the start that the "durations" that we are talking about in this section have nothing to do with the "storm durations" presented in the peak flow statistics section. Other than using the same sequence of letters for the word, the two concepts have nothing to do with each other and the reader is cautioned not to confuse the two. The goal of the flow duration statistics is to determine, for the flow rates that fall within the hydromorphologicaly significant range, the length of time that each of those flow rates occur. Since the amount of sediment transported by a river or stream is proportional to the velocity of the water flowing and the length of time that velocity of flow acts on the sediment, knowing the velocity and length of time for each flow rate is very useful. 23 ·-• -• ---• -• -• -• -• ... • -• -• -----• ------ Methodology The methodology for determining the flow duration curves comes from a document developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The first stop on the journey to find this document was a link to the USGS water site (http://www.usgs.gov/water/). This link is found in Appendix E (SDHMP Continuous Simulation Modeling Primer), found in the County Hydromodification Management Plan1• On this web site a search for "Flow Duration Curves" leads to USGS Publication 1542-A, Flow-duration curves, by James K. Searcy 1959 (http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/wsp1542A). In this publication the development of the flow duration curves is discussed in detail. In Pub 1542-A, beginning on page 7 an example problem is used to illustrate the compilation of data used to create the flow duration plots. A completed form 9-217-c form shows the monthly tabulation of flow rates for Bowie Creek near Hattiesburg, Miss. For each flow range the number of readings is tabulated and then the total number of each flow rate is totaled for the year. It should be noted that while this example is for a stream with a minimum flow rate of lOOcfs, for the purposes of run-off studies in Southern California the minimum flow rate of zero (0) cfs is the common low flow value. Once each of the year's data has been compiled the summary numbers from each year are transferred to form 9-217-d. On this form the total number of each flow rate is again totaled and the percentage of time exceeded calculated (as will be explained later under the discussion of our calculations). Once the data has been compiled a graph of Discharge Rate vs. Percent Time Exceeded is developed. As will be explained in the next section, the use of these curves leads to the amount of time each particular flow can be expected to occur (based on historical data). How to Read the Graphs2 Figure 1 shows a flow duration curve for a hypothetical development. The three curves show what percentage of the time a range of flow rates are exceeded for three different conditions: pre-project, post-project and post-project with storm water mitigation. Under pre-project conditions the minimum geomorphically significant flow rate is O.lOcfs (assumed) and as read from the graph, flows would equal or exceed this value about 0.14% of the time (or about 12 hours per year) (0.0014 x 36Sdays x 24 hour/day). For post-project conditions, this flow rate would occur more often -about 0.38% of the time (or about 33 hours per year) (0.0038 x 36Sdays x 24 hour/day). This increase in the duration of the geomorphically significant flow after development illustrates why duration control is closely linked to 1 FINAL HYDROMODIFICATION MANAGEMENT PLAN, Prepared for County of San Diego, California, March 2011, by Brown and Caldwell Engineering of San Diego. (http://www. projectclea nwater .org/i mages/stories/Docs/LDS/H MP /0311 SD HM P wAppend ices.pdf) 2 The graph and the explanation were taken directly from Appendix E of the Hydromodification Plan 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I protecting creeks from accelerated erosion. C5D ..--------, ---~ --+-lmper.;oos Flow (cfs) 070 t --Pre-Project Flow (cfs) --Post.Project v1 ligated flow (e's) - -Pre-Project 0.205 60 --Pre-Project 010 5D ---------------r --~------4-t 1- 1 + oio 0-20 l 01D·---- ODD +-~~--..-~~~.....-~~-T'"'~~~.....-~~-.-~~---.~~~-+-~~-1 o.e_ 0.05 0.10 0.15 0 20 025 o i:i 0.40 % Time Exceeded Figure 1. Flow Durofion Series Statistics fa-a Hypotutical Oevefopmem Sa,nario Development of Flow Duration Curves The first step in developing the flow duration curves is to count the number of occurrences of each flow rate. This is done by first rounding every non-zero flow value to an appropriate number of decimal places (say two places). This in effect groups each flow into closely related values or "bins" as they are referred to in publication 9-217d. Then the entire runoff record is queried for each value and the number of each value counted. The next step is to enter the results of the query into a grid patterned after form 9-217d. The data is entered in ascending order starting with the lowest flow first. The grid is composed of four columns. They are (from left to right) Discharge Rate, Number of Periods (count), Total Periods Exceeding (the total number of periods equal to or exceeding this value), and Percent Time Exceeded. Starting at the top row (row 1), the flow rate (which is often times zero) is entered with the corresponding number of times that value was found. The next column is the total number of values greater than or equal to that flow rate. For the first flow rate point, by definition all flow rate values are greater than or equal to this value, therefore the total number of runoff records of the rainfall record is entered here. The final column which is the percent of time exceeded is calculated by dividing the total periods exceeded by the total number of periods in the study. For the first row this number should be 100% For the next row (row 2), the flow rate, and the flow rate count are entered. The total number of periods exceeding for row 2 is calculated by subtracting Number of Periods of row 1 from the Total Periods Exceeding of line 1. This result is entered in the Total Periods Exceeding on row 2. As was the 25 ---• -• -• -• .. -• -• -• -.. .. ---• -• -• -• -• case for line 1, the final column is calculated by dividing the total periods exceeded by the total number of periods in the study. For the second row this number should be something less than 100% and continually decrease as we move down the chart. If all the calculations are correct, then everything should zero out on the last line of the calculations. The final step in developing the flow duration curves is to make a plot of the Discharge Rate vs. the Percent Time Exceeded. For the purposes of this report, the first value corresponding to the zero flow rate is not plotted allowing the graph to be focused on the actual flow rate values. The Flow Duration Analysis The Peak Flow Statistics analysis is composed of the following series of files: 1. The Flow Duration Plot 2. Comparison of the Un-Mitigated Flow Duration Curve to the Pre-Development Curve (Pass/Fail) 3. Comparison of the Mitigated Flow Duration Curve to the Pre-Development Curve (Pass/Fail) 4. The calculations for the Pre-Development flow duration curve development (USGS9217d) 5. The calculations for the Post-Development flow duration curve development {USGS9217d) 6. The calculations for the Mitigated flow duration curve development (USGS9217d) The Flow Duration Plot The Flow Duration Curves Plot is the plotting of all three (pre, un-mitigated and mitigated) sets of Discharge Rate vs. the Percent Time Exceeded data point pair lists. In addition to these curves horizontal lines are plotted corresponding to the 010 and Oit (low flow threshold) values. Within the geomorphically significant range (010 -Oit) one can see a visual representation of the relative positions of the flow duration curves. The flow duration curves are compared in an East/West {horizontal) direction to compare post development Discharge Rates to pre-development Discharge Rates. The pre- development curve is plotted in blue, the unmitigated curve is plotted in red, and the mitigated curve is plotted in green. As long as the post development curve lies to the left of the pre-development curve (mostly3), the project meets the peak flow hydromodification requirements . Pass/Fail comparison of the curves The next two sets of data are the point by point comparison of the post-development curve(s) and the pre-development curve. The Pass/Fail table is helpful in determining compliance since the plotted lines can be difficult to see at the scales suitable for use in a report. Each point on the post-development curve has a corresponding "Y" value {Flow Rate), and "X" value {% Time Exceeded). For each point on the post development curve, the "Y" value is used to interpolate the corresponding Percent Time Exceeded (X) value from the pre-development curve. Then the Post-development Percent Time Exceeded value is compared to the pre-development Percent Time Exceeded value. Based on the relative values of each point, pass/fail criteria are determined point by point . 3 See hydromodification limits for exceedance of pre-development values 26 .. ., -• -• -• -• -• • -• -• -----• -• ---• -• - -• For each set of data, the upper right hand header value shows the name of the file being displayed (ex. flowDurationPassFailMitigated.TXT). The first line of the file shows the name of the SWMM output file (* .out). The next line shows the time stamp of the SWMM file that is being analyzed. The time stamps of all of the report files should be within a minute or two of each other, otherwise there may have been tampering with the files. Each report run creates and prints all of the files and reports at one time so all the time stamps should be very close . The first column is the zero based number of the point. The next two columns show the post development "X" and "Y" values. The next column shows the value interpolated between the two bounding points on the pre-development curve. The next three columns show the true or false values of the comparison of the two "X" values. The last column shows the resultant pass or fail status of the point. There are three ways a point can pass. They are: 1. (lpost being outside of the geomorphically significant range <lit to 010 2. (lpost being less than Clµre 3. (lpost being less than 110% of the value of Clµre if the point is between <lit and 010 There are two ways that a point can fail. They are: 1. (lpost being greater than 110% of Clµre if the point is between <lit and 010 2. If more than 10% of the points are between 100% and 110% of Qpre for the points between <lit and 010 A quick scan down the last column will quickly tell if there are any points that fail. At the bottom of each set of data are the date stamp of the report to the left, and to the right is the page number/number of pages for the specific set of data (not the pages of the report I). Each new set of data has its own page numbering. Between the file name in the header row and the page numbering in the footer row, the engineer can readily scan the document for the data of interest. Plan Check Suggestions As was described under the peak flow section, is the responsibility of the reviewing agency to confirm that the data sets presented are valid results from consistent calculations, and that any and all results can be duplicated by manual methods and achieve the same results. In light of these goals, the plan checker is invited to consider the following tasks as part of the plan check process. Compare the Data Stamps for Each of the Statistics Files Used In This Analysis . As was described in the Peak Flows section, all report files should have time stamps that are nearly identical. If the time values are more than a few minutes apart then the potential for inconsistent results files should be investigated. Verify the Flow Rate Counts For each of the pre, un-mitigate and mitigated flow duration tables, a few randomly selected flow value counts should be checked against the values taken directly from the SWMM file. This can be done by opening the corresponding SWMM file, selecting the outfall node, selecting Report>Table>By Object, 27 -· --.. • -• -• -• -• -• -• • ... --• -• -• -• -• -• -• Setting the time format to Date/Time, selecting the appropriate node value, and clicking the OK button to generate a table of the date/time/Total Inflow values. Next step is to click in the left most header row of the SWMM table which will select the entire table. Now from the main menu select Edit>Copy To>Clipboard. Now open a new blank sheet in MS Excel (or suitable spread sheet program) select cell Al and paste the results from the clipboard into the spread sheet. Now sort the values based on the Total Inflow column. This will group all the flow values together enabling the number of occurrences of each value to be counted. At this point the a few (or all) of the counts on the various USGS9217d.txt files can be verified . Manually Verify That the Percent Exceeded Values (form USGS9217d) are Correctly Calculated The discharge rates and counts are confirmed as was described above. The top row should be the smallest runoff value (O.OOcfs usually). Total Periods Exceeding of the first line should be the total number of rainfall records in the study. The percentage of Time Exceeding should be the total periods Exceeding divided by the total number of rainfall records in the study (100% for the first line). For each successive discharge rate, the total periods exceeding for the current line should be the total periods exceeding from the line above minus the number of periods from the line above. The number of periods and the number of periods exceeding should zero out at the last line . Compare Plotted Curves to Table Data Randomly check a few of the plotted points against the values verified above . Verify by Observation that the plotted values of 01oand Oit are reasonable. Verify that the correct values for each of these return periods are plotted correctly on the graph. Development of the Peak Flow Statistics The peak flow statistics are developed directly from the binary output file produced by the SWMM program. The site is modeled three ways, Pre-Development, Post-Development-Unmitigated, and Post- Development-Mitigated. For each of these files a specific time period differentiating distinct storms is chosen. The SWMM results are extracted and each flow value is queried. The majority of the values for Southern California sites are zero flow. As each successive record is read, as soon as a non-zero value is read the time and flow value of that record are recorded as the beginning of an event. The first record is automatically recorded as the "tentative" peak value. As each successive non-zero value is read and the successive flow value is compared to the peak value and the greater value is retained as the peak value of the storm. As soon as a successive number of zero values equal to the predetermined storm separation value, then the time value of the last non-zero value is recorded as the end of the storm, the duration of the storm is the difference between the end time and the start time, and the peak value is recorded as the highest flow value between the start and end times . Once the entire SWMM output file is read all of the distinct storm events will have been recorded in a special list. The storms will be in the order of their occurrence. To develop the peak flow statistics table the first step is to sort the storms in descending order of the peak flow value. Once the list is sorted then the relative rank of each storm is assigned with the highest ranking storm being the storm with the highest peak flow. There are several methods that can be used to determine which storm should be 28 ,,, ,.,. .... • -• -• -• -• -• -• -• ---• -• -- • -• .. • -• ranked above another equally valued storm. For the purposes of these studies an Ordinal ranking is used so that each storm has a unique rank number. Where two or more storms have equal flow values, the earlier storm is assigned the higher rank. This is done consistently throughout the storm record. Since we are only looking at peak flow statistics, it is assumed that the relative ranking of individual (but equal) storms is irrelevant to the calculations . The exceedance frequency and return period are both computed using the Weibull formula for plotting position. Therefore, for a specific event the exceedance frequency F and the return period in years Tare calculated using the following equations4: and T=n+l/m where m is the event's rank, nR is the total number of events and n is the number of years under analysis. Once the Peak flow statistics table is complete, a plot of Return Frequency vs. peak flow is created. All three conditions (pre, post and mitigated) are plotted on the same plot. The Peak Flow Statistics Analysis The Peak Flow Statistics analysis is composed of the following series of files: 1. The Peak Flow Frequency Plot 2. The Comparison of the Un-Mitigated Peak Flow Curve to the Pre-Development Curve (Pass/Fail) 3. The Comparison of the Mitigated Conditions Curve to the Pre-Development Curve (Pass/Fail) 4. The Peak Flow Statistics Calculation for the Pre-Development Curve . 5. The Peak Flow Statistics Calculation for the Un-Mitigated Curve. 6. The Peak Flow Statistics Calculation for the Mitigated Curve. The Peak Flow Frequency Plot The Peak Flow Frequency Curves are the plotting of all three (Pre, Un-Mitigated and Mitigated) sets of return Period vs peak flow data point pair lists. In addition to these curves horizontal lines are plotted corresponding to the 010, Os, Qi and Uit (low flow threshold) values. Within the geomorphically significant range (Q10 -Uit) one can see a visual representation of the relative positions of the peak flow curves. The peak flow curves are compared in a North/South (vertical) direction to compare post development peak flows to pre-development flows. The Pre-Development curve is plotted in blue, the unmitigated curve is plotted in red, and the mitigated curve is plotted in green. As long as the post development curve lies below the pre-development curve (mostly5), the project meets the peak flow hydromodification requirements. Pass/Fail comparison of the curves 4 Pg 169-170 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL APPLICATIONS MANUAL, EPA/600/R-09/000 July 2009 5 See hydromodification limits for exceedance of pre-development values 29 .... -.. -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -----• -• -• -• -• -• The next two sets of data are the point by point comparison of the post-development curve(s) and the pre-development curve. The Pass/Fail table is helpful in determining compliance since the plotted lines can be difficult to see at the scales suitable for use in a report. Each point on the post-development curve has a corresponding "X" value (Recurrence Interval), and "Y" value (Peak Flow). For each point on the post development curve, the "X" value is used to interpolate the corresponding peak flow value from the pre-development curve. Then the Post-development peak flow value is compared to the pre- development peak flow value. Based on the relative values of each point, pass/fail criteria are determined point by point . For each set of data, the upper right hand header value shows the name of the file being displayed (ex. peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT). The first line of the file also shows this value. The next line shows the time stamp of the file that is being analyzed. The time stamps of all of the report files should be within a minute or two of each other, otherwise there may have been tampering with the files. Each report run creates and prints all of the files and reports at one time so all the time stamps should be very close. It should be noted that the SWMM.out files will not have related time stamps since each file is developed independently. The first column is the zero based number of the point. The next two columns show the post development "X" and "Y" values. The next column shows the value interpolated between the two bounding points on the pre-development curve. The next three columns show the true or false values of the comparison of the two "Y" values. The last column shows the resultant pass or fail status of the point. There are three ways a point can pass. They are: 1. Point is outside of the geomorphically significant range 010 -Oit 2. Cli,ost being less than O pre 3. Cli,ost being less than 110% of the value of Cli,re if the point is between Us and 0106 There are four ways that a point can fail. They are: 1. Cli,ost being greater than Cli,re if the point is between Oit and Us 2. Cli,ost being greater than 110% of Cli,re if the point is between Oit and 010 3. If more than 10% of the points are between 100% and 110% of Cli,re for the points between Us and 010 4. If the frequency interval for points> 100% of Cli,re is greater than 1 year for the points between Us and 010 A quick scan down the last column will quickly tell if there are any points that fail. At the bottom of each set of data are the date stamp of the report to the left, and to the right is the page number/number of pages for the specific set of data (not the pages of the report!). Each new set of data has its own page numbering. Between the file name in the header row and the page numbering in the footer row, the engineer can readily scan the document for the data of interest . 6 See section on how a point can fail point number 3 hereon 30 - -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• ---• -• ---• -• -• -• The Peak Flow Statistics Calculations There are three sets of data for the Peak Flow Statistics calculations {Pre-Development, Un-Mitigated, and Mitigated). As was the case for the pass/fail data, the upper right hand corner of each sheet has the file name. The first row of the data is the SWMM file name. The second row is the SWMM file time stamp of the file being analyzed. The 4th, 5th, and 6th rows are the calculated values for 010, Os, and Qi. These values are derived by linear interpolation between the nearest bounding points in the listing. While the relationship between the points in the peak flow analysis is not technically a linear relationship, the error introduced in using linear interpolation between such relatively close data points is assumed to be irrelevant. Finally, the footer row shows the report time and the page/number of pages of the data set . As was previously discussed, each storm listed was determined by reading the flow values directly from the binary output file from the SWMM program. The storms were then sorted in descending order of peak flow values. Then each storm was assigned a unique rank, then the Frequency and Return Period were calculated using Weibull formulas. Every discharge value for the entire rainfall record is listed in each of these lists. It should be noted that the derivation of these peak flow statistics values use full precision {i.e. no rounding off) of the SWMM output values. Since the precision of the calculations may not be the same as the SWMM program uses, and also the assignment of rank to values of equal peak flow value may differ slightly from the way SWMM calculates the tables, minor variances in the data values and/or the order of storms can be expected. Finally, as was previously stated, the values of the Return Period were plotted vs. the peak flow values to develop the peak flow frequency curves. Compare the Data Stamps for Each of the Statistics Files Used In This Analysis . For each set of calculations and report files, the first step of the process is to list out all the files in the report folder and delete those files. The very first step leaves the reports folder completely empty. Then as each successive step is performed, the results file is placed in the reports folder. Once all of the results files are complete, then the report file is compiled using the data directly from the files placed in the results folder. This means that the time stamps on each of the report files in the report should be within a minute or two depending on the speed of the computer. If the time values are more than a few minutes apart then the potential for inconsistent results files should be investigated. Verify A Few Random Storm Statistics For each of the Pre, Un-mitigate and Mitigated peak flow statics tables, a few randomly selected storms should be checked against the values taken directly from the SWMM file. This can be done by opening the corresponding SWMM file, selecting the outfall node, selecting Report>Table>By Object, Setting the time format to Date/Time, selecting the appropriate node value, and clicking the OK button to generate a table of the date/time/Total Inflow values. Now scroll down the list to the start date and time of the randomly selected storm. Verify that the start date, end date, and the highest flow value between the start and end date correspond to the values shown in the statistics table. Do this for a few storm to 31 - -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• ---• -• -• • • -• -• verify that the data corresponds to the SWMM output file. Verify by hand a few of the frequency and return period values. Compare Plotted Curves to Table Data Randomly check a few of the plotted points against the values found in the Peak Flow Frequency Tables . Verify by Observation that the values of Q10, QS, Q2 and Q/f are reasonable. For each value shown on the reports, verify that the value shown for say QlO is in between the next higher return period and the next lower period. Also verify that the correct values for each of these return periods are plotted correctly on the peak flow frequency graph. Manually Verify That the Pass Fail Table Is Correctly Calculated Select at random several points on each of the pass/fail tables to verify that the values for post X/Y and interpolated Y look reasonable. Also check that the various test results are shown accurately in the chart and also the final pass/fail result looks accurate. Drawdown Time of Bio-retention Surface Ponding The drawdown time for hydromodification flow control facilities was calculated by assuming a starting water surface elevation coincident with the peak operating level in the bio-retention facility such as the elevation at the weir or the emergency spillway overflow. The instruction from the county of San Diego Department of Environmental Health (DEH} limits the drawdown time hydromodification flow control facilities to 96 hours. This restriction was implemented as mitigation to potential vector breeding issues and the subsequent risk to human health. Drawdown times were calculated based on the volume of the pond divided by Darcy's flow through a bioretention soil: q = kiA = k tit A V Therefore, T = -/3600 q Where: q= Flow rate (cfs} k=Bioretention percolation rate = 0.87 in/hr i=Hydraulic gradient (dimensionless) Llh=Total head lost (ft} t=Bioretention thickness (ft) A= Bioretention area (sqft} V=Volume of pond surface (cuft} T= Drawdown time (hrs} However, surface ponding is limited to 24 hours for plant health. Surface ponding drawdown time greater than but less than 96 hours may be allowed at the discretion of the City Engineer if certified by a landscape architect of agronomist (Appendix E: BMP design Fact Sheets page 66) . 32 """ .. -• -• ---• -• -• -• -• -• -• ---• -• -• -• - Table 4 -Drawdown Time at each LID AREA ORIFICE GRAVEL* DDT BMPNAME C (hrs) (SQFT) (IN} (IN} BMP-1 937 0.5 21 0.089 3.9 BMP-2 374 0.5 21 0.223 4.3 BMP-3 1956 0.5 21 0.043 65.0 BMP-4 763 0.5 21 0.109 15.4 BMP-5 216 0.5 12 0.385 2.8 *Note: gravel depth includes 3" dead storage at the bottom VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Hydromodification calculations were performed utilizing continuous simulation to size storm water control facilities. Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) version 5.0 distributed by USEPA was used to generate computed peak flow recurrence and flow duration series statistics. See Attachment B for complete graphs and table analysis for each POC. There are several tributary areas treated by bio-retention units labeled as BMP-# with a total tributary area listed in Table 5. Three (3) point of compliances (POCs) were analyzed for pre-development and mitigated post-development conditions located at the on-site downstream. Approximately 0.3 acres of tributary areas have been diverted from POC-D to POC-C to allow hydromodification passes. However, total areas for whole project area have remained the same between pre and post development conditions. Table 5 -Tributary Areas at Pre-Development and Post-Development Condition AREA PRE AREA POCNAME POST (AC) (AC) POC-B 0.32 0.32 POC-C 0.9 1.2 POC-D 1.5 1.2 The attached analyzed SWMM runs show that the proposed bio-retention facilities which have surface area summarized on Table 5 and 6 below is in compliance with the HMP/SUSMP from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) and California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region Order R9-2007-001. Table 6 -Flow Duration at Pre-Development and Post-Development Condition I POC NUMBER I PRE-DEV I POST-DEV 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POCB 2.3 (HRS/YR) 2.3 (HRS/YR) POCC 19.4 (HRS/YR) 14.4 (HRS/YR) POCD 17.9 (HRS/YR) 7.8 (HRS/YR) This study has demonstrated that the proposed optimized bio-retention is sufficient to meet the current HMP and SUSMP criteria. Flow Duration Curves -Pro Otwlopmtnl 0.15 -,i.-Ql0 (0 1!.9d•) ~ .e 0.10 GI ~ a: 0.05 3 0 ir 0.00 g 0 flow Ourebon PreOevelo9meM•365(dayl)>24{ht/doy)I0.027(%)-2.3(hou...._) -0.05 F .... °"'"'""' M.t,golod Pool ~•365(da,s),c24(1v"'8y)a0.D94(%)s8.2(~) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 (%) Percent Time Exceedance Fig.Sa -Flow Duration Curve for POC B 0.3 i 0.2 I a: 0.1 1 LL 0.0 -0.1 0.00 0.05 Flow Duration Curves 0.10 -Pre Dewlop,nert "'*" 010 (O 341011) 0.15 (%) Percent Time Exceedance Fig.Sb -Flow Duration Curve for POC C --~-\od Off (0.0097cts) 0.08 0.10 -f'otl Dewlop,nert Mligaled "'*" Olf (0 0224cft) 0.20 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I Flow Duration Curves -Pre Dcvetopmenl 010 (0.856cfs) 0.8 0.6 -J!! ~ 0.4 Cl> -ns O! ~ 0.2 0 U:: 0.0 -0.2 Flow Duration PreDovelopment=365(days)x24(hrlday).0.204(%)=17.9{tlours/year) FloW Ourntlon Mllgaled Po&l DeYelopmentz365(days)"24(tlrlday)lCO 090(%):7 ll(t>oursl)'ear) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 (%) Percent Time Exceedance Fig.Sc -Flow Duration Curve for POC D Table 7 -Summary of Bioretention sizes AREA ORIFICE SOIL GRAVEL DDT BMPNAME C (hrs) (SQFT) (IN} (IN) (IN) BMP-1 937 0.5 18 18 0.089 3.9 BMP-2 374 0.5 18 18 0.223 4.3 BMP-3 1956 0.5 18 18 0.043 65.0 BMP-4 763 0.5 18 18 0.109 15.4 BMP-5 216 0.5 18 9 0.385 2.8 -Post Oevetopmenl Mil•gatod Qlf (O 0636cfsl 0.20 Note: 3 inches minimum ponding is provided on each pond with 6 inch ponding capacity 35 -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• • -• .. • -• U') I C Q) E ..c u 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i Attachment A SWMM Drainage Management Areas 4, 1lc \ \ \ \ \ . . . • ' ' \ \ ·~-'\ /'\" \' I\ I I I \ er\ ~ ...... ------- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ------------------ I ' ,. I A '-- / // ,..,,. rt 1 !J ' { ~ ~//// ~$~ ~~ // ;,,,'///, DMAID DMA-1 DMA-2 DMA-3 DMA-4 DMA-5 DMA-6 DMA-7 DMA-8 DMA-9 DMA-10 DMA-11 DMA-12 DMA-13 OMA TYPE Drains to BMP DrainstoBMP Drains to BMP Drains to BMP Drains to BM P Self mitigating Self-mitigating Self-mitigating Self-mitigating Self-mitigating Self-mitigating De Minimis De Mfnimis Drains to BMP BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 BMP-4 BMP-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A POC POCD POCD POCC POC D POC B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROOF (sqft) 11433.00 0.00 . 20270.53 13952.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONCRETE (sqft) 5359.89 ' 0.00 8974.35 2375.55 238.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 423.65 ASPHALT (sqft) 0.00 6854.10 7393.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAVE RS (sqft) 0.00 1212.74 4103.58 0.00 5504.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0;00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 DEPTH ff) ClrOI/NO WA!Di' = A/OH£ THAN 51 FT PER CEOlECHN/CAL /NfESll(;AT!fJV PEHFC¥i'A/ElJ BY MllJl. 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TXT Compare Post-Development Curve to Pre-Development Curve post-development SWMM file: Q:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\Outfall B\3A-13070-MIT-POST-OUTFALLB4.out post-development time stamp: 10/24/2016 5:15:09 PM Compared to: pre-development SWMM file: Q:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\Outfall B\ 1-13070-Pre-OUTFALLB.out pre-development time stamp: 10/24/2016 2:55:40 PM ------r I I I ;.1 .0 &0 ~>!!< ,c;;.. &0 &0 cP ~ 0"5 0~ ! cP o\o ._...q_ I '-' ()0 I t-._...-r "<::> t-q_~ ~ " q_O<,; ~~ q_O<,; q_'-0 i o~o oe,; ._...-r q_~<,; cP oe,; o-Q FALSE ---FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Above Flow Control Upper Limit 0 58.00 0 0.24 1 29.00 0.09 0.19 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 2 19.33 0.06 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 3 14.50 0.04 0.17 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ~4 i 11.60 0.04 0.16 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ,__ 5 9.67 0.04 0.16 TRUE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre - 6 8.29 0.03 0.16 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 7 7.25 0.03 0.16 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 8 6.44 0.02 0.15 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 9 5.80 0.02 0.15 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --10 5.27 0.02 0.15 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ---11 4.83 0.01 0.14 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 12 4.46 0.01 0.13 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -----13 4.14 0.01 0.13 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ~--------14 3.87 0.01 0.13 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 15 3.63 0.01 I 0.13 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 16 3.41 0.01 0.13 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 17 3.22 0.01 0.12 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 18 3.05 0.01 0.12 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --~---19 2.90 0.01 0.12 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -~---·· 20 2.76 I 0.01 0.12 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ---· --- ___ 2_1 _____ 2.64 0.01 0.11 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 22 -~ 2.52 0.01 0.11 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 23 I 2.42 0.01 0.11 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 24 2.32 0.01 0.11 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -----25 2.23 0.01 0.11 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 26 2.15 0.01 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~27 2.07 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 28 2.00 I 0.01 i 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----29 1.93 : 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold - 30 1.87 0.01 0.09 ~ FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 31 1.81 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 32 1.76 0.01 0.09 I FALSE 1-FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 33 1.71 0.01 0.09 I FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 1/20 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I ~ 0 &0 I &0 <:P"0 ~ ~ I ~"" 0~ ~o o~ <:P <!,\o f<.'~ .,.,_q_ I ..,o <;I <::)0 .,.,_" I .,.,_-1 ," J q,o"" &-<::-q_ q_o<} q_<..0 ~o"" I ~o"" .,.,_-1 q_~ ." i I Io . o <:Po"' 34 i 1.66 0.01 0.09 FALSE -FALSE +-~~F~A-L~s=E--+P~a-s-s--~Q-oo,s-t~B-e~lo-w~F=10-w~C-on-t-ro~I =Tc--hr_e_sh~o~ld~-------1 35 i 1.61 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 36 1.57 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 37 1.53 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---38 1.49 O.Q1 I 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 39 1.45 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 40 1.42 , 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 41 1.38 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 42 1.35 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 43 1.32 0.01 ---0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 44 1.29 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 45 1.26 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,___ __ 46 1.23 I. 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 47 1.21 0.01 0.06 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---=---48-~---1.18 i 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 49 , 1.16 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~. 50 1.14 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -51 --1.12 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 52 1.09 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 53 1.07 i 0.01 0.06 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --54 1.06 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold :- 55 1.04 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 56 1.02 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- --57 -1.00 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---58 0.98 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---59 : 0.97 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -60 I 0.95 ! 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 61 0.94 0.01 -0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -62 0.92 0.01 -0.05 -FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --~--0.91 0.01 1 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --_64 ___ .. 0.89 0.01 1 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --. -65 0.88 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --66 : 0.87 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold O----:-~------~:!! 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I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ! i I I !..0 ~'!!< ... ~ 0 ~o !..0 !..0 cP ~ I 0~ 'l,.:;, 0~ cP o\o .,,_<l. .,,_<::J ()0 ~ ~.., ..._(:) j q_<.: ~ " q,o"" ~~ q,o"" <l.'0 o~o o"" ~.., q,'1? 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FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --·-·-150 0.38 0.01 -0.36 FALSE FALSE ... FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 151 0.38 i 0.01 -0.36 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -· 152 0.38 I 0.01 -0.37 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold - I 153 I 0.38 0.01 -0.37 FALSE I FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 154 r 0.37 0.01 -0.38 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 155 i 0.37 0.01 -0.38 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 156 --t---0.37 0.01 -0.39 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 157 0.37 0.01 -0.39 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 158 0.37 0.01 -0.39 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 159 0.36 0.01 ·i--0.40 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 4/20 ! I. 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FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 200 0.29 0.01 I -0.52 FALSE FALSE ---·--· FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 201 0.29 0.01 -0.53 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 5/20 t t i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ~'it< 10,,.~ ~o'<i T &0 ~ 0 0 &0 &0 <:fo '-j' ~ ~ O'l O'l o\o ,.,,o • (:)0 (:)0 10,,.t, 10,,.-, .......... t;;;j ' fa' 0 fa f,:j A i ~~ ~o ~' <:foo o'lo o~' I <:fo f<~ go ~'l>"' 1---202 0.29 0.01 -0.53 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold g_~--0.28 0.01 -0.53 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold BE204 _ _ 0.28 0.01 -0.53 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold _ 0.28 0.01 -0.54 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.28 0.01 -0.54 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 207 ---0.28 0.01 -0.54 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 208 0.28 0.01 -0.54 ! FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qp_ost Below Flow Control Threshold 209 0.28 0.01 -0.55 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 210 0.28 0.01 -0.55 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 211 -0.27 0.01 -0.55 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold l 212 0.27 _ 0.01 -0.55 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------I 213 0.27 0.01 ' -0.55 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 214 I __ 0.27 [ 0.01 : -0.56 FALSE FALSE FALSE __ Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I ~ 215 . 0.27 0.01 : -0.56 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 6 ----0.27 I 0.01 ,---0.56 FALSE -~ FALSE FALSE. Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 7 0.27 0.01 -0.56 FALSE •. FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 8 0.27 0.01 -0.56 FALSE FALSE FALSE -Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 9 0.26 0.01 -0.57 i FALSE FALSE FALSE . Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 220 -0.26 0.01 -0.57 : FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 221 1---0.26 0.01 -0.57 ! FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 222 : 0.26 1 0.01 -0.57 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 223 ____ _:_ 0.26 j 0.01 _ -0.57 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 224 ___ I 0.26 0.01 -0.58 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 225 l~-0.26 i 0.01 -0.58 FALSE FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control n,,e,hold 226 0.26 1 0.01 -0.58 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 227 0.25 0.01 -0.58 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.25 1 0.01 -0.58 FALSE FALSE FALSE --Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ... -----0.25 0.01 -0.59 FALSE FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 230 ---r 0.25 I 0.01 -0.59 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 231 0.25 0.01 -0.59 FALSE FALSE FALSE I Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 232 0.25 0.01 -0.59 I FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 233 0.25 0.01 -0.59 FALSE , FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 234--.. 0.25 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 235 --0.25 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold E_236 _ -~-0.25 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 237 0.24 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold . 238 0.24 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold . --239 0.24 0.01 -0.60 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I ~-240 0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE , FALSE FALSE Pass-Qp_ost Below Flow Control Threshold 242 0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold '---~-0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 6/20 r 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I t I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I i i.,0 :<...>!!< ,c;.. 0 ,:;.o i.,0 i.,0 cfo ~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ o\o "-q_ "-<J 90 "-" "-.., I ..._<:S i q_~ " q_O<,; ~~ q_O<,; q_'-0 oc,; oc,; "-.., q_'l><,; cfo 0~ oc,; I cfo 244 0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 245 0.24 0.01 -0.61 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 246 0.24 0.01 -0.62 ! FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 247 0.23 0.01 -0.62 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 248 0.23 0.01 -0.62 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----249 0.23 0.01 -0.62 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·--250 0.23 0.01 -0.62 FALSE ! FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 251 0.23 0.01 -0.62 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 252 0.23 0.01 -0.63 FALSE ! FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 253 0.23 0.01 -0.63 I FALSE --t--FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 254 0.23 0.01 -0.63 I FALSE FALSE. ! FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 255 0.23 0.01 -0.63 : FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 256 0.23 0.01 -0.63 I FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 257 0.23 0.01 -0.63 FALSE I FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow_ Control Threshold _ _ 258 0.22 0.01 -0.63 FALSE i FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ··-··----0.64 ! -FALSE -r FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 259 0.22 0.01 ---·· 260 0.22 0.01 -0.64 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·-261 I 0.22 0.01 -0.64 ! 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FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 274 0.21 0.01 -0.66 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 275 0.21 0.01 -0.66 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold .. 276 0.21 0.01 -0.66 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 277 0.21 0.01 -0.66 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 278 0.21 0.01 -0.66 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 279 0.21 0.01 -0.66 -l. FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 280 0.21 0.01 -0.67 ' FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~281 ----0.21 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 282 0.21 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---· 283 0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 284 I ·-t --· 0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 285 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 7/20 ! I 1 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ' I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ! ~0 ~>!!< i ,c;;.. 0 0 ~0 ~0 cfo ~ o\:S fl,..:;. fl,..:;. 0~ 0~ o\o ""'~ ~ ""''1 ..._I::> f i ~<: ""'<:;j <:;j ~ " ~o<,j ! ~~ ~o<,j ~,0 o~o o<,j ""''1 ~~ 0~ o<,j cfo 286 I 0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 287 I 0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 288 I 0.20 0.01 -0.67 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 289 I 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 290 I 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 291 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 292 0.20 I 0.01 -0.68 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 293 ' 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 294 I 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 295 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 296 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -----297 0.20 0.01 -0.68 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-------·--298 I 0.19 0.01 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 299 0.19 j___ 0.01 -0.69 FALSE I FALSE i FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----300 --I 0.19 0.01 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 301 ---r-----0.19 0.01 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---+ ' 302 ---+--0.19 i 0.00 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 303 0.19 0.00 -0.69 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 304 --~ 0.19 0.00 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~~------305 0.19 0.00 -0.69 FALSE ! FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 306 0.19 0.00 -0.69 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 307 0.19 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 308 ' 0.19 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -·-· 309 0.19 i 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --310 I 0.19 I 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold i 311 ' 0.19 I 0.00 I -0.70 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 312 I 0.19 I 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 313 i 0.19 i 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-314 0.18 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 315 0.18 ' 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-316 I 0.18 ' 0.00 -0.70 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~---317 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 318 --t----0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 319 , 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 320 -----t 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----321 I 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 322 I 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 323 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 324 I 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 325 I 0.18 0.00 -0.71 ' FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---326 -r-0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 327 I 0.18 0.00 -0.71 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass- Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 8/20 i ! ! 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FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 356 -t-0.16 I 0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE : FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 357 0.16 ------r-0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ... -----·-----~ 358 0.16 0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE : FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 359 0.16 0.00 -0.74 --FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -360 0.16 0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 361 0.16 0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 362 0.16 0.00 -0.74 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 363 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 364 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 365 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 366 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 367 ______J_ 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold . 368 0.16 0.00 -0.75 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 369 l 0.16 0.00 I -0.75 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 9/20 "' -i f i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering pea kFlowPassFa ii Mitigated. 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FALSE I FALSE i FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 455 i 0.13 0.00 I -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold >-. 456 0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold >-457 0.13 ' 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1-----45~8~_ 0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 459 0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1----4~6~0-0.13 --0.00 -0.80 FALSE -1--FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 461 ----0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~462 0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~63-0.13 0.00 -0.80 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 464 0.13 --0.00 -0.80 , FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 465 , 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ __ 4~6=6__ 1 0.12 0.00 I -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ __ 4~67~_ 1 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 468 i 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 469 -I 0.12 1 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold i----4=7~0----0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold - 471 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 472 --0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 473 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 474 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~-475----i=---0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 476 · 0.12 0.00 -0.81 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 477 0.12 0.00 I -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--478 1 1 0.12 0.00 1 -0.81 FALSE FALSE i FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 479 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold =--480 0.12 I _ 0.00 -0.81 FALSE , FALSE ___ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--481 __ 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 482 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -483 0.12 0.00 -0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 484 0.12 0.00 --0.81 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold o-----4~85 , 0.12 0.00 --0.81 -. 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FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f---·-----531 I 0.11 0.00 -0.83 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----r---+--532 0.11 0.00 -0.83 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 533 ~ 0.11 0.00 -0.83 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I I 534 0.11 -1 0.00 -0.83 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~· 0.11 ! 0.00 -0.83 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~~-5--i 1 I -0.00 ----· -0.83 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 536 . 0.11 ! -~ ------537 0.11 i 0.00 -0.83 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 13/20 "' §c-• *' "' ! • I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I ' ' I I I J ' I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I I I I I /..0 ~ i I /..0 &0 o~ ". ,s• ' ,,.0 I "° I cf' cf' ,t,· I r<l ,. . ,. , "'. 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FALSE FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -_ 620 --~---~~ 0.00 +-' ___ -0.86 -1 FALSE FALSE . =! __ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 621 · 0.09 0.00 , -0.86 : FALSE FALSE r FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 15/20 i l i • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I ' I I I I I I Excel Engineering I ! ,c;;.. 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FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 737 0.08 J 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~---738 0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----~~-0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --740 0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 741 - -0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-742 I 0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-~ 0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-744 0.08 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 745 0.08 i 0.00 -0.88 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 746 0.08 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-747 0.08 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 18/20 ' ! ! i I I I I I I I I I I I ' . 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FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 782 I 0.07 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 783 I 0.07 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 784 i O.Q7 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------785 O.Q7 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----786 0.07 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~ 0.07 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 788 0.07 I 0.00 -0.89 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·---·789 0.07 I 0.00 -0.89 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 19/20 :l: f .t ' t I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ! 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' ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I f I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv SWMM.out file name: 0:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\Outfall 8\ 1-13070-Pre-OUTFALLB.out SWMM.out time stamp: 10/24/2016 2:55:40 PM ____________________ ___, 010: 0.158 ---------------~ 05: 0.146 ----~ 02: 0.097 ----------------- Peak Flow Statistics Table Values ------------------ Rank I Start Date __ ___ End Date _ Duration _ ! Peak Frequency --Return Period --- i-----1-I 1995/01/0417:00:00 1995/01/04 22:00:00 6 0.24 1.04% 57 -----1 2 : 2003/02/25 17:00:00 2003/02/25 18:00:00 2 0.193 2.08% 28.5 - t-----3~-1958/02/04 03:00:00 1958/02/04 04:00:00 2 0.179 3.13°/o 19 4 I 1969/02/2515:00:00 1969/02/2517:00:00 3 0.171 4.17% 14.25 .----~5~-2005/02/18 21 :00:00 2005/02/18 22:00:00 -2 0.163 5.21 % 11.4 6 -1980/02/20 22:00:00 i -1980/02/20 23:00:00 --2 0.157 6.25% 9.5 --7 !I 1978/01/0416:00:00 1 1978/01/0417:00:0(? 2 0.157 7.29% 8.14 8 . 1980/03/02 21 :00:00 1980/03/02 22:00:00 2 0.155 8.33% 7.13 -9 , --1978/03/01 04:00:00 1978/03/01 07:00:00 I 4 0.155 9.38% 6.33 10 1958/04/01 15:00:00 1958/04/01 17:00:00 3 0.15 10.42% 5.7 11 1993/01/1404:00:00 1993/01/1405:00:00 2 0.15 11.46% 5.18 12 -~ 1952/11/1513:00:00 1952/11/1514:00:00 ; 2 0.141 12.50% 4.75 ---13---T 1952/01/1612:00:00 1952/01/1613:00:00 : 2 0.132 , 13.54% 4.39 14 -1 2000/10/29 22:00:00 2000/10/29 23:00:00 2 0.13 14.58% 4.07 15 1982/03/17 11 :00:00 1982/03/17 16:00:00 6 0.128 15.63% 3.8 -16 1983/02/2716:00:00 1983/02/2717:00:00 2 0.125 ---1-6.~67~01'~0----+-3-.5--6--------------, 17 1998/02/0317:00:00 i 1998/02/0318:00:00 2 0.125 17.71% 3.35 -- -18 2004/10/27 04:00:00 2004/10/27 05:00:00 2 0.123 18.75% 3.17 -19 : 1965/11/22 22:00:00 1965/11/22 23:00:00 2 0.122 19.79% 3 -------------1 _ 20 1 _ 197810211 o 04:00:00 1978102110 04:00:00 1 0.117 20.83% 2.85 21._ 1·: 1970/12/19 03:00:00 1970/12/19 03:00:00 : 1 0.116 21.88% 2.71 22 1998/02/23 17:00:00 1998/02/23 17:00:00 1 0.113 22.92% 2.59 t-----23----1983/01/29 00:00:00 1983/01/29 00:00:00 1 0.112 23.96% 2.48 -- t------2-4---1979/01/1513:00:00 --1979/01/1513:00:00 1 0.112 25.00% 2.38 --25 1980/02/1618:00:00 -1980/02/1618:00:00 1 0.111 26.04% 2.28 ~26 I 2004/10/20 09:00:00 I 2004/10/20 10:00:00 2 0.111 27.08% 2.19 -- ~27 ; 1998/02/1717:00:00 1998/02/1717:00:00 1 0.103 28.13% 2.11 - ~-28 I 2008/01/06 23:00:00 2008/01/07 00:00:00 2 0.1 29.17% 2.04 --~ __ 29 ~----_--1995/03/11 22:00:00 _ 1995/03/11 22:00:00 1 -0.094 30.21% 1.97·----------------l 30 1983/10/01 01 :00:00 1983/10/01 01 :00:00 1 I 0.094 31.25% 1.9 ----31 --1978/01/16 20:00:00 1978/01/16 21 :00:00 2 0.094 32.29% 1.84 ----~ -32 §--1980/01/29 01 :00:00 1980/01/29 03:00:00 3 0.094 33.33% 1. 78 33 1992/02/1217:00:00 1992/02/13 06:00:00 14 0.094 34.38% 1.73 --~-1991/02/2814:00:00 1991/03/0110:00:00 21 0.091 35.42% 1.68 ~-3-5--I 1991/12/30 00:00:00 1991/12/30 00:00:00 1 0.091 36.46% 1.63 36---i--2008/01/2716:00:00 I 2008/01/2716:00:00 1 0.089 37.50% 1.58 -~-----r-1993/02/08 01:00:00 1993/02/08 01:00:00 1 0.088 38.54% 1.54 -~-----r---1998/02/14 17:00:00 1998/02/14 17:00:00 -1 0.085 39.58% 1.5 ---39 ~004/12/3114:00:00 2004/12/3114:00:00 1 0.075 40.63% 1.46 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 1/3 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 11 II fl 11 I If I I I f I f ' Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ·-40 1998/02/22 17:00:00 ! 1998/02/22 17:00:00 1 0.072 41.67% 1.43 41 2002/11/0817:00:00 2002/11/08 17:00:00 1 0.072 42.71% 1.39 42 2003/02/12 17:00:00 2003/02/12 17:00:00 1 0.072 43.75% 1.36 43 1961/12/02 08:00:00 1961/12/02 08:00:00 1 0.071 44.79% 1.33 44 1993/01/18 09:00:00 1993/01/18 09:00:00 1 0.07 45.83% 1.3 1-----··-45 1958/02/19 13:00:00 1958/02/19 13:00:00 1 I 0.066 46.88% 1.27 ~----46 1986/02/15 00:00:00 1986/02/15 04:00:00 5 0.065 47.92% 1.24 -------47 ! 1965/12/10 08:00:00 1965/12/10 08:00:00 ' 1 0.063 48.96% 1.21 48 1980/01/11 06:00:00 1980/01/11 06:00:00 1 0.063 50.00% 1.19 ~ 49 1980/02/18 05:00:00 1980/02/18 05:00:00 1 0.063 51.04% 1.16 ·-------~ 50 1988/12/24 23:00:00 1988/12/24 23:00:00 1 0.063 52.08% 1.14 -·-51 1991/03/27 02:00:00 1991/03/27 02:00:00 1 0.063 53.13% 1.12 -· 52 2005/02/22 02:00:00 2005/02/22 02:00:00 1 0.063 54.17% 1.1 ·-53 2005/02/23 02:00:00 2005/02/23 02:00:00 1 0.063 55.21% 1.08 54 1963/09/18 20:00:00 1963/09/18 20:00:00 1 0.063 56.25% 1.06 .. ·-· 55 1979/01/06 03:00:00 1979/01/06 05:00:00 3 0.062 57.29% 1.04 ·-· 56 2005/01/11 02:00:00 2005/01/11 02:00:00 1 0.062 58.33% 1.02 ---· 57 2001/02/14 17:00:00 2001/02/14 17:00:00 1 0.059 59.38% 1 ! f-·· 58 2003/03/15 17 :00 :00 2003/03/1517:00:00 1 . 0.059 60.42% 0.98 -------- ·-59 1978/01/15 02:00:00 1978/01/15 02:00:00 1 0.057 61.46% 0.97 ~ 60 1977/08/17 02:00:00 1977/08/17 03:00:00 2 0.056 62.50% 0.95 61 I 1954/02/13 19:00:00 1954/02/13 21 :00:00 3 0.055 63.54% 0.93 ·-~ 62 1971/12/24 21 :00:00 1971/12/24 21 :00:00 1 0.053 64.58% 0.92 . ----63 1960/01/12 03:00:00 1960/01/12 04:00:00 0.053 0.91 ' 2 65.63% .../ -~ 64 I 1980/02/19 07:00:00 1980/02/19 07:00:00 1 0.052 66.67% 0.89 .. 65 I 1986/03/15 22:00:00 1986/03/15 22:00:00 1 0.052 67.71% 0.88 66 .. 1960/04/27 09:00:00 1960/04/27 09:00:00 1 j-· 0.052 68.75% 0.86 ·- 67 1994/02/04 09:00:00 1994/02/04 09:00:00 1 +-0.051 69.79% 0.85 -~ -·--------·-68 1968/03/08 08:00:00 1968/03/08 10:00:00 I 3 0.051 70.83% 0.84 . ·-69 1985/11/11 09:00:00 1985/11/11 09:00:00 1 0.051 71.88% 0.83 70 1993/01/15 15:00:00 1993/01/16 18:00:00 28 0.05 72.92% 0.81 71 1999/01/26 22:00:00 1999/01/26 22:00:00 1 0.05 73.96% 0.8 -----·--------~ 72 2005/01/09 18:00:00 2005/01/09 20:00:00 3 0.049 75.00% 0.79 73 1962/01/20 17:00:00 1962/01/20 18:00:00 2 0.048 76.04% 0.78 74 I 1993/02/19 19:00:00 1993/02/19 19:00:00 1 0.046 77.08% 0.77 ----· 75 2008/02/22 05:00:00 2008/02/22 07:00:00 3 0.044 78.13% 0.76 76 1983/03/01 14:00:00 1983/03/01 15:00:00 2 0.044 79.17% 0.75 77 1977/12/29 06:00:00 1977/12/29 06:00:00 1 0.043 80.21% 0.74 --------------------------1975/04/08 17:00:00 ·--· 0.043 ___ -----·~ 78 1975/04/08 17:00:00 1 81.25% 0.73 -79 2003/04/14 16:00:00 2003/04/14 16:00:00 1 0.039 82.29% 0.72 ---------·-I-----1959/02/11 10:00:00 0.038 ·-80 1959/02/1110:00:00 1 83.33% 0.71 -81 1959/12/24 12:00:00 1959/12/24 12:00:00 1 0.038 84.38% 0.7 82 2005/01/03 08:00:00 2005/01/03 09:00:00 2 0.037 85.42% 0.7 . 83 1972/01/16 22:00:00 1972/01/16 22:00:00 1 0.035 86.46% 0.69 .. 84 1966/12/05 07:00:00 1966/12/05 08:00:00 2 0.034 87.50% 0.68 ~--~--1952/12/02 01 :00:00 1952/12/02 01 :00:00 1 0.034 88.54% 0.67 86 1958/03/16 06:00:00 1958/03/16 06:00:00 1 0.032 89.58% 0.66 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 2/3 ' 11 II II II I I I I I I II II II II 1111 II I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank I Start Date End Date i I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 87 2004/02/26 07:00:00 2004/02/26 07:00:00 ' 1 0.032 90.63% 0.66 88 ' 1954/01/19 16:00:00 1954/01/19 17:00:00 2 0.031 91.67% 0.65 89 1957/01/13 05:00:00 1957/01/13 06:00:00 2 0.03 92.71% 0.64 90 1987/10/1211:00:00 1987/10/12 11 :00:00 1 0.03 93.75% 0.63 91 1980/02/14 03:00:00 1980/02/14 03:00:00 1 0.029 94.79% 0.63 92 1969/02/06 14:00:00 1969/02/06 14:00:00 1 0.026 95.83% 0.62 93 1997/01/13 05:00:00 1997/01/13 05:00:00 1 0.021 96.88% 0.61 94 1963/11/20 08:00:00 1963/11/20 08:00:00 1 0.018 97.92% 0.61 95 1952/03/15 20:00:00 1952/03/15 20:00:00 1 0.008 98.96% 0.6 -End of Data-----------------: 10/24/2016 5:16 PM 3/3 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II ti 111111 II I I r I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv SW MM.out file name: 0:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\Outfall B\3A-13070-MIT-POST-OUTFALLB4.out SWMM.out time stamp: 10/24/2016 5:15:09 PM ---010: 0.000 .. 05: 0.000 -~ 02: 0.000 -~ Peak Flow Statistics Table Values Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 1 1995/01/03 10:00:00 1995/01/09 11 :00 :00 146 0.194 0.12% 58 2 1980/01/28 02:00:00 1980/01/31 22:00:00 93 0.092 0.24% 29 3 I 1993/01/12 17:00:00 1993/01/20 04:00:00 180 0.055 0.36% 19.33 I .. -~ 4 ' 1969/02/22 05:00:00 1969/02/27 19:00:00 135 0.044 0.48% 14.5 ----5 1 1978/02/27 09:00:00 1978/03/05 14:00:00 150 0.043 0.61% 11.6 6 --i--1986/02/15 00 :00 :00 1986/02/17 13:00:00 62 0.038 0.73% 9.67 ------7 1982/03/17 07:00:00 i 1982/03/20 05:00:00 71 0.03 0.85% 8.29 8 1965/11/22 06:00:00 1965/11/2517:00:00 84 I 0.026 0.97% 7.25 9 1979/01/05 08:00:00 1979/01/08 07:00:00 72 ' 0.02 1.09% 6.44 10 1968/03/08 00:00:00 1968/03/10 11 :00:00 60 ! 0.02 1.21% 5.8 ------~ 11 2008/02/22 04:00:00 2008/02/25 01 :00:00 70 i 0.015 1.33% 5.27 -12 1991/02/27 19:00:00 1991/03/03 09:00:00 87 0.011 1.45% 4.83 13 2004/10/27 03:00:00 2004/10/29 13:00:00 59 ! 0.011 1.58% 4.46 14 2003/02/25 07:00:00 2003/02/28 08:00:00 74 0.011 1.70% 4.14 ---. 15 1980/01/09 04:00:00 1980/01/14 07:00:00 124 0.011 1.82% 3.87 --16 1996/11/21 17:00:00 1996/11/23 23:00:00 55 O.Q11 1.94% 3.63 .. 17 I 1978/01/14 18:00:00 1978/01/20 00:00:00 127 0.01 2.06% 3.41 .. 18 i 1958/02/03 07:00:00 1958/02/06 05:00:00 I 71 0.01 2.18% 3.22 --19 ' 1952/01/16 10:00:00 1952/01/1917:00:00 80 0.01 2.30% 3.05 ~·---· 20 1962/01/20 14:00:00 1962/01/23 08:00:00 67 0.01 2.42% 2.9 -· 21 2005/02/18 08:00:00 2005/02/24 23:00:00 160 0.01 2.55% 2.76 22 2005/01/07 09:00:00 2005/01/12 21 :00:00 133 O.Q1 2.67% 2.64 --23 2007/11/30 09:00:00 2007/12/02 15:00:00 55 0.01 2.79% 2.52 -24 1998/02/22 09:00:00 1998/02/25 19:00:00 83 0.01 2.91% 2.42 ---~ 25 1969/01/24 10:00:00 1969/01/29 05:00:00 116 0.01 3.03% 2.32 26 1958/04/01 10:00:00 1958/04/04 17:00:00 80 0.01 3.15% 2.23 -----27 2003/04/14 07:00:00 2003/04/16 15:00:00 57 0.01 3.27% 2.15 --- 28 I 1966/12/03 08:00:00 1966/12/07 21 :00:00 110 0.01 3.39% 2.07 29 ' 1977/08/16 22:00:00 1977/08/19 06:00:00 57 0.01 3.52% 2 30 ' 1980/02/13 15:00:00 1980/02/22 17:00:00 219 0.01 3.64% 1.93 31 I 1995/03/05 05:00:00 1995/03/07 14:00:00 58 I 0.01 3.76% 1.87 ~-32 i 1995/03/11 03:00:00 1995/03/13 13:00:00 59 0.009 3.88% 1.81 --··-33 I 1997/01/1217:00:00 1997/01/16 19:00:00 99 0.009 4.00% 1.76 ~--· 34 1991/12/2917:00:00 1991/12/31 15:00:00 47 0.009 4.12% 1.71 --35 2004/10/17 09:00:00 2004/10/22 04:00:00 116 0.009 4.24% 1.66 36 1978/02/05 13:00:00 1978/02/14 18:00:00 222 0.009 4.36% 1.61 -· 37 1983/12/24 12:00:00 1983/12/27 18:00:00 79 0.009 4.48% 1.57 38 1967/01/22 18:00:00 1967/01/25 18:00:00 73 0.009 4.61% 1.53 ~ 39 1992/02/12 15:00:00 1992/02/16 20:00:00 102 0.009 4.73% 1.49 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 1/18 l f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 111111111111 I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period --40 1998/02/03 07:00:00 1998/02/05 11 :00:00 53 0.009 4.85% 1.45 --41 1957/01/13 04:00:00 1957/01/14 20:00:00 41 0.009 ! 4.97% 1.42 42 2004/02/26 03:00:00 2004/02/27 20:00:00 I 42 I 0.009 5.09% 1.38 --43 1987/10/11 18:00:00 1987/10/14 05:00:00 i 60 0.009 5.21% 1.35 44 1987/12/16 15:00:00 1987/12/18 19:00:00 53 0.009 5.33% 1.32 ---45 ____ --1985/11/11 07:00:00 1985/11/13 10:00:00 52 0.009 5.45% 1.29 46 1980/03/02 21 :00:00 1980/03/04 20:00:00 48 ! 0.009 5.58% 1.26 47 1954/02/13 18:00:00 I 1954/02/15 11 :00:00 42 I 0.009 5.70% 1.23 48 --i 1985/11/29 08:00:00 --+-1985/11/30 23:00:00 5.82% 40 0.009 1.21 49 i 1983/02/26 09:00:00 1983/03/07 03:00:00 211 0.009 5.94% 1.18 -50 --+ 1967/12/18 18:00:00 1967/12/20 21 :00:00 0.009 6.06% 1.16 52 51 2000/10/29 22:00:00 2000/10/31 12:00:00 39 0.009 6.18% 1.14 -~ 52 1972/01/16 22:00:00 1972/01/20 01 :00:00 76 0.009 6.30% 1.12 ------53 1998/02/14 09:00:00 1998/02/20 06:00:00 142 0.009 6.42% 1.09 54 1971/12/22 09:00:00 1971/12/2613:00:00 101 0.009 6.55% 1.07 55 1956/01/25 19:00:00 1956/01/28 15:00:00 69 0.009 6.67% 1.06 ·---56 1979/01/14 22:00:00 1979/01/19 10:00:00 109 0.009 6.79% 1.04 57 1954/01/18 21 :00:00 1954/01/21 09:00:00 61 0.009 6.91% 1.02 58 1978/01/03 21 :00:00 1978/01/07 00:00:00 76 0.009 7.03% 1 -59 1977/01/05 17:00:00 1977/01/0811:00:00 67 0.009 I 7.15% 0.98 ------60 i 1960/01/10 13:00:00 1960/01/13 16:00:00 76 0.009 7.27% 0.97 -----61 ! 1975/04/08 10:00:00 1975/04/10 11 :00:00 50 0.009 I 7.39% 0.95 ----------62 . 1965/11/14 21 :00:00 1965/11/18 22:00:00 I 98 0.008 7.52% 0.94 63 i 1960/04/27 07:00:00 1960/04/28 19:00:00 37 I 0.008 7.64% 0.92 -64 2008/01/05 06:00:00 I 2008/01/08 11 :00:00 I 78 0.008 I 7.76% 0.91 65 · 1952/03/15 20:00:00 1952/03/17 19:00:00 48 I 0.008 7.88% 0.89 ~~~±=£ 1960/02/01 22:00:00 1960/02/03 09:00:00 36 0.008 8.00% 0.88 1970/12/17 02:00:00 1970/12/22 10:00:00 129 0.008 8.12% 0.87 ~-68 I 1986/11/17 20:00:00 1986/11/19 15:00:00 44 0.008 8.24% 0.85 -- 69 1961/12/01 22:00:00 1961/12/03 22:00:00 49 0.008 8.36% 0.84 ~70 1969/02/06 10:00:00 1969/02/07 23:00:00 38 0.008 8.48% 0.83 -71 1957/01/28 04:00:00 1957/01/30 20:00:00 65 0.008 8.61% 0.82 72 I 1956/04/12 23:00:00 1956/04/15 00:00:00 50 0.008 8.73% 0.81 -73 2004/12/28 10:00:00 --2005/01/01 19:00:00 106 0.008 8.85% 0.8 -- ~-I 1983/01/27 09:00:00 ---1983/01/30 11 :00:00 75 0.008 8.97% 0.78 ------74 ------75 1993/01/06 04:00:00 1993/01/09 02:00:00 71 0.008 9.09% 0.77 ---~---r------1963/09/17 08:00:00 1963/09/20 04:00:00 69 0.008 9.21% 0.76 -77 i 1963/03/17 00:00:00 1963/03/18 11 :00:00 36 0.008 9.33% 0.75 -- ~78 1952/03/07 10:00:00 1952/03/09 08:00:00 47 0.008 9.45% 0.74 -- ~ 1952/11/14 17:00:00 1952/11/17 08:00:00 64 0.008 9.58% 0.73 79 I ~-~0-----1963/11/20 05:00:00 1963/11/22 11 :00 :00 55 0.008 9.70% 0.73 81 1958/03/15 18:00:00 I 1958/03/1717:00:00 48 0.008 9.82% 0.72 ~82 1951/12/28 22:00:00 1951/12/31 19:00:00 70 0.008 9.94% 0.71 -83 1958/02/19 11 :00:00 1958/02/20 21 :00:00 35 0.008 10.06% 0.7 84 1993/02/07 23:00:00 1993/02/09 21 :00 :00 47 0.008 10.18% 0.69 --85 2003/02/11 13:00:00 2003/02/14 11 :00:00 71 0.008 10.30% 0.68 ------, 86 I 2005/01/03 08:00:00 2005/01/05 09:00:00 50 0.008 10.42% 0.67 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 2/18 i ,. I J II II 1111 II II II 11111111 II II II f I I I ' Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 87 I 1994/02/03 23:00:00 1994/02/05 16:00:00 42 0.008 10.55% 0.67 88 2005/02/11 05:00:00 2005/02/13 16:00:00 60 0.008 10.67% 0.66 -+-- 89 1954/11/11 02:00:00 1954/11/12 18:00:00 41 0.008 10.79% 0.65 90 I 1988/12/24 22:00:00 1988/12/26 04:00:00 31 ! 0.008 10.91% 0.64 ~-----I 1958/03/20 21 :00:00 --91 1958/03/23 12:00:00 64 0.008 11.03% 0.64 92 1963/02/09 19:00:00 1963/02/12 02:00:00 56 0.008 11.15% 0.63 93 1962/02/07 23 :00 :00 1962/02/10 04:00:00 54 0.008 11.27% 0.62 -94 1994/03/24 23 :00 :00 1994/03/26 11 :00 :00 37 0.008 11.39% 0.62 ·----95 1958/04/06 21 :00:00 1958/04/08 19:00:00 47 0.008 11.52% 0.61 ··----·-96 1967/03/13 12:00:00 1967/03/15 02:00:00 39 0.008 11.64% 0.6 97 ··1 1992/01/05 11 :00:00 1992/01/09 00:00:00 86 0.008 11.76% 0.6 ~-------T· -- 98 · 1967/11/19 08:00:00 1967/11/22 07:00:00 72 0.008 11.88% 0.59 99 2008/01/27 01 :00:00 2008/01/29 07:00:00 55 0.008 12.00% 0.59 ·-100 1978/09/05 19:00:00 1978/09/07 07:00:00 37 0.008 12.12% 0.58 101 1974/03/08 02:00:00 1974/03/09 14:00:00 37 0.008 12.24% 0.57 --102 2002/11/08 13:00:00 2002/11/10 02:00:00 38 I 0.008 12.36% 0.57 -----~ 103 1981/11/27 00:00:00 1981/11/30 00:00:00 73 I 0.008 12.48% 0.56 104 2001/02/13 12:00:00 2001/02/16 00:00:00 61 0.008 12.61% 0.56 --105 2001/01/10 22:00:00 2001/01/13 05:00:00 56 0.007 12.73% 0.55 106 ·---r 1985/11/2418:00:00 1985/11/26 11 :00 :00 42 0.007 12.85% 0.55 107 --i 1970/11/28 23:00:00 1970/12/02 01 :00:00 75 0.007 12.97% 0.54 -· 108 1977/05/08 01 :00:00 1977/05/10 08:00:00 56 0.007 13.09% 0.54 --. -~ 109 1965/04/07 07:00:00 1965/04/10 12:00:00 78 0.007 13.21% 0.53 f------110 1952/11/30 02:00:00 1952/12/02 21:00:00 68 0.007 13.33% 0.53 -----111 1965/12/09 10:00:00 1965/12/11 12:00:00 51 0.007 13.45% 0.52 ~ 112 I 1992/12/07 11 :00 :00 1992/12/08 20:00:00 34 I 0.007 13.58% 0.52 113 ! 1997/01/25 21:00:00 1997/01/27 14:00:00 42 0.007 13.70% 0.51 114 1986/09/24 03:00:00 1986/09/26 08:00:00 54 0.007 13.82% 0.51 115 I 1991/03/25 06:00:00 1991/03/28 07:00:00 74 0.007 13.94% 0.5 116 1988/11/24 03:00:00 1988/11/2612:00:00 58 0.007 14.06% 0.5 117 1957/05/11 02:00:00 1957/05/12 07:00:00 30 0.007 14.18% 0.5 118 1983/11/24 23 :00 :00 1983/11/26 03:00:00 29 0.007 14.30% 0.49 f---------------119 i 1990/02/17 12:00:00 I 1990/02/19 07:00:00 44 0.007 14.42% 0.49 120 : 1978/01/09 18:00:00 I 1978/01/11 21 :00:00 52 0.007 14.55% 0.48 r--------·-1970/02/28 16:00:00 1970/03/02 20:00:00 121 I i 53 0.007 14.67% 0.48 122 1988/01/17 07:00:00 +-1988/01/18 21 :00:00 ----39 0.007 14.79% 0.48 123 ! 2003/03/15 12 :00 :00 2003/03/17 11 :00:00 48 0.007 14.91% 0.47 124 I 1986/03/15 22:00:00 1986/03/1714:00:00 41 0.007 15.03% 0.47 f------· 1976/09/10 03:00:00 1976/09/12 00:00:00 125 46 0.007 15.15% 0.46 -----126 1988/04/20 03:00:00 1988/04/23 20 :00 :00 90 0.007 15.27% 0.46 --127 1959/02/11 10:00:00 1959/02/12 19:00:00 34 0.007 15.39% 0.46 f--128 1985/12/11 05:00:00 1985/12/12 09:00:00 29 0.007 15.52% 0.45 f---------·-129 --· 1988/02/02 04:00:00 1988/02/03 16:00:00 37 0.007 15.64% 0.45 ·---· 130 2004/02/22 08:00:00 2004/02/24 06:00:00 47 0.007 15.76% 0.45 -,--1982/12/08 00:00:00 1982/12/09 01 :00:00 26 0.007 15.88% 0.44 ____ 1_3!_---+- 132 I 1974/01/07 17:00:00 1974/01/09 06:00:00 38 0.007 16.00% 0.44 -~ 1988/04/14 21 :00:00 1988/04/16 01 :00:00 i 29 0.007 16.12% 0.44 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 3/18 I i I I I I II II II II 1111 II 1111 II II 11 II 11 Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -~ 134 1988/12/21 02:00:00 1988/12/23 09:00:00 56 0.007 16.24% 0.43 135 1995/01/10 17:00:00 1995/01/13 16:00:00 72 I 0.007 16.36% 0.43 136 1966/11/0716:00:00 1966/11/08 20:00:00 29 0.007 16.48% 0.43 --~ 137 1984/12/26 17 :00 :00 ! 1984/12/28 20:00:00 52 I 0.007 16.61% 0.42 138 1952/01/13 06:00:00 1952/01/14 12:00:00 31 0.007 16.73% 0.42 139 1994/03/19 05:00:00 1994/03/20 22:00:00 42 0.007 16.85% 0.42 140 l 1994/03/07 03 :00 :00 1994/03/08 07:00:00 29 0.007 16.97% 0.41 -----· 141 1976/07/22 12:00:00 1976/07/23 13:00:00 26 0.007 17.09% 0.41 ------142 1988/12/15 12:00:00 1988/12/1712:00:00 49 0.007 17.21% 0.41 143 1976/07/08 13:00:00 1976/07/09 14:00:00 26 0.007 17.33% 0.41 144 --r-----·-1992/02/06 10:00:00 1992/02/08 03:00:00 42 0.007 17.45% 0.4 145 1981/12/30 09:00:00 1982/01/02 22:00:00 86 0.007 17.58% 0.4 146 1978/12/17 01 :00:00 1978/12/19 23:00:00 71 0.007 17.70% 0.4 -·--·----147 1993/02/18 12:00:00 1993/02/21 03:00:00 64 0.007 17.82% 0.4 148 1967/04/11 09:00:00 I 1967/04/1211:00:00 27 0.007 17.94% 0.39 -------149 1975/03/08 10:00:00 1975/03/09 12:00:00 27 0.007 18.06% 0.39 ------150 1974/12/04 09:00:00 1974/12/05 09:00:00 25 I 0.007 18.18% 0.39 151 ' 1958/01/25 05:00:00 i 1958/01/27 09:00:00 53 0.007 18.30% 0.38 -----152 I 1976/03/01 17:00:00 I 1976/03/03 10:00:00 42 0.007 18.42% 0.38 153 I 1981/02/08 20:00:00 I 1981/02/10 05:00:00 34 0.007 18.55% 0.38 I --, 154 I 1976/07/15 15:00:00 1976/07/16 15:00:00 25 0.007 18.67% 0.38 --~ : 0.007 155 ' 1977/01/03 01 :00:00 1977/01/04 03:00:00 27 18.79% 0.37 I 156 ' 1981/03/18 20:00:00 1981/03/20 23:00:00 52 0.007 18.91% 0.37 ·---157 1982/03/14 16:00:00 1982/03/15 22:00:00 31 0.007 19.03% 0.37 -·---158 1996/12/09 18:00:00 1996/12/12 17:00:00 72 0.007 19.15% 0.37 -----159 1959/12/24 11 :00:00 1959/12/2513:00:00 ' 27 0.007 19.27% 0.37 ------------160 1965/03/3115:00:00 1965/04/05 02:00:00 I 108 0.006 19.39% 0.36 ---161 1961/01/26 11 :00:00 1961/01/27 14:00:00 I 28 0.006 19.52% 0.36 ----162 1955/01/18 17:00:00 1955/01/19 20:00:00 28 0.006 19.64% 0.36 --___ ,, __ ---163 2006/04/04 20:00:00 2006/04/05 23:00:00 i 28 0.006 19.76% 0.36 ---------164 2005/04/28 09:00:00 2005/04/29 07:00:00 ! 23 0.006 19.88% 0.35 ~-165 1980/03/06 02:00:00 I 1980/03/07 10:00:00 33 0.006 20.00% 0.35 ----166 1990/01/17 02:00:00 1990/01/18 20:00:00 43 0.006 20.12% 0.35 I -1 167 1960/02/28 21 :00:00 1960/03/01 22:00:00 50 0.006 20.24% 0.35 168 I 1982/01/05 08:00:00 1982/01/06 12:00:00 29 0.006 20.36% 0.35 -----:i69 I 1992/03/20 21 :00:00 1992/03/24 00:00:00 76 0.006 20.48% 0.34 -170 I 1983/09/29 13 :00 :00 1983/10/02 04:00:00 64 0.006 20.61% 0.34 ~--1992/03/02 09:00:00 1992/03/03 15:00:00 31 0.006 20.73% 0.34 171 ------~----+--172 i= 1994/02/17 12:00:00 1994/02/18 11 :00:00 24 0.006 20.85% 0.34 173 1973/11/23 00:00:00 1973/11/24 00 :00 :00 25 0.006 20.97% 0.34 174 + 1991/03/19 01 :00:00 1991/03/22 02 :00 :00 74 0.006 21.09% 0.33 175 I 1959/02/21 12:00:00 1959/02/22 15:00:00 28 0.006 21.21% 0.33 -176 2006/02/27 22:00:00 2006/03/01 05:00:00 32 0.006 21.33% 0.33 177 1977/03/25 01 :00:00 1977/03/26 04 :00 :00 28 0.006 21.45% 0.33 -----178 1987/01/06 21 :00:00 1987/01/08 01 :00:00 29 0.006 21.58% 0.33 ----179 1960/01/14 19:00:00 1960/01/15 23:00:00 29 0.006 21.70% 0.32 ---180 1982/12/22 12:00:00 1982/12/24 00:00:00 37 0.006 21.82% 0.32 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 4/18 "' ! l f I I I I I I I I I II 1111 II II II fl fl 11 II I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -~ 181 1999/01/25 08:00:00 1999/01/27 21:00:00 : 62 0.006 21.94% 0.32 --182 1968/12/25 19:00:00 1968/12/26 21 :00:00 27 0.006 22.06% 0.32 -183 1995/04/18 11 :00:00 1995/04/19 12:00:00 26 0.006 22.18% 0.32 184 1983/04/20 05:00:00 1983/04/21 17:00:00 37 0.006 22.30% 0.32 ---185 1973/03/20 09:00:00 1973/03/21 08:00:00 24 0.006 22.42% 0.31 186 1986/03/08 19:00:00 1986/03/12 22:00:00 100 0.006 22.55% 0.31 187 1964/01/21 09:00:00 1964/01/23 02:00:00 42 0.006 22.67% 0.31 188 1979/03/17 06:00:00 1979/03/21 13:00:00 104 0.006 22.79% 0.31 189 1985/02/09 08:00:00 1985/02/10 09:00:00 26 ---+-0.006 22.91% 0.31 190 ! 1966/02/06 13 :00 :00 1966/02/08 18:00:00 : 54 0.006 23.03% 0.31 191 ' 1982/02/09 21 :00:00 1982/02/11 15:00:00 -----+--43 0.006 23.15% 0.3 --~---192 1976/02/04 11 :00:00 1976/02/11 00:00:00 158 0.006 23.27% 0.3 ---193 1978/03/30 14:00:00 1978/04/01 08:00:00 43 0.006 23.39% 0.3 -· 194 2002/12/20 12:00:00 2002/12/22 04:00:00 41 0.006 23.52% 0.3 --------· --~ 195 2007/01/30 16:00:00 2007/01/31 21 :00:00 30 0.006 23.64% 0.3 196 1981/01/28 08:00:00 1981/01/30 23:00:00 64 0.006 23.76% 0.3 197 1957/01/07 15:00:00 1957/01/0817:00:00 27 0.006 23.88% 0.29 -·-198 1969/02/18 10:00:00 1969/02/20 18:00:00 57 0.006 24.00% 0.29 199 1990/04/04 10:00:00 1990/04/05 08:00:00 23 0.006 24.12% 0.29 200 2001/02/25 12:00:00 2001/03/01 00:00:00 85 0.006 24.24% 0.29 201 1993/03/26 02:00:00 1993/03/27 03 :00 :00 26 0.006 24.36% 0.29 202 2001/01/26 14:00:00 2001/01/28 04:00:00 39 0.006 24.48% 0.29 203 1964/11/17 15:00:00 1964/11/18 15:00:00 25 0.006 24.61% 0.29 204 1996/10/30 15:00:00 1996/10/31 13:00:00 23 0.006 24.73% 0.28 205 1981/03/05 05:00:00 1981/03/06 07:00:00 27 I 0.006 24.85% 0.28 206 ! 1982/01/20 06:00:00 1982/01/22 03:00:00 46 0.006 24.97% 0.28 207 i 1983/11/11 23:00:00 1983/11/13 17:00:00 43 0.006 25.09% 0.28 --208 1972/11/16 13:00:00 1972/11/18 04:00:00 40 0.006 25.21% 0.28 ---··-·---209 1969/01/14 00:00:00 1969/01/15 05:00:00 30 0.006 25.33% 0.28 210 2006/10/14 02:00:00 2006/10/14 21 :00:00 20 0.006 25.45% 0.28 ----~ 211 1998/11/08 09:00:00 1998/11/09 07:00:00 23 0.006 25.58% 0.28 212 1977/12/25 20:00:00 1977/12/30 14:00:00 115 0.006 25.70% 0.27 213 1955/04/30 23:00:00 1955/05/02 14:00:00 40 0.006 25.82% 0.27 214 1951/12/12 01 :00:00 1951/12/13 00:00:00 24 0.006 25.94% 0.27 --~·--215 1952/01/25 06:00:00 1952/01/26 05:00:00 24 0.006 26.06% 0.27 f-------216 1982/04/01 11 :00:00 1982/04/02 10:00:00 24 0.006 26.18% 0.27 -----217 1976/12/30 17:00:00 1976/12/31 21 :00:00 29 0.006 26.30% 0.27 f-------· 218 1983/04/29 09:00:00 1983/04/30 10 :00 :00 26 0.006 26.42% 0.27 --219 1962/03/18 20:00:00 1962/03/19 22:00:00 I 27 0.006 26.55% 0.27 220 1970/02/10 06:00:00 1970/02/11 20 :00 :00 39 0.006 26.67% 0.26 221 ----i--1989/03/25 14:00:00 1989/03/26 16:00:00 I 27 0.006 26.79% 0.26 222 · 1992/12/27 22:00:00 1992/12/29 23:00:00 50 0.006 26.91% 0.26 223 I 1982/11/0918:00:00 1982/11/11 05:00:00 36 0.006 27.03% 0.26 i 224-___j_ 1979/03/01 11 :00:00 1979/03/02 10 :00 :00 24 0.006 27.15% 0.26 225 I 1988/11/14 08:00:00 1988/11/15 04:00:00 21 i 0.006 27.27% 0.26 226 1965/12/14 18:00:00 1965/12/17 03:00:00 58 i 0.006 27.39% 0.26 227 1991/01/09 15:00:00 1991/01/10 11 :00:00 21 0.006 27.52% 0.26 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 5/18 t J i 1 I I II 1111 II 11 11 II I I 11 f I 11 11 I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period --. --228 I 1957/02/28 20:00:00 1957/03/02 05:00:00 34 0.006 27.64% 0.25 229 ~-----1979/11/07 19:00:00 1979/11/08 18:00:00 . 24 0.006 27.76% 0.25 -·· 230 --1998/02/09 14:00:00 68 1998/02/06 19:00:00 0.006 27.88% 0.25 231 I 1972/11/14 16:00:00 1972/11/15 11 :00:00 20 0.006 28.00% 0.25 ---~---232 1993/01/31 01 :00:00 1993/01/31 20:00:00 20 0.006 28.12% 0.25 -233 1983/03/17 05:00:00 1983/03/19 13:00:00 57 0.006 28.24% 0.25 ·-·--· 1965/02/06 02:00:00 1965/02/07 17:00:00 28.36% 234 40 I 0.006 0.25 235 1998/01/29 12:00:00 1998/01/30 15:00:00 --·-28 0.006 28.48% 0.25 i -236 1984/11/2419:00:00 1984/11/25 15:00:00 21 0.006 28.61% 0.25 -237 1959/02/16 06:00:00 1959/02/17 12:00:00 31 0.006 28.73% 0.25 238 1999/04/11 23:00:00 1999/04/12 20:00:00 22 -·-----~-0.006-28.85% 0.24 ------.---.----_______ 239 I 1971/04/14 12:00:00 1971/04/15 08:00:00 ' 21 0.006 28.97% 0.24 240 I 1951/08/28 10:00:00 1951/08/29 08:00:00 23 0.006 29.09% 0.24 ~· 241 1964/12/27 10:00:00 1964/12/28 22:00:00 37 0.006 29.21% 0.24 242 1986/04/06 04:00:00 1986/04/07 03:00:00 24 0.006 29.33% 0.24 ----------··-· 243 1958/03/06 13:00:00 1958/03/07 14:00:00 26 0.006 29.45% 0.24 .. 244 1983/12/03 18:00:00 1983/12/04 13:00:00 20 0.006 29.58% 0.24 245 1958/02/25 09:00:00 1958/02/26 04:00:00 20 0.006 29.70% 0.24 246 1955/01/10 07:00:00 1955/01/11 08:00:00 26 0.006 29.82% 0.24 247 1970/03/05 01 :00:00 1970/03/05 20:00:00 20 0.006 29.94% 0.24 248 I 1994/01/25 01 :00:00 1994/01/26 12:00:00 36 0.006 30.06% 0.23 249 i 1969/03/21 14:00:00 1969/03/22 13:00:00 24 0.006 30.18% 0.23 250 : 1960/09/11 06:00:00 1960/09/12 01 :00:00 20 0.005 30.30% 0.23 .. 251 1979/10/20 05:00:00 1979/10/21 08:00:00 28 0.005 30.42% 0.23 ·-252 1986/02/08 01 :00:00 1986/02/09 04:00 :00 28 0.005 30.55% 0.23 --253 1975/03/10 14:00:00 1975/03/11 22:00:00 33 0.005 30.67% 0.23 254 1974/10/28 13:00:00 1974/10/30 03:00:00 39 I 0.005 30.79% 0.23 255 1981/02/25 23:00:00 1981/02/26 18:00:00 20 I 0.005 30.91% 0.23 256 2007/04/20 16:00:00 2007/04/21 10:00:00 19 I 0.005 31.03% 0.23 -· 257 1984/12/18 10:00:00 I 1984/12/20 16:00:00 55 0.005 31.15% 0.23 I 258 1954/03/16 23:00:00 1954/03/17 20:00:00 22 0.005 31.27% 0.23 ~--259 1987/12/04 22:00:00 --,-1987/12/0518:00:00 21 0.005 31.39% 0.22 -260 --1983/03/21 07:00:00 1983/03/25 15:00:00 105 0.005 31.52% 0.22 -~ --·-~ 261 1978/03/11 21 :00:00 1978/03/13 04:00:00 32 0.005 31.64% 0.22 262 1957/04/20 18:00:00 1957/04/21 13:00:00 20 0.005 31.76% 0.22 263 1952/12/20 13:00:00 1952/12/21 08:00:00 20 0.005 31.88% 0.22 264 2002/12/16 14:00:00 2002/12/1713:00:00 24 0.005 32.00% 0.22 265 1973/02/11 09:00:00 1973/02/13 21 :00:00 61 0.005 32.12% 0.22 -266 1986/10/09 23:00:00 1986/10/1115:00:00 41 0.005 32.24% 0.22 267 2001/04/07 17:00:00 I 2001/04/08 13:00:00 21 0.005 32.36% 0.22 268 1971/02/17 07:00:00 -+ 1971/02/18 05:00:00 23 0.005 32.48% 0.22 i -~ 269 I 1993/06/05 14:00:00 1993/06/06 09:00:00 20 0.005 32.61% 0.22 270 1981/02/28 15:00:00 1981/03/03 11 :00 :00 69 0.005 32.73% 0.22 271 1959/04/26 07:00:00 1959/04/27 01 :00:00 19 0.005 32.85% 0.21 272 1957/12/05 05:00:00 1957/12/06 04:00:00 24 0.005 32.97% 0.21 273 1973/03/11 08:00:00 1973/03/12 20:00:00 37 0.005 33.09% 0.21 274 1979/03/27 07:00:00 1979/03/29 01 :00:00 43 0.005 33.21% 0.21 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 6/18 ~ '! t I I I I I 1111 II II II II 11111111 II 11 I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 275 i 1999/03/25 17:00:00 1999/03/26 11 :00:00 19 0.005 33.33% 0.21 -27_6 __ 1984/12/08 02:00:00 1984/12/08 19:00:00 18 0.005 33.45% 0.21 277 1959/12/21 03:00:00 1959/12/22 01 :00:00 ~. 23 0.005 33.58% 0.21 ~. 278 1986/01/30 06:00:00 1986/02/01 09:00:00 52 I 0.005 33.70% 0.21 --~-279 1997/12/06 16:00:00 1997/12/08 01 :00:00 34 0.005 33.82% 0.21 ·-280 1972/12/04 17:00:00 1972/12/05 10:00:00 18 0.005 33.94% 0.21 ----281 1976/08/30 13:00:00 1976/08/31 06 :00 :00 18 0.005 34.06% 0.21 282 2001/12/09 14:00:00 2001/12/10 12:00:00 23 0.005 34.18% 0.21 ~ f---283 1954/03/20 13:00:00 1954/03/25 16:00:00 124 0.005 34.30% 0.21 ·-284 1966/01/30 10:00:00 1966/01/3111:00:00 26 0.005 34.42% 0.2 285 i 1980/03/26 01 :00:00 1980/03/26 18:00:00 18 0.005 34.55% 0.2 -- -----286 2000/03/04 21 :00:00 2000/03/06 22:00:00 50 0.005 34.67% 0.2 f------·-· 1973/03/08 14:00:00 ·--287 1973/03/09 07:00:00 18 0.005 34.79% 0.2 288 1963/11/1519:00:00 1963/11/1612:00:00 18 I 0.005 34.91% 0.2 --------289 1960/11/26 20:00:00 1960/11/27 12:00:00 17 I 0.005 35.03% 0.2 -· 290 i ----1990/05/28 10:00:00 1990/05/29 04:00:00 19 0.005 35.15% 0.2 291 1979/01/30 21 :00:00 1979/02/03 03:00:00 79 0.005 35.27% 0.2 -- -·-292 1965/12/29 20:00:00 1965/12/30 13:00:00 18 0.005 35.39% 0.2 ·-----293 1967/11/30 17:00:00 1967/12/0110:00:00 18 0.005 35.52% 0.2 f---·· ·-· ·~ 294 1993/11/30 05:00:00 1993/11/30 23:00:00 19 0.005 35.64% 0.2 f-----1957/10/14 02:00:00 1957/10/15 00:00:00 --295 23 0.005 35.76% 0.2 f--------1955/01/16 11 :00:00 --296 1955/01/17 06:00:00 20 0.005 35.88% 0.2 f-----1957/03/16 12:00:00 -~ 297 i 1957/03/17 05:00:00 18 0.005 36.00% 0.2 --------298 2004/12/05 14:00:00 2004/12/06 08:00:00 19 0.005 36.12% 0.2 -------299 I 1995/04/16 10:00:00 1995/04/1710:00:00 25 0.005 36.24% 0.19 f------~+-2004/04/01 23:00:00 2004/04/02 16:00:00 18 0.005 36.36% 0.19 -300 301 1995/01/24 01 :00:00 1995/01/27 00:00:00 72 0.005 36.48% 0.19 f---· 302 1965/01/24 09:00:00 1965/01/25 01 :00:00 i 17 0.005 36.61% --0.19 303 1995/02/14 04:00:00 1995/02/15 06:00:00 27 0.005 36.73% 0.19 ··-304 1952/12/30 22:00:00 1952/12/31 16:00:00 19 0.005 36.85% 0.19 305 I 2001/11/24 15:00:00 2001/11/25 11 :00:00 21 0.005 36.97% 0.19 I------306 1954/01/24 12:00:00 1954/01/25 18:00:00 31 0.005 37.09% 0.19 f----· 307 1979/02/21 04:00:00 1979/02/21 22:00:00 19 0.005 37.21% 0.19 f---308 1955/02/16 22:00:00 1955/02/18 00:00:00 27 0.005 37.33% --0.19 f---309 1962/02/19 13:00:00 1962/02/21 18:00:00 54 0.005 --37.45% ----0.19 -----310 1960/01/25 23:00:00 1960/01/26 15:00:00 17 0.005 37.58% 0.19 ------311 1986/12/06 09:00:00 1986/12/07 15:00:00 31 0.005 37.70% 0.19 I 312 1980/10/16 07:00:00 1980/10/16 22:00:00 16 0.005 37.82% 0.19 ________ ,_ __ -----··---313 1952/04/10 13:00:00 1952/04/11 10 :00 :00 22 0.005 37.94% 0.19 --------314 1955/02/26 14:00:00 1955/02/28 12:00:00 47 0.005 38.06% 0.19 ---315-2003/12/25 02:00:00 2003/12/26 11 :00:00 34 I 0.005 38.18% 0.18 --316 1975/02/03 10:00:00 1975/02/04 16:00:00 31 0.005 38.30% 0.18 317 1984/10/17 09:00:00 1984/10/18 00:00:00 16 0.005 38.42% 0.18 318 1959/12/10 02:00:00 1959/12/10 19:00:00 18 0.005 38.55% 0.18 319 1968/02/13 07:00:00 1968/02/13 22:00:00 16 0.005 38.67% 0.18 C· 320 2006/05/22 07:00:00 I 2006/05/22 22:00:00 16 0.005 38.79% 0.18 --i ~---321 --1993/03/28 05:00:00 1993/03/28 20:00:00 16 0.005 38.91% 0.18 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 7/18 Ii ! I ;g .. .. I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I • I I f • I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank _J_ Start Date ___l_ End Date Duration Peak Frequency I Return Period t:·-322 I 2006/03/10 19:00:00 . 1 -2006/03/12 03:00:00 33 0.005 39.03% 0.18 =-l 323 1980/01/17 22:00:00 1980/01/1910:00:00 37 0.005 39.15% 0.18 324 i 1987/04/04 09:00:00 1987/04/05 08:00:00 24 I 0.005 39.27% 0.18 325 ___ 1980/12/0714:00:00 1980/12/08 04:00:00 I 15 0.005 39.39% 0.18 -------I 326 1963/04/17 08:00:00 1963/04/17 23:00:00 16 0. 005 39.52% 0.18 327 2008/02/03 10:00:00 , 2008/02/04 08:00:00 23 0.005 39.64% 0.18 328 1 -1980/12/0415:00:00 1980/12/0518:00:00 28 0.005 39.76% 0.18 329 2004/02/03 02:00:00 2004/02/04 04:00:00 27 I 0.005 39.88% 0.18 330 .. 1996/01/31 06:00:00 1996/02/01 19:00:00 38 0.005 40.00% 0.18 -.. 331 -_ : 1957/01/0513:00:00 1957/01/06 03:00:00 15 _ 0.005 40.12% 0.18 --·--.-~ 332 2006/03/29 00:00:00 2006/03/2918:00:00 19 I 0.005 40.24% 0.18 =:==] 333 1982/11/2914:00:00 1982/12/01 03:00:00 38 0.005 40.36% 0.17 ~-334 -1983/02/0218:00:00 1983/02/03 23:00:00 I 30 0.005 40.48% 0.17 ~. 335 -·----1978/03/09 20:00:00 1978/03/10 10:00:00 -15 0.005 40.61% 0.17 ~-~---r--1980/04/2214:00:00 1980/04/2319:00:00 30 -0.005 40.73% 0.17 ~ ~~· 1980/03/1018:00:00 1980/03/11 08:00:00 15 0.005 40.85% 0.17 ~. 338 -1969/11/06 22:00:00 1969/11/08 01 :00:00 28 0.005 40.97% 0.17 ~. 339 -, 1995/03/21 14:00:00 1995/03/22 04:00:00 I 15 _ 0.005 41.09% 0.17 - 340 I 1974/03/02 12:00:00 , 1974/03/03 02:00:00 15 0.005 41.21 % 0.17 ·--3~_ 1954/12/10 01:00:00 1954/12/10 18:00:00 18 0.005 41.33% 10.17 342 2007/12/07 07:00:00 2007/12/09 08:00:00 50 0.005 41.45% 0.17 1 · 34~ 1963/04/18 os,oo,oo I 1983/04/18 23,00,00 I 19 I 0.005 41.58% 0.17 _ [ 344 1999/02/0411:00:00 1999/02/0513:00:00 27 0.005 41.70% 0.17 . 345 1988/01/0517:00:00 , 1988/01/06 07:00:00 ! 15 0.005 41.82% 0.17 __ 3_4_6_ 1979/02/14 07:00:00 1 1979/02/14 20:00:00 I 14 0.005 41.94% 0.17 ---3~ 1987/02/23 20:00:00 -1987/02/26 05:00:00 58 0.005 42.06% 0.17 B 348 .· . 2000/02/20 16:00:00 2000/02/22 09:00:00 42 0.005 42.18% 0.17 349 1952/03/01 00:00:00 1952/03/01 23:00:00 24 0.005 42.30% 0.17 350 -----1962/02/15 22:00:00 1962/02/17 01 :00:00 28 0.005 42.42% 0.17 351 2006/12/10 02:00:00 2006112111 05:0o:oo 28 0.005 42.55% I 0.17 ~£____ 1970/01/1619:00:00 I 1970/01/17 09:00:00 _ 15 I 0.005 I 42.67% 0.17 353 2006/02/19 06:00:00 2006/02/19 22:00:00 17 0.005 42.79% 0.16 354 1994/02/07 06:00:00 1994/02/08 15:00:00 34 0.005 42.91 % 0.16 --~ 1 1998/05/12 17:00:00 1998/05/13 09:00:00 17 -0.005 43.03% 0.16 I 356 =t=·-1973/02/28 05:00:00 1973/02/28 20:00:00 16 0.005 43.15% 0.16 J t---_-357 _ -2007/08/2613:00:00 2007/08/2702:00:00 14 0.005 43.27% 0.16 __j 1---358 2000104111 20:00:00 2000104118 11:00:00 22 0.005 43.39% 0.16 I e-_ 359 --~ 1982/09/26 06:00:00 1982/09/27 03:oo:oo 22 0.005 43.52% -0.16 __ I I 360 2000/10/26 12:00:00 2000/10/27 23:00:00 36 0.005 43.64% 0.16 t=_ 361____ 1972/11/1111:00:00 1972/11/1200:00:00 14 0.005 _43.76% --Q.16 ----1 362 1955/04/2207:00:00 1955/04/2221:00:00 15 0.005 43.88% 0.16 363 1953/03/01 05:00:00 1953/03/02 14:00:00 34 0.005 44.00% 0.16 364 1961/11/25 05:00:00 1961/11/26 09:00:00 29 0.005 44.12% 0.16 365 1962/03/0610:00:00 1962/03/07 08:00:00 23 0.005 44.24% 10.16 366 1960/11/05 23:00:00 1960/11/06 22:00:00 24 0.005 44.36% 10.16 I-367 1961/11/20 19:00:00 1961/11/21 08:00:00 14 0.005 44.48% 10.16 368 1993/02/23 20:00:00 1993/02/24 13:00:00 18 0.005 44.61% 0.16 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 8/18 1! " " fl II II II ti II 11 II II 1111 ti f I f I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency I Return Period 369 1951/11/23 02:00:00 1951/11/23 20:00:00 i 19 0.005 44.73o/o ----+--0-.1-6----------------i 370 1957/01/2607:00:00 1957/01/2621:00:00 15 0.004 44.85% 0.16 -~--~ 371 1998/01/0916:00:00 ,--1998/01/11 05:00:00 38 I 0.004 44.97% 0.16 ,~-~37~2_ 1954/03/30 07:00:00 1954/03/30 19:00:00 13 0.004 45.09% 0.16 373 1958/09/24 06:00:00 1958/09/24 19:00:00 14 0.004 45.21 % 0.16 f--------374 1996/12/27 19:00:00 1996/12/2816:00:00 22 0.004 ---+-----c-45cc-_3=3cc-o;.-c-o ----+c0---,.1,--:6----------~ f--------375 1953/11/1419:00:00 1953/11/1515:00:00 21 0.004 45.45% 0.16 f-------------376 1964/03/23 02:00:00 1964/03/24 09:00:00 32 --0.004 45.58% 0.15 377 1985/12/02 14:00:00 1985/12/03 11 :00:00 22 0.004 45.70% 0.15 f------378 -1990/04/17 00:00:00 1990/04/18 01 :00:00 26 0.004 45.82% 0.15 379 I 1957/10/31 03:00:00 1957/10/31 15:00:00 13 0.004 45.94% 0.15 380 1973/02/15 14:00:00 1973/02/16 02:00:00 --13 0.004 46.06% 0.15 f------381 1965/03/1218:00:00 I 1965/03/14 03:00:00 34 0.004 --+----4-6.-18-0/.-o--+-0-.1-5---------------1 ~-382 1952/03/13 01:00:00 1952/03/1318:00:00 18 0.004 46.30% 0.15 f------383 2007/12/1901:00:00 2007/12/1922:00:00 22 0.004 46.42% 0.15 - 384 1990/06/09 17:00:00 1990/06/11 01 :00:00 33 0.004 46.55°/o 0.15 ---- o-----385 1952/11/23 03:00:00 1952/11/23 18:00:00 16 0.004 46.67°/o 0.15 386 J 1974/12/28 10:00:00 1974/12/29 20:00:00 , 35 -0.004 46.79% 0.15 ~3~J 1953/01/0619:00:00 1953/01/0810:00:00 40 0.004 46.91% 0.15 388 1973/11/17 09:00:00 I 1973/11/19 06:00:00 46 0.004 47,03% 0.15 o-----389 ! 1963/09/0410:00:00 1963/09/05 00:00:00 15 0.004 47.15% 0.15 ~9-0--r 195310412123:00:00 195310412811:00:oo 13 0.004 47.27% 0.15 391 1968/04/01 23:00:00 1968/04/0212:00:00 14 0.004 47.39% 0.15 t---3-92 1986/03/13 22:QQ:QQ 1986/03/1413:QQ:QQ I 16 Q.QQ4 47.52o/o 0.15 393 1982/01/28 20:00:00 1982/01/2913:00:00 18 0.004 47.64% 0.15 ,___3_9_4--~-1967/04/18 23:00:00 I 1967/04/20 09:00:00 35 0.004 47.76% 0.15 r 395 ----r-=E. . 2005/03/22 23:00:00 2005/03/23 10:00:00 12 0.004 47.88% 0.15 . -~ 396 1977/12/18 08:00:00 1977/12/18 19:00:00 12 0.004 48.00% 0.15 -397 -1957/01/10 02:00:00 1957/01/10 19:00:00 18 0.004 48.12% 0.15 ~-~ I_ 1959/01/0611:00:00 1959/01/0622:00:00 I 12 0.004 48.24% 0.15 399 ---r-1963/04/26 06:00:00 1963/04/2618:00:00 13 0.004 48.36% 0.15 ~-~-~ 1984/12/16 06:00:00 1984/12/16 17:00:00 12 I 0.004 48,48% 0.15 ~-401 1996/02/21 04:00:00 1996/02/22 07:00:00 28 0.004 --f---4-8-.6-1_%_---j-0-.1-5-----------------i ~~-~~ 1996/03/12 20:00:00 1996/03/13 20:00:00 25 0.004 48.73% 0.14 403 1997/01/2309:00:00 1997/01/2405:00:00 21 0.004 48.85% 0.14 404 1998/03/25 17:00:00 1998/03/27 06:00:00 38 0.004 48.97% 0.14 -~ 405 · 1. 1998/03/31 17:00:00 1998/04/01 22:00:00 I 30 0.004 49.09% 0.14 --~ 406 1985/01/0714:00:00 I 1985/01/0814:00:00 25 0.004 49.21% 0.14 ~4~ . 1967/03/3114:00:00 1967/04/01 01:00:00 12 0.004 49.33% 0-.1-4 ___ _ 408 1982/12/29 22:00:00 1982/12/30 09:00:00 12 0.004 49.45% 0.14 . ----- 409 , 1982/11/19 03:00:00 1982/11/20 16:00:00 38 0.004 49.58% 0.14 410 1978/11/21 20:00:00 1978/11/2211:00:00 I 16 0.004 ---j-----4~9.-7-0°-Yo---t--0-.-14-------------, 411 1990/01/31 04:00:00 1990/01/3115:00:00 12 0.004 49.82% 0.14 412 1959/02/08 06:00:00 1959/02/09 06:00:00 25 0.004 49.94% 0.14 lr-=--=--=---41_3 ____ --l---1983/04/12 11 :00:00 1983/04/13 16:00:00 30 0.004 50.06% 0.14 414 I 1960/02/09 01 :00:00 1960/02/10 18:00:00 42 0.004 50.18% 0.14 ~---41_5 ____ T_ 1sa210312s 00:00:00 1ss210312s 1s:oo:oo 11 0.004 so.3oo/o 0.14 ----- 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 9/18 ,.. ; : t I I I II II 1111 II ti 1111 ti ti ti ti I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank ···-~ Start Date End Date Duration Peak I . Frequency I Return Period ~~-------I ~ I 1991112128 05:00:00 1991112128 16:00:00 12 0.004 50.42% 0.14 417 I 1979/01/0914:00:00 1979/01/10 02:00:00 13 0.004 50.55% 0.14 418 1990/02/04 14:00:00 1990/02/05 01 :00:00 12 0.004 50.67% 0.14 I ~-419 I 1956/01/3113:00:00 I 1956/02/01 00:00:00 12 ! 0.004 50.79% 0.14 420 1969/01/19 00:00:00 , 196910112111:00:oo 66 0.004 50.91% 0.14 I --421 I 1983/11/2011:00:00 I 1983/11/21 03:00:00 17 0.004 51.03% 0.14 ' -422 -r 199510212512:00:oo 199510212810:00:oo 11 0.004 51.15% 0.14 423 ! 1955/03/11 03:00:00 1955/03/1115:00:00 13 0.004 51.27% 0.14 424 1 1975/02/09 09:00:00 1975/02/10 10:00:00 26 0.004 51.39% 0.14 I 425L I= 1958/03/2717:00:00 I_ 1958/03/28 03:00:00 11 I 0.004 51.52% 0.14 -I 426 1982/01/10 23:00:00 1982/01/1114:00:00 16 0.004 51.64% 0.14 427--1957/06/10 05:00:00 I 1957/06/10 16:00:00 12 0.004 51.76% 0.14 [ ~ 428 . ~ , . 1978111/24 12c00c00 1978111/25 00,00,00 , 13 0.004 51.88% 0.14 429 1975/12/20 17:00:00 1975/12/21 05:00:00 13 0.004 52.00% 0.14 430 1969/04/06 00:00:00 1969/04/0610:00:00 11 0.004 52.12% 0.14 431 1987/03/22 04:00:00 -1987/03/22 14:00:00 11 i 0.004 52.24% 0.14 432 1995/01/21 06:00:00 1995/01/21 16:00:00 11 0.004 52.36% 0.13 433 1975/11/27 20:00:00 I 1975/11/29 05:00:00 34 0.004 . -52.48% 0.13 --- -434 I 2005/12/3119:oo:oo I -2006/01/03 08:0o:oo 62 -0.004 52.61% 0.13 - 435 2000/02/1119:00:00 2000/02/14 23:00:00 77 0.004 52.73% 0.13 436 i 1967/04/22 00:00:00 1967/04/22 12:00:00 13 _ 0.004 52.85% 0.13 437 2005/10/16 20:00:00 2005/10/18 18:00:00 47 0.004 52.97% 0.13 I 438 _ 1955/11/1409:00:00 -1955/11/1420:00:00 12 0.004 53.09% 0.13 439 1968/11/1420:00:00 1968/11/1510:00:00 15 0.004 53.21% 0.13 44r 1 1 ~ 1995/03/23 12:00:00 _I 1995/03/24 03:00:00 . 16 0.004 53.33% 0.13 __ _ ' ~-441_ 1971/12/2718:00:00 .i 1971/12/2901:00:00 _--32 _-0.004 53.45% 0.13 _ 442 1987/10/31 09:00:00 1987/11/01 07:00:00 23 0.004 I 53.58% 0.13 443 --1976/04/15 18:00:00 1976/04/1617:00:00 , 24 0.004 53.70% 0.13 444 1966/10/10 16:00:00 1966/10/11 02:00:00 -11 0.004 53.82% 0.13 ~j5 --+--1971/10/16 22:00:00 1971/10/1714:00:00 17 0.004 -53.94% --0.13 - 446 1976/04/13 07:00:00 1976/04/13 21 :00:00 15 0.004 54.06% 0.13 I 447 I 1953/02/23 13:00:00 j 1953/02/24 03:00:00 _ 15 0.004 -54.18% 0.13 -·- 448 1998/12/06 08:00:00 1998/12/06 18:00:00 11 0.004 54.30% 0.13 -449 1951/12/1911:00:00 1951/12/19 21:00:00 11 0.004 54.42% 0.13 ~ 450 1973/03/0511:00:00 _ 1973/03/0709:00:00 ! 47 0.004 54.55% 0.13 -------1 ~~___§1___-I 1971/01/12 23:00:00 1971/01/13 11 :00:00 13 0.004 54.67% 0.13 452 1987/02/13 23:00:00 1987/02/1410:00:00 12 , 0.004 54.79% 0.13 -453 1957/02/23 09:00:00 1957/02/23 21 :00:00 13 0.004 54.91% 0.13 -=~~---2004/03/02 03:00:00 2004/03/0214:00:00 12 0.004 55.03% 0.13 --~ 455 1995/03/03 14:00:00 1995/03/03 23:00:00 10 0.004 55.15% 0.13 -456 -1978/01/30 14:00:00 1978/01/31 08:00:00 19 0.004 55.27% 0.13 ---~ 1985/01/2818:00:00 1985/01/2910:00:00 17 0.004 55.39% 0.13 458 1997101102 01:00:00 I 1997101103 20:00:00 38 0.004 55.52% 10.13 459 1986/02/13 11 :00:00 1 1986/02/13 23:00:00 13 i 0.004 55.64% 0.13 -~~ 1998/12/01 19:00:00 1998/12/02 05:00:00 11 0.004 55. 76% 0.13 --461 1974/03/27 11 :00:00 1974/03/27 20:00:00 10 0~004 55.88% 0.13 L-.-~-2 -1996/12/06 02:00:00 1996/12/0616:00:00 15 0.004 56.00% 0.13 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 10/18 ; ; I I I I 11 I I 11 II II II II 11 I If l t I I I I I I I Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatistics PostM itigated .csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 463 1993/12/11 20 :00 :00 1993/12/12 10 :00 :00 15 I 0.004 56.12% 0.13 ---464 1993/01/0210:00:00 1993/01/02 22:00:00 13 0.004 56.24% 0.13 --465 i 1975/04/17 11 :00:00 1975/04/17 20:00:00 10 0.004 56.36% 0.13 466 I 1996/01/21 21 :00:00 1996/01/22 17:00:00 21 0.004 56.48% 0.12 467 2007/02/28 08:00:00 2007/03/01 06:00:00 23 0.004 56.61% 0.12 468 2006/03/21 04:00:00 2006/03/21 13:00:00 10 0.004 56.73% 0.12 I------469 1954/01/12 17:00:00 1954/01/13 07:00:00 15 I 0.004 56.85% 0.12 470 1969/11/10 05:00:00 1969/11/10 14:00:00 10 0.004 56.97% 0.12 ~--471 2007/02/11 15:00:00 2007/02/12 00 :00 :00 10 0.004 57.09% 0.12 472 1988/08/24 07:00:00 1988/08/24 22:00:00 16 0.004 57.21% 0.12 473 1970/01/10 02:00:00 1970/01/10 16:00:00 15 0.004 57.33% 0.12 -~ 474 1958/03/11 04:00:00 1958/03/12 10:00:00 31 0.004 57.45% 0.12 475 ! 1952/12/28 11 :00:00 1952/12/28 22:00:00 12 0.004 57.58% 0.12 476 1960/11/13 03:00:00 1960/11/13 11 :00:00 9 I 0.004 57.70% 0.12 -~ 477 1963/03/28 14:00:00 1963/03/28 23 :00 :00 10 0.004 57.82% 0.12 ---478 2001/03/06 18:00:00 2001/03/08 01 :00:00 32 0.004 57.94% 0.12 -479 1998/04/1118:00:00 1998/04/12 05:00:00 12 0.004 58.06% 0.12 ----480 I 1984/04/28 00 :00 :00 1984/04/28 09:00:00 10 0.004 58.18% 0.12 --481 I 1988/12/18 16:00:00 1988/12/19 05:00:00 14 0.004 58.30% 0.12 482 1991/10/27 03:00:00 1991/10/27 18:00:00 16 I 0.004 58.42% 0.12 483 1977/05/24 07:00:00 1977/05/24 18:00:00 12 0.004 58.55% 0.12 484 1994/12/25 04:00:00 1994/12/25 14:00:00 11 0.004 58.67% 0.12 485 I 1957/10/21 07:00:00 1957/10/21 15:00:00 9 0.004 58.79% 0.12 486 -1 2004/11/21 10:00:00 2004/11/21 18:00:00 9 0.004 58.91% 0.12 --·-487 1983/02/06 15:00:00 1983/02/08 17:00:00 51 0.004 59.03% 0.12 488 1994/01/27 17:00:00 1994/01/28 01 :00:00 9 0.004 59.15% 0.12 --~-1996/01/16 23:00:00 1996/01/17 07:00:00 9 0.004 59.27% 0.12 490 I 1957/12/15 12:00:00 1957/12/1716:00:00 53 0.004 59.39% 0.12 -491 1989/01/07 19:00:00 1989/01/08 03:00:00 9 0.004 59.52% 0.12 492 1990/01/13 14:00:00 1990/01/14 19:00:00 30 0.004 59.64% 0.12 493 1964/11/09 16:00:00 1964/11/11 03:00:00 36 0.004 59.76% 0.12 494 1952/03/10 21 :00:00 1952/03/1112:00:00 16 0.004 59.88% 0.12 ---495 1983/02/24 03:00:00 1983/02/25 08:00:00 30 0.004 60.00% 0.12 --496 ! 1977/01/29 05:00:00 1977/01/29 13:00:00 9 I 0.004 60.12% 0.12 -497 1965/01/01 01 :00:00 1965/01/01 09:00:00 9 0.004 60.24% 0.12 -498 1991/03/1517:00:00 1991/03/16 01 :00:00 9 0.004 60.36% 0.12 499 1983/12/09 20:00:00 1983/12/10 04:00:00 9 0.004 60.48% 0.12 ------goo-1989/05/14 12:00:00 1989/05/15 17:00:00 30 0.004 60.61% 0.12 --------501 1951/12/05 03:00:00 1951/12/05 14:00:00 12 0.004 60.73% 0.12 --~--1982/09/16 14:00:00 1982/09/17 19:00:00 30 0.004 60.85% 0.12 ----503 1992/03/27 09:00:00 1992/03/27 17:00:00 9 0.004 60.97% 0.12 -~ 504 1971/02/23 07:00:00 1971/02/23 15:00:00 9 0.004 61.09% 0.12 --505 1984/11/13 12:00:00 1984/11/13 20 :00 :00 9 0.004 61.21% 0.12 506 1989/02/09 18:00:00 1989/02/10 12:00:00 19 0.004 61.33% 0.12 507 1955/11/17 14:00:00 1955/11/18 01 :00:00 12 0.004 61.45% 0.11 ----508 1987/11/04 22:00:00 1987/11/0517:00:00 20 0.004 61.58% 0.11 --------509 1978/11/11 11 :00:00 1978/11/12 16:00:00 30 0.004 61.70% 0.11 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 11/18 ~ . ,i, ! "' J I I I I ' I I • ' I I I I I I I I • I • I I f • ' • I I I • Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated.csv Rank ! Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period I -·· 510 1 1992/03/08 05:00:00 I 1992/03/08 18:00:00 I 14 ------- 0.004 61.82% 0.11 -·----511 1955/01/02 02:00:00 1955/01/02 11 :00:00 10 0.004 61.94% 0.11 ----512 2008/02/20 13:00:00 2008/02/20 21 :00:00 9 0.004 62.06% 0.11 --513 2001/03/10 19:00:00 2001/03/11 05:00:00 11 0.004 62.18% 0.11 ------514 1973/02/06 06:00:00 1973/02/07 14:00:00 33 0.003 62.30% 0.11 515 1975/03/22 12:00:00 1975/03/22 19:00:00 8 0.003 62.42% 0.11 516 i 1979/02/23 05:00:00 1979/02/23 13:00:00 9 0.003 62.55% 0.11 517 I 1985/02/02 06:00:00 1985/02/02 21 :00:00 16 0.003 62.67% 0.11 1 518 .. 1993/01/10 14:00:00 1993/01/10 22:00:00 9 0.003 62.79% 0.11 ~-~~~ -~~ 1971/12/04 04:00:00 ·-· 1971/12/04 12:00:00 -·--9 0.003 62.91% 0.11 1957/05/21 07:00:00 I 1957/05/21 16:00:00 0.003 63.03% ·-10 0.11 ___ 521 r 1976/11/12 06:00:00 1976/11/12 14:00:00 9 0.003 63.15% 0.11 522 2003/11/12 09:00:00 2003/11/1216:00:00 8 0.003 63.27% 0.11 -· -------523 1984/12/10 23:00:00 1984/12/11 15:00:00 17 0.003 63.39% 0.11 524 1994/11/1014:00:00 1994/11/10 22:00:00 9 0.003 63.52% 0.11 ·----·· 525 1989/02/04 01 :00:00 1989/02/05 02:00:00 26 0.003 63.64% 0.11 ------526 2008/01/23 22:00:00 2008/01/24 06:00:00 9 0.003 63.76% 0.11 ---·-527 1962/01/13 04:00:00 1962/01/13 11 :00:00 8 0.003 63.88% 0.11 -·· 528 1989/01/23 23:00:00 I 1989/01/24 06:00:00 I 8 0.003 64.00% 0.11 -· --· 529 1976/07/27 03:00:00 1976/07/27 10:00:00 8 0.003 64.12% 0.11 -530 ' 1997/12/18 19:00:00 1997/12/19 04:00:00 10 0.003 64.24% 0.11 531 I 1980/03/21 13:00:00 1980/03/22 07:00:00 .. 19 0.003 64.36% 0.11 -.. 532 1989/02/02 10:00:00 1989/02/02 18:00:00 9 0.003 64.48% 0.11 -·· 533 1963/02/14 13:00:00 1963/02/14 20:00:00 8 0.003 64.61% 0.11 ---· 534 1984/ 1 2/03 11 :00 :00 1984/12/03 19:00:00 9 0.003 64.73% 0.11 ... ·-535 1987/03/1512:00:00 1987/03/15 19:00:00 8 0.003 64.85% 0.11 --536 i 1989/03/02 13:00:00 1989/03/03 03:00:00 15 0.003 64.97% 0.11 ·--537 1978/04/15 23:00:00 i 1978/04/16 06:00:00 8 0.003 65.09% 0.11 538 _ I : 1953110/22 .. , .. 00 1953/10/22 17:00:00 9 0.003 65.21% 0.11 539 1955/01/31 02:00:00 1955/01/31 15:00:00 14 0.003 65.33% 0.11 540 . 1981/04/19 05:00:00 1981/04/19 13:00:00 9 0.003 65.45% 0.11 54f 1972/10/19 05:00:00 1972/10/20 10:00:00 30 0.003 65.58% 0.11 542 . -1995/01/1613:00:00 1995/01/16 20:00:00 8 0.003 65.70% 0.11 ·-· 543 1960/11/03 22:00:00 i 1960/11/04 05:00:00 8 0.003 65.82% 0.11 -~ r 2001/02/20 19:00:00 .. 2001/02/21 04:00:00 ·-10 0.003 65.94% 0.11 1985/10/22 03:00:00 1 1985/10/22 09:00:00 7 ·-·------0.003 66.06% 0.11 ·~ ---ii!--1998/03/13 20:00:00 1998/03/15 02:00:00 I 31 0.003 66.18% 0.11 2006/12/27 11 :00:00 2006/12/27 17:00:00 7 0.003 66.30% 0.11 1956/02/24 12:00:00 1956/02/24 19:00:00 I 8 0.003 66.42% 0.11 ----- 549 I 1979/12/21 09:00:00 1979/12/21 19:00:00 11 0.003 66.55% 0.11 550 I 1992/12/18 05:00:00 1992/12/18 11 :00:00 7 0.003 66.67% 0.11 .. ·----·-551 1972/12/07 09:00:00 1972/12/08 19:00:00 35 0.003 66.79% 0.11 --552 2002/03/18 01 :00:00 ! 2002/03/18 09:00:00 9 0.003 66.91% 0.11 553 1957/01/20 21 :00:00 1957/01/21 03:00:00 7 0.003 67.03% 0.11 -554 1995/12/23 13:00:00 1995/12/23 19:00:00 7 0.003 67.15% 0.11 -555 1999/06/04 03:00:00 1999/06/04 09:00:00 7 0.003 67.27% 0.11 -·· 556 1957/05/19 10:00:00 1957/05/19 17:00:00 8 0.003 67.39% 0.1 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 12/18 1 : ! I I I I I I 11 11 I I 11 II 1, II f I tit. 11 11 Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated.csv Rank I Start Date End Date ! Duration Peak Frequency I Return Period -~ 557 1992/02/10 04:00:00 1992/02/10 13:00:00 I 10 0.003 I0.1 I I 67.52% 558 1973/02/04 00:00:00 1973/02/04 06:00:00 I 7 0.003 67.64% 0.1 559 1978/04/08 15:00:00 1978/04/09 00 :00 :00 10 0.003 67.76% 0.1 -~ 560 1998/01/03 19:00:00 I 1998/01/04 23:00:00 29 0.003 67.88% 0.1 561 1967/11/26 22:00:00 1967/11/27 04:00:00 7 0.003 68.00% 0.1 -·--562 1956/12/06 06:00:00 1956/12/06 12:00:00 7 0.003 68.12% 0.1 563 2007/02/19 09:00:00 2007/02/19 16:00:00 8 0.003 68.24% 0.1 ~--564 I 1973/01/10 03:00:00 1973/01/10 09:00:00 7 0.003 68.36% 0.1 565 I 2001/11/2919:00:00 2001/11/30 03:00:00 9 0.003 68.48% 0.1 ... 566 I 1996/03/05 00:00:00 1996/03/05 07:00:00 8 0.003 68.61% 0.1 567 -----~ 2001/02/23 19:00:00 2001/02/24 02:00:00 8 0.003 68.73% 0.1 568 1964/10/15 14:00:00 1964/10/15 20:00:00 7 0.003 68.85% 0.1 569 1977/03/16 16:00:00 1977/03/22 20 :00 :00 149 0.003 68.97% 0.1 f-· 1957/04/18 12:00:00 I 8 .. 0.003 69.09% 0.1 570 1957/04/18 05:00:00 1--571 1987/03/05 23:00:00 1987/03/06 20:00:00 22 0.003 69.21% 0.1 -572 1974/01/01 08:00:00 1974/01/01 14:00:00 7 0.003 69.33% 0.1 573 1969/12/09 03:00:00 1969/12/09 08:00:00 6 0.003 69.45% 0.1 574 I 1958/02/13 06:00:00 1958/02/13 13:00:00 8 0.003 69.58% 0.1 f------·· 575 1969/03/13 05:00:00 1969/03/13 11 :00:00 7 0.003 69.70% 0.1 .. 576 1 1977/02/22 05:00:00 1977/02/22 12:00:00 8 0.003 69.82% 0.1 f---------,--1997/02/11 00:00:00 1997/02/11 05:00:00 6 0.003 69.94% 0.1 577 i 1975/12/12 19:00:00 1975/12/13 01 :00:00 ·-7 0.003 70.06% 0.1 578 -----579 1962/02/25 00:00:00 1962/02/25 06:00:00 7 0.003 70.18% 0.1 580 ~ 1990/01/02 10:00:00 1990/01/02 16:00:00 7 0.003 70.30% 0.1 581 I 1954/12/04 02:00:00 1954/12/04 07:00:00 6 0.003 70.42% 0.1 582 1965/12/22 04:00:00 1965/12/22 14:00:00 11 0.003 70.55% 0.1 f----· 583 I 2000/02/23 20:00:00 2000/02/24 02:00:00 7 0.003 70.67% 0.1 --~ 584 1996/01/25 16:00:00 1996/01/25 21:00:00 6 0.003 70.79% 0.1 ·-585 2000/11/30 12:00:00 2000/11/30 17:00:00 6 0.003 70.91% 0.1 >-----·--·--2007/02/23 00:00:00 2007/02/23 05:00:00 6 0.003 71.03% 0.1 586 .. 587 1982/03/28 23:00:00 1982/03/29 08:00:00 10 0.003 71.15% 0.1 -.,. ·-588 1957/04/22 14:00:00 1957/04/22 19:00:00 6 0.003 71.27% 0.1 f---------1996/02/03 15:00:00 1996/02/03 19:00:00 5 0.003 71.39% 0.1 589 590 2001/12/04 19:00:00 I 2001/12/05 01 :00:00 7 0.003 71.52% 0.1 -591 I 1951/10/08 10:00:00 1951/10/08 15:00:00 6 0.003 71.64% 0.1 592 : 1999/01/31 14:00:00 1999/01/31 18:00:00 5 0.003 71.76% 0.1 . 1975/03/14 05:00:00 1975/03/14 09:00:00 5 0.003 71.88% 0.1 ~~--+-594 1961/03/28 05:00:00 1961/03/28 17:00:00 13 0.003 72.00% 0.1 .. 595 1983/08/18 12:00:00 1983/08/18 17:00:00 6 0.003 72.12% 0.1 596 2007/04/23 02:00:00 2007/04/23 06:00:00 5 0.003 72.24% 0.1 597 1997/01/22 05:00:00 1997/01/22 09:00:00 5 0.003 72.36% 0.1 598 1995/06/16 01 :00:00 1995/06/17 03:00:00 27 0.003 72.48% 0.1 599 1960/03/28 05:00:00 1960/03/28 11 :00 :00 7 0.003 72.61% 0.1 600 2006/12/17 00:00:00 2006/12/17 09:00:00 10 I 0.003 72.73% 0.1 >---601 I 2006/03/03 18:00:00 2006/03/03 22:00:00 5 0.003 72.85% 0.1 ~-602 1955/04/26 14:00:00 1955/04/26 18:00:00 5 0.003 72.97% 0.1 --~-I 1993/12/14 20:00:00 i 1993/12/15 01 :00 :00 6 0.003 73.09% 0.1 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 13/18 " 1 ! 1 II I I 111 I II 11 II t11• 1a fl fl 1111 I I f Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date ___L Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ---fa51/10/11 03:00:00 ·-604 1951/10/11 07:00:00 5 0.003 73.21% 0.1 605 1953/11/05 12:00:00 1953/11/0516:00:00 5 0.003 73.33% 0.1 606 I 1964/02/29 08:00:00 1964/02/29 12:00:00 5 0.003 73.45% 0.1 607 2005/09/20 08:00:00 +-2005/09/20 12:00:00 5 0.003 73.58% 0.1 608 1966/01/01 02:00:00 1966/01/01 07:00:00 6 i 0.003 73.70% 0.1 -609 2002/02/17 20:00:00 2002/02/18 01 :00:00 I 0.003 0.1 6 I 73.82% --610 I 1975/04/25 11 :00:00 1975/04/25 15:00:00 5 0.003 73.94% 0.1 -611 1958/05/11 13:00:00 1958/05/11 19:00:00 7 0.003 74.06% 0.1 -~--6'12--1966/01/27 09:00:00 1966/01/27 15:00:00 7 0.003 74.18% 0.1 613 1969/04/03 09:00:00 1969/04/03 13:00:00 5 0.003 74.30% 0.1 614 1993/02/26 22 :00 :00 1993/02/27 03 :00 :00 6 0.003 74.42% 0.09 ... ·-615 1957/11/14 20:00:00 1957/11/15 01 :00:00 6 0.003 74.55% 0.09 .. 616 1985/09/18 15:00:00 1985/09/18 19:00:00 5 0.003 74.67% 0.09 -617 1981/04/02 08:00:00 1981/04/02 16:00:00 9 0.003 74.79% 0.09 618 1952/12/17 10:00:00 1952/12/17 20 :00 :00 11 0.003 74.91% 0.09 619 1999/01/20 17:00:00 1999/01/20 22:00:00 6 0.003 75.03% 0.09 620 1964/03/02 15:00:00 1964/03/02 19:00:00 5 0.003 75.15% 0.09 -621 2000/11/11 02:00:00 2000/11/11 07:00:00 6 0.003 75.27% 0.09 -· 622 1983/01/24 21 :00:00 1983/01/25 23:00:00 27 0.003 75.39% 0.09 623 1983/01/18 13:00:00 1983/01/19 16:00:00 28 0.003 75.52% 0.09 624 1978/11/14 00:00:00 1978/11/14 04:00:00 5 0.003 75.64% 0.09 -~---· ~ 1975/01/30 18:00:00 1975/01/30 22:00:00 -! 0.003 75.76% 0.09 -~ 5 626 1985/10/0713:00:00 +-1985/10/07 17:00:00 5 0.003 75.88% 0.09 627 1978/03/22 18:00:00 1978/03/23 20:00:00 27 0.003 76.00% 0.09 ·- 628 1987/03/25 01 :00:00 1987/03/26 03:00:00 27 0.003 I 76.12% 0.09 -~ -629 1978/11/15 13:00:00 1978/11/1517:00:00 5 0.003 76.24% 0.09 -630 : 1988/11/11 11 :00:00 1988/11/11 15:00:00 5 0.003 76.36% 0.09 --631 1981/01/12 13:00:00 1981/01/1217:00:00 5 0.003 76.48% 0.09 632 1971/03/13 11 :00 :00 1971/03/13 15:00:00 5 0.003 76.61% 0.09 ~633 I 1965/12/12 22:00:00 1965/12/13 17:00:00 20 0.003 76.73% 0.09 -~ I 634 1977/02/24 18:00:00 1977/02/25 05 :00 :00 12 0.003 76.85% 0.09 -~ 635 1991/12/19 13:00:00 1991/12/19 17:00:00 5 0.003 76.97% 0.09 ------636 1987/12/19 22:00:00 1987/12/20 02:00:00 5 0.003 77.09% 0.09 ~637 1983/10/07 12:00:00 1983/10/08 09:00:00 22 0.003 77.21% 0.09 ---638 1983/01/22 18:00:00 1983/01/23 19:00:00 26 0.003 77.33% 0.09 639 1985/03/27 12 :00 :00 I 1985/03/28 18:00:00 31 0.003 77.45% 0.09 640 1988/12/28 02:00:00 1988/12/28 17:00:00 16 0.003 77.58% 0.09 ~~---·--641 1987/11/02 07:00:00 i 1987/11/02 11 :00:00 5 0.003 77.70% 0.09 ----642 1984/12/12 23:00:00 1984/12/13 03:00:00 5 0.003 77.82% 0.09 643 1984/01/15 20:00:00 I 1984/01/16 14:00:00 19 0.003 77.94% 0.09 644 2005/03/04 13 :00 :00 2005/03/05 07:00:00 19 0.003 78.06% 0.09 ·-645 1980/04/28 19:00:00 I 1980/04/29 15:00:00 21 0.003 78.18% 0.09 ~646 1983/05/01 12:00:00 I 1983/05/02 15:00:00 28 0.003 78.30% 0.09 ~47 I 1987/12/29 15:00:00 i 1987/12/3011:00:00 21 I 0.003 78.42% 0.09 648 1987/02/05 15:00:00 1987/02/05 19:00:00 5 0.003 78.55% 0.09 649 i 1951/10/1512:00:00 1951/10/15 16:00:00 5 0.003 78.67% 0.09 650 1992/01/03 12:00:00 1992/01/04 10:00:00 23 0.003 78.79% 0.09 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 14/18 -" ; I I I I I I j I I I I ' I ' I • I I I I I f • I I 1 I • ! J Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank .L Start Date I End Date I Duration Peak Return Period I Frequency -----~ ~ 651 1985/02/04 00:00:00 1985/02/04 04:00:00 5 0.003 78.91% 0.09 i=· 652 1980/05/09 16:00:00 1980/05/10 20:00:00 29 0.003 79.03% 0.09 653 . 1952/12/06 07:00:00 1952/12/06 11 :00:00 -- I 5 0.003 79.15% 0.09 654 I 1962/03/23 02 :00 :00 1962/03/23 06:00:00 5 I 0.003 79.27% 0.09 ' -------655 1998/11/28 10 :00 :00 1998/11/29 05:00:00 20 0.003 79.39% 0.09 656 1953/12/04 13:00:00 1953/12/0417:00:00 5 0.003 79.52% 0.09 .. 657 1992/03/31 18:00:00 1992/03/31 21 :00 :00 79.64% 0.09 4 0.003 f---·· 658 1977/07/15 18:00:00 1977/07/15 21 :00:00 79.76% 0.09 4 0.003 ~ --659 1998/12/19 22:00:00 I 1998/12/20 01 :00:00 4 0.003 79.88% 0.09 660 1990/01/22 14:00:00 1990/01/22 17:00:00 4 0.003 80.00% 0.09 661 1979/12/25 13:00:00 1979/12/25 16:00:00 4 0.003 80.12% 0.09 ... 662 1987/07/1714:00:00 1987/07/1718:00:00 5 0.003 80.24% 0.09 663 1992/03/29 16:00:00 1992/03/29 19:00:00 4 0.003 80.36% 0.09 664 1983/12/19 18:00:00 1983/12/19 21 :00:00 4 0.003 80.48% 0.09 665 1984/11/16 18:00:00 1984/11/16 21 :00:00 4 0.003 80.61% 0.09 666 1959/10/01 08:00:00 1959/10/01 12:00:00 5 0.003 80.73% 0.09 ----667 1978/04/02 22:00:00 1978/04/03 01 :00:00 4 0.003 80.85% 0.09 .. -----·-668 I 1951/11/20 05:00:00 1951/11/21 03:00:00 23 0.003 80.97% 0.09 ·----· 669 l 1977/12/23 07:00:00 1977/12/23 10:00:00 4 0.003 81.09% 0.09 670 ! 2007/10/13 12:00:00 2007/10/13 15:00:00 4 0.003 81.21% 0.09 ·-· 671 1991/03/13 23:00:00 1991/03/14 02:00:00 4 i 0.003 81.33% 0.09 672 1960/03/13 08:00:00 1960/03/13 11 :00 :00 ' 4 0.003 81.45% 0.09 ' 673 1987/11/18 01 :00:00 1987/11/18 04:00:00 4 0.003 81.58% 0.09 674 2008/01/22 08:00:00 2008/01/22 11 :00:00 4 0.003 81.70% 0.09 --675 1995/12/13 08:00:00 1995/12/13 15:00:00 8 0.003 81.82% 0.09 676 1983/03/28 11 :00:00 1983/03/28 14:00:00 4 0.003 81.94% 0.09 .. 677 1979/11/12 15:00:00 1979/11/12 18:00:00 4 0.003 82.06% 0.09 678 1983/12/15 17:00:00 1983/12/15 20:00:00 4 0.003 82.18% 0.09 679 1999/06/02 06:00:00 1999/06/02 12:00:00 7 0.003 82.30% 0.09 ... 680 1987/12/11 09:00:00 1987/12/11 12:00:00 4 0.003 82.42% 0.09 ------· 681 2001/04/10 20:00:00 2001/04/11 01 :00:00 6 0.003 82.55% 0.09 ... 682 1977/07/22 15:00:00 1977/07/22 18:00:00 4 0.003 82.67% 0.09 ~-683 ' 1983/01/05 12:00:00 1983/01/05 15:00:00 4 0.003 82.79% 0.09 ~-1979/01/25 18:00:00 .. 1979/01/25 21:00:00 4 0.003 82.91% 0.09 684 .. 685 1989/12/0114:00:00 1989/12/01 17:00:00 4 0.003 -~-+ 83.03% 0.09 686 1983/11/18 03:00:00 1983/11/18 06:00:00 4 0.003 83.15% 0.09 687 1982/04/04 15:00:00 1982/04/04 18:00:00 I 4 I -0.003 83.27% 0.08 f----·· 688 1981/03/14 16:00:00 I 1981/03/14 19:00:00 4 0.003 83.39% 0.08 r-----·---------~--1987/02/03 19:00:00 0.003 ---~ 689 1987/02/03 16:00:00 4 83.52% 0.08 f----· 690 1971/05/07 23:00:00 1971/05/08 03:00:00 5 0.003 83.64% 0.08 691 1988/04/18 08:00:00 1988/04/18 11 :00 :00 4 0.003 83.76% 0.08 692 1999/03/11 16:00:00 1999/03/11 20:00:00 5 0.003 83.88% 0.08 693 1970/01/11 20:00:00 1970/01/12 01 :00:00 6 0.003 84.00% 0.08 694 1965/09/17 04:00:00 1965/09/17 13:00:00 10 0.003 84.12% 0.08 695 1986/02/23 10:00:00 1986/02/23 13:00:00 4 0.003 84.24% 0.08 696 1980/05/02 14:00:00 1980/05/02 17:00:00 4 0.003 84.36% 0.08 f--697 1982/02/17 05:00:00 1982/02/17 08:00:00 4 0.003 84.48% 0.08 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 15/18 l ! ' l I t I I I . ' l I II II 11 If 41 f i I I C I f I ' Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated .csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency I Return Period ~ 698 I 1986/03/0111:00:00 1986/03/0114:00:00 4 0.003 84.61% 0.08 699 _ 1984/01/04 19:00:00 1984/01/04 22:00:00 4 0.003 84.73% 0.08 ------------1 700 1989/01/05 22:00:00 1989/01/06 01 :00:00 4 0.003 84.85% 0.08 I 101 _ 1977/05/12 13:oo:oo 1977/05/12 16:00:00 4 0.003 84.97% 1 0.08 702 1987/10/28 04:00:00 1987/10/28 07:00:00 4 0.003 85.09% 0.08 703 1991/12/18 07:00:00 1991/12/1810:00:00 4 0.003 85.21% 10.08 704 1984/11/23 09:00:00 1984/11/2312:00:00 4 0.003 85.33% 10.08 705 1981/03/10 21 :00:00 1981/03/11 00:00:00 4 0.003 85.45% 10.08 706 I 1978/12/01 22:00:00 I 1978/12/02 01 :oo:oo 4 0.003 85.58% 0.08 707 I 1967/12/08 03:00:00 I 1967/12/08 12:00:00 10 0.003 85.70% 0.08 I 708 I 2004/02/18 20:00:00 I 2004/02/18 23:00:00 4 0.003 85.82% 0.08 709 I 1978/04/07 05:00:00 1 1978/04/07 08:00:00 4 0.003 85.94% 0.08 710 ---~1 1956/05/10 03:00:00 I 1956/05/10 06:00:00 4 0.003 86.06% 0.08 111 1973/12/01 22:00:00 I 1973/12/02 01 :oo:oo 4 0.003 86.18% 0.08 112 i 1983/05/06 12:00:00 I 1983/05/06 15:oo:oo 4 0.003 86.30% 0.08 113 I 191110911001:00:oo I 191110911004:oo:oo 4 0.003 86.42% 0.08 714 1971/04/26 08:00:00 1971/04/2611:00:00 4 0.003 86.55% 10.08 715 1987/11/14 05:oo:oo 1987/11/14 08:00:00 4 I 0.003 86.67% I0.08 716 1972/01/0912:00:00 1972/01/0915:00:00 4 0.003 86.79% 10.08 717 1983/01/17 09:00:00 1983/01/1712:00:00 4 0.003 86.91% 10.08 718 1981/05/0115:oo:oo 1981/05/0118:oo:oo 4 0.003 87.03% 10.08 719 1980/04/0119:00:00 1980/04/01 22:00:00 4 0.003 87.15% 10.08 720 2006/04/14 17:00:00 2006/04/15 12:00:00 20 j 0.003 87.27% 10.08 721 1965/04/13 03:00:00 1965/04/13 06:00:00 4 I 0.003 87.39% 0.08 722 1980/01/07 11 :00:00 1980/01/07 14:00:00 4 0.003 87.52% 0.08 723 1982/02/08 16:00:00 1982/02/08 19:00:00 4 0.003 87.64% 0.08 >----724 1998/03/2821:00:00 1998/03/2923:00:00 27 0.003 87.76% 0.08 1 725 I 1962/05/27 15:00:00 1962/05/27 18:00:00 4 0.003 87.88% 0.08 I 726 I 1996/10102 23:00:00 1996/10103 02:00:00 4 0.003 88.00% 0.08 --727 1973/03/26 10:00:00 1973/03/26 13:00:00 4 0.003 88.12% 0.08 728 1962/02/11 08:00:00 1962/02/11 11 :00:00 4 0.003 88.24% 0.08 I 729 1 2007/02/14 00:00:00 2007/02/14 03:00:00 , 4 0.003 88.36% 0.08 ~ ____ _130 1955112104 13:00:00 -1955112104 16:00:00 I 4 0.003 88.48% 0.08 L 731 1980/03/18 20:00:00 1980/03/18 22:00:00 3 0.003 88.61% 0.08 --732 1960/12/03 06:00:00 I 1960/12/03 09:00:00 4 0.003 88.73% 0.08 ---~- ---733 I 1991101104 01 :oo:oo , 1991/01/04 03:oo:oo 3 ---0.003 88.85% 0.08 734 1 1985/02/20 23:00:00 I 1985/02/21 01 :00:00 3 0.003 88.97% 0.08 - 735 -1999/04/01 22:00:00 1999/04/02 01 :00:00 4 0.003 89.09% 0.08 -736 j 1977/07/20 13:00:00 1977/07/20 15:00:00 3 --0.003 89.21% 0.08 737 __J_____ 2004/01/03 00:00:00 : 2004/01/03 02:00:00 3 0.003 89.33% 0.08 738 I 1971/12/13 09:00:00 1971/12/13 11 :00:00 3 0.002 89.45% 0.08 739~ . 1999/04/07 13:00:00 I 1999/04/07 16:00:00 4 0.002 89.58% 0.08 740 1977/07/2716:00:00 1977/07/2718:00:00 3 0.002 89.70% 0.08 ~ 1952/04/08 02:00:00 1952/04/08 08:00:00 7 0.002 89.82% 0.08 742 -2006/12/22 14:00:00 2006/12/22 16:00:00 3 0.002 89.94% 0.08 743 1995/01/15 04:00:00 1995/01/15 07:00:00 4 0.002 90.06% 10.08 744 1980/05/08 14:00:00 1980/05/08 16:00:00 3 0.002 90.18% 10.08 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 16/18 ~ j i i I I I I ' f ' I I f I I I I I I I l I r I I ' l Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated.csv Rank Start Date ! End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -745 1996/01/28 08:00:00 1996/01/2811:00:00 4 0.002 90.30% 0.08 746 1999/09/18 20 :00 :00 1999/09/18 22:00:00 3 0.002 90.42% 0.08 -747 1991/03/11 06:00:00 1991/03/11 08:00:00 3 0.002 90.55% 0.08 748 1969/03/09 06:00:00 1969/03/09 08:00:00 3 0.002 90.67% 0.08 ~-749 1999/03/1514:00:00 1999/03/15 16:00:00 I 3 0.002 90.79% 0.08 --750 +-· 1968/01/28 03:00:00 1968/01/28 05:00:00 3 0.002 90.91% 0.08 751 I 1970/04/27 14:00:00 1970/04/27 16:00:00 3 I 0.002 91.03% 0.08 752 1982/04/11 23:00:00 1982/04/12 01 :00:00 3 0.002 91.15% 0.08 753 1981/04/26 21 :00:00 1981/04/26 23 :00 :00 3 0.002 91.27% 0.08 754 1962/05/14 23:00:00 1962/05/15 01 :00:00 3 0.002 91.39% 0.08 ~755 1977/01/26 04:00:00 1977/01/26 06:00:00 3 0.002 91.52% 0.08 -· .. .. 756 1964/02/15 11 :00 :00 1964/02/1514:00:00 4 0.002 91.64% 0.08 757 1996/02/12 17:00:00 1996/02/12 19:00:00 3 0.002 91.76% 0.08 ~-758 1987/10/23 10:00:00 1987/10/23 12:00:00 3 0.002 91.88% 0.08 759 i 1966/01/20 03:00:00 1966/01/20 05:00:00 3 0.002 92.00% 0.08 760 2003/05/03 21 :00:00 2003/05/04 00:00:00 ! 4 0.002 92.12% 0.08 761 ---r-1975/04/06 01 :00:00 1975/04/06 04:00:00 4 92.24% ---~ I ' 0.002 0.08 ' --· -·-762 I 1965/01/07 12:00:00 1965/01/07 15:00:00 4 0.002 92.36% I 0.08 763 I 2008/02/14 18:00:00 2008/02/14 20 :00 :00 3 0.002 92.48% 0.08 764 1976/11/27 14:00:00 1976/11/27 16:00:00 3 0.002 92.61% 0.08 765 1953/04/20 14:00:00 1953/04/20 16:00:00 3 0.002 92.73% 0.08 766 2000/03/08 21 :00:00 2000/03/08 23:00:00 3 0.002 92.85% 0.08 767 1963/12/10 03:00:00 1963/12/10 05:00:00 3 0.002 92.97% 0.08 -768 1971/12/07 05:00:00 1971/12/07 07:00:00 3 0.002 93.09% 0.08 769 1995/05/01 16:00:00 1995/05/01 18:00:00 ' 3 0.002 93.21% 0.08 770 i 2004/12/08 11 :00:00 2004/12/08 13:00:00 3 0.002 93.33% 0.08 --~ 771 1987/01/2811:00:00 1987/01/28 13:00:00 3 I 0.002 93.45% 0.08 772 1967/01/31 05:00:00 1967/01/31 08:00:00 4 0.002 93.58% 0.08 -----773 1963/11/0618:00:00 1963/11/06 20 :00 :00 3 : 0.002 93.70% 0.08 ·-774 1953/11/20 10:00:00 1953/11/20 12:00:00 3 0.002 93.82% 0.08 775 1981/12/21 05:00:00 1981/12/21 07:00:00 3 0.002 93.94% 0.08 776 2004/03/26 13:00:00 2004/03/26 15:00:00 3 0.002 94.06% 0.08 777 1974/05/19 12:00:00 1974/05/19 14:00:00 3 0.002 94.18% 0.08 778 2006/03/07 04:00:00 2006/03/07 06:00:00 3 0.002 94.30% 0.08 779 I 1964/03/13 03:00:00 1964/03/13 05:00:00 3 0.002 94.42% 0.07 .. 780 2001/12/21 21 :00:00 2001/12/21 23:00:00 I 3 0.002 94.55% 0.07 781 1963/10/19 03:00:00 1963/10/19 05:00:00 3 0.002 94.67% 0.07 -··--782 1998/05/06 21 :00:00 1998/05/06 23 :00 :00 3 0.002 94.79% 0.07 ~-783 . 1978/04/25 20:00:00 1978/04/25 21:00:00 2 --0.002 94.91% 0.07 ------ -784 1960/04/23 11 :00:00 1960/04/23 13:00:00 3 0.002 95.03% 0.07 785 2001/01/08 20:00:00 2001/01/08 21 :00:00 2 0.002 95.15% 0.07 -786 1960/03/23 13:00:00 I 1960/03/23 14:00:00 2 0.002 95.27% 0.07 787 ' 1978/09/16 15:00:00 1978/09/16 16:00:00 2 0.002 95.39% O.Q7 ' 788 2002/12/29 21 :00:00 2002/12/29 23:00:00 3 0.002 95.52% 0.07 789 2001/04/21 14:00:00 2001/04/21 16:00:00 3 0.002 95.64% 0.07 790 1979/11/05 02:00:00 1979/11/05 03:00:00 2 0.002 95.76% 0.07 791 1958/01/30 16:00:00 1958/01/30 17:00:00 2 0.002 95.88% 0.07 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 17/18 I ! I I I Ii I I ' I I II I I 1111 I I • ' j , Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak ! Frequency Return Period 792 1953/01/14 00:00:00 1953/01/14 02:00:00 3 0.002 96.00% 0.07 --793 1956/04/27 06:00:00 1956/04/27 07:00:00 2 0.002 96.12% 0.07 794 1969/03/10 12:00:00 1969/03/10 22:00:00 11 0.002 96.24% 0.07 -·--· 795 1996/04/18 07:00:00 1996/04/18 08:00:00 2 0.002 96.36% 0.07 796 ~--1967/03/29 10:00:00 I 1967/03/29 11 :00 :00 2 0.002 96.48% 0.07 797 1998/04/15 21 :00:00 i 1998/04/15 22:00:00 2 0.002 96.61% 0.07 ~-798 I 1951/12/02 05:00:00 1951/12/02 06:00:00 2 0.002 96.73% 0.07 -799 : 2004/04/17 17:00:00 2004/04/17 18:00:00 2 0.002 96.85% 0.07 ~~800 i 2005/01/28 19:00:00 2005/01/28 20:00:00 2 0.002 96.97% 0.07 ----801 1963/10/1613:00:00 1963/10/16 14:00:00 2 0.002 97.09% 0.07 ~802 I 1984/02/10 08:00:00 1984/02/10 09:00:00 2 0.002 97.21% 0.07 ~-803 2001/11/12 21 :00:00 2001/11/12 22:00:00 2 0.002 97.33% 0.07 -· 804 1986/04/01 12:00:00 1986/04/01 13:00:00 2 0.002 97.45% 0.07 -805 1976/06/10 13:00:00 1976/06/10 14:00:00 2 0.002 97.58% 0.07 806 1964/01/18 23:00:00 1964/01/19 00:00:00 2 0.002 97.70% 0.07 ----807 2003/03/22 21 :00:00 2003/03/22 22:00:00 2 0.002 97.82% 0.07 ---· 808 1968/12/20 14:00:00 1968/12/20 15:00:00 I 2 0.002 97.94% 0.07 I ·-----------809 1963/04/08 11 :00:00 1963/04/08 11 :00:00 I 1 0.002 98.06% 0.07 -----------~------810 1994/04/24 10:00:00 1994/04/24 10:00:00 I 1 0.002 98.18% 0.07 ---·--· 811 1965/03/07 02:00:00 1965/03/07 03:00:00 : 2 0.002 98.30% 0.07 812 1955/12/07 05:00:00 1955/12/07 06:00:00 : 2 0.002 98.42% 0.07 ·-813 i 1957/11/04 09:00:00 i 1957/11/0410:00:00 2 0.002 98.55% 0.07 --814 1958/03/31 03:00:00 I 1958/03/31 04:00:00 2 0.002 98.67% 0.07 ··--·-·-815 1998/01/13 21 :00:00 1998/01/13 21 :00:00 1 0.002 98.79% 0.07 -816 1957/11/03 04:00:00 1957/11/03 04:00:00 1 0.002 98.91% 0.07 --·-·· 817 1957/11/16 20:00:00 1957/11/16 21 :00:00 2 0.002 99.03% 0.07 --· 818 1973/03/04 07:00:00 1973/03/04 07:00:00 1 0.002 99.15% 0.07 ~ ·---819 1999/02/09 23:00:00 1999/02/09 23 :00 :00 1 0.002 99.27% 0.07 --820 2001/12/20 21:00:00 2001/12/20 21:00:00 1 0.002 99.39% 0.07 821 1976/04/04 07:00:00 1976/04/04 07:00:00 1 0.002 99.52% 0.07 --822 2003/11/16 04:00:00 2003/11/16 04:00:00 1 0.002 99.64% 0.07 823 1957/01/24 13:00:00 1957/01/24 13:00:00 1 0.002 99.76% 0.07 824 1992/05/17 21 :00:00 1992/05/17 21:00:00 1 0.002 99.88% 0.07 -End of Data----------------- 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 18/18 .. .. i ; 1 I I I I i I I W • I fl 11 1111 I I I I I i I Excel Engineering 0.15 -0.10 J!? u -G> -cu 0:: 0.05 ~ 0 -LL 0.00 -0.05 Flow Duration Curves --Pre Development -Post Development Mitigated )lh I~ 010 (0.158cfs) ~ Qlf(0.0097cfs) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . l'-N 0 0 ~ 0 0 .Flow Duration PreDevelopment=365(days)x24(hr/day)x0.027(%)=2.3(hours/year) . . . . . . . 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FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration --89 0.14 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 90 0.14 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 91 I 0.15 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration -----· -~ 92 I 0.15 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration ·-------93 0.15 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 94 0.15 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 95 0.15 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 96 0.15 I 0.00 0.00 TRUE --FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration --97 I 0.16 0.00 0.00 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 98-~ 0.16 0.00 0.00 TRUE ----·----FALSE FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 99 ' 0.16 0.00 0.00 r----TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Above Flow Control Uooer Limit 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 3/3 .. -= ~ ! I I • ' I I I I I I ' I ' • I I I I I I I I I ' Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv QlJt:_ation Table Summary at Project D_ischarge Point --------------·------------- file name: Q:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\Outfall B\ 1-13070-Pre-OUTFALLB.out ------ ·-time -~tamp: 10/24/2016 2:55:40 PM ----------------------------·------------------- ------~ DISCHARGE I Number of periods when discharge was equal to or greater than DISCHARGE . column but less than that shown on the next line --- 1/U, b~ ts~°"' bJ> ~0 I 'l,<l! 0<l! rz,'-~tr; ;..,o <v+O <v+O ~ ~e; ~v~ 'l, ~($ cl' b~ 'l, q)-~ ~ rz,' i,.,o -<..~ ~ ~e; ~ <;/! I ~v~ ~ ve; ,,,,.~ ~e;'- -----1 0.010 1 133 0.027 -~ 2 0.011 2 132 0.027 ---3 0.013 4 130 0.026 4 0.014 0 126 0.025 -5 0.016 0 126 0.025 6 0.017 4 126 0.025 -7 0.019 3 122 0.025 8 0.020 1 119 0.024 -9 0.022 2 118 0.024 --10 0.023 1 116 0.023 --11 ' 0.025 1 115 0.023 -12 0.026 0 114 0.023 .. 13 0.028 2 114 0.023 14 0.029 5 112 0.023 -- 15 0.031 7 107 0.022 ---16 0.032 1 100 0.020 -----17 0.034 2 99 0.020 ---18 0.035 1 97 0.020 ------19 0.037 1 96 0.019 ---20 0.038 3 95 0.019 ,-..-----~----- 21 0.040 0 92 0.019 • 22 0.041 1 92 0.019 23 0.043 4 91 0.018 --------~ -24 0.044 87 0 0.018 -25 0.046 2 87 0.018 -• 26 0.047 2 85 0.017 27 0.049 5 83 0.017 28 0.050 3 78 0.016 -29 0.052 4 75 0.015 -• 30 0.053 1 71 0.014 31 i 0.055 --3 70 0.014 ----32 I 0.056 1 67 0.014 I 33 0.058 0 66 0.013 34 0.059 2 66 0.013 -35 0.061 3 64 0.013 ------36 0.062 10 61 0.012 -37 0.064 1 51 0.010 38 0.065 1 50 0.010 -39 0.067 0 49 0.010 40 0.068 0 49 I 0.010 I -41 0.070 2 49 0.010 42 0.071 3 47 0.009 • 43 0.073 0 44 0.009 44 0.074 1 44 0.009 -45 0.076 0 43 0.009 46 0.077 0 43 0.009 47 0.079 0 43 0.009 -48 0.080 0 43 0.009 49 0.082 0 43 0.009 -50 0.083 1 43 0.009 51 0.085 0 42 0.008 --10/24/2016 5:17 PM 1/2 -- Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv I I '{$-,::.0:i I 000 I be:, ~ ~0 i,.~ 'l,(lj 0(lj <?:-7} ~0 «l I «l; ~~~ 0 i ~cs & I be:, ' 0 ! 0' 1,.,0 __ J ,<,,~ <?)~ ~ I <:)~ ~ I ~0 ~ ~.s ~ c,0 ·---"'~ ~0-- 52 0.086 1 42 0.008 ----------. 53 0.088 I 4 41 0.008 ·-· -- I'"' I'"" 54 0.089 l ! 37 0.007 55 0.091 37 0.007 56 0.092 35 0.007 57 0.094 32 -0.006 58 0.095 I 0 30 ' 0.006 -59 0.097 0 30 0.006 ·-60 0.098 0 30 0.006 61 0.100 1 30 0.006 f----~---62 0.101 0 29 0.006 -··---63 0.103 1 29 0.006 >---------64 0.104 0 28 0.006 • 65 0.106 0 28 0.006 -----66 0.107 0 28 0.006 .. -67 0.109 0 28 0.006 68 0.110 3 28 0.006 ------• 69 0.112 2 25 0.005 f-----· -70 f----0.113 1 23 0.005 .. -· 71 0.115 1 22 0.004 -72 ·---~ 0.116 1 21 0.004 ----• 73 0.118 0 20 0.004 74 ·-· 0.119 0 20 0.004 ~ 75 0.121 1 20 0.004 -~~~ -76 0.122 1 19 0.004 ~---77 0.124 0 18 0.004 • 78 0.125 -18 --~ 2 0.004 ---·---79 0.127 0 16 0.003 ~ -80 0.128 1 16 0.003 81 0.130 1 15 0.003 • 82 0.131 1 14 0.003 83 I 0.133 0 13 0.003 ·----84 0.134 13 0.003 0 --~-85 0.136 0 13 0.003 • 86 0.137 0 13 0.003 87 0.139 0 13 0.003 88 0.140 1 13 0.003 --89 0.142 0 12 0.002 • 90 0.143 0 12 0.002 91 0.145 0 12 0.002 92 0.146 0 12 0.002 -93 0.148 0 12 0.002 -94 0.149 2 12 0.002 -95 0.151 10 ---0.002 0 96 0.152 0 10 0.002 -97 0.154 2 10 0.002 98 0.155 2 8 0.002 -99 0.157 0 6 0.001 100 0.158 0 6 0.001 ---------End of Data------------------- ---10/24/2016 5:17 PM 2/2 -- - Excel Engineering USGS9217dPostMitigated.csv Duration Table Summary at Project Discharge Point ... . -------- file name: Q:\13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm caics\OlJtfall B\3A-13070-MIT_::POST-OUTFALLE!4.out ·-· ---··---- ---------time stamp: 10/24/2016 5:15:09 PM ---------------------------------------- ·-T--------· ------------ DISCHARGE Number of periods when discharge was equal to or greater than DISCHARGE column but less than that shown on the next line -I, b"' ~~o., bJ> rt-~q, i,._,o q,0 q,0 ~ Q;-~ ~0 <v+v «l ~->~ q, fb><:$ d' b"' q, <i:)~ a' q,\ /...~ -<..~ ~ ~0 ~ <::>{a ~->~ ~ I c,e I-------·· e-----"'-~ . ~q,'-- 1 0.010 418 466 0.094 -2 0.011 13 48 0.010 -3 0.013 2 35 0.007 4 0.014 6 33 0.007 -----.. 5 0.016 3 27 0.005 -6 0.017 3 24 0.005 --7 0.019 2 21 0.004 ----8 0.020 0 19 0.004 f--· 9 0.022 0 19 0.004 10 0.023 3 19 0.004 11 0.025 1 16 0.003 -12 0.026 2 ·-15 0.003 ---. • 13 0.028 0 13 0.003 14 0.029 2 13 0.003 15 0.031 1 11 0.002 -16 0.032 1 10 0.002 --17 0.034 0 9 0.002 • 18 0.035 0 9 0.002 ------. 19 i 0.037 1 9 0.002 c---------· ---20 0.038 0 8 0.002 21 0.040 0 8 0.002 -----• 22 0.041 2 8 0.002 ~-· 23 0.043 1 6 0.001 ----24 0.044 0 5 0.001 25 0.046 0 5 0.001 --·-----• 26 0.047 0 5 0.001 --·--27 0.049 0 5 0.001 -28 0.050 0 5 0.001 29 0.052 0 5 0.001 • 30 0.053 0 5 0.001 31 0.055 1 5 0.001 -------32 0.056 0 4 0.001 -~ -33 0.058 0 4 0.001 ----• 34 0.059 0 4 0.001 35 i 0.061 0 4 0.001 36 ' 0.062 0 4 0.001 -37 0.064 0 4 0.001 38 0.065 0 4 0.001 • 39 -0.067 0 4 0.001 40 0.068 0 4 0.001 -41 0.070 0 4 0.001 42 0.071 0 4 0.001 -• 43 0.073 0 4 0.001 44 0.074 0 4 0.001 -45 0.076 0 4 0.001 46 0.077 0 4 0.001 -47 0.079 0 4 0.001 48 0.080 0 4 0.001 49 0.082 0 4 0.001 -50 0.083 0 4 0.001 -51 0.085 0 4 0.001 -10/24/2016 5:17 PM 1/2 .. - Excel Engineering USGS9217dPostMitigated.csv .... - -• I I '{y~o., I o"'o be., I ~ ~"' /...'o t!Pq; 00 I Q;-'b' ' ~q,0 «i' I «l) ~§ I 0 ~~ i"c., 0 <i)~ §' uo ,<,.~ <::P ~ q,"' I ~ ~ c,0 ·----- ,,.,.~ ---- q,"'<;. ·-------· . . . I I 52 0.086 0 4 0.001 + 4 0.001 53 0.088 0 ---~--·--0.001 54 0.089 0 4 .. 55 0.091 2 4 I 0.001 '---------· ... 56 0.092 0 2 0.000 .. • 57 0.094 0 2 0.000 ·-58 0.095 0 2 0.000 ~-· .. -2 0.000 59 0.097 0 -~ ----60 0.098 0 2 0.000 1....------.. ·-• 61 0.100 0 2 0.000 62 0.101 0 2 0.000 ···-... -0.000 63 0.103 0 2 ~ 2 0.000 64 0.104 0 • 65 0.106 0 2 0.000 . .. 2 0.000 66 0.107 0 67 0.109 0 2 0.000 -~ 68 0.110 --0 2 0.000 • 69 0.112 0 2 0.000 ·-70 0.113 0 2 0.000 C-··-0.000 71 0.115 0 2 1-----------.. ·--72 0.116 0 2 0.000 -·-· 73 0.118 ~-0 2 0.000 74 0.119 0 2 0.000 -75 0.121 0 2 0.000 -76 0.122 0 i 2 0.000 ·-·--·-77 0.124 0 2 0.000 • 78 0.125 0 2 0.000 ·~ 79 0.127 0 2 0.000 --80 0.128 0 2 0.000 ·--~ ... 81 0.130 0 2 0.000 --• 2 0.000 82 0.131 0 ·~ 83 0.133 0 2 0.000 --~ 84 0.134 0 2 0.000 -85 0.136 0 2 0.000 • 86 0.137 0 2 0.000 -2 0.000 87 0.139 0 I 88 0.140 0 2 0.000 -89 0.142 0 2 0.000 90 0.143 0 2 0.000 • ·---91 0.145 0 2 0.000 .. -92 0.146 0 2 0.000 ·~ -93 0.148 0 2 0.000 94 0.149 0 2 0.000 -----95 0.151 0 2 0.000 96 0.152 0 2 0.000 -97 0.154 0 2 0.000 98 0.155 0 2 0.000 -99 0.157 0 2 0.000 100 0.158 0 2 0.000 --------End of Data----------------- • -·- - 10/24/2016 5:17 PM 2/2 - - Excel Engineering 1"41 -• END OF STATISTICS ANALYSIS • -• ---- • -• -• -• • -• -• -• - • -• - Excel Engineering Peak Flow Frequency Curves 0.6 ·.··············:··············:·············:·············:·······/····:···· 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . -J!? c.> 0.4 --·· · · · · ......... ~ ... . -~ 0 Li: 0.3 ~ co Cl) a. 0.2 0.1 0.0 ............. \ ...... -. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . -Pre Development • . . . -Post Development Mitigated ·•· · · · · · · · · · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · · · · : · · · · · · · · · · · · · '. · · · · · · · · · ·I*"" 010 (0.341cfs) *"" as (0.297cfs) *"" 02 (0.224cfs) ------------------------------------1*"" Qlf (0.0224cfs) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Return Period (Years) - Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT Compare Post-Development Curve to Pre-Development Curve post-development SWMM file: Q:\13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\3A-13070-MIT POST-POCC-SmallPaver.out post-development time stamp: 10/20/2016 9:47:47 AM Compared to: pre-development SWMM file: Q:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\ 13070-PRE-POCC.out pre-development time stamp: 10/14/2016 10:56:30 AM I /-f ,. I ,. &0 ~>lt< ,"" ~o cfa ~ 0"5 : l ~ o\o r-..q_ ()0 r-..t,. r-.. "1 .._l:S c}v. q_O<:, q_~ ~ " q_'l><:, ,0 I O<j (f'Cj r-.. "1 <f,-~ q_O q_ (fa 0 oe:, (fa 0 I 58.00 0.84 0.59 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Above Flow Control Upper Limit i _J 29.00 0.25 0.38 TRUE ~ FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 19.33 0.25 -· 0.38 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 14.50 I 0.25 0.37 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 11.60 I 0.23 --0.34 --TRUE .. FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -4 ! ----------,-----------:;; _____ 5__ I 9.67 0.23 0.34 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 6 8.29 0.23 0.31 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 7 7.25 0.23 0.31 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 8 6.44 0.23 0.31 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --9 . 5.80 0.21 0.30 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ·.-.· iLJ-5.27 0.20 0.30 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 4.83 0.20 0.30 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 4.46 0.19 0.29 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ---~ ___ 1_3_ I • 4.14 0.19 0.29 I TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 14 3.87 0.19 0.28 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -15 3.63 0.19 0.28 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ---~-3.41 0.17 ! 0.28 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ----17 ___ 3.22 0.17 0.28 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ------18 3.05 0.17 0.27 I TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -·-19-· 2.90 0.16 0.27 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ~-20 2.76 0.16 0.27 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre .. 21 2.64 0.16 I ~-0.26 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 22 2.52 0.16 0.25 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 23 2.42 0.16 0.25 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 24 2.32 0.16 0.24 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --25 2.23 0.14 0.24 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 26 2.15 0.13 0.23 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 27 2.07 0.13 0.22 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -· ----28 2.00 0.13 0.22 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -~-1.93 0.13 0.22 TRUE FALSE -FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --I 30 1.87 0.12 0.22 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ---31 1.81 0.12 0.21 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --32~ 1.76 0.11 0.20 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -~-~-1.71 0.11 0.20 TRUE .. FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost < Qore I 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 1/11 ' ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ! I &0 ~~ !,.cl;\ 0 ,,.o &0 &0 ~ ~ 0~ 0~ ~ 0~ o\o .,,_<l. .,,_<J ()0 t-I .,,_-1 "I:) $-<l.~ ~ " q_'l>"' q_o"' ~<::-q_O<,; <l.'0 i ~o L oc,; .,,.. '1 I I 0~ oc,; ~ 34 1.66 ' 0.11 0.20 TRUE FALSE ! FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 35 1.61 0.09 0.19 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 36 1.57 0.08 0.19 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 37 1.53 0.08 0.19 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 38 1.49 0.08 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 39 1.45 0.07 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 40 1.42 0.07 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 41 1.38 O.Q7 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 42 1.35 0.06 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre --43 ' 1.32 0.05 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ' r--44 i 1.29 0.05 0.18 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 1-----1.26 0.05 0.17 I TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 45 I 1--~-·-46 1.23 0.04 0.17 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ! r----47 ____ 1.21 0.04 ' 0.17 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre r-· --·----~FAL§E°--48 1.18 0.04 0.17 TRUE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre r------~----·-49 1.16 0.04 0.17 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -50 1.14 0.03 0.17 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ----51 1.12 0.03 0.16 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -· -52 1.09 0.02 0.16 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre -53 1.07 i 0.02 I 0.16 ' TRUE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 54 I 1.06 0.02 i 0.16 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold >--55 1.04 0.02 0.16 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 56 1.02 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--~ 57 1.00 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 58 0.98 i 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 59 0.97 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ... ---60 0.95 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 61 0.94 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold -62 I 0.92 0.01 0.15 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ~3 0.91 0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-64 . -0.89 --0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 65 0.88 0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 66 0.87 0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 67 0.85 0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 68 ' 0.84 0.01 0.14 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--~ 0.83 0.01 0.13 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 70 0.82 0.01 0.13 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~-0.81 0.01 0.13 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 71 --~- 72 0.80 0.01 0.13 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 73 0.78 0.01 0.13 FALSE ! FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---7-4---~ -0.77 i 0.01 0.13 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 75 ' 0.76 0.01 0.13 FALSE . FALSE. FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 2/11 t 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I ~ I O I O !,.0 !,.0 o~0 :<,.. ~ '$ I ~ ~ cfo 0~ o\0 (<.~ r-..~ ' ,o I r-..<::)0 I (;)0 r-..1-~-, ..._..._<::S ii ~oc, I ~~~ . ~oc, ~,0 o't cfooc, cfooo/-, ~~ -_ 76 l~ 0.75 0.01 0.13 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold .----~;~~ --t--~: ;~ ~:~~ ~: ~ ~ ~:t~~ ---~:t~~ ~:t~~ ~:::: g~~!! :::~: ~:~: g~~!~~: +~~::~~:~ .----~7~9 i 0. 73 0.01 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 80 0.72 0.01 , 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-QpostBelowFlowControlThreshold 81 i 0.71 0.01 1 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold o-----8~2~-I 0.70 0.01 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1----~8~3-==+= 0.69 0.01 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 84 1 0.68 0.01 0.12 FALSE , FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 85 0.67 0.01 0.12 FALSE ·1 FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 86 0.67 0.01 0.12 FALSE ----FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- o-----8~7~--! 0.66 0.01 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 88 1 0.65 0.01 0.11 FALSE --FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold i----8~9. 1 0.64 0.01 0.11 FALSE --FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold :=-_:--90 ' _ 0.64 1 0.01 1 0.11 I FALSE FALSE___ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 91 0.63 1 0.01 ' 0.11 • FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold r----92 --0.62 I 0.01 0.11 , FALSE FALSE ' FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold t---93 0.62 0.01 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 94 0.61 0.01 0.11 FALSE __ j FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 95 0.60 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f----------96 , -0.60 I -0.01 --0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f-----97 i· 0.59 1 0.01 0.10 FALSE ----FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold =-98 . _ 0.59 ! 0.01 ---+ 0.10 , FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold - 99 0.58 0.01 I 0.10 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 100 -0.57 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 101 0.57 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ __ 1_0_2__ 0.56 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ __ 1_0_3 ~-1 0.56 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 104 -1_ 0.55 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 105 0.55 1 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold --106 0.54 , 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold __ 107 --0.54 J 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 108 0.53 0.01 I 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f----109 0.53 0.01 0.10 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --110 0.52 0.01 0.10 , FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --111 0.52 0.01 0.10 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-QpostBelowFlowControlThreshold 112 0.51 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 113 0.51 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 114 --0.50 0.01 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-QpostBelowFlowControlThreshold 115 ---+ 0.50 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold c-----116 , 0.50 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 117 1 0.49 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 3/11 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I f I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I &0 ,c;;-. 0 I &0 &0 ~ ~'I!< 01:S 0.:;. ~o ~ 0~ o\o ~ ""q_ ""<:j <::)0 I, ""'7 ... ~ ~«. q_<: ~ " q_O~ ~~ q_O~ q_<..0 o'v.o 0~ ""'7 q_~ 0~ 0~ ~ --118 I 0.49 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --119 0.48 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 120 I 0.48 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 121 0.48 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 122 0.47 0.01 0.09 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-··---123 0.47 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 124 0.46 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 125 0.46 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold -126 0.46 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 127 0.45 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 128 I 0.45 i 0.01 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 129 0.45 I 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ~'!l0 ! 0.44 I 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ·-131 0.44 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --· FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 132 0.44 0.01 0.08 I --133 0.43 0.01 0.08 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --134 0.43 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --0.43 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 135 0.08 FALSE FALSE I ·-FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1------136 ·-0.42 0.01 137 0.42 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·---~ --I-------138 I 0.42 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --~139 0.41 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 140 I 0.41 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--I 141 0.41 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold .. 142 0.41 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------143 0.40 0.01 0.08 ~. FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 144 0.40 0.01 0.08 f FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1----.....-....·----145 0.40 0.01 0.08 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----146 0.40 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ---· -0.39 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 147 ' i 148 _,__---i- 0.39 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 149 ··----t 0.39 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 150 0.38 0.01 i 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnnst Below Flow Control Threshold 151 0.38 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnnst Below Flow Control Threshold 152 0.38 0.01 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 153 0.38 0.01 0.08 ~ FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnnst Below Flow Control Threshold 154 0.37 0.01 0.07 ~ FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 155 0.37 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 156 0.37 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 157 0.37 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 158 0.37 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 159 0.36 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 4/11 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I I I ' I &0 ~~ !,.~ 0 ~o &0 &0 cfo ~ 1 0~ !Z,~ cfo 0~ o\o ,,_q_ ,,_<:::) ()0 ,,_" ,,_-, "~ $-q_<: " q_O<,; q_O<,; I <?.'0 o<o o<o ,,_-, q,">"" ~f I cfo I 0~ I o<o I I 0~ I I ~----160 1- 0.36 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--161 0.36 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.07 ---162 0.36 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 0.07 ~--163 I 0.35 0.01 FALSE -~ ~-FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 0.07 164 0.35 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 165 0.35 0.01 ! 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 166 0.35 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 167 0.35 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --168 0.34 0.01 0.07 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 169 0.34 0.01 0.07 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -170 0.34 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~171 0.01 0.07 ----FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ' 0.34 -·-----172 I 0.34 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 173 0.33 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 174 0.33 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 175 0.33 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 176 0.33 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --177 I 0.33 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -____ ._ 178 0.32 0.01 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --179 0.32 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --180 0.32 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 181 0.32 0.01 0.06 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 182 0.32 0.01 0.06 ------FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----183 0.32 r-0.01 T 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --------184 -_ I ____ 0.31 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------185 0.31 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --+-186 ----e----. 0.31 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·-· --187 0.31 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -1---------188 0.31 0.01 0.06 __ ......, __ FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -·--. ·----189 0.31 0.01 0.06 ·---FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 190 0.30 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------I 191 0.30 i 0.01 ' 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----192 T 0.30 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --193 0.30 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-----194 0.30 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 195 0.30 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -196 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 197 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --198 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold --199 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 200 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 201 I 0.29 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 5/11 f t f ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I ' Excel Engineering pea kFlowPassFa i IM itigated. TXT I 1,0 ,i;;I I 1,0 1,0 ~ :<..~ ~o 0 0~ 0~ o\o ~ ""'<l. 0~ <::)0 fl,~ ~ ""''1 ..._I::> t-q_<: <J ~ I " q_o"' I ~ <l.'0 I o"' ""''1 q_'l),"' <f? q_O o~o 0~ o"' I ~ -"_l_ ___ 202 0.29 0.01 0.06 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --203 0.28 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 204 0.28 0.01 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 205 0.28 0.01 0.05 i FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 206 0.28 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~-207 0.28 i 0.01 --0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 208 I 0.28 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE --FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 209 0.28 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 210 0.28 0.01 0.05 ---FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 211 0.27 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 212 0.27 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 213 0.27 0.01 0.05 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 214 0.27 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold __ ___£1_§__ --0.27 I 0.01 0.05 --I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 216 I 0.27 I 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --217 0.27 0.01 0.05 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 218 I 0.27 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 219 0.26 0.01 0.05 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 220 0.26 0.01 0.05 ~ FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 221 0.26 0.01 --222 0.26 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 223 I 0.26 ! 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 224 0.26 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --0.05 FALSE FALSE I --- FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 225 0.26 0.01 -----226 0.26 0.01 I ~-0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 227 0.25 0.01 ! 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ __ 228 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold '---229 ' 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE -- '-230 0.25 : 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 231 0.25 I 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---· -232 ' 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 233 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 234 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold l--·--235 0.25 0.01 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold --·--236 0.25 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ---237 0.24 0.01 0.04 -FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 238 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 239 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 240 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --~---0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 242 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 243 ! 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 6/11 t J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I l l I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I I I I I &0 ~~ ._;;... ~o ~o &0 1-0 ~ ~ I 0~ ~ o\o 0'5 I "-q_ <::)0 <::)0 l-"-~ ..._<:5 i<, q_'I: ~ " q_O<,; ~ q_'-0 oc,; "-~ q_'l;<,; ~~ I q_O ~o ~ I oc,; __ ___J__ i 0~ -~ 244 ! 0.24 i 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~45 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 246 0.24 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~47 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 248 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 249 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 250 0.23 ' 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 251 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---252 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold i ---,--0.23 .. 0.01 I 0.04 FALSE FALSE -··--FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 253 . 254 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----f----FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 255 0.23 0.01 ---0.04 --f------256 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -257 0.23 0.01 0.04 FALSE ----FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --258 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 259 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 260 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 261 ! 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 262 0.22 0.01 0.04 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 263 i 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 264 I 0.22 i 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 265 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE .. FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 266 ' 0.22 0.01 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 267 I 0.22 0.01 I 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-268 0.22 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f--------269 0.22 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~270 --0.21 I 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-271 0.21 i 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 272 0.21 ' 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -. .. 273 0.21 0.01 0.03 ' FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 274 0.21 0.01 0.03 . FALSE ---·--·· FALSC FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f----------------275 0.21 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -276 0.21 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~ 0.21 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-278 0.21 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---.. ---· 279 0.21 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 280 I 0.21 0.01 0.03 --. FALSE I FALSE-. -FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I __ ...(____ 281 I 0.21 0.01 0.03 I FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 282 I 0.21 0.01 I 0.03 FALSE --FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 283 0.20 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----------· 0.20 0.01 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 284 ~285 0.20 0.01 --~o:·03 FALSE FALSE--FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 7/11 I I I .I I I I I ! I f I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I ! 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FALSE FALSE Pass-QQ_ost Below Flow Control Threshold BE330 -~ 0.18 0.01 0.01 I FALSE ' FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 0.18 _ 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE _ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold : 0.17 0.01 0.01 i FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 333 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I ~-0.17 : 0.01 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 335 0.17 1 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 336 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 337 --f------------0.17 -0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I~. 338 0.17 0.01 0.01 -·· FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 339 , 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -340 --~ 0.17 0.01 0.01 / FALSE FALSE .. __ FALSE Pass-Qnost Below Flow Control Threshold I 341 · 0.17 0.01_ 0.01 i FALSE _ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 342 0.17 1 0.01 0.01 , FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnost Below Flow Control Threshold 343 0.17 I 0.01 , 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold t=:=344 0.17 I 0.01 I 0.01 FALSE _ FALSE FALSE-Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 345 0.17 0.01 1 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 346 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 347 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 348 i 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 349 I 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE : FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 350 1 0.17 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 351 0.17 0.01 0.01 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold r-352 0.16 i 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold >---. 353 0.16 1 0.01 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f-354 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -355 0.16 I 0.01 I 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 356 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE I Pass-QJ'.)_ost Below Flow Control Threshold ,___ 357 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 358 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 359 0.16 I 0.01 0.00 i FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,____ 360 0.16 I 0.01 0.00 I FALSE -FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 361 +--0.16 r 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 362 0.1 s----r 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 363 i 0.16 I 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 364 . ; 0.16 I 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 365 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qnost Below Flow Control Threshold 366 -0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold E 367 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 368 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 369 0.16 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 9/11 i I I I I I I I t I f I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l I f I Excel Engineering pea kFlowPassFa i IM itigated .TXT I &lo ~'!!< I f,..o/, ~o ~o &lo &lo ~ ~ 0"5 ~ o'l o\o r-..q_ I <:)lo <:)lo I I,. .,.,.:1 ..._I:) i q_<: r}, " q_o" r}, q_,1o o" I .,.,_-? 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I 0.01 FALSE FALSE -· FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 391 ! 0.15 0.00 --FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 392 0.15 0.01 0.00 -----393 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.15 I --~-0.01 -0.00 ---r----FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 394 0.15 ---· --·--395 0.15 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 396 0.15 0.01 0.00 --t--·-FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 397 0.15 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 398 0.15 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~399 0.15 I 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~oo· 0.15 I 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 401 0.14 i 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 402 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 403 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~· 0.14 ---0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 404 405 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 406 I 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 407 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 408 I 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE ' FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 409 I 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --~-~ 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE ·--~-FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 411 0.14 0.01 I 0.00 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 10/11 I i J I 1 I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I i I i I I I I t I I I ' Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT &0 :<,. ~ I ,.So/I ~ 0 ~ 0 . :__J_&0 . 0~0 ~\o~ I [<.~ ""~ I .r.,~ <>0 <>0 ""t-,.,_..., ," ~<J. o"" l '< ~ 0 I f:> !°<i "1 'liJ ~ 1'S' ! .r.O ~~ ~o ~o ,.,_ ~ ~ ! 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0.00 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 425 1 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE · FALSE--FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---~ -----;----_ 0.14 0.01 o.oo FALSE I FALSE -----FALSE--Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ ---i---0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE __L__ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 428 0.14 0.01 0.00 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 429 0.14 ' 0.01 0.00 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 --430 0.14 ' 0.01 0.00 FALSE FALSE --FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 431 0.13 I 0.01 0.00 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 11/11 ~ j i I i .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv SWMM.out file name: Q-:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\s1Nmm calcs\OUTFALL C\13070-PRE·POCC.out SWMM.out ti111_e stamp: 10/14/2016 10:56:30 AM 010:-Q.341 05: 0.297 02: 0.224 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, Peak Flow Statistics Table Values I Rank I Start Date End Date Duration =i-_ Peak Frequency Return Period 1 1995/01/04 16:00:00 1995/01/04 23:00:00 8 0.593 0.28% 58 2 , 1969/02/24 00:00:00 1969/02/25 20:00:00 45 0.383 0.56% 29 1-3 1 2003102125 15:oo:oo 2003102125 19:oo:oo 5 o.379 o.85% 19.33 I t--------------~ 1958102103 04:oo:oo I 1958/0210410:00:oo 31 o.368 1.13% 14.5 • 1--------5 1978/02/28 01:00:00 1978/03/01 09:00:00 33 0.341 1.41% 11.6 6 2005/02/18 06:00:00 2005/02/19 00:00:00 19 0.341 -1.69% 9.67 7 1952/01/16 08:00:00 1952/01/1615:00:00 8 0.314 1.98% 8.29 8 1978/01/04 16:00:00 1978/01/04 18:00:00 3 0.311 2.26% 7.25 9__j 1982/03/17 11 :00:00 1982/03/18 03:00:00 17 0.31 2.54% 6.44 B 10 i 1993/01/13 20:00:00 I 1993/01/14 05:00:00 10 I 0.298 2.82% 5.8 ~ 2000110129 22:00:00 , 2000110130 00:00:00 _ 3 0.297 3.11% 5.21 I 2004/10/27 02:00:00 i 2004/10/27 09:00:00 8 0.296 3.39% 4.83 ·-·-1 1955111122 04:0o:oo I 1965/11/23 04:oo:oo 25 o.289 3.67% 4.46 ---1 1980102120 18:00:00 I 1980102121 01:00:00 14 0.287 3.95% 4.14 -1,; - , ~ I 1958/04/01 12:00:00 1958/04/01 21 :00:00 10 0.284 4.24% 3.87 ~ I------16 1 1978/02/10 02:00:00 1978/02/10 06:00:00 5 0.284 4.52% 3.63 _ ~ =i==i 2004/10/20 09:00:00 2004/10/20 15:00:00 7 0.282 4.80% 3.41 1980/03/02 21:00:00 1980/03/0310:00:00 14 0.28 5.08% 3.22 f ·= _ . 1980/01/28 20:00:00 1980/01/29 21 :00:00 26 0.268 5.37% 3.05 --~-I 1983/01/29 00:00:00 1983/01/29 03:oo:oo 4 o.268 5.65% 2.9 ==i 21 . 1980/02/1618:00:00 1980/02/16 20:00:00 3 0.268 5.93% 2.76 ----.-+ 22 -1-1998/02/03 15:00:00 _ 1998/02/03 20:00:00 6 0.262 6.21% 2.64 __ 2_3_~--l-1986/02/14 23:00:00 1986/02/15 06:00:00 8 0.251 6.50% 2.52 24 _____L 2008/01/05 06:00:00 i 2008/01/07 01 :00:00 44 0.249 6.78% 2.42 25 26 35 1992/02/12 17:00:00 1992/02/13 07:00:00 15 0.196 9.89% 11.66 36 1960/01/12 02:00:00 1960/01/12 08:00:00 7 0.194 10.17% 11.61 37 1991/12/2915:00:00 1991/12/30 03:00:00 13 0.19 10.45% 11.57 38 1998/02/1415:00:00 1998/02/14 20:00:00 6 + 0.189 10.73% 11.53 39 1993/02/08 01 :00:00 1993/02/08 11 :00:00 11 0.185 11.02% 1.49 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I 1/8 I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration i Peak Frequency Return Period --40 1954/02/13 15:00:00 1954/02/14 03:00:00 13 0.184 11.30% 1.45 41 2005/02/21 03:00:00 2005/02/23 04:00:00 50 0.18 11.58% 1.42 42 1979/01/05 23:00:00 1979/01/06 07:00:00 9 0.179 11.86% 1.38 43 1980/01/10 23:00:00 1980/01/12 12:00:00 38 0.177 12.15% 1.35 44 1993/01/18 09:00:00 1993/01/18 15:00:00 7 0.177 12.43% 1.32 45 1962/01/20 14:00:00 1962/01/20 20:00:00 7 0.175 12.71% 1.29 46 1983/03/01 13:00:00 1983/03/04 05:00:00 65 0.174 12.99% 1.26 47 1980/02/17 22:00:00 1980/02/18 07:00:00 10 0.173 13.28% 1.23 48 1961/12/01 20:00:00 1961/12/02 15:00:00 20 0.171 13.56% 1.21 49 1971/12/24 07:00:00 1971/12/24 23:00:00 17 0.167 13.84% 1.18 ~· 50 2004/12/31 14:00:00 2004/12/31 15:00:00 2 0.167 14.12% 1.16 51 1977/08/17 02:00:00 1977/08/17 04:00:00 3 0.166 14.41% 1.14 52 1993/01/15 12:00:00 1993/01/16 22:00:00 35 0.163 14.69% 1.12 53 1991/02/27 18:00:00 1991/03/01 11 :00:00 42 0.162 14.97% 1.09 ~· 0.161 15.25% 1.07 -~ 54 1963/09/18 18:00:00 1963/09/18 22:00:00 5 55 I 1968/03/08 05:00:00 1968/03/08 12:00:00 8 0.159 15.54% 1.06 ~·. 0.156 15.82% 1.04 ··~ 56 +-2003/02/11 17:00:00 2003/02/12 19:00:00 27 57 2005/01/09 04:00:00 I 2005/01/09 22:00:00 19 0.152 16.10% 1.02 58 1960/04/27 08:00:00 1960/04/27 11 :00 :00 4 0.151 16.38% 1 59 1972/01/16 21:00:00 1972/01/16 23:00:00 I 3 0.15 16.67% 0.98 ·-60 2005/01/11 01 :00:00 2005/01/11 08:00:00 8 0.15 16.95% 0.97 61 1994/02/03 23:00:00 1994/02/04 10 :00:00 12 0.149 17.23% 0.95 62 1991/03/25 06:00:00 1991/03/27 05:00:00 48 0.147 17.51% 0.94 ---0.146 17.80% 0.92 63 1985/11/11 09:00:00 1985/11/11 12:00:00 4 --I 1958/02/19 15:00:00 0.142 18.08% 0.91 ·---64 1958/02/19 13:00:00 3 -- 65 1993/02/18 12:00:00 1993/02/18 13:00:00 2 0.139 18.36% 0.89 66 2005/01/03 08:00:00 2005/01/04 11 :00:00 I 28 0.138 18.64% 0.88 --~~-1957/01/13 08:00:00 0.136 18.93% 0.87 -·~ 1957/01/13 04:00:00 -I.-5 -~ 68 2002/11/08 17:00:00 2002/11/08 18:00:00 I 2 0.136 19.21% 0.85 69 1978/01/14 16:00:00 1978/01/15 05:00:00 14 0.135 19.49% 0.84 -----70 1986/03/15 22:00:00 1986/03/16 19:00:00 22 0.134 19.77% 0.83 -· 71 1967/12/18 17:00:00 1967/12/19 11 :00:00 19 0.13 20.06% 0.82 72 I 1988/12/24 21 :00:00 1988/12/25 00:00:00 4 0.129 20.34% 0.81 I -~ 73 2003/03/15 16:00:00 2003/03/16 18:00:00 27 0.129 20.62% 0.8 -- 74 1966/12/05 02:00:00 1966/12/05 10:00:00 9 0.128 20.90% 0.78 75 1965/12/10 06:00:00 I 1965/12/10 09:00:00 4 0.127 21.19% 0.77 --· ----76 1963/03/17 00 :00 :00 I 1963/03/17 02:00:00 3 0.127 21.47% 0.76 ~· 77 1980/02/19 07:00:00 1980/02/19 16:00:00 10 0.127 21.75% 0.75 ------·---------78 1997/01/12 16:00:00 1997/01/13 07:00:00 16 0.126 22.03% 0.74 ----79 1954/01/19 16:00:00 1954/01/19 22:00:00 7 0.124 22.32% 0.73 ~· 80 1994/03/24 22:00:00 1994/03/25 01 :00:00 4 0.123 22.60% 0.73 81 1992/02/15 13:00:00 1992/02/15 16:00:00 4 0.123 22.88% 0.72 82 i 1981/03/19 20:00:00 1981/03/19 21 :00:00 2 0.122 23.16% 0.71 83 I 1959/02/11 09:00 :00 1959/02/11 12:00:00 4 0.121 23.45% 0.7 84 1969/02/06 08:00:00 1969/02/06 15:00:00 8 0.12 23.73% 0.69 85 2001/02/13 17:00:00 2001/02/14 18:00:00 26 0.12 24.01% 0.68 86 1983/10/01 01 :00:00 1983/10/01 03:00:00 3 0.119 24.29% 0.67 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 2/8 t t I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering Rank Start Date End Date 87 I 1982/12/22 23:00:00 1982/12/23 00:00:00 88 1983/11/24 22:00:00 1983/11/25 01 :00:00 89 1986/11/18 03:00:00 1986/11/18 05:00:00 90 1960/02/01 22:00:00 I 1960/02/02 01 :00:00 91 1988/11/25 08:00:00 I 1988/11/2510:00:00 I 92 I 1977/12/29 06:00:00 1977/12/30 02:00:00 93 1983/12/24 18:00:00 1983/12/25 11 :00:00 94 1993/02/19 19:00:00 1993/02/19 20:00:00 95 2004/02/26 04:00:00 2004/02/26 09:00:00 96 2007/11/30 08:00:00 2007/11/30 21 :00:00 -· 97 2001/01/26 16:00:00 2001/01/27 00:00:00 ---·-------------98 1975/04/08 16:00:00 1975/04/09 00:00:00 99 1995/03/05 08:00:00 1995/03/05 22:00:00 100 1980/01/09 05:00:00 1980/01/09 18:00:00 101 2005/04/28 08:00:00 2005/04/28 09:00:00 102 1983/01/27 08:00:00 1983/01/27 13:00:00 103 1999/01/26 22:00:00 1999/01/26 23:00:00 104 1996/11/21 16:00:00 1996/11/22 03:00:00 105 1956/04/12 21 :00 :00 1956/04/13 17:00:00 106 2004/12/28 09:00:00 2004/12/29 09:00:00 107 1963/11/20 04:00:00 1963/11/21 06:00:00 108 1952/03/15 20:00:00 1952/03/16 05:00:00 109 1980/02/14 01 :00:00 1980/02/15 02:00:00 f-----110 I 1987/10/12 10:00:00 1987/10/12 15:00:00 111 i 1983/04/20 03:00:00 1983/04/20 05:00:00 112 1966/02/07 22:00:00 1966/02/08 00:00:00 113 I 1995/01/10 19:00:00 1995/01/12 14:00:00 114 1987/12/16 18:00:00 1987/12/17 09:00:00 115 1969/01/24 07:00:00 1969/01/25 18:00:00 ---· 116 1978/09/05 18:00:00 1978/09/05 19:00:00 ... 117 2007/01/30 23:00:00 2007/01/31 00:00:00 118 1957/01/28 03:00:00 1957/01/29 09:00:00 . 119 2003/04/14 15:00:00 2003/04/14 20:00:00 . 120 1973/11/22 23 :00 :00 1973/11/23 01 :00:00 ------121 1985/11/29 07:00:00 1985/11/2914:00:00 ----122 1978/02/12 17:00:00 1978/02/13 23:00:00 123 1993/01/06 05:00:00 1993/01/08 00:00:00 124 1952/11/30 01 :00:00 1952/11/30 04:00:00 ·---125 1957/05/11 01 :00:00 1957/05/11 03:00:00 126 1959/12/24 12:00:00 1959/12/24 13:00:00 127 1965/04/08 14:00:00 I 1965/04/09 01 :00:00 .. 128 1990/02/17 18:00:00 I 1990/02/1719:00:00 129 1967/11/30 16:00:00 1967/11/3017:00:00 130 2004/02/22 07:00:00 2004/02/23 03:00:00 131 1997/01/15 16:00:00 1997/01/15 19:00:00 132 1988/04/20 09:00:00 1988/04/21 07:00:00 I 133 1965/11/16 11 :00:00 1965/11/16 18:00:00 10/20/2016 10:33 AM I ] ( I I I I I I I I I I I I Duration 2 4 3 4 3 21 18 2 6 14 9 I 9 ! 15 14 2 6 2 12 21 25 27 10 26 6 3 3 44 16 36 2 2 31 6 3 8 31 ·--· 44 4 3 2 12 2 2 21 4 23 8 I I I I I Peak 0.117 0.113 0.112 0.111 0.109 0.109 0.108 0.106 0.106 0.105 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.102 0.1 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.097 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.095 0.095 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.093 0.093 0.092 0.092 0.089 0.089 0.088 0.087 0.087 0.086 0.085 0.085 0.084 0.084 0.084 I &! • I Frequency 24.58% 24.86% 25.14% 25.42% 25.71% 25.99% 26.27% 26.55% 26.84% 27.12% 27.40% 27.68% 27.97% 28.25% 28.53% 28.81% 29.10% 29.38% 29.66% 29.94% 30.23% 30.51% 30.79% 31.07% 31.36% 31.64% 31.92% 32.20% 32.49% 32.77% 33.05% 33.33% 33.62% 33.90% 34.18% 34.46% 34.75% 35.03% 35.31% 35.59% 35.88% 36.16% 36.44% 36.72% 37.01% 37.29% 37.57% I I peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Return Period 0.67 .. ·-0.66 ·- 0.65 0.64 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 . 0.61 0.6 0.6 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.57 -~ 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.5 0.5 0.5 -~ 0.49 0.49 0.48 ... 0.48 ---0.48 -~ 0.47 0.47 0.46 -~ 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.44 3/8 I I I I I I I i i = Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date I Duration i Peak Frequency Return Period i I =-134 -=--~+ 1958/03/15 19:00:00 1958/03/16 11 :00:00 17 0.084 37.85% 0.43 2002/12/20 17:00:00 2002/12/20 19:00:00 ·~~-~ 135 3 0.083 38.14% 0.43 r-·---136 1995/01/25 08:00:00 1995/01/26 10 :00 :00 27 0.083 38.42% 0.43 -~ 137 1967/03/13 20 :00 :00 1967/03/13 21 :00:00 2 0.082 38.70% 0.42 138 1988/12/21 03:00:00 1988/12/21 07:00:00 5 0.081 38.98% 0.42 139 1952/12/02 01 :00:00 1952/12/02 02:00:00 2 0.081 39.27% 0.42 140 1955/01/1815:00:00 1955/01/18 19:00:00 5 0.08 39.55% 0.41 141 1964/11/1716:00:00 1964/11/1718:00:00 3 0.08 39.83% 0.41 I--·----142 1952/01/17 22:00:00 1952/01/18 08:00:00 11 0.08 40.11% 0.41 --· 143 1968/12/2519:00:00 1968/12/25 20:00:00 2 0.08 40.40% 0.41 ~144 2001/02/25 17:00:00 2001/02/27 18:00:00 50 0.079 40.68% 0.4 ~. ---145 2001/01/11 05:00:00 2001/01/11 07:00:00 3 0.079 40.96% 0.4 ~ 146 1958/04/07 03:00:00 1958/04/07 15:00:00 13 0.079 41.24% --()~ ~· 147 1994/02/17 10:00:00 1994/02/17 13:00:00 4 0.079 41.53% 0.4 ~--·---~ 148 1972/11/16 11 :00:00 1972/11/17 07:00:00 21 0.078 I 41.81% 0.39 149 I 1988/01/17 11 :00:00 1988/01/17 12:00:00 2 0.078 42.09% 0.39 150 -r 1972/11/14 14:00:00 1972/11/14 16:00:00 3 0.077 42.37% 0.39 I 151 _)_. 1976/09/10 05:00:00 1976/09/10 11 :00:00 7 0.076 42.66% 0.38 152 1958/03/21 00:00:00 1958/03/22 06:00:00 31 I 0.076 42.94% 0.38 -+ -153 1992/01/07 19:00:00 1992/01/07 22:00:00 4 I 0.075 43.22% 0.38 154 1992/03/20 23:00:00 1992/03/21 00:00:00 2 0.075 43.50% 0.38 --155 1998/01/29 17:00:00 1998/01/29 19:00:00 3 0.075 43.79% 0.37 156 1983/03/24 03:00:00 1983/03/24 05:00:00 3 0.075 44.07% 0.37 157 1981/11/28 03:00:00 1981/11/28 21 :00:00 19 0.074 44.35% 0.37 158 1977/01/03 04:00:00 1977/01/03 05:00:00 I 2 0.074 44.63% 0.37 159 2006/03/11 07:00:00 2006/03/11 08:00:00 2 0.074 44.92% 0.37 160 1978/01/0917:00:00 1978/01/10 23:00:00 31 0.074 45.20% 0.36 161 1980/03/05 23:00:00 1980/03/06 12:00:00 14 0.073 45.48% 0.36 162 1990/01/17 00:00:00 1990/01/17 02:00:00 3 0.073 45.76% 0.36 ··---163 I 1992/01/05 09:00:00 1992/01/06 01 :00:00 17 0.072 46.05% 0.36 -164 I 2005/01/07 14:00:00 2005/01/07 20:00:00 7 0.072 46.33% 0.35 165 1960/01/14 17:00:00 1960/01/14 21:00:00 5 0.071 46.61% 0.35 ~. I 1965/04/03 05:00:00 1965/04/03 06:00:00 2 -0.071 46.89% 0.35 --·------166 167 I 1991/03/20 07:00:00 1991/03/21 09:00:00 27 0.071 47.18% 0.35 ·- ~. -t· 1984/12/27 03:00:00 1984/12/27 20:00:00 18 0.071 47.46% 0.35 168 169 1967/01/2217:00:00 1967/01/23 00:00:00 8 -0.071 47.74% 0.34 170 1991/03/19 00:00:00 1991/03/19 04:00:00 5 0.07 48.02% 0.34 171 1952/03/07 14:00:00 1952/03/08 10:00:00 21 0.07 48.31% 0.34 172 1960/03/01 05:00:00 1960/03/01 06:00:00 2 0.069 48.59% 0.34 ·--173 1998/02/07 17:00:00 1998/02/08 19:00:00 27 0.068 48.87% 0.34 ~74 _____ 2006/10/14 01 :00:00 2006/10/14 01 :00:00 1 0.068 49.15% 0.33 ----175 1956/01/26 20:00:00 1956/01/27 07:00:00 12 0.067 49.44% 0.33 ·-176 1958/04/03 10:00:00 1958/04/03 12:00:00 3 0.067 49.72% 0.33 177 1979/11/0718:00:00 1979/11/0719:00:00 2 0.066 50.00% 0.33 ~--~--1982/12/07 23:00:00 1982/12/08 00:00:00 2 0.066 50.28% 0.33 ~ 179 1965/12/29 19:00:00 1965/12/29 20:00:00 2 0.066 50.56% 0.32 180 1979/03/19 03:00:00 1979/03/20 04:00:00 26 0.064 50.85% 0.32 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 4/8 1· l ! ! I I I ! I ! I I ! t I • "' I I I I I I I I I t I I J i ; e Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -· 181 1978/03/30 15:00:00 1978/03/31 05:00:00 15 0.064 51.13% 0.32 182 1992/12/07 15:00:00 1992/12/07 16:00:00 2 0.063 51.41% 0.32 ---· --183 1957/02/28 23:00:00 1957/03/01 11 :00:00 13 0.063 51.69% 0.32 -------~ ·--· 184 2001/12/09 17:00:00 2001/12/0918:00:00 2 0.062 51.98% 0.32 -----185 1986/03/10 07:00:00 ------+-1986/03/10 20:00:00 14 I 0.062 52.26% 0.31 186 2000/03/05 17:00:00 2000/03/05 18:00:00 2 0.062 52.54% 0.31 ·-·-187 1997/01/25 23:00:00 1997/01/26 05:00:00 I 7 0.061 52.82% 0.31 188 -··-----· 1970/02/28 16:00:00 -~ 1970/03/02 04:00:00 I 37 0.061 53.11% 0.31 189 1958/01/25 04:00:00 1958/01/25 05:00:00 I 2 0.061 53.39% 0.31 -------190 1955/01/10 10:00:00 i 1955/01/1011:00:00 2 0.06 53.67% 0.31 ·------191 1973/03/20 08:00:00 1973/03/20 09:00:00 0.06 53.95% 0.3 I 2 192 --1--------1954/03/30 04 :00 :00 1954/03/30 05:00:00 -0.06 54.24% 0.3 2 ... 193 1985/12/11 04 :00 :00 1985/12/11 06:00:00 3 0.06 54.52% 0.3 --· 194 1985/11/25 04:00:00 1985/11/25 05:00:00 2 0.06 54.80% 0.3 195 1977/01/05 19:00:00 1977/01/07 06:00:00 36 0.06 55.08% 0.3 ---·---196 1967/11/21 13:00:00 1967/11/21 14:00:00 2 0.059 55.37% 0.3 -197 1967/11/19 08:00:00 1967/11/19 17:00:00 10 0.059 55.65% 0.29 198 1982/01/01 09:00:00 1982/01/01 10:00:00 2 0.058 55.93% 0.29 -199 i 1981/03/01 11 :00:00 1981/03/02 13:00:00 27 0.058 56.21% 0.29 200 I 1973/02/13 00:00:00 1973/02/13 03:00:00 4 0.057 56.50% 0.29 201 I 1976/07/2211:00:00 1976/07/22 13:00:00 3 0.056 56.78% 0.29 -~ I 1957/01/07 14:00:00 1957/01/07 18:00:00 5 0.056 57.06% 0.29 203 i 1981/01/29 18:00:00 1981/01/29 19:00:00 2 0.056 57.34% 0.29 -204 i 1986/09/25 05:00:00 1986/09/25 06:00:00 2 0.055 57.63% 0.28 --------·-205 2001/11/2417:00:00 2001/11/2418:00:00 2 0.055 57.91% 0.28 ---206 1958/01/26 09:00:00 1958/01/26 10:00:00 2 0.054 58.19% 0.28 207 1982/04/01 09:00:00 1982/04/01 12:00:00 4 0.054 58.47% 0.28 208 1970/12/21 08:00:00 1970/12/21 09:00:00 2 0.053 58.76% 0.28 209 2004/10/18 07:00:00 2004/10/18 07:00:00 1 0.052 59.04% 0.28 210 1993/11/30 04:00:00 1993/11/30 04:00:00 1 0.052 59.32% 0.28 211 1993/03/28 02:00:00 1993/03/28 03 :00 :00 : 2 0.052 59.60% 0.28 212 1951/12/29 23:00:00 1951/12/30 11 :00:00 13 0.051 59.89% 0.27 ~--213 1976/07/1514:00:00 1976/07/15 16:00:00 3 0.051 60.17% 0.27 214 2001/04/07 17:00:00 2001/04/07 18:00:00 2 0.051 60.45% 0.27 215 1967/04/11 08:00:00 1967/04/1110:00:00 3 0.05 60.73% 0.27 -· 216 1995/01/07 19:00:00 1995/01/08 06:00:00 12 0.05 61.02% 0.27 217 1998/05/12 17:00:00 1998/05/12 18:00:00 2 0.05 61.30% 0.27 -218 1951/11/23 05:00:00 1951/11/23 06:00:00 2 0.05 61.58% 0.27 -· -------219 1966/12/03 15:00:00 1966/12/03 17:00:00 3 0.05 61.86% 0.27 220 1969/01/26 18:00:00 1969/01/26 20:00:00 3 0.05 62.15% 0.26 --221 1954/03/22 13:00:00 1954/03/23 11 :00:00 23 0.049 62.43% 0.26 222 1973/03/11 12:00:00 1973/03/11 21 :00:00 10 0.049 62.71% 0.26 223 1969/02/20 04:00:00 1969/02/20 05:00:00 2 0.049 62.99% 0.26 224 1957/04/20 15:00:00 1957/04/20 17:00:00 3 0.049 63.28% 0.26 225 1979/03/27 04:00:00 1979/03/28 10:00:00 31 0.048 63.56% 0.26 226 1962/02/08 10:00:00 1962/02/08 17:00:00 8 0.048 63.84% 0.26 227 1969/02/22 03:00:00 1969/02/22 06:00:00 4 0.048 64.12% 0.26 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 5/8 t ! I .I I ,I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date I End Date ! Duration Peak Frequency Return Period I --228 1970/03/04 23 :00 :00 1970/03/05 01 :00:00 I 3 0.047 64.41% 0.25 229 1966/01/30 07:00:00 1966/01/30 19:00:00 13 l 0.047 64.69% 0.25 --230 1974/03/08 01 :00:00 1974/03/08 09:00:00 9 0.047 64.97% 0.25 --231 1978/03/11 21 :00:00 1978/03/12 11 :00:00 15 0.046 65.25% 0.25 ---232 1979/03/17 05:00:00 1979/03/17 05:00:00 1 0.046 65.54% 0.25 233 I 1954/11/11 02:00:00 1954/11/11 10 :00 :00 9 0.046 65.82% 0.25 234 --+ 1966/12/06 19:00:00 66.10% 0.25 1966/12/06 21 :00:00 3 0.046 235 1964/01/21 07:00:00 1964/01/21 08:00:00 2 0.045 66.38% 0.25 236 --~---~ 1982/02/10 14:00:00 1982/02/10 19:00:00 6 0.045 66.67% 0.25 237 1984/12/18 22:00:00 1984/12/20 03:00:00 30 0.045 66.95% 0.25 238 1984/11/2417:00:00 1984/11/24 21 :00:00 5 0.045 67.23% 0.24 239 1978/02/08 20 :00 :00 1978/02/09 01 :00:00 6 0.044 67.51% 0.24 240 1995/04/18 10:00:00 1995/04/18 11 :00:00 2 0.044 67.80% 0.24 241 2000/02/20 17:00:00 2000/02/21 18:00:00 26 0.044 68.08% 0.24 242 1994/02/07 14:00:00 1994/02/07 15:00:00 2 0.043 68.36% 0.24 243 1978/03/04 14:00:00 1978/03/04 15:00:00 2 0.043 68.64% 0.24 244 1978/02/07 17:00:00 1978/02/07 20:00:00 4 ' 0.043 68.93% 0.24 245 1964/01/22 08:00:00 1964/01/22 09:00:00 2 0.043 69.21% 0.24 -246 1960/11/05 20:00:00 1960/11/06 12:00:00 17 0.042 69.49% 0.24 ~--247 1982/01/29 00:00:00 1982/01/29 00:00:00 1 0.042 69.77% 0.24 ~248 1976/02/06 04:00:00 1976/02/06 06:00:00 3 0.042 70.06% 0.23 -249 I 1974/12/04 09:00:00 1974/12/04 09:00:00 1 0.042 70.34% 0.23 250 I 1988/11/14 07:00:00 1988/11/14 08:00:00 2 0.042 70.62% 0.23 251 -----i-1987/02/25 01 :00:00 1987/02/25 02:00:00 2 0.042 70.90% 0.23 I ---~ 252 1973/03/08 13:00:00 1973/03/0814:00:00 2 0.041 71.19% 0.23 253 1982/01/05 09:00:00 1982/01/05 10:00:00 2 0.041 71.47% 0.23 --254 1983/03/21 04:00:00 1983/03/21 05:00:00 2 0.04 71.75% 0.23 -----255 1977/03/25 01 :00:00 1977/03/25 03:00:00 3 0.04 72.03% 0.23 ---256 1981/03/05 02:00:00 1981/03/05 08:00:00 7 0.04 72.32% 0.23 ----257 1998/01/09 17:00:00 1998/01/09 18:00:00 2 0.04 72.60% 0.23 -~ 258 1970/11/30 15:00:00 1970/11/30 23:00:00 9 0.04 72.88% 0.23 259 1963/02/09 23:00:00 1963/02/11 00:00:00 26 0.04 73.16% 0.22 260 1983/03/06 05:00:00 1983/03/06 06:00:00 2 0.039 73.45% 0.22 --261 1962/03/19 00:00:00 1962/03/19 01 :00:00 2 0.038 73.73% 0.22 262 2003/12/25 18:00:00 2003/12/25 18:00:00 1 0.038 74.01% 0.22 ~--263 1983/02/26 13:00:00 1983/02/26 14:00:00 2 i 0.038 74.29% 0.22 ~---264 I 1978/02/05 12:00:00 1978/02/06 11 :00:00 24 ' 0.037 74.58% 0.22 ~-265 1994/03/20 05:00:00 1994/03/20 06:00:00 2 0.036 74.86% 0.22 --266 1965/12/16 04:00:00 1965/12/16 08:00:00 5 0.036 75.14% 0.22 -267 1976/07/08 13:00:00 1976/07/08 14:00:00 2 0.035 75.42% 0.22 268 2006/04/04 20:00:00 2006/04/04 22:00:00 3 0.035 75.71% 0.22 -·--269 2002/12/16 17:00:00 2002/12/16 18:00:00 2 0.034 75.99% 0.22 -270 1975/03/08 09:00:00 1975/03/08 09:00:00 1 0.034 76.27% 0.22 --271 1954/01/24 11 :00:00 1954/01/24 13:00:00 3 0.034 76.55% 0.21 272 1957/10/14 05:00:00 I 1957/10/14 05:00:00 1 0.034 76.84% 0.21 273 1972/01/18 22:00:00 ! 1972/01/19 03:00:00 6 0.033 77.12% 0.21 274 1966/02/06 14:00:00 I 1966/02/06 15:00:00 2 0.033 77.40% 0.21 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 6/8 f -; f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II t I I I • Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank I Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period I -~ 1996/12/11 09:00:00 I 1996/12/11 17:00:00 I 275 9 0.033 77.68% 0.21 276 1985/02/09 11 :00:00 I 1985/02/0912:00:00 2 0.033 77.97% 0.21 277 1998/03/25 17:00:00 1998/03/26 18:00:00 26 0.033 78.25% 0.21 278 I 1998/03/31 17:00:00 1998/03/31 18:00:00 2 0.033 78.53% 0.21 -279 1969/02/18 08:00:00 1969/02/1815:00:00 8 0.032 78.81% 0.21 280 1962/02/21 05:00:00 1962/02/21 06:00:00 2 0.032 79.10% 0.21 281 l 1952/01/13 04:00:00 1952/01/13 12:00:00 9 0.032 79.38% 0.21 282 . 1959/02/21 11 :00 :00 1959/02/21 12:00:00 2 0.032 79.66% 0.21 ~~ 1996/02/27 21 :00:00 1996/02/27 22:00:00 2 0.032 79.94% 0.21 284 1975/03/10 12:00:00 I 1975/03/10 23:00:00 12 0.032 80.23% 0.2 -- 285 1979/01/31 08:00:00 1979/01/31 09:00:00 2 0.031 80.51% 0.2 ---286 1993/01/31 00:00:00 1993/01/31 00:00:00 1 0.03 80.79% 0.2 -1981/02/09 05:00:00 I 1981/02/09 06:00:00 2 0.03 81.07% 0.2 287 288 1959/02/16 04:00:00 1959/02/16 20:00:00 17 0.03 81.36% 0.2 289 2005/02/11 19:00:00 2005/02/12 00:00:00 6 0.03 81.64% 0.2 290 i 1954/03/25 02:00:00 1954/03/25 04:00:00 i 3 i 0.029 81.92% 0.2 291 1982/01/20 06:00:00 1982/01/20 23:00:00 18 0.029 82.20% 0.2 292 1980/12/07 11 :00:00 1980/12/07 12:00:00 2 0.028 82.49% 0.2 ·---~-293 1958/02/25 08:00:00 1958/02/25 09:00:00 2 0.028 82.77% 0.2 294 1983/11/12 19:00:00 1983/11/1219:00:00 1 0.028 83.05% 0.2 295 1967/01/24 19:00:00 1967/01/24 22:00:00 4 0.028 83.33% 0.2 296 1983/02/08 06:00:00 1983/02/08 07:00:00 2 0.027 83.62% 0.2 --297 I 1997/12/0617:00:00 1997/12/06 18:00:00 2 0.027 83.90% 0.2 298 1955/02/27 20 :00 :00 1955/02/27 20:00:00 1 0.027 84.18% 0.2 --299 1974/01/08 03:00:00 1974/01/08 04:00:00 2 0.026 84.46% 0.19 300 I 1965/02/06 21 :00:00 1965/02/06 22:00:00 2 0.026 84.75% 0.19 301 1965/11/14 22:00:00 1965/11/15 01 :00:00 4 0.026 85.03% 0.19 ~ 302 2007/04/20 15:00:00 2007/04/20 15:00:00 1 0.025 85.31% 0.19 ~- 303 I 1980/01/18 03:00:00 1980/01/18 04:00:00 ' 2 0.025 85.59% 0.19 -1994/03/07 02:00:00 1994/03/07 02:00:00 1 0.024 85.88% 0.19 304 I ~305 1980/03/25 23 :00 :00 1980/03/26 00 :00 :00 2 0.023 86.16% 0.19 -- 306 1971/12/27 17:00:00 1971/12/2814:00:00 22 0.022 86.44% 0.19 307 I 1976/02/10 07:00:00 1976/02/10 08:00:00 2 0.022 86.72% 0.19 308 --+---1982/03/14 23:00:00 1982/03/14 23:00:00 1 0.022 87.01% 0.19 ~309 1973/02/15 11 :00:00 1973/02/15 12:00:00 2 0.022 87.29% 0.19 310 1966/11/07 16:00:00 1966/11/0716:00:00 1 0.021 87.57% 0.19 -~ 311 1996/02/26 13:00:00 1996/02/2614:00:00 2 0.021 87.85% 0.19 312 2008/02/24 09:00:00 2008/02/24 09:00:00 1 0.02 88.14% 0.19 313 1984/12/08 00:00:00 1984/12/08 01 :00:00 2 0.02 88.42% 0.19 314 1977/05/09 02:00:00 1977/05/09 02:00:00 1 0.02 88.70% 0.19 315 1999/04/12 02:00:00 1999/04/12 03:00:00 2 0.019 88.98% 0.18 ~~-~~--316 1992/03/22 16:00:00 1992/03/23 03:00:00 12 0.018 89.27% 0.18 ~317 2006/02/28 06:00:00 2006/02/28 06:00:00 1 0.017 89.55% 0.18 ---~3~ 1963/09/17 17:00:00 1963/09/17 17:00:00 1 0.016 89.83% 0.18 --319 1952/04/10 17:00:00 1952/04/10 18:00:00 2 0.015 90.11% 0.18 320 1998/02/19 17:00:00 1998/02/19 18:00:00 2 0.015 90.40% 0.18 -~ 321 1953/03/01 22:00:00 1953/03/01 22:00:00 1 0.015 90.68% 0.18 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 7/8 ! ti 1111 II II 11 I I f Ii I I I 11 11 II 11 I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank i Start Date End Date Duration I Peak Frequency Return Period 322 i 1983/03/18 06:00:00 1983/03/18 08:00:00 I 3 0.015 90.96% 0.18 323 t 1952/12/20 12:00:00 1952/12/20 13:00:00 2 0.014 I 91.24% 0.18 324 1998/04/11 17:00:00 1998/04/11 18:00:00 2 0.014 91.53% 0.18 325 1982/03/26 04:00:00 I 1982/03/26 04:00:00 1 0.014 91.81% 0.18 326 1978/03/09 17:00:00 1978/03/09 17:00:00 1 0.013 92.09% 0.18 327 1991/01/09 14:00:00 1991/01/09 14:00:00 1 0.013 92.37% 0.18 328 1977/12/26 06:00:00 1977/12/26 06:00:00 1 0.013 92.66% 0.18 -329 1998/11/08 08:00:00 ' 1998/11/08 08:00:00 1 0.013 92.94% 0.18 330 2001/03/06 17:00:00 2001/03/06 18:00:00 1--· 2 0.012 93.22% 0.18 331 1954/03/16 22:00:00 1954/03/16 22:00:00 1 0.012 93.50% 0.18 332 1970/01/16 18:00:00 1970/01/16 19:00:00 2 0.012 93.79% 0.18 333 2001/01/12 07:00:00 2001/01/12 11 :00:00 5 0.012 94.07% 0.17 334 1957/03/16 10:00:00 ! 1957/03/1610:00:00 1 0.011 94.35% 0.17 335 1971/04/14 11 :00:00 1971/04/14 11 :00:00 1 0.011 94.63% 0.17 336 1983/04/18 08:00:00 1983/04/18 08:00:00 1 0.01 94.92% 0.17 .. 337 1978/01/19 08:00:00 1978/01/19 08:00:00 1 0.01 95.20% 0.17 338 1996/01/31 20:00:00 ' 1996/02/01 09:00:00 14 0.01 95.48% 0.17 -339 i 1969/04/05 21 :00:00 1969/04/05 21 :00:00 1 0.01 95.76% 0.17 340 1973/02/11 07:00:00 1973/02/11 07:00:00 1 0.01 96.05% 0.17 341 1958/03/06 10:00:00 1958/03/06 10:00:00 1 0.01 96.33% 0.17 342 1969/01/28 19:00:00 1969/01/28 19:00:00 1 0.009 96.61% 0.17 343 2000/04/17 19:00:00 2000/04/17 19:00:00 1 0.009 96.89% 0.17 344 I 1965/12/14 17:00:00 1965/12/14 17:00:00 1 0.008 97.18% 0.17 345 1976/04/15 18:00:00 1976/04/15 18:00:00 1 I 0.008 97.46% 0.17 346 1976/02/08 22:00:00 1976/02/08 22:00:00 1 0.008 97.74% 0.17 347 1969/03/21 13:00:00 1969/03/21 13:00:00 1 0.008 98.02% 0.17 348 1987/12/04 21:00:00 I 1987/12/04 21 :00:00 1 0.008 98.31% 0.17 349 1969/11/07 09:00:00 1969/11/07 09:00:00 1 0.007 98.59% 0.17 ~--~ 1995/01/24 00:00:00 1995/01/24 00:00:00 1 0.006 98.87% 0.17 ~ 351 1956/01/31 10:00:00 1956/01/31 10:00:00 1 0.006 99.15% 0.17 -· 352 1980/03/10 16:00:00 1980/03/10 16:00:00 1 0.006 99.44% 0.17 353 1952/12/30 19:00:00 ' 1952/12/30 23:00:00 5 0.005 99.72% 0.16 -End of Data-----------------I 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 8/8 f l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II I I i J i J Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv SWMM.out file name: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\3A-13070-MIT POST-POCC-SmallPaver.out SWMM.out ffme stamp: 10/20/2016 9:47:47 AM -- 010: 0.000 Q5: 0.000 02: 0.000 Peak Flow Statistics Table Values Rank Start Date I End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 1 1995/01/03 15:00:00 1995/01/20 05:00:00 399 I 0.844 0.23% 58 -~ 1969/03/05 04 :00 :00 0.25 0.46% 29 2 I 1969/02/1810:00:00 355 3 1978/02/27 20:00:00 1978/03/15 20:00:00 385 0.248 0.69% 19.33 4 1980/01/28 11 :00:00 ' 1980/02/06 13:00:00 219 0.246 0.92% 14.5 -~ 5 1977/12/25 21 :00:00 1978/01/25 09:00:00 733 0.234 1.15% 11.6 --6 ! 1980/02/13 15:00:00 1980/02/28 07:00:00 353 0.232 1.39% 9.67 7 ' 1965/11/14 23 :00 :00 1965/11/30 20:00:00 382 0.23 1.62% 8.29 --8 1982/03/14 16:00:00 1982/03/27 21 :00:00 318 0.227 1.85% 7.25 .. -- 9 1978/02/05 13:00:00 1978/02/19 23:00:00 ' 347 0.226 2.08% 6.44 ---10-1998/02/03 11 :00:00 1998/03/03 08:00:00 670 0.213 2.31% 5.8 ---11---,--1993/01/06 05:00:00 1993/01/26 00:00:00 476 0.205 2.54% 5.27 --12 1979/01/05 10:00:00 1979/01/22 11 :00:00 410 0.202 2.77% 4.83 ____ 1_3 ____ --2005/02/11 04:00:00 2005/03/02 08:00:00 461 0.193 3.00% 4.46 ------------14 2004/12/28 11 :00:00 2005/01/18 17:00:00 511 0.193 3.23% 4.14 ~-----1-5-1980/01/09 05:00:00 ' 1980/01/2217:00:00 325 0.192 3.46% 3.87 ~------1 1966/12/03 09:00:00 I 1966/12/13 12:00:00 ! 244 0.187 3.70% 3.63 16 : 17 T 1995/03/05 06:00:00 1995/03/18 17:00:00 324 0.174 3.93% 3.41 ~~ J 1991/03/08 16:00:00 0.167 4.16% 3.22 --1991/02/27 21 :00:00 212 1996/11/21 18:00:00 1996/11/28 21 :00:00 172 I 0.166 4.39% 3.05 --- ~-?O I 1958/02/03 07:00:00 1958/02/11 03:00:00 189 0.165 4.62% 2.9 21 1986/02/13 12:00:00 + 1986/02/23 11 :00:00 240 0.165 4.85% 2.76 22 1983/02/26 15:00:00 1983/03/12 06:00:00 328 0.161 5.08% 2.64 23 1969/01/19 03:00:00 1969/02/03 12:00:00 370 0.16 5.31% 2.52 ~-~----1968/03/08 02:00:00 1968/03/15 11 :00 :00 178 0.159 5.54% 2.42 25 , 2008/02/22 05:00:00 2008/03/01 13:00:00 201 0.158 5.77% 2.32 ~-26----~--1952/01/13 06:00:00 1952/01/28 10:00:00 365 0.143 6.00% 2.23 ~~-2004/10/18 10:00:00 2004/11/03 20:00:00 395 0.134 6.24% 2.15 -~ 28 1991/03/19 03:00:00 1991/04/02 05:00:00 339 0.133 6.47% 2.07 -~ 29 2007/11/30 10:00:00 2007/12/10 18:00:00 249 0.132 6.70% 2 ~~-1991/12/29 18:00:00 1992/01/14 03:00:00 370 0.128 6.93% 1.93 -- ~-------' -~ 31 1997/01/1217:00:00 1997/01/31 11 :00:00 451 0.124 7.16% 1.87 ~-32 1958/04/01 11 :00:00 1958/04/13 13:00:00 291 0.122 7.39% 1.81 33 1976/12/30 17:00:00 1977/01/1315:00:00 335 0.109 7.62% 1.76 -- 34 2004/02/22 09:00:00 2004/03/04 13:00:00 269 0.108 7.85% 1.71 35 2008/01/05 06:00:00 2008/01/13 11 :00:00 198 0.106 8.08% 1.66 36 1962/01/20 15:00:00 1962/01/28 16:00:00 194 0.089 8.31% 1.61 37 1967/12/18 19:00:00 1967/12/25 22:00:00 172 0.084 8.55% 1.57 ~~--1992/02/06 13:00:00 1992/02/21 18:00:00 366 0.079 8.78% 1.53 ~-~9----~-1983/12/24 20:00:00 1984/01/01 23:00:00 196 0.077 9.01% 1.49 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 1/10 ! I I I.I II 1111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I i I ' Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 40 2003/02/25 10 :00 :00 I 2003/03/05 18:00:00 I 201 I 0.074 9.24% 1.45 41 -+-1967/01/2219:00:00 1967/01/31 06:00:00 204 ·--·-0.073 9.47% 1.42 42 1980/03/02 23:00:00 1980/03/13 09:00:00 -251 0.065 9.70% 1.38 43 i 1963/11/20 05:00:00 1963/11/27 08:00:00 172 0.059 9.93% 1.35 44 2003/04/14 11 :00:00 : 2003/04/21 08:00:00 166 0.048 10.16% 1.32 ~45 1956/01/25 20:00:00 1956/02/03 15:00:00 212 0.047 10.39% 1.29 -46 1976/02/04 17:00:00 1976/02/15 18:00:00 266 0.046 10.62% 1.26 47 ' 1987/12/1615:00:00 1987/12/23 21:00:00 175 0.045 10.85% 1.23 ~-1977/08/17 03:00:00 1977/08/23 19:00:00 0.04 11.09% 1.21 48 I 161 -- I 1971/12/2210:00:00 1972/01/02 05:00:00 0.038 11.32% 1.18 ~. 49 260 50 1983/01/27 10:00:00 1983/02/09 20 :00 :00 323 0.036 11.55% 1.16 ~---5-1-· 1954/01/19 00:00:00 1954/01/28 21 :00:00 ·---238 0.033 11.78% 1.14 I ~-52 1957/01/26 09:00:00 1957/02/04 20:00:00 228 0.031 12.01% 1.12 ~ -~ 53 1985/11/11 10:00:00 1985/11/18 01 :00:00 160 0.023 12.24% 1.09 54 ::__L-1958/03/15 21 :00:00 I 1958/03/29 12:00:00 328 0.023 12.47% 1.07 55 I 1952/03/07 11 :00:00 1952/03/22 14:00:00 364 0.018 12.70% 1.06 ~~ 1987/10/1118:00:00 1987/10/18 21 :00:00 172 0.017 12.93% 1.04 ~-------r;r 1951/12/2912:00:00 1952/01/05 13:00:00 170 --0.014 13.16% 1.02 ~~-2003/02/11 18:00:00 2003/02/19 10:00:00 185 0.014 13.39% 1 59 I -1985/11/25 01 :00:00 1985/12/07 05:00:00 293 0.014 13.63% 0.98 ~ ______fil)__=-1-1963/02/09 20 :00 :00 1963/02/17 06:00:00 179 0.014 13.86% 0.97 ~-6_1 ----t _ 1960/01/10 16:00:00 1960/01/20 15:00:00 240 0.014 14.09% 0.95 62 , 1981/11/27 03:00:00 1981/12/04 19:00:00 185 0.014 14.32% 0.94 ~-----+· 1975/04/08 11 :00:00 1975/04/14 23:00:00 157 0.014 14.55% 0.92 ~-::--+ I 1972/01/16 22:00:00 1972/01/24 14:00:00 185 0.014 14.78% 0.91 65 1970/12/18 06:00:00 1970/12/26 20:00:00 207 0.014 15.01% 0.89 ~. 66 I 1962/02/08 00 :00 :00 1962/02/14 20:00:00 165 0.013 15.24% 0.88 67 1965/03/31 16:00:00 1965/04/15 09:00:00 354 0.013 15.47% 0.87 f--------1956/04/13 00:00:00 1956/04/19 06:00:00 151 0.013 15.70% 0.85 68 69 .. I 1954/02/13 19:00:00 1954/02/19 16:00:00 142 0.013 15.94% 0.84 _70 -~ _ 1967/11/19 10:00:00 1967/11/2710:00:00 193 0.013 16.17% 0.83 71 1963/09/17 09:00:00 1963/09/24 05:00:00 165 0.013 16.40% 0.82 72 1993/02/08 00:00:00 1993/02/14 02 :00 :00 147 0.013 16.63% 0.81 ~~-I 2001/02/13 19:00:00 -2001/02/21 16:00:00 ---190 0.013 16.86% 0.8 - 74 I 1957/01/07 16:00:00 1957/01/19 00:00:00 273 0.013 17.09% 0.78 75 2001/01/11 03:00:00 2001/01/17 08:00:00 150 0.013 17.32% 0.77 76 1952/11/14 18:00:00 1952/11/21 09:00:00 160 0.013 17.55% 0.76 --77 1970/02/28 16:00:00 1970/03/08 17:00:00 194 I 0.013 17.78% 0.75 -78 1988/12/15 21 :00:00 1988/12/30 15:00:00 355 0.013 18.01% 0.74 ~-------+-1977/05/08 15:00:00 1977/05/14 06:00:00 136 0.013 18.24% 0.73 ~.. 79 I 80 1993/02/18 15:00:00 1993/02/27 11 :00 :00 213 0.013 18.48% 0.73 81 1984/12/27 03:00:00 1985/01/0117:00:00 135 0.013 18.71% 0.72 82 I 1970/11/30 06:00:00 1970/12/05 21 :00:00 136 0.013 18.94% 0.71 --83 1961/12/01 22:00:00 1961/12/07 22:00:00 145 0.013 19.17% 0.7 ~--+ 1986/03/08 20 :00 :00 1986/03/21 08:00:00 301 0.013 19.40% 0.69 84 85 1976/09/10 06:00:00 1976/09/15 11 :00 :00 126 0.013 19.63% 0.68 --+ 2008/01/27 03:00:00 2008/02/02 02:00:00 144 0.013 19.86% 86 I 0.67 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 2/10 "' ' l f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111 II I I I I i I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ~87---1960/02/01 22:00:00 -----~ 1960/02/06 23 :00 :00 122 0.013 20.09% 0.67 ~ 88 1986/11/18 05:00:00 1986/11/23 05:00:00 121 0.013 20.32% 0.66 -89 2001/02/25 16:00:00 2001/03/04 13:00:00 166 0.013 20.55% 0.65 ---·--· --90 I 1954/11/11 05:00:00 1954/11/16 04:00:00 120 0.013 20.79% 0.64 91 -r-1969/02/06 11 :00 :00 1969/02/11 14:00:00 0.013 21.02% ------124 0.64 92 I 1994/02/04 01 :00:00 1994/02/11 14:00:00 182 0.013 21.25% 0.63 93 1988/04/20 04:00:00 1988/04/26 11 :00 :00 152 i 0.013 21.48% 0.62 --·--94 1996/12/09 21 :00:00 I 1996/12/16 03:00:00 151 0.013 21.71% 0.62 --95 1974/03/08 02:00:00 I 1974/03/12 21 :00 :00 116 0.013 21.94% 0.61 96 1972/11/14 17:00:00 1972/11/21 17:00:00 169 0.013 22.17% 0.6 ~-97 1967/03/13 13:00:00 1967/03/18 08:00:00 I 116 I 0.012 22.40% 0.6 ~-98 1994/03/25 00:00:00 1994/03/29 22 :00 :00 I 119 : 0.012 22.63% 0.59 99 1960/04/27 07:00:00 1960/05/01 20:00:00 110 0.012 22.86% 0.59 100 1954/03/20 15:00:00 1954/03/28 22:00:00 200 0.012 23.09% 0.58 101 1965/12/09 13:00:00 1965/12/19 17:00:00 245 0.012 23.33% 0.57 ----·------102 i 1983/03/17 07:00:00 1983/03/28 17:00:00 275 0.012 23.56% 0.57 -103 I 1952/11/30 04:00:00 1952/12/06 19:00:00 160 0.012 23.79% 0.56 104 1981/12/30 10:00:00 1982/01/09 13:00:00 244 0.012 24.02% 0.56 ---105 1978/12/17 02:00:00 1978/12/23 06:00:00 149 0.012 24.25% 0.55 ----- 106 1988/01/17 13:00:00 1988/01/22 01 :00:00 109 0.012 24.48% 0.55 ---107 1958/01/25 06:00:00 1958/01/31 06:00:00 145 0.012 24.71% 0.54 108 1978/09/05 20:00:00 1978/09/10 11 :00 :00 112 0.012 24.94% 0.54 --·-109 1981/02/25 22:00:00 1981/03/09 08:00:00 275 0.012 25.17% 0.53 --110 1963/03/17 02:00:00 1963/03/21 16:00:00 111 0.012 25.40% 0.53 111 I 1958/02/19 12:00:00 1958/02/23 21 :00 :00 106 0.012 25.64% 0.52 112 1982/01/20 07:00:00 1982/01/25 06:00:00 120 0.012 25.87% 0.52 113 1988/02/02 04:00:00 1988/02/06 11 :00 :00 104 0.012 26.10% 0.51 ----114 : 1974/01/07 17:00:00 1974/01/12 09:00:00 113 i 0.012 26.33% 0.51 115 I 1999/01/25 09:00:00 1999/01/31 19:00:00 155 0.012 26.56% 0.5 -! 116 I 1990/02/17 18:00:00 1990/02/22 12:00:00 115 0.012 26.79% 0.5 117 I 1986/09/24 20 :00 :00 ~ 1986/09/29 02 :00 :00 103 0.012 27.02% 0.5 ---·---··--118 2003/03/15 17:00:00 2003/03/20 14:00:00 118 0.012 27.25% 0.49 ---I--------119 2000/10/30 00:00:00 2000/11/03 20:00:00 --1-117 0.012 27.48% 0.49 120 1979/03/17 07:00:00 1979/03/24 06:00:00 168 0.012 27.71% 0.48 121 1975/03/08 10:00:00 1975/03/15 11 :00:00 170 0.012 27.94% 0.48 ---122 1994/03/19 05:00:00 1994/03/23 18:00:00 110 0.012 28.18% 0.48 -123 . 1984/12/1816:00:00 1984/12/23 17:00:00 122 0.012 28.41% 0.47 ~-~--~ 1988/11/2509:00:00 --~ 1988/11/2910:00:00 98 0.012 28.64% 0.47 125 1979/03/27 07:00:00 1979/03/31 20:00:00 110 0.012 28.87% 0.46 ~ 126 --1960/02/29 04:00:00 1960/03/04 18:00:00 111 0.012 29.10% 0.46 127 ____j_ 1992/12/07 11 :00:00 1992/12/11 12:00:00 98 0.012 29.33% 0.46 128 1983/11/12 02:00:00 1983/11/16 10:00:00 105 0.012 29.56% 0.45 ~-~-! 1981/01/28 09:00:00 I 1981/02/02 20:00:00 I 132 0.012 29.79% 0.45 130 1955/01/16 11 :00:00 1955/01/22 19:00:00 153 0.012 30.02% 0.45 131 1981/02/08 23:00:00 1981/02/12 18:00:00 92 0.012 30.25% 0.44 ~-132 1985/12/11 06:00:00 1985/12/14 23:00:00 90 0.012 30.48% 0.44 133 1978/03/30 18:00:00 i 1978/04/04 08:00:00 111 0.012 30.72% 0.44 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 3/10 * t --' ! ! I I I I I I I I I I 1111 II 1111 II II • ! I I I ' Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 134 1966/02/06 13:00:00 1966/02/11 13:00:00 121 0.012 30.95% 0.43 135 1957/05/11 04:00:00 1957/05/15 00:00:00 93 0.012 31.18% 0.43 136 2002/11/08 18:00:00 2002/11/1219:00:00 98 0.012 31.41% 0.43 137 1983/09/30 02:00:00 1983/10/04 23:00:00 118 0.012 31.64% 0.42 138 1973/02/11 09:00:00 1973/02/17 21 :00 :00 157 0.012 31.87% 0.42 139 1959/02/11 11 :00 :00 1959/02/19 21 :00:00 203 0.012 32.10% 0.42 140 1994/03/07 04:00:00 1994/03/10 13:00:00 82 0.012 32.33% 0.41 141 1992/03/21 01 :00:00 1992/03/27 22:00:00 166 0.012 32.56% 0.41 142 1995/04/16 11 :00:00 1995/04/21 21 :00:00 131 0.012 32.79% 0.41 143 1982/12/08 00:00:00 1982/12/11 11 :00 :00 84 0.012 33.03% 0.41 144 2001/01/26 14:00:00 2001/01/30 22:00:00 105 0.012 33.26% 0.4 145 1983/11/24 23:00:00 1983/11/28 15:00:00 89 0.012 33.49% 0.4 146 1995/01/24 01 :00:00 1995/01/29 12:00:00 132 0.012 33.72% 0.4 147 1983/04/18 09:00:00 1983/04/24 09:00:00 145 0.012 33.95% 0.4 148 1965/02/06 03:00:00 1965/02/10 01 :00:00 95 0.012 34.18% 0.39 149 1981/03/19 22:00:00 1981/03/23 12:00:00 87 0.012 34.41% 0.39 150 1957/02/28 22:00:00 1957/03/04 15:00:00 90 0.012 34.64% 0.39 151 1982/02/10 10:00:00 1982/02/13 23:00:00 86 0.012 34.87% 0.38 152 1988/04/14 22:00:00 1988/04/18 14:00:00 89 0.012 35.10% 0.38 153 1964/01/21 10:00:00 1964/01/25 16:00:00 103 0.012 35.33% 0.38 154 2006/02/28 01 :00:00 2006/03/04 04:00:00 100 0.012 35.57% 0.38 155 1976/07/22 13:00:00 1976/07/25 15:00:00 75 0.012 35.80% 0.37 156 1966/11/0717:00:00 1966/11/11 00:00:00 80 0.012 36.03% 0.37 157 1992/03/02 12:00:00 1992/03/05 17:00:00 78 0.012 36.26% 0.37 158 1976/03/01 18:00:00 1976/03/05 06:00:00 85 0.011 36.49% 0.37 159 1962/02/15 21 :00 :00 1962/02/24 02:00:00 198 0.011 36.72% 0.37 160 1976/07/15 15:00:00 1976/07/18 13:00:00 71 0.011 36.95% 0.36 161 1987/01/06 22:00:00 1987/01/10 01 :00:00 76 0.011 37.18% 0.36 162 1959/02/21 12:00:00 1959/02/24 22:00:00 83 0.011 37.41% 0.36 163 1973/03/05 11 :00:00 1973/03/15 03:00:00 233 0.011 37.64% 0.36 164 2006/04/04 19:00:00 2006/04/08 02:00:00 80 0.011 37.88% 0.35 165 1967/04/1110:00:00 1967/04/14 11 :00 :00 74 0.011 38.11% 0.35 166 1959/12/21 08:00:00 1959/12/27 21 :00 :00 158 0.011 38.34% 0.35 167 1990/01/17 03:00:00 1990/01/20 19:00:00 89 0.011 38.57% 0.35 168 2000/02/20 18:00:00 2000/02/25 15:00:00 118 0.011 38.80% 0.35 169 2002/12/20 16:00:00 2002/12/24 17:00:00 98 0.011 39.03% 0.34 170 1970/02/10 09:00:00 1970/02/13 22:00:00 86 0.011 39.26% 0.34 171 1977/03/25 00:00:00 1977/03/28 09:00:00 82 0.011 39.49% 0.34 172 1973/11/23 02:00:00 1973/11/26 08:00:00 79 0.011 39.72% 0.34 173 1982/12/23 01 :00:00 1982/12/26 08:00:00 80 0.011 39.95% 0.34 174 1985/02/09 10:00:00 1985/02/1210:00:00 73 0.011 40.18% 0.33 175 1961/01/26 13:00:00 1961/01/29 09:00:00 69 0.011 40.42% 0.33 176 1994/02/17 13:00:00 1994/02/20 17:00:00 77 0.011 40.65% 0.33 177 1996/01/31 06:00:00 1996/02/04 16:00:00 107 0.011 40.88% 0.33 178 1974/12/04 10:00:00 1974/12/07 06:00:00 69 0.011 41.11% 0.33 179 1968/12/25 21 :00:00 1968/12/28 21 :00:00 73 0.011 41.34% 0.32 180 1976/07/0815:00:00 1976/07/11 07:00:00 65 0.011 41.57% 0.32 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 4/10 : = ! t f I I I I I I I I I I I fl II II 1111 ti I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 181 1973/03/20 11 :00 :00 1973/03/23 08:00:00 70 0.011 41.80% 0.32 182 1969/01/14 04:00:00 1969/01/17 02:00:00 71 0.011 42.03% 0.32 183 1964/11/1717:00:00 1964/11/20 17:00:00 73 0.011 42.26% 0.32 184 1993/03/26 02:00:00 1993/03/30 15:00:00 110 0.011 42.49% 0.32 185 2003/12/25 03:00:00 2003/12/28 08:00:00 78 0.011 42.73% 0.31 186 2007/01/31 02:00:00 2007/02/02 21 :00:00 68 0.011 42.96% 0.31 187 1962/03/18 20:00:00 1962/03/21 17:00:00 70 0.011 43.19% 0.31 188 1986/02/08 03:00:00 1986/02/11 00:00:00 70 0.011 43.42% 0.31 189 1966/01/30 10:00:00 1966/02/02 10:00:00 73 0.011 43.65% 0.31 190 1982/04/01 12:00:00 1982/04/04 19:00:00 80 0.011 43.88% 0.31 191 2006/03/11 00:00:00 2006/03/14 04:00:00 77 0.011 44.11% 0.3 192 i 1958/03/06 12:00:00 1958/03/09 08:00:00 69 0.011 44.34% 0.3 193 1979/01/31 05:00:00 1979/02/04 22:00:00 114 0.011 44.57% 0.3 194 1998/01/29 17:00:00 1998/02/01 15:00:00 71 0.011 44.80% 0.3 195 1974/10/29 06:00:00 1974/10/31 20:00:00 63 0.011 45.03% 0.3 196 2005/04/28 11 :00:00 2005/05/01 01 :00:00 63 0.011 45.27% 0.3 197 1979/11/07 21 :00:00 1979/11/10 11 :00:00 63 0.011 45.50% 0.29 -~ 198 1955/04/30 22:00:00 1955/05/03 23:00:00 74 0.011 45.73% 0.29 199 1951/12/12 02:00:00 1951/12/14 20:00:00 67 0.011 45.96% 0.29 200 1982/11/09 21 :00:00 1982/11/12 23:00:00 75 0.011 46.19% 0.29 201 1979/03/01 12:00:00 1979/03/04 01 :00:00 62 0.011 46.42% 0.29 202 1982/11/2915:00:00 1982/12/02 20:00:00 78 0.011 46.65% 0.29 203 1992/12/27 23:00:00 1992/12/31 10:00:00 84 0.011 46.88% 0.29 204 1986/12/06 16:00:00 1986/12/09 08:00:00 65 0.011 47.11% 0.28 205 1988/11/14 09:00:00 1988/11/16 16:00:00 56 0.011 47.34% 0.28 206 1989/03/25 15:00:00 1989/03/28 08:00:00 66 0.011 47.58% 0.28 207 1983/04/29 10:00:00 1983/05/03 04:00:00 91 0.011 47.81% 0.28 208 1955/01/10 10:00:00 1955/01/13 05:00:00 68 0.01 48.04% 0.28 209 1993/01/31 02:00:00 1993/02/02 14:00:00 61 0.01 48.27% 0.28 210 1969/03/21 15:00:00 1969/03/24 02:00:00 60 0.01 48.50% 0.28 211 1999/04/12 00:00:00 1999/04/14 07:00:00 56 0.01 48.73% 0.28 ~-212 1984/11/2418:00:00 1984/11/27 05:00:00 60 0.01 48.96% 0.27 213 1998/01/09 19:00:00 1998/01/13 03:00:00 81 0.01 49.19% 0.27 214 1986/04/06 07:00:00 1986/04/08 11 :00:00 53 0.01 49.42% 0.27 215 1990/04/04 11 :00 :00 1990/04/06 16:00:00 54 0.01 49.65% 0.27 216 1958/02/25 09:00:00 1958/02/27 16:00:00 56 0.01 49.88% 0.27 217 1974/12/28 11 :00:00 1974/12/31 11 :00:00 73 0.01 50.12% 0.27 218 1996/02/25 13:00:00 1996/02/29 23:00:00 107 0.01 50.35% 0.27 ~-~ 219 2000/03/05 17:00:00 2000/03/09 09:00:00 89 0.01 50.58% 0.27 --220 1953/01/06 23:00:00 1953/01/10 08:00:00 82 0.01 50.81% 0.26 221 1987/02/24 08:00:00 1987/02/27 20:00:00 85 0.01 51.04% 0.26 222 2006/01/02 04:00:00 2006/01/05 03:00:00 72 0.01 51.27% 0.26 223 1983/12/03 18:00:00 1983/12/06 02:00:00 57 0.01 51.50% 0.26 224 1955/02/27 21 :00:00 1955/03/02 01 :00:00 53 0.01 51.73% 0.26 225 2001/12/09 19:00:00 2001/12/12 08:00:00 62 0.01 51.96% 0.26 226 1969/11/07 00:00:00 1969/11/11 05:00:00 102 0.01 52.19% 0.26 227 1996/10/30 16:00:00 1996/11/01 19:00:00 52 0.01 52.42% 0.26 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 5/10 !J !I II II 11 I I f I I I II II 11 11 11 I I I I i I Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated.csv Rank Start Date I End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period --~~---228 1979/10/20 10:00:00 1979/10/22 17:00:00 56 0.01 52.66% 0.25 --229 1995/02/14 07:00:00 1995/02/16 18:00:00 60 O.Q1 52.89% 0.25 230 1986/01/30 07:00:00 1986/02/02 20:00:00 86 0.01 53.12% 0.25 231 1991/01/09 17:00:00 1991/01/11 16:00:00 48 0.01 53.35% 0.25 232 1971/02/17 11 :00:00 1971/02/19 12 :00 :00 50 0.01 53.58% 0.25 233 1994/01/25 02:00:00 1994/01/29 03:00:00 98 0.01 53.81% 0.25 234 1957/04/20 17:00:00 1957/04/23 15:00:00 71 0.01 54.04% 0.25 235 1998/11/08 11 :00 :00 1998/11/10 15:00:00 53 0.01 54.27% 0.25 236 1952/12/20 13:00:00 1952/12/22 20:00:00 56 0.01 54.50% 0.25 237 1980/12/04 16:00:00 1980/12/09 14 :00 :00 119 0.01 54.73% 0.25 238 2002/12/16 19:00:00 2002/12/19 01 :00:00 55 0.009 54.97% 0.24 239 1960/11/05 23 :00 :00 1960/11/08 11 :00:00 61 0.009 55.20% 0.24 240 1987/12/05 00:00:00 1987/12/06 21 :00:00 46 0.009 55.43% 0.24 241 1998/03/25 20:00:00 1998/03/30 03:00:00 104 0.009 55.66% 0.24 242 2006/10/14 04:00:00 2006/10/16 04:00:00 49 0.009 55.89% 0.24 243 1964/12/2712:00:00 1964/12/30 06:00:00 67 0.009 56.12% 0.24 --244 1975/02/03 12:00:00 1975/02/06 07:00:00 68 0.009 56.35% 0.24 245 1984/12/08 02:00:00 1984/12/10 03:00:00 50 0.009 56.58% 0.24 246 1954/03/17 01 :00:00 1954/03/19 04:00:00 52 0.009 56.81% 0.24 247 1980/03/26 01 :00:00 1980/03/27 23:00:00 47 0.009 57.04% 0.24 248 1971/04/14 14:00:00 1971/04/16 10:00:00 45 0.009 57.27% 0.23 249 1967/11/30 18:00:00 1967/12/02 18:00:00 49 0.009 57.51% 0.23 250 1986/10/09 22:00:00 1986/10/12 07:00:00 58 0.009 57.74% 0.23 251 1962/03/06 11 :00:00 1962/03/08 15:00:00 53 0.009 57.97% 0.23 252 1965/12/29 22:00:00 1966/01/01 19:00:00 70 0.009 58.20% 0.23 253 1952/04/10 18:00:00 1952/04/12 16:00:00 47 0.009 58.43% 0.23 254 1996/02/21 12:00:00 1996/02/23 16:00:00 53 0.009 58.66% 0.23 255 1972/12/04 18:00:00 1972/12/06 11 :00:00 42 0.009 58.89% 0.23 -~-256 -1951/08/28 11 :00 :00 1951/08/30 12:00:00 50 0.008 59.12% 0.23 257 1979/02/21 08:00:00 1979/02/24 08:00:00 73 0.008 59.35% 0.23 ~--258 1960/09/11 07:00:00 1960/09/13 01 :00:00 43 0.008 59.58% 0.23 259 2000/02/12 22:00:00 2000/02/16 02:00:00 77 0.008 59.82% 0.22 260 1957/12/05 06:00:00 1957/12/07 10:00:00 53 0.008 60.05% 0.22 261 1999/02/04 18:00:00 1999/02/06 23:00:00 54 0.008 60.28% 0.22 262 2004/12/05 15:00:00 2004/12/07 07:00:00 41 0.008 60.51% 0.22 ~--263 1999/03/25 17:00:00 1999/03/27 08:00:00 40 0.008 60.74% 0.22 --264 2001/11/2419:00:00 2001/11/26 14:00:00 44 0.008 60.97% 0.22 265 2001/04/07 20:00:00 2001/04/09 16:00:00 45 0.008 61.20% 0.22 266 2007/04/20 18:00:00 2007/04/23 05:00:00 60 0.008 61.43% 0.22 267 1952/12/30 22:00:00 1953/01/02 03:00:00 54 0.008 61.66% 0.22 -~ 268 1952/03/01 03:00:00 1952/03/03 03:00:00 49 0.008 61.89% 0.22 269 1996/12/27 21 :00:00 1996/12/29 21 :00:00 49 0.008 62.12% 0.22 270 2005/10/17 18:00:00 2005/10/20 01 :00:00 56 0.008 62.36% 0.22 271 1982/09/26 07:00:00 1982/09/28 04:00:00 46 0.008 62.59% 0.21 272 1957/10/14 07:00:00 1957/10/16 02:00:00 44 0.008 62.82% 0.21 273 1973/11/18 11 :00:00 1973/11/20 12:00:00 50 0.008 63.05% 0.21 274 1993/06/05 16:00:00 1993/06/07 08:00:00 41 0.008 63.28% 0.21 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 6/10 !J fl II II 11 I I I I I I II II 1111111111 II I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -~ 275 1963/11/15 19:00:00 1963/11/17 06:00:00 36 0.008 63.51% 0.21 276 2006/03/29 00:00:00 2006/03/30 21 :00:00 46 0.008 63.74% 0.21 -- 277 1975/02/09 19:00:00 1975/02/11 17:00:00 47 0.008 63.97% 0.21 -278 2004/04/02 00:00:00 2004/04/03 10:00:00 35 0.008 64.20% 0.21 -~ 279 1995/03/21 15:00:00 1995/03/25 07 :00 :00 89 0.008 64.43% 0.21 280 1997/12/06 20:00:00 1997/12/09 08:00:00 61 0.008 64.67% 0.21 281 1957/03/16 12:00:00 1957/03/18 00:00:00 37 0.008 64.90% 0.21 --282 1965/01/24 09:00:00 1965/01/25 23:00:00 39 0.008 65.13% 0.21 283 1957/12/15 15:00:00 1957/12/18 19:00:00 77 0.008 65.36% 0.21 284 1960/11/26 20:00:00 1960/11/28 09:00:00 38 0.008 65.59% 0.2 t--------285~ 1987/04/04 18:00:00 1987/04/06 04:00:00 35 0.008 65.82% 0.2 t--------1960/02/09 01 :00:00 1960/02/1119:00:00 67 0.008 66.05% 0.2 -~ 286 287 1955/02/17 09:00:00 1955/02/19 00:00:00 40 0.008 66.28% 0.2 -~ 288 1996/03/13 06:00:00 1996/03/15 00:00:00 43 0.008 66.51% 0.2 289 1959/04/26 08:00:00 1959/04/27 20 :00 :00 37 0.008 66.74% 0.2 290 1960/01/25 23:00:00 1960/01/27 16:00:00 42 0.008 66.97% 0.2 291 1961/11/25 20:00:00 1961/11/27 13:00:00 42 0.008 67.21% 0.2 292 2007/12/19 04:00:00 2007/12/21 01 :00:00 46 0.007 67.44% 0.2 293 1993/11/30 07:00:00 1993/12/01 20:00:00 38 0.007 67.67% 0.2 294 I 1959/02/08 07:00:00 1959/02/10 09:00:00 51 0.007 67.90% 0.2 295 1954/12/10 02:00:00 1954/12/11 17:00:00 40 0.007 68.13% 0.2 296 2008/02/03 11 :00:00 2008/02/05 13 :00 :00 51 0.007 68.36% 0.2 297 1970/01/16 20:00:00 1970/01/18 12:00:00 41 0.007 68.59% 0.2 298 1976/08/30 13:00:00 1976/08/31 23:00:00 35 0.007 68.82% 0.2 299 1980/04/23 06:00:00 1980/04/24 12:00:00 31 0.007 69.05% 0.19 300 1982/01/10 22:00:00 1982/01/12 13:00:00 40 0.007 69.28% 0.19 301 1951/11/23 07:00:00 1951/11/24 16:00:00 34 0.007 69.52% 0.19 302 1963/04/17 07:00:00 1963/04/18 15:00:00 33 0.007 69.75% 0.19 303 1988/01/05 18:00:00 1988/01/07 03:00:00 34 0.007 69.98% 0.19 304 1953/11/14 20:00:00 1953/11/16 12:00:00 41 0.007 70.21% 0.19 305 1996/01/21 21 :00:00 1996/01/23 15:00:00 43 0.007 70.44% 0.19 -306 1987/10/31 11 :00:00 1987/11/02 21 :00:00 59 0.007 70.67% 0.19 307 1965/03/12 21 :00:00 1965/03/15 01 :00:00 53 0.007 70.90% 0.19 308 1998/03/31 20:00:00 1998/04/02 21 :00:00 50 0.007 71.13% 0.19 309 2004/02/03 02:00:00 2004/02/05 01 :00:00 48 0.007 71.36% 0.19 --- 310 1979/02/14 06:00:00 1979/02/15 11 :00:00 30 0.007 71.59% 0.19 -~ 311 1975/11/28 17 :00 :00 1975/11/30 04:00:00 36 0.007 71.82% 0.19 ~-312 1990/05/28 11 :00 :00 1990/05/29 19:00:00 33 0.007 72.06% 0.19 313 1982/01/29 02:00:00 1982/01/30 09:00:00 32 0.007 72.29% 0.19 314 1990/06/10 09:00:00 1990/06/11 18:00:00 34 0.007 72.52% 0.19 315 1968/02/13 07:00:00 1968/02/14 12:00:00 30 0.007 72.75% 0.18 316 1964/03/23 03:00:00 1964/03/25 05:00:00 51 0.007 72.98% 0.18 317 1973/02/28 04:00:00 1973/03/01 12:00:00 33 0.007 73.21% 0.18 318 1954/03/30 07:00:00 1954/03/31 13:00:00 31 0.007 73.44% 0.18 319 1983/04/13 01 :00:00 1983/04/14 11 :00:00 35 0.007 73.67% 0.18 320 2006/02/19 06:00:00 2006/02/20 14:00:00 33 0.007 73.90% 0.18 321 i 1952/11/23 03:00:00 1952/11/2415:00:00 37 0.007 74.13% 0.18 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 7/10 l i I j I I 1111 II II II II 111111 II 11 I I I I f Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 322 1990/04/17 11 :00:00 1990/04/18 15:00:00 29 0.007 74.36% 0.18 -~ 323 2000/10/27 11 :00 :00 2000/10/28 14:00:00 28 0.007 74.60% 0.18 -324 1983/11/2012:00:00 1983/11/22 01 :00:00 38 0.007 74.83% 0.18 325 1978/11/21 20:00:00 1978/11/23 04:00:00 33 0.007 75.06% 0.18 326 1953/03/02 01 :00:00 1953/03/03 08:00:00 32 0.007 75.29% 0.18 ---327 1998/05/12 19:00:00 1998/05/14 02:00:00 32 0.007 75.52% 0.18 328 1982/11/19 04:00:00 1982/11/21 03:00:00 48 0.007 75.75% 0.18 --329 1959/12/10 06:00:00 1959/12/11 09:00:00 28 0.007 75.98% 0.18 330 1987/11/05 04:00:00 1987/11/0614:00:00 35 0.007 76.21% 0.18 331 1984/12/11 05:00:00 1984/12/13 01 :00:00 45 0.007 76.44% 0.18 332 1967/04/22 01 :00:00 1967/04/23 06:00:00 30 0.007 76.67% 0.18 -333 I 1978/01/30 21:00:00 1978/02/01 01:00:00 29 0.007 76.91% 0.17 334 1967/04/19 21:00:00 1967/04/21 00:00:00 28 0.007 77.14% 0.17 335 1989/02/10 01 :00:00 1989/02/11 07:00:00 31 0.007 77.37% 0.17 336 2001/03/06 19:00:00 2001/03/08 21 :00:00 51 0.007 77.60% 0.17 ~. 337 2000/04/17 21 :00:00 2000/04/19 09:00:00 37 0.007 77.83% 0.17 338 1995/01/21 05:00:00 1995/01/22 06:00:00 26 0.007 78.06% 0.17 339 1985/01/08 04:00:00 1985/01/09 05:00:00 26 0.007 78.29% 0.17 -· 340 1972/11/11 11 :00:00 1972/11/12 06:00:00 20 0.007 78.52% 0.17 341 1978/11/24 12:00:00 1978/11/2514:00:00 27 0.007 78.75% 0.17 342 1957/01/05 12:00:00 1957/01/06 11 :00:00 24 0.007 78.98% 0.17 -~ 343 1976/04/15 20:00:00 1976/04/17 09:00:00 38 0.007 79.21% 0.17 344 1980/10/16 07:00:00 1980/10/17 04:00:00 22 0.006 79.45% 0.17 ·--345 1984/10/17 09:00:00 1984/10/18 06:00:00 22 0.006 79.68% 0.17 346 1997/01/03 09:00:00 1997/01/04 11 :00:00 27 0.006 79.91% 0.17 347 1984/12/16 05:00:00 1984/12/17 05:00:00 25 0.006 80.14% 0.17 348 1993/12/11 21 :00:00 1993/12/12 22:00:00 26 0.006 80.37% 0.17 349 I 1996/12/06 05:00:00 1996/12/07 03:00:00 23 0.006 80.60% 0.17 -· ·----350 2006/05/22 07:00:00 2006/05/23 04:00:00 22 0.006 80.83% 0.17 351 1978/11/12 00:00:00 1978/11/13 23:00:00 48 0.006 81.06% 0.17 352 1982/12/29 22:00:00 1982/12/30 18:00:00 21 0.006 81.29% 0.17 -353 1967/03/31 14:00:00 I 1967/04/01 02:00:00 13 0.006 81.52% 0.16 354 2005/03/22 23:00:00 2005/03/23 16:00:00 18 0.006 81.76% 0.16 355 1958/03/11 08:00:00 1958/03/12 18:00:00 35 0.006 81.99% 0.16 ·-356 1957/10/31 03:00:00 1957/10/31 22:00:00 20 0.006 82.22% 0.16 ~~ I 1990/02/04 14:00:00 1990/02/05 10:00:00 21 0.006 82.45% 0.16 -~ 358 1974/03/02 13:00:00 I 1974/03/03 03:00:00 15 0.006 82.68% 0.16 -~ 359 1990/01/31 03:00:00 1990/01/31 20:00:00 18 0.006 82.91% 0.16 -~ 360 1975/12/20 17:00:00 1975/12/21 13:00:00 21 0.006 83.14% 0.16 361 1987/03/06 08:00:00 1987/03/07 07:00:00 24 0.006 83.37% 0.16 362 I 1990/01/14 07:00:00 1990/01/15 02:00:00 20 0.006 83.60% 0.16 363 1985/01/28 21 :00:00 1985/01/29 18:00:00 22 0.006 83.83% 0.16 364 1963/04/26 05:00:00 1963/04/26 20:00:00 16 0.006 84.06% 0.16 365 1991/12/28 05:00:00 1991/12/28 17:00:00 13 0.006 84.30% 0.16 ---366 2006/12/10 03:00:00 2006/12/10 18:00:00 16 0.006 84.53% 0.16 367 1976/04/13 10:00:00 1976/04/14 02:00:00 17 0.006 84.76% 0.16 368 1969/04/06 00:00:00 1969/04/06 12:00:00 13 0.006 84.99% 0.16 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 8/10 ¥1 ii II II II II II 11 II II fl 11 II II I i f I I Excel Engineering Rank Start Date 369 1985/02/02 14:00:00 370 1955/03/11 05:00:00 371 1975/04/17 11 :00 :00 ~-372 1993/01/02 13:00:00 373 1953/04/28 00 :00 :00 374 1998/12/06 08:00:00 375 1987/03/22 04:00:00 376 1968/04/01 23:00:00 377 1972/12/07 11 :00:00 378 i 1989/02/04 19:00:00 379 ! 1992/03/08 04:00:00 -380 I 2007/08/26 14:00:00 381 1951/12/19 12:00:00 -·-382 1958/09/24 07:00:00 383 1954/01/12 19:00:00 384 2001/03/10 20:00:00 385 1983/02/25 01 :00:00 386 1955/01/31 09:00:00 387 1955/11/17 19:00:00 388 1970/01/10 08:00:00 389 1980/03/22 00:00:00 390 1957/02/23 12:00:00 391 1998/12/01 19:00:00 392 1983/01/23 14:00:00 393 1963/09/04 13:00:00 394 i 1998/04/11 20:00:00 395 1971/01/12 22:00:00 396 1987/02/14 00:00:00 397 1961/11/20 19:00:00 398 1955/04/22 08:00:00 -399 1951/12/05 06:00:00 400 2006/03/21 04:00:00 401 2007/02/28 08:00:00 402 1982/03/29 03:00:00 403 1952/12/28 11 :00:00 404 1998/03/14 19:00:00 405 1971/10/17 03:00:00 406 2005/03/05 01 :00:00 407 1960/11/13 02:00:00 -· 408 2007/02/11 14:00:00 409 -----+---1977/12/18 08:00:00 410 1971/02/23 07:00:00 411 1995/03/03 14:00:00 412 1987/03/25 23:00:00 413 1953/02/23 21 :00:00 414 1997/12/18 21 :00:00 415 1965/01/01 00:00:00 10/20/2016 10:33 AM " ., -: .. • ; I ,. • End Date 1985/02/04 01 :00:00 1955/03/11 17:00:00 1975/04/18 00:00:00 1993/01/03 06:00:00 1953/04/28 11 :00 :00 1998/12/07 00:00:00 1987/03/22 15:00:00 1968/04/02 13:00:00 1972/12/09 05:00:00 1989/02/05 07:00:00 1992/03/09 00:00:00 2007/08/27 01 :00:00 1951/12/20 01:00:00 1958/09/24 18:00:00 1954/01/1317:00:00 2001/03/11 13:00:00 1983/02/25 10:00:00 1955/01/31 19:00:00 1955/11/18 05:00:00 1970/01/10 18:00:00 1980/03/22 07:00:00 1957/02/23 19:00:00 1998/12/02 06:00:00 1983/01/23 22:00:00 1963/09/04 22:00:00 1998/04/12 08:00:00 1971/01/13 14:00:00 1987/02/14 07:00:00 1961/11/21 05:00:00 1955/04/22 19:00:00 1951/12/05 14:00:00 2006/03/21 12:00:00 2007/03/01 07:00:00 1982/03/29 09:00:00 1952/12/29 00:00:00 1998/03/15 05:00:00 1971/10/17 14:00:00 2005/03/05 09:00:00 1960/11/13 06:00:00 2007/02/1118:00:00 1977/12/18 12:00:00 1971/02/23 11 :00 :00 1995/03/03 16:00:00 1987/03/26 02:00:00 1953/02/24 01 :00:00 1997/12/19 03:00:00 1965/01/01 03:00:00 l I I I I ... -----··- ---·-- I I peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 36 0.006 85.22% 0.16 ·-13 0.006 85.45% 0.16 14 0.006 85.68% 0.16 18 0.006 85.91% 0.16 12 0.006 86.14% 0.16 17 0.006 86.37% 0.16 .. 12 0.006 86.61% 0.16 ·-----~-·-15 0.006 86.84% 0.15 43 0.006 87.07% 0.15 --~ 13 0.006 87.30% 0.15 21 0.006 87.53% 0.15 12 0.006 87.76% 0.15 -~ 14 0.006 87.99% 0.15 12 0.006 88.22% 0.15 23 0.006 88.45% 0.15 18 0.006 88.68% 0.15 10 0.006 88.91% 0.15 11 0.006 89.15% 0.15 11 0.006 89.38% 0.15 11 0.006 89.61% 0.15 8 0.006 89.84% 0.15 8 0.006 90.07% 0.15 12 0.006 90.30% 0.15 9 0.006 90.53% 0.15 10 0.006 90.76% 0.15 13 0.006 90.99% 0.15 17 0.006 91.22% 0.15 8 0.006 91.45% 0.15 11 0.006 91.69% 0.15 12 0.005 91.92% 0.15 9 0.005 92.15% 0.15 9 0.005 92.38% 0.15 24 0.005 92.61% 0.15 7 0.005 92.84% 0.14 14 0.005 93.07% 0.14 11 0.005 93.30% 0.14 12 0.005 93.53% 0.14 9 0.005 93.76% 0.14 5 0.005 94.00% 0.14 5 0.005 94.23% 0.14 5 0.005 94.46% 0.14 5 0.005 94.69% 0.14 3 0.005 94.92% 0.14 -~ 4 0.005 95.15% 0.14 ----5 0.005 95.38% 0.14 7 0.005 95.61% 0.14 4 0.005 95.84% 0.14 9/10 I I I I ' ' I I I I I I I I ' a I l Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -~ 416 1959/01/0611:00:00 1959/01/06 13:00:00 3 0.005 96.07% 0.14 417 1957/05/21 09:00:00 1957/05/2111:00:00 3 0.005 96.30% 0.14 ·~~-~ 418 1964/11/10 20:00:00 1964/11/10 22:00:00 3 0.005 96.54% 0.14 -· 419 1989/01/07 18:00:00 1989/01/07 21 :00:00 4 0.005 96.77% 0.14 420 1957/10/21 07:00:00 1957/10/21 08:00:00 2 0.005 97.00% 0.14 421 1974/03/27 10:00:00 1974/03/27 12:00:00 3 0.005 97.23% 0.14 -~ 422 i 1963/03/28 15:00:00 1963/03/28 17 :00 :00 3 0.005 97.46% 0.14 423 1983/12/09 19:00:00 1983/12/09 21 :00:00 3 0.005 97.69% 0.14 424 2008/01/23 23:00:00 2008/01/24 00:00:00 2 0.005 97.92% 0.14 425 ! 1976/07/27 02:00:00 1976/07/27 03:00:00 2 0.005 98.15% 0.14 426 1977/01/29 05:00:00 1977/01/29 05:00:00 1 0.005 98.38% 0.14 427 1982/09/17 14:00:00 1982/09/17 14:00:00 1 0.005 98.61% 0.14 ~. --428 1989/05/15 08:00:00 1989/05/15 09:00:00 2 0.005 98.85% 0.14 ~--429 . 1973/02/07 07:00:00 1973/02/07 07:00:00 1 0.005 99.08% 0.14 --430 1991/03/15 17:00:00 1991/03/15 17:00:00 1 0.005 99.31% 0.14 431 1989/03/02 20:00:00 1989/03/02 20:00:00 1 0.005 99.54% 0.14 432 1962/02/25 02:00:00 1962/02/25 02:00:00 1 0.005 99.77% 0.13 -End of Data----------------- 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 10/10 ,,. t J I I I I I I f I I I II 1111 II 11 f I 1 f ' Excel Engineering 0.3 -0.2 J!? u -Cl) -ns ~ 0.1 ~ 0 -LL 0.0 -0.1 Flow Duration Curves --Pre Development -Post Development Mitigated }I I""*"" 010 (0.341cfs) ""*"" Qlf (0.0224cfs) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . '° (0 ..... 0 N ~ 0 Flow Duration PreDevelopment=365(days)x24(hr/day)x0.222(%)=19.4(hours/year) Flow Duration Mitigated Post Development=365(days)x24(hr/day)x0.165(%)=14.4(hours/year) · · · · · · · · • • · · · · • • · · · •· · , • • , · · · • 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (0/o) Percent Time Exceedance Excel Engineering flowDurationPassFailMitigated.TXT Comp_are Post-Development Curve to_Pre-Develop111ent Curve post-devel_op_ment SWMM file: Q:\ 13\1_3070\gpip\gr:>_2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\3A-13070-MIT POST-POCC-SmallPaver.out post-develop_ment time stamp: 10/20~016 9:47:47 AM Comp_ared to: pre-develop_ment SWMM file: Q:\13\1:3_070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\13070-PRE-POCC.out pre-develo1>_ment time stamp: 10/14/2Q16 10_:_56:30 AM ,________ -/ 1-~~-&0 00 00 ~0 ~0 <_v+ ~ ~ ~ + + ~ ~ '!t< w0 «l «_,-'i! o\<f o\<f o\0 ,,_q_ ~ ~ ,:;.o\o o\o ,,_t-,,_ "1 ,"-(;j q,o"' v.'o <>0 <>0~ ~o"' ~o"' ,,_-, ~ 0 <_v+ <_v+ o"' 1 q,O q_~ o\o o\o <_v+ 'v. 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I FALSE ; FALSE Pass: Post Duration < Pre Duration 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 3/3 , J: f' ~ i J I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I I I I I r ~ I l I I Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv I ' Duration Table Summary at Project Discharge Point -· --· ---- file name: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\13070-f>~E-POCC.out --- --------- ··-----------time stamp: 10/14/2016 10:56}_Q_AM --------------------·-----·-·----------------- ----~ ~,~be;:I pe,lods whe, dlsoha'lle was eq,al to " 9""te, thao DISCHAR~E DISCHARGE column but less than that shown on the next line ,-l''1t, --- 0~ ~~~ I 000 0 ... ~0 i..~ 0'l) 0'l) ~ 0<);'1 ~'l) «l I «l; ~'>)~ ~<:$ & 0~ 0 <if o' 0 ... i..~ "~ <:>"' ~ ~0 ~ ~"" ~ c,0 ~zy) ~0" 1 0.022 75 1104 0.222 --· --~ 2 0.026 96 1029 0.207 -~----3 ------0.029 72 ·-·-933 0.187 .. 4 0.032 68 861 0.173 5 0.035 44 793 0.159 ·---6 0.038 56 749 0.150 -----··---1-·-------7 0.042 46 693 0.139 ---------8 0.045 53 647 0.130 --------~---·-------------------9 0.048 39 594 0.119 -10 0.051 29 555 0.111 --------11 0.055 26 526 0.106 -12 0.058 39 ---------·--500 0.100 13 0.061 36 461 0.093 -----. 14 -----·---------------- 0.064 19 425 0.085 15 0.067 27 406 0.082 16 0.071 23 379 O.Q76 ----·-· 17 0.074 27 356 0.072 -18-0.077 18 ---·-------- 1------329 0.066 -19 0.080 15 311 0.062 -20 0.083 14 296 0.059 ----21 0.087 12 282 0.057 -22 0.090 13 270 0.054 -- 23 0.093 14 257 0.052 ------·--------------------24 0.096 18 243 0.049 25 0.100 11 _ _j 225 0.045 ·--26 0.103 11 214 0.043 27 0.106 12 203 0.041 28 0.109 6 191 0.038 -29 0.112 12 185 0.037 • ~ 30 0.116 10 173 0.035 31 0.119 8 163 0.033 -____ _. .. 32 0.122 8 155 0.031 -I----·-------33----.--0.125 ·--·--·-·-- 8 147 0.030 34 0.129 9 139 0.028 • 35 0.132 5 130 0.026 36 0.135 5 125 0.025 -·. -37 0.138 3 120 0.024 38 0.141 4 117 0.024 -39 0.145 3 113 0.023 40 0.148 9 110 0.022 -41 0.151 4 101 0.020 -· 42 0.154 3 97 0.020 -43 0.157 2 94 0.019 44 0.161 7 92 0.019 -45 0.164 3 85 0.017 46 0.167 4 82 0.Q17 47 0.170 2 78 0.016 48 0.174 5 76 O.D15 49 0.177 4 71 0.014 ·--50 0.180 2 67 0.014 51 0.183 2 65 0.013 • -10/20/2016 10:33 AM 1/2 • - Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv I I b~ I ~~OJ 000 I ~0 0e; 0e; rt-«:-t'(j 1,.,0 +v «l ~ ~0 b~«; ~§ 0 I ~(;$ & 0 <iJ-~ I ~ rz,' 1,.,0 __l /.;, ~ ~0 <:;){a i ~~~ ~ ---~-~i:,0 J "'~ -· ·- 11 11,; 52 I 0.186 3 63 0.013 -53 0.190 3 60 0.012 54 0.193 2 --~-57 0.011 55 0.196 3 55 0.011 --~ 56 0.199 3 52 0.010 ---57 0.202 3 49 0.010 58 0.206 0 46 0.009 --·-59 0.209 3 46 0.009 ---60 ; 0.212 3 43 0.009 --· 61 0.215 2 40 0.008 --·----62 0.219 0 38 0.008 --~-63 0.222 3 38 0.008 -64 0.225 0 35 0.007 --1--· 65 0.228 0 35 0.007 -· 66 0.231 1 35 0.007 ·-· ·-67 0.235 0 34 0.007 68 0.238 0 34 0.007 -69 0.241 2 34 0.007 70 0.244 1 32 0.006 __ ,_ 71 0.248 4 31 0.006 -72 0.251 --2 27 0.005 -----·-· ·--~- • 73 0.254 0 25 0.005 74 0.257 -25 0.005 0 75 t-0.260 1 25 0.005 -~ -·· 76 ·-0.264 0 24 0.005 -77 --t 0.267 3 24 0.005 ·-···-78 0.270 -0 21 0.004 -·· 79 0.273 0 --· 21 0.004 ----80 0.276 0 21 0.004 81 0.280 2 21 0.004 82 0.283 2 19 0.004 83 0.286 2 17 0.003 --~ -84 0.289 0 ! 15 0.003 --~-85 0.293 0 15 0.003 86 0.296 3 15 0.003 -~ 87 0.299 0 12 0.002 88 0.302 0 12 0.002 -89 0.305 0 12 0.002 -90 0.309 3 12 0.002 91 0.312 1 9 0.002 ----·-·· 92 0.315 0 8 0.002 -· -93 0.318 0 8 0.002 94 0.322 0 8 0.002 -95 0.325 0 8 0.002 96 0.328 0 8 0.002 -97 0.331 0 8 0.002 ·-98 0.334 0 8 0.002 -99 0.338 1 8 0.002 100 0.341 0 7 0.001 --------End of Data----------------- - -10/20/2016 10:33 AM 2/2 - lll!lll • ----- • - -• ---- --- -- Excel Engineering USGS9217dPostMitigated.csv Duration Table Summary at Project Discharge Point _______________________________________________ _ ,-------------~~~---~~~~=~~~~~~~~=~=-~--~------------< file name: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\3A-13070-MIT POST-POCC-SmallPaver.out ~e stamp: 10/20/2016 9:47:47 AM _ _ -_ -_ ---------------t 1-------------------------------------·-··-------------------------- DISCHARGE Number of periods when discharge was equal to or greater than DISCHARGE column but less than that shown on the next line _______ I_______ ~0 , i..~oc, l ---0~&~0., 00000 ~' : Q;-,r; ~0 «l «,+o _,v~ ~ a-<o 0 ' ~ ~ # ~ ~~ ·<oo ~ ~0 ~ <>" ~"' ~ c,0 "'O"qj ~0<;. 1-------·-------t--------------+------------t----~ -~--------1 1 0.022 I 87 821 0.165 o-------2------t--------0-.0-2-6------+------57----+------7-3_4 ___ ---, _____ 0 __ 1-4_7 ___ - i--------------------+-----------+-----------+----------~-----+--------------, 3 0.029 51 677 0.136 1-------------+----------+-------------+------------+------------, 4 0.032 55 626 0.126 5 0.035 32 571 0.115 0------------+----------+-----------+-----------+----------6 0.038 42 539 0.108 1-------------+--------------t------------------+-----------+------------1 7 0.042 33 497 0.100 I----------+--------------+----------------+----------+------------, 8 0.045 36 464 0.093 ---------+-------------, 9 0.048 25 428 0.086 ------1----------+-----------+----------------t 10 0.051 18 403 0.081 -------+---- 11 0.055 12 385 _______ -+-----o~.0~7=7 _____ _ 12 0.058 27 373 0.075 l-----~---------+----~~-----+-------~~---t-------~-------+---~~~------ 13 0.061 __ 17~---+-----3~4~6------+----o~.0~7~0-------1 -----14 0.064 18 329 0.066 -----------~1~5------+----o~.0~6~7-----+------~18 -311 0.062 1--------==~~;~--_-_-_-_-_-_-++_-_-_-_-_-_-~~~=:~=~-=1--~----=--=--=--:-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~-=-;-=--=-----_-_-_~~---_-_-_-_-_-_~_~=~=~=======:=======~=:~=;:====----~~ 1-------------------t------~-----+------------------~----+----~~------ 1-----~~:--------j----~~:~~~~6-----+------~~;------+---~~5~5~~------+-----~~~:~~;3~1 --------< 1------------------1---20 0.083 13 238 0.048 21 0.087 9 225 0.045 22 0.090 4 216 0.043 23 0.093 8 212 0.043 ---------+------------+---------------t-----------+-------------24 0.096 10 204 0.041 25 0.100 6 194 0.039 0-----------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------t 26 0.103 7 188 0.038 0------------+-----------+-------------+----------------,-----------, 27 0.106 7 181 0.036 28 0.109 10 174 0.035 29 0.112 3 164 0.033 30 0.116 7 161 0.032 -------+------------------+-------------' 31 0.119 6 154 0.031 0---------------+---------+-------------------+------------32 0.122 8 148 0.030 --------t--------------1 33 0.125 4 140 0.028 34 0.129 6 136 0.027 o-----3~5---------1----0~_-13~2-----+------1~2------+----1~30~------1----o~.~02~6------1 t---------------+-----~--------,----------+----~~---+---~~~----~ 36 0.135 6 118 0.024 o-----3~7~-0.138 7 112 0.023 o-------38 0.141 ----~8----+--------1~0=5-------+-----~o~.0=2~1------1 39 0.145 4 97 0.020 40 0.148 6 93 0.019 I----------+-----------+------------+--------------+-----------1 41 0.151 5 87 0.018 ----+-----------+---------------t 42 0.154 2 82 0.017 43 0.157 6 -~8=0-------t----o~.~0~16~-----1 44 0.161 5 74 0.015 45 0.164 6 69 0.014 46 0.167 4 63 0.013 47 0.170 6 59 0.012 48 0.174 4 53 0.011 1--------------+------------+---------+----------+-------------t 49 0.177 I 1 49 0.010 ----------+------------,~-----------~-----------50 0.180 2 48 0.010 51 0.183 6 46 0.009 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 1/2 Excel Engineering USGS9217dPostMitigated.csv ,, h I &~O;, 000 I o"' ':!!'' 1\.0 i.,,o 0(/j 0(/j «-'li q,0 «l; <v+G ~.;;f 0 ~($ I d' i._,J>"' 0 <iP o' I 0' ,<.~ ~ q,0 i$-(){:j I ~.§ ~ c,0 ----------·- ,,,._ol q,0" 52 0.186 I 4 I 40 0.008 53 0.190 ----0.007 4 36 e---------~ ------54 0.193 1 32 0.006 55 0.196 1 31 0.006 ----------56 0.199 5 30 0.006 -57 0.202 2 25 0.005 f-------------58 0.206 0 23 0.005 ---59 0.209 0 23 0.005 ------60 0.212 1 23 0.005 t---·----~--····-• 61 0.215 0 22 0.004 -----62 0.219 2 22 0.004 --------~ -63 0.222 1 20 0.004 64 0.225 3 19 0.004 -.. 65 0.228 -1 16 0.003 66 0.231 3 15 0.003 ~-67 0.235 2 12 0.002 -i----------------··· 68 0.238 ----1 10 0.002 -----• 69 0.241 1 0.002 9 70 0.244 2 ! 8 0.002 -~ 71 0.248 3 6 0.001 --72 0.251 0 3 0.001 73 0.254 0 3 0.001 • 74 0.257 0 ·----3 0.001 --------75 0.260 0 3 0.001 -~--------76 0.264 0 3 0.001 77 0.267 0 3 0.001 ~--~ -78 0.270 0 3 0.001 ----79 0.273 0 I 3 0.001 .. -80 0.276 0 ' 3 0.001 81 0.280 0 3 0.001 -82 0.283 0 3 0.001 --83 0.286 0 3 0.001 84 0.289 0 3 I 0.001 --85 0.293 0 3 0.001 • 86 0.296 0 3 0.001 --87 0.299 0 3 0.001 ---~ 88 0.302 0 3 0.001 -89 0.305 0 3 0.001 • 90 0.309 0 3 0.001 91 0.312 0 3 0.001 ·-------92 0.315 0 3 0.001 --------93 0.318 0 3 0.001 94 0.322 0 3 0.001 .. 95 0.325 -0 3 0.001 ~--96 0.328 0 3 0.001 -97 0.331 0 3 0.001 ---98 0.334 0 3 0.001 -~ -99 0.338 0 3 0.001 100 0.341 0 ' 3 0.001 ---------End of Data------------------ - - 10/20/2016 10:33 AM 2/2 - Excel Engineering !'" - END OF STATISTICS ANALYSIS ----• -• - ---• - • -----.. -- - - Excel Engineering - - Peak Flow Frequency Curves 1.2 -1-.. · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · , 1 . 0 -1-.. · · • · · · · · · · · · · -· · · · · · · · · · · · · -· · · · · · · · · · · · · • ·. -~ 0 3 0.8 .2 LL ~ 0.6 n, Cl) 0. 0.4 0.2 0.0 . . . . . . . . ..................... . ........................................................... . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................... . -Pre Development -Post Development Mitigated ........... ·: ............. ·: ............. '. ............. '. ......... -1~ Q10 (0.856cfs) ~ Q5 (0.821cfs) -----------------------------------1 ~ 02 (0.636cfs) ~ Qlf (0.0636cfs) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Return Period (Years) c:I -c:JI - - --- Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT Compare Post-Development Curve to Pre-Development Curve post-development SWMM file: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL D\3D-13070-MIT POST-POCD-1in.out post-development time stamp: 10/26/2016 5:53:47 AM Compared to: pre-development SWMM file: Q:\ 13\ 13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL D\ 1 A-13070-PRE-POCD.out pre-development time stamp: 10/25/2016 9:34:54 AM - I i..0 I f.. 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FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost<Opre 54 --1.06 0.18 0.47 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 55 1.04 ~0.17 0.47 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 56 . 1.02 . -0.17 0.46 TRUE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre L--57 ____;___ 1.00 . --0.16 0.46 TRUE . FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 58 I 0.98 _ , Q.16 0.45 TRUE FALSE , FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 59 0.97 -r--0.16 0.45 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 60 ! 0.95 0.16 0.45 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre ~ 61 0.94 0.15 0.45 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost < Qpre 62 0.92 0.15 0.44 TRUE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost < Qpre 1-~-~ -~ 0.91 --+---0.15 0.44 TRUE _ FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost<Opre :=3 E_M_ . 0.89 ' 0.15 0.44 TRUE . 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FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 121 0.48 0.05 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ ·-0.47 0.05 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~---0.47 0.05 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -1~-0.46 , _ 0.05 0.31 -FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 125 0.46 0.05 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 126 0.46 0.04 -0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold t= 127 1 0.45 0.04 ·-0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold .. 129_ 0.45 -~~-0.04 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold _ ·~ 128 . 1.=-0.45 --0.04 . 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-"-Below Flow Cootml Thrashrnd 130 0.44 0.04 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,__ 131 , . 0.44 0.04 0.31 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 132 0.44 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f---133 0.43 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold '-----134 0.43 0.04 0.30 FALSE _ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 135 0.43 · 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 136 0.42 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~+= 0.42 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~. _...11L 0.42 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 139 0.41 0.04 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold r---140 0.41 0.04 0.30 FALSE ---FALSE _ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 141 0.41 0.04 0.30 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold _142 0.41 --~ 0.04 1 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---~ 143 ___ 0.40 ---'---·--0.04 : 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1--144 0.40 0.04 ' 0.30 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 145 0.40 0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold L 146 -0.40 -~--0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 147 0.39 0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 148 0.39 . 0.04 , 0.29 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold E 149 ! 0.39 -o.M 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 150 1 0.38 0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 151 0.38 0.04 0.29 -FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 152 0.38 0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 153 0.38 0.04 0.29 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold •-----:{54 0.37 0.04 0.28 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 155 0.37 0.04 0.28 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 156 --~-0.37 0.04 0.28 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--157 0.37 0.04 0.28 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~. 158 0.37 0.04 0.28 FALSE I FALSE FALSE -Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --159 -0.36 0.04 0.28 FALSE I FALSE FALSE . -Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 4/19 i j I I i I i I i i i I I I I ; • i J ; I I I i I I ; ; I I I I I ; I Excel Engineering pea kFlowPassFa i IM itigated. 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I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I I &0 ~~ ,c;;.. 0 ;.o &0 &0 ~ ~ 0"5 I 0~ o'l o'l o\o .,._q_ .,._<J ~0 t-""'~ "G $-<t r} " o<o q_,0 r:,<o q_~ ~ I ~~ ~o<o ~o ~ .,._~ i r:,<o _j_ ~ ----- 202 0.29 I 0.03 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-203 --· FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.28 0.03 0.21 ~-204 0.28 0.03 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 205 0.28 0.03 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----- 206 0.28 0.03 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 207 0.28 0.03 ! 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-0.21 FALSE I FALSE ·-FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 208 0.28 I 0.03 209 0.28 0.03 0.21 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 210 I 0.28 0.03 0.20 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ·-211 0.27 0.03 0.20 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 212 0.27 0.03 ! 0.20 i FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.03 0.20 I FALSE -· FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 213 0.27 214 0.27 i 0.03 0.20 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 215 0.27 ! 0.03 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -----· 0.27 0.03 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 216 217 0.27 0.03 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 218 I 0.27 0.03 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 219 0.26 0.03 I 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 220 0.26 I 0.03 0.19 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 221 ! 0.26 I 0.03 0.19 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---222 I 0.26 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~ 223 0.26 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---------224 0.26 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -- 225 0.26 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---------226 0.26 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 227 I 0.25 I 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 228 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --229 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 230 0.25 0.03 ! 0.18 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 231 --t----.0.25 I 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 232 0.25 0.03 I 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -·· 233 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -234 ·, 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE ---FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpcst Below Flow Control Threshold ~-235 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ----.. 236 0.25 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -·--· ·---0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 237 0.24 ~---~ -· 238 I 0.24 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-239 0.24 0.03 0.18 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 240 I 0.24 0.03 0.17 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 241 -a~·-0.03 0.17 FALSE i FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 242 0.24 0.03 0.17 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~243 0.03 0.17 FALSE FALSE ----FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.24 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 6/19 • , ~ ! ! 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TXT ~'ll< ""~ ~oc,; I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~o 0~ 0~ ~\o ()0 ()0 • t, • "'1 "-"- "'-0 !<>' ~' n<S" ~~ ~ nO "'-"'7 ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ ,So/' ~,o <J:"~ ~~ i· ~~ 286 0.20 0.03 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ,_______ 287 , 0.20 0.03 0.12 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 288 0.20 ' 0.03 0.12 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 289 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 290 -! 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE --FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold + . 291 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 292 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 293 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpest Below Flow Control Threshold 294 0.20 0.03 0.11 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold t· 295 0.20 0.03 __ 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 296 0.20 0.03 0.10 FALSE FALSE i FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 297 --:---0.20 0.03 0.10 FALSE . -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 298 1 0.19 -0.03 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 299 0.19 , 0.03 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 300 0.19 0.03 0.10 FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 301 0.19 0.03 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 302 0.19 0.03 0.10 FALSE ! FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold C---. 303 0.19 0.03 0.10 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 304 0.19 0.03 0.09 FALSE FALSE -FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~---r----.. --. 305 0.19 0.03 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 306 0.19 I 0.03 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1---307.. ·: 0.19 0.03 0.09 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 308 _ __l 0.19 0.03 0.09 FALSE : FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 309 I 0.19 i 0.03 I 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 310 0.19 0.02 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-' 0.19 0.02 0.08 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~-~ ~~--312 0.19 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold '---~--... 0.19 0.02 0.07 FALSE . FALSE , FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 314 0.18 . 0.02 , 0.07 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 315 0.18 ! 0.02 I 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 316 -0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold _:31L_--+ 0.18 0.02 0.07 -FALSE FALSE .. FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 318 I 0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 319 f' 0.18 0.02 , 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold E-320 _ _ -0.18 i 0.02 , 0.07 _ FALSE I. -·· FALSE _ -FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 321 0.18 , 0.02 I 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 322 -0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -_ 323 1 -0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE_ __ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold i-32i__ 1 0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ · 0.18 0.02 0.07 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow ControlThreshold 326 --+ 0.18 0.02 0.06 , FALSE . FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --l 327 ·r--0.18 0.02 ---~ 0.06___1_ FALSE ---. FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpest Below Flow Control Threshold 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 8/19 l f '.11 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT I ~ ~I O O &0 &0 ~ I f--~ ~ · s s ~ ~ o\o f<,'~ .,....~ , <..<> <::)0 <::)0 .,....~ .,._-1 ..._..._c:s iJ. s<i' ,;;;-• I .oil;-I s<' I # , # ,• •" ___ __J_ __ ~_ -_ ' j o J o o~o"" -------1 328 .. -+· ___ 0.18 1 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 329 , 0.18 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~30--~, --0.18 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 331 0.18 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 332 0.17 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 333 0.17 0.02 0.06 FALSE FALSE . FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 334 0.17 0.02 0.05 -FALSE FALSE -FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 335 i 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 336 ~ I= 0.17 0.02 , 0.05 FALSE . I FALSE FALSE Pass· Qpo,t Below Row Coot,ol Th<eshold ·~ 337 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 339 1 0.17 , 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE · FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold E 340 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 3~ 1 ~i 0.17 . 0.02 0.05 _ FALSE --FALSE _ FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold j 342 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 343 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 344 0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 345 -0.17 0.02 0.05 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 346 0.17 , 0.02 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 347 0.17 0.02 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 348 1· 0.17 -0.02 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 349 0.17 0.02 0.04 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 350 0.17 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold t 351 i 0.17 . 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ------1 r 352 1 0.16· , 0.02 0.03 FALSE , FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 353 0.16___ 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 354 0.16 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 355 0.16 0.02 . . 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 356 0.16 _ 0.02 -0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 357 0.16 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 358 0.16 0.02 -0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold t _ 359 0.16 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 360 0.16 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold § ~ 0.16 0.02 . 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1 -362 0.16 0.02 0.03 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold __j 363 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE , FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 364 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 365 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 366 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE 1 FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold '-· 367 1 0.16 0.02 , 0.02 FALSE FALSE -FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1--368 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 369 i 0.16 1 0.02 0.02 FALSE _ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 9/19 i l i I I I I I I I I I t I I I J I I f ' f I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFailMitigated.TXT ~i I &0 !,,;;.. ,!i.o ,!i.o I &0 &0 ~ ~ 0~ 0~ cP o\o .,,,_q_ I .,,,_<::l ' <:>0 L_("~t .,.,_"1 .... ~ l< I'.> I q_~ " q_'l>-<:; q_O I ~~ I q_O<:; i q_!..0 oe:; .,,,_"1 f--··~ j I ·--L 0~ r:,":i 0~ 370 0.16 I 0.02 0.02 FALSE ~ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --371-.. 0.16 0.02 0.02 -~FALSE~·~ FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 0.02 ---f-------0.02 ·-~. 372 0.16 I FALSE FALSE I FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 373 ' 0.16 0.02 0.02 ~. FALSE : FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 374 0.16 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 375 0.15 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 376 0.15 0.02 0.02 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 377 0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -~ ~· 378 0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~--379 -0.15 0.02 -0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f-------.. ~-0.15 ' 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ··-----·-0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 381 L f--------382· 0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 383 0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold --384 0.15 0.02 0.01 .. FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 385 0.15 0.02 0.01 .. FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 386 I 0.15 0.02 0.01 FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 387 0.15 ' 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 388 0.15 0.02 i Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 389 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 390 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE -··--· FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 391 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 392 · 1 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 393 -1 0.15 ' 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold f-394 0.15 : 0.02 -------Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 395 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 396 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 397 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 398 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE --1 FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold I 399 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 400 0.15 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 401 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 402 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE ·--FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 403 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 404 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 405 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold c---,rn6 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 407 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold ~ 408 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 409 0.14 i 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 410 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~~--~ 0.14 0.02 lnfinitv FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qoost Below Flow Control Threshold 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 10/19 f f f I I I I I I I I I I I I I t J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowPassFa i IM itigated. 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FALSE ----FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 418 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 419 ·-0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 420 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 421 T 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold -·-422 1· 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE I FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ---423 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE -· FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 424 ------0.14 i 0.02 I Infinity i FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 425 --. . 0.14 0.02 I Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1----4~26~---· 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE--FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control T-h-r·e--s-h··o--ld ____ _, 427 0.14 0.02 --Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold ~428 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 429 1 0.14 0.02 Infinity -· FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold o----~43~0 I 0.14 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 431 0.13 0.02 Infinity FALSE FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 1----4~3·2~ 0.13 0.02 Infinity FALSE -FALSE FALSE Pass-Qpost Below Flow Control Threshold 433 -. 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I I I I ' • f Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv SWMM.out file name: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL D\1A-13070-PRE-POCD.out SWMM.out time stamp: 10/25/2016 9:34:54 AM 010: 0.856 Q5: 0.821 Q2: 0.636 Peak Flow Statistics Table Values ·- Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 1 1995/01/04 16:00:00 1995/01/04 22:00:00 7 1.266 0.26% 58 2 I 2003/02/25 15:00:00 2003/02/25 19:00:00 5 0.968 0.52% 29 3 I 1958/02/03 04:00:00 1958/02/04 10:00:00 31 ' 0.942 0.77% 19.33 4 1969/02/24 00:00:00 1969/02/25 20:00:00 45 0.924 1.03% 14.5 5 1993/01/12 20:00:00 1993/01/14 05:00:00 34 0.873 1.29% 11.6 -~ 6 2005/02/18 05:00:00 2005/02/18 22:00:00 18 0.852 1.55% 9.67 7 2000/10/29 22:00:00 2000/10/29 23:00:00 2 0.847 1.80% 8.29 -· 8 2004/10/27 02:00:00 2004/10/27 08:00:00 7 0.846 2.06% 7.25 --9 1980/02/20 18:00:00 1980/02/21 06:00:00 13 0.842 2.32% 6.44 10 1982/03/17 11 :00 :00 1982/03/18 03:00:00 17 0.824 2.58% 5.8 -~ 11 1978/01/04 16:00:00 1978/01/04 17:00:00 2 0.822 2.84% 5.27 12 1978/02/28 18:00:00 1978/03/01 09:00:00 16 0.819 3.09% 4.83 13 ~ 1952/01/16 07:00:00 1952/01/16 15:00:00 9 0.819 3.35% 4.46 14 1958/04/01 12:00:00 1958/04/01 20:00:00 9 0.817 3.61% 4.14 15 I 1979/01/1513:00:00 1979/01/15 14:00:00 2 0.786 3.87% 3.87 16 -1-1980/03/02 20:00:00 1980/03/03 10:00:00 15 0.732 4.12% 3.63 17 I 1983/02/27 16:00:00 1983/02/27 19:00:00 4 0.715 4.38% 3.41 -·· 18 1978/02/10 02:00:00 1978/02/10 05:00:00 4 0.714 4.64% 3.22 f--· 1965/11/22 04:00:00 1965/11/23 04:00:00 25 -0.712 4.90% 3.05 19 f----· 20 1998/02/03 15:00:00 1998/02/03 20:00:00 6 0.71 5.15% 2.9 21 1991/12/2915:00:00 1991/12/30 03:00:00 13 0.7 5.41% 2.76 f----22 2008/01/27 00:00:00 2008/01/27 20:00:00 21 0.694 5.67% 2.64 23 1970/12/19 02:00:00 1970/12/19 19:00:00 18 0.69 5.93% 2.52 24 1980/02/16 18:00:00 1980/02/16 20:00:00 3 0.689 6.19% 2.42 25 1983/01/29 00:00:00 1983/01/29 03:00:00 4 0.678 6.44% 2.32 26 1998/02/22 15:00:00 1998/02/23 21 :00:00 31 0.675 6.70% 2.23 ·-27 I 1952/11/15 13:00:00 1952/11/15 14:00:00 2 0.665 6.96% 2.15 28 2004/10/20 09:00:00 2004/10/20 14:00:00 6 0.665 7.22% 2.07 29 1998/02/16 17:00:00 1998/02/17 20:00:00 28 0.636 7.47% 2 30 1961/12/01 19:00:00 1961/12/0214:00:00 20 0.622 7.73% 1.93 ---------~---··-··-------f-----· 31 1993/01/18 09:00:00 1993/01/18 15:00:00 7 0.609 7.99% 1.87 ·-·-32 1994/02/03 23 :00 :00 1994/02/04 10:00:00 12 0.607 8.25% 1.81 ~- 33 1985/11/11 09:00:00 1985/11/11 11 :00:00 3 0.605 8.51% 1.76 ~-34 1980/01/28 20:00:00 1980/01/29 21 :00:00 26 0.602 8.76% 1.71 f-------·· 35 1978/01/16 19:00:00 1978/01/17 02:00:00 8 0.602 9.02% 1.66 36 1995/03/11 02:00:00 1995/03/11 23:00:00 22 0.598 9.28% 1.61 37 2008/01/05 05:00:00 2008/01/07 00:00:00 44 0.576 9.54% 1.57 38 1993/02/18 12:00:00 1993/02/18 13:00:00 2 0.562 9.79% 1.53 39 1998/02/1415:00:00 1998/02/14 20:00:00 ' 6 0.557 10.05% 1.49 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 1/9 ti fl 11 I• 11 I I I I I I ii II 11 •• lj J I i j l I , Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 40 i 1986/02/14 23:00:00 I 1986/02/15 05:00:00 7 0.553 10.31% 1.45 ~ ---------r -41 1991/02/27 18:00:00 1991/03/01 11 :00:00 42 0.551 10.57% 1.42 42 1992/02/12 17:00:00 1992/02/13 07:00:00 15 0.549 10.82% 1.38 43 1963/03/16 23:00:00 1963/03/17 02:00:00 4 0.536 11.08% 1.35 44 1986/03/15 22:00:00 1986/03/16 19:00:00 22 I 0.528 11.34% 1.32 45 1993/02/08 01 :00:00 1993/02/08 10:00:00 10 0.51 11.60% 1.29 46 2008/02/22 02:00:00 2008/02/22 08:00:00 7 0.505 11.86% 1.26 47 1960/04/27 08:00:00 1960/04/2710:00:00 3 0.502 12.11% 1.23 -~ 48 1983/10/01 01 :00:00 1983/10/01 02:00:00 2 0.496 12.37% 1.21 49 1972/01/16 21 :00:00 1972/01/16 23:00:00 3 0.493 12.63% 1.18 ~- 50 2003/02/11 16:00:00 2003/02/12 19:00:00 28 0.49 12.89% 1.16 --51 1981/03/19 20:00:00 1981/03/19 21 :00:00 2 0.489 13.14% 1.14 52 I 1969/02/06 08:00:00 1969/02/06 15:00:00 8 0.482 13.40% 1.12 53 , 1982/12/22 23:00:00 1982/12/23 00:00:00 2 0.474 13.66% 1.09 ~. 5 I 2004/12/31 14:00:00 2004/12/31 15:00:00 2 0.473 13.92% 1.07 2005/01/11 08:00:00 9 0.465 14.18% 1.06 --2005/01/11 00:00:00 1977/08/17 01 :00:00 1977/08/17 04:00:00 4 0.465 14.43% 1.04 1954/02/13 15:00:00 1954/02/14 02:00:00 12 0.461 14.69% 1.02 ~-57 . --~ 58 I 2005/02/21 03:00:00 2005/02/23 04:00:00 50 0.459 14.95% 1 59 + 1980/01/10 23:00:00 1980/01/1212:00:00 38 0.452 15.21% 0.98 60 1983/03/0113:00:00 1983/03/04 05:00:00 65 0.451 15.46% 0.97 --61 1991/03/25 06:00:00 1991/03/27 05:00:00 48 0.449 15.72% 0.95 ---62 1977/12/29 06:00:00 1977/12/30 02:00:00 21 0.447 15.98% 0.94 63 2002/11/08 16 :00 :00 2002/11/08 18 :00 :00 3 0.444 16.24% 0.92 64 1978/01/14 16:00:00 1978/01/15 05:00:00 14 0.442 16.49% 0.91 65 I 1980/02/17 22:00:00 1980/02/18 07:00:00 I 10 0.442 16.75% 0.89 --+-1988/12/24 21 :00:00 1988/12/25 00:00:00 4 0.442 17.01% 0.88 66 I 67 2001/01/26 16:00:00 2001/01/27 00:00:00 9 0.441 17.27% 0.87 68 I 2003/03/15 15:00:00 2003/03/16 17:00:00 27 0.44 17.53% 0.85 69 1980/02/19 07:00:00 1980/02/19 16:00:00 10 0.439 17.78% 0.84 70 1979/01/05 23:00:00 1979/01/06 07:00:00 9 0.439 18.04% 0.83 71 ' 1983/12/24 18:00:00 1983/12/25 10:00:00 17 0.437 18.30% 0.82 ~~=T 1971/12/24 07:00:00 1971/12/24 22:00:00 16 0.434 18.56% 0.81 1963/09/18 18:00:00 1963/09/18 21 :00:00 4 0.432 18.81% 0.8 1958/02/19 12:00:00 I 1958/02/19 14:00:00 3 0.431 19.07% 0.78 1960/01/12 07:00:00 6 0.426 -19.33% 0.77 1960/01/12 02:00:00 76 I 2005/04/28 08:00:00 2005/04/28 09:00:00 2 0.416 19.59% 0.76 77 ; 1980/01/09 04:00:00 1980/01/09 17:00:00 14 0.416 19.85% 0.75 ~~-2001/02/14 17:00:00 2001/02/14 18:00:00 I 2 0.415 20.10% 0.74 79 1997/01/12 16:00:00 1997/01/13 07:00:00 16 0.415 20.36% 0.73 ---80 2005/01/09 04:00:00 2005/01/09 21 :00:00 18 0.411 20.62% 0.73 81 1968/03/08 05:00:00 1968/03/08 10:00:00 6 0.41 20.88% 0.72 82 1967/12/18 17:00:00 1967/12/19 10:00:00 18 0.407 21.13% 0.71 83 1993/01/15 12:00:00 1993/01/17 09:00:00 46 0.407 21.39% 0.7 84 1962/01/20 13:00:00 1962/01/20 19:00:00 7 0.401 21.65% 0.69 85 1952/03/15 20 :00 :00 1952/03/16 04:00:00 9 0.399 21.91% 0.68 86 1993/02/19 19:00:00 1993/02/19 20:00:00 2 0.398 22.16% 0.67 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 2/9 • 1,i fl II I • f • I I I I I I I I 111111 II fl I I I I I • f Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period f--· 87 I 1983/01/27 08:00:00 1983/01/27 13:00:00 I 6 I 0.398 22.42% 0.67 88 1965/12/10 06:00:00 1965/12/10 09:00:00 4 0.397 22.68% ·o.66 89 1999/01/26 22:00:00 1999/01/26 23:00:00 2 0.393 22.94% 0.65 90 I 1983/11/24 22:00:00 I 1983/11/25 01 :00:00 I 4 0.389 23.20% 0.64 91 2007/01/30 23:00:00 2007/01/30 23:00:00 1 0.388 23.45% 0.64 92 1992/02/15 13:00:00 1992/02/15 16:00:00 4 0.388 23.71% 0.63 93 1995/01/10 19:00:00 1995/01/1214:00:00 44 0.386 23.97% 0.62 94 1978/09/05 18:00:00 1978/09/05 19:00:00 2 0.386 24.23% 0.62 95 1988/11/25 08:00:00 1988/11/2510:00:00 3 0.373 24.48% 0.61 -~-96 1968/12/25 18:00:00 1968/12/25 19:00:00 2 0.367 24.74% 0.6 97 I 1959/02/11 09:00:00 1959/02/12 03:00:00 19 0.363 25.00% 0.6 ~---98 2005/01/03 08:00:00 2005/01/04 11 :00:00 28 --0.354 25.26% 0.59 ~-99 ! 1967/11/30 16:00:00 1967/11/3016:00:00 1 0.353 25.52% 0.59 ~ 100 1975/04/08 09:00:00 1975/04/09 00:00:00 16 0.35 25.77% 0.58 ~-101 2004/02/22 07:00:00 2004/02/23 06:00:00 24 0.344 26.03% 0.57 102 1990/02/17 16:00:00 1990/02/17 19:00:00 4 0.344 26.29% 0.57 103 1958/03/15 18:00:00 1958/03/16 10:00:00 17 0.342 26.55% 0.56 104 1959/12/24 12:00:00 1959/12/24 13:00:00 2 0.338 26.80% 0.56 105 1995/01/25 08:00:00 1995/01/26 09:00:00 26 0.337 27.06% 0.55 106 1952/12/02 01 :00:00 1952/12/02 01 :00:00 1 0.336 27.32% 0.55 ~-107 I 1994/03/24 22:00:00 1994/03/25 01 :00:00 4 0.333 27.58% 0.54 108 2004/02/26 04:00:00 2004/02/26 08:00:00 5 0.331 27.84% 0.54 i-------109 2001/01/11 04:00:00 2001/01/12 11 :00:00 32 0.33 28.09% 0.53 ~-110 1957/01/13 04:00:00 1957/01/13 08:00:00 5 0.33 28.35% 0.53 ~ 111 1960/02/01 22:00:00 1960/02/02 01 :00:00 4 0.326 28.61% 0.52 --112 1964/11/1716:00:00 1964/11/17 18:00:00 3 0.325 28.87% 0.52 113 2007/11/30 08:00:00 2007/11/30 20:00:00 13 ' 0.325 29.12% 0.51 114 1954/01/1916:00:00 1954/01/19 21 :00:00 6 0.324 29.38% 0.51 -115 I 1966/12/05 02:00:00 1966/12/05 10:00:00 9 0.322 29.64% 0.5 ---116 I 1973/11/22 23 :00 :00 1973/11/23 01 :00:00 3 0.321 29.90% 0.5 117 1972/11/14 14:00:00 1972/11/14 15:00:00 2 0.318 30.15% 0.5 118 1981/11/28 03:00:00 1981/11/28 21 :00:00 19 0.317 30.41% 0.49 ~ 119 1972/11/16 11 :00:00 1972/11/17 06:00:00 20 0.317 30.67% 0.49 ~-r---·· 120 1976/09/10 05:00:00 1976/09/1 0 11 :00 :00 7 0.316 30.93% 0.48 ---121 1986/11/18 03:00:00 1986/11/18 04:00:00 2 0.316 31.19% 0.48 -122 1988/01/17 11 :00:00 1988/01/1711 :00:00 1 0.314 31.44% 0.48 ---·-123 I 1978/02/12 17:00:00 1978/02/13 23:00:00 31 0.312 31.70% 0.47 ~ 124 2002/12/20 16:00:00 2002/12/20 18:00:00 3 0.312 31.96% 0.47 ~125 2001/02/25 17:00:00 2001/02/27 17:00:00 49 0.311 32.22% 0.46 126 1956/04/12 21 :00:00 1956/04/13 17:00:00 21 0.31 32.47% 0.46 127 1979/11/0718:00:00 1979/11/0719:00:00 2 0.31 32.73% 0.46 -~ C---· 1983/03/24 03:00:00 1983/03/24 05:00:00 3 32.99% 0.45 128 0.309 -129 1978/03/30 15:00:00 1978/03/31 05:00:00 15 0.309 33.25% 0.45 130 1963/11/20 03:00:00 1963/11/21 06:00:00 28 0.308 33.51% 0.45 131 1995/03/05 07:00:00 1995/03/05 21 :00 :00 15 0.307 33.76% 0.44 132 I 1992/03/20 23:00:00 1992/03/20 23:00:00 1 0.305 34.02% 0.44 133 1958/03/20 22:00:00 1958/03/22 06:00:00 33 0.304 34.28% 0.44 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 3/9 .! ti II fl II I I ) I 11 II II 11 11 1 j I j t I ' J t f Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 134 2006/03/11 07:00:00 2006/03/11 07:00:00 1 I 0.304 34.54% 0.43 135 1988/04/20 08:00:00 1988/04/21 04:00:00 21 0.304 34.79% --0.43 136 1978/01/09 16:00:00 1978/01/10 23:00:00 32 0.303 35.05% 0.43 -137 I 1966/02/07 22:00:00 1966/02/07 23:00:00 2 0.301 35.31% 0.42 138 1980/03/05 23:00:00 1980/03/06 12:00:00 14 0.3 35.57% 0.42 -139 1988/12/21 03:00:00 1988/12/21 06:00:00 4 0.3 35.82% 0.42 . --. --140 1998/01/29 17:00:00 1998/01/29 18:00:00 2 0.3 36.08% 0.41 141 2004/12/28 09:00:00 2004/12/29 09:00:00 25 0.3 36.34% 0.41 ~ --142 1977/01/03 04:00:00 1977/01/03 04:00:00 1 0.298 36.60% 0.41 143 2003/04/14 14:00:00 2003/04/14 20:00:00 7 0.298 36.86% 0.41 144 1967/01/22 17:00:00 1967/01/22 23:00:00 7 0.297 37.11% 0.4 -~ 145 1987/12/1617:00:00 1987/12/17 09:00:00 17 0.297 37.37% 0.4 .. 146 1965/11/16 10:00:00 1965/11/16 18:00:00 9 0.295 37.63% 0.4 147 : 1965/04/03 05:00:00 1965/04/03 06:00:00 2 0.293 37.89% 0.4 .. 148 1991/03/20 07:00:00 1991/03/21 09:00:00 27 0.292 38.14% 0.39 149 1967/03/13 20:00:00 1967/03/13 21:00:00 2 0.29 38.40% 0.39 !---------··---.. . .. 150 2006/10/14 01 :00:00 2006/10/14 01 :00:00 1 0.29 38.66% 0.39 151 1997/01/1516:00:00 1997/01/1518:00:00 3 0.288 38.92% 0.38 152 1996/11/21 16:00:00 1996/11/22 03:00:00 12 0.287 39.18% 0.38 153 2005/01/07 14:00:00 2005/01/07 20:00:00 7 0.286 39.43% 0.38 "-----~ 154 1985/11/29 07:00:00 I 1985/11/2913:00:00 7 0.285 39.69% 0.38 . .. --155 i 1960/01/1417:00:00 1960/01/14 20:00:00 4 0.284 39.95% 0.37 ----156 1960/02/29 08:00:00 1960/03/01 05:00:00 22 0.283 40.21% 0.37 157 1965/12/29 19:00:00 1965/12/29 20:00:00 2 0.283 40.46% 0.37 158 1956/01/26 19:00:00 1956/01/27 08:00:00 14 0.278 40.72% 0.37 159 1965/04/08 14:00:00 1965/04/09 23:00:00 34 0.276 40.98% 0.37 160 1983/04/20 03:00:00 1983/04/20 05:00:00 3 0.276 41.24% 0.36 f--------161 1998/02/07 17:00:00 1998/02/08 18:00:00 26 -- I 0.274 41.49% 0.36 162 1980/02/14 00:00:00 1980/02/15 01 :00:00 26 0.272 41.75% 0.36 -- -~ 163 1957/05/11 01:00:00 1957/05/11 03:00:00 3 0.272 42.01% 0.36 164 ' 1969/01/24 07:00:00 1969/01/25 18:00:00 36 0.268 42.27% 0.35 --165 1979/03/19 03:00:00 1979/03/20 03:00:00 25 0.268 42.53% 0.35 -----166 1993/01/30 23:00:00 1993/01/31 00:00:00 2 0.266 42.78% 0.35 ---167 1991/03/19 00:00:00 1991/03/19 02:00:00 3 43.04% 0.265 0.35 f-----· 1957/02/28 23:00:00 1957/03/01 10:00:00 ~ 168 12 0.264 43.30% 0.35 . 169 1957/01/28 03:00:00 1957/01/29 09:00:00 31 I------I 0.262 43.56% 0.34 170 1973/03/20 08:00:00 1973/03/20 09:00:00 2 0.259 43.81% 0.34 f---·· 171 1958/01/25 04:00:00 1958/01/25 04:00:00 1 ! 0.259 44.07% 0.34 ------172 1992/12/07 10:00:00 1992/12/07 15:00:00 6 0.259 44.33% 0.34 r-173 1970/02/28 13:00:00 1970/03/02 03:00:00 39 44.59% 0.257 0.34 f---· 174 1958/04/03 10:00:00 1958/04/03 11 :00:00 2 0.256 44.85% 0.33 175 2001/12/09 17:00:00 2001/12/09 18:00:00 2 0.251 45.10% 0.33 176 1985/11/25 04:00:00 1985/11/25 05:00:00 2 0.25 45.36% 0.33 177 1955/01/10 10:00:00 1955/01/10 10:00:00 1 0.25 45.62% 0.33 178 -1986/09/24 19:00:00 I 1986/09/25 05:00:00 11 0.249 45.88% 0.33 -~ I 179 ' 1982/01/01 09:00:00 1982/01/01 10:00:00 2 0.249 46.13% 0.32 180 1955/01/18 15:00:00 1955/01/1819:00:00 5 0.248 46.39% 0.32 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 4/9 l l f I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I J I J I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ····-181 I 2000/03/05 17:00:00 2000/03/05 18:00:00 2 46.65% I 0.248 0.32 182 1954/03/30 04:00:00 --1954/03/30 04:00:00 -~-· -1--· 0.245 46.91% 0.32 183 1· 1987/10/1210:00:00 1987/10/1215:00:00 6 i 0.245 47.16% 0.32 ~ 184 I 1967/11/19 08:00:00 1967/11/19 17:00:00 10 0.244 47.42% 0.32 ~--185 1990/01/17 00:00:00 1990/01/17 02:00:00 3 0.237 47.68%' 0.31 186 1982/12/07 23:00:00 1982/12/08 00:00:00 2 0.237 47.94% 0.31 --· 187 1993/01/06 03:00:00 1993/01/08 00:00:00 ' 46 0.234 48.20% 0.31 ----~--2001/04/07 17:00:00 2001/04/07 17:00:00 1 _,_ _____ -- 48.45% ! 0.233 0.31 --t-----------189 1993/11/30 04:00:00 1993/11/30 04:00:00 1 0.233 48.71% 0.31 190 1952/11/30 01 :00:00 1952/11/30 04:00:00 4 0.232 48.97% 0.31 191 2004/10/18 07:00:00 2004/10/18 07:00:00 1 0.231 49.23% 0.3 f-· 1981/01/29 18:00:00 l 1981/01/29 19:00:00 192 2 0.231 49.48% 0.3 .. 193 ! 1958/01/26 09:00:00 1958/01/26 09:00:00 1 0.229 49.74% 0.3 I --194 1994/02/17 10:00:00 1994/02/17 12:00:00 3 0.226 50.00% 0.3 195 1958/04/07 03:00:00 1958/04/07 14:00:00 12 0.225 50.26% 0.3 -~ 196 1973/02/13 00:00:00 1973/02/13 02:00:00 3 0.225 50.52% 0.3 197 2001/11/2417:00:00 2001/11/2418:00:00 2 0.224 50.77% 0.29 198 i 1970/12/21 08:00:00 1970/12/21 08:00:00 1 0.224 51.03% 0.29 199 i 1952/01/17 22:00:00 1952/01/18 07:00:00 10 i 0.222 51.29% 0.29 200 1967/11/21 12:00:00 ' 1967/11/21 13:00:00 2 0.213 51.55% 0.29 201 1969/01/26 18:00:00 1969/01/26 20:00:00 3 0.212 51.80% 0.29 202 1967/04/11 08:00:00 1967/04/11 10:00:00 3 0.212 52.06% 0.29 ~203 1951/11/23 05:00:00 1951/11/23 05:00:00 1 0.212 52.32% 0.29 204 1985/12/11 04:00:00 1985/12/11 06:00:00 3 0.21 52.58% 0.28 ~-205 1954/11/11 02:00:00 1954/11/11 10:00:00 9 0.21 52.84% 0.28 ~-206 1951/12/29 23:00:00 1951/12/30 11 :00:00 13 0.21 53.09% 0.28 ~--~ 207 1952/03/07 14:00:00 1952/03/08 09:00:00 20 0.209 53.35% 0.28 ~--·-208 1979/03/17 05:00:00 1979/03/17 05:00:00 1 0.207 53.61% 0.28 1966/01/30 07:00:00 1966/01/30 18:00:00 .,-209 i I 12 I 0.206 53.87% 0.28 210 ---1 1998/05/1217:00:00 I 1998/05/12 18:00:00 2 0.206 54.12% 0.28 211 1969/02/20 04:00:00 1969/02/20 04:00:00 1 0.2 54.38% 0.28 -------· 212 1960/11/05 20 :00 :00 1960/11/06 11 :00:00 16 0.199 54.64% 0.27 ------213 1973/03/11 12:00:00 1973/03/12 09:00:00 22 0.197 54.90% 0.27 ---r--· 214 1977/01/05 19:00:00 1977/01/07 06:00:00 36 0.197 55.15% 0.27 --···-··--215 I 1992/01/0719:00:00 1992/01/07 22:00:00 ! 4 0.197 55.41% 0.27 ----· ·-216 1997/01/25 22:00:00 1997/01/26 05:00:00 8 0.191 55.67% 0.27 ··-217 1981/03/01 11 :00:00 I 1981/03/02 12:00:00 26 0.191 55.93% 0.27 --. 218 1958/02/25 07:00:00 ! 1958/02/25 09:00:00 3 0.19 56.19% 0.27 --· ---·--219 1992/01/05 09:00:00 1992/01/05 22:00:00 14 0.189 56.44% 0.27 ·-220 2003/12/25 18:00:00 2003/12/25 18:00:00 1 0.189 56.70% 0.26 ·-221 1978/03/11 21 :00:00 1978/03/12 10:00:00 14 0.186 56.96% 0.26 222 1964/01/21 07:00:00 1964/01/22 08:00:00 26 0.186 57.22% 0.26 223 \ 1966/12/06 19:00:00 1966/12/06 20:00:00 2 0.184 57.47% 0.26 ··-224 I 1995/04/18 10:00:00 1995/04/18 11 :00 :00 2 0.183 57.73% 0.26 225 2000/02/20 17:00:00 2000/02/21 18:00:00 26 0.183 57.99% 0.26 226 1982/02/10 13:00:00 1982/02/10 19:00:00 7 0.183 58.25% 0.26 227 1976/02/06 04:00:00 1976/02/06 06:00:00 3 0.183 58.51% 0.26 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 5/9 1 l ~ .... . . I I I I I ' I I tc I I I I I I I II 11 tJ I j CJ I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 228 L 1962/03/19 00:00:00 1962/03/19 02:00:00 3 0.183 58.76% 0.25 229 1987/02/25 01 :00:00 ! 1987/02/25 01 :00:00 1 0.182 59.02% 0.25 ~-230 1978/02/08 20:00:00 1978/02/09 01 :00:00 6 0.182 59.28% 0.25 231 1995/01/07 19:00:00 1995/01/08 06:00:00 12 0.181 59.54% 0.25 232 1976/07/2211:00:00 1976/07/22 13:00:00 I 3 0.181 59.79% 0.25 --233 2002/12/16 17:00:00 2002/12/16 17:00:00 1 0.181 60.05% 0.25 -~ 234 1963/02/09 19:00:00 1963/02/10 20:00:00 26 0.18 60.31% 0.25 235 1974/12/04 09:00:00 1974/12/04 09:00:00 1 0.178 60.57% 0.25 236 1983/03/06 05:00:00 1983/03/06 05:00:00 1 0.178 60.82% 0.25 237 1979/03/27 04:00:00 1979/03/28 09:00:00 30 0.177 61.08% 0.25 238 1984/12/27 02:00:00 1984/12/27 20:00:00 19 0.177 ___ 61.34% 0.24 239 1984/11/2417:00:00 1984/11/24 20:00:00 4 0.177 61.60% 0.24 240 1978/02/07 17:00:00 1978/02/07 20:00:00 4 0.176 61.86% 0.24 ·---·-241 1998/01/09 17:00:00 1998/01/09 18:00:00 2 0.171 62.11% 0.24 ---242 1973/03/08 13:00:00 1973/03/08 13:00:00 1 0.169 62.37% 0.24 243 I 1977/03/25 01 :00:00 1977/03/25 03:00:00 3 0.168 62.63% 0.24 244 I 1982/01/05 09:00:00 1982/01/05 10:00:00 2 0.168 62.89% 0.24 245 I 1986/03/10 07:00:00 1986/03/10 19:00:00 13 0.166 63.14% 0.24 246 ' 1975/03/08 09:00:00 1975/03/08 09:00:00 1 0.165 63.40% 0.24 ' 247 ' 1984/12/18 22:00:00 1984/12/20 03:00:00 30 0.164 63.66% lo.24 ! --248 1983/02/26 13:00:00 1983/02/26 13:00:00 1 0.162 63.92% 0.23 --249 ! 1957/01/07 14:00:00 1957/01/07 18:00:00 5 0.159 64.18% 0.23 -250 1997/12/0617:00:00 1997/12/0617:00:00 1 0.157 64.43% 0.23 251 2001/02/13 17:00:00 2001/02/13 17:00:00 1 0.155 64.69% 0.23 252 1978/02/05 11 :00:00 1978/02/06 11 :00:00 25 0.155 64.95% 0.23 253 1970/03/04 23:00:00 1970/03/05 00 :00 :00 2 0.154 65.21% 0.23 254 1957/10/14 04:00:00 1957/10/14 05:00:00 2 0.154 65.46% 0.23 255 1978/03/04 14:00:00 1978/03/04 15:00:00 2 0.153 65.72% 0.23 ------256 1969/02/18 08:00:00 1969/02/18 14:00:00 7 0.15 65.98% 0.23 ---257 1973/02/15 11 :00 :00 1973/02/15 11 :00 :00 1 0.147 66.24% 0.23 258 1982/01/20 06:00:00 1982/01/20 21 :00 :00 16 0.146 66.49% 0.23 259 1998/03/25 17:00:00 1998/03/26 17:00:00 25 0.146 66.75% 0.22 -260 1998/03/31 17:00:00 1998/03/31 18:00:00 2 0.146 67.01% 0.22 261 I 1985/02/09 11 :00:00 1985/02/09 12:00:00 2 0.144 67.27% 0.22 262 L __ 1954/03/24 19:00:00 1954/03/25 04:00:00 10 0.143 67.53% 0.22 --··-------263 ! 1954/03/22 12:00:00 1954/03/23 10:00:00 23 0.143 67.78% 0.22 -~--~ 264 + 1981/03/05 02:00:00 1981/03/05 08:00:00 0.141 7 68.04% 0.22 265 1957/04/20 15:00:00 1957/04/20 17:00:00 --0.14 -~ 3 68.30% 0.22 ----~ 266 i 1952/01/13 04:00:00 1952/01/1312:00:00 9 0.139 68.56% 0.22 ------267 1996/12/11 09:00:00 1996/12/11 17:00:00 9 0.137 68.81% 0.22 268 I 1976/07/1514:00:00 1976/07/15 16:00:00 3 0.137 69.07% 0.22 -·--269 ! 2007/04/20 15:00:00 2007/04/20 15:00:00 1 0.136 69.33% 0.22 ---270--' 1983/02/08 06:00:00 1983/02/08 06:00:00 1 0.136 69.59% 0.22 271 ! 1962/02/08 10:00:00 1962/02/08 17:00:00 I 8 0.135 69.85% 0.21 272 --t 1965/02/06 21 :00:00 ! 1965/02/06 21 :00:00 I 1 0.134 70.10% 0.21 273 ! 1982/04/01 09:00:00 I 1982/04/01 10 :00 :00 t---2 0.133 70.36% 0.21 I ~274-1993/03/28 02:00:00 T 1993/03/28 03 :00 :00 2 ---0.133 70.62% 0.21 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 6/9 -lt" ~ .. . f. I I I J I 1 I t I I I f I I I I i f I I I I I f I i Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank I I Start Date I End Date Duration I Peak Frequency Return Period 275 1974/03/08 00:00:00 1974/03/08 08:00:00 I 9 0.132 70.88% 0.21 276 1959/02/21 10 :00 :00 1959/02/2112:00:00 3 0.131 71.13% 0.21 277 1996/02/27 21 :00:00 1996/02/27 21 :00:00 1 0.131 71.39% 0.21 278 1981/02/09 05:00:00 1981/02/09 06:00:00 2 0.13 71.65% 0.21 279 1970/11/30 14:00:00 1970/11/30 23:00:00 10 0.13 71.91% 0.21 280 1994/02/07 14:00:00 1994/02/07 15:00:00 2 0.129 72.16% 0.21 281 1969/02/22 03:00:00 1969/02/22 08:00:00 6 0.128 72.42% 0.21 282 1976/07/08 13:00:00 1976/07/08 14:00:00 2 0.126 72.68% 0.21 283 1988/11/14 06:00:00 1988/11/14 08:00:00 3 0.125 72.94% 0.21 284 2006/04/04 20:00:00 2006/04/04 22:00:00 3 0.124 73.20% 0.2 285 I 1959/02/16 19:00:00 1959/02/16 19:00:00 1 0.122 73.45% 0.2 286 I 1955/02/27 20:00:00 1955/02/27 20 :00 :00 1 0.12 73.71% 0.2 287 1983/11/12 19:00:00 1983/11/12 19:00:00 1 0.119 73.97% 0.2 -288 2005/02/11 11 :00:00 2005/02/11 23:00:00 13 0.118 74.23% 0.2 289 -------+---1966/12/03 07:00:00 1966/12/0316:00:00 10 0.115 74.48% 0.2 290 I 1991/01/09 14:00:00 1991/01/09 14:00:00 1 0.113 74.74% 0.2 291 1996/02/26 13:00:00 1996/02/26 13:00:00 1 0.112 75.00% 0.2 292 1966/02/06 13 :00 :00 1966/02/06 14:00:00 2 0.112 75.26% 0.2 293 1974/01/07 17:00:00 1974/01/08 04:00:00 12 0.11 75.52% 0.2 ---294 1965/12/16 03:00:00 1965/12/16 08:00:00 6 0.11 75.77% 0.2 295 i 1977/05/08 19:00:00 1977/05/09 02:00:00 8 0.104 76.03% 0.2 296 1976/02/10 07:00:00 1976/02/10 08:00:00 : 2 0.101 76.29% 0.2 297 2006/02/28 06:00:00 2006/02/28 06:00:00 1 0.1 76.55% 0.2 298 1994/03/19 08:00:00 1994/03/20 06:00:00 23 0.099 76.80% 0.2 299 1982/03/14 23:00:00 1982/03/14 23:00:00 1 0.098 77.06% 0.19 300 1967/01/24 18:00:00 1967/01/24 22:00:00 5 0.098 77.32% 0.19 301 1972/01/18 22:00:00 1972/01/19 03:00:00 6 0.098 77.58% 0.19 302 I 1954/01/24 10:00:00 1954/01/24 13:00:00 4 0.097 77.84% 0.19 ~-----f 953/03/01 22:00:00 -1953/03/01 22:00:00 1 -78.09% -------303 0.096 0.19 --304 1979/01/31 08:00:00 1979/01/31 09:00:00 2 0.093 78.35% 0.19 -----305 1992/03/22 16:00:00 I 1992/03/23 03 :00 :00 12 0.092 78.61% 0.19 306 1954/03/16 22:00:00 1954/03/16 22:00:00 1 0.091 78.87% 0.19 307 1983/03/18 06:00:00 1983/03/18 06:00:00 1 0.09 79.12% 0.19 -308 1998/11/08 08:00:00 1998/11/08 08:00:00 1 0.089 79.38% 0.19 --309 1994/03/07 01 :00:00 1994/03/07 06:00:00 6 0.082 79.64% 0.19 -310 1971/04/1411 :00:00 1971/04/14 11 :00:00 1 0.082 79.90% 0.19 --311 1975/03/10 11 :00:00 1975/03/10 23:00:00 13 0.079 80.15% 0.19 -----1998/02/19 17:00:00 1998/02/19 17:00:00 ____ 1 ____ 0.078 80.41% 312 0.19 ~ ------------1983/04/18 08:00:00 ----1983/04/18 08:00:00 _____ 1 ____ ------------313 0.075 80.67% 0.19 --314 1973/02/11 07:00:00 1973/02/11 07:00:00 1 0.075 80.93% 0.19 -315 T 1965/11/14 18:00:00 1965/11/15 01 :00:00 8 0.075 81.19% 0.18 316 ------, 1969/04/05 21 :00:00 1969/04/05 21 :00:00 1 0.074 81.44% 0.18 317 1963/09/17 17:00:00 1963/09/17 17:00:00 1 0.073 81.70% 0.18 318 1978/01/19 08:00:00 1978/01/19 08:00:00 1 0.072 81.96% 0.18 -----·--~ -319 1987/12/04 21 :00:00 1987/12/04 21 :00:00 1 0.07 82.22% 0.18 --320 I 1996/01/31 20:00:00 1996/02/01 08:00:00 I 13 0.068 82.47% 0.18 -321 1998/04/11 17 :00 :00 1998/04/11 17:00:00 1 0.067 82.73% 0.18 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 7/9 I ' I I I I I I I I I t I I ' I I 11111111 I I • I I I J Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank i Start Date End Date I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 322 1969/11/07 09:00:00 1969/11/07 09:00:00 1 0.066 82.99% 0.18 323 ! 1983/03/21 04:00:00 1983/03/21 04:00:00 1 0.066 83.25% 0.18 •·. ;: ~ 1980/12/07 11 :00:00 1980/12/07 12:00:00 2 0.065 83.51% 0.18 1971/12/27 17:00:00 1971/12/28 14:00:00 22 0.065 83.76% 0.18 326 1976/04/15 18:00:00 1976/04/15 18:00:00 1 0.064 84.02% 0.18 f------------~ "· 1969/03/21 13:00:00 1969/03/21 13:00:00 1 0.064 84.28% 0.18 f---------~------+ 328 I 1982/03/26 04:00:00 1982/03/26 04:00:00 1 0.064 84.54% 0.18 329 1962/02/21 05:00:00 1962/02/21 06:00:00 -~-2---0.063 84.79% 0.18 330 1984/12/08 00:00:00 1984/12/08 01 :00:00 2 0.063 85.05% 0.18 -~--331 ! 1958/03/06 10:00:00 1958/03/06 10:00:00 1 85.31% 0.18 0.061 332 -+ 1980/01/18 03:00:00 1980/01/18 04:00:00 2 0.058 85.57% 0.18 I 1-------- 333 1977/12/26 06:00:00 1977/12/26 06:00:00 1 0.056 85.82% 0.17 334 1957/03/16 09:00:00 1957/03/16 10:00:00 2 0.055 86.08% 0.17 -335 1970/01/16 18:00:00 1970/01/16 19:00:00 2 0.055 86.34% 0.17 -336 1995/01/24 00:00:00 1995/01/24 00:00:00 1 0.054 86.60% 0.17 337 i 1980/03/25 23:00:00 1980/03/26 00 :00 :00 2 0.052 86.86% 0.17 -338 1952/12/30 19:00:00 1952/12/30 19:00:00 1 0.051 87.11% 0.17 339 1986/10/09 19:00:00 1986/10/10 00:00:00 6 0.051 87.37% 0.17 -340 1980/03/10 16:00:00 1980/03/10 16:00:00 1 0.05 87.63% 0.17 ·-341 1983/12/03 15:00:00 1983/12/03 17:00:00 3 0.048 87.89% 0.17 ~ "" 342 i 1999/04/12 02:00:00 1999/04/12 03:00:00 2 0.047 88.14% 0.17 ~-··-343 i 1988/12/16 10:00:00 1988/12/16 10:00:00 1 0.047 88.40% 0.17 --344 1966/11/0715:00:00 1966/11/0716:00:00 2 0.046 88.66% 0.17 345 1978/03/09 16:00:00 1978/03/09 16:00:00 1 0.045 88.92% 0.17 -·-346 2001/03/06 17:00:00 2001/03/06 17:00:00 1 0.045 89.18% 0.17 f--------I --~-347 1 1973/02/07 04:00:00 1973/02/07 04:00:00 1 0.044 89.43% 0.17 -348 1956/01/31 09:00:00 1956/01/31 10:00:00 2 0.042 89.69% 0.17 f------------349--+~ 1965/12/1417:00:00 1965/12/14 17:00:00 1 0.042 89.95% 0.17 1952/12/20 11 :00:00 I 1952/12/20 13:00:00 3 0.039 90.21% 0.17 350 ---1-I 351 I 1953/04/27 21 :00:00 1953/04/27 22:00:00 2 0.034 90.46% 0.17 352 1957/02/23 09:00:00 1957/02/23 10:00:00 2 0.034 90.72% 0.17 -~ 353 1993/06/05 13:00:00 1993/06/05 13 :00 :00 1 0.034 90.98% 0.16 354 1952/04/10 16:00:00 1952/04/10 18:00:00 3 0.034 91.24% 0.16 355 1954/12/09 23:00:00 1954/12/09 23:00:00 1 0.033 91.49% 0.16 356 I 1980/04/23 04:00:00 1980/04/23 04:00 :00 1 0.032 91.75% 0.16 ~357--j-1969/01/28 17:00:00 1969/01/2819:00:00 3 0.029 92.01% 0.16 ~358 . •· 1985/12/02 23:00:00 1985/12/02 23:00:00 1 0.029 92.27% 0.16 ---~ 359 1952/01/25 04:00:00 1952/01/25 10:00:00 7 0.028 92.53% 0.16 ~-~--·-1987/04/04 15:00:00 1987/04/04 15:00:00 1 0.027 92.78% 0.16 f--------· 361 2000/04/17 18:00:00 2000/04/17 19:00:00 2 0.026 93.04% 0.16 ~----362 1976/02/08 19:00:00 1976/02/08 22:00:00 4 0.026 93.30% 0.16 ~." 363 1956/01/25 17:00:00 1956/01/25 18:00:00 2 0.026 93.56% 0.16 364 1976/03/01 16:00:00 1976/03/01 16:00:00 1 0.025 93.81% 0.16 365 1957/12/17 05:00:00 1957/12/17 05:00:00 1 0.024 94.07% 0.16 ----366 1978/12/17 01 :00:00 1978/12/17 01 :00:00 1 0.023 94.33% 0.16 f--------·-367 2004/04/01 21 :00:00 2004/04/01 22:00:00 2 0.023 94.59% 0.16 ~· ------· 368 1965/01/24 07:00:00 1965/01/24 07:00:00 1 0.022 94.85% 0.16 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 8/9 ; I i , I 1 I I I I J I I I I I ti 11 fl 11 t ' I I I I t I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPre.csv Rank I Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ~----369 1975/02/03 11 :00:00 1975/02/03 13:00:00 I 3 0.022 95.10% 0.16 370 1998/12/06 06:00:00 1998/12/06 06:00:00 1 0.022 95.36% 0.16 371 1965/03/31 14:00:00 1965/03/31 14:00:00 1 i 0.021 95.62% 0.16 -~ 372 1963/04/17 05:00:00 1963/04/17 07:00:00 3 0.021 95.88% 0.16 373 1983/04/12 22:00:00 1983/04/12 23:00:00 2 0.02 96.13% 0.16 ~-374 2004/02/02 23:00:00 2004/02/02 23:00:00 1 0.018 96.39% 0.16 375 1962/03/06 20:00:00 1962/03/06 20:00:00 1 0.018 96.65% 0.16 376 1999/02/04 17:00:00 1999/02/04 17:00:00 1 0.017 96.91% 0.15 --377 1955/04/30 21 :00:00 1955/04/30 21 :00:00 1 0.016 97.16% 0.15 I 378 I 2000/02/13 17:00:00 2000/02/13 17:00:00 1 0.015 97.42% 0.15 379 I 1972/10/20 01 :00:00 1972/10/20 01 :00:00 1 0.014 97.68% 0.15 380 1959/04/26 06:00:00 1959/04/26 06 :00 :00 1 0.014 97.94% 0.15 381 1986/04/06 10 :00 :00 1986/04/06 10:00:00 1 0.012 98.20% 0.15 382 1978/12/1813:00:00 1978/12/18 13:00:00 1 0.011 98.45% 0.15 --~-383 1957/01/26 07:00:00 1957/01/26 07:00:00 1 0.011 98.71% 0.15 384 1963/02/14 10:00:00 1963/02/14 10:00:00 I --1 0.009 ----98.97% 0.15 -~ I ---385 1996/01/22 06:00:00 i 1996/01/22 06:00:00 1 0.009 99.23% 0.15 386 1972/11/11 09:00:00 ·1 1972/11/11 09:00:00 1 0.009 99.48% 0.15 -·-.--387 i 1984/12/16 03:00:00 1984/12/16 03:00:00 1 0.008 99.74% 0.15 -End of Data--------~---------- 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 9/9 t I I I , i I I I I I I r t I I I I f I I I I I I \ I • I I I I I Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated .csv SWMM.out file name: 0:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL D\3D-13070-MIT POST-POCD-1in.out SWMM.out time stamp: 10/26/2016 5:53:47 AM - 010: 0.000 05: 0.000 -02: 0.000 Peak Flow Statistics Table Values I ---· Rank Start Date I End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 1 1995/01/03 09:00:00 1995/01/17 11 :00:00 339 1.03 0.13% 58 2 ! 1969/02/22 04:00:00 1969/02/27 15:00:00 132 0.803 0.26% 29 3 I 2003/02/25 06:00:00 2003/02/28 17:00:00 84 0.748 0.39% 19.33 4 1978/02/27 08:00:00 1978/03/06 01 :00:00 162 0.742 0.52% 14.5 -§ 1958/02/03 06:00:00 1958/02/06 09:00:00 76 0.676 0.65% 11.6 1982/03/1415:00:00 1982/03/20 04 :00 :00 --134 0.63 0.78% 9.67 ·- ~-7 --1965/11/22 05:00:00 1965/11/2518:00:00 86 0.627 0.92% 8.29 ~--8 -1980/02/13 14:00:00 1980/02/23 01 :00:00 228 0.609 1.05% 7.25 ~-9 1952/01/16 09:00:00 -·--1952/01/20 04:00:00 92 0.541 1.18% 6.44 ~--10 I --1998/02/22 07:00:00 1998/02/26 04:00:00 94 0.538 1.31% 5.8 -11 1980/01/28 01 :00:00 1980/02/01 02:00:00 98 0.536 1.44% 5.27 I I 12 -t--2004/10/27 04:00:00 2004/10/29 17:00:00 62 I 0.514 1.57% 4.83 -- ··-I -13 1978/01/14 17:00:00 1978/01/20 07:00:00 i 135 i 0.492 1.70% 4.46 14 i 1991/12/28 04:00:00 1991/12/31 22:00:00 I 91 I 0.482 1.83% 4.14 15 I 2008/02/22 04:00:00 2008/02/25 08:00:00 77 0.474 1.96% 3.87 16 I 1991/02/27 19:00:00 1991/03/03 05:00:00 83 0.427 2.09% 3.63 17 2005/02/18 06:00:00 2005/02/25 02:00:00 165 0.425 2.22% 3.41 ·-18 1986/02/15 01 :00:00 1986/02/17 14:00:00 62 0.422 2.35% 3.22 ----19 1979/01/05 10:00:00 1979/01/08 05:00:00 68 0.418 2.48% I 3.05 ----20 1968/03/08 01 :00:00 1968/03/10 07:00:00 55 0.413 2.61% 2.9 I 21 1997/01/1216:00:00 1997/01/17 07:00:00 112 0.411 2.75% 2.76 --·--· -22 I 1977/08/16 22:00:00 1977/08/1916:00:00 67 0.406 2.88% 2.64 --23 1962/01/20 14:00:00 1962/01/23 18:00:00 77 0.394 3.01% 2.52 ~-24 2005/01/07 08:00:00 2005/01/13 04:00:00 141 0.382 3.14% 2.42 --·-25 1983/12/24 11 :00:00 1983/12/28 02:00:00 88 0.367 3.27% 2.32 ~--26 1980/01/09 03:00:00 1980/01/1413:00:00 131 0.359 3.40% 2.23 -------27 1993/01/12 16:00:00 1993/01/20 11 :00:00 188 0.342 3.53% 2.15 28 --t-1978/02/05 13:00:00 1978/02/15 09:00:00 237 0.341 3.66% 2.07 --29 1996/11/21 18 :00 :00 1996/11/23 23 :00 :00 54 0.334 3.79% 2 ··---+-30 ; 1995/03/03 13 :00 :00 1995/03/07 22:00:00 106 0.332 3.92% 1.93 31 1995/03/11 04:00:00 1995/03/13 19:00:00 64 0.33 4.05% 1.87 32 1966/12/03 07:00:00 1966/12/08 10:00:00 124 0.329 4.18% 1.81 ~~---1992/02/12 14:00:00 1992/02/17 07:00:00 114 0.327 4.31% 1.76 ---·· 34 2007/11/30 09:00:00 2007/12/02 19:00:00 59 0.317 4.44% 1.71 --· 35 1998/02/03 07:00:00 1998/02/10 05:00:00 167 0.272 4.58% 1.66 ----~ 36 1969/01/24 09:00:00 1969/01/29 11 :00:00 123 0.264 4.71% 1.61 -~ 37 1958/04/01 09:00:00 1958/04/05 06:00:00 94 0.26 4.84% 1.57 ~38 1967/01/22 18:00:00 1967/01/26 07:00:00 86 0.257 --4.97% 1.53 ~-~1 1972/01/16 21:00:00 1972/01/20 13:00:00 89 0.241 5.10% 1.49 -- I 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 1/17 I I I I I I I I I ' ii I I I • I I II II 11 ti I I I I I 1 Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated .csv Ra~_~j_ Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ·- 40 I 1998/02/14 09:00:00 I 1998/02/20 16:00:00 I 152 0.226 5.23% 1.45 1965/11/14 20:00:00 I 1965/11/19 03:00:00 104 0.224 5.36% 1.42 41 l I 42 · 1983/02/24 02:00:00 1983/03/07 05:00:00 268 0.219 5.49% 1.38 43 2004/02/26 02:00:00 2004/02/28 05:00:00 52 0.215 5.62% 1.35 44 2004/10/17 10:00:00 2004/10/22 11 :00 :00 122 0.199 5.75% 1.32 45 1985/11/29 08:00:00 1985/12/01 08:00:00 49 0.197 5.88% 1.29 46 1954/02/13 17:00:00 1954/02/15 22:00:00 54 0.196 6.01% 1.26 47 1980/03/02 22:00:00 1980/03/07 21 :00:00 120 0.194 6.14% 1.23 --· .. 48 1960/02/01 21 :00:00 1960/02/03 20:00:00 48 0.192 6.27% 1.21 49 1954/01/18 20:00:00 1954/01/21 22:00:00 75 0.19 6.41% 1.18 50 ' 2003/04/14 09:00:00 I 2003/04/16 21 :00:00 61 0.19 6.54% 1.16 I 1.14 .. 51 2008/01/05 05:00:00 2008/01/09 01 :00:00 93 0.189 6.67% ~--52 1987/10/1117:00:00 1987/10/1415:00:00 71 0.187 6.80% 1.12 ----··- 53 1956/01/25 18:00:00 1956/01/29 03:00:00 82 0.182 6.93% 1.09 -~ 54 1957/01/13 05:00:00 1957/01/15 05:00:00 49 0.179 7.06% 1.07 55 1958/03/20 20:00:00 1958/03/24 01 :00:00 78 0.179 7.19% 1.06 .. -~ 56 1969/02/06 09:00:00 1969/02/08 11 :00 :00 51 0.174 7.32% 1.04 ·---57 1960/04/27 06:00:00 1960/04/29 05 :00 :00 48 0.166 7.45% 1.02 ·- 58 1977/01/0516:00:00 1977/01/09 01 :00:00 82 0.164 7.58% 1 --· .. .... 59 i 1952/03/15 21 :00:00 1952/03/18 09:00:00 61 0.163 7.71% 0.98 --·--- 60 2004/12/28 09:00:00 2005/01/02 05:00:00 117 0.161 7.84% 0.97 ..... .. 61 1971/12/22 08:00:00 1971/12/29 05:00:00 166 0.157 7.97% 0.95 ·--· 62 I 1987/12/16 14:00:00 1987/12/20 01 :00:00 84 I 0.154 8.10% 0.94 ~- 63 2000/10/29 23:00:00 2000/10/31 22:00:00 48 0.153 8.24% 0.92 ----· .. 64 1967/12/1817:00:00 1967/12/21 09:00:00 65 0.146 8.37% 0.91 ---· 65 1965/04/07 06:00:00 1965/04/11 03:00:00 94 0.145 8.50% 0.89 ------66 1967/03/13 12:00:00 1967/03/15 15:00:00 ' 52 0.144 8.63% 0.88 I .. 67 --~--1958/04/06 20:00:00 1958/04/09 09:00:00 62 0.136 8.76% 0.87 68 1963/11/20 04:00:00 1963/11/23 01:00:00 70 0.135 8.89% 0.85 -·--· ,--1956/04/12 23:00:00 1956/04/15 12 :00 :00 --·. 62 0.134 9.02% 0.84 69 70 ; 1985/11/11 07:00:00 1985/11/14 00:00:00 66 0.133 9.15% 0.83 ·--· 71 1986/11/1719:00:00 1986/11/20 02:00:00 56 0.132 9.28% 0.82 --------~ 72 1992/01/05 10:00:00 1992/01/0916:00:00 103 0.132 9.41% 0.81 -·---. -~ 73 1957/01/26 06:00:00 1957/01/31 12:00:00 127 0.13 9.54% 0.8 .. 74 1963/09/17 08:00:00 1963/09/20 15:00:00 80 0.126 9.67% 0.78 -----75 1988/12/24 22:00:00 1988/12/26 16:00:00 43 0.126 9.80% 0.77 76 1961/12/01 21 :00:00 1961/12/04 11 :00:00 63 0.126 9.93% 0.76 77 1978/01/03 20:00:00 1978/01/07 09:00:00 86 0.124 10.07% 0.75 ·-78 1979/01/14 21 :00:00 1979/01/19 12:00:00 112 0.119 10.20% 0.74 79 1993/01/06 03:00:00 1993/01/11 00:00:00 118 0.115 10.33% 0.73 80 I 1960/01/10 12:00:00 1960/01/16 11 :00:00 144 0.114 10.46% 0.73 81 I 2003/02/11 13 :00 :00 2003/02/15 02:00:00 86 0.112 10.59% 0.72 -----82 I 1962/02/07 22:00:00 1962/02/11 11 :00 :00 86 0.11 10.72% 0.71 ----83 1952/03/07 09:00:00 1952/03/11 15:00:00 103 0.11 10.85% 0.7 ~-.. 84 1958/03/15 17:00:00 1958/03/18 06:00:00 62 ' 0.11 10.98% 0.69 ~ 85 2005/02/11 04:00:00 2005/02/14 08:00:00 77 0.106 11.11% 0.68 86 1963/03/17 01 :00:00 1963/03/18 23:00:00 47 0.106 11.24% 0.67 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 2/17 r t I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I J I i I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date I End Date I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ---87 I 1970/12/17 01 :00:00 I 1970/12/2218:00:00 I 138 0.103 11.37% 0.67 88 1994/03/25 00 :00 :00 1994/03/27 00 :00 :00 : 49 0.101 11.50% 0.66 -----· 89 1951/12/28 21 :00:00 1952/01/01 09:00:00 i 85 0.099 11.63% 0.65 90 1975/04/08 09:00:00 1975/04/11 00:00:00 64 0.096 11.76% 0.64 91 I 1993/02/07 22:00:00 1993/02/10 11 :00 :00 62 0.096 11.90% 0.64 92 ! 1974/03/08 02:00:00 1974/03/10 04:00:00 51 0.095 12.03% 0.63 --93 1967/11/19 09:00:00 1967/11/2218:00:00 82 0.094 12.16% 0.62 94 I 1970/11/28 23:00:00 1970/12/02 16:00:00 90 0.094 12.29% 0.62 95 I 1983/01/27 09:00:00 1983/01/31 00:00:00 88 0.093 12.42% 0.61 96 I 1952/11/30 03:00:00 1952/12/03 05:00:00 75 0.09 12.55% 0.6 97 2005/01/03 07:00:00 2005/01/06 03:00:00 69 0.089 12.68% 0.6 --·· 98 1994/02/03 23:00:00 1994/02/06 04:00:00 54 0.088 12.81% 0.59 --99 1957/05/11 02:00:00 1957/05/12 20:00:00 43 I 0.08 12.94% 0.59 ·-2008/01/27 00:00:00 2008/01/2918:00:00 67 0.079 13.07% 0.58 100 I --· 101 1954/11/11 01 :00:00 -:-1954/11/13 07 :00 :00 55 O.Q78 13.20% 0.57 --1952/11/1417:00:00 ----t--1952/11/17 23:00:00 --~-·--0.076 13.33% 0.57 -102 79 ----103 1958/02/1910:00:00 I 1958/02/21 08:00:00 47 0.076 13.46% 0.56 ··--104 -199310211813:oo:oo ---r 1993/02/2118:00:00 78 0.074 13.59% 0.56 -- --~. 105 1981/11/26 23:00:00 1981/11/30 17:00:00 91 0.073 13.73% 0.55 -· --106 1997/01/25 20:00:00 I 1997/01/28 04:00:00 57 0.072 13.86% 0.55 I -----107 1991/03/25 05:00:00 1991/03/28 23:00:00 91 0.072 13.99% 0.54 ·-· -108 1963/02/09 19:00:00 ! 1963/02/12 19:00:00 73 0.069 14.12% 0.54 109 1978/09/05 19:00:00 I 1978/09/07 22:00:00 52 0.069 14.25% 0.53 110 1992/12/07 10:00:00 1992/12/09 09:00:00 48 0.065 14.38% 0.53 -------111 1990/02/17 11 :00:00 1990/02/19 21 :00:00 59 0.065 14.51% 0.52 ·-----112 ' 1982/12/08 00:00:00 1982/12/0914:00:00 39 0.062 14.64% 0.52 -·-· 113 I 1978/01/09 17:00:00 1978/01/12 15:00:00 71 0.058 14.77% 0.51 ·--------114 I 1977/05/08 00:00:00 1977/05/10 23:00:00 72 0.058 14.90% 0.51 115 I 1988/11/24 02:00:00 1988/11/27 02:00:00 73 0.057 15.03% 0.5 ·-·---·-116 1970/02/28 16:00:00 1970/03/03 12:00:00 69 0.057 15.16% 0.5 -·-· 117 1984/12/26 16:00:00 1984/12/29 12:00:00 69 0.055 15.29% 0.5 . -118 1965/12/09 09:00:00 1965/12/13 17:00:00 105 0.053 15.42% 0.49 119 1976/07/22 13:00:00 1976/07/24 02:00:00 38 0.052 15.56% 0.49 120 2004/02/22 08:00:00 2004/02/24 23:00:00 64 0.051 15.69% 0.48 --121 1985/11/24 17:00:00 1985/11/27 00:00:00 56 0.051 15.82% 0.48 -122 1988/12/21 01 :00:00 1988/12/23 12:00:00 60 0.05 15.95% 0.48 ---·--~ 123 2001/01/10 21 :00:00 2001/01/13 22:00:00 74 0.05 16.08% 0.47 ----124 1986/09/24 03:00:00 1986/09/26 21 :00:00 67 0.049 16.21% 0.47 r -----·~ 125 2001/02/13 12:00:00 2001/02/16 15:00:00 76 0.048 16.34% 0.46 ---------------126 1982/12/22 11 :00 :00 1982/12/24 12:00:00 50 0.045 16.47% 0.46 ~ 127 1985/12/11 05:00:00 1985/12/12 22:00:00 42 ---0.044 16.60% 0.46 --128 1988/04/20 02:00:00 1988/04/23 21 :00:00 92 0.042 16.73% 0.45 129 2005/04/28 09:00:00 2005/04/29 17:00:00 33 0.041 16.86% 0.45 ~-130 1967/04/1110:00:00 1967/04/12 23:00:00 38 0.038 16.99% 0.45 ~31 1959/02/1110:00:00 1959/02/13 07:00:00 46 O.Q38 17.12% 0.44 132 1983/11/24 22:00:00 1983/11/2614:00:00 41 0.037 17.25% 0.44 ----· 133 2002/11/08 13 :00 :00 2002/11/10 14:00:00 50 0.037 17.39% 0.44 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 3/17 J I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ! I I I f I I I I I I I f I Excel Engineering Rank Start Date ! End Date Duration ___ 134 I 1988/01/17 06:00:00 1988/01/19 12:00:00. _ ~ _ _!> ___ 5 ____ .. 135 · 1986/03/15 23:00:00 1986/03/18 03:00:00 t 53 --c--------------+ 136 , 1981/03/18 19:00:00 1981/03/21 12:00:00 66 137 t= 1974/01/07 16:00:00 1974/01/10 00:00:00 57 I 138 · 1994/03/07 02 :00 :00 1994/03/08 19:00:00 42 ~39 1976/09/10 02:00:00 1976/09/12 16:00:00 63 fa-----140 1991/03/19 02:00:00 1991/03/22 18:00:00 89 141 --1 1988/04/14 21 :00:00 1988/04/16 11 :00:00 39 142 1952/01/13 05:00:00 1952/01/15 01 :00:00 45 143 2003/03/15 12:00:00 2003/03/18 00:00:00 61 144 I 1976/07/08 14:00:00 1976/07/10 00:00:00 35 145 1955/01/1817:00:00 1955/01/20 11 :00:00 43 146 1976/07/15 14:00:00 1976/07/17 02:00:00 37 147 1988/02/02 03:00:00 1988/02/04 05:00:00 51 148 1976/03/01 16:00:00 1976/03/03 15:00:00 48 -· 149 1981/12/30 09:00:00 1982/01/03 10:00:00 98 150 1973/11/23 00 :00 :00 1973/11/2412:00:00 37 ------151 1958/01/25 05:00:00 1958/01/28 01 :00:00 69 152 1981/02/08 19:00:00 I 1981/02/10 17:00:00 47 ~153 1966/11/07 15:00:00 1966/11/09 07:00:00 ---- i 41 154 i 1983/04/20 05:00:00 1983/04/22 04:00:00 48 155 1990/01/17 02:00:00 1990/01/18 22:00:00 45 i 156 1996/12/09 17:00:00 1996/12/13 06:00:00 86 157 1988/12/15 11 :00:00 1988/12/19 08:00:00 94 -· 158 1994/03/19 05:00:00 1994/03/21 10:00:00 54 159 1978/03/30 13:00:00 1978/04/01 20:00:00 56 ~60 1974/12/04 08:00:00 1974/12/05 19:00:00 36 c-----T61 1960/02/28 22:00:00 1960/03/02 11 :00:00 62 c------T62 1977/01/03 00:00:00 1977/01/04 13:00:00 38 163 1992/03/20 20:00:00 1992/03/24 09:00:00 86 164 1976/02/04 11 :00:00 1976/02/11 13:00:00 171 ~f65 1994/02/17 13:00:00 1994/02/18 22:00:00 34 ~. 166 1977/03/25 00:00:00 1977/03/26 15:00:00 40 I ~. 167 1965/03/31 15:00:00 1965/04/05 08 :00 :00 114 168 1975/03/08 09:00:00 1975/03/12 10:00:00 98 169 1978/12/17 01 :00:00 1978/12/20 08:00:00 80 -----170 : 1968/12/25 19:00:00 1968/12/27 09:00:00 39 171 ! 1992/02/06 11 :00:00 1992/02/08 16:00:00 54 ------·------· 172 1959/12/24 10:00:00 1959/12/25 22:00:00 37 ----173 2006/04/04 19:00:00 2006/04/06 10:00:00 I 40 174 1985/02/09 07:00:00 1985/02/10 19:00:00 I 37 ---175 1973/03/20 10:00:00 1973/03/22 01 :00:00 40 -------.. 176 1999/01/25 07:00:00 1999/01/28 09:00:00 75 ~-··· 177 2006/02/27 21 :00:00 2006/03/01 16:00:00 44 178 1979/03/17 07:00:00 1979/03/21 16:00:00 106 ··-179 1961/01/26 10:00:00 1961/01/27 22:00:00 37 180 I 1981/02/28 14:00:00 1981/03/04 00:00:00 83 10/26/2016 5:59 AM t ' I I t I I I I I I J I t J Peak Frequency -0.037 17.52% 0.037 17.65% 0.037 17.78% 0.037 17.91% 0.037 18.04% 0.037 18.17% 0.037 18.30% 0.036 18.43% 0.036 18.56% 0.036 18.69% 0.036 18.82% 0.036 18.95% 0.036 19.08% 0.036 19.22% 0.036 19.35% 0.036 19.48% 0.036 19.61% 0.036 19.74% 0.036 19.87% 0.036 20.00% 0.036 20.13% 0.036 20.26% 0.036 20.39% ----0.036 20.52% 0.036 20.65% 0.036 20.78% 0.036 20.92% 0.036 21.05% 0.036 21.18% 0.036 21.31% 0.036 21.44% 0.036 21.57% 0.036 21.70% 0.036 21.83% 0.036 21.96% 0.036 22.09% 0.036 22.22% 0.035 22.35% 0.035 22.48% 0.035 22.61% 0.035 22.75% 0.035 22.88% 0.035 23.01% 0.035 23.14% 0.035 23.27% 0.035 23.40% -0.035 23.53% j l peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Return Period -0.43 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 ---0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.34 -· 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.32 l ' ·--- -- -·~ ~ -- ·~ -~ .~ - 4/17 t l Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency I Return Period ~-181 I 1983/11/11 23:00:00 1983/11/14 06:00:00 56 0.035 23.66% 0.32 ~ 182 1964/11/1715:00:00 1964/11/19 01 :00:00 35 0.035 23.79% 0.32 -· 183 2001/01/26 14:00:00 2001/01/28 17:00:00 52 0.035 23.92% 0.32 ·-184 ' 1983/09/29 13:00:00 1983/10/02 13:00:00 73 0.035 24.05% 0.32 185 ! 1981/01/28 08:00:00 1981/01/31 10:00:00 75 0.035 24.18% 0.31 -------~~--186 1959/02/21 12:00:00 1959/02/23 02:00:00 39 0.035 24.31% 0.31 187 1965/02/06 01 :00:00 1965/02/08 04:00:00 52 0.035 24.44% 0.31 .. 188 1964/01/21 09:00:00 1964/01/23 19:00:00 59 0.035 24.58% 0.31 189 1957/02/28 20 :00 :00 1957/03/02 17:00:00 46 0.035 24.71% 0.31 f-------· 190 1982/01/05 07:00:00 1982/01/06 22:00:00 40 0.035 24.84% 10.31 --~---·-0.035 24.97% 0.3 191 I 2007/01/30 15:00:00 2007/02/01 09:00:00 43 f-----------·· 192 I 1957/01/07 13:00:00 1957/01/11 01 :00:00 85 0.035 25.10% 0.3 193 I 1982/02/09 20:00:00 1982/02/12 02:00:00 55 0.035 25.23% 0.3 194 i 2006/10/14 02:00:00 2006/10/15 05:00:00 28 0.035 25.36% 0.3 195 I 1966/02/06 13:00:00 1966/02/09 04:00:00 64 0.035 25.49% 0.3 ~-~~ 1986/03/08 18:00:00 1986/03/1419:00:00 146 0.034 25.62% 0.3 ... 197 2002/12/20 11 :00:00 2002/12/22 14:00:00 52 0.034 25.75% 0.29 198 1992/03/02 08:00:00 1992/03/04 01 :00:00 42 0.034 25.88% 0.29 199 1972/11/14 16:00:00 1972/11/18 16:00:00 97 0.034 26.01% 0.29 200 1988/11/14 08:00:00 1988/11/15 13:00:00 30 0.034 26.14% 0.29 201 2001/02/25 10:00:00 2001/03/01 06:00:00 93 0.034 26.27% 0.29 202 1969/02/18 09:00:00 1969/02/21 00:00:00 64 0.034 26.41% 0.29 203 I 1979/11/07 19:00:00 1979/11/09 05:00:00 35 0.034 26.54% 0.29 1981/03/05 04:00:00 -1981/03/06 17:00:00 38 0.034 26.67% 0.28 204 205 1965/12/14 17:00:00 1965/12/17 12:00:00 68 0.033 26.80% 0.28 -~-- 206 1977/12/25 19:00:00 1977/12/31 03:00:00 129 0.033 26.93% 0.28 207 1993/01/31 02:00:00 ' 1993/02/01 05:00:00 28 0.033 27.06% 0.28 --1982/04/02 19:00:00 0.033 27.19% 0.28 208 +-1982/04/01 12:00:00 32 209 1987/01/06 20:00:00 1987/01/08 11 :00:00 40 0.033 27.32% 0.28 -· -~ 1995/04/19 21 :00:00 85 0.033 27.45% 0.28 210 1995/04/16 09:00:00 1962/03/18 19:00:00 1962/03/20 08:00:00 1 38 -0.033 27.58% 0.28 -- 211 ---212 1973/02/11 08:00:00 1973/02/14 07:00:00 I 72 0.033 27.71% 0.27 I 1982/01/20 05:00:00 1982/01/22 17:00:00 61 ·-0.033 27.84% 10.27 213 214 1991/01/09 15:00:00 1991/01/10 19:00:00 29 0.033 27.97% 0.27 ~15 1984/11/2418:00:00 1984/11/25 23:00:00 30 0.033 28.10% 0.27 -· 216 1983/03/17 04:00:00 1983/03/20 04:00:00 73 0.033 28.24% 0.27 --217 1958/02/25 09:00:00 1958/02/26 11 :00:00 27 0.033 28.37% 0.27 .. .. 218 1954/03/20 12:00:00 I 1954/03/26 00:00:00 133 0.032 28.50% 0.27 . 219 1955/01/10 06:00:00 1955/01/11 17:00:00 36 0.032 28.63% 0.27 -220 1998/01/29 12:00:00 1998/01/31 00:00:00 37 0.032 28.76% 0.26 221 1990/04/04 10:00:00 1990/04/05 15:00:00 30 0.032 28.89% 0.26 222 1951/12/12 00:00:00 1951/12/13 09:00:00 34 0.032 29.02% 0.26 223 1970/03/05 00:00:00 1970/03/06 04:00:00 29 0.032 29.15% 0.26 ·-224 1957/04/20 17:00:00 1957/04/22 20:00:00 52 0.032 29.28% 0.26 f-225 1978/03/11 20:00:00 1978/03/13 15:00:00 44 0.032 29.41% 0.26 226 1952/01/25 05:00:00 1952/01/26 14:00:00 34 0.032 29.54% 0.26 f--------1996/10/30 15:00:00 1996/10/31 19:00:00 0.032 29.67% 0.26 227 29 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 5/17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j f I I I J j j I t I ' . I I I Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatisticsPostM itigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 228 1979/03/01 10:00:00 1979/03/02 18:00:00 33 0.032 29.80% 0.25 229 1984/12/08 02:00:00 1984/12/09 02:00:00 25 0.032 29.93% 0.25 230 1971/04/14 13:00:00 1971/04/1514:00:00 26 0.032 30.07% 0.25 231 1989/03/25 14:00:00 1989/03/27 02:00:00 37 0.032 30.20% 0.25 232 1999/04/11 22:00 :00 1999/04/13 05:00:00 32 0.032 30.33% 0.25 233 1983/04/29 08:00:00 1983/05/02 15:00:00 80 0.031 30.46% 0.25 . 234 1971/02/17 06:00:00 1971/02/18 12:00:00 31 0.031 30.59% 0.25 ... 235 1982/11/09 17:00:00 1982/11/11 13:00:00 45 0.031 30.72% 0.25 236 1967/11/30 18:00:00 1967/12/01 18:00:00 25 0.031 30.85% 0.25 .. 237 1984/12/18 09:00:00 1984/12/21 05:00:00 69 0.031 30.98% 0.25 238 1979/03/27 06:00:00 1979/03/29 15:00:00 58 0.031 31.11% 0.24 . 239 1983/03/21 06:00:00 1983/03/25 18:00:00 109 0.031 I 31.24% 0.24 ~ 240 1979/01/30 20:00:00 1979/02/03 06:00:00 83 0.031 31.37% 0.24 -t-··-. 1970/02/12 06:00:00 0.031 31.50% 0.24 ·~ 241 1970/02/10 05:00:00 50 ~ ·-1973/03/11 08:00:00 1973/03/13 07:00:00 48 0.031 31.63% 0.24 242 243 1993/11/30 06:00:00 1993/12/01 06:00:00 25 0.031 31.76% 0.24 .. 244 1954/03/17 01 :00:00 I 1954/03/18 05:00:00 29 0.03 31.90% 0.24 245 1987/12/04 23:00:00 i 1987/12/06 01 :00:00 27 0.03 32.03% 0.24 -·---246 1998/11/0810:00:00 1998/11/0914:00:00 29 0.03 32.16% 0.24 ·~ 247 2001/12/09 13:00:00 2001/12/10 21 :00:00 33 0.03 32.29% 0.24 248 t 1952/12/20 12:00:00 1952/12/21 15:00:00 28 0.03 32.42% 0.23 249 1986/04/06 03:00:00 1986/04/07 11 :00:00 33 0.03 32.55% 0.23 250 1969/01/14 02:00:00 1969/01/1515:00:00 38 0.03 32.68% 0.23 -· 251 ]···-· 1980/03/26 00:00:00 1980/03/27 00:00:00 25 0.03 32.81% 0.23 1959/12/22 09:00:00 32 0.03 32.94% 0.23 ··~ 252 ! 1959/12/21 02:00:00 --------·~ 253 2007/04/20 16:00:00 2007/04/21 17:00:00 26 0.03 33.07% 0.23 ·-·--· .. --··~ 254 1992/12/27 21 :00:00 1992/12/30 01 :00:00 53 0.03 33.20% 0.23 ·~ 255 1974/10/28 12:00:00 1974/10/30 11 :00 :00 48 0.03 33.33% 0.23 ~--256 1951/08/29 14:00:00 0.03 33.46% 0.23 -----··~ 1951/08/28 10:00:00 29 ~. --·----- 257 1993/03/26 02:00:00 1993/03/29 02:00:00 73 0.03 33.59% 0.23 ·~ 258 2002/12/16 15:00:00 2002/12/18 00:00:00 34 0.03 33.73% 0.23 259 1965/12/29 20:00:00 1965/12/30 20:00:00 25 0.03 33.86% 0.22 ·-· 260 2000/03/04 19:00:00 2000/03/07 20:00:00 74 0.03 33.99% 0.22 261 1993/06/05 16:00:00 1993/06/06 16:00:00 25 0.029 34.12% 0.22 .. 262 2003/12/25 01 :00:00 2003/12/26 21 :00:00 45 0.029 34.25% 0.22 263 2004/04/02 00:00:00 2004/04/02 22:00:00 23 0.029 34.38% 0.22 ·-264 1959/02/16 05:00:00 1959/02/17 23:00:00 43 0.029 34.51% 0.22 265 1958/03/06 12:00:00 1958/03/07 23:00:00 36 0.029 34.64% 0.22 ~266 1957/10/14 03:00:00 1957/10/15 07:00:00 29 0.029 34.77% 0.22 ~. ·-267 1969/03/21 14:00:00 1969/03/22 21 :00 :00 32 0.029 34.90% 0.22 ~-.. 268 1994/01/25 01 :00:00 1994/01/28 03:00:00 75 0.029 35.03% 0.22 269 1957/12/05 05:00:00 1957/12/0611:00:00 31 0.029 35.16% 0.22 270 1957/03/16 12:00:00 1957/03/1710:00:00 23 0.029 35.29% 0.22 271 1966/01/30 09:00:00 1966/01/31 22:00:00 38 0.029 35.42% 0.21 272 1981/02/25 22:00:00 1981/02/26 23:00:00 26 0.029 35.56% 0.21 273 1976/12/30 16:00:00 1977/01/01 06:00:00 39 0.029 35.69% 0.21 274 1983/12/03 17:00:00 1983/12/04 20:00:00 28 0.029 35.82% 0.21 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 6/17 j I I I I I I I I I I I J J I 11 II I.I 1111 I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period ----·--~~ 275 1959/04/26 07:00:00 1959/04/27 06:00:00 24 I 0.029 35.95% 0.21 ----276 1973/03/08 13:00:00 1973/03/09 14:00:00 26 0.029 36.08% 0.21 277 +-2001/04/07 17:00:00 2001/04/08 20:00:00 28 ! 0.028 36.21% 0.21 278 I 1960/09/11 05:00:00 1960/09/12 07:00:00 27 ' 0.028 36.34% 0.21 279 ---,------1955/04/30 22:00:00 1955/05/02 15:00:00 42 0.028 36.47% 0.21 280 2006/03/10 18:00:00 2006/03/12 14:00:00 45 0.028 36.60% 0.21 281 1995/01/24 00:00:00 1995/01/27 09:00:00 82 0.028 36.73% 0.21 --282 1980/01/17 21:00:00 1980/01/19 19:00:00 47 0.028 36.86% 0.21 ~83 1978/03/09 19:00:00 1978/03/10 15:00:00 21 0.028 36.99% 0.21 284 1976/08/30 12:00:00 1976/08/31 10:00:00 23 0.028 37.12% 0.2 285 I 1980/12/07 13:00:00 1980/12/08 10:00:00 22 0.027 37.25% 0.2 286 ' 1986/01/30 06:00:00 i 1986/02/01 12:00:00 55 0.027 37.39% 0.2 ' -287 1965/01/24 08:00:00 1965/01/25 06:00:00 23 0.027 37.52% I I 0.2 288 1955/02/26 13:00:00 1955/02/28 19:00:00 55 0.027 37.65% 0.2 289 1986/02/08 00:00:00 1986/02/09 13:00:00 38 0.027 37.78% 0.2 290 2001/11/24 15:00:00 2001/11/25 19:00:00 29 i 0.027 37.91% 0.2 ----291 1963/11/15 18:00:00 1963/11/16 17:00:00 24 0.027 38.04% 0.2 ----292 2000/02/20 15:00:00 2000/02/24 02:00:00 84 0.027 38.17% 0.2 ----293 1987/02/23 19:00:00 1987/02/26 08:00:00 62 0.027 38.30% 0.2 294 1979/02/21 03:00:00 1979/02/22 04:00:00 26 0.027 38.43% 0.2 -·------295 1997/12/06 18:00:00 1997/12/08 05:00:00 36 0.027 38.56% 0.2 296 1979/10/20 04:00:00 1979/10/21 15:00:00 36 0.027 38.69% 0.2 -----297 1969/11/06 21 :00:00 1969/11/08 09:00:00 37 0.026 38.82% 0.2 ---298 1994/02/07 05:00:00 1994/02/09 00:00:00 44 0.026 38.95% 0.2 ---299 1987/04/04 08:00:00 ' 1987/04/05 14:00:00 31 0.026 39.08% 0.19 ~00 1999/03/25 16:00:00 1999/03/26 16:00:00 25 0.026 39.22% 0.19 301 1964/12/27 09:00:00 1964/12/29 01 :00:00 41 0.026 39.35% 0.19 302 1995/02/14 03:00:00 1995/02/15 15:00:00 37 I 0.026 39.48% 0.19 -· ---· 303 1986/10/09 22:00:00 1986/10/11 15:00:00 42 I 0.026 39.61% 0.19 -304 1=-1960/11/2619:00:00 1960/11/27 17:00:00 -23 0.026 39.74% 0.19 -305 1986/12/06 08:00:00 1986/12/08 01 :00:00 42 0.025 39.87% 0.19 i --306 1960/01/25 23:00:00 1960/01/26 21 :00:00 23 0.025 40.00% 0.19 307 1955/01/16 10:00:00 1955/01/17 14:00:00 29 0.025 40.13% 0.19 308 1951/11/23 01 :00:00 1951/11/24 02:00:00 26 0.025 40.26% 0.19 -· --~~m 1 • 1972/12/04 16:00:00 1972/12/05 16:00:00 25 0.025 40.39% 0.19 1980/03/10 17:00:00 1980/03/11 13:00:00 21 0.025 40.52% 0.19 1952/04/10 13:00:00 1952/04/11 18:00:00 30 0.025 40.65% 0.19 -~ ---1952/12/30 21 :00 :00 1953/01/01 00:00:00 28 0.025 40.78% 0.19 --- ----------313 : 2004/12/05 13:00:00 2004/12/06 14:00:00 26 0.025 40.92% 0.19 ~-3~---1979/02/14 06:00:00 1979/02/15 00:00:00 19 0.025 41.05% 0.19 -- ~-315 ___ 1954/01/24 11 :00:00 1954/01/26 04:00:00 42 0.025 41.18% 0.18 ~---·· --316 1983/04/18 04:00:00 1983/04/19 05:00:00 26 0.025 41.31% 0.18 --·-317 2004/02/03 01 :00:00 2004/02/04 08:00:00 32 0.024 41.44% 0.18 --318 1954/12/10 00:00:00 1954/12/11 01 :00:00 26 0.024 41.57% 0.18 ~-319 1999/02/0410:00:00 1999/02/05 20 :00 :00 35 0.024 41.70% 0.18 320 1955/02/16 22:00:00 1955/02/18 08:00:00 35 0.024 41.83% 0.18 --~- I 1962/02/19 12:00:00 1962/02/22 03 :00 :00 64 0.024 41.96% 0.18 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 7/17 "' 1 I f I t I J I I I I I I I I I i I II II II II I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 322 1996/01/31 05:00:00 ! 1996/02/02 07 :00 :00 51 0.024 42.09% 0.18 323 I 1960/11/05 22:00:00 1960/11/07 07:00:00 34 0.024 42.22% 0.18 324 ! 1982/11/29 13:00:00 1982/12/01 11 :00:00 47 0.024 42.35% 0.18 -~ 325 1980/04/22 13 :00 :00 1980/04/24 00 :00 :00 36 0.024 42.48% 0.18 326 1975/02/03 10:00:00 1975/02/05 03 :00 :00 42 0.023 42.61% 0.18 ~327 1998/05/12 17:00:00 1998/05/13 19:00:00 27 0.023 42.75% 0.18 -~ ---328 2007/12/07 07:00:00 2007/12/09 09:00:00 51 0.023 42.88% 0.18 329 1998/01/09 15:00:00 1998/01/11 13:00:00 47 0.023 43.01% 0.18 330 1952/03/01 00:00:00 1952/03/02 06:00:00 31 ' 0.023 43.14% 0.18 331 2006/03/29 00:00:00 2006/03/30 01 :00:00 26 0.023 43.27% 0.18 332 1970/01/16 08:00:00 1970/01/1715:00:00 32 0.023 43.40% 0.18 333 1974/12/28 09:00:00 1974/12/30 05:00:00 45 0.023 43.53% 0.17 ---334 1984/10/17 08:00:00 1984/10/18 02:00:00 19 0.023 43.66% 0.17 -335 1983/02/02 17:00:00 1983/02/04 00 :00 :00 32 0.023 43.79% 0.17 1--------··--~ 336 1959/12/10 02:00:00 1959/12/11 00 :00 :00 23 0.023 43.92% 0.17 --337 1953/03/01 04:00:00 1953/03/02 18:00:00 39 0.023 44.05% 0.17 ---~ 338 1968/02/13 06:00:00 1968/02/14 03:00:00 22 0.023 44.18% 0.17 339 1963/04/17 07:00:00 1963/04/18 05:00:00 23 0.023 44.31% 0.17 -~ 340 1988/01/05 16:00:00 1988/01/0612:00:00 21 0.023 44.44% 0.17 341 I 1990/05/28 10:00:00 1990/05/29 08:00:00 23 -0.022 44.58% 0.17 342 I 1980/10/16 07:00:00 1980/10/17 00:00:00 18 0.022 44.71% 0.17 343 1995/03/2113:00:00 1995/03/22 09:00:00 21 0.022 44.84% 0.17 --344 1954/03/30 06:00:00 1954/03/31 00:00:00 19 ' 0.022 44.97% 0.17 345 1972/11/11 10:00:00 1972/11/12 03:00:00 18 I 0.022 45.10% 0.17 346 1973/02/15 13 :00 :00 1973/02/16 06:00:00 18 0.022 45.23% 0.17 347 2000/10/26 13 :00 :00 2000/10/28 04:00:00 40 0.022 45.36% 0.17 ---348 1962/02/15 21 :00:00 1962/02/17 08:00:00 36 0.022 45.49% 0.17 349 2008/02/03 09:00:00 2008/02/04 12:00:00 28 0.022 45.62% 0.17 350 : 1957/01/05 12:00:00 1957/01/06 06:00:00 19 0.022 45.75% 0.17 --·-~--351 1982/01/28 19:00:00 1982/01/2918:00:00 24 0.022 45.88% 0.17 352 1980/12/04 15:00:00 l 1980/12/06 02:00:00 36 0.022 46.01% 0.17 353 1984/12/16 05:00:00 1984/12/16 20:00:00 16 0.022 46.14% 0.16 354 1993/02/23 19:00:00 1993/02/24 19:00:00 25 0.022 46.27% 0.16 355 1982/09/26 05:00:00 1982/09/27 09:00:00 29 0.022 46.41% 0.16 356 1985/12/0213:00:00 1985/12/03 18:00:00 30 0.022 46.54% 0.16 357 1998/03/31 16:00:00 1998/04/01 23:00:00 32 0.022 46.67% 0.16 358 1956/01/31 11 :00:00 1956/02/01 03:00:00 17 0.022 46.80% 0.16 359 ! 1996/02/21 03:00:00 1996/02/22 14:00:00 36 0.022 46.93% 0.16 ---360 1 1962/03/06 09 :00 :00 1962/03/07 16:00:00 32 0.022 47.06% 0.16 -----361 1996/12/27 18:00:00 1996/12/28 23:00:00 30 0.022 47.19% 0.16 ~~~----·--2007/12/20 04:00:00 ----~ 2007/12/19 00:00:00 29 0.021 47.32% 0.16 363 1961/11/25 04:00:00 I 1961/11/2615:00:00 I 36 0.021 47.45% 0.16 364 1974/03/02 11 :00:00 1974/03/03 15:00:00 29 0.021 47.58% 0.16 365 2007/08/26 13:00:00 2007/08/27 04:00:00 16 0.021 47.71% 0.16 366 2006/12/10 03 :00 :00 2006/12/11 05:00:00 27 0.021 47.84% 0.16 ----367 2006/02/19 05:00:00 2006/02/20 03:00:00 23 0.021 47.97% 0.16 ~-368 -2006/05/22 06:00:00 2006/05/23 00:00:00 19 0.021 48.10% 0.16 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 8/17 ! ! I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 369 1953/01/06 18:00:00 1953/01/08 19:00:00 I 50 0.021 48.24% 0.16 370 1998/03/25 17:00:00 1998/03/29 22 :00 :00 102 0.021 48.37% 0.16 __ ., ___ ----·-371 1964/03/23 01 :00:00 1964/03/24 13:00:00 37 0.021 48.50% 0.16 ----~ -1969/04/05 23 :00 :00 -372 L I 1969/04/06 13:00:00 15 0.021 48.63% 0.16 373 --1973/02/28 04:00:00 I 1973/03/01 00 :00 :00 21 0.021 48.76% 0.16 ~--374 1973/11/17 09:00:00 1973/11/19 13:00:00 53 I 0.021 48.89% 0.16 375 1963/04/26 05:00:00 1963/04/26 20:00:00 16 0.021 49.02% 0.16 376 1996/02/25 11 :00:00 1996/02/28 13:00:00 75 I 0.021 49.15% 0.15 377 2000/02/11 19:00:00 2000/02/15 00:00:00 78 l 0.021 49.28% 0.15 378 1975/02/09 08:00:00 1975/02/10 17:00:00 34 I 0.021 49.41% 0.15 379 --1953/11/14 18:00:00 1953/11/15 21 :00:00 28 0.021 49.54% 0.15 380 1958/09/24 07:00:00 1958/09/24 21 :00:00 15 0.021 49.67% 0.15 ~--1 1978/11/21 19:00:00 I 1978/11/22 15:00:00 --381 ! 21 0.021 49.80% 0.15 -----382 1967/04/18 22:00:00 1967/04/20 13:00:00 40 0.021 49.93% 0.15 383 1968/04/01 23:00:00 1968/04/02 15:00:00 17 0.021 50.07% 0.15 -384 1990/01/31 03:00:00 1990/01/3117:00:00 15 0.02 50.20% 0.15 ---385 1990/04/17 09:00:00 1990/04/18 06:00:00 22 0.02 50.33% 0.15 ---386 1996/03/12 19:00:00 1996/03/14 04:00:00 34 0.02 50.46% 0.15 --387 1976/04/15 17:00:00 1976/04/16 18:00:00 26 0.02 50.59% 0.15 388 I 1990/06/09 16:00:00 1990/06/11 05:00:00 38 0.02 50.72% 0.15 389 1958/03/27 16:00:00 1958/03/28 05:00:00 14 0.02 50.85% 0.15 ·---390 1997/01/22 04:00:00 1997/01/24 10:00:00 55 0.02 50.98% 0.15 ---391 2005/12/31 19:00:00 2006/01/03 17:00:00 71 0.02 51.11% 0.15 ----392 1967/03/31 13:00:00 ' 1967/04/01 03:00:00 15 0.02 51.24% 0.15 ---393 1983/04/12 11 :00:00 1983/04/13 21 :00:00 35 0.02 51.37% 0.15 ~---~--1996/01/21 20:00:00 1996/01/22 22:00:00 27 0.02 51.50% 0.15 I------· --395 1979/01/09 13:00:00 1979/01/10 05:00:00 17 0.02 51.63% 0.15 ----------- 396 1965/03/12 17:00:00 1965/03/14 07:00:00 39 0.02 51.76% 0.15 397 1985/01/07 13:00:00 1985/01/08 18:00:00 30 0.02 51.90% 0.15 398 --1982/12/29-21 :00:00 1982/12/30 11 :00:00 15 0.02 52.03% 0.15 1------t---1982/03/25 23:00:00 1982/03/26 20:00:00 --------399 22 0.02 52.16% 0.15 ~-400 1957/10/31 02:00:00 1957/10/31 18:00:00 17 0.02 52.29% 0.15 --- 401 1973/03/05 10:00:00 1973/03/07 10:00:00 49 0.02 52.42% 0.15 402 1983/11/2010:00:00 1983/11/21 08:00:00 23 0.02 52.55% 0.14 403 2005/03/22 22:00:00 2005/03/23 13 :00 :00 16 0.02 52.68% 0.14 --404 2000/04/17 20:00:00 2000/04/18 21 :00:00 26 0.02 52.81% 0.14 ~-405 1961/11/20 18:00:00 1961/11/21 09:00:00 16 0.02 52.94% 0.14 ~-----406 1953/04/27 22:00:00 1953/04/28 14:00:00 17 0.02 53.07% 0.14 -----~ 407---+ 1969/01/18 23:00:00 1969/01/22 12:00:00 86 0.02 53.20% 0.14 408 1955/03/11 03:00:00 1955/03/11 17:00:00 15 0.019 53.33% 0.14 -~ ' -----409 , 1995/01/21 05:00:00 1995/01/21 19:00:00 15 0.019 53.46% 0.14 ~~+---1967/04/21 23:00:00 1967/04/22 16:00:00 18 0.019 53.59% 0.14 ~-411 ___ --1952/11/23 02:00:00 1952/11/23 23:00:00 22 0.019 53.73% 0.14 412 1959/01/06 10:00:00 1959/01/06 22:00:00 13 0.019 53.86% 0.14 -----413 1955/04/22 06:00:00 1955/04/22 22:00:00 17 I 0.019 53.99% 0.14 -------.rf 4-----1975/04/17 10:00:00 1975/04/17 22:00:00 13 0.019 54.12% 0.14 ·--------1982/01/10 22:00:00 ----1982/01/11 20:00:00 -54.25°/o 415 23 0.019 0.14 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 9/17 f I I I I I I I I I I I j I I f I I I I I I I ' ' I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank I Start Date End Date I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period i --416 i 1952/03/13 00:00:00 1952/03/13 23:00:00 24 0.019 54.38% 0.14 -417 1990/02/04 13:00:00 1990/02/05 04:00:00 16 0.019 54.51% 0.14 ~ 418 1982/11/19 02:00:00 1982/11/20 16:00:00 39 0.019 54.64% 0.14 ,__________._.. ___ -- 419 1998/12/06 07:00:00 I 1998/12/06 20:00:00 14 0.019 54.77% 0.14 f-------------420 1987/03/22 03:00:00 1987/03/22 16:00:00 14 0.019 54.90% 0.14 ---·-· 421 1975/12/20 16:00:00 1975/12/21 08:00:00 17 0.019 55.03% 0.14 --422 1978/11/24 11 :00:00 1978/11/25 03:00:00 17 0.019 55.16% 0.14 423 1960/02/09 00:00:00 1960/02/10 20:00:00 45 0.019 55.29% 0.14 424 1957/12/15 11 :00:00 1957/12/1719:00:00 57 0.019 55.42% 0.14 ~-425 1977/12/18 07:00:00 1977/12/18 20:00:00 14 0.019 55.56% 0.14 426 1976/04/13 06:00:00 1976/04/14 01 :00:00 20 0.019 55.69% 0.14 427 1963/09/04 10:00:00 1963/09/05 01 :00:00 16 0.019 55.82% 0.14 428 1975/11/27 20:00:00 1975/11/29 10:00:00 39 0.019 55.95% 0.14 429 1959/02/08 05:00:00 1959/02/09 13:00:00 33 0.019 -56.08% 0.14 -430 I 1987/10/31 08:00:00 1987/11/0211:00:00 52 0.019 56.21% 0.14 ------431 1998/04/11 18:00:00 1998/04/12 09:00:00 16 0.019 56.34% 0.14 --432 2001/03/06 17:00:00 2001/03/08 03:00:00 35 0.019 56.47% 0.13 --433 1983/02/06 14:00:00 1983/02/08 19:00:00 I 54 0.019 56.60% 0.13 --·--434 1954/01/12 16:00:00 1954/01/1312:00:00 21 0.019 56.73% 0.13 435 1995/03/23 11 :00 :00 1995/03/24 07:00:00 21 0.019 56.86% 0.13 436 1978/01/30 13:00:00 1978/01/31 12:00:00 24 0.019 56.99% 0.13 --437 1986/02/13 10:00:00 1986/02/14 01 :00:00 16 0.018 57.12% 0.13 438 2007/02/28 07:00:00 2007/03/01 06:00:00 24 0.018 57.25% 0.13 -439 1997/01/02 06:00:00 1997/01/03 23:00:00 42 0.018 57.39% 0.13 --440 1957/06/10 05:00:00 1957/06/10 16:00:00 12 0.018 57.52% 0.13 441 1960/11/13 02:00:00 1960/11/13 12:00:00 11 0.018 57.65% 0.13 442 1993/12/11 19:00:00 1993/12/12 13:00:00 19 0.018 57.78% 0.13 ----~ 443 1987/02/13 22:00:00 1987/02/14 11 :00 :00 14 0.018 57.91% 0.13 ------444 i 1969/11/10 04:00:00 1969/11/10 16:00:00 13 0.018 58.04% 0.13 --445 I 1974/03/27 10:00:00 1974/03/27 20:00:00 11 0.018 58.17% 0.13 -446 1951/12/19 10:00:00 1951/12/19 23:00:00 14 0.018 58.30% 0.13 447 1971/01/12 22:00:00 1971/01/1313:00:00 16 0.018 58.43% 0.13 -~ 448 1957/02/23 08:00:00 1957/02/23 22:00:00 15 0.018 58.56% 0.13 -~ 449 2007/02/11 14:00:00 2007/02/12 03:00:00 14 0.018 58.69% 0.13 450 1998/12/01 18:00:00 1998/12/02 06:00:00 13 0.018 58.82% 0.13 -~ 451 1973/02/06 05:00:00 1973/02/07 16:00:00 36 0.018 58.95% 0.13 452 ! 1965/01/01 00:00:00 1965/01/01 09:00:00 10 ---0.018 59.08% 0.13 --453 1985/01/2817:00:00 1985/01/29 13:00:00 21 0.017 59.22% 0.13 ---454 ----1971/02/23 06:00:00 1971/02/23 16:00:00 11 0.017 59.35% 0.13 -- --455 1996/12/06 02:00:00 1996/12/06 20:00:00 19 0.017 59.48% 0.13 -456 1952/12/28 10:00:00 1952/12/28 23:00:00 14 0.017 59.61% 0.13 457 1955/11/14 09:00:00 1955/11/14 20:00:00 12 0.017 59.74% 0.13 --458 1983/12/09 19:00:00 1983/12/10 04:00:00 10 0.017 59.87% 0.13 459 I 1958/03/11 03 :00 :00 1958/03/12 10:00:00 32 0.017 60.00% 0.13 -- --460 I 1992/03/27 08:00:00 1992/03/27 17:00:00 10 0.017 60.13% 0.13 461 1987/11/04 21:00:00 1987/11/05 22:00:00 26 0.017 60.26% 0.13 462 2006/03/21 03:00:00 2006/03/21 15:00:00 13 0.017 60.39% 0.13 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 10/17 ~ t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 11 II II I I I I I I I Excel Engineering pea kFlowStatistics PostM itigated.csv Rank I Start Date I End Date Duration I Peak Frequency Return Period I 463 I 1989/01/07 18:00:00 1989/01/08 03:00:00 10 0.017 60.52% 0.13 464 1966/10/10 15:00:00 1966/10/11 01 :00:00 11 0.017 60.65% 0.13 f---------· 465 2004/03/02 02:00:00 2004/03/02 16:00:00 15 0.017 60.78% 0.13 466 1993/01/02 09:00:00 1993/01/03 00:00:00 16 0.017 60.92% 0.12 467 1977/01/29 04:00:00 1977/01/29 13:00:00 10 0.017 61.05% 0.12 468 ! 1957/10/21 06:00:00 1957/10/21 15:00:00 10 0.017 61.18% 0.12 469 --------;-2001/03/10 18:00:00 2001/03/11 08:00:00 15 0.017 61.31% 0.12 470 1985/02/02 05:00:00 1985/02/02 23:00:00 19 0.017 61.44% 0.12 471 1992/03/08 04:00:00 1992/03/08 20:00:00 17 0.017 61.57% 0.12 472 2005/10/16 20:00:00 2005/10/18 23:00:00 52 0.017 61.70% 0.12 473 1989/05/14 12:00:00 1989/05/15 17:00:00 I 30 0.017 61.83% 0.12 474 1991/03/15 16:00:00 1991/03/16 01 :00:00 10 0.017 61.96% 0.12 475 1984/12/10 22:00:00 1984/12/11 17:00:00 20 0.017 62.09% 0.12 -~ 476 l 1984/11/13 11 :00:00 1984/11/13 20:00:00 10 0.017 62.22% 0.12 477 I 1971/10/16 22:00:00 1971/10/17 16:00:00 19 0.017 62.35% 0.12 478 I 1957/05/21 07:00:00 1957/05/21 17:00:00 11 0.017 62.48% 0.12 ~--479 1978/11/11 11 :00:00 1978/11/12 18:00:00 32 I 0.017 62.61% 0.12 480 1990/01/13 13:00:00 1990/01/14 22:00:00 34 0.017 62.75% 0.12 --·---------· ---~ 481 1989/02/09 17:00:00 1989/02/10 16:00:00 24 0.016 62.88% 0.12 -·--482 1970/01/10 02:00:00 1970/01/12 08:00:00 55 0.016 63.01% 0.12 -------483 ! 2008/01/23 21 :00:00 2008/01/24 22:00:00 26 0.016 63.14% 0.12 --~--484 1955/01/31 01 :00:00 1955/01/31 17:00:00 17 0.016 63.27% 0.12 -------485 ' 1968/11/14 20:00:00 1968/11/15 11 :00:00 16 0.016 63.40% 0.12 -1 I ---·---486 1963/03/28 13:00:00 1963/03/28 23 :00 :00 11 0.016 63.53% 0.12 ---+ 1955/11/17 13:00:00 1955/11/18 03:00:00 ·-15 0.016 63.66% 0.12 487 ···--488 1953/02/23 12:00:00 1953/02/24 05:00:00 18 0.016 63.79% 0.12 489 1980/03/21 12:00:00 1980/03/22 09:00:00 22 0.016 63.92% 0.12 ~-490 1964/11/09 15:00:00 1964/11/11 04:00:00 38 0.016 64.05% 0.12 ~-491 1997/12/18 18:00:00 1997/12/19 06:00:00 13 0.016 64.18% 0.12 ~-492 -· 1979/02/23 04:00:00 1979/02/23 14:00:00 11 0.016 64.31% 0.12 I ~-493 I 1989/02/04 00:00:00 1989/02/05 02:00:00 27 0.016 64.44% 0.12 ~-494 1963/02/14 12:00:00 1963/02/14 20:00:00 9 0.016 64.58% 0.12 i-----495 1988/08/24 07:00:00 1988/08/24 23:00:00 17 0.016 64.71% 0.12 ~-2008/02/20 12:00:00 ' 2008/02/20 21 :00:00 -10 0.016 64.84% 0.12 496 497 2004/11/21 09:00:00 2004/11/2117:00:00 9 0.016 64.97% 0.12 ---498 1977/05/24 07:00:00 1977/05/24 18:00:00 12 0.016 65.10% 0.12 499 1989/02/02 09:00:00 1989/02/02 18:00:00 10 0.015 65.23% 0.12 500 1984/12/03 10:00:00 1984/12/03 19:00:00 10 0.015 65.36% 0.12 ----~~--~-501 2006/12/27 10:00:00 2006/12/27 17:00:00 8 0.015 65.49% 0.12 502 I 1975/03/22 11 :00:00 1975/03/22 19:00:00 9 0.015 65.62% 0.12 503 : 1976/07/27 02:00:00 1976/07/27 10:00:00 9 0.015 65.75% 0.12 -· 504 2007/02/19 08:00:00 2007/02/19 17:00:00 10 0.015 65.88% 0.12 -505 -----+-· 1992/12/18 04:00:00 1992/12/18 11 :00 :00 8 0.015 66.01% 0.12 ~-506 1972/12/07 08:00:00 1972/12/08 22:00:00 39 0.015 66.14% 0.12 ----507 1951/12/05 02:00:00 1951/12/05 16:00:00 15 0.015 66.27% 0.11 ---~508--~--1989/03/02 17:00:00 1989/03/03 04:00:00 12 0.015 66.41% 0.11 - ~-509---1957/01/20 20:00:00 1957/01/21 03:00:00 8 0.015 66.54% 0.11 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 11/17 1 f 1 11 11 II I I I I l I I f I II II 11111111 I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period -----510 1999/06/04 02:00:00 1999/06/04 09:00:00 8 0.015 66.67% 0.11 -511 2001/02/20 18:00:00 2001/02/21 05:00:00 12 0.015 66.80% 0.11 512 1962/01/13 03:00:00 1962/01/13 10:00:00 8 0.015 66.93% 0.11 513 1989/01/23 22:00:00 1989/01/24 06:00:00 9 0.015 67.06% 0.11 514 1995/12/23 12:00:00 1995/12/23 19:00:00 8 0.015 67.19% 0.11 515 I 1987/03/15 11 :00:00 1987/03/1519:00:00 9 0.015 67.32% 0.11 516 1987/03/05 22:00:00 1987/03/06 23:00:00 26 0.015 67.45% 0.11 517 1996/03/04 23:00:00 1996/03/05 08:00:00 10 0.015 67.58% 0.11 ~ 518 1956/02/24 12:00:00 1956/02/24 20:00:00 9 0.015 67.71% 0.11 519 1984/04/28 00:00:00 1984/04/28 08:00:00 9 0.015 67.84% 0.11 -520 1967/11/26 21 :00:00 1967/11/27 04:00:00 8 0.015 67.97% 0.11 521 1982/09/16 13:00:00 ' 1982/09/17 21 :00:00 33 0.015 68.10% 0.11 -522 1994/12/25 03:00:00 1994/12/25 13:00:00 11 0.015 68.24% 0.11 .. 523 1981/04/19 04:00:00 1981/04/19 14:00:00 11 0.015 68.37% 0.11 524 1992/02/10 03:00:00 1992/02/10 14:00:00 12 0.015 68.50% 0.11 525 1978/04/15 22:00:00 1978/04/16 05:00:00 8 0.015 68.63% 0.11 ----526 1991/10/27 02:00:00 1991/10/27 19:00:00 ' 18 ' 0.015 68.76% 0.11 527 1978/04/08 14:00:00 1978/04/09 01 :00:00 I 12 0.014 68.89% 0.11 .. 528 1996/01/16 22:00:00 1996/01/17 07:00:00 10 0.014 69.02% 0.11 -529 1972/10/20 02:00:00 1972/10/20 10:00:00 9 0.014 69.15% 0.11 530 1957/05/19 10:00:00 1957/05/19 17:00:00 8 0.014 69.28% 0.11 -531 1985/10/22 02:00:00 1985/10/22 08:00:00 7 0.014 69.41% 0.11 532 1955/01/02 01 :00:00 1955/01/02 12:00:00 12 0.014 69.54% 0.11 533 I 2001/02/23 19:00:00 2001/02/24 04:00:00 0.014 0.11 -- I 10 69.67% 534 1998/03/13 19:00:00 1998/03/15 03 :00 :00 33 0.014 69.80% 0.11 .. 535 1976/11/12 05:00:00 1976/11/12 14:00:00 10 0.014 69.93% 0.11 536 1998/01/03 19:00:00 1998/01/04 23:00:00 29 0.014 70.07% 0.11 537 1982/03/28 22:00:00 1982/03/29 09:00:00 12 0.014 70.20% 0.11 538 2001/11/29 19:00:00 2001/11/30 04:00:00 10 0.014 70.33% 0.11 539 2003/11/12 08:00:00 2003/11/13 06:00:00 23 0.014 70.46% 0.11 540 + 1996/02/03 14:00:00 1996/02/03 20:00:00 7 0.013 70.59% 0.11 541 1962/02/25 00:00:00 1962/02/25 07:00:00 8 0.013 70.72% 0.11 ---542 2001/12/03 20:00:00 2001/12/05 02:00:00 31 0.013 70.85% 0.11 --543 1999/01/31 13:00:00 1999/01/31 19:00:00 7 0.013 70.98% 0.11 ---··· 544 1979/12/21 09:00:00 1979/12/21 19:00:00 11 0.013 71.11% 0.11 -545 1977/02/24 17:00:00 1977/02/25 06:00:00 14 0.013 71.24% 0.11 ---546 1973/02/03 23:00:00 1973/02/04 05:00:00 7 0.013 71.37% 0.11 --------~ 547 1977/03/16 15:00:00 1977/03/22 20 :00 :00 150 0.013 71.50% 0.11 ----548 2005/03/04 12:00:00 2005/03/05 09:00:00 22 0.013 71.63% 0.11 .. 549 1987/03/25 00:00:00 1987/03/26 03:00:00 28 0.013 71.76% 0.11 ------550 1975/12/12 18:00:00 I 1975/12/13 01 :00:00 8 0.013 71.90% 0.11 -~ ---551 1983/01/22 17:00:00 1983/01/23 20:00:00 0.013 -+ 28 72.03% 0.11 ---552 I 2007/02/22 23:00:00 2007/02/23 05:00:00 7 0.013 72.16% 0.11 553 4-1975/03/14 04:00:00 1975/03/14 10:00:00 7 0.013 72.29% 0.11 .. --~ 554 1951/10/11 02:00:00 1951/10/11 07:00:00 6 0.013 72.42% 0.11 ---- 555 1952/12/17 09:00:00 1952/12/17 21 :00:00 13 0.013 72.55% 0.11 556 2006/03/03 17:00:00 2006/03/03 22:00:00 6 0.013 72.68% 0.1 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 12/17 I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I 111111 fl I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date End Date ! Duration Peak Frequency Return Period I ~-ssr---~ 1974/01/01 09:00:00 1974/01/01 14:00:00 6 0.013 72.81% 0.1 1993/12/14 19:00:00 1993/12/15 10:00:00 16 0.013 72.94% 0.1 558 559 i 1965/12/22 03:00:00 1965/12/22 15:00:00 13 0.013 73.07% 0.1 560 l 1998/11/28 09:00:00 1998/11/29 07:00:00 23 0.013 73.20% 0.1 561 1969/03/13 04:00:00 1969/03/13 11 :00 :00 8 0.013 73.33% 0.1 562 1964/03/02 14:00:00 1964/03/02 19:00:00 6 0.013 73.46% 0.1 563 1955/04/26 13:00:00 1955/04/26 18:00:00 6 0.013 73.59% 0.1 564 2006/12/16 23:00:00 2006/12/17 10:00:00 12 0.013 73.73% 0.1 565 1960/11/03 22:00:00 1960/11/04 04:00:00 7 0.012 73.86% 0.1 566 1973/01/10 02:00:00 1973/01/10 08:00:00 7 0.012 73.99% 0.1 567 1958/02/13 05:00:00 1958/02/13 13:00:00 9 0.012 74.12% 0.1 568 1978/11/13 23 :00 :00 1978/11/14 04:00:00 6 0.012 74.25% 0.1 569 1988/12/28 01 :00:00 1988/12/2817:00:00 17 0.012 74.38% 0.1 570 1978/11/15 12:00:00 1978/11/15 17:00:00 6 0.012 74.51% 0.1 571 1996/01/25 15:00:00 1996/01/25 21 :00:00 7 0.012 74.64% 0.1 572 1966/01/27 08:00:00 1966/01/27 17:00:00 10 0.012 74.77% 0.1 -~ 573 1987/02/05 14:00:00 1987/02/05 19:00:00 I 6 0.012 74.90% 0.1 574 1981/04/02 11 :00:00 1981/04/02 16:00:00 6 0.012 75.03% 0.1 ~-575 1980/05/09 15:00:00 1980/05/10 20:00:00 30 0.012 75.16% 0.1 576 i 1994/11/10 14:00:00 1994/11/10 20 :00 :00 7 0.012 75.29% 0.1 577 1985/02/04 00:00:00 1985/02/04 05:00:00 6 0.012 75.42% 0.1 578 1985/03/27 11 :00 :00 1985/03/28 18:00:00 32 0.012 75.56% 0.1 579 1953/10/22 09:00:00 1953/10/22 15:00:00 7 0.012 75.69% 0.1 580 2002/03/18 01 :00:00 2002/03/18 09:00:00 9 0.012 75.82% 0.1 581 1978/03/22 17:00:00 1978/03/23 20:00:00 28 0.012 75.95% 0.1 ~~-2001/04/10 19:00:00 2001/04/11 01 :00:00 7 0.012 76.08% 0.1 ~-583 2000/11/11 01 :00:00 2000/11/11 07:00:00 7 0.012 76.21% 0.1 ~-584 1992/01/0311:00:00 1992/01/04 10:00:00 24 0.012 76.34% 0.1 -------~ 1992/03/31 17:00:00 1992/03/31 21:00:00 5 0.012 76.47% 0.1 585 I ~--586 1990/01/22 13:00:00 1990/01/22 17:00:00 5 0.012 76.60% 0.1 587 1979/12/25 12:00:00 1979/12/25 16:00:00 5 0.012 76.73% 0.1 588 T 1954/12/04 01 :00:00 1954/12/04 05:00:00 5 0.012 76.86% 0.1 i 589 1977/02/22 06:00:00 I 1977/02/22 11 :00:00 6 0.012 76.99% 0.1 ~~-1983/12/19 17:00:00 1983/12/19 21 :00:00 5 0.012 77.12% 0.1 591 1992/03/29 15:00:00 1992/03/29 19:00:00 5 0.012 77.25% 0.1 --592 1951/11/20 23:00:00 1951/11/21 03:00:00 5 0.012 77.39% 0.1 -~ ' 2000/11/30 11 :00:00 2000/11/30 15:00:00 5 -0.012 77.52% 0.1 594 ' 1978/04/02 21 :00:00 1978/04/03 01 :00:00 5 0.012 77.65% 0.1 --·---~ 595 1984/11/16 17:00:00 1984/11/16 21 :00:00 5 0.012 77.78% 0.1 596 1990/01/0211:00:00 1990/01/02 16:00:00 6 0.012 77.91% 0.1 -597 1997/02/10 23:00:00 ' 1997/02/11 05:00:00 7 0.012 78.04% 0.1 --598 1966/01/01 01 :00:00 1966/01/01 07:00:00 7 0.012 78.17% 0.1 --~ 1984/01/1519:00:00 1984/01/16 14:00:00 20 0.012 78.30% 0.1 600 ' 1983/01/24 20:00:00 1983/01/25 23:00:00 i 28 0.012 78.43% 0.1 ! 1983/01/18 12:00:00 1983/01/19 16:00:00 I 29 0.012 78.56% -~ 601 0.1 602 1987/12/29 14:00:00 1987/12/3011:00:00 22 0.012 78.69% 0.1 -------~ 603 1983/10/07 11 :00:00 1983/10/08 09:00:00 23 0.012 78.82% 0.1 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 13/17 ~ i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I ' ' Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv ,____R_a_n_k . ~ Start Date End Date Duration Peak I Frequency I Return Period 604 1977/12/23 06:00:00 1977/12/2310:00:00 5 0.012 l 78.95% 10.1 1--· 605 I 1991103113 22:00:00 -·--1991103114 02:00:00 5 0.012 19.08% 0.1 606 · 1993/02/2621:00:00 1993/02/2703:00:00 7 0.012 79.22% 0.1 607 1980/04/2818:00:00 1980/04/2915:00:00 22 0.012 79.35% 0.1 608 1984/12/12 22:00:00 1984/12/13 03:00:00 6 0.012 79.48% 0.1 ~609 1987/11/18 00:00:00 1987/11/18 04:00:00 5 -0.012 79.61% 0.1 ~610 1951/10/1511:00:00 1951/10/1516:00:00 6 0.012 79.74% 0.1 611 1983/03/2810:00:00 1983/03/2814:00:00 5 0.012 79.87% 0.1 61 i 2007/04/23 01 :00:00 ---2007/04/23 07:00:00 7 0.012 80.00% 0.1 - 613 1962/03/23 01 :00:00 1962/03/23 06:00:00 --6 , 0.012 80.13% 0.1 614 1979/11/1214:00:00 1979/11/1218:00:00 5 0.012 80.26% 0.09 615 1991/12/19 12:00:00 -1991/12/19 17:00:00 6 0.012 80.39% 0.09 616 I 1983/12/15 16:00:00 ' 1983/12/15 20:00:00 5 0.012 80.52% 0.09 617 , 1971/12/04 04:00:00 1971/12/04 09:00:00 6 0.012 80.65% 0.09 -618 , 1975/04/25 10:00:00 1975/04/25 14:00:00 5 0.012 80.78% 0.09 619 -1960/03/28 04:00:00 1960/03/28 12:00:00 9 0.012 --80.92% 0.09 620 . I 1987/12111 08:oo:oo 198711211112:00:oo 5 0.012 81.05% o.o9 621 -I 1983/11/18 02:00:00 1983/11/18 06:00:00 5 I 0.012 I 81.18% 10.09 1----6~2~2 ~ 1982/04/04 14:00:00 1982/04/04 18:00:00 5 , 0.012 81.31% 0.09 '--· 623 1977/07/22 14:00:00 1977/07/22 18:00:00 5 0.012 81.44% 10.09 624 1979/01/2517:00:00 1979/01/2521:00:00 5 0.012 81.57% 0.09 625 1967/12/08 02:00:00 1967/12/0813:0o:oo 12 0.012 81.70% I0.09 626 I 1983/01/0511:00:oo 1983/01/0515:oo:oo 5 0.012 81.83% o.09 ~ :~~ : ~~!~~6~~~~ ~~;gg;gg ~~!~~6~~~~ ~~;gg;gg ! g:g~~ :~:g:;: -g:g~ ~ -T 1988104118 01:00:00 1988104118 11 :oo:oo 5 . 0.011 82.22% o.o9 630 1977/05/12 12:00:00 1977/05/12 16:00:00 5 0.011 82.35% 0.09 t==.~31 . : 1981/03/1415:00:00 1981/03/1419:00:00 5 0.011 82.48% 0.09 632 1957/11/14 19:00:00 1957/11/15 01 :00:00 7 0.011 82.61% 0.09 633 1959;1210902:00:00 1959;1210901:00:00 6 I 0.011 82.75% 10.09 634 1987/02/03 15:00:00 1987/02/03 19:00:00 5 I 0.011 82.88% 0.09 635 1998/12,19 21 :oo:oo 1998112,20 01 :oo:oo I 5 0.011 83.01% o.o9 r . J"' 2007102/13 23cOOcOO 2007/02/14 03cOOcOO : 5 . 0.011 83.14% 0.09 ~ 637 1956/12/06 07:00:00 1956/12/06 11 :00:00 5 0.011 83.27% 0.09 ~-, 1982/02/17 04:00:00 -1982/02/17 08:00:00 5 0.011 83.40% 0.09 639 ------,-1986/02/23 09:00:00 1986/02/23 13:00:00 5 0.011 83.53% 0.09 ~-1980/05/0213:00:00 1980/05/0217:00:00 5 0.011 83.66% 0.09 ~~----1999/01/20 16:00:00 1999/01/21 07:00:00 16 0.011 -~ 83.79% _ 0.09 -----~~-------! 642 1964/02/29 07:00:00 1964/02/29 11 :00:00 5 0.011 83.92% 0.09 '-··· 643 1986/03/0110:00:00 1986/03/0114:00:00 5 0.011 84.05% 0.09 ,__ 644 1999/04/01 21 :00:00 1999/04/02 00:00:00 I 4 0.011 84.18% 0.09 ---l 645 1952/12106 06:00:00 1952/12/06 11 :oo:oo I 6 0.011 84.31 % o.o9 646 1984/01/04 18:00:00 1984/01/04 21 :00:00 4 0.011 84.44% 0.09 f--647 2008/01/22 07:00:00 2008/01/22 11 :00:00 5 0.011 84.58% 0.09 f--648 1989/01/0521:00:00 1989/01/0600:00:00 4 0.011 __ 84.71% 0.09 ----1 649 1953/12/04 12:00:00 1953/12/04 15:00:00 4 0.011 84.84% 0.09 I 650 1987/10/28 03:00:00 1987/10/28_Q_6:00:00 4 -0.011 84.97% 0.09 - 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 14/17 j I I I I f I I I I I I ! J I I f I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank Start Date ' End Date I Duration Peak Frequency Return Period i 651 I 1981/03/10 20:00:00 1981/03/10 23:00:00 4 0.011 85.10% 0.09 652 1984/11/23 08:00:00 1984/11/23 11 :00 :00 4 0.011 85.23% 0.09 653 1985/10/07 12:00:00 1985/10/07 15:00:00 4 0.011 85.36% 0.09 654 1969/04/03 08:00:00 I 1969/04/03 13:00:00 6 0.011 85.49% 0.09 655 1999/04/07 12:00:00 1999/04/07 15:00:00 ·-4 0.011 85.62% 0.09 656 1995/06/16 00:00:00 1995/06/17 04:00:00 29 0.011 85.75% 0.09 ----·-----------657 I 1978/12/01 21 :00:00 1978/12/02 00:00:00 4 0.011 85.88% 0.09 I 658 1964/10/15 14:00:00 1964/10/15 17:00:00 4 0.011 86.01% 0.09 659 2002/02/17 20:00:00 2002/02/18 01 :00:00 6 0.011 86.14% 0.09 660 1965/04/13 02:00:00 1965/04/13 05:00:00 4 0.011 86.27% 0.09 661 1978/04/07 04:00:00 1978/04/07 07:00:00 4 0.011 86.41% 0.09 -----· ! 1973/12/01 21 :00:00 1973/12/02 00:00:00 662 4 0.011 86.54% 0.09 f---663 1965/01/07 12:00:00 1965/01/0715:00:00 4 86.67% 0.011 0.09 664 1961/03/28 10:00:00 1961/03/28 20:00:00 11 0.011 86.80% 0.09 665 1960/03/13 07:00:00 1960/03/13 10:00:00 4 0.01 86.93% 0.09 666 : 1983/05/06 11 :00:00 I 1983/05/06 14:00:00 i 4 0.01 87.06% 0.09 667 1973/03/26 09:00:00 1973/03/26 12:00:00 4 0.01 87.19% 0.09 668 1987/11/14 04:00:00 1987/11/14 07:00:00 4 0.01 87.32% 0.09 669 1972/01/09 11 :00:00 1972/01/09 14:00:00 4 0.01 87.45% 0.09 670 1971/12/13 08:00:00 1971/12/13 11 :00:00 4 0.01 87.58% 0.09 671 I 2006/03/07 03:00:00 2006/03/07 06:00:00 4 0.01 87.71% 0.09 f-----I 1965/09/17 04:00:00 1965/09/17 15:00:00 12 672 I 0.01 87.84% 0.09 673 1983/01/17 08:00:00 1983/01/17 11 :00:00 4 0.01 87.97% 0.09 674 1957/04/18 05:00:00 1957/04/18 11 :00:00 7 0.01 88.10% 0.09 ---675 1981/05/01 14:00:00 1981/05/01 17:00:00 4 0.01 88.24% 0.09 ·-676 --~--1971/03/13 10:00:00 1971/03/13 13:00:00 4 0.01 88.37% 0.09 -677 I 2004/01/02 23:00:00 2004/01/03 02:00:00 4 0.01 88.50% 0.09 i 678 I _ 2006/12/22 13:00:00 2006/12/22 16:00:00 4 0.01 88.63% 0.09 67q 1980/04/01 18:00:00 1980/04/01 21 :00:00 4 0.01 88.76% 0.09 680 1955/12/04 12:00:00 1955/12/04 15:00:00 4 0.01 88.89% 0.09 681 1980/01/07 10:00:00 1980/01/07 13:00:00 4 0.01 89.02% 0.09 --::; l 1982/02/08 15:00:00 1982/02/08 17:00:00 3 0.01 89.15% 0.09 1996/01/28 07:00:00 I 1996/01/28 11 :00:00 5 0.01 89.28% 0.09 684 I 1971/12/07 04:00:00 1971/12/07 06:00:00 3 0.01 89.41% 0.09 --------,-1975/01/30 18:00:00 1975/01/30 21 :00:00 4 0.01 89.54% 0.09 -~ _ 685 I 686 1999/03/15 13:00:00 1999/03/15 15:00:00 3 0.01 89.67% 0.09 ------~ 687 2000/03/08 20:00:00 2000/03/08 23:00:00 4 0.01 89.80% 0.08 688 2004/02/18 19:00:00 2004/02/18 21 :00 :00 3 0.01 89.93% 0.08 ~--689--~ 1995/12/13 10:00:00 1995/12/13 14:00:00 5 0.01 --90.07% -· --0.08 --"·---690 I 2004/12/08 09:00:00 2004/12/08 13:00:00 5 0.01 90.20% 0.08 ··i-1-1980/03/18 19,00,00 1980/03/18 21 :00:00 3 0.01 90.33% 0.08 692 1985/02/20 22:00:00 1985/02/21 00:00:00 3 0.01 90.46% 0.08 ~3 1960/12/03 05:00:00 1960/12/03 08:00:00 4 0.01 90.59% 0.08 ~~-1977/07/2012:00:00 1977/07/20 14:00:00 3 0.01 90.72% 0.08 =-~6~-t--1969/03/10 11 :00:00 1969/03/10 23:00:00 13 0.01 90.85% 0.08 696 I 2001/12/21 20:00:00 2001/12/21 23:00:00 4 0.009 90.98% 0.08 -~~--1967/01/31 04:00:00 1967/01/31 09:00:00 6 0.009 91.11% 0.08 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 15/17 t I I I I I I I I I I J ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ' ' , ! Excel Engineering peakFlowStatisticsPostMitigated.csv Rank + Start Date End Date Duration Peak Frequency Return Period 698 2006/04/14 16:00:00 I 2006/04/15 12:00:00 --21 0.009 91.24% 0.08 699 I 1977/07/27 15:00:00-1977/07/27 17:00:00 3 0.009 91.37% 0.08 700 I 1996/02/12 16:00:00 1996/02/12 18:00:00 3 0.009 91.50% 0.08 701 I f---1953/11/20 09:00:00 1953/11/20 11 :00 :00 3 0.009 91.63% 0.08 702 1991/03/11 05:00:00 1991/03/11 07:00:00 3 0.009 91.76% 0.08 703 1969/03/09 05:00:00 1969/03/09 07:00:00 3 0.009 91.90% 0.08 704 1980/05/08 13:00:00 1980/05/08 15:00:00 3 0.009 92.03% 0.08 705 1958/01/30 15:00:00 1958/01/30 17:00:00 3 0.009 92.16% 0.08 706 1971/04/26 08:00:00 1971/04/26 09:00:00 2 0.009 92.29% 0.08 707 2005/03/19 14:00:00 2005/03/19 19:00:00 6 0.009 92.42% 0.08 708 i 2008/02/14 17:00:00 2008/02/14 18:00:00 2 0.009 92.55% 0.08 709 1987/10/23 09:00:00 1987/10/23 10:00:00 2 0.009 92.68% 0.08 710 1977/01/26 03:00:00 1977/01/26 04:00:00 2 0.009 92.81% 0.08 711 1951/10/08 10:00:00 1951/10/08 11 :00:00 I 2 I 0.009 92.94% 0.08 --712 1982/04/11 22:00:00 1982/04/11 23:00:00 2 0.009 93.07% 0.08 713 1957/11/04 08:00:00 1957/11/04 09:00:00 2 0.009 93.20% 0.08 714 1981/04/26 20:00:00 1981/04/26 21 :00:00 2 0.009 93.33% 0.08 715 2001/04/21 14:00:00 2001/04/21 15:00:00 2 0.009 93.46% 0.08 716 1963/10/19 02:00:00 1963/10/19 03:00:00 2 0.009 93.59% 0.08 717 2005/09/20 07:00:00 2005/09/20 08:00:00 2 0.009 93.73% 0.08 718 1966/01/20 02:00:00 1966/01/20 03:00:00 2 0.009 93.86% 0.08 -~ 719 1999/06/02 06:00:00 1999/06/02 11 :00:00 6 0.009 93.99% 0.08 --720 1955/12/07 04:00:00 1955/12/07 05:00:00 2 0.009 94.12% 0.08 721 2002/12/29 20:00:00 2002/12/29 22:00:00 3 0.008 94.25% 0.08 f--------------722 1953/01/14 00:00:00 1953/01/14 01 :00:00 2 0.008 94.38% 0.08 723 1958/05/11 12:00:00 1958/05/11 18:00:00 7 0.008 94.51% 0.08 ~---1957/11/03 03:00:00 1957/11/03 04:00:00 2 0.008 94.64% 0.08 -724 f----725 1956/05/10 02:00:00 1956/05/10 03:00:00 2 0.008 94.77% 0.08 ---~ 726 1996/10/02 22:00:00 1996/10/02 23:00:00 2 0.008 94.90% 0.08 727 1963/12/10 02:00:00 1963/12/10 03:00:00 2 0.008 95.03% 0.08 728 1988/11/11 11 :00:00 1988/11/11 12:00:00 2 0.008 95.16% 0.08 729 1957/11/16 19:00:00 1957/11/17 00:00:00 6 0.008 95.29% 0.08 730 1957/01/2412:00:00 1957/01/24 13:00:00 2 0.008 95.42% 0.08 731 i 1976/11/2713:00:00 1976/11/2714:00:00 2 0.008 95.56% 0.08 732 1998/01/13 20:00:00 1998/01/13 21 :00 :00 2 0.008 95.69% 0.08 ~-733 1983/08/18 13:00:00 1983/08/18 14:00:00 2 0.008 95.82% 0.08 734 I 1999/03/11 17:00:00 1999/03/11 18:00:00 2 0.008 95.95% 0.08 735 I 1975/04/06 02 :00 :00 1975/04/06 19:00:00 18 0.008 96.08% 0.08 _J --736 1971/05/07 23:00:00 --~1971 /05/08 01 :00:00 3 0.008 96.21% 0.08 737 1955/11/2119:00:00 ! 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Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv Duration _Table Summary at Project Discharge Point ------------· -------------- file name: Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUT~ALL D\ 1 A-13070-PRE-POCD.out ------------- --------------···· ---time stamp: 10/25/2016 9:34:54 AM --·--------------·----------------------------------------·----- I -·---- DISCHARGE Number of periods when discharge was equal to or greater than DISCHARGE column but less than that shown on the next line -I -- -· I ------r I be., ' ~~O; 000 ~ ~0 i,.-fl ' 0(/j 0'li ~ 0();' ~q; I «l <v+r;; ~v~ ~~ cl' i>c., 0 <ir~ o' flJ' ,(~ (){a ~ ~q; ~ ~"<> ~ c,<ri "'~ ~0" -· 1 0.064 96 1016 0.204 ---· 2 0.072 70 920 0.185 ----3 0.080 44 850 0.171 -----4 0.088 34 806 0.162 5 0.096 41 i 772 0.155 ----6 0.104 48 731 0.147 7 0.112 28 683 0.137 8 0.120 30 655 0.132 9 0.128 26 625 0.126 -10 0.136 37 599 0.120 11 0.144 24 562 0.113 -12 0.152 31 538 0.108 --13 0.160 27 507 0.102 14 0.168 21 ! 480 0.096 15 0.176 47 ' 459 0.092 16 0.184 -+---24 -----412 0.083 -----17 0.192 I 19 388 O.Q78 18 0.200 22 369 0.074 ----·------· 19 0.208 21 347 0.070 20 0.216 7 326 0.066 --21 0.224 13 319 0.064 -22 0.232 14 306 0.061 23 0.240 10 292 0.059 -24 0.248 19 282 0.057 ---25 0.256 12 263 0.053 26 0.264 11 251 0.050 -27 0.272 12 240 0.048 28 0.280 14 228 0.046 -29 0.288 I 11 214 0.043 30 0.296 17 203 0.041 -31 0.304 20 186 0.037 -· -~ 32 0.312 I 13 166 0.033 -33 0.320 13 153 0.031 34 0.328 7 140 0.028 35 0.336 4 133 0.027 36 0.344 5 129 0.026 --------37 0.352 5 124 0.025 38 0.360 2 I 119 I 0.024 -39 0.368 1 117 0.024 40 0.376 4 116 0.023 -41 0.384 6 112 0.023 42 0.392 5 106 0.021 -43 0.400 5 101 0.020 44 0.408 7 96 0.019 45 0.416 2 89 0.018 46 0.424 2 87 0.018 47 0.432 5 85 0.017 48 0.440 8 80 0.016 -· . -- 49 0.448 6 72 0.015 50 0.456 I 2 66 0.013 51 0.464 2 64 0.013 ..... 10/26/2016 5:59 AM 1/2 Excel Engineering USGS9217dPre.csv I I ~~~ o00 ~v~'<§'... 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' f .170 .190 .190 .180 .150 . llO .080 .060 Page 1 of 2 i i I I I I I I I i ; ;Name Format Interval SCF . ·-----------------------'' I i f Source i le • f f r f i Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1:00 Oceanside IN 1.0 FILE "R:\SWMM model\Rain gage dat\ALERT station at Oceanside (Sensor ID 67) .dat" ( SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack -------- -------- -------------------------------- BASIN B-1 BASIN B-2 (SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment Oceanside-SID67 POC-B Oceanside-SID67 POC-B N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv 0.139 0.177 S-Perv 0 0 Pct Zero 121 5 167 10 Route To -------------------------------------------------- BASIN B-1 0.012 BASIN B-2 0.012 ( INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction . ·------------------------'' BASIN B-1 3 BASIN B-2 3 [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name Elevation . ·------------------------'' POC-B 0 (REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [BACKDROP] 0.015 0.050 Ksat 0.2 0.2 Type FREE 0.05 0.05 IMD 0.31 0.31 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.1 25 OUTLET Stage Data Gated Route To NO 0 0 PctRouted FILE "Q:\13\13070\Concepts\Concept8\Rev-SWMM 5-4-15\0UTFALL B\13-074 swmm Pre-Development Exhibit.wmf" DIMENSIONS 6237389.858 1992371.956 6237849.382 1992618.719 Page 2 of 2 l i I i I J I i I i i j POST-DEVELOPMENT POC-B [TITLE] ;;Project Title/Notes [OPTIONS] ; ;Option FLOW UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW ROUTING LINK OFFSETS MIN SLOPE ALLOW PONDING SKIP STEADY STATE START DATE START TIME REPORT START DATE REPORT START TIME END DATE END TIME SWEEP START SWEEP END DRY DAYS REPORT STEP WET STEP DRY STEP ROUTING STEP INERTIAL DAMPING NORMAL FLOW LIMITED FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION VARIABLE STEP LENGTHENING STEP MIN SURFAREA MAX TRIALS HEAD TOLERANCE SYS FLOW TOL LAT FLOW TOL MINIMUM STEP THREADS Value CFS GREEN AMPT KINWAVE DEPTH 0 NO NO 08/01/1951 16:00:00 08/01/1951 16:00:00 05/23/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 0:01:00 PARTIAL BOTH H-W 0.75 0 12.557 8 0.005 5 5 0.5 1 [EVAPORATION] ;;Data Source Parameters MONTHLY DRY ONLY [RAINGAGES] .060 NO .080 .110 .150 .170 j i l ~ t i .190 .190 .180 .150 .110 .080 . 060 Page 1 of 4 t I I I I I a I t I I • I i i I i f " ~ f ; ;Name Format Interval SCF Source Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1:00 Oceanside IN 1. 0 FILE "R:\SWMM model\Rain gage dat\ALERT station at Oceanside (Sensor ID 67) .dat" [SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ;Name BMP-5 DMA-5.1 DMA-5.2 DMA-5.3 DMA-5.4 DMA-5.5 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment BMP-5 DMA-5.1 DMA-5.2 DMA-5.3 DMA-5.4 DMA-5.5 [INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment BMP-5 DMA-5.1 DMA-5.2 DMA-5.3 DMA-5.4 DMA-5.5 [LID_CONTROLS] ; ;Name BMP-5 BMP-5 BMP-5 BMP-5 BMP-5 [LID_USAGE] ;;Subcatchment BMP-5 Rain Gage Outlet Oceanside-SID67 Detention_pipe Oceanside-SI067 BMP-5 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-5 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-5 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-5 Oceanside-SID67 Detention_pipe N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack ------------------------ -------------------------------- 0.0049587 0 71 0 0 0.0433 91.35 66. 16 2 0 0. 0722 100 78.63 2 0 0.0584 71 90.53 0.5 0 0.0172 32.8 21.75 2 0 0.0730 0 174.24 1 0 S-Perv Pct Zero RouteTo PctRouted -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.012 0.15 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET Suction Ksat IMO ---------- ---------- ---------- 3 0.15 0.31 3 0.15 0.31 3 0.15 0.31 3 0.15 0.31 3 0.15 0.31 3 0.15 0.31 Type/Layer Parameters ---------- BC SURFACE 6 0 0 0 5 SOIL 18 0.4 0.2 0.1 5 5 1.5 STORAGE 12 0.67 0 0 DRAIN 0.385 0.5 3 6 LID Process Number Area Width InitSat Fromimp ToPerv RptFile BMP-5 1 216.00 0 0 0 0 DrainTo Page 2 of4 I i I • [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name POC-B I I I I I Elevation Type 0 FREE I I I I i j Stage Data [STORAGE] ; ;Name Elev. MaxDepth InitDepth Shape Detention_pipe [ORIFICES] ; ;Name 0 3.5 From Node Or Detention_pipe [WEIRS] ;;Name From Node RoadWidth RoadSurf 0 TABULAR To Node Type POC-B SIDE To Node Type i i t Gated Route To NO Curve Name/Params N/A STO-pipe 0 Offset Qcoeff Gated 0 0. 61 NO Crest Ht Qcoeff Gated Wr Detention_pipe POC-B SIDEFLOW 1.75 3.33 NO [XSECTIONS] ; ; Link Or Wr [CURVES] ; ;Name OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET Shape RECT CLOSED RECT OPEN Type Rating Geoml Geom2 ---------------- 0.04166 0.04166 1 5 X-Value Y-Value ---------- 0 0 .18 .02 .35 .02 .53 .03 .7 .03 .88 .04 1. 05 .04 1. 23 .05 1. 4 .05 1. 58 .05 1. 75 .06 1. 93 .06 2.1 .06 2.28 .06 2.45 .07 2.63 .07 2.8 .07 2.97 .49 3.15 1.25 Geom3 0 0 Geom4 0 0 Barrels Fevap Psi Ksat IMO 0 CloseTime 0 EndCon EndCoeff Surcharge 0 0 YES Culvert Page 3 of 4 I I I I I I I OUTLET OUTLET STO-pipe Storage STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe STO-pipe [REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [BACKDROP] I I I i I I I I i i ' 3.32 2.1 3.5 2. 63 .1 263 .2 365 .3 441 .4 502 .5 551 .6 594 .7 630 .8 662 .9 689 1 711 1. 1 731 1. 2 747 1. 3 761 1. 4 772 1.5 779 1.6 785 1. 7 788 1.8 788 1.9 785 2 779 2.1 772 2.2 761 2.3 747 2.4 731 2.5 711 2.6 689 2.7 662 2.8 630 2.9 594 3 551 3.1 502 3.2 441 3.3 365 3.4 263 3.5 0 FILE "Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\Background2.jpg" DIMENSIONS 6237572.824 1992335.330 6237899.956 1992659.500 i 1 ! Page 4 of 4 l i j I I I I I I I t PRE-DEVELOPMENT POC-C [TITLE] ;;Project Title/Notes [OPTIONS] ; ; Option FLOW UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW ROUTING LINK OFFSETS MIN SLOPE ALLOW PONDING SKIP STEADY STATE START DATE START TIME REPORT START DATE --REPORT START TIME END DATE END TIME SWEEP START SWEEP END DRY DAYS REPORT STEP WET STEP DRY STEP ROUTING STEP INERTIAL _DAMP ING NORMAL FLOW LIMITED FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION VARIABLE STEP LENGTHENING STEP MIN SURFAREA MAX TRIALS HEAD TOLERANCE SYS FLOW TOL LAT FLOW TOL MINIMUM STEP THREADS Value CFS GREEN AMPT KINWAVE DEPTH 0 NO NO 08/01/1951 16:00:00 08/01/1951 16:00:00 05/23/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 0:01:00 PARTIAL BOTH H-W 0.75 0 12.557 8 0.005 5 5 0.5 1 [EVAPORATION] ; ; Data Source Parameters MONTHLY DRY ONLY [ RAIN GAGES] 0.06 NO 0.08 0 .11 0.15 I i i t 1 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0 .11 0.08 0.06 Page 1 of 2 i i I I I • I t I I I I I I I I I f • ' : ; ;Name Format Interval SCF Source Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1:00 IN 1. 0 FILE "R:\Rain gage dat\ALERT station at Oceanside (Sensor ID 67) .dat" Oceanside [SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack . ·---------------------- --------------------------------'' BASIN C-1 BASIN C-2 BASIN C-3 BASIN C-4 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment Oceanside-SID67 Oceanside-SID67 Oceanside-SID67 Oceanside-SID67 N-Imperv N-Perv BASIN C-4 0.389 BASIN C-1 0.053 BASIN C-4 0.159 POC-C 0.301 S-Imperv S-Perv 0 83 9 0 0 109 50 0 0 182 50 0 0 67 5 0 Pct Zero Route To PctRouted . ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' BASIN C-1 0.012 0.050 BASIN C-2 0.012 0.050 BASIN C-3 0.012 0.050 BASIN C-4 0.012 0.050 [ INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction Ksat -------------------- BASIN C-1 3.0 0.2 BASIN C-2 3.0 0.2 BASIN C-3 9 0.025 BASIN C-4 9 0.025 [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name Elevation Type . ·----------------------------------'' POC-C 0 [REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [BACKDROP] FREE 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET IMD 0.31 0.31 0.33 0.33 Stage Data Gated Route To NO FILE "Q:\13\13070\Concepts\Concept8\Rev-SWMM 5-4-15\0UTFALL C\13-074 swmm Pre-Development Exhibit.wmf" DIMENSIONS 6237448.461 1992304.984 6238259.240 1992740.370 Page 2 of 2 I i I i I i I I I I I t I I POST-DEVELOPMENT POC-C [TITLE] ;;Project Title/Notes [OPTIONS J ; ;Option FLOW UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW ROUTING LINK OFFSETS MIN SLOPE ALLOW PONDING SKIP STEADY STATE - - START DATE START TIME REPORT START DATE - -REPORT START TIME END DATE END TIME SWEEP START SWEEP END DRY DAYS REPORT STEP WET STEP DRY STEP ROUTING STEP INERTIAL DAMPING NORMAL FLOW LIMITED FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION VARIABLE STEP LENGTHENING STEP MIN SURFAREA MAX TRIALS HEAD TOLERANCE SYS FLOW TOL LAT FLOW TOL MINIMUM STEP THREADS Value CFS GREEN AMPT KINWAVE DEPTH 0 YES NO 08/01/1951 16:00:00 08/01/1951 16:00:00 05/23/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 0:01:00 PARTIAL BOTH H-W 0.75 0 12.557 8 0.005 5 5 0.5 1 [EVAPORATION] ; ; Data Source Parameters . ·--------------'' MONTHLY DRY ONLY [RAINGAGES] 0.06 NO 0.08 0 .11 0.15 0 .17 I ; ~r '!i r I f " 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0 .11 0.08 0.06 Page 1 of 4 I I I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I • i i I j I f ' f l ' i ; ;Name Format Interval SCF Source --------- Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1:00 1.0 FILE "R:\SWMM model\Rain gage dat\ALERT station at Oceanside ( Sensor ID 67) .dat" Oceanside IN [SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ; Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack -------- BMP-3 Oceanside-SID67 3 0.0449 0 45 0.5 0 DMA-3.l Oceanside-SID67 BMP-3 0.059 0 74.2 2 0 DMA-3.2 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-3 0. 296 90 103 5 0 DMA-3.4 Oceanside-SID67 DMA-3.1 0.2294 60 93 2 0 DMA-3.3 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-3 0.3892 100 781 2 0 DMA-3.5 Oceanside-SID67 DMA-3.4 0.2223 50 51 2 0 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv Pct Zero RouteTo PctRouted -------------------------------------------------- BMP-3 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-3.1 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-3.2 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-3.4 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-3.3 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-3.5 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET [ INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction Ksat IMD . ·--------------------------------------------'' BMP-3 9 0.01875 0.33 DMA-3.1 3.0 0.15 0.31 DMA-3.2 9 0.01875 0.33 DMA-3.4 3.0 0.15 0.31 DMA-3.3 9.0 0.01875 0.33 DMA-3.5 9 0.01875 0.33 [LID_ CONTROLS] ; ;Name Type/Layer Parameters . ·-------------- BMP-3 BC BMP-3 SURFACE 21 0 0 0 5 BMP-3 SOIL 18 0.4 0.2 0.1 5 5 1.5 BMP-3 STORAGE 18 0.67 0 0 BMP-3 DRAIN 0.096 0.5 3 6 PervPaver pp PervPaver SURFACE 1 0.0 0 0 5 PervPaver PAVEMENT 3.125 0.15 0 100 0 PervPaver SOIL 2 0.4 0.2 0.1 9 7 1.5 PervPaver STORAGE 36 0.67 0 0 PervPaver DRAIN 0.01967 0.5 3 6 Page 2 of 4 I ' .. • I I I I ' I I I I i I I I i J I , i ~ [LID_USAGE] ;;Subcatchment LID Process Number Area Width InitSat Fromlmp ToPerv RptFile BMP-3 DMA-3.1 BMP-3 PervPaver [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name Elevation Type POC-C [STORAGE] ; ;Name 3 [ORIFICES] ; ;Name 6 [WEIRS] 0 Elev. 0 From Node 3 ;;Name From Node RoadWidth RoadSurf FREE MaxDepth 1 1 1 1955.84 2570.04 0 0 Stage Data InitDepth Shape 0 TABULAR To Node Type POC-C SIDE To Node Type Gated NO 0 0 Route To 0 0 Curve Name/Params STO-bmp3 Offset Qcoeff 0 0 N/A 0 Gated * Fevap Psi 0 3.5 CloseTime -------------------------------------- 0 0.6 NO 0 CrestHt Qcoeff Gated EndCon EndCoeff ;· ~ DrainTo POC-C Ksat !MD 0.01 1.5 Surcharge ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ 1 [ XSECT IONS] ; ; Link 3 Shape POC-C Geoml 6 RECT CLOSED 0.25 RECT OPEN 0.25 [CURVES] ; ;Name . ·--------------'' STO-bmp3 STO-bmp3 Type Storage [REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL X-Value 0 1 Y-Value 1009 1956 SIDEFLOW Geom2 0.25 12 Geom3 0 0 0.75 Geom4 0 0 3.33 NO 0 0 YES Barrels Culvert Page 3 of 4 ' I 1 • • I I I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I • I ' F J i [BACKDROP] FILE "Q:\13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\Background2.jpg" DIMENSIONS 6237666.773 1992317.518 6238030.238 1992677.692 Page 4 of 4 I • • I I I I I I I I PRE-DEVELOPMENT POC-D [TITLE] ;;Project Title/Notes [OPTIONS] ; ; Option FLOW UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW ROUT ING LINK OFFSETS MIN SLOPE ALLOW POND ING SKIP STEADY STATE START DATE START TIME REPORT START DATE REPORT START TIME - -END DATE END TIME SWEEP START SWEEP END DRY DAYS REPORT STEP WET STEP DRY STEP ROUTING STEP INERTIAL DAMP ING NORMAL FLOW LIMITED FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION VARIABLE STEP LENGTHENING STEP MIN SURFAREA MAX TRIALS HEAD TOLERANCE SYS FLOW TOL LAT FLOW TOL MINIMUM STEP THREADS [EVAPORATION] Value CFS GREEN AMPT KINWAVE DEPTH 0 NO NO 08/01/1951 16:00:00 08/01/1951 16:00:00 05/23/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 0:01:00 PARTIAL BOTH H-W 0.75 0 12.557 8 0.005 5 5 0.5 1 ;;Data Source Parameters . ·------------------------------'' MONTHLY DRY ONLY [ RAIN GAGES] 0.06 0.08 0 .11 NO 0.15 • i I I I I I I d 0.17 0. 19 0. 19 0.18 0.15 0 .11 I I I • 0.08 0.06 i I ! ' "' Page 1 of 3 • I ' I I I I I I I I I t I ' • I ' I I i f I • e ; ; Name Format Interval SCF Source . ·-----------------------'' Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1: 00 1.0 FILE "R: \Rain gage dat \ALERT station at Oceanside ( Sensor ID 67) . dat" Oceanside IN [SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------- BASIN D-1 Oceanside-SID67 POC-D 0 .114 0 124 0.5 0 BASIN D-2 Oceanside-SID67 BASIN D-3 0.184 0 154 3 0 BASIN D-3 Oceanside-SID67 Junct 1 0.884 0 267 4 0 BASIN D-4 Oceanside-SID67 POC-D 0.315 0 160 50 0 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv Pct Zero Route To PctRouted . ·---------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------'' BASIN D-1 0.012 0.05 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET BASIN D-2 0.012 0.05 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET BASIN D-3 0.012 0.05 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET BASIN D-4 0.012 0.05 0.02 0.1 25 OUTLET [ INFILTRATION] ; ; Subcatchment Suction Ksat IMO . ·----------------------------------'' BASIN D-1 BASIN D-2 BASIN D-3 BASIN D-4 [ JUN CT IONS] ; ; Name Junct 1 Junct 2 [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name 3.0 0.2 0.31 3.0 0.2 0.31 9 0.025 0.33 12.45 0.025 0.203 Elevation MaxDepth InitDepth SurDepth Aponded ------------------------------ ---------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elevation Type Stage Data Gated Route To POC-D O FREE NO [CONDUITS] ; ; Name 1 2 [XSECTIONS] ; ; Link 1 From Node To Node Length Roughness InOffset OutOffset InitFlow ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Junct 1 Junct 2 400 0.01 0 0 0 Junct 2 POC-D 400 0.01 0 0 0 Shape Geoml Geom2 Geom3 Geom4 Barrels Culvert ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- DUMMY 0 0 0 0 1 MaxFlow 0 0 Page 2 of 3 i I I I I I I I 2 DUMMY [REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [BACKDROP] I t I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 1 FILE "Q:\13\13070\Concepts\Concept8\Rev-SWMM 5-4-15\0UTFALL D\13-074 swmm Pre-Development Exhibit.wmf" DIMENSIONS 6237418.586 1992301.349 6238254.780 1992750.382 I' Page 3 of 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POST-DEVELOPMENT POC-D [TITLE] ;;Project Title/Notes [OPTIONS] ; ; Option FLOW UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW ROUTING LINK OFFSETS MIN SLOPE ALLOW PONDING SKIP STEADY STATE START DATE START TIME REPORT START DATE --REPORT START TIME END DATE END TIME SWEEP START SWEEP END DRY DAYS REPORT STEP WET STEP DRY STEP ROUTING STEP INERTIAL_DAMPING NORMAL FLOW LIMITED FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION VARIABLE STEP LENGTHENING STEP MIN SURFAREA MAX TRIALS HEAD TOLERANCE SYS FLOW TOL LAT FLOW TOL MINIMUM STEP THREADS [EVAPORATION] Value CFS GREEN AMPT KINWAVE DEPTH 0 YES NO 08/01/1951 16:00:00 08/01/1951 16:00:00 05/23/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 0:01:00 PARTIAL BOTH H-W 0.75 0 12.557 8 0.005 5 5 0.5 1 ;;Data Source Parameters . ·------------------------------'' MONTHLY DRY ONLY [ RAIN GAGES] 0.06 0.08 0 .11 NO 0.15 0.17 I I I I I I I I I I j I i 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.06 Page 1 of 4 I I j I I I I i I I • I I ff I I i I I I l ; ;Name Format Interval SCF Source Oceanside-SID67 INTENSITY 1:00 Oceanside IN 1.0 FILE "R:\SWMM model\Rain gage dat\ALERT station at Oceanside (Sensor ID 67) .dat" [SUBCATCHMENTS] ; ;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack . ·------------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------'' BMP-2 Oceanside-SID67 POC-D 0.008586 0 24.08 0.5 0 BMP-4 Oceanside-SID67 POC-D 0.017516 0 17.42 0.5 0 BMP-1 Oceanside-SID67 POC-D 0.020845 0 28.83 0.5 0 DMA-2.1 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-2 0.1265 77 217.4 2 0 DMA-2.2 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-2 0.02785 100 25.54 2 0 DMA-2.3 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-2 0.07775 77 141.7 2 0 DMA-4.4 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-4 0.13 100 159.5 2 0 DMA-4.3 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-4 0.190356 100 180 2 0 DMA-4.2 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-4 0.0975 37.35 193 2 0 DMA-4.1 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-4 0.039 46.4 170 2 0 DMA-1.1 Oceanside-SID67 DMA-1.2 0.011846 100 23.45 2 0 DMA-1.2 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-1 0.0769 39.15 159.6 2 0 DMA-1.3 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-1 0.2625 100 197 2 0 DMA-1.4 Oceanside-SID67 BMP-1 0.04899 74.6 147 2 0 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv Pct Zero RouteTo PctRouted ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- BMP-2 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET BMP-4 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET BMP-1 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-2.1 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-2.2 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-2.3 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-4.4 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-4.3 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-4.2 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-4.1 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-1.l 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-1.2 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-1.3 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET DMA-1.4 0.012 0.1 0.05 0.1 25 OUTLET [ INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction Ksat IMO -------------------- BMP-2 9 0.01875 0.33 BMP-4 9 0.01875 0.33 BMP-1 3.0 0.15 0.31 DMA-2.l 9 0.01875 0.33 DMA-2.2 9 0.01875 0.33 DMA-2.3 9 0.01875 0.33 Page 2 of 4 f I i DMA-4.4 DMA-4.3 DMA-4.2 DMA-4.l DMA-1.l DMA-1.2 DMA-1.3 DMA-1.4 I I [LID_ CONTROLS] ; ;Name BMP-1 BMP-1 BMP-1 BMP-1 BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-2 BMP-2 BMP-2 BMP-2 BMP-4 BMP-4 BMP-4 BMP-4 BMP-4 I I I t I a 3.0 0.15 9 0.01875 9 0.01875 9 0.01875 9 0.01875 3.0 0.15 3.0 0.15 3.0 0.15 Type/Layer Parameters ---------- ---------- BC SURFACE 9.6 SOIL 18 STORAGE 21 DRAIN 0.385 BC SURFACE 6 SOIL 18 STORAGE 21 DRAIN 0. 223 BC SURFACE 10.8 SOIL 18 STORAGE 21 DRAIN 0.109 • a I I 0.31 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.31 0 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.67 0 0 0.5 3 6 0.0 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.67 0 0 0.5 3 6 0.0 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.67 0 0 0.5 3 6 [LID_USAGE] ;;Subcatchment LID Process Number Area Width BMP-2 BMP-4 BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-4 BMP-1 [OUTFALLS] ; ;Name Elevation Type POC-D 0 [REPORT] ;;Reporting Options INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL FREE 1 1 1 ---------- ---------- 374.01 763.00 908.01 Stage Data 0 0 0 Gated NO r InitSat 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 Route To I Fromimp 0 0 0 I 5 5 5 I ToPerv 0 0 0 I 1.5 1.5 1. 5 I I RptFile DrainTo Page 3 of4 I I i I I I • I I • • I I • I t l [BACKDROP] FILE "Q: \13\13070\gpip\gp2\Storm\SWMM\swmm calcs\OUTFALL C\Background2. jpg" DIMENSIONS 6237666.773 1992317.518 6238030.238 1992677.692 I r : lt " Page 4 of 4