HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 15-04; The Grand Madison; STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2015-05-15CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE GRAND MADISON 725 GRAND AVENUE ENGINEER OF WORK L\'J?V Ronald L. 1-lolfowcfy -R.C.E 29271-EXP 3-31-).6;1 PREPARED FOR: Patrick Smith, LLC 2609 Ocean Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 PREPARED BY: bl-iA, Inc r;-r-f fJ-I~ Date land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas, Suite L Carlsbad, CA 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 W.O. 1004-1354-400 May 15,2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction I.A. Project Description I.B. Existing Site features and Conditions I.C. Proposed land use and anticipated activities affecting Stormwater I. D. Opportunities and constraints for Stormwater control and Treatment I.E. Nearby water bodies II. Applicable Stormwater Standards I I.A. Completed Stormwater Standards Questionnaire (SWSQ) II.B. HMP Applicability Determination Ill. Identification of Pollutants of Concern II I.A. Identification of Pollutants Generated by Land Use Type III.B. Project Hydrologic Location Ill. C. Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters Ill. D. Beneficial uses of receiving water Ill. E. Identification of Primary Pollutants of Concern IV. Source Control Measures IV.A. Site activities and potential sources of pollutants IV.B. Permanent source controls, and operational source controls V. Low Impact Development (LID) Project Design Strategies V.A. Optimization of Site Layout V.A.1. V.A.1. V.A.1. V.A.1. V.A.1. Limitation of development envelope Preservation of natural drainage features Setbacks of creeks, wetlands, and riparian habitats Minimization of imperviousness Using drainage as design element The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ··-----~~-········rrior!~Y-Dev~!~E~en!_!lro~~!-~!?_~-~~!~E-~~~~g~~~!:l! .. ~!~~---------~---------------~-----------~-1-----L __ __ TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) V.B. Layout and use of permeable pavements or other pervious surfaces V.C. Dispersal of runoff from impervious areas to pervious areas V.D. Drain Impervious Surfaces to Engineered TCBMP's or IMP's VI. Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) VI.A. Selection process for IMPs targeting pollutants-of-concern VI. B. Sizing factors for IMPs VI.C. Geotechnical recommendation on soil infiltration rates VI. D. Infiltration calculation (drawdown time) for any self-retaining areas serving as an IMP IX. Documentation of Stormwater Design IX.A. Drainage Management Areas IX.B. Tabulations IX.8.1. Self-treating areas IX.B.2. Self-retaining areas IX.8.3. Areas draining to self-retaining areas IX.B.4. Areas draining to IMPs/TCBMPs IX.B.5. Sizing Calculations The Grand Madison bliA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying _____________ Prio:i!¥l?_~~el~E~~t P!.oj~~t-~to~_w_a!er M~~agem~!!!_~lan __________________________________ J ____ _ TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued} X. BMP Facility Maintenance Requirements X.A. Description of ownership and responsibility of maintenance X. B. Summary of maintenance requirements for each stormwater Facility XI. SWMP Certification Statements XI.A. Preparer's statement XI. B. Owner's statement Attachments DMA/IMP Sizing Exhibit The Grand Madison bliA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ... _______________ _!l_riC>_rity D~~elop~~~-~EC!i~5:!_~!<!~_w ~!~E!'1~~!1~~~~~~-t_!~~~ ....... ----··---------------·----, ... ----~-----"" I. Introduction This Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SWMP) is required under the City of Carlsbad ordinances. The purpose of this SWMP is to address the water quality impacts from the development of 725 Grand A venue in the City of Carlsbad, California. The goal of the SWMP is to ensure that this project complies with the current California Regional Water Quality Control Board's requirements. This goal will be achieved by developing and implementing practicable policies to ensure to the maximum extent practicable that redevelopment does not increase pollutant loads from the project site and considers urban runoff flow rates, durations, and velocities. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) will be utilized to provide a long-term solution to water quality and flow control. This SWMP is intended to ensure the effectiveness of the BMPs through maintenance that is based on long-term planning. This SWMP is subject to revisions as needed to accommodate changes to the project design, or as required by the City and/or Engineer. I.A Project Description The project proposes the development of a four story building for thirteen condominiums for commercial, office and residential use. The disturbed area is 0.32 acres. The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ------------------~E~Etygevel~pmen~~~j~~~--~-t~~-~at~~-~ana_g~~~!:~~!~~---·····--------····-·--····----------r-·--4-----·L __ _ VICINITY MAP The Grand Madison bl·iA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying --·--·-··---·· ------~!iori_ry_ Dev_~.l.~12_~_~nt RE?.i~~! .. §!o~~~!er Ma~~gem~~~_Plal1 _______ _ I.B Existing Site features and Conditions The project is located in the County of San Diego (APN 203-303-21 ). The site is bounded by Grand Avenue to the to the north, Madison Street to the west, an alley way to the east, and office buildings to the south. The property has an existing two story office building structure and asphalt concrete parking lot. Topographically, the site is flat (under 5 percent), sloping gently towards Grand Avenue and Madison Street. The on-site soil classification is Type-B from ArcGIS Web BMP Sizing Calculator Website (see References). The existing drainage for the site flows towards Grand Avenue and Madison Street curb and gutter. Two (2) Points of Compliance (POC) have been identified in the curb and gutter in Grand Avenue and Madison Avenue. See the Existing Hydrology Map. The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying '·~~·-··-···--------!_!i_~ri!X D_evelop~ent_~~~ ec!_~!~~~~~r-~an~~em~nt P_~~ __ ---------~·----------------J·-~-6-----l ____ _ I.C Proposed land use and anticipated activities affecting Stormwater The project proposes the development of a four story building for thirteen condominiums for commercial, office and residential use. The disturbed area is 0.32 acres. The project will be divided into two separate basins. Basin 1 will collect runoff from the roof and upper stories of the building and a trench drain will intercept runoff along the entrances to the parking garages. Runoff from Basin 1 will be conveyed in a proposed storm drain in the alley way that will be connected to a proposed 36-inch reinforced concrete (RCP) storm drain in Grand Avenue per City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 457-4H. Basin 2 will collect runoff from the second story common area and discharge it into a flow through planter for treatment, then discharged into Madison curb and gutter via a sidewalk underdrain. The remainder project area will sheet flow off-site. The project is Exempt from hydromodificaiton (refer to HMP exemption criteria in the project's Storm Water Management Plan, SWMP). Bioretention basins (Flow through planters) will be used as water quality treatment basins. The bioretention basins will use a "water quality only" sizing factor for an minimum area of 4 percent from Table 4-6 of the County SUSMP. The minimum areas for the bioretention basins were found by summing up the contributions of each tributary DMA and multiplying by the sizing factor (see DMA Drainage and Surface Type Calculations). The LID IMP bioretention basins are responsible for handling water quality requirements for each DMA. The flow through planters are been designed with a uniform surface depth of 4-inches. The IMP is comprised of an 18-inch layer of amended soil (a highly sandy, organic rich compost with an infiltration capacity of at least 5 inches/hr) and a 12- inch to 18-inch layer of gravel for additional detention to accommodate the french drain system. Flows of approximately 0.2 inches per hour will be diverted to the flow through planters for treatment. Flows will discharge from the basin via a perforated underdrain pipe within the gravel layer to a private storm drain system. A riser structure will be constructed within the IMP with and an emergency overflow set to 4-inches above the finished grade ofthe planter, such that peak flows can be safely discharged. These flow through planters, in our professional recommendation, are the most effective and most cost efficient BMP and meets the requirements ofthe Carlsbad SUSMP. (See Section VI.A. Selection process for IMPs for more details). 1.0 Opportunities and constraints for Stormwater control and treatment The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ·----·········--~~ority f>.~~~lop~~~!l'!.<!J~~!~~?~.w ~t~ Man_~g~~-~~~-~!~~ ... ---~-------···-··-··---~~J~--·-::y···-1 ..... The purpose of this section is to identify the constraints and opportunities that may affect the site design and selection of treatment and flow-control facilities. Constraints for this Project would be: The project proposes the development of a four story building for thirteen condominiums for commercial, office and residential use. The building footprint covers the majority of the project site. The space available to install bioretention basins at ground level is very limited. Opportunities for this project would be: With ground space limited for bioretention basins, flow through planters can be provided at multiple stories of the buildings. These proposed BMP's can be easily maintained through the implementation of a Storm Water BMP Maintenance Agreement. The Grand Madison bl--tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ---~----~---··--P~~ti!Y De~~~~~~!-~E<?J~~_§t~:?1 ~~ter_~~E..~£~ment ~1~~-----·----------------··· ···-·····-···r· ·--·~;--L ..... I.E Nearby water bodies According to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin prepared by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, the receiving water for the proposed project is the Buena Vista Lagoon located in E1 Sal to Hydrologic Subarea (904.21 ), which is within Buena Vista Creek Hydrologic Area (904.20), part of the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (904.00). The Grand Madison bi-t A, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying -·---·-------Pri_?.p~r_Devel_opment_~~j ect _§!o~ .. ~-~!~ Manag~~ent PJa!l ____ ·--·-·--·--··-~-·-·---···----· _j----9-·-··---L __ _ San Diego Hydrologic Basin Planning area excerpt: The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water ~~na_£ernen! P~n _____________________________ j ______ ]Q--L __ _ II. Applicable Stormwater Standards This project is considered a Priority Development Project (PDP), which creates over 5,000 square feet of impervious area. See the completed Storm Water Standards Questionnaire (SWSQ) at next page. The Grand Madison bHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying -----·--·----··-·--_!lriority Developmen~roject Storm ~~ter M~~age.~ent Plan ____________ ··-------·-··-·--------r·--i·T---L __ _ (City of Carlsbad STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 ',, ·;, /(/jY;:,:,·f;~,"f,. • <'"',oo·'•;<O',-/. Development Services land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602·2750 www.carlsbadca.gov ~;·::: ·~f"+ Y-~~-._ To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2). Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help In determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire Is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction permits for the project Please start by completing Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. YES NO 1. Is TO constructing new or paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or the criteria: (1) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non-erodible permeable areas; OR (2) designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR (3) and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in X X If you answered ·yes· to one or more of the above questions, then your project is NOT a priority development project and therefore is NOT subject to the storm water criteria required for priority development projects. Go to step 4, mark the last box stating "my project does not meet PDP requirements" and complete applicant information. 2. E-34 Page 1 of 3 Effective 6/27113 The Grand Madison bliA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ~· .. -···----·---.. ---~--.!'_!iority ~-~~dopmen!_~!oject _§!~~-~ ater Manageme~!X~E-----·---·~----.. ---------... _________ J--1 2-----L __ _ STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov "" ·:,~"~" ;; :~>:: f?;-?~ l . " ,,.,·"'~,,~:':''1''i~~l"f:f6ai~()up~~~~b~:id:c~~~f~J-,··~·:;~J[~r'J~t;~'-~"~1:" .. To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public X development projects on public or private land. 2. Is your project creating or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface? This includes commercia/, X industrial residential, mixed-use, and oublic develooment oroiects on oublic OU2_rivate land. 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurcmt is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared X foods and drinks for immediate consumotion. 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development X project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot. A parking lot is a land area or facility for the X temporary parkino or storaoe of motor vehicles used oersonally for business or for commerce. 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a street. road, highWay freeway or driveway? A street, X road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of automobiles trucks motorcycles and other vehicles. 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensnive Area (ESA)? "Discharging Directly to• includes now that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feat or less X from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated now from the project to the ESA (i.e. not comminalas with nows from adiacant lands). • 8. Is your project a new development that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification {SIC) codes: 5013, X 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes RGO's that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (AD7) of X 100 or more vehicles oer day. 1 O.ls your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and X are expected to generate pollutants post construction? 11.1s your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of X impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, you ARE a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) in addition to implementing Standard Stann Water Requirements such as source control and low Impact development BMP's. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be submitted with your application(s) for development. Go to step 3 for redevelopment projects. For new projects, go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant Information. If you answered "no" to all of the above questions, you ARE NOT a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing only Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's required for all ~evelopment projects. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) is not required with your application(s) for development. Go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project does not meet PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. E-34 Page 2 of3 Effective 6/27/13 The Grand Madison bliA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water_~anagement Plan ------~~-----·------~~~-·-.,--J~-13--l_"·~- -·~-~-~~~~-··------~-~-~-------~~-·-~---· -~-~- (City of arlsbad STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STEP3 TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVaOPMENT PROJECTS THAT.ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPEMENT PROJECTS.ONLY Cot~~lliele the questions below regarding your redevelopment pro ect: YES NO Does the redevelopment project result in the creaUon or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 1 50% of the surface erea of the previously existing development? I X If you answered •yes; the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply only to the creation or replacement of Impervious surface and not the entire development. Go to etep 4, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. If you answered ·no,• the structural BMP's required for Priority Oevelopmenl Projects apply to lhe entire development Go to atep 4, check the •my ProJect meets PDP reaulrements" box. and comulete aoolicant Information. SJEP4 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMAnON ll!l My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stonnwater cmerta per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of appQcaHon. I understand ftow control (hydromodilication) requirements may apply lo my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. [J My project doe& not meet PDP requirements end must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Applicant Information and Signature Box Address: 725 Grand Aveune Accessor's Parcel Number(s): 203-303-21 ApptlcaniName>-pK'\~"'-\..\..L. Applicant TIUe: 'IV\~ ~~ ~~\4J • Date: 4-L.:o:a":J. LlS:. ., This Box for City Use Only CQy Concurrence: YES NO By: Date: ProjectiD: • Environmentally SensHive Areas Include but are not limited to ell Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for lhe San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the Stale Water Resources Control Board (Weier Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preseiVes or their quivalent under the Multi Species Conse!Vation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermlttaes. E-34 Page 3 or 3 Effective 6127113 The Grand Madison bHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ··------------Pri~~_!y D~~~~p~~~!_!lroj~ct Sto~-~~!~!.~anagemen!_~!~-------------------------~·--_____ J----14-·-····L ....... . II.B HMP Applicability Determination Priority Development Projects (PDP) are required to implement hydromodification mitigation measures so that post-project runoff flow rates and durations do not exceed pre-project flow rates and durations where such increases would result in an increased potential for erosion or significant impacts to beneficial uses. Hydromodification refers to changes in the magnitude and frequency of stream flows as a result of urbanization and the resulting impacts on receiving channels in terms of erosion, sedimentation, and degradation of in-stream habitat. The degree to which a channel will erode is a function of the increase in driving force (shear stress), the resistance of the channel (critical shear stress), the change in sediment delivery, and the geomorphic condition of the channel. Critical shear stress is the stress threshold above which erosion occurs. Not all flows cause erosion--only those that generate shear stress in excess of the critical shear stress of the bank and bed materials. Urbanization increases the shear stress exerted on the channel by stream flows and can trigger erosion in the form of incision (channel down cutting), widening (bank erosion), or both. Increases in flow below critical shear stress levels have little or no effect on the channel. In accordance with the Municipal Permit and final HMP, in addition to satisfying LID and treatment control (numeric) requirements, projects subject to PDP requirements might be required to implement measures so that post-development runoff rates and durations do not exceed pre-project conditions (hydromodification controls). This Project is a: PDP project Which increases the impervious area, Does not directly discharge to any of the exempt systems or lagoon area, Its stabilized conveyance system does directly discharge to exempt system, The stabilized conveyance system does have capacity for ultimate Q10, Is HMP Exempt. Note: This Project is in an area previously studied by the City of Carlsbad that has been found to be exempt from the hydromodification requirements of a Priority Development Project. So based on the Figure 2-1 of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP, revised January 14, 2011, this project is exempt from hydromodification control requirements. See the Figure 2-1 at next page. The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ---·--·-~--------·-R!.i~rity_ Development ~~~j e~! Sto~~~-~~r.:_~anag~E.!~nt Pia~_ --·-·---·-------·-······-·-··----J--l~~----L __ 11.8 HMP Applicability Determination (continued} SECTION 2: IDENTIFY POLLUTANTS, BMP SIZING AND SELECTION yes 110 110 14. Hydnlmoditcmcn Conlml$ Roquirt<l Ooto rlli<n 2.2of ll6clmnMarix FIGURE 2-1. HMP Applicability Determination* 'refer to c.xpanucd HMP C.'(~mpriun criteria below for justifications required on each node The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ___________________ _Prjority Dev~opmeE!.~!oject Storm Y:' a!~E .. :t'.:1al1_~ge~en_!_!llaE_~------------------·------------J·--·](~---l ___ _ Ill. Identification of Pollutants of Concern This SWMP identifies pollutants of concern in accordance with Section 2 of City of Carlsbad's Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) dated January 14, 2011. In general urban runoff from a developed site has the potential to contribute pollutants, including oil and grease, suspended solids, metals, gasoline, pesticides, and pathogens to the storm water conveyance system and receiving waters. For the purposes of identifying pollutants of concern and associated storm water BMPs, pollutants are grouped in nine general pollutant categories; Sediments, Nutrients, Metals, Organic Compounds, Trash, Oxygen-Demanding Substances, Oil and Grease, Bacteria and Viruses, Pesticides. See the Section 2 ofthe City of Carlsbad SUSMP January 14, 2011 for definitions and details on each of these categories. The Grand Madison bliA, Inc, 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying _____________ _!lrio_rity De~~!opm~!lt Proj~ct Sto~~~ter.~~-~~gemen!_!l!~~----------------------------.--J-1-7 ----l ___ _ III.A Identification of Pollutants Generated by Land Use Type Table 2-1 of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP associates pollutants with the categories of Priority Development Projects; Project'Categories "<_ --- General Pollutant Categories Sediment Nutrients Detached Residential Trash & Debris D Development Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Sediment Nutrients Trash & Debris Attached Residential Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape D Development exists on-site) Oil & Grease (if uncovered parking areas exist on-site) Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Sediment (if landscape exists on-site) Nutrients (iflandscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (if uncovered parking areas exist on-site) I:8J Commercial Development Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes solvents) Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses (if land use includes food or animal waste products) Pesticides (includes solvents) Sediment Heavy Metals D Heavy Industry or Organic Compounds Industrial Development Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease The Grand Madison bliA, Inc_ 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying -----~--~----~~oritx D~~elop~en!J_!oject S~rm ~-~-t-~E~M~ag~Elent_!_l_~~~-~---------------~----·--------_j~--ii ______ l __ _ III.A Identification of Pollutants Generated by Land Use Type (Continued) Project Categories General Pollutant Categories Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (includes petroleum hydrocarbons D Automotive Repair Shop solvents) Trash & Debris Oil & Grease Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances ~ Restaurants Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides (if landscape exists on-site) Sediments Nutrients D Hillside Development Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Pesticides Sediments (if landscape exists on-site) Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals ~ Parking Lots Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape exists on-site) Oil & Grease Pesticides (iflandscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds D Retail Gasoline Outlets Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Sediments Nutrients (iflandscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (including petroleum hydrocarbons) D Streets, Highways & Freeways Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes solvents) Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides (iflandscape exists on-site) 111.8 Project Hydrologic Location The Grand Madison bi-t A, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying ~~--·--·_R_riorit~Development Project Storm Water M_~n~~~~ent PlaE.._ ________________________ r·--]-9 ___ L __ _ "" According to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin prepared by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, the receiving water for the proposed project is Buena Vista Lagoon located in El Saito Hydrologic Subarea (904.21), which is within Buena Vista Creek Hydrologic Area (904.20), part of the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (904.00). -' / " :: ",,, Hydrologic Area :"I"' HydrolOgic Sub-Area HydrologiC: Unit "> ," D Santa Margarita 902.00 D Y sidora 902.10 D LowerY sidora 902.11 D San Luis Rey 903.00 D Lower San Luis 903.10 D Mission 903.11 D Bonsall 903.12 ~ Carlsbad 904.00 D Lorna Alta 904.10 ~ Buena Vista Creek 904.20 ~ El Salto 904.21 D Vista 904.22 D Agua Hedionda 4.30 D Los Monos 904.31 The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying __ ------------Pri()E_ty I?._ev~lop~~l_l!_~!oj_~~!_§!~rm 'Y.~!~~-_M~l_1~ge~el_1! P~-~~----------··--·-·-··--·--·----·"--" _________ " __ f_" ________ l _________ " III.C Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters This section is based on the Section 303(d) of2010 Clean Water Act List ofWater Quality Limited Segments Requiring TMDLS. At this time no further TMDL's have been established within Carlsbad. 'i ' . ~· '' '· Pollutant(s) Causing Impairment' r ' .... Receiving Water Buena Vista Lagoon Indicator Bacteria ~ Nutrients 90421000 (0.15 Miles) Sedimentation/Siltation The Grand Madison bHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying -·-·~··-·--···-~·---ypori_!X~Deve!~12ment _!l!._oj ect_§_t:_()_~_ W ~!~r.:_~_anageme~~~~------.. ···------·.,·--···-·-----·-F-2 1 ··l ___ __ 111.0 Beneficial uses of receiving water Beneficial Uses of Coastal Waters Beneficial Uses Hydrologic I N R R c B E w R M A M Inland Surface Waters Unit Basin N E E 0 I I A Q I Number D A c c M 0 s L R A u G v 1 2 M L T D E R A R Buena Vista Lagoon 904.21 X X X p X X X X Existing Beneficial Use; P Potential Beneficial Use Beneficial Uses of Ground Waters Beneficial Uses Hydrologic M A I p F G Ground Waters Unit Basin R R Number u G N 0 s w N R D c H R E1 Saito HSA * 904.21 X X p X Existing Beneficial Use; P Potential Beneficial Use *These beneficial uses do not apply westerly of the easterly boundary of the right-of-way of Interstate 5 and this area is exempted from the sources drinking water policy. The beneficial uses for remainder of the hydrologic area are as shown. The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying s w s p A H w R L N M L X --~-~·~-·-~·-····-······Ptjority De~~opment P!.~i~~!-~to_~-~!lte! M!lnage~~!l!X~~~---·--------·-··---·-·-·.. ___ J ____ 22 --l .. -- III.E Identification of Primary Pollutants of Concern Any pollutants identified in Table 2-1 of the SUSMP, which are also causing impairment of the receiving waters, shall be considered primary pollutants of concern. Pollutants not identified as primary pollutants are categorized as secondary pollutants of concern. TABLE2-L A.'-ll'ICIPA'IED i\ .. ·",iD POTE!\'11..-\1. Pt.llmm:•~~LmdU~'r'~ Gea.eall'a!lmmt c~tefO"io: "r:a:b 0~13 Boctew l'rio.ti:y l'roiet't Jieatry" Ope .& ~ Oil& .& Cl1le2.'0<ilos Setbm~ ~D."!:i Mrub Ccmpoumh O..b'"-' Sabrtu>ces G.rao;.e Y=::.es l'eo1ici.dec:i Dotu'bod Jl.e:.idiemiil ::;:: X X X X X X Det'l!lopme-m Atto.oloed llr~ ::;:: X X l'(l} P(.Z; l' D"""lopme-m ~Mi:al Det'l!lopme-m l'(l) 1'(1) 1'{.:!) 1'(5) 1'1;5) >QAe-UD! Fdzry lmdmuy X X ~. X(4)(3,; Jl.epllir Shops X X l!.ertmuJm X X X P(l) Hill:.ide D.,..lopme-m X X X X .X X >S,OOOfa ~Lots 1'(1.) Pm .X X 1'(1) .X P(l) Jl.ete.il~ X X X X X O!tt'lm Smets, F~&. ::;:: l'(l; X X.:4;t X 1'(5: P(l) Ft:erW1ys X = ;mlicipated F= po:m111W (I;. A p-zl,PO!lotmtif!md•~ ai•n DIL-a. a; A poll!tJtizl f"'Umtml ii l:h.e proieot .il>ci~ .....,..,.od pattilof w:os. (:.3,; A p-lllial ,POllotmt if l:md ""' m~s :food ox lll'limlll""""" pt!>d!lott.- ~~ ~pe1mlnmhydl:t>OOJ:bllill!C (5,)Ic~.a~. The Grand Madison b~A, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying __ , ____________ Prio_!ity ~-~-y~lop~en~~oject Storm Wat~r Management Plan ____________________________ f _____ 23 ____ l ___ _ IV. Source Control Measures Source Control BMPs are comprised of land use, site planning, structural or nonstructural measures which are intended to prevent the introduction of urban runoff pollution to the storm water conveyance system by reducing the potential for contamination at the source of pollution. Directly following is the source control measures specifically selected for this project. The full general list follows this specific one. Potential Sources of Runoff Pollutants On-site storm drain inlets Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use (For parts of landscaped area which will be disturbed due to installation the IMPs) Permanent Controls Operational BMPs Mark all inlets with the words "No Dumping! I Maintain and periodically repaint or replace inlet Flows to Bay" or similar. markings. Preserve existing native trees, shrubs, and ground cover to the maximum extent possible. Design landscaping to minimize irrigation and runoff, to promote surface infiltration where appropriate, and to minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to Stormwater pollution. Where landscaped areas are used to retain or detain Stormwater, specify plants that are tolerant Provide Storm water pollution prevention information to new site operators. See applicable operational BMPs in fact sheet SC-44, "Drainage System Maintenance", and SD-13 "Storm Drain Signage" in the CASQ Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com A copy of these fact sheets is in the References Section of this report as well. Maintain landscaping using minimum or no pesticides. See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Ground Maintenance", in the CASQA Storm Water Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com A copy of these fact sheets is in the References Section of this report as well. Provide IPM information to new operators. The Grand Madison b~A, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan of saturated soil condition. (The appropriate plants for bioretention facility are herbaceous plants, shrubs and/or small trees) Consider using pre-resistant plants, especially adjacent to hardscape. To insure successful establishment, select plants appropriate to site soils, slopes, climate, sun, wind, and rain. Land Use, air movement, ecological consistency, and plant interactions. Fire Sprinkler Water Test I Provide means to drain Fire Sprinkler Test Water I See the note in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds to Sanitary Sewer. Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.sabmphandbooks.com Condensate Drain Lines Roofing, Gutters, and Trim Sidewalks Condensate Drain Lines may discharge to landscaped areas if the flow is small enough that runoff will not occur. Condensate drain lines may not discharge to the storm drain system. A void roofing, gutters, and trim made of copper or other unprotected metals that may leach into runoff. Sidewalks shall be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. Debris from pressure washing shall be collected to prevent entry into the storm drain system. Washwater containing any cleaning agent or degreaser shall be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer and not discharged to a storm drain. The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan Stormwater Pollutant Sources and source Control Checklist How to Us. this Cheeklist: L R.erinr Colttmn t md mntify \\'bich of tbe'lie pott!ntial ~s of~ polh1t1ttts 3pply 10 yow: project. Chl!ek 11Jcl:t bos ltut :!!ppl.ies. 2 Re'l'il!w CoJ:mnn 2 md moo~ all of 1M oom!Sponding ~ m.!Ps in yom: SUSYP Da\\lings. 3. Rf!ouil!'lli' Co!l:lmn.!i J md 4 md iDoolpoate all ol tb& ~ zppliol:lli! pemunent ecmt::ool<l md opemioml B:Ml'li in a Uble in yow: SUSlfi' Daw:i.ngs. Por PDP's, in }"m SWMP, uw 1M fomut shown in Tm1t 3-t. hllht' SWYP, ~ yom: ~ Bl.~Ps in :m act'Olllpmymg ~. md Kphin :un-~ comditions ot Ynutiom that~ omitting BYPs or substitttting ~lllltifts. IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE ••• THEN YOUR PRCUECT SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL 8MPs PRD.IECT SITE- 1 z 3 4 Potential SclurcM of Pennanent Controls-Shew-Pennanent Contnm;-List ill SWMP Operational 8MPs-lnclude ill lbmoff Polatattts SUSMP . Tallie and Harrative SWMP Tallie and Nanative + : .. On-sitr ,._ dnin +t l..oc'ldiCIIH of~ . +:J Mttd< ~ illl.ds with the -m.: "No +' i Maifttml .ut pl!riodic-lllly ....,...mt or .. ......,n ".w,: ••···• ~ :t"'tnnl'!!l• ..,... .. llimiJK. ' . ~imef~ . . +, f'lvvide sto""""""te-pallutian ~ i.af'........U..11 toll"""mte ~Jes;see. or~II:IC$. +·.! !Ieee ~bR "'P"fttiomd BMPs in P.a !hn!r Sc-+4, "D~ s,.,..,_ um......_.,, • .., ttw CASQA Stuuuwwna Qumty H.utboolcs n .,.,. tAin•nm~;a saii:ID +': IDc:lu.de dw ~in letw llf!lli!'<l!!ml!ll1fS. "Tf!!IHiftt ,. ... _ ........ ~fo~~fo !~.fonD dft.ins «to ,......, or ~it ~ 110.,-c:r.,..H! -~ ~--~ .. ..... 1ef9 The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan I] I] I] D 0 '(! 1g8i I~ a ~ ~urih 1 r~. . Hi Ppf ~~l F.~ei] f . t ~ ~1 t 1 i! 1 l J J ·1 ~l t l 1l.q 1t ~1 • 11 lj1ftjJJtilliil ddl 11 r r~~~ ~~~~ ~ ·.j.' + 0 1-. '! 1'* i i : ~ j :E ll .• ' • J l J i j ] J y c) 1 1 .s .I .x1 I11 s .!1 ·t ~ Ol ...... ~ ~-8 ,. cr: >-·If ~j} rh iii iHn ::: Q) Q ~ l} .11~1 rn cii hi th .( Jl B c ~ ~ fJ 1 ) 1 8 d .. ·c i' i .. Q) ~ rltt Q) !~ !i'! J·· HJ ... c f "(5) 5 .!ll 8 ~ c Q) +:: ·+'' •• ·+: = ~ f: 0 _;::: til ()--~ 11 . 'II ' ~ " 1 ~s ~ s OJ...., -~ ~ .-a_]bi ;;; I c Q) '{.11~ !J j 1~L itll!j Jjtl c s .£! Q) 0.01} !. ~!H tii~ "D til J 1 f ~ ~ ; a .I ' t i ~ c ~ i co~ lljf~~ hJ~ ~111 ·•!l1t J'1il .. [) i ~ 1 ... z I oil! . ~1 111 ~r· ~~ ~ ~ ~ J 1:1 . ' • ll ' ' ~ Jli" ~1· ~~~till ~~ i~! ~~t. 1 § .. 0 ..... ., +. •• +k .j.'t r/J 0 ..... 0 Q) ~ '0' 1-< l ~ ..... ·i ~ ~ Q) 1 s j c Q) 0.. ! .fj 0 :::1 0 !acQ:) .!1 0 Q) > .: 0 :i ~~Q) c-oO 0 CJ 0 c c » rom...., ::? (5 ·c 0 ~ ~·c -r-~ 0 t. Ouldr>ar ~~ of 0 Sbowiiii!Y~~ E"e~~~~, c IDdude sdehri~H ~of 0 See~ Pact Sbet!n SC-31.. "''uhhoar I ~-~ imdudiD.&l:bow~ wiD be 1llllllteiHis m be~~ "'""""• Liquid Cmtam-Star'"="'" .....1 sc- (See n>'lll'!>] Hid I fi>r I:Oftftd. !!bow b ...... ,....,.,. will be Bill 5tnKtm:llil tiost~JJ:e to pll"'''99t 3.3, "'utdooo:' Stlml£'0 af:&sw S4:IIIHCe CODttol ~-.,.. !111d I>HD>ftl10 JKfl'Uilt :nm-pallut!mb fimn ~ stonn dnlil:r&. ~,.in deCA!QA m........,.,.fi>r~ OD ao: rua-clf fimn HelL StauAwildet Qlulitylhndboob st ~.mpm,.....l Wbi!R "PPH""Po:ilde. ~ CIIWWI gbrnnh~liii grJilli mllin~.) 0 Star"'!:" ofDGD~ liq1li& da<:mn..mtliian of .......,.iJmc., ...ub tbe •bdl boo ............I by .. moe UJd/or req~oflocdH~ .:ir.D:tt to de SliDit!u:y _,.,.,.. ~ ~~fiDe llll>ll be ~by 'I:J.Hms,. dill:e:, EDI!r.I,CJO:~ • H:u:!Ordau.s 'CI"ute Gens!Eii<m 0 s~ ofhllz ............ matel:iiah ...... • H:IIZ!Ordau.s Jobterials ~2 ""'"""""DDJStbooin~...ub Response smllmreutaly the locsllu:z>lrdaus mlllll:el:isls ,.,r:diou>ce sud a Hll%ardowl • C!alilionlis .Accicb!mtal ~ .. M~,~Pkofi>rtb<. (Cllii.Alll') ,.m,_ • Aboft.emlllllill ~ Tllllk: • Uaifl:n:m :FUe Code .AI!tic:1e 1!10 Se!ctiaa JM(b) & (c) 1'!191 ·u~~TIIIIk: .. ~111119 I ne Grana MaOISOn DHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan a ~. Vdri<:ltoo !I:Dd a llhowonch~ e~: c If II Cllr .,..,.. __ B ,Dat ptmrided.. Descn"""~~ta ~~ disc:ii:H! ~ tll.1n!!n ta ~ ilnpl-lb .. fi:>~ {if (l) ~/mdum:iti~ -~ au: 'lll'.ll.!lbine:; !I:Dd, ~ luJom ~): ~-mde/equipullltDt lb"'""'"'lriilbe~ ~~ ,ru,]!! f!ilb~pnrride c w .... m...._ &om vebide 1IDd .. ~ bel:med ........ ,_ W!IS~ ~t ,..,.,.biDe:: opes:'lli'licms oiH.II •c:tirities ""'~ -be <J!i,;chn~ fa !be ,._dum 'ftbide/equipment'~by ,_.... ~ha"'"'bibo omd~ •ie-PI""~ ....,m ..,...,._ c Cud~ ,.,mm.m..r:InliY 0......""""' wilb-~ ~- (2) Multi~ cuo:npl""""" .m.n ~II plWI!<f, bemled. iiDd .,.,...,.,.,.{ c lleei'IICt Sheo!t sc-:u. '"Vdlide m:td C!lr 'OII'llsh _..,.('~!DR= C1D"~ Equipcnent a~· m 1he CA:SQA i• pr<>hil>m!d <>D-'<ilr ,....,_ ~ """ l!hlll::m'll!!lta Qwl&y H:IIJ>dboab lit J"'D"'ided ....n1t 11111 -tic ,."hoi'-,.,__csbznl!h...,.n,..,.ob_com o!l£t<>di~ such u,...)- (3) ""~ ~~~r~~•, for~' .....nicles, !I:Dd ~I!Dt !lhd be pnl!d., ~to preveutnm-cm mar :nmof£ li:om !be......._ ,...d plmnbed to dJ:IIir1 to the .....wuy '"""""""- (4) Ca.........-cid 00: ......m &cili!ies siH.II be~ ....,m Ibm...,. :nmof£ ......... the &cility ir; ~11>1be..tat:mduin oym..m_ w..--r:.u... thl!! &cility !i!IHII di..::hlii<F to 1he si~Ditu.y ~ .. Or A W!IS!bi!WW_RJ' -=luns.ti<m ~ :ob:d be m.,tdJed. ..... ~~ ... The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan 0 • ' • f 0 0 [jt D D c L.Pl.-W~ 0 I'~ ...,.,..• shloll Juivoe c Thepo:CIIJM'DY....,.,.,., ... ..Udry~ ~" m.p...:me'"bl" llloms (Le, pm:thod tho. fu..Jiinc"""""" ~- t:'eiiii!:Dt~ oo:eq~ omooth~ ~}!hilt 0 s..., tho. :s..,iJ:>H,. ~ Sbefl, """: .. )~lit !he minimum •Automotive ~~ .. !IICIJI"' ~toP'~ po:m!1ine; ~~mthl! CASQA~ .md.b) ~ fi:mn tl:le """t a£ Qmdity lUndboob !It ttR !lite by "' en• bred:: that i&WW glirmJIIll~liiii iiilliiJ ~ rwH>II of .li-to t!RDJSD<i:mum -pDI~- p~...,.,..,hd!be~by ... ~ ih.llt~ .. ~of 0 h'n f"loet: in u.ch ~OD &om ......::h p!D!IP-~The~ _,. DJUSt be~ liDd !he C<WH's miDimwn dimem:iomt- M eq>W. to"" ~ tlum tho. U1!i1 athio. t:De en• bred:: .... meJ ~---J Thecumpy[or <::O'II'el:] shd! not dr;ain aatr> tbl! ~ ......... i I 'f ....... 118jt ,...,. o!liillw: ddl""'..tti 1!.1; """"~'* 011~ <iCU lio<:ti'Mut l!.l;-itJI ... o!lir-l~M .... ~~~~ ibc"-""'4-Jtlt -l'dr ""'¥M ............. " ~-<iC<>""' 1'001, ......,~ lo IIJri'*fft .... T ... I ne Grana MaOISOn DHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, suNeying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan a ·-~Docb a Shaw" pmimiz>luy de!lien for the a M..-~ !IDd unlolrded itemo i :lo...tin£ dock,...,.,~ ~!115-D""~- rocl'inf: omd ~-Lo!lldiD£: t:'locb "!Wl be ~ v:sd/m: a S.,.,. P..rt Sheet SC..JO, "'utduor: ~<Oiled 11:> millimize .....-.... to !IDd. Lo..dine: ~md. u>~~a~ ... m tbe r:tm>D<fr li:mn & losdine: ....,... 1loc:J£ CUQA~Qutality ~ shd be posilianed to Hv:sdboab "' direct-~,_,., &am tbe ... .,"' gllimlbm:tdhn.n.AIIIiilrm 1o!lldiD£: .....,.,_ W~~~B: frnlnwllline" dock-shoulld be m..irted to tbe •..ml:uy ..,....,.. ....ru.m. &!Dible.. Direct CODDectioall to o!ltoDD duiml froon ...,._,,.l!!d ~ <kH:k:o ...... pmlnDiteol. a ~tloclc,_..., ~ al!!dly to & ~ ~•h..n Jb,. equipped 1l!ilb II spill Cllllllral ft}n,ar~ ~ • ...midi .~a.~~,.,. hpt c:lm!ed ~periods af <>pftlltian- a p ................. f~....,tbe 1o!lldiD£:......, or =td •dcJ.or "ldtt!O (~ 111: .,.,m b..y lbd .... ci ...... tbe tend .of tho! tmilrL . +. ' N. PUe. Spo:inlder T..st +: ~ .. .........,.to.mun&n.~ +I s.,.,. tbe aote u. F1Kt Sr-.t sc-41, J ttf W11ta -.. -'lll'lll'l9: to the ,.,..m...,. ,..,.._._ •.. ' "'BuiJdiae' !IDd Ground!! M!lirt..........,.,, .. m tbe CASQA Stoan~ Qwo&y Hsmdboob !If wwn• mbllmll~lriiiii ~m .......... 1 ne Grana Mamson DHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan 0. MHcell!Uiftl.., Dmin c BcMier duin li.ms shall be di:recdy ""' or'lll'Hb W:11ter ~~totbo!~ ,..,....,!: ~ !llll:1d may not diS<;~ c Boilet: dr:llm lmH to the~ lillmin ~-- + c~~ m:..m lim!s ~+: ~-d!:llinlim!s.....,. ~ to 1llllmc,qed • ....,. if the lkmr is §null c llooftap equipme>t ~thAt .......££will not OCCUL ~-lklllli:!:lli!>IB.....,. ...... a Dw:~""'""'P" ~to the !Itaim. dr..m ,.,.-.. +:~,~ ...... B.ooflap IIIIJIIIIIed equipDeDt "flrilh m.:r_ paen1isd to~ pc>But .... ts ~~~~~~~ c be .....r..d'llml/01: ...._ ~ COD~ ll.7:r<f <IRinaee SIJD1P" cm-sitie ,.111111 ~ .. ~liUIDJ' to~·t12 c <(ll!'JIIJiity cfsedimoeat io ~ Wllter. A-ln:rid ~. ="·It,.,., !llll:1d aim Dlllllllle or e<>pper m: otber 111!1p101:10Ctm .....c.~s .+: i th:llt:auoyleti:hiofo DIIIO!f.. +! •. !'l..z=.~. +' ~-.... ~ ..... ~!lob ..... psrki:rJ.e' Jon. m.D!be""""Pt~to~ the~ cflilter !llll:1d debris. Deblisfroon~~shall boe cone.:t-ed to p~ <!Dby into die staot:m duiD ~ W~ter ccm ... in>ne: !IIJ1Y ~ ~t !II' -~ sh!ooU be~ ..... disc~ to the slllllifluy,..,..,.,., ;md ----------------------------·-----not disduB:~~d_ to ,. ,.tonn dr:llio. ...... .,. 1 ne Grana Mamson DHA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan V. Low Impact Development (LID) Project Design Strategies The LID Strategies for managing runoff from paving can provide multiple, complementary benefits to the project. Pervious surface reduce heat island effects and temperature extremes. Landscaping improves air quality, create a better place to live or work, and upgrades value for rental or sale. LID drainage design can also conserve water and reduce the need for drainage infrastructure. All the Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) are designed based on the Section 4 of City of Carlsbad SUSMP dated January 14, 2011. V.A. Optimization of Site Layout The site proposes removing all of the existing improvements and buildings on-site. There are no opportunities to preserve natural features as most all of the natural aspects of the site are long since removed. The general drainage pattern along with the storm water discharge location are maintained in the proposed development. V.B. Layout and use of permeable pavements or other pervious surfaces There are no proposed pervious paver areas for this project. V.C. Dispersal of runoff from impervious areas to pervious areas All roof and building surface runoff will be conveyed into a private storm drain system, prior to discharging into existing storm drain facilities in Grand A venue and the curb and gutter in Madison Street. V.D. Drain Impervious Surfaces to Engineered TCBMP's or IMP's The stormwater generated on the proposed development will be captured and treated by flow through planter for water quality treatment. The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan VI. Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) will be utilized in this project to provide a long- term solution to water quality and flow control. VI.A. Selection process for IMPs targeting pollutants-of-concern The primary pollutants of concern for this project are sediments, nutrients, bacteria & viruses. This project proposes the use of flow through planters to mitigate the pollutants of concern to the maximum extent practicable. As described in Section I.D Opportunities and Constraints of this report, the IMPs/TCBMPs which would be proposed is dependent upon the soil type and available area for the treatment facility. For this project, flow through planters were chosen as the system best able to treat the runoff to the maximum extent practicable meet the Carlsbad SUSMP HMP requirements. VI.B. Sizing factors for IMPs The proposed flow through planters shall be sized for water quality treatment control only. The project is exempt from hydromodification. The sizing factor is the ratio of the design intensity of rainfall on tributary impervious surfaces (0.2 inches/hour) to the design percolation rate in the facility (5 inches/hour), or 0.04 (dimensionless). The minimum 0.04 sizing factor is the consistent countywide sizing factor for bioretention facilities when used for stormwater treatment only (i.e. not for flow control). The results for the required minimum TCBMP/IMP Areas for bioretention areas from Table 4-7 of the HMP are also included in this report. The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan VI.C. Geotechnical recommendation on soil infiltration rates The design soil infiltration rate is 5 inches/hour, based on the sizing factor for stormwater treatment, from the City of Carlsbad SUSMP date 2011. VI.D. Infiltration calculation (drawdown time) for any self-retaining areas serving as an IMP No infiltration into soils are proposed for this project. The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan IX. Documentation of Stormwater Design The stormwater classification for this project includes areas draining to IMPs and self- treating areas. IX.A. Drainage Management Areas The project site is comprised of (11) Drainage Management Area (DMA). The DMA is designed to address the treatment component of the mitigation plan consistent with the unified LID design approach. Self-Treating Areas Self-Retaining Areas Areas That Drain to Self-Retaining Areas Areas That Drain to Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) Areas That Drain to Structural Treatment Control BMPs Areas That Drain to Proprietary Treatment Control BMPs Total Number ofDMAs 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 The Grand Madison bl-fA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan IX.B. Tabulations IX.B.l. Self-treating areas The self-treating areas are designated using methods described in Section 4 of the City SUSMP. The self-treating areas include no impervious area and slopes are gentle enough to ensure runoff will be absorbed into the vegetation and soil. Self-treating areas will drain off site. The locations and limits of all Areas Draining to IMPs are delineated on the DMA Exhibit. See DMNIMP Sizing Exhibit in the Attachments section of this report for detailed calculations. IX.B.2. Self-retaining areas N/A IX.B.3. Areas draining to self-retaining areas N/A IX.B.4. Areas draining to IMPs/TCBMPs The IMPs are sized using methods described in Section 4 of the City SUSMP. Areas draining to IMPs are multiplied by a sizing factor to calculate the required minimum size of the IMP. The identification ofDMA surface types and runoff factors are enumerated in the following Tabulation of Areas Draining to DMAs. The locations and limits of all Areas Draining to IMPs are delineated on the DMA Exhibit. See DMNIMP Sizing Exhibit in the Attachments section of this report for detailed calculations. IX.B.5. Sizing Calculations This project will use treatment control BMP sizing factors (Water Quality Treatment only) to size the required bioretention facilities. See the printouts on the previous page for the results. A minimum sizing factor of 0.04 for flow through planters will be used. See also DMA Sizing Exhibit in Attachments. The Grand Madison b~A, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan X. BMP Facility Maintenance Requirements This section was prepared based on the Section 5 of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP. The goal is to ensure that the Project proponent (Patrick McGuire) accepts responsibility for all facility maintenance, repair, and replacement to maintain, repair, and replace facilities in perpetuity and comply with the City of Carlsbad staff conducted inspection findings, self-inspection, reporting, and verification requirements. Long-term maintenance ofthese facilities is intended to be conducted by a Home-owners Association to be determined (HOA TBD). Proper documentation and maintenance manuals will be submitted per City of Carlsbad requirements. X.A. Description of ownership and responsibility of maintenance The City of Carlsbad will enter into a Storm water Facilities Maintenance Encroachment Agreement with access rights and covenants (SWFMA), with Patrick McGuire to maintain designated IMPs herein SWMP Report for the Project. The SWFMA will serve as the mechanism to ensure that proper inspection and maintenance is done in an efficient and timely manner. These IMPs are considered as private facilities which will be granted within an easement to maintain the facilities as part of the municipal storm drain system. Responsible Party Patrick McGuire PATRICK SMITH, LLC 2609 Ocean Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Patrick McGuire shall maintain the facilities from the time they are constructed in perpetuity and comply with its own staff conducted inspection findings, self-inspection, reporting, and verification requirements. This can be done with hiring a management company as an agent and execution of an agreement to maintain the facilities as well as an annual inspection fee. Once a permanent Home-owner's Association is established, these responsibilities will be transferred. X.B. Summary of maintenance requirements for each stormwater facility Inspection and maintenance requirements of flow through planters, landscaping and irrigation system, and storm drain inlet marks will be done twice a year and after each storm. Inspection can be accomplished using the inspection and maintenance tables herein. Also, at the discretion ofthe Project proponent, a qualified stormwater company may be hired to perform the required inspection and maintenance and provide the necessary reports. See the Tables below for facilities inspection and maintenance requirements. The Grand Madison bi-JA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan I f d Maintena --Table --· BMPType Field Measurement Inspection Maintenance Indicator Maintenance Activity Frequency Flow Visual observation for sediment, trash Twice per Sediment accumulation and Remove accumulated sediment, trash Through and debris accumulation. year, prior debris present at the bottom of and debris in the basin and dispose of Planter to October basin (specially at the inflow properly by vactor truck or equal. The Visual observation for vegetation 15 (rainy points) by the bypass structure. sediment, debris, and trash removal health. Greater than 50% damaged season), shall take place when the basin is dry. vegetation. during Greater than 50% damage to Dispose of trash, debris, sediment and early dry vegetation. Dead or diseased other waste materials shall be done at Visual observation of the drain time, season vegetation. suitable disposal/recycling sites and in standing water for more than 24 hours (April), and compliance with all applicable local, test with garden hose. Monitor and after each Standing water for more than state, and federal waste regulations. record the water level periodically to major 24 hours. ensure proper drainage through the storm event Remove and replace all dead and basin. (0.75 in). Damaged inlet/outlet diseased vegetation, replace vegetation structures, erosion, cracking, with vegetation with similar growth Abate any potential vectors by filling spalling, and deterioration. requirements, treat vegetation using holes in the ground in and around the preventative and low-toxic measures to bioretention facility and by insuring Toxic concentration of the extent possible. Reestablish in that there are no areas where water pollutants and low permeability accordance with the original stands longer than 48 hours of the soil reduced cation specification. Vegetation cover shall be following a storm.( See County of San exchange capacity of the soil. reestablished to the 85%. Diego Vector Control home page: http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/deh/pests/v Abate any potential vectors by Confirm that no clogging will occur and ector disease.html. filling holes in the ground in that the basin will drain within 24 and around the bioretention hours. Drain facility. Check over flow Areas of bare earth are exposed, mulch facility and by insuring that structure and unclog it. Check layer less than 3 inches. there are no areas where water permeability of the planting soil and if stands longer than 48 hours it is less than 5 inch per hour then Visual observation for structural following a storm. If mosquito remove the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil integrity: if there is any erosion, larvae are present and and replace it with a fresh soil mix. cracking, spalling, deterioration. persistent, The Grand Madison bl--tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan BMPType Field Measurement Inspection Maintenance Indicator Maintenance Activity Frequency Lab test shall be done for the soil PH( Repair or replace any damaged or PH shall be between 5.5 to 6.5), and disconnected components. toxic concentration (Pollutants load). Prune and weed to maintain the bioretention area's appearance. Replenish mulch to 3 inches. Spot mulch when bare spots appear. The entire surface area of the bottom of the basin shall be remulched every 2 to 3 years. Mulch replacement shall be done prior to the start of the wet season. Generally soil may need to be replaced within 5-10 years of construction. $50.00each Annual Maintenance Cost ---~------ The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan XI. SWMP Certification Statements XI.A. Preparer's statement The selection, sizing, and design of stormwater treatment and other control measures in this Report meet the requirements of Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R-9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments. Date The Grand Madison bi-IA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan XI.B. Owner's statement We hereby acknowledge that this project is subject to the stormwater quality regulations of the City of Carlsbad and certify that this project will provide satisfactory storm water quality measures both during the construction process and afterwards. If this project is designated as a Priority or a Standard Project, we further acknowledge our understanding that the permanent stormwater treatment features must remain in place, be inspected at least once annually, and be maintained in good working order. Removal or modification of these features without prior City authorization is prohibited. We certify that we have reviewed the information contained in this form and verified that it is both complete and correct. Q~~ sfl<t/\-s Owner Signature Date Owner Signature Date Printed Name of Owner The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc, 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, suNeying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan Attachments DMA/IMP Sizing Exhibit Single Sheet Post-Construction BMP Exhibit Soil Type B DMA1 ROOF DMA2 Slope Class I Flat I DMA Area (sq /t} 7695 0 Rain Gauge Oceanside Post-Project sur/ace type roof+dwy+patio ldsp Low Flow Threshold I o.1a2 DMA Runoff Factor 1.0 0.1 Total Areax runoff /actor 7695 0 7695 IMP Sizing Factor A1 0.04 I 807 roo1+dwy+patio 1.0 807 IMP Sizing · 3RD FLOOR t-----+----"----<--'---+----+-----1 : 0 ldsp 0.1 0 Factor A1 Total 807 0.04 DMA3 2ND FLOOR 2729 roof+dwy+patio 1.0 2729 IMP Sizing Min Area 308 0 ldsp 0.1 0 Factor, A1 ·Min Area Total 2729 0.04 I 109 Proposed Area I 512 Proposed Proposed Area I 110 The Grand Madison bl-tA, Inc. 725 Grand Avenue land planning, civil engineering, surveying Priority Development Project Storm Water Management Plan .IMP Name I Basin 1 I :IMP Name I Basin 3 I TENTATIVE MAP FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES CT CDP CP // ---~~:_:::::·-:,:::::_c-=co_ -----------------------//// ------------_ __ / r I 1 ""--EXIST. 8" VC SEWER ~------------ <' ,,_)_/~ ... ,/''--~.s· ~;--c.· ----. ~) J '} ----------( <>' > -------· ' . ---------. -('S :J . '" -----" . ··.--.-. / i I I '--- '· {\. ':.:<' ,,;<i .:· ... ,_ ~ c ·_, ! • -· "-...•-.. I ··.---~--· ' / ..... _ -;-· ---------------- / --..... ----~ : : • I / / I .. 0 10 20 30 ~~~~~~~~~ SCALE: 1" = 10' :;; PER DWG 118-9 ~ --\- EXIST. 8' VC SEWER PER DWG 118-9 ('• ' _,/-..!"'-. (5:~-"---'-----=-t,•,..;c.' ++•:'7::7-)-----(S I ____ _,:;;-;)~---b.,-=;----~£~--- sn __ _ > SD \ \ \ '/;.-·· '-." ;-, ... _) -. ::_-:_) (/) \ / C'v/., ----------. Co~) . SD SD -r-' SD FUlURE 36" RCP SD _/ PER DWG 457-4H >~id-~. -------~r:$_;~:_ ~) ·-•• J l SD ·--· ' .~-~·· ,\: _,.___ --- "'Y""' (-..... .--.. ,-... ~ '-.~~ ---. --.. ---=-·---·---- <. , __ , / y , _____________ ;~ ---" :.·~, -· EXIST. CURB &_ GUTT£:f TO REMAIN LIMITS OF .. INtPROVEMEI'HS " ~-"~-~--~~·~/·--------~~"~· / . ,."'· ~·----::-.~~~--" ~;,-~;/-f--- EXIST. 8" HDPE ~ ; .c STORM DRAIN ",.1 ,)1----/'"'-" -----.' '·)~-:---- ;·- :_:/ . .. . i' -·" \ _/" [\l! . g w 0> ~ ~I' I (.) 00 : >;:::::- • 0 ·~~ .. ·t; xw:: . w 0.. I .. I '·'-·> •• I EXIST. CURB & ·-.. •c:·· i GUTTER TO REMAIN -''::" -~ AREJNG SPACES ·_ cc;r ~-PROPOSED 4 ~ . z:~ • .·.,. . 0 9' gj 7 ~---~----..~-,. > ~ 7" :.-:s- • 3" SIDEWALK UNDER DRAIN 'I I• --------- THE G V MADISON SITE PLAN <> t, _ _.J_/' .•. _c..../.. -----..-- / /--, -~ -GRAND A VENUE EXIST. CURB & ... -···-(\-/ 1 ----(\,./) ---( \-/ :. -----------· (:.:) ____ Wr:TER ,T,O, REMAIN !v)• ----~ " ., ... '.. . .. 3-7" STEPS : .' 7 LOBBY 49.34 FF ELEV. SD /" <:' 7' ' ·-----------· .. , __ . -'--"' ELEV. • :STAIR 1 N55'57' 48'E 140.01' EXIST. 1 0" VC SEWER '" . PER DWG 118-9 •. • • . . •. .. . • ··I-, ,_ ., ... ~ <! ~<:1· I" -I' ' . .. • LIMITS OF PL . • • REMOVE EXIS • DRIVEWAY AND CONS-lRUC URB, TTER &SIDEWA · . . 23" . ' 7. _,,. -~~ . ., .... SD " ..... , .. , "·'------- .;.:::_~ ~ . ; .;1 .. <). --c! ........ . -~"!!-~-:~ .'~'< __ \ .. __ _ ('vi)--- FUlURE 36' RCP SD PER DWG 457-4H . --. . -._ ....... '··· ( \:/) -----(\,f) -----( \-/) --------('v;) ------(\/) --- _ ._ .. CONNECT TO FUlURE • 36"--RCP STORM DRAIN, CONC LU(;-PER-Do-:§3 I IE 43.6 ~ 36" RCP - +---~-I_E _IN_44·~; 18" RCP S~-~;. :------: • SD /-_.--;-. ·:___:_ -- . ·y··-'·· ···--·-''\~-:-_:::.:~t-~--~· -~ '-' ·. \ ---··---. ..---- REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE 'c·IN-HAND ,_, ·.• 18" ~CP @ 0.8% I LIMITS OF IMPROVEMENTS ~ ~ ~ '<."- '"-"" ;;· '( ' __ :;.: -TYP(A-4 c.o. I IE ;IN. 45.4 • dE OUT 45.1 ,. '· '· --~" L --------------- / -....... --.·--------.. IMPfib-VEMOOS. l ___ ---· ---------------.-. ------· -~ --· / ·-,_' ' 'i APPROVED THIS IS THE APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP /SITE PLAN FOR PROJECT NO.____ PER CONDITION NO. OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. __ _ PLANNING DIVISION DATE ENGINEERING DIVISION bi-IA,Inc. land planning, cMI engineering, surveying 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE "L" CARLSBAD, CA. 92008-4387 DATE (7so) 931-87oo SHEET 3 OF S PLANlER saow 3n:l FLOOR OPEN TO BELOW ~ ~ 0 : ~ § m STORAGE '~ ~ ROOF :: ~ BELOW ~ 'l ~ PL.ANlER 9£LOW 2nd FLOOR ............ ----··-·-·---· ROOF ----------.. ""''" ------- I _____ ................ "'"'" -------- I OEa< ' ' ' i : \ ' llECI( ~ ""' I -\\ I ' if" -1 -r-' POTENliN.. ISING WAUQfFIC£ ' 2,767 S.F. NET ' 3,458 S.F. GROSS . / ' OFFlCE ~ ' I r::-1,298 S.F. NET I' 1,622 S.F. GROSS • i . II • ! : ' I ! ' : : T"TTI : i -. . DECK -;-PLAN1ER ' • ' • ' ., ' ' : Tr • •,, ',,,." • . ' ' ' • : .. · ... i ' : . • f'"·-·· ' ' ' ,-,, ~ STMR2" ' ' I "'-"· ! ' i OPEN TO BELOW ' . i i : " i : ~N : ,,----==-------------~=-~==- ' •; I ' • II I I '"c f ~ 1'-F~-~w THROUGH PLANTER i sr•R i ' ROO' fH ---···· '"'"'"'""''"'"'"'"'"'"'""'' --~-" =·=:=-=-"'"'"'"',.~=·=·=~-:-'"""' BELOW ~.' PL.ANlER BELOW : -----.. -------... "-=~"-''-'--------------------------------------------·"""'" --------------~~~~-~-----···--- THIRD FLOOR CONDO UNIT A 2 BEDROOM 1,407 S.F. DECK FOURTH FLOOR ""' OFFICE 1,298 S.F. NET 1,622 S.F. GROSS SECOND FLOOR ......... -=---=--=-·-----· CONDO UNIT C 2 BEDROOM 1,258 S.F. • CONDO UNIT D 2 BEDROOM 1,4154 S.F. DECK 1,428 S.F. '"" .. I FLOW THROUGH PLANTER OPEN TO BELOW Pl..ANlER BELOW DECK DECK : 1 POJEN]AL r·NG WAll. P01EN11AL ISlNG WAilQFFJCE 2,767 S.F. NET 3,458 S.F. GROSS ROOTED, DENSE, DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTING SUITABLE FOR WELL DRAINED SOIL LOT 1 PAD EL: 63.67 A-2:1 MAX !!lf"'--2-:i' MULCH ENGINEERED SOIL MIX* OF PEA GRAVEL IMPERMEABLE THROUGHOUT 7-12" DEPTH OF 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK FOR STORAGE 2~4" PERFORATED PVC PIPE *ENGINEERED SOIL MIX SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM SUSTAINED INFILTRATION RAT£ OF 5"/HR. MIX SHALL BE SANDY LOAM TOP SOIL CONSISTING OF 50% SAND 30% PLANTING SOIL, 20% SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. FLOW THROUGH PLANTER NOT TO SCALE I~ . , ... .... .. .. ' ' ' ' .. --------- ' \ UNE Of BUilDING ""-..._ ~\ WAll ABOVE ' ' ' I. ,_\, ' 17 t: ' \ "--~-~ ' -~ ------- u' g LOBBY 457 SF ,, ~ ' ...,_ ~~ "'t L~II!ISl: ' =~ ~ FLOW THROUGH PLANTER FIRST FLOOR 5' o' 1 o· 2o' 30' -~~~~~~~ SCALE: 1'' 1 0' 15C 1S ---- ----------- _COMMERCIAL RETAIL -3,680 S.F. NET 4,600 S.F. GROSS ·t·=· T'ff'E 111 CONS1RUC11Qn 1D-o" GEIUNG HEIGHT " '" ,,, c . ' '" COVERED PARKING 24 SPACES 6,308 SF 5-2 occ. TJPE 1118 CONSIRUCTlON I" 21 I" " -------- c I" \-2 PARKING sTAlL UFT ' ,_, PARKlNG STALl; UFT ·~, PARKING STAll. lJFT ,_, PARKJNG STAll lJFT STAIR 2 lE 7 ~~ LEGEND: DMA 1 -ROOF AREAS DRAINING TO 4TH FLOOR PLANTER-----V/? U/ ij//j DMA 2-4TH FLOOR AREAS DRAINING TO JRD FLOOR PLANTER---&"-~~~ DMA 3 -2ND FLOOR AREAS DRAINING TO 1ST FLOOR PLANTER 1:-)(y\X(X\,C',()Yg DMNIMP SIZING EXHIBIT THE GRAND MADISON ------- bliA,Inc. land planning, cMI engineering, suweying 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE "L" CARLSBAD, CA. 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700