HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 71-05; Loma Laguna Unit 2; Soils Report; 1974-12-24L ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- WILLIAM 5. KROOSKUS 6 ASSOCIATES crq I-OS- December 24, 1974 Mr. Lewis Chase Bee Ccc company 3095 state street Carlsbxl, California 92008 SUliJECT: Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Loma Laguna Unit No. 2 East of Park Drive 2nd Loma Laquna Drive CarlshAd, California Dear Mr. Chase: Job Ko. 74-4445 SUMMARIZING TI!C ATTACHED FI:W.i, REPORT OF CKRTIFICATION OF CCWlPACTEI1 FILLS, IT IS OUR OPINlON, BA:SEI) UPOX FIELD INVI~STIGRTIONS APJD LABO? - ATORY 'TESTS, 'I'I'AT 'Tl!E FOLLOKIIP:G ST.A':'L:MENT:; APPLY TO 1,o.m LnGuNA UNIT X0. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lots 103, 120, 125, and 127, wcrc yradcd such that SOKL! n:oderateIy expansive soils occur at finish grade elevations. Ple;\sc refer to the recommendations in the: rear c~f this report for the affected clay lots. All grading work on this subdivision has heen performed in qeneral accordance with the Report of Scil Lnr~ostigation prepared by William S. !;rooskos & Associates anii dated .Januar-y 2, 1973. All lots have been graded in accordance with the finish pad elevations as shown on the Final Gradinq Plan pre:~arctl by Rick Engineering Company and dated October 1, 1974. The fill rr,;ltcrials have been properly placed, comp<%cted and tested to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density ant! will safely support the proposed rcsidrntj~al t)-l:r structures and other improvements. The soils that were used in the filled ground, having been compacted to a mininum~ of 90 percent of maximum dry density, have a safe bearin? value of 2,000 pounds per square foot. This soil bearing value is also applicable to the cotxpacted natural around. Residential type foundations and fc3lot~i~ngs when founded at least 12 inches below finish grade nay be designed with the aforementioned bearing value. The conpacted natural ground and'the compacted fills possess sufficient bearing capacity to prevent future differential settlements, and will safely support the proposed structural loads. Kcl~ort OF Certificiltion of Compacted Fill Lana L.iguna bnit No. 2 .To!, :jo. 73 -444; East of Park Drive and Lona Ldijuna Drive Car 1 shad, California - ,- - - - - 7. The qrdding o:xration consisted of mixing non-expa:isix:c soils with expansive soils to prodl;ce a blend of soils that ~~osscssc:; low ~~olume chan<~c: ch~~racter istics as ncr~sured by the :ian 1~i~eqr~ C(:unty Tc:st for I:x[>ansive Soils. This soil blend was utilizecl within tw, feet of finish qr,?dc elevations. 8. !;i.nce <al 1 l~oose surface soils have been either- rermvcxl and/or recor:p:~ctcr?, scttlencnt of the natural qrouxl and conpactc,d fills un;!cr the ;:ropose~l structural loads will he neyliqi i~'lc and si101ild occur- d,urinq t!>e ::erioci ot constructi~on. 9. cut ani- fill slog:"" of 2.0 !iorizontal to 1.0 \.ertical ;:re stLiI)li. for- tlx n.iturc31 qround soils on this site and thcsi, saw :+oil~s us~.l in the Go3pactcd fills. ;;e s i 13 c (> r c 1 x,.' cinr~)rc~sciJte having :lad ths o:>nortunity to prox,ide our s c 1.-v i cc s 0 n ts !I i s 3 r 0 j cc: t . Kcsprctfully submittcxi, l.'iLL:Iw s. KR00s;'3' & .?,s':qC'L:.':'i:; !\SK: :;k;m (5) :\dclrcs:-cc! ~~!!L&&J lk!$cL.-.~- i:lllian S. Kroo&os, l'resi.dt!nt IiCI. ~1131,8 - - - - - - - ,- ,- - ,- - - - - - - - RKiWRT Ok' C1:R'::1C‘iCA':'l@X OF COMPACTTD F'ILL LOWi 1,iiGCX.A li:JIT NO. 2 E:AYT OF PARI: DRIVI: ANi) LOMA LAGLiNA DRIVI: CARLSf3.D , C;XI,LFORPIiA SCOPT. : __- Thi 5 rcpor: has ?eer. prcparcd to cstahlish the dfqict <I? c~~li.!~,~i~~~tri~:l of the fill materials placed c:nd corn.pactcd on til- sui,ji:ct :sulj!~! ivj -,i 1: and ir:s:!cctcd and tested by our firm fron Octnircr lC, thrc;u(qli Decfmlxr 16, 1974. The yddinq !mrk was p~~forncJ _ 13~ Temnlcton Gradir:a iin<1 IJxc ;/r Tl:c subject subdivision \;iis /.+ ,I'-in:: under our tlirect supervision. craLled and i;rep;lrec! for the placement of single and/or two Stnr:/ rcsi:!enti,il tyr~:e structures tn be constructed of stand,zrd type: hbldlnq zdtmzi~:il~s. 'The: cradinc: o::xrtztj 0:: xai ocrformed ir; accorc!zl~:ct, xitil the "C,,-~rdin(j ~srcific;!tions", incl!.ldcd 11~: this report and rzcetinq the ri:coxr:eni!.i- t;on.s of t.11r .Rr~?:?or-t of C-oil Lnvcstigatj~on of this stibiiivision .; i~tr' nrcr~,zretl !~,y I~,il.l~i ,:::Y 5 i:::13is?::).-, h Assnci;itPs ;in: (;a:<,:! ,T;:ci;:r',' .!, i~?73. 1 1.i .&(litir~,n, A:1 ln!;~c:!i:t i on ,.>f cazh !oc !:it!l ri,s:1i:ct top expa:lsive soils b.ri.5 .~-i>-;(,rryc,.$ at t!le co?;:l~:tin:: :-5 thii ?cradir:q operation. 'The classificati.oc I, ixpa:~siv~: cixl I;<>*: ~-cxp3nsilli! lots JOWL' jncludc~: in the rear 0,: this report. SITC: .__ Lorla LaquI;a Subdivision Unit lie. 2 consists of Lots 67 thrc;uql~ 12'1, iwlusi.vc . Thcsc lots consist of a conhl~nati on ot [Tr;:lei:, ca?. and fill lots. "REPARA'PION OI: ZTT':: -___~-.-- --~ ;,;cEore any fill xii% ::l;cal on the subdivision the cXi~s';iP.rj i>ro;lnd was cleared of ,111 vqctaticn, !:)rlsh a~:,! ,icl:ris tc ,ri:",c the surface a neat and Einii;he<~l a.;~pear~anse . 'The excavated ver:.,tatio:i, brui;h .and debris war, re~:~nve~i iron tilri site. Prior tn ylac i.n:: i i Ii , the : ; 1x3 ;~illtural c!-wn? 'b:i\s sc.~>riFii:c! to 2 depth of ~oml,i?ctc,'.?t;n~c~~~t~~~ :c""yr :.:Jtcretl to c>ptirxm l-cfpirimc,nt s nnd t l~ist 90 :.crccnt of nasir:ur. ilr\. denzity. FILL ElATERIAT>' i\NI) PL.ACE!'IENT: -__.--- ~--- The fill rmtcrial?; w'rc ol~>t;ti:xd ir-01~ the on--site cxc~~v~tion~. T h !~ 1: <- fill rraterials primlri ly consist r,? silt;f s~nils, sand:;, an-! sand) clays. Thcsc silty sands and s;lnils are non-exp;ins.i\rc; thcrcfrarc, pnssess less thar. tl:rc?o pcrccnt swell as ne,:?su!ed h;- the Car: !?leqo county Test :or I'X~~:X:;iVC Soils. The sandy clays have ri>dc?rati~ cxpans-vc c~,~~r~~cteri.stlc~~ Iwith a swell varvi~nq froi,~: th:-ce to ui:?x percent zs ;-e~su:-~d i-1, the alfori;:;enti~oncd tcr;'; . 'These f i.11 rmtc:.ri.llr 7,:rc !- 1.~act:~2 in 1,3!;erc not cxceedinc .:i~x ,! I:chr~,:, in cr,mpactrd t.hickncss, ~xicrct'. to optlmur rcquircnents , and ccn~YJacti?cl hy v.e;ins 0: heavy construction eq~uip!zcnt including ;In 825 self-pr-o:,elli:d co: .;~,5ctQil- and -;!!eepsfnot roller. !“lgc 2 Re:‘or:t of Ccrtifi~cLxtioa of Corl.pactcd Fill Lom3 I,aqun;i Gnit No. 2 East of Park Drive and Lor:a Laguna Drive Carlsl~>ad , California - - - - - - - - - - - J ci h I< c’ . 7 - 4 4 i FIELD INVCSTIGATIONS: -- --- -,-_ Field (:ensit:~ tests WCXC’ taken as iquircd at le,ist v.rcry two feet. ii: vertical thickness of the compacted fil.ls. ‘:‘hc results of ith:!sr~ tc:;ts -rc s;:r,l:;xizeti il: the enclosed Fiqurc No. I. The f iilld den::! t) t e s t s we r E t i’ I: v n i r. \ cz c 0 r d a n c c w i L h A . s . T . ‘1 . ‘Test MctiKxl D 15?C . Mni~i;turc cli!C!.lr:‘: init irins :,‘erc r.odf Croni ClCh in ~>ldCi, field kc:;1 . The’ rel;iti’Jc connactivn ds sur:n:arized fcr CJC!? test is the rai.jo ~:v!’ the field dcnsi~t; to t!lc maxi::.url lakmratory :lcnsity e:~pr~ssed as ‘I ::~erccnta,~~c for the conpar;~i:l,e matcri;ils. Iluri *iii t I?(~, i.r;idic,;; o;:cr;:tion, clav soil samples wi:rc ole~tai~r,ed fror: ~~!Fi’c~tcxl lot:: .~ntl IJrouqht tc‘ the iaborat9ry where swell tests I.:O r c then pcrforriiil. Li,llOI:‘TORY ‘I’I,:Sl’S : .A t t Iit? t irie t hc ~cil inver;tii~.ltion was cnr,dilcteil aiicl ciur inq th(: ~rr;i~.li.no ~~~nc:r-cit inn, r(‘I”,,‘.s”;“-‘~ii~~,~~ sal~lplcs 0: t!-ic Cllay2~1 ‘ in 1~ 1 ; 1x1 tel- i 3 1 s VC !-t! :>!,t.ii;!i‘<l ;!m! l~ro~icht ‘;i; +.ilc ialx)r\tcr: Co)- teicr;t ! n-:. C~,rl~,,.lctlil:~l ii’!;tr v:crc cc:~iluctctl 0:i these :;a::;;~ les i 11 crlicr tr c:;i;ibl i sil t 11~’ i r ,” ,:I i; -L :‘, I/r’: I1r-y: !iOliSl lLiil.5. ‘i’hc! test r<zsll~ts ;iJ:ii ‘ilso su:‘:maii~zwb in tb> or,clo::,-‘.! 1; i ~:llre ?:I:. pi . ‘I’hc 1 ~3k;i:r,itc;r~.~ cc~r:;x:ctir~:: tcs ts .zLre ?eriorrmi in accor:!xcc with ,?.:;.‘;‘.Y!. Tc::t:’ Yc-th4 9 I~.157 (four inch r~>l,:i, !‘i--e ls,qcrs, 25 J,l~rib;r; flii‘h l,?;{<‘r, aim !: ~~uric! :iiir~~~ci , 1 3 i !iC 11 U 5 j: n<~i il .‘:o, 4 :;iii!\.ic) .’ d IY C’ F.> ,311 r:atf.:ri;~l ~;.~ssir:r: !:.wc~i I Tc~,s t s : An expansion test v:~~s conclucto~! cn the typical lllendc4 SOl~lS cons1stil;r~ r,f s;1rxis, :;iltS’ sands , and c1<1yey sands . The test ~~:clS coil.~uC:ttd i 1~1 .:cco1-dJnce ,,;i th t1:c, i:dn 91 C~,C Cclnnt~,~ Test. for I:~YI:I::~ b;ti Y~~ils. F TN!) I !J(;S itlIl> !~L:COI!.~~lII,I!):~‘i’l (!:;i: : ‘:‘k.,> + :i i ]~;:>;;i,;c: surzarizrci conclusions and recom:endations iire based on t~!lc .incilysis of 211 the d,ltze and infornation chtaincd frcm the tc>st: ii?< of t1ie fi 11 r:dti’riills pi.lccd on l,~md Laqlmi* Unit. :!o. 2. ‘7 h i 5 i n c 1 li i: <i ‘: CIUT L’i -,ll;ll insycctiin of tile C,jr,idinn operati~~,n: fjcltl jI!~,,(;sti~:!.~tin!l::; I~;~k~r.~t~ry test!; on 1-11~ typical i,carinc; I; c pi. 1 5; ; ,3 nc! r1ix qecncr;i: kn~~j:~~leilqe and exizfri cncc with the n;ltural qrotinil sc;ils and the, :ill~ soils placed and cor,;>acted on this site. 1. ‘i’he soils use(l in tilt! coxqxictctl fill wcrc obtained from on- !;i tc exc;.v:itiolls . ‘I’!ic:;i! soils primarily consist of silty S;(II?<lS, s ii !I(.! s , .2nd .siirdy clays. These silty sands ;ind sand:; !~c~.ssc!.ss n(~~n-i,xn~;in:;~v~~ ci:drac tcrist i cs . The sclrt!y c:la-l\ir, :~C>S:SCSS nio~l~~r~:?tc itc: l:iqh cxpansivc char,3cteristics. ThC fill soil s ::l;iccd wi.tbtn the last ti,.k-, feet of tinish grade ‘.ICIC blcndcd !nril-r’xp,il:i;i.:c a112 exl,ansj.vc) such that t~he fd I1 ;oi Is pssi.:sn 1~~:;s tlmll three ;X~~CCII~~ ~~11 ;is 1~a~~rf2ci b?; t!lc Cc~unty c~f S,ili L)ir:i:Q ‘Test fclr i:x~~ansivc ?i;i.ls. Report of Certification of Cor!?actcd Fill Loma Laguna Unit No. 2 East of Park Dri:le and Loma Lzqxm Drive C,irlsb,id, California - .- - - - - - - - - .iob No. 74-444; The soils founded (711 Lots 103, 120, 125, and 127 psscss soils within two feet of finish grade tliat have expansion charactcr- istics that ranc;e from three to six percent. 2. Lots 103 ---LG!L !LLY~, and 127 : II. TliC Soiler cx~osc!cli on the ~lxvc? subject lots consist of low to moderate expzr:sii'je soils with a swell varying frorr three to s,x ;:crcent as measured by the San !~lie!:fc County Test for E::.:~~mnsi~~~c! 'Soi 1s. Since it is the ii:tcntiun of constrcctin: t!:c structures !>Y? t!lcse 1::>w t;: rr~:er~ti exp3nsive soj ls, it is recomxnded tiY.at the :rol~lc~~i;n~ ;ari; IJC ~xrforl-cd. <i. Thi! continuous foundit i ens and spread footi!?cs shall extend d minimum dc:,th of 18 inches into the fil~p natural c;round or conx?ctcil fi 11 yrou:;d . The contir.uous ?oundztions shall l-c :-iiinforrwi with at lclast tv:o X0. 4 steel bars; one 1;ir s:i;?ll be place? ~erir the to;> of thl: foundati~on and the other i:dr :;!~a11 be rlaccd near the bottcx. I-,. ThC co::crcte floor slabs qf the strilcture (2nd <>!dra.cje shall bc rcinff,rce:i :.:; ti: (~:;6 -~ 1:/10 steel r:ire mesh. i'. Xoisture sh-711 be re-CJstablished a minir,urr of six inches b;clnw the slab 2nd fonti~:;;:; qr;idcs such +_I:.:: t!lc optirlur: ;7oist11re ?h;ill~ bc cxccc,S!2d ::y <:IC lciist two pr:rcent T,r?ir~r to the concrete pour. 3 . Fr!undations and fontinqs of the ;:ropcsed sin':lr? ;ind,'or tc:c story re.sii!cnti 21 ty?e- structures may be <!csl,;netl for a r:aximur: OF 2,ono ~ocnds per sqxuiirc foot iihcn folloi~.~in<~ the above ~:recor;inienrl,?tions . Th i s a 1 lo;;~ b 1 e so i 1 ixarin~:-valix? ray bP incre,lscr' o!:c-third for :icsiqn loads t!mt inciude wind or seismic anal:;sis. 4. Foundations and foolzincs of the prcposcd structures, walls, iRnrovfments, etc., when founded five 'cet and further away from the tc? of the corpacted fill slo;w:; ray be of standard clesigr, riectinq the roq:lircr;cr.,ts of the <:nvt?rninc: agency. If prop@s:ea f?un!-%3ti i\!?S .Ti:!il L~ootinqs are iocated closer thm five Pect insic'c the tq? of coz::i,ctcd Sill slave, t!lq shall bc dccpeni~~cl n11e foot helol>~ a 2 . 0 horizontal to 1. Cl vcrtica: lint yr0.j cctcd ?,CW:IW xr:! <anil ciitward fron ,a Faint five feet horizont‘ail::. i:lsid<! the tory ni cor:ipactixd fill slo:x. (Refer to Figure i‘J0. ill 5 . Atlcr!!latr: ;lea::~Jres shsll lx: u!idertakcr. to r,roperly fir.ish ~radr each lot (after the structures and other inprovenents are in placej , such that drainace waters from the lots ,and the adjacent properties arc directcc! iib;;ay Eron tile building fc,undations, footiaqs, ar:,'l iloor slabs tcw:,lrds the street or the natural - - - - ,- Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Job NO. 74-4445 Loma Laguna Unit No. 2 East of Park Drive and Lona Laguna Drive Carlsbad, California drainaqe direction for the subdivision. Proper drainage will insure that no waters will seek the level of the foundations, footings, ,and floor slabs -which could result in undermining of the bearing soils and differential settlement or uplift of the structures and other improvements. This recommendation is especially important during the rainy season when poor drainage during construction could allow water to saturate underneath the gnraire and dwelling slab areas. 6. Any backfill soils placed in utility trenches or behind retain- ing walls which SUpi>Ort structures and other improvements, such ils ;:atios, sidewalks, dri\:eways, pavement, etc., (other than landscapincl shall bc> compacted to at least 90 percent of maxi- mum ilr:j density . 7. Future swimming pools and appurtenances, and/or other subsurface structures that arc foundtd in potentially expansive clay soil:; shall be prorxzz-ly designed and rcinEorced with steel following the rccommcndations of a structural engineer or soils engineer. 8. In order to mininize the differential settlement that could occur to the structures located in the "daylight areas" or in arcas where the depth of compacted fill varies from one s?,dc of the structure to the other, it is recommcndcd that the continuous founilations 1e reinforced with two P1o. 4 steel itars and the concrete floor slabs be reinforced with Gs6 - lo,'10 steel wire mesh or Ko. 3 steel bars on 36 inches on center:; both wa;ls. 9. it is recommended that a11 compacted fill slopes and natural cut slo;ws be planted with an erosion resistant l~;iant, in conforriancc> width tllc requirements of the City of Car1sba.i. 10. All of the other recommendations sunnarized in our Ke;c-rt of ::(.j I Investigation G.hich have not been enumerated and/or modified herein shall bc an.. ,rlicable for the proper design of the prcposc>ci struct'ures and the development of the site to receive the con- templated improvements. LIMITATIONS: _ __-.. The conclusions and recommendations made in this report were obtained from site inspections and tests performed by our firm. They are anplicahlf only to our services during the grading operation and are rc~rcsentative of tile site at the time our rer‘ort t~ias prepared. ;\r arc not to he held responsil~tlc for subsequent changes mficie to thit site by others which directly or indirectly causes poor surface drainage and/or water erosion. If you have any guestions concerning our report, please do not hesitate to call us. Page 5 Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Loma Laquna Unit No. 2 Job So. 74-4443 East of Park Drive and Loma Laguna Drive CklrlSbad, California This opportunity to bc of service is sincerely .i;,prcciatr:c!. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM S. KROOSXi3 & ASSOCIATTS WSK ~skm (5) Addressee 'res iclcnt-- RCC 11318 - - - - - - - WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS i5i ASSOCIATES SOILANDFOUNDATIONENGINERRING 4320 "ANDEVER AVENVE . SAN DIEGO. CAlJFORNlA 97.120 . PHONE 283-6506 ..~.__._~ FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB Loi:a Laguna Unit No. Carisbad, Califorma JOB NUMBER 74 -444 5 , Lots 67-129: East of Park & Lwa Laguna Dr. DATE Dece?~ber 24. 19~i4 ‘// ;‘O ~.~ f-5 ~. ‘/L -71 ‘/r :’ ,‘.- A- ,, ;; / ..’ ,a i *j ,’ ,f r I/ ,;~., / ~’ -,L ; ., , . d ,:. ,, r. ,:. --i ,,. ,J.,, , : 2~ 2 , ‘/ &id-/p /, ,,~. 2 2 ,“~ /‘J-t:-. 3, 1: -CL 7f /c-ii: /y ,J“ -2;. iy ,r-rl&/y ,c-‘2z <:y , 5‘it:jg jL -Cl:?Y ‘ I*- .<.‘I .~ ,:.o .T ; - <’ ‘2 .‘J -2 ;. : ‘1 /rz. i / : / :’ :: 1 /I ,I., /!~ / I r, i/~~ il. ‘/ / ; , ;‘. r’ f ,,z. i z ,’ “* 7 ; i ,.’ ; , ~1 .2 WILLIAM S. KAOOSKOS E; ASSOCIATES SOIL AND FOUNDATION JFNOINBBRINC3 4320 “ANDEVER AVENVE . SAN tilEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 . PHONE 283.6506 .-_-~-~-~--- -___~~L :~-x Tr.~zY~~: __=.:.y. : FIELD DENSITYTESTS JOB Loma Laguna Unit Tie. 2, Ijots 67-129; Carlsbad, California Fast of Park & Loma Laquna Dr. JOB NUMBER 74-4445 ,I 5 7. 2 ,> , - .:. ,;/. ,. .:i. I I1, 3^ ,> ‘>, > :’ r., - ;&i 2: 7 , i (7’ >‘I.( ,:i ; ii; j ,.?:* ?,L :’ : , -, ,.’ L i;,^;’ ,‘< 7 1, Y /. z i.9, i li I’ /I, 2 /’ i’ /, :, I.” / ,,;..: ,r..; ii. 5 ,L. 7’ ‘.- f I I //, 7, Jo?’ ,; ,- Y. F 9.6 I4 L /i ~ .I /o. /~ , ;. -; 10, &~ !cy, < PAGE 2 OF 8 Fiqre No. I WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS 6 ASSOCIATES SOILANDFOVNDATIONBN~INBBRIN~ 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE . SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 02120 . PHONE 283.6006 -- _.~--,-~ = ~--‘-‘;--..--=‘:;:--- _.__- _- FlELD DENSITY TESTS JOE Loma LarJuna Unit NO. 2, L,ots 67-129; Fast of Park & Loma Laquna Dr. Carlsbad, California .- JOB NUMBER 74-4445 DATE December 24, 1974 5:.. ..~~ ST .~.~ -,,, c .,~ ,c’ /r: ~. J-Y, .~~ !‘/‘L 16’. ,?. L ‘~ /L’ ii’ ,’ ., ~,~ r?: .~, .~ iL’? -, ’ 19’ $ . 2, ~. . i, <: :? I" J : !2' i 'i IY' , 2: I' y ~3 2 / ,c i‘C,~ / a Al . ~/. ‘/ ~. 27, , 4, 7’ / li ; ,/ 3 i / 2. i ;~~ ~.I’< .._~ -L ;~~-~ ,~. 1’/ <- .- /, ~. _~ ‘I.5 ~... ,’ i .~-. . ..lu ..~ PACE 3 OF 8 Figure No& WILLIAM S. FiRUlJSKOS & ASSOCIATES SOIL~ANDFOUNDATIONBNGINBBUING 4320 “ANDEVER AVENUE . BAN DIEGO. CALIFURNIA 92120 . PHONE 283d506 --I_ -.,- -~-.-~- ..~~ ._..~~~~_~_.,~ z- ~~~~ FIELD DENSITYTESTS .I08 Loma Laguna Unit No. 2, Lots 67-129; East of Park & Loma Laquna Dr. Carlsbad, California JOBNUMBER 74-4445 .~~CL ~:~ ~:-f~. .~ ! / DEPTH 0. j WOISTURL 1 FILL IFLET) lPERCENTl DATE December 24, 1974 DATE OFTEST / ” - -- ,‘,. -._ ./” Y.‘~ ~? /‘,‘. .‘., .,.) ., .’ I, ,‘i’.;!, ,‘- ; :’ --/ ” ,~.C .a ‘Y’, ,, ~,I .;/- :‘ > ,~ ; -.,?/. II’ ,.;< ; IL_’ i:~‘~, #'I7 /: ::\ 119 I' 2 c .I i 115 ,,j 2' :: 6 ii c- < i'6 !I 2 I .'I .L : ! . C‘ I.. 116 L. II-6 ii; i, I T ,: ii - ii', :il, I:2 04 in? /n?’ /c 3 , ‘1 i‘ : ,’ i‘ .,c / ,J , rj ; 3 / I/O /SY~ /09 , j* a i f F I !l. II7 .~ lC9 i~C’ : LL , I :s) ; 6 $T ! I 2 j ~ +. ~I , l ’ , r; 2 : , _’ r : ! 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Lots 67-129; East of Park & Loma Laquna Dr. tarlsbai, California .lOBN"MeLER 74-4445 ~~~~ December 24, 1974 :: _- DEPTH 0. l,LL I FElT / .~ 6 i:,,~~~~_ ..Y’ -~~ 6 ’ ., II’ l~er~~ .~~~ 2’ ,.. YOIaT”“E PERCENT, ..~I!. .Y ,~~ 112 r II,, Y /I. L. /C.L/ ~.~ ~./O.! I @* 7.~ ,~~ .,I./ 11. Y /La,’ I/c,” /I. Y i&f> .!I,,‘/ ]I a: ii, I' ILL !I. Y Il.2 If, ‘/ %/ Y.~ Y 9.3 4,) I,.’ ii,’ IL.‘/ IL,2 i. ,CTO tie .,~I 7..L! ~13 ..~ .I ~.~-i!- 7-w JOS ~~,~.:~~'I, j. 91.. ..,~,I.- Il-l.?Y/ / F.. ..,~,-- _ 1. .~.-..!l-:7-7y~ - ?L ,~I .~.J.l+?l/_~~- i?F i ~.. I!-Mr ~..- PAGE 5 OF 8 Fiqure MO. T WILLIAM S. KRUClSliOS S ASSOCIATES 4320 “ANDEVER AVENUE SOILANDFOVNDATlONRN~lNBRRINC? . SAN OIEGO. CAklFORNIA 92120 . PHONE 283.6506 ____.__~_.~,_ FIELD DENSITYTESTS i - - - - - - - - .- JOB Loma Laquna Unit No. Carlsbad, California , Lots 67-129; East of Park & Loma Laguna Dr. DATE December 24, 1914 it- ~.-~--. .-~~-=z.7;:~zz~~= ~e:~zz. -.+~~~~~~-.--- ! UR” DE..SlT” i 5~1L I , ILOS,/C”~ FT t : TYPE ! 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CALIFORNIA 82120 . PHONE 283.6506 z- -. __- ~~~ -~~-___~~ ~.- ..- FlELO DENSITY TESTS JOE Loma Laguna Unit Ho. 2, Lots 67-129; East of Park & Loma Laguna Dr. Carlsbad, California JoaNUMBER 74-4445 I~-- '~'- 'l-~~---~ --- ~---_- ET / LOCATlON DATE December 24, 1974 ===r -=~~ :: : . ‘-~‘~ -.:- _ -~-- _.- )__~ Cf x::.m :_ L-L -.2 :+cz~~:;-----= RELATiVZ I EOHP*cTION DATE /PERCENT OP TEST .~~~..~ -. ‘71 I!--. ,.-.- -~ d. ._.~ I 11:~ z-!!-?-:z.~~. : 1 .- - 1: 1-?~7.. ~ : ,, -. // ,,r; ,/ ‘~ it Ii ‘/ / /I 2. i lip 6 ! “i.1 ;’ /C.$ :‘, i 1 , .2, 2. 1 ,.l, i ;$ ;1. 2 ,o. ‘. ; i/‘i i /c,z : iI< , iC, 7 1 ,‘“& 1~ li. ‘I i ,;> y iI, / ;-, ,’ i .> / ‘t’, IL’ c’o’ 2 -;f i2’ i s” 16 .,.~ G1. ~ik’ l; h - PAGE 7 OF 8 Figure No. I WlLLIAM S. KHUOSE;OS ii ASSOCIATES 8011~ ANDFOVNDATIONBNGINRRR~NG 4320VANDEVERA”EN”E . SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 . PHONE 283.6506 --z _~.._~___... _~..~ ~_.~~.~ .~ .~. ~~~~~.~~___ ~ ~~_ _~ FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB Loma Lasuna Unit MO. 2. Lots 67-129; East of Park Dr. & Loma Laguna Dr. Car&b&, California "ATE December 24, 1974 JOBNUMBER 74-4445 ran- _ ~~~--~~-.T~~ DEPrH 0. Y016T”RE FlLL I FELT t I I PERCENT r j ‘,‘6’ i LOCATION D&TE 1 WTEST I -! ,L- ; .j ,:I. i f.:.~ j ii ‘1 1 ,/ s. / ,2, ,: : ,. / / / I .” /: : if i :;-3-]‘1 / ‘l .I ;;~ .; ;z~ ,. i’, /; my:‘;> ~. ,i. 1,‘ ,, Eli ~, :L~l.c /‘/ .! ic ,-1-i’, : ‘3~ y ’ ,L.;i.;>.l j L~2.“2 ~~-i ,, ; c ‘> r i //I :‘.*./ i , /‘C / III i 5. ( if../ ;7, i i,L, ;; 0 /I/ i-,1 , , 1’ I) 1 ‘i .~. )L -. ,.a *, f,G. ~j il. 5 Pi ( , .- ; I i/j, Il.1 j ! 2 /, .‘, ‘/ 1 2. ::) -. ; il Ii if /I, lLCL;i ,! ~,i /1 ii , L ~/I’ f”, _ 1~ ; 1 :’ ~~-1 ,. _ : .’ 1 / ; ,Z,” , ‘, c, 1 i X,‘, ~ ,, r- - : ,~ ; ,, <;.; ,,.‘. .; .‘iJ, ;:: ;.I,; -I -. j ,L i r >, : : ;+(~. /~,‘/’ I ,c. 1 i: ,~. : ,, i Ii ,: i,) 12 1, iy ,’ i -L~?~~‘ - 2 PAGE e OF 8 Figure NO. I - - - - - - - - - - - WILLIAM S. KHUOSKOS 6 ASSOCIATES SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 43?O "AN"E"ER *"EN"E . SAN ClEGO Cnilf-ORNlA ~.‘l.iO . PHONE 283.6506 : FIEL-" IlEI.ISITY TCSE 108 Loma Laguna Unit NO. 2, Lots 67-129; East of Park & Loma Laguna Dr. Carlsbad, California IoF! NUMBER 74-4445 DATE December 24, 1974 TFST NO SOIL TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RELATIYE “EPT” OF MOICTllrlE DRY DEN51TY POlL COMPACTION DATE LOCATIOn FlLL ‘FEF’r l,ERCFNT LB5 cu FT TIPE ‘PFRCFNT, OF TEST LAB 0 RI\?? 0 P.Y STANDARDS OPTIMUM MOISTVRE :TiXIPiiiM DRY DENSITY CLASSIFICATION (Percent) (Pounds/cubic ft.) Dark Brown Sandy- 12.8 117 Clay Tan to Lt. Brown Clayey Sandy Silt 11.7 Brown Sandy Clayey Silt 12.1 Brown Sandy Clay 10.6 Brown to Red Brown Sand 8.4 W/Silt Binder Tan to Brown Fine Silty Sand 11.1 Lt. Brown Very Fine Sandy Silt 11.5 121 125 118 130 127 118 PAGE 9 OF Figure No. I / , I , , I I 1 I / I I / I Proposed Structilre Concrete Floor Slab, /I -Top of Compacted Compacted Fill Slope . Y,=xlmum Inclination --_ - 2-I-z--~, P. .~ 0 '. - -- - - - _ ..~->\\_~ - .- - Reinforcement of Foundations and Floor Slabs-- - + following the reconmer.dations - of the Architect or Structural-~ Engineer 1 .- ---~~-----/ Concrete Foundatio Compacted Fill' TYPICAL SECTION ( Showing Proposed Foundation Located Within Five Feet of Top of Compacted Fill Slope) Job NO. 74-444.5 Figure No. :I Attachment 1 Page 1 GRADING SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: The intent of this item is to properly establish procedures for: clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and compacting fill material to the grades and slopes as shown on the approved plans. CLEARING: All vegetation, brush and debris shall be rcmovcd, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of to give the surface a neat and finished appcarancc. COMPACTING NATURAL GROUND: After clearing, the natural ground shall be scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches, watered to optimum requirements and compacted to not less than 30 percent of maximum dry density, according to A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1557 in a four inch dia- meter cylindrical meld of 1/30th cubic foot volunc. Field density tests shall be taken in the natural ground in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1556. FILL MATERIALS: Materials for the fill shall be approved by the soils engineer and shall be fret from vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. In the event that expansive materials are encountered within two feet of finish grade they shall be either entirely removed or thoroughly mixed with good granular material before incorporating them in fills. No footing shall be allowed to bear on soils which in the opinion of the soils engineer are detrimentally expansive, unless designed for this clayey condition. PLACING AND COMPACTING FILL MrWCRIAL: After preparing the areas to be filled, the fill mater-ials shall be placed in la.yers not to exc~ecd six inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall be watered to optimum requircnents and compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with A.S.T..Y. Test Method D 1557. Compaction of the fill shall then proceed in the specified manner to the grades as shown on the approved plans. When the slope rati~o of the original ground is steeper than five hor- izontal to one vertical, the original ground shall be steeped or benched. Ground slcpcs flatter than five horizontal to one vertical shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soils Engineer. Fill slopes shall he compacted by means of sheepsfoot roller or other suitable equipment. Slope compaction shall he continued until the slopes arc stahlc, but not too dense for planting. Field density tests shall be taken when considerec? necessary by the soils engineer in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1556 and shall be made not exceeding two feet in vertical height, providing each layer is tested. SL'PERVISION: Continuous supervision of the fill shall he made by the representative of William S. Krooskos & Associates during the grading operation so that he can certify that the fill was plactid in accordance with these specifications. SEASON LIMITS: spre,ad or rolled duri:lg Gfavorabl~c No fill material shall be placed, wcathcr conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, the filling operation shall not bc resumed until~ field tests indicate that the moi~sture content and density of the fill are as previously specified.