HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 71-05; LOMA LAGUNA; REPORT OF SOIL INVESTIGATION; 1970-09-28" -,,", il.;.. > /() IJ...../J A.", 1 p\ t1#J li~ • ~;::~ L.ll~' (;'(}ltJ/ f'l\..., v t: r~ ~-{/-:-j. rs;, V"-~ V " ~, r.. '--IT" ~ WILLIAM S. I1ROOSIiOS & ASSOCIATES y\\ W S. KRC>OSKOS, CIVIL ENGINEER FOUNDA-r. 0 AL V~NTON. ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST ENG 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN mEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 Scptcmbe~ 28, 1970 Hr. Louis Chase ~1/-O~ 'Bee Ces Company 3095 ~tate Street CClrlsi)2i.c1 r Cali fornia 9200 {3 SUUJ~C~: Report of Soil Investigation Loma Lagur.a Subdivision Site l-.!ortlleas'C of Kelly Drive & Park Drive Carlsbad, Cali-fornin:. Dear Hr. CHase: • Jol.J Uo~ 70-2097 III accOrdance \vith your request, our firb has performed a soil . illvestigation at your proposed Lorna LagU;la Subdivision Site located Norti1em;t of the intersec'Clon of ~Kelly Drive and Park Drive, Carlsoad, California. The soil investigation consisted of excavating. s,everal trenches into the existing lJearing soil.sat. randorJ locatiorls 011 the. sul.Jdivision site, in order to visually classify the soils and to olJtain typical samples to lJa test.eel in the laLoratory. Laboratory tesb3 were performed on the typical bearing soils in order to determine tlldir physico.l and l'1echanical charn.cteristics. The encloseu report r,laue "lith the intent to satisfy the soil investigution requirer:1ents an set forth. in F.ll.A. Land Bulletin . 7CJ-G, :5urnInarizes tllt~ results of the subsurfuce explorations, test results performed on the typical nQturul ground soils and tIle soils expected to l.Je utilize.d in the compacted fill, Ql'l:d the recommendations as to the proper cievelopment of the site made by our firm. Portions of the subdivision site contain alluvial and slope \lash materials. Unuerlyin.,g the surface soils (in many locatio.ns) exist the clays.tones \.;rhicll posse~;s me<liu~'l to high expansive cha:):,Clcteristics . . It is our ipinion, if t.he recommendations ~3ummarized in this report are follO\\lcd for the proper treatment of the expansive soils QS well as the alluvial and slope \Jush soils, and the proper development of the si 1;:es \li th non-uxpansi ve soils, the proposed single and/or bm story residential type structures will be safely founded on these' prepared SGils and will not suffer detJ.:-imental damage. '.ellis opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. VGry truly yours, ~"SK: kh WILLIAH S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATBS 7:k~' I ~~rf<f{, ~f.t.rr:ram~~ KroosJ\:os, FreSldent , .;;.. REPORT' OF' SOIL I.NVEST.iGATION LOMA LAGUN~ SUBDIVISION 'SITE NORTHEAST OF KELLY DRIVE & PARK DRIVE CARLSDAD, CALIFORNIA SCOPE: This proposed subdivision is to be deveLoped with single and/or two story residentia.l type structures to be constructed of wood frameartd other standard type building materials, 'and continuous concrete foundations and spread footings. On 'grade co.ncrete floor slabs are planned fOlithese proposed dwe11ing.s. With the above in mind this soii inves,tigation was undertaken in order to: L Classify the underlying bearing soils and determine the depth to the various stratas from the tOfL of existing ground. 2. Determine the maximum slope ratios for the natural ground cut slopes and compacted fill slopes based on examining the underlying stratasand the subsequent slope stabil.{ty analysis .. 3. Determine the allowabl~ soil pressl.;lres for the natural ground s.oi1s and the comp.acted fill soils bilsed on the analysis of direct shear tests and consolidation tests of the typical bearing soils. 4. Determine the presence and ef:f-ect of the expansive materials on this si tetllat would c'ause detrimental damage to the d\ve11ings and other propo.sed· improvements. 5. Det€?rmine the approximate settlement of the natural ground and compg,ctedfill soils under the proposed structural loads. 6. Recommend methods of treating the proposed bearing soils to recei ve the, structures and o·ther improvements. 7. Determine any construction problems' that may develop as a result of the soil characteristics encountered. . SITE: L.oma Laguna, a 2 El acre residential site I is loca:ted wi th·in the City ~imi ts of Carlsbad ~p.d lies ,northe'asterly of the intersectio.n . of Kelly Drive and Park Drive.' The site is part of the north bank of the A.qua Hedionda ·Lagoon .• The elevations range from l8 feet at the sO\:lthwesterly portion o'f the site to 102 feet at tbe northeasterly portion of the site. A light' chappara]. covers tne'slopes and gr.ass· dominates the to}? of the hills. , , ", Page 2 Report of Soil I'estigation Lom.;:t Laguna Subdivision Site Northeast of Kelly Drive & Park Drive Carl·shad, California Se)ILCONDITIONS: •' ~ <'. Job No. 70-20"97 Sllrface ~oilsr The surface soils extending in depth between l'to 3 feet below the top of existing grounq consist primarily of loose, t'o medium dense, expansive, dark brC?wn sandy clays. Formational M.aterials: 'TIhe predominant underlying bearing. soiL.s consist of a TertiaryMarin~ Deposit of loose to dense sandstone and sil ts.tone with an occc;1.sional lense of claystone. Be'dding attitudes are' nearly horizGr~tal. ' The claystone whe11 wet has very poor strength characteristics. . Alluvium: The stream deposited aLLuvium extends in depth between 6 to 7 feet and primarily consists of loose to very 100S8, dry silt~ and sands. Slope Hash: The slope wash consists o~ lOOSe to medium dense, silty sands mixed with sandy clays and are generally poorly sorted. These slope Hash mater,ials contain cobbles up to 6 inches in diameter. For the .approximate location of the alluvium and slope wash soils refer to ~the Plot Plan, Figure 'No. 1. For the proper classification of the underlying soils refer to the Trench Logs, Figures No. II and No. III. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS: A. total of 12 trench Gxc-''l'7atiorrs were advanced on the site. These trenches were located in the field by our engineering geologist using a tentative map prepared by R.L. Fef£erman, Civil Engineer. The trenches were advanced on September 22,anc. 23, 1970 by ah independent contractor worJ<,ingunder the s-w)ervision of our engineering geologist. A truck mounted backho~ with, an 18 inch bucket was used to ad,vance the trenches. The encountered,soils were examined continuously and visually identified during the field operation are summa+"ized on the Trench Logs, Figures. No. II and TIl. :qndisturbed core samples were obtained of the natural ground'by forcing individual brass rings int6the soils. Dup. to the presence of den,se cemented sand and.cobbles a limited number o·f undisturbed s'ampies were obtained. The brass rings. with the sampled soil are spnlr.>d in air tight plastic containers and transported to the laboratory for testing. The nomenclature used in describing the soiis is outlined iIi accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System as illustrated on the attached chart in the rear of this report. Soil densities are given as. very: loose, loose, medium dehse, dense, Qr very dense for silts and sands and as so~t, firm, stiff or nand for clays. Soil moistures are desoribed from a'range of dry, damp, • I mo~st, wet or saturated. , . .... t • Page 3 Report of Soil Inve$tigation ' ': ., ~oma Laguna Subdivi"sion Site',' North~a~t of Kelly Drive & Park Drive Carlsbad, California LABO,RATORY ~ESTS: • Job No.' 70 ... 2097 Labqratory tests were performed on the undisturbed samples in order . to determine their physical and mechani.cal properties and their . physical and mech'anical characteristics. ' The expected soils to be used in the structural fills, as well as' . the.exposed'cut soils were all tested to determine their suitability for ,supporting the proposed dwellings and other appurtenances. The soils were evaluated with respect to pot'entia:). expansivity, maximum dry density' 'and optimum moisture content. Shear tests were performed on remolded,samples of the proposed fill materials to aid in predicting, their strengths. Co~solidatio'n t~sts were . performed on undisturbed samples of the natural ground soils to determine any settlement that may OCcur under differential normal loads. ' Th~ $\velling potential of the propo·sed fill soils was determined by loaded swell tests on recompacted soil .samples. AS noted in the rear of this report §or;1e, of the encounter'ed bearing soils do possesS pote·l'ltial sw~ll. Swell Classifi·cations are as follows: TEST PROCEDURES.: Swell o to ~ Percent 3 to 6,P$rcent 6 to 12 Percent, Above 12 Percent Low Medium High Very High MeChahical Analysis: A mechanical analysis was performed oh each soil type to determine the percentage of grain size. ' The analysis. 'was according to A.S.T.M: 442-S4T. A Unified Soil Classification TrianguL3.r Chart was then utilized to classify the soils. Dire'ct Shear Tests on Remol.ded ~amples: pirect shear tests were performed on remolded samples of the natural ground soils. These test.s were performed in order to determine the strengths and suppo'rting capaci ti~s of these existing bearing soilS when compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. The shear tests 'were made with a direct shear :machine of the constant strain type. The rate' ,of strain was appro:}{imately 0.05 inches per minut'e. The shear machine ;kS s6. d.esigned that the tests are performed without removing the specimens from tne J:'ings in·which. they were remolded insuring a minimum of sample disturhance. Dz:ainage was permitted to po;rous stonesarrQve and :Qeiow the one (J,.) inc'h. high sample.. The sampj:.es are . .sheared 'Under various normal· . loads in ordeI;' to o:Qtain the angl.e of int~J;i1.al friction and the' amount of cohesion. . ConsQlidatiqn ,Tests on Und{sturbed Samples: Consolidation te'sts were performed to analyze the deformation ,of the sampled so,i,ls e Page 4 Report o£~Scil tnvestlgation Lorna Lag.una Subdivision Site Nc;rthea~t of Kelly Drive -& Park Carlsbad, California Drive e' jcb No. 70-2097 subjected to increased loads. The ccnsolidcmeters like the direct shear machine are designed to receive the specimens in :the rings as sampled thus insuring a minimum .of sample disturl;>ance. Porous stones placed at.the'top and bcttom of each specimen, perm;i.t the freeflcw .of water intc or frcm the sample during the te$t~ After the specimen, hq.s been placed in the ccnsolidcmeter and allcwed tc be'come ccmpletely sat'llrated, sucoess.ive load incremen-ts to the upper surface .of the scil specimen were applied and the resulting defcrmations were reccrded at selecte.d time intervals, for each increment .of lcad~tl'g. The loading increment is, 'maintained on the test specimen until the rate .of deformation is relatively ccnstant and less than 0.0001 inch per hcur. Compacticn Tests: Laboratcry compaction tests were perfcrmedcn ,the expected'fill soils in accord<;iDce with A.S.T.M. Test Method D -1557 (four inch mold, five layers, 2.5 blows each layer, 10 pound hammer, 18 inch drop us.ing all material passing a No. 4 sieve) .• The maximum density repre.sents the value to which it if:? posf:?ible to compact the soil in the field with the prcper compactive ef.fort. In place density and moisture ccntent as well as shearing resistance test results are noted on the hren:c~l logs. Ftll sui tabili ty tests cOi1sis,ting of maximum dry density, grain size analyses, dire'ct shear analyses are noted in the enclosed Figures .. Atterberg Limits: Atterberg Limits are soil indices to assist in the classification of potential expansive soils. The,plastic limit, liquid limit and plastic index were determined in accordance "dth 'A.S.T.M. 423-S4T. Swell-Tests: To predict potential soil swell, the clay samples were properly prepared and were allowed to air drv for at least two to three· days. They wel;'e then placed in the consolidometer under a normal load of 1 psi. Water wa~ then added allcwing,t.he samples tc beccme saturated and swell., Dia'l readings were performed at the' start and during the progress of the expansion test until the readings were less than 0.0001 inch per hour. These' test results are noted on the enclosed Figures at the rear of.this report. SOIL BEARING VALUE: Direct shear tests result·s of ,undi~turbed and remolded sa,mples 'of the probaole fill soils ··and natural ground, soils indicate an average va:lue of 27 degrees fO'r the ang.le of internal friction with at least 200 pounds per s<gfuare cohesion. Utilizing these tests results with the appropriate Terzag.hi Equation" the maximum allowabl.esoil bearing value Of these encountered ,natural ground. soils and these same soils utilizE?d'in the compacted fill (compact~d to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density) based on shearing stress and cohesion properties has been determined <;is follows:' "-. , . Page 5.· • Report of Soil Investigation Job No. 70-2097 ~oma Laguna Subdiv.ision Site Northeast of Itelly Dr~ve & Park Drive Carlsbad~ C~lifornia g -= cN + WfNq + 0.5 WEN -. -, c .Y q = Ultimate Bearing Value in c -Cohesion = 200 pounds per Df= Depth of Foundation = 1.0 B = Width of Foundation·: 1.0 pounds square foot foot W = Weight of Soil = 115 pounds per per square foot CUbic foot N = 27i = 14; ::':: 12 ; Factors depending on foot the a·ngle of Nq Ny c internal friction, ~ 27 degrees = q = (200)· (27) + (.115) (1.0) (14) + (0.5) (115) '(1.0) (12) q = 5,400 + 1,610 .+ 690 = 7,700 pounds per square foot . (Ultimate) The preceding value is Ultimate and the recommended design value for the continuous foundations using a factor' of saf.ety of approximate.ly four (4); is 2,000 pounds per square foot. Loads for other size foundations'may be obtained by sllbstiblting value for Df and B. The Df factor should be limited to a val'l.~e equal to B or the' actual value if le$s than B . . - A limiting factor this allowable soil bearing value t,o be utilized in the design of foundations and footings of the proposed residential ty·pe structures is the consolidation of the underlying bearing soils under the proposed structural loads. Consolidation tests results of undisturl!ed soil pamples indicate. that the natural ground bea~ing soils and these comoacted fill 's'Oils (compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density) wi~l experience negligible settlement under a design load of . 2,'000 pounds per square foot, when foundations and footings are fQl:'inded a minimum depth of 12 inches into the firm, non-expansive natural ground or non-expansive compacted fill . . ';rest results and oUr experience dictate.s that the majority of the _'anticipated set;.tlement will take place during the period of 'construction. It is pre¢licted that the antioipated settlement (i£ it occurs) will be uI1iforrri' .• The above .soilbearing value may be utilized in the design of foundations and footings when founded a minimum depth of 12 inches. into the non-expansive natural.ground or .compacted fill ground. e Page 6 Report of Soil 'rnvestigation Lorna Laguna SUbdivision Site . Northeas,t of Kelly Drive & Park Carisbad, California CONCLUSIONS AND RECQMMENDA~IONS: Drive • Job No. ·1fi-2Q97. The following summarized conciusions and recOrnniendationsare ba$ed. on the an.alysis o.f all the data and. information' obtained from our' soil invest.igation conducted at: this ,site. This includes our visual inspeotions of the. site; field invest.igations and laboratory tests on soil samples am}lyzed, and our.general knowledge and experience with these nat~ve soils. . 1. The surface soils primarily consist o~s~ sand. clay s~ils with a swell varying betwe~n 3 to 6 p~nt ~~e~' ed .by ~he . F.H.A. Swell Test. UnderlYlng these surface sOlls are the s~lts and sands which are non .... expansive as well as the claystone·s :which possess high ·expansive characteristics. '. 2. The grading operq,tion shall be programmed such that the expansive soils are placed Cl,ndcompacted in the doep fill areas and the, . non-expansive soils '(from t.he. on-site excavations or from an . approved off-site borrow ~it) can be utilized in finishing off the lots under the proposed structures and improvements as recommended below. a .. No expansive soils shall be placed within ·:tWQ (2) feet of the finish ground grade throughout the entire lot area. Since non-expansive soils are ,to be used in the structural fills (located within two feet of the finish ground grade) c~nven­ tional concrete floor slabs, spread footings.and continuous con .... crete foundations may be utilized for the support of the proposed 'single and two story residential type dwellings. No special' , treatment or reinforcement is required for these concrete floor slabs, footings and continuous foundations. b. Where the 'potentially expansive clay soils 'are encountered in cut or natural grount lots~these soils shall be excavatea and removed a minimum <;1epth of 2 feet beneath the proP9sed finish ground grade. The lots shall then be baCkfilJ.ed with the on-site non-expansive soils, such as silts and, ,s'ands, up to the finish ground grades. Non-expansive soils are those which have a liquid limit of less than 30 percent, a plasticity index of les·s than 1.5 percent and a swell index of. less than 1 percent when 'remolded to at least 90 perc'ent of " . maximum dry densi ty a~d subj ected to a normal 'load o"f 1 psi. 3A ~The existing Joose surface soils, alluvial soils and slope wash soilS' ahal'l be excavated. to expose the firm natural ground. The natural ground shall be :P'r~p~rly scarified and watered to 0ptim~ . requir~ments. The:i:ill materials shall be placed and compacted to. at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 4. During the gr.ading ope;r::ation". and prior to t.he placement 'of the structural fillS, the grading contractor shall. copstruct t:h~' necessary "benches" through any lpo$e top soils and i,nto, the firm soils. These "benches" will provide a seat and h'ohd between. the fill materi-al's and t;h~ natural groundso.i~s. ' .. '. Page 7 • " e', Report of Soil rnvesti,gation Loma Laguna Subdivision' S;ite ' , ' Northeast of Kelly Drive ~ Park Carlsbad, Californ~a Drive Job No. 7,0-20'97' " 5. 6 • 7. 'The na-i;u,,ral ground and the soils expected to be used in the compacted fill (hav.;i:ng been compacted to at. least 90 perce,nt . , , of maximum. dry density), w;ill have a safe b$aring value of two t.housand (2,000)-"poUnds per ,square foot'. This' aliowab.le soil' bearing value may ,be increased one-third f..o·r' design J..qads that' includ~ wind or s~ismic analyses. ' , Settlement of the natural ground and compacted fil180ils under ,the proposed structural loads will be negligible and should occur during the period of const,ruc.tion. With the exception of the claystones, the Qui: slopes of 1.5 ',horizontal to 1. 0 vertical and the compacted fill slopes of '1.5 horizontal to i. 0 vertical :w:i.l.l be stable for the materials' native,· to this s.i te " provided 'th$Y ao not exceed 2$ feet inheig-ht between properly' constructed benches ~ The ciaystones are highly frao·t'l,l';re.d and are subjected to rapid erosion and slumping in cut and fil.1 slopes 1. 5 horizontal to l. 0 vertical or greater. 'these materialS shall be limited to a maximum' cut and compact,ed fill sl¢pes of", , 2.0 horizontal t9 1.0 vertical. Refer to the Slope Stability", Analysis performed ~;m these f~irm natural ground' soi~s. 8. Where t'daylight lines" occur under proposed houses and/or, 9. 10. ,t.hrough the midst of lots, the entire lot, shall be prepareo so that at le,ast 2 feet of compacted fill exists below the finish ground grade elevation. An alternative to the above is to extend the foundations and footings through the fill into the compacted natural ground soils. Adequate measures should be,undertaken to properly fihish gr4a.e' each lot after the structures and other, iinpx:ovements are in place , such that drainage waters from the, improved site and adjacent properties are directed away from the foundations, footings ahd floor slabs via surfa,ce swales and/or s'ubSurface drairtstQward$ , the lower level of th~ site or to the natural' d:rainage direction,. for this area. Proper 'drainage will' insure that no waters will' , seek the level of the bearing soils under the foundations, 'footings and floor slabs which could result in undermining anCi 'differential settlement. ' . Founda'tions and f:ootings' of the proposed structures and w~lis, etc., when founded' S feet and fU:!:'ther away from the top 0;E Gompa,ct~d 'fill slope may be of stahda~d design meeting th~ requirements'~ of the governing agency, and designed in colifo:t:mance with ,tlie ' recorrimended soil bearing vaiue, 'rf proposed founda,tions and , f'ootings are located closer than 5 feet inside the top .of cqrnp'act;ed " fill slope, they shall 'be d,eepened 1. ,0 foot:: below a 1 ~'S hoi-iz,on,:t.a,l , to 1.0 vertical l-ine p:t:ojected outward and downward from a point: -, .' 5 feet horizont'ally inside the top o-f compacted fill slope. ',:_ ",:, (Refer t,o Figure No. IX)' , }, .~, . ~ , 11. The, passive earth pressure to be used for the design of :Eo'lind:atiOl\$ ~ and foo,tings ,to resist the la,teral forces (wind or seismic) shidl, . ~:, . , ~, ' . , . . ',' -'- .-I.- Page 8 Report of Soil InvestigatiQn Loma Laguna Subdivision S:i,te Nor.t.heast of Kel:ly Drive &: Parl< Drive Carlsbad,~ Cali:e-ornia • ' . JOb No'.' 70~2097 .. ' -, ".' . be pased on a:q. eg.ui.J.·~lent fluid pres'sure of 20Q pounds per cubtc.' foot. The active 'ea:t;'th .pressure f.or the us~ in the design' of . foundations, walls,' etc. I shall be based on an equivalent fluid . pressure of 35 pounds per .cllbic foot. A coefficient of friqti,6n may be used between the, $9ils anq. the concrete foundations ann,' floor slabs 'on a factor of 0.4 times the dead ldad. This ·va·±ue:·· may be used in conjunction with the passive earth pressure in determining the'late-ral resistance of the compacted fill. soilS and the natural ground soils. . .' .. 12 •. In the traveling .areas 'and parking areas for automobil.es, and . "', : ,~ . . , . . , . I , , light trucks, it is recommended. that the pavement section cQnsist~ of at least 2 inches thick of asphalt concrete f'ounded over a.t . least 4 inches thick "of crusher r\;ln base or decomposed granite '" (graded) or equal,' which are founded over properly compacted and tested subgrade soils. . 13. All slopes shall, be planted as soon as possible following th~ grading operation, to minimize the anticipated erosion of these native type soils. 14. No swimming poolS, shall be constructed iri any encountered expansive clay soils, unless the design reflects these expansive soil characteristics and follows .the recommendations o£ a Soils Engineer. GRADING SPECIFICAT~ONS: The grading operation shall be performed in accordance with the above conclusions and recommendations, and with the enclosed "Grading' Specifications" Attachment 1. Where fill is to be placed, care shall be undertaken that the , existing ground shall be scarified 18 inches in depth and compacted, ; r. to at least 90 percent of maximum· dry density. After this has been , accomplished, the fill soils may be p:1.aced and compacted as specified. :.' CERTIFICATION: Continuous inspection will be provided by Qur firm during the grading operation, such that our Final Report o£ Fill Cert~ification will. be'properly prepared and will include· the following statements. 1. Loma Laguna Subdivis:ion .site' has been properly gr.;lded ahd all building sites are clear and free 0·£ expansive soils within 2 feet of the finish ground grade. 2. The fill materials have peen properly placed, compacted and tested to at le?tq,t 90 percent of maximum dry density and, '\vill safely support the propo:sed residehti(;!l tYPE1 struc.tures and other contemplated improvements. 3 .. All grading work was perfQ~med in accorda,nce with ,the cOriclusions' cOO' , , ' '.. , 'Page 9 Report of Soil Investigati.Qn • toroa Laguna Subdivision)3.ite· Northeast of Kelly 'Drive & Park Drive Carlsbad, California, and recommendatiqns of this report, and with the general requirements, of the governing agency. LIMITArIONS: The recommendations' summarized in this report are based on the' '. -' . evidence obtained from 'the trench excavations I laboratory test result·s of the encountered natural ground soils, examination of the .site' . by the engineering geologist and the soils engineer and experience with these types of bearing soils. During the grading operation I qualified pers,onnelfrom our firm will perform an inspe.c:;:tion of the underlying soils to substantiate the conclusions and recommendations as outlined in our rE?Port. If any irregularities are obs'erved, specific action. will be undertaken' to provide an adequate remedy. ' ;I:t is the respon$ibility of the developer to insure that the recommenda.tions contained in thd.s report are carr,ied out in' the field. This report b~~omes a Part of, the building specificatiqns. If you have any questions concerning this report please do not hesitate to call us. WSK:kh Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATES· w.~~~ f J:;.~ '. '. , WJ.IIJ.am S. KroosKos, 'PresJ.dent , RCE 11318 ." ',' .::' .' t". ~. ' .. ;, , • '. '.. ~ I ~ ~ "':. " ;' .,~,\,~:::>~:,:..:;;~~ 'Attach. i::' ,:'~,::S ,.;·:~i, .. • '. , . ' .. F-..H.A. Page l·',:'~. "... " 'j: . -.:;' -~ t' , • ~' • ',.',' t' ~' ".,' , . ; ."';1 I' " '~'1-t ..... 1" ,~~.~ ... ; GENERAL: The int~n-t' of ·thi~~;;" 'item istot>rop,erly 'e'stablish ~rocep:u:r~~""'! :':~ '. • • I .-• -I' • • J , .' '.: • .,.-'"~',. • •• _~. ~ • for c'leat"ing, compactlng na::tural ground" preparlng areas to be 'f.~J.:l,~q, ,':," : ,,~~ <>-'"': -... ~ , ,.' '. " ",,", .. : ~~ •• -. - pla~,il1g anq .. £ornpactin,g fill; material' to' the; tine~ " <j~~des,' anp,::~~i6;~'~ :.:?:t:~ as shown on the accepted plans. , CLEARHJG: All ve9'eta tion, ,brush and debris shall be' .remqved, , pi~ed and burned or otherwise disposed of to give the s~rface ,a neata'nd', ~: : finsihed appearance. COMPACTING NATq,RALGROUND:. After clear:in9,the natural ground shall be scarified to a depth of at 'least, eighteen, ,(18) in<;:hes I ' water~a.> tp:" , .. ;: " .. ! , "'1 . optimum requirement,S and compacted to not i e$$. than ninety (90)' Jjercent,: ,;" -,' ," of' maximum dry dl';ms;i.ty, according to A.S;T.M. Test Method ,0 1557'''::5,8:'1' -, <'" ,'. ". .. ~ .I " . . . in a four .< 4-) inch diameter cylindrical mOtdof ,1/30 cubic foot ,.vciiume-.. ; -. . ' (five (5). layers,' twenty-five (25)blow$, teFl/'(:IO) pound haI:nrner,,. eighteen (18) inCh' drop) • , '-! " '.~i~ld den$i ty tests shall bte ta)<en in. lot areas, in a9Gordance with.' A.S.T .. M. Test Method D'1556-58T. -i -, ..,.,< ._ ... ~ :"-.1;" ,,'. '." Cut lo.ts and lots 'w~th, .'f~na1 . gr-ades . -~ . - engineer,. ' .. , FILL MATE.RIALS: Materials "for the fUl shall be' approv'ed by th~ :90il engineer and shall be free fr0m 'substances. The. fill shall not vegetable m~~t~:t and :other' delertEi:r;iouS' ... -. '" , -o'! contain rock$-.¢~' hard lumps'> o,;.~~'· four", ,<~~: --. ~, . (4) inches in dia!J!eter and' at least :forty -(40) percent "shall'p-ass through a No. 4 "tJS~ standard 'Series, Sieve. " ' : ' '. ;" I.' , I ,., " F.H.A. Attach. 1 Page 4 of the so~l eng_ineer. ' Expansive 5011.s shall not be used in the t~p , two (2) feet of the ent;l+,e lot. If ex~ansive soil i,s ~pcountered iit: either cut or fill lots, these, lots Ishal:~ -be eXca,vated a m-in~li!um of ' two (2) feet in tl:J.ickne$s. ' ,tjJhe removal of the clay should be ,m<;ide at t,he time of i ts d~s,covery and non-expansive soils supstituted an<i ' compacted to ninety (90) p~rcent of maximum dry ,density. Non-~xp'ansiv¢ materials are defined as those materials which have a liql.1id limit_ ' of le'ss than thirty (30) percent I a plasticity index less than f;i.!t;e~n (15) percent and a swell of less than One (J.) percent \vhen compacte'd , I "J ,- to at least ninety (90) percent ofoptitnum density and when subjec-ted' ". to a normal pressure of 150 lbs./sq.ft. PLACING AN)) COMPACTING FILL MATERIAL: After preparing t;.he,areas to be ,filled, the fill materials shail be placed in layers' not to ex.cee,!:t. six (6) "inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall be watered to op-timum requirements ahd compacted to not less than ninety (90 l percent of maximum dry 'density in accordance withA.S.T.M. Test MethoA ' D l557-58T. Compaction of the fill shall proce~d in the spe'cified manner to the grades as Shown on-the approved plans. When the slope ratio of the, original ground is steeper than five (5,) horizontal to one (1) vertica.l, the original ground shallpe stepped. ' or benched. Ground slopes flat.ter than five (5) l1Qrizonta-l to one -(I) .~. , , vertical shall be bencbed when considered necessa17Y by the 5.oi1 engineer"" Fill slopes shall ,be, compact:ed by means 0:1; S'heepsfoot roll~r or other suitable equipment. ,~il9pe compac"tion shall be c'ontinued until-i' ,.:,,' , , the slopes are stable, but not too dense· for planting. .", ~ , ,', --' [,' f! , , • " ," " , ~" . ...... '. . ; ~,.... " I'; " " , • I ~~. ", . " ; .. j. • Attach. 1. Page 3 Field density. tests shall be taken when c'onsidered necessary by the , soil .engineer in accordan,ce with A~S.T ~M.;, Test Hethod D, 1.55(i-58T· and 13ha1.l. ,be made not 'e,xce'eding, two (2) feet in vertical hei.ght, providing each' 6" thicK ~ayer of' compacted :fill fs tes·ted. Lots' located in fiLl.ed areas shall receive at least one (1) test per " lot! arerrace ox corner lots shall be tested as directed by the soil engineer and shall' be tested at intervals not exceeding trwo. .(2) feet in verti.<;:;al he:i.ght. 'SVPE.R'VrSrON: Continuous supervision of the fill shall be made'. by the. .. soil engin~er of William S. Krooskos & Associates J Soil & FoundatiQn ·.EngineersJ ~ilring the gradin:goperations so tp.c;l.t they may certify "that the' fill· was placed in accordance with these specific·atiorls. SEAS'ON' Lrt4ITS ~ No" fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled' duting-un~avorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted ,by heavy rain, filling operations ,shall not. be res'umed until field tests 'by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content arid ',densit¥Qf the fill are' as previously specified. NOTE: ,The' recommendations enume~ated in the body-of. the enclosed report shall' be' mad:e ,a pa:r;-t o;E. these. gradin.g $pe~ifications . ',' ; .. ,~ , . . I ... - .: • UNIFIED SOIrJ ,CLASSIFICATIO:n CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION , GROUP. SY!lIBO'L L COARSE GRAIN:CD Hore than half 'of material is large.r than a No. 200 sieve. GRP.V:CLS CLEAN GRA\TELS More than ha.lf of coarse fraction is. larger than No. 4 sieve size but smaller than 3 11 • GRAVELS WITli FINES . (Appreciable amount) SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than haif of coars~ fraction is smaller than a No. 4 si~ve. 2 ~ SAt-JDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount) FINT; C;RAINBD Hore than half of material is smaller thnl1 a No. 20'0 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit g'rea ter than 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ew GP GN GC SvJ S,p SH SC sieve HI. CL OL CH 011 PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded ~ravels, gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines. Silty Gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. . Clayey gravels, poorlY graded gravel-sand..,.,clay mixtures. ~ellgraded sand, gravelly 'san,ds J Ii ttle or no :t:i-rles. ; Poorly graded sands,gravelly; f"<'lnds, ' little or i10 fines~ 1 Silt.y sa.nds,. poorly graded .1 sand and silt mixtl;lres. ' Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. , • I , ' Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt 'j . sand mixtures v1i tti. slight:, I . I plasticity. 1 Inorganic cl~ys of lot· to medium plastic'ity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic.' silty clays of 10\,1 :, -.. .' c. -:_i;j pla'sticity. I ,1 Inorganic silts, I!1icaceou$ i .' or diatomaceous fine sandy ! 'or silty soils, ~lasti6 I silts. . , .1 Inorganic c;:lays ·of high .' .. 1 plasticity, fat clays. Qrgqnic clays of raedi~m to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils., HILLIAl1 S. KROOSKOS: Q< ASSOCIATES Soil & Foundation Engineers ,t;'T>~'" -". ...... • ..• > ':\l~~itt: .. ,TESTING ENGINEERS; INCORPORAiED . ~ '" .. lOS··A~GEtEs,;·· : SAI'f. 'DIEGO' : . .sAN DIEGO TESTING LASORATOiUES 34157 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO, CAL.IFORNIt\-92116 ,', .: 'j .. -. r -.,' . .. ".' '~TO"V NU"'.E" SD2·:'''' :-:946 :.' . DAn :December 26) 1969- .. ' ~ .. ;. . .-" '., :., "-, ' .. ... : .I.oa DATA . #69-19 F1 te No. 560 SAMPLt: DAT... #.~2, OPPd·~tt'i.! L~f'-~:, .. .... ". Soil':" :<aterial 'i·esting. La'i?oratory of North r.ounty 4:':3 Hale Avenue Escondidd, California ; ;::~':f~~~~ .. ~,:·f,O(r-AN~ION~"'PRJ::SSURE· AND . RESISTANCE VALliE' TEST', EXUD .... TION PRJ::SSUR~. PSI .. ~ ' .. ~ 'l!/J. "':"";'. ~ 1~'. •• ::c.: ,. 800 ' 600 . <400 200 'V v I-+-:+--+--+--+---t---lr-:t-+-+,--~" 7: . ~--i'--';I--+-+-+--t . I 80 60 ~~~~~~~L~k(~~~+-+-~~-+-+~~'40 " :~'~;'::;'/""" ~: t-t--b-r.-+-+-~VY---lHHf--+-+-r-+-+--+-+--+-+-I }t , '~"" V :. 0 : .. -:; "e-·-"··zo :;~. ;;~ ... <::; ..... -+..,.....,I-<--+--+/.--.~-+-~"- '.¢ ,~.·~o·, . r _ . . J(:",:~"~_~ > . ...-;--t/-··':tfV-t--I--+--+--t--~-!'-="l"-"t-+--t--+--f--+-+-+-+--'1--f :8 ';'~.~:'" V ~~_ .2q ''''~'o .V .. ' 0 " 0 10 20. .30 40 . 50 C;:QVER THICKNESS {[NCHES~ EXPANSION PRESSURE REQUIREMENT '. IEXUOATIOfll. PRESSURE. PSI 2.4.()· . 300 410 510. ~ : . U"AN.ION PR!:SSURE. 1"5" [l;il Nil 22 69 RESISTANCE V .... LUE. '''R'' 5 6 8, 17' .4C»STIJ"E. %. II.T TEST 17.8 16.4 15.9' 15.0 I)~Y O'ItHSITY, Pc'F. AT' TEST 11-1.1 113. o· 114'.9 ·U.8.0 . .~;'-=--=--'--=--=------ R~POIIT;tO To: CL1ZNT ('J.'l cc. . , P~nrk ·Dr'-l.\7e.-., ''''--~'::'::'' . sllbmitt~d to the lab~r$~'o!1' ,/':', 'December 22; 1.969. " " '. , .. "" ~ -~ ~ .. .. ........ . r. 'lISle. Gr.;·l~J3/JfJ f)j~/~' .. . __ .t_", SIEVE : 'PERCENT PAj.IUNG, . . 51~E As Rcve ... ' As., Ti,uo" . ""---'--~,..--. --. -' "~--.-, --- 3" . ~~& ·.2 ' " 1j~' 3/8 .#4. -'.-'-'-'- . " .~+--:-':.' '"'-'-_"--'-:.:" '~./, 'i -: ',:. :. \, -',(", :':f .. . ' :> . . ~ ... -.. .(- . ' . ...irui~,' : .. ~ .. : ·l'9.~?·; "c.: .. , ' . :~' .. .: ,' . ..,.........:.:.~-"-' *'.-•• " ""-"":'''''';';'''-;,'- ~ I : a .~ I ~ '~~ ... ------"':. ~!; ',,' . '. ~ 50 Z 100 0( . 'Iii 200 (.W~SH.l . iii IIJ a: ' .. ' - .. :. .CLAY ., :'SANO' ".:' .\ '.:..::-' -:~. ~ '''::.' . .: .. :~~.,,~~ .. ~. ~.- I'~£ .1'. ' .. '. "7".,"-. ~-...,.-::,'-: ,~.,.....:-,-~-;,,;,-,-,--"""'-:"""""'--I D.URABII,.IT,Y,'FAQTOR .. ' -' ,. '---,----. -""-'"-;,-,--,.,-I ", I'·· PLASTICIT;Y-lr:-ioJqC 'TEST I· ·L.IQUIO:r.,..IM.lT;· ~~T---'''7~ . :f"t-A~TIC L,",lI:1" .. ~;_._:_ .. _. _.,' . ': . PJ. ' , .', ~ R -VALUE: . " . -;:i .' ' ~::r 300 PSI ·EXUDATl01:f PRESSUR£:_-><-......... ,· .... T EQUIL!BRIUM (TI=.' '.' CTll-oS-T~STJNGENGrN£ERS. INC. -,., .... EHC:sm ' .. 0 //. ',;.r:: '. ''.r' BY ~. ,>ty. \2 ~'V ..... ___ ,,-,-,.o,,-,,--...,.-~ -~ , , Evere t t ·If, Cronk \ , : -:. . , --,r~-;,,--.--~-'-"'--'---'---'--'--i---------------.--.---.. -------•. ,,---.. ~--~:--::;;~};=:'. i~~:-:~~--- ~tl __ ••• _____ ........ __ -----7-"--.. ---._~_ '! __ • +._w ___ L.~~ __ .;C;()'~.,!tiff~_._""'7_ .. {'~tJ-n:-'I!~--_ -... ~ -.~ .o._:~ __ . .-.. -----... ---_._.____ -"-.--'r--------·-, ____ .~:~. __ ~~. ____ :. __ .. __ ... L;~~~t_~~~~ __ ~i:~ ... , __ " ___ . ______ ,. ________ J ____ . .'. ).'&,:. 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' .. : ----. -.!~." --':':~., -: ~'" -,-,:~ ---... -.. ~-.• -~;.---f ,""'; -·---:l-·-··~--r--:......:- --,--.. ~--: .. ,-·~-·_:_--:----~---~,----~·~-~--l~-~-:.~,:i-~::: J:' "'1 '., J ~+~~l:..· ' .. -- ~·~·~L.~·:~::··u~~~=-I-· ~-~~_:_rtt+·~······!C!.··.·]-< ..• ·.·,.;· -. ) ,. , -.: '; , -<.:"~--... r· • .1, ~-) . , " ,,~ __ ... _., w_". __ ... --;. ,!.-_ ........ ____ ::-_f.. ____ ... ~,---'_ -.' . ; ... ___ .-; ___ --: __ ... _ --..; ____ !... __ 1 __ ._--: _____ _ .-~ ~-.. -:--~=---.~.---. t";l~: • _ ~ 1/~ t...:.~ .. ~fJftII4 TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 (714) 222-1185 File No. 1505 JOB: Kelly & Park ADDRESS: OWNER: City of Carlsbad ARCH:TECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: Ray White L.ADORATORY NUMBER MARK ON SPECIMEN LOCATION IN STRUCTURE BRAND OF CEMENT UOED · BRAND AND TYPE. OF AOMIXTURE SOURCE OF SAND 0 0 SOURCE OF ROCK 0 . MIX PROPORTIONS OR NUMBER SUPPL.I·E':l~ (C,ON9RETE) '. TRUCK ~?;,~TIC.KET No, 0 SLUMP,"OR •. ~ELLY BALL TEMPERATURE OF AIR TEMf'ERATURE OF MIXTURE SPECIMENS MACE DATE MADE DATE RECEIVED DATE TESTED . By . AREA. SQUARE INCHES ULTIMATE LOAD. LaSl. . 0 0 0 · · . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 of '''' 0 . CRUSHING STRENGTH LBS. PER, SQ. IN. AGE TESTED. DAY. UNIT WEIGHT. Les. PER. CU. n. 'S .. £CIFIED STRENGTH REPORTED To: ~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS C27-3584 Deck Pacific Western Pala " W-6-l Wiley Brothers Ticket 1136676 4" 800 Morrison Aug. 3, 1972 Aug. 7, 1972 Aug. 10, 1972 28.27 70500 2490 7 . DAn: August 10, 1972 ~ REG. WT. CONCRETE o LIGHT WT. CONCRETE o GUNITE 1n 1f3 3000 psi CLIENT <4 City of Carlsbad JDB:sm RECEiVED AUG 11 1972 CITY Of CARLSBAD Engineering Department TESTING ENGINEERS. 'INC.. "OHM" if·, ~ 'l OAKLAND SANTA CLAR~ LOS ANGELES . SAN DIEGO o CORES P MORTAR o GROUT -~ Bement, RE1f 16099 ' . . ( itI ~L~ ; ":/~P$~ " 1'lr !!;>~" L~4 (.*&.v,./4.· 1 ~?' OAKLAND it TESTING ENGINEERS INCORPORATED J SANTA CLARA I, ,LOSANGELES 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 (714) 222-1185 SAN DIEGO Rt::PORT OF COMPRE:SSION '-ESTS File No. 1505 Joe: Kelly & Park AODRESS: OWNi!R: City of Carlsbad ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: Ray Whi te LAaORATORY NUMBER C27-3584, MARt{ ON SPECIMEN =In LOCATION IN STRUCTURE Deck BRANO OF CEMENT USED 0 . - BRANO AND TYPE 01" AOMIXTURE 0 Pacific Western SOURCE OF SAND Pa~a SOURCE OF ROCK . II 0 . MIX I"'ROPORTIONlS OR NUMBER 0 W-6-l SUf>PLlr.'R (CONCRETE) 0 0 Wiley Brothers IRUCI< No. 8< TICKET No, . 0 0 Ticket =11=36676 SL.UMP OR K£!..L.Y BALL. 0 4" TEMPERATURE OF AIR 0 OF 8~' :;; TEMPERATURE OF MIXTURE OF ~#g.on~ SPECIMI!NS MADe: Ely " DATE MADE 0 0 0 Aug. 3, 1972 DATE REC!:!:IVEO . . • 0 · 0 Aug. 7, 1972 OATe: TESTED . 0 . . · · Aug. 10, 1972 AREA. SQUARE INCHES · 28.27 UL.TIMATE LOAD. Las. 0 0 70500 CRUSHING STRENGTH L.BS. PER, SQ. IN. 2490 AGE TESTED, DAVa 0 0 0 · 7 UNIT WEIGHT. LSS. PER. CU. n. $PF-CIFIED STRENGTH . · REPORTED To: , CLIEN'T <)If City of Carlsbad JDB :sm =lf2 " Aug. , " ~ " ; .. , '\ .. ' , . . 1\ " , \ • " ~" ·f " , 31,.1972 28.27 102500 3630 28 3000 psi I \ DATI:: August 10, 1972 August 31, 1972 iUl: REG. 'NT. CONCRETE o LIGHT WT. CONCRETE o GUNITE =11=3 '\ \' " . , r' .;,' ~ , ' , " .) " .... ¥ " " , .~, ... "" '. i ~f .' Discarded, N<;>t Tested TESTING ENGINEERS. INC. o CORES P l""'ORTAR o GROUT B~Q~~ ~ James D. Bement RE=I/:. 160~9" . . - - ; I-: ., 10GUJU!1daa 20IJaeOf203 a1f8~7i-11fJ .in ;..1'0 ZL6l 1 d]S (J{1AI{1J 88 \ \ . '" , • t(.y--;'" "-f { . ~~~R.A rm U 11 ,. • August 21,. 191? \. , \ . , . TO: City Manager, Fire, Building, Eng;.neering';Park's' & Recreation . FROM:. PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: VARIANCE -'Request for a variance tG permtt the following de v i a t ion s : Lot s No. 57, 5 9 " 60, 61, 62, red u c t i" 0 n t:o 7 ~ ??' Lot No. 58, red u c t ion to 8 ~, Lo r ' ~ 3 '7 r i The subject matter is scheduled for public hearing before the Pl ann i n9 Commi ss i on on September 12, '1972 Your recommendations are requested, and should be returned to this off ice" by A ur u s t' 3 0, ] 9 7 2 , for inc 1 u s ion ina com - prehensive Sta f Report. EJ D Your attendance is requested at a Staff Meeting,' August 24, 1972 , at 10:00 A.M~ . No Staff Meeting required; Please indicate your recommendations below and return. . DONALD A. AGATEP Associate Planner Attachments: Application ~ ~ Plot Plan V . . ---~------------------------------------------.--------------~---- RECOMMENDATIONS Date: TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: . ~.~, ',~. :'."?' ';. • . " '., i ). ~ AJJ?,LIClJ,. T ION TO BE TYPE.TTEN • ~ "'. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Instructions to Applicant 1. Complete· Parts A, B, C and D Submitted to Carlsbad City Planning 2. Filing-F~e ~ $50.00 3. Make check'pay~ble to City o~ Carlsbad 4. Information to be typewritten. Commission 1'1 ' Date Received __ ~~~~==)~~'~~~~~'~l~\~C~}_-~I~~ __ __ . DATE OF HEARING: '-S--'C3 \3::.~ "?';;.e-'" ----~~-=~~--~~~~-- PART A--------------------GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Applicant __ ~B~E~C=RA~H~,~~I=N~C~.~ ___________________________ Telephone ____ 7_2_9_-_2_5_5_4 ______ ~ Applicant's Mailing Address --------------------------------------------------------~--- ·3095 State St., Carlsbad, CA 92008 BECRAH, INC. Owner of Property --------------------------------------------------------~----~-------- Loca tion of Property by Stree t Lots 57 thru 62 in Carlsbad Tract 71-5, -Lorna --------------------------------------------------------- Laguna PART B--------------------LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach' to this application one(l) copy of a complete ,legal description of the property for which a permit is requested. SEE ATTACmfENT PART C------.--------------PLOT PLAN ) . . . ;(.0 c7(/)(;./·tf:1 At.tach to. this a?plication ~"O) Copies-and One(l) Reproduciple Pri:nt of a Plot Plan which shows the boundaries and dimensions of the property for which a permit is requested, names and widths of bordering streets, location and width of alleys and/or easements" location of" existing and/or proposed buLld- ings, . s tr'uct ures and/or opera ti ons, dis tances, all such being from property l~nes and from one another; also, offstreet parking, loading space, land- scaping and similar features should be .shown. . PART D-------------~------APPLICANT'S STATEMENT REQUEST: The Applicant requests a Variance .to permit the following deviations: Lot No. 57·-7 ' narrow side yard Lot NQ. 61 7' narrow side yard Lot No. 58 -8' narrow side yard Lot No. 62 -7' narrow side yard Lot No. 59 7' narrow side yard Lot No. 60 7 ' narrow side yard f ' • ~. --2- ---ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE AND IN DETAIL: NOTE: The law requires that all of the conditions set for-th:·in :the :t;ol-. lowing three Sections MUST be established before a Variance can be granted. You must prove that you are entitled to' the variance. 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land or buildings for which the:adjustment is soughts which circum- stances or conditions are peculiar·to such land or buildings and do not apply generally to the land or buildings in the neighborhood. SEE ATTACHMENT .. 2. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimen- tal to the public welfare or injurious to the property or ~mprovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located:, ------'--- SEE ATTACHMENT 3. That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the Comprehensive General Plan: ____ ~ ______________________________ ~ ________ ~ __ SEE ATTACHMENT NOTE: The city Planning commission is required by law to make a written finding of facts from the showing the applicant makes that beyond a rea" sonable doubt the three above enumerated conditions apply. We, the undersigned,. O1WERS OF ADJACENT P.ROPERTY, as shown upon'map, attached to the. 'application, hereby certify that we hav~ read th'e fore- going petition and agree that the facts stated correctly· and, completely, present the conditions surrounding the property involved in the appli~ cation, and believe the ,application'SHOULD BE GRANTED; (J?dd additional sheets where necessary. These signatures are desirable, but not de~ manded.) . NO. ON MAP NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK TRACT. / l'i -, ~ . • , , ... OWN E R I S A F F I D A V I T SS COUNTY OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ CITY OF .. I, (;L, ~~ /6/1£ ,being duly sworn, depose and say that I {we} am (are) the Owner (s), Lessee (s) of the property involved in this application, and that I (we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulations of the Planning Commission with respect tQ preparing ~nd filing this application, and that foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information on the attached map and property owners list thoroughly and completely I to the be-st of my (our) ability present the argument in behalf of the application here"- • with requested, and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best of my (our). know- ledge and belief. Phone No.: day o-f This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me ahd has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and "to conform to the ~ules and regulations of the City Planriing Com~ mission governing the filing of such application. NOTE: See Reverse Side General Instructions -3- Receipt: For . , &'" A ! .;;:. 1\ "f' J1 ( J ~,U L 1 r\'1. t ~J . v. ~ .. l 1...1(' .or, ": \. I" It ;:NGINErR AL'v:..'·"!rJ·. E'\ll,):·,'-.FRING GeOLOGIST FOUNDATION ENGINErPIW:;' ENC,I:-':Ef.RING GEOI,O.3Y ~r. Nick Vessey DeG Cee Company 3059 State Street • SAN DIEGO, "CALiFORNiA 92 j :20 August 9, ·1972 Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: R-Value Tests Park Drive, OppositG Lots 2-14 L.orna-I::ia""'0UlTa""-Prive, Opposite Lots 19-33 Q.om_a __ ~?Y_ll.a/S~bdi v ~sion ~arlsDad, Callfornla Dear Mr. Vess(~y: PHONE 283-6506 Job No. 72-3319 Please find enclosed, the additional two R-Value results of two soil samples submitted to Testing Enigneers, Inc., from Loma Laguna Subdivision. Please submit the necGssary copies to the Enqineering Department of the City of Carlsbad, California, for their Feview. The sam!,le locations were chosen by Mr. Russ Morrison, City Inspector for thG City of Carlsbad, California. \\lSK :mm RGSpectfully submitted, WILLIAM'S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCU\'I'ES ~ , '(' /',f1' J j/ ;J/: ,/,-,:&--1:..' ..... , 'Ad • 0:::,.'''--''-o'~' <_-z.....-:::-_-;-::;--~.,..,... vJilli.::tm S. Krooskos, Presid.ent ReE 11318 " < TESTiNG ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CAL!FORNIA 92110 (714) 222-1165 LABORATORY NUMBER SD27-2294-A DATE August 4, 1972 JOB DATA: File No. 620 Job No. 72-3154 SAMPL.E DATA: SiN 4, submitted Loma Laguna, Carlsbad laboratory August 1, 1972. Drive Lorna Laguna William S. Krooskos & Associates Opp., lots 19-3'3 4320 Vandever Avenue San Diego, California 92120 Attn: Mr. Al Venton ...... MALAND SANTA C,LARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO to the - R • VAL.UE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS A B C D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I, 110 60 205 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 4" 15.5 17.2 137 DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 3" 115.,0 III 1 11 q ? R.VAL.UE • STABIL.OMETER 12 6 31 2" EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 370 150 530 1" --- 100 STAB. THICK. FEET 1.28 1.35 0.98 %" 100 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET 0.33 ---1.33 Ih" T.I. (ASSUMED) = 4.5 %" w By STAB. @ 300,P.S./. EXUD. = Z:J 8 !,!)..l #4 -< ~> By EXPANSION PRESSURE = 25 £:l' e:: #8 AT EQUIL.IBRIUM = 8 #16 SAND EQUIVAL.ENT = #30 DURABIL.ITY (COARSE) = I LIQUID LIMIT = #50 DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PL.ASTIC LIMI,': = =100 P. I. ;:: ;:200 : REMARKS: 4 cc. .... " , ' .' -, , TESTING EN,GINE'F:R:=;. INC. . . ,', - - . , """,4:' , .', " "C:::'::::S' By .L~~':;/, ... ,,~:~_, Bement ,James ·D. R. E. ·1116'099 JDB:am .' . .. - I I I I I I I I • e ll:~dNG 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CAL.IFORNIA 92110 (714) 222-1.186 LABORATORY NUMBER SD27-2294· DATE August 4, 1972/ , JOB DATA: File No. 620 Job No. 72-3154 SAMPL.E DATA: SiN 2, Submitted Lorna Laguna, Carlsbad laboratory August 1, 1972. Park Drive . William S. Krooskos & Associates Opp. Lots 2-14 4320 Vandever Avenue San Diego, California 92120 Attn: Mr: A] :\lenton -- ~ ."" 1 • LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO to the -R • VAL.UE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS A B C D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.1. 350 185 350 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION. % 12.2 15.6 13.9 4" DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 119.5 114.0 117.3 3" . R.VAL.UE. STABIL.OMETER 69 18 43 2" . EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.1. 660 150 ··42.0 '" --- 100 100 STAB. THICK. fEET 0.45 1 •. 18 0.82 %" EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET 2.27 0.27 0.73 l.h" ~i' __ T. I. (ASSUMED) = 45 %" w By STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 28 Z:J #4 C).J -..: gj> By EXPANSION PRESSURE = 44 o· =8 a: AT EQUIL.IBRIUM = 28 ;:16 SAND EQUIVAL.ENT = #30 DURABIL.ITY (COARSE) = L.IQUID L.IMIT = =50 DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PI.ASTIC L.IMIT = =100 P. I. = .=200 REMARKS: 4 cc. TESTING ENGINEe:RS. iNC. JDB:am WILLI! S. KltOUShu~ & AS~CIATES w S .. RCO<'KOS, CIVIl.. ENGINEER AI. VENTO'I, ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST 4:;,<":0 V/\NDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 August 8, 1972 / . FOUNDATION EI:-IGINEERING ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PHONE 283·6506 ./" \-,'0 --(" ~ Mr. Nick Vessey Job No. 72-3319 Bee Cee Company 3095 State Street Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: R-Value Tests Loma Laguna Subdivision Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Vessey: Please find enclosed the R-Value results of two samples submitted to Testing Engineers from Loma Laguna Subdivision. Please submit the necessary copies to the Engineerin~ Department of the City of Carlsbad, California for their review. As soon as the R-Value tests have been run on the additional two samples that were submitted to Testing Engineers last week, we will forward them to you. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATES ~D&:e&5ident WSK:mm RCI: 11318 --TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA-,P2110 (7'4) 222-1,8S SAl"! i A. CLAf..:"" LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO LABORATORY NUMBER SD27-2274 DATE August 2, 1972 JOB DATA: File No. 620, Job No. 72-3154 SAMPL.E DATA: SiN 1, Park Dr. opposite Lot Lorna Laguna, Carlsbad 61-66, distance to curb 30 ft. , depth 2 -6 ft. Submitted to the laboratory William S. Krooskos & Associates July 31, 1972. 4320 Vandever Avenue San Diego, California 92120 Attn: Mr. Al Vent on R • VAL.UE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS A B C 0 E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS • P.S.1. 55 110 75 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 20.0 16.5 18.3 4" DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 104.8 112.5 108.8 3" R·VAL.UE • STABIL.OMETER 8 14 11 2" EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 1" 220 430 340 3,.4" 100 100 STAB. THICK. FEET ------~ ... - EXPAN. PRESS. THICK.F'EET ---0.07 --- . '12" -_._-- T. I. (ASSUMED) = 0/8" --- III By STAB. @ 300 P.S.1. EXUD. = 10 Z:J #4 C).J --< l1J> By EXPANSION PRESSURE = ---c· 0:: #8 AT EQUILIBRIUM = 10 #16 SAND EQUIVALENT = #30 -- DURABILITY (COARSE) = LiquiD LIMIT = #50 DURABILITY (FINE) = PL.ASTIC LIMIT = ;;:100 P. I. = ==200 -, REMARKS: 4 CC. "I'I:tS"I'ING IZNGINl!lInS. INC. r./ ..?~~~-th' ~'" -~ !'oM-"" .(. .... ;.-4 -.. ....-liof' ---.- .J IIH: 1ltJ) ~ JIlH\CHJ n, HOlUont.: R:l~. fl1(j09~ -I • -,I ,.., ~ e lESTING ~ 3467 KURTZ STREET SAN DIEGO. CAL.IFORNIA 92110 (714) 222-1185 , .. Afv<\ LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO LABORATORY NUMBER SD27-2275 DATE August 2, 1972 JOB DATA: File No. 620, Job No, 72-3154 SAMPL.E DATA: SiN 3, Park Dr. , opposite Lot Lorna Laguna, Carlsbad 14-18,·distance to curb, 30 ft. , depth, 2 -·6 ft. Submit~ed to the laboratory William S. Krooskos & Associates July 31, 1972. 4320 Vandever Avenue San Diego, California 92120 Attn-Mr. Al :\lenton R • VA-L.UE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS A B C D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. 50 120 85 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 18.3 14.8 16.5 4" DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 108.6 116.4 111.8 3" R.VAL.UE. STABIL.OMETER 6 18 11 2" EX\JD. PRESSURE. P.S.J. 22.0 460 410· 1" 3A" 100 100 STAB. THICK. FEET ------.. _--- EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET 0.37 ------' lh" T.I. (ASSUMED) = ---%" w By STAB. @ 300 P.S.J. EXUD. = 8 Z::J 404 CJ..I -< ~> By EXPANSION PRESSURE = .-___ o· Ir #8 _. AT EQUIL.IBRIUM = 8 #16 SAND EQUIVAL.ENT = #30 ~ , DURABIL.ITY ( COARSE) = LiQUID LIMIT = #50 DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PL.ASTIC LIMIT = #100 P. I. = #200 EMARKS: 4 CC. I • W .. ~"-'l'gfi1'lNO 'l~NaINr,:IUHl, INC. ~O~~ Dv ~~ __ .. __ :_. __ -... ~_~ :f'J) n : a\'n _ Jall1eS D. Betheht Ie E-. 1fi6099 .- , -/ -. --I ---.~-" ---- I I August 1, 1972 City of Carlsbad 1206 Elm Avenue Becrah Inc. 3095 STATE STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 729·2554 Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTENTION: Mr. Hunter Cook RECEIVED !-\UG 2 1972. CiTY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department REFERENCE: ea':lsbad Tt. ;~ma Laguna Dear Mr. Cook: - Enclosed please find a copy of the "Report of 'Certification of Compacted FiUu • Sincerely, BECRAH, INC. WAKIm Enclosure c, 1 f-O~ , - ·WIILIA·M S, IlRn 0 S fiD S &' ASS DelATE S " 'W. s: KPO?SKOS. CIVIL ENGINEER AL VEI"~·ON-. ENGI:-JEf:RINGGEOL9GfST , 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE Mr •. Nick Vessey Bee Cee Company la9~ Stat~ Str~et • SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92.12-0 July 27, 1972 Carlsbad', Califol7i1ia 92008 SUBJBCT: Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Lorna Laguna Subdivision Kelly Drive and Park Drive Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Vessey: • FOUNDATION ENGINEERfNG ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PHONE 283-6506 LTob No. 74-:3154 SUHMARIZING THE ATTACHED FINAL REPORT OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPACTED FILLS 1 IT'IS OUR OPINION, BASED UPON FIELD INVESTIGATION'S AND LABORATORY' TESTS, .THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS APPLY TO THE SUBJECT SUBDIVISIO,N. 1. All lots of 'Lorna Laguna Subdivision have been properly graded and are clear and ,free of expansive soils within two f~etof finish ground grade. ' 2. All grading 'work on this subdivision has been performed in accordance with the Report of F.H.A. $oil Investig~tion prepared by William S. Krooskos & Associates and dated September 28" 1970. 3. All lots have been graded in accordance with the finish pad ,elevations as shown on the Fin,al' Grading Plan prepared by Rancho SahtaFe Engineering Company and dated .Hay 5, 1972;' 4. The fill materials have been properly placed, compact.ed and tested to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density and wi.ll safely support. the proposed residential type ,structures. and other improvements. 5. The soils that were used in the filled ground, hav'ing been compac·ted'to a minimum ot 90 percent o-f maximum dr'y densi ty ~ hav~ a'safe bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square f06t. This soil bearing value is also applicable to the compacted natural ground. 6. The compacted natural ground and the compacted fills possess sufficient bearing capacity to prevent future differential settlements, and will s~fely support the proposed str-q,ctural load·s.' , ~ .. -.. ~ ... , .... 7. Residential type foundations and footings when founded at le.;r·st: i2 iriches below the finish grade may be designed with a maximum' allow~ble soil bearing value of 2,~~0 pounds per square foot. This' soil bearing value may be' increased one-third for design loads that include wind or seismic analysis. i' c. i. Page 2 Repo~t of Certification of Compacted Fill Loma Laguna Sltbd,ivision ' , ,Kelly Drive and Park Drive Carlsbad~ California 8. The' :ground which received compacted fil~ and was used for compacted fills, ha~ low volume change characteristics. Remolded samples of ,rep;r-esentative surface cut and fill soils when all,oweg tO,swell from optimum moisture content to saturated conditions uhder a normal load of 144 pounds per square foo,t have less than one percent vertical deformation. The existing' surface sbils in the sUbj.ect lots have been inspected and no expansive materials were noted; therefore, no detrimental movement will result ,from this soil characteristic. . 9. Since all loose surface soils have been either removed and/or recompa.cted, settlement of the natural ground ano. compacted fills unde'r the proposed structura.l loads will be negligible and should occur during the period of construction. 10. Cut and fill slopes of 1. ,5 horizontal to 1. 0 vertioa 1 are stable for the natural ground soils on this site and these same soils' 1;lsedin the 'compacted fills. 11. Where daylight lines occurred in the midst of the subject lots ,and/or \mder the proposed structures, each entire lot was under- cut and compacted leaving at least two feet of compacted fi~l beneath the finish ground grad~. ~2. r have analyzed the Report of F.R.A. Soil Investigation as prepared by the -Soils Firm of William S. Kroosko's & Associates, dated September 28, 1972. I have a,iso "examined the foundations, and footings on the accepted. Building Plans for this pX'oject, and I certify that the footings and foundations as designed will safely support the proposed single and/or two story residential structures. We sincerely'appreciate having had theopportun;i.ty to provide our services on this proj~ct. Respect~ully submitted, WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATES krJ~J~ . illiam S. Krooskos, Presi.dent WSK :tnm. RCE 11318 ... . . • REPORT OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPACTED FILL LOMA LAGUNA SUBDIVISION KELLY DRIVE AND PARK DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SCOPE: This report has been prepared to establish the degree of compaction of t.h~ fill materials placed and compacted on the subject subdivision and inspected and tested by our firm from May 15 through July 25,1972. The'gr~dingwDrk was performed by Stuckey Construction, Inc., under our direct supervision. The subject subdivision was graded and prepared for th~ placement of single and/or two story resid~ntial type structures to be constructed of standard type building materials. The g:r;ading operation was performed in accordance with the "Grading Specifications", included in this report and meeting the recommenda- tions of the Report of Soil Investigat.ion of this subdivision site prepared by William S. Krooskos & Associates and dated Septoember. 28, 1972. All lots have been graded in accordance with the finish pad elevations as shown on the Final Grading Plan prep.ared by Rancho Santa Fe Engineering Company .. dated May 5, 1972. SITE: All subject lots are located within Lorna Laguna Subdivision~ This subdi~~sion cons~sts of Lots 1 -66. The subdivision is located just north o£ the existing improved Kelly Drive and Park Drive, Carlsbad, Califorhia. PREPARATION OF SITE: Before any fill was placed on the subdivision the existing ground was ol.eared of all vegetation, brush and doebris to give the surface a neat and finished appearance. The excavated vegetation, brus:h . and debris was hauled to a central location on the site and burned. All existing uncompacted fills and loose embayment soils within the fill areas 'iv-ere excavated to expo$e firm natural ground or excavated to a suit~ble depth. These excavated fill materials were plac'ed, compacted and tested to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. Prior to placing fill, the firm natural ground was sacrified to a depth of at teast 18 inches, watered to optimum requirements and compacted and tested to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. FILL MATERIALS AND PLACEMENT: The fill materials were obtained from the on-site excavations. j" ~ Page 2 Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Lorna Laguna Subdivision Sob N¢. 7 2-315~4'" Kelly Drive and Park Drive Carlsbad, california These fill materials primarily consist of Light brown silty to clay~y sands. All soils 'within the top two feet of finish grade are non-expansive; therefore, possess less than one percent swell as measured by, the Federal Housing Admin~stration Swell Test. These fill materials were placed in layers not exceeding six inches in compacted thickness, watered to optimum requirements and'compacted by means of heavy construction equipment inc10ding sheepsfoot, roller. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS: Field density tests were taken as required at least eVery two 'feet in vertical thickness of the compacted fills~ The results of these tests are summarized in the enclosed Figure Nq. I. , ~ The field density tests, were taken in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1556. Moisture determinations were made from each in place ,field test. The relative compaction as summarized for each test is the ratio of the field density to the maximum laboratory density expressed ,as a percentage for the comparable material. LABORATORY TESTS: At the t:ime the soil investigation was conducted and during the grading operation, representative samples of thB fill materials wer.e obtained and brought to the laboratory for testing. Compaction tests were conducted on these samples in order to establish their maximum dry densities. The test results are also summarized in the enclosed Figure No. L .. '!'".- ,The labor a tory compaction tes'ts were performed in acoordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1557 (four inch mold, five layers, 25 blows eacli: layer, 10 pound harnmer, 18 inch drop using all material pas,sing a No. 4 sieve). ' FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ,: vJe certify that the grading operation was performed in compliance with the recommendations as summarized in the Report of Soil Investigation of the subdivision site" the general Grading Specifications and to the specific grading requirements of the Federal Housing Administratioh. ' 1. The fill materials within the top two feet of finish ground grade which have been classified as a mixture of light brown silty to clayey sands are non-expansive therefore" possess less than one percent swell as measured by the F.H.A. Test fOT Expansive Soils. These fill materials have been placed, compacted and~ ~. • Page 3 Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Loma Laguri~. Subdivision Kelly Drive and Park Drive Carlsbad, Califonria Job No. 72-3154 tested on the subject lots to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 2. All single family type lots of Loma Laguna Subdivision (Lots 1-66)- have been properly graded and are clear and free of expansive soils within two feet of the finish grOund grade. 3. Foundations and footings of the proposed single and/or two story residential type structures, when founded at leas.t 12 inches into the compacted fiLl or natural ground may be designed for . a maximum of 2,~00 pounds per square foot. Thii allowable soil bearing value may be increased one-third for design loads that include wind or seismic analysis. 4. The compacted fill soiis that oqcur within five feet of the face of the fill slope possess poor lateral stability, even thOugh they have been certified to a relative compaction of 90 percent of maximum dry density or better. Proposed structures ano. other improvements such as walls, fences, patios, sidewalks, swimming pool, driveways, asphalt pavement, etc., that are located within five feet of the face of compacted fill slope could su.ffer differential movement as a result of the poor lateral stability of these soils. 5. Foundations and footings of proposed structures, walls, improve- ments, etc. when founded five feet and further away from the top of the compacted fill slopes may be of standard design meeting . the requirements of the governing agency. If proposed foundations and footings are located closer than five feet inside the top of compacted fill slope, they shall be deepened one foot below a 1.S norizontal to 1.0 veri cal line projected downward and outward from a point five feet horizontally inside the top of compacted fill slope. (Refer to Figure No. II) 6. Adequate measures shall be undertaken to properly finish grade eac.h lot (after the structure and other imprOVements are in place) I such that drainage waters from the lots and i;.headjacent properties are directed away from the building foundations, footings and floor slabs towards the street or the natural drainage direction for the subdivision. Proper drainage will ins·ure that no waters will seek the level of the foundations, footings and floor slabs which cQuld result in undermining of the bearing soils and differential settlement or uplift of the structure and other improvements. 7. Any baCkfill soils placed in utility trenches or behind retaining walls. which support structures and other improvements such a$ pa'tios, sidewalks, driveways I pavement, etc. I (other than li:mdscaping) shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 8. Future swimming pools and appurtenances, and/or other subsurface " , ' Page 4 , .. -.... ~;. Report of Certification of Compacted Fill Lorna Laguna Subdivision' ·,Kelly. Drive and Park Drive Car ls'bad.:1 -"Cali fornia Job No. 72-3154 structures that are founded in potentially expansive clay, soils, shall be properly designed and reinforced with steel following the reC;::OIlimendations of the structura,l engineer and soils engineer.' 9. We certify that the grading operation was performed in conformance . with the recommendations as summarized in olir Report of Soil Investigation. The compacted fill soils and the natural grol.,lnd soils will safely support the proposed structures and other improvements. All of the other recommendations summariz:ed in our Report of Soil Investigation which have not been em:unerated and/or modified herein shall be applicable for the proper design of the proposed structures and the development of the site to re'cei ve the contemplated improvements. If you have any questions concerning our report, please do not hesitat.e to call us. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciateq. Respectfully sUbmitted, vHLLIAM S. KROOSKOS &l\SSQCIATES WSK.mm ('8) Enclosures ,,' .. I . i !. , . WILLIAM~. fiROOSB05 &. AssolATES SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN,DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 • PHONE 28S.6506 FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOa Lorna Laguna Subdivision, California Kelly and Park Drives, Carlsbad, . .JOB NuMBER 72-3154 TEST NO. l.OCATION DEPTH OF MOISTURE FI LL (,FEET) (PERCENT I DATE July 27, 1972 DRY'DENSITY SOIL RELATIVE COMPACTION DATE (.L6S'/CU, FT,) TYPE l PERCENT) . OF TEST' Figure· No. I ", . ~t"', - " WILLIA~S. IlROOSIlOS & ASS~ATES -SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO. CAL}FORNIA 92120 FIELD· DENSITY TESTS JOB Lorna Laguna Subdivision, Cal1.for'nia Ke~ly adn Park Drives, JOB NuMBER 72-3154 TEST NO, -l.OCATION DATE DEPTH OF MOISTURE DRY DENSITY 50'11.. FILL (FEETI (PERCENT) (LBS.lCU. FT:, TY.P~· • PHONE 283-6506 Carlsbad r 'July 27, 1972 RELATIVE COMPACTION (PERCENT" QATE OF TEST .Figure No. I WILLIAJtS. liROnSliOS & ASSO!ATES 80I~ .AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 4;:12.0 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92'120 FIELD DENSiTY TESTS Lorna Laguna Subdivisionl JOB-' California Kelly and Park Drives, 72-3154 JOB NUMB~R " DATE ,. PHONE 283-6506 Carlsbad, July 27, 1972 PAGE 3 OF' 9 Figure No. I . ' ~ ..... , . .' WILLIAM~. I1ROOSI10S & AssnlArES ""', -, SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 4.320 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 9212Q • PHONE 283-65'06 JQB FIELD DENSITY TESTS LoJUCl. Laguna Subd:i,.vision, Kelly and Park Drives, CCj.rlsbad, . California JOB NUMBER 72--3154 DATE July 27, 1972 TEST NO. LqCATION DEPTH OF MOISTURE FILL (FEET) (PERCENT) DRY DENSITY SOIL rLBS'/CU, FT.} TYPE , RELATIVE COMPACTION (PERCENT) DATE OF'TEST Figure NQ. I ·' --WILLIAJtS: IiROOSIiOS .& ASSO~ATES SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 • PHONE 283.6506 =========================-=. ==========================~==================== JOB Lo~a Laguna SUbdivision, Califor.nia FIELD DENSITY TESTS Kelly and Park Drives, Carlsbad, JOBNUMBER' 72-3154 'OATE July 27, 1972 TEST NO, LOCATION ·DEPTH OF MOIST.URE FI LL (FEET) (PERCENT) DRY DENSITY SOIL ( LBS'/CU. FT. ) TYPE RELATIVE COMPACTION (PERCE'NT) DATE OF TEST Figure No. -r . ·WILLIA~. I1ROOSI10S & AsscAATES SOiIJ AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 432Q VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO. CALlFQRNIA 92120 • PHONE 283:6506 . FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB. Lorna Laguna Subdivision ,KEhly and Park brives I Carlsbad', Calfiorni.a JOB NUMBER 72-3154 DATE July 27 I 1972 TEST NO. /" ... ' . .,1. ".-; 't;oc~ TION DEPTH OF MOISTURE FILL (FEET! (PERCENT) RELATIVE DRY DENSITY S.OIL ( LBS.lCU. FT. ) TYPE COMPACTfoN' DATE (PERCENT) OF TEST PAGE 6 OF g:' F ig,ure No. I . I 'WILLIA~S. ,1lHOOS"1l'US "& ASS'IATES 801L AND FOUNDATION ENGINEElUNG .' 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE • >SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 • ,PHONE 283·6506 FIELD DENSITY TESTS ,JOB Lome; Laguna St).bdivi,sion, Kelly and Park DXives, Carlsbad, Ca.lifbrnia JOB NUMBER 72-3154 DATE July 27, i972 Figure No. I ·1 1 '. . , ~ WILLIAM~. 11l10nSJlHS &A5S0~ATE5 " . , ... ' , " SO/J" AND FOUNDATION ENGINE~RING 4320 VANDEVER AVENUE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 921~0 • PHONE: '283~6!;>06 . =====-== .. ====:::::;;:====---::-====;::;=;::===.=:::::-:;=::=,===.::;=i::===:::;::= FIELD DENSJTY TESTS " I, JOB Loma,Lasuni=l ?ubdivision, . ".' Cali£6r;l,11a Kelly and Park Drives, Carlsbaq.,_' QATE :July 27'1 ·;t974~,. JOB NUMBER 72:-~1,54 TEST NO .. l.OCATrON DEPTf-j OF MOISTURE Dfn;' DENSITY 'so'rL FILL (,FEET> . (,PERCENT) . '. 'i'LBS./CU, F:t.l. TYPE REL.ATrVE • COMPIICTrON DATE I. I? E'R'CE NT ) ., . '. oF. tEST --. ----, .---.. -, -_ .. _', .. _--:....-.. -~!--... ----' ,...---------~.--.~ . ~-. _~~_=_=__~-_=~·-===tE~:.-~~--~::=::-.. ~=-.. ~~. :c =:-~ .... ~~,...4-. '. t .. j----,-~.-"'::I .. ----.-•• -._-' --....... ~-.---._ ..... ---.-----..•. --.-.... -.~.--;---.-. ~.--.--"--.~-,.........-~I---.......".------'-~ .' .. ' .----.--.---------... --' --.-.-.. --" . .:-------. .-... :_,---~---:-:--.:....----~.~.-t__---... ----7-'-- f-----'-~Ir_· -----~-.-----------.-.. -~-' ._.-._ ... --.--, '--. -_._.----.-....:----' .-' -----1--------· +----+-----.~--.--.--.... -.. --_._ ..... _--.. ---_._--. --.. ------.+-~-+-. ~--.. --+-.--;.-. ~.,....,---.. 1------:.---.-....:.---.-------...... ------. --.----.-.---.. --. .....,-'"-.. ..:..--~-. . -----.---... -~ -----------_.-...... -.. -----.. -----------'---r---------+-~~--~. .----'":--..-.---;.---------... --.;---... -~~------. -.------- '-~~f-""";'-' -~"------. --.------_._'--.--'---'-':"---,--_ ..... -..... -r--.. --.~--.---I------"--.-. ' 1---1-----------------... "---'-------.... -.---.----.. ---~ -_ .. '---~ --·-~_t_-----.....;...--'-I I-----{--------.-------_ .. --, -.... -----.. --.. --... ~-.. -.. --~.-~-.----.... --.---.....,....~--+----"---'----'--- .. 1--___________ ._, ------. . --------~. -------_.-----.. ---.-.. -.-C-. .~--.-.....;----... -------..........,-!--.--, --~--_-! - PAGE8 ,'OF 9 ' .. 'Figure No. :r .,-, , t, " WILLIA~S. KHDDSKDS & ASSD~ATES SOIL .ANJ51J!OUNDATION ENGINEERING 432.0 VANDEVER AVENUE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA-92120 • PHONE 2'83.6506 " FIELD DENSITY'TESTS JOB, Lorna Laguna Subdivisi,on I Kelly and Park Drive,S, CarJ:sbad, ,California JG,BNUMBER 72-3154 DATE July 27 I 1972 SOIL ''rYJ;>E -, 1., II III· IV V VI VII ,VIII IX , , X XI XII OEPTH OF MOlSTURE LOCATION FILL (FEET) '( PERCENT> LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y DRY O.ENSITY SOIL (LBS'/CU. FT.) TYPE' RELATlye: COMPACTION ( PERCi;NTl S TAN D A,R D S DATE OF TEST OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY qLASSIFICATION (Percent) (Pounds/cubic ft. ) Brown Clayey Sand-14.0 115 Sandy Clay Glray Silty Sand 11.7 108 T'an Silty Sand 8.0 127 ,Brown Clayey Sand 12.4 117 Brown, Very Coarse 9.0 131 Sand Green Sandy, Clay & 14.0 110 Claystone Tan Fine Sandy Clay 12.0 116 'Reddish-Brovm Clayey 9.4' 123 Fine to Meidum Sand Brown Clayey Fine to 8.7 122 Medium Sand Reddish Brown Clayey 7.6 122 -Coarse Sand Tan Fine Silty Sand 9.6 105 Brown-Gray Fine to 11.2 110 Silty Sand PAGE9 OF 9 Figure No. I proposed',Struct.ure ~ Concrete Floor Slab 5 I -0" -.--'-~~':' • Q. • 0 • , 00_' __ _ o. • ~ ... 1': ... _II ... , c>,} I, , --' ", ... "~' ..:.._, .. :, ,", , .q}: _., -... , ' , . ..... .... , ~ .L.... • Reinforcement of ,- " Top'of compacted Fill Slope Foun9ations and Floor Slabs-' - following the recommendations - of the Architect or Structural- Engineer ~ ~.- )' --;-;-. " I~ ~n im~m Concr~te Foundation .,.. Compacted Fill T Y PICA L SEC T ION Compacted Fill Slope Maximum Inclination 1.5 : 1.0 5'-O~ ~ '-,-". "~ ~ ( Showing proposed Foundation Located Within Five Feet of TOp of Compacted Fill Slope) . ! " Job No. 72-3154 Fiaure. No, • .' I .,. r ( ~ ; F • II.A. • GRADING SPECIFICATIONS • Attachme.nt 1.- Page 1 GENERAL: Tpe intent of this item is to properly establisp procedures for clearing, compa.ct.ing, natural ground', preparing areas. to b~ ;Eil-led, pla.cing ap<il compa'cting fill material' to the lines, grades and slope.s as shown on the accepted plans .. CLE.?'\.RING: All vegetation, brush and debris s-hall be removed, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of to give the surfac·e a neat and finished appearance. COMPACTING NATURAL GROUND: After clearing, the natural ground shali 1;>e scarif-ied to a qepth of at least eight'een (18) inches, watered to optimum requirements and compacted to not less than ninety (90) perc~nt of maximum dry density, according. to A.S.T.M. Test Method D . l557-58T in a four (4) inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/30 cubic foot volume (five (5) layers, twenty-five (25) blows, ten (10) pound hammer, eighteen (18) inch drop).' Field density tests, shall be taken in lot areas in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1556--58T. Cut lots and lots with final grades - in natural grourid shall be tested when considered necessary by the soils engineer. FILL-Ml\TERIALS: Materials for the fill shall be approved by th~ soil engineer and shall be free from vegetation,matter and other deleterio.us substapces .. The fill shall not contain rocks or hard lumps over four (4) inches in diameter and at least forty (40) peicent shall pass through a No. 4 US. S'tandard Series Sieve. ,Soils not encount.ereq in the Preliminary Soil? Investigation will be used only.by the consent of the soil engineer. Expansive soils, shall no-t be used· in the top- two (2) feet of the entire lot. If expansive s-oil is encountered iIi either. cut or fill lots, these lots shall be excavated a minimum of' two' (.4) feet in thicKness. The :t;'emoval of the clay should be made at the time of its discovery and non-expansive soils substituted and compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum dry density. Non':" expansive materials are defined as those materials which have a liquid limit . of less than thirty (30) percent, a plasticit.y index less than fifteen (15) percent and a swell of less than one ,(1) percent when compact$d' to at least ninety (90) percent of optimum density and when subjected to a nOrmal pressur~ of 150 lbs./sq. f~~ . PLACING AND COMPACTING FILL MATERI~L: After preparing the areas to . be filled, the fill mat~rials ~hall be placed in layers not to .exceed six (6) ~n.ches in compacted thickness. Each Layer, shall be watered to optimum requirements and compacted to not less than ninety (90) percent' of maximum dry density in acco-rdance with A.S.T.M. Test Method' D l557~58T. -Compaction, of the fill shal~ proceed in the specified manner·to. the grades, as shown on the approved pl~ns. When the slope ratio of the orig).,pal ground i$ steeper than five (5) , horizonta.l . to one (1) verticaJ,., tne originai ground sha~l be st.eeped or benched. Ground ,slopes flatter than five (5) horizontal to one (1) . vertical shall be benched when considere~ necessary by the soil engineer. Fill slopes sha,l-l be compacted: by means of sheepsfoot roll,er or . other 'suitable equir;n.'(lent. Slope compaction shall be continued until· the slopes are stable, but no too dense for planting. , " ., . , " F. H.A.~ • • Attachment l . Page' 2 Field density t.est..s shalLbe taken when considered necessary by the soil.erigineer in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D 1556-58T and" shall be made not exceeding two (2) feet in vertical height, provid.ing each 6" thick layer of compacted fill is tested . . Lots 10Gated in ·filled areas shall receive at least one (1) test per lot.. Terrace or corner lots shall be tested as dir~cted by tl;1esoil engineer and shall be tested at intervals not exceeding two (2) feet in vertical height. SUPERVISION: Continuous supervision of the fill shall be made by the soLI. engineer of William S. Krooskos & Associates, Soil & Foundation· Engineers-, during the grading operations so that they may certify. that the fill was placed in accordance with these specifications. SEASON LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, fillingoperatiohs shall not be resumed until field tes-ts by the soil engineer indi.cate that the moisture content and density of the till are as previously specified. NOTE: The recommendations enumerated in the hody of the enclosed report shall be made a part of these g+,ading specifications. r • cR a.n.cfw dania ge Enginee-iing Company POST Or'FICE BOX 1532 RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIFORNIA 92067 756-1107 January 4, 1972 , 'DRAINAGE 'STUDY , 'LOMA LAGUNA Yellow Area 4.1 Acres '~'c=8 min. I lO =2.8 111 /hr. 2== .5 Q~O=CIA= .5 x 2.8 x 4.1=5.7 CFS Crange Area 2.9 Acres -;'.::;.=7 min. -:= .5 r\.=2.9 ~:O=CIA= .5 x 3.0 x 2.9=4.3 CFS {{~:i te Area 7.1 Acres min. I10=2.6"/hr. 150=3.2"/hr. C;. .5 P_=7.1 (:O=CIA= QSO=CIA= Chart F-2 .5 x 2.6 x 7.1= 9.2 CFS .5 x 3.2 x 7.1=11.0 CFS CT1/-~ ':.sse 18 n ACP from cul-de-sac Street IIBtT to Street liN'. 18 t! ACP, n=.012; will carry 11 CFS flowing full; set at 1% grade. Wi~~ 11.0 CFS pipe is just flowing full, therefore entrance contro:. ':::hart D-1 ;-iead water for 18" ACP with entrance control 18t~ ACP discharge l1.0 CFS; D=18 1! HW/D=1.7 HW=HW/D x D=1.7 x 1.5=2'.6 2.6 feet needed from inlet invert to flow line of,~utter at curb inlet. - 1 - • Drainage Study (Loma Laguna) Cont. • JaI1.uary 4, 1972 -Page 2- For 5.7 CFS use 18" ACP for storm drain from inlet on West siG.e of Street "A" to inlet on East side of St.reet !iA". Set at mir:- imum of 1 % grade. More 'than adequate see above calculations £01' 11 CFS: greater than 5.7 CFS. For 21.0 CFS total drainage of subdivision from inlet at east side of Street "A" to reinforced box culvert in Kelly Drive. Use 18" ACP at minimum of 3% grade or 2111 ACP at 1.5% grade. 21" ACP ,with 21.0 CFS HW/D=2.3 HW=2.3 x 1.75=4.0 feet from inver~ to flow line gutter at inlet on East side of Street A. 18" ACP with 19.Z CFS HW/D=4.3 HW=4.3 x 1.5=6.5 feet needec from invert to flow line gutter at inlet on East side Street flA!l • Sizing of curb inlets A. (Inlet at cul-de-saG Street "B") QlO=9.2 CFS--Suggest use QSO in .sump condition I 50 =3,.2 Q50=CIA = .5 x 3.Z x 7.1= 11 CFS Need 6 foot long inlet with side opening. With HZO ponde~ to Prop line, curb opening inlet will accept 2 CFS per lineal foot of opening. See Chart 1073.03 EPR. For grate openings ponded .4 foot ab.ove gra,te .7 CFS per foot of perimeter of grate. Perimeter of grate (21 x 3') = 10. Therefore grate will accept 10 x ~7 6r' 7 CFS 2 -grates needed with L :<,~",) design. See Chart 1073;OZEPR. ' B. (Inlet West side of Street "All) See Chart: 6 H35.l3 QlO=5.7 CFS Depth of flow in gutter . Z I width of fJ,ow 5 IWg"'; -W=~= L;,O% Use Chart H35.l3 Grating 21 wide takes 75% qr .75 x 5.7 CFS=4.3 CFS; there- fore 1.4 CFS will bypass~to inlet at North end curb return. Suggest use lZl long ttB-ZV inlet County standard lZt long side openi~g with, grate 'on lower end .. C. (Inlet Ea.st side '0£ Streef YN') See' 'Cluirt" 6 H35.l3 • Drainage Study (Loma Laguna) Cont. January 4~ 1972 -P~ge 3- Ql.p 4.3 CFS I ' f~ Depth of flow In gi1~ter .21' ~ width of ~low 5 I -W~ -.; -W= '2 S-= 40%. Use Chart 35.13 grating 2: wide takes 75% or.75 x 4.3-3.2 CFS. Therefore 1.1 CFS will bypass to the inter- section. 'il II ' l;,r Su~gest use l2! long B-2 inlet 'county standard (12! side opening with grate on the lower end) RANCHO SANTA FE ENGINEERING COMPANY ," i If. :f .j tJ\ , '" ~ 1 ft: Nt I N liT E SOU RAT ( 0 N H 0 U R S 5 V Pq ~ fl I D 2 0 30 40 50 2 3 O I .~' , 5. 1'" H·!.l.4i.t. \ .-+.. . +I+++±' ++! ,. CL:..LLLl. --j" . -~ t+lt r-' r-~ I' • I I .: ••. , I' .! '""!. .! 'i 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 ELEV. ~'O-1500 40 ~";"F". ", , .• " : ,. FACTOR . 4:' + '. ~. '''!' -';::=-1-:'-: ·--~tt ~-.±:::+::. . '.; _ :_.:. :'·:Jl'lti-_~.r:~.::t.-rr::. til }t+l~-:-=t::?i:= L 00 '3,~l.lfe...!he6t ~~ ' ... :~t : :S:t--:~.!::::Ft_;~~ ,+. ,~.Il=tm li=-!r· .. f-:-f-:-'-' --=r..t±i:~-~ .. p~·:t 170. 17.rt-i-r·ttt8:t.# .-~=t= 500-3000 3000-4000 -._~ ~. .• ~4-f~~"-'-t± -.; .... , :·'I'H.I ." t: "·U --t-.---j' t:±:: 1 -II!: I i I" ,. u."""" 1.25 _~~"""",, ........... m..-t->-' , "0 ~. • .. .. " ".' ... L. .•. ., .. . ,.... . ~"'.~ ,~ 1.42 4000-5000 1.60, 5000-6000 1.70 DESERT 1..25 To obtain correct intensity. multiply intensi1y on chart by. factor for deSign elevation. ~ -t fi1 ·n 0 Z .(1) 2. I:'i 0'"-'1 ~:, f-H+H~=!1t.. IJ ... ::> o :I: >-0:: I-w ...... 0. 1.0 Cf) 0.9 ·~~0.8 I-~ 0.7 ~~0.6 .0.5 'R . 0.4 ~ ~ '0.3 \,., 1'i1i!11t, l1'1 '%1 r-,.. Ilfill III: II! 1'!III!!lI!I:, ,11f1:1'/,I1' .-+-lm§3HBMthrJ_~~-- D~lr oo+'S. d;\:' I .. *.j..~~ wtf+, ~<-Htlt.pt::;:; m' ! ,.... No' J:E,: I~' f I' tk 1 i .-~~ 'i- , , is 'kNT'ili' ,~ .11 •• . , "I r-r-c ~~~NJt ...: ,-~ -=t=ri·w=rNJ'r·- ·:tr.t1 :r::=-r== ~ .... ~:£. .-U~ ~ ::::-.+-:=.::r::::: :j;+~~ t=F .'t'.L -+ .• iK.!1'-.:.~:tff p::fi i-l.i·H j..~l'S.,rl.l~-+ ' .. e c: - Z· -t -t' o -< -< ~ C I AI o ~-AJ 0 ~ ~ "'i1 <.. c: z m';o ;;! t~~, , " , " "'" "" 11111111""""'111111111_ • . 0.2 FlTlTFlTFRffiTIm:Hi!1I I I ITF 1 RTRTrmmmrl1lRtFll! Illm+ \ I. :" I en (J) l> .~ l> -t r Z -0 r CJ z 'i M I Q "Tj t) 0 ;;U "- n'i 0 C 5 10 20 '30 40 50 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 'MiNUTES HOURS DURATION TIM e of e. 0 I'f 0. e IV Tr-a.. t i eN .... :..? f'i1 '.-Z (") -< . .... i" .,.". ___ ... ;....~ ... ~2!.:-~"-.!.t--L~i...-..ct ... _~,~,.:~~~ .. ;~ .. ,.-. .... :.,.,. .. 'I,.. .... ~. ,""" w..r';-"~ .' ~~, "',.' :~'-,. .... ' .. ~ ... ~. '.', ..... / " . ~"':; . , ' ... ,,' DiSCHARGE -ate. f.s.) 'J , " . ( . ~ , , ./ . \ CLRCUl:AR CONDUITS Fric~ion Slope 'Flowing Fun n::'J ,,0' 2. ChlART' .F~2 i i \ \ \ , ' , . ' , , \ ~-• ..?' .. 1"6 -1.0 12 \ (2) D •. 4~ lR\:"'(/~' (3.5 f~9) 0-120 eh (I) 2. Ii 0.0 (2) 2.1 7.4 (1» 2.2 7~ 7 /' ¥ . '0 Gisove 100 10'111' bGQc!\;1QI! , GrCOI1G (ilQc\ ~GJO(jUile To tl,,-,colQ (2) ~, (3) ptQ}oef tlorllo~tQII:o to Goole (I). t~IIA utile itrqj1eM IRc:IIAO~ IiAO tL't'ouO~ D GAd 0 o<:QIOG,;t to~or'Q ga lIIuotrotijd. . ... ~-, L_G-:'-:_-' _ .... 6. : e, ~. ~. 12 • .1 .s " HEA,DWATE'R 'DEPTH FOR ',CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS' WITH ENTRANCE CONTROL . ~.' ,l:"·: .! '. ',,: " ~ , '. ~. 1 ~'-, ; '-". ;' '. ,,< r ,,'.' " , 'l' ~' ... , ,~ •• ,:r • . ~. .' .. ::' ';.' . ~ .. (!) z -Z UJ 0.. 0 1.1-0 t-:::t: (!) W :x: ..; 1-. .9t H \0 .6 -i- .1 .6 .4 .3 .2 9 S 1· ·z (!) 5 Z 2 Z W 0.. o I.!.. o MAY 195G • 1' .. " )., •• '~--"""""'''~-''''''''-'-''''I"''''''''ot:~~I'''-r'''I'''''I'~~'''~'''''''''''''\~ ~I e z w 1.0 Il.-i--'''-' o .a " ;: I -:: .. EL.EVATION SEctiON ! .: " ':.: ,. " ,. ' /(!J-::. • ,", i; "\' ': , ," , j P • 2 (a + b) , ' \, "-, ~", ! 1\\ _ I, ' -"i . ~':::. r --------~---~----------------------~~ _.-...-:-,. S!;E DETAIL. 'A' 1" r-- I L -:-, . I, __ -I . ' . I CURlS UNE FRA~E a GRATE . SEE STD:OWEI, III ---~-.. -- LENGTH (Ll [: , I~ t'#44il12 11 (ALL WALLS) I l.AP H~IZONTAL. aA~S ONE FOOT AT_ I. I ALL CORNERS .--, --;1' PLAN SHOWN ON' PLANS ,II . ;/0" ~ ~ z< 'l_'"""I-li9'Ii";1F4@12 jooQ . 4'-o· .. I. ELEVATI(),N ~o CHAroiFER t' t L Y 10' ~' 15' ::;' 20" 4' HosliWITH 6" CURa.ilI STANDARD GUTTER H.a~ WITH rt cURe a STANDARD GUTTER Ho2~WITH STANDARD GUTTER DEPRli$SIO~ .. " .', t " ~'_GtI " ' .. " : ; ' •• 1 .:' ! 6" "';.-. 1 .-,:,,'~ ':. : .. ,,~ ..• ' .: )"j .. .~. ,.' -o:! S· ... ... 11 al ::!' Ct. « :;. .' , .' \ ., .... "'~ .,' "'1 .,; a, .' } " I # 4 012 ..... ~ I.' FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS lSEE STD. owe. 131, ·ORAINAGE STFlUCTul'lE STAN'OARD W.1A1LS" 2. ALL. CONCRETE SHAL.L. BE Cl.ASS 'A, . ~ '. .: . ' : \ 3: CURB SUPPORT SPACING: 10' SOX -I BAR CENTIERED IN OPENING ~ _:, " 15' AND 20' BOXES -2 BARS EQUALL.Y SPACED IN OPENIN~. ', .. , ' 4. CONSTRUCT 10' TRANSITION FROM STANOARO CURa Hl1:lGMi TO DEPRESSED GUTTER AT EACH END 0'" il4L.IET.-• 5, STANDARO GUTTER OEPRESSION TO DE USED WHEN REQUIRIi:O, BY COUNTY SURVEYOR SEE STO. OWG. 224 G. INCREASE IN AL.L.OWABLE DEPTH SUBJECT TO APPROVAL DF COUNTY SURVEYOR. . . STO, 5 PEe, SEe 51,52.73.90 ORAWN BY llh.if. CHECKEO BY~ , , .. 10' TYPE 9-2 , CURS I~L.ET --c?- , LEGEND ON PLANS = RECOMMENOED 8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY SURVEVO~ -ROAD 'DEPART.MENT REVISION A~OVEO BY COUNTY SURVEYOR STANDARD DRAWIN G SCALE NONE ~--------------------~-----------------------------------.-------~----~~------~---,DR.AWING NUMBER 101-,2' TYPE B-2' CURB INLET '''' ~ .• ' / . ,j i ! , ' 140 130 120 110 I 100 90 80 .-. -',- CIASSIFICATION , Brown Clayey Sand-Sandy 1\ Trench No. 2, Depth I' \ ~ Expansive \ SOIL TYPE I 1\ \ r\ U \ ~ \ +J /' " \ .c .~ / 1\ Q) I "\ \ ~ +J ~ 'M \ s:: -' 1\ r \ Cl 1\ \ \ "-r\ 1\ !\ ~ Moisture Content % I') 10 20 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST Maximum Dry Density 115 Optimum Moisture Content pcf 14 % Clay 0" c: 'ri til til ro 0.. .j.J c: Q) u l-I (IJ 0.. . tr til ""'- 0.8 til 0.. 0.6 ·ri :.:; 0.4 0.2 o 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20. 10 o 1000 --,-.. "-, .. ---:--::--- DIRECT SHEAR TEST 1 ./ V V ---<" ...--- V , V ~- ~ .... ./ V . '.-.."... •. ~- -.. Angle of internal friction=20o (Remold ~ 90010) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 NorMal Pressure, Kips/Sq.Ft. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 3" 3/4 4 10 40 200 ~ \ \ \ \ ~ :--. t--.. 100 10 1.0 .05 .005 .001 Grain Size in Hillimeters "'--' '- FILL SUITABILITY TESTS I Job No. 70-2097 FIGURE NO. IV . .f~- I ~--------------------... -..... ------~.~~-.~~~=-_~~---:-:c 140 130 120 110 80 \ SOIL CLASSIFICATION \ Gray Silty Sand "\ Trench No. 3, Depth 8' \ Nonexpansive \ SOIL TYPE II r\ \ r\ .... "\ u u 1\ +J \ .c .~ ~ (lJ \ ~ +J [\ .... V '\ \ c ;..; II 1\ I\. r \ Q f\ l\ \ '\ 1\ \ 1,\ " Moisture Content % 10 20· 30 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST Maximum Dry Density 108 pcf Optimum Moisture Content 11.7 % tJI c: .... Ul Ul m 0. +J c: (lJ u 1-1 (lJ 0. ~ I " 40 J Q.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 a 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o 1000 -'::.' DIRECT SHEAR TEST I ./ , V V /' ---V ~ ~--,----V-v-1 ./' r ~ 1---- Angle of internal friction=35° (Remold @ 90"/0) 0.2 0.4 0.6' 0.8 1.0 1.2 NorMal Pressure, Kips/Sq.Ft. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 3" 3/4 4 10 40 200 '" r\ \ \ \ \ \ t\. ~ \ 1\ 100 10 1.0 .05 .005 .001 Grain Size in Millimeters Cobbles Sand Silt Cial & Gravels C I "-i I F FILL SUITABILITY TESTS Job No. 70-2097 FIGURE NO. V ~ . . '! :. -'~ .:. -, -- '. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 140 -- \ Tan Silty Sand 1\ Trench No. 9, Depth 3' \ 130 1\ Nonexpansive \ SOIL TYPE III v~ / , 1\ [\ \ rx u \ 120 ~ 1\ +J \ .c .~ ~ Q.l \ 3 +J \ 110 'rl ~ l::: ...J f\ r \ 0' C c 1\ 100 'ri Ul Ul f\ \ n:I 0- \. +J C Q.l r\ U 1-4 \ 90 Q.l p., 1,\ r\. )... 80 Hoisture Content % T ') 10 20 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST Maximum Dry Density 127 pcf Optimum Moisture Content 8 % .. .. ~-' +J Ii. . 0.8 0< U) .......... til 0-0~6 'M ~ .,;. 0.4 ~l GJ 1-4 +J U) 0.2 1-4 co Q.l ..c o U) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o 1000 DIRECT SHEAR TEST I i V V ./' /' ~\ --' ./ ....... -.-f---- Angle of internal friction=28° (Remold @ 90%) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Nornal Pressure, Kips/Sq.Ft. HECHANICAL ANALYSIS 3" 3/4 4 10 40 200 ~ 1\ \ \ \ , \ I\. ~ r" 1\ 100 10 1.0 .05 .005 .001 Grain Size in Hillimeters Cobbles Sand Silt Clay & Gravels C , ~ 1 F FILL SUITABILITY TESTS Job No. 70-2097 FIGURE NO. VI o o o o N E X PAN S ION Norm a 1 Pre s sur e o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 M oq-Ln r- CUR V E Lbs./Sq.Ft. o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 N M oq-Ln : I: I It 12 I I J I 11 ~ I I I I I I 10 I I I I 1 o o o .. o ! I ...L 1 9 1 i ...L I j I ~ I .~ 8 I J /fI3rown (and~ rl~ I 1 o o o .. o N 7 r -r--1 ~ v I Trench 1, be pth 1 t I 6 ~--~--~~~~~~~~+-~~~-----'--;-;---r--rr-r-rIlTl--l-----'-' I -I--~ ----ttl-'; : I-2 (RPh101d, 90';";) 1 I ~'" II 1 z1 :.:L ~ I I I~ti J a::: 0 ~ 1 I I ~ II 1 I I I i II i 2 1 I Lice i J Lim ~ t 3 0 II I 1 I Plastic Lihli 151/ 1 J i ?lastic I!',Qe. .L) II ! J 1 I I /. I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 ~ II 1 · WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATES Test Run From Air Dry s~turated Conditions At Job No. 70-2097 FIG U R ~ NO. V It ' I, ,.... ev ~ V') ~ ~ c ev u L-ev 0- c 0 ~ ItS "l:J .... 0 I/) c '0 u 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o o r- , -T ::"'-l t.. t~- ". "-", "<~ ~ <~ y . -~-?;-~: ,,-,',. ~~:;. CON SOL IDA T ION -PRE S SUR E Normal Pressure -Lbs./Sq.Ft. I I I , I . I I I I I : o o N I Tre ilch : Dep h o 0 0 o 0 0 M ¢ L1") -t--.-1-.:.:._ f--. / / '" / ./ 8 V 3' J( All pvium) I : I ~ I I I , J I : I t : I I I ';" f-L: I . . i' !-- I : f- I : I : I .... I I I I I I ! i I • I , I / 1--_ t- o o o ~ vi Trench I Depth I 1"--_ -, I .--........... ___. ---"1. '. ,--.. -........... o o o N I 12 I 1 5'J I : o 0 0 o 0 0 .0 0 0 M ¢ LO II I ~ Il J II -, 1---I --. " .. --=::':c,~ I :-"-""-: ..I. I -"1 .... ,_ I . J ! i: I " I I , I I I I '. I: , I 1 '. I: I T ---+---I! ------~ : I I: I I I I I 1 11 ~ . [~ I I : I I I ': I I : :j I I I I : ; WILLIAM S. KROOSKOS & ASSOCIATES CUR V E 0 0 0 .. 0 ! . : I : i I I I I I : : I I I I I I : I , : I 0 0 0 .. 0 .N Job No. 70-2097 Fig u re No~ v:(Ii~ .. , : ; 'i" Proposed Structure ~ Concrete Floor Slab 5'-0" ~ Top of Compacted '--~m-f---"Q-,--' ,~:v;:, ~,i";,:<,'<._"_'--;.,:~~_'--"o, .. : _"",:7-, -~--r~'-::'.+-:-+-.,..,.....~ F i 11 Slop e <>. v .. . . ---. ---- Reinforcement of Foundations and Floor Slab~ following the recommendations of the Architect or Structural- Engineer Concrete Foundation Compacted Fill T Y PIC A L SEC T ION Compacted Fill Slope Maximum Inclination 1.5 : Lo 5'-0~ ( Showing Proposed Foundation Located Within Five Feet of Top of Compacted Fill Slope) Job No. 70-2097 Fi ure No. IX '" . , • ~c'".-' _----.<"> n Criteria .1 Slope Stability Ana ysis of the natural ground cut slope -Max. Height 25' ± l\ngle of Internal Friction, ¢ = 27c Cohesion, c = 200 pounds/sq. foot w = Soil Density = 120 pcf N = Normal Component, Ibs S = 2,430 ------- I II) N I ! ! -. 1.5~ 1.0 Cut Slope I 5 ~. t 32~' 4 T = Tangential Component,lbs. L = Failure Circle = 75 ft. S = Seismic Forc~ = ~T x 1 of Slope I I i 1 ! 2)+ 3: '." I , ... Toe of Slope' J -ri ~1> j ,p"ilure Circle -{ ~\ '" L = 75 feet '( :1 II ' , r'i , : Yy I I i I i \ t l Scale: 1" = 20' ~L0PE Sl'!\BIL.ITY Ar-;ALYSLJ BY THE SI'lEDISH HETHOD ... SE')~NT No·r.-":~'~:r :~:-F~?:.~-=~o -1:8 f\ -;A~~::~ ~s T -., 2 I 10,200 Ibs 1 9,000 Ibs 6,800 Ibs 3 1 26,600.1bs I' 23.500 lLs I 10,000 lbs 4 I 24,6001bs 24,000 lbs 6,800 Ibs 5 20,400 Ibs I' 20,400 Ibs 0 7 4,6001bs I 4,2001bs -2,8001bs 6 13,300 lLs 13 I 100 Ibs t -3,000 1bs -------~--------------r---i------.-------------------I TOTAL:; J 99, 100 Ibs 24,300 Ibs --- ----. ----------... -'----------------_~-__ . ___ __~ _ _J Seismic Force, S = 10% x 24,300 = 2,430 lbs Factor of Safety = Tangent ~ + cL Z:T '1" S Factor of Safety = 0.51 x 99,700 ~ 200 x 75 ~-~--.~~~~-- Factor of Safety = 2.47 24,300 + 2,430 Job No. /0-2097 Lorna Laguna Subdivision Site Kelly Drive & Park Drive Carlsbad, California F:rCURE NO. X I I '-1' " r , e Property Line...;of' \ :z: ~ ----III!!Jt=--'- ~ ---90 / 0/ <:it <:it -50 -+-+-_...- ... ---~ :.. -'. ~ -~ . - T-2 ~ ------- ---~ f_----,--- ~. NOT E This plot Plan Not To Be Used For Engineering Purposes. Dimensions Are Approximate of ~i ~! rJi 0/ -------.:. .... z-• .(' Rell: ~rive V I C I NIT Y MAP (1;0 Scale) T-l~ LEG END Approximate Locati~n of Test Trench Excavations -=-----..::l~ Q sw Indicates Geologic Formation And Soil Classification ---- P LOT P LAN Approximate Scale 1". = 100' 1-50 -Natura I Ground Contour \ / REF ERE N C E Grading plan For Bee-Cee Company by R.L. Fefferman, civil Bngineer _ .. No Date Job No. 70-2097 Lorna Laguna Subdivision ~ite Kelly Drive & Park Dr1ve Carlsbad, California FIGURE NO. I Trench No.1 o ~ Medium dense damp dark brown sandy clay -clay ( CL) (Expansive) -'--, " " -' , " " , , Medium dense to , --, , dense damp brown -- -fine to coarse 5 silty sand ( SM) c -, -._-Medium dense -1--' dense damp brown . ----- -----clayey fine sand -------. (SC ) --- +l Gl Gl rx.. , .. .,' -. -Dense damp brown . ' .. -fine, silty sand .. (SM) - s:: 'M Q) U 10 It! 4-l ~ ::s U) 'U s:: ::s 0 Trench No.4 ~ 0 ~ ~ r-i Q) c:I:l ,.c: , \\ Medium dense dry dark brown sandy \ \ \ clay topsoil (CL) \ \ (Expansive) , \ \ +l 0. Q) 0 5 \ \ \ \ ContinuedExpan@YE \ \ " \ Sandy Clay \ \ " , \ \ " . --. Dern e damp brown -. -----very fine sandy (0-clayey si lt \ ' (ML) - , ---. --. 10 , . r'_ ......... _ ....... _ .... _.~ ... _~_. ,.,.-. .. TRENCH y M S il07 8.0 - y M S 110 10.0 0.5 +l Q) Q) rx.. s:: 'M Q) u It! 4-l ~ ::s U) 'U s:: ::s 0 ~ ~ ~ r-f Gl c:I:l .c: +J 0. Q) 0 o 5 10 0 5 10 y --- M ---cD --- @ \l\ , '" M -~ < " ., y Medium dense dry ~(O\ darK' brown sandy '.~' clay', (CL) -- , . -:;~. -. ' " , Dense damp light. . --brown very fine -sil,ty sand (SM) --.;~ ; , ,':';', " -. , . :': . -Deii'se Jamp gray-. broY.7,n fine silty , . _._-sandY' (;:iM) ---y Dense jamf) gray- brown very fine silty sand -silt , '(SYl-ML) Trench No.5 \ \\ Medium ~ense damp y M ,\ dark brown sandy ~l~ I--.~l-_qy _ J.C~1,l.._. __ . ___ --_. ---------0.;2 Dense -, medium -00--dense damp red ",:-"'-brown sand with '" 0 '" --..:> ~-). :~ gravel (GM) 0:)---, --- ------, ----Dense damp brown ---- . , -::: ---silty sand-sand ---. -with some clay ---,- , binder (3C) ---- ,- '--. ~- " " LEG END Dry Density-Lbs/Cu.Ft. Moisture-Percent of Dry Weight Shearing Resistance-Kips/Sq.Ft. Undisturbed Sample S '-~-'- S .: -",,' LOGS o 10 +l Q) Q) rx.. s:: 'M Q) U 20 It! 4-l ~ ::s U) 'U s:: ::s 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 r-f Q) c:I:l .c: +l 0. Q) 0 10 Trench No.3 \. ~ ... ,.' " . -, , , , ,- Medium dense dry dark brown clay - Medium dense to dense dry gray. fine silty & sand ( SM) --_. Medium dense dry gray brown silty sand (SM) ~~-+------------------,--­, , Medium dense dry red brown sand I~--I---------"--'- Trench No.6 1\\\\ Medium dense dry --dark brown sandy ----1\ clay (CL) (Expansive) ------,-,----, --Dense damp brown -0' interbeded fine " --, --silty sand and ----very coarse sand -"-----(SM&SP) - -.. ~ -, " ---.. -.- , , '" -,-, .. ---~ Interbeded gray ~:. -=...:;.--::: silty clayey sand ---._, --. Disturbed Sample (SM) Unified Soil Classification y M S 112 7.5 0.6 y M S 112 6.5 1.1 Job No. 70-2097 FIGURE NO. II T RE\CH Trench No.7 ~ Medium dense dry y M S dark brown clayey sand -clay (CL) -o---=--0 Medium dense damp '(1:>o red brown sand ,,-::./, with cobbles (GM) 0-- t!JO.;) -u -- -~.---.--. .., '-.. ----...•. _._ .. _----- +.l «l +.l «l r... Q) «l I=: '- r... -M I=: oM Q) () Q) ttl IH H () ttl 4-l :J U) H :J U) '0 I=: :J 0 Trench No. 10 H 0 t!J ) 0 r-I Q) a:l ~'.f\ i y M S --I - ! ---1-'\, Medium dense dry ~~-k brown silty sand to clayey sand -'. , Slope Wash ( SC) ! (Colluvium) r .. - ~ ~) !';: -'---~ '::lo~;} I"J Dense to very . . 5 . dense damp brown ' .. c) ~., (J silty sand with . ~ . . gravels (GM) ... " .-' I-==---f-------.-~.-.---- 10 Trench No. 8 o , Loose drY-dampllt. y M , . , . tan fine silty < . sa~~" ( 8M) I f-;--,--I :CD Loose-medium dense damp ~.dark brown \ silty·'.sand 1 . --. ~ !\LLUVI~~ __ .. _ 5 --'--Medium dense ----dense dark brown 1--, .~ silty sand •.. -. .1 \ ...:._ -- 10 Trench No. 11 o ~ y M Loose -medium dense dry dark br. sandy clay (CL) ----~.-----~--.. . ---------.• 1--- ~OX - --- -.-- -Medium dense darmp '. - 5 --.-light tan very ---fine sand ( SM) -. - . . --_ . _.:E: ,'~ .:".i co "~ . --.. Becoming __ J 0'~ coarse .-'. & with gravels 0 :' - --10 0,::':> .-. ~ -- LEG END y ---Dry Density-Lbs/Cu.Ft. Moisture-Percent of Dry Weight Shearing Resistance-Kips/Sq.Ft. Undisturbed Sample M ---0--- S e LOGS D S 5 +.l Q) Q) r... I=: -M Q) 10 () ttl 4-1 "H :J U) '0 I=: :J 0 H 0 (!J ~ r-I Q) a:l .c +.l 0., Q) Q 5 10 Trench No. 9 , , --. · , · ., · \ 0 Loose dry tan ·Lj fine silty sand · . . I,LLlNIUM ,I , • I- " \ · · . , , -~, -. -.• -.. ~ -Medium dense to · .. .•. dense damp brown · ---. coarse sand with " ~ - · -.• gravel (GM) --. --. -~ . " __ 4 ____ _._ .. _-.... _--_._---- Trench No. 12 .. -~ .. ~. "" Medium dense ---~ dry dark brown -.l~-clayey sand (SC) •. ----.-----. -'------- .~ - -'. - -G)~ Medium dense damp gray -light gray -. fine silty sand . ---. -with clay binder ... ( SM) @ Disturbed Sample (SM) Unified Soil Classification y M S .. y M S 109 8.7 0.8 Job No. 70-2097 FIGURE NO.III i I I I \ \ -- ! / .... \ \ r- f I \ \ \ I ! I ! I I ' -I :;; I ! I I - -~ • j -( I I , \ \ \ , -, '. \ \ \ ;.:. I ," , . ~. .... i'\ / .;;..A ..... ,:./ -' " L ! I '. I n ) .' '-" ".~ ., I 0 ,~/" ..