HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 71-06; SHELTER COVE DEVELOPMENT; SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1966-06-22• -501 LS INVESTIGATION CTll-D(tJ Proposed Channel Improvements Shelter Cove Development Park Drive and Cove Drive Carlsbad, California For Janss Corporation (In collaboration with) Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Project No. 66-3-31 F June 22, 1966 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. RECEIVED JU~ 14 1965 7~ __ _ CITY OF CARLSSAQ- fnslneerlns PeJ2artment l~ PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER Introduction • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 SOILS INVESTIGATION SAN DIEGO: 583·5654 LA MESA, 469·5654 This is to present the resu Its and conclusions of a soi Is investigation conducted at the. site of a proposed improvement to an existing small boat channel within a subdivision at Shelfer Covel located adjacent to Park Drive and Cove Drivel east of Adams Street, in Carlsbadl California. The primary objective of the investigation was to determine whether or not the chann~l, constructed in accordance wilh the plans shown on sheet "Plate 211 prepared by Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers, entitled, "Drainage Conduit and Channel Improvement Schemes, II and ¢lated March 16, 1966 1 would be stable with an adequate factor of safety. In order to accomplish the objective I 'six borings were dri lied in the banks of the existing channel at the approximate locations shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location of Test Borings. II Field Investigation The six bori ngs were dri lied wi th a 6 inch diameter hand auger to depths of 7 to 13 l feet below the existing ground surface. A continuous log of the soils encountered in the borings was recorded at the time of drilling and is shown in detail on Drawing Nos. 2 to 71 inclusive, each entitled, "Summary Sheet. II The soi Is were visually classified by field identification procedures in accordance with the Unified Soi I Classification Chart. A simplified description of this classification system is • -2- presented in the attached Appendix A at the end of this report. . Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervals in the soils ahead of the drilling. The drop weight used for driving the sampling tube into the soils weighed 50 pounds, and the average drop was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field sampl-ing are described under "Sampling II in Appendix B. Labora tory T es ts Laboratory tests were performed on undisturbed samples of the soi Is in order to deter- mine the dry density, moisture content, and shearing strength. Unconfined compression tests were performed on selected representative samples in order to determine the apparent cohesion of the clayey soils. The results of these tests are presented on Dr'pwing Nos. 2 to 7, inclt,lsive. The procedures used in routine laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Soi I Strata Borings I, II and ill were augered near the lowest accessible portions of the existing channel hanks, at an elevation of approximately 1.0 foot above mean sea level .• The soils. -. encou.ntered in these borings consisted chiefly of soft sandy clay and silty clay, with some layel? of soft si Ity sand and clayey sand; in Boring ill, the furthest removed from the mouth of the channel, tbere was encountered loose fine to medium sand in the upper 2.8 feet and also between the depths of 3.8 and 4.7 feet. Borings IA, ITA and IlIA were augered adjacent to Borings I, II qnd ill, respectively, but neqrer the top of the existing channel banks, at an elevation of approximateJy 7.0 feet above mean sea level. Again, the major soil types encountered in Borings lA, ahd ITA were soft si Ity clay deposits. In Borings IA and llA, a surface layer of si Ity fine to medium BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 'e -3- sand was underlain by alternating layers of soft silty clay, sandy clay, clayey sand and silty sand. In Boring rnA, the soi Is were more firm and consisted chiefly of si Ity fine to medium sa'nd, clayey fine to med~um sand and fine to medium sand. All of the soils in Borings'I, IT and III were fully saturated'. Ground water was encountered at depths of 3, 2.2 and 2.8 feet, respectiv~ly, in Borings lA, ITA and rnA. Discussion and Conclusions The proposed channel improvement, as shown on the plan by Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, consisted essentially of channel banks constructed on a slope of 1 1/2 hqri4 0ntal to 1 vertical between the Elevations of -7.00 and +6 .00 feet; this portion was to be lined with a layer of top rock 18 inches thick, over a layer of fi Iter rock 12 inches thick. From Elevation -7.00 feet to Elevation -9.00 feet, (the channel bottom), the banks were to he sloped at 4 horizontal to 1 vertical. Above Elevation +6.00 feet, the banks were to be at a __ slope of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical, up to the lot levels. Calculations and analyses were made of this proposed cross-section, using the physical characteristics of the soi Is as determined by the laboratory tests. It was concluded that a channel so constructed would have a factor of safety less than unity, and must therefore be considered unstable. At an informal discussion with Mr. John M. Nichol·, it was decided that the stabi lity of channel banks constructed with some variations from the preliminary design criteria should \ be. checked, in order to determine the most feasible and economical design which could be expected to be stable with a factor of safety on the order of 1. 15. Initially it became evident that the 2.5 feet thick rock cover extending from Elevation +6.00 to the toe of the slope at Elevation -7.00 feet could be modified so that some of the BENTON ENGINEERING. ING. • -4- additional weight of rock might be shifted from the upper portion of the slope, where the weight of rock would act to increase the forces tending to cause failure, to the lower portion of the slope, where it would resist the forces tending to cause failure. Several trials were made, assuming a rock cover 1.5 feet thick at Elevation +6.00 feet and increasing uniformly in thickness to a line approximately 8 feet inshore from the toe of the sl.ope at Elevation -7.00 feet. These trials resulted in a conclusion that the chqnne.1 banks so constructed, and sloped at 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical, 2 horizontal to 1 vertical, or 2 1/4 horizontal to 1 vertical, would probably be unstable, even if the maximum combined thickness of rock and fi Iter material were as much as 8 feet. Additional calculations were made in order to determine the stability of the proposed slopes in each of the areas of Borings I, IT, and m,using an assumed slope of 2 1/2 horizontal to I vertical, with the rock cover 2.0 feet in thickness at Elevation +6.00 feet and increasing uniformly to a total thickness of 5 feet at a line approximately 8 feet inshore from the toe of the slope at Elevation -7.00 feet. These calculations indicated that the theoretic factor of safety varied frQm approximately 1.07 at Boring I (near the mouth of the channel), to 1.19 a·r Boring TI, (approximately half-way up the channel), to 1.27 at Boring IIi {near the head of the channel}. An additional trial, assuming a thickness of rock increased to 7 feet instead of 5 feet at Boring I -gave a more desirable indicated factor of safety of 1. 10. It is concluded that an average combined thickness of 5 feet of rock could be used and that this could be varied from say 7 feet near the mouth of the channel to 5 feet in the central portion and to 3 feet in thickness in the upper one-third. Recommendations It is recommended that the proposed channel improvement be constructed on a slope of. e 2 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical, with a rock cover two feet thick at Elevation +6.00 feet and increasing uniform Iy in combined thickness to 7 feet at the toe in the out~r one-third of the BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • -5- channel and varying to a combined thickness of 5 feet in the central one-third and to a combined thickness three feet in the upper one-third of the channel. In this connection l it is our understanding that the specifications governing the detailed desig~ of the· rock cover wi II be prepared by Moffatt & Nicholl Engineers. Finally I in order to assess the probable stabi lity of the excavated bank during construction prior to the placing of the rock cover, a calculation was made of the probable stabilLty of a ~Iope con-forming to the underside of the rock cover I using the least favorable known soi I conditions l which were those encountered in Boring I. The factor of safety thus determined was less than unity indicating that a bank so excavated could be unstablel and that special precautions in constructing the banks might be necessary. It is our opinion that the banks should be constructed in consecutive sections, starting at the upper end or head of the channell where the soi I conditions are more favorable. As the c(?nstruction approaches the mouth of the channel, _ the lengths of the successive sections may be shortened as necessary. Also, construction could be scheduled in the weaker soil areas during periods of minimal tidal fluctuations. In addition, if it appears that any section of the excavated slope is becoming unstable during construction the inplace stability could be further improved by placing the lower and thicker portions of rock cover firstl in order to act as a buttress, prior to steepening the upper portions of the slopes. It is possible to support the proposed float gangway loads of up to 1 kip on the slope at Elevations of +2 and +6 feet without special prov.!sions1 in that it is understood that these wi /I occur no c loser than 40 feet apart. Where the proposed 5.0 feet diameter R. C. P. storm drain conduit is to ,be placed opposite Lots 43 to 56 inclusive, it is recqinmended that this be placed on a gravel bed and that perforated pipe or gravel fi lied ditches be constructed outward to the rock fi Iter lining the channel at frequent intervals so that any adverse water seepqge BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. -6-• pressures on the land side of the storm drain will be preventedfrom developing. If it is considered desirable, retaining walls may be constructed inshore from the channel banks so that the projection of the 2 1/2 to 1 banks wi II intersect the top of the retaining walls. It is understood that the minimum setbacks of future houses from the property lines adjacent to the channel wi II be 30 feet on the westerly side and 25 feet on the easterly side. Conclusion The foregoing recommendations are based upon an assumption that the information obtained from the test borings is representative of actual soil conditions all along the proposed channel banks. If, during the course of construction, conditions are encountered which vary from this assumption, or if construction problems arise due to soil conditions, this offi·ce should be notified so that appropriate modifications may be suggested. Respectfu lIy submitted, e BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. M. V. Pothier, Civil Engineer Reviewed by ~ ,6 ~~ Philip H. Benton, Civil Engineer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. <l1 > 0 U ... <l1 .... Q) ..c:: V) • Z al 0 -, z W IX SUMMARY SHEET ~ ti w...: ~ ti ~ J~ u.: :du ~ ~ ~ ;;'-!q ~ ~ ;;2 ::l ~ 3: g": luG ~ I-W :e:e BORING NO ....... ....:I=--_ w ~ .u:; Iii ~ ~ u W ~ • ~u. ~~ 1.0' * > ~~oQ >-:;; ~~cn U ~ ELEVATION Q2 ti: :E ~IX ~ w2: Z ,:t ~ou~e:;::t(;~~~::~~~;-------r-----~-------t_C--j---_OtC---1--IX--~f~~V~' Gray, Saturated, Soft, .-.'. Bay Mud Lumps 1- VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY , CLAY 21.0 104.7 0.08 0.03 16.5 99.5 () .235 4-;~~i';;"~~ __ ~ __ ~~~ ____ ~~ __ ~ ______ JL __ l-__ 1-__ 1-~l-~, . _'J".1o ~"~~ Gray,Satura-ted, Soft SllTYCLAY 0.03 39.280,3 153 .251 " ~ (4]t;I\Gray, Saturated, Soft FINE SANDY v C~Y 1~-+~~--~-4~~' --.l!"1 •• ~..~1\ Gray, Saturated, Soft SILTY CLAY J 8-t::t:j .. : '.', 1O-C~ +.(aF 11 t:{9~ Gray, Saturat~d, Soft Lenses of Fine to Medium Sand With Few Gravel to 1 .5" Few Bay Mud Layers Few Gravel to 1.511 VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY CLAY ** .253 1.0031.0 89.7 1.20 24.0 99.2 ** 1.25 52.8 69.8 .343 * All elevations presented herein are referenced to mean Sea Level. ** Indicates dead load shear resistance. Note: PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F The depth at which ground water was reached in each boring varies with the tide. Therefore the water levels given are those as encountered at time of dri Iling • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 2 .907 .687 ; . (l) > o ·U l.-(l) .... (l) ...c: V> Z wO:: SUMMARY SHEET ..... w . . xlU c...al IA ~~ . BORING NO. .... w c...u. <=> w "'z 7.0' c ElEVATION ~(). Gray Brown, Moist, Medium MIXTURE OF Hrm SILTY FINE TO 1 Very Moist I Loose MEDIUM SAND AND 2 SILTY CLAY g-1a; Wate; ~, ~ -) v Gray I Saturated, Soft, 20% GRAVELL Y A Gravel to 1.5" MIXTURE OF ~3"'Z FINE SANDY CLAY AND SI1 TY CLAY / ~ ~I\ 5- Gray I Saturated / Soft MIXTURE OF z FINE SAN DY.CLA Y 6 AND SILTY CLAY )~ , Few Gravel to 1.5" 7 ~ ~6 ~ Gray. Saturated Soft SILTY (LA Y * See Note on Dra'wi ng No. 2 ** Indicates dead load shear resistance. , PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. >->-• Q.. C> . ~. 0:: ti: c~~ ..,. ..... w' iii u. uti: O~ w ......... Z ::; 0:: Z . Z '" Uv> w c... ~ t~ w u «0 ~ :;;: c ......... ~:;;~ .. u~ > . >-en "'iii -.... ~ 0:: al w Z 0:: U. C ..... a,:; ~ U:J c ** 0.40 19.4 102.2 0.407 .392 0.35 45.0 75.1 0.496 .376 ** 0.40 25.8 98.5 !0.509 . .400 DRAWING NO. 3 Q) > o U . ~ z ~ o .., z '"" J:w I-w Q.u. w o A SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.· II: 1 .0' ELEVATION ---!...:..:::.. __ Brown I Saturated, Loose SLIGHTLY S·ILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Gray and Brown, Saturated, Soft SILTY CLAY 1.00 64.4 63.30.20A 10.:97C ~~~Jc~ ~I~~~O J 0.50166 .760.910.20] VERY FINE TO 10 .4?~ ""'""r3~ ~i\ Gray, Saturated, Soft 5·~ L U Brown, Saturated, Soft \ Gray, Saturated I Soft r5~ Gray, Saturated, Soft, :~ 1!:5!lr61~1~ Thin Layers of Clayey Fine to Medium Sand n v ~[7~ 1'\ [&[8 ~ , 1" ..... 'FINE SANDY CLAVI CLAYEY FINE TO I MEDIUM SAND SILTY CLAY * Indicates dead load shear test • PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 0.50 66.8 63.01-0 ~5A 10.3* 0.45 57. 1 66 .810 .356 0.42: DRAWING NO. 4 Q) > o U • Z /lQ o ~ z xtii .... 'w Q.u.. w o SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. TIA ELEVATION 7.01 >->-0.. C>~, ..... ~ w'-<::' a,:: u.. w!; Vi u.. ut:: O"::;;'u.. w ......... ~a,::;> Z . a,:: Z • ~~ ~>-wa«du~ w 52 ~~I!= 0 ':-wl;;~ .~ > . -0 0 >-Ul ~~~ U .... < ~ /lQ -. Q. Z ii u.. <eft. 0.... ~v ::> o ....... ::>U ~OU.-~ __ ~----------------------~---------------+ ____ ~--+---~ __ -+--~ ~;:~ SILTY FINE TO ., Brown, Moist, Medium Firm MEDIUM SAND / I\~--------------------~--------------~ Gray, Very Moist, Soft SILTY CLAY 2-Water* -m~Jt V""';--G-,r-ay-, -Sa-t-ur-a-te-d-, -So-f-t ---+C-L-A-Y-E-Y-F-I-N---E-S-A-N' -0+-0 -.9-0+-4-9-.7-+-7-2-.-9 +-'-0-.-24-+---1 3-1 ., ~ Gi~dl' Saturated, Soft, Bay SIL TV FINE TO 0 2'{\' I C' A .... 1 • :V. ,~Ml Lumps MEDIUM ")~I~D 4 Gray, Saturated, Soft, 30% Grass and Roots From 3.51- 5 ~ ~3)Jt 6 5.01 Fine to Medium Sand Layer at 5.51 ~ ~4E Few Very Fine to Fine 7 ~ l5~ Sandy Clay Layers * See Note on Drawing No.2 ** Indicates dead load shear test SILTY CLAY PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ** 0.60183.3 53.310.540 0.45 33.4 88.6 0,:52 0.45L DRAWING NO. 5 (!) > o· U .... 2 (!) ...c V') • Z r:a o ~ ~ :dii "'w o...u. w C SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO._~IIT~ 1 .0' ELEVATION _.....:.....:..-=--_ >-. >-. c... ~... w"':!:: t: w.,.: ~LL. w ~ I¥::. I/) Uu.. 0 . Z I/) C ~ Z::) ,'S g u V') w·o.. ....... >-wU • w S2 !:!:!!!!I¥ C -.~ > . u.. 0 C >-vi I~ iii ~ U ii t: ~~ ~ ~ ~ Z::l C :,:,U r-~~~~----------------~-----------~--~~~~--~--+-~ ..... ::.:: 1 =W~[f' -r:/)/f' 2-' ... ,:. Brown, Saturated, Loose FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 0.70 21 .8 !105.4 0.316 * -t< ';'. 3 ~~~~ __________________ ~ _________ ~~-4 __ -+~-+---+--~ Gray, Saturated, Soft 4-1··::·B::·:: _I::·"::~.~{.< Brown, Saturated, Loose 5 ~(4S 111 Gray, Saturated, Soft, Thin 6-Lenses of Clayey Very Fine ~5 ~ Sand '7 ~~C>. SILTY CLAY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 0.50 22.0 104.6 0.334 * SILTY CLAY 0.2062.7 63.00.27 * 0.485 O. 15 67. 3 59 .9 O. 14 10.516 * Indicates dead load shear test . PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F BENTON ENGINEERING,' INC. DRAWING NO, 6 <I.l > o U ... <I.l .... <I.l ..c V> e~ Z al o .., SUMMARY SHEET ~ willi: ..... w :t:/ii o..t:a IITA :E:E BORING NO. I-w Q..u.. <:::> w "'Z 7 .0' e ELEVATION !-_ O. ?-~ Brown, Dry, Loose SILTY FINE TO MEDI UM SA 1'\1 D I ,''.0'. 1 · . · Gray, S lightly Moist, Medium CLA YEY FINE TO --I' · Firm MEDIUM SAND 2 · . ~. iWateroJc Brown, Very Moist, Medium Firm SILTY FINE TO 2:~ 3-MEDIUM SAND / -'--....c 1\ . " Gray, Saturated, Medium Firm . . 4 ' .. CLA YEY FINE TO . . -~ Brown MEDIUM SAND 5 t±@j -[{~~~~~t~y Brown, Saturated, Medium FINE TO MEDIUM 6 ,Compact, 15% Small Gravel SAND ,....., ~5.P. Gray, Saturated, Medium Firm CLAYEY FINE TO t@j MEDIUM SAND 7 Brown, Saturated, Med. Compact FINE SAND / * See Note on Drawing No.2 PROJECT NO. 66-3-31F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. >->-. 0... C> . ~u.: IlIi: Ii: wI-I-I-w' W .......... o~;: in u.. "~i o· Z ::) Z '" U~ w 0.. ..... 1-)-·w U « w 52 W"'1lIi: e .......... WI-'.~ U::(5e ::J:!!!", > . >-vi U -I-:E 0 IlIi: al "''''0.. Z ~ IlIi: u.. w_ e ~ Q ... 1lIi:~ :JU 1.20 17.3 108.0 0.48 1.75 18.9 110.0 0.74 1.75 22.4· 103.9 0.56 0.6H DRAWING NO. 7 - BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT _ CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A SAN DIEGO: 583-5654 LA MESA: 469-5654 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size.** GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 CLEAN GRAVELS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. ** SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 III. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Silty gravels, poor I y graded gravel- sand -si I t mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, I ittle or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, 'rock flour, sandy si-lt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticity 1 gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatoma- ceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. * Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U.S. Standard. PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT .. CIVIL ENGINEER Sampl ing BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92115 APPENDIX B - SAN DIEGO: 583-5654 LA MESA: 469-5654 The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampl ing tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a' special cut- ting tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the field mois- ture until completion of the tests. The driving ellergy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made without removing the samples from the brass I iner rings in which they are se- cured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampl ing. In some instances, samples ar,e sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are appl ied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the sample until the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105°F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per square foot is then appl ied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded and expansion is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less than 1/10000 inch per hOl/r. : -< ~. PI:'ieiSIONALREGISTERED INSPECTIONS. rttl: ~R~ -;:;----- IN:SP.!:CTlONS 0 TESTING 0: ,STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ? ) . 6695 CONVOY GOUFIT. SAN OlEGO. CA 92111 (', -(714) 2920661' ~ Gr 9/:&.4 --' --' ----~---, -4Ql1..- ________________ ~~C-a_l_if-.~, __ ~ __ ~ _____ PHONE 729-~ ~ LJ f)I.VNf.7P Of fcon InCOpOf<;lted [] t 1-.1;:;~EC TelA ~. v • .-.J"-o_n",,e. __ s-_-_-+ ____ ~ tOC.'l.fil;lt.! Of SPECIMEN !i'~ ,10~ 1)1'> STRUCTURE I o CONTRACTOR Difcon lncorpora,~ji ____ .~ __ _ o ENGINEER J. p, Anderson o BLDG, AVTH ~Ca~·"-r:!..;is"",b,,,..a:l.>d...,., _______ -___ . __ .. __ . PERMIT NO, ~-,,-.:..-_~-,--PLAN FILE it __ -_____ ,_ --~~~-~ ~ Area_of 2-C - =,7"'_'''-__ "===========;=======================_=_. SPECIMEN-MADE BY: t1_. V. Jone.s 4" SLUMP _-'--_______ ---'"'~ ___ ~ DA T E MADE --=:.5_":_17!.---,7:..:.2_-___ _ 5-1'-12 DATE RECEIV'ED AT LAB _"---"---'-__ . __ ___... ___ ~--_._. SOURCE OF RO.GK_Ca_-'_r_ls-_b_a_d_, _________ . ____ •. TIC { ErNO _423~9",-,-l ___________ ......... __ lNSPECTORSIG N _M_,_V_,_Jo_n_e_-~s __ _ -...-------~ ~~,-" L,ABOR.ATORY rEST DATA =~-~.::;:.::::'-- Ai,>:: rESTED_ -t DAYS 7, J DAYS I O~YS_---28 10 ' ,-, 1 ~ -, 14 - .. ,~, I~_ I -T <. SPECIM EN' i/lAR 1<IN13S 1981 19a~ 1983 j I -. -~---~--,r.---"·-1 -' lJt\H TESTED 5-22-72 6":1"'72 ' -I 6':':1i~-12 -1 ~-.,--------' ,~ , .. ,--_._---!- AREA--SQ, IN 28.2'8 .. -1'--, - ULTiMATE lOAD-LBS_ bOSOO , ± t ~-----I ' -~--, uqn STRfSS--PSL --< 2140 . -I =-----""!.~~~-:----' -..... -~-:...o-z.::.~~~::::"-:.-__ 193!.~ --------- ! "---:----==-0-====~=================, AT ':',,_OAYS RESPECTFULLY SUBt, .. llT JED :. ' .... PRmlslGNAL REGISTERED INSPECTIONS. fA, ' .INSPECTIONS.. TESTING 0 SfR,UC'WRAL 'ENG1NEERfNG <I 6695 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 (714) 292-0660, •. TEST REPORT""' COPIES TO: JO.B. ,NO; 1 ]'60 JOB' Sri sto 1 Anchor~ge. ADDRESS .4637 Park Dr i veCarlsbad ,ea] if .. PHONE~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ __ , . o 0WN·ER _=O.:..H'-'c"'"'o""n.!-....!I'-'-n=.c:.=o~r.j!:Op.::::.o.!-ra=·.>:.:te"'"'d~._:_,,.-__ ~ __ ··,O.cONTRACT{)R_D_,_if_c_o_n_I_;n~c~o_r!-po_· _ra_t_e_d'---___ ~--'- O H If. '. ' CLIENT --"-,---'--__ ,---,-_________ -----.1.. o ENGINEER. ~ .P. Anderson o ARCH1TECT Robert Gre i 9 o INs'PECTOR . M. V. Jone~ . . . FIELD SAMPLE OF~ 'Concre,te. ' lOCATI'ONOF SPECIMEN. IN JOB OR STRUCTURE MIX NO, ?R-J318M .- Area o:f 6:-13 . o BLDG, AUTH . ..,., -,.·C-",Q,-,-,r.::..t.::,.s-,-t>a-,-"d",,-· , __________ ' ': : SP·ECIMEN MARE BY: --.;..,M_'.-"-V~.:_J_o_ne7s __ ....,.-,-____ _ PROPORTIONS~6~s~k~.~. __ ~_~ _____ ~~'~'~ __ SlUMP~._4~tLI_·I ____ ~ _____ ~ ______ _ " ADMI XTURE Po:t:z 30Q '~DATEMAD'E '5-17-72' , ' , ~~+,~.~-~-'------------------- . . TYP E 0 F CE M E'N T .-:.,;R..;..i v,;.,.. e=-r:...;s:...·i'-'Qoc:e~I...:.I----' ________ ~_~· Dft. TE R EC E IV ED AT. t;.AB. ~. :-,>~' :"_l:...9~--,7c.::2::...-__ ~ ___ _ .CO NG. S'UPP-Lt ER ..... ' _p,,-re~. '-~M-,-! i-,,·i.<~: ~_-.-,.-_-'--____ ~~---'~. ·SO U RG E Q F ROC K --",-Ca:::.:-i" .:.;1.s::.;'b::.:a::.;:d:o..-__ -________ _ INSPECTOR SIGN -;..:M;:c:. .• '.:..IJ-=-.-,.J=..;p::o.!n:.:.:e::.:-s~' ____ ~ __ L'ABORATORY tEST DATA AGE TESTED .. Ii ' r DAYS . 7 :J DAYS , ,~'1 DAYS 28 f DAYS tOAY~ . .. SPECIMEN MAA-K1NGS 1988 '. 1989 1990: 1991 DA TE TE$l'ED 5-22-72 6-.1-.72 6-14"'72 -Hol'd , '. AREA-;SQ IN. 28 28 ULTIMATE LOAD~LB$ 58000 --_.- UNIT STREss-p~;r 2050' ~ -----,--I ... · I ,000 -[ ============::!=:=======:==;===========;=::=='======='=== ~':'''~''-''''-. SPECIFH:D STRENGTH: AT28 DAYS' SPECIALINFORMA nON: ____ --'-'~--' ___ ~~-----' _____ -~ _________ ~. ADDITiO NA L DISTRIBU TIO N,: . " , .~- ,,'-' ."[ ::, ., , .' -. . , : :,':- ." ", M'r,.·-Hlinter Cook*,.City'Ehgii,~~er ,': f '. ". . :C i ty, o'f Car·)sbad.. . . .• 'C j t:y Hall, '1200 ,Elm.' ' .. ,': . ..... .' ·Ca'fl'sbadlJ,. Cil 1.i forti i a "920'08 ", -' " ., J : '~~. ' ~.; . ~-':'-" , .; . , .. , ':.; . "'-. _~' -'r, ',' . '-. -\ , , -' -/1' • .sUBJECT: ,J • • • ~ .c.o' ">'.::" " i' ". ... :,' ····L '-"/', ." ,.:; .. '.... , " __ ' ',' _~ . ,-,t .... , _~. +. : •• : :"'.- Th~ enGlosed r~·q\.i'est. ,for a Jlood F~it!p'd 'r~~~r,t"::~~~;~er:~s:'~~d~~~ty:' ': .' .,'.... .' wi th i. n the C,j ty c;,f C:a r ls ba.d".· We;t ;th·~~erC? re;t . a·r;'· fO ~~ r~ t~~~' -th:i~: ',: -.:~ ... ~.: '.', ~: ~ :. , c,: -. -• -t _ ~ ,~ t' '~i': ,r;;. C,. J,. HOU$ON~ to,_ . -~, ',.' .;< :'~:" . "1' QD:mp .. Enclosure: Copy: T:j de Insur~nc;e ,,~nd Trust Company 22:0 IIAJI. Street.;·p,.O~ ,BOX 1150 San Di'eg<?t Calif !l9~ 112 \ ct_, " .' ,,~ .. . , . .' , " ,', " .", --, -.'" ;~.\. '.~ :~ >:' -, ~ , ' I .. ' '; ,.;, : :' '. -": . . ' .. '~' , ,-, -.. • ,.i '. '" .• ;' c ~ ... ' \,' ;-: .. ;..',' .\, ""--. " ' .. '. , . ' ,-'" -" - .. I~ ~ • :;-',,:, '. "-,,' . -, . --,' '. . ,~~~, ,-'" '--,- '. _ f·· _' ,'. ,: .; ~ -J / ' ',' . ,-: -.,,-:. -' ~' ; :' :.,. -"': '- ',"-" '~,' :,. , ""'<." -.. ,. . ,-. ~. . -., ' :-... ~' . ~,,- .t-: . .~,..-~', ,:", ': -:~, ' -'--.. ; . ,~-' -'t" " -' :, ~:..-:_.:' ,~ - , -,-.~~:. .' " { • ". < ", '. , , ... , .:.: ,~t ,. -, ., " : ' .. . " , . ,: -.-",~,. -~:' ~.:-"":-:",, ",' _,I -~ ;.;-< ':,~' - -,' ~ , . -',. ~ -, . '. • 1 • ,~ .,,' .' .. ,.,!'" ~ • - • , .' r" ':, ~. -'::, ./ -: '~'~:., .. " . .. ~, '1-:_ , .' _' • -:.~ I '.> '.... ..' , ...... -.~.''''~' ·f ,-,-,', ~ , ~ ", .' .,~ ~' . , '. ,,'" ~ . ,.,', '. , -':: ,'- • @ .' Title Insurance and Trust Company RECEOlEQ NOV 17 19JI SANITATION & aoo.Q CONTROl., - 220 "A" STREET· P. O. BOX 1150 • SAN DIEGO. CAL.IFORNIA 92112 • TEL.EPHONE (714) 239~60B1 DONAL.D R. ROCHAMBEAU VICE PREsIDENT AND MANAGER County of San Diego Depdrtment of Special District Services Attn: Flood Control Engineer 5555 Over I and San Diego, California 92123 November 11, 1971 Ref: BRISTOL ANCHORAGE (1 lot -14 unit condominium) Gentlemen: Will you please prepare a report for the Department of Real Estate, State of California, 8003 State Building, 107 South Broadway, los Angeles, California, 90012, on flood and drainage conditions for the above reference. A location plat is enclosed. This information is needed in order to comply with the requirements of the Department of Real Estate in connection with obtaining a Final Report permitting the sale of this property. Would you please send the original and a copy of this letter to Title Insurance and Trust Company, P. O. Box 1150, San Diego, California, 92112, Attention: Pearl M. Lyng. Cordially, af Enclosure P~~r4 ~ ,..., I I ~ 1::1 sn ..... c:: ~ CI I i I I rn 120 ~ ~ ii 1::1 =" IT! I~ ! I ~ ~ . rn p :z ~ ~1~1 I ! v. r-0 ::0 JTI ;l:> ::t> k ~ ;:f :E rn 2<> :a: 1::1 1::1 (/) (/) 0 a':l :s: ::0 ", . - I, • 11'. '1 1 ! ' , .. I " I • .. , .:~: j 1, '.' ";it,11I ,I VIC /IV / T' / --~-........ , ......... --~ .. - '.;t , , , 'If .",-, ,: ' .. ;0~i;;} •. ~. . , i1hl(!6h,mmIi5Pb'l,mifia:t&k~ Z!'"km§2QJ\J13iJSOlb!S!!; ~~ .:~ h • l",~': .~ , .. : ~;.\. : ; I'~:'"" . I':';:' ~'d.~~l .'»~~!;'1 ~\ ~'I-:';::'''':' , ~t~~~:?~~:" ~-'~.:~~~-.~"=~,_=~~=""r- ~"~::~~ ~'~!'IT' .,~\,. ,- ~:: ,~~.~~",". ',,2~;~<:y~~~~, : " • ~ ''') /l.. .. -., , , I /1 I / i L ~ ') N G (~I-J I. 'U L (,:.-T _ ( .:J • .,., 1 /" __ 1 I I ," \ / I,\J P. y R' (" '~-', J _, ........ ,. '--. ' ", I" !. , ~'. 1. " .. , I '.:". ::"" " .. ~ h : ~ " : ,', "; ,,~,:: '. ," '. " ~ •• ' J ,'~' Ii' " , I c" U :' ~I 'I-, t-"'! " il I I I I I I I I I I 'I I 'I 'I :1 I I -:~. ,'-. ~,~ Project No. 71-328 cTl (_Oil FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR BRISTOL ~NCHOPA~E CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared By: TERRA LABORATORIES, INC. 3847 Birch Street Newport Beach, California October 10, 1971 TERRA LABS, INC. 'i • 'j, " ~: Some side tlrtcr.';':;Set .,,;.,·'h.">ho.nl.d. the .developer fthe gravel '. ,addi tional . ',data, ,are size and dis- level s l,abs ,. \ " .! -~ ~-~ ~ .. V'P £..,-F.it:·:'·IQ' .... ,,,h .... ",'~""". , ~ ;i·:t ,1. ,:;',;~: j ':. ~, >--:, j' \' :F" i ;,. ~ ~ ~ , "; .~ __ -:r {.4. > ;. .~ ., L '.' , -~ , i ,. , :',.1. f' "~' ~-, I· i " , ; , '. , : " !. : ,. .. : " ,:' .. ' , ~ . ' ,*::' , .. ':, , " '<~ '. ;: ,I ' ~' . " , >1"'( , " , , . . " ", AGUA HEDIDNDA ·;1 \"~~, . <. -., ~' iit.f~~~!~~iii!\li~;!i;\~,\\~:::(:\: ',;' h"',: .-.\ DRILL HOLE LOG ", I): ':.' " }\ .; ~;' , HOLE NO. I ::,.R IG:: :;' .. Pli.ght Auger ~ . . . ,~. '. ,\~:i~.:a~L~~. '~ _ .. " . 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'" .~~- ';""8'" '~. ," ';' : 2 , ,,~ , , -. " ~ . 0 -4 c o· ... tV '0 0 6 III C 0 Q ... c 8 G> Q .. at Q. 10 !,,< 'TERRA LABS. INC. ~ ., C , f~'. boring no. 2 4 • • .' ,I, ~ sample' , dept h:': '12.5 " 3.0' DIFCON, INC. " . ,~.' '/, ; :t:; ;."<Y~~f~i~f:~~~;!~' :". :~:' .. '. ,'~ , \ , . ~ . J',> ,1' ',l, >'. CONSOLIDATION TEST .'; : ••• \-,< . -~;~. ',' .'~'~:'·'f.:f¢ij;~~'i'4'it:.-_~:~!.i·'" . " figure no. 5 " , , ',' . '. ." • 0) 0 0 8 8 • \ 31 . 30. .2~ \ 8 ~ ~ ~ '-\ , • • 10. ·~JlIA • '----Ill ----------------...,..--------------~-----------------..-------------_..-----------_ .. -------- ~------------------------- r--..l= . e • JI.-/ \ \ REJI/J'/ONS l 40'0'eo' Tesl Boril?9s 19 -39,' 8/7/G3. J. 40'0'eo' res! Borings I, I4, ff, ff4, .llI, 0/7(/ .11Z,4 I'or Pro/eel ;110 GG -3·31 r ; 5/U/CG. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NOS. ~------------------~ ~3-3-20A DRAWING NO. ~~-3-3IF