HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-04; BEACH COLONY DEVELOPMENT; SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1964-12-10. i. -. .,/... ,. , SOILS INVESTIGATION , '~e?,-e ~~V C:C,c:CN'V O/?.t&t:.S8'<9:!? ;?2::&cr ,1/'0 ,72-4 , La Costa Beach Inn West of Highway 101 North of Leucadia, Cal iforni~ . .. , Tracy Price Assoc\iates Planning, Engineerir:9, Architects Project No. 64-11-12A December 10 , 1964 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC •. :- PHIL.IP HENKING BENTON I"RESIDItNT • CIVIL ENGINEER Objectives BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPL.IED SOIL. MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS . ~-... '6741 EL. CAJON BOUL.EVARD SAN DIEGO. CAL.IFORNIA 921115 SOILS INVESTIGATION • SAN DIEGO. 583·5654 L.A ME8A. 469·5654 . This is to present the findings and con~lusions of a soils, investigation completed at the site of the proposed'La Costa Beach Motel, located on the west side of Highway 101 on the north side of the',satiquitos Lagoon that is located north of Leucadia, in S<::,n Diego County,) Cafifornia. The objectives of the investigation were to determine the existing soil conditions and . " to make foundation design recommendations. In order to accompl ish these ob jectives, seven borings were drilled, undisturbed, samples were taken where feasible, field density, and laboratory tests were condl,lcted to determine the physical properties of the soils. , It is understood that the motel is to be two an~ three stories in height arid is to be 'constructed of reinforced concrete ~ masonry. The foundation loads are not known at this time, but it is assumed that wall loads will not exceed 7500 pounds per lineal foot, and that column loads will not exceed 300 kips each. , Field Investigation Sev'en borings were drilled 'with a truck-mount.ed rotary ~~cket'!"tyPe drill rig at the approximate locations shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location of Test 'Borings". 'The borings were drilled to dept~s of 7 to 40 feet below·the existing ground sur- ,,face. A contin'uous log of the soils encoun.tered in the' borings was recorded at the tim~ of drilling and is shown 1n detail on' Drawing Nos. 2 to 13, in~lusive, each entitled, "Summary , 'I Sheet" ••. ---. -2- The soils were visually classified by field identification procedures in accordance with, the Unified Soil Classification Chart ~ A simpl ified description of .this classification system is. ,. presented in the attached Appendix A at the e~d of th is repor~. ' Undisturbed samples were obtained where possible in the gravel free soils ahead of the drilling. The drop weight used for driving fhe sampling tube into the soils was the "Kelly" bar / of the drill rig which weighs 1100 pounds, and the average drop was 1~ inches. The general . . . procedures used in .field sampling ,are described under "Sampling'" in Appendix B. Two sand- displacement type field density tests were taken in the representative gravelly soils above the. , . ground water level where undisturbed samples could not be taken. Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed on all undisturbed samples of the soils in order to de- termine the dry density and moisture content. Direct shear tests were also conducted on sam- ples for shearing strength. The resul ts of these tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 2 to 13, inclusive. Consol idation tests were perfonned on representative samples in order to determine the load-settleme~t characteristics of the soils. The results of these tests ~re pr~sented on Drawing Nos. 14 and 15, each entitled, "Consol idation Curves .... In addition to the. above fe~tsl direct shear tests were perfamed on saturated and drained samples to determine the minimum angle qf internal friction qnd apparent cohesion. The results of these tests are shown below. Angle of \ Internal Apparent. Boring Sample Depth Friction Cohesion No. No. in Feet Soil Description Degrees Ib/sq ft 1 1 2.5 Fine to medium ~arid 40 0 4 2 7.0 Very fine to fine sand 40 50 6 l' 2.0 Fine to medium sand 40 0 The general procedures used for the laboratory tests are de~ribed briefly in'AppendixBo BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. _.,o-. ____ ~ ________ .~,.~ ___ ~_._._.~_ ___ __ . ____ ~ -.o. ___ ~---_~~_-.,. .... _ .... , ______ .,.~ ,'_ ,v I' ! . i ; , j i , : , I ; 1 : I · I , I I I I I I I I ! ; · I I r • f 1 ; I . I . j' : : . . , I : I ,i t -! i' • • -3- DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Soil Strata Except for a trashy fill to 1.3 feet in depth at B~ring 3, all of the soils encountered, were logged as natural deposits: Boring'l was drilled in an old dirt roadway. The upper " , ' • 'r. • , soils were slightly silty sand and fine to medium sand to 3.4 feet in, depth. Compact sandy gravel, slightly clayey and slightly silty sandy grovel soils wer!3 enc'?Untered between 3~4 , ' , feet, and the depth of expl orati on .of 11.5 feet. ., The very fine to fine sandy grovel found to the depth of exploration at Boring 2 varied· , from loose in the upper one foot to medi um compact between one and 7 feet.i n depth. The soils underlYing' the fill at Boring 3 were general! y compact and consisted of grave II y fine to medium sand between 1.3 and 3. ° feet in depth, very fine to fine sandy gravel " gra'vel between 3.0 and 4.2 feet in depth, and,slightly silty very fine to fine sandy gravel be- " ':tw,e~n 4.2 an'd to the limit of,exploration at.lO.O feet in depth. The soils encountered at Borings 4, 5, 6, and., were gravelly,sand, sand, and sandy :' :: grave! to the depths of 18.5 feet at Boring 4, to 1~.0 feet at Boring 5, to 11.0 feet at Boring 6, , and to the entire depth of exploration of 18.0 feet at Boring 7. The upper soils were observed . , ,to be relatively loose to depths of ,0.5, 2.8, 2.0, ~md 3.0 feet, respectively, at Borings 4, 5, 6, and 7.' Below these depths they were medium compact. Below the depths of 14.0 and 11.0 feet, respectively, at Borings 5 and 6, geologically older soils vqrying in consistency from'firm or compa'ct to very firm or very c'ompact were enc~ntered to the limits of exploration. These , . deeper soi.ls consist~d of clay, sand, and sl ightly ~il ty,sand at Boring 5, and c1ayey,sand ,at • Boring 6.' ..::. ,. .. / • r .. Ground water was, encountered 'below the depths 0(7.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.0,,2.0, 3.5, and 4~5 feet, respectively, 'at Borings 1 to 7, inclusive. , BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. "v I , 1 I . ! I I j I I, I ,; \ ' " -4- Foundation Design Recommendations It is concluded from the findings that the proposed building may be supported on con-, ., t . I ventional, continuous and spread footings, and that these foct ings should be designed to bear at depths of at I~ast 3 feet bel'ow the existing ground surface and on, the compact or medium, / ' compact natural soils which were encountered below depths 'of 3.4, 1.0, 1.3, 0.5, 2.8, 2.0, and 3.0 feet, respectively, at Borings 1 to 7, inclusive. The calculated safe bearing capacity for continuous and spread footings one foot wide and placed on the medium compact to compact soil is 3000 pounds per square, f~t'. This value may be increased at t~e rate of 260 pounds per square foot for each additi onal foot of width oyer one foot and at the rate of 770 pounds per square foot for each addition,?1 foot of depth CNer 3.0 feet below adjacent grade to a maximum of 5000 pounds per square foot,. It is re- commended that the footings in the vicinity of all Borings except Boring 5 be designed to bear above the ground water level. It should be noted that the ground water level was found at 2.0 feet below the surface of the sand at Boring 5, that was, drilled nearest the ocean, and the recommended footing , depth would be below this. This boring was started 40 minutes after. the highest tide for the mor~ing of November 20, 1964 which was to plus 7.3 fe~t M.L.l.W. and it is likely the water level will vary at this location with the tidal fluctuations. It is understood that the onl y foundations in this area would be for a possible sea wall that would have to have extra depth footings in addition to protection by riprap fro!Tl undercutting due to wove action. The above bearing values are for dead plus live loads and may be increased one-third for combined dead, live, and seismic loads. .' SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .: " I I • ~' " . , I . i -5-• It has been estimated from. the load-consol idation test data that the settlement of a con .... tinuous footing uniformly load~d to 7500 pounds per I ineol foot, will be on the order of '1/4 .. . I . inch, and that th; settlements of a square footing supporting 0 300 kip c~lumn locid will be less' 'tha~ 1/2 inch. Respec.tfu II y submitted I BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BYfl~~e~ . Don L. Lead~ ~ .ReVieWedBY~ ~ .' ~on, ivi Engineer DLL/gw i i . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. i i iNSPECTION'· TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT '. , I 6280 Riverdale' st. • San Di,ego, Californi,a 92120 • Phone 280·4321 '=--====" ===~==:===='===::;::::=::::=~=-====' ---. j ALL RIEI'Ollt. AliI: IUIIMITTED A. THIt eONfrlnENTIAL ..... OplE"T" 01' CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION 1'011 PUBLICATION 01' 00" RIEI'OllTS', CONCLUSIONS. 0" r;X,."ACT. 1 ',""0M 0" IIItGAIIDING THEM •• , ItEU"VE!) PENDING, 'ouli W"'TTIEN AP""OYAL '"., " MUTUAL p"'()T~CTION TO CLIENTS. THI!: 1'0aUc "NO OUIIscLvtit. 1 'r"T"" 7' 'z' ':':"':':U," ,:':.,<: ~'."., ,'~'o:,'·:.,,·.,,::·:·,': ",' '.,' ' ,; October 12,.' 1972, , : . Pularro Contr.acting Co •. , ·1485 N., Ma'gnolia Ave.' EL Cajon~'califorhia92021' ", ' , 'J SCT .212421 Report No. 1 , SUBJECT: 'Report'.of In-Place 'bensity, Tes:t's, Proposed' Beach Colony Apartments, U.S. Highway' 101,' South of Carlsbad State Park, Caiifornia 9'20008 . , " 'Gentlemen; " ~ " In compl~ance' wi,tll your request, .this report has been prepared to es":, .,' tablish 'the' 'd~gree' 'of compaction ,of: the 'native and imported materi'al' placed on the', 'site 'as tested by' the' ''Southern California Testi~g, Lab ... · .. oratory, ,Inc from October ,4, 1972 through October 10.,,1972. , ... : Field density tests. ''lera per.formed in accordance withA.S.T.M. D-1556- 64~ Moisture content was determined for each density sample. The re- ", :i ,'suIts and location of the tests are g,iven on the attached f~gures. '. 'Representative, samples of the tested material were obtained for ,lab- oratory tests. Laboratory compaction. tests to determine maximum dry density and op- timum moisture were performed in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method 1557-70 I Method A. The results 'of' the laboratory compaction tests , are given on the attached f~gure No~ 2; . -" , " , . ~ .' .. ,," . .\. , " ;~'f'" ' " .. 'j .' ~ , , .' " . . ') "," ',: '~ .~ . ,-, .~ , -. . ~ :; .. ~' .; .) -. .'. _ .: • ,)-'_l' '1" -. " .: ... ',,: :~:::" : ~ .' , ~ . -:..~ .:~,. '. ". \ ..... ~ "~ . ,<{,~', .' \ " ',' ". . f:, -,'. -..... , .' . :1 '{, 1 -I ,_ ,.t.\" .. ', ': -', . ~ " ./ .' ! ,~, , '; ;:.;' ~ . , . ;. " . " .. : " ' 1 I 1 i" ! i .' , 'SCT 212421 Page 2 " hes~tate 'to bontact'this office. " , .. T,nis,o~poi~un,ity' to"F~' of ser\rice "is ~:incerely' appreciated. , 'l _ " '. • l • 'f', ,',. ',,' ,,:- • ,} , , ' ! • ,", ~" ~,',', .': , ~ '.' " . ~' :'. ~ • '-'1 .. " , ~espec:tf1l11y subnii tted; ,. ',',"/ " ' "" , .'. -, ' , . '.: ' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB., INC~ '_n' ,: .'.,_ DAP/mk ' ENC~' cc: (5'), Submitted,' " (1) SCTL,: Esc.,'", , "~. ' ' . . ~ .. :.: .. '. "" , , '" : -.".. • t.'. ,', , , " -. ~ " ,1 :: ' . ,:-, " .. : • t-'. : :, " f " , .' .,. :': :,' -",. I, . . ," . . . '. ~'. " -" .. • ',' ~ .. ", f..-. • ":', .' . '."" ~~'" , : ,.-,,:, '-I ..... " '.' .. , t, ~ , ",' . ,'-;, " .. '.'~. - .' .' .-,,' .' ~,. ". '~ : , . .' , , " ! • .:, 'j .: :., ", ~ ,',' , ,1 > •• : ',: \', < '., ~ ... S , 'I ~~ , ," ~ J. " . . , .. " '".' .,.- ,', I " {,~' '.; ..... ,~' • '," -, ,': ':':';~'<"'" " '.' ':'~' • ~, <,.' ' ..... - \. .... , " " -' I' .. ~ " , . ~ . '. '-. "", ~ '--"',.' ' .. , • .' " : • ~ ~ -, • p ", ... -. .-~~' . .' " , .~..... .. . . 4',.' '.' •• ; I .... ,.; , " '-,' . ( , . . ' : ':" ,.. ... l-., , . ' " . , ,. , ,\ 'I \1 f I , I II .. (, ii " II , " \,1 j. ! r • < ,'" '. '~ ... .. , ' ... " .. , ., .', ... ., •• ;,' .', • I. ·'i.I,. . ', I!' . ... ' o '8 .. e \': ,z ,\ ,,:.' .. . I'.: . ; . • " •• t ,~ • . " " .: . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY. INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 .1 . , .' 'I' • i,1 ~' .. .1 " . .,' ,'.:-: ':: , .... 1 ',' , -. ~: .' • I, .. " '-:,.., " :. '< :". ; ~ ~ ", ; . .. , , . Beach Colony Apartments U. S. Highway 101 -.: ' . r' : ...... ! ~ ~' .. ' .•.. J,' ;r:.' \ ., I '. ::"~~-, ; " ' ., " " .' . • 1' ".J> . ~ ::' ;:. '~ d .. ':-" So. of Carlsbad st. Park, California I ' , ", • -• j • ~.~.: .. ·,.:;.~;(:/};~C~~:~~:.~::~~~~~,i;i;;;;\;f~~:!i,~~·:':~,·:;~~:·L2'::~~~~~~:"~:~~;;:'~'~~::;<;~'~~~~A~~~L:;j,j~i:i;:i\;1;~.:,L{~:::;~~_~~.:~~:;_~~'·::~LL~1~~1S~;~k2}~~.~i0}r~::~~~_·~:·~:.: .. ·' ; , '1 I '.: ':-: -.. ', '.: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY ~ ~, Field Density Tests Report seT 212421 ~ iII>; " I i' ",.' ' .... : .. " :' ".: ,. : .,,-.~: . . ~ ~ --"1--_,_ ~ 2 ; !: 1:', -: t;.' .:.:; .:~ .1 (;"i:~f , .' . . 1?,<' l' ' ... 1 1. '. ' • r., ",:.',: =.- Test No. , . " 1 . 2 3 4 location :. . Depth of Fill " .. ' . ~. . ' , , , ~, .-'(Feet) . '. o,.' ," '. . See Plot Plan +1 0 > See Plot Plan +1.0 'See Plot PIan +3'.0 -See Plot Plan +1. O· Moisture Dry Unit Soil ' Relative Date Of (Percent) "eight Compaction Test' Type (I bs • cu. ft. ) (Percent) . 8al 121.6 ' 1 95 '5' 10/4/7' 11.7 122.3 1 96.1. 10/4/72 8.1 118.8 1 93.3 10/5/72 , 9.3 116.5 2 92.3 10/5/72 1 J · . ," .. 10/9/72 ~I . ' 5 See Plot Plan +1.0 9.3 113.8 2 90.2 r' .. · '. ,{ : ......' "!",,; .. 'j: '.: '.: , J. .' ". ~". ' .. ' ;]1';" "".' r: •. :- 1~·:." ',:,-,;. f • " ~ • ;. ' .... ..:.- ,';: :. (, :;" .;: \. . '. , .,', . ',' ,-' :: .. ~. :' j , . . 0' '. : : .. ~ . , . .' .. '" ,.,"~ .' . ~, ' ': 11' .. ; ... ,:. ,' •• ' ! • : ~><:;.: :~:,; ~f ~ . ,: ..... ,\ ."j " . 6 See Plot Plan 7 . See Plot Plan . 8 See Plot Plan . ," . . . ' I :.~ - +4.5 8.7 114.7 2 90.9 10/9/72 +5.5 13.0 117.0 2 92.7 10/10/72' ..: +7.2 F.G. 11.1 114.6 2 90.8 10/10/72 . . . , .. " . . ... .. r. -, . '. LABORATORY STANDARD t· : .:'. . ' . SoilTyps Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry Density ~~" ... , :'. (Percent) , (Ibs./cu. ft.) 1 .... ' . _., . , l ,··,~···,:· .. ' .;:'~ ;""', 1 7.5 127.3 : ~:~~,~;:~,~~\;~~~~~:;, .~\~ .. ~~ .. '~ ·~·~'-2~~~~~~~~~1-Q-.-S~~~~~~~~~1-2-6-.-2~~~~~~'\' . , '. '. ' ... ,". " , " '. . . , . !. ~, ,.:". ::.,' . ,'" ' j' ::.' .. :" .' ,.' '. ; . . . t .; , Ii .. : ·,,:-·-'::.,·.~·L· '~\ :., .... :. "~'. ":"':. '. ,-~==~~,----. " . L'· ___ _ • ,I . -. / / ;·/~?3 f :~/.~ .. ~r ~"d • /"'" ~.l< ,. i -:z:z.~~ pct.S a..-Pl4e5S /1 ; I ,-; . ;:z:: -r t.J ;.rt ~~~ A?-£r' I a-<-S r ~ 1 ~ i Mt?r.e. ;f1/I t)/ :J: tJA.AL~/.eT"--! du¥e~t h<!;:r!~<~ ,f . .,u..~7s 7-0 5~rA.~ ~~f,<-~.,/·~e . ~~~. -~ 67' i" I [ . I l--.f ,. t t ,. , -y DAVID JAY I~LOODe A.LA. Pia". .and I i907 San r ictntt lJoultvara & ASSOCIATES Arch iUcturt 'BEACH COLONY DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA' March 1 9, 1971 SUMMARY A. Legal Description and Boundry Survey: Los A ngtlu, California 90049 Tf/tphont-: arta codt 213 4,76-6288 1. A portion of land, 3.014 acres lying the the southwest corner of Lot 6, Section 33, in the County of San Diego, State of California. 2. . Ovvner -MMNS 4/6 Anderson, Robert C. MMNS 1/6 Anderson, Arthur G. MMNS 1/6 Harris, Grace A. Legal Address -2101 Maginn Drive, Glendale, Califorriia 91202 D,ey.elqper -The Be.ach Col,q,I,;1..Y." a.~partner,shi.p. Address -819 North Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, C?lifornia 90277 .• 3. Residential condominium development. B. Article 13.75: Section 1379: . 2.1 Storm Drainage -The preliminary plan for storm drainage is to direct it to the beach on the ocean side of the dev.elopment and anow natural percolation to 9ccur. No large concentration of water from any single source is planned. 2.2. Sewage Disposal -It is planned to direct sewage south to the Leucadia County Water District's system at La Costa Road and old Highway 101 • 2.3 Water Supply -Domestic water wHI be supplied by the. Carlsbad M.mictpal Water District's system. A service line extension will be made from existing facilities at the Ponto crossing of old Highway 101, north of the proposed develOpment. 2.4 Utilities -Utilities will be provideq from the newest available source (La Costa Road ~nd old Highway 101) by San Diego Gas & Electric and the General Telephone Company of San Diego. 4. The project development program will consist of selling' fee title condominium. All common areas are for the use of any owner within the legal Association and all maintenance, including land- scape maintenance, on or within those areas of common ownership. :' 2/ ••• t J r f I l I I i f r I f I r 1 I t I f' I I ~ :r 1 Ii ~ i J t l I f • ';' -2- . " . 5. will be the responsibility of the Condominiuh)~Association and all owners are subject to the rules est~bli$·ti·ed· by that Association.' The tentative time schedule of development can be found b).'· referring to the preliminary schedule chart attached. c. Areas: Site -3.01 acres . 1. BuHding coverage 2. Recreation area (including private swimming pool) 3. Walkways, exterior parking, entrance. 4. Total open space (2 + 3) D. Density: 81 units .;. 3.01 acres E. Required Open Space: 1 • According to Chart (Ordinance 9060, Page 25C), 1,000 sq. ft. of open space area per unit 2. Project: 91,892';' 81 F. Number of [),.yen ing Units: 1'. Townhouses -27 2. Vinas 54 Total 81 Dvvel1ing Units 131 , 492 sq. ft. . 39, 600 sq. ft. 65,930 sq. ft. 25,962 sq. ft. 9,1 , 892 sq. ft" 27 units/acre. 81 , 000 sq. ft. ., 1',136 sq. ft. open space area per unit •. 3/ .•. ! 'e, .. -·e ". -3- G. DweU.tng Unit Mix: Q.,Iantity 21 14· , -,<26 '13 7 One Bedrooms (in villas) , Two Bedrooms (in townhouses) ~ , -:t:w,o.Bed~r.os ""in vi.ll~$,.) _ J. Three Bedrooms (in t:oNnhouses~ Three Bedr.ooms (\ n vi llas)j H. Constructi.on R\a.si!]1: .' ". \ Total 21 ,40 20 Phase A Phase B Phase C 6 townhouses 21 townhouses 54 vinas (December, 1971 -April, 1'972) (tv1arch, 1972 -October", 1972) (June, 1972 -~rchl 1973) 1. Required - 21 x 1-1/4 spaces (per one bedroom unt t) 40 x 1-1/2 spaces (per two bedroom uni.t) , '20 x 2 spaces (per three bedroom unit) Total for 81 dwelling units ~est parking for viSitors (1/2 space per ' , dwe n t09 unit) , Total Required 26 parking spaces ' , 60 ~rk'ing spaces -40 parking spa~s 126 ~rk,i.ng spaces ": 4Oearki['9 spaces , , 168 parking spaces 2. Parking Plan' For the present we have shown on the plan it total 'of 268 parking spaces avai labl,e to the-developmer:tt.·' We wish to make it clear that we expect in later plannin'g: stages to ,:, re-locate the mechanical areas and,use-s~ stalls now' shown as parking for additional storage are~$, thus re- ducing the ~tal nud>er of parking. In no ca$e, 'however,' will we be less than required by the 'e~i$ting'.9rdinance; . i ' I. f I' , . -4- J. Plans Submitted: 1. Site Plan A: 1 n = 32'-0" 2. Site Plan B: 1!' = 32'-o!' .. ".,...,.3,o:.~ .. ",.st.te."glar::l .-C,: _1 n =_.~1.6' -::;!) It 4. Garage Plan: 1!' = 16'-0!' 5. Floor Plans & Sections:· 1ft = 16'-0" 6. Two (2) Elevations: 1" = 1 6' -0 n 7. One (1) Perspective 8. Time Schedule Plan 9. Summary 10. Application Forms. • . . Beach 'Co lony Beach Colony plus Proposal on County pr0perty • To be submitted later. To be submitted later. ! '. j~ ; :6',>/ 1>:\\'1 J) JAY FLOOD e 'A.I.A. Pla;lIIe (md 11907 San riunu Bou/a'ard Architalurt & :\SSOCfATES BEACH COLONY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA March 19, 1 971 ASPECTS OF PLANNING: ,oJ"' '~'-'-."."" ., "~7" t\ -".--, • ~~"~" • Los A ItgdfS; C{lltjorni(1 9'004,9 Tdepho,u: ,'". . , nua COdl' 213 476-628~ The Beach Colony is a simple, but very clear, linear development along and parallel to u. S. Highway 101. The guest parking area with trees (green belt) serves as a shield betvveen townhouses or villa$ and the highway. Tenants have easy and direct access by car to their garage anc;:i a direct stairway connects each townhouse .. to it. The villa tenants have their elevators r,eaching' the parking'. The private pool and recreation area is concentrated and wen designed as ' a perfect linking element betvveen beach, townhouses and vnlas. The use of slight grade differentials towards the beach provides changing yiews and ·'::'i'S:,;a$errns\t~tiV'e·-<.W'a$l·'~t.cj"lJbhttl~~:!'f.rtii'ffi~bew.l"t'!a~"e'~:S""':to>~e' ~rtalh!I'r.·qJ",si:te:~ A public beach access at the northern end of ' the develop'ment opens the beach to everybody and beach visitors have the c3.dvantage of undisturbed u~e of the beach all along the shor.e line as the development is tied close backt9 U io S. Highway 101 • ',DESIGN INTENT: Townhouses -On a modular grid, each unit is desfgned to use the greatest number of standardized elements, thus having a clear constructive expression. Gre~t attention has been paid to the flow of movement: the unit can be r~ached from the garage directly by a connecting stairway or from the,: visitor parking through a small recreative patio. Vertical, tvvo-story space's ,and the"d6Uble orientation of the one complete floor living room to the beach and, the hi.gl:iway provide a maximum flexibility in thei.r, use.' ,Several decks on different flbors and on either side of the unit extend living and pr~vacy··to the open air. Townhouse tenants have all direct beach access. Villas -It was obvious to carry through the same structural. grid as in the , townhouses, generated by parking and the desi.re to standardize. The i.ntention . . -. was to design a multi-story building in the same spirit as the, townhouses, 'which means double orientation of each villa to the beach and the highway, ' and rich spacial adventure of tvvo.-story spaces., ! 2/' ... , -2- In doing so, it was possible to limit access-corrid9rs to the villas to every second floor and reach a great efficiency C?f the building. Quiet to the highway side, yet structured by its cylindrical private staircases, the buHding opens totany to the beach and 'surprisingly gets the· character of a multitude of well organized decks. . USE OF MATERIALS: As an buildings are mainly oriented towards two sides -the beach and the highway -it is intended to emphasize and express this design concept in a \ . clear, nonconformist but subtle way by a· careful choice of bliUding materials. The highway side, quiet, austere and reflective o{ "town character'!, would be very formal and rich in appearance by the use of somber bric.ks and glass, yet judiciously contrasted by trees and hedges. . All the delight of beach life is reflected in the informal, active and playful ··"ch'Err-·~C:tet":·Yc;'F'tMts''rIjt!if'1itft<t'fg~1"i:'&e ·~"'1f"'~i~~P1~ter·;,.;)t'~tr0'"d··Ja:nd ··gla·s~; ·toge ther wi: th the use of some color graphics, stand in good harmony to a "beach spirit'.' and are the· welcome contrast to daily rU$h and stres$ •. Thus, townhouses and vinas are elements of transition, ? place where man finds his compensation to hi.s hectic way of life. Ie " e - BENTON ENGINEER.ING. INC. CT'? 2 ~-o 1./ APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92115 PHILIP HENKING SENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIl. ENGINEER APPENDIX A SAN DIEGO. 563·5654 LA MESAl !469.5654 Unified Soil Classification Chart* ,SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size.** GRAVELS More than hal f of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 CLEAN GRAVELS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size .,** SILTS. AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SIL TS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 Ill. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP: GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. ' Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel,- 'sand-silt mixtures. COlayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fi nes. ' , Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, I ittl e or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtur~s. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock . flour, sandy silt or c I ayey-sil-t-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticity., gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. ' Inorgcmic silts, micaceous or diatoma- ceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic' s i I ts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. ' Peat and other highly organic s<:?ils. * ,Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U.S. Standard. ' , " !! II I !I " PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT -'CIVIL ENGINEER Sampl ing BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN OIEGO-.~·CALIFORNIA 9211S APPENDIX B • SAN DIEGO. 563-5654 LA MESA. 469-5654 The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the undisturbed soils at the 'bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cut- ting tip on ,one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are' taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof container~ in order to retain the field mois- .ture until compl(3tion of the tests. The driving ,energy is calculated as the average energy in {f~!lit"';l~JF$ Ir~lUliiil:ad! It([l) {f.mr<C:l if.bs ~rqp>1lam,w ltwihe itl1iiraauI£,l1n Itiliile ifw't <Glf ~ljl <ritlt itibs ailflp:f.1n m wJ.hi~1n if.~ sornpi'e is ohl'o ined'. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which 'the rate' of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made without removing the samples from the brass I iner rings in which they are se- cured. Each sample is sheared'under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above'the point of sampl ing. In 'some instances, samples are sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion. Where co!,)sidered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests . The apparatus used for the consol idation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are appl ied in several increments to the .upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment·. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on, the sample untn the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous storIes are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each spec imen to permit the ready additi on or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105°F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the 'expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per -' square foot is then appl ied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of-each sample through porous stones. Continuous observations are made until downward movement stops. The didl reading is recorded and expansion is'recorded until the rate of upward moveme'nt is ,less than 1/10000 inch per hour. . ' i ~ , ! I i 'j i i I ',1 'I II . ' I , : t' I Ii I: Ii I' I 'i l' I ,., .... - . c· W .:E ~ ' .. -z co o .., .'l'!< • , ~'1\') Z :z::t\i I-IJJ Q. "" W Q W~ ...IW 0....0 ~:E <t::;) . 11'1.;0:: SUMMARY SHE~T BORING NO. __ _ ELEVATION 11 ..• 5' . .Brown, Dry, Compact ----l SLIGHTLY SIL TY . Very Compact, Partfally FINE SAND Cemented. Brown, Dry, Medium Comp?ct FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Brown, Slightly Moist, Compact FlNE'TOMEDIUM 60% Grovel and Cobbles to 5" SANDY GRAVEL Gray Brown, Moist, Compact,.' 60% Grovel and Cobbles to 5" Gray Brown, Saturated, Compact, 60% Gravel to3"; Occasional'Shelis SLIGHTL Y CLA YE FINE TO.MEDIUM SANDY GRAVEL' SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAN'DY GRAVEL * The elevations presented herein were determined by interpolation of the, contours shown on the liT opography fv'\ap" prepared by Land Survey Service, dated November 7, 1964. .' O-Indicates undisturbed drive sample . ** Sample not suitable for 'shear testing du'e to grovel. PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 2, l I· I. I I I I', I I , . t .j .• , ' ! I I i i 1 i j' . , , ., , ! j " ,I, J'; , :1 ~l .. , , ~' w~ ,. ....IW :I:l:i:i o..ca I-w :E~ o..u.. <=> W IIlZ Q !. , MMARY St-filEET BORiNG NO.--=2=--_ t'I, l' ELEVATION _~r~--.;;._ .. Gray, Slightly Moist, Loose Moist, Medium Compact I 50%- 60% Gravel and Cobbles to 6" ----------- .D-Indicates field density test VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY GRAVEL· 7 • .1 110. . '. ,. 2 o .~ al. o .., '. ~ w~ .... w ::d;:; Il..CO I-w :E~ Il.. ..... <:::> w cnz Q SUMMARY S~~!EIET BORING NO._3 __ ELEVATION 9-,71 ,·Gray Brown, Dry, Loose, 30% Gravel and Cobbles to 4", Conc'rete I Trash GRAVELLY SIL TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Brown, Dry I Compact, 40% ~~~QflO~~~..Q.;.l-I_1 ---IGRAVELLY FINE PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A ct, Occasional Shells Gray, Moi·st I Compact Gray Brown, Moist, Compact, 70%-80% Gravel and Cobbles \ TO MEDIUM SAND ERY FINE TO INE SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL SLIGHTL Y SILTY ERY FINE TO INE SANDY GRAVEL BENTON ENGINEER!NG, .' INC. DRAWING NO. 4 . I ! , . J w :: I < ' .... z - !Xl o ..., " ~ :J:!Li I-w ll.u. w Q BORING NO. ___ . __ 4.:..- 8.9' ELEVATION _~~_ Gray, SI ightl y Moist, Nledium Compact, Occasional Gravel VERY FINE TO FINE SAND 1.8 101.8 7-.. G:Lf----___________ ..cJ!oter -1.:...2 J..Q.:;.2 ~2~ __ - Xi:(;)( Brown, Saturated 8]';4£ Brown, Saturated, Medi urn Continued on Drawing No.6 PROJECT NO. GRAVELLY VERY FINE TO FIN~ SAND .. I 64-11-12A BENTON' ENGiNEERING, iNC. " ORA WING NO. I 5 ~ !- -0) .... 0 :E c 0 '" I-(!) "'0 C <: w :E r:(. -z I:Q o -. . , .. .... -"-... -. _····_·S!MMARY SHE~T BORING NO. 4 (Cont). Gray, Saturated, Medium Compact I 20% Gravel to 2 II '40% Gravel and Cobbled to 5 11 Gray, Saturated, Medium Compact, 60% Gravel and Cobbles to 5 11 , GRAVELLY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND (CONT) VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY GRAVEL ,PROJECT NO. 64-:11-12A BENTON ENGiNEERING, INC. 'f ,ORA WfNG NO. ~ : J II II II • 11 i II I' II . \ !' , I, I' , " I I ! I , • I , f j 1. f, l II " . i h , ~. " i r w :E <C .. ---Z ' to o .... , ~ '\ .----_. -----_._--.. ----------'. ------,-. ---.-:--_.--.-. ~'"-' . .-.,~~.----- w O!-SUMMARY SHEIET -. .... w . 0..£0 :E:E «::l InZ BOR~NG NO._· ....... 51.--.._ ELEVATION 4.0 -> ..... 9ray, Very Moist, Loose, -----_ ..c:...Water 0.6 19.6 96.5 0.24 Saturated Medi~m Compact Gray, Saturated, Medi um Compact, 15% Gravel to 2" 30% Gravel and Cobbles to 4" FINE SAND GRAVELLY FINE SAND Gray, Yellow Brown, and Red ~=~ -Brown, Saturated, Firm·, Clayey Fine to Medium Sand Layers CLAY Continued on Drawing No.8 PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A BENTON ENGINEERiNG, INC. 2.2 1.6 99.6 0.31 DRAWING NO.' 7 1\ 1 I I- i , 1 t -I ;- . , , , • ).. I . " SUMMARY SHEET. C> ,..: >-,..: ~'ti 1.1.1"': t- o ~ .1.1.10:: 0:: u.. v; u.. ..... 1.1.1 1.1.1 "-0::3: :du Q.c:I 5 (c'ont) . z Vl 0:) Z :) o::Z ~:E BORING NO. I.LJ Il. ~ ... >-LU U <~g t-1.1.1 52 ~o:: 0 "-WI- e.."" ~:) 1.1.1 0 0 vi :J:~Vl w >' . >- 0 VlZ -~. -... ~ 0 ~ al VlVlIl. ,- Continued from Drawing No. 0:: u.. ;,::: 0 ..... w_ 7 0 o::~ i-f"_ I';'; . 'Gray,. 'Yellow Brown, and .Red . ' , i --:{ 3)::. 16-Brown, Saturated, Firm, , 3.3 21.1 106.2 1. 31 -W Alternating Clayey Fine ,to 3.3 33.8 89.8 1.66 Medium Sand Layers .. . ' 17-, ., .' 18 " 19- ?n.. E5E 1 5.5 22.9 104.3 1.84 -. , 2"1-, . . -CLAY 2" (CONT) , '- , .' - ?A ' . ',~ :" .... : " -~): 91.4 " ·3.0 32.3 1. J 3 25-, .. ' ~, " - 26 .. l 1 27 - 1"1" ~O' t !;::~':.;: -:'~':. .,'. Gray, Saturated, Compact; F.INE TO COARSE. . 29-r·:~~);:·· Occasional Gravel to 111 SAND I:,: ':':-'(~": I·' .. ~:<:;: -...... :. :.9:j .. Jl7 .;.:.: .... ?:' . .': Gray and Yellow Brown, -[~:;~;{j FINE SAND 31- I': 7 Saturated, Compact 6.0 28.9 94. 1 1.73 f";:' Continued on Drawin'g No. 9 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 64-11-12A BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 8 Q) .... o :E c o ~ Q) v c « w . :E " '--' < Z - al ·0 .., .. ~-. --= .... ~ :I:ti:i SUMMARY SHEET t-w c..LI. W BORING NO. 5 (~ont) Q Continued from Drawin~ No.8 ~31 .... -{<X·\J: ,. Gray and Yellow Brown, 32-).:·:.::\:·.:·i! Saturated,' Compqct, Occasional :>.:::-:::::.:~:.::;:. Fine to Coarse Sand Zones, 3~ iJ{·/)/ Occasional Thin Clay Layers :'::;:'~:'\~:'f': -{~\}/;:;.: 34-.......... . -:!(fJ 35-.......... . . -:,'X)!P; . , Light Gray, Saturated, Very . Compact I Slight Clay Binder I Occasional Thin Very Fine Sandy Clay Layers FINE SAND . (CONT.) SLIGHTLY SIL TV . FINE SAND PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A BENTON : ENGIN~ER;NG, iNC. 10.8 26.0 98.9 2. 80 44.9 17. 7 111. 4 6.54 DRAWING NO. 9 . ! . -. w :: < z Itl o .... . ~, :d:U t-w Q.u. w Q S MMARY S~-HEET BO~:UNG NO._6:...-_ ELEVATION -Z.O· Gray, Moist, Loose, 'Occasional Fine Sand Layers FINE TO MEDIUM Very Moist I Medium Compact Gray, Saturated, Medium Compact, 20% Gravel and Cobbles to 4" ~ 30% Gravel and Cobbles to 6" , · .. 1--•. -'-1 Light Gray, Saturated, Very · . .. Firm 1,,.. .... r L. ••• · .. . · .. . -... . · .. . · . • 1;;-:.: -t7~:": 14-~ .. --.. . . -.. -; . 1 S. .:' . . . Continued on Drawinl=! No. 11 PROJECT NO. SAND y-Water . " . GRAVELLY FI NE TO MEDIUM SAND CLAYEY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND 64-1l-12A BENTON ENGINEERU\JG, _ INC. 1.1 6~4 91. 6 o. 12 . ' " ~ 15.8 18.0 11.9 3.9~ [)RA WING NO. 10 f"" 1 II , I ,I , , 1 l '. , I Q) .. -o ~ § ~ Q) -0, 'C: <J: W ~ < z ~ o .., • ~.'~~ -. ., ~ willi: .... w -I-n.co "I.,W :E:E I-W n.u. <::l W II'IZ 0 -~ , , .... · · · · --;-;;-;- 16-· .. · .. · ... -· · · ... 17 · . · · . · .. · . · · · . 18-· . · 11'\ R3} I , . · PROJECT NO. , 64-11-12A • SUMMARY SHErET BORING ~O. 6 {cont), ."" Continued fr,om Drawing No. 10 L'ight Gray~ Saturated, Very : Firm CLAYEY VERY FINE TO FINE , SAND (CONT) ,-' , " " BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. "r-"·--" 1-, w'': u. ~:: ...... Z 11'1 19~>-"' n. ~ wll'l~ w U::(5o > ...: :E~ ~ u. 0 i 17.6 18.7 " , " .. " ~ . I-...: w' Vi u. uti: Z :) ~Z~ UJ U «« 0 ...... WI- vi :C!!!II'I >-,11'111'10.-~ ~ ..... w_ 0 ~~ 111. 3 3,,63 " DRAWING NO. 11 . , " . , I 1 r I ' i -', I (1)' 0I-0 ~ c 0 III ... ~ c « •• . ~ :dLi I-w o..u. w Q SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.,--=-7 __ ELEVATION 5-;8' Gray and Black, Slightly Moist, Loose Gray and Black, Very Moist, Medium Compact, Occasional Gravel to 211 ------- Saturated Gray and Block, Saturated, - Medium Compact I 15% Grovel' to 311 Gray and Block, Saturated, Medfum Compact, 60% Grqvel and Cobbies to 4.5" FINE SAND FINE TO MEDIUM SAND --~a~ GRAVELLY FINE TO MEDIUM SAN FINE TO MED,IUM SA NDY GRAVEL Continued on Draw; No. 13 PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A BENTON ENGINEERING, 'INC. 1. 1 4. 5 09. 1 o. 13- 1.7 - 20.2 - DRAWING NO. 12 ' ! ; . ! , . I i : : • (1). ~ w :€ < z co o ..., S'UMMARY SHElET BORING NO. 7 (Cont) Continued from Drawin No. 12 . . Gray and Black, Saturated, Medium Compact, 60% Gravel and Cobbles to 4.5" FINE TO MEDIUM SANDY GRAVEL , (CONT) PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A BENTON' ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 13 " . . I I I I I, I i, .', Sl o ., '-'!I 0°·2 1 2 3 A . 4. (/) en· vJ :<.'! 5 :s: (.) ::l: .... t.1I 6 ...J Il. (.' ~ .~ 7 (J) u. 0 ~ :0: W (,) IX \AI Q. I z ,0 Q .... <4 0 ,:j 0 1 (J) ? 0 (,) 2 \ .. . PROJECT NO. 64-11-12A , 0.4 0 - CONSOLIDATION CURVES .. . " - LOAD IN -r~IPS PER SQUARE: FOOT 0.6 O.B 1.0 2 4 6 8 to 16 I:$Onn~ I , . Samp e 2 ~ ~ Depth 3.3' .. · .. 0 , , . I .. , . ~.~ I'--.. """ j "'-i' , " ,,' j. -I , ~ Borin~ 4 i"'\. ~~ Samp e 1 I).... De~ th 7.0' --<;) ! (r>---r-'. -;, " . I· I . , . : INDICATES WATER • PERMITTED TO CONTACT SAMPL.E .. , DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERiNG, INC. 14 <D "'0 ~ c '0 I/) I-<D -0 C « (l) o ., ~ 2 <-~ 3 4 (fJ (f) us :2 5 ~ , () :t: ~ ll.I .... ,,-:is <$. O. (J) ,. u. q, I~ t-1 :z.'! W () '" 2 IIJ 0.. I ~ 3 52 I-Cl: '9 .... 0 4 (fJ :u: 0 Col 5 o 2 PROJECT NO. 64 .. 11 .. 12A 04 r---t--- - r---1--- e CONSOLIDATiON • CURVES LOAD IN ~fi'ps' PE~ SQUARIZ FOOT 06 08 10 2 4 , I--l- -I-h ~ ~ ~ ~ r--r-~ -i---------r-- . i-- ~ '" r-... r-. r---. ... i'.-. ------... ' ~ '" , --~ ~ -........ t--~h ~ --< ~ 6 " r-.... ~ I- "-'" ""-r-..-r- r--I--. o -lNDI~ATES WATER PERMITTED TO CONTACT SAMPL£ BENTON ENGINEERiNG , ~NC. ! 16 ! a 10 Boring 5 Sample 4 De!: th 16. 1 ) ~) , Boring 5 Sample 4, J Depth 1.6~'51 ' ' ~ I Boring 7 Sample 2 Depth 4. O' , O~AWING NO. I 15 i' i ,I , : ' I -~-~---