HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-21; EL CAMINO REAL; SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1972-03-29", , ' \ .. • ~r ,. ! . , iNSPECTiON • llESTRNG • RESEARCH c> DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. 0 San Diego, Californ ia 9212.ft~eBI2VoBDl ~~==================~==========================================~~============­ ALI. Il~POftTS ARE I>UOMITTED AS TH:!: CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATiON FOR PU&I.ICATION OF ~ORTI. ,~l~SIONS. OR EXTIlAC"rs FROM OR REGARDING THEM III RESCRVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO~b-lHTS. ofHE PUBLIC AND OURSELVf:fI. March 29, 1972 Larwin-San Diego , 6150 Mission Gorge Road ,San Diego, California 92120 Attention: Mr. E. J. Manly, President SCT 02058 Report No. 1 SUBJECT: Kelly-Carlsbad Project, El Camino Real and Elm Street, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: .. In accordance with your request, we have completed the first phase of our investigation on the subject project. The intent of this phase ~as to deter- mine the general soils and geologic conditions prevalent within the subject site and development feasibility with respect to those conditions. It was not the intent of this phase of our investigation to provide the in~ formation required for development of final grading plans and supmission to pertine'nt,. governmental agencies. Therefore, the format of this report has been streamlined to accomplish ,the above intent efficiently. The scope of our investigation consisted of extending four test borings at the locations shown on attached Plate No.1. Representative samples of the soil conditions encountered were tested in the laboratory to determine their physical characteristics. ! For your convenience, the following is a summary of our findings and con- elusions. '. INSPECTiON • TEST!NG .. Rf:SEARCH .. DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. II) San Diego , California 92120 0 Phone 280-4321 ALI. REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED A5 THE CONFIDENTIAL. PROPE"TY OF CL.IENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBL.ICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CONCL.USIONS. OR EXTRACT£! FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED Pl!:NDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL. PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSEI.VIi:IiI. REPORT OF SOIL INVESTIGATION KELLY-CARLSBAD PROJECT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCOPE This report presents the results of our soil investigation for the proposed Kelly-Carlsbad Project to be located east of El Cam~no Real and north of Elm Avenue in the County of San Diego, State of California. It is our understanding that the proposed project will consist of multifamily woodframe structures with slab-an-grade construction. It is further understood that cuts in the order of 55 feet and fills in the order of 70 feet are anticipated to develop the site. A plot plan is presented on the attached Figure No.1. This soil investigation was undertaken to: a) Determine the physical properties of the prevailing soils including their supporting capacities and settlement character- istics. b) Provide design information regarding site preparation and foundations. For your convenience, the following summary of our findings and conclusions are presented at this time. " " ~ SeT 02058 March 29, 1972 Page Two SOIL CONDITIONS Based upon our investigation, to date, it appears that three basic soil conditions exist within the subject site. These conditions are briefly de- scribed as follows: I. Silty Sands This soil condition is predominant above approximately the 210 msl contour. The test borings and geologic inspection indi- cate that relatively few strata of expansive soils, with the exnep- tion of normal overburdened soils, to depths in the order of 3 feet, will be encountered in this formation. II. Interbedded Silty Sands and MUdsto'nes This soil cond"itioD' il:? pre- dominant below approximately the 210 msl contour. ,A rev,iew of test boring numbers 2 and 3 will indicate the. presence of mudstone stratas consisting of various combInations of clays, silts and sands. The sandy silts, sandy clays and clayey sands are considered moder- ately to highly expansive. III. Alluvial Soils -This soil condition consists of medium d~nse to dense clayey sands. The density of the alluvial soils investigated· to date indicate that approximately 2 feet of removal and recompac- tion will be required prior to placing structural fills. EXPANSIVE SOILS The majority of the soils encountered in Condition II will produce moderate to high expansive characteristics. A review of the ,labor,atory test results ,as presented on Plate Numbers 6, 7 and 8, indicate an expansive potential in excess of 7 percent under a surcharge load of 645 psf. Current F.H~A. seT 02058 March 29, 1972 standards would require structurally designed foundations and slabs to with- stand this degree of expansive potential. It has been our experienc~ that .this type of foundation, normally referred to as the "Brab Slab" is econo- mically prohibitive. It is, therefore, our recommendation that the cost of removing expansive soil from within 3 feet of finish grade and replacing this with nonexpansive soil be included in your feasibility study. 'Based on the limited information to date, we would e~timate that approximately sixty to seventy percent of the lots constructed by soils obtained from Condition II will require the above described 3 foot pad of rtonexpansive so;11s. The major source of nonexpansive soils will be from the excavations in Condition I. This will obviously require controlled grading operations, which will increase grading costs due to overhaul, etc. For the pm,""pose of' estimating the potential quantity of rionexpCj.llsive mat- erial, we recommend that 90 percent of the proposed excavation iri Condition I, below the 3 feet of overburden clays, be utilized. Based on the information available at this time,' it appears that the capping of lots with nonexpansive soil will be required, in lieu of reinforced foun- dations. The minimum area of nonexpansive soil should extend for the full lot width and all but the last ,15 feet of the lot depth. ALLUVIUM The two alluvial deposits as noted on attached Plate No. 1 do contain compr'es- sible soils for a depth in the order of 2 feet below existing grade. Ba'sed on the information available to ?-ate, we recommend that the cost, of r,emoval and, recompaction of not less than 2 feet of alluvial material be ~nc1uded in the -, , , March 29, 1972 feasibility study. In consideration of the potential settlement characteristics of' the alluvial soils and.the potential subsurf'ace drainage conditions within the subject site, we recommend that under drains be pla'ced' in the bottom of all natural drainage areas which will receive structural fill. The under drains should consist of not less than 6 inch drain tile or perforated pipe surrounded by not less than 4 cubic feet per lineal f'oot of filter material. SLOPE RATIOS Based on the laboratory tests completed to date, slopes constructed at the ratio as shown below will possess a factor of safety in excess of 1.5, in- cluding a seismic acceleration ·factor of' 0.1 g. CONDITION I: Cut or fill slopes to 45 feet to 100 feet CONDITION II: Cut or fill slopes to 20 f'eet to 50 feet to 100 f'eet 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 2.01.0 2.5 1.0' The above slope ratio recommendations should be used for development of' preliminary grading studies. Additional investigation may permit a slight increase in slope ratios in localized areas. ) - The proposed cuts along the south side of Elm Street must have provisions for immediate planting of suitable ground cover. The soils encountered in i this area will incur moderate to heavy erosion without suitable ground cover. I ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE The nonexpansive soils prevalent within the site wj.ll develop soil bearing ." SCT 02058 March 29, 1972 P?-ge Five pressures in the order of 2,150 psf and 2,430 psf for foundations extending 1.0 feet and 1.5 feet below adj acent finish grade, respect.i vely. SITE GEOLOGY Our geologic investigation revealed a fault trace ag. shown on the attached -Plate No.1. The information available at this time indic~tes that this fault may be considered inactive and will not prohiQit the development of -the site. The most significant factor pertaining to the geologic cond~tibn is the fact that the Division of Real Estate will note the pres~nce of an existing fault in their report. Based on the results of our investigation, as compl~ted to date, it·is our· opinion that the subject site can be developed. The most important factor to consider from a soils. standpoint will obviously be the quantity of non-· expansive material present within the proposed excavations. We therefore recommend that McCabe Engineering be·authorized to perform the necessary calculations to determine the potential balance of nonexpansive material within the subject site. If you have any questions regarding the findings or conclusions. presented above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. DES:jle cc: (3) (2) (2) Submitted Larwin Group Attn: Mr. Art Rosenthal McCabe Engineering Attn: Mr. Gary McCabe Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB., INC .. r I . , ... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET , SAN DIEGO. CALIfORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 PLOT PLAN Carlsbad Project Larwin~San Diego BY MSC ~ . ~\; .. ::" t. ,.:.., . SCAL£.: 1'/=500./ DATE-3-23"-72 JOB NO. 02058 . PLA.TE NO.1 . , BORING NUMBER 1 Existing Elev.·240 CLASS, o 1':/'.7'/ n 1/.;/,;/ . .:::C . .' -.. , -.. .' SIll ' .. , -..... -.' .. 10- ..... • I -' .. . , '. -, ! - 15-. -.' " , DESCRIPTION E Dark Orange-Brown, Humid, Loose, CLAYEY SAND Whi te, l\1oist, Very Dense SILTY SAND LEGEND: ~: Sample Location . 54 Y: Natural Dry Density (pcf) y. I' ". -' . M: Natural Moisture Content (% of' Y) -' '. I -. E: Penetration Resistance (kip ft/ft) I ! • 20-': . :: - ~Gl': ' ... I .. -', . • ... <I 25-: ,. : -" .' . ", ....... t. -~ :' .. . . ~ .... . I ML Light Yellow, Humid, Very Dense, SANDY SILT 30~~~~------------------------- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280-4321 BORING LOG Carlsbad Project Larwin-San Diego BY DH JOB NO. 02058 120.9 DATE . 3'-10-72 PLATE NO.2 1\1 -.' 13.3 ~ ~-.,-.--.-.4----=---·--------------·-~-B-OR-I-N-~-~-N-U-M-':-~-~-'=2------m1----~E-X-l-'S-t-i=n-g-.-E-l-e-v-.--2-0-0e.----~ _ Finish Graqe 170 ·CLASS -" ; .. .. SM I :" : ': ", " . . • I •••• MH - .. DESCRIPTION Dark Gray..>r Humid, l\1edium Dense CLAYEY SAr~D White, Humid, Medium Dense, SILTY SAND Light Olive, Humid, Dense, VERY SILTY SAND Light Olive, Humid, Dense, SANDY SILT I 10~~~~-----------------------~---- -;. ~ :" ' SM , . .... Light Olive, Humid, Dense SILTY SAND ~ , ' .. ~ e .... I, -". #. ." 15 '" 'I':': '. ~. 8M "lhi te, Humid, Dense, SILTY SANP : .. ,. . ' .. -:.. " .~. :,:-.. " .. 20" . ' .. -, . -.' fi .. -'. SH -.' .' . 25- -.' :. · . . . · . -, -':.' : '. -.. -',', ': Light Yellow, Humid, Dense, SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND 30~"~'~~~---------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTiNG LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 BORING LOG NO. 2 Carlsbad Project Larwin-San Diego BY DH E y DATE 3-10...,72 ., r ". "' ~i:JiOQiII(Jlb! .. 5 15 ....- BORING nUMBER 3 Existing Elev. 114 Finish 'CLASS DESCRIPTION E Brovm, Dry, Moist, SILTY SAND SC Dark Red, .Humid, Medium Dense, CLAYEY 34 SAND CH Brown, rlIoist, Very Stiff, SANDY CLAY Light Orange, Humid, Very Dense, CLAYEY SAND Light Orange, Humid, Dense, SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SAND CH Dark Olive-Brown, Humid, Very Stiff, SANDY CLAY SC Light Orange, Humid, Very Dense, CLAYEY SAND BORING NUMBER 4 Light Gray, Humid, Loose, CLAYEY SAND Dark Gray, MOist, Medium Dense, Dense FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 SOUTHERN CALIfORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Carlsbad Projecrt Larwin-SanDiego 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 : 63 5·0 34 . 14· . 34 . 34 Grade 110 Y 1v1 108~o 19.9 . 113.8 Itl.4 121.8 .11.1 BORING LOGS BY DR pATE 3-10.-7'2 JOB NO. 02058 'PLATE NO. 4 .. ATTE .... , BURG· ll~~I~r'S •. , GRAIN SIZE ,6\N!-\LYSIS & ~ , .. • .. Q - r-(u.s. Std Sieves) ,. " ! .' ' .. Bl @ Bl@ B2 @ B3 @ , . SAMPLE ... 5 -5.5' 28-28.5' 9-9.5' 10·.5-11 ' 6 3 - I 1/2 . ·1 . 3/4 3/8 ....... -~ . t- v #4 100 100 1.00 , c LL .... #8 99 99 100 99 c v 88 98 ~#16 99 \ 99 , , .. . v ~ #30 . 62 98 : 92 99 .. c .:3 #50 40 86 98 98 ro ' .. '0 ~ #100 27 78 88 96 {!) #200 21 63 .' 72 94 '_ .. - flh. rnrn 10 56 66 83 I .v.....,!!.",. -/ .005mm 11 24 19 50 . 001 m m 5 10 7 31 ' . Liquid Limit Plast.ic Limit Plasticity Index : . , . -- "-.. Unified 3M ML MH CH i CLASSIFICATION . ' . . . . . --.' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING ' . LABORATORY, INC. Carlsbad Project 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Larwin-San Diego SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 . BY DES DATE 3-28-72 '. JOB NO. 02058 . 5 : PLATE NO. ' , .' .• r ---~ ... , \:l .. '" ~ ... ~ _ r' _. , ~I J.. .. -. i'l ........... _~~aA -~.-. ..-..... .( 1.-- .J EXP.A.NS JON TEST r<ESULTS ., --" ; i , ..... '.1 SAMPLE ' ' Bl @ B3 @ , 29 1 11.5.1 CONDITION Undisturbec UndisturbE d INITIAL M.C. (0/0) 13.0 26.9 INITIAL DENS ITY (peR 123.4 95.0 FINAL M.e. ("10) 17.7 32.1 NORMAL STRESS (PSF 645 645 EXPANS lON (0/4) 7.25 7.23 fv1AX I M U tv1 DENSITY & OPTIMUtv1 MOISTURE CQNTENT . --; AS T IV! 15.5.7. .... Iv1ETHOD; ... A ........ - Maximum optLmu m .. SA~.t1PLE "DESCR/PT ION De:-nsity Moisture (pet) -Cont(Clo) Bl @5-6' White, Slightly .-- Silty' Sand 128.0 9.9 B2@9-l0' Light Olive Sandy Silt .' 105.9 20.3,' I B" .j @7-8 1 Dark Olive-Brown Clay 124.2 il.8 .I .. .' ., .~ L: - , DIRECT _SHEAR .JEST RESULTS. --. --l I . Angle of Cohesion SAMPLE DE'SCRIPT ION ioterna I intercept -fric~io_~~ __ (psf.2- Bl @5-6' Remolded to 90 Percent 36.5 250 Bl @6' Undisturbed 38.5 160 Bl @29' Undisturbed 29.·0 225 B2 @9-l0' Remolded to 90 Percent 25.0 3-50 i I B3 @7-8' Remolded to 90 Percent 35.5 230 B3 @ll. 5-' __ . .-32.0 _~.5..o Undtst1J:rbed ----, .- SOUTHERN CAliFORNIA TESTING , LABORATORY, INC. Carlsbad Project 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Larwin-San Diego SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 714·283-6134 .. TABLES OF TEST RESULTS BY DES : .DATE 3-23-72 L, ...... , .. JOB NO. 02058 PLATE NO; 6 -~~ "'3~ . . """"""'" _. . -----. 6?~O Riverdale St. eI San Diego, California . '_I' . 'AL.L. ns;:pORTS AnE SUBMITTEO AS THE CONF!Dl!:NTIAL. PROPERTY OF cL.IENTS, AUTHORIZATION FOR PU6L.ICATrON OF oun R~,eTS. aOlifOWNS. OR EXTRACTS _ FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WIUTTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO C'Sl;."f' TH'!, Pt~'h"'ND OURSELVES. August 15, 1972 ' 1 'I L~rwin-San Diego 6150 Mission Gorge Road SCT 210058 l;leport No. 3 92120 1 San Diego, California -Attention: Mr. Howard Miester, President - ,I ' SUBJECT: Supplemental Investigation, Proposed Tanglewood Subdivision, Kelly-Carlspad Property, Carlsbad r California. I Gentlemen: .... accordance with your verbaL approval, we have completed ~he subject evestiga-tion as outlined in our July, -24 f 1~72 correspondence. I The results of this investigation and our recommendations are presented I-herein. The intent of this report is _solely to transmit information and will not contain the required terminology for transmittal to governmental agencies. An addendum to our report of May 18, 1972 will be submitted at a later date for presentation"to the various governmental agencies.' To permit an efficient review, the results of this investigation will be submitted as a comparison to previous reports. 'I I. 'I 'Ie VARIATIONS FROM PREVIOUS REPORTS A. Location of Nonexpansiv8 Haterial The opinions presented in previous reports -that the predominant soil type above and below the approximate' 210 msl contour 'would be nonexpansive and expansive, respectively, must be revised as \, l'seT 210058 August 15, 1972 p?-ge TVlO r ,Ie 'I' I I, I' .1 I' 'I e I. 'I '. I. I: '1 I. I I I ,I·e I I B. follows: A review of the 20 test boring logs indicate a lack of continuity in the location of expansive and nonexpansive material. The results of these borings indicate massive strata of nonexpansive material below the 210 c.ontour (Boring Nos. 16, 17 and 19). The borings also indicate massive strata of expan- sive material above the 210 contour (Boring No •. 14). It is; therefore, our opinion that massive strata of poth ~xpansive and nonexpansive material will be encountered throughout the site grading. We recommend that the quantity of nonexpansive material be esti- mated by applying the statistical percentage of nonexpansive material encountered in the borings placed in major cut .areas multiplied by the cut yardage for that particular cut area. ObviQusly, any strata of nonexpan~;ive material less than 5 feet in thickness should be excluded due to the practical limitations of the earthmoving equipment.· Method of Obtaining Nonexpansive Material· The previous rep<:,rts, in referring to the nonexpansive material being predominantly above the 210 contour, implied that the non- expansive material would be obtained from a "borrow site" located above the 210 contour. In consideration of the inconsistency encountered in·the test borings, we recommend that the nonexpansive material be obtained by the following procedures or some variation thereof. I f I i ___ -~ 'SJ"; I. I seT 210058 .e I. I: I I '1 I· I _ <I. I I 'I. I'. I I I I I_ I. I . August 15, 1972 Structural fills shall be started generally along the north and northeast bound~ry of the site. The grading operation should be conducted in a manner which will construct some building pad areas that can receive nonexpansive material encountered in the initial stages of grading. As nonexpansive material is encountered, it.will be utilized to bring these building pads to rough finish grade. The expansive 'material encountered can be placed in the deep canyon fills located along the northeast boundary of the. site during initial . . stages of grading. The configuration of the proposed build-. ing pad areas and the pad grade differentials will, in our .. tion of standard 6,000+ square foot building pads •. This I ,I opinion, be more conducive to this method than the construc--< procedure should be continued as the grading advances to i south or to higher elevations .. Building pads which are con- structed in cut areas will be checked as the excavation· approaches finish grade. The excavation would '.continue to a depth in the order of 3 feet below finish grade if expan- sive soils are found to" exist within the building pad area. The end result of this procedure will permit the utilization of the nonexpansive material as it is encountered in'the lower cut areas. Obviously, the two benefits of . .:.~this· procedure will be the reduction in overhaul and utilization of the m?xi- mum quantity of nonexpansive material encountered. I '. I SCT' 210058 August 15, 1972 P~ge Four . r 1_ ·1 ,I I: I." 'I ,:1-- :1 'e' 1-. I '·1- I I I" I '1· :1 Ie I ·1 C. We fully realize that this procedure will require that the technician for SCTL must determine in the field the expan- sive characteristics of the materials encount~re4 t6 th~ ex~ tent ·that he can designate expansive and nonex~ansive material imtnediately. Further, that extensive coordination will be required between the survey crew, the grading contradtor, and the soil technician. It is our opinion that, with adequate coordination in communication between the above noted parties, this procedure can efficiently and economically produce the required 'building pads. Slope Ratio Three major slope areas within the project have been exten- sively analyzed through detailed computer calculations. The . first two slopes have been discussed in previous report·s, whereas the third slope was produced by a recent gra4ing plan revision. The slopes in question ~re as follows: 1. A fill slope located along the northeast bou,ndary of the site which is currently designed for a maximum he~ght, of 65 feet at a r~tio of 1.87 1.0 including drainage benches. 2. A cut slope on the south side of Elm Street immediately east of El Camino Real,. currently design¢dfor' a maximum height of 48 feet at a ratio of 1.5 : 1.0 with one· bench. 3. A cut slope on the north side of Elm Street in the eastern portion of the site, currently designed fO,r a max.;i.mum height·of 57 feet at a ratio of 1.5 : 1.0 •. I'. SCT I •• e' I, I: ,I "I I' I' I "~a I-e I :1 I ,I I I I' I Ie I I 210058 d,ugust 15, 1972 Page F;Lve , , A review of previous repU.L.'ts Hill show tha-t the stability of Slope Nos. rand 2 were considered marginal. We had previously anticipated the use of select nonexpansive mater~~l in the struc- tural portion of Slope No.1. Based on the cur+"ent design and the above described computer analysis, it is'our opinion that the following comments and recommendations apply: 1. Fill Slope Along Northeast Boundary The fill slope as designed will possess a factor of safety of approximately 1.5 including'F. H. A., seismic acceler~tion', factors. .The above faqt6r ~f safe,ty can be obtained without utilizing solely the, nonexpansive material in "the' structural portion of the filt sl,ope. During grading we ~,,;rill require tha t the struct'ural portion of the fill slope be construc-" ted with a combination of the silty sands and sandy clays , excavated in the lower cut areas. The structural portion of the fill slope is 'that portion of the fill e~tending in- ward from the slope a distance equal to the remaining , fill height. For example,-the structural portion of a fill slope extending 50 feet in vertical height ~s. the' outside 50 feet of material. 2. Cut Slope South of Elm Avenue The cut slope' as designed contains a factor of ~afety of \ approximately 1.5 without F. H. A. seismicacceleratiol1 factor. In consideration of the fact that no structures are planned adjacent to this slope, we do not feel the accel- eration factor is required. :ISCT I' I :1 I· 'I I, I I . -I. .1 I .1' 'I 210058 3 • August 15, 1972 Page Six fO· -. The soil ~nd geological conditions exposed in our test borings in this area indicate the possibility of encountering condi- tions which would reduce the above noted factor of $afety below the. minimum acceptable value.' In consideratibn of the cost involved ,and an investigation to adequately evalu- ate the need for remedial action,. we recommend th~t contin- uous inspection be conducted during the constructibn of this cut slope. In the event the soil and geologic cbnditions dictate remedial mea~ures, recommendations will b~ submitted inunediately. Cut Slope North of Elm street Stability calculations on this slope as .designed ·indicate insufficient factor of sa~ety~ Attache(i Plate'No. 25 pre- sents our recommendation for the cut slopes in this area. The recommendations shown on the attached plate pr~$ent, in our opinion, the optimum slope configur<;tt,ion;' includin<,J a buttressing alternative.' ·1 '1 II. PREVIOUS RECOMMENDATIONS & SOIL CONDITIONS THA'r WILL EFFECT DEVELOPMENT COST '1 I 'Ie I I The following comments are intended to reiterate some of the major items which will affect development cost within the subject. site. . ,. 7\ .0.. Expansive Soils The volume of nonexpansive soil req~ired should be based on the area of the building pad extending from the front property .line to the side and rear yard setbacks required hyF. H. A.; providing these limits extend not less than 5 feet outside all structures. .j I .\ 1 l.seT 210058 August 15, 1972 P?-<Je Seven' '1_ ·1. I I. I I. I: '1 B. .... -I. c. I' ·1 I :1· Although it is not specifically required by governmental agencies, we recommend that provisions be made to place· nonexpansive mat- erial under the exterior slab areas. Although differential move- ment of exterior slabs may be of minor 'significance in terms of repair costs, they can produce a substantial nuisance. The depth of nonexpansive soil should be considered to be 3.0 feet. Under certain conditions, 'we may decrease this depth ylightlY,in the field during construction. Underdrains Recommendations are presented in our Report No.' 2 for the installation of underdrains in the existing canyons . Erosion Protection In consideration of the prevailing soii characteristics, measures should be taken soon after slope, constructi'Qn to pro- tect the exposed soils from erosion. In addition to the normal slope planting and erosion protection" we re,commend that the toe of any slope which contacts natural ground in a manner which will produce a drainage .,course f be protected by some form of drainage structure or riprap erosion protection. ·1 I ··1. D .. Compaction of Alluvial Material & Existing Fillls I ':1". ,I . '1 Previous report~ have referred to the presence of existing earth filled dams. The material encountered in these areas'should be removed to firm natural ground and recompacted prior to pla'cing r 1 I t "~I I 1 SCT' 210058 August 15, 1972 Page E~ght "' :1_ I I, 'I, structural fills. Further, we have made reference to·the, Qhar- acteristics of alluvial soils in the existing canyons. Provisions ,should be made 'during site grading to recompact a minimum of 2 feet of alluvial soils. Although localized areas may require in excess of 2 feet of recompaction, we estimate that the average depth of 2 feet over the bottom of the canyon areas will be adequate for quantity calculations. I :1', The above comments and recommendations summarize the results of the subject I' investigation. Upon completion of the fi?al grading p~ans and a review by , all parties involved, an addendum will be submitted to our Report No.2, ,,' .-Ch should be submitted to F. il. A. pr ior to initiating, the site grading. '&a.se do not hesitate to contact the ,undersigned if you have any questions I regarding the above opinions and recommendations. "I ''Je sincerely appreciate' the .opportunity to be of service., I I', :-1' DES: jle cc: (6) Submitted 'I' (3) Mr. Larry Schmidt Larwin Group, Los Angeles Attn: Harvey Goodman 'I' (3) McCabe Engineering Attn: Gary McCabe 1 Ie I II Respectfully submitt~d, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTlNG LAB., INC. r i ! ,,1 .j l I Ie I: I' I, ,I ,I ,I' I ,~ '_ I. . . 5 '.'::::". ~_ ejl' ~.:.: ~~ ~ ~.,. .... I • , . . , ~. · " • t .' ". · . ' ',:-:."': .. . .. . · ' . . . " :. J; .' .. ': •• L' " .. ' SC SC SM BORING NPMBER 1 DESCRIPTION E Dark Brown, Dry; 'Loese, CLAYEY SAND Dark Orange-Brown, Humid, Loose, CLAYEY SAND White, Moist, Very Dense, SILTY SAND " , 1: 'M 54 124~6 7.4 LEGEND - ~: '.S.ample Location E: Penetration Resistance (Ft'. kips/Ft.) Y: Natural.Dry Density, (pcf)' M: Natural Moisture Content (% of Y) S: Expanpion C%) o . . . LJ······ . ' . .... '" . .. • JIll'". Expansiye Soils Nonexpansive Soils Light Yellow, Humid, Very Dense, SANDY SILT 30~~~~~------------------~----- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET ,SAN. DIEGO. CALIfORNIA 92120 714·280-4321 'BORING LOG Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino R~al and Elm Avenue ,Carlsbad, California BY DH DATE 3-10-72 JOB NO. ,. 210058 PLATE NO. 2 -S I r : I,,' , . r ~: I.; , . , ' ',. ; i , ;,.' ) , , I '1_ I I I I I o CLASS .. ~ SC -.' .-."" : .: .. : SM I ::·":·'! ,,: 'a ... " , ..... .. '" .... . 5 . .,.., " '~~ : : t", SM-I, ' .. • ... ., ..... '. ML , .' MH BORING NUMBER 2· DESCRIPTION Dark Gray, Humid, M8dium Dense, CLAYEY SAND White, Humid, 'IXledium Dense, SILTY SAND Light Olive~ Humid, Dense, VERY SILTY SAND Light Olive, Hmmid, Dense, SANDY SILT -, -~ !~ 10~~·~,.r--+-------------------------" .. : . .. I • It" SM -'.,/: .. - • ,. I_ 1<: '.::::';' t. ", .,.. . .... ..~ · ,. -~ "" . • I \ 15 ... 'I .. 1,:: :.:' SM , .. ' ..... -.. ~. :" ..... .. , .. -. ". .. ...... " ... -.... .... . ... .. ~ .: .... ; .. : .,'.' 8M '. '... . . . . -iii •••• 25 I •• ' -" .. ~," , . ... ' ... -":, .. " .. . . . ..... -", · .. .. . .. .. -.' ..... : .. 4" IlL .... .. " .. .. .. -....... IIL ... · . Light Olive, Humid, Dense, SILTY SAND Whiee, Humid~' Dense; SILTY SAND Light Yellow, Humid, Dense, SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND 30-1-·;..,:·:..,;·;..,.;'0.1.---'-------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 'E Kelly-Carlsbad Project '.y SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 71!1·280·4321 ,. M' BORING LOG BY DH DATE 3-10.,..72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE .NO. 3 S I r f '. I , Eense 34 121.8. 11.7 34 10 '.; ~~~--~----------------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING IJ\SORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 71<t·280·4321 BORING LOG'~ Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California BY DR DATE' 3-10-72 . JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO .. 4 BORING NUMBER 5 Ex, ting E1ev. Einish grade 2-25.0 200.0 CLASS SM- SC SC DESCRIPTION Light Brown, Dry;-:-Humid, Loose ,_- Dense SILTY-CLAYEY SAND Pale Yellow-Brown, Humid-Moist, Dense} CLAYEY SAND Olive, Humid, Dense, SANDY.SILT E 30 Sl\1 Pale Yellowish White-White, Humid -mo;ist, Dense, Very SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL , 36 .' y S 116.5 12.0 114.3 6.8 0 '@90 . , Dark Olive-Dark Pink, Moist, Dense, SLIGHTLY SANDY CLAY 36 98.325.015.0-4 Undo 25 ... ' ........ ~; : .. : .. '~ SM . ~. · ' ...... . ... " ~ " ., .,,1' '. : .,., .. .. ~ ... ,. , ... .. · . · ,~" . ..... ~. .,.....-... White, Humid-Moist, De~se, SILTY SAND :' ... 30~~~~--------------------~---- , 48' 112.8 '9.4 .1_» ___ ~ __ ~ ________ ==-~~_N_D=-:E_E_<w_P_L_A_TFE __ N_O_. __ 2 __________________________ =-m-~ B SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING fi LABORATORY, INC. Kelly-Carlsbad Pro.j~ct ~. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET El Camino Real & Elm Avenue ',~ . ____ ~ __________ SA __ N __ D_IE_G7_~_;_.:_~.I_~_~_~N_ll_A_9_2_12_O ____ ' __ +-BV __ c_a_r_l_s_b_Da_H~_'~C-a-l-i-f~o-r~n-i-a~--------~ ____ ~~ DATE -'5-1.-72 ., BORING NUMBER 6 "",Sristing Elev. Finish' Gr'ade 245.0 200.0 CLASS o ~~''::. SM .... o. .... DESCRIPT1WN Gray-Brown, Dry, Medium Dense, SILTY SAND Yellowish Gray, Moist, Dense~ CLAYEY-VERY CLAYEY SAND Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, SANDY SILT- ~~~~~~VERY SILTY SAND Pale Y~llow, Moist, Dense, SANDY CLAY-SILT E 34 40 White, Humid-Moist; Dense, SILTY SAND , ' Dark Yellow, Humid-Moist, Den~~;, SLIGHTLY SANDY SILT Y 54 120.9 13.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LA BO RATOln, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 71fl.,280-4321 BORING LOG / ' FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California BY DH DATE ' 5-1-72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO.6 S 8.39 @90 e I· 1_ I·' I' I',· I, I ,'I.': :1'" - e I. 15 I.,: ' 20 1; .' _: Existing Elev .. , BORING NUMBER 7 Finish Grade CLASS DESCRIPTION E Y SC Dark Brown, Dry-Humid', Loose-Medium Dense VER.Y CLAYEY SAND CL-Dark Brown, Moist, Stiff, SLIGHTLY CH SANDY CLAY 14 '121.1' SM ML- CL CL SC- CL Dark Yellow-Brown, Moist, Dense, 30 VERY SILTY SAND Brown, Moist, Stiff, ,SANDY SILT-CLAY 26 Dark Brown, Humid~Moist, Stiff, SANDY CLAY 20 Dark YellOW-Brown, Humid-Moist, Stiff VERY CLAYEY SAND-SANDY CLAY Dark Yellow-Brown, Humid-Moist; Dense, '32 CLAYEY SAND FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 ,Kelly-Carlsbad Project 114.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 El Camino Real & Elm'Avenue Carlsbad, California 7l~·280'4321 BY DH 125.0 110.0 M S 8.0 10.3 @90 1.15 @90j 0.47 \@87% .,., 5 ,LL. BORING LOG DATE 5-1 ... 72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO.7' , . f . I i I I 1 f I I 1 · : .L BORING NUMBER 8 _~isting Elev. /2l5.0 Finish Grade 170.0 CLASS DESCRIPTION . . . .. . . , .. .- , . .. .. CH Dark Gray, Dry, Soft, SANDY CLAY Light Gray-Brown, Dry, Medium Dense, VERY CLAYEY,~AND-SANDY~CLAY SM-Light Brown, Dry, Dense, VERY SILTY· ML SAND-SANDY SILT SM SM- SW ML , Light Gray, Humid, Dense, SILTY SAND .- White, Humid-rMoist, Dense, SLIGHlrLY, SILTY SAND-WELL GRADED SAND Olive, Humid-Moist, Dense,. SLIGHTLY SANDY SILT (Intensely. Fractured With Slickenslides) FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 E y 30 36 -31 118.6 38 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTiNG LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 Kelly-CarlsbadProject . El Camino Real & Elm Avenue 'Carlsbad, California 71ft·280-4321 M' 9.0 BORING LOG BY DH DATE 5-2-72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO. -8 S . - BORING NUMBER 8 (Cont.) DESCRIPTION CL Olive, Humid-Moist, Dense, SLIGHTLY SANDY SILT-.cLAY SM Dark Olive-Gray, Humid-Moist, Den$e- Very Dense, VERY SILTY SAND FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 E Y 36 103.5 23.3 12.8 '@ndis SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Kelly-Carlsbad Project . 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714-280-4321 BORING LOG El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California BY DH DATE 5-1-72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO.9 o ~~~,s,~ · ..... SM ...... ' ," .. . -, I., • t --,'. :: • ~ ~. , " S]\1 -. '.' .. ......... ,' '. ~" ,. ... , . , .-: .. ", " .... r • • -, . " " • I,. .', -'.' . .. , .. .. .. 101-: ' '. ' , "# ... ,. -.... , -' ... . . . '. . il .... :", ,. :. :': , .. -.,' . . -.... . ' . · -.. : ,.: : .. ' . -. :... r ..;. ." , ..... , . 20-. ' .. r ' ... ", • 'Co -r', ,. -........ : · " -, .'" I.. . , -" · , . 25-.... ~-" . . . , _ .. , .. f , , t --'" .. -' · . _ • • f --.... oil, • · . BORING NUMBER 9 DESCRIPTION Gray, Dry, Loose-Medium Dense, '\ SILTY SAND' Pale Yellow, 'Moist, Dense, SILTY SAND .' 30~~~~--------------------~--- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 E 37 22 SOUTHERN CALIFORNiA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 'Kelly-Carlsbad Project y' 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 E1 Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 714·280·4321 ..... BORING LOG BY DE DATE 5-:-:1-72 JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO. 10 S _ I' I_ I I· ·1. :1: '1' ,I 'I.~ .. '.-I. I I I" I. I I I BORING NUMBER 94 (Cont.) CLASS DESCRIPTION E 30 .::= .... :::. Sj\1 Pale Yellow, MOist, Dense, SILTY ':+:-_~---h SAND 45 , .. . . r~, •. '. G, t". 50 ., : . Light Olive, Moist, Very Dens~1 SANDY SILT 34 Light Olive, Moist, Very Dense, 34 SILT-CLAY WITH SAND (Slickenslides Observed )_ Olive-Yellow, Moist,' Dense-Very Dense,' VERY SILTY SAND-SILTY SAND 37. FOR LEGEND SEE 'PLATE NO. 2 Kelly-Carlsbad Project Y S 112.7 17.4 2.65 . @87/ 120.2 13.0 3.00 @90/ 8.06 Undo SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 71fl·280-4321 BORING LOG BY DH JOB NO. 210058 .... t ! , , , , <. )' , 15 25 BORING 'NUMBER 10 DESCRIPTION Existing Elev. 210iO Finish Grade 180.0 E Y ·M Gray, Dry, Medi~m Lense, SILTY SAND ~ark Gray, Moist, Medium Dense, CLAYEY ~~~~--k~'S~A~N~D~ __________________________ __ . . . . .' . ."". Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, CLAYEY SAND SM Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, SILTY SM SAND Olive, Moist, Dense, SLIGHTLY SANDY SILT-CLAY White, Moist, D~nse, SLIGHTLY SILT- SILTY SAND " Olive-Yellow, Moist, Dense, SANDY SILT-CLAY Light Yellow-Light Gray, M.oist, Dense, VERY SILTY SAND 10 31 Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, SILTY SAND 30~',-~·~·~··~S~M~----------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 SOUTHERN CALIfORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 BORING LOG Kelly-Carlsbad' Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California BY DH DATE 5-1 .... 72 JOB NO. 210058 .PLATE NO. 12 S ..... BORING NUMBER 10 (Cont.) 30~C~L~A~S~S __ -r __ ~D~E~SC~~R~I~_P~T~I~O~N _________________ _ :~ :.' SM Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, SILTY E Y 40 45 50 SAND 31 Dark OliveTYellow, Moist, Stiff, CLAY (Slickensided layers of clay) 45 Olive-Yellow; Moist, Dense, J T Light Gray, Moist, Dense, SILTY r.r~~~~~S~A~N~D~ __________________________ __ ... ' .. , '. ,,, " . · .. : . . . ' . · . . · , ~ . . . # ... 4 · SM ML- CL Olive~Yellow, Moist, Dense, SANDY SILT-CLAY Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, SILTY' SAND Olive-Yellow, Moist, Dense, SLIGHTLY SANDY SILT-CLAY FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE 'NO. 2 SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Kelly-Carlsbad Project E1 Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 6280 RiVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 BY DR DME 5-1-72 M JOB NO. 210 ~8 :~,~.]~~LATE NO. 13' BORING LOG S -. CLASS SC 25 ' .. BORING NUMBER 11 DES CRI prrI ON E Gra Dense VERY CLAYEY SAND Mott led Light Brown-White, Moist, 30' Dense, SANDY SILT-CLAY (Chalk Nodules) Light Olive, Moist j Dense, SANDY SILT-CLAY Brown, Moist, Dense, SANDY SILT-. CLAY (Cemented Beds) Gray, Moist, Deilse, VERY CLAYEY SAND 37 Light Olive, Moist,. Dense,' SANDY CLAY-VERY CLAYEY SAND (Hith Lime'stone Nodules) Cemented Siltstone Olive, Moist, Dense, SILT-CLAY (Observed Slickens~des) 27 .. y 30~~~~-------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABlORAlm~Y, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 • 714·280·4321 BORING LOG Kelly-Carl~bad Project El Camino R$al& Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CalifDrnia BY DR JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO. 14 S 5.22- @87 ,. j-• I' ,I I I I I I I I I BORING NUJViBER 12 CLASS DESCRIPTION O~~~~~~_~[~~~------------------------------------• ~ •• ,_.J'1. Brown, Dry f l)ense, SIJ..JTY SAND ;:zu ..... =~;R;1''lI_ QbtiJ9 J=~ ~ir=m"" ::O=WXll11:fJ:!:l) Pale Yellow, Moist, Denser CLAYEY ~r-~--h SAND Olive, Hoist, Dense, Very CLAYEY SAND Pale Olive, Hoist, Stiff, SANDY CLAY Pale OIl ve f .f\10lst, Stlf' f Very SANDY f VERY SILTY·CLAY Pale Yellow-Olive, Hoist, Dense, VERY SANDY SILT Light Gray to Pale Olive, Moi~t, stiff, SANDY SILT 20--~~--~------~------------------ BORING NUMBER 13 o~~~--~----------------------~--------Light Gray-Brown, Dry to Buutid, 5 Dense, SLIGHTLY SILTY, SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SAND Moist Light Yellow-Olive, Moist, Dense, SANDY, VERY SILTY CLAY 1'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F~O~R~L~E~G~EN~D~SE~Em·~PmL~A~.T~Em"~N~O~·z2~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNiA TESTING I, LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET • SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 Kelly-Carlsbad Project EI Camin'o' Rea.l &. Blm Avenue Carlsbad, California I ~~~ __ ~~=-=--====-_____ 7_1_4_.2~80_-4_3_2_1 __ ~=-~~ __ ~u~ ________ , __________ ~ ______ =-=-=--=--=---~ BORING LOG BY DH DATE 7--31-72 I JOB NO. 210058 PJ.JATE 'No. 15 .~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~-~=.-~~~~~~~~ .. L' , I • 1 I I I I ·1 I "I I I ,I I I I ,I I' I 'I I 25 BORING NUMBER 14 DESCRIPTION '-Dry, Medium Dense, CLAYEY SAND Light Orange to Pale Yellow, Humid to Moist, Dense, CLAYEY SAND Pale Olive to Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, VERY CLAYEY SAND Pale Yellow-Olive, Humid to Moist, Stiff, SANDY, VERY SILTY CLAY SH vVhite, Humid to Moist, Dense, SIL'rY SAND CONTINUED ON PLATE NO. 17 FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 I l~~~~~~~~SO~U~TH~E~R~N~'~C~A~'l~lf~O~R~N~clr~~~T~E~SmT~INmG~~~~K~e~l~lmy~:_~c~a~I~~l~sb~amd~p~r~omj~e~c~t~mm~~~~~~ LABORATORY, INC. El Camino Real &, Elm Avenue I, . 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Carlsbad, California SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280-4321 '-J' I I 40 BORING NUMBER 14, CO~~. . ..- CLl\SS DESCRIPTIObl . .........,,-- CLI HL Pale Yellow t Humid:to Moist, Stiff SANDY, VERY SILTY CLAY MHI Dark Yellow, Mottled ttJith Pale Pink~ CH Hoist, Very Stiff! Very SILTY CLAY -' 45~~A---~------~------------------ FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 I ~m'~;:ro/a!~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=.li=.7.i'lfli:!mW-~~~~ . ;':,' ~ : .. ': .... ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING I LABORATORY, INC. Kelly-Carlsbad Project . 6280 R!VERDALE STREET El Camino Real & Elm Avenue SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 Carlsbad f California 1~ __ ~~ __ =-__ =-~ __ -=~7~J~4~'2~80~-4~3~2~1-= __ =-______ ~ __________ =-. __ ~. __ ~ __ , __ -=~~ ______ ~----~ BY DH DATE 8 -2-7 2 BOIUNG LOG I JOB NQ. 210058 PLp .. TE NO. 17 t- l ! . t !. I l' i i . ! ! '1 f .1 1 :1 I: 1 '1- ·1 I; 1 I I 1 '1·. '1 I· I' 1 1 I BORING NUMBER 15 o CLASS nESC'R.IPTION -'-.. V/ se Gray, 'Dry, Medium Dense, CLAYEY S.A ND 17/ se Orange '\t\Tith Gray, Humid, Dense, · " CLAyrY'SAND ,. , " · , --/ , .' Ho'ist, , , , SM White with Pale Yellow, , . -, · J Dense, SILTY SAND' 0 . ' " , \-· , 5 , · · -· , · , · · -, · , , -, • .. ' · " , · -, · " 0 10 , 1-0 ' , · , . 0 -00 0 0 , · · · , ~ · · 0' f " · .. -.-. , " · . -0 , · · 0 -,-' , , , · -15 " · , , · , -, · , " r • , -· , .. · . · · " -, " · · · -, · · · · · , 1- , · · .. · ( 20 " · , · ~ -.' , , . · , · -· , , · , · , , -'. · ' , · , , , .. -· , ~ , , · -. : · ' . . . , 25 . , , , , -, '. , , -. , , · .. ' .. · -, , , , -, , " 30 , , , 0 · , " FOR LEGEND SEE , , PLATE NO. 2 · · · , · . , . eg: - CONTINUED ON PLATE NO. 19 SOUTHERN CALIfORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC, 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714-280-4321 Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California I DB DATE 8-2-72 BY BORING LOG _I, ~wm~~=~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B~N,~O~.~~2~lmO~O~5~8~~~~P~,I~JA~~~'E~1~~O~.~1~8~~~~¥ I I ,I 'I I BORING NUMBER 15, CaNT. CLASS ,DESCRIPTION 30~~~~~~~~~~--------------- Pale Yellow-Olive, Hoist, Stifff SANDY VERY CI,I-i.YEY SILT Dark Ye11ow~Olivef Moist, Dense, VERY CLAYEY SILTt-VERY SILTY CLAY (Slickensided) 45·~~~--&---------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 I~~~~==~~~~~~~~~-=~==--~~-~] I SOUTHERN CALIFORNiA TESTING LABORATOHY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California I SAN DIEGO. CALIfORNIA 92120 714-280-4321 ~_~= __ ~ ____ . ____ .~4-----~-~------~~~ 8-2-72 DB , BORING LOG BY DATE I JOB NO. 210058 PLATE NO! 19 f I r ! , l' i 1 I f , t I· I I I I I ~- I I I :'1 I '1 I I I I I I '1 'I I' ,I 'I BORING NUMBER 16 o CLASS -~~H DESCRIPTION .' "~_"""' ___ ._""5Z!II __ "'_"" Dark Gray 1 Dry, Soft, SANDY CI/AY • ."" -1 = -=-•• ~V / HL/ Dark Yellow I Moist, Stiff, SANDY,. /_ CL VERY CLAYEY SILT --'~~4-~~~~--~~~--------------------------........ e. -, ::: S1'1 IIJhite, Hoist, Dense, SILTY SAND # • , 5 " , , --':, ',' .. ' .. -" " .... 't" . , -. " " ',. 10-,',' , , -' .. , ' , -...... -, , • , " , , 1l1li:: tt, .. ', .. " . 15-, " , ' -.... ' , , ~ .... .. , , . , .. :' " Sl''! Pale Yellow, Moist, Dense, Very ., , . .. ,',:'" I I, .. 20-,",' If, .'. -, " - 'e "f # , , " ' " ~ I ... 'of . ...... . . ,. .... SILTY SAND I SM/ Pale Yellow and White, SILTY SAND .HL AND VERY SANDY SILT FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 • I I '1~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~9 SOUTHERN CIUJFORNiA TES~nNG . E.AaOI~ATORY, INC. .1 6280 RIVERDALE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 Kelly-Carlsbad Project El Camino Real and Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Californii 714·280·4321 ··1 BY DE Q'~2 BORING LOG 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~JO~B~~N~O'~~2~1~O~O~5~8~~~~&~P~L~A~T~Em' ~}~10~'~M2~JO~~a~~ I I :1 I .1. I I I: I I I ·1 I I I I :1 I I I I' CIJAS8 25 BORING NUMBER 17 DESCRIPTION SC/'Gray, Dry, So:tt, V::RY CLAYEY SAND CH ML/ Pale Yellow, Humid to Moist, Dense, CL SANDY VERY CLAYEY SILT SM Light Gray, Moist, Dense, SIYfY SAND 8M Pale Yellmv f Hoist'f Dense, VEP.Y SILTY SAND 8M Light Gray, Moist, Dense, 'SILTY SAND ML/ Pale Yellow, Moist, stiff, SANDY; CL VERY CLAYEY SILT 30~~~~--~-------------------------- FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABm,(ATORY, INC. 6280 RrVERDALE STREET . SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280-4321 BORInG LOG Kelly-Carlsbad Project EI Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California . BY . DB DATE 8-2-72 PIJATE NO. 21 JOB NO. 210058 I, 1~~~il.i~=;!.<';;;W'li!2ii_~"<!lh"'=_~~<.'m:"'~iUiSn~,;r~~~~sr..:w.=.m~=.;~~~=:s;:'~~~~ '.1 .. I I I .1 I. I I I I ·1 I 'I I· -I :1 I I I It~ I CLASS ." -. -'~: .. :":: -~" .. -. ~ ..... ', ". . -: .. ' . . . ..... ~ ' ..... . e.· ........ . .. . ... : ...... . -. -.: '. '. .. . . . . .., " .. .. .. .,J • ' " , ... .. -. ~ , . . -.-.... -! 11-. eo -. . . . , -<1.°. : . , -, ' .. " . ' ... SM/ se SM ML SM BORING NUMBER 18 DESCRIPTION Dark Brown, Dry, Medium Stiff, SILTY CLAYEY SAND White, Hoist, Dense, SILTY SAND Pale Yellow, Moist, Stiff, VERY SANDY SILT White, Moist, Dense, SILTY SAND ~'~.~+---~.----------------=---------------~-------V // HH Pale Yellow, Moist, Stiff, VERY S ANDY SILT .. . . . , " CR ML \ .. \ Olive, Moist, Stiff, SLIGHTLY SAND CLAY --- I'Jhite and Pink, Moist, Stiff, SAND Pale Yellow-~'Jhitef Hoist, Dense, SILTY SAND FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 Y Y SILT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Kelly-Carlsbad Project 6280 RIVERDALE STREET ·SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 714·280·4321 El Camino Real & Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California ·1 BOitING LOG BY DE DATE 8-2-72 I JOB NO. 210058 PLA'rE NO. 22 I· ~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~ I 'I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I 'I .. fO._ .• :-8M .... ........ -. .. " BORING NUMBER 19 DESCRIPTION Dark Gray, Dry, Soft, VERY CLAYEY SAND Pale Yellow-Olive, Moist, Stiff, SANDY, VERY CLAYEY SILT White, Moist, Dense, SILTY SAND Pale Yellow-Olive, Moist, Stiff, SANDY, VERY CLAYEY SILT Pale Yellow, Moist, Stiff, SANDY, SILT Pale Pink and Pale Yellow, Moist, Stiff, SANDY VERY 'CLAYEY SILT Light Gray to Pa.1e Yellow, Moist! Dense, VERY SILTY SAND FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 '1~~~~.&r.~~~Illll~~~~~"1l~~~~~""'<T.!I!li9I' ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING I LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIfORNIA 92120 Kelly-Carlsbad Project EI Camino Real and Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 714·280·4321 I~~~~-~----'~-----+~----------~--~~ BORING LOG BY DB DATE 8-2-72 1~~~m~~;~~~~.~.~=~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JO~B~N~O~·~2~1~O~O~5~8~·~~~~~PmI~JA~T~r~~~t~J~Ow·~2~3~~~~ I' ,I I I, I I I I , 5 10 BORING NUMBER 20 CLASS DESCRIPTION I~~~~--~~~~~--~~----------------------- . . sci CH ML Gray, Dry, Soft to Stiff, CLAYEY SAND, SANDY CLAY Pale Yellow, Moist, Stiff, SANDY SILT Light Gray, 'Moist, Dense, 'VERY SILTY SAND ML Pale Yellow r Hoist, Stiff, VERY SANDY SILT FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 2 BORING LOG BY DH JOB NO.210058 PLATE NO. 2-4 -~ ---.•. --.---..... -··e----.-... -.-• i ~, 2$, , '. ELEVo 247 1.5 l10 . : ~lt.' . .~~ ;!30 -----::..--:----.::-'~,-.., !~= . ~ ~ t ~ ~ I.iJ i!1O = " Cj 190 180 o 10 .I!'C = "'0 :50 W ! I ! , I_ , SC4LE (FEET) ~ . ---.:...------::::,.,,_'::>...,:'--.. . . ,~, ~,~, .!!,{9 , ' .\ LbLS~: _2(,!9' . /' -'--, , -~' '-~ , • f \ '~ , . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN 'DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 714·283·6134 RECOMl>1ENDED SLOPE CONFIGURATION 8£1/. 192. /92 ?,. c_ -/ /. Kelly~Carlsbad Project El Camino Real & Elm Avenue 9arlsbad, California ~ BY MSC DATE 8-15-72 JOB ·NO. 210058 PLATE NO. 25 . y . ...,-. t\ .. r\o _____ ., .... '~~ .~~~ ... ..,,-.,.---.. • .. ··t, $,;:;~~I~~~,:;~:~~:w~,~.-:,;:):,,~_,~_ ~"~~;",;~,f~~~_h. I. I I ,(I. ,"",~"'~~~UA~~~"1"~A"-~~~"~