HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-21; TANGLEWOOD; COMPACTION TEST RESULTS; 1974-02-28. -, •. q 't \'~, ~-. . I ! I Vo.;j ~ --,\)-77 t,l' '4Ftt£, ·dttY f-< / \ Lockwood-Singh 8< ASS~ -" -~,~,>, A CORPORATION ~ .. Con sui tin 9 F 0 u n d 8 t Ion En 9 I n e e'r s 8 n d G e <> log 1st. 9977 Jeffer,son Boulevard' Culve'r City, Caiifornia' 90.230 Telephone; (2 13,) 870 -733,5 I ,I R BRuce LOCKWOOD, REG Proj. Ref. 234-42 :1' I, I 1 I I I, I I' I I I I I AWTAR SINGH C E -') 51010 I .2. 16 I i j .\~ February 28, 1974 Larnin Company 910'0 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 90212 SUBJECT: CO:.1PACTION TEST RESULTS ABOVE ELEVATION 100, TENrATIVELY NAMED TP.NGLEWOOD TRACT 7 Z ... 21 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ' Gentlemen: " t' This report presents the results of field density and 1aboTa-' tory testi~ of fill soils above elevation 100 at the subject ,site. Te7.'ting was confined to tW9 relatively fla-t previously graded aT-eas within Tanglewood Tract 72:-21 which at this time is!devoid of stnlctures. For the' pm"poses :of this' I _. ' " repoY't;.' these areas are hereIn des~gnated-as Parcel, I: &" Parcel II. ,Parcel I is ~~eQ....Qn."..!h~gr~1'i<.llr.,2n..Ro_~.~mLi~_ sepa1!aJ§Q __ tf:9!!l ~w~l~IDg$_. 9n "th~~_,~,a,s.:LQl.._!2ved a~cess toad .• paly"ctl II IS boundecr on the west by Er'CamlnC>ReaI HigT-iWay and:,on the east by a natural west facIng slope. ' . . ~ Testing of the fill was accompolished on Februal)r 27, 1914 u~~ng a c~terp~ll~r tractor-Ioa~er which. excav~ted a ~otal of 1§ test pItS Wl thIn parcels I & II. A. vIsual' lnspectlop was m~de of each test pit foI10\,"ooby taking field density te'sts d,f' the fill soils. No oversize boulgers, or cemented deleterious materials were observed in the test pits. Field density tests were taken at frequent intervals above elevation 100 to ascertain the compaction characteristics of the fill soils'. All in situ density testing 'was accompolished lnaccorciance . with ASTM D-1556-64. Laboratory determination of the maximum I~' " ~ • s~~_ .. . ) I I I I I I I I ,I I I ·1 I I I I I I Proj. Ref. 234-42 Larwin -2-February 28, 1974 density of the fill soils was accompolished in ac\:ordance with ASTM D l557-66T. The data for field density tests and laboratory testing is presented in the attached' Tables I .& II. Approximate location of test pits and compaction tes·ts are indicated on Plate A. Generally, the compaction ··charac- ·tetistics of the fill soils were satisfactory i. e:. percent· compaction was 90% or greater, exc.ept for localized porlions which may have to be recompacted when actual building areas have been established. Surface tests within top 6 inches were· in general substandard which is probably due to the clayey fraction within the upper'l foot of the soil wherein an increase in volume may have occurred when in contact with wi:l:~er. These areas may have to be re-compacted prior to construction .. . ' Minor surficial erosion of Parcel II was noted which has been caused by runoff from the adjacent natural slope onto' the pad area. No signi~icant erosion was noted within Parcel 1. Allowable bearing values may be assumed at 2000 psf for' foundations placed a minimum of 18 inches into either compacted fill soils or naturargtound. Att~npt$ shOUld be made not to place foundations astride natural ground/fill interface. , ~ - Surface fill soils· at the site generally exhibited 1m.,r swelling potential, however, due to the expansiv~ charac~ teristics of topsoil which 'was mixed with the fill soilS· during grading, local expansive conditions may underlie proposed floor slabs. Al though expansive soils are not anti-:- cipated to be very prevalent, inspections should be made prior to construction. .' Soil ~ -The soils encountered in the fill above elevation . 100 in both the parcels were predominently sandy; clayey silts. Plate B shows the moisture density curve of the fill soil. The. plate also shows, in dotted lines, approximate lTloisture density ~urves of some of the other fill soils below elevation . -100. The latter data is based on work of others; dated June 5, 1973. We recognize approximate 6-7 different:sbii ' types in the fill. Respectfully submitted, LOCKWOOD-SINGH & ASSOCIATES ~(~ ~.;.f Awtar Singh CE 17727 AS:ml I~ '-.,. .1 I' I I I I Test, No. Date ....--- I 1. 2/27/74 2 " 3 " I' 4 n 5 " 6 'II I /\ -) ('t' \I{\ 7 " 8 " 9 ,t 10 II 11 " 12 " 13 " IJ 14 Ii 15 " :lQ Ii I 17 " IS " 19 " I 2'0 II; 21 , " 22 il I 23 II 24 II I I Proj. Ref. 234-42 Larwin TABLE I -3-February 28, '1914 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATIONS . " In Situ In Situ ReI. Test Test Soil Dry, Moisture Compac-' Location Elev. ~ Density (% dry wt.) tion NOTE See Plate A lOS A 109' 14.S 90 " 105 " 112 11.4 92 " 104 II, 111 15.8 91 " 102 II 109 18.3 90 " 102 " 11S 12.8 97 " 110 " 111 i2.7 91 " '108 " 122 15.2 100 " 101 1.1 109 15.3 90 " 106 " 114 14.7 94 " 103 ' " 100 22.'5 82* Surface Test " 100 " 109' 14.5 90 " 103 'II 114, 15.3 94 " 106 " 105 15.0 86* ' Surface Test " 102 " 99 17 .5 82* Su:cface Test " 102 " 99 14 .. 9 82* Surface Test " 114 " 104 12.0 86* Surface Test _ ..... -.... ~-. " 101 II ' , 114 '10.8 ' '~, --'9'4""'-'·'''''-''''''' ' " 103 " 109· 9.5 90 " 101 " 109 13.5 90 " 105 " 97 16.6 'S:O * Surface Test " 101 " 114 13.8 94 " 107 " 117 8.4 96 " 102 " 109 14.2 .90 " 110 " 123 6.2 101 I * Denotes substandard compaction. I " , ·W-,*~·:I~,~~A.'h_-'1"'tl"'''''-'''' " 1 ' .1' I'~ " .... ~ ~ t": I ,1 I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I " c Soil. ~. A Proj. REf. 234-42 Larwin -4-FebrUary 28, 1974 TABLE· 'I I Sffi\-1MARY OF LABORATORY'DENSI1Y DETERMiNATIONS Description Buff, very fine- grained sandy silt , (slightly clayey). Max " D· * 1.lTUl11l ry . Density (pcf) . 121.5 Optimum Moisture· Content . (% .. dry. wto.) . 10.0 *Compaction standard AS1M D-1557 (5 layers) . I I I I I I I I 150 t' 140 I' ....• I . 1 , , . f·" 120' I 80 I- I 70 I 60 o 10 . H8ISTlJRE-DENS.lTY CURVE 20 30 JOB NAME.----!LA::,..:. ~RW:.:..:I:..:..N:."..-C~:J\R=L=SJ::::..3AD;:.::.·.-..--------"'~.O.".----,..-,''­ JOB NO. ---,,-'0---=2:.::::3.-:.,4 -.....:~-=2--"-'---~---.,... __ ---'-______ DATE February .28, .1974 SOIL LOC1\TION~-:--__ --,_--,---,--__ SOl L 1Y.PE __ ----.;_---. .......... _....:...,...-'--'-----,~"---,J 'test No. I !, i .••. __ ..... -. ., '1 I ,---~~~._~et._:~~.~~_ .~.{--~~ .J_._I Wt. mold ....... ". ---L ,: ! ' I ~1~~;t _~O_i~_-~: ~-~+ -= r"---: .~---i . --"-." . . . .---.-~. --f~: -to, -1-_0-"---,-: -' -'-- We~_.9-~~~!Y.,,_. __ .. _ ... :.._,L . ...,. _' .;:: ---"... • I • t .0' i· .1 , . Wt. wet·~$·;-il-&-t~~e '! I . : Wt-.-dry ~~ii-&-.. t~re--···--~-· -:';-.1 ';i--~~ ~--.; ___ -._0.-...... -. ____ ,_1 --~, ' Wt. tare " ---"'-----_. ---------.-I .,-.;;. .. _. ---.;....,. Wt. 'moisture ,I .~ . -----~ -------------, -.-'-. I , Wt. dry soil i ! . _ :: --------. ...:.--.-... -----"-'---.--:---. ------- Moisture content,% 'I . .! I; ---,_ .... -.' . , ..•. '-,. '. I". Dry density :1 ; . ., . -,-_ ... ; i'-"-- I Max .. Dry Density Opt. Moisture .. lb/it3 -------'-'----' % of dry wt. ------- , - 40 50 60 70 Moisture as % of Dry Weight PLATE .. B