HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-21; TANGLEWOOD; R VALUE TEST RESULTS; 1973-07-101,- I I -... ,;. < -.. ~,.. '.~., ~~:~#. " .Jt~ ;&f.-.'!:4' clfil'" '1)_,)1 ENSPECTK'JN .. 'TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVElOPMt:NT 6280 Riverdale St. e San Diego, California 92120 G Phone 280-4321 r--A'=:-:l'O"TS "RE "'U~~)::'O--::'<~=;:l'. C~";:~~-:~':<~ ""O"'-':RTY OF CLIENT". AUTHORIZATION FOR pU8UC .. T'ON OF OUR REPORT ... CONCLUSIONS. OR \t)(T:~C~~---=':--< FROM OR fh::GA~DiH(:; • HEM fH£sER'ff:O f'L:tU>tNG CU"-W"ITTEN .... ,.,t-ROVAL AS A. MUTUAl.. PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, TH.E P'Ui6LIC AND OUR('}£L.VEP. I I I I 'f)! E'" ("I E I V E '''1 July la, 1973 i~ ~ :~ lfo Larwin-San Diego, Inc. 6150 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, California 92120 '.' .... [I 'en3 --\-" < ITY OF CARLSBAttT 312022 Building DCl):::li·:Rt€,p~r·t No. 14 SUBJECT: "R" Value Test Results, Marron Road, Tanglewood Subdivision, ~ Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: I In accordance with your request, the subgrade material of the subject road was sampled for "RI! Value testing. The sample was taken approxi- I I I I I I I I I I mately 300 feet from El Camino Real on Marron ROud, Tanglewood Sub- division, Carlsbad, California. The test 'Vlas perforY.led in accordance with California Test Method 30l-'F. The results of this test are presented on the attached Plate No.1. If you have any questions after reviewing our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. RAZ:jle cc: (5) Submitted (1) City of Carlsbad (1) SCTL, Escondido 51010 .2. 14 Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB. I INC. «t?1~/; -R-.-A-. Zi/5Ejr, R. C. E. (l , 1: I I I I I I , , I ~, -I :, -~ ~. . i :, -I :~ -I -I :~ -~ -~ --------,--------~-----------,----. ' .. , "sAMPLE: 9 TEST SPECIMEN DATE TESTED z Compactor Air Pressure zo Initial Moisture w-:':!~ Moisture at Compaction -0 o-Wn: Briquette Height Q..0l C/)« ~-u.; Density1 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi % % In. pcf psi EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL ,0: Ph at 1000 pounds psi r-...Jw Ph at 2000 pounds psi -I-COw i!:~ Displacement turns 000 OR" Value CORRECTED "R" VALUE ---- A B C D E 6/21/73 6/21/71 6/21/73 12Q 120 DO 8.9 8.9 8.9 19.8 20.7 21.6 2.48 2.40 2.58 108.6 107.2 104.3 320 270 220 6 1 0 47 52 63 116 123 135 5.00 4.85 4.75 16 14 9 16 13 10 "R"VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 15 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION --- SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 -,' 21;2 2 11'2 1 3/4 1/2 3/S #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 f--- .05mm .005mm .001 mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 100 1# -It-H -, t:l:t, H+ 1+ HHH1i'Tm l::I:l+t_tt.t+_lttI H-l+ ),-1--111 h±i tht ~ lttJt -tt II . ,,·r,t Hrr"-! +Hf1 .~ it-'~ 1,tH ]'+-ffi:f +-Ul±i _ [1 Lt tiT H+, ..,~ti ,;,,'H mltffiftttt±~H~!:+~+lJ~t$l gtW!tEtd1 f -I UP: , i' ttl 1i ~t, 1 (:;1:: tEE: 90 ' ~.:.. + fIT ~+ H-4 F:i:+,+~ -IT t' -";1' it ,-1+, -I-l+tti+-~' en J: ~ ftb 1-' H ~:tB !t~ -Ifu: tHl:tJU1t l~' ,t';' -rrH I-ti1I,' tti-H-t--+ ,I.tl ,-1t~ +1 tr!±~ -I -+. It ~± +~H. tt~F'f TTT-:-.h," .-, -t:W~lf -tltt!' !ttl H :i-: t DEI$$1 80 f-f-t-++ t ··f-H t-~-t+t -+ tttt tt . +.->--~ttt " .j::j:::;± f:IH-t: lttttlH±i -ftliHHrtl 'tl H++ it ',lliti -l+H--Flf !lffi~l ':lIT:' i i~ U:t -:+1 ! [ttl :!t-Fl:!HlfLttt,P:--lEI ~t' " lttrn, ti, .t:i~, 'T' • 'tJ:, F+=tft~1:j:+.t ~,i,. ' 't, tJ:t-s " ~u ±til l-+ @ :t:i±f.t+t# I1--::lt'-JJ::l :t+!. H-l+ ±HI -~ +;-t. ~ it t$1ft-E~ -k1tt}j '*If+$::~, . ilhll~ H H-f+it~lf8tm; 70 t±:-:(: " ' ' L±t-'~t+c.±' -'--; q~Hti • ;.0: +Fr~ --+----H-~ -t --<.-I -r--+ _1, L. 6 ,t-+TOt-t+H:t-++ ' ~tH-++' f"--'~ ,,+i-ffit +;:'-:FJ::i::r~T :-q+, o L 'Ht+t-+Ii+, t-+-I±lt.I.ti, +-0.,; P ti; ttffitt"::t + ' ' " 1 L ~' , ',=m, , , -.,-TI_f , , 't~~ t-t t-t-t+t-+ 1-+-+7' : T -I-"i.l. ~ '-+ ~ -FiT --'--,-. , , H ' +i-',~F;:;::;:J ...J ,+t' l..L.l.C.1-4.LL T , .1 L Ll ~_ I-'~+-W ~ 50HBtt: '-!+t+d,.,.·--'-" 1+-'-"-1-~ , , ; : H+" "1,, ITn ~L~' ~-rl-,++-l +~ ~-+'..L....j 'T~-r::t'H'i-+P-+ , T , '+h-:j±tH ~~m~l+'C p: 40~ f,M·L H-- o 800 '+i-±t-r ,', ---H·i-+' : ' -+.:1= 700 psi ~ .QouHlelHt CaQibotlilia CCJegtitlg S£aboiwtol!y. 911C. URn VALUE TEST RESULTS BY DATE 6/21/73 JOB NO, 312022 PLATE NO. 1 ~ !' ! I ! I, i' i 1 j :'1 ~~ 'I I INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. 0 San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 280·4321 -I :'1 I· :.1 ,I ALL ttE~ORTS ARE SUDMITTED All THE CONFIDENTIAL ~RO~EftTY OF CLIENTS, AUTHORIZATION FOR ~U"LICATION 01' OUR~ RE~O"TS, CONCLUSIONS, OR EXT~R"'CTS' FftOM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESEftVED ~ENDING OUR WRITTEN A~~ROVAL AS A MUTUAL ~ROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE I'UIILIC ~ND OURSELVES, Larwin-San Diego 6150 Mission Gorge Road San Diego~ ~alifornia 92120 June 14, 1973 SCT3l2.022 Report No. 11 SUBJECT: "R" Value Tests, Tanglewood Subdivision, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, eight (8) subgrade samples were taken from the subject subdivision streets on April 31, 1973 in order to per- form the necessary tests for the design of pavement sections. :s~i~i~ locations were selected by Mr. Russ Morrison, Inspector for the City of Carlsba'd. The tes.ts performed and their results are as shown on the attached Plate "1' 'Nos. 1 through 6. To date, only six (6) samples have -been tested; as " soon as the tests of the remaining twO' (2) samples are completed, a new 'I 1 I I ,I I report will be submitted. If you have any questions after reviewing our report; please do not hesi tate to contact this off·ice. ENGINEERING DEPI lIBRARY' City of Carlsbad 2075 las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ SCT 312022 June 14, 1973 :p~ge Two This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. FCB: j.le cc: (5) Submitted (1) City of Carlsbad Engineering Dept. Attn: Russ Morrison Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB., INC. --1,z;d. ~v. La~. E~ " -------------'--ii, SAMPLE: No. 1 -Grid S-10 " " I --I TEST SPECIMEN A B C D E DATE TESTED 6/5/73 6/5/73 6/5/73 z Compactor Air Pressure psi 350 240 160 :·1 zo Initial Moisture % 5.7 5.7 5.7 w-::E~ Moisture at Compaction % 14.5 16.3 17.2 -0 @-Q.O: Briquette Height In. 2.49 2.55 2.55 wee ~I, tt Density pcf 114.8 109.3 109.0 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 406 299 255 --I EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL .0042 .0010 .0007 .0: . Ph at 1000 pounds psi 28 54 64 .Jw Ph at 2000 pounds psi 62 117 132 -t- _I ~w, Displacement ' turns 5.06 5.03 5.31 t)~ "R"Value 44 15.8 9.1 CORRECTED MR" VALUE -' I "RIO VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 16 ~ ~I 100 .. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ; SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED -" -,I 3 90 , , 21;2 -, ~ 2 ' . -t 11;2 80 -I . - 1 , -i 3/4 70 " " j ., :, % " 3/a 100.0 60 ~I #4 99.9 ' ,. #8 99.8 w ::> #16 .J 98.7 :E 50 #30 94.9 • ... " , JI 0: . , #50 85.8 , , #100 40 67.6 -~I I #200 42.4 ' , . • 05mm 30 " ' .005mm .. ~II .001 mm , , 20 LIQUID LIMIT -'" ,. PLASTIC LIMIT '. " ~r . , 10 PLASTICITY INDEX -1'1 SAND EQUIVALENT 10 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi .1 ~ gouthefUt CaQibOftflia uR" VALUE TEST RESULTS BY FeB DATE 6/13/73 J Vestiflg ~aboftatoft~. 9110. JOB NO. 312022 ' PLATE NO. 1 ------"------ ! 1 , . SAMPLE: No. 2 -Grid M-12 -I' TEST SPECIMEN A B C D E -~ DATE TESTED 6/6/73 6/6/73 6/6/73 -, z Compactor Air Pressure psi 160 140 140 ~ :;1 zo Initial Moisture % 4.4 4.4 4.4 w-, , :Etc -0 Moisture at Compaction % 14.8 15.7, 16.6 frl- -'I 0.0: Briquette Height In. 2.49 2.60 2.54 (/)Ill if Density pct 112.9 109.8 108.4 EXUDATION ,PRESSURE psi 322 239 -' , 219 ---I EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL .0013 .0011 .00'16 .0: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 49 52 46 ...Jw Ph at 2000 pounds psi 115 122 113 -I- ·1 IllW 4.60 5.09 5.52 ;E::E Displacement turns (/)0 "R"Value 17.8 15.0 16.0 ! I -. I CORRECTED "R"VALUE ~ -'I "RIO VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 16V t ~ ~I. 100 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION - _ i . SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED -·1 3 90 21'2 -f 2 ~I fY2 80 --, , ~. 1 % 70 1/2 3/8 -60 ~II ,#4 100.0 - #8 99.8 w 3 #16 99.3 ~ 50 - - JI #30 96.9 . 0: #50 . 90.8 . , #100 82.1 40 ~n #200 66.1 .05mm 30 ' . • OO5mm ~n - .001 mm 20 LIQUID LIMIT " 'U, PLASTIC LIMIT . , 10 , PLASTICITY INDEX - II SAND EQUIVALENT 10 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 . 100 ,0 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 'II ~ gouthe~1t CaQ(~O~It(a uRI! VALUE TEST RES'QLTS I ~aboftato/(y, 91tc. BY FCB DATE 6/13/73 tJegtiltg , JOB NO. 312022 PLATE NO~ 2 L .-. ~.-----------'I, SAMPLE: No. 3 -Grid I-II - =-1 TEST SPECIMEN A B C D E DATE TESTED 6/6/73 6/6/73 6/6/73 z Compactor Air Pressure psi 140 140 160 , :1 zo Initial Moisture % 6.8 6.8 6.8 w-::;!< Moisture at Compaction % 17.5 16.6 15.7 -0 @-n.OC Briquette Height In. 2.44 2.36 2.64 (/.)00 --I Lf: Density pcf 107.3 112.5 110.1 EXUDATION -PRESSURE psi 199 255 414 . -I EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL .0020 .0026 .0019 ,0:: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 49 48 43 ..Jw Ph at 2000 pounds psi 121 114-103 -1-COw 4.96 4.52 5.40 .1 ~~ Displacement turns (/.)0 "R"Value 13.8 18.0 20.6 -, CORRECTED "R" VALUE -I "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 20 /' :1 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 100 SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED c -, -~I ' 3 90 - 21;2 -- -f 2 -so I 11;2_ -, 1 , .. , . , " -i % 70 , . ~I 1/2 100.0 3/S 99.7 -- 60 - #4 99.6 #8 99.3 w -3 #16 98.2 :;: 50 . #30 95.7 • I 0:: • #50 91.6 - #100 40 -81.0 - -II #200 58.2 .05mm 30 .005mm -.- ~I I .001 mm ..J. 20 .. - LIQUID LIMIT -, -. PLASTIC LIMIT , JI 10 . , PLASTICITY INDEX '-11 SAND EQUIVALENT 7 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 -200 100 0 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi : lr J ~ -uRn VALUE TEST RESULTS ,gOuthelU\ CaQlb01Utia BY FCB DATe 6/13/73 J tJegHng $£abolwtolIY, 9nc. JOB NO. 312022 PLATE NO. 3 ' - --. .~----.,,;; ~~ . - II II 'II II · SAMPLE: No.4 -Grid-J-16 TEST SPECIMEN A B .c D E DATE TESTED 6/7/73 6/7/73 6/7/73 Z Compactor Air Pressure psi 84 Hand. Fab. Hand Fab ffi Q Initial Moisture % 7 • 5 7 • 5 7 • 5 ~~r---------------~~-;--~~---r--~~--+---~~~--------~~~~~ @Q Moisture at Compaction % 21.8 23.6 24.5 fu ~ Briquette Height In. 2.50 2.53 2.55 it Density " pcf 101 • 0 97 • 4 9. 5 • 9 EXUDATION -PRESSURE psi 458 303 239 EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL -0--0--0- I a: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 63 73 77 iii ~ Ph at 2000 pounds psi 13 0 14 8 152 ~::E Displacement turns 5 • 52 5 • 61 5 • 57 eno "R" Value 9 • 7 3 • 8 2 • 0 CORRECTED "R"VALUE "R"VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = __ 4_~ __ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 2~ 2- 1 100.0 99.1 #8 98.1 #16 95.4 #30 87.9 #50 77.9 #100 64.8 #200 53.4 .0Smm .005mm .001mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 8 90 80 70 60 w :3 ~ 50 j:c 40 30 20 10 "---. . . " , - o 800 700 600 500 "400 :;\00 200 100 gouthelHl CaQib0ftnia tJesting ~aboftatolty. 9flC. EXUDATION PRESSURE psi uRn VALUE TEST RESULTS BY FeB DATE 6/13/73 JOB NO. "312022 PLATE NO. 4 o II II j ~I ~I ~I ~I :-:1' .. ~I -, -I' ~I " -1 ,SAMPLE: No.5 -Grid E-11 TEST SPECIMEN ABC D E DATE TESTED 6/7/73 6/7/73 6/7/73 z Compactor Air Pressure psi 16 0 Hand F ab • Hand F ab • ffi Q Initial Moisture % 7 • 7 7 • 7 7 • 7 ~~~~~----------~~~--~~~~--~~--+-~~~~~-------+~--~~ @ Q Moisture at Compaction % 19.4 22.1 24.8 fu 8i Briquette Height In. 2 • ill 2 • 67 2 • 50 ~r-~----~-----------;~~~~-r~~~--+-~=-~~--------~~----~ Density pcf 106.9 101.3 95.2 EXUDATION ,PRESSURE psi 466 311 251 EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL .0016 -0--0- I a:: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 61 7 5 7 3 ai~, Ph at 2000 pounds psi 134 150 149' ~ ~ Displacement turns 4 • 62 5 • 1 7 6, • 4 3 (1)0 "R" Value 9 • 7 2 • 9 2 • 9 CORRECTED "R" VALUE "3 """, MR" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = ____ _ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED ,3 2 1 100.0 #8' 99.7 #16 98.5 #30 94.9 #50 86.0 #100 69.7 #200 54.7 .05mm .005mm .001 mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 7 90 80 70 60 w :3 ~ 50 i:x: . 40 30 20 10 o 800 goutheh" CaQiboluliU' Vegtlng ~abohatOftg, 9M. .... _-...... _ .. --~.-.. ----... ---~-.. ' .. , ..... -~;-.... -." ~ 700 600 500 400 300, 200 100 EXUDATION p,RESSURE psi "R" VALUE TEST RESUI.'TS BY FCB DATE 6/13/73 JOB NO. 312022 , PLATE NO. 5 o .~ _. --. " . -\-I· . 'SAMPLE: No. 6 -Grid D-8 ··Y " -.. ~'I TEST SPECIMEN A B C D E· DATE TESTED 0/1/1.:5 0/1/1.:5 b/I/I.:5 Z Compactor Air Pressure psi 120 Hand Fab. Harid Fab. . I ZO initial Moisture % 10.2 w-10.2 10.2 :E ~' Moisture ~t Compaction % oQ 25.8 30.4 28.6 wo: 2.55 2.47 2.50 Il.m Briquette Height In. -I (/}!CC u.; Density pct 94.5 67.9 90.9 EXUDATION ·PRESSURE psi 565 247 406 - -I EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL -0-.0010 .0013 .e:: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 69 76 75 ..Jw Ph, at 2000 pounds psi 142 151 150 -I-mw 4.74 5.19 4.56 ,I ~:E Displacement turns 00 "R"Value 6.5 2.9 3.5 CORRECTED "R"VALUE I "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 3""""" ~I 100 .. GRAIN. SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED .1 3 90 21'2 2 .. -- 80 - _~I 11-'2 --: 1 ,. , .. i I , j I 3/4 70 -:1 % 3/8 100.0 .. #4 60 .. 99.4 -., , 'I #8 98.1 w ... 3 #16 94.7 ~ 50 #30 87.5 . ~I e:: #SO . 78.8 - #100 70.9 40 ; d #200 70.8 ~I -.0Smm 30 ,-, : , .0OSmm ! . --.. 'I-• ()01 mm , 20 " LIQUID LIMIT ., I PLASTIC LIMIT .. I. I 10 , PLASTICITY INDEX ' . -i SAND EQUIVALENT 5 0 -I 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 ' 0 - EXUDATION PRESSURE psi • S I ~ goutileltYl CaQibOflYlla IIRII VALUE TEST RESULTS f t"A~[ ~ BY trestlYlg '2£aboflatoky, 9Ylc. FCB DATE 6/13/73 ·1 "V JOB NO. 312022 PLATE· NO., 6 I I I .1, ~I ·1 I, S~~~~)/~I INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT ,1 '6280 Riverdale St .• San Diego, California 92120 • Phorte280-4321 D All TH!: CONI"ID!!:N"tIAL. !'ItO!'!!:ItTY 01" CL.I!:NTS, AUTHOItIZ ... TION "Olt !'UBL.ICA'i'!ON 01' OUIt 1t!!:!'OItTS, CONCL.U.ION., Olt EXTItACTS EM I' It!!:SEItVED !'ENDING OUIt WItJTTEN "'!'!'ItOV"'L. ....... MUTU ... L. !'ItOTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE !'UI!L.IC: AND OUItSELVE., It¥JGE I~E D CT-::rO\ -;l/ ll.?R 2 4: 19T3 Larwin-San Die 0 . slon Gorge Road San Diega, California 92120 Attention: Mr. Walt Wood rt OF CARLSBAD CJuUd\ng' Department SUBJECT; 'Tanglewood Subdivision, Carlsbad, California • . Gentlemen: seT 3l-2022 Report No. 8 In accordance with the conversation between Mr. Walt Wood and the under- signed, we herewith submit the following comments.. The recommendat.ions previously submitted by Southern California Testing Laboratory, InG. re- garding the preparation of foundation soils and foundation reinforcement for structures constructed within the existing fault zone have been com- plied with ,in these building pads and foundations cons,tructed wi thin the model 'area. The recommendations were as follows: The natural soils exposed within 3 feet of finished grade have .be~ removed and recompacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density. ,Fur- ther, all foundations which will encroach on an area IS feet wide along the fault trace will ,be reinforced 'with two No., 4 bars,placed 3 inches above the base of the foundation and two Nc). 4' bars placed 3 inches below finish floor. .'~. ..", -' . . ~ ... " ' .. - /----------,. I', 51010 Ii .2.15 ._--,......-) . .' 'I ' , ' SCT 312022 April 24, 1973 P~9"e Two It is our recommendation that the measures described above be incorporated in all building pads and/or foundations which encroach upon the above· de- I scribed 15 foot wide zone. This zone will be delineated in the fielq by our geologist during si t'e grading. I I I I I I 'I I 1-'" .I~ ,I:. I' ·1, I· Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding,the co~~ents contained herein. This opportunity to be of service is sincere'ly appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB., INC~ DES: jle §.eh, cc: (3) Submitted , . f, i ; . .1