HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-24; LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT 5, 6 AND 7; PRELIMINARY SOILS; 1969-11-07.' • , . :. , • • • • • .,- • EI81IEEIIft, (!.j 7:l-~ '-I £x/l-g;f il-;1-f/nC!/-kj BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD ' SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA SJ21H5 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT -CIVIL ENGINEER November 7, 1969 Rancho La Costa, Inc. Route 1, Box 2550 Encinitas, California 92024 Supiect: Gentlemen: Profect No. 69-9-8C Preliminary Soils Investigation La Costa South Unit Nos. 5, 6 and 7 East of the Intersection of La Costa Avenu~ and EI Cciotino Real San Diego County., California CONCLUSIONS !'tis concluded' from the field Investigation and laboratory test results that: SAN DIEGO: 1583-156154 LA MESA, 46SJ-1561S4 I.' . Generally, the natural soils existilll below the loose or soft surface soils are suitable for the safe support of ·the proposed fills and/or one anc! two story residential dweUilllS. H~wever, loose soils and porous alluvial deposits exist incertal n areas and these are quite . ~ompressible when saturated as evidenced by the resuHs of the load-consolidation tests performed on the 'upper samples from BorillJ Nos. 1, 7, and 10. It Is recommended that, prior to placirlJ filled ground, all compressible solis be ,removed as directed by the soils e~ineer and that the cQmpacted filled ground be placed on soils suitable fQr foundation s"lpport. Unsuitable materials should also be removed In shallow cut areas and replaced with filled·ground uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density • 2. It is concluded from the results of laboratory tests that the natural soils, suitable for structural support, have a safe beari~ capacity of at least 1560 pounds per square foot for one foot wide contl~ous footll'l:Js placed one foot below the firm undisturbed natural ground surface. The settlement of a one foot wide continuous fOotilllloaded to 1560 pounds per lineal foot and founded Qn suitable undisturbed natural soils is estimated to be less than 1/8 inch. 3. The results of the lab9ratory expansion tests indicate that certain of the clayey sandt sandy clay, and cl.ay soils encountered In the investigation WC)uld be considered as lIexpansive ll so'ils. Therefore, in order to avoid the use of specially designed footi~s and slabs,! it is recom- mended that, wherever practicable, ihe lIexpclJlslve II, soils be removed to a depth of 3 feet belo:w proposed finished grade and be replaced with nOhexpanslve soils uniformly compacted to at least 90 perce,nt of maximum dry density. In filled ground areas, all "expansive II solis should be placed at least 3 feet below the final compacted fill surface • I I .! • • • • • • • ". • '. ~---~-.-----------..::...:...-----:..- Profect No. 69-9-8C -2-November 7,1969 La Costa South Unit Nos. 5, 6 and 7 If "expansive" SOUl are allowed to remain in the upper 3 feet below finished grade~, then it Is r8commendf(! that foottrG$ ond slabs be specially designed. The required .spec'lal design will be ,dependent upon the degree of expanJion potential of the soil, the thickness of the layer, and the location of tee expansive layer with respect to the f90til'9s or do~erete slabs. The loti. requiri~ specially designed footl~s and slabs will be listed upon the completion of gradl~. ~. ' All of the soils may be satisfactorUycOl1lpacted in the fill areas and, when oom- pact8dlo~t least 90 percent of maximum dry densi ty I haveQ safe bearh~ capaci ty of at least . 2000 pounds .per square foot for one foot wide footi~s placed 1 foot below the compacted ground surface. The settlement of a one foot wide continuous footil'9 placed on fill soils uniformly compacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density is estimatea to be on the order of 1/8 inch • IJ is recommended that all soft,' loose, or compressible solis eX'isti~ In propQSed compacted filled ground areas be removed as required by the soils e~ineer and the compacted . filled ground be placed on firm natural soils. Recommenclati9ns for the placement of filled ground are presented in the attached "Standard Specifications for Placement of Compacted FtUed Ground/" Appendix A.A. 5. A. Prel1minary plans indicate that a cut of approximately 95 feet is to be excavated on the soutfJ .Ide of La Costa Avenue in the vicinity of Bori~ 14 and a cut of approximately 60 feet is pl.Qhned at Borill) 15. It is concluded from the field investigation and laboratory test data that these cuts should be on a slope ratio no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 verth:al . Relatively shallow cutl are planned on the lot areas on other portions of the subdivisions and these may be excavated on a 1 1/2 'horizontal to 1 vertical slope for heights not to exceed 35 feet. However, all cuts made In the clay, claystone, or silty claystone formational shniler to those encountered in Bori~s 14 and 15, should be excavated on a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. Inspection duri~ gradirG will determine where the flatter slopes may be required. B •.. The fill soils/when uniformty compacted to at least 90 percent of m~imum dry density in (1ccordance wi:th the approved specifications, wnJ be stable with an adequate factor of safety when constructed on a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope for heights up to 70 feet. The above conclusions assume that suitable erosional control and proper drainage will be provided to prevent surface water from runhirlJ over th, top of exposed slopes. 'If any soil types are encountered duril'9 the gradil'9 operation that were not tested in this investigation, additional laboratory tests will be conducted in order to determine their physioal characteristi'cs, and supplemental reports and recommendations will automatically become a ,part of the specifications. The data presented on the attached pages are a part of this report'. kespectfully submitted r -I ; . , j : ~ 1 1 BENTON ENGINEERING/INC. Revie --~---I By;tRe~ R. C. Remer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. i. • • • • • • • • '. • Project No. 69-9-8C -3-November 7, 1969 La Costa South Unit Nos. 5, 6 and 7 DISCUSSION A preliminary soils investigation has been completed on the propOJed La Costa South Unit Nos. 5, 6 and 7 located adjacent to Lei Costa Avenue east of EI Camino Real in San Diego County, California. The objectives of the investigation w.re to determine the existil1J soil conditions and physical properties of the soils in order that el1Jineeri~recommendatlons could be presented for the gradll1J and development of proposed buildil1J sites for residential type , , dwellt~s. In order to accomplish these objectives, fiFteen boril'lls were drmed with a tTuck- mounted rotary bucket-type drill rig, undisturbed and loose bag samples were obtained, and laboratory tests were performed on these samples • The proposed subdivisions are located on the south side of the valley extendil'll easterly from the Battqultos lagoon northeast of Encinitas, California. Unit No.5 is located partly on the gently slopil'll lowland area and partly on moderately slopillJ hillsides. Unit NQs. 6 and' 7 are located primarily on the higher land south of the steep slopil'll hillsides formil'll the south rim of the valley. The drai.nage on Unit Nos. 5 and 7 is primarily to the north while thed'rainage on Unit 6 is toward the west and southeast. Future drainage will be into the streets and storm drains • Accordi~ to the IISoil Mapll prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the upper soils in the lowland areas are described as San Marcos fine sandy loam and Botella loamy sand. The upper soils at the higher elevations are described as Huerhuero fine sandy loam and Carlsbad loamy fine sand with some areas of rough broken 'land. The major soil types encountered in the exploration bortl'llS, as classified accordil'll to the Unified Soil G:lassification Chart, Were sandy clay; clayey sand, silty sand, silty clay, clay,and sand. Field Investigation Fifte.n borlllJs w.re dril'led with a truck-mount.d rotary bucket-type drillri.g at the approximate locations shown on the attached Drawi~ No.1, entitled IILocation of T.stBori~s. II The borl~s were drilled to depths of 6 to 60 feet below the existl~ ground surface. A connnuous log of the soils encountered in the bori I'lIS was recorded at the time of drt II i IlJ and is shown in detail on DrawillJ Nos. 2 to 15, inclusive, each entitled "Summary Sheet. II The soils were visuall y classified by field identi fi c:ati on procedures in accordance' with the Unified Soil Classification Chart. A simplified description of this classification system is pre- sented In the attached Appendix A at the end'of this report. Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervals in the soils ahead of the drilHIlJ. The drop weight used for drivil1J the samplillJ tube into the soils was the "Kelly" bar of the drill rig which weighs 1623 pounds, cind the average drop was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field samplil'll are described under IISampli1lJ II in Appendix B. 'II,: :: • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. I. I '. ;. • • • •• • • ·Pf.o·ject No. 69-9-8C -4 .. Novem~r '7', .. 1969··· .. " .. \ 'LaCosta South Unit Nos •. 5; 6 and 7 Laboratory T e~ts Laboratory tests were performed on all undisturbed sainples of the soils in order to determine . . the dry density and moistur.e con"nt. The resul.ts of these tests are presen-.d on Drawl Jli Nos. 2 to 15, Inclusive. Consolidation tests were performed on representative samples in order to determine theload-settlement characteristics of the soils. Th. results of these tests are pre- sented on Drawi~ Nos. 16 to 21, inclusive, each entitled "ConsoUdatton Curves." In addition to .the above laboratory tests I expansion tests were performed on some of the clayey' soils encountered to determine their volumetric charGe characteristics with charge in moisture content. The recorded expansions of the samples are presented as follows : Percent Expansion Under Unt t Load of Depth of 500 Pounds per Square Boring Sample Sample, Soil Foot from Air Dry No. No. in Feet Descri pti on· to Saturc:djon :i • . 1 . 1 1.5-2.0 Fi ne sandy cI ay -0.12 (Sample Consol idated) 2 2 9.5-10.0 q ayey fi ne sand 5.60 2 Bag 3* 18.0;..19.0 Clayey fi ne to medium 8.26 sand 3 1 1.0-1.5 Fine sandy clay 0.45 '4 1 1.5-2.0 Fi ne sandy clay 7.65 8 Bag 1* 0-·1.0 ~Iayey very fine to 5.00 fine sand 8 Bag 2* 6.0-7.0 Fi ne sandy cI ay 7.75 9 1 1.5-2.0 Fi ne sandy cI ay 2.10 10 2 3.~-.4.0 Very fine sandy clay 3.55 13 2 3.5-4.0 Very fine sandy clay 1.31 14 Bag 2* 13.0;"14.0 Clay 13.90 ·15 10 48.5-49.0 Clay 4.06 * Indicates test sample compac~d to 92 percent of maximum dry density • The general procedures used for the precedirg laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. Compaction tests were performed on representative samples of the soils to be excavated to estaJ:»1 ish canpac:tion cr-iteria.1he sons were tested accordirg to d modified A.S.T.M. o 1557-58Tmethod ()f c;ompaction which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound. hamm~rdroppil1J 18 inches on each of 5 lay,rs ina 4 I nch diameter 1/30 cubi c foot mold. The resul ts of the tests are presented as follows : Borirg No • 1 2 Bag Sample 1 1 Depth In Feet 0.3-1.0 0-1.0 Soil Description Fine sandy clay Fine to medium sandy clay wi th scattered gravel BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 1'14.2 117.8 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 13.0 12.2 -., . , •• • • • • • • • • • • _.. .--_._--------------, Project No .• 69-9-8C La Costa South Unit Nos. 5, 6 arid7 Boril1J No. 2 .2 8 8, 10 12 14 14 14 Bag Sample 2 3 2 1 1 '2 3 4 Depth in Feet 7.0-8.0 18.0-19.0 0-1.0 6 .. 0-7.0 0-1.0 2.0~·3.0 13.0-14.0 36.0-37.0 54.0-55.0 -5- So.il (;)escription Clayey fine sand Clayey fine to medium sand Clayey very fine to fine sand Fff18 :sandy clay Silty fi ne sand Sihy fine sand with sonie clay binder Clay., Fine .tomedium sand wi th some clay binder Very nne sandy sUt ~nd silty clay 'Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 117.0 115.3 118.2 112. 1 117.9 113.0 . 109.0 117.0 . 118.2 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 11.5 13.0 11.9 15.0 . 11.5 . 13.5 16.6 12.1 12.2 In order better to classify the finer grained soils, Atterberg limit tests were performed on certain samples in accordance with A.S.r.M. Designgtions 0 423-61T and 0424-59. The results of these tests and the group<symbols, for the soils finer than the No. 40 sieve are presented as follows: . 8ori~ No. l 1 8 14 14 Bag Sanple No. 1 2 2 4 Depth in Feet 0.3-1.0 6.0-7.0 13.0-14.0 54.0-55.0 Soil Description Fine sandy clay ,Fine sandy clay Clay Sil ty clay Liquid Limit 44. 1 53.2 61.1 40.0 Plastic Limit 15.9 18.0 19.5 16.6 Plasticity Index' 28.Z 35.2 41.6 23.4 Group Symbol Cl CH CH -C1 Direct shear tests were performed on saturated and drained samples in order to determine the minimum arGle of Internal friction and apparent cohesion of the various soils. The results of the tests are presented Qn ,the Jollc,wi ~ :page. , . BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 1 1 !I ! 1 .1 i 1 J. 11 i , • Project No. 69-9-8C -6-November 7, 1969 La Coda South Unit Nos. 5, 6 and 7 A~le of Normal Shearil'G . Internal Apparent Load In Resistance Friction Cohesion • kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Degrees Ib/sq ft Borire 4, Semple 1 0.5 0'.89 24 660' Depth: 1.5-2.0 feet 1.0 1. 12 2.0 1.60 .' Boril'G 5, Sample 1 0.5 0.59 24 400 Depth,: 1 .5-2.0 feet 1.0 0.89 2.0 1.31 • Boril'G 13, Sample 1 0.5 0.81 29 530 Depth: 1.5-2.0' feet 1.0 1.47 2.0 2.03 Boril'G 14, Semple 3 0'.5 0.90 39 500 • Depth: 13.5-14.0 feet 1.0 1.31 2.0 3·. 11 Boril1J 14, Sample 10 0.5 1.36 28 1090 Depth: 48 .5-49.0 feet 1.0' 1.63 2.0 3.99 • Borll'G 15, Sample 6 0.5 0.86 29 580 Depth: 28.5-29.0 feet 1.0 1.36 2.0 1.93 :. Bod~ 8, Bag 2* 0.5 1.84 18 1670 Depth: 6.0 .. 7.0' feet 1.0 2.00 , 2.0 2.63 Bori I1J 10, Bag 1* 0.5 0.72 34 390 I-Depth: 0-1.0 feet 1.0 1.11 2.0 1.78 Borll'G 12 I Bag 1 * 0.5 0.64 41 210 Depth: 2.0-3.0 feet 1.0 1. 12 2.0 2.00 • 'It Indicates tests were performed on samples molded to 90 percent of maximum dry density. • • Bf;l:NTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • , ',. • -. ,;' • · " , . , ... ~-~ -> '-, • • • • -.-~-------' -------.--~--'---"'~---... -..;.~ ... 'Project N.o. 69-9-8C -7- -La 'COlta Sou,th U ni t Nos. 5 i 6 and 7 , ' :Unc:onfi,necl compression tes" were performed on representative sample. of the clay soils encountered in Borl,llls14 and 15. The tests were performed at field moisture content and the resul ts are presented' below: .. . ., Borlill Sampl'e No. No. 14 4 14 6 15 4 Oath p , in F.ee,t 18.5-19.0 28.5-29.0 18.5-19'.0 Cohesion Ib/sq ft. ( V2 Unconfined Compressive Stre~th) 5, 110 31880' 31 090 Usllll the lower valves of Inter~1 arvle of friction and apparent cohesion,. and the Terzaghi , Formula for local shear failure, the safe,allowable beari~ pressures for the sotls are determined QSfollows.: Local Shear Formula: Qld= 2/3 c N'C = Y Df N'q + y BN'y, Assumptions: ( 1) Canti'nuous footh"Q 1 foOt wide == 28 (2) Depth of footillJ = 1 foot = Df , 'U~i.sft!'rbed natural soils <P = 24° , c = 400 Ib/sq ft y :: 103 Ib/cuft , .,,4 N'c ;:14.5 N'q =6.5 N'y=2.8 : " Qld = (2/3 x 400 x 14.5 + 103 x 1 x 6.5 + 103 x O,.~ x 2.8) =.4,684 Ib/sq ft Q1d Safe = Qld -:-3 (Factor of Safety) = 1 ,56llb/sq ft . ~ ~. tFili soils cOn1pacted to 90 p!r~ent of maximum dry densi!>, c = 390 Ib/sq ft y = 1181b/cu ft 'N'C = 23.0 N'q = 13.0 ,N'y = 8.5 , Q\d = (2/3 x 390 x 23.0:+ 118 x·1 ~: 13.0 + 118 X ~.5 x 8.5) :;::,8,016 Ib/sq ft Q'd Safe = Q'd -:-3 (Factor of Safety) = 2,672 Ib/sq It BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ! ,j , , , , I J ! j I '1 I I j I l. t • • • • ,. i-I J [ .• I I, f i I, i' , ;. W I ~ \ < t Z I, I &Q \ 0 .... I. b ~ " ./' '-~'---:--------:~-:-::::-. "\:-i -.. -,-----'----:-:-.--~ .. ~. -.... --~-~---.. ---------.----" ~ -----~------------'-+..---"--~;, 1. . I,' ' -\, .''\ " -> ' , , , , >->-' .. ' 'SUMMARY SHEET ~ , ~!~ IX Ii: w..: I-.... ~' ~ W IX, -I'-.. ~~ ... W : .. , ' . w ..... e~~ Z ' ..... Z '" ::ew a..CIQ BORING 'NO. 1 w a.. ""'I-> w :;:) « ~~ QU 1-&&1' W i2 W"'J¥ ...... WI-~.! a.. I'-<:;:) f il:oe >-"'. ::e,'" w, "'Z iEUVATION 104' '" > ' ",-'" c:;a -I-~~ I¥ CIQ "'a.. e~ J¥ I'-w_ e ,"'" 'J¥ ~ ' .. '. Q _n,' 'v ~ 1 Ff G,ul ;:O,'Own 'SI fgh,tl WiOfst I i.,',-Loose to Medium Loose ' , 2 ~~ Yellow-b'rown With 'Milte Alkali FINE SANDY 0.8 15.6 95.9 \ P()ckets, Moist, LQOle ' CLAY , ,t, Z2~ \ Medium Firm , 21.1 17.4 106 .1 , ' \ ~ery Firm / '. , ,,' ' ' Ii 6-,-Gray With Yel,,,,w 'UIVWII and ~ Red-brown, Moist, Very Firm, 26.8 18.4 108.0 " ':' Fin~ Sandy CIClY Pockets, Alkali -,:. ,~' CLA YEY FI NE ' .. , Pockets" ~e, Cemented L:ayers, 0 ' , SAND . "" . " 10 to 15 Percent Gravel Fr9Rl 6.5 ,~, , " .. '" . " to 8.0 Feet, Few ,Gravel to In. .' , " 3 Inches, Below 8.0 Feet v \ BORING NO. 2 ~ " " ELEVATION 92' ; , , ~ ..., II Dark Gray, Dry, Loose, TO to ,-. 15 Percent Gravel to 31nches" FINE TO MEDIUM' . I'll Cobbles to '5 Inches SANDY CLAY Ii. I"j ,~ . . -/ 8. 1 16.6 100.6 Yellow-brownfWilh1Gra~1 ': FINE SANDY A, Mofst,Flrm, Scattered Gravel CLAY, ' ,.' \ and Rock Fragments to 2 Inches ! ". "-(Meraes) '. " ',' Gray, .Molst" Very firm, 6-~ CLAYEY FINE \ Scattered, Gravel 10' 3 Inches, . --'-, Cobbles to 4 Inches SAND ./ : ~. ~2~ 0-~ G.ray with Red-brown, Moist, GRAVELLY Very Firm, 15 to 20 Percent CLAYEY FINE 9:4'03, 1(} .;{2w Gravel to 3 Inches I CQbbles to SAND 26.0 16.3 109 .1 , ,. . . ,. 5 Inches .. . ~ .' '. , ~ ',' 11\ ~ Gray with Red-brown, Moist, ;(fRAVELLY ,I Very Arm, 15 'to· 20 Per~ent CLAYEY FINE TO' w •• ., Gravel to 3 Inches, 'Co~bles M!iDIUM SAND ... ~ ,..' :~ .. ~,,' to S Inches":~ ',7', I' CQnti nued on Drawi ~ No. 3 , , .. '.0· -Indicates Lo~. Pa9'.~ample , 0 Indicates Undisturbed Drive Sc;rnple , :-, * -The elevations presented herein were obtained from the contours shown on the tentative map of Lq CostQ Southprepared by Mcintire & Quiros, Inc. - PR,OJECT. NO. ' BENTON \ -DRAWING NO, '69-9-8C f ~NGJNE~RING, INC. 2 .. , . I I i i ! I ! j I I j ----~ -----.--~----- ~. -. \ ' SUMMARY SHEET" ,~ w~ ...I.W :z;t-o;ca BORING NO. 2 (Cont.) t-Hi ~~ a.u. <::;), ,W ."z -'.' l, Q • ~ ... , .... J" Grarwlth ~li 'ruwn Moist l I· •• -•• --V,ry Firm, ' to 20 Percent ~ ---;:-GRAVELLY 16-Gravel to 3 Inches, Cobbles to CLA YEY FI NE TO 10;: 8 I nches I 4 I nch Sandstone I • -;--;-MEDIUM SAND -... Layer at 14 .0 Feet t··· .~ • 18 p ., ••• 1~3r.---20~ 20 to 30 Percent Gravel to !\ 3 Inches l Cobbles to 8 Inches ( :'. " / :, .. " Highly Cemented SANDSTONE • BORING NO. 3 -0 • 0(.1 L(,) . ~ .... .-c ::> .. -:E 5 CoIl .e ~ • .9 0 ..c ELEVATION 46' n' - v _~"Brown,. Dry, Loose S'IL TY FI NE SAND ) 2 ~ "~. Brown, Moist, Firm, 15 to 20 GRAVELLY FINE \ Percent Gravel to 2 Inches SAl'JOV"CLA Y · 1\ · .. A .'-.. Dark Gray and Brown, Moist, CLAYEY FINE td2)± Very Firm, with Alkali Streaks SAND -~'. · ... J. '.' .. '" Dark Gray with Red -IoIIY"", · . ~ Moist, Very Firm, Fine Sandy CLAYEY FINE 's:l ~ Clay Pockets., 4 Inch Fine to SAN.D --.. ~ Coarse Sand Layer at 8.0 Feet -· .. . u' c ~ 10' . . \ Yellow-brown, Clay Chunks J , r. -j. I i. W ~ < Z I, IlQ I' 0 ~ • PROJECT NO. 69 ",9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " >-" ...: :~ i~ I~~~ w, oQ > . _ t-~~ a.: u. C 9.7 8.4 21. 1 6.8 17.9 6.4 )0 • 't-t-JI,I' -u. "~~ i . W ::;) « Q~ ~~~ )0 iii IlIC ca Q ...I 107.C .' 110.6 106.2 ' - DRAWING NO • 3 ,----~l- I i -I I I I I ,. 1 t . , ::. ,:':' , ,,,'*-i' ~ , , .' -~,~,*",~"",;"t;. "";:"; ," ~/"j ' .. _: "-;--;-:~\:"':' ._ ~ , .~ 1,' ';, ~. , ,.' " SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO._....;;;'4L-- ELEVATION >-' .. .r. )00, • !oJ",:. ~'...:"''''' '~ ~' , :~ ;a ~ Z VI Q:::;) "'::1 w Co ool ....... ~ u wS2!:!!~ct ....... :> .t..I.·OO)-VI ~"tr =e~ Qt:.:: 9 Q' ' r--O-b .. :~:':~:.:,~' .. : :hG:nrClwY:-:-/1Dirry~to;!S)TilliQ9~htitrlyv' NM[Ooir;st~i-I--;;F~JN~' E~S~A~N~D;;'y;-I~I--I-r--I~·".'~::4 .: .... ::: loose, Firm· Below 0.5 Foot ( CLAY .5-" 1 9 109 -. it 2 I~P?:¥I\ Shri,nkage Cracks to 1.0 Foot j 6.' J..o , ':':~; : ... : ... .: " Gray-b'':own Moist/Firm, V~ry' FI NE SANDY , :,:~ 4 tff'2J± Firm Below 3.0 Feet CLAY ,9.7 11.B 107.6, , t::~ ::,::::::: Red-btown'J~ ~;(":'~:'1 ~"~"~"~"----------~~--~~--~----~r-~~4---r-~--4 6 ~(~: Brown, Moist, Very Firm _~"!/7" ....... ~ • 'a.'· ....... -.. CLAYEY FINE SAND .. :. ..... . ,~ ........ .. . ... .' ... .o'" 10 .... BORING NO. 5 --- ELEV A TI ON 122' ---........ -0- FINE SANDY CLAY ::.':.:: :: Gray, Dry, Loose, ~hrtnkage ~fdE Cracks to 1.0 Foot, Moist and 2 ... '.'" Medium Soft Below 0.5 Foot ... \ _ ',' . L.. _______ ~ ___ -+~ ___ --~ __ ~ Brown(Molst, Medium loose, 4-~p . . . .. orous ....... -j:-.:...::....: •• ~ 8---: ;.:: .• . ...... .. .. i ... CL.A YEY FI NE SAND INTERBEDDED 9.7 B.8. 107.0 1.6 13.2 97.3 ··1.6 io.o 93.0 2.4 18 .~ 90.0 ".:: ~:::.~; Yellow-brown and Brown, .1o-~ Moist, Very Finn FI NE SANDY 1 9 8.9 18 •. 99. CLAY AND .......... :. ...... 12-""",,' .... "--=-:.-'1 ~ ... '. I'I'!"!'. Id* ••• 1 A-..p.~,-,. .::....:-'.-.4 "t' IIW.. ·CLA~Y FINE SAND LAYERS . .. ~ . ~ ,.~~ ',' \ " " :, . , " " '~''i. . .' ,;1 ~~P-R~9-JE-C-T~N·O-.--~--------------~----~--~----~-'-------~r-~O~RA~v~~t~N~.G~N:O~ .. ~:1:·;ip 69.-9,-BC ..' ~ENT~!,! •. ~GIN~~~~~'I.~~:<'. '.,y .. <.~ .... ~, " .<'~: .~;~ •. :,'-~ ,;, ":,t:·"::. , .~.::~:".-.• ~ ,~~f, :, ... ,;r~~_;·}~~'_~;:L:~*~f~~·!~"~:t~.;~·· _~:..:~.~_._~~ .. L;t_~ ;'A};,,:~,:_~ ,~ " ~:~~~ , '-. 'I. _ ... :;..l... ••• " ·-r",. • • • • -0 1 o It') l! 'c :::::> • -:e. 6 I. ! . ! I i I I' f. I L en .E ~ .!:f o ..c J ~ :tti .... w D.r.&. w Q SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 6 ELEVATION 232 I Gray with Red-brown, Slightly Moist, Medium Firm, Firm Below 1.0 Foot ---Gray I Moist, Very Firm -'--______ ~ Sit TY VERY FI NE Gray with Red-brown TO FI NE SAND 10.5 12.0101.9 16.2 7.6 109.7 14.6 6.0 105. FINE TO MEDIUM SANDSTONE ~~~-4---+---+-~ ~------------------~~~----~~~~ PROJECT NO. 69-9~C BENTON SILTY VERY FI FINE ENGINEERI~G~ INC. 9.7 9.3 103. 1 DRAWING NO. 5 )~,~ -.}: . ,-<I:,..::! .1:,,""" • . '} ':,~ n ...... . '~':'" . ' " ,.' . {<-, ,,' ~;';:'r ' ... t..l,>.!:," .{:~,~J.-: _' , , .... ' " >->-'.SUMMARY SHEET C> ~. W"..: I-:-: ~ &J.. ' CI: ~ Vi 14. 'W " o.:;);:iiO Z :i z II'l BORiNG NO, .. Z w ~ ""'1-)-w u i2 !::l~l:I:: 'ZI '" w u..O·Q "" 2Q,?' ,. ~ >-ELEVATION .~ ~~ 0.:: ton !.I.. Q ..... Q ~-0~~-~-~-~-~.~L-i9~h-t-B-ro-w-n-,~b-r-y--t~~~$~i·-Ig'~h~tl-Y'--~~C-LA--Y-E-Y--FI-N-E~-~---+---;- :~:: Moist, Medium Loose,. Porous, SAND 2-~~i\Some Small Roots ....:~. Gray, Moist, Medium Loose, 4_~1)....2.,. ,. .~orous, Some Roots, Scattered ~9" ~. Grave! to 3 Inches, Cobbles to -~. ••• Inches SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND / 1.6- , ,~-., 9 8 9 1 4·-I-~-+---i ~'~~ . . '. " ,.:;~ . .' .',- 19.5 12.4 107.6 ". " , 6-~·":::: Gray, With Red,..brown, Moist, . _ ,." _ "0,. Very Firm ~ 8 ~ 3 ~ 35.4 B.8 106.5 .' '.'~ ... ,;; --J:~;""::':'~ _____________ -J,. ________ L.::':=-=-:...L."';::"'~~::"'::"::...L---'-"""'-'-' . ::' BORING NO. 8 ---- ELEVATION 255' .----- 14.6 14.7 105.0 . !,:, '.. ~ '~ '~;': , .,~ .:" ., .'to--! -!: " ,..' .. ' .",~ ,,'. " ~) ~ . ;,~, '" • •• .; ,., . 5 ,. '~' _~~~:~-;;,~- ! 6·' ~:.:;, .. '.:. ',' ,)~~: Gray with Yello~-brownl Moist, Very Fi'tni" BORING NO. \,/, ." SfLTY FINE SAND FINE .SANDY CLAY AND CLAYEY FINE SAND . SIL TV VERY FI NE TO FINE SAND 10 237' -SilTY FINE I 8. 1 12.4106.9 4.9 13,.4' 97 .2 ~9 .5-1-9.8 104. • /. .. -' - : .' " " j '. I 1 -, j "1. j l I , ! '/ I I f SAND 1.0 8'05 86.8 73--.6 1 1 VERY FINE SANDY CLAY (Memes) CLAYEY VERY FINE SAND BORI NG NO. _1;....1_ ELEVATION ~ t'?~~Brown, Dry, Loose 214' SILTY FINE SAND " " :2-~~B G' nd Y, II b' -...... ,:,.:... rown, . ray a e ow· rown, CLAYEY FINE -SAND AND FINE -:':~'.::~::-:.':: SI 'gh tly Moist to Moist I Very 19.5 19.9 105. t , - " 26.0 15.0 103. 1 / 8. 1 11. 1 109.9 ~~I\ Firm ,j -.~ L!ght Gray, Mo'fst, Very : ,: . SANDY CLAY /27.6 13.8 111.0 ' .. . '. . ' .. '~ . 6 ~,~~ . ., -. SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND . 1"",-, ',,, " , I . """ '. ! SI;NTONENGINEERIN.G, 'INC. DRAWING NO. -7 .,! , j : ,- , " ... : ' . .. " ~-I l • I " ' I • • -0 '. "i, I • ! • 0' Il') • I 0 Z I ~ f '. 0-C' I , :::> t ~ : ,i: r. 5 V) R r 8 i. u. I ..9 [ \ 0. J! ' I 8 l . ~ I '. I I i It i ! .• t·· • SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.. '12 ELEVATION, 2181 ;. y. ~, '. row~1 ry I '005e , 1-0. ~'. B' 0 l ' -:~ Sllghily Moist, M.!dlumLoote, 2':-~ \With Claxey FIne Sand Between ~ ~tr!¥.~ l.O and 1 .5 Feet '~x~'r. ~. UghtGray, Yellow-brown and 4-:%'~ Brown, Moist, Very Firm, Clay -:'.. \ Seams 't • 6 '. . , ' LIght Gray with Red-brown Streaks BORINGS NO 0 ,,8 i ELEVA nON ,221' o '~ .. } 1 ": Br~w~, Dry to Snghtly Moist, -. . .,Loose, . 2 0:.:,. 1 .. li.:, th db' 'SI· h I ' ........... Gray wi .Re ~,rown, ,19 t Y .... '.... M· \,1" Fi _ .... : ..... , Olst, .v.ery rm ~l"I:.:W. 4"~~~ .. ~. ;·0" ...... . ~~ •••• • Gray with YeHow-brown, 6-~jq.. Moist, Very Firm _r-. :...~) 8 >.(31) , " 1 ' I SILTY FINE SAND SILTY FINE SAND ' 11.4 9.2106.9 94.5 27.6 10.5 10.7.9 ! 9.7' 17. 1-10.5 •. fH-~--+---1 VERY FINE '.: SANDY CLAY ":'21. 1 16.2 10.7.8 . SILTY VeRY FINE TO FINE, SAND 35.4 12.0107.0', DRAWING NO. PROJECT NO~ 69-9-8C. BENTON ENGINEERiNG, INC. S .' L-;........'!'""". ,, __ ....I.-_~ ___ ..... _______ -.-.;.---J..,..;;..----- ',' , I. , -~4"-'-~""--"-.... •• • • • ~- 06 ~ ,a/! • 'c -:::> -:E !:) . ! ~-m SUMMARY SHEET , 'x ... AoCiD ... 1&1 ~~ BORING-NO. Aolf 1&1 '" z -Q ELEVATION Light Brown, Moist, Medium ..... '-. -. Firm .......... -... -\ " ...... : .. . \J ::::: Light Brown, Moist, Medium ~ f:t:01± Firm to Loose, Porous .qr-: ~: : .. e-••• .. .. . .. . ,., . . ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . ,l. ••••• .., ..... . . ~ ... f.-U.j~ rl---"';""';""-1 0-::::: o 1-----'--', ..... h F.\2H 7 ••••• ....... ....... '" ..... . h,.. .... . .......... .......... .. . .. 14 2Q~'- FINE SANDY CLAY CLAYEY FINE SAND 3 .2 10.6 98.4 2.4 12.0 91.2 .. j ~ .-1 '-- I '1 j ~ · ~ .9 ,. , ,~ . I l"lH.;...· .;..;; .• ....;. • ..., •. !---:--_________ -l---'-_____ +-'--+--+--'---+---.-l---=--I " -,-.... 1---"" Olive-green , Moist, Very .. , ....... • • 1&.1 ~­ 'I( Z aD o ""t 1't 1S 1--_-1 16 1---..., 17--lo---I Firm, Dips Down 24° to N 35° W' '--~-- Varies and Merges to Ql.t:.ve- brown, Thin Silt Lenses CLAY Conti nued on Drawl ~ No. 10 PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 1 1..4 24.0 93. 1 84.7 DRAWING NO. . 9'. j " 1 I I I I t _ . ___ "" ________ ............. _______ --' . ..-.1 i r· -,-t ) • '. • •• • -0 "'S 0 &l') ~ .-c ::> -sa !:) c8 .e '~ .s • •• ,e • .' .'" ~ • < z CG o "'t ! , :z: ... ... Hi .. IL. U. .Il0l Q SUMMARY SHEET' BORING' NO. 14 (Cont.) ')0- 2 t:' ",":'~ t: Ilol t:'...... :' So. -.. ~ lit U '0 '-~ ! ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~!Sic~1 >'" :w: ii: S Q >-eli ~!t:!;;;-8'xo ..: u. ... ~ Q ... ' ~ ii2 tl,< ' _ ... -c ..: CG . IIt.IL. ... o~~ Q <. ~8~'--~~~--~~~---t~--~---+~r-~--r--r-' I-----l Oltve-brown, Moist I Very 19-~ Firm, Thin Silt Lenses 21-1----1 22--,-, 'r------l 23 Contains Clayey Fine to Medium -Sand Lenses 24-~ 25--""_-1 CLAY (Conti nued) 13.0 26.4 96.3 8803 25·.8 10. t 104.1 26~~~~--~--~--~-----+----------~---+--~--T---r-~ I-I-r~ Oltve-green, Moist, Very J-.-~ Firm . ,2Y-t-L.....-I.M I 2fr I I 29-Y, 3o-fI-oI---..', I....! -I--.-.r.........jl .. , I 32~, I .J;..,..~I....! LIght Ollve-gray 33-~_"",11-t 1 LIght Brown., Moist, Very Firm CLAYSTONE SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Conti nued on Drawi III I\b. 11 PROJECT NO, 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 44.1 12.8 106.8 DRAWING NO. 10 ,- • • • '. LU ~ < z co 0 .... • --~-.~ .. ---_ ... _. ~-, -, --_ .... ~ .-.. ~-.---~ -." , ~.' ~ SUMMARY SHEEr BORING 'NO. 14 (Cont.) Il' , -vv .~:~~{D~~~ L!ght Brown, Moist, Very 37-'::':-:''''::':':; FIrm, Slight Clay Binder lti.Hl .-' 38-.. : ..... :.~::. '. ~:-: .. ':.: 39-r@t. 4o-:?k< . :t~%?:~ 41-::'::;':-:':-:':~' FI NE TO MEDIUM 45.4 8.2 106. 1 SAND 90.8 42-iJJ~·1: :-i:)":'{~4J -0-1 j-ve--b-ro-w-n-, -M-o-is-t-, -V-e-ry-, _-f ___ --~_I_4-=-.:1:..::..=-6 r::6:",:, • .=.Sf1-.:;12=.;.:..;:0,.' ~-::t" ----1 Fi rm I Conta~ tDi ps Down ~~~', 45-,...-, I'--~ 50, S 350 E , : :.:, 47-~------1 48·--1-------1 49-KID- 50 ~~ Oltve-gray, Moist, Very 51-~' Firm , 52 1/ // Olive-gray, Iv.\otst, Very Firm I'174{.j' ~ I .-•• CLAY VERY FI NE SANDY' SILTSTONE (Meroes) . ALTERNATE LAYERS OF SILTY CLAYStONE AND' VERY FINE SAND) SILTSTONE :53-1 5" : 11 , ~ , (~;mti nued. ~n, Drawl I1J No ~ 12 , , " PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, '-. INC. 25.8 19.8 106.2 '5704 10.0 127.S " DR~~ING NO • J 11 J I " • 2 ~ ..9 • 0 ..c • • • • • u c ~ III ~ « z a:J 0 ..., l: '~m :z::1U A.CG 1-", ~~ A.u. o(~ '" "'Z Q SUMMARY SHEET' BORING'NO. 14 (Cont.) y' V / Y Olive-gray, Moist I Very Firm ALTERNATE LAYER OF SILTY CLAYSTONE AND '. AND':VERYFINE ' \ 'SANDY: / / 5~' / A .... ~J 56c~ '. 57--~-·.~~. - 58- ... -.... ." .. . " : PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C SILTSTONE (Continued) BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 7802 13.8 11909 D~AWING NO. 12 • • • • • • • • .' • 0() ~ I() i .... .-c :::> = ~ s 8 .9 0 .s::. g ~ UI =e. e( z Ill' o .., ! UI-..,UI :cti a.. III t-UI =e=e a.. 10&. ~i UI Q SUMMARY SHEET BORING' NO.-.!a15~_ ELEVATION 1841 1--0 Brown 'and Gray, Moist, Loose , . .. 1-" . . Firm . ,' . 2 :: : :: Very Firm · .... 3 · .... · .... · .... r. 5 :::: :'Ught Brown, Moist, Very Firm, · .. : Occasional Silty Fine to 6-::: :/' : :'::v Medium Sand Layer 7-::~ I~ l~) 8 S :? Ei'2f; 9 . • . :: ~ ~ 10-• .' . -: .: ~CI~ ___ -'-____ _ 11-~J1Ig.hllY ..sillY J'lne ..Sond_ -12.:.1t/j,;:~~.~~·i7i;i.ti;;~ff ty - . . t:-. \.Flne..SIDlIi. - - - -~ - 13 ..... \:.::.:.:.:.:\.:~ L Sandstone , . CLAYEY FINE SAND ALTERNATE LAYERS OF CLAYEY FINE SAND AND SILTY FINE SAND 13.0 11.5 112.7 8. 1 11..1 109. 1 {:~'?:::':, Light Gray, SI ightly Moist to 14-'~~®.} Dry; Compact ,Some Clayey _ :":'::':::::':"::" Fine to Medium Sand Lenses 15 ':.:.:.:.:.:::':'. I FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 13.0 8.3 110.5 -1----1 Light Olive-green, Moist, 1----1 Very Firm, Approximately 16-. Level Contact CLAY -1-----1 17' -I-----l -tf 21:: .18:.....1--....1 PROJECT NO. .. ~69'!'!9-8C Continued on DrawifG No. 14 BENTON· ENGINEERING, INC . DRAWING"NO. 13 • • • • -0, 06, It') '. ~ J!! 'c :J ,*, .-·-5 V) R,' 8 u o -J o • -0' e ~ • • • 'W ~ « z IICI 0 .., • SUMMARY SHEET - BORING 'NO. 15 (Cont.) +-.,.....--1 Cemented Nodules to 24.6 Feet, , 24 K5r Glassy Fractures From 23.7 Feet 1----1 to 26 .0 Fee t 26-t::::j-=-:-:--------~ J-_~ Olive-green 1----1 Glassy Fractures to 31.5 Feet 30-1------1 3} 1--------1' , Light Olive-,Green 1---- 33-i---~ 'IlA. FCi)-'v " .' Il"; ,1----1 Vo.I 1----1 36- CLAY (Conti nued) Conti nued on Drawi ng No. 15 PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 22.8 18.7] 10.0 33.3 18.3 117.9 , 35.8 14.9 115.9 47.2 16.8 116.1 DRAWING NO. 14 • • '. • -0 06 to • 0 )i 0 Z • ... 'c :::> -:E j 0 V) .2 • 8 u .9 0 ..t: . u c ~ • • • • UI ~ oil( :z a:I 0 .., • SUMMARY SHEEr -- BORING-NO. 15f.cont.) 'lL - -..,.., 1----1 Light Olive-green, Moist, 1----1 Very Firm, Formation Appears 37-p..1--_ -_--,-1-1 Uniform and Very Stable Below _t=::~ 36.0 Fee t 38-1--___'-1 39-:-®- 4 41-I 42 43 ~. 44-crv:: OccQSional Pockets and Lenses of Clayey Fine to Medium Sand and Fine to Medium Sandy Clay 45- 46- 47 48 49-r-w-- 50- 51- Some Merging Fine Sandy .52 Claystone L~nses 53- 5A~1)- CLAY (Cooti nued) BENTON ENGINEERt'NG, INC. PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C 54.5 -1-1.5 122.5 60.0 16.4 117.0 59.7 12.5 119.8 89.510.8 128.2 pRAWINGNO. 15 I I t-___ • CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN .KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT • (9.2 0.4. 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 .16 BOril1 r----Samp e 1 r-... Der: th 21 . 1 r---1--r---.. • r-. t-t-2 ~ ~ 3 • 4 I en en IIJ , z 5 . ~ "" () , • ::r: I- 6 IIJ ~ Q. :I e 7 en • -0 II. '"B 0 " I-8 to Z l! IIJ () ·c 0: 9 r\. ::J LIJ \ no • -= I :;) ~ z 10 g \ .2 l-e g 2 r-----.. 1\ ~ u 5:11 " ~ -1--\ z t-_ .-.J 0 I--• 0 () f-.., I--1"-..s:: 12 t----u --.. r-J c I---~ 13 • • It:" IIJ :I e Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture z 0 CD • Indicates percent cansol idati on after saturati on 0 ., • PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 16 . .. • CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT • 0°·2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0. 2 4 6 8 10 16 ,I Borirg 3 Sample' 1 . I 1 -Dp.ofhl .5 1 Note: Sample may have • been distu'rbed due to gravel. 2 3 • -c c( 4 '\ ~ VI .I!i VI ] 1&1 -'-z 5 .. .... ,lIC: \ ~ () • :%: r\ j .... ....... 6 -f- .~ 1&1 r---I--...... \ ..J r---___ 0.. .2 t-- C C( 7 - c VI -&I.. • 0 0 1 .... ~ Z 1&1 () ~ 0 1&1 Bofi~ 5 0.. • I -Sample 1 'z Deoth 21 . 0 1 j: - C( 9 ..J 0 2 VI r----~ z 1"---0 • () r--1'-- 3 r--r-1----___ l\ I----4 • 5 -.. 1&1 2 C( Indicates percent consol idation at Field moisture z 0 CD • Indicates percent consol idati on after saturati on 0 ., • PROJECT NO. -DRAWING NO. 69-9-8C SENTON , ENGINEERING T INC. 17 - • CONSOLIDATION CURVES ,. LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT, 0°·2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8, 10 16 Borirg 5 i'----I---SamRle 2 1 r---Der:lth .ci l r---t--:--. I-~ • 2 I ! I i 3 ~ • -0 -. 06 4 \ L() CJ) l\ " CJ) ~ 0 1&1 Z z 5 :lie: \ .... (;) • '2 :x: -- :::> I- -£ 6 1&1 :> ..J 0 0-Il') 2 .e el CJ) 8 • U IL C 0 .oJ . 0 I- ..c z g 1&1 U ~ 0: 1&1 0-• I z 52 I-el !2 ...I 0 CJ) z • 0 u • - •• . 1&1 2 el Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture z 0 CD • Indicates rercent consol idati on after' saturati on 0 .., • PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING I INC. 18 . , . , • CONSOLIDATION CURVES • lOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0°·2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 , Boring 7 1 1~~~fie2' 1 ~ • 2 '\ 3 1'\ - \ • ~ 4 \ en -.0 en • 1&1 06 z 5 tr) lIi: i\ 0 •• J!! , . x .-. l-e 6 1\ ::::> \ -:E 1&1 ...J 6 0.. 1\ 2 Vl 4 7 en .2 f\ • s ~ u 0 r-. ..9 l-S \~ z O· 1&1 ..s: 0 u 0:: 9 e !AI \ ~ 0.. • I ~ 10 \ I-4 0 ~11 en \ z • 0 u 12 ,. 1\ 13 \ • 14 \. 1\ 15 ,'-\ • ---,.. 1&1 16 2 ,4 Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture z a CD. • Indicates percent canso I idati on after saturati on 0 i. ." PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 69-9-8C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 19 • • • .. • • • • • • • -0 <16. LO . 0 Z .... ·C :J -= j 0 Vl .e s u ..9 0 ..c 0 c ~ IIJ Z '" Z ID o .., 0°·2 1 ~ ~ 2 3 4 I/) I/) IIJ Z S x Co) ::J: ... 6 IIJ oJ 'Q. Z '" 7 I/) ~ 0 8 ... z IIJ Co) '0: 9 IIJ Q. I 210 ... '" 0 ~ 11 I/) 'z 0 Co) 12 13 PROJECT NO. 69-9-8C CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0. 2 4 .6 8-1O 16 Bori~ 10 Satnp e 1 Cerlth 21 "" "" r'\. '\ \ 1\ \ T\ ~ \ \ \ \ \ '-\ 0 Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture • Indicates percent consol idati on after saturati on DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 20 -, • CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KiPS PER SQUARE FOOT , -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 " F==. _ Boring 10 -~ -I--Bgg No, 1 1 I--::::-------Depth: 0-11 -~ t--Remolded to • ~ "90% of Maxi- 2 Imum Drv Densit 3 • 0 Bori I'll 12 II) --. " II) -I-----Bag No. 1 '" lAI -r-t--. >--Depth: 21-21 ~" Z 1 ¥ -~ ~ Remolded to -0 " • ::s:: -"' t--90% of Maxi-.. l-I.() 2 mum Dr' Densitv t! lAI 'c ..J ::> 0.. :I -= 4 3 5 II) ". en Ii. .e 0 "III· o· I-U Z lAI 0 " ..... 0: ., lAI 0 0.. • ..c I g z ~ !2 I-'" CI ::i 0 II) z • 0 " • .., • . lAI :I 4 Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture z 0 CD • Indicates percent consol idati on after satlJratj·on 0 ""lI I-PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 69-9.:.aC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 21 • • • • • • • • • • ) • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIl. ENGINEER TEI.EPHONE (714) 5615·191515 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND 1. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal strength in fi lied ground by proven eng ineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, th~ spreading, and compaction of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and slop~s as shown on the accepted plans. 2. The owner shall employ a qualified soils engineer to inspect and test the filled ground as placed to verify the uniformity of compaction of filled ground to the specified' 90 percent" of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and sharI have the authority to reject the compacted filled ground until such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the sp.ecifications. It shall be the sole responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Clearing, Gr·ubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other- wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected by draining or removal, or both. - (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6"), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fi II shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the eleva"! tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The sons engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of'slope. • • • • • APPENDIX AA -2- (d) After the natural ground has been prepared, It shall then be brought to the proper mois- ture content and compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density, In accordance with A.S 0 T oM. 0-1557-70 method that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 411 diameter cylindrical mold of a 1/30th cubic foot volume. 3. Materials and Special Re uirements. The fill soils shall c~>nsist of select materials so graded at at least 40 percent of t e material passes a No.4 sieve 0 This may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixing soils from one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from vegetable matter, and other de- leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater thai16 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown on the plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during grading operations, soils not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests qn these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these ~peciflcations. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade,subbase, and base materials for roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. • 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. • • • i. I • (a) The suitable fill material shal I be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not exceed six inches (6 11). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throug'hly mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the soil~ engineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. (c) When the moisture content of the fi II material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satis- factory methods unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer. , (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. D-1557-70 modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design that they wi II be able BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • .: . " • APPENDIX AA - 3 - to compact the fi II material to the specified densl ty. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content.' Rolling of each layer sheill be continuous over Its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to !nsure that the desired density has been obtained. The entire areas to be filled shall be compacted. (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers, or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too qense for planti~ and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soli on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes In increments, of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods producing, satisfactory resul.ts. (f) Field d~nsity tests shall be taken by the soils engineer for approximately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, 'but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. Field density tests may ~e taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if required by the soils e~i neer. The location of the tests in plan shall be so spaced to , give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than' 100 feet. Te~ts shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet In elevation gain. The sons engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compacti on. Where sheepsfodt rollers are used r the tests shall be taken in the ~om­ pacted material below the disturbed surface. 'No additional layers of fill shall be'spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. ,(g). The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6 11) compacted layers} as specified ,above, untfl the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. 5. Inspection. Sufficient lrispection' by the soils engineer sheill be maintained during the filling and compacting operations so that he'can certify-that the fill was constructed in accordance wi th the accepted sped fi cati ons . 0'. ,Seasonal Limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if weather conditions increase the moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is interrupted' by 'r~in, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer' i'ndicate, that ,'the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. 7. .Limiting Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those soils that expand 2.5 percent'or less From , air dry to saturation under a uni t load of 500 pounds per square foot are considered to be, ',nonexpansive. 8. All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions II section of the attachecUeport are a, part of these specifications . BEN'TON ENGIN.E~RING. INC. " .' ',. • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 .PHILIP HENKING BENTON '''''ESIDIINT • CIVIL ENGINI!:ER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (714) 15615.191515 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOil DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS MOre than half of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 C LEAN GRAVE LS sieve size but smaller GRAVE LS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is . smaller than No.4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) . II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. ** SILTS AND CLAYS liquid limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Li mit Greater than 50 '-11 • HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML Cl Ol MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded' gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly gr~ded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, .little or no ffnes. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt. mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-c lay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines • Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. :Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. InorganiC silts and very fine ·sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand. mixtures with sl ight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- tic ity, grave lIy c lays, sandy clays,. silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity • Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorgan'ic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic c lays of medium to high'.' plasticity Peat and other highly organic soils. * A~opted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, 1952. All sieve sizes on this chart are U.S.· St<?ndard. . . . . ** i • • • • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON PIIE81DII:NT • CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 TELEPHONE (714) 561$.1951$ APPENDIX B The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. ' ,The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cutting' tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being, still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the fie'ld',moisfure until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests are mad~ without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the po int of sampl ing. In some instances, samples are sheared under va'rious normal loads in order to obtain the internal ang Ie of friction and cohesion .• Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moistL!re conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of so i I as it comes from the fie Id. Loads are app I ied in several increments to the upper , surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the sample until the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the read}' addition or release of water. Expansion Tests • One inch high samples confined In the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 1050 F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit 'load of 500 pounds per, . ,square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample'~ Water ,is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous, observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded ,and expansion' • is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less than :1/10000 inch per hour. ' . £''''£EII.·. ~ ~(!.r-7:l-d</ '1 .'1 '1 INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT I' 6280 Riverdale St .•. San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 283-6134 I "LL REPORTS "RE SUBMITTED "S THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CO'NCLUSIONS, OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. '1 FILENo: M 9151 JOB:. DATE: November 23, 1970 I AOORESS: . OWNER: Wiley Brothers Trans it Mix -Standard Mix ARCHITECT: MIX DESIGN No. W-7'i-i ,1, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: 1 1 1 I 1 MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 2,000 MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 7.2 PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack CEMENT FACTOR: 5 • a Sacks/Cu. Yd. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3-4 Inches' GRADATION: Sieve Size 1 1/2~ock 1" Rock 2" 1%" 100.0 100.0 1" SA" %" %" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: 36.0 4.0 2.90 . I' I I I Cement 5.0 Sack Water ~total) 10-..:::1:..<..,/_2_' __ Rock 36.0 Gals. 1 I 1:-.'...,..' .,.....".... __ ._Rock 3:....:./_4=-'_' ___ Rock W.C. Sand 20.0 25.0 15.0 40.0 'I PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT:_158 .4 Lbs./Cu.Ft. NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any free moisture must be con· I sidered as part of total water. Icc: (6) Submitted ,I % % % % 97.0 35.0 5.0 4.0 2.90 2,000 PSI l 1/2" AGGREGATE SOURCE: S.b. Consolidated Pa1a Plan.t CEMI,:NT: Type II ADMIXTURE: None 3/4" Rock, 100.0 98.0 47.0 15.0 4.0 2.90 _---=4:..,,7......::0 __ Lbs. 300 Lb __ "-"'--::--_ s. _--=c7-=1:...::6 __ Lbs. _-...::8:...=9...;::5 __ Lbs. 537 Lb ...........,::---:::0-=-::---s. 1,359 Lb ---==..!-=-=-"-_ s, _____ Lbs. Lbs. 4,277 Lbs. 100 .. ,0 96.0. 84.0 '65.0 46.0 24.0 7.@ 2.75 Combined Grading, 100·0 .86. 5. 64.3 48.,4 43.3. 39.0' 33.6 26,.0 18.4 . 9.6 _.,!::2~.=4-",,0 ___ Cu.Ft. _-==4~' .~8~0 ___ 'Cu.Ft. _=3~. 9:::.,:,6~ __ ,Cu.Ft. -,---=4=,.-=9=5_~_Cu.Ft. _..:;:2:....!, • ..:::!,9-,!-? ___ Cu.Ft. 7.92 _"....!..-.:'--..:::....:=------'~,Cu. Ft. ~_~_~_Cu,Ft. Cu.Ft. 27.0.0 Cu.Ft. RESPECTfULLY SUBMITTEP ~~~~ BY~ William P •. Kemper, Vice President I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I· I ~I INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. • San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 283-6134 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED A5 THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPEftTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, Oft EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES; FILE No: M 9151 Jo~: DATE: Novem.ber 23, 1970 ADDRESS: OWNER: Wiley Brothers Transit Mix -Standard Mix W 71-2 111. A,Rc::HITECT: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 2,000 MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 7.9 PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack CEMENT FACTOR: 5 .0 Sacks/Cu. Yd. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3-4 Inches GRADATION: Sieve Size 1" Rock 3/411 Rock 2" 1%" 100.0 1" 97.0 100.0 3,4" %" =¥a" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: 35.0 5.0 4.0 2.90 Cement 5.0 Sack Water (total) 39.0 Gals. 1:::;..1_' -,---___ Rock _ . .::...3 "-/-=4_11 ____ Rock 34.0 22.0 ~ ____ Rock W.C. Sand 44.0 PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT:~56 .5 Lbs./Cu.Ft. NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any free moisture must be con- sidered as part of total water. cc: (6) Submitted "10 "10 % "10 9S.0 47.0 15.0 4.0 2.90 470 325 1,194 772 1,464 4,225· MIX DESIC;;/I! No. 2,000 PSI AGGREGATE SOURCE: S.D. ,Consolidated' Pa1a Plant CEMENT: Type 'II ADMIXTURE: None· Lbs. LQs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs., Lbs. Lbs. W;C. Sand 100.0 96.0 84.0 '65.0 '46.0 24.0 ·2.75 Combined, Grading 100.0- 99.0 77.5 56.0 i!loS.7 43.1 37.0 28.6 20.2 10.6 3.1 ~_--=2_. -:=4..",0_, _eli.Ft. __ --:5:-.-:::2:-::'Q~_Cu. Ft. 6.60 C Ft ---7-=--::'-=:--' U. • 4.27 --'--_---'--"--"-~' C,u.Ft. __ --='--==-_Cu.Ft. __ ~-,-S_. ~5~3_~,Cu.Ft. ______ Cu.Ft. . Cu.Ft. 27.00 Cu.Ft. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~~~ L\~~ By ~ ~ yC\ n J.."\'.l r.-..Q.A./ Wi11~am P. Kemper, ~ice President I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I, I :1 I I INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEAR,CH • DEVELOPMENT 628,0 Riverdale St. • San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 283-6134 ALI. REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAl. PROPERTY OF CI.IENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBI.ICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CONCI.USIONS. OR,'EXTRACTS ,FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAl. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBI.IC AND OURSELVES. FILE No: ,JOB: ADDRESS: M 91S1 DATE: November 23, 1970 OWNER: Wiley Brothers 'Transit Mix -Standard Mix ARCHITECT: MIX DESIGN NO: W..,71-3 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 2, SOO MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 6. S CEMENT FACTOR: S • S Sacks/Cu. Yd. PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3.4 Inches GRADATION: Sieve Size 1 l/~ock 1" Rock 2" l%n ] 00.0 1QO.0 1" 3M" %" %" #4 ,fl8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: 36 0 4.0 2.90 Cement S.S Sack Water (total) 1",---,1",.1<-2",--1I __ Rock 36.0 Gals. 20.0 If! Rock 2S.0 -,3~/,-4-,,--1I ___ Rock lS.0 W.C. Sand 40.0 PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT:~S8:__=.'-=6 __ Lbs./Cu.Ft. NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any free moisture must be con- sidered as part of total water. cc: (6) Submitted % % % % 92.0 3S.0 S.O 4.0 2.90 2,SOO PSI 1 1/2" AGGREGATE SOURCE: S.D ~ Pa1a Plant Consolidated CEMENT: Type II ADMIXTURE: None 3/4" Rock ]00.0 98.0 47.0 lS.0 4.0 2.90: _---.-:S_1-,-7 __ Lbs. _-"3",-,O,,,-,O,,--_Lbs. _--=7c--=00-:7-:-_Lbs. _-"~=-::~=-::~"-,--, _Lbs. _~.;::,-=:-~_Lbs. 1,344' Lb s. _____ Lbs. Lbs. 4,283 Lbs. W.C. Sand 100.0 96.0 $4.0 6S.0 46.'0 24,.0 7.0 2.7S Combined Grading lOO .0 ' 86.5 64.3 48.4 43.3 39.0, 33.6 26.0 9.6 2.8 ..,----_-=.2..:;:..-7-6-=.4 __ Cu.Ft. __ --=4'--=".-=8=,O __ Cu.Ft. __ --.:3::;...:....9=-=1 __ Cu.Ft. 4.89 C Ft _---:'--=-=-:=---U. • 2.93 CuFt ---'=::"-=--==-::::--' . . _--=7'--.:.:...:;8,---=,3_-,-, Cu:Ft. _____ ---,-, Cu.Ft. Cu . .Ft. 27.00 Cu.Ft. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 62 80 R i v e r d a I eSt. • S a 'n 0 i ego 1 C a I i for n i a 9 2 1 20 • Ph 0 n e 2 8 3 -6 1 3 4 1 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CQNCLUSIONS. OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. 1 FILE No: M 9151 JO'B: DATE: November 2.3, 1970 , 'I', ADDRESS: OWNER: Wiley Brothers Trans it Mix -Standard Mix ARCHITECT: 'I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: I I, MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 2,500 MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 39.0 PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack CEMENT FACTOR: 5 .5 Sacks/Cu. Yd. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3-4 Inches I GRADATION: 'Sieve Size 1" Rock 3/4" Rock 2" 1%" 100.0 I ·1 1 I" 97.0 100.0 'I ·1 I I I %" %" %" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: Cement Water (total) 1;;;..1 .. .1 -:-:-:-___ Rock 3/4" Rock -'---_.- _____ Rock W.C. Sand 35.0 5.0 2.90 _--::-":s....., .... S'!-_Sack _-=3-=:-9..,;:.. -=-O __ ,Gals. _-,:3,-:4:,--,,-' 0-=-__ "10 __ 2_2_ • .:....,0'----__ "10 -"""7"~-=----"Io _....::4....::4....:: • ....::0 ___ "10 'I PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT:156"-! • ...",S,--_Lbs./Cu.Ft. NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any free moisture must be con-I sidered as part of total water. cc: (6) Submitted I 98.0 47.0 15.0 4.0 2.90 MIX DESIGN No. W 91-4 2,SOO PSI I" AGGREGATE SOURCE: S .D'. Pa1a Plant Consolidated CEMENT: Type II ADMIXTURE: _-'4""'-J-7 ...... 0'-_Lbs. 325 Lb _--=----=:.__ s. ....;1",-<-1 =1.::;...9-=4 __ Lbs. 772 Lb _--!-.!....:::::__ s. -::-----:--:::-:c __ Lbs. 1,464 Lb -=-~~ __ s. _____ Lbs. Lbs. 4,225 Lbs. W.C. Sand 100.0 96.0 ,84.0 65.0 46.0 24.0 7.0 2.75 Combined Grading 100.0 99.0 77.5 56.0 48.7 43.1 37.0 28..6 20.2 10.6 3.1 __ ~2~4=>..LO __ Cu.Ft. _~--",5'-"..-=2=0 __ Cu.Ft. _--,o---.:::6'-"..-=6-=.0_e-:, Cu.Ft. __ --=4:....:::' • .;:;:2-!..7 __ Cu.Ft. ' __ ~~~_Cu.Ft. 8.53 ___ -=-==--_,Cu.Ft. __ '---___ Cu.Ft. Cu.ft. 27.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~~~ c=D~ By A. ct (\0 t .1 £:':1p.k .... William P. Kemper, v~e President 1 1 1 I' I INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 62 80 R i v e r d a I eSt. • S.a n Die 9 0, C a I if 0 r n i a 9 2 1 2 0 • P-h 0 n e 2 8 3 ··6 1 3 4 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIOENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS, CONCLUSIONS, 'OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERYED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROYAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELYES. I FILE No: M 9151 JOB: 'DATE: November 23; 1970 I ADDRESS: OWNER: Wiley Brothers Transit Mix -Standard Mix ARCHITECT: MIX DESIGN No. 'W 71-5 I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: I ·1 MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 3,000 MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 6.0 CEMENT FACTOR: 6.0 Sacks/Cu. Yd. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3 -4 Inches GRADATION: .1 ' Sieve Size 2" 1%" I' 1" 3,411 -Y21! I I I I 1 I I %" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: Cement Water (total) .::;1,--=1:!.../...:::2=-" __ Rock 111 -=-.,....,...,.,.---_._Rock _3..o..!_4_" ___ Rock W.C. Sand 1 1/2"Rock 100.0 36.0 4.0 2.90 6.0 36.0 20.0 25.0 15.0 40.0 PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack 1" Rock 100.0 97.0 35.0 5.0 4.0 2.90 Sack Gals. % % % % Lbs./Cu.Ft. I PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT: 158.8 NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any free moisture must be con· I sidered as part of total water. cc: (6) Submitted I 3,000 l?SI 1 1/211 AGGREGATE SOURCE: .Pala plant CEMENT: Type II ADMIXTURE: None S.D. Consolidated 3/411 Rock 100.0 98.0 47.0 15.0 4.0 2.90 564 300 698 874 525 1,326 4,287 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. W.C. Sand 100.0 96.0 84.0 65.0 46.0, 24.0 2.75 Combined Grading 100.0 86.5 64.3 48.4 43.3, 39.0 33.6 _26.0 18.4 ,9.6 2.8 ~_-"2,-,,.,-,,8,-,,8<--~·Cu.Ft. -,-~4~. 8~0~_·Cu.Ft. _---'3~. 8=6~_,Cu.Ft. 4.83 C Ft _~--=-=='---.-,.--' u. . '2.90 _ __ -=...!~~_, Cu.Ft. 7.73 C Ft _--~~:.....-..-' u .. _-"--_-,--_-Cu. Ft. Cu.Ft. 2.7.00 Cu.Ft. RESPECTFU1.LY ~UBMITTED ~~~~ . (-J) 'S sL)..L" ...... '~M..R...A.~b..l./ William P. Kemper, Vi~~ Pre$ident I 1 1 I I I I, I I 1 -~ - INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. • San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 283-6134 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CONCLUSIONS. OR EXYRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. FILE No: M 9151 JOB: ADDRESS: qWNER: Wiley Brothers Transit Mix -Standard Mix ARCHITECT: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: MINIMUM DESIGN STRENGTH: 3,000 MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO: 6.5 CEMENT FACTOR: 6 .0 Sacks/Cu. Yd. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 3-4 Inches GRADATION: PSI @ 28 Days Gals./Sack DATE: November 23, 1970 MIX DESIGN No. W-71-6 3,000 PSI 1" AGGREGATE SOURCE: S.D. Consolidated Pala Plant· . CEMENT: Type I'I ADMIXTURE: None , ,I' ~!;ve Size 1" Rock 100.0 3/411 Rock W.C. Sand Combined Grading I I I I I I I I I I ,I 1%" 1" 97.0 100.0 3M" %" %" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Specific Gravity MIX PROPORTIONS: 35.0 5.0 4.0 2.90 Cement Water (total) 6 0 Sack 39.0 Gals. 34.0 22.0 -=1=-1..,..1 ____ Rock ..::3::2/_4-=-_11 ____ Rock _____ Rock W.C. Sand 44.0 PLASTIC UNIT WEIGHT:_ 156.8 Lbs./Cu.Ft. NOTE: All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry weights and any,free moisture must be con- sidered as part of total water. cc: (6) Submitted % % % % 98.0 47.0 15.0 4.0 2.90 100.0 96.0 84.0 65.0 46.0 24.0 7.0 2.75 564 Lbs. 325 Lbs. 1,163 Lbs. 753 Lbs. Lbs. l l 429 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 4,234 Lbs. 100.0 99.0 77.5 56.0 48.7 43.1 37.0. 28.6, . ' 20.2 10~6 3.1.' __ ~2"-"L->8...,,8,,--_Cu.Ft. __ ~5.t.... ....... 2;wO.:L' _~' Cu.Ft. __ -"6,L·· ... ':::-4"""3,L, --,",~, Cu. Ft. __ ..!:.;tLe .... 11-16..L.-_Cu.Ft. __ ~_-=-_Cu.Ft. ___ -"SoLJ • ...,,34 3L--,Cu.Ft. ______ Cu.Ft. Cu. Ft.. 27.00 'Cu.Ft. RESPECTFULLY $UBMITTED BY~ A William P. Kemper, • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER TELEPHONE (714) 565·1955 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FillED GROUND 1. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal strength in fi lied ground by proven eng ineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, the spreading, and compaction of the fi lied areas to conform with the I ines, grades, and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. 2. The owner shall employ a qual ified soi Is engineer to inspect and test the filLed ground as placed to verify the uniformity of compaction of filled ground to the specified' 90 percent of maximum dry density. The soi Is engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and shall have the authority to reject the compacted fi lied ground unti I such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the sp.ecifications. It shall be the sole responsibi lity of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compactiqn. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other- wise disposed of .so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected by draining or removal, or both. - (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the fiUed ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6"), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natura.1 ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal'plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fi" shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the eleva"'! tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. .... ---------------------------------~~-~ • • • • • APPENDIX AA -2- (d) After the natural ground has been prepared, It shall then be brought to the proper mois- ture content and compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density· In accordance with A.S. T.M. D-1557-70 method that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4" diameter cylindrical mold of a 1/30th cubic foot volume. 3. Materials and Special Re uirements. The fill soils shall c9nsist of select materials so graded at at least 40 percent of t e material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixing soils from one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from vegetable matter, and other de- leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greate'r than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown on the plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during grading operations, soils not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these ~pecifications. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade , subbase , and base materials for roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. • 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. • • • • • (a) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throug'hly mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fi" material is below that specified by the soils engi neer, water shall be added unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. . (c) When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satis- factory methods unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soi Is engineer . . (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be 'thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. D-1557-70 modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design that they wi II be able BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • '. • • • • • • . ' • APPENDIX M -3 - to compact" the fi" material to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplrshed whi Ie the fI" materi,al is at the specified moisture content.' Rolling of,each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient ,trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. The entire areas to be filled shall' be ,compacted. (e), Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable bl,lt not too dens~ for planti ng and unti I there is no appreciable amount of loose sorl on the s.lopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes in increments, of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods producing, satisfactory results. (f) Field d~nsity tests shall be taken by the soils engineer for approximately each fooHn elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in \fertlcal height between tests. Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gciin if. required by the soils engineer. The location of the tests in plan ,shall be so spaced to , give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than; 100 feet. Te~ts shall be taken on cor'ner and terrace lots for each two feet in elevation gain ~The soils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used r the tests shall be taken in the .com- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. ,(g) The fill operation shall be continued in six Inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, untrt the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. ' ,5. ,InspeCtion. Sufficient Inspection' by the soils engineer shall be maintained during the filling and compacting operations so that he'can certify "that the fill was constructed in accordance wi th the accepted speci fi cati ons . (i. Seasonal Umits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if"weather condition~ increase ilie moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is Interrupted by' 'rain, flll operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer'lndicate that , . ,the moisture content ,and density of the fill are as previously specified. i .. ,Limiting Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those soils that expand 2.5 perce'nt'or less ,From : air dry to saturation under a unit load of 500 pounds per square foot ar-e considered to be ,nonexpansive. '8. All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions II section of the attached report ,are a, part of these specifications . , -, BENTON ENGIN,EERING. INC. ..' ; • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON Pftl!:.'DII:NT • CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (714) 15615.191515 Unified Soi I Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS MOre than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 CLEAN GRAVE LS sieve size but smaller GRAVE LS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 sieve size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.** SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 III. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded' gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fines. ' Poorly grdded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fi"nes. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt, mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-c lay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands" little or no fines. Poorly graded ~ands, grav'elly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. :Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. InorganiC silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with sl ight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high',' plasticity Peat and other highly organic soils. 'it Adopted by the Corps?f Engineers and Bureau.of Reclamation in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U. S. Standard. , • • • • • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON PltlEalDENT • CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX B TELEPHONE (714) 565·19515 The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. ' 'The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cutting' tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the fie'ld'moisture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calcu lated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampl ing tube through one foot of soi I at the depth at wh ich the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which' the rat'e of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that t.he tests are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampling. In some instances, samples are sheared under va'rious normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion,. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the s<:Jmple unti I the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are pla'ced in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 1050 F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus~ A unit ioad-of 500 pounds per ,square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample" Water ,is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous" observations are made until downward, movement stops. The dial reading is recorded ,and expansion' Is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less tha~ ]/10000 inch 'per' hour. "