HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-24; SPANISH VILLAGE WEST; PRELIMINARY SOILS; 1972-07-20• • • • •• • • • .'. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. . PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT -CIVIL ENGINEER La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 July 20, 1972 Rancho La Costa, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Irv Roston Supiech Gentlemen: Proi~~t No. 72-6 .. 28C Preliminary Soils Investigation Wiegand Parcel San Diego County, CalifQmia CONCLUSIONS It Is c»ncluded from the field investigation and laboratory test r~ults that: SAN DIEGO: 583-5654 L,.. MESA: 469-5654 1 • The soil .conditions within the subiect parcel ore basically stable and can be developed safely with some precautions. Attention should be directed to the expansive nature of clayey soils, unfavorable dipping directions betWeen two contact surfaces of different materials and potentially critical soil zcmes svch as slickensided or gouge material zones which mIght be enco!Jnter~d during grading operations. The directions of dip between all observed contact sutfaces of different mat~rials are presented on Drawing Nos. 2to 30, inclusive, each ~ntitled II Summary Sheet. II Also, all areas of porous sandy clay t~psoils, such as' found to2 feet in 80rhig 17, should be removed during grading and replaced with compacted fill. ,Two possible criticc"d zones of old landslides have been found at Boring 6, between . the depths of 8.0 and 32~5 feet and at Boring 15 between 22.5 and 31.0 feet. These zones c;ontalned slickensided plqnes or landslided planes with gouge materials. It is recommended that the grading plans be prepared in such a WQy that the exca- vatIons through the old landslide. areas be kept to a rrrinimurl'l' height and at· the flattest slope possible. These areas should be carefully examined during grading operations, or if possible, th., .grading plans should be designed to not cut tnto these unstable areas. Special precautions cm<Vor r.emoval and recompaction may be needed in o.rder to develop building sites in the areas where these soil eondi tionsexist • . 2. The hilly terrain areas within· the sub.iect parcel area are covered with a mantle of predominately slightly silty sand ~nd silly sands that are residual sOils of the in-place sandstone formQtions with occasional clayey sand and fine sand. Some clayey soils were ~Iso found in the hilly terrain areas such as between the depths of 5.0 and 32.5 feet In Boring 6 and below the • •• '.' • • '. '. • '. I j I. I Profect No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company July 20, 1972 depth of 39.5 feet In Boring 1 '0. All of the natural soils, except the clayey sotls, maybe' safely excavated <i1d reuse<:f as compacted fills for structl!ral !upport. The excavated soils, when properly compacted to qt least 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with the A.S.T .M. D 1557-70 methQd of compaction and In accordance with the applicable ;~ctions of the attached Appendix ,AA entitled II Standard Specifications for Placement of :€ompacted Filled Ground, II will have a safe allowable bearing value of 1688 pounds per . '$tfuare foot for one foot wid$ continuous footings placed 'at a minimum depth of one foot , ~Iow the lowest compadted ground surface. The settlement ~f a one foot wide continuous foOting placed one foot below the final compacted filled ground surface and loaded to 1688 pounds per square foot is estimated to be less than 0.1 inch. > If the excc:ivat~d sotls are compacted in accoi-dcincti with the procedures described ,above, the compacted fill,slopes may be safely construc~ up to the following maximum he'Jghts. The recommended minimum e~sed slope gradient is 2 horizontal to 1 vertical,,, Slopes '2 horizontal to l vertical, . 2.5 horizontal toJ ve'rtical 3 horizontal to 1 v,rHcal Recommended Maximum Heights of Compacted, Fill Slopes "', ,20 'feet 40 feet 70' feet ;. -:. The above t'~mended maximum heights of.fill sh)~e intl"de a f¥Jcttlr 6fsafet.y of 1.56nd erO: 1 9 factor applled'horiZontally-for~ismic effects. It, is assumed that suit-' . 'abl& erosion control withprOp,titr drainage will be provided to pr.vent surface water frQrnrunning o5(.r :the top of compacted ,fUl slopes. It is recommended thatth.-excavated clay_y;wils be', . 'thorOughlr mixed with an eq~(J1 ~mourt,t 6f nonexpensive soils ar.\d the mixture ~e ~laeedat least .5'.0 feet away from the compacted fill slopes and 5.0 or more abov,the contact sl.b'f<:rce,between ':tn,~lace natural soils an(H:~rrip~cted fllls. ,'.' , '.: ~,_ " " , , . 3~' When beddl,~g":~ianefailures are not tnvolved~ tb~::following table w,t11 'Pl'Qvide"~ sate cQnfiguration of cut siepes,up to the 'recommended maximuOl'heights with a minimum fdctQr of safety of 1.5 that incl~de,O.l g for seismic effects. It 'is assumed that suitable' eroston "cohtrol with proper drainqge'will 'also be provfded to prevent:surface water from running: over the ~ ~f exposed slopes~ .. ' ' ~ ," MaJor Soil Type: in' C:ut SIc;>pes • Slightly silty sand, sHty)and Cind clayey sand , ' 'Sandy clay,and silty clefy . Recommended Maximum Height of Cut SI.,pes (Feet) 1 .• ~ J:i-to.:1.QV Slope. "'2.0 H to f.oV Slope 55 3'5 100 36 It shoulcJ beneted that beddingplan.·faili.fr~ might be: involved if cuts ~re to be made unfavorably relative to bedding planes or throvgh the two old landslide ~61i~ as described in SectIon 1 of this report ~ It is recommended that $n~e preventive measures such as recompacted buttress fills be proVided in th~ twO old IQndslide areas tf excavations were to be made in these areas. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. '. • • • • • • · ' • • Pro-feet No. 72-6-28C La Costa Land Company -3-July 20, 1972 4. After excavations, the ,exposed natural soils may also be used for structural support by assigning the fol~~owing safe bearing val.ues.t' The allow.qgl'e bepring v4lhJ~,disp,.nd: ' ¢n the type of soils encountered within and below the st,reSs influence zon. beneath the footings. Type of Soils Exposed ~lightly sil ty sand, silty sand, Clayey sand Sandy clay Or silty ctay Fine sand Allowable, Bearing Values For" 1 Foot Wide Continuous Footing At Minimum Depth of 1.0 Foot (Pounds/Sq Ft) 2680 1339 1466 Estimated Total Settlement of 1-Foot Wide Con,tinlJous Footing at Minimum Depth Qf 1 .0 Foot (Inches} 1/6 - 1/4 1/9 5. The silty clays and sandy days found on the site are ~onsidered expansive accord- ing to laboratory testing results. Therefore, it is recommended that these clay'type soils not be permitted to remain in the upper 3.0 feet below finished grade unless special design and pre- cautions are used for founcations and concrete slabs on ground. The upper 3..0 of expansive clay type soils should be removed and replaced with nonexpansive solis uniformly c9mpacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. Special designs of footings and floor slabs will pe required if expansive clay type soils ar~ permiHed to remain w.ithin 3.0 feet below the finishesd ,grade. It is recommended J'hat a qualified spilsengineer be called upon to inspect the finished grade of all cut lots and excavate pUs 3 feet deep as needed so ,that the expansiveness of the 'upper natural soUs can be identified and ascel'taim~d. It is also recommendedtha't supplfmental ~~ansi()ntests be conduc;t~d during grading operations in order ,tp. determine whtoh :$01 Is' )'1m ,be dcc.ptable withIn the upper 3.0 feet. The expansive clayey soils 'were encountered at r.lgti'lely :shdUow dfipths in Borings :1.2, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18 that are loedted in the valley reentrant. ')vithin the central area of the property. Because of relatively,low elevations in these areas, .Jt ;'15 recommended that effotts, be made to grade the val1lty l'eenth:iM~'area in such a way thqt' '~t, . leCist 3.0 feet thickness of compacted nonexpanslve soils are placed over all ~xpansive clayey SQil$. : . 6 • .' '. . A layer of 59ft black silty clay was found bel,ow the'water table at a depth 'of 8.7 feet in' t~e ~rea of Boririg:l~~ The field exploration only peliettrated 1.2 feet into. this. layer " due to ~cessive caving encountered In the b9ring. If the sOft clQY layer is thick,,' 'it mIght '.' 'induce long term areal set,fiement if fills were placed over this ar~a. It is therefore recommended that more and de~per expiorCltions be m~de in the adJacent areas.by ~$Ina water and driller's ,mud ,inside the oorin9$ to estabIJsh boundary conditions of this layer prlor to grading operations in' 'Order to determine what qrea, If any, needs tQ be preccmsolidateQ by surcharge,. after the placement of compacted fill ~ 7. Ps an aid in determining. the cut and fill volumes, the table on the following ,page shows the shrinkage factors for the two main soil groups which will be encountered durtng grading operattons. BENTON' ENGINEERING, INC. -------------~~--~--------~----------------------------------------------~ • • ProJect No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company N.ain 5011 Type Slightly sil ty sand, sil tysand, clayey sand or fine sand Silty clay or sandy clay -4-July 20, 1972 Recommended Shrinkage Factor· 5.0 7.5 8. If any soil types are encountered during grading operations that were not tested • In this investigation, additional laboratory tests will be conducted in order to determine the physical characteristics and engineering behavior of the soils. Supplementary repor.ts and . recommendgtions will then be provi.ded. Respectfully submitted, • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC 0 By~r/.~::- So'H. Shu, Civil Engineer • ·RevlewedbY~'~ Philip H. Benton, Civil Engineer - • • Distr: (5) Addressee (3) ,RIck Engineering Company • SHS/PHB/ew • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • ProJect No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company DISCUSSION July 20, 1972 A preliminary solis Investigation hC$ been complet~d on the subJect proP~"ty legally known as Lots 3 and 4-of Fractional Section 1 and Portion of NW 1/4 of Fractional Section 2, both of Township 13 South, 'Range. 4 West, SoB o·B. &: M • and Lot 2 and Port·ion of Lot 1, Rancho Los Encinitas in San Diego County, California. The objec;tives of this preliminary investigation wer~ to study the general characteristics of the sotls within the subject property, to identify p,otentiplfy problem or hazardous areas; to determih~ the influence of the existing soil and geologic conditions on future developments and to recommend appropriate soil parameters-for.,the preparation of grading plans. ' The general topography of this parcel is described as mc;cJerate to steep sloping terrain with a valley reentrant in the central portion of the parcel which runs in an eqst-west direction. According to the "son Map" prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the upper soils in this area are described as Carlsbad· loamy fine sand and Las Flores loamy fine sand. The malot solis encountered·on the sublectproperty are predominately sl:ightly silty $Qnd, which . is generally brOwnish or grWish in color. This is a residual soild*,tived from locally weathered sandstone. . Occasioned sll ty sand, clayey sand, gravelly sandy clay were alsO encountered in scattered areas of the sUe. Expansive silty clay and sandy clay were also encountered at relatively shallow . depths along the lower vaU"y reentrant areas. Field Inv8sttgatiQn Eighteen borings were drillecJ wIth a truck-mounted' rotary bucket-type drill rig at the approximate • locations shown on the atfa¢hed Drawing No.1, entitled IILoeation of Test Borings.1I The borings were drilled to depths of 10 to 43 feet below th, existing ground surface. A continuous log of '.the soils encountered in th~ boringS was recorded at the time of-drHling and is shown in detail on • •• . Drawing Nos. 2 to 30, inc;tusive, each entitled IISummary Sheet." {~ . :-' The soils were visually claulfted by field identification procedures in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Chart. Asimplified description oJ this classifioation system is presented in the c:it·tached Appendix A at the end of this report. : Undisturbed samples. were,6btained at frequent intervals, where possible, in the soils ahead of the drtH ing. The drop weight; used for'tlr-Ivlng .th. sampling tube into the soils was the I!Kelly" bar of the drill rie which weighs 1623 pounds; and the average drop. was 1'2 Inches. The general proce- dures used in field sampling Qre described under II Samp ling II in Appendix B • . Laboratory Tests . • Laboratory ~ests were perfOrmed on all undisturbed samples of the SQils in order to determine the • . dry density and moisture content. The results of these· tests are presented on Drawi'ng Nos. 2 to 30, inchnive. Consollda.tlon tests were performed on r.pr~entative samples in ord~r to determine BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Protect No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company -6-July 20, 1972 the load-settlement characteristics of the soils and the results of these t.sts are presented graphically on Drawing Nos. 31 to 37, inclusive, each entitled JlConsolidation Curves. II • In addition to the above laboratory tests, expansion tests were performed on some of the clayey soils encountered to ·determine their volumetric change characteristics with change in moisture content. The recorded expansions of the samples are. presented as follows: • • • • • • • • Percent Expansion . Percent Expansion Under Un it Load of Under Unit Load of Depth of 150 Pounds per Square 150 Pounds per Square BorIng Sample Sample, Soil Foot from Field Foot from Air Dry No. No. in Feet Description Moisture to Saturation 2 D'!ys to Sa.rotation 4 7 30 Silty clay +3.75 +12.02 6 5 33 Silty clay +0.18 + 9.25 The general proceduret used for the laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. Compaction tests were performed on representative samples of the soils to.be excavated to establish compaction criteria. The soils were tested according to the A.S.T .M. D 1557-70 method of compaction which US8$ 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer dropping-18 inches, on eacn of 5 tayers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 ,cubic foot mold. The results of the tests are presented as follows: tv'Iaximum Optimum ~'is- Boring Bag Depth Soil Dry Density ture C on ten t No. Sample in Feet Description Ib/cu ft . % ,dry wt 1 1 4-5 SI ightly sil ty fine sand 116.1 11.7 2 2 4-5 51 ightly silty sand and 112.8 11.7 sil ty fine sand '3 1 1-2 Slightly sil ty fine sand 117.5 12.0 7 2 9-10 Slightly sil ty sand and 114.2 13.1 silty fine sand 8 1 7-8 SI ightly sil ty fine sand 111.2 12.8 9 1 5-6 Slightly sil.ty fine to 112 .• 8 1l.3 m.dium sand Mechanical analysis and Atterberg Limits t.ts were perfo~d on r.ptesentative samples in accordance with the A.S. T .M. o 422-61T ,. D423-61T and 0424-59 methods of tests in order to oid in soil classificatlon. The results are presented on the following page. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Protect No,. 72 ... 6-2BC --7-,July 20, 1972 • La Costa Land Company U.S. Boring 1 Boring 4 Boring 6 Boring 13 Sieve Bag 1 Sample 7 Sample 5 Sample 3 Size (4-5') (30') (33') (11' ) • Percent Finer by Weight No. 4 100.0 100.0 No. 10 100.0 99.6 99.6 100.0 N·o. 30 99.1 97.1 97.0 99.8 • No. 40 88.5 96.8 90.3 98.6 No. 60 50.1 96.0 74.7 93.7 No. 100 22.8 91.9 56.7 79.9 No. 200 14.6 50.3 40.6 61.2 ,. Group SM CL CL CL Symbol SOli Slightly sil ty Silly cl~ Al temating layers Mixed fine sandy Classi-fine sand of sil ty clay and clay and clayey • flcctlon silty fine to medium fine sand sand . Au.tberg Limits T.ts (Percent of Dry Soil Weight) LIquid Limit 46.0 25.3 43.2 • Plasticity Index 30.5 21.0 32.6 U.S. Boring 15 Boring 15 Boring 18 Sieve Sample 1 Sample 5 Sample 3 Size (2') (26i) (1'1') • Percent Finer by Weight No. 4 100.0 No. 10 99.9 100.0 .100.0 No. 30 98.3 96.5 98.8 • No. 40 96.5 94.4 97.9 No. 60 92.9 93.0 93.4 No. 100 84.0 92.0 78.6 No. 200 67.7 90.1 55.5 • Group CL CH CL Symh91 . SOU Fine sandy Clay Fine. sanely ClaSsi· clay clay '. fleation Atterberg limits Tests (Percent of Dry Soil Weight) LIquid LImit 47.2 56.0 36.8 Plasticity Index 35.0 28.2 22.3 • BENTON t;:NGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • • I. • • project No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company -8- UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS . . . July 20, 1972 Unconfined compression tests were performed on selected samples of the clayey soUs in order to determine t~e cohesive component of the $trength characteristics of the clayey strata. The testing specimens had a length of 5.0 inches and a diameter of 2.42 Inches. Axial loads were applied ·In increments, and deflections were recorded until the. samples fQiled. The testing results are shown as follows: Unconfined Compression Boring Semple Depth Strength No. No. (Feet) Soil Description (lbs/sq ft) 15 3 15.5 Slightly sandy si·lty clClY 1440 15 5' 26.0 SlIty clay 150Q 17 1 2.0 Fine to medium sandy clay 8930 18 3 11.0 AI temating layers of fine 3420 sandy clay and clayey fine sand Direct shear -tests were performed on selected loose soil samples remolded to 90 percent of maximl,lm dry density and on selected undisturbed samples that were all saturated and drained .prior to testing. The results of these tests are presented below: Maximum' Angle of Normal Shear Internal Apparent Load in Load Friction Cohesion kips/sq ft 'kips/sqft Degrees Ib/sq ft (A) Undisturbed Samples Boring 1, Sample 4 0.5 2.05 40* 1050 Depth: 16 Feet 1.0 1.60 2.0 5.32 Boring 2, Sample 1 0.5 ()~73 40' * 230 Depth: 2 Feet 1.0 1.90 2 • .0 2.18 Boring 3, Sample 1 0.5 0.66 32 800 Depth: 3 Feet 1.·0 1.43 2.0 2.06 Boring 4, Sample 2 0.5 1.92 40* 300 Deptll: 5 Feet 1.0 3.49 2.0 5.57 * Arbitrarily reduced BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. .~ " Profect No. 72-6-2BC -10-July 20, 1972 • La Costa Land Company Maximum Angle of , Normal Shear Intemal Apparent Load in Load Friction Cohesion • (A) Undisturbed Samples (Cont.) kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Degrees Ib/sq ft Boring 12, Sample 1 0.5 0.48 30 180 Depth: 2 Feet 1.0 0 .• 93 2.0 1.37 • Boring 12, Sample 2 0.5 0.48 3] 370 Depth: 5 Feet 1.0 0.96 2,0 1.57 • Boring 12, Sample 3 0.5 1.26 2 1260 Depth: 10 Feet 1.0 1.29 2.0 1.30 Boring 13, Sample 1 0.5 0.49 29 200 Depth: 2 Feet 1.0 0.89 ., 2.0 1.32 Boring' 14, Sample 2 0.5 0.36 34 20 Depth: 5 Feet 1.0 0.87 2.0 1.39 • Boring 15, Sample 1 0.5 0~53 26 280 Depth: 2 Feet 1.0 0.83 2.0 1.27 • I30ring 16, Sample 1 0.5 0.70 34 370 Depth: 2 Feet 1.0 1.04 2.0 1.72 Boring 17, Sample 2 ' 0.5 0.46 36 100 ~. bepth: 5 Feet 1.0 0.65 2.0 ,1.54 '. Ie , BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Profect No. 72-6-2BC -11-July 20, 1972 • ~a Costa Land Company Maximum Angle of Normal Shear Internal Apparent Load in Load Friction Cohesion • (B) Remolded Samples kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Deg~es Ib/sq ft Boring 1, ,Bag Sample 1 0.5 0.44 34-100 Depth: 4-5 Feet 1.0 0.,78 2.0 1.47 • Boring 2, Bag Sample 2 0.5 0.47 35 50 Depth: 4-5 Feet· 1.0 0.83 2.0 1.70 llQring 3, Bag Sample 1 0.5 0.57 33 160 • Depth: 1 ... 2 Feet 1.0 1.14 2.0 1.79 Boring 7, 8ag Sample 2 0.5 0.55 36 100 'Dflpth: 9-10 Feet 1.0 0.98 • 2 .• 0 1.72 BOring 8, Bag Sample 1 0.5 0.44 33 60 o.pth: 7-8 Feet 1.0 0.89 2.0 1.53 • Boring 9, 8ag Sample 1 0.5 30 40 0.46 Depth: 5-6 Ff;let 1.0 0.88 2.0 1.78 • Using the representative values of internal friction angle and apparent cohesion previously determined, and the Terzaghl Formulas for both general shear and local shear failures, the safe allowable bearing pressures for each main soil group of in-place natural soils and major compacted fill soil are determined on the following page. • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • •• '. I • • • •• Proiect No. 72-6-2BC La Costa Land Company .. 12- Local Shear Formula: Q::; 2/3 C N'c + Y-Df Ni q -(: Y BN'y General Shear Formula: Q;: CNc ~ Y Df Nq + ,1' BN'y Assumptions: (1) Continuous footing 1 foot Wide;: 28 (2) Depth of footing;: 1 foot == Df . Using the formula given above, the following calculations are presented: In-place naturaf soils: -Use local shear formula (1) Slightly sU ty sand, sil ty sand and clayey sand July 20, 1972 C ;: 455 Ib/sq ft Y == 116 Ib/sq ft N' c == 21 N'q = 11 N Iy = 7 Q == (2/3 x 455 x 21) + (116 x 1 x 11) + (116 x 0.5 x 7) = 8042 Q Safe = Q +3 = 2680 Ib/sq ft (2) Sandy clay and sil ty day Q>;:: 260 C = 280 Ib/sq ft y = 123 Ib/cu ft N'c=16 N'.q ==7 N'y=4 Q = -(2/3 x 280 x 16): + (123 x 1 x 7) + (123 x 0.5 x 4) ;: 4017 Q Safe = Q 73 = 1339 Ib/sq ft (3) Fine sand Q ::: 340 C = 20 Ib/sq ft y::: 113 Ib/cu ft N'C = 23 .• 2 N'q = 13 N'y = 9 Q = (2/3 x 20 x 23.2) + (113 x 1 x 7) + (113 x 0.5 x 9) == 4399 . Q Safe = Q -+3 = 1466 Ib/sq it Compacted fill soils: . Using general shear formula and representative strengths of predominant soil groups of slightly silty sand and silty sand Q> = 300 C= 40 Ib/sq ft Nc = 37 Nq ::: 21 . Q = (40 x 37) + (114 x 1 x 2.1 ) + (114x 0 ~ 5 x 21 ) i:: 5066 Q Safe ==Q+ 3 = 1688lb/sq ft . Th~ above values were. computed to slide. rule accuracy. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. y == 114 Ib/cu ft Qt 90% +Jy;: 21 .'. • • • '. • :"' '0' • ... ',8 u' ~ !' -• e " a;. -.:' • .' ~ 'w w IL -:r: I-'0. w 0 0 1 2 6 7 8 1 1.4 15 z 0 wI:!: i= ... ..Iw ..I~O Q.IXI -t.) lXI' ~~ OiL~ ~;:) (1)-> (l)z ~(I) ~ ..I t.) SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. ] --, ELEVATION..:....Jao.~_ Sre,wn tf) Dark Brown, Dry, i.Qoie, Topsoil, Porous, Rc;otl.ts Very Compact, Bedding Dips Less Than 10 Degrees and In Various DIrections LIght Green-gray with Lenses of Vellow-gray and Light Gray, Bedding Dips' Less Than 5 Degree. ' BeddIng Dips down 5 Degree, 5.20 E SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND CQntinuedon rawlnsi No.3 o Indicate. undIsturbed drIve sample o Indicates loose b~ sample > C). >. W' 0:1-w~ '~ I-t.)1-' w!!:: o:~ Ci.i 1L o:'ZIL z(l) 9;:» z· ~. w;:) ~I-0 ' w~ wlna:: of:? W(l)~ w::.! iLeo ~ii)ff ' >. >(1) -I-~~ , 0: IXI ' w- 0:1L 0..1 o:lII:: 0 8.1 11.0 106.1 - 32.5 9.5 114.5 - 32.5' 9,.1 11 1.0 ,29.2 9'.5109.1 * _ Elevations estImated from topographic: map and bQundary plat by Rlck,Engln .. rlng Company, Scale 1''=200', contour Interval, 5 feet, Map No. j -3924 ~~~~----~~------------~----~----.--~---------==-----~------------~ DRAWING NO. ~ PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC BENTON ENGiNEERING, INC. 2 j: t • •• • • '. • • '. • • • -.2 8 u ..9 --• ~ tf -g c If -~ W :iE < Z IX! o .., ... W W II. -:J: .... Q.. W Q 1'7 18 19 20 2.1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 wa: ..Jw Q..IX! :!::!: ~::l z G) z 0 j:.J ..J<o SUMMARY SHEET _UIX! 0-'1 (Cont.) u..:!: BORING NO. en-> fZen < ..J u Green-gray with LenSes or ;.\;> Yellow-graY arid L1ght'Gray, :::>.-:: Slightly MoIst, Very Co.ropact, ". ;. : .... Slightly Micaceous " -." .. ,. ........ · . '0' ',' " . Bedding ·Dips 20 Due So",th '.' "' ... • • > •• · . .. ','-Bedding Dips 30 N 20 E · .. 0, ... .' .. 0,,·. . . Y.Uow-bR)'Nn with Gray and . ".: .--:' . . '. " . Red-brown Lenses " . _.' .' '" SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No.4 PROJECT NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 72-6-28C )- 0"':: > . W' W...: ...... u'" a: II. Q~i: -II. zu.. w_ ~ . a:< . zen w2: :..J ... > w::l < ... 0 W'ena: Q~ wenen w~ i&:CiQ i}iiiif >. >~ :!:.~ w-_ ... :3..J a:u. a:'~ Q , : 32.59.6 113.0 - 50 .0' 10.9 119.3 - , ' 45.8 11.0 110.5 - "30.0 14.0 109.5 .. DRAWING NO. ,3 I • • • • • • 1 -u ..9 .- • • • w :;: « z III o -. z ... 0 w j:.J W' wa: II. .Jw .J<to -Q.III _UIII x :;::;: OiL:;: ... <t:::l (1)_> Q. (l)z !Z(I) w e <t .J 3 U 37- 38 PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC )-CJ' )-. w· SUMMARY SHEET a:'" w~_ ...... u'" w~ o a: -c;;lI. zll. z(l) .J :::I>' z· a: <t • 1 (Cont.) w:::l <t ... o BORING NO. w!!: wlna: O~ w(l)(I) w~ iLeO -x-iii >. ~,Ia (I)(I)Q. _ ... :;:~ w-a: II. o.J a:~ 0 VeflCJw...brown with Gray and Red ... brown lenses, Slightl)< Moist, Very Compact I SlightlY MIcaceous SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND 54.6 14.3 111.3 - DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 4 • • '. '. , , ; i,e •• w :il et Z . It! o .., I-,w wa: w u. -Iw -0.111 :J: :il:il Ii: et:l w (l)z C 0 1 2 3 4 Z 0 i=-I -Ieto -(.)111 Oii::il (1)_> ~(I) et -I (.) SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO •. 2 ELEVATION 180' SLIGHTLY SilTY FINE SAND :::. :';::"':,' Light Gray wIth Yellow Streaks :-: .,:<:~: " ark;!' tight Yellow-grc;lY, ,[i] . .-..... ~,' ': ~:'Sl i ghtly Moist, Very' Cc;nnpact, 5 '. "':".:~.' Bedding Dips 2° S 55 E . 0" 'I,'," . 6 ® /':'~.,::'~':"o:':~'1-----------------1 --:. ,,'<:," Bedding Dips 3° S 55 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,16 17 18 19 20 : : 'It·~·,' "0- >< :<~,:10 Inch Vellow-red-brown ~.' :~". ,': Lense' . ...... ,. . -:--: '. ", ALTERNATING LAYERS Of SILTY FINE, sAND AND SLIGHTLY SllTY,FfNE SAND BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > >. 0"': w· W~ 1-1-(.)1-.a: u. Ca: -u. zu. W_ ~. a: et . Z(I) -I:l>' W:l ~I-g W!!.: wlna: CS:? W~ ii:C5C :J:(I)->~ (l)ii)(I) >. :il~ w!!.: -I-~-I a:~ a:u. C 16.2 7.6 108. 19.510.9 119.3 - I 'j 32.5 10.0 111.5 - 26.0 10.8 111.0 30.8 10.1 113.1 - DRAWING NO . 5 • • • •• • • •• • -0 ti 0 U c ....J --4)' ~ tf· -g c i .-~ W ::E < Z In o -. ... ~ ~ . > . w j:..J SUMMARY SHEET a:'" W...: ~t: w wa: ..J<o w!:!:: Qa::c (/.I !:!:: it~ _(J1n Z(/.I ..J ... ::».~:::j :E: ::E::E oU::::E BORING NO. 3: w2: W(/.Ia: Qg li:w ~::>z (/.lUi?: 180' w~~ ... , U:§~ >a:\Q (/.Iv. ELEVATION . ~..... ... Q :3 a:LI. Q..J O~~~~(J~~ ______________________ ~ ____________ +-Q __ 4-__ ~ __ -+ __ ~~~ . '" Brown, Dry, loose, Porous, 1 :' : ..... :. Rootl~ts To soil OJ : ..... ::::. '.. Orange .. prown,Slightly Iv\otst 2 " .' o :::: :>.:'. 3 \!...I.,. ..... . ....... : : 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Light Gray to Yell,w-grQY, .... : : .... ' Very Compact . :. , ..... : Light Gray to Yellow-gray, . '.'.:: '. ': Mo i st, Very Compact, . Bedding Dips less Than 5° , ........ ,"'.'"" Lenses of Yellow and Oral"Ge <:' : .:,:-' light Gray to Yellow-gray, , .' .': -:: Slightly Moist, Very Compact, 16 ":<'~: :', Bedding Dip Is ~,~at 17 @ ::.::::::-: 18 SLlGHT~ Y SILTY FINE SAND (Merges) SLIGHTLY SILTY. FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (Merges) SLIGHTLY SILT FiNE SAND 1 20 ContInued on DrawtngNo. 7 PROJECT NO. 72-6-28C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 1.68.797.1 - 17.9 16.0 112.3 - 33.9 11:.0114.0 - 29.2 11.8 112.8 - DRAWING NO. 6 • • • • • -c t; 0 u .s -• Q) ~ o· 0::. ":2 0, t) .~ • •• I I.' w , ~. • ·ct Z !XI o ..., z ... 0 ~ . . ~ ~ffi ..J~5 SUMMARY SHEET . ffi~ ~ ~~ o~~ BORING NO. 3 'Cont.) ffi~ ... . et"'" CI) -~ ~ w ¥: fu 'CI)i gjCl) > . A _ ... o ' J a:u. • 2:U'-t---i~~(J~:t--------------r------·---+-,;;..Q~ 21 22 Green-gray Lense at 21 to 23 Feet, Bedding Dip is Flat 32.5 10.3 12.0 - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . PROJECT NO. 72-6~2BC SLIGHTLY SILT FINE SAND BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 37.5 17.5 112.5 - 28.3 15.6 111.9 DRAWING NO • 7 '. I~' • I • '. • • • • I-W w ·110 "-:I: .1-a. w 0 4 5 6 8 1.0·' 11 12 ;2 0 ·wa: i= .... .... w .... <0 a. en _CJen . .:iE:iE 0U::iE «::J en-> enz !Zen· « .... CJ .. ""c~,.·". PROJECT NO. 72-6..,2BC SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 4· ELEVATION 1551 . Brown, Dry, Loo., Porous, Rootlets, T-opsoi:l SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND . . Dark Brown, Slightly l\A.oist, Fhrn, Few V.llow.to Orange .. ' Streaks LIght Gray to Light BrOwn, with Streaks of Yellow and Orange, Dry, Very Compact Light Gray to Ught Brown with Streaks of Yellow and Orange, SUghtlyMoist, Very Compact, with Lenses of SltghtJy Silty FlheSand Bedding Dips 10° N 10 W Red-brown to Dark Gray light Gray SILTY FINE SAND Continued on Drawl No.9. BENTON ENGINEERING,' INC. > CJ • w • a: I-a: 1-. w!:!:: Q::J== z~ ...... 1->. w_ Wena: w~U:oQ ?!..: ':iE~ a: 110 Q 27.,67.2108'.8, 32.5 11.5 107.8- 108.9 - 22.7 14.3 110.5 ' 17.8' 1-4.8 107.9 - DRAWING NO. S • • • • • • • .' • '. • -~, .... til 0 l) ..s ., 'l:! ' ,£ "'8 0 & ,~ w :E « 2 co 0' '") , I-w w II. -J: I-a.. w 0 21 22 23 24 2 2 27 31 $2 Z 0 wo:: i=.., ... tw ..,«0 0.111 _uco :E':E 0ii::E «::J (1)-> (1)2 ~(I) « ..,' u SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 4 (Cont ~) SilTY . light Brown to light Gray, with Spots and Seams of Yellow and 0 n FINE SAND 2 Inch Cemented layer Yellow-brown, Slightly ~ist, SLiGHTLy'SllTY Very Compact w.ith 30 to 40 FINE TO tvV:DIU, Percent Shel.l Fra ments SAND > ' Cl' a: I-w'!: 2lf w_, w~ >. -I-a: II. o 36.7 15.9 110. Yellow .. brown to Brewn to ALTERNATING Gray and Red-brown, LAYERS OF SILTY r--_+-----+-----+---i----,.,.I Slightly Moist, Very Compact, FINE SAND AND Few Lenses of Silty Clay SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TOMEDIU G) mm '--.......-_______ ,..-4-~SA ___ N:....:.D::.....lCall.QiJtiJ:-J 21. 24.0 98.6 Green-brown, Gray-red to PROJECT NO. 12-6-28C Light Brown with Yellow..: Streaks, Slightly fv40ist I Very Firm, with lenses of Sllty , Fine '--nses of Silty Fine Sand, Beddi, s,Di -r S 45° E Light Brown to Light Gray, Slightly Iv\ofst, Very . Compact, Lenses of Silty Cloy SilTY CLAY SilTY FINE SAND BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 38.3 17.5 111 • DRAWING NO. 9. '. I-w w II. "'-:J: I-a. w Q • 2 • • • • '1 • 1 1 • w :E ~ Z III 0 -.. • wa: .Jw Q,;III ~:E en:J Z Z 0 ~.J .J(,,)O 0-111 enu.:E -> ~en ~ .J (,,) SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO,. 5 ELEVATION 210' X"'t-~~~~==--..o.,..-.------I S I LTV FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Light Brown t. Light Gray to Yellow-gray and Yellew-brown ",-.,.,xxx" and Orange l.ense of Ught Gray, Fine to Medium Sand ""'''''.x''' Few Thin Clay Seams Bedding Dips -r N 100 W Lense of Fine to Medium Sand (Merges) SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND > >. ~.,.: W' w.,.: 1-1-(,,)1--II. w!!:: 'Q~~ ~ . zu. zen a:~ . w!!: .JI->' w:J ~t-a Wena: Q~ ~en.!!2. w~ ii:oQ >~ enin!e > . :E~' w--I-~.J a:~ a::u. Q 17.6 8.4107.2 - 27.6,8.0114.0 24.3 15.1 t89.3 - 32.5 l1.l114.1 - 27.~ 9.0 108.1 Continued on Drawing No. 11 -------,----~~~----~--~~ PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC BENTON ENqINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 10 • • • i· , ; '. ie , •• • • "6' ... 8 u oS ....... .-G e 0 Q. ~ 0' $1 .-~ ,w ::e < z III o "'I I-w w U. -:1': I-a. w. Q 21 2 21 2 3 wcc ' ...Iw a. III ::e::e <::> II)z, z 0 i=...1 SUMMARY SHEET ...1<0 -(.)1Il 5 (Cont.) Oii:::e BORING NO. 11)_> ~II) < ...I (.) light Brown to Ltgbt Gray to '.;';', ::: Vel low-Gray and V .. llow-brown : ::: :':: and Orange, Sltghtly Moist, ':" ':,~.:: Very CompGlct, lenses·of Fine , ' to Medium Sand, Bedding Dips 10° N 45° W Lense of Silty Clay SLIGHTLV SILT FINE SAND PROJECT NO • BENTON ENGINEER.ING, INC. 72-6-2BC > >. o· W' ccl-w' 1-1-(.)1-Q~~ -u. w!:!: ~. ·zu. zll) cc< ' .... 1-> w::> ~1-5l w!: WII)CC Q~ w~ :1':.11)-ii:oQ >13 II)Ciilf a:..= ::e~ w-ccu. 2i...l 'CC lo/: Q 33.3 9.5 107.6 - 42.5 14.8 116.3 - DRAWING NO, 11 • • • • • • • • .- • w· ::E ~ Z al .0 .., I-w w u. -. :J: I-0. W o () - 1-- - 2-_. - 5- - 6- - .7- - 8- -' - 10- - 11- - 12- - 13-: SUMMARY SHI:ET BORING NO. 6 ELEVATION ~ 161 1 I.·.:··:·~ Brown Mott·fed, Dry, loose, ~::. :.-::,:' with Layers of Clayey Frne ~. :': :.' Sand, F:,w Thin 1:ayer. of Blue- ~.,' :', ~1\9reen Sdty Clay, Porous, , ~ ' .. :.~.I \Roots, C ICilY Binder ~. " ~ .: .... ;. Medium C,ompact , ............ . : .. ::::: .... ::. Brown Mottled, Slightly M.ist, ~~~:.:¢'. Firm, Porous, Roots., ~"'\I\ Irregular Contact Dips 11° . ',' Yellow and Red-yellow-brown, . ·,I\Slightly Moist, Medium Firm, , : I \ Cloy Binder, Porous, Roots ~=$I Blue-green, Slightly Moist, 'm~ Medium Firm, Porous, Rootlets, ~ ., Rubble from Creep or Landslide 1/32 Inch Thick Landslide , ~~ .. ",.lI Plan, Large Chunks,. MasSive, ~~. ~ Slightly Micaceous, Few Roots, :. : ,Dips 28° S 45° W, Slickensided '. '. Planes Common and in Random SLiGHiLY SILTY FINE SAND FINE SANDY CLAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (Merges) J -l~ (!)~,~·.~··~I\~D_ire __ ct~io_n_s ______________ ~ 15-~m1 .-' 16- .- 17- - 19- - 20- -. 21- Very Firm J. , _ ~ .... "" Some Ye.llow and Orange. l1i"~'a"a Staining on Fractures SILTY CLAY Continued on Draw.l~ No. 13 PROJECT NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INc. .12",,6-28<:: 19.5 17.7 113.7 - 19.5 18.2110.0 - DRAWING NO. 12 ..J ..J -U. " !. :. • • • • .-• : •. ~ • • '. • • a.. 1 J1. ~- w ::i: <:t Z III .0 .., Z t-0 lfl . wa: i=....I u. ....Iw ....1<0 ...... CLIIl -CJIIl ::r: ::i:::i: 0 U::::i: t <::I Cl)iii?: w . Cl)z CI) ... Q :'3 21~-1~CJ~~~===-~~~~--.---~~~~~~--~~L--!--J _ :" Blue-green, Slightly Meist, 22-II'I-t V.ry Firm, Some Y.llow and _ (;;\ :\ 0. range Stains on F~act"res ~~,~ i\ ,., _ Few Rootlets on Fractures 24_ - 25- - 26- - 27- - 30- - 31- Local V.Uow to Orange- brown, Wax on Fractures, Gypsum Seams Common SILTY CLAY Brown to Vellow-brown to im'~' Gray-brown with Yellow SILTV CLAY - 32- '19.5 -1'7.9 109.9 28.321.1 107.-0 Streaks, Slightly Motst I (rliiN BEDDED) , 33=0 ............... : '\. Very Firm (Merges) /,t-36--'.''""'''6-+-~+--+----+---I 16.7 112.8 - _ '.' . ': '. Brown to Yellow-brown to ALTERNATING 34-.' . ,... Gray-brown with Yellow LAYERS OF _ .':. Streaks, Slightly Moist, THIN sEDDED 35_. ~ 1\ Very Firm, Clay Binder, SILTY ClAYAND:'/ _ ~ BeddIng Dips 10° S 20° W SILTY FINE TO 36-~ • MEDIUM/~!,~D.\ -.; ~~ Yellow-whtte, Slightly SLIGHTLY SlltV 37-:':;:\:':.\) ~ist, ~ery ~ompact, BeddIng FINE TO MED 1UtvVr---+--.-+-----+--+.----I _ _ _ :-:::'.:::::.:: \ DIps ~O S 30 W SAND (Maraesl/- 38.... G) \:/)/: light, Gray to Vellow-wht,e, 54.5 11.3 111.8 _ .: ... ) ...... ::.: .. ::... Moist, Very Compact, Some FINE TO NCDIUM 39_ : >'\'::: .. \:. Coarse Grains SAND ::. :.:~: :.~: ':':::'.: - - 4L - 40-'~.:~. ;~~':'r-' ....:~=:=~.:&::~~..=.:4C:..:.'t_V_e_ry_tv\o_· _i_lt_'...,.v_e_ry_~ SUGHTL Y SilTY .: ..... :,,~ S d FINE TO COARSE ,.... aturate, Friable SAND - - Continued on DrGIWing No. 14 PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC DRAWING NO. 13 SENTON E~GINEERING, INC. • f' • • .. • • • • • :, . ,', w :!l <t Z Z I-0 ~ ~ffi .J~c5 ....... I:I.IX! _CJIX! :x: :!l :;: 0 ii: :;: Ii: <t:::l 1I)1ii~ W' lI)·z 11) ... o :5 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 6 (Cent.) 41 ,CJ _ ~1"~' Yellow, Saturated, Very SLIGHtLY SILTY > CI' a:/i: w_· zll) w2: ,w~ >. ilL o 4~ ~!\ Comp'~t F;~~O{~~:!Ej 43-CV ~ ""O-ra-ng-e---b-ro-w-n -to-O-ra-n-ge-'---+S..:tl."oLT.wyIII:!:F-I..u.N.uEiU.T~Ou,t...l ~60_._0L-l-,.6_. 5...A.1_1_7 ...... 5o.L' '_---1-_ ..... -1\ Moist I Very Compact I MeDIUM SAND _I \ Slightly Cemented - . -. .,... - -- - - - - - - '- - - - -' - - - -- ..... - - - - ---- - - - .:.. IX! -o ., I • PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 14 :i • • • • • • • • • • CI) ~ cf '"0 t: 0 Q) .-:: w ::E ct Z 10 o ..., z I-0 w wa: i= .... w .... w .... eto u.; ..... a..m -(.)m J: ::E::E Oii:::E I-·et::> CI)-> -a.. Cl)Z ~en w et -0 .... (.) 1 2 ......... ......... ....... 7' 8 11 12 . 13 1 21 PROJECT NO. , 72-6-2BC ----_. - > (!I' >. w· SUMMARY SHEET a: I-w..: !:~ (.)1- w!:!:. ca:3 ~; . zu. a: et . 7 zen .... i:> LLI::> et 0 BORING NO. w!: WCl)a: C~ wt;-en w~ J: ..... 190' ~..: ii:(5C >en enCi)~ ELEVATION ::E~ a:m w-a:u. 0"" a:~ 0 Brown, Dry, Loose, Topsorl Slightly Moist, Very,Flrm, SLIGHTlY Dark Brown, Lense of FIrm SILTY FINE Clayey FIne Sand 11 Inches SAND 32.5 ,7.3 109.8. - ThIck Yellow-brown, Slightly SLIGHTLY CLA~Y FINE SA 0 -Gray~rown with Orange and CLAYEY Yellow Streaks, Sng~tl~, FINE SAND R unded-Gravel 22.7 12:5 107.0 - Yellow .. light Brown to Yellow-gray, Slight Iy Jv4oist, Very -Compact, MIcaceous Thin Clay Seam Dips 14° N3~W Ora -e and U ht Gr light Gray and Li9ht~rown with Streaks of Orange and Yellow, BeddIng Dips 7' S 85° W 35.7 9.8 111.l - ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND AND Streak of Red, Bedding Dtps SILTYFINE SAND 5° N 35° W 30.8 15.5 09.9 - ...... " J.,&. • Yellow-brown to V.llow"1Jray 26.0 7.3 115. DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 15 • Z I-0 w WO:: ~-! w ...Iw U. Q.co ...I(Jo ...... o_co :I: ;a:;a: U)u.;a: I-eI:;:) ~~ Q. U)z W ct 0 ...I 0-(J .. • • 5 6 7 • 8 9 • 10 -0-11 S u ..9 12 '-'. -• 1 l-! ·cf -g 0 f .~ • 1 I' 1 : . . w ;a: <{ z 21 co 0 .., ',. PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC . . ~ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 8 ELEVATION 191' t Light Brown, Very Compact, Clay Seams . , GraY1t"n, Slightly Moist, Very Compact Bedding Dips 5° N 80° E Bedding Dips'? S 3~ N Gray-green with Yellow Seams, Slightly Moist, Very Compact, Iron Cemented • SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND >, t') • 0::1-w!:!:: zU) .w!!: w~ >. -I-o::u. 0 32.5 . 3S,. 32.5 29.2 >. w· w..: 1-1-(JI- 0::;: --u. zu. 00· 9~> z· 0:: <( • w::J ctl-a ,w 00 0:: O~ WU)CIl ii:OO J:-(i) >~ CIlU)·Q. ;a:~ m-! w- 0 o::~ 1.4 110.3 8.4 111.6 - 8.9 111.6 ' ... 9.8 112.8 - 29.2 12.4 12.2 - Bedding Dips Less than So Continued on Drawing No. 1:7 DRAWING NO. S.ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 16 • • • • • .. ~ . ~ '.0 . Q;. • • •• ~ o w ~ c( Z al o .., . PROJECT NO. 72~-2B~ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO, 8 (Cont.) Gray-green with Yellow Lenses . BeddIng DIps 5° N 20° E Brown-black, Slightly Motst, Ve FIrm, wIth Clay SLIGHtLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Me e. SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND SILTY FINE SAND BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. >-C)' u:t;: .w ...... zen w!!: w~ >. _ ... a:L1. c 9.3 108.4 - 41.6 8.7 111.0. - . 33.3 11.1110. .DRAWING NO . 17 • • • • • •• .- • • 0 ~ 0 u .3 .. .... ~ cf ""0 c: 0 ..... 3= w :E <t SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 9 ELEVATION 1901 Light ~rGwn, Dry, loose, .1 Po.-.us, Rootlets, Topsotl ·SLlG-HTLV SILTY FINE SAND 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 _ 17 18 Gray-ye".w, Slightly Moist, Very Compact, Roetlets, Bedding Dips 14-S 50° E Bedding Dips Less than SO Gray-yellow, Slightly Moist, Very Compact, Slightly Micaceous, Bedding Dips 12°S 85° E Bedding Dips Less Than 5° Bedding D ips Less Than 5° SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SLIGHTLY SILty FINE SAND >-)-. C). W' IX'" w..: 1-1-01- w!!:: QIX~ ii3U. zU. zll) z· IX <t • ..J~> w::::l <t 0-w!:: WII)IX C~ wt;se, w~ iLe Q X-II) >. >11) 1I)f3!: -I-.:E~. IXIXI IXU. c..J a:~ Q 19 13.8 99.3 35. :6.2 -109.3 - 32.5 7.2 111.2- 3S. 8.7 112. Z III 21 o Continued on Drawing No. 19 "') PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC r-~--~----L--r-----------------------------~'~----~------~ DRAWING NO. 18 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • w :E c{ Z III o .., PROJECT NO. 72~-2BC - DRAWING NO • BENTON ENGINE!=RING. INC. 19 • ie ' . •• .. " .. ' ~ • r. .' • • w :i, . . ~. Z aI o ., ... w wa: w -'w I:!: /l..aI :r: . :!::!: Ii: .~:;:) W' enz Q 1 1 1 14 .15 ] 11 18 2 2 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 10 ELEVATION 177' Brown, Dry, Loose, SlIghtl.y . Micaceous, Perous, RQQtlets; Topsoi t •. " ................. ~ .• Groy-yeJl0w, .Slightly Moist, Ver y Compact, Lense of Slightly Clayey Fine to Medium Sand., Brown Clay Seams, Bedding Dips -r S 400 E Bedding Dips 2 1/20 S 200 E SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND >->-• C/. W· '. a:.1-w...: ... ... u..,. wI:!: Qa::i: Cii'" : z·LI. zen z' a:~ • -'~>-w:;:) ~ '0 w!: w"'en w~ Wena: Q~ :r:cn ->. ii:oQ >en enCiif -I-:!:~ a:aI w-a:LI. Q-' a:~ Q 19. 8.8 101.1 - 35.7 6.8 111.9 - 24.3 12.2 107.3 - 30.8 9~8 109.0 30.8 11.2 111.0 ~~~~----~~-------------------------------------------.~------------~ Continued on ,Drawing No. 21 DRAWING NO. PROJECT NO. n~6-2BG: BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 20 • • • • • I ~. ~. I I: • • • '0' t;; 0 u ..9 -Q ~ a ~ -0 c a .2 ~ w :E' « z III o .., 2 2 30 31 36 37 38 39 '40 SUMMARY SH EET BORING NO, 10 (Cont.) Gray-yellow, S-li,htly IY'tolst, Very Compact . , '~",\;I-----------""'---......( . :.:';'" ',:-:-'" Bedding Dips 2 1/20 S 10° E , .. SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND (Merges) 4.6 7.5 106.7 ... .0 13.9110.0 - 60.0" 10.4 108. - LIGHTLY SILTY J.lftIq.J..QJI_:t,--------~ FINE TO MEDIUM 66.6 8.8 103. ..... , "'-....... SAND . . SLIGHTLY SILTY CLAY • • • • • • ...... 0 .... II) 0 V C -J .. ~ ~ cf -E c ie .! 3 • · ~ • « -z In o .., >-~ .... w " c!)' w..: SUMMARY SHEET a:'" -II. (.)1- w!:!:: a:3:-~, z'u. zen 9i:> a: « , 11 w!!: w::::l ~I-~ BORING NO, i.u~ wena: C~ ::t,en- 93' >' LLOC ,>en enu;1f ELEVATleN -I-==~ a:lD w-a:Il. 0...1 a:~ Z I-9 ~ i~ ::!8g ::t ==== OiL:!E 'fu ~~ en~~ C :3 C n (.) Uf---~-·~-~~--~~~~~------~~-----'--=4---+--~--+---+-~ _ : : : :: ,Brown, Dry, Seft, Very L t-:-----II\uP~oroitlol'u~s:.;::RQ:=~:.:.::ts:L-!,T~opl:.::!so~i I ,..--_~ I CLAYEY FINE' ; (i) : ~ : : : . Slightly Moist, Firm SAND -~~ Brown, S lightly Moist, , 3-ffi~~:"'~: ."-: Medium Compact, Very Porous, , A--, ~' .: '.: ". Rootlets, Occasional 1/8 to • At-2 ~ 1/4 Inch Chunks of Green 5-.. " 0 ••• '. SLIGHTLY SILTY FINe SAND 6.,5 7.698.0 0.85 3.2-3.1 85.8 0.S5 -~._ ._: ,:-Clay i ~I~~~~~~~~: ________________ ~ __ ~ ____ ~~r-~--~~~ _ I:'~ Brown to Dark Brown, Ntofst, 7_ I'~ Soft, Very Porous, Rootlets, G) -. ". '. Clay Binder -.' 8-3 '.: ';., • 0 •• : • - 9- - 10-I~···:·;,· ~ ... -::::."'" · . I'I;..~· .', I~" . - 11-· ..... · .. , ,. Brown toDork Brown, Moist, -: : : : : : Very Firm, Very Porous, 12-· . , ,. Rootlets 0," SILTY FINE SAND 1. 6 .8. 7 98 • 30 .. 98 -G) 13-· , · , · · , , CLAYEY FINE 9.7 15.9108.9 1.77 SAND -· . 14-, " . · -· 15-· · · , -16-~ Ye/low-brown, Very Moist, _ ~' Firm, Porous, Rootlets ALTERNATING 1~ ~ Sll~~~ ~ND 18,.... G) I~.m,t, WITHC.LAY 3.~ 22.~ 100.6 1.65 _ N~*·\7: l'.~¥-I-'V~ _______________ ......j BINDER 19-~ Saturated SLIGHTLY SilTY _ 1I..~~oi:.''>I !'iot"")r.'" .:t--------------.,........, FINE SAND AND ~ Soft FINE SAND 21= ~ ?? -1(6) ~~ Lense of Clayey Fine Sand ~ ~ ___ 0.8 22o~103·A 1.32 20- DRAWING NO. 22 . PI3,Q.JECT NO. T,l-6-2BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC.· , ,< I ;. Z 0 I-i= .... w wet: w .... w .... «0 u.: .... Q.a:I _U ID l: ~.:E '0 U:::E I-<::J 0-)0 'Co 0Z ~0 w C « .... U ;. • •• ". • 1 "'0" 1 u • .3 ~ -• e tf "E • 0 D» ., .-3; • • SUMMARY BORING NO. I;LEVATION lenses of FIne Sand Saturated Black Black, Motst, 50ft, < Organ ic Odor SHEET 12 6&!' ~ SLIGHtLY SILTY SAND SILTY CLAY )0 )0. CJ· , w~ 1-1-w~ eel--u. Uu. w!!:: cee~ ~. a:Z ' Z0 ..J~)o ««d w=> w!:: W0ee O~ wt;re ' w~ U::i5 C :1:-0 >. )00 0!3!:: _I-:E~ ee lD eeU. 0 .... ee~ C 1.6 13.2 95.0 0.33 .0.8 24.5 92..4 0.46 0.8 ' 35.2 84.3 1.00 • • • • • . '0" ..... ~ ... w W II. ..... X t: w c - 8- - 9- ......... eo ••••••• ..... : ... ,. •••••• 0° 0° .. " ..... . SUMMARY SHEET ~ORING NO. 13 ELEVATION 80' Light Brown, Slightly Moist, Compact, Lenses of Fine Sand, Porous, Root lets SILTY FINE SAND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE· SAND MIXED FINE SANDY CLAY AND CV,YEY FINE SAND oS -. -, .......... . 12-••••• '0,' --.......... ••••••• 0, 13-................... ~~ ... ',' .... , ... Yellow-brown, Very ~Ist, ~at~! Medl~m Firm, Lense of Fine r+: 'fl~ Sand C lav "'" 14... - Saturated • - - • - - ..:. - - • - - al -o ... • PROJECT NO. '72-6-28'C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 6.S 7. 1 101. 1 1. 74 11.412.-1 98.2 3.25 4.9 20.7 107.2 2. 18' DRAWING NO. 24 • • • • • 1 o .u· .s • • •• - IU :a « z III o .., 2 > ..,. 0 ' (!). >. ~ ~ffi ..J~cl SUMMARY SHEET ffi~ o~~ i~ i ~~. C5~~ BORING NO. 14:ffi~ ul~~ ~~ Ii: ... :) (1)0> w~ ii:C50 .. w (I) 2(1) (I) ELEVATION_.-:.1.....;.;40;;,.-I_ :::~::e ~ >:g o :5 -a: II-:5..J . O.~ __ +-.~.O~ .. ~.+-______________________ ~ ________ . ____ ~O __ 4-__ ~ __ -+ __ ~--~ .... ,. t>ork Brown, Dry, Soft, CLAYEY FINE ~~ND -1 _ ' . , , . ,Rootlets. Porous. TODSOil , _ f.\ ~''-','~ Sliahtlv Moist I Medtum Ftrm ,2 ~ 0 ~';' :,~~§.~ Yellow-brown'l Slightly ..:~ Moist, Iv\edium FIrm, 3-~,,~ , \Merges) SILTY FINE ,SAND 3.2 8.1 93.9 1.47 . -~~:"'" \:~ POIIOUS, Rootlets ... ~ 4= ~~~.~~.~~:,~~.~~--------------~~--~--~------~----+---+---~---+~~ 5 = CD ~ ~:~ :;;:~~, ~r;~~i;"pact, _ ~ Porous 6= ~':~ Yellow-brown, Slightly 7 _ .~~ Moist, Medium Compact " :. . .. . -., .. 8 -,:.'. 9= f.\ ~ Yellow to Ora~e-brown, 10_\!J~ Moist - 11- ~'::"" - 12-:" .... '.' ......... -• eo " •• ~ ,,: '.~ • 13- ••••••• : ••• w -... :" ... -···.t.···· .. -' 16-' ..... ' .. ~', . •••••••••• 4 -.' .... 17-... " ...... . .. .. -.... -......... .......... 18-......... -: : : : : Brown to Dark BIlOW" and Gray-brown, Moist, Firm Yellow-brown, Moist, Firm FINE SAND SLIGHTLY SIlTY FINE SAND ALTERNATING LAYERS OF CLAYEY FINE SAND AND FINE SANDY C~AY CLAYEY FINE SAND 4. 9 ~.4 90.6 1.29 3.2 13.1 89.1 0.78 8.1 17.7 109.5 2.89 19=~~:~:~:.:~.:+. __ ~~ ________ ~ __ ~ ________ ~~~6~.5~~18~.~8~1~OS~.~3~2~.~~~. __ ~ 20- - - PROJECT NO, ,> 12-6-28(: BENTON EN9INEERING, !NC . DRAWING NO. 25 • • •• I f ,L" '. W :E « 2 /XI 0 ""J . ' -1_ ........ -.... ............... -............. '.; . .... " ..... ...... ., .... .............. ...... .... -• 0" •••••• 4-... ' " - 5-,°0 •••••••• ............ ,:., ... ~ ':.--....... :-. : ............ . -....... : ..... 8-• ,0",·0 • ..... ' ...... . ..... -. ":'" -.... ' .. -. ,' . 9-...... ..... . ....... " .... , '0 ••• ,i-••••• ~ .............. 10-~ .... ~ ........ . ..... '.: ... -(;;\ :'.::'" .: .. 11 -0 :::'.;'::.: :'.: . . .' ...... ' ~ .' . -.......... : ... l2-0' .......... . .......... , . •••••••• .t. °0 ••• ':,0, •• ......... : .. '- 14-......... '. -........ . 15 -@ :.::.: .... :::.: 3 ........... . -......... . ............. 16-.' •. e· ..... .... , ..... " --••••• eo .. 17- SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 15 ELEVATION 120 1 Moist, Firm FINE SANDY Dark Yellow .. brown, MoTst, F irm~ Porous, Rootlets Very Firm Dark Gray-brown, Very Moist, Firm CLAY ALTERNATING .LAYERS OF FINE SANOY CLAY AND ClAyey FINE SAND FINE TO M!DILM SANDY CLAY (Merges) - 18- - I'ot1iil~H Oliv.-green-brown, Very Moist, Medium Firm, with S,ome, fine Sa.,d SILTY CLAY 19-- 20= 0 ~' . - 21 ---Contlnuec on Drawing No. 2 >->. W· C!J. o§~ .1-1-ul-. a: I--II. zu. wl:: ~. a: « . z[e -'I-> w::'J .~ ... 5l .w_ Wtn'a: o~ w:w! U::OO ::tt/)- >tn tnCiitn >. w2: -I-:E~ a:1:Il a: II. 0..1 a:~ 0 6.5 14.5103.3 5.63 ·8.1 -.' 13.0 14.5 105. S 4.48 6.5 22.9 99.5 - 4.922.8101.0,2.39 PROJECT NO • 7l~-2~c! •• Sample no:::~dENGlN~NQ. • • • • • • • • • • -0> 1;; 0 u .s - Q) ~ cf 1! 0 ir .-~ III :a ~ z III o .., z > I-0 e· >. w· W i=.J SUMMARY SHEET a: I-Ul~ 1-1-(.JI- W wa:: w!:!: oa: -II. zu. .J~o (/) 11.' .Jw z· a:~ . -. Q.1Il -(.Jill 15 (Cont.) z(/) .J~> w::> ~I-0 ::t ~:e Oii::e BORING NO. w!!: . .w (/) a: . o~ w(/)~ I-~:;) CI);n> wllli: ii:C50. :J:-(/) Q. (/)z (/)(/) >. >~ CI)(/)Q. W ~ -I-:e~ ~.J w- 0 .J a: II. a:lIIi: 0 21 (.J -- --Olive-green·b~wn, Very 22 -: . ' /tAeilSt~ F frmr With Some Fine. and ' - 23-Light Olive-green, Moist, -Very Firm, Few Fine Grains -\ " . of Sand, Loose Jumbled into 24- -. l/S'to 1/4 Inch,Chunks, , , 25- .. Possible Creep or land Slide, -CD Many Random Slickensided 26-' , Surfaces SilTY CLAY 14.2 25.4-92.6 '2.39 -" 27-.. -' 28 _ -' , 29- -"'-', . ,30 - -Q 109.0 31 - ,30.8 ' 16.5 5.02 - -. - - -- -, - - - > - --- - -. - - - - - ....: - E~~_~TIf~· PROJECT NO. 72-6-2B€ BENTON '----.---" ; • • • • • • '. • • • 1J 1ii ~ .s -• ~ 0' a.. -g 0 f -~ w :e « z Z I-0 w wa: i=...I w -'w ...I<CO !!:. c. al -(.)al X ~:E Oii:~ c.... « ::l CIl iii >-CIl z CIlCll w « o -' SUMMARY BORING'NO. - ELEVATION >-0 .. : SHEET a: II. W'_ 16 ZCll w!: u:.~ 110' >. -I-a: II. >. W' ~~ .!::t: (.)1- ~. zu. 9~>-a: « . w::l « 0 'WI-CIl WCIla: o~ X CIl -ii:C50 >.~ CIliiiCll ~~ w!: ~-' a:~ , 0 O-r--~~(.)~~----~------~--------~------------~---+--~----~--~--~ ::':.: ::.':::. Dark Brown, Dry, Soft, FINE TO :::':':::'.::: Porous, Rootlets, Top~JI f.AEDIUM SANDY CLAY - 1-.. : ........ . 2~ Q) '::'.'::;:.:>",: Dark Brown, Slightly Moist, _ ':':::::::.' Very Firm, Slightly Porous 3- - - 6- - - - - -- - - - - ..... -, - -' - -- . - - - - ........ Rootlets ........... " eO ., ..... : ..... ........... ........... ............ . . .. : .... ~ ., .. ' Brown-yellow, Slightly Moist, Very Firm, Clay Binder, Lenses of Clayey Fine Sand CLAYEY FINE SAND SilTY FINE SAND 9.79.7109.34.93' 14.6 13.1 107.8 2.50, -.. ;...t ,,:_--" • • • • • ;. , ' , I~ ,e ,-, I' i " I,. w ::E « 2! III 0 I ., I; I • PROJECT NO . 72-6.2BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. L ______ ........ --I. _____ ........ .-....-___ ~~_'~-aa W2£~ tIOIiI~ DRAWING NO. 29., • • • • • •• :. • • ,8 ! "'D C 0 C) .!! 3:' UI ~ <t Z - . , ... ':;. - 9-........ " .: .. ", -: ..... ... 10-• : '., .' • ~ ' •• J.' -(';:;\ ' ... ' ...... . 1 J-0 :'.: ::::.',.'::.: ........... " -" ..... ':" ': ............... · ............ . SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 18 ELEVATION 82 11 Dark Brown, Slightly Moist, F'irm, Slightly Porous Medium Firm SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND ALTERNATING LAYE'RS OF FINE SANDY 12- 13- -IJ=~0:J4)~----------~----~ CL~~2:~~~ . ,,', .... ,", 14 'T_ , ',' ........ . Firm · ,',,", :." " ...., : ........... . ' .......... . ............ : . ............. . - -- ..;.. - - - - >->. W' o· w"': t-t-(Jt-a:t--u. -zu. w!!:. oa:;: ~. a: <t . z(/) . .J ::J)o w::J <t ... CI w2: wtna: o~ 'W'(/)(/) w~ ii:i5 Q J:-Cii >. )o(/) (/)(/)0. -I-~~ a:aI w-a:u. Q.J a:~ Q 1.6 5.9' 92.8 0 . .44 3.2 18.8 105.1 1.47 ttl -o ... PROJECT NO. -==-==--=---........-...1-", -~WIN~-NO. '--,_____.72_-__ 6 ___ 26_'C __ ~_--I,a ___ ~B_E_N_T_O_N_E_NG~=~~~, 30- , I i • • • ., • • •• '. • ID ~ ~ "'e 0 . ! ~ · .., a • c z ID o ., OQ2 ( 1 2 3 4 ., ., III Z 5 ¥ 2 :z: t- 6 III ..J Q. 2 c 7 ., ~ .. I&. 0 8 t-z III Co) III: 9 III 41-· . . . · . . . · . 00 · . 00 00 • 0 · . • 0 z o. 00 .' 0 00 0 · . o. · . 00 0 ti 0 :J 1 0 ., ~ Co) 2 ... 3 4 PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES i LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 ,4 6 8 10 IE Bori~ 11 Samp e 3' r-4 I)" Del th 8' ""'( ~ 4~ "~ ... "'-- '" . f\ 1\ ~ ~. 1\ \ \ --t--~ r- \ ,--' - · .. · .. . . . .. . . . . · . . . . . · . 00' . . o. 00 00 .. · . • 00 · .. o • 0 o· · . · . • • 0 000 . . o 0 00 _0' • 00 00 00 · . 00 .' . 00' 00 .. o. • 0 · .. • .0 . . 0, .. · . · . '.' . 000 o. 00 00 0" • • 0 o • • 0 00 00 0' • o. 0' 0 .0 00 " . · .~. 000 ._ 0; .0 • 00 • 0 · . o • 0 • 00 00 o. o • o •• · . 00 00 o. 00 00 00 • 0 00 00 o • 0 '." . .0 o • · . • 0 0 • • 0 00 • 0 . . o • 0 o. 0"0 00 · . 00 .. • 0 00 00 o· · . • 0"' • 0 • .00 ' . o. · ; · . BOring 12 -t--Sample 1 n~ De::>'" 2' ~ r----~ ............ ~ '" '\, " 0 INDICATES PERCENT CONS01.IDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION - DRAWING NO. BENTON ENG.JNEERING, INC. 31 • • • • • • • • • '6' .... a u 0, -J -.,.... Q) e cf -0 i ., .-~ !AI a c z .. o ... , o Q~ •• 1 2 IlL 3 • 0 00 00 o. • 0 00 o. • 0 o. .. • 0 +1 .. 00 o • ., ., 1&1 d ~ z ~ 2 :z: l- 1 1&1 ..I L 2 C 2 ., II. 0 I-3 z 1&1 U III: 4 1&1 L 4 ~ z 0 5 Ei Q :::; 0 6 ., ! u 7 8 9 PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 Boring 12 --~ Sam~le 2 t--r-Dep h 51 t- ~ ~ I-. -, ~ r-... t""'-.... r-.. . . . . · .:. . . . .. ... 0'0 00 00' 00 00 o • 0 o. • 0 o. ',0 .. 00 00 00 00 00 . ' .. 00 · .. " 00 000 ,00 o. 000 . . • 0 .0 .... • 0 o •• · . o 0 • 0 0'0 0,0 00 00 00 00 00 000 .0 .. ' . 00 00 0 00 0'0 .... o. ,0 • o •• .. . .. · . 00 o • o • • 0, • 0 .. 000 • 0 00 00' 00 000 00' '0' 000 00 .0 00' o • .. . . 00 o. 000 00 o. ',0 00 ,', ." 00 o. 00 00 ... 00 · .. 00 0.0 .0 00 .00 • 0' o • • 00 00 . . . · ... 00 00 Boring 12 Sample 3 Deoth 10 1 r--:-I---r-'--... N ~ ~ . ~ , \ ~ \ \ ............ :--.., \ l'---r--.... I"--1\ 1""-0 I~ '\ '-........... \ ........... ............... " -............. \ ............ -~. 0 INDICATES PERCENT CONS01.IDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING t INC. 32 , ' • CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT • • • on2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 4~ Boring 13 Samp'le 1 1 De;>th 2' "'i ~ '-2 "'",." ~ ~ 3 4 ~ I'... -'----"" "'" 'r-.-~ I"-" 4-.. " ., It) III Z 5 ~ g • % ... I&J .J Q. 2 C It) • -c L&. 0 1;; 0 u ... Z III oS CJ III: -III Q. CD • U I-£ Z 0 ." C C ~ ij 0 J 0 .-3 It) ! • CJ • • 0 INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • lNOICATE$ PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION • PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 72-6 ... 2BC BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 33 • • • ,.' • • .' • • 0" -tn 0 U 0 -' -Q) ~ 0 a.. -g 0 0) .~ ~ III a c z • o .., ()Q2 ( 1 2 3 4 ., en II.! z 5 ~ ~ x to- 6 II.! oJ A. 2 C 7 en I&. 0 .... S z II.! U III: 9 II.! A. ~ 10 n. ~ 0 ~1l en ! u 12 PROJECT NO. 72-6-28C CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 Borin~ 14 IJ Samp e 1 Deoth 2' , ~ '\ \ I \ \ 1\ \ \ 1\ \ 1\ r---r---\ --I- -- - 0 INDICATES PERCENT CONSOl.IDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION 'AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 34 j' I • • • • • -0 8 u 0 ....J . , ., i ~ • ce . ~ ~ I 0 ~ ., .-3 • · .., • c • z • o ., +lQ~ 0 1 2 3 ., ., 1&.1 Z 4 :.: 4 ~ 2 :z: ~ 5 1&.1 -' A. :. c 6 ., l&-0 7 ~ z 1&.1 (,,) a:: 8 1&.1 A. Z 0 ij Q :i 0 ., ! (,,) PROIIECT NO. 72-6-28C CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 ,8 10 16 ~~ Bori~ 15 ~ Sctmp e 1 DeDth 21 '1 t, ""1.1 1\ 1\ \ ' . 1\ i • 1\ 1\ 1---r---\ ' -t-\ r---.. r-1'-0 r------ ~~ \ I---1"-_ t--t---'~r-I---~~ +' '- '. . , 0 INDICATES PERCENT CONSOl.lDATION AT FIELD ,MOISTURE • INDICATES ,PERCENT CONSO LIDATIO N AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 35 • • '. • • • • • I • • • "'&. -1/1 0 ·u o· ....I -C) ~ cf "'2 0 0) C) .-3; .... a c z IIa o ., at: 2 0.4 n. 1 4 5 6 ., ., III z 7 :.: ~ ':z: l- S III ... 0. :=I c 9 ., II.. 0 10 ... Z III U :11 0. ~12 ij 0 ~13 ., ! (,) 14 15 • ~ "--16 17 18 0 • PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 16 BOring 17 -Samr~e21 DISC . I I < t> .. \ \ '"'"'-., \ '1\ \ l~ \ - 1\ \ \ \ ... ~~ \ f\ \ '-r--\ l-I--~ r------_ r----t---I---~~. -r-:-t- INDICATES PERCENT CONSOl.lDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 36 • • • •• • -0 'In 0 U 0 -' -• ., ~ 0 0.. -g. 0 g> .-• ~ • • 1&1 a • c z III o ., o Q2 0.4 (I\- 1 2 3 III 4 ., CI) 11.1 Z liI: 2 ::c ~ 11.1 .., 0. a .C CI) Ia. 0 ~ Z 11.1 U III: 11.1 0. Z 0 ij Q ::::; 0 CI) ! u 0 • PROJECT NO. 72-6-2BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 .4 6 8 ro It Borrn~ 18 t---I--Samp e 1 ,,""(IJo... Del th 21 --< ) .~ ~ ~ r--r-~ ...... -~ -- - , -. • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTeR SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 37 • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER TELEPHON£ (714) 5615·191515 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FillED GROUND 1. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal strength in fi lied ground by proven eng ineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, the spreading, and compaction of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. 2. The owner shall employ a qual ified soi Is engineer to inspect and test the fill.ed ground as p laced to verify the un iformity of compaction of fi lied ground to the spec ifi ed' 90 percent" of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and shall have the authority to re ject the compacted fi lied ground unti I such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the sole responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compact-ion. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other- wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas s~all be corrected by draining or removal, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6"), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. _ (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fi II shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the eleva~ tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope • • • • • • APPENDIX AA -2- (d) After the natural ground has been prepared r it shall then be brought to the proper mois- ture content and compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S. T.M. 0-1557-70 method that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers In a 4" diameter cylindrical mold of aI/30th cubic foot volume. 3. Materials and Spedal Requirements. The fill soils shall c!,nsist of seleCt materials so graded that at least 40 percent of the material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixing soils from one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from vegetable matter r and other de- leterious substances r and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetationr rocks r or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physical characteristics are encounteredr these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown on the plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during grading operationsr soils not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these ~peciflcations. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgradersubbase, and base materials for roads, streetsr highwaysr or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. • 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. • • • • • (a) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throug"hly mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fi II material is below that specified by the soil~ engi neerr water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. (c) VYhen the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satis- factory methods until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer. (d) After each layer has been placed r mixed and spread evenly, it shall be "thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M.D-1557-70 modified as described In 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compacti on equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able BENTON ENGINEE~I!'lG. INC. • ~. '. • • • ., .: • • ,APPEt--! DIX AA - 3 - to compact' the fi II material to the specified de'nslty. Rolling shall be accomplrshed while the fill matedal is at the specified moisture content.' Rolling of each layer snail be continuous over Its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. The entire' areas to be fiiled shall' be compacted. (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means 'of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too dens~ for planting and until there is no appreciable amount of loose sorl on tbeslopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes In increments., of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods producing. satisfactory results. (f) Field d~'msity tests shall be taken by the s'oils engineer for approximahilly each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if required by the soils engineer. The location of the tests in plan shall be 50 spaced to , give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than~ 100 feet. Tes~ shall be taken on cor'ner and terrace lots for each two feet In elevation gain. The so.ils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used r the tests shall be taken in the com- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be'spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. ,(g) ThE:'! fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. ' S. Inspection. Sufficient Inspection'by the soils engineer shcill be maintaIned during the" filling and compacting operations so that he'can certifylhat the fill was constructed in accordance wi th the accepted speci fi cati ons . Seasonal Limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled ifweather conditfo~s increase the moisture content above permissible limits., When the work is Interrupted' by 'r~fn, fill operations shall not be resumed until field fests by the soils engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fi" are as previously specified. 7. limiting Values of Nonexpanslve Soils. Those solis that expand 2.5 percent'or less 'from airdry to saturation under a unit load of 500 pounds p'er square foot are considered to be , ,nonexpansive. 8. All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions" section of the attached report are a part of these spe,cifi cations .. !'IENTON ENGIN,E~RI"lG. I!'IC •• • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111' ,PHILIP HENKING BENTON .... E.IDENT • CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (714) 15615·191515 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 C LEAN GRAVE lS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 siEwe size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED', More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.** SILTS AND CLAYS liquid limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS liquid Limit Greater than 50 III.' HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML Cl OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded'gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fines. ' Poorly grdded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt. mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-c lay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded ~ands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. :Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. InorganiC silts and very fine 'sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticity, gravel'ly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plastic;ity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high" plasticity Peat and other highly organic soils. * Adopted by the Corps of Engi'neers and Bureau.of Reclamation in January, 1952. ,** All sieve sizes on this chart are U.S.' Standard. " ... ------------------------------------------- • • • • • • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON "/la:aIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 TELEPHONE (714) 565·191515 APPENDIX B The undisturbed soil samp les are obtained by forcing a spec ial samp/ ing tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. ,The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cutting' tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soi I being, still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the fie'ld',moisture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calcu lated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which' the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine 'is so designed that the tests are mad~ without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampling. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion .• , Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to, receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in several increments to the upper , surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the sample unti I the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact wrth the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined In the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105° F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per .square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each'sampIEi'~ Water ,is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous. observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded ,and expansion' is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less tha~ :1/10000 inch'per hour. .