HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-03; Tri-City Auto Plaza; Soils Report Final; 1973-04-04.,; .,’ BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED *oil. MEC”ANIC8 - FO”NDATIONS 671, CONVO” COURT SAN D,EGO, C4LlFORNIA e21 I I - PHlLlP HENKING mENTON F”~.IDIWI ClYlL L*er*IL” .- - Mr. Howard Hassett c/o Bridge Motor Inn 1103 North Hill Street Oceanside, California 92054 Sublect: Project No. 72-lo-3D April 4, 1973 - LIBRARY ENGINEERING DEPT. City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive CarlsbaQ CA92009-4859 Final Report on Compacted Filled Ground Tri-Clty Auto Plaza And Plaza Del iJorte Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Hassett: This is to report the results of tdsts and observations made in order ta Inspect the * !Y=tian of filled ground placed on certain areas of the Trl-City Auto Plaza and on the rig #aIf of Plaza De! Narte between Tri-City Auto Plaza md Palamar Airport Road In Carl&ad, Calif- ornia. The fills were placed during the period between October 10, 1972 and March 19, 1973. The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under our inspection in accordance with the opproved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1, entitled “Loca- tion of Compacted Filled Ground.” The grading plan used for the plocament of filled ground was prepared by Associated Engineers. The final results of Test b;os. 1 to 270, inclusive, were presented in our report dated March 12, 1972. The results of tests taken during the final site grading, Numbers 271 ta 277, inclusive, taken on March 19, 1973, are presented on the attached page 9 of the -,Table of Test Results,” revlrd March 23, 1973. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken on the Tri-Clty Auto Plaza site are shown on Drawing No. 1. Tests taken an Plaza Del Norte, south of Trl-City Auto Ploza, ore located according to street stationing. The lcbara- tory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials am presented on page 10 under the “Labomtary Test Results.” Some of the maxi- mum dry densittes shown in the “Table of Test Results” were combinations of these. Existing loose or very moist ta saturated soils wen removed os required at aertain locations in order to place the compacted filled ground an natuml soils suitable foi support of the proposed structures and/or filled ground. It should be noted that same loose rolls htie been stockpiled in mounds above the original ground surface on portions of Lots 6 and 7. - - - - - The final results of tests and obeetvatiom lndlcate that the compacted filled ground within the approved shaded areas shawir on Drawing No. 1 has been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. Footings placed on filled ground, unlfatmly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density, may be designed in accardanco with the mcom- mendatiom presented In our reports an Pro/ect No. 72-B-21A, dated September 8, 1972 and October 16, 1972. If footings are placed closer to the expased slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 l/2 hori- zantal ta 1 vertical Ilne projected outward and downward from a point 5 feet horizontally in- side the top of compacted filled ground slopes. Respectfully submlttod, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Reviewed Distr: (5) Addressee (1) ksociated Engineers (1) FM, ‘Jotter, Knauf and Lay Attentlan: Mr. R. Knauf - - .- :,:ip . _~ - - - - - -- - - Approx- imde Test i.ocatiofl No. Lot No. 241 1 242 Sto 42 + 50 243 Sta 43 + 50 244 Sta 44 + 50 '245 Sta45+50 246 Sta46+50 247 Sta47+50 248 Sta31 +50 249 Sta 32 +50 250 Sta33+ 50 251 Sta 34+50 252 Sta35+5O 253 Sta 36 + 00 254 Sta37+00 255 Sta38+00 256 Sta 39+ 00 257 Sta40+00 258 Sta 41 + 00 259 Sta 47+ 50 260 Sta 48 + 50 261 Sta 49 + 50 262 Sta 50 + 50 263 Sta52+00 264 Sta 53 + 50 z Sta Sta 56 55 + + 50 00 267 Sta 58 + 00 248 Sta 32+ 00 269 Sta 33 + 00 270 Sta 34+ 00 271 3 272 2 273 2 274 1 275 2 276 3 277 2 Depth of Fill at Test InFeet Field Molstufe %drywt DV Den&y lb/c" ft Maximum DV Demity Ib/cu ft 0.0 10.4 120.8 129.4 1.5 10.8 124.1 127.2 1.0 10.4 125.2 127.2 1.0 10.6 124.8 127.2 1.0 10.8 123.4 127.2 1.0 10.9 125.4 127.2 1.5 7.1 127.2 127.2 1.0 8.8 123.1 127.2 1.0 8.1 124.1 127.2 1.0 8.6 124.2 127.2 1.0 9.4 118.8 125.5 1.0 9.2 123.8 129.4 2.5 8.9 123.8 129.4 1.8 9.1 124.8 129.4 1.5 8.5 120.2 125.5 1.5 8.6 121.5 125.5 1.0 9.1 119.6 125.5 2.0 9.3 122.2 125.5 1.0 10.3 121.5 125.5 1.0 9.9 121.8 125.5 1.5 9.5 121.8 125.5 1.0 9.7 121.1 125.5 1.8 9.6 120.2 125.5 1.5 8.9 126.2 129.4 1.5 8.8 124.8 129.4 2.5 9.7 124.1 129.4 2.5 8.2 123.1 129.4 3.0 10.1 123.5 129.4 3.0 9.7 122.4 125.5 3.0 9.2 124.7 129.4 8.0 11.1 121.9 128.6 8.0 11.9 118.9 128.6 6.0 11.9 117.9 128.6 6.0 il.4 117.3 128.6 6.0 10.9 119.7 128.6 8.0 11.7 116.2 128.6 6.0 11.6 117.7 128.6 TABLE OFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Percent Compation Remarks 93.2 97.5 98.4 98.0 97.0 98.5 100.0 96.6 97.4 97.5 94.6 95.6 95.6 96.3 95.7 23' 97.5 96.9 97.0 97.0 w.5 95.7 97.5 96.4 95.9 95.2 95.4 97.5 w.3 94.9 it75 91.2 93.1 90.5 91.5 Finished Grade Finlshed Grate ~Finished Grade Finlshed Grad. Finished Grad. Finished Grodr Finished Gralo Flnlshed GraA Finished Grade Flnlshed Grad. Finished Grad. Finished Grade Finished Grade Flnished Grad. Finished Grad. Finished Grad. FinIshed Grcde FinIshed Grade Flnlshed Grade Finished Grade Finished Gmde Finished Grade Finished Gmde Finished Grade Flnished Gmde Finished Gmde BENTON ENLilNLEIING. INC. ~~~~ti’.‘:,:~~~,~~~~~‘, ‘~ . . ~.<Z,.,~~ ~; LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dy”&nsitios and optimum n&turn contents of the major fill matrriali Q determined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-66T method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound mnurmr falling from a height of 18 in&s an each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter l/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, au presented as follows: Maximum Optimum Ms- - Dry Dens&y ture Content Soil Descriptlan lb/c” ft %drywt - Dark brown silty fine to medium sand 129.4 8.4 Red-brown clayey fine to medium sand 127.2 10.8 Brawn silty fine to medium sand 125.5 9.2 - Brown silty fine to medium sand 132.6 7.8 Brewn slightly silty fine to medium sand 127.0 8.5 Brown slightly silty fine to medium sand 128.6 8.8 - Light brown slightly silty fine ta medium sand 120.8 9.0 - - - - - - - - BENTON~LNGINEERING. IN.2 ACCLILD 501L HEC”ANICI - ,O”ND*T,OI1s ,:$ 6717 CONVO” COURT _ ,~ .I, SAN ~OIEGO. t*.LIFORNI* St,,, Tc r;_ . PHILIP HENI(ING BENTON l “T.IDLHT CI”IL LNTIHEI” April 24, 1973 TILLC”.aJ*L CT!., 1)(1,.195, - Mr. Howard Has&t c/o Bridge Motor Inn 1103 North Hill Street Oceanside, California 92054 - Subksct: holed No. 72-lO-3D Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Subgrade and Base Materials Trl-Clty Auto Plaza Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: - RECEIVED MR25 1973 Cll-Y Or CAHLSBAD Englneerlng Department This is ta report the results of field density tests taken in compacted subgm& and base materials at the subiect site during the period between April 2 and April 18, 1973. The tests were taken an the dates indicated below: Date 1 to 10, inclusive April 2, 1973 11 ta 13, inclusive April 4, 1973 14 ta 19, inclusive April 6, 1973 20 to 27, inclusive April 10, 1973 28 to 33, inclusive April 13, 1973 34 to 37, Inclusive April 18, 1973 The approximate locatiom at which the tests wrn taken and the final test msults are presented an pages2 ta 5 , inclusive, under the “Table of Test Results.” The labamtory determinations of the maximum dry densltles and optimum maisture contents of the materials are presented on page 5, under the “Labomtory Test Results.” Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. - Brzs%fz%&xe.- . . Ramer Reviewed {j$+$&$%& Distr: (5) Addressee (2) City of Carl&ad Englnoring Department (1) Fiost,Vothr, Knauf 8 Loy Attention: Mr. R. Knauf w n Irxlr. ,--- TABLE OF TEST RESULTS -~ .~ - _- - - .- - - - - - - - Test No. 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Approximate Location Depth of Test Below Existing Sur- face in hot Subgmde Over Sewer LoteroL sto. 1 + 43 25’ Eost Of west curb S&grade Over water Lahml, sto. 4+9O 20’ East of West curb Subgrade Over Storm Dmin, Sta. 8 +65 9’ East of West Curb Subg~, Sta. 24 +50 15’ East of West curia Subgmdo Over Sewer Main, Sta. 19+50 Subgrode &tween Sewer And Water Latemls, Sta. 17 + 55 subgmh Sta. 16+20 10’ East of west culb Subgrode, .90.11+50 12’ East of west curb SubarQh Sta. 0+9OOn Privote Street Betwen Lots 7 8 8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Firld DV Moistum DeIlSity %drywt Ib/cu ft 8.0 120.5 Maximum DW Density Ib/cu ft 129.4 Fkrcent Compaction 93.1 7.2 122.8 129.4 94.8 6.5 122.2 129.4 94.5 7.9 127.3 132.6 96.1 8.7 129.7 132.6 97.8 8.0 123.4 129.4 95.5 8.4 125.9 129.4 97.2 7.4 123.4 129.4 95.5 8.5 123.8 129.4 95.7 FENTON ENGINEE”ING. INC. Test No. .~~ 10 .- 11 .- 12 . . 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - - - -- TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of Test Below Approximate Existing Sur- Location face in Feet Subgrade, 0.2 Sta. 3 +55 on Private Street Between Lots 7 8. 8 subgmds, Sta. 7 +70 West Side Subgrade, Sta. 16 +20 West Side Subgrade, Sta. 27 + 50 West Side B-4, sto.30+00 West Side B-t Sta. 25 t 00 West Side Base, Sta. 20+00 West Side B-, Sta. 15 + 00 West Side Base, Sta. lo+00 West Side B-J, Sta.5tW West Si& B-n Sta. 28 + 00 East Side 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Field DV DV Molstum Density Density %drywt lb/cu ft Ib/cu ft 7.7 123.4 129.4 fbrcant Compaction 95.5 7.6 124.3 128.6 96.7 8.3 125.3 129.4 96.8 8.0 127.7 128.6 99.3 7.7 133.0 127.5 104.2 5.4 131.5 127.5 103.0 7.3 129.8 127.5 101.7 5.3 125.8 127.5 98.6 5.0 126.0 127;5 98.8 5.6 124.8 127.5 97.8 4.8 126.1 127.5 98.9 l - Indicates Test Was Taken In Ltpper 6 inches Of Existing Subgrade Or Base course BENTON ENOINELRING. INC. - - - - - - - - - - .- _. Test No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Approximate Location B-t Sta. 23 + 00 Eost Side B-t Sta. 18 + 00 East Side B-r Sta. 13+W East Side B-h Sta. 8 -k 00 East side B-b sta.3+00 East Side Base, Sta. 1 + 50 On Private Street East Of Plaza Del Norte, Sta. 19 + 39 B-J, Sta. 4+WOn Private Street East of Plaza De1 Norh, Sta. 19+39 Subgmde, Sta. 33+W Subgrade, Sta. 3B+W subg=h stu. 43+w subgr=b sta. 48+w -?wh Sta. 53 + 00 Dapth of Test Below Existing Sur- face in Feet 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* o* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Field b DV MoiShJl8 Density D-b % dry wt Ib/cu ft lb/cu ft 6.0 131.8 127.5 5.0 131.6 127.5 6.7 127.2 127.5 4.8 127.1 127.5 6.0 124.5 127.5 5.3 126.9 127.5 Percent Compaction 103.2 103.1 99.9 99.7 97.7 99.5 5.0 124.8 127.5 97.9 7.2 124.0 127.2 97.3 5.0 117.0 125.5 93.2 5.4 117.9 125.5 93.9 10.2 119.2 128.6 92.7 6.1 121 .l 128.6 94.3 * - Indkotes Test Was Tdcen In L&er 6 Inches of Existing Subgmde or Base Course mP4TON ENOINLLIINO. INC. TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) -- Test Approximate No. Location 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 37 - Subgmde, Sta. 58+W B-t Sta. 37 +W Base, Sta. 43 i-W Base, Sta. 49+ 00 Base, Sta. 55 + 00 - Depth of Test Below Existing Sur- face in Feet 0* 0* Field DV Moisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft 5.0 127.0 5.7 127.9 0* 7.1 126.9 0* 6.8 124.8 0* 6.8 131 .o Maximum DV Density Ib/cu ft 129.4 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 l - Indicates Test Was Taken In,Upper 6 Inches of Exlstlng Subgrade or Bose Course Percent Compaction 98.2 loo.2 99.4 97.8 102.8 - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - The maximum dry densities and optlmum molstum contents of the motor fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557&T method, that uses 25 blow of o 10 pound mmmer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter l/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented (II follows: - Soil Description - Dark brown silty fine to medium rend Red-brown clayey fine to medium sand - Brown silty fine to medium sand Brown silty fine to medium sand Brown slightly silty fine to medium sond Brown slightly silty flno ta medium sond (D. G. Base) - Maximum Optimum I&is- Dry Density turn Content Ib/cu ft %drywt 129.4 8.4 127.2 10.8 125.5 9.2 132.6 7.8 128.6 8.8 127.5 8.5 - BLNION LNGINCEWNO. INC.