HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-20; SPANISH VILLAGE UNITS 2 3; HYDRAULIC CALCULATION; 1974-04-11~ I I \ \ '>; -i • HYDRAULIC CALCULATION SPANISH VILLAGE UNITS 2 & 3 Prepared By: . -' .. Rick Engineering Company 509 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 • •• _ ~, • _ ' 4~' " ,-.. "" . • : ' p. 'RECEIV'·E.-D- April 11, 1974 Job Number 3984 i\PR 1. S 1-974:' CITY -Of CARl-~aAD't EngloeerlngOepartmen -' \i Y D \~Au L \ c.. :1 . .;" :.'" , ,----~-Q~ .', ~ .: - V\ ,. -·01<-. --~--,.,----"~-~,-------------.--- c.ALC-,S . : .. : .. ~< ~ "~':~: \~'~~:~:~~ht~:~~~~l::~~~~ ',:~ ,i't::~,~~::,:~·~~i~~1~~~~~4~t3:~~~t r-" : ... ;..~ e.. .~':"f..o .. ·d. ( . ' ...... _---_._-------_.-_.,------',.:. Jp f L._.T ~ C 3d . ~ 1 >.:; c+s I Vi -1-0' d J jJ 'I V1 ) ~-+: : .. :}~:':-'--:.::' . ________ . __ . _________ .-.--.--.. -.--.-.---: . .....c:...,:..--.-.--.:--.-.:-.::.: .. ;-:.;,.;"~:..",-.~~ • .,,~--~.:..:?-~-: . .,..:.-;.-:.-."-:..:.~-;-::,..~~ ..• :...~.:..,~.-='.;:.I=;;..,.~..:.c,.~:..~--:.-" •.• 7-::..'; .. .,:~:"~:...::t .. . _____ ~LS§.; ___ lyfE~_~: __ DebP·_:rtY_~:·. __ ~fe:-l)(vU ff::.s·~~v;!il~~i~ii2e32~~):"'~·;€ . _____ ~A~:~ce=~=· ~o~f~·_~~~. :: ~ i r:-.. :.;~~;rt~i~~ .. ;,~tj~.~~~~~~~~I*i~~{~~~j~~t -= 5 ",'6 't>ff--s,"--. ~..c...:-=-=--=-~==-+-"""""-'-=-=-~~~~= ., ::'~.:: ,~:~. ··~::~:!:-·~~~~~!~,~~~~~i:j:~~ ;~:~;it-~~,~·:~:~·;~~;.~_· y -Q·:A "'---.-' ( c ( \ -------~-:-:---~~~~~s~~~~4~ ~ ...... ~ ~ . .~ .. .;:. ,".' ,.~'.-" -: . ------------.--~:-----'-----~ . ..:.:::.."'. -:--~~~~~~~~~~ -' : ._._-:'. ", .-' .. ~\.~: '. i· "_" -:.-':: ~/ ( / \. :~~~:~':~t.y},~~;_~z~;"E; ... .' ... '-, :.N ~ ~ ". -. '.,', .. "-.' . '.'~, ", -. ~ . --..~ ....... ~ .. ~. .. 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".;....Z 0.6 O.~ .. : ":',' ~ ,........ 0.4 M ci' ~ .·,0, ~ ,,,,,,-:-""', MIN UT E S DU RAT'I 0 N 10 20 ,.,.,.-... ~. " H OU R S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111] P 'f['~muLlttTIlJlillll~r: FfF:lTFFfFHIHlH :-'. =1:-.: .t, -".-~-. f·" '-1-- L.U.l Ulll.L1 L~ I Jt-f .... ~~ .... --- ~! r .. I,.-~-t-::,:E t-1---1'''' EF-~ o ._ "' .. ' ,!~ . : ~ n··. ~I ,.,·:·;,~,.;;::,·.~/·:·J}:0::··'2r:':.tttl' mtmttmm _ :-~:: .. -._. 1 :··~i: IIGEtEllilIi1mmmlruwrulttm~1=$.: '. ''''< ..... c: .' J>' ,,' ~; .. ,. .' I-I-U '.~,':-a ~ ~ g ':',:~: z· :Yi/~::i?\; .l-tI+tmltmtmUlI~u~=t=1 c -J + . .. ',"/ '11 ":,,:' t'i1 .. ~ , :.:;. J..! :.::(: .. ~,:::-::t:, :c~;/ 5 " ,11'_. -" ,0 '. .' ... 0 '3'0 . ':" . ".1 .. '.:. , ' .:' -'.(1)" .(4 ~ ., -,:""":.:!" '., "':!'~:"r..".t:.",' ....... ; &.. -;." 4.()..-../,50.:'1, :':.',(:,..: "!""'.~"'., .••.. ' 10 ! II , 't, .: ~:, ' .~.: i:t-. .,»Y:·'!>·::.'.:·:·, :';": :::.~'''':!:'>.~'./;:''':':::'' '~;, . ~ 0 U'R S l>: . c -!.~ .' . I' ',:,1' \ . .' " ,,', . " , ' .',: . :. .: .. '. I ) ,. ,'. t: ~ .:,~ c. [f!r" LIM. .'.TI .. GRATING a GUTTER PLAN , ~ "'~CU". UNE 1.1 ' 1 riO' -. aO·'----l- .". 2'~ :~:~ Ill~' . '~¥." , , . ' 'TYPICAL -HALF STREET SECTION' -:~";:;" (ABOVE BASIN) NOTES L THIS CHART, elVES "AT'''' CAMCITIES Of' STANDAftO CITY ."AT'''.' (ITA .. DUD " , .. LAM MO .-2SZ~) DI:VELOfle;o ~ftON HYC- lIl"uue MOOEL STUDtES FO .. YAItIOUS YALUI!:S OF "If OM TKt: 'NDICATED SLOfJE. 2. THIS CMART .1 ..... LlCAILE ONLY TO COM- ,OITIOtCI SHOW .. OM THE .aO'lE SKETCH. -~--ri' ; ; In~, .'1 , , , i , " , , " , , , , , h-H-:5. . , .:....!.J.. '"T': ' :. , +' I ,.l I .' 'H-rr I, , .,. , i Hoi ' , " , ' • V-41. OFFICE STANDARD NO 108 :r .9 1.0 .--, , . ":' GRATING NO '(2) , , , , , ,,' It .. -'-+ '" , , ":-'~ " j ." >- I:,. ... , .. '" ,-.: " , , , , , , :'~" DESIGN.: CHART,', LL -22 " ,::' '.. ." 1_ SHOWING EFFECT' OF SLOPE GRATING CAPACITIES' r..:,.L' , ,:-l-!--i-l ~. . , . .' BUREAU OF ENGINEERING-CITY. OF I;.OS ANGELES ; 'i-t, , II I. , , , , , , , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, -'" STORM DRAIN DESIGN DIVISION .-- -, , , . ., ' , W.O.' 51005 MARCH,1957. I I I V I I I I II I I il 1'1 j I • 1 I • I J I I I-i-t-t+i'-lh-f-!r,:-+++,-!-,L-v,,:, ,":' H-i-"i+!' '+!++.-!-t-++H-IDESIGNED BY: EJ.D.S W.H.T. DRAWN BY: O.G.S. 11-,H--H-hH-tf--H,H+M, :+, HI +, ,i+rttf-H+H, '",,,.; .15'.2 .3 ~".5.6.7.s,.9 LO . IS " 0. DEPTH OF FLOW {FT} ABOVE NORMAL GUTTER 'GRADE ;: --,~ ;->- •. ' . ,- ( Y'" . .... ' -:. :', ~ ',' .:' . ',' . " .~. . .. '.: ~ '.' < ,": • . ' . ~.:;":,,>:;,,~,,.:':, ~. " ..... ", ,': , .: .... :: ',' . ..... . H 3tJtJLJ EQL//1 TION •••• " .~ Tc" (1/.3L 3, .38~ .( II ) . lC= L = II" l/me L1f' cO.l7ce.l7fraT/o./7· Lenglh' or ware"rshed ': j);/rere/7ce //7 elC>VQ,f/4n aloof? e/~;!"c:f/y~ 51o..o~ line (See-/!ppend/x X-8) ;;,: . 'L. .' e· M//e.s reef--. ~g~ljrs 1 A/h~~fes: ': ' . . '. 4 . 240 '., so 0.5 . ..... :' ".,' . ,,' ,,'. " :. :.~I~ .>-' .. ,'.~: 'j". : •. ~ ~ . :: ... :.,,:. , '. r-==--=--==--=-==--=-='-""if .' .. '.:.': II NOTE: . ' ..... :. ,',:, .I:! :":.: -2tJ 1/ ADD'TEN MINUTES TO II, .>.-. II COMPUTED TIME OF CON-.IJ, .... e:::;: . CENTRATION-, . . ' , , ·~;;,.r :<. ". -. -----~ --=----=---=-====--=---" ',)", _~~. ",0 . , .', -:"':.: ",0'· , ..... :: .. ~. , ,'.' ';, ~ ~--~-_, -, ::,~, ... ~" . ': .::~ -.:.~ ~.. . ' ... " '::, ........ '.' . . .... :. 300 ' ... :":-!. c':.,-' , ··r.:::·. '.:-<~"" ~ .. -.. ~~~";. ""., ~'~'.' .' ',' .' '. -( ': ~ . '.' . PtJCJ ': .::"' ....... :.:: • R " .~' .. ".~ ."'~' : .. : . :,~~: .. :'.;'." . L . " r' /~ " .. ~ r---------------------------------~r_--~--------~c~.----~--------~---' H SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DE SIGN MANUAL' APPROVED J,";, h": /if;ff'~= <.C.--n-~ .. , NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION .-OF TIME OF CONCENTRATfON {Tc)':. . . FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS . ::. APPEND IX X-A: '" ' ., , . . :.. '. • [)I)f'/',. o r,,;~ <'" eel, ·':.i '-' ,-" ,. L 'I. -".:" ~.; ~'J , i"".:. t. !:ii<A,~\ ~-J" ' ;: c::-D-t.~ K I"~ ~ , -,-,,,,r.t-li_:,, • .'.!J' ,,'-',' c- St , .• T ;;,.," v; "L'i go" -,,, " q D U ure 01 dpc;· .. -------.. -' • I, ",,-' ,':!,i"',. ninco -. 3r-3nt ............. ,', , .. , ''''''ated 0, "eo, ................',>c.E Area 0 d<;>term;' ......... .. City 0 n/rJ~ tax ., '" j ............ -Firm '" .......... . I~dn;e ......................... -- ':t;uM· ~;I\!...E, ~e~t, -i'Jtermining ;~.~ ....... ~: .............. . ItY' 01 •.••....•••••••• -Irm Nama ............... -............. .( t" .( 0.. 9 (I), - I-w W 0:::.- t;; IJ.. o ;ft 2 0/0 r-1.5' -f , ... _-------n = .0175 ~,5, Ir::::~~od'tt=3~--125~~?--~R:E:S~IO:E:N:T:IA:~STREET ~ -ONE SIDE ONLY ,.T, ---+-'-t-t-r- 2 '3 EXAMPLE: 4 5 6 7 a DISCHARGE Given: Q= 10 S= 2.5% ~ •• f Chart gives: Depth = 0.4, Veloci1y ,= '4.4 fp.s: .. 1;"-.:,.." SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES APPROVED~~~~~~~~~ ______ _ GUTTER AND ROADWAY' -- DISCHARGE -VELOCfTY -CHART APPENDIX 'x-b '':.' .. ,' "" . -' .. ." ~ ----~,---.. ----------------=---------------;-:"~--:-:-:~~,....,..----,;...:...:~=--:-..",..:...-,-.-"",","","""'" ,-, -' i,i i j " Job No. ----.. ~---, A UJ P g. 3 .. L, , ~ iff7 -t..f' -:::;., " --.!t:2S--.731 .. --" G.O -7.:'2. ...£33 -.. 38S:" ·7 .. 0 -j .I0!.f ·1 .. 0';)7 L . ~ 1 ." '." 'I .. -i···· . I . I . , -I" . t···· , 1'-'" ... :. t" -•.... j.' I . f .. I . ~ ~ 1.~.J--;-.1-1 -~ "(,~- ...... , ..... .: .. ' ,- Pagel'/(t: 4/-1 -. ~'.'. ~ . 7a:..t;. ". .-~.":.: : .: .. "-:"' j -. r i I .' , I ". "} , 1 . i f . I &~.·l~?-+-! I I .J I i , I , I . I ......... . t .,'~' . '.-~ . '-.~ ~.: ~ ", . ~l~X ENGINEERING tOMPANY r ~r·M't=:::g· 509 ELM AV.ENUE -. CARt.~BAO •• CAP FORi'ffA 92008 .. .. ". '-"-'" ;1 .' ~ .. i :' .. :~ ... , ' . rt " ..•. . , '1 . r .... 1;0 2. 3. 4. .. 5 .. 6. ' .!..: ..... :: .• ~ :> ,': ."~. • PROCEDURE ", Enter chart 1073.01 (a) tV'ith depth.' of flolV', 'y,. .,' and gutter depression at, the j.l1.1et, a:1' and det:er-·_··., mine Qa/La the interception per foot of. inlet: .. ' opening' if the inlet were intercepting lOO%. of' :.-..... ,::: .. ~:.":~ , -_ the. gutter, flow. _:. : .... . ......... :.:':~. ' >:;1j:~~;:;2~~~~Z' .. :.: Determine length of inlet La required. to inte:r--",:"';'~': '::;...:,~::.:; .. ~; cept: 100% of the gutter flow;. '. La = total gutter,:~.;;:;~~~:';;): .. (/, flO'tv Qa divided by the factor-Qa/La.: .... ,-~ :.. . ... -' ,< -: " :~.:;.'-:~~~-"~:": • • '. ;'. : r • -.' (" :' .' .' • :.:'..., '-.:: :;;;, ~i 'Cqmpute ratio LILa where .. L -actual. iength:~of i~'.~·'::.:"··,, ".' l' .' ,' ... et ~n qu~stl.on. .: _ :,' ,,':. >'," <:!: '-:"~'>':;"~':.:<.L}(\:~;;~;~~, Enter chart 1073.01 '(b) ~"ith 'LILa.: .;irid';;"/y and::";::>::',:;:::.·~;\~;',::,~:;;, det~rm.ine ratio. Q/ Qa ~ the pro.por-cion, of ,.the total. :: -:.:-' , '~: gutter f10v1 intercepted by the inlet' in question •. :-: :::-: . " .. " " .,~ ~ ,.'.,;-<; Flow intercepted, Q, is this' 'ratio :Q.!.Qa 'ti.mc~ ;~he total gutter flow Qa. .,' . . :' ---~ Flat-] carried over to next: inlet is r. " Q' , "la ,-•.. • • ', .:~ ": c . \ ',' .: '-" , .. ; , . .~ '. , .. ' ~ .. ~ ....-. .. . :," ' .. -' , -25- " - -' .' ," "' . :' ·w . . , ,. . . .: ' .. . . -. . . .. .. ~ .: . o. - .tt) ·.TH OF FLOVJ'-Y -FEET .Ct ,07. .03 -.04 .05.06 .oa .10 _2. I--t·_·-_._.j'. -I -4--I-_.. --_. 1-.-.. 1------1-----' t-_·r-+-_.+-' -:-+--t-I-+1-I--Hf-+-H,~~.:.~~:.>(::,:~ .. :::<j;: , .. --t--7'-+-I:--l-+-+++--!4-t--+-~-t:::;,{~:'!~?f!1 .' • . • II'-• I .04· . '. ,0' '.. -• -. "l .•... . •••. : • • ' J ~ .:.,." . . ,." . . . ... ..... ' .. ":-: -", ,,:. ., ':-;":':" -~ . - • >-: .-. . :..J. :J .'"':l -, . . I" '" , ". .. -'. , , ' .. (b) . -.- PARTIAL INTER."; . CEPTION RATIO.' FOR INLETS OF LENGTH LESS THAN Lei :·.,2 . .3. ~ '.5 ;6 '.8 1.0.10 .• . , ....... . . ·.L/~a·· ....... :: . ", . ' .' . " BUREAU 'OF PUBLIC ROADS CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING" INLETS, . .' DIVIS!ON TWO WASH., O. C. ..' . 0];1 CONTINUOUS GRADE '.' .' -, ' .... " _ .. __ ~. ___ ._~ ___ . ___ ~~_~ ___ :: __ . ___ -.--:.~. _'7~-.l __ ._---;--;--; .,' . -... ,'-~ _______ " _________ .. _ .. --......... ---, 'C,' ,'" ,', .. ". .' . -( . . -:'-'. " -. " ( (. \ \ ? , ,.,.( , '-.1' ( ',- ..... --.. ..... . ~~g~ " INST3D'crroNs FOP.. USS OF F".' 1073',.02' , G.itPACITY OF GRA.!S Im,ETS.rr A, SU~ " the water~ll~pcnd at tha grata~ -, ....... " ... ~ , -- ,The capaci.-::Y 0:: -the grate ds-oenc.s upon. tha,'area of'~ tna cpen-i""g3 azld the' depth,of:' water at t-=-e s:::-a:te. Recent experi.!:.en.ts (1.) ha"'la dete~ned that; a. gra..ta 'Will. ac.t.1 as .a. 'weir a.."'!d. i'ol107T the weir i'or-:=.!la for dept:-:s, (hea.ds) on the gr~ta' up to 0 .. 4-.!.t, It 'will act a.s a..'TJ. orifice and foll::rr. the on f'ice' fornula :fo~ :heads of 1. • .4. .ft. .. and.. \1 over;o For heads betiTe~n 0 .. 4 ft. CUlcl. 1~4 it ... the opera.tion is ~'~af·hi..;te ceeZll"s$.·o __ :~::e:: ::::0:: :::,::-are ~~:;--•• _ ~ ---~~;~--;~,:---;-'-;~;_-:-:>A;~(~:~';~~ 3... . A particuJ.ar design of grate nth d::!.l:en:rlons' >: ,"'-:':': '~.: ::; ""':".>, .. :"~: ':.i." .. :;,~: <:,.i.:,:-.,~<;:,,: 1 2. ~~% ~:~~e~ Q~~r ~:~~~!!~~~~~~ ~-:~~;2fs:i~/\,-:::-;/~ ~J~! d " di h ,~"',;",,~"'.:I..'.:.. ".' '. --:-.', ," .. :.;,.:., ... -.-.:-~. -:> .;!:.'-' .. -' , es~gr.t se .. arge c.:!.:."'l. De e.:r",--=_wet.:... ;.,.'., .... , .. ,.... ., .. ~ .. :: ....... ' ~""" :., .. ~ -;_.,:',.'.,.. _ Proeed1L~" .' ·<~~:',,:/;:F-:!{;;O~~;·:~~:'J~~:.;~:Y~f;r~11 ,,~ 1. Ccmptlte t1].e perimetar of the grate operi"'7'!~-(?) ~~#.=6.·thsbars 'and .'.: .::~~.':~ . . omitting any sic.a ove~ v.-hic;: the watar ~oes n~t enter, .such_ c4t. 1'i'hen. ona .. >:,::--.:~ 1 side is against the face of a curb ... Divide the result by 2~ This· :c.: ' . .,. '';::~' ' ~1107TS ~or part~al clogging ,or thegra-t~e oy' asst:"'!l'ing tha.t only'-half 'or:, ~~ :._~'~'I "t.he pen..::::.eter 'inll be effecti7e.. ,. ":', .". -<:,:.,.' .... ~ . ~ ". ,,', . -'"-:-~- . , ',-- CO!I!pute the total a:-ea of clear oper>i~g (a), e.~clud.ing area.ta.kan:-rip oj '~:~=.: bars.;> a.nd clivie.e by 2... This allolls for p.3.rli.aJ..' cloggi..."'!g' or the gra.:te 07 .. '::': :,", :::::g t:a : :~::~:~ of the area ~" .be~r.~c~i~e;";';1~_';i< .. :1~;.:J{~.J~,~~I! '. 5 ... Enter the c..~art at the botto::l scala usin'g· li~~' (~) ~th: the::QJp ~;a~a "~"~''::-;~~;~'~:-:~'::I ~d line (b) with the OjA 'Value and read the re01! .. t7ed. .head. :in. £"aet at tha:·:"'::;,{:':'·~, (:1.) left margin" . " .' .:-::':.: <'~':':.> : ~, ~ ".~.: ::' ·~·:/·;}:,:~~:i~;2;>:>~ ~~~-h'~~:)~~>~:::::~('~ {~:::; 1 ;J:f the required head i:aJ.ls belO7T 0 .. h, . (aJ on:.tY nU' apply ... t :,rhi s i~(tha': :~ __ '-" ,::~. usua.l case.. . ...... :,,'. ':" .': ': :. ' ____ ~,: ':''-,:~ .. '.'<'~>.:_ .. ':';,> __ ~:' .::'~./<}j If the requ;red .heac. fElls a:xrV9 1.4 :ft.,. .(b} only-·;rl.ii," ~pl:;r~.: '~~~:~:,::~.~,·(·.;;:>~·:·:~:':.,:.~~~I ,.' -: -, . --,.'1 ,~ -,": - ;' -' ':: . (7i:-!J.i fl:=::!:,:o;-t) , . .. r . : .A.2..r':-i :!~d ~r:!ir..:3.g=} s: ~.! ct"t.:'.:~ ~:::"':~3t~_~~tiCl'1 Eyeraulic L.:l8or.:tt:q;:r :-:'-J90~ ~!'1. 5h u. s. Corps of Enginaarn~ ·St. ?aul District Su~offico~. April ~949. . ,", "1 j J I .... ~ -. " , • I~. o.~. • - ' . ......... .. ~ .... ' .:. .. : " - -; "\ ... .. .. .. ' -' .. ::. ..... . ... ,~ .. . -; .:.:~(::.! - -.. ~ ... :~.~ .. : ... " .... : ......... .. ... : .... 20» .. ' . " .... : • ..i. •• # ; ...... ~ :-... , " Vortices a.~d ed<ti.es over the grate maT cause·,.tre actua~ head to the' ~c'~~:oed head in this case (see second. paragraph),. .. ' "··1 dif"t:er f 1 If t.::e iclet is a. combination tysJe .... lith· &:rata and curb opening the":'::-'::' recc=::.er.:.e:ec. prccedu.re is the Sa.-n8 as "Ii tn, a grate-a.lone exc.ept the perii""""1 and area. are not di videcr by 2.. The reason fa::-this is that: the curh,. : 1 opening 7;:! .. 1l serve as a relief in event the grat~ beco:::es clogged· ... ,.<With the grate ,operating fr-eelY it is Qi:.9stio:n.able ... ·rhether· r:ucn"water' m.ll ga£,J to the 'cur":! opening 'u....'"lti~ the discharge is s..lffici.ent to suq.:erga :~he ;;,:-.,~:~~ 1 entire grate~ _, ~.~. : " , '. , ' '. ..':: . ,''-, ... ·-:·;:,:;(~:;(f, .. : 'I Ii the grate has an appreciable' cross slope so the'side a:-;;a:t':fro~~the/' ~Z'b is hig.">ler than tha.t next. to the curb the, ir...flo,,"v: oVer-the.' sidg· ~hou1.d.. be-:':' :-1 determined separately from that 'over'the ends-..... ,.Use the, depth at tr...a-":Z~~~~:·£ ,: 1 tridelle of the ffTate :ror-end infloj7' a..,d depth . at' 'edge a7raY" from the!"' cuti::t:-':>,:,,~ -- .' ," : .... ':' .~'" .. . ...' .":: --.-, . " ...... -. " ~. -.... ~ . .. ~ t :,. .. .. : . " ' .. ~' . " ' , "- -. ': ., > '" ~,.. -.. . ...... .,. .. .. --.-. ..... :--; ~. ,. .. -. ... ~ ...... . j, .;! - .. .' .. -:. .. , .' '. ",' . , ..... ~::.~ .. : .. ' ;" ...... . ". " .. -... . .. . .... -.. : ", ':'-;."- ., . ., Y,': .. -. _w.·~ : .• "~" '., ~ .. ' . -,.:-. ~ ~. . .. .- ~ .. ".T :_ . ---.,' 'w': • '.~' '-. '.: -:. ~ ~_,I . " .. '-'~-. ' "".' .--------:-. __ ...--.-. -. ~-: - -" --. -~-----~.--." --' ..... ~ . '0, " .,", "_ ".: '':' ',l..:;':':'.;;." • :~ "\"" .,..-', co .. ~. ' :>; J ~ 1 A 1 . j \ . .. : .... J '-.;;; 1"\ I , ~" ~a := ? = 2. Co + b) A=6QW : I I '! I." r I!' I' I I " " " \~X 0" L.if. "' "~! " """" " j . . ~ , ' : ,', " . '" .~, POOR , QUALITY ORIGINALS I) '" ,- .;. " . ; :! :;:; .i! :,", Subj .'i;~i;rl1;~~!p_~j5n~,V; lage·t1;.)!lJ,Irsg)s:arlao.ol~;r~.~: . .~'..,.. fto' , 'No'~'.70-, , 8S·· .. ". :,:' ',:,,;,:.' '~has&;.;~,·of :.~,s:e:~relJrJliriary'.'Soj 1:;I~xestigati :', \; MBO' Pr.operty~t Rancho' La .Costa ':';~~'t.\ .: :, " .','", .'W,",'_~_'" ~ '""'--:"", <,,-;,.~'. ,,' :,~: ,. ,=t,D:~;:'}~r,~~)~?;;~~t::!:'o~:o . . .,#,;,,:c~f'i;:~)S~~1~:.;~;t, ;"'."-" ~-".'" Carlsbad" 'califo~i~';~t ~-.', .", . ~:-" .,.. " "','., ::;? .:\ .. , • .-.', ,. . ;<.::;:';"::,,, .. ': .:' ":" _.',. -,1 • ."-•••• ," •• ·:''''''~·~:·.,;'''··f+ " Gentl amen: .-. . '.' .,.' "'. " :. . ~ , . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS '-·':".~:i;:; .... :"'}':;:;~<':"'·~:~'· It is concluded frcm.the ~~I-~.~oi: field in~esti~~ti~5 and l'~bo~t~ry.t~sts,·t~at:·~~-:;~(~:i~~;:·~·~,.:':,:':··' ,'.' .. :.r, ~ ·2 ..... t:::..5~ ... :.;:.._2r:l.~·: .... ~~· -' .. ~ -::~:~_.:"-""~'''; -. "·;':ft.,~: •. ",·\.:.",;;-::·~.;i!--:.:...-'~··· ",<~,:\~~;,,~{~~::':::. "~' '''-, ,"~ .. . 1. The subsurface: conditions' within the' subject· property are seneraHY'favorable for .':/ ' .... :~ ""'C~',,>~ the proposed developmen't,wit.h:some' precautions as descr.i:bed-,in . . . ,:;:,;",,·e,::'-w.;';,;,· that follow. • " -':"'<:~:~;~~';;i~i~~;,;' .•.. .. . .... ,'"., ,H-:--:",". 2.. ' The unfoVorcble geotechnical features--that. proposed developments are tabu I at~·: bel oW:·~;:'~~s:·~·~.: .. , ,::. '~':';'!..':"~": .... :;',.,,, ",;. _,.,,,,,,.,.''''0' . :!' ~-' : .. '"'' '~'~'¥~:--:'tt~:~~~;I{~~,j~~.~~~~,~~;;~;~.: .. ~~> .~.~~;~:,:,~~, ~~J~:~". "~: : ~ ~ ":~f2"~.,: . a) . Evjd~n~~ ~f;p~i~~:;;'~~~~~~t'~'f·sojl ~~~'tfes:-w<1S ,·t~ 'a"..(~eCtth.::ot: (to approximately Elevation. 107 .0 feet) below the existing ground surfac.8",rn :t:. ~~~rti'~ end potentially expansive claY, and .claystone layers' were. enc;ountered beliiW 16 .. qf~t.Jn·.·depth .... ,,/: , . ~ . ~: ·f· "'~\i:i ---: < . !::~ ... ~ :.-. ~ :.>:~ .. :i· ~ -:~; .. ~. J-;~:·~;1;:~~·.~b .~':.;:~Jl:-·.~·~;:iJ;·~)~::~ . _"~;.ii~1}.~7Z~~ ~'~~ f -. .:--~!~-:: b) Soft claystone with black carbonaceous materials .;,~ en~ountered in SanE!' zones· below a depth of 17.0 feet in the' area of Boring 3 or be'~ l:jeva~ion :n3~0-feeto!c:;;:f~i~i~:!:i:~;· .. :. ,.:,.;,.,,; ... ;',>.;.{.l _ c} • Ground water vt;;/i~~~~ :at"~ 'de;~-?f, ,~:?~f~!;':b'~i~~'tk:~::x:i~t'i'~;;';~~~~r;~~ace or . ~: ... ,.~.:.:. ,below I:::levatton_ 44A~ the area. of Boring 6 located at the scuthwest··comer of'the'si·te •. Cav-"~;: ~> 4119 of the boring ,was noted below th~-wa:ter table." ',: ... ~',,::;.:.: .. <,,';'::..' .,'.,,>~:.~: ::·';t~;-;;;:-"·."c,,, ,. ---~ "' .... ".~ >:~~2f~~{ .. '~~~iR .. /;;:; :-:-. ~:~:' .' ...... '!. ; ..... -->v '· ... 1: '·'·~~,~~v~~~~-~, :,-;-'~ "'·~~t~"!-~,:.~ , _ .'. : ' : ": ":.'.~.:'?-i~.;: ',. ,:: :;:':;:-;:: .. ,:.' .. ,,~.,.;,~;:_<,,~."; '.,:,;.,·,};~~,:e ; .. --'~-"C Z;:O, -_z.~.~,-, .. ,:c·:<~·::(~;,:.:-.. :,·,=:'}i';~'-::1f> I~ _ -_,v ~;;>:'f:-;~'~~'\':~::~~;'~::~~:1---_~ --'. -___ _ ". " ,~ ,,:,. . ,;: .. ~"~::~ ;y; .. :{ ::.<:: -~"~;!:'./~f?~ ,~:~~~-:,,; :' .. "'~~T~f;:-;::'~> .-','. ~:: , Project No~ '73-3'-16BC ' . ::e· _ -2--"," ~ ~.> .. ~. >' -<:?:: La Costa Land Company' ' LtdJJ t T 1V"C0:~ :J~~:<,~~::~::~ , . '}J,,--?~1 ~--d) A previous JandsJided zone was found betW~n th'~ dep-~:~ ~';>,'~'-~o-t~2~5~"-:~~'S~'~'a~~n~d:l~~_'3~O~>"::~oE~8~7~'i~ii t~~rea." <?fBoring 10 or approximately beiween ElevQtions '1.Q.l.~_qn(Ll5T.:,O_f.e.et;ei~4i~~:':::~~~~~~~ , ~". ---..-------4 -• • :, -;¥. --~ . _ : .~:~~~~, .".~.:' '.::-.:. :'~:.~. ,,~-:: ~> :~ •• ~·:;~;.::~.~~:~t::}~~;:z~:~~~::~ e) Another slip plarie was noted between the"dep~"s' oF4~.9 and 4-.7feet~for:cel'Weien'~4.'-',C:.i' levations 173.0 and '172'.3 feet at Boring 11 : .. ,:~' ,.>0 : ,~.', :,ii,' , . "-. . '.~:' ,~ 7. The excavated granular type of soils such os s'ilty sand, slightly' silty-sandr-·day~y. ,sand and fine to medium sand may be used for' structural support both os naruraisoifsqnd as' C9lT1-':, :, pacted filled ground. The fine-grained types of soils such' as claystone, clay,' silty·, dey.,' and ;. '"."", .. ,.' , clayey sil t should not be used for structural support because of their expensive pot~iafs os indi-". . .-'~', ~cted by the resul ts of I aboratory tests and our past experience with the fine-grained -types-of soHS.-:.,,:i:. In the La Coste aree" unless speciel design precautions are used for footings, end concreteslabs~,' .... :,~:/,., , ~ . ',' ',~.~.~ :-;':;. -;.-:.:.;-- ~ -' '.': -.~'" ... ,. : -,------_._-_. _._ ... -...•.. _-··~'-:-:-~~~~------·:----"'-~i~---;t:~~::-:-::-~~~~=~....."",~~,....,.,.,~ l .. \,*.:: ' ... ' ... ~4 •• -:';. "~'~:'.~":": , ':_ :':':::'~'~~::~"_' C ,"'Projec,t No. 73-3-16BC .. "·>e -3-:;":::, .> .. " ... :~e:·.:·~::·~ ... '· Ma;·,:iO·~~ .. 1973 .. 5·"·\f~<',,, j .. ' La Costa l<Ind Ccmpany . •• .......... . .... .. .....c:i;>;~:@:.* i 8. When used as compacted fill material, fthe fine.-grained soi Is should.be placed ' .. r _ no c loser to exposed slopes than 20 feet , for reasons of staLrlity oJ fill s'poes: ... ·ff-::~),:(.',;·' . _".' '.:.:'j~;;}:;~> . When these typ~s of soils are placed in, app'roved a~edS" (i :.e~; 20 ·f~~t· .. ~r~mo~e '.' ... ',;.(~~:;.~f.~~ ~i _--\ " inside of fill slopes), either of the. two following alternative, procedures may be used •.. : : , .. -., ~ ': -: :.:!">:~":> .' .... . ~ . __ ..... t; ... _.oc:__ .' ,. ,,' . ;_,' .~. ',' ~ . '"t":··. \,' :', A) Place these"~~ils'~t'depths of 3 feet ormor~ beloW finish grade,. tn.~hLch·c~e;:';.:, :'~"":<"~:;;'; no Special· design:precClutions will be needed~~/:~~f::·:~,~,.~". ' '::";,,' ,~~>~~;',.; ~-:,,: ,:,:;.~~~. A:.t.:~:~!.; ;i.~.:.,., "., ,,; .-.~~:.t" t~" i~ "~'~.~ ~.':-2i·~~~·_~~r1?1~~~;i~~~':c-::' ._.~-::_::~ : -.,-~;.~~. -.'.~.:., ::-~'.~ i.:.~\~~~{~~~:l..;~:::~ ~::~.~ ~. ,~~-::~:~~ ~~·;;~~=s-~·~~~~~:~~7~::~~~··. ·~~\~")~~.:;,,f: ... }:;~ ~ \~, "' " B).·,·",;+ If such~soils::are7placed within the upper·3"feet.:betow final grader-the speciQt~~;~.', ',~'_ . '.; design" precouti ons; presen ted in. the.attachediAppendix C should:.be\',cidopted.;.q1::".:-::>:,· ' . : ':><~~:'~"':>": .~.:-::+i~:~~:j~~~:~::~;~~'~:~;: .. ' .' :'. ,::~,:':~·J~{,~~~f:D;i;:'~.~~~··· .... ~~.':: .:' .<,,'~);~~':';', ;-:~:'~~-,!:·;t,:,~},:~~" ' . . ". ,.' If;:duri ng' grcdi,ng j:\::these,· expansive soi·1 s~:or.~fol.iridA9 ~~.ist~wi'thin" the:;..upp.e,..:..3:J~~t:'·,?.'""",;.;"."" ..... below finished, grade :in,.cut,.dre.as-;~·~ith~i:~f: tfie t:YfO-Oiill~:;Pr~$.ented above' rSQt:ceptable.j'p,' ,n·~~r-·0"":'~ti:.''':':: , native (A) cambe'effected" by:~::.excavating these soik,t~~a.depth"of 3 feetaod:'r.eplacJng, th~·.,,~~, .... excavated soils.with properry compacted nonexpon5iv~·soils:,~~ln any case/it: is·.recommended that· ," . all lots be inspected. atthe.tii'ne~·of,gradin9in'-ord~r-t~·d;t~~frie. those lots which'contain poten~,:.:) .. , ".:' .. . ', . ' iI ..... tiaHy expansiv&cfay·soi/s,withir:r:·the"'upper 3 feet below'grade;·:in·some cases -it~may be necessary·,;.,::jt~, . to hand,;"auger 3 feet deep holes in order to make this determinati-on." .,,:: .,~ , .' '. :"'~". -".:.:/-:--,,~, , . c':;-: ,.;>.. , . ,: '. '.:' x::. < :;;. ::': ... , :::> .,'. . .... : .... ::: ;, ,:':'-:":', -"r"~".::·~·· 9. . A one-foot'wide ·conti·nuous footi-ng placed one foot:belo¥(Hteproposed finished ... · ,> .,,: ;~. grades of both"compacted filled. ground and natural ground" may be designed. for a: safe allowable .... \:'::' bearing value of 1658 pounds per square foot •. This value is applicable to, both fine-groined type ':":" and granular type of soils. The settlement of a one foot wide contint:1oos' fQoHng pieced as recom-" .. ' mended and loaded to, 1658 pounds p~r sq:Jare fOot is estimated to be less, than 1/4 i.nch.:" ' '-:: , ' " ". ~ -' :' - 10. When be~djng plane foil ures are not involved, cut slopes may 'be: made Sofely up . to the following maximum heights with adequate factors' of safety: . ... .,' .,.., Main Soil Type· :'" 'In Cut Slope .. Flne-grained soils--. Granular soils Slope Gradient ' . Horizontal to Vertical 2 : 1 3 :1 4 :1 '.' . . . ¥' •• : 1.5: 1 2 : 1 . . ,"'.' -\ . ~ , " -.:, ~. -~ Safe Mqxi~iJ~· Heights ". ,/ .. , • "',in Feet·. ~'.... . . ·'C·' (A··)~""';:'''· ,r~·. (B) :. ,ass ~?:.'i\.=;., ~se . -','. , ".~,-' • .! " , Case (A) applies to the excavations made through~' ~elative'ry inte~'rat~d, ~oi'ln1ass;~" ',:.;:. ':'~',' that contains few or none of the conspicuous previously-described sliding planes. ·:If .excavations::: ... ' :~. are to be made through the problematic zones as described in paragraph 2 of this 'report, a cut .,::. ":' .. ::, ' ,slope 3 horizontal to 1 vertiCal or flatter should be used. Under this condition Ccise:,{B) would. :'~"'.',' .. : . apply. ..:-, ','. ' .. ,.' ' ... ',-.; ~ 11. Compacted fill slopes that are mode of the excavated soils compacted ,to at least ,:::.:.<::,.'.' 90 percant of maximum dry density obtained by the A.S. T .M. D 1 557-70' methocl.of compactioo·< .. : .. ,,~ '~. , may be safely constructed to the maximum heights presented below, with adequate factors of ': :-:.-~' ..... ::'. safety: " " ',;;:'., .... '. ," ',:::": . "-.- BENTON EN~INEERING. INC. ' .... " ',' .. \! .... ~:,:,~ ';'.-, ".:1 ., • .. ~ ':=-.' ;.,~ ~ - . 'Proi~ct No •. 73-3-16BC La Costa Land Company Fill Slope, Horizontal to Verti ccd 1.5:1 ,',-, '1--~f.:-~ 2.5: 1 . , -4- , ',; It is. assumed that: the excavated fine-grained·soi./s wilLbe placed .. at feast 20 feet~;r>,;t:'; more from any. compacted fi II s10pe and that grcdi ng operati~ons:~i!1 be .. conducted,und~r ,~ontin-'~' !:;:'r:~:'?S~:o,~¥.;": uous engineering.'inspection: in, accordance with the applicable-sections of the attached Appendix,,'j";,:~;\': AA; entitled~IStandard Specifications for the Placement'of COmpacted,FilIed Gtound.:~I'f.i~;;fj::2L:\:¢t1:2;:'~C;, " ;~.. ' , ') ,,'> "i"-''': ,s;',"' ~~ j,;,,;.;.~ :,*,', ,.: ,,-:.' ') -~i~,1.41~iifj:~~~::?;;,~{{:~t;~~,:x.;.~;~ '~:;~+:i'~~t~!<j}Nii:~~~ '.~2~;!?ili' . 12.. .. ".:.-',,: The recommend~~.m~ximum heights of, bot~?~~~;sl:opes:,and',~ompacted.4~Jr,~I,9Pes"~~{~~Jk~j(~ are predicated upon the assumptJon that proper erosion co"troJ:qnd dTainagedevices, wHl.,~e .. pro--':~r.~l/~t vided at the tops of slopes in order; ~o prevent excess suriace water.;fromsheeting'over· the. slopes. ,;',:ii~tie';;~:-:; , ' _ . ~',' .:, '. . : ' :, ~'c_:'~{:~~,~;;f:i~;;~~1.<'~;~::>~'?~ -~, '.;':< :~ .. ~~.,:. ::~.: •. :, ;,-;, _ ::.::--:.<':~t: 13., '.' ResidentiaLbuildihgs may,be, constructed partly~on: cuf and. partly-·on.:compacted. _::-f?:;:.-,':i~:'~'" filled ground provided the load-settlement chara~terjsti~,_~f J~~J~.ea~~ng soi:ls,Q~,:compa,rc;tble'.i:r;~f;f~'~:;\H;~' 14. If any s~iI' ~p~~~~r~ e'ncount~red d~'ri~~;~~~~'i:~~~;;;~~ ~h~/;~';~'~'~~~~s';~'~i~-',~~';::~::":;J this investigation, additional laboratory tesn should. be conducted in'order to detennine the--:' '. physical characteristics and engineering behaviour of the soifs.",Suppl.ementary rep~r:t~,and recom-' mendations will then become a part of this report. .-'. ," ,.:" -,-.. .. -.. ~ ~ .. ' . " . ~ . 15. A report of a geological investigation conducted at this sit~ wi"!! be' forwarded' : r in the near furure. ' Respectfu II y subm i tred, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By.~ ~4~~----·- S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer . Reviewed by _/1_nt_t/_ ... _-I2---=~;.... .. ~' ~_,, __ M. V. Pothier, Civil Engineer Chief Engineer (4) Addressee 0) Attention: Mr. Bob Stork (2) Rick Engineering, 50ri Diego Attention: Mr. Sam Gaines dENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ," .. { • "'''> t.-: ' _.~" J." .~ -, ••• 1., . '" Or . ¥ '-.. :, . ",. '. ;." ." "', ,-, .:, . ~ ~,~.~~. ~ .. :" '~:~'=:::: _~. (,~?-. <k~,,: \ SHS/MVP!ew::. -' . , -' -: .'-,. ',-~- .., .. :", . L.~. _ , • • '" -.-'" -,-.~~ . ~ :." .:. .' ,:. :"','". . ,'. .' .:. . -.. ~ ~, - t l '" .. ": ;.' ~, " .. ¥. 'Profect No. 73-3-16BC La Costa Lend Company •• -5- DISCUSSION , '. MaY'10> 1973· ; . . . -. ~ -.: . .. ' ,~, .' ~ A prel iminary soils investigation has been·completed on the:subject .property, k~own·a~Spanish .. :.-:·.~·,;,~~·"·,.,?· Village Units l·ond 2 and located southerly of La Costa Avenue and easterl,y of EI Camino Reel" .... ~·~·~~·)L·~t in Carlsbod,. San ~jego County,'·Californio. . '. -'.:,";, , '.' ::", <,':', ":':~~', This report i~ i~'~~~d~~~;~"'~er~~:;: ~:~~pplement to a Hm';:t~:::~fl~::~~t;~~;ion u~~~:;~~:'~/'~:lJ;~: :~~;,:~·:·:~,!t::r:'; previously by· our' finn under Project No. 70-11-18B with·. a report· dated December-.11 j:t:l970'~:<:\';::: ~':'\~~, .. <.~; en H tl ed ','Phase,· 1", Pre-Pre) imi nary $Oi Is, Investigati on i MBD· ~!~erty, Ran cho La Costa·, 'San.-;":;:' :.~ \~';::.~~'-:f~; . Diego Coun~:~.-;;~~!:;,~:~;:~~~{;~~l\~:~:·,~::,.~:>.:,'" :, ,'-,~:' ::'~~~~~~f;'~~~~~~~~:':~!~:;;:;,,:,: :.>.:~·,:~;~::~1~;~l;;~:;~~~:?t, <\/~ . The objectives'.Qf: this,.~Jnvestigatiori:we..e 'to, study ·the genere!s:subsurface conditions: within· the:';;,:;.; :':,'" subject property)hat~were not previously investigated,.' to identify potentially problematic. or~»'::::':' hazardcos areas .. to· the proposed developments'" and to present~appropriate soH poromet~rs fo ... ·::,: ;>',>::, preparing grading pleins and foundation design .. ' ',.,: :.:,·;,;",.:f:}·';:;'" " .... . .:::: ·.::::;:::,:':.0· ... '.' -f."· . '. ': .-; .':-:~;; :;;>~;, : .~. •. " : .: ~ ':.:<~ ~:t!~~:" ~'~'" . ': >: : '~'''.::; ~:; .~ .~ . ~ .. :"";. . _:~~~~' < ': The general topography: of the area may be described as'gentIY':roIIiOng,to steep sloping'terrciin~':·:>., A high ridge extends in' an east-west directicn in the north centraL portion of the s-ite that, has, ~~: ..... -.;<, .. , a limited run-offto the north, and'co'valley in the southem-portiondirectsthe mQjor'drainage-to .. " the west. ." ,,,,;: '. " ,'.-.,' .. -. ' '. -.,- , . '.; .... ". According to the>II'$oif: Map" prepared by the U. $. Department of Agricuif'ure,. the uppersQils'.' in the area are described as Huerhuerto fine scmdy loam, Carlsbad loamy fine sand; LO$ Flores .. loamy fine sand, and Botello loamy sand. The soils encountered in both investigations. consisted. ' ... primarily of slightly silty fine to medium sand, fine to medium sand, sil ty very fine to' fine sand,. . slightly silty fine sand, very fine sandy silt .. clayey fine sand, fine sandy clay, slightly-clayey 'fine sand, day I silty day and day~y very fine to fine sand. ' .. --.. ,,- " ': .. .. ' '. Field lnvestigaticn ~) , " ~, /:; ',:. " " J A total of fourte~~ borin~ were drilled with a tru~k-mounted . rotary bUcket~type· d~HJ-'rig ~t the '".~'. ,,~. . approximate locations shown on the attached Drawing No. lr'entitled "Loc;ation of Test·aorings.". :~j. The borings were drilled to depths of 11 to' 55 feet below the existing ground surface ;,. A contin-, '. ,,: '1.-'uous log of the soils encountered in the borings was recorded at' the time of drilling and.;is shown :: ,',,: it.: in detail on Drawing'Nos~'2 to 28; inclusive, each entitJed"$ummary Sheet.,n:"'5::~r<'.~~,1;'~"'/· .' ,t~~ . ...; .. : .: -, .,'....., , ,':: :-'. ',":, ~': 'i) ,::< ): ;'}~::(:'>':":'=;;~.l~"~';\-r~·, .. ; ; .. ' :.' .. ;':~: .Also shown on Drawing No. 1 are-several locations of borings made adjacent· to the '~~.biect· ':", . ':~i' . property in order to provide cross-sections of the subsurface conditions',o! ~he. adictc~~:' areas •. ::'. ..'J~:'.}, -,£:,;...-~. ;-~ '. ,; '~~.' . The soils were visually classified by field identification procedures'ih acca'~dance with' the Unified ' l Soil Classification Chart. A simplified description of this classification' system is presented in the : .~', .' ':J; -attached Appendix A at the end of this report. . '. '. . .. . '," ·r. _ Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervals in the 'soils ahead of the dri.ll:fng~·.· The : '~ Ji·:· drop weights used for driving th~ sampling tube into the soils were the· IIKelly" borof.thedrill rig :.' which weigh 1623 pounds and 2200 pounds! and the overage drop was 12 inches. The ~eneral .... procedures ,used in Field somplinS are described under llSampling" in Appendix B... . . .. J ., '. -'-. -.;-: .SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. , -. ,. , :." ,;>, -> -', " "', frojec\ No.,,73-3-16BC ' • ~-" .' :;>"':":~;"ir;,:"~l1i~~#f\' . , . ~:b::::;:~~pany . ',,, ' .:~~ i;;"~'>" :"~';;:f~~,fii~~;.~~:·){: i' " Laboratory tests were performed on selected undisturbed samples of the soHs in·order·;-to;de>termine".-:c'·",·.,:,c;~"",~;; the drl density and moisrJre content~: Tl,ey ore presented on' Drcwing Nos.8,.,10'L,~~2,··:13;,.14 ~nd .,~"'~"',.>:: .' 16 to 28,inciusive._Consolidation tesh were performed on 'representative 'samples,6btained,i'n the, proposed fi.lled ground area and in the representative excavated soils that,might'-:~tJs~d for'ccm-", peeted fills in order to determine: the, load-settlement characteristics, of these soils;~~-,,;.The: results of"'_;:"~:,,,,,,'r.~,,,, " . . '.:' these, tests are presented on Drawing' Nos., 29 to 31, inclusi.ve:~"~·ea~h .entitled:.!~Con~~iidotiQn '. . .' .-:' ;",::.:,2,:.,:.:.; ".:",., . '. ... '''' ,':~~;.~fif~}r.:~ >;,>:'" : ... ''': ".;·:::'~;'~i~~~~:;';;~~¥~~J::·:'<~ ~ In addi ti on to' the: above. laboratory ,tesh 1-expansi on tests.. w~re.,·performed:on' a represeo t<;lttve '~t(]'V""~';" stone sample·and some representa~rve excavated soils. to"d~t!rin .. ine; ther~:.voluniet'ric;-::chQng·e>""'1 1'1", ....... ,. ...... ,;,,:. ',... istics with change .. in moisture conten~.·,:,:Therecorded expajiSions~:Qf~t.he~' semples: or~" .. : . follows:. , .:'.'~:}~. , "_" :'-:~;:c'.~~:;~~;:/.~:.::':· .:~. : _ __ ... :, ",-,< >c";~i:~~;~~~f'~1i+~]i::" , . )' ,.. .. , '-.;,.; .. ,:.:,: ... " Percent p<pCrision.~::~*~i:j~~f~ercent:EXPQnsi , ,~ , ::' i' Under Unit load of~/,A.i,~"~'E'Under·Unit:Load oLi'--:i . o '.: Depth of.~:Yi'~i~'. . . 150Pounds:~per; $qu~~·:;;~;~500 Pounds: per Squa~e .. ' Boring Somple--;:... Sample, :," .·J;,~·-:~r . Soil Foot froni,Ar~ Dry :~~~-A~::/> Foot from· Air DrY .... :·r>' ",,,-:".",i.':,<, ';'" No. No. . in Feet. /:,' Description to Saturation.~~:'i:~<5.::'·::,:?_ to Saturatjon'~;"-';'~ ~ '-,re' ." ~ .,~.,~/~ .. ,/~~~/;,:,:;/~:~:~},::.::-.';::.:-.. ",:~~:-~. ,;,,: ... , ':: 3 6 26.0 > • Claystone ... ". :' .. --', '5,~75 " '.j . ,'" Bog 2 4.0.,.·5.0 Silty fine to 1.78:~}:)~"'·'·'·>·---;·:·· :". :':""~;.." ,.,' ":'.-.' . , , 8 ,~ medium sand "" .... ', 11* 3.0 -4.0 11 * ,Bog 3 25.0 -26.0 Alternating 5 iI ty fi ne sand and clayey fine sand Clayey silt 2.39 * Remolded to 92 percent of maximum dry density. , ,-.~-::. : ",'t!" ~ ,f-_;~ '" : ,.'4:' ; .. ".' , . ~ ·r .' ~ -. '. ',~~ " . -' "':~-: ..... ,'" " . :-~ ' ... / ~ ~ --~ '". . -- -.~:' ~.J~:" -7~: ~,.' .. -, ; " -> '. , The general procedures used tor the above laboratory tests' a~' 'dese~i~d"b!i~ft-y-,:i'~~'Appe~cHx' B. ,'~.; .' ';>::':~<'~ -, --.. --".-~ ;..;.:~ ..... -.. ~',' -~ , ;: ,~ .. " .~, :;." .. '. -.""::: 'Compaction tests were performed on rapresent~tive samples 'of the ~'oHs to b~ e~~~~~te,t to establi~h\~~ .compaction criteria. The soils were tested according to the· A .S •. LM": D:1557:"70:method of :".' .,' '/ ( . :::;;--compaction which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer dropping 18 inche$~On' each'of5~·.!Qyers in"ao/ci,:-" . 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold. The results of the tests are presented' as .fon~wS::,~ ::.; ," • ,.', :;:·~~'~:r::." .'. , " Boring Bag No. Sample .' , .~ .·8 2 " ',' /-. '11 1 .. ., -' 11 3 '12 1 ·J2 2 - , " '~-... -:...-- Depth in Feet 4.0-5.0 3.0-4.0 25.0-26.0 5.0-6.0 26.0-27.0 " . ' .' 'M~imu~~';:~;:~: :'~:ti:~m:~Oi~~:::''';:?:~,:r}~<; Soil Dry Density.:: <.:tute' Content. . . ..-. Description Ib/cu ft,-:.',,·: '% dry wt .. ', .- Silty fne· to medium sand Alternating silty fine sand, :" and d ayey fi ne sand Clayey silt Silty fine to medium sand Sit ty fi ne sand BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 1-19.2 114.3 113.4 114.0 t 14.0 . 11.4. 14.0' ,- . 15~l ' .. 13.6 , ' . 11.5 . , ., . . . ." ~ " ' , '. ", ~ , ," -:"'." ' ... ' , G:~;m~;n~~~~~ ',' ".-7-.. ' ~;Cry'~"':i;"""';.~7~~T:Z~;1::r:/1~~ I Meehani cal ana I y> is lests were pe rformed on ,ep,,,,.n lali ve s'ainp I .. i n ac~o,..;'an~~' wi th A. S. T .M :. ,:\:'jJ~: I. D422-61Tand.theresultsarepresentedinthefollowingtabulation:" "·~'::·<>'~U,~,::'.'~>'::;: _. '-,~, , ~ . , .. .;':' .. ' ! ' ,: : ~;:,~:?-.:-:,'" . -.' -. '~:' ,.-: Boring 8·, Boring 11 Boring n·,·:.. Boring 12 "";'BOrin912':;::':::-"'~""':"':::'::::";;~):'~ r U.S.. Bag 2 ... :.... Bag"1. "', " .. ' . Bog 3 .. " . .." :;:~ '. Bog 1 . ::":< Bag 2. ': .. ">.~'.::.;>' ..... ,. ~.~.:.: ·<t'.'. ,I Sieve Depth---'. ;;: Depth·-:··" Depth· ..... :' ... ,. : Depth, '. ·~·Depth~'::'~.:''''··::··' ···'·c ::'" " Size ~ -~. !. :t .. .;'.::,,~ ..... ~:-~. : ',,;",:. .. ~ . .. '1, 1/2 Inch;J:':;::~: ".:'(3;100; n,;-.jL . ,·.II;~: ~g~;E:!-':;S'"~':E;~1~~r; No. 40,.,,,.,:~· 89 •. 1 '.' 95.7,· .. · .... N 60 ;·:;~~:;:·56 2 , ...... ' . 92 "4 .,,:;,.,' .:, ." . . 1 o. ' ; .'". ~-~:::... • .' • -'-':~;'''''~'''' , , ~. No. 100 ,·,:::t( '35.6 ;... 77.0 '.':\'.,: ~ No. 200 '~-::.":':':'> 23.6' . 33~8 ."';.'.. 47.6 ... '''''0'' .. 16.2 . .' " .19.6 .'" ,"".'. '. ,,', .. '",."," .~ :'.::" .", ." . ~~~:~7,'X:-.·:':·, ': .. :' ~ .. :::.; .. :.~}:.:,: .... :. "/< -' _ .. ,"'. '>:',r~,l~:f~~ 'I ~ :J ~ ~ ~ .. ¥ '-1 1 ·ii .~ '1 -'l I ~ .i I~' .. , '" I~- ~ ~ ~ 'I-" '1 I I ~. :1· . ;,.~, Soil <.,Silty fine Silty firie .. Clayey very"';'; .Silty fine'· .'-.: '.' snty nne " '.~'~', "~,~r~. Clossifi-.... , to medium sand. . fine sand"''''' '. to medium· .. ·· :"~ond ..... " ">':"':'." ". \:.~ . . . ' . sand . . sand .. ' :... . . . '.' '.' ,~-.~',. :-j'}-cation' '-, . ,.~ ] In order better to classify the finer grained soils, Atte~erg' Li~it tests w~re' periolTl1~d on s~l~cted .. samples in accordance with A.S.T .M. Designations D 423-6lT and D 424-:59. The results of the " tests and the final group symbols are presented os follows: Boring . Sample Depth No. No. ' in Feet 2A 6 25.5-26.0 3 Bag 4 21.0-22.0 $ 130g 2 .. 4.0-5.0 . .. ~.'. 11 Bag 1 3.D-4.0 11 Bog 3 25.0-26.0 Soil Description Cloy . Cloy Silty fine to medium sand with cloy,: ' binder' , Alternating .. silty fine sand and cI oyey fine . sand Clayey very fine sand Liquid limit· 56 62' 31 37 36 Plastic . Limit ,...:, -.. 18 22 21 17 * Minus No. 40 sieve sample that contains cloy binder ! . BENTON ENGINEERING, INC •• Plasticity.. . . Group In~ex" '<, Symb<;)l .. ,.' . ~ . - -;.... : -~ . : ,,: ~ -':!." ~. 19 , C:t 'k" "',:. :. -. .-' ;: -.. ~. ~ ' ••• --I .' ~ -'. --. :=.'. ":'. '.~'. .' < . " .;~ :(." ",."- -, ' . rr;~~;:;;;~~ -~ ... --~~-~-.,---.--'~ .. Oi'~·~;';·····.~;~~'~~r~;~rr'~~~1~ ;',~ ~ Direct shear tests were performed on selectad loose soil. samples remolded to 90 percenfof ;;;.:'.'., :" ,--~'~:;>:~-.-;:~-;: 'ii .. maximum dry density and on selected undisturbed samples thot were 011 saturated.an(J drai~'led .)~:: ::~·:~·:;:{.~~t~· \;:: -orior to. testing. The results of these tests are presented below: .. ·" . . .. :<~~~~~;(.f:',;:~::r.,:-_·,"··~.-·.~~~Ht~~:;~, ,. ' . MaXim","';,:,;. Angle~;·~ _iI1~!~~~"}t:X~lit;;i; (A) Undisburbed Samples Boring 8, Sample 2 :.:~', .... Depth: J 1 .0 feet :,-;~0,~ .. ~J· ,( ':,. Boring la, Sample 1·,," Depth: 3.0 feet __ , ' j., ~ .. . .. ". " Boring'l1, Sample 5 Deoth: 25.0 Feet . Boring 13, Sample 5 Depth: 25.0 feet {S) Remolded Sample Boring 8, Bog Sample 2 Depth: 4.0 to 5.0 feet Normal . Shear' .', .. -. Internal ... -. "'.', ,-Apparent'·:"",,··, -'-'.: ,·-e· .. " Load in kips/sq ft 0.5 --',' 1.0· . .:. ·,:2.0 . ~:." . 0.5 100 2.0 "". 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 200 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.59 . 4.07 4.98 2.27 1.92 3.15 0.72' 1.02 ' 1.67 .. ~ " 30.0 . 32.0 :;, _ .~'. ,:, ._,:.~i:. '-.,- . ::. ---,:.;. .... \ -'.:~ .-, . -." .~, ~.". > , . ," .::':380 . ~ .. "'':' -: '.' - ~ ,:':, ,-},j ~' ' . ,; I " ·1 " i ;. ',.' j i ,,' ! j ·1 l "_ I lls7ng the lower values of internal angle Of friction and ap~arent cohesion,. and th:-t~rz~ghi '-. :: :~".'.c,'.~­ fomula for local shear failure, the safe allowable bearing pres~ure5 for both compacte.d filled .. '>:" :-':" sround and natural ground are detennined on the following pag~.. .,~, :-' -: .. _ .-.' -:. ';, \-.-1 . . '~ :. ",' "I "';" ,'; " " ',' : .. I ' ... . , -',: ... : ",-j SENTON ENGINEERING. INC, . _ ..... ~ .. ~ __ '-----.-~~~-:-.-:--'. ----.----:0--I Project No. 73-3-16BC: > • e' i La Costa Land Company ',:'.'- $l. -I I --I I , , Local Shear Formula: Qld = 2/3 C Nl'c + Y Df N'q ~·r.sN';." :. '" .' ... ~ -. Assumpti ons:, (1) Continuous footing 1 foot wide = 2B -'. _c.'~ ", (2) Depth of footing = 1 foot = Of ,,', ':" ,", .::-., ' .1,' Undisturbed Natural Soils • : < -> ~,~~ ... . -~: z~· _ f" '.<,!.:' ,. : cD = 15 Degrees C = 660 Ib/sq ft,,-,::~ y == 1.15 ';b;:t>~t:'.~;~~'~;;~>: ," .' '; ': ':",: .~. :.: N'c = 10 N' =4 q ,:~} ··-:'_-~:~i·-~t~'~~. < ~ '. , '":iiI. '. "-!.~. ~ . Qld == (2/3 x 660 x 10) + (115 x 1 x 4) + (115 x 0.5lx 2)'= 4975 Ib/sq ft-" , .1' Qld ',Safe = O'd '73 (Factor of Safety) = 1658 Ib/sci-~ft , ., ~ "f' .'.:. . --. , -, .~ ,';:.r ':: .: _ ~:~ , , . Fill Soils Compacted to 90 Percent of Maximum Dry Density' Q = 32 Degrees N'c = 21 . .,'. -~ -~,' -. y ~'l'16'n~/c~~ft"""':':" .:,.>: "'~~"~:':~:"::] N' = 11 q .N'y = 7 '.' :"'. '. '-,':- Q1d = (2/3 x 380 x 21) + (116 x 1 x 11) + (116 x 0.5 x 7) = 7002 Ib/sq ft,. " Old Safe = Q'd ~3 (Factor of Safety) = 2334 Ib/sq ft •• '>'- " ,-J ",J '1 ·······.····1 --. J ,I '," ,,'J -. . ... -~. . ,-- ~ ~-> --. -• ,.---.". ,-.:.". '.' .......... ·~ .. );~C)£fl .' _ «-, ~--. -'.,~_ W'o ~_ '.' ~ -•• ~ ;.~._ ...... :-._~. 0:;::;-.• ~.~ • ~:-:~_~ .. :' _ .:_. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. .. .-. :".~-'; ,'.-, .:', -.. " ':.-,.~ .. ~;:. .~ . .::. ' ':-... ~" " , ' ... ,' " --'. -'i ,',II " , '.k 'Ii .~ 1 .. 'I : ,-j '.' I , ,I I '.~ i ", I ,I ',< I " I I • ! , , I , f . ~ , i SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO._1=--_ Il!1.£VATION ]94' * Dry, Loose, Topsoil Brown, Moist, Very Firm, Slight Clay Binder o o * ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SILTY VERY fiNE TO fiNE SAND AND SLlGHTL Y SILTY, FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No.3 In4i cates Undisturbed Drive Sdmple Indicates Loose Bcig Sample .. ', 35.7 24.4,·" , _,.1. i i , i ! I ! j , I . . ' . -. ~ , :.' -'.,' .. '" 'r": ".": ' '.. ,. '. ' .. -', , . '; -," .' . ;.'" . ,', . ~ .-' -,-. . " ;·.'i . i " ,.' i , ! , : f v~_ _, , !i ',: J '''J -" ';l :', '~ ~ , 'I PltOJfCT NO. DIAWIHG NO. -.: ;'~ __ 73_-_3-_·,1_6B_C_.J...... ___ BE_N_T_O_N __ E_N_G_IN_EE_R_IN_G_,_I_N_C .... ' __ ........l ___ -2 __ ..... ,,,---I .. ~J The elevations presented herein were determined by interpol.ating be,tween the contour lines shown on a plan furnished by Rick Engineering' Company.: '. SUMMARY SHEET,~"",: BORING NO. 1 (<;ont~) BroWn, Moist, Very Firm, Slight, Clay Binder' . • 1 • -.' ~ -~":" '... ...! • ALTERNATING . 60J}I-""""-~; BENTON LAYERS OF SILTY- VERY FINE TO, < -, FINE SAND ,AND SLIGHTLY SILTY .. ~~';;( FINE SAND' ENGINEERING, INC. 35.8 '-.""-'. -.. .' .' ';.:":.' ~:.; -:·(~.7~;, .::':~~~::~ ... '. .. ~, : , >. , > > -" ~ .' " . ~'. O:'AWfNG NO,' ':3' .' , " , -.' :~ .: • • ~ 1, : -,:' .-~ , --;;-... ;.. . :" ... :J.~­-~_~: ',-I ., _ : 38 -"~ , :L : SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 1 (Cont.) " Brown, Moist, Very Firm, " ", Slight CIa Binder :.:' ':. Few-Siltstone and Clayey ':>. " SHtstone:Lenses " , . ".---.... ~.. , ... _, ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SILTY VERY FiNE TO FINE. SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY: " -f : '~ .. ,.'. . " 1 FINE SAND '.~~, -,54.5'+---f-.---I---I----i ,-~:' .... ,::', ;. I SANDSTONE·: ;";' ',,~, ~ ,~ :"., ~" '. , > 1 41 ,: . 'j ',"-:,:--' ", Light, Brown and Light Gray,' ____ . , ,', .' " 'Moist,. Very Firm . , ! 42 i I " " ! 43 , 1 , j , ! t I' 45 1 I , I , j -it I ~l -II -I t I I i 1 I -. I 46 47 48 51 52 .... " . ,[ P~OJ:eCT NO, 73-3-16BC .. '. ' -',;. .... ". Y J!" -:. -•• '," ...... ;< '. , . ' -. :: : ~,:' .. ".~,~ .~ -,~ .'",'", '., --" ',' ~ ,--:-'~,' -.::: -~:' -, .; . .,. , " 67.4 SILTYVERYFINE ' . TO FINE SAND" I AND SLIGHTLY , SILTY FINE SAND ENGINEERING, 46.0 . ' .~<~ '.:: • ." ; '" _ i -~ -~., " -, . -~:;~~~.~:.-' -"\}:~:~~~C . ~W---~~~-B-ro-wn--,-D--ry-,-L-~--e-,--To-p-s-o-il----~S~L~IG~H~T~LY~S~I~LT~y---4----+--~~--+-~~---i ~~~-----------1 FINE TO MEDIUMJ--_+-_.j--,-_+-·_' --t-------; 'i:.f{:· 2 i 3 5 6 7 Red-brown and gray-brown, ' Slightly Moist, Firm. SAN D ' , . ':':-I%~\ ,:. :<~:'i:~~.·:;·.·' t: ~. " ~'~~'.',' ";.' ~'. , '. ,.-:.". ---.... , ALTERNATING ,-, LAYERS' OF· --.:' ': :'" " " ;, , ' .: "": ., .:. .,"' -' .. ', SLIGHTLY SILTY:: 19.5 ~~>',-:" ' ,::/;.,' .. .~. . FINE'''SAND'AND' ,~~~>, ;.~'.c. ------\ '".:,::'.''-.. ' .. ::. SILTY VERY>::',.:: '-::., ., -Vel low-brown Light Gray Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm FINE TO FIN·E. ,',':. .':~.'-" ~ .. ' '-'~," SAND,>',-<,;:,'; . '.;' '., .. : .... ! • o'~;'.' ..... -.' ~ '-. ';. ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SLlGHTL Y SILTY FINE SAND, SILTY VERY FiNE, , TO FINE SAND,. , -.... : :" .:~'!;:.< --. 27.6 " " -.-'- SILT AND VERY , 29.2'~-'"'' FINE SANDY"" ':.; . , .... ':. :' ...... , ':"'-=.' ~ -:;' !:":. SILT . , -',' .. , ..;, ,.,:::'. , . -./, : ' ~. ,'" .. '" : ", ~ ~ . . ,,,, ~ ,-'" .-:." . • , .~: ---::' ~ ... -~~ .. .::;:~~._ ~ ; ... ;... I -, .. .;.......:~:. .. ..:. , ,~ ".' " \ .' ~. ~~~ _________ -I-_____ -t_--t-----r---r---r----1 '., .) ..... Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm P/tOJi:CT NO. 73-3-16BC SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No.6 BENTON ENGINEERING, aNC. 37.3 .... -. OIAWJNG, NO.' , .5: . .': •. ' , : ..... --------~--------------~--------~~ .. n .' " " ' .'. IE "1- 1 ~ ."" 1,0, 25 .' 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... 0: II) • -,,""' S\,11lI .... ....,ta:I ~~ -~:e ¢(:::l 0 .... >- ",,:t ..,.,!,J1lt Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm . '. ,', . ~ -. .,!.,"':: :~, .. ~ " ... , .... -;;~, ( . ---~ , ..... ,-.: -..... ~ ."- :', . ~~ ... ~. - . ,'': , - " .~. " " ," :- SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE'SAND ' .39.0' ~ . ". ' " . , ,....: ... , ••••• > " '60.0 54 .. 5 ~" , ,~ .~;~:'"':~ ~ <~~ .~ ': '. ' .. -,', : .~ .' :.', ~, . .:: ' / .. } ,,, '. . '~"" .. ' , .. :: . .... ..;.--." . ',,:~. -.' . . ~ , ,r . , . f r f ' .. ! . , ,., .~: . :. ::·l f?~{L1L.-------------f----------:+----i--=--+---jr---r--; ,:.: .. :,:,. i I--"=--";'~ Gray, Dry, Very Firm, Lime SANDSTONE Pl!!OJECT MO. 73-3-16BC Cemented Could not excavate sandstone with drill rig. SENTON ENGINEeR1NG, INC.· -. '.,:. ".-: . , " .... . , PRAWJNGNQ. ,6 . , , :~ ',~ --",-:i -' I t i , I i ~ ... 1:£ IOi ;.l .... ~ SUMMARY SHEET' ... ~f&l -~~ ;t ~:J BORING NO.--:·2;:.:..A..!..-', .. too Il. r.;}:;,?: "" ELEVATiON _11.-'20J031...1 __ 0 ,.., "t7 2-~--... Brown, Slightly ~ist, Very !-.... ........... Firm 3-CD ::.' Light· Brown, Slightly Moist, : : :. Very Firm, Porous '. A ,. At--;--;- --;-;-. 5· -.;" .. .. ~~ .. ~ -_____________ -----------1 .;" . , . . -,. .' ... -' ~.~ , , .. ~ .19.5 .-.- , ;-.... :.~. " - • • ~ l • _ o .. · .. · .. Yellow-brown, Moist CLAYEY· .... <: 1~'.5 ' .~. ~~~/'. 9- · .. . · .. . --;--;-;-. ~. "; ... --;-. .' · .. · . · ... .... : : Lenses of Brownish-gray Clayey 110-~ Fine Sand and Pockel's of FINE SAND ;:'.:: .. :"',' . " f,;'\ Slightly Silty Fine Sand With 11 0 t===~~Q.1~.I.2..!alc~kC..s;:alll22rboll!~''''~'''''''''~II!.L''.rt.lYMattUllLer:i awrl_-l-____ --JI 4.9 ! I _ • · - . Yellow-brown, Moist, Medium SLIGHTLY · .. :12. =;.-;-. Firm CLAYEY FINE- · . SAND .. . -;-:-- 13· ~~// Yellow-brown, Light Brown and 114. ~~ Gray-brown, Moist, Medium , Fi rm, Chunks of Cemented 115. ~ Si I ty Fine Sand and Pockets of ,. Slightly Silty Fine Sand. 116' ® (/./' ~~idence of Previous Movement ~ \M>.I\,IV,", 16 Feet / 17- SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND .. CLAY 11 11 i---1 Olive-gray, Very Moist to Moist, ~_ .... Ntedium Soft to Medium Firm, t==~~~Clla~yS~,ur~roJ~ceD~ii~~2~3~toN~~63~~ __________ ~/. ~_-i Olive-gray, ;\;Oist, Very Firm CLAYSTONE Continued on Drawing No.8 BENTON ENGINEERING,. aNC. 3.3 , ~. >' .' ... , ' -.. ~- .... ,- ~).' -/ 1<~7( ::;: ~~ , :'-.\ :. , .. " i .. ! .. 1 .-: :,., . " .. , ",' , ".' ClAWING NO.: .7' :~, ,' . . ----__ ...J..... ______ ---_--...;...--J---......:....:....-J .:.,<'; I ;~, }f ~ )i' i "~ ! i I SUMMARY SHEET SOR!NG NO. 2A (Cont.) rr'" 'Olive-gray, Moistl Very Firm i2 i~ ~ ~i9~t Gray, Slightly Moist, 1'1"_ ~ Very Firm, Scattered Coarse It.... ~ 'Grains,' , 1----4 Olive-gray, Moist, Very Firm 1----4 Dips 9Q to SE ,,' I---~, ... " 1---0004 :.;., 125-~.......t ~"l~:' " ,,'::;, ' 1---.... '?;', , '~'" . ,- CLAYSTONE SUGHTL Y SILTV' FINE TO ,MEDIUM SAND ,~ .:' ." -'';, -,: ' , .' . ' 16.2 15.6 h 14.0 16.2 . "-', " - '-; (. , ' '.,' ~ ! .Z6-0 S, 59 •. 0 19~51107.9 ",'.' ~~: i :. 'f' i i2J. .. '/ i ~' ! 1..,0, ,t . 1.(.0 t::=::1 Olive-grey and Orange-brown .,,:, :.' e 129-t:::::::1 Color Merges ,~, f! 1----4 Light Red-brown With Yellow- 130 Brown and. Rust .L . ~, ~ f-i\i---~ Few Small Pockets of Silty Fine -: ~ 13 \[) Sand and Gypsum Crystals , '\ ~ Merges to Softer Claystone ,c. ~ 132- " c": ;' 133' .-. ",' ~; , CLAYSTONE 40.0 " 134' , ,~. } ~ Light Gray With Yellow-brown " " ,.; ,~135-~ end Rust-brown, Slightly Moist, SILTY VERY FINE '.'." ,', H ~) ~ Very Firm TO FINE"SAND'.. '" , ·)i ~ ® ~ l54.6: ,. , -.' ~ -, '. '. " .' ~ ..... '-', r'" , , :," " . ~, . : ~,~ I'~ ~~--~--------------~----------~~---... ~.-,~--~~ .. ~ :. <:--:', .... , ;:.: .. ,:< . ::', ',''"; . ','. , .. .., . '-~ , ' '., r----::~~~--~------------~-------------------------T----~---~--~ PiolOJ~CT NO. D!tAWING NO." , , . " __ 73-3-16BC B:ENTON ENGINEER'NG, INC., 8 ',.: ". "".:".'.:> ""',1 ~',' .. ------1....---------------_--1_~~~~~~:"3I1~ , .I I f i , I ~ ~. 11 11 t~ 1 t 1 11-4, j. l-• ....;..-:~ • Light Brown, Moist, Firm . .. .. . " I® .:~,:~ []~ ~ ~ Light Brown, Light Grey and Yellow-brown, Moist, Very Firm / Olive-grey, Red-brown end CLAYEY FINE SAND VERY FINE SANDY CLAY WITH VERY FINE SANDY SILT AND SILTY VERY FINE SAND ... ,:~ (- 6.5 _ -,' . -', ,~~ -" '. .' 11 ~'/~'/""'C/'""""-l Yellow-brown, Moist, Very ~I' 11 @ ~'/""""''904 Firm .',.;: :. SILTY CLAY· ' 9.7 ·iL .. ~ .', ~-. .:;"';~~ : .-'-!'~ .. :. ~: " , , ....... :.. .... ~-::-: -, :::.-'; .. :: :;: . .: ~ '" . ,,' 117W~'~~~~ ____ ~ ____ ~~----~~~~~'~' ~~ ...... -.... Light Red-brown With Yellow- 11 1 ~ 120· t---.... brown, Moist, Very Firm, !---i Soft Black Carbonaceous 1==:1 Materiel in Some Zones r---....j Olive-green With Red-brown and Yellow-brown Streaks CLAYSTONE Continued on Drawing No. 10 . .. :' r~ ,~. ~. r-~~--~-T~--------------------~--------~~------~ PitOJ;E(;T lliO. OJAW!HG,NQ.' 9':.: .',. ~~. BENTON ENGINEEJUNG, INC., :' ,- ~ ~ 73-3-16BC ~.,--~--~--------~==~~~====~~.,:~ , :~ . ~ .. t· , I ~ ... Mi ,v.. -., X :- Q, !/Ii I 0 "n -t· "'''' 1 21 . -I 122- I .,: j 123- [24- ~~ ~Sli ~~ .(=> 'l!I)& G) [J ~ . ....1W"»= -<C~ 0....1)0 ~U~ RY SHEET· BOR!NG NO. 3 (Cont.). Olive-green With Red-brown cnd Yellow-brown· Streaks, Moist, Very Firm . ~ .. ~. ~, -, ".' , t:::::j· -. :-' , 'or-, ~:';~~:'.':>~ . :~. ~ .;:~ ,;. -' ...... :.: ... 16.2 25.6 97.6. .. ' .' ,':.:t :' .: .. . .. ~ .. ~.~ . r·" . ~_ ' '. '" :'" ):::..:.?:~ ~' ) , 125-.' ! ~-.... , .... --~ :.~.~ '~~~:) ,~~'" ., 126-0 t::=::j ,'! .~.~. I. :~7 1----1" .. ,'. j LI' 1----1 ... 1 . ",l 28 If :jt 129 J---~ Becoming Firmer With Increase ~_ ... in Dept~ I .. ; I~" ~. I"V "H j; 1(9\ I-----I! i,t 13 /\.'.--/ f''' !ii. i i'l'J ~ 1"'''-I· CLAYSTONE i p I' ~ Continued on Drawing No. 11 'I'~ . f -.. 11 . " 'l';~ II :u. t·., . . f .... .aOJECT ",,0 . 23~3 22.8 99.8' l.";' ,.-,-. 25.8 ".,": .. . , . ... : ~" ~': " . " ''':, , .-::..' ; ,!; •• . l l"J OIAWING NO. ,~ 73-3-16BC BENTON iENGINESRJNG, INC. ··.·10 .. ' ... , '-'. ".,:, .... ~. :~ I " .. I , , ' , ~-" 1 . ,:"', c', ~ ~. y.: 1 '. " I '. l" '," i '. 1 , '.' .. { , -: \ . ' : ! .1 , , ! i • '.< ~ -~~------______ ~ __________________________________ ~ ______ -L ____________ ~J. j;_::': . ..... ~~-~ '. _. SHEET.'" BORING NO. ;3 (C2nt.) Olive-green With Red-brown and Yellow-brown Streaks, M?ist I Very Firm -t .... ~".:i.-', 1---.. ..: .. :: '<:(' .... , . ~ .~- •• _~~ .~_ ....... o. " " 33~3 ','~ " '-";-'1',,., ~r-=~ ________________ -L ________ ~~4~1.~6L--L __ ~~~ P~OJ~CT NO. 73-3.,. 16BC BENTON ENGINEER1NG, iNC. . " "-' ... OIAWING HO •.. 11 ·.:;t;~i ~,' .,.~ . ~ ~ .... RY SHEET· .' . eoRJNG NO._4 ___ _ !ElEVATION ] 06 1 Gray-broWn, Slightly Moist, ,yery Firm Fi rm, P9rous ' Light Brown With' Rust-brown' ' .~' ... ' - Moist, Firm .""., . ~_ . .l: .,:7: "-~::'-/'~~:.:, .' ~'> .. ' :;: j' :;- ,',';." -' , -, '." CLAYEY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND PnOJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGJNEER'NG, INC.' ~ >-~ C) t: t: alii: loU, r;; W ....... alii: Z "" O~ Z ~ !.AI A. ~ >-141 U i2 IIoU Vt Q ....... loU il':O )0--~ ~ ...: ~.~ .-at w.. Q ..l Q .... -.', '" .,..." ..... ~_\,_ _ .... _ ;a., " '. ,:1:, 6.5 "", ". . :.-" , ' . .. ' -.,. .;~ ~ -*-," .' ~':.. '. ~ • . . . , . . .. ' .': ~ ~~. ~~:... , . . :~ .',". - , ,,: OIAWING NO. 12 ' ..... . ;.--.:,.'." " i . I ," -----___ .L..... _________________ ""'-_____ ...I '".". :1, " i i I 1 II 1 ... . -. ~. '-,:,- SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO . .-...;5;;......_ U£VAlI0N _-:..,7..&..11 __ 16.2 ; -~ . :. ',. : " - ' .. '-... " '.", ' ....•.... ' ." .~~~··!~~r,· , ... ~ •• ".' •• , < • ,~ • " ... / -: ',' . ,-,. ~.: .. ' ";.. ~, .' . , ' .... -.. ; , --, 'f:-,' .~ --, .~. ";. .' ' . c", ->:' , , ' " . .. ' ' ~. '. ~ ~', , . ~ Pi!tOJ~CT NO. OlAWING NO. . "'( ,,73-3-16BC BENTON. ENGINEERING, !NC. ", 13-"", " ,:,:"'.,:, ,'-...---__ ~--------"""!M"--------..-I....-----....J :,::'-:"~" "'f )".Y'''''/. SUMMARY SHEET' BORING NO. ___ 6::;....-._ ELEVATiON 541 Light, Brown, Dry, Loose SILTY VERY FINE ______ ------l TO FINE SAND Light Brown, Dry, Firm, Few Small Chunks of Olive-grey Claystone and Pockets of Fine to Medium Sand; S orne Zones Slightly' Cemented, Slightly Porous·', ~,: "'. Light Brown and Grey-brown, Moist, Medium Loose .;. . Grey-brown, lYt:Jist, Medium SLIGHTl Y SILTY VERY FINE TO" FINE SAND, ",.,. .', " , flI.I"./OA loose SLIGHTLY ___ -; SILTY FINE TO Gray-brown With Light Brown, Saturated MEDIUM SAND ~~OJECT NO. 73-3-16BC, BENTON ENGINEERING; INC. -...... -...... ~: .. -" .. -:~':'"":', ,...... -".-.~., . .' . ' '. -. ~------.---~--~--~ 6.5 4.1 11.4 ' , ' .. '~ . ' .. . , .0.8 12,.,6 .0'.8 0.8 87. .. ' " . .. " .. .. .. , . .i . :. ~ , " -, ' . -,' ~ :::J :;: :::J , ..oJ, ..oJ « ctA W!NG NO. , 14 " . , ,. f" + .. ,. "- .::' •• '<~ .: .,~ . , -'j -.. ! e --e--'- >-SUMMARY SHEET <' t: (jj • dill W ...tIl)GIS -:r.:c!!t BORING NO. Z 0..,'1>- tl)U'" EL!V.ATION 1341 Dry; Loose Light Yellow-brown and Gray-brown, Moist' Lightly Cement~d Ntore Cemented With Increase r'/,r.Y.7'?,) in Depth With Interbedded Layers of Red-brown Fine Sandy Silt .: .... ::.. -',- '. ,-,;,'" 'f', ~ . SIL TY VERY FINE - TO FINE SAND ...... Z \It loY A. i2 W > ~ * w. Q ~. , ' .. &.IiI lie ::::I ,... "" 0 :E " > • . _- '>, - . .... ~~. " .r ": " ~<:' .-.~ .~I "~ 1',~;:: ~-~: . '. "', ... : .... :' t . -t: "" z . w= c~ >vt .'-~ Co. -'.~ ., " . .~'-.. . , .,"":~. -. ~-\~. 2~ .-.. v . 'f;;~~' . :: ....... :<:--, ,:"~; ~:'~: F==~~ Grey, Moist, ,Very Firm, Cemented CLAYEY VERY Fl N E 1---_~---J"--~--------4------l TO FINE SAND P1(OJIECT NO. 73-3-16BC a~NTON ENGINEERING, .. INC. alAWING NO •. . .1.5'-· c. -':~ ~;~~~'~: .. '. ~. ':"".~ . 1 1151 .f . ~ I l ! _ I ~ I ~ j I J ~ I l PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SILTY -FINE Slightly /V,oist To Moist, Micaceous 6 Inch Highly Cenien~ed And Calcareous Zone TO MEDIUM SAND Continued on Drawing No • o o Indicates Loose Beg Sample Indicates Undistl:lrbed Drive SampJe -.. '" ". ':,~." . :" ""'T" .,:- !': , .' . ,,' '. '-. 50.6 7;3 113.1- .. "', : ' , ,'"'- . -:.~ • .t"·. ~,""_ * Elevations Shown Were Obtained From The Tentative"Mop "'::. "" <;,nd Specific Plan Prepared by ,Rick Engineering of.Carisbad,' ':." Col ifomia Which is Entitled Carlsbad Tract 72-24, Spanish , Village at La Costa, Units 1 end 2, and doted July 20,. .1972. .• DRAWING 'NO_ , BENTON ENGINEERING,· INC. 16.' ., ~.'--. " ..... ,.-; .' . ~. ,- r-UI UI :;. :r r-"-UI o 15 z o PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO, 8 (Cont) Light Brown To Light Gray I Slightly Noist, To Noist, Very Firm, Clay' Binder, Micaceous Light Oronge~brown.f With Some CI . SILTY' . FINE ".~' .. TO>'::'~'" MEDIUM'~~'~.::: '. ',' . > U' 0:1-110. w __ zCl) w!:: w~ >' -I-a: 110 c , ... ;...1 ;:, ..••. ::: w~' cO:3: ..I~> WCl)a: u::oc :iE~ >. ,: ')~~ !:t· zu. '. ; ,~, '. a:« , w::l· «1-0 -:.-:." 'U -' c .... WCl)CI) ::z:-iii >gJ cnCl)a. .. ;:.';:', w-'~..1 a:~. . SAND~.~·:': ... ~: ': -'>;"':i~i;~~~ ., 'r---.,--+-:.,.~"-:~~-.j"-:'-4-",---+-----:r--"-; -' -i '.: . ,~~.' . :~:~.~~,:--.. ::~.~:~~, :.:.~ .~. ;""':" r; •. -' ~ .. ..... .... .. ' ',...: ',:' -:',' . :" .. ,-,.. .. ,. ,'.' ,-;".' :',' _ 'h.".. ... .:~.~, ~~:\'; .-<.; .. -~~~~:~~ ... :~ -. ", , • '.< . '. ' . ~-. ' .. ~ ...... DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. :)7 ".' . .. . i I , ~~, .. z > 0 > - j:~ t:)' wt.= 1--1--,w~ ,~-. we.: SUMMARY SHEET a: I-c;:;IA-t.Ju.. ..Jw ~<CO w!:!: 0: ::' o:Z 2(1) 9~> Z· ,««d 0. !Xl -t.JC2 w::2 :'.1!~ Oi.i::s BORING NO, 9 w:: w (1)0:-o~ wt;(I) .. -~~ So: :r -. <C::l (1)_> w ii:oC >(1) (l)C;:;~ ',' -- (l)z ~(I) 200.01 >' -: ~, ELEVATION -I-:s~ a: co w_ <C a:LI. c..J a:~ ..J t.J C : '.'. ,':- '.'-'- OI~--~~~~--~rT~r---~----~------------~~~--~--~---+--~ rown, 1St, LAYEY FINE TO col's TopsoiL . EDIUM SAND ':'. " White To Light, Gray To Light ....... : .;;..... ;'.':." ... '-; .-2 Ci) ..... ':' ':" Brown, Slightly Moist I Very . :.: '::, , Firm,-Micaceous, Roo tJetsr Clay ,.:-,' ': Filled Fractures t ,- '37.4\5.4 109.9' ~. :-: . .-;., .' 5 " } .. .. ' .... ;: ': ~15~':~;~J!1.m;:i .... (Vi:-· '~~.":"_:;;':. 3 4 6 7 8 9 ~ .. : ,%,,'.'- . "-.::-:';-1 ":-:-. • ,0(. ';"", ....... ,. ~" -, . J' :.." ~> • . . ,. -t ~ ..... ~ ... ,.. , '. -.". ! •.. k ,. .: ," • ";"i '- -, .. ' , :'< '.:;;:, '. -' ~ . ..; ... ~'-i:.~ .r~.~ .;, ~-' . .-,.' .. 44-.0 6 .. S' 11 0.2, ':0 ''-'.-~, '! - > ._'." ' SILTY FlNE '! TO MEDIUM I SAND r '.' - I I i ' -I _ j46.2 ! 1' .. 8 11 O. t l' ,,: 1 1 \ . I . !- , ,-,' ,. ' ~ .'...~ ': .. ~ .~' ., .• ;:.L .. ~:: . . ~ .' ~ , ~-' '- " . ~ ~ _.--, ~ . ~''''. " -. ......... -~ ~. ~." .-~ . ' .. -, , . t f J---~ __ ~~ __ J-__ ~ ____________ ~ ____________________________________ r-----~--------~ DAAwtNG NO •. ' ~ PROJECT NO, t 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 18 -., . ,.' -. -~ :~'.: :-',\ ~~ .. , ,j---- .... w w u. I .... a. uJ o 7 8 9 10 11 12 21 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 10 ELEVATION 187.QI Brown To Dark Brown, Iv\oist, Loose, Porous, Roots, Topsoil, l==~~Lenses of Clayey Fine To Medi 1---'1 Brown-gray and Gray-brown Wit 1-'---'1 Orange. Yellow Streaks, ,Moist,,_ l---'lVery Firm, Lenses of Fine To -'----f,lv1edium, Sandy Clay, Rootlets/ 'Brown Cloy Filled Fractures','" .. ~ " Light Yellow To Yellow-brown, Slightly Iv\oist, Very Firm, Clay ~~nder, Micaceous ", . Occasional Lense of Clayey Fine To Medium Sand !~~~Mjxed Orange, Yellow and l~~-."fLight Gray, Slightly Moist, Very [i] Firm, Micaceous (Dl-,-_-'-tMixed Orange, Yellow and Light 1:""':""';'-'-"--'1 Gray, Slightly Nbist, Miicac:eOlos!S To Lig t Brown and ~~~Gray-brown, Moist, Very Firm, [1J l'"-i Micaceous ~~~ Fractured ®~ s P .... ~ ..... ~: I 1'-1 E TO MEDIUM .sAND, CLAYEY FINE .' ' TO,,", MEDIUM SAND , , ~ ...... . . ~ ,..... : _' ~ •• .. ~ '.:"': • "~ ... .1-: . ...: --............. '" , :" \ .. t~:~~.~:.' -~~ ,:~: SilTY FINE ,TO .. , MEDIUM SAND LAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND ALTERNATING ITH LAYERS OF SILTY FINE TO MED CLAYEY FINE, SAND CLAYEY SILT Continued on Drawing No. 20 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . . . ' , 'j' 81.4 7.I. , ~ . ' .. -~: <~:'>.:. ;;,,,,, ~, .' >~.:). ~ -. '.-.! • . " 99 • .0 . 9.2 114.1 68.2, 15.0 .... . '. '.0 .' ". 45.0 19.0 07.5 pRAWINGNO. 1:9-. .' ",,, ,w,',,· ". ~ .,' -" ......... . ":?'l ..... .:-: .. I . j ! \ , . J , , , '. l-W wet: w u.. ..JCJ ...... .:I.CQ ::t: ::!:E l-<t;:) .:I. 002 w 0 21 -, 22- - 23- z 1 0 i=..J SUMMARY SHEET .J<to -(.Jm Oii:::E BORING NO. 10 (Cont) 00_> ~(I) <t .J (.J ~~~ Brown To Light Brown cnd j.,lS~~::1 Gray-brown, N\oist I Very Firm, ~ Micaceous > C)" a:l-w~ z(I) w2: t W::.:: >" -I-a: 11.. 0 > • .- w"; }-,}-. . W.,; .-u,; : (.J II. ~'. ~ . o§~ ~" a:Z • '.) ' . ,..J,}-> w:::l <t <to . W(l)a: :Q~ ,W}-(I) J: "'_. U::(5Q >.~ fniiifn w~ : . ' ~.~ ~ ... , a:::':: .. ' .'. .-:. '., ... ~ ~ '.-," ,. -'" -'. \:;" ... "" .. ,:' ','CLAYEY ·,·'SIlT· . '. ,. . ~ .~ .' ,~ e;~~ Bedding Dips 5': -100, High, '" .' .." 25= G ,:~gle.F'::=I~:eS:':60Degree.s~ ':-;f~t/' 168•2 18.9 108.3 "~; 24- '-'j' .:.: .::: ' -26-0: ..... , ~ Mixed Brown,Orcnge and Yellow'" ,::."" .1 "- ." .. ' .. :..., <~ , .:: '. ,,,"'" ~ery lv\oist.:To: Scturated,Soft To, CLAYEY SILT .I " " ,.:': "', -.~~ Firm, Landdide Zone, Fractures in I' ",MIXED WITH ,:}('; 27-_ ~~'~~ SDe~era41 DDirectioosNo: Atht 2S5S-De5 Feeest I ' CLAYEY FINE/' t---+---~,-_-, +--,. -+-----1 :-~~.!.,.:,:" .~ IpS agrees r. gre ';',.' .SAND','. ,,' " '" ,. 28-~: . .East, ,At 26.5 Feet Dlp$ 52 . ! ' ... "':':, 'e",. -.'i,'<.~'< South 80 Degrees East ' ,," ~i--+---T--+---+----1 ,'. 29-.~ ~ '~;; . < ! ' . , _ ~::.~ Li9ht Grey With a Few Orange I SLIGHTLY SILTY, ." ..... 30-GJ:::::: ~~ 1\ Streaks, Slightly Moist, Very [FINE TO MEDIUN1186.9 113.2 111.5 _'~~~" ILEiIm . I ____ SAND I ! 31-~.~, ~ Light Grey To Li9ht Brown cnd j Silty FI N E I : . ~~ Orange-brown, N.oist, Very SAND WITH CLAY: .j" -.... " ... , • I 32-.~~(~ Fmn I' BINDER AN DI I _ :~~~ I Foot Layer of 1/4 Inch C LA YEY FrN E .. 33-""" Gypsum Seoms,M::>stly On SAND . .. Bedding Plan,es " " ' :: [jght~rown 10 Brown and Lignt , : " :: Gray Mixed, Jv\oist To Very 35= 'I) " .. " ", Wtoist-f: Very Firm, Thinbedded 1\\~iPS -5 Degrees,Clay Seams - CLAYEY FINE TO . MEDIUM SAND - J ',' \ \nd Clay Pods' . \ Le".... of Silty .F..li.!.!ne~S~O!!!n~d __ ---1. ___ ··::_~'_' _._. _~ - - - - PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, '-------=~=====::--:::-"~=== ............... -' /259.6 12.6111.3' :. ' .; --:.~~. ,.':. -~". "":..' .'- l' " , ',' ' . .. ,','" , DRAWING NO" 20:' " .,' .-.. ': " " ~, :;'.~--' '. " .. " .' -.. ~ -..... ~. I' • -,~ .--..... -... .. ,'. ':: ," ~, . " '-.:1 . 1-UJ l.lJ u. --J: l-e.. .: . '." ;::: c .>: > .. ~..J SUMMA.RY SHEET ~t· :' ~~.: ~~ .. ~t .:'.""~,:: ~tJg w __ c·;:,>' Z ": C;:.<t. :' 1:"·;-0::'"", Zf ..J!->.'; 11.1;:" <w ... g· r··,,· .. · "';;>"" BORING NO,_-I-ll'---_ ww~: !:!!!!!CI:. >o!i: ... "'~ ,. v. > .. 1I.0Q »cn (i;in!!' ~~:;.::., c/)'" ELEVATION 177.0' _!-~' '~~ -a:,cq .. w.::: ,. , .-. " w Cl , . :5 a: 11... : c:" ,',a:~ -.::..:~:'':':' o -r-t::::!:tJ!:::::::t::---:-::-:---:----:----~:_7.:_;:::::7":::_:_:_:_::_::;:_:::_+_.::c-t--.:...-+--+---J---I·:· ,',. "., j-:...:...~~ Brown, N\oist, Lo~, Porous, ~LAYEY FINE TO . , .. ~ F.~=H;Roo=ts~iJ'-.;T~o~p:so=il~~_:_::::__1'J::_T:"~~M~E~D~IU-!!M~S~AN~D~~~~, -'.:,.:.'. ~:..j; ~.;.:~: ~:..::. ~'-f' -'~-l2'~ ",:,':"~':'. ' , , ... " ~~~ Brown To Orange-brown, Jv\oist,-.,;.1.;,:;, ( - 1- : : : : :\Rrm, Porous, Rootlets .. '<:::. CLAYEY ~~~ ~. Old Slip Plene Dips.19 Degrees, .~l·~d~.-. FINE - 2- -""" N rth 20 D W t 1/2 I h . \C.-,:,: ·SAND 3-'" :\". :i: 0 egrees es . nc ;:::«:;,.,. ' [j] iv"~' ,~ ,Brown Clay' Gouae ...' .. .".:, ... .:.., , . - 1 ,.,.. '" '\,;". . . . . 4-:::'.""".-, Light Gray'To"Ught Brown With-:. <;;.;·.~~,~~':r·:: . . ~-..'""" Pods and Streaks of Orange and~' ;!~·\·;IS'1t.TY FINE, -(";\ Do.: ............ ' Y II 51· h I lA_· V F· ;'.,'.~:,'. ". SAN' " 5-\lJ Do.:...... e ow, Ig t Y IY~ 1St, ery I nn ,,;,~;;{' ,./ ,. , D . . -~ Micaceous,Slightly Porous,.~· :ALTERNATING ~ :-.:;: Rootlets on FrachJres,Cley WITH LAYERS OF' .... :>;" :-.:;: Fi II ed Fractures .:: .~ I N E -SAN D .... " .,~<.:" . AND .' .X x " . ",,~,~ : .7"\ -12-. ,>-.." .. ' :, .. . " ~ iSlip Plane Dipping~5 Degrees }~·t:.CLAYEY' ~ lNorth 15 D~esVVesl', 1/8 :. FINE -v, .. "", ~jW:rtaL\,;]~---,,-._ ' SAND : ~ Slip ~Iane Dipping 45 Degrees 6- - 7- - 8-· - 9-'~ North 15 De9re~ West, 1/8 "" ' Inch Brown Clay -f:2\~~~~~~:~ ______________________ ~ __________ ~,~.~25.4 -0 .~ Yellow-brown, Slightly Moist, I TO SILTY FINE' , ' .. ' .. 10.641 13 .0 10-\!:.) ~"~ Lighl' Yellow-Grey To Light SLIGHTLY SILTY TI 11-~ Very Compact ~O MEDfUM·.SAND,. 12= ~~~>.~;.'~~~~': __________________ -+ __ ·C~'~~lr~~~s~·)----·r'·--~--+_--~~--~ ~ Orcoge,Brown and Grey, 13= . ~ Slightly Moist, Very Firm ISILTY FINE TO MEDIUM .SAND' , ,-.: .. " ~ .. ~.:"' .. ~.' Light Brown To Light Gray, 14-. '. ~ '". -~ . ~ '--... .-" ~ '. ":', -f'::\ ".' ... , ... Slightly N'.oist, Very Finn, " FINE SANDY .. ~ .' CLAY 94.6 12.2 nr 2, .:'~ .. -, • .... '.:---. J'...., ~ .... :_, 1'" 0 .. ,',""'. ~-.. ~.~~ 16= ~ ~ -, .' ,'. '.' Slightly Porous ' 'j ~ ________________ ~ ________ -J Light Grey To Light Brown, Slightly Ivbist, Very Compact 'SLIGHTLYSILTY ITO SILTY FfNE , 17-6 ....... ..... \ ITO MEDIUM ' " SAND (Merges) ',. 18-Light Brown, Slightly Moist To _ Iv\oist, Very Finn/Len~ of Silty CLAYEY 19-Fine Send/Micaceous, FINE - . ::. .. . .. "" ' }. -. " '. . : : : :: Thinbedded With Pink Cloy SAN D ;0= 0~:,,-:.: ......... ~eCll'T1s : \ 1107.8.·;4.6113.1: ':" _ ~ .... ' ..... : L!ght G~ay, Slightly fv\oist, Very SILTY.. I :, ". 2 .':.' '.,. Ftrrn, MIcaceous • FIN E. SAND 1-. . Contmued on DraWing No. 22 PROJECT NO, 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. ' ···2V", .. ' ." .. '. - <,.c :' " .;, ", I , I ! i i I , I I-w we: w u. -lw ..... o..ca :r :E:E I-<a::::l 0.. "'z W 0 o~ 23j 2~ 25=10 .-W 26- - 27- - 28- - -29- 3O=@~~ - 31- '- 32- PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 11 (Cont) SILTY FINE SAND : .' .' ", " .. ~ . . ,~ -- : " " •••• J' .".4. . - CLA YEY VERY :'.~ FINE SAND ' ..... SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND: . I BENTON ENGINEERING,' INC. 56.1 ~ <. ".~.' ••• " -:. ~ ~ " , .. ' ~ : . _. -. .. ':-i' .. ~ . : ~ . . -., . ~ ~ .. , -.,: ' --_.' .' : ~ ,~ !,I . , ,'r 1705108·1 .. -' ~ I' I . ! , . . ' .,>." .'. ,f· . . .' .~ "' I f I-UJ -,I w u. ..... ~ :r: f to-Q. W I:) 4 46 wee l z 0 i=..J ..Jw ..J~O Q.a:\ _U ea ::E~ ou::~ <:l (1)-> II)z ~(I) ~ ..J U :-,,,,~ ...... " . ~ .. PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC -w----~~-.~ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 11 (Conf') light Gray To Light Gray-brown SlighTly fy\oist, Very Firm, Micaceous, Lenses of Sil ty Fine Sand, ,Occasional -Lenses of -.... -. -' .. ~': . <-. >:-.. . ... ' 'J::':" . ',' . . .. "~~:. SLIGHTLY SILTY FINETO -MEDIUM _ :"';,'SAND .:' :::~::~f{:~~:f,:~ <- '-- "',' _-II... . :. ';;}.~..... .'. ,- .:-_:'i~~':i:\/:' BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > c· a:t;: w-.. -zll) w!!: w:.:: >. _I-, a: 101. Q ... ~. ..... '-....... '-to -> . '~-~ ~..: ' .. , 'w": _ I-l-. a::: iii u..'_ ' u.. " " ,;:~.:.~ a:;~ • 9:>>-:.~-:5 .' w~'a: iQ~-~I-g -- iroQ ;-~~i -::c-II) -.. -~ lI)iii8! " ~ -~~~' :E~ :;';,~i ... ')-~ ~ -. ,Q,~ .~ '!';. '-.' , " . ~.., " . . . '. .;.. ". ' .. ~ " ' .. ' DRAWING NO, -: ':-, _ 23. --'---' -," .. ',.,' ...... ; " " -.::!. -------,... •• _-" . '. :r--r---,r----r-----,;;...----------------?--.,....--.,.----"""iI'"---,. ~-', .. ~:~ ~ I 5 ~ . ttl Il we: j:..J SUMMARY SHEET wa:~ ~ i~ ::!C'3g zCl) x :a:::E 0 u:::: BORING NO._---Il.2__ we: f-<t::::l CI)_> --w:': fu CJ)z ~CI) El.EVATlON 235.01 ~~ o ::; e:u. O-r __ ~~u~~------~~--~----------~--------------4--o~4---~----~--~--~ Brown,SJighrJy lv1oisi',Medium , >. 'w • w~ f-'" , u'" -1.1. o~~ ~. zu. .; : " a: « . -...I ... >, wE « ... 0 .. WCl)O: Q~. WCl)~ .. ~ :. ' " , '-... U::i5 Q >'" :r-CI) "''''a,. -> ==~ '0: a:I .1.11-.. " , Q..J 0::': 1 Firm, Slight CI~ Binder I Porous, ::~-:.-:..~ Roofsl Plowed ~opsoil, SILTY FINE SAND i---+--+---'--4---+----i . , .' 2 4 Oronge-red-brown, N\oist, ,Medium Firm,.Pods of Fine Sandy Cloy, Porous/, Roots LAYEY FINE ~. SAND .','-:.: : .~.:". UghI"-, Gray To Light Brown With, ,.' .;:: -:.'. ' 5 CD ::"< .. \ " Streaks of Oronge/Slightly' . >:,'~-;' :'" ... , fJl . :' .. ::.:( /v\oisr, Very Firm, Micaceous, .. 6 7 ,21 L.:..J .... : .. ····Lenses of Slightly· Silty Fine To . . .. " / >,-.... , .}·t,edium,Sand, Brown Cloy , , : ... ;: ',' . Filled Fractul'8$ SILTY FINE TO ~ __________ -;MEDIUM SAND PROJECT NO. 73-3-168C Lenses of Silty Fine Sand, Occasional Clay Pods Yellow-gray-brown and Light Gray r 51 ightly lv'.oiSfr Very Firm, Micaceous Continued on SILTY FINE SAND rowing No. 26 BENTON, ENGINEERING, INC. 199 •0 83~6 : ~ . :, " > " ~ '. ' ".A _ _ ,l....,~ ,~ ,~. . .... '.' ",' '. 'j ! 10.6;109 • :. I: t', _,' '-. " . ,<.,'. . D,RAWJNG NO.· .. ,',' :' 24 -;-;. ' (/. ,'" .";~~~"'" . .. :.:-': .. , -, l-us we:: w LI. -1w --Q.Ql :t: :iE~ I-ci:J c.. CIlZ W 0 21. 22 23 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 12{Cont) Li Gray Li Yellow Streaks, Slightly Noisf, Very Firm, Micaceous,Lenses of Silty and Slightly Silty Fine To Medium Sand " . " .. \. Occasional 1/8 !nch Clayey Sand Streaks Light Brown To Brown With Orange Streaksr 4 To 6 Inch Lenses of Clayey Fine Sand , -:. .... ~-. ...-..... -'" ~;..;~~~~~.~-, " :.. ' ~.-~~ :-.'. -; :'. . _ !t".:.: . .;.: " ~f~~;~f.~~:~~F;(~:.~ .~.' : ' lLTY FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No. 27 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. £~f~t·;~~~ ;. '~<'" ". .-" '-" ':.' ",. : ~, . ~ -" .,' '; \ . '; ~ ;: -.;.::~:,.(~~ -~ ~~-' . ~~ ... .. ": -:: .~. ' .. 12.2 10 '-:-"'. '!. .~ ~ >: ~. ' 17,7 12.1107. ." : :. '< ~'. 145.2 7.6 113 , ,,' '.' '-.. ' I . ! 95.8 17. . DRAWING NO; .: 25' . I !. - - - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - - '- - z o .. , .. ~ - -- - - - - - PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC • SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 12(Cont) ,~,~, . .. *_ : v'" BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > 0' 'eli: w_ ztn w~ w~ >. _I-a::~ o , .... , " .. , , .-' " , ", ,. , -'.' ~ " - , ~::, , " .... ,. . . .:.. . ~ DRAWING N9~ 26;-:', ,:' -··r " , , .. .... .1-____ -1-____ ----------"'--------" -.... ~,~i 1. t,' , ,J z I-0 t=..J UJ wa; SUMMARY SHEET UJ ..Jw ..J~o I.L. X Il.ro -UIll 13 :2:;2 OU::s BORING NO. l-«::> (1)-> 0-(/)2 ~(I) 180.0' W ELEVATION ~ Cl ..J U .' ,Brown,NIoist,Loose,RooB, Very : :',:'''':' Poroos Topsoil To 2 Feet·, , 2 CO ~""<: ':: Very ~jst~ L~gh't' Gray To , . 'Light Brown With Strecks Of ' Yellow and Orange, Moist, Ve , '. .very Firm, Cloy Binder, :', -" ': : ,' .... ,. Micaceous, Brown Clay Filled " "': " Fractures 1/8 To 1/4 Inch .'::.- 5 ~ <:<>j:~~ ~ -. -. l£J '. -:, -:, -.\~~~. 6 " '... '::>:;;,;\.: 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 15 16 17 Lenses of Clayey Fine Sand, To 1 Inch Cloy Seams 1/8 Dark Brown To Orange-broWn, Yellow-brown and Light Gray, 18 ~~~ N\oist,Soft To N\eciium Firm, W Root Holes, Porous, Occasional 19 I Shell Fragments, Friable " .... ~ , ,'. -~ . . :t. -~.:-~··r"',t,~: '_,t' ".:: •• '."" I" I SILTY.' FINE' SAND . -,~ -.:"'<v·.···· LAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND MIXED WITH SILT FINE TO COARSE SAND '. > >. c:J ..:' W": 1-1-'. W,,: ,' ... a:u. in u.. Uu. ,,~::''''., UJ __ ,o~::· a:~ . z(l) 'z . ,. w:: ..JI-> W::l' ~I-0 ':~~"" ~ W(I)a: -.O~ w(I)(I) w::.:! U:OO ::t-t.;; ':;;~":J .... " >. :>~ (I)(I)c. -I-:e~ . w-, a:..J. . a:::.:! , .. a:u. " • "!r'-'0 0 , . ...... •• ~ ... <t .......... '.~"'" , '. '-., 85.8 10.8. 10.0 .J' ". '.,. - '. "'. ... ,' ... ":; ~ ...... -.iI' ~_.I',... J,.. .~ _ ',,, -_ • ~:" :<. ' '::"_ .,' 1123.2 9.2 l06.3..:~;\;:'~' :;~~~~: ~ "':~ -..,~:--:::: <':" ::.,-... . ' . .. " " 'J . '.' ,', 2o-iG) :': .. -: .... -: Oronge,'lv1oist, Compact, SLIGHTLY SILTY' 28.6 9.6 102 .• 5 i' 'W ',:' .. ':, Occasional CoaiSe Groins, FINE TO ;. . 21 j..::'~' ~ .. ~.:. ::s.l·I-0_cc_os_io_n_al_C_I_o_m.....;S:..:..h:..::.e:..:..lIs=--. ___ LM_E..:...D.....:I-=-U..:...M~S_AN_D---.:.-' l-_..l.--_..l.--_o.J...:.-_-1--~ -' Continued on Drawing No. 29 1 . PROJECT NO, 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. . ~ . .27"'< . "':';:.: ." -.; -;, ..... -,; -,0 " •• ~. 1 • ~o"'., ", . '" : ~ .. ~ " , _--r'--,:----,r--------------------r--~--r--...,...--r-....., , :', -, ' ~, w W I.L X I-0- W o SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 13{Cont) ,--';. " 21~--~~~~~------~--~----~~--~~~~---+---+--~---+---i ...... > •• -; -". ..... .... ~--t Gray-green To Green With ~,: ' o Of Yellow and Orange, !---..§ Moist, Soft Te) Nedium Firm,' '., J---~l Highly, Fractured and Mixed Into 1/4 To 1/2 Inch Chunks, Gypsum and Yellow Iron Stain Fi II ing Fractures In All ' DirectioN, '~~.. _., ~ Loyers of Brown With Streaks Of Yellow, Red, Orange Mixed With Green And Groy ,0 I ive-Groy-Groy-Green-, Moist, Very Firm, Gypsum Common, Poekets Of White Cloy, Lenses Of Over 50 Percent Shell Fragments, Lenses Of Medi urn To Coorse Sandy CI G) I==~ 'Groy-green And Green With . Streoks Of 0 ronge And Yell 'Iv\oist; Very Firm, Highly Fractured In, Many Directions, SI ickensides Common : .. ~ .',:: .. [':.:: .. -'., '-.' "',' , CLAY, SILTY CLAY .. '. CLAY . :-,~ ".::;::....: ~ .~. .... ~ .... : .-! -~:-' _.. :. .' .'. :,,,,:' \. . " " .. : .:,'. .' . . . -' ' . : . . ".' '" . --'--. ,"',t.::"',-.;.: !. " . ,'~; 70. 20.2' , ~. . -, . -~.' . " -.:;...:. '~I-:.'~ ......... -. ". . .. . -' .. , .,.: : ..... ; . ' .. ~-.. , . .;.-...... ,~ ,'''' .~; '. ~. '. ~-L-_~ __ ~ __ ------------------------------------------,-~--------------1 ,-" pRAWING, NO. : ",' P,ROJECT NO. . 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEE~R~IN~G~I~IN~C~. __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~~~ __ .... ~ 2 3 4 g) m w z 5 ~ 0 :z: ... 6 lIJ ...J a. ':1 « 7 Q) u.. 0 ;-8 z w () a: w Q. :z 0 ~ 0 :J 0 It) ~ to> 1 2 3 4 5 PROJECT NO. ·'71,.0=,.1' 1'.=:r~~- o CONSOLI DATiON' CURVES, . "-,";' LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT -..... "<'-" ....... ",., , :'-..:" ".: . .',. - INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD' NOISTUR-E . ' INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION, BENTON ENGiNEERING ,. INC: , OR,."'"Cl,' HO,.' ,. :?Q::,.' ,: ... :. CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD 1M I(IPS PEft SQUA"E FOOT - 0.4 O.S 0.8 1.0 6 !l 10 u Hole 6, Semple 1 Deuth 2' ' ," -, . ,:;'~" 3 ~----~--+-~--+-~~+-~--------+-----+---+-~~~~~+-+-----~ :z 2 0 5 ~ 0 - ...J 3 0 CI) S (J 4 PROJECT HO. ~ '- ;. ---. '" . ,.' o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FI~LD MOISTURE' • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO •. , ... BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ,30. M:.'· .... :-I -,. . ~ .. . ~~.~ ~ .''0-. -:.~ '-. ",.:- I I - I , ! i I [ "...---------------------------------""'!"----~-~, 1 PROJECT NO. .73-3-16BC CONSOLIDATION ' CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT ,-' o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD NOI,STURE \111 INDICATES PERCEHT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION , DiU.,MG' MO. ,',', BENTON ENGINEERING, 'INC.' , 31-.' ' , ;. z" i . J 2 ! • ~ ,. ~ , ! f i j i 1 i -, ;i i - -\ 1. f -. ; BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIEO SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNOATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN OIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal sfrength: in filled ground by proven engineering procedures and tests so that the' proposed structures: may be safely supported. The procedures inc lude the clearing and grubbing, rem~val of, ' existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, the spreadi.ng, and compaction of the fi lied areas to conform with the lines, g'rades, and slopes as shown on .the, .. _. \ r , f accepted plans. -'J, . _ ',' .... The owner shall employ a qual ified soi Is engineer to inspect and test the filled 'ground as,' . , 'placed to:verify the uniformity of compaction' of filled ground to the specified 90 percent " of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor', ' immediately if ~ny unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and shall have the '. , authodty to reject the compacted filled ground until such time that corrective me~sures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the sole responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction. " . ' Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) (b) (c) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other-' wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris •. ';-,- Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected by 'drpining or . " removal, or both. Thd natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for th~suppo'rt of the filled ,:,--, ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a dep.th of at least six incryes'(6"), and ' until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features whiCh woufd ' tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent,., horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground'in order to provide, both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base·so that each ,,' '." layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initic;d bench at the toe of the fi II shall be at ieast 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the'eleva-. tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils· :', .' ,-- engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches'which will , vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. ' -" , .' ~ '.' . APPENDIX AA -2- '.~ ;oOMaterials and Special Re uirements. The fill soils shall c~>nsist of select materials so·graded or at least 40 percent of t e material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be obtained from' f °the exc;avation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixil'l1 soils from (, ,'one or more sources. The materiar uses shall be free from vegetable matter, and other de-' , :.:. leterious substances, and shall not contai,n rocks or lumps of greater than 6 inches in. diameter. '>, If excessive vege~ation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physical . characteristics. are encountered, theseshall be disposed of in waste areas' as shown on the ." plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during grading opera.tions, soils :not encountered .. ' ., and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils sholl be performed to , .'~ determine their physica'i characteristics. Any special.treatment recommended i.n the prelimin~ry .' or subsequent,soil reports not covered herein sholl become an addendum to these specifications. " . . .-" The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade,subbase, and base materials for' roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance ' with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. {Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials . .. ~ ',(0) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not I '0 exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall be spread evenly and sholl be throughly , .j . mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture, in each layer,., (b) When the moisture content of the fj /I material is be,low that specified by the soils engineer'-, water shall be added unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the . f (c) j . (d) soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process • 'lvhen the moisture content of the fi" material is above that specified by the soils.. '", " engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other. satis-'. ,. factory methods unt; I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soi Is '. '. engineer. , ' After each layer has been placed, mixed. and spread evenly I it shalf be thoroughly , compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accor:dance with A.S. T .M. D-1557-66T modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneum,atic-tired rollers, or other,' . approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially. designed for certai n soil types .. Rollers shall be of sU,ch design 'that they wi" be able 8~NTON ENGINEERING. INC. .' . I i , 1 . I '. I , I ! " . 1 ! , f8. 1 " , , , , (e) APPENDIX AA -3- to compact the fi II material to the specified densi ty. Roll ing shall be accompl ished whi Ie the fj" material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its eJ:1tire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to lnsure that the desired density has been obtained. The entire areas to be filled sholl be compacted. Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or othersuita'ble equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too dense for planting and unti I there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes sholl be accomplished by backrolling the slopes in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfc;lctory res'ults. I , , 1 i I, I' , " I , ! , ~', J (f) Field density tests shall be taken by the soils engineer for approximately each foot in.' , ' ,',', " ,.ll~ elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two' feet in vertical heigh't between , tests. Field,density tests may be token at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if, '," " :"::,,' ji required by the soils engineer. The location of the tests in plan sholl be so spaced to . , ,,-". I give the best possible coverage and sholl be token no farther aport than 100 feet. Tests', (g) ,sholl be token on corner and terrace lo,ts for each two feet in elevation gain. The soils. engineer may toke additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used r the tests sholl be token in the com':' pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill sholl be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified densityhas been obtained. ,. The fill operation sholl be continued in six inch (6 11) compacted layers, as specified <;Ibove, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. Inspection. Sufficient inspection by the soils engineer shall be maintained during the . filling and compacting operations so that he can certify that the fill was constructed in accordance with the accepted specifications. ' Seasonal Limits. No, fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if weather conc!ition~ " increase the moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is interrupted by., rain, ffll operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer'indfccte that -the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. , ' . Limitirg Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those soils that expand 2.5 percent or less from.. ", air dry to saturation under a unit load of 500 pounds per square foot are considered to be, .:. nonexpansive • All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions II section of the attached report are' a port of th ~se sped fi cati ons . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. t ./ i} jI 1 I j I i , I . ;. ;1 '.I . , , " • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS II , 1 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 !, PHIL.IP HENKING BENTON PJ't!:SIDItNT • CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (714) S6!5·J9!5!5 , I i' I, , 1: " I'! , I II Unified Soil Classification Chart* II II SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP I. SYMBOL COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 CLEAN GRAVELS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Ap'preciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.** SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit , "Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 I II. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES l Ii I i 1 : ;1 'II , '. L Well graded gr<?vels, gravel-sand mixtures, ,illl little or no fines. " ;i Poorly graded gravel~, 9~av~i-sand " 'II mixtures, little ornofines. ',' ,'/Ii Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-,i! sand-silt mixtures.", ' IIi Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-, ,I!ll sand-clay mixtvres. :-' " 'I' . " I II Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fin'es. ' Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands; little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-~ilt " mixtures. " , -Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-cloy" mixtures., " ' II ' I II I. ,J! 'I I II II 'I I jI! Inorgcmic silts and very fine sands, rock," flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt~sand' mixtures with slight plasticity.,::,"" ! Inorganic clays of 19W to medium plas-· : -!I ticHy, gravelly clays, sandy,days," -, 1,1 silty clays, lean cloys. ' ' , ' ,,' [ Orgcmic silts and organic silty-clays of : low plasticity. Inorganidc silts"lmica~,eouslor ~iat.olmaceou~ '",~, fine son ,y or Sl ty 501 Sj e astlc Sl ts., , . . Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat, : cloys. Organic clays of tnedium to high. plasticity , Peat and other highly organic soils. : j I ,I * Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U. S. Standard. II II ...• IJ , PHILIP HENKING BENTON PR£3IC!:NT • CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling • BENTON ENGiNEERING, INC. APPL.IEO SOIL. MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 TEL:EPHONE (714) l5815~'91S1S APPENDIX B The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling. tube into the undisturbed soi Is at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface'. " The sampling' tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, wirh a special cutting tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve'thin brass " rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory test~, the soil being still confined in ,the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken' - to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retah; the field,moisture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in fqot~kips " required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is ' obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain coritrol type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests-are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are ' secured. Each sample is sheared under a, normal load equfvalent to the weight of the soil above, , the point of sampling. In some instances,' samples are sheared under vario~s normal loads in, order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion .• Where considereqnecessary ,: samples,' are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture condirions. Consolidation Tests . ' The apparatus used for the consol idation tests is designed to ~eceive ,one of the one'inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. 'Loads are applied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally I each increment of load is maintained on, the sample until,the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones ar~ placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. ' Expansion Tests : .... I' 1 J .j j I ~ I 'I , I i " ~ Is , 11 ' ! l~ II I I , I I I One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry, at 1050 F for' .11 at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 po,lJnds per " , I square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of edch'sample~Water" is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous :' observations a~e made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded 'and expansion: Is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less than 1/10000 inch per hour,." . . '" ~ 'if4il''if:M*~Wt1i~~?§qMf'i'Tttt'''fW¥'~ tY'*"'"f\;tfff'e~:l1'~W$WOi;>,w;~p.ii5Wln!T1 were 'J,&'')flW@ 'iM !T5i:1fii'%Titf'5hnp'linn) W_$'W¥f!rliii"i'iWI~~ e -.' .ft PHILIP HENKING SENTON PIIE910!:NT • CIVIL ENGIN!:ER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX B TELEPHONE (714) 5(\15-19155 the undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the',' undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface' •. The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a,spe~ial·cuttin9 tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass < rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to d twel~e . inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soH and a ' six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the ·soil being still confined in .the brass rings, after extraction from the sampl~r tube. The samples are taken . ; to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the field,moisture u'ntil completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips: required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which .the sample is ... obtained. ' . Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is,so designed that the tests are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are ·secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampl ing. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal loads in .. ' order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion.. Where considered necessary, samples. are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. 'j ~ Consolidation Tests i .. , .' ; . ¢ , , 2 ~ , ! i "f # The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one 'i,nch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. "Loads are applied in several increments to the. upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals' " for each increment. Generally I each increment of load is maintained on the sample until the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or'release of water.' Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to' air dry af 105° F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per . ·square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each ·sample. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones." Contrnu~us observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded ane;! expansion' is recorded untO the rate of upward movement is less than 1/10000 inch per hour. . : .'J i i I ',·1 I I~ "! t l' I~ Il l .~ . ~ t If ~lt~~~~~~-~~~m~tr~W5m~"~3W~=~(SM~n.a"DM~~~,.~.~a. .. ~ .... __ .. ____________________________________________________ ~~~ __ ~~~~ -"l . '" J APPENDIX C " ' ','- ~r :.! ,-. r!", .' 'N'! ~-:.~ •• ",-", : ..... ,j.:.i.:(',:', l;. 0. ,~"~;r -. ~:.~:-.-i4:~ .~--;~.~~: _ ,* ___ _ _, '.'::"," :; -- -., "~ .l't r._. .: >~ ~ .. . . ;,t~::)'" '~"";-;-'.."~'''::::;;'':''":!.' -. _ ~ • F'''N ,_. • '~~~r;~~':[$~~ , .. ~. '. . -:~.: ~~1:Y ::5:.' :~(c-..:-~.~F,:-' 'f'::"_ .... ~ . ,'~ _~ 'or -.=--...... ' --.... '''~', ,<; -, . , ."' ., ->- '. " ~-'~.'1~c::.'$.., .... .:.- ,·0-• !.",-- . , '.' :' -~ .. ' ~ '. :.# • • ->; •• ~.., -: :.; ,0., .. ':, . , : :;. r .f .'r- REcoAoATIONS FOR EXPANSWE SOIL'.· . ·.:S~C<~i '::~';~?i-~<~!t~- Case (I):. For soils with an expansion pO'tential over 6 percent under unit load O'f 150, poundS' ;?"f&~?!t, per square foot from air dry to' saturatiO'n.(Tests to be made ciftergrading>,,::.<~~·:~~'~'<~;'~~~?;:·~~} ". _. ;:~~,:>~:~';.;v'~:~X~r~~1~;; 1. Use continuous interconnected reinfO'rced footings throughoUt"ancJ. place these at;:.:,=6-),~f1~:i· , a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjac'ent exterior final ground :::;.:~:,:<'~:::~~~~~~ surface. Avoid the use of isal~ted interior piers where possjb~e<:;,;~~~t.ri~'·;,\;;. -::/':::. :",:!~~:~~.;:~i:l.:: " • --'.' ;.~~..!';~.-~"' '. ,,,' -'~"''':':-., ~ ;; :-., • 2.' -' Reinfarce and interconnect ~:~~inuausly with steel ba~a" int~~i~i'~~d·'ex;~';ia;·.';~.~:~~ faatings with a minimum af one' 15 bar at 3 inches abave the battom af all :;~':~~-t-::~~.:'.':' footings and·ane tiS bar placed 1,1/2 inches below the'top of thestems.:~f~e;~tx,~: 'Y<:I~otins:. __ <_:,. ·:~i:l-, ;'<': ·.,·c, .. . .~:~,:;;;;~f'l~~'~i 3 •. , i":":,~, Use raised waoden floors spanning between continuaus fOotings ifpOsS.ibl~,.J~;·*"\~:;:; .' '",Reinforce alJ:;'concre~e 'slabs' on' grade with a·minimum of 6 'x 6 -"lO/lO,'wefded,·~;::·~."", . . <.5; ~', wi re fabri c' and prov i de, ~i boSe: I cyer 'of. at I east-4 inches, af' crushed' rockberieatft.,-?-~~~:, • : ';"" 0'11 concrete slabs •. A moisture barrier shauld be provided abave the,. crushed roek ·;:;Jr: , ·c,· and ,then 2 inches'af sand should be placed over the maisture barrier-and below' .. :' . , '" the bottom of the 51 ab., ~ '. \ ~;', .;' <:. ' " '.". :. .. .. :; .. ; .'.~;.i".;-:':::,.t,:.;~.~> .. ;~~:: ;. :'':~~ •. ' .,; . ~~:. <{'; , '. ,.' ;··'>}.;;i~;;,: .~~ .' . ': ':'.' ':"'..' .::,:,' , ,>.: :' ;::::":~:~~~:;;~;:::;:S'~,;-~/~~:?; 4 .. ,':. Separate garage slabs fran' perimeter footings by 1/2 inch thickness of construc..; .. ;:':',·:i~f~~~~i~ tion felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement af garage 'slabs relative '~;;""'):~?~f: to peri meter footi ngs .. Assure comp I ete separati an by extend i ng the construction ;,: ~'~'~-;'<:;:l~ felt over the full depth of the front thi ckened edge af the garage. sl ab.~ " Cut off ':":;;"{i,~~~x"t garage door stops at least 1/2 inch abave the garage slob. ' ',.,..' :~ .~ t.i'.>:::'~" .'-~ .. -: .. --",:.-, 5. Provide positive drainage away frem all perimeter footings with, a vertieal'faU af .. :;, ',' ,:';";. at least 6 inches in a horizontal distance of S fee-t, autside the house walli •. -::',.". -:'. ,~~:'" : 6. .-'. - Exercise every effart to assure that the soi I under the foundationsarld ,slabs has' a '."" unifarm maisture cantent at least 1 to' 3 percent greater than optimum throughout. <''::0),-\'' the top 3 feet below finished grade at the time af plac~ng the· foundations ancf .,;'.::~:".}/~'{~( sl abs. '. .' " .. ~::', '. ':,;,~~ ~~~::t~~i]:~%;:L~;~r)~~~~~;:~~~ Case (II) ... Far sails with an expansion potential over 2 percent but less than' 6 percent·under".i{;·,~:c.<E-, . unit load af lS0 pounds per square foot from air dry to saturation:~::~:~&~ii1tif-i~~~;;':')~":1~'~':':-"" -~f~ :' .' ,;. " ". " ".:." .,' <. '.: .. ', "::~~{~>~t~j~~~~~:!~~~:~j:'~ :~~. 1. 2. Same as Case (I) with the following exceptions::, . .'" ",' \.: ::~,i~~~:;~:;::(;.~::;;~;;;';:<·~~"~:~: .. 2;::, -'2.:'ld ~," ~~·:~~:~~.~~~i:i~~~-~:\-~'·:·:~~·~~: '~~.~~~f;;~~~ Continuous faatings may be placed at a minimum depth of 18 inches. i~:Heu'QF',,,,"~~:':~'::§~)f)~ 2 feet 0$ indicated in Item 1 under Case (I)' ." , .... ,._ ..... , .. <" .. ;::;~.~:;;.;.'~,~':::":"~·.\'f?{~~- , " ",;"{> ::;?~ .. ~~~; <',: ::' ::,,:", -':<~t~,f:: NO'. 4 reinforcing bars may be used in lieu of NO'. S bars-as .indicated; in ~ctian ~·:: .. ::t~~:~~"·i 2 under Cese I. '. '" ... ' .' .;: .. "/:.~.::,,, ',', ',,' '; '·"~:,:;('::i BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " ~ ... ,~ ~ ",; .. . ~ ~'.