HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-29; CARRILLO ESTATES UNIT 1; COMPACTION TEST RESULT; 1977-11-0111;' T. 3467 Kurtz Street • San Diego, California 92110 '-- 714-224-2911 Woodwa.lyde ConsultantS(j) . Telex 697-841 . -..- November 1, 1977 y ..... ~ ;21' Project No. 57059~~-FC01. (y1" 19 ' Ponderosa Homes, Incorporated 10951 Sorrento Valley Road Suite '2E San Diego~ California· 92121 Attenti 01'1: Mr'. Ron Shackl eford' CARILLO ESTATES UNIT NO. 1 STREET SUBGRADE, WATER.AND SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL COMPACTION TEST RESULTS CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA Attached are the results' of fi~]d density tests taken at the .subject project at the request and under the directipn of Mr. Russ Morrison, City' of Carlsbad, Engineerin§ Departmen·t, on the dates indicated pnd at the locations given. > . These tests represent the rel ative compacti·on and water contents at the locations tested. -Opinions as 'to the re.lative compactl0n, water content or suitabi li ty of the fi 11 in areas not tested wi 11" be expre'ssed by us . only where we have obser~ed the placement of'such fill, and have satisfied ourselves that construction procedures followed in other areas are represented by the areas tested. WOODWARD-CLYDE CON.SUL TANTS ·Richard P. While _ Senj or . Proj ect Eng i n~er-- RP\,\J/EHP /vm . Attachments (2) Pondefosa: Homes', Incorporated, San Diego (1) City of Carl sbad, Engi need ng Department Attention: Mr. Russ Morr~son Consulting Engineers, Geologists and Environmental'Scientists Offices in Other Principal Cities 'RECEIVED NOV 02 1977 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department , . ~ JOIll NAME' JOB NUMBER DATES COVERED DATE nST NUMBER OCT 17 S-5 S-q 5-7 OCT 18 . 5-8 S-9 .OMPACTlbN TESTRESULT~ "---' > --- (j) CARILLO' ESTATES UNIT tm. 1 57059W-:-FCOl (STREtTS) OCTOBER 17 THROUGH OCTOBER 1-8, 1977- RETEST OF S--7 $-8 ........ . -" LOCATION SOCORRO LANE, OPP LOT 40 LA GOLONDRINA STREET, OPP LOT 56 EL ptRI CO LANE" OPP LOT ,23 EL PERICO LANE, OPP ,LOTS 23/24 EL 'PERI CO LANE,. OPP LOT 23 Elevation ,Swbgrade II • II II II DATE, REPORTED NOVEMBER 1 , 1977 PAGE, S-l OF S-l MOISTURE P'IEL.D • LABORATORY " IUtLATIVIE . CONTENT DItN.ITY PENSITY COMPACTION '110 DRYWT. PCP' PCP % 01' LAB. DENS. 12.4. 10.8.4 114.0 95.(') '12.0 110,.5, ,11-5.0 96.0 11. 1 101.4 114.0 88.9 11. 1 105.0 118.0 88 .. 9 12,,3 106,'1 118,0 90.0 ' , . "Lit. Woodwarc;l·CIyde ConsuHants .., CONSUL. TING ENGINE£RS, GEOL.OGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL. SCIENTISTS • • • JOll NAME JOB NUMBER DATES COVERED DATI! OCT 17 n.T NUMBER SW-z SW-3 "'~'.~ '. of. ~ .OMPAC~ION TEST RE~U~T. ' CARILLO ESTATES UNIT NO. 1 DATE REPORTED NOVEr~BER 1, 1977 57D59W-FCOl (SEWER TRENCH BACKFILL) OtTOBER 17, ]977 RETEST 0., .; _ .. ~'" LOCATION --------------------- LA GOLONDRINA STREET, OPP LOT 50 ' LA GOLONDRINA STREET, OPP LOT 59 • 'E1 evation $ubgrade II MOI.TURI CONTENT '110 DRY WT, 8.7 1.4.3 PAGE S~-1 OF S\~-1 fULD OEN.ITY' PC"- ,110.4 1 06.6 LAIIORATORY OIlNIIITV PC," 114.6 114.5 • 'UtLATIVIE CONl'ACTION ,/, oJ"'LAa. DUiIl. 96.8 9.3.1 Woodward.Ciyde'ConsuHants e ~ CONSUt.:rING ENGINE.E.RS. GEOL.OClSTS AN,D ENV1ROt'lM~NT"'L. SClENTI&TS ~ . : ; JOII NAME ,Jail NUMBER DATES COVERED OCT J7 .. nST NUMBER W-2 W-~ eOMPACTION TEST RESU~'r. CARILLO fSTATES UNIT NO. 1 57059W-FC01 (WATER TRENCH BACKFJLL) OCTOBER 17, 1977 RETEST ·01' 1..0C:ATION -------------------- CHIRIQUI LANE, Opp LOT 46 FLAMENCO STRE'ET, .OPP LOT 4 Elevation S.ubgr~de II MOISYURI: C:ONTENT 'lit pRYWT. 13.6 11. 1 DATE REPORTED NOVEMBER 1;, 1977 PAGE W-~ OF W-1 .. IEI..O DItNSITY f'CI' 106;2 107~8 L.ABORATORY .• RI:L.ATIVIt OItN.lrt C:OM'PACTION 1"(;" % 01" LAD. DENS. 9'2.8 94.5 , . ID. , Woodward·Clyde Consultants W' CONSUL. nNG ENGINEERS. GEOC.OGISTS AND .ENV"tnONMENTAL ,SCIENTISTS