HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-29; PONDEROSA HOMES INC; SOIL INVESTIGATION; 1976-07-12• .. LETTER OF TRANSt1ITTAL SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS • SITE AND SOiL CONDITIONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LH1ITAT-IONS FIGURE 1 -SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 -KEY TO LOGS FIGURE 3 -LOG OF TEST BORING 1 FIGURE 4 -LOG OF TEST BORING 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE 5 -GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ATTACHMENT -SPECIFICATIDNS FOR CONTROLLED FILL • 1 1 2 5 7 WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSUlTA~~ '. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS WESTERN REGION 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego California 92qO Phone (714) 224-2911 CONSULTING ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS July 12, 1976 Project No. 76-146 Ponderosa Homes, Inc. c/o Rick Engineering Company 5620 Friars Road San Diego, California 92110 Attention: Mr. Norm Arndt At your request, and in accordance with our proposal dated May 7, 1976, we have made an investigation of the underlying soil conditions at the site of the proposed Carrillo Estates pump station, to be constructed adjacent to the east side of the proposed extension of El Fuerte Street, near the southern Rancho Agua Hedionda boundary, in the Carrino Estates· subdivision of Carlsbad; California. The accompanying report presents our conclusions and recommendations, as well as the results of the subsurface exploration and the 'laboratory tests upon which these recommendations are based.. ' The engineer assigned to this project was Mr. James A. Harper of our firm. Hoom1ARO-CL YOE CONSULTANTS JEC/JAH/jd (6) • P1""j~ct No. 7.6·~N6 SCOPE This report describes an investigation of the underlying soil conditions at the site of the proposed Carrillo Estates pump station to be con~tructed north of th~ Carrillo Estates development, and along the east side of the proposed extension of El Fuerte Street, near the southern boundary of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in Carlsbad, California. The study i-5 intended to determine the genera] subsurface soil and geologic conditions, in order to provide a basis for conclusions and recommendations re§ard~ng site grading, the appropriate type and depth of foundation, and allowable soil bearing pres~ures, including active and passive soil pressares for subsurface structure design. Our investigat~on consisted of reviewing a topographic map of the general.site area; making a field investigation, consisting .of a .. visual sit~ inspection .and subsurface exploration; obtairiing subsurface soil samples.; performing laboratory tests on selected samples; making appropriate analyses; and formulating conclusions and recommendations. It is our understanding that the proposed project will consist of a generally subsurface pump house, approximately 24 by 32.ft in plan dimensions, and founded approximately 20 ft below the finish ground level. Maximum structure loads were not known at the time of our investigationL . FIELD INVESTIGATION Ou~ field investigation included making a visual reconnaissance and inspection of the existing surface conditions in the site area, and making exploratory subsurface borings at selected locati·ons witin the WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS (jf) , .. Prpject No. 76-146 • site area. Two test borings were made with a 6-in. diameter, truck- mounted power auger at the approximate locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Fig. 1. The drilling was done on June 9, 1976, unde,r the supervision of an engineer~ng geologist from our firm. Field boring logs were prepared by the ,geologist on the basis of ~n examination of the samples secured and the excavated material, and on the actions of Page 2 the drilling and sampling equipment. The logs of test Dorings presented on Figs. 3 and 4 are based on an inspection of the samples, on the laboratory test results; and on the field boring logs. The vertical -position of each sample is shown on the logs of test borings. A key to logs is provided on Fig. 2 .. The test borings were located in the field with the aid of an ~ untitl ed topographi c map (scale 111 = 400 1 ) of the gen'era 1 area, dated June 28, 1973, prepared and provided to us by Rick Engineering Company, and by reference stakes pla'ced by Rick Engineering Company at two locations 200 ft apart along the Rancho Agua Hedionda boundary and at one, location 300 ft south of the boundary. LABORATORY TESTS The soils encountere'd were visually classified and evaluated with respect to strength, swelling and compressibility characteristics, dry density and moisture content. The classification was substa.ntiated by gra.in size analyses and the determination of plasticity characteristics on representative samples of the soils. The strength of the soils was evaluated by means of an unconfined compression test and direct shear ~ . ProJect No. 76-146 tests on selected samples, and by consideration of the density and moisture content of the samples and the penetration resistance of the sampler. The results of tests on r'el atively undi sturbed sampl es are Page 3 shown with the penetration resistance of the sampler at the corresponding sample locations on the logs of test borings. The 'grain size di$tribution curves and the results of Atterberg Limits tests for plasticity characteristics are shown on Fig. 5. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS The site of the proposed pump station is located .north of the Carrillo Estates housing development, and along the east side of the proposed extension of El Fuerte Street, about 50 ft south of the southern boundary ot Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the sQutheastern area of Carlsbad, California. It is our understanding that the exact positioning and elevation of the pump station has not been determined, but the approximate position is on the order of about 50 ft south of the Rancho Agua Hedionda boundary, and approximately 900 ft west of the southeast.comer:of Rancho Agua Hedionda. The site is situated on a ,relativeiy gently sloping a:rea near the base of a relatively steep-sided ridge dividing an alluvium-filled canyon extending in a generally southeast to northwest direction along the south and west sides of the site, and an east-w~st trending drainage channel and relatively flat flood plain, approximately 500 to 600 ft WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSUlT~TS Project No. 76-146 • Page 4 wide, along the north side of the Rancho Agua Hedionda boundary. There is an existing 'earth-filled dam across the flood plane about 400 ft east of the proposed pump station site. The existing ground surface ~l~vation at the approximate pump. station location generally ranges from about 160 to 165 ft (plan datum), and the elevations of the bottoms of the drainage channels to the north and west of the site are about 140 to 145 ft. The ground surface at the site is generally covered with overgrown grass and weeds, and relatively heavy brush covers portions of the site. Our test borings indicate that the site is underlain by soils of two geologic units. Tertiary age La Jolla Group formational soils were encountered beneath the topsoil in Tes't Boring 2, located approximately 130 ft south of the Rancho Agua Hedionda boundary fence, and extended to the maximum depth explored, approximately 28 ft. These formational s6ils were also encountered at a~ approx~mate depth of 26 ft, and continued to the maximum extent explored, approximately 29-1/2 ft, in Test B'oring 1, located approximately 30 ft south of the, boundary fence. Slope-.wash alluvial sediment soils were encountered above the Tertiary formational soils in Test Boring 1, above approximately the 26 ft depth. The Tertiary formational soils, as encountered in the test borings, generally consisted of dense clayey, medium to fine sands in the upper few feet, underlain by hard silty clay, with some interbedded fine sandy clay and some scattered gravel. The alluvial sOils encountered , WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS @ Prc.ject No .. 76 ... 146 Page 5 to the depth of a.bout 26 ft in Test Bori ng 1, a t the north side of the site, consisted of a bedded series of slope-wash deposits of very stiff silty to fine sandy clays, and relatively dense clayey and silty fine to medium sands. Approximately 2-1/2 ft of very stiff, fine sandy clay topsoil, with some scattered gravels, 'was encountered above the Tertiary material in Test Boring 2. Groundwater WqS encountered at a dep~h of a~'prox;-mately 23-1Ll -------ft in the alluvial soils in Test Boring.l. Based on an approximate ground surface elevation on the order of about 165 ft, as estimated from the topographic map provided to us, the groundwater was encountered at " an elevation of about 140 to 145 ft. No groundwater table was evident in the hard clayey Tertiary soils in Test Boring 2. CONCLUSIONS AND RECO~I~ENDATIONS (1) It is our opinion that there are no major adverse soil conditions at the site that would seriously hinder preparation of the site for the proposed pump station. The presence of variabl~ alluvial soils to c~nsiderable depths over much of the site, however, should require appropria~~ shoring, or sloping of~ayation sipe walls to Qrotect against caving or slo~ghinQL-and_provide for safe!y' of pe~el and materiel., The possible presence of a groundwater table above the proposed maximum construction depth should also be considered ....... .""~ in connection with structural design and construction of the pump station. (2) It is our opinion that the subsurface soils at the site have. ~uffi ci ent stren~ antif.il2.~:t_ed foundation depth for J2ro,p_e.r support of the anticipated structure loads. ~-----~-----------~ .. WOODWARlJ.ClYDE CONSULTANTS ® Prbject No. 76-146 • Page 6 (3) It is recommended that an allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf for footings at a minimum depth of 12 in. below rough ,grade, ----with minimum width of 12 in. be used in desig~ of the proposed pump' . ~ .- station foundation. This allowable soil bearing pressure may be increased .................... . . by one-third to accommodate loads that inciude wind or sei·smic forces. (4) Based on the assumption that backfill against the structure _-------'~-"-_-.~ '-J ~-~--- walls will be on-site excavated materials, and that the walls will be . _.-..... ---------.......~---------~.-.' ----. --. ----. ~ -~ -.-------- re1_a~.Lr-e...s_.tr:.CLlried_ .f~2V~l!le.nt_ at the tQQ..,. it l"iS recommended that. --. the walls,be designed to resist lateral earth pressures ~L.1?-Q..~f...,.g.9.u5~a_le.nt ( .. -------' -........ -----.-~" . ~.------~-..-..--------~ fl_u~ pressure, plus 100 psf~~-.-PJ:'_ess,YLe_.--, If the wal,ls are relatiyely urirestrained and free to move at the top, it is.recommended that ari, --~--------..........-....----- equivalent fluid pressu~~f 35 pcf be used in design. Any pressures ". ._---.-. -.. --------' due to hydrostatic forces and ext.ernaLsurcharge loads should b_e __ added ~ -.-_.-.-.... _--------.... ------ (5) For resistance to lateral loads, it is recommended that -~------~---.- an equivalent f~id pressure of 35.0 p.cf a·nd .. a .c.o.e.ifjcient of friction -. -. -- betweef)_,s.oj 1 and_ concrete. Clf" 0~3~_ b~ __ use_(L for _c!.e~ign. If fri ction alone is used, a coefficient of 0.45 may be used. The upp.eT l.? in. of soils -------~ -------~- in areas not protected by pavementLs.h.o_u1d_n.ot_b.e_.J.lsed in',_~esign for -----~--~-------------------- reSistance to lateral loads_ --------' ---------- (6) It is our opinion that the soils at the site may be excavated with normal ripping and excavating equipment. Some,re1atively heavy ri'pping may be required, however, for excavation within the hard -.---~. -~-----.------~-.-, ---------:.----Tertiary clays at the deeper depths anticipated. ------------- ? • WOODWARIJ.CLYDE CONSULTANTS ® . Prou ect No. 76-146 Page 7 (7) It is recommended that all grading operations be observed and compacted fills and backfills be tested by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. A set of "Specifications for Controlled Fill" are attached for use, .if required. LH1ITATIONS The scope of this report does not include construction methods and procedures. It shoul d be the contractor IS responsibil ity to provi de for proper excavati~n slopes, shoring, or bracing, as required, for safety of personnel and materiel, in accordance with proper codes and CAL/OSHA State of Califo'rnia Construction Safety Orders. . The conclusion and recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the test borings and visual surface obse.rv.ations at the site~ If variations are encountered' during grading or construction, we should be notified so that we may make supplemental recommendations, ~---------------------.------------------~ "---~ --.--------. ------~-- if this should be required. Evaluation and utilization of soil materials for support of structures includes investigation of the subsurface conditions, analyses, formulation of recommendations, and inspections duting grading. The soil investigation is not completed until the soil engineer has been able to examine the soils in excavations or slopes so that he may make the necessary modifications, if needed. We emphasize the importance of the soil engineer continuing his services thro,ugh the inspection of gradi ng, incl uding the construction of fi 11 s, backfill s, and foundati on excavations. WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS (j§). ~----' .---------------------------~--~--------~------------~--------------------------~ CARRILLO. ESTATES --... .------- A portion of the southeast quarter of .Section 24, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, in the County of San Diego. LEGEND: +-Indicates approximate 'location -of test borings. APPROX I~lATE SCALE: 111 = 400 I SITE PLAN Sect; on 24 19 -----~~--25 -30 CARRILLO ESTATES PUMP STATION t_ _ T DATE: 7,9-76 -I FIGURENOq r:i\ WOODWARD~lYDE CONSUlTANTS-~ DRAWN BY: ~lRK I CHECKED BY: ,\/,vd PROJECT NO: 76-146_ r-----------------------------,--------------~-~~~-~-------- r • Location Boring Number Elevation DEPTH TEST DATA ~OTHER SAMPLE IN SOl L OESeR I PTION FEET -Me -00 -DC TESTS NUMBER - 12 110 ' 65 ~ 1 2 ,..1 [ Very dense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) ~~ WATER LEVEL . At time of drilling or as indicated. SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classifications are based on the Unified Soil Classification Systl1m and include color, moisture and consistency. Field descriptions halle been modified 'to reflect results'of laboratory analyses where appropriate. '---DISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION Obtained by collecting the auger cuttings in a plastic or Cloth bag. '-------UNDISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER Sample with recorded blows per foot was obtained wfth a Modified California drive sampler (2" in,side diameter, 2;5" outside diameter) lined with sample tubes. The'sampler was driven into the soil at the bottom of the hole with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. L..------INDICATES SAMPLE TESTED FOR OTHER PROPERTIES GS -Grain Size Distribution CT -Consolidation' Test LC -Laboratory Compaction UCS -Unconfined Compression Test Test PI -Atterberg limits Test ST -Loaded Swell Test CC,.,. Confined Compression Test DS -Direct Shear Test TX-Triaxial Compression Test NOTE: In this column the results of these tests may be recorded where applica_ble. L..-__________ BLOW COUNT Number of blows needed to advance sampler one foot or as indicated. '------------DRY DENSITY Pounds per Cubic Foot L..-_____________ MOISTURE CONTENT Percent of Dry Weight NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION I. REFUSAL indicates the inability to, extend excavation. practically. with equipment being used in the investigation. KEY TO LOGS CARRILLO ESTATES PUMP STATION DRAWN BY: ALS I CHECKED BY:!)tl,7.A PROJECT NO: 76-146 I DATE: 6-23-76 I FIGURE NO: 2 WOODWARD·ClYDECONSULTANTS @ j' r e, DEPTH TEST DATA *OTHER IN TESTS FEET *MC *00 *BC 7 no 38 5 9 97 34 10 7 103 23 GS,PI 15 • For description of symbol~. see Figure 2 e Bo.ri ng 1 SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER Very stiff, damp, brown silty to sandy clay (CH) with scattered fine gravel 1-1 Dense to very dense, damp, brown clayey medium to fine sand (SC) with interbeds qf sand (SP) , ' 1-2 Very stiff, damp, dark brown silty clay (CH) Po,rous Dense, damp, 1 i glit brown clayey fine sand (SC) Very stiff,damp; brown silty clay (CH) 1-3 Medium densa, damp, brown to light brown clayey medium to 'fine sand (SC) grading to silty fine sand (SM) LOG OF TES'T BORING 1 CARRILLO ESTATES PUMP STATION DRAWN BY: ALSI CHECKED BY: ·l(:.<!1 PROJECTNO; 76-146 I DATE: 6-23-76 I fIGURE NO: 3' , WOODWARO·Cl YDE CONSUL TANTS@ 15 20 25 28 17 117 49 GS,PI 2-3 UCS=6530 13 118 70: 2-4 GS,PI 2-5 12 120 8/11 11 2-6 'Hard, moist, gray-brown Bottom of Hole • For description of symbols, see Figure 2. LOG OF TEST BORING 2 CARRILLO ESTATES PUMP STATION silty clay (Cl) DRAWN BY:I\LS I CHECKED BY~, liut I PROJECT'NO: 76-146 / , ' I DATE: 6-23-76 I FiGURE NO: 4 I;,;]) WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSUL TANTSLW COBBLES GRAVEL I Coarse Fine Mesh Opening -ins. 10 7 6 3 2 I 5 I --0 90 80 70 <!I :z: 60 CI) CI) 0:: ffi 50 (..) 0:: ~ 4-0 '30 20 I I It - • SAHD CoarsJ I SI LT and CLAY Mad lum Fine Sieve Sizes Hy:drometer Analysis I I 0 I 6 20 30 ItO 60 80 I ItO 200 -..;;; --o ...... "-r--"-\ " '>.,. '. \ 10 I' I' , , , '0\ " \. 20 A 2-5 ~, -\ \ , \ \ '\, 30 '\ \ , \ '\ \ \ '\ 1-5 '. '\, , 1,\ , 2-3 , " '\ \ " '\ "-'\ 60 -1\ \ "-.,., 1-3 '\ " \ ""- \. "-"' 70 '" ' .... ,,,,,- .......... " ""-.. "'" .......... -.......... -..... -80' -.. ---......:. --10 o 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 '0.1 '0.05 ,0.01 0.005 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOL *LL *PI 1 -3 Silty to clayey fine to medium sand (SM-S ) 26 6 1 - 5 Silty fine sand (SM) Non P astic 2 - 3 Fine sandy clay (CL) 41 25 2 - 5 Silty clay (CL) 47 30 *LL = Liquid Limit *PI = Plasticity Index GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES .' , CARRILLO ESTATES PUMP STATION -- 90 I 00 0.001 DRAWN ay: I\LS I CHECKED BY: \lr!. N'I PROJECT NO: 76-146 J DAn: 6-23-76 I fiGURe NO: 5 '" ,/ . WOODWARD·CLYOE CONSULTANTS(ji) r "Proj ect No. 76-146 e .SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED fILL I. GENERAL ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 4 These specifications cover preparation of existing surfaces to receive fills; the type of soil suitable for use in fills; tl:1e control of com- paction and the methods of testing compacted fills. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to place, 'spread, water and compact the fill in strict ac~ordance with these specifications. A Soil Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to inspect the constructton of fi1ls. Exca- vation and the placing of'fill shall be under the direct i~spection of the Soil Engineer and he shall! give written notice of conforma·ncewith· the spec{fications upon completion of' grading. Deviations from these specifications will be permitted only upon written authorization from 'the Soil Engineer. A soil investigation has been made for this proje.ct; any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or su~seq~ent reports shall become an addendum to the~e specificati~ns~ I I. SCOPE , The placement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of eXisting unsatisfactory material, preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading and compaction of fi 11 in the areas to be fi 11 ed, and a 11 other work necessary to comp.l ete the grading of the filled areas. III. MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill shal~ ~onsist of any material imported .or excavated from the cut areas that, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer,· is suitable for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size and shall contain at least 40% of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size. No material of a perishable, spongy~ or otherwise ·improper nature shall be used in filltng. 2. Material placed within 24 inches of rough lot 'grade shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size and that swells le.ss than 3% when compacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axi~l pressure of 160psf. 3. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content and classification of the soil. In ad"dition, the Soil Engineer shall determine the appr.oximate bearing value of a recom- pacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed fn the report of the soil investigation may be encountered by the Contractor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the sliitability of these soils. 'Project No. 76-146 e IV. COMPACTED FILLS 1 . General ATTACHMENT Page 2 of 4 (a) U'nless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the Contractor while at a moisture content nea~ the optimum moisture content and to.a density that is not less than 90% of the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM Test No. D1557-70T, or,other density methods that will obtain equivalent, re~ults. . (b) Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Filled (a) . All trees, brush, grass and other.objectionable material shall be collected, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of by the Con- tractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a neat finished appearance free ,from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed . by the Contractor from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be removed or compacted to the depth shown on the plans. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a mi nimum depth of 6 inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) . Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopes, the 'slope' of. the original ground on which the fill is to.be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached figure. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying formation'materials. . (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, 'it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from clods; brought to the proper moisture content and compacted as specified for fill. 3. Placing, Spreading, and Compaction Fill Material (a) The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed 6 inches. Each 1 ayer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing or other satisfactory methods until the llIoisture content is as srecified. ·63).' ~roject No. ~6-l46 ~ ATTACHMENT Page 3 of 4 (c) When'the moisture content of the fill material is' below that specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Con- tractor until the moisture content is as specified. (d) After each layer has been placed i mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thor.oughlY:' compacted by the Contractor to the specified dens ity. Compaction sha 11 be accompl i shed by sneepsfoot rollers, vibratory roller, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting e'quipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. COll1p-acti on shall be conti nuous over the enti re area and the equi pment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entir~ fill. (e) Surface of fill slopes shall be compacted and there shall be no loose soil on the slopes. V. .INSPECTION 1. Observations and compaction tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer during the filling and compaction operations so that he can, state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifications. 2. The Soil Engi neer shall make fi,e 1 d dens Hy tests in accordance with ASTt~ Test No., 0-1556-70 .. Qensity tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the surface where the 'su~face is disturbed.' When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the specified density, the particular layer or portions shall be reworked until the specified de~sity has been obtained. VI. PROTECT~ON OF WORK 1. During construction the contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. He,shall control surface water to avoid damage to adjotning properties. or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take reme~ial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. 2. ,After completion of grading and the Soil Engineer has finished his observations of the work, no further excavation or'filling shall be done'except under the' observation of the Soil Engineer. J ; .. , - ,!,·: l .· :,;,/' -",J;·,· " .. r .. ; ~,. / I I ' 1 I 11i I / LINED ..... ·· I ' ' ' J ' ' .. . . ,-.. .. J CHANNEL. . . 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STATION FLl.!ORESCENT L !GHT M MOTOR STARTER MS /VIANUAL SWITCH DL OVERLOAD CONTACT I COIL PS PRESSURE 5w1TCH PT RT SP SS MC8 c HL HIGl-4 LEVEL LL Low LEVEL HW HIGH WET WELL ALARM PE:RC.ENTAGE T1tvr£ R RUNNINGt (ELAPSED) T1ME MET£R SUMP PuMP 5£L£C.TDR Sw1rc1-1 A Auro · H HAND 0 OFF MAJ('/ c1/ICUIT SNEAKER Aoro-PHAS E. CON TAC. TOR (t1or st s~ t-) JM 2M IOL r-0----t SH P 2DL L. 2. PUMP MOTOR No. I PUMP MOTOR No. 2 1/•0/1.2.0 -ro coNTROL.S NBOEFTOERE STARTING, MAKE CE.RT~IN THAT THE 2 "' N 1S BETWEEN VOLTAGE ACROSS WIRES L "' 105 6 135 VAC. W1 R. E NoT£5 I, WIRING BELOW 150 V. /5 CONTROL AND IS TAGGED As INDICAT£D. 2. W1R1NC, ABOVE 150 V, Is Pow£~ AND Is Nor TAC.GED. 3. NEUTRAL (N) 15 WHtTE. 4. (,ROUND (C::) 15 WR£EN. 5. LAST WIRE NUMBER USED :J.!j WIRE NuM8ER.5 Nor USED # It --<>- )( x ------ TERMINAL BLOCK ( CoMPDNENTS EXTERNAL OF PANEL). DEVICE TER./V/INAL CoNNECTION WIRING. EXTERNAL OF PANEL FIELD CONNECTIONS # -TERMINAi.. ID£.NTIFICATION NUMB£R ,-., -------------~ 3CB ...----..... 4CB ...----..... ICR. " 4 '·: /!' ) . ' i J ' ) : ,.., ''/ ,·. /·'' ( / / ~ ', N z 2 I G 3 L 4 4 o..-r'<::i--------·----------------------------tPTI---• fJCB ,---.... PT s /CR 5 3 2MS 7 AAL AAL /M PS/LL AL 13 2 3 14 AL // ID AL IZ PS/HL II lb 17 4 4 8 9 H·O·A (o--~ _ _,_ __ xoo I .I H-O-A ISS C.oNv€Nt£NCE. 0UTL£r 15 s 4 9 ID N N ( o-----.a-----18"--------<&H C.l/P. H;i-.. -~--XOo 255 oo>< 3t~ " ,, _/;:'\___ -,, .__-o-i' ~~ -----------~---------------+-~ JtR. IOL 1111---o'>i " J s ~ ~ IM i---• ~CR PS/Hvl as 15 0 " 0-----------------JI----- - - ----~ .... ~---_"',/ 1/t.Of!3_9·0CAL ALARM DEV/clt{NOT BY Sf L) " IMS I I L _____ I -. ·~. ~'? £~- BILL OF MATERIAL TOTAL. WT, coot YVT. I!'. .... 5TATIDN LIC.HT5 TERMINAL STRIP SCHEDULE THE DESIGN AND DETAIL OF THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF SMITH & LOVELESS, INC. AND IS NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT IN CONNEC· TION WITH OUR WORK. DESIGN AND INVENTION AIGHTS ARE RESERVED. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO. c ... r <. > , "~ H. M. w. t./13 < w • • a SC,t,l[ O"tl ::llNA\.. ISSWE NDNE "L :..0,..,. "-el~ '01,(i'?_..~(E:> OEC•M•i..S CODE. 9 '""CARLS .8 Smith& Loveless, Inc. WIRING, DIAGRAM 2-Putv1P STATION SlZE. U M S(°"l"l.. C·RWG. NO. og-79g4 «O. DOZ-7181./-30 ' ' ; " ' . . -~ 4'-2" ---+-.------10'-o"------------.--.,..· .... -------5'-6'' ---·~ /._:.... r Min. Min. With 6 1-011 Dia. Wet Well ~------c-J.---f.~~M .. · ~---~-------+----=---:--:---:-----·----::;::::---t~---==':::::7.,c_ _____ ~ Bubbler Line~ ~ / { -.......... (See Note One)~~__,..../_ ////! I '::..--'\ -~ -l 1 \3 ~--4--1+---/~/,,,_ __,_: -i::~-~=-~"-\ I b-~~~ s'-o" --4--4( ___ __.;-+ .. !,.--------..,),__~--.-. -----·--+ -{} ·--__ 1 ... -i.--+----+--t 4'-0" I I I I 5•-21 . . 1~.---\" __ L h---;;l1_l -r-4---fl ~~---d-~L-----: 214" . -•---+!--Y.--:: I ....... / / ,,.___J ..._..._"-.,.,.--"""""" - 1 21-411 I 17 lb. Magnesium Anode Pack One Each Side Of Station "ti"'lt.1 ' ·Ir, '.f. , \ I I (2 Furnished By Sa L) 1'(1 1/'/1 · ·. · Utility Pole··~·· · /l'.l/:1·. . (NotBySS,L)· · ~i,1 . l ) J· .. Service Entrance Switch l',\i·1\ . (NotBySSL) (·J;i ' f Fib.erglass Cover· ~ .. Intake Air Ducts /// ~--L-------+------------------~--i----.-cc~· .. ----·-----"----.----r----~-~=-=-~-~-~o=---~ + ·~ I l:...U Service Entrance Conduit To Station\ (NotBySSL) . \ SETTING PLAN Elev. 333. o Grade . I I Lifting Loops (One Each Side) II Maximum Frost Line Plus 6 - I • ••• . ' 2'.-0" 0 Entrance M. Tube 1n. . ,, ,, -0 I O· '-Discharge -Air Duct I~ ~ ,\ ~ t ·• • · • '.'Ii. ''/\' \ ·~ -:,.1,)."I>_ ~ · 11 ... \ ·~1.:-1~-,, NOTES: I. See Installation Instructions For Bubbler Line Details. 2. Station Height Based On Service Entrance Conduit Sized For Copper Conductors. 3. See Engineer's Plans And Specifications For Details Station Must Be Externally Grounded Ground Wire S Rod (Not By SSL) Of Wet Well, Concrete Foundation, Grout Under Station, And Electrical Service. . ., •. , •• , ' •. 0 •. t:.-_ .-:::-.-:-. ·=-=-: · .• ~,,,,. .. :'!'r'~~:>">,':!l'l,... ~--t-T.~r.r:,,.,>z",,/,::w.!J'Jl,('P_ : ' '11111'1';:l"~'-'l\'i., '712.,~~1-' ''4-~hr.:;"'j .0 • o 1 • • • ,, .. .' f' •. T~'"'*? -"-.-:\,~). ,',.,.~ul/' \,..~, -'~ • • . • . " t--~+-t 3" I---"---__. '· •. '·o ·-• . ~~u< ~' 'v j.,,,_,\ . ,,...,._ '? ,, /~~f :• :··:.:: o · ~.·.·.~.·';~.ft!':::. ·====·'...--1'·:.t ~7·' ~-... 1'~ . '-1 Dia. Plain End Steel 'iB.Z.A PUMPS WITH S H.P I I ' • • • ... .._!_ . ' ' I • . I --1,.---------:=-/"\-I I ~-_. -~---'1.,.,.--=--.. -----: /::::;-z~;=-=-;="=11='-\~~~~~~:::; ..... _-_-__ :.__._' · 21 Plug_.,......-: 7 · -.- , 111 3" 1" (Not By SSL) -x-x-Tee 2 8 2 (Not By SSL) I /I lf -0 3" c _·_· - .. ' 8 Bubbler Pipe (Not By SSL) _._ _____ __._ _ __._~_ ..... n.__,.~1u------Discharge Pipe -,-------'---ir--...--r---rr'lr-------.,.... -0 -r---l1,__,.,~_: -----[r-S S L To Here -1 II 1----~~~,=::t=~===ft===========+=-t=--~~~~-~-~-r'-1r-·~~~~i11 ~i Min ~ \ . - l II ~ Flexible Bubbler Line (Not By S 8 L) 0 ~\S:; 1 ,j~~~==r===;;~b·~ri=-rl I I I • I l u e Fluorescent Light ,,, .. · """'\ 1110 R_.PM., 3/60/~/VOLT MOTORS ~~.) L_ ,l _ " 4 D!SCHARQE 'f II SUCTION Pipe S Gate Valve Gate Valve Base Beams e E. lev. .-:t,., 0 (~ ---~lCD· Bub bier Line /ii-----+---+--r-1. ----- a'-olt Dia. ~----<-- --- I 5'-0" • Elev. 311.0 ~,_ --(£ Suction I./" Suction 2 1-0 3 4 e Elev. 314. qy II T " -. ' . = =---= I' 0 9 p p 0 0 " p p ' :~ .:::t' ... ., Anchor Sump Line To Wet Well Wall " 1a sump Pump Discharge Piping (Not By SSL) 0 0 Ventilating 0 Control Panel/ Ladder @ 0 · w/SAFE-T·CllM8 ~~g~~~ FALL PREV£rlTIO>I '!z: o tv1 c. e..car .sf.1.) 0 r-1 I I L-.J a'-o" Dehumidifier 3811 Above Floor ; Blower~ r 0 ,---1:1\~=~=l =!==='~tf~I ,/((/ 'i01f~ 1" Approx. j . ~ ~ )i I ~ 9" Min. 2'-11" Min. Lf "Common Discharge Pipe ~ -~ . {_) ' ------>,.->.-----HI/_=------~-----__ -~.!1------tt./t-----t-+--tt--1+--1---+H-~ --++++--+---+-/ -, /Grout !'\\ , :":~;:.~(lid .a , , -_/ 1 v (Not By SSL) ::::::! · i, p,<-i; ifi'a;)-/(; ,:ir· m , .;" J I S w --See Note .3. ~ . -• ·J ,, · ump ',, + \ \lv\.PF--~Jc:•Atc..Hi ·· ). 'i Dia. Plain End -"' '-/ ""' ~ - ' ·· ' '1 .• ·A~~-~ Steel Suct1·on ·!~P~u:m;p:)·~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~J-!-~~~~~~~··.·.. . . 2Ao 9ee TY PI.CAL WE T WELL ~ . u _ II" O O ~ THE oesiGN AND OE TAIL OF THIS DRAWING ts THE PROPERTY OF SMITH & LOVELESS. INC. AND 1s Nor ro a·e useo EXCEPT 1N CoN-NEC· I,,.,.,., I •. •• •• -TION WITH OUR WORK.· DESIGN ANO INVENTION RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. (Not By SSL) I • . . Pipes(By SSL)-l ~---p'~._ <·:_:= 1" a ouw•"' ;i" :o',',o.::~':. ~:@Smith& STATION PLAN , .', .~, •,. 11 u 1~ "~ 11-----..) .· (~-----) . .·::.::. 102 rl" t-'---l-'-t-'~·--i--;; ~~!:.~~· 8.3 -•• -.c--,0 -.,,_ __ d.:l.~·=';::;,...,!:l~O~Ve~l~eS2,;S~ln~C;... ---1 ~ ~ • ~ "' I I --•. • • w c.,/;; ntjc_.. '0 • CARL A r-_L_:__l_:_:_ ______________ ~.--~·~-:1._.!,_. _:_L_..;.. ________ _u __ J1::~=·u.--i!==:=====:============:;::c:i:::·:;;;·j;. ;;;;;;;~~~===}=, 0~ i--=Lo.._o_u_. --+--e>----1· O<C•MA'" a'-o" DIA. Du PLEX , ·~ -. .' ~ o • 9 T b;~; .nk.,,, Sloping Blocks •.Q_ 0 ,. ~~1--_,,__.'---'"E---1 :;:· ,____S_E_W_AGE LlfT __ STATION (By SSL) \ • : .. 00 SC"I NQN SOU v'" £A "' COQI: C>lflWQ MQ ))08-?'IBL/-I ... FOUNDATION (NOT BY S 8 L) . ,._ Olt!QIWAt. ~ 1stul ·' . . -.. -._ ' . "' . .. / , . "" J. . f • I'-._,..,._ •••• ,--: .. -·-·-'" ~.•·.··0'~·,,,~,,.,.it:l:,,,,;:·--.... "'.'''·'··,.. '· ,-·.' ··r··, ·1 ' . ....._ · '1' ;_p;;~ .. '. ·,·:if: ~ ' wt r • tL! -·.+1 ________ ;..._ ____________________ 1 _______________________________________________ __, ___________________________________ __. ________________________ _, Ir I i 3/60/460VOL T SERVr C.E G ..---, LI L2 L3 I I I I I I I I I I I ~) A) ~)Mes ( ; ' I ~· , •J I I r I I I _j__ - I I I OL - , - 2CB 2M 2 OL ~~ I I'----<>" ,---~ ~I ----<">-" ,--··~ - TC Ej /'-~ 111 )Cf PUMP MOTORS 15 HP NO. J NO 2 -.X'<:>-----o-..---<:'"""""----.,------~x i ~ 1<3 V6o/t20VOLTS TO CONTROLS )( N -----------1/60/12.0VA.C FROM TRANSFORME:R.---------~ ... 3CB ,--...,. !CR 3 5 3 '---------<>-~ P---------=----"""*--+-<> R( 4 PT ....._--------t+:---- 2. L 4 ICR b ------0-j ~---'---------.=-5---,.....------~-ftl 5 see ,..---.,.,. ..__'° <>-.X'O>----------·------·--------6 GCB ,----...... 7 "----0 ~ 2MS ,,,, /~ . -{_)' o----. ------------··· -·--. -··--·-·· ·-----. -- 6 8 AAL i~ G H G NOTE: /.IZ )(2 N I '--6---*-----'--. ---N I I • F!ETORE Cl.OSING ANY SINGLE: i" c <. E C I RC' I.I I T 8 R £ A K f R , M A K [ • .... :.·. •?TAIN T;IAT THE" VOL TACE r::OSS WIRE 5 X .: N 1$ I \VE.EN 105 ( i35VAC LEGEND '_,_,, _________ ·-----·----- ,. ·\L. AIR COMPRESSOR AL TE RNA TOR .-. C AIR COMPRESSOR /_.,,1 PUMP ALTER.NA.TOR L.I VENTILATION BLOWER LB CIRCUIT BREAKER CF~ CONTROL RELAY D D£HUM101F'JER LS ENTRANCE L.10 SWITCH ;:S FLOAT SWITCH liU HUM10/5TAT k4 X4 2. KVA TRANSFORMER. WIRE NOTES J. WIRING BEL.OW /SOY. IS CONTROL AND TAGGED AS INDICATED. 2. WIRING ABOVE. 150V. 15 POWE.R AND NOT T AGC.ED. 3. NEUTRAL (N) JS WHITE. 4. GROUND (G) IS GREEN. 5. LA5T w1kE NUM6ER USED _2_2.. __ _ WIRE NUMBE"RS NOT USED----- " L. STATION FLUORE.5CENT L1GHTS t . ii'!', • \.o M MOTOR STARTER MS MANUAL SWITCH OL OVERLOAD R£LA~ PS PRESSURE SWITCH HL HIGH LEVEL Hw HIGH WET WELi... l\LARM LL LOW LEVEL RUNNING TIME: M~TER. PERCENTAGE "'ON" TtME:.R CONY EN /ENC£ RE CE PT AC.LE SUMP PUMP SELEC TDR SWITCH A AUTO H ~AND 0 OFF MAIN C.1 l<CUI T 5 REA KER # --O-OEVICE TERMINAL CONNECTION .. )( TERMINAL BLOCK (COMPONE:NTS EXTERNAL OF PANEL) ( # O.E:.NOTES TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION NUM8ER) ----D£NOIES F/E"Ll> INIRll'J<i (Nar SY S~L) I -------------······-····-'-_,._ .. ---------..,I f---1_0 ___ ~'~"-+11 l~l---1<1-_. IM 2 M---·---j f-----·-1 3M S ----1 r··-----····----~---·--··~Y/··~-·---· --·· ...... ~---·--· -·--·--~r--- I AL 3 PS/LL /3 t I I I )--{r-1 I i . , 255 H ·O· A. r 2 OL ~o : ,n I J 7.__ __ Po-..S_f~_I' I r-ot· ~~~~J!_ 7 -/ 16 ~-~·-,0-0--,-------'t-...t-.a~ 2M ..... ---u-1<r----_J oo• l 1 i.._2_1 _____ ....,_~I __ 2_2_,l y FOR CUSTOMER USE" i---~N G NOTE; VIEWED PLUG £.ND (TYPICAL, All PLUC.5) i--Es-~l I I ,.......~•t---4 I I MS I I L _____ .J N N N N TERMINAL STRIP ?_~_fj_EDULE TBI N 9 [!EE] TBZ JO 7 8 11 12 14 JS 17 18 19 20 6 5 s 4 4 2. I Z.I 22 ,. QUAIL RID~£ PUMP STATION" 7838-01 THl Ot -,1,;~ Ar-.;o-n~ r A.IL ··1f r1c>; oq.._,.._,.,.,; ,; T1-1l i:iq . .>f'>.., r .-, ~ -.,M, ~ .... 1 1.,. i •-'> .... l. ,\...,{) ,,., \it)r ro ~H ._.,t ll !: 'l~fi>r 1"-i CO~ll<FC r1(1 ..... ,..,,~.1 DUR .. ..,OHK. OES1c ...... A~O l ..... j-... Tlt11\i i<·•,HT·; ;,.µ~ ~!\.,f->l·.t!l ' ... H •• -, .. ~.-, .lHt ...... (.>t!S \J\i:..f";S t)•HfHO•S.f ""fJTFO 0 ··;_ • • ··""'"' ~-·[t> Smith& jD5tz4~~·-'~':_"_:;_~" · · ... <,. u,. ~-..,;·,...· ,..---.,..· ""'F"""".;;;L;.,:;o.;.v.;;.e~le:;.::s:;.::s;.i.;;.ln~c~. -~----4 '\., ··• CARLSBAD C.ALI FORN/A ---__ j.-_....;...._;_ __ .;......µ._.;. __ ....;.... __ "'-'-__ --t i: ICI"° •. S "\.; SCHEMATIC. WIRING DIAGRAM -;,-;;-:-;·,·-3/6o/4GOVOLT 2 PUMP STATION \, ---·---····-·· ----.----.------1 v .. EA WT. :·· ·· os-7<}82 :':.'" Do8-7'JB2-30: /