HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-31; LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT NO. 1; COMPACTED FILLED GROUND; 1969-06-23'e ... l:_ ~~'K.~ ~ I \. PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT -CIVIL .ENGINe:ER Rancho La .Costa, Inc. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIO.NS ·6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92115 June 23, 1969 SAN DIEGO: !583-!56!54 LA MESA: .A Ii II 1S6!5""'s~ .. I9. Route I, Box 2550 EnCinItas, California ·92024 Subject: Proj~ct No. 68 ... 11-230 Final Report on cr73-3J Gentlemen: Compacted Filled Ground La Costa South. Unit No.1 -~..,.,. = ; -;q ;;-:::!.-~ Rancho La Costa, Cal ifornia This i~ to report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the compaction of filled gro~~-Else~ c~rtain areas of Lots I, 3 to 7, inclusive, 14 to 25, inclusive, 34 to 39, .inclusiveU~.!~i-nclusive, 54 to 58, inclusive, 62 to 72., inclusive, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90,. 110 toSj2U~ i-nclusive, 122, 123, 131,@151 to 154, inclusive, 166 to 177, inclusive, 181 to 184, inclusive, and Portions of La Costa Avenue, Navarra Drive, Viejo Castilla Way, Nuevo Castilla Way, Sevilla Way, Levante Street, GaUcia Way, and La Coruna Place, La Costa South Unit No. I, Rancho La Costa, Cal.ifornia. The fills were placed during the periods between February 4, 1969 and May 2, 1969. The approx·imate areas and depths of fi lied ground placed under our inspection in accordance with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing NQ. I, entitled "Location of Compacted Filled Ground." The grading· plan used for the placement of filled ground was prepared by Mcintire & Quiros, Inc. dated. January, 1968 .. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented; on page Nos .·4 to 19, inclusive, under th~ "Table of Test Results. II The laboratory determina- tions of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials are presented on page No. 20, under the "Laboratory Test Results. II Sonie of the maximum dry densities shown in the "Table of Test Results II were combinations of these. The. tests we.re taken during the weekly periods indicated below: Test Number 1 to 8, inclusive 9 to 29, inclusive 30 to 37, inclusive 38 to 89, inclusive 90.to 139, inclusive 140 to 191, inclusive 192 to 257, inclusive Continued on page two. Week Ending February 8,1969 February IS, 1969 February 22 , 1969 March 8, 1969 March 15, 1969 March 22, 1969 March 29, 1969 Project No. 68-11-2$D . La Costa So~th Unit No. Test Number 258' to 352, inclusive 353 to 433, inclusive 434 to' 461, inclusive 462 to 485, i nelusive 486 to 506, inclusive -2-- Week Endi'll April -5, 1969 Apri I 12, 1969 Aprt'l 19, 1969 Apri I 26., 1969 May 3, 1969 June 23, 1969 The final r.sul ts ~f tests and observations indicate that the compacted filled ground has been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry dens.ty or greater. It has been determined that the fill materials, compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, have a saf~ beari'll value of at least 1510 po~nds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footi'lls fOl,lnded at a minimum d~tfi and placed five feet or more inside the top of compactedfi lied ground slopes. I·f footi'lls Qre placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 1;2 horizontal to 1 vertical line proJected outward and downward from a point 5 .feet horizontally inside the top of compacted fiUed ground slopes. Tests indicate ·that the compacted filled ground is ad§quate to-satisfactorily !yeeor! the .E!.?eosed one and 1'«.0 s.tPLY_'«999 fr;,a.m.e..sLy,teI!~ without detrimental settlements. In our re rt of the Original investigation donducted at this subdivision, (Project No. 68-2-2C ated ~arch 8, 1968) I we stated that some si I ty clay and sandy clay soils had been found on tliii-i'ile-'ifi"af were expansive, and we recommended that each lot be inspected duri~ or after gracJi~ to determine those lots In which such e~panSive soils exist within the upper 3.0 feet. This has been done, and the followi'll lots have been found to contain potentially expanSive soi'ls with i n the upper 3.0 feet. It is recommended that !he followi~ special design precautions be taken for the houses to be cons true ted on the above -Ii s ted lots: 1. Isolated interior Pi~rs should~d.. Continuous footings should be used throughout, and these should-be placed at a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjacent exterior final grou_nd surface. 2. Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars all interior and exterior footi'lls with two #4 bars at 3 inches above the bottom of all footi'lls and two #4 bars placed 11/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footi'lls. 3. Use raised wood floors that span between continuous footi~s, or reinforce all concrete slabs with 6 x 6 -10/10 woven wire fabric, and provide a m.inimum of 4 inches of clean sand beneath all concrete slabs. Provide a moisture barrier 2 I nches be low sl abs· vnder Ii vi III areas. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Profect No. 68-11-23D La Costa South Unit No •. 1 -3-June 23, 1969 4 . Separate garage 'slabs from perimeter footi~s by 1/.2 inch thickness of construction felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement of garage . slabs relative to perimeter footilllS. 5. Provide positive drainage away from all perimeter footJl1Js to a horizontal I distance of at least 6 fee.t outside the house walls. In addition to the filled ground placed and inspected within La C~sta South Unit No.1, there was an area of fill approximately 180 feet east of the east end of Navarra Drive. This area is shown on Drawing 1\10. 1, and the ·tests taken within the area ate Test Nos. 257, 258,.--264'and 270. . - Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By .;YJ1t,.'"1' ~ M. V. Pothier I Civil EIlJ ineer Distr : (4) Addressee (2) Mcintire & Quiros, Inc. Attention: Mr . Gary Cumbey ('1) RickEllJineerillJ (2) San Diego County Buildi~ In$pection Vista, Cal ifornia -marled 1-9-70 SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 68-11-230 -4-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. TABLE OFTEST RESUL TS e· Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. In Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 1 La Costa Ave. 10.4 111.5 120.2 92.8 Sta.33+OO 2 La Costa Ave. 3 15.8 103.3 114.8 90.1 Sta. 34+63 3 La Costa Ave. 2 11.7 112.5 119.0 94.6 Sta. 35+25 4 La Costa Ave. 6 19.5 l02.4 H3.0 90.7 Sta. 35+50 5 La Costa Ave. 7 19.8 103.7 114.7 90.5 Sta. 34+50 6 La Costa Ave. 5 16.5 101.5 1.10.6 91.8 Std. 33+50 7 La CoSta Ave. 16.9 108.4 114.8 94.6 Sta.32+00 8 La Costa Ave 0 10 17. 1 99.8 110.6 90.,1 StQ. 35+63 e 9 La Costa Ave. 9 17. 1 105.9 114.0 92.8 Sta .33+63 ' 10 La Costa Ave. 4 17.6 107.3 114.0 94.3 Sfc;I. 36+00 11 3 2 19.2 103.3 114.8 90.0 12 55 2 14.7 112.5 122.3 92.0 13 La Costa Ave. '5 15.7 108.4 114.0 95.0 Sta. 32+50 14 La Costa Ave. 11 16.2 109.5 114.0 96.2 Sta. 34+00 15 La Costa Ave. 2 16.7 108.2 116.0 93.2 Sta. 30+00 16 La'Costa Ave. 4, 17.8 106.8 114. 1 93.7 Sta. 30+00 17 3 4 20.2 103. 1 114.3 90.2 18 4 1 16.2 100.6 116.5 86.4 Reworked 19 3 8 15. 1 107.2 116.5 92.2 ,Check on 1118 20 4 5 15.7 108.3 120.2 90. 1 21 3 12 17.6 100.0 110.6 90.5 22 La COsta Ave. 2 18.6 100.8 110 .6 91.2 Opp. 3 & 4 23 4 9 16.2 100.7 110~6 91.8 BENTON ENGINEERING, I !'ole. Pro fect No. 68-11-23 D -5-. June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum e imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Locafion at T~st Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cuft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 24 24 2 17.5 97.3 110.6 88.0 Reworked 25 24 2 14.8 107.8 118.0 91.4 Check on 124 26 23 4 14.7 109.2 118.0 92.6 27 24 6· 14.7 108.2 118.0 91.7 28 23 8 16.7 99.5 110.6 90.0 29 24 10 22.5 100.0 110.6 90.3 30 25 1 10.8 105.8 116.0 91.2 31 23 12 14.4 103.9 114.8 90.5 32 22 i 16.0 100.6 110.6 91.0 33 21 1 16.5 103.0 110.6 93.2 34 24 14 16.0 103.9 113.3 91.6 35 22 5 16.8 107.0 118.0 90.6 36 La Cosfa Ave. 3 18.9 100.4 110.6 90.8 Opp. 24 & 25 t 37 20 14.9 104.6 114.8 91.2 38 5 2 16.0 110.4 119.0 92.8 39 6 2 15.7 108.0 119.0 90.8 40 La Costa Ave. 14 14.4 111.0 119.0 . 93.2 Sta. 35+00 41 La Costa Ave. 13 14. 1 111.2 119.0 93.4 Sta.33+OO 42 2 16 13.5 105.1 114.8 91.5 43 4' 13 15.6 110.6 119.0 93.0 44 La· Costa Av.e. 15 12.0 112.2 119.0 94.2 Sta .34+00 45 La Costa Ave. 9 12.4 112.2 1]9.0 94.2 Sta.32+OO 46 5 6 11.9 110.1 119.0 92.6 47 3 20 14.4 1'13.5. 119.0 95.3 48 La Costa Ave. 6 .15.5 108.6 119.0 91.3 Opp. 4 & 5 , 49 La Costa Ave. 8 10.8 103.5 114.8 90.1 Sta. 36+00 50 La Costa Ave. 19 12.·3 109.3 119.0 91.9 Sta. 34+00 51 La CoSta Ave. 13 12.5 109.3 119.0 9.1.8 Fi nished Grade S.ta. 32+00 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 68-11-230 -6.-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth. Maximum imate of Fi II Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent NQ •. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 52 6 6 13.0 104.7 114:8 91.4 53 4 17 12.4 107.7 119.0 90.5 54 La Costa Ave. 18 15.8 101.9 110.6 92. 1 Sta. 35+00 55 La' Costa Ave. 17 to.7 108 .3 119.0 91.0 Sta. 33+00 56 La Costa Ave. 23 10.7 109.5 119.0 92.0 Sta. 34+00 57 3 24 19.5 97.8 110.6 88.4 Reworked 58 5 10 12.0 107.6 119.0 90A 59 La Costa Ave. 10 14.9 105.8 114.8 92.0 Opp .• 4 & 5 60 La Costa Ave. . 12 17.6 106.8 114.8 93.0 Opp. 4 & 5 61 25 5 15.0 104.4 114.8 91.0' 62 23 16 13 .. 5 107.6 119.0 90.4 e 63 83 1 14.8 98.5 108.3 90.8 64 86 & 87 2 10.8 104.8 113.0 92.9 65 La Costa Ave. 12 11.7 110.2 119.0 92.6 Sta. 36+00 66· La Costa Ave. 14 15.9 107.2 119.0 90.2 Opp. 3 & 4 67 La Costa Ave'. 16 13.7 109. 1. 119.0 91.7 Opp.36+00 68 24 18 12.7 107.6 119.0 90A 69 La Costa. Ave. 16 14.5 112.4 119.0 94.5 . Opp. 4 & 5 70 22 9 13.7 109.0 119.0 91.6 71 7 4 13.7 110.4 119.0 92.8 . 72 La Costa Ave. 7 18.6 99.9 110.6 90.4 Opp. 24& 25 73 La CoSta Ave. 6 16.8 '102.8 110.6 92.9 Opp. 24 & 25 74 7 8 13.7 103.8 110.6 93.8 75 184 2 19.2 101.8 110.6 92.2 76 83 3 18.0 98.1 108.3 90.6 i7 83 5 15.3 99.7 108.3 92.1 78 83 7 12. 1 76.1 103.6 73.5 Reworked . 79 86 & 87 4 . 11. 1 103.3 113.0 91.4 80 83 7 13.9 104.2 113.0 92.3 Check on '78 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Proj_ct No. 68-11-230 -7-June 23, 1969 La Costa Sovth Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RESUL TS (CONT.) Approx-Depth MtJ)<imum . imate of fi.11 Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks ,,81 21 5 14.9 99.5 110.6 90.0 62 "17 1 13.8~ 107.1 119.0 90.1 83 19 1 13.5 104.3 114.8 91.0 84 20 5 21.4 1~.8 113.0 91.0 65 23 20 14.9 106.3 .lJ4.3 93.2 86 La Costa Ave. 11 14.8 104.5 114.3 91.4 Opp. 24& 25 87 184 4 16.2 102.8 111.5 92.2 88 64 2 15.4 105.9 115.5 91.9 89 176 2 13.3' 104.6 115.5 90.6 90 Lei Costa Ave. 15 17.3 105.6 114.8 92.0 Qpp. 24 & 25 , 91 ' La Costa Ave. 19 16.8 106 .8 .114.8 93.2 Opp. 24 & 25 11 92 83 14.8 103.4 110.8 93.4 93 La Costa Ave. 6 13.4 105.8 116.0 9'1.3 e Opp. 86 & 87 94 83 .13 13.9 105.4 116.0 91.0 95 82. 3 17.5 104.8 113.0 92.8 96 84 1 13.3 97.6 108.3 90.1 97 83 17 16.0 105.8 115.5 91.6 Finished Grade 98 65 4 15.4 99.0 109 .0 90.8 99 184 6 9. 1 101.3 108.3 93.6 100 67 & V,ie.jo 4 . 14.8 99.6 109 .0 91.4 Castilla Way 101 176 6 16.9 100.9 109.8 92.0 102 69 2 12.3 98.2 108.3 90.7 103 184 8 18.2 105.7 114.8 92. 1 104 64 6 19. 1 10-1.9 113.0 90. 1 105 182 2 14.3 96.6 103.6 ' .93.3 106 68 2 12.0 94.9 103.6 91.6 107 175 4 11. 1 102.8 113.0 91.2 lal 65 8 15.3 103.6 113.3 91.5 , 109 183 4 15.0 105.7 113.3 93,4 110 66 4 17.4 103.3 113.3 91.3 111 La Coruna 4 14.3 105.7 110.6 95.4 Place 112 70 4 16. 1 105.7 117.0 90.3 113 175 8 15.4 96.5 103.6 93.0 114 71 & Viejo 4 19.3 95.7 103.6 92.4 Castilla Way 115 173 4 15. 1 101.5 ' 110.8 91.6 116 184 12 13.3 106.6 116.0 92.0 117 163 8 13.7 104.6 110.6 94 .. 5 ProJect No. 68-11-230 -8-June 23, 1949 La Costa South Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST 'RESULTS -(CONL) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry' Test Location at Test Moisture Oen$ity Ilensi ty Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/tu ft Compaction Remarks 118 174 4 18.8 98.5 109.2 90.3 119 173 8 19.2 100.5 109.2 92.0 120 168 2 17.3 103.4 114.2 90.6 121 70 8 19. 1 101.2 109.2 92.6 122 68 6 21.8 99.,0 109.2 90.6 123 67 & Viejo 8 17.3 103.1 114.2 90.3 Casti Iia Way 124 123 2 13.5 105.9 113.0 93.8 125 70 12 12.7 99.9 111.2 90.0 126 89 & 90 2 8.5 95.8 103.6 92.4 127 89 & 90 4 16.6 102.2 108,.3 94.4 128 123 4 10.2 96.7 1'03-.6 93.3 129 172 2 15.4 110.3 116.8 94.5 _ 13.0 89 & 90 6 14.6 103.9 113.0 92.0 131 89 & 90 8 10.6 99.3 108.3 91.7' 132 123 6 12.5 102.2 113.0 90.6 133 173 8 13.3 102. 1 113.0 90.3 134 174 8 12.7 105.9 116.0 91.3 135 173 12 13.9 95.1 103.6 91.7 136 174 12 15.0 98.6 108.3 91.0 137 24 22 13.4 101.7 110.6 92.0 ]38 22 13 16.6 102.3 110.6 92.5 139 21 9 11.9 99.8 108.3 92.0 140 La Costa Ave. l' over 17.4 105.0 114.3 92.0 Reworked, Opp. Lot Line Struct. Backfi II 3&4 Check on # 140 141 La Costa Ave. I' over 14.2 111.4 114.8 97.1 O'pp. Lot Li ne S truct. Backfi II 3&4 142 La Costa Ave. -15.5 ,108. 1 112.6 96.0 l' over Struct. Sta. 31+40 -Backfill 143 3 24 14.7 103.6 110.6 93.6 Check on '57 144 4 21 15.9 106 .4 112.6 94.6 145 6 10 14. 1 106.0 110.6 95.8 146 5 14 13.8 105.1 110.6 95.0 ]47 7 12 18.1 109.0 lle.O -92,4 148 6 14 15.8 102.6 110.6 92.8 149 7 16 17.9 107.4 117.0 91.8 150 3 28 14.5 114.8 116.0 99.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. -r-" Project No. 68-11-230 -9-June 23, .1969 La Costa South Unit No.1 TABLE OF rEST RESUl T$ (CONT.) e Appl'ox-Depth Maxim~m imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density DenSity Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/co ft Compaction Remarks, 151 5 18 24.9 98.4 109.2 90.1 152 7 20 11.5 107.3 116.0 92.5 153 23 24 18~8 103.3 110.6 93.4 154 24 26 19.0 103.1 110 .. 6 93.2 155 22 21 12.8 108.5 116.8 92.9 156 21 17 14.1 109.5 120.6 90.7 157 20 1'3 12.8 101.8 112. 1 90 .. 8 158 19 5 14.4 109.9 117.2 93.8 159., . 18 3 13.3 106.5 116.8 91.2 160 17 3 13.5 106.3 116.8 90.9 161 17 5 12.0 99.7 108.3 92 .. 0 162 17 7 12.4 99.7 108.3 92.0 163 54 2 15.4 106 .2 118.0 90.0 164 55 4 '9.9 116.2 . 124.0 93.7 165 54 6 6.6 , 110.8 120.2 92.0 166 55 8 7.7 120.7 128.0 94.2 e 167 54 10 8.9 113.7 125.0 90'.9 168 55 12 8.9 119.5 128.0 93.3. 169 56 2 22.7 98.8 109.2 90.4 170 54 14 15.0 108.0 118.8 90.9 171 Navarra Ori ve 4 10.4 117.3 128.0 91.6 Opp.54 & 55 172 56 6 7.5 110.5 121.5 90.9 173 62 2 10.9 99.8 116.0 86.0 Reworked 174 Vie,jo Castilla W. 2 12.6 104.8 116.0 90.2 Sta. 3+71 175 55 16 14.5 111.7 121.5 91.9 176 Navarra Drive 8 5.0 116.0 125,.0 92.8 Opp, 55 Check on , 173 .177 62 2 12.5 106.2 112.8 94.1 178 Viejo CastillaW. 2 . 11.5 110.1 116.0 94.9 Sta. 4+71 ,179 62 4 15.4 107.9 115.4 93.4 180 34 2' 11.3 110.5 115.4 95.7 IS 1 57 -2 5.0 112.4 125.0 90.0 182 54 18 12.7 108.4 118.8 91.3 183 Navarra ,Drive 12 10. 1 11-2.4 120.8 93. 1 Opp. 54 & 55 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. r~ ---:.-:--------, ----- -.; ---- -' . P/~# 'ProJect No. 68-11-230 -10-June 23, 1969 , La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESUL TS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate o.f Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test ,Moistur.~ Density Density Per.cent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 184 34 4 . 11.7 106.e 113.4 94.2 185 37 4 10.8 103.3 114.8 90.0 186 58 4 10.8 100.9 120.8 90.2' 187 Viejo Castilla W. 6 12.8 107.0 112.7 94.9 Sta. 3+61 188 57 6 15.7 106. 1 118.0 90.0 . 189 Vi~ioCClStillaW. 4 12.6 106.9 112.7 94.9 Sta .4+71 190 La Costa Ave. 6 16.9 105.0 116.0 90.6 Sta. 30+00 191 La Costa Ave. 8 16.0 106.9 117.0 91.4 Sta. 30+00 192 . La Costa Ave. 2 12.0 '112.4 119.0 94.4 Sta. 31+00 193 La Cos.ta Ave. 12 12.2 113.9 119.0 95.6 Sta.30+00 194 La Costa Ave. 22 11.0 111.3 119.0 93.4 e Sta. 35+00 195 La Costa Ave. 20 -10.9 113.0 119.0 94.9 Sta. 36+00 196 55 20 7.7 107.9 120.8 89.4 Reworked 197 Navarra Drive 16 9.5 105.1 120.8 87.0 Reworked Opp. 54 & 55 Checkon'196 .198 55 20 11.9 105.5 114.8 92.0 199 Navarra Drive' 16 12.7 105.6 114.8 92.0 Check. on IJ 197 Opp. 54 & 55 200 39 4 9.2 105.3 114.8 91.6 20·1 37 4 12.2 108.8 118.8 91.6 202 56 10 13.2 110.7 120.8 . 91.6 203 58 8 9.3 113.2 125.9 90.0 204 57 10 6.6 114.5 125.9 91.0 205 56 14 7.4 112.3 124.9 90.0 206 63 2 12.8 111.9 119.0 94.1 207 54 22 7.9 109.1 12 t • 1 90 .. 1 200 63 3 13.5 110.1 119.0 92.4- 209 57 14 10.6 111.6 120.8 92.2 210 112 2 12.3 103.4 113.0 91.4 211 114 3 13.2 105.6 113.0 93.4 212 153 2 11.8 100.3 100 .3 92.6 e SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ~ -------- Project No. 68-11-230 -ll-June 23, 1969 La CQSta Sou_th Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fi II Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent - No. or ~ot No. in -Feet. % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cl1 ft Compac ti on Remarks 213 152 4 12.3 101.4 -108.3 93.5 214 La Costa Ave. l' over 13.9 109.3 114.8 95.2 Sta.30+90 storm drain 215 154 2 10.6 . 104.5 113.0 92.4 216 38 6 5.3 109 .0 120.8 90.2 217 153 6 15.4 103.6 11.3,0 91.8 218 37 8 5.1 129.7 131.0 99,0 219 69 6 10,0 104.5 113.0 92.4 220 152 8 13, 1 110.3 121.0 91.1 221 154 6 12.6 108,7 120.6 90.2 222 153 10 14.6 102 .7 112.3 91.5 223 25 9 14.0 99.7 108.3 92,1 224 25 .13 10,6 105.2 113.0 93,1 225 68 10 14.3 104.0 112.8 92.3 Fi "ished Grade 226 67 & Nuevo 12 13.8 103.9 111.0 93.6 Casti I la w.ay e 227 152 12 11.2 112.2 120.6 93.0 228 154 10 14.1 107,7 117.7 91.5 229 166 2 10 •. 9 97.7 108 .3 90.2 230 25 17 10.6 109.9 120.6 91.1 231 24 30 14.2 108_.3 116,8 92,7 232 21 21 13 .. 7 104.0 113.0 92.0 233 183 12 .13.2 100.3 108.3 92.6 234 55 24 7.2 109 .0 118.8 91.7 235 56 -18 10.6 118.2 131.0 90.2 236 58 16 9.8 108.3 120.6 90.0 237 176 10 18.6 101.3 108.3 93.5 238 176 14 14.6 107.5 118.0 91.1 239 56-22 11.2 ' ..;114.8 125.9 91.1 240 57 18 11.3 117.0 125.9 93.0 241 58 20 10.2 118.2 131.0 90.2 242 57 22 10.9 119.2 131.0 91.0 243 56 26 8.3 113.5 125.9 90.1 244 55 28 10.8 113.5 125.9 90.1 245 39 8 19.4 103.3 113.0 91.4 246 36 10 13.6 111.4 120.8 92.2 247 36 4 13.4 '114.5 -125.9 90.9 2*3 54 26 11.3 123.4 131.0 94.1 249 58 24 8.7 125.3 131.8 95.0 250 54 30 -9.5 125.3 131.0 95.6 251 57 26 8.9 124.8 131.0 95.1 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 68-11-230 -12-Ju~ 23, 1969 La COsta South Uni t No. 1 TA~LE OF TEST RESU~TS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate ofFill Field Dry . Dry Test Location at rest Moisture Density Density .Percent No. or'Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 252 Navarra Drive 20 15.0 113.7 125.9 90.3 Opp. 55 & 56 253 39 12· 10.0 111.7 120.6 92.5 254 37 .12 11.0 109 .4 120.-8 90.5 255 38 14 12.6 109 .8 120.8 90.9 256 36 8 14.3 111.3 120.8 92.0 257 180' E. of E. ·2 9 .• 9. 128.9 131.0 98.3 end of Navarra Dr. 258 180' E. of E. 4 10.3 124.8 131.0 95.3 end of Navarra Dr. 259 35 2 13.9 114.5 120.8 94.8 260 46 2 16. 1 112.3 120.8 93.0 261 37 16 12.9 107.2 118.8 90.2 262 39 16 12.2 115.4 125.8 91.8 263 38 18 9.9 116.6 125.8 92.8. 264 180' E. of E. 6 13.7 117.0 129.5 '90.4 end of N~varta Dr. 265 45 4 14.7 113.5 125.9 90.2 266 36 12 14.2 110.9 118.8 93.3 267 Navarra Dr. 24 14.8 111. 1 120.8 92.0 Opp. 54 & 55 268 37 20 14.4 112.3 120.8 93.1 269 39 20 l5.1 109 .9 120.8 91.0 270 180' e. of E. 8 15.5 111.0 123.5 90.0 end of Navarra Dr. 271 55 32 12.8 103.4 113.0 91.6 272 56 30 15.3 105.2 116.0 9·0.7 273 58 28 14.0 112.5 123.5' 91.1 274 La Costa Ave. l' over 13.8 109.5 113.0 97.0 Storm Drain pipe Opp.23 275 La Costa Ave. I' over 14. 1 105.4 108.3 97.3 Parkway, Opp. Lot Une 23 & 24 pipe 276 La Costa Ave. I' over 14.9 112.9 120.6 93.7 Reworked Opp. Lot ti ne .pipe 24 &25 277 54 34 17.9 99.6 109.2 91.2 278 57 30 11.5 113.0 120.8 . 93.6 279 58 32 14.5 103.3 1.13.0 91.5 280 38 22 13.7 115.4 125.9 91.6 .BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ,.-, Project No. 68-11-23D -13-June 23, 1969 1(:1 Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TESTRESUL TS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test· Location at Test Moisture Density Denlity Percent No.' or Lot No. in Feet 0/0 dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 281 39 24 12.2 109.3 120.8 90.5 282 37 24 14.7 102.3 113.0 90.5 283 36 16 16.4 101.2 109.2 92.7 284 35 6 15.7 103.5 113.0 91.7 285 131 2 17.0 104.2 114.9 90.7 286 La Costa Ave. 11 over 19.2 111.0 116.0 95.7 Check on #276 Storm Drain pipe Opp. Lot Li ne 24 & 25 287 La Costa Ave. 23 12.9 105.2 116.8 90.1 Opp. 23 & 24 288 . 166 4 11.0 98.1 108.3 90.6 289 La Costa Ave. 6 10.8 111.0 116.0 95.6 Stq. 31+00 290 La Costa Ave. 16 15.3 110.8 120.2 92.1 Sta .30+00 291 La Costa Ave. 10 17.2 109 .0 120.2 90.6 -$'ta. 31+00 292 110 2 12.0 106.5 114.8 92.8 293 111 3 10.5 103 .. 8 113.0 91.9 294 113 4 12.2 107.8 116.8 92.2 295 112 6 12.0 100.1 108.3 92.3 296 166 . 6 11.6 98.4 108.3 90.8 297 166 6 12.0 100.7 116.8 86.3 Reworked 298 110 & 111 7 12.6 102.3 113.0 90.5 Fi nished Grade 299 166 . 6 12.0 108.5 120.6 90.0 Check on'297 300 166 8 12.4 104.8 112.8 92.9 301 166 10 12.2 114.6 120.6 95.1 302 113 8 16.3 102.8 113.0 90.9 303 1 2 12.6 108.8 116.0 ,93.8 304 115 1 13.8 104.3 115.4 90.4 305 116 3 13.4 100.7 108.3 92.1 306 1 4 12.7 113.7 116.0 98.0 307 118 2 12.3 109. 1 116.8 93.4 308 119 4 12.7 106.7 116.8 91.3 309 118 6 11.5 103.3 113.0 91.3 310 117 1 12.7 105.0 114.5 91.7 311 116 & 117 5 11.7 102.4 113.0 90.6 Fi nished Grade 312 119 8 12.9 103.8 114.5 90.6 Proi~ct No. 68-11-230 -14-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RESUL TS(CONT.) Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density OensHy Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft . Compac tl on Remarks 313 122 4 13.9 103.4 113.0 91.5 ' 31'4 123 9 13.7 104.5 113.0 92.4 Finished Grade 315 131 4 12.3 99.6 108.3 91.9 316 46 6 14.9 108.9 120.8 90. 1 317 45 8 14.2 105.4 115.8 91.0 . 318 44 1 17.0 111.2 120.8 92.1 319 44 3 17. 1 110.8 120.8 91.6 320 46 10 12.5 108.8 116.0 93.7 321 45 12 11.2 111.3 116.2. 95.9 322 43 3 14.2 108.3 119.8 90.4 323 43 5 7.7 101.6 118.8 85.6 Reworked 324 43 5 10.0 105.4 116.9 90.3 Check on '323 325 43 7 6.4 105.2 116.9 90.2 Reworked * 326 3 32 13.4 113.5 119.0 95.3 327 La CostQ Ave. 18 14.9 113.0 119.0 94.9 Opp. 3 & 4 e 328 4 25 15. 1 107.5 114.3 94.1 329 5 22 17.3 104.6 110.6 94.6 330 6 18 15.2 105.1 110.6 95.0 331 7 24 12. 1 .]10. 1 116.0 94.9 332 Navarra Dr. 2 14.3 110.2 120.8 91.2 Opp. 45 &46 333 17 11 13. 1 102.3 113.0· 90.6 334 Navarra Dr. 4 11.8 97.6 118.8 82.2 Reworked Opp.45 & 46 FI nished Grade 335 4 29 16.4 107.8 118.0 91.3 336 25 21 12.3 107.4 116.0 92.6 337 24 34 14.4 109.7 114.8 95.5 338 25 25 14.0 115.3 120.6 95.5 339 23 28 20.5 104 .3" " 114.8 91.0 340 24 38 J3.5 112.3 120.6 93.1 341 23 32 13.7 113.6 120.6 94.1 fi.nished Grade 342 22 25 13.0 9S.7 lOS.3 91.1 343 21 25 14. 1 106.0 116.0 91.3 344 25 29 12.5 119.2 124.~ 95.9 345 20 17 17.3 104.2 114.5 91.0 346 19 9 16.3 107.5 119..0 90.3 347 18 7 15.9 105.9 116.0 91.2 348 22 29 14.s 114.0 120.6 94.4 349 20 21 13.3 " 102.5 113.0 90.7 350 19 13 14.4 111.0 119.0 93.2 * Fi nishede Grade BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ... & Project No. 68-11-230 -15-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TE~T RESUL TS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum Imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture o.nsi ty Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 351 18 11 15. 1 107.7 116.0 92.7 352 21 29 13.5 109 .5-119.0 92.0 Fi nished Grade 353 169 2 lL9 113.0' 120.6 93.6 354-170 4 13. 1 110-.9 114.2 97. 1 355 171 4 14.0 112.5 116.8 96.3 356 168 6 12.5 111.3 116.8 95.5 357 169 6 18.0 99.6 109 .2 91.1 358 71 & Viejo 8 11.6 105.0 116.0 90.5 Casti-Ila Way 359 71 & ViejQ 10 12.2 105.8 116.0 91.1 Castilla Way 360 71-& Vi~jo 12 13.2 104.7 116.0 90.2 Castilla Way 361 72 2 16. 1 109.6 116.0 94.4- 362 72 4 15.9 100 .3 116.0 94.1 363 67 & Nuevo & 14 13.5 105.3 114.9 91.7 fi.nlshed Grad,e e Caitilla Way 364 66 8 11.6 109. 1 -116.0 94. 1 365 65 12 12.0 106.8 116.0 92. 1 366 66 12 15.4 106.8 116.8 91.4 367 171 8 14.6 102.4 -113.0 90.6 368 167 2 11.8 107.5 116.8 92.0 369 172 6 12.0 . 108.8 116.8 93.1 -370 167 6 11.7 109.6 116.8 93.9 371 173 16 16.2 109'.3 116.8 93.6 372 174 12 15.9 103.3 113.0 91.3 373 175 12 15.0 102.9 113.0 91.0 374 174 16 13.8 104.8 116.0 90.3 375 175 ,16 16.5 100.7 111. 1 90.6 376 174 20 15.0 104.6 n6.0 90.1 377 177 2 14.6 115.7 120.8 95.7 378 183 12 13.5 108. 1 110.6 97.7 379 177 6 15.2 107.2 t 10.6 ' 97.0 380 182 6 10.9 106:.3 113.3 93.7 381 183 16 14.9 .,108.8 116.,0 93.7 382 N La Coruna 8 19.6 104.2 115 .6, 90.1 Place 383 182 10 16.0 104.3 113.3 92. 1 384 La Coruna 12 17.0 108.3 115.6 93.7 e Place 385 182 14 12.2 104.8 116.0 90.3 386 La Coruna 16 15.6 113,.0 120.6 93.6 Place BENTON ENGINEERING. lNC. Project No. 68-11-23D ... 16-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density .Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu it Ib/cu it Compaction Remarks 387 64 10 8. 1 109.4 116.0 94.3 388 65 16 12.9 108.7 116.0 93.6 389 181 4 15.0 109.2 118.8 92.0 390 184 16 13.9 106.2 114.7 92.7 391 181 8 17. 1 108.4 119.0 91.1 392 20 25 14.7 110.2 119.0 92.6 393 19 17 12.3 108.8 119.0 91.4 394 18 . 15 14.7 109.7 ' 118.8 92.2 395 17 15 20.0 102.2 110.5 92.5 396 24 38 11.2 115.3 120.6 95.7 397 La Costa Ave. 27 12.3 106.8 116.0 92. 1 Opp. 24 & 25 398 39 28 12.5 110.9 119.0 93.2 399 Navarra Drive 29 14.3 105.6 116.9 90.3 Fi nished Grade Opp. 54 & 55 400 38-26 14.6 106.3 116 .• 9 91.0 tit 401 36 20 14.9 105.7 116.9 90.5 402 3 32 13.3 106 .8 116.0 92.0 403 6 22 ]5.4 103.2 110.6 93.3 404 70 16 ll. 1 106 .0 116.0 91.3 405 172 10 12. 1 107.2 116.8 92.0 406 177 10 17.6 104.2 110,.6 94.2 407 Drain Rear 2 10. 1 108.6 116.0 93.5 Lots 178 & 179 408 Drain Rear 4 10.7 111.3 119.0 93.6 Lots 178 & 119 4-09 6 22 10. 1 114.0 119.0 95.7 410 La Costa, Ave. 20 12.9 107.8 114.8 94.0 Sta. 30+00 4-11 La Costa Ave • 14-14.3 104.8 110.6 .94.8 . Sta. 31+00 4-12 La Costa Ave. 24 12.6 111. 1 113.2 98.1 Finished Grade Sta. 30+00 413 La Costa Ave. 18 10.7 112.6 119.0 94.6 Finished Grade S.ta. 31+00 414 La Costa Ave. 21 10. 1 116.4 .125.0 93. 1 Finished 'Grade Sta. 33+00 415 La Costa Ave. 27 14.2 113.5 125.0 90.8 Fi nished Grade Sta. 34+00 BEN1:0N ENGINEERING, INC, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Pro ject No. 6S-11-23 D -lS-June 23, 1969 . La Costa South Uni t No. 1 TABLE OF T~ST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. ·or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compqction Remarks 444 183 19 14.7 97 .. 6 108.3 90.1 FI ni shed Grade 445 182 17 13.6 107.2 115.9 92.8 Finished Grade 446 La Costa Ave. 30 12.6 113.5 119.0 95.4 Finished Grade Opp. 23 & 24 447 La Coruna 17 13.8 100.7 111.8 90. '1 Finished Grade Place 448 56 34 14.6 105.6 116.9 90.3 449 57 34 20.3 106.3 116.9 90.9 450 176 18 13.6 106. 1 116.0 91.4 Finished Grade 451 177 12 11.9 100.7 111.5 90.3 Fi nished Grade 452 175 20 15.5 102.8 113.0 90.9 Finished Grade 453 174 24 15.3 114.0 120.6 94.5 Finished Grade' 454 173 20 15.8 103.2 108~3 95.3 Finished Grade 455 . 172 14 18.0 99.0 109 .0 90.6 .Flnished Grade 456 .168 10 11.4 100.5 108.3 92.8 Finlihed Grade 457 170 8 15.3 98.4 lOB .3 90.7 "Fi nished Grade 458 58 36 11. 1 115.0 118.0 97'.5 Fi nished Grade e· 459 44 4 8.7 125.9 131.0 96.1 Finished Grade 460 57 35 5.7 110.5 119.8 92.2 Finished Grade 461 56 37 5.7 100.8 111. 1 90.7 Finished Grade 462 166 12 15.0 103.2 114.5 90.2 Finished Grade 463 152 14 9.8 100.0 108.3 92.4 Finished Grade. 464 154 14 12.3 '112.8 120.6 93.5 Finished Grade 465 Lot Line 11 11.8 102.9 113.,0 91.0 Finished· Grade 118 & 119 466 '114 5 11.4 100.6 108.3 92.9 467 115 7 10.9 105.5 1)6.0 91.0 Finished GtQde ·468 Lot Line 10 14.6 97.8 108.3 90.2 Finished Grade 112 & 113 469 131 6 9.9 108.4 119.0 91.1 Finished Grade 470 91 & 92 2 16.4 98.6 116.8 84.4 Reworked 471 91 & 92 2 15. 1 100. 1 116.8 85.7 Reworked 472 91 & 92 4 17.0 106.2 116.8 91.0 473 8.9 & 90 10 11.6 101.5 108.3 93.7 474 89 & 90 12 10.7 103.9 114.5 90.6 Finished Grade 475 91 & 92 2· 15.2 111.3 116.8 95.3 Check on *470 & 471 476 91 & 92 4 14.8 111.5 120.6 92.5 Finished Grade 477 86 & 87 8 13.0 107.7 119.0 90.5 478 101 & 102 2 12.6 105.8 115.5 91.6 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ProJect No. 68-11-230 -19-June 23, 1969 boa Costa South Unit No'. 1 . TABLE OF TEST RE5Ul TS (CQNT.) Approx-Depth Maximum imate of FIJI Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density 'Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft . Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 479 86 & 87 10 13.9 104.7 116.0 90.3 480 101 & 102 4 13.3 103.7 114.2 90.8 Finished Grade 481 86 & 87 12 14.2 113.2 120.6 93.9 482 72 5 15.9 101.6 108.3 93.7 Finished Grade 483 71 & Viejo 16 16.4, 110. 1 119.0 93.5 Fi nished Grade Castilla Way 484 86 & 87 14 14.4 112.0 120~6 92.9 485 70 18 15.5 107.0 119.0 90.0 Finished Grade 486 69 8 10.8 10l.4 108.3 93.6 Fini$hed Grade 487 66 16 10.4 108.6 116.8 93.0 Pi nished Grade 488 65 18 9.1 106.7 115.5 92.3 Finished Grade 489 86 & 87 16 14.2 105.5 116.0 91.0 Finished Grade 490 64 14 12.3 109.2 119.0 91.7 Finished Grade 491 63 12 14.6 110.4 119.0 92.7 Finished Grade 492 62 11 12.2 103.5' 114.8 90. 1 Finished Grade 493 33 5 8.0 108.9 119.0 91.6 Fi nished Grad,e 494 34 12 8.5 109.5 119.0 92.1 Fi nlshed Grade ,e .495 Vi,ejo Castilla 10 9.9 117.3 119.0 98.7 Finished Grade Way Sta. 3+71 496 Vie jo Castilla 6 11.3 114.5 119.0 96.2 Finiihed Grade Way Sta . 4+71 497 35 10 13. 1 107.8 119.0 90.5 Finished Grade 498 36 23 12.3 115. 1 123.9 93.0 Finished Grade 499 37 28 16.2 10~ .. 3 116.9 90.1 Finished Grade 500 38 30 13 .. 7 105.6 116.9 90.4 Finished Grade 501 39 30 8.6 117.8 125.0 94.2 Fi nished G.rade 502 46 14 9.9 107.8 118.8 90.8 503 45 16 12.2 117.8 125.0 94.2 Fi nished Grade 504 Navarra Dr. 4 7.4 107.5 118.8 90.6 Check on 6334 Opp.45 & 46 Fi nished Grade 505 54 38 5.2 114.0 ]25.0 91.2 Fi nished Grade 506 55 36 5.0 115.6 128.0 90.4 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • Project NQo 68-11-230 -20-June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 LASORA TORY TEST RESUL TS The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the .major fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S. T.M. D 1557-66T method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falli~ from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 Inch diamet.r 1/30 cubic foot compo.ction cylinder, are presented as follows: Soil Type Light yellow..;brown si I ty clay 01 ive-green si Ity clay Yellow-brown sil ty fine sand Yellow-brown sNty fine sand Gray-black silty clay Light gray-brown fine sandy clay Brown clayey fi ne to medium sand Dark brown clayey fine to medium sand Brown fine to medium sandy clay Brown sll ty clay Light brown silty fine sand Light brown sUty fi ne sand Brown silty fine sand with scattered gravel (topsoil) Light gray-brown streaks, yellow silty clay and chunks of clQystone Medium brown and streaks of rust anc:t yellow fine sandy clay plus some chunks of cemented sandstone Medium brown sHty nne sand Medium brown si I ty clay Medium brown silty fine to medium sand plus scattered coatse grains and gravel Brown silty clay and clayey sitt BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 114.8 110.6 116.0 119.0 1:18.0 120.2 128.0 131.8 125.0 118.8 103.6 113.0 120.6 109.2 113.0 121.4 120.8 131.0 116.9 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 14. 1 15.7 13.2 12.0 13.6 12.2 8.4 7.4 10.5 12. 1 15.5 13.2 10.5 17.0 13.2 11.7 10.6 9.0 14.9