HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-33; LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT NO. 1; PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1968-03-08• C-r73--33· • r • • • • • • • • '. BENTON ENGINEERING, IN~. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS PHILIP HENKING ~ENTON PRESIDENT· C!JVIL J;NGINEER Rancho La Coda, Inc: Rou te 1, Box 2550 Encinitas, California 6741 EL C;AJON BOULEV.ARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 March 8, 1968 ~ Subject: Project No. 68-2-2C Preliminary Soils Investigation La Costa South Unit No.1 East of the Intersection of Gentlemen: La Costa Avenue and H Camino Real SanDi ego County,. Ca I Hom ia CONCLU5101'45 SAN DIEGO: 583·5654 LA MESA: 469·5654 RECEIVED SEP 19 1913 , -Of CARLSBAD CiTY .' Department Engineenng . It is conc!.uded from the field investigation and laboratory tests results that: 1. . Generally th~ existing natural sons which are to receive fi" and/or one and two story residential dwellings are suitable tor the safe support of the proposed loads. How- ever, the resui:ts of field densUy tests takfm in al'luvial soils existing in certain drainage channels cUld low areas indicate that these, upper soi Is are relatively soft or loose and would be considered unsuitable for the support of the proposed filled ground and dweUings. I,t is recommended that these soft or loose soils be removed under the direction of the soils engineer and the compac.ted filled ground placed on suitable supporting natural soils. Any loose or soft natural soil~ existing in shallow cut areas should also be removed and replaced with fi lied ground uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 2. Calculations, based on the results of the shear tests performed on undisturbed natural soils determined to be suitable for structural support, give a safe allowable bearing pressure of at least 2000 pounds per square foot for one foot wide footings founded at a depth of 1 foot below the undisturbed natural ground surface. 3. It is concluded from the resul·ts of the load-consolidation tests that the settle- m~nt of a one. foot wide continuous footing loaded to 2000 pounds per square t09t and founded on suitabl'e 'firm natural soils i$ estimated to be less than 1/8 inch. 4. It is concluded from the results of the expansion tests that the silty clay and sandy clay soils encountered on the sHe would be considered to have sufficient expansion •• • • • • • • • • • Project ~~. 68-2-2C • La Costa$outh Unit No. . -2 .... • March 8, 1968 potentiar to require special design of foundations and slabs. Either during or upon 'com- pletion of grading an inspection should be made of each lot to determine whether "expansive" soils exist in the upper 3 feet below fininshed grade. Where expansive soils exist for thick- nessesenough to cause adverse differential movementsrthen special recommendations will be presented for the construction of houses on these "expansive II soils. Conv.entional type foot- ings may be used where nonexpansive soils exist in the upper 3 feet below fin ished grade. It may ,be. desirable to specify and provide for this condition during grading. 5. All of the soils may be satisfactori.ly compacted in the fill ar.eas and, when compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density, have a safe bearing capacity of 1510 pounds per square foot for one foot wide footings placed 1 foot below the compacted ground surface • The settlement of a one foot wide continuous footing placed on fi IIsoi·ls uniformly compacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density is estimated to be on the order of ,1/8 inch. It is recommended that all soft or loose soils existing in proposed compacted filled ground areas be removed as required by the solis engineer and the compacted filled ground be placed on firm natural soils. Based on the results of the field investigat.ion and laboratory tests the depths of this required removal would be 1.2, 4.5, 6.0 and 5.5 feet, respectively I at Pits 1, 2, ·3 and 4.' . Recommendations for the placemerit of fi lied ground are presented in the . attached "Standard Specifications for Placement of Compacted Fiiled Ground,lI Appendix AA. 6. A. Preliminary plans indicate that cuts on the order of 50 to 60 feet in height are to be ~ade on the south side of La Co~ta Avenve in the general vicinity of Borings 3, 4 and 5. It is concl",ded from the field investigation and the test data that these cuts be made no steeper than a slope ratio of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. Relatively shallow cuts are indicated on the lot areas and these may be excavated on a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 ve.rtica·1 for heights not to exceed 20 feet. B. The fill soils, when uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with the approved specifications, will be stahle with an adequate factor of safety when constructed on a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. The maximum heights of fill slopes are estimated to be approximately 33 to 37 feet. IfanysoiJ types are encountered during the grading operafion tha.t were not tested in this investigation, additional laboratory tests wi H be cOllducted in order to determine their physical characteristics, and supplemental reports and recommendations will automatically become a part of the specifications. . The data presented on the attached pages are a part of this report. Resp~ctfu"y submitted, <'BEN"J:OI'\l ENGiNEERING, INC. By -R.C~ R; C. Remer /,/ Reviewed f(y~. ~~"""'~_ ......... ~-=-=-~~ __ Distr: BENTON ENGINEERING • .INC,. ( 4) Addressee (2) Mcintire & Quiros, Inc. Atten tion : , Mr. Gary Cumbe), (1) Rick Engineering • • • •• • • • • • • • Pr-o·ject No. 68-2-2C • Lq Costa South Unit No.1 -3-• March. 8, 1968 DISCUSSION A preliminary soils investigation has been completed on the proposed La Costa South Unit No. 1 located east of the intersection of La Costa Ave,nue and EI Camino Real in San Diego County, California. The objectives of the investigation were to determine the existing soil con.di-tiOris and physicai prqperties of the soi/sin order that engineering recommendations could be made for the grading .and construction of houses on' th is un it. In order to accompl ish these. ob jectives, three borings were dri lied with a truck-mounted drill rig and seven pits were excavated using a backhoe, field density tests were taken, undisturbed and loose bag samples were obtained, and laboratory tests were performed on these samples. The site is located on the Squth side of the. valley extending easterly from .the Batiquitos Lagoon northeast of Encin'itas, Cal ifornia. The southerly portion of the site may be described as gE!ntly rolling terrain while ·much of the north portion is located on the' steep sloping sides of the valley. Much of the upper land has been cultivated. The upper soils in the val'ley and lower slope areas in the north portion of the site are described by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as Alviso loqm and Huerhuerq fine sandy loam. Th.e major soil types encountered in the exploration borings and pits were silty sand, clayey scmd, sandy clay, and silty clay. . Field. Investigation Three borings, Numbers 3, 4 and 5,' were drilled with a truck-mounted Fotary bucket-type dti II rig and seven exploration. pits were excavated using a backhoe. The boring$ were drilled during the same period as Borings 1 and 2 on La Costa Avenue between EI Camino Real and La Costa South Un it No.1. The approximate locations of the borings and pits on La Costa South Unit No.1 are shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled IILocation of Test Borings Qnd :Exploration Pits! II The borings w~re drilled to depths. of 46 to 51 feet below the existing ground surface and the dep.ths of the exploration pits varied from 4 to 15.5 feet. Acontinuous log of the soils encountered was. recorded at the time of excavation and is shown in detai·1 on DraWing Nos. 2 to 10, inclusive I each entitled "Summa~y Sheet. II lhesQils were v.isually classified by field identification procedures in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Chart. A simplified description of this classification system is presented in the attached Appendix A at the end of this report. . Undisturbed samples were obtained in the borings at frequent intervals in the soils ahead of the·drilling. The drop weight used for driving the sampling tube into the soils was the IIKellyll bar of the dri II rig wh i ch we ighs 1623 pounds, and the average drop Was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described under "Sampling II in Appendix B. In-place field density tests were taken in Exploration Pits 1, 2, 3 and 4, using the sand dis- placemen.t method, in order to evaluate the suitability of the soils in these areas for the supporf of fi lied ground. . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • ~' ~: • • • • ., Project No. 68-2-2C • . La Costa South Unit No .. 1 . -4-• March 8 I 1968 Lqboratorx Tes~ Laboratory tests were performed qn all undisturbed samples of the soils in order to determine the dry density and moisture content. The results of these tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 2 to 10, inclusive. Consolidation tests were performed on representative samples in order to determine the load-se.ttlement characteristics of the soils. The results of these tests. are presented on Drawing Nos. 11 and 12, each entitled "Consolidation Curves." In addition to the above laboratory tests, expansion tests were performed on soFTie of the clelyey soi·ls encountered to determine their volumetric change charqcteristics with chdl,1ge in moisture content. The recorded expansions of the samples are presented as follows: ! San Diego Coun ty Method Percent Expansion Under Percent Expansion Under Depth of UnH Load of 144 Pounds Un i t Load of 500 Pounds Boring Sample Sample, Soil per Square Foot from Opti-per Square Foot from No. No. in Feet Description mum Moisture to Saturation Air Dry to Saturation 3 7 35.0-35'.5 Silty clay '6.19 4 4 15.5-16.0 Silty clay 7.23 4 6 25.5-26.0 Clayey fine sand 1.27 5 6 20.0-20.5 Silty clay 7.15 3 Bag 1 2.0-3.0 Silty clay 7.30 Pit 5 Bag 1 1.0-2.0 Fine to medium 6.12 sandy clay PitS Bag 2 4.0-5.0 Silty claY' 5.90 Direct shear tests were performed on saturated and drained samples in order to determine the • minimum angle of intem.al friction and apparent coh.esion of the soils. The results of these tests are presented in the following tabulation: Normal Shearing • Load in Resistance kips/sq ·ft Kips/sq ft Boring 3, Sample 7 0.5 '1.26 Depth: 35.0-35.5 feet .2.0 2.06 • Boring 4, Sample 8 0.5 1.55 Depth: 35.5-36~O feet 1.0 2.69 2.0 5.07 Boring 4, Sample 11 0.5 1.08 Depth: 50.5-51.0 feet 1.0 2.24 • 2.0 3.22 * Indicates reduced value. • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Angle of Internal Fri ction Degrees Apparent Cohesion Ib/sq ft 28 1000 40* 400 40* 370 ,I • ~~. ~' • ., • • • • • • • • Pro i~ct No. 68-2-2C • -5- La Costa South Unit No.1 • March 8, 1968 Angle of Normal Shearing Internal Apparent Load in Resistance Friction Cohesion kips/sq ft ' Kips/sq ft Degrees Ib/sq ft Boring 5, Sample 5 0.5 1.07 22.5 860 Depth: 15.5-16.0 feet 1.0 1.45 2.0 1.69 Boring 5, Sample 11 0.5 2.65 40* 400* Depth: 40.5-41.0 feet 1.0 3.34 2.0 5.45 Boring 3, Bag Sample 2** 0.5 0.82 ' 17.5 660 Depth: 6.0-7 .0 feet 1.0 1.08 2.0 1.30 Boring 5, Bqg Sample 1 ** 0.5 0.59 36 250 Depth: 38. O~39 .0 feet l.0 1.02 2.0 1.69 Pit 5, Bag Sample'2** 0.5 .2.76 14 1000* Depth: 4.0-5.0 feet 1.0 2.34 2.0 3.14 " Pit 6, Bag Sample 4** 0.5 0.43 33.3 100 Depth: 9.0-10.0 feet 1.0 0.92 2.0 1.41 * Ind i cates reduced va lue • ** Indicates test sample compacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density. The general procedures 'used for the preceding laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. Compaction tests were performed on representative samples of the sons to establish compaction criteria. The soils were tested according to a modified A.S. T.M. D 1557-58T method of compaction which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer dropping 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold. The results of the tests are presented as follows: Maximum "Optimum Mois- Boring Bag Depth Soil Dry' Dens i ty tu re Con ten t No. Sample in Feet Description Ib/cu ft % dry wt 3 1 2.0-3.0 Silty clay 114.8 14. 1 3 2 6.0-7.0 Silty clay 110.6 15.7 4 1 4.0-5.0 Silty fine sand 116.0 13.2 5 1 38.0-39.0 Silty fine sand 119.0 12.0 Continued on page six. BENTON ENGINEERING, II",:. "' I • ~ J'~ • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 68-2-2C • La Cos ta Sou th Un it No. 1 -6-• March 8, 1968 Maximum Optimum Mois- Pit Bas Depth Soil Dry Density tu re Con ten.t No • Sample in Feet Description Ib/cu ft % dry wt 1 1 2.0-2.5 Silty clay 118.0 13.6 2 2 4.0-4.5 Fine sandy clay 120.2 12.2 3 1 2.0-2.5 Clayey~ne to medium 128.0 8.4 sand 4 2.0-2.5 Clayey fine to medium 131.8 7.4 sand 5 1 1.0-2.0 Rne to medium sandy clay 125.0 10.5 5 2 4.0 .. 5.0 Silty clay 118.8 12. 1 6 2 .1.0-2.0 Silty fine sand 103.6 15.5 6 4 9.0-10.0 Silty fine sand 113.0 13.2 Atterberg. Limit tests were performed on a representative sample of the silty clay soil in accordance with A.S . T.M. D 423-61 T and D 424-59. The results of these tests are presented as follows: Boring Sample Depth Liquid Plasticity Group No. No. in Feet Soil Description Limit Index Symbol 5 5 15.5-16.0 Silty clay 58.7 32.6 CH Unconfined compression tests were performed on representative sampl.es of the silty clay soils and the resul.ts are presented below: Cohesion Ib/sq ft Boring Sample Depth (1/2 Un con fined No. No. in Feet Compressive Strength) 3 10 40.5-41.0 1380 5 7 20.5-21.0 670 5 13 45.5-46.0 4650 Using the lower values of internal angle of friction and apparent coh eSI 00 , and the Terzaghi Formula for local shear failure, the safe allowable bearing pressures for the soils are deter- mined as follows: Local Shear Formula: Q I = 2/3 c N I + D f N I + BN I c y q y y Assumptions: Continued on page seven (1) Continuous footing 1 foot wide =2B (2) Depth of footing = 1 foot = Df BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • Project No. 6S-2-2C • La Costa South Unit No. ,., -7-•• March 8 I 1968 ~. Undisturbed natural soils ~ • • • • • '. • • • • 4> :: 22.50 N'c ~ .13.5 c = 860:lb/sq ft N'q::: 6.0 y = 120 Ib/cu ft N'y = 3.3 - .QI = (2/3 x 860 x 13 •. 5 + 120 x 1 x 6.0 + 120 x 0.5 x3.3) = 8,,660 Ib/sq ft Q' Safe = QI--;:-3 {Factor of Safety} = 2,880 Ib/sq ft Filisoil~ com~cted to 900k of maximum dry density ct> = 330 N'c21.5 c = 100 Ib/sq ft N'q=12.0 y :; 120 Ib/cu ft N 1 y = 7.5 Q';:(2/3x 100x2i.5+120x 1x 12.0+120xO.5x7.5}=3323Ib/sq ft QI Safe = Q'-;--2.2 (Factor of Safety) = 1510 Ib/sq ft BENTON ENGINEERING. IN(:. • '" .- • • • • • • • • w ::E <I: Z al' o .., '0 z wO:: .... w ::t:ti:i a.. co .... w ::E::E a..u. <I:=> w VIZ 0 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO, 3 ELEVATION 162' * SILTY FINE SAND 6-tz:::=:~ 0\ ive-green, Moist, Very Firm, 12 Dipat5.5' =6° to N 3° W Light Olive-green Thin Cemented Sandstone Lens Yellow-gray , Moist, Very Firm, Lenses of Highly Cemented Sandstone Light Olive-green SILTY CLAY SILTY FINE SAND o o Con tinued On Drawing No.3 -Indicates L09seBag Samp:le -Indicates Undisturbed Drive Sample 9 .7 11.9 122.2 19.5 17.9 112 .. 2 32 .5 13.4 120. 1 32.5 10.0123.0 48. 1 1 1.9 121. 1 * -The elevations presented for Borings 3, 4 and 5 were furnished PROJECT NO. 68-2-2C by Rancho La Costa BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 2 • ,/ • • • • • • • • -:E B en Q) ;:) c Q) > <:( .e (9 u' .3 w :E « z I:Q o ..., !:; :r:ti:i I-w Cl.u.. w 0 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 3 (Cont.) r-3 \,L-/LV Light Olive-green, Moist,SILTY 25 0 17 Q 109.1i t:::Z,..oL::I\Very Firm, Dip = 2° to N 3° W FINE SAND / . .u· • .J L-~~~~~~ ________ ~~~~~~ __ ~ 32 18.0 111.2 29.2 SILTY CLAY 4o-~ 12.7 121.6 . Yellow Brown AA. Some Cemen ted Lenses Cemen~d Sands~t~oo!,~e ____ -+ __ ~~_=-~ ______ ~ ___ +-__ +-__ ~ __ ~ __ -4 AA '., .... ::.::" Yellow-brown, Slightly Moist, CEMENTED Very Firm SANDStONE PROJECT NO. 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 3 • ;, • • • • • • • • • • -:5 5 VL :2 a u 0 ....J w :E < Z IX! o .... SUMMARY SHEET ~ wa:: ..... w .... e..1X! ::t:w ~~ ,BORING NO. 4 I""w e..u.. <=> w VIZ 128,1 0 elEVATION , Very Moist, Soft, Topsoi I SILTY CLAY 2 Yellow-brown, Moist" Medi urn 'Fi rm Yellow-brown., Moist, Medium Firm, Sil ty Clay. Lenses at 5.0 Feet SilTY FINE SAND CI~y.!y Fi~e S~~d Le,~_s.~.s, Light Olive"11reen, Moist, Very Firm' Dip = 50 to N200 W 12 SIL ty CLAY ]4 16 18 t, Very' CLAYEY FINE SAND st, Very Th in Sil ty Clay Lens SILty FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No.5 PROJECT NO. 68-2 ",,2 C BENTON ENGIN'EERING, INC. >-(!) ~ wI-ac: u.. w"-... c~;: Z VI w' e.. ........ >- w 52 WVlac: U::(5o > ~ u.. ~<;l! a:: 0 13..0 9.4 21.1 15.4 32.5 16.4 39.0 13 74.7 14.7 >-I-I-w~' Vi u.. Uu.. Z . a:: Z . w => o~ «0 W,""VI >-vi ::t:~VI VIVIe.. a:: IX! w_ o .... a::~ 13. 1 10.9 15.0 1.1 119. DRAWING NO. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • -:E. B V) .E 8 u 0 -' w :E « z IX! o ...., Z :du I-w Q..u.. w Cl wO:: .... w· Q.I:O :E:E «:J II'IZ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO, 4 (Coot.) Yellow-...... · .... wn , Moi~t( Very Firm . Gray-brown, Moist; Very Compact Thin Silty Clay Lenses Yellow-brown i Occasional Coarse Grains of Sand SILTY FINE SAND 65.0 50.0 7.1118.6 SLIGHTLY SIL TY 50.0 10.8 127.0 FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 50.0 9.2122.0 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 5 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • I· • • • • • • • • • • -:E => '0 V') .E ('8 c . w ~ « Z ca o ..., Z w,'o:: ..... w :rdjj c...ca I-w ~~ c...LL. ~::::> w VIZ £:) I SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.---::5=---_ ELEVATION 19]1 Mois t, Soft, Olive-green, Moist, Medium Firm Streak of White, Very Firm Light 01 ive-green, Stre.aks of White Thin Silty Fine Sand Lens Yellow-brown, Moist, Very Rrm, Sligbtly Silty Fine to Medium Sand Lenses and Some Coarse Sqnd Grains Below 24.0 Feet Thin Silty Clay Lenses Cemented Sandstone Lenses SILTY CLAY SILTY FINE SAND . Continued on Drawiil.g No.7 PROJECT NO. 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 14.6 19.6 to7. 1 16.220.9 09.8 11.4 17.3 06.0 17.5 . 11.8 19 .. 5 75.011.1 19.6 DRAWING NO. 6 • • • • • • • • • • • -:E :;) 0 V') .e ~.' u .9 w ~ 4 co o ..., ~ wa:: .... ,w :d~ . c..co ~~ I-w o.u.. <=> W C VlZ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. t, Very 5 (Cont.) SIL IY FINE SAND (Continued) ive-green, Moist, ery Firm,. w.:..::z.~ Dip =20 to N40° E SIL TY CLAY Gray-brown, Moist; Very Compact, Some Coarse Send Grains PROJECT NO. 68-2-2C BENTON SIL TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND ENGINEERING, ,INC. >->-C> I"-W"': I-I-w·· a:: u.. -u.. uti: w ........ c~:: Vl . Z . a::z z Vl w => «0 w c.. 1->-c~ Vla:: WI-Vl W ~ u..Oc >-vi ::t:Vl -..,... > . Vl-Vl -I-::E~ a:: co Vlo. a:: u.. C .... w_ a::~ C 32.5 11.7 . 19. 1 62.5 10.2 22. 1 57.5 8.9 109.9 I 58.3 13 ~ 1 120.2 24.7 20.2 .8 DRAWING NO. 7 • • • • • • • • • • • w :E « z I:Q o .., >-. >-. z ~ wtc SUMMARY SHEET ~ I:i: w~!:: t: ~...: 0 :x: I-·it ~ ~ ~ e ~:t ~':l 5 z ~ t;i= ~ Ww c C PIT NO 1 w C. ...I I->-we U < 0:,-: U ii:u..::;:~ .............. 10....-0.. W i2 !:!:!!aCII: ....... tii~~- W Vi Z > u.. oe >-vi ~ -VI ~ a.: :£ OU=I~~G~ .... ~ryr:_~~!r~own~'~~ME~oL,~Ei:'Vlt:~T~ l'Ooos~N;e,~~'~612~ c· O~l'A~~~Y'~IE:Y~F~11 N~I~ET~0[=~-=-=tL:-'t=-=-~=-'i)'::~o"=-~=-=-~='f=-~=-9~-+--~-P=)-f 5 _. \Some Roots, Recent Alluvium MEDIUM SAND I . "> 2-mll Gray-blac'k, Very Moist, Soft, 15.1102.1 86.7 :..; Moist, .Firm Below 102 Feet, « . Very Firm at 4.0 Feet T A SIL TY CLAY PIT NO. 2 ---------- ELEVATION 88.0' U OU=='~sG~'lrci~y-:-~'I,~ckk-;NM~OiS:, SSOiof~t., -,--iff-I III -lome 'Roots . § 2 ffii 1 Light Gray-brown, Very Moist, FINE SANDY' 17.2 92.0 .~ Soft, Sca.ttered Chunks of Gray CLA Y . « 4~7?' .~ Silty Clay ~ 5· ,., . .iSh t Brown, Moi. t, Firm SIL TY FINE SAND PIT NO. 3 ---- ELEVA TI ON 34.0' IT o· ~7. y: ! r Light Brown, Moist, Loose . i), •• \Brown, Very Moist, Soft .~ ZL\J 1 I Brown, Ve ty Moist, Loose, > -f--..,----:1 [-= I=< 4-;2\12 Scattered Gravel and Pea Gravel 11 .-:: at3.0Feet,20-30%PeaGravel il. ~ ~:I,' J::!ncLG rave I Be I ow 4 .0 ~eet ',nl3 Dark Brown, Very Moist, Medium -.'~. Firm, Very Firm Below 7.0 Feet 0. v o I Brown, Very Moist, Very Firm S·IL TY FINE SAND SILTY CLAY . / CLAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND FINE SANDY CLAY (MerSJes) SILTY CLAY 6 -Indi.cates location of in-place field dens·jty test o -Indicates loose pag sample. 12.6 89.5 14.0 100.7 15. 1 105.3 14.7 110.7 * -The elevations shown for the exploration pits were de·termirted by interpolating between the contours shown on the grading plans prepared by Mcintire & Ql!iros, Inc. 76.5 74.4 78.7 82.4 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 8 • • • • • • • • • • -£ is V) .E ~ U C ...J w ~ « z. to o ..., ~ :::dii .... w c..u.. w o SUMMARY SHEET PIT NO. --,-,4,--_ ELEVATION 34.0' tD~ ~~ w' 9-IX u.. w .... Vi u.. u~1t-t=: Z ~ I~~ ~ z :;) IX z olz 0 w c.. .... >-:::: u «~~ « -.... ~·olXtO wc.. ~u.. ""0 .... 1XS2 ~ ~ 6~ >-:i ~~I11~~'8o.. ~·OO~~~~~j.~B-ro-w-n-,\V'e-ry-."Mo~i:s~t~,~~[oo~se-,~--rC~L~A~\Y~E:Y~F~IN7.E~~T·O~~--~--~---r---r~~ -... :: Roots MEDIUM SAND 2-~ 11 Dark Brown, Very Moist, I CLAYEY FINE TO -;-Loose . MEDIUM SAND 4-::: .,,'~' Dark Brown, Very Moist, Loose, CLAYEY FIN:E TO ~~i :".~ 70"80010 Pea Gravel and Gravel MEDIUM SANDY i.lX,i'r" Below 3 Feet GRAVEL t-.'"' Brown, Very Moist, Very Firm SILTYC~AY \ I PIT NO. 5 --- ELEVATION 76.0' o· 17.."-',, SILTY ~:..."Q,~ Dark Browr.J Mol t I Loose, [i.;o F,\TopsOil 2 1 Brown, Mois t, Fi rm, Scattered ~INE SAND I -Gravel,. Some Mediurh to Coarse A . Sand Grains; Flecks of Rust 'and ~21B White at 1.0 Foot, Slightly -Moist and Very Firm Below 2.0 6 Feet, Some Gravel Below 3.0 _J!o ........ ~. Feet - Q ~INE TO MEDIUM SANDY CLAY PROJECT NO. 68-2':'2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 13.6106.1 80.7 DRAWING NO. 9 • • • • • • • • • • • i:. 6' V') .2 8 u o· ...J~ w :e < z a:I Q ~ wO: ...IW . 1-Q..a:I Xw :e:e I-W Q..u.. <=> W VIZ 0 1 SUMMARY SHEET PIT NO. 6 ELEVATION 248.01 rown, Moist, CldyBinder -----"- Light Brown, Moist, Very. r Compact, Fractured, Gray Streaks With Rust and Yellow Light Brown-gtaYr Moist, Very . SILTY FINE SAND Compact, lightly Cemented SLl-GHTL Y SILTY S i I ty Fine Sand Lenses Light Brown, Moist, Very Firm Gray Slightly Silty Fine Sand Lenses With Rust Streaks PIT NO. 7 FINE SAND SILTY FINESAND ELEVATION 242.01 Light Brown-gray, Moistr ' rm, Fractured, Very Rrm Below 1.0 Foot, Yellow Streaks at 2.0 Feet, Rust Streaks at 3.0 Feet Cemented Sandstone Light Brown, Moist I Very Firm, Gray, Slightly Silty Fine Sand Lenses With Rust Streaks SIL TY FINE SAND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND SILTY FINE SAND PROJECT NO. 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINE~RING, INC. >-C) ..... W...: 0: u.. o~;: ~W ........ Z VI Q.. ...11->-W WVlo: W ~ 0.0 ~ ...: :e~ 0: u.. 0 >-I-I-w"'; Vi u.. Uu.. Z • 0: Z • w :') «0 o~ WI-VI XVi ........ >-.,; VI-VI 0: a:I VlQ.. Q ...I w_ o:~ DRAWING NO. 10 • • • • • • • . 0 7 0l- c ::J ..s: • 01-:> 0 V)I .12 1 lS U 0 ...J • • w ~ -{!; Zf Iltt 0 ~ • (I) (I) LIJ Z :II:: 0 J: I- LIJ ..J Do 2 oe( (I) IL 0 I-Z LIJ () a: LIJ Do z 2 I-oe( e ..J 0 (I) z 0 0 CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT . . 04 06 08 10 -. 2 4 +3 ~ ""'" ~ ~ '" +2 '" "-I"-"" +1 ~." ~ .~ ~ '\1 0 -r--f--:--I-:--< :'---------. 1 0 1 I I I i . , , , I (~ r------I 2 ~ --~ .'-------------- ,-~----. I , I I I .......... .....------1-_ r--""'-( , -----' ~ ~I ---- I -------I I--. , I --~ 1 I o Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture G Indi cates percent consolidati on after saturati on PROJECT NO., 68-2-2C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 6 8 10 16 Boring 3 _ Bag 1 DeQth2-3' Remolded to 900/0 of Maximum Dry Density . - i 1 I Boring 4 Bag 1 Depth 4-5' Remolded to 900/0:- of Maximum Dry Densi'ty I l .. I DRAWING NO. 11 • CONSOLIDATION CURVES • LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 04 06 08 10 2 4 6 8 10 16 I Boring 5 ~ B.ag 1 -------Deoth 38-39' • -----Remolded to 90°1c ---....., of Maximum Dry ~ Densih, ~ -r--~ ---::::::-..... • 2 II) U) LLI Z ~ 0 • :x: t- O LLI ..J Q. 2 e( II) • IL 0 I-Z LLI 0 ~ ).,..-I Pit No.6 r---I Bag 4 . ~ ~----Deoth 9-101 ....:....... ---...,... -......" Remolded to 9001c. ---~ ----of Maximllm Dry ""-r-Densit'> . ... -----~ ~ . .' ...-LLI Q. • . 0 Z z 2 .... g :5 l-e( 9 ...c' ..J "-0 :J II) 0 z • lI) 0 E 0 () U 0 .....I • I j I i I I I 1 ! I I I I I' I I I r I -t , I I I • w I I II I I :\It, <:t 2: o Indicates percent consol idqtion at field moisture «In 0 I ~ Indicates percent consol idati on after saturQti on "") . • 6S ... 2-2C 12 PROJECT NO. OR'AWING NO. INC. ENGINEERING 1 BENTON • • • • • • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING,BENTON PRESIDENT'· CIVIL ENGINEER • • BENTON ENGINEERIN'G. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHAN'ICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN [)IEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND TELEPHONE (714),565.1955 1. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internalstrengt,h in fi.lled ground by proven engineering procedures'and tests so that the proposedstruc;tures m~y: be safely supported. The procedures inc lude the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land', the spreading, and compaction of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes as shown on th~ atcepted plans. ' ' The owner shall employ a qual ified soi Is engineer to inspect c;md test the fi'l1~d ground as 'placed to'verify the uniformity of compaction'of filled ground to the ,specified 90 percent 'of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediQtely if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist,and shall have the authority to re ject the compacted fi lied grou'nd until such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the so,le responsibi lity of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction. 2.' Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other';' wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall b~ corrected by draining or ' removal, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground sho'll then be plowed or scarified to q, depth of af I~ast six inc,hes (6"), ane;! unti I the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to pr,event uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides o,r exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natlJrc;:t/ ground in order to prov'ide both lat,eral and vertical stability. This is topr.ovide a horizontal base so that each layer is 'p laced and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of 'the fill shall be at least 10 feet in width 'on firm undisturbed natural ground qt t,he elevo- tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which wiIJ vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slqpe. • • • • • • • APPENDIX AA -2- (d) After the, nattiral ground has been prepared, it shall then be brough-t fo the prop'at mois- ture content and compacted to not ress than' nin~ty percent' of maximum densHy in accordance with'A.S. T.M. D-1557-66T method that_ uses 25, blows ,of a 1Q pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4" diameter cylindrical mold of a 1/30th cubic foot volume. - 3. Materials and Special Requirements. The fill soils shall cpnsistof select materials so graded that at least 40 percent of the material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be op-to[ned from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources arid by mixlngsofls from one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from veg_etQble -matter ,and oJher de- leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of g-reater than 6 Inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate streng-th or other unacc;eptable physicql characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown onfhe plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during gracnng operations, soils-not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade , subbase , <;Itid bas~ materials for roads" streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance - with those-of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. • 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. • • • • • (a) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not. exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall-be throug-hly mi:><ed during the spreading to insure uniformity of materiell and moisture in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the soils engineer; wgter shall be added unti I the moisture content is near optimum as speciJied by the - soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compactlng process. (c) When the moisture content of the fi" material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scari'fying or other satis- factory methods unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer. - (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly -compacted to not less than ninety percent 0.£ maximum density in acc¢rdcmce with A. S. T.M. 0-1557-66 T modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be- accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers,_ or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory eqpipment .that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design -that they wHI be able BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX AA -3- . to compact the fI II material to the specified densl·ty. Rolling shal·1 be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall. be contfnuous over Its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trl,ps to insure that the desired density has been obtaIned. Thet entire areas to be filled shall be compacted • (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or ()fher su.itabl"e equipment. Compactfng operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but nof too dense for planting and unti I there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the s'lopes In rncr'ements of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory results. (f) Field density tests shall be taken by the soffs engineer for approxlmatelyeach foot ,In elevation gain after compaction, but not to' exceed two feet ,in vertical height between tests~ Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevattongaln if required by the soils engineer. The location of the tes'ts in plan shall ,be so spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be ta'ken no farther apart than 100 feet • Tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet in elevaflon gai·n. The soils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the ·uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken In the com- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread untn the field density tests indica.te that the specified density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be .continued in six 'Inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the fln.tshed slopes and grades as, shown on the accep.ted plans. Q, . 5. Inspection. Sufficient Inspection by the soils engineer shall·be maintained during the fillIng and compacting operations so that he can certify" that the fill was constructed in accordance with the accepted specifications. . 6. SeaSonal limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if weather co.nditi()ns Increase ffle moisture content above permisSible limits. When the work Is tnterrup~dby . rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer Indicate thQt the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. ,7. Limltfng Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those solis that expand 2.5 percent or less from air dry to saturatfon under a unit load of 500 pounds per square foot are considered to be nonexpanslve. 8. All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions II section of the attached report are a part of these specifications . )r BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ,e • • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENG-INEERING, -INC. APPLIJ1:D SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATI0!'lS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFOI'!NIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIV!L ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (714.) 5615·191515 Unified Soi I Classification Charf* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAI NED, More than half of materi.al is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS C LEAN GRAVE LS More than half of GROUP SYMBOL GW coarse fraction is GP larger t·han No. 4 sieve size .but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES GM than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) GC SAND'S C LEAN SANDS More· thahhalf of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 sieve size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. ** SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 11'1. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SW SP SM SC ML CL Ol MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fi.nes. Poorly graded gravels_, aravel-sand m.ixt.ures, little or no fines. Silty gravels, poorly groded gravEd- sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gtavelly san9s, I·ittle or no fines. Snty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. 'Clayey ·sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. Inorganic -si'lts and very fine ~ands! rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtureswit-h slight plasticity • . Inorganic clays of low to .medium plas- ticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic sil.ts ahd organic silty-clays of low plasticity. 'Inorganic silts, rriicaceousor diatomaceol)s fine sandy or si Ity soils; elastic sihs. Inorgani9 clays of high pl·asticity, .fat clays. Orgc;mic clays or me~ilJm to high· plasticity Peat and other highly orgqnic-soils. *. Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, '1952. **-All sieve sizes on this chart are U. S. Standard. • • • • .' • • PHILIP HENKING'BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER Sampl ing • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNI;lATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX B TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 \-, The undisturbed seil samples are .obtained by fercing a special sampling tube in'tc .the undisturbed sei Is at the bettem .of the bering, at frequent intervals belew the greund surface. Tne sampling tube censists .of a steel barrel 3.0 inches .outside diameter, with a special cuning tip en .one end and a deuble ball valve en the ether, and with a lining .of twelve thin brass rings, each .one inch leng by 2.42 inches inside diqmeter. The sampler., cennected te a twelve inch leng waste.barrel, is either pushed .or driven appreximately 18 inch'es inte the seil and a six inch sectien .of the center pertien .of the sample is -taken for .Iaberatery 'tests, the soil b~ing still cenfined .in the brass rings, after extractien frem the sampler tube. The samples are taken te the laberatery in clese fitting waterpreef centainers in .order te retain the {ield meisture until cempletien .of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in feet-kips 'required-te ferce the sampling tube threugh .one feet .of seil· at the depth CIt which the sample is .obtained. . Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine .of the strain centrel typE:) in which the rate .of defermatien is appreximately 0.05 ·inch per minute. The machine is se designed that the tests are made witheut remeving the samples frem the brass I·iner dngs in which thE:)Y are secured. Each sample is sheared under a nermal lead equivalent tethe weight .of the scil abeve the peint .of sampling. In seme instances, samples are sheared under varicus nermal 'loads in-. .order te .obtain the internal angle .of frictien and c'ohesien~ Where cens'idered necessary, samples are satur9ted and drained befere shearing in .order te simulate extreme field meisture cenditicns. Ce'nselidation Tests • The apparatus used fcr the censelidatten .tests is designed te receive .one .of the .one inch high rings .of soil as it cemes frem the field. leads-are applied in several increments to the upper surface .of the test specimen arid the resulting defer.mations are recerded at selected time intervals fcr each inc-rement. Generally, each increment .of lead is maintained en the sample until the rate .of deformaticn is ~qual te .or less than 1/10000 inch per heur. Pcreus stenes are placed in ccntact • with the tcp and bettem .of each specimen te permit the ready additien .or release .of water. • • Expqnsien Tests One inch high samples cenfined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105° F fcr .gt least 48 heurs prier tc placing inte the expansicn awparatus. A unit Icad .of 500 pcunds per square foct is then applied tc the upper percus stcne in ccntact with the.top of each sample-•. Water is permitted tc ccntact beth the tcp and bottem of eCich sample tbrcugh pcrcus stcnes. Ccntinucus _ . cbservatiens are made until dewnward mcvement stops. The. dial readinQ is reccrdedand expansicn .is reccrded until the rate .of upward mevement is less than 1/1 0000 inch per heur. _ '. • . , I I , , • ! ' I • • • BENTON ENGI~EERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOUL:EVARD , SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA '92115 PHILIP HENKING EiENTON PRESIDENT -CIVIL EN"INEER June 23, 1969 Rancho La Costa; Inc. Route I, -Box 2550 Encinitas, California 92024 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 68-11-230 Fi nalReport on Compacted Filled GrQund La Costa South Unit No.1 Rancho La Costa, California SAN ,DIEGO: 583-5654 LA: MESA: ,469-5654 This is to report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the ,compaction ,of filled grol,lnd placed on certain areas of Lots I, 3 to 7, inclusive, 14 to 25, inclusive, 34 to 39, .inclusive, 43 to 46, i'nc!usive, 54 to 58, inclusive, 62 to 72, inclusive, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 110 to 120, inclusive, 122, 123, 131, ,132, 151 to 154, inclusive, 166 to 1/'7, Inclusive, 181 to 184, inclusive, and Portions of La Costa Avenue, Navarra Drive, Viejo Castilla Way, . Nuevo Castilla Way, Sevilla Way; Levante Street, Galicia Way, and La Coruna Place, LaCosta SQuth Unit No.1, Rancho La Costa, California. The fills Were placed duri~ the periods' between February' 4, 1969 and May 2; 1969. The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under our inspection in accordance with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Dtawi~ No. I, entitled "location of Compacted Filled Ground. II The gradi:rlJ plan used for the placement of filled ground was prepared by Mcintire & Quiros,lne. dated January, 1968. The approximate loca'tions at which the tests were taken arn:! the final test resul ts are presented on page Nos. 4 to .19, inclusive, under the "Table of Test Results. II The laboratory determina- tic;ms of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of' the major fill materials are presented on page No. 20, unoer the IILaboratory Test Resul ts. ,I Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the "Tableof Test Results" were combinations of these. The tests we.re taken duril'll the weekly per.iods indicated below: Test Number 1 to .• 8, Inclusive 9 to 29, inc'lusive 30 to 37, inclusive 38 to 89, inclusive 90 to 139, inclusive 140 to 191, inclusive 192 to 257, inclusive Conti nued on page two. Week Ending February 8, 1-969 February 15 r 1969 February 22, 1969 March 8, 1969 March IS, 1969 March 22, 1969 March 29,1969 • • • • • • • -. • • Project No. 68-11-230 1. La Costa South Unit No. -2-• June 23! 1969 Test Number 258 to 352, inclusive 353 to 433, inclusive 434 to 461, inclusive 462 to 485, inclusive 486 to 506, inclusive Week Endirg Apri-I 5, 1969 Apri I 12, 1969 Apri I 19, 1969 April 26, 1969 May 3, 1969 The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted filled ground has been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It has been determtned thot the fill ",aterials/compC:Icted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, have a safe beari~ value of ~t least 1510 ·pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footirgsfounded at a minimum depth and placed five feet or more Inside the top of compacted filled ground sloPes. If f06tlrgs are placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled grOllnd slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line proiected outward and downward fror:n a point ~ feet horizontally inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. Tests indicate that the compacted filled ground is adequate to satisfactorily support the proposed one and two story wood frame dwellir'Gs without detrimental settlements. In our report of the original investigation conducted a-t this subdivision, {Project No. 68-2"'2C dated March 8, 1968), we stared that some silty clay and sandy clay solis had been found on the sHe that v..re expansive, and we recommendf;ld that each lot be inspected durl~ or after gradl.rg to determlne_ those lots In which such expansive soils exist within the upper 3.0 feet. This has been done, and the folJowirg lots have been found to contain potentially expansive soils within the upper 3.0 feet. Lot Nos. 1 to 81 , inclusive Lot Nos. 97 to 109, inc1usive Lot Nos. 170 to 184, inclusive It is recommended that the followill:) special design precautions be taken for the houses to be constructed on the above-listed lots: 1. 2. 3. IsolClted interior piers should not be used. Continuous footings should be used throughout, and these should be placed at a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adJacent exterior final ground surface. Reinforce and intercQnnect continuously with s.teel bars all interior and exterior footirgs with two #4 bars at 3 inches above the bottom of all footill:)s and two # 4 bars placed 1 1/2 I nches be low the top of the stems of the footi rgs • Use rcdsed wood fl()ors that span between continuous footi'lls, or reinforce all concrete slabs wi·th 6 x 6 -10/10 woven wire fabric, and provide a minimum of 4 Inches of clean sand beneath aU concrete slabs. Provide a moisture barrier 2 inches below slabs under IIvil'lJ areas . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • • Pr~iect No. 68-1'1'-230 • La Costa South Uni·t No., 1 ..,3-.' June 23, 1969 4. Separate garage slabs from perimeter footirGs by 1~ inch thickness of construction felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement of garage slabs relative to perimeter footill}s. ' 5.. Pr.ovide positive drainage away from an perimeter footi~s to a horizontal distance of ot .Ieast 6 feet ou tside the house wans. ' In addition to the filled ground placed and inspected within La Costa South Unit No. 1, there was an drea ·of fill approximately 180 feet east of the east end of Navarra Drive. This drea is shown on Drawing l\Io. 1; and the tests h;lken within the areq are Test Nos. 257, 258, 264 and V~ . Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By 2'J1f'"l' k... M. V. Pothier~ Civil Ell}ineer Distr : (4) Addressee (2) Mcintire & Quiros, Inc. Attention: Mr. Gary Cumbe.y (1) Rick E~ineerirg (2) San Diego County Buildill} Insp~ction. Vista, California .-mailed 1-9-70, BENTON ENGINEERINC;;, INC. --.~ -.. --" _. -.. • Project No. 6S-11-230 I--4--June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. TABLE OF TEST RESULTS • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. or lot No. tn Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft COmpaction Remarks 1 La Costa Ave. 1 10.4 111.5 120.2 92.S • Sta.33+OO 2 La Costa Ave. 3 15.S 103.3 114.S 90.1 Sta. 34+63 3 La Costa Ave. 2 11.7 112.5 119.0 94.6 Sta. 35+25 • 4 La Costa Ave. 6 19.5 102.4 113.0 90.7 Sta. 35+50 5 La Costa Ave'. 7 19.5 103.7 114.7 90.5 Sta. 34+50 6 La Costa Ave. 5 16.5 101.5 110.6 91.S • Sta. 33+50 7 La Costa Ave. 1 16.9 lOS.4 114.S 94.6 Sta.32+00 S La Costa Ave 0 10 17. 1 99.S 110.6 90.1 Sta. 35+63 • 9 La Costa Ave. 9 17. 1 105.9 114.0 92.S Sta. 33+63' 10 La Costa Ave. 4 17.6 107.3 114.0 94.3 Sta. 36+00 11 3 2 19.2 103.3 114 .. S 90.0 12 55 2 14.7 112.5 122.3 92.0 • 13 La Costa Ave. 5 15.7 108.4 114.0 95.0 Sta. 32+50 14 La Gosta Ave. 11 16.2 109.5 114.0 96.2 Sta. 34+00 15 La Costa Ave. 2 16.7 10S.2 l.16.0 93.2 • Sta. 30+00 16 La Costa Ave. 4 17.S l06.S 114. 1 93.7 Sta. 30+00 17 3 4 20.2 103. 1 114.3 90.2 IS 4-1 16.2 100.6 116.5 86.4 Reworked • 19 3 S 15.1 107.2 116.5 92.2 Check on If IS. 20 .4 5 15'.7 10S.3 120.2 90.1. 21 3 12 17.6 100.0: llO.6 90.5 22 La Costa Ave. 2 lS.6 100.S 110.6 91.2 Opp. 3 & 4 • 23 4 9 16.2 100.7 110.6 91.S • BENTON. ENGINEERiNG. INC. ....... -~----. ~-.~ ~ -~~_." ....... " • Profect No. 68-11-230 .,. -5-• June 23, 1969 La COsta South Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) . • Approx-Oe~th Maximum Q imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Densi-ty Density Percent No. or Lot No. i-n Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 24 24 2 17.5 97.3 110.6 88.0 Reworked 25 24 2 14.8 107.8 118.0 91.4 Check on "24 26 23 4 14.7 109.2 118.0 92.6 27 24 6 14.7 108.2 118.0 91.7 28 23 8 16.7 99.5 110.6 90.0 29 24 10 22.5 100.0 110.6 90.3 • 30 25 1 10.8 105.8 116.0 91.2 31 23 12 14.4 103.9 114.8 90.5 32 22 1 16.0 100.6 110.6 91.0 33 21 1 16.5 103.0 110.6 93.2 34 24 14 16.0 103.9 113.3 91.6 • 35 22 5 16.8 107.0 118.0-90.6 36 La Costa Ave. 3 18.9 100.4 110.6 90.8 Opp. 24 & 25 37 20 1 14.9 104.6 114.8 91.2 38 5 2 16.0 110.4 ,119.0 92.8 • 39 6 2 15.7 108.0 119.0 90.8 40 La Costa Ave. 14 14.4 111.0 119.0 93.2 Std. 35+00 41 La Costa Ave. 13 14. 1 111.2 119.0 93.4 Sta. 33+00 • 42 2 16 13~5 105. 1 114.8 ' 91.5 43 4 13 15.6 110.6 119.0 93.0 44 La Costa Ave. 15 12.0 112.2 119.0 94.2 Sta. 34+00 45 La COsta Ave. 9 , 12.4 112.2 119.0 94.2 Sta. 32+00 • 46 5 6 11.9 110. 1 119.0 92.6 47 3 20 14.4 113.5 119.0 95.3 48 La Costa Ave. 6 15.5 108.6 119.0 91.3 Opp. 4 & 5 103.5 ,_ 49 La Costa Ave. 8 10.8 114.8 90.1 • Sta. 36+00 50 La Costa, Ave. 19 12.3 109.3 H9.0 91.9 Sta.34+OO 51 La Costa Ave. 13 12.5 109.3 119.0 91.8 Finished Grade Sla. 32+00 • ~ • BENTON ENGINEERING. 'INC. • Pr9ject No. 68-11-230 '. -6-• June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TAB~E OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate' of Fill Field Dry Dry , Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % drywt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft CompQction . Rem~rks ) 52 6 6 13.0 104.7 114.8 91.4 53 4 17 12.4 107.7 119.0 90'!5 54 La Costa Ave. 18 15.8 101.9 110.6 92. 1 Sta. 35+00 55 La Costa Ave. 17 10.7 108.3 119.0 91.0 Sta. 33+00 • 56 La' Costa Ave. 23 10.7 109.5 119.0 92.0 Sta.34+oo 57 3 24 19.5 ' 97.8 110.6 88.4 Reworked 58 5 10 12.0 107.6 119.0 90.4 59 La Costa Ave. 10 14.9 105.8 ' 114.8 92.0 • Opp ... 4 & 5 60 La Costa Ave. 12 . 17~6 106.8 114.8 93.0 Opp. 4 & 5 61 25 5 15.0 104.4 114.8 91.0 62 23' 16 13.5 107.6 119.0 90.4 • 63 83 1 14,.8 98.5 108.3 90.8 64 86 & 87 2 10.8 104.8 113.0 92.9 65 La Costa Ave. 12 ll.7 110.2 119.0 '92.6 Sta. 36+00 66 Lq CQSta Ave. 14 15.9 107.2 '119.0 90.2 • Opp. 3 & 4 67 La Costa Ave'. 16 13.7 109. 1 119.0 91 .. 7 Opp.36+00 68 24 18 12.7 107.6 119.0 90.4 69 La Costa Ave. 16 14.5 112.4 119.0 94.5 Opp. 4 & 5 • 70 22 9 13.7 109.0 119.0 91.6 71 'j 4 13.7 110.4 119.0 '92.8 72 La Costa Ave. 7 18.6 99.9 110.6 90.4 Opp. 24 & 25 73 La Costa Ave. 6 16.8 102 .8 110.6 92.9 • Opp. 24 & 25 74 7 8 13.7 103.8 110.6 93 .. 8 I 110.6 75 184 2 19.2 101.8 92.2 76 83 3 18.0 98. 1 108.3 90.6 " 77 83 ' 5 15.3 99.7 108~3 92.1, • 78 83 7 12. 1 76.1 103.6 73.5 Reworked 79 86 & 87 4 -11 . 1 103.3 113.0 91.4 80 83 7 13.9 104.2 ' 113.0 92.3 Check on *78 • , BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. " .. ~ ... -..-~~.-.... ~-.---.-~ ---- • Pr.oject No. 68-11-230 • -7-• June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RESUJ,. TS (CQNT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density < Density Percent No. Qr lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks .:81 21 <' 5 14.9 99.5 110.6 90.0 • '82 . 17 1 13.8.,,, 107.1 119.0 90.1 83 19 1 13.5 104.3 114.8 91.0 84 '20 5 21.4 t02.8 113.0 91.0 85 23 20 14.9 106.3 114.3 93.2 86 La Costa Ave. 11 14.8 104.5 114.3 91.4 • Opp. 24& 25 87 < 184 <0 4 16.2 102.8 111.5 92.2 '88 64 2 15.4 105.9 115.5 91.9 89 176 2 13.3 104.6 115.5 90.6 90 La Costa Ave. 15 17.3 105.6 114.8 92.0 • Opp. 24 & 25 91 La Costa Ave. 19 16.8 106.8 114.8 93.2 Opp. 24 & 25 92 83 11 14.8 103.4 110.8 93:4- 93 La Costa Ave. 6 13.4 105.8 116.0 91.3 • Opp. 86 &:87 94 83 13 13.9 105.4 116.0 91.0 95 82 3 17.5 104.8 113.0 92.8 96 84 1 13.3 97.6 108.3 90. 1 97 83 17 16.0 105.8 115.5 91.6 '~i nlshed Grade 98 65 4 15.4 99.0 109.0 90.8 • 99 184 6 9.1 101.3 108.3 93.6 0100 67 & Viejo 4 14.8 99.6 109 .0 91.4 Cas ti \I a Way 101 176 6 16.9 100.9 109.8 92.0 102 69 2 12.3 98.2 108.3 90.7 • 103 184 8 18.2 105.7 114.8 92.1 104 64 6 ' 19. 1 101.9 113.0 90.1 105 182 2 14.3 96.6 103.6 93.3 , 106 68' 2 12.0 94.9 103.6 91.6 107 175 4 11. 1 102 .8 113.0 91.2 • 100 6"5 8 15.3 103.6 113.3 91.5 , 109 183 4 15.0 105.7 113.3 93.4 110 66 4 17' .. 4 103.3 113.3 91.3 111 La Coruna 4 14.3 105.7 110.6 95.4 Place 112 70 4 16. 1 105.7 .. 117.0 90.3 • 113 175 8 15.4 96.5 103.6 93.,0 114 71 & Viejo 4 19'.3 95.7 103.6 92.4 Ccstilla Way 115 173 4 15. 1 101.5 . 110.8 91.6 116 184 12 13.3 106.6 116.0 92.0 • 117 183 8 13.7 104.6 110.6 94.5 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. --~_ 4 _ . . .. • Pro·teet No. 68-11-230 • -9-• June 23, 1969 La COl·to South Unit No.1 TABLE OF lEST RESULTS (CONT .) • Approx-Depth MQximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location ' at Test Moisture bensity Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/eu ft lb/eu ft Compacti.n Rem.rks 151 5 18 24.9 98.4 109.2 90.1 • 152 7 20 11.5 107.3' 116.0 92.5 153 23 24 18.8 103.3 llO.6 93,4 154 24' 26 19.0 103. 1 110.6 9:3.2 155 22 ' 21 12.8 108.5 116.8 92.9 156 21 17 14. 1 109.5 120.6 90.7 • 157 20 13 12.8 10l.8 112. 1 90.8 158 19 5 14.4 109.9 117.2 93.8 159., ' 18 3 13.3 106.5 116.8 91.2 160 17 3 1~.5 106.3 116.8 90.9 161 17 5, 12.0 99.7 108.3 92.0 • 162 17 7 12 A 99.7 108.3 92.0 163 54 2 15 A 106.2 118.0 90.0 1Q4 55 4 9.9 116.2 124.0 93.7 165 54 6 6.6 110.8 120.2 92.0 166 55 8 7.7 120.7 128.0 94.2 • 167 54 10 8.9 113.7 125.0 90.9 168 55 12 8.9 119.5 128.0 93.3' 169 56 2 22.7 98.8 109.2 9004 170 54 14 15.0 108.0 118.8 90.9 171 Navarra Drive 4 10.4 117.3 128.0 91.6 ., Opp. 54 & 55 172 56 6 7.5 110.5 121.5 90.9 173 62 2 10.9 99.8 116.0 86.0 Reworked 174 Vie fo Costilla W.,2 12.6 104.8 116.0 90.2 Sta. 3+71 1-75 55 16 14.5 ' 111.7 121.5 91.9 • 176 Navarra Drive 8 5.0 116.0 125.0 92.8 Opp.55 Check on f/ 173 177 62 2 12.5 106.2 112.8 94.1 178 ViejoCastirlaW.2 11.5 ' 110. l' 116.0 94.9 Sta. 4+71 • 179 62 ·4 15.4 ta7.9 115.4 93.4 180 34 2 11.3 ,110 .5 115.4 95.7 181 57 2 5.0 112.4 12,5.0 90.0 182 54 18 12.7 108.4 118.8 91.3 183 Navarra ,Drive 12 10. 1 112.4 120.8 93. 1 • Opp. 54 & 55 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " ---~---.... ~ ~.-~ _ ..... -.. -. ----. -~----. -~~-----._---~-.--. -.--._.----~--~, -~r-----.-' .' ~J Pr~i.ct No. 6'8~ 11'-23D :. -10-• June 23, 1969 ;-La Cos,ta South Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESU L TS (CONT .)' r. Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture-Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 184 34 4 11.7 106.8 ' U3.4 94.2 :. 185 37 4 10.8 103.3 114.8 90.0 186 58 4 10.8 100.9 120.8 90.2 187 V,i e jo Cas fi II a W.6 12.8 107.0 112.7 94.9 Sta. 3+61 18i 57 6 15.7 106. 1 118.0 90.0 • 189 Viejo CastillaW.4 12.6 106 .9 112.7 94.9 Sta.4+71 190 La Costa Ave. 6 16.9 105.0 116.0 90.6 Sfa. 30+00 191 La Costa Ave. 8 '16.0 106.9 117.0 91.4 • Sta. 30+00 192 LoCos fa Ave. 2 12.0 1'12·.4 119.0 94.4 SfQ.31+00 193 La Costa Ave. 12 12.2-113.9 n9~O 95.6 Sta. 30+00 194 La Costa Ave. 22 11.0 111.3 119.0 93.4 • Sfa.35+00 -195 La Costa Ave. 20 10.9 113.0 119.0 94.9 Sta. 36+00 196 55 . 20 7.7 107.9 120.8 89.4 Reworked 19.7 . Navarra Drive' 16 9.5 105. 1 120.8 87.0 Reworked • Opp.54 & 55 ,198 55 20 11.9 105.5 114.8 92.0 ChecK. on '196 199 Navarra Drive 16 12.7 105.6 114.8 92.0 Check on # 197 Opp. 54 & 55 200 39 4 9.2 105.3 ·114.8 91.6 • 201 37 4 12.2 l08.S . 118.8 91.6 202 '56 10 13.2 110.7 120.8 91.6 203 58 8 9.3 113.2 125.9 90.0 204 57 10 6.6 1.14.5 125.9 91.0 205 56 14 7.4 112.3 124.9 90.0 • 206 63 2 12.8 111.9 119.0 94.1 207 54 22 7.9 109. 1 121. 1 90-.1 208 63 3 . 13.S 110.1 119.0 92.4 2G9 57 14 10.6 l11.Q 120.8 92.2 2tO 112 2' 12.3 103.4 113.0 91.4 • 211 114 3 13.2 105.6 113.0 93.4 212 153 2 11.8 100.3 108.3 92.6 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Project No. 68-11-230 • -11-• June 23, 1969 La Costa Sou,th Unit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density, Density Percent No. or ~ot No. Tn Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compacti~n RemGrks 213 152 4 12.3 101.4 , 10~L3 93.5 e' 214 La Costa Ave. l' over 13.9 109.3 114.6 95.2 Sta. 30+90 5 torm drcii n 215 154 '2 10.6 ' 104.5 113.0 92.4 216 38 6 5.3 109.0 120.8 90.2 217 153 6 15.4 103.6 113.0 91.8 • 218 37 8 5. 1 129.7 131.0 99.0 219 69 6 10.0 104.5 113.0 92.4 220 '152 8 13. 1 110.3 121.0 91.1 221 154 6 12.6 108.7 120.6 90.2 222 153 10 14.6 102 .7 112.3 91.5 • 223 25 9 14.0 99.7 108.3 92.1 224 25 13 10.6 105.2 113.0 93.1 225 68 10 ' 14.3 104.0 112.8 92.3 Finished Grade 226 67 &, Nuevo 12 1~.8 103.9 111.0 93.6 Castilla Way • 227 152 12 11.2 112.2 120.6 93.0 228 154 10 14. 1 107.7 117.7 91.5 229 166 2 10.9 97.7 108 .3 90.2 230 25 17 10.6 . 109.9 120.6 91.1 23·1 24 30 14.2 108.3 116.8 92.7 232 21 21 13.7 104.0 113.0 -92.0 • 233 183 12 13.2 100.3 108.3 92.6 234 55 24 7.2 109 .0 118 ;8 91.7 235 56 18 10.6 118.2 131.0 90.2 236 58 16 9.8 108.3 12Q.6 90.0 237 176 10 18.6 101.3 108.3 93.5 • ,238 176 14 14.(, 107.5 . 118.0 91.1 239 56 22' 11.2 ·..;114.8 125.9 91.1 240 57 18 ' 11.3 117.0 125.9 93.0 241 58 20 10.2 118.2 .131.0 90.2 242 57 22 10.9 119.2 131.0 91.0 • 243 56 26 8.3 113.5 125.9 90.1 244 55 28 10.8 1-13.5 125.9 90.1 245 ' 39 8 19.4 103.3 113.0 91.4 246 38 10 13.6 111.4 120.8 92.2. 247 36 4 13.4· 114.5 125.9 90.9 • 2.t8 54 26 11.3 123.4 131.0 94.1 249 58 24 8.7 125.3 131.8 95.0 250 54 30 9.5, 125.3 131.0 95'.6 251 57 26 8.9 124.8 131.·0 95. 1 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • PrGjecf No .• 68-11-230 • -12-• Ju ne 23, 1969 La COI'taSou th U ni t No. TA~E OF TEST RESUL TS (CONT.) ,Approx-Depth MaXimum • imate ofFill Field Dry Dry Test location' at t.st Moisture Density Density Percent No. or lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 252 Navarra Drive 20. 15.0 113.7 125.9 90.3 • Opp. 55 & 56 253 39 12 10.0 111.7 120.6 92.5 254 37 12 11.0 109.4 120.8 90.5 255 38 14 12.6 109.8 120.8 90.9 256 36, 8 14.,3 111.3 120.8 92.0 • 257 180' E. of E. ·2 9.9 128.9 131.0 98.3 end of Navarra Dr. 258 180' E. of E. 4 10.3 124.8 131.0 95.3 end of Navarra Dr. 259 35 , 2 13 .. 9 114.5 120.8 94.8 • 260 46 2 16. 1 112.3 '120.8 93.0 . 261 37 16 12.9 107.2 118.8 90.2 262 39 16 12.2 115.4 . 125.8 91.8 263 38 . 18 9.9 116.6 125.8 92.8 264 180' E. of E. 6 13.7 117.0 129.5 90.4 end of Navarra Dr. • 265 45 4 14.7 113.5 ·125.9 90.2 266 36 12 14.2 110.9 118.8 .93.3 267 Navarra Dr. 24 14.8 111.1 . 120.8 92.0 Opp. 54 & 55 268 37 20 14.4 112.3 120.8 93.1 ,e 269 39 20 15. 1 109.9 120.8 91.0 270 180' E. of E. 8 15.5 111.0 , 123.5 90.0 end of Navarra Dr. 271 55 32 12.8 103.4 113.0 91.6 272 56 30 15.3 105.2. 116.0 90.7 • 273 58 28 14.0 112.5 123.5 91.1 274 La Costa Ave. l' over 13.8 109.5 113.0 97.0 Storm Drain pipe Opp.23 275 La Costa Ave. )' over 14. ) 105.4 108.3 97.3 . • Parkway, Qpp. pipe Lot Line 23 & 24 276 lQ Costa Ave. I' over 14.9 112.9 120.6 93.7 Reworked Opp. lot li ne pipe 24& 25 277 54 34 17.9 99.6 109.2 91.2 • 278 57 30 11.5 113.0 120.8 93.6 279 58 32 14.5 103.3 113.0 91.5 280 38 22 13.7 115.4 125.9 91.6 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • -Project No .68 ... 11 ... 230 • -"13-• June 23, 1969 -La Costa SouthlJnit No. 1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx ... Depth Maximum Imate of Fill Field Dry Dry lest Location at Test Moisture Density b.nlity Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 281 39 24 12.2 109.3 120.8 90.5 • 282 37 24 14.7 102.3 113.0 90.5 283 36 16 16.4 101.2 109.2 92.7 284 35 6-15.7 103.5 113.0 91.7 285 131 2 17.0 104.2 114.9 90.7 286 La Costa Ave. 11 over 19.2 111.0 116.0 95.7 Check on #276 • Storm Drain pipe Opp. Lot tine 24 & 25 287 LaC9sta Ave. 23 12.9 105.2 116.8 90.1 Opp. 23 & 24 • 288 166 4 11.0 98.1 lOS.3 90.6 289 La Costa Ave. 6 10.8 111.0 116-.0 95.6 Sta. 31+00 290 La Costa Ave. 16 15.3 110.8 120.2 92.1 Sta. 30+00 291 La Cos.ta Ave. 10 17.2 109.0 120.2 90.6 • Sta. 31+00 292 110 2 12.0 106.5 114.8 92.8 293 111 3 10.5 103.8 113.0 91.9 294 113 4 12.2 107.8 116.8 92.2 295 112 6 12.0 100.1 .108.3 92.3 • 296 166 6· 11.6 98.4 108.3 90.8 297 166 6 12.0 100.7 116.8 . 86.3 Reworked 298 110 & 1'11 7 12.6 102.3 113.0 90.S Finished Grade 299 166 6 '12.0 l08.S 120.6 90.0 Check on *297 300 166 8 12.4 104.8 t 12 .. 8 92.9 .' 301 166 10 12.2 114.6 120.6 9S.1 302 113 8 16.3-102.8 113.0 90.9 303 1 2 12.6 108.8 .116.0 93.8 304 l1S 1 13.8 104.3 115.4 90.4 305 116 3 13.4 100.7 108.3 92.1 • 306 1 4 12.7 113.7 116.0 98.0 307 118 2 12.3 109 . '1 116.8 93.4 308 119 4 12.7 106.7 116.8 91.3 309 1.18 6 11.S 103.3 113.0 91.3 310 117 1 12.7 105.0 114.5 91.7 311 116 & 117 5 11.7 102.4 113.0 90.6 _FI nished Grade • 312 119 8 12.9 103.8 114.S 90.6 • --.----. ----.. -~ ----.----------.. ,. Projf!!ct No. 68-11-230 .• -14-• June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No. 1 TABL~ OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth MaXimum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt tb/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compactton Remarks 313 122 ·4 13.9 103.4 113.0 91.5 . • 314 123 9 13.7 104.5 113.0 92.4 Finished Grade 315 131 4 12.3 99.6 108.3 91.9 316 46 6 14.9 108 .. 9 120.8 90.1 3'17 45 8 14.2 105.4 115.8 91.0 318 44 1 17.0 111.2 120.8 92.1 • 319 44 '3 17. 1 110.8 120.8 91.6 320 46 10 12.5 108.8 116.0 93.7 321 45 12 11.2 111.3 116.2 95.9 322 43 3 14.2 108.3 119.8 90.4 323 43 5 7.7 101.6 118.8 85.6 Reworked • 324 43 5 10.0 105.4 116 . .9 ,90.3 Check on '323 325 43 7 6.4 105.2 116.9 90.2 Reworked * 326 3 32 13.4 1'13.5 119.0 95.3 327 La Costa Ave. 18 14.9 113.0 119.0 94.9 Opp. 3 & 4 • 328 4 25 15. 1 107.5 114.3 94.1 329 5 22 17.3 104 .• 6 nO.6 ' 94.6 330 6 18 15.2 105.1 110.6 95.0 331 7 24 12. 1 110. 1 116.0 94.9 332 Navarra Dr. 2 14.3 110.2 120.8 91.2 • Opp. 45 8. 46 333 17 11 13. 1 102.3 113.0 90.6 334 Navarra Or. 4 11.8 97.6 118.8 82.2 Reworked Opp.45 & 46. Fi nished Grade 335 4 29 16.4 107.8 118.0 91.3 336 25 21 12.3 107.4 116.0 92.6 • ' 337 24 34 14.4 109.7 114.8 . 95.5 338 25 25 14.0 115.3 120.6 95.5 339 23 28 20.5 104 .3' 114.8 91.0 340 24 38 13.5 112.3 120.6 93.1 341 23 32 13.7 113.6 120.6 94 .. 1 Fi ni$hed Grade • 342 22 25 13.0 98.7 108.3 91.1 343 21 25 14. 1 106.0 116.0 . 91.3 344 25 29 12.5 119.2 124.~ 95.9 345 20 17 1'7.3 104.2 114.5 91.0 ~ 19 9 16.,3 107.5 119.0 90.3 • 347 18 ., 15.9 '105.9 116.0 91.2 348 22 29 14.8 114.0 120.6 94.4 349 20 21 13.3 1'02.5 113.0 90.7 350' 19 13 14.4 111.0 119.0 93.2 * Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ------- • Proiect No. 68-11-23D • -15-.' June 23, 1969 , La Costa South lJnlt No. 1 TABLE OF T~ST RESUL TS (~ONT.) Approx.,. Depth Maximum • imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Densl ty Density Percent No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 351 18 11 15.1 107.7 116.0 92.7 • 352 21 29 13.5 109 .5 119.0 92.0 Fi nished 'Grade 353 169 2 11.9 113.0 120.6 93.6 354 170 4 13. 1 110.9 114.2 97. 1 355 171 4 14.0 112.5 116.8 96.3 356 168 6 12.5 111.3 , 116.8 95.5 • 357 169 6 18.0 99.6 109 .2 91.1 358 71 & Viejo '8 11.6 105.0 116.,0 90.5 Castilla Way 359 71 & Viejo 10 12.2 105.8 116.0 91.1 Casti 110 Way • 360 71 & Viejo 12 13.2 104.7 116.0 90.2 Castilla Way 361 72 2 16. 1 109 .6 116.0 94.4 362 72 ' 4 15.9 109.3 116.0 94. 1 363 67 & Nuevo & 14 13.5, 105.3 ' 114.9 91.7 Finished Grade • Castilla Way 364 66 8 11.6 109. 1 116.0 94.1 365 65 12 ' 12.0 106.8 116.0 92.1 ' 366 66 12 15.4 106.8 116.8 91.4 367 171 8 14.6 102 .4 '113.0 90.6 368 167 2 11.8 107.5 116.8 92.0 • 369 172 6 12.0 108.S 116.8 93. 1 370 167 6 11.7 109.6 116.8 93.9 371 173 16 16.2 109.3 116.8 93.6 372 174 12 15.9 103.3 113.0 91.3 373 175 12 15.0 102.9 113.0 91 ;0 '. 374 174 16 13.8 104.8 116.0 90.3 375 175 16 16.5 100.7 11 1.1 90.6 376 174 20 15.0 104.6 116.0 90.1 377 177 2 14.6 115.7 120.8 95.7 378 183 12 13.5 108.1 110.6 97.7 I 379 177 6' 15.2 107.2 110.6 . 97.0 • 380 182 6 10.9 106:.3 113.3 93.7 381 183 16 14.9 .... 108.8 ' 116.0 93.7 382 '" La Coruna 8 19.6 104.2 115.6' 90. 1 , ' Place 383 182 10 16.0 104.3 113.3 92.1 • 384 La Coruna 12 17.0 108.3 115.6 93.7 Place 385 182 14 12.2 104.8 116.0 90.3 386 La Corurla 16 15.6 113 .. 0 120.6 93.6 Place • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Pro-ject No~ 6S-11-23D • -16'-• June 23, 1969 La Costa South Uni t No. 1 TABLE OF T~ST RESUL TS (CONT.) Approx-Depth Maximum • imate of Fill Field .Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Deniity Density Percent No. or ~ot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compacti"n Remarks 387 64 10 8. 1 109.4 116.0 94.3 • 388 65 16 12.9 108.7 116.0 93.6 389 181 4 15.0 109.2 118.8 92.0 390 184 16 13.9 106.2 114.7 92.7 391 181 8 17. 1 108.4 119.0 91.1 392 20 25 14.7 110.2 119.0 92.6 • 393 J9 17 12.3 108.8 119.0 91.4 394 18 15 14.7 109 .7 118.8 92.2 395 17 15 20.0, 102.2 110.5 92.5- 396 -24 38 11.2 115.3 120.6 95.7 ,397 _ La Costa Ave. 27 12.3 106.S 116.0 92. 1 • Opp. 24 ~ 25 398 39 28 12.5 110.9 119.0 93.2 399 Navarra Ori-ve 29 14.3 105.6 116.9 90.3 Finished Grade Opp. 54 & 55 400 38 26 14.6 106.3 116.9 91..0 401 36 20 14.9 105.7 116.9 90.5 • 402 3 32 13.3 106.8 116.0 92.0 403 6 22 15.4 103.2 110.6 93.3 404 70 16 11. 1 106.0 116.0 91.3 405 172 10 12.1 107.2. 116.8 92.0 406 177 10 17.6 104.2 nO.6 94.2 • 407 Drain Rear 2 10. 1· lOS.6 116.0 93.5 lots 178 & 179 - 408-Drain Rear 4 10.7 111.3 119.0 93.6 Lots 1-78& 179 409 6 22 10. 1 114.0 119.0 95.7 .' 410' La Costa. Ave. 20 Sta. 30+00 12.9 107.8 114 .S 94.0 411 La Costa Ave. 14 14.3 104.8 110.6 94.8 Sta.31+00 412 La Costa Ave. 24 12.6 -111. 1 113.2 98. 1 Finished Grade .' Sm. 30+00 413 La Costa Ave. 18 10.7 112.6 119.0 94.6 Finished Grade Sta. 31+00 414 La Costa Ave. 21 10. 1 116.4 125.0 93.1 Finished Grade Sta. 33+00 415 La Costa Ave. 27 14.2 113.5 125.0 90.8 Fi-nished Grade • Sta. 34+00 • SENTON ENGINEERING. INC. -~ --~ -. . --------· r / .. ~~, ,. . • Project No. 68-11-230 • -17-• June 23, 1969 La ·Costa South Unit No.1' TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Loccitton at Test .Moisture Density Density Percent No. or Lot No" in Feet % dry wt Ib/cuft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 416 La Costa Ave. ,26 11.9 109.3 119.0 91.8 • Sta. 35+00 417 La Costa Ave. 24 12. 1 112.5 119.0 94.5 Sta .36+00 4·18 La Costa Ave. 28 11.8 113. 1 119.0 95.1 Fi nlshed Grade Sta. 35+00 • 419 . La Costa Ave. 27 11.5 114. 1 11'9.0 95.9 Fi.nished Grade Sta. 36+00 420 1 6.5 11.3 105. 1 116.0 90.8 Finished Grade 421 3 36 13.2 111.1 119.0 93.3 Finished Grade 422 4 33 12.5 106.8 ' 114.2 93.5 Finished Grade • 423 5 26 13.4 113.2 119.0 95.1 Finished Grade 424 6 26 13.7 114.4 119.0 96.1 Finished Grade 425 7 28 ' 14.8 108.5 119.0 91.1 f=inished Grade 426 l.Q Costa Ave. 20 15. 1 111.S 113.3 98.5 Finished Grade Opp. 3 & 4 • 427 17 18 14.9 101.4 110.6 91.6 Finished Grade 428 18 18 11.4 107.0 117.2 91.3 Fi nished Grade 429 19 21 12.0 109.8 119.0 92.3 Finished Grade 430 20 29 13.2 106.8 118.3 90.4 Finished Grade 431 * 11 Over ' 11. 1 111 .8 116.0 96.5 Pi'pe • 432. * 11 Over 12.0 119.0 12.1.4 98.0 Pipe 433 ** l' Over 13.4 120.4 125.0 96.3 Pipe Finished Grade 434 22 3} 12. 1 107.7 116.5 92.4 • 435 24 40 11.2 110.8 11~ .0 93.S Finished Grade 436 25 33 15. 1 112.7 119.0 94.7 Fi nished Grade 437 63 4 13 .. 3 106.7 116.0 92.0 438 63 6 13.7 104.0 115.2 90.2 439' 33 :2 12.6 105.1 116.0 90.6 • 440 62 6 14. 1 lO6.5 116.0 91.7 441 34 8 13.6 107.0 117.5 91.0 442 181 10 '13.2 99.5 108.3 91.7 Finished Grade 443 184 20 15.3 97.5 108.3 90.0. Finished Grade * Intersections of La Costa Ave. and Nuevo CastU 10 Way over Storm Drain. • ** La Costa Ave. opposite Lot 64 over Storm Drain. • 'SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .. .' ProJect No. 68-11-230 • -18-• June 23, 1969 .La CoSta South Uni,t No. 'I ~ ~ TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Approx-Depth Maximum • imate of-Fi II Field Dry J Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Oer.ity Oenaity Perce~t No. or Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cuft Compaction Remarks 444 183 19 14.7 97.6 108.3 90.1 Finished Grade • 445 182 17 13.6 107.2 115.9 92.8 Fi nished Grade 446 ~a Costa Ave. 30 12.6 113.5 119.0 95,4 Fi,nished Grade Opp. 23 & 24 447 La Coruna 17 13.8 100.7 111.8 90. 1 Fi nished Grade Place • 44a 56 34 14.6 105.6 116.9 90.3 449' 57 34 20.3 106.3 116.9 90.9 450 176 i8 13.6 106.1 116.0 91.4 Finished Grade 451 177 12 11.9 100.7 111.5 90.3 Fi nished Grade 452 175 20 15.5 ~ 102.8 113.0 90.9 Finished Grade • 453 174 24 15.3 114.0 120.6 94.5 Fi nished Grade 454--173 20 15.8 103.2 108:3 95~3 Fi nished Grade 455 172 14 18.0 99.0 109 .0 90.6 Finished Grade 456 168 10 11.4 100.5 108.3 92.8 Finished Grade 457 170 8 15.3 98.4 108.3 90.7 'Finished Grade 458 58 36 11. 1 115.0 118.0 97.5 Finished Grade • .459 44 4 8.7 125.9 131.0 96. 1 Finished Grade 460 57 35 5.7 110.5 119.8 92.2 Finished Grade 461 56 37 5.7 100.8 111.1 90.7 Finished Grade 462 166 12 15.0 103.2 114.5 90.2 Finished Grade 463 152 14 9.8 100.0 108.3 92.4 Fi nished Grade • 464 154 14 12.3 ' 112.8 120.6 93.S Finished Grqde 465 Lot Line 11 11.8 102.9 113.0 91.0 Finished Grade 118 & 119 466 114 5 11.4 100.6 108.3 92.9 467 115 7 10.9 105.5 116.0 9i.O Finished Grade • ~8 Lot Line 10 14.6 91.8 108.3 90.2 Finished 'Grade , 112 & 113 469 131 6 9.9 108.4 119.0 91.1 rinished Grade 470 91 & 92 2 16.4 98.6 116.8 84.4 Reworked 471 91 & 92 2 15. 1 100. 1 116.8 85.7 Reworked 472 91 & 92 4 17.0 106.2 116.8 91.0 • 473 89 & 90 10 11.6 101.5 108.3 93.7 474 89' & 90 12 10.7 103.9 1.14.5 90.6 Finished Grade 475 91 & 92 2 15.2 111.3 116.8 95.3 Check on'470 & 471 476 91 & 92 4 14.8 111 .5 120.6 92.5 Fi nlshed Grade • -477 86 8. 87 8 13.0 107.7 119.0 90.5 478 101 & 102 2 12.6 105.8 115.5 91.6 • 8ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ~ ---., .. ~ .' Profect No. 68-11-230 • .19-• June 23, 1969 La Costa South Unit No.1 TABLE OF TEST RE~ULTS (CONT.) Approx-Depth Maximum • Imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Densi tY Percent No. or lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 479 86 & 87 10 13.9 104.7 116.0 90.3 • 480 101 &102 4 13.3 103.7 114.2 90.8 Finished Grade 481 86 & 87 12 14.2 113.2 120.6 93.9 ....... " 482 72 5 '15.9 101:6 108.3 93 .• 7 Finished Grade 483 71 & Vi,ejo 16 16.4-110. 1 119.0 93.5 Fi nfsh~d Grade Cas tilla Way • 484 86 & 87 14 14.4 112.0 120.6 92.9 485 70 18 15.5 107.0 119.,0 90.0 Finished Grade 486 69 8 10.8 101.4 108.3 93.6 Finished Grade 487 66 16 lOA 108.6 116;8, 93.0 Fi nished Grade 488 65 18 9. 1 106.7 115.5 92.3 Finished Grade • 489 86 & 87 16 14.2 105.5 116.0 91.0 Finished Grade 490 64 14 12.3 109 .2 119.0 91.7 Finished Grade 491 63 12 14.6 110.4 119.0 92.7 Finished Grade 492 62 11 l2.2 103.5 114.8 90. 1 Finished Grade 493 33 5 8.0 108,.9 119.0 91.6 Fi nished Grade 494 34 12 8.5 109.5 119.0 92.1 Fi nlshed Grade • 495 VieJo Castil'la 10 9.9 117.3 119.0 98.7 Finished Grade Way Sta. 3+71 496 VieJo Castilla 6 11.3 114.5 119.0' 96.2 Fi ni.hed Grade Way Sta. 4+71 497 35 10 13. 1 107.8 119.0 90.5 Fi niShed Grade • 498 36 23 12.3 115. 1 123.9 93.0 Finished Grade 499 37 2S. 16.2 105.3 116.9 90.1 Finished Grade 500 38 30 13.7 . 105.6 116.9 90.4 Fi nished Grade . 501 39 30 8.6 117.8 125.0 94.2 Fi nished Grade 502 46 14 9.9 107.8 118.8 90.8 .' 503 45 16 12.2 117.8 125.0 94.2 Finished Grade 504 Navarra Dr. 4 7.4 107.5 118.8 90.6 Check on #334 .g Opp. 45'.& 46 Fi nished Grqd, 505 54 38 5.2 114.0 125.0 91.2 Finished Grade so!' 55 36 5.0 115.6 128.0 90.4 • •• • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • PrCl) ject No 0 -68-11-230 ." La Costa South Unit No.1 ..:20- LAB ORA TORY TEST RESUl TS • June 23, 1969 The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S. i' .M. '0 1557-66T meth·~, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falli~ from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layen ina 4 inch di.ameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cyli nder, are presented as follows: Maximum Optimum Mois- Ory Density tu.re Content . Soil TYPe -,Ib/cu ft % dry wt ligh t yellow":broWn sil ty clay 114.8 14. 1 01 ive-green silty clay 110.6 15.7 Yellow..,brown silty fine sand 116.0 13.2 Yellow-brown silty fine sand 119.0 12.0 Gray-black silty clay 118.0 13.6 .light gray-brown fine sandy clay 120.2 12.2 Brown· clayey fine to medium sand 128.0 8A Dark brown clayey fine to medium ,sand 131.8 7.4 Brown fine to.medium sandy clay 125.0 10.5 Brown sil ty clay 118.8 12. 1 light brown silty fine sand 103.6 15.5 Light brown sfl.ty fine sand 113.0 13.2 Brown silty fine sand with scattered gravel (topsoil) 120.6 10.5 light gray-brown streaks, yellow silty clay and 109.2 17.0 chunks ()f clayst~me M~dium brown and streaks of rust and yell.ow fine: 113.0 13.2 sandy clay plus some chunks of cemented sandstone Medium brown silty fi ne sand .121.4 11.7 Medium brown si I ty clay 120.8 10.6 Medium brown silty fine to medium sand plus 13).0 9.0 scattered coarse grains and gravel Brown silty clay and clayey silt 116.9 14.9 BENTON ENGINEERINC;. INC. • • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EI,. CAJON BOULEVARD .AN DI~GO. CALIFORNIA 921115 PHILIP HENi<ING BENTON PRESIDENT,. CIVIL ENGINEER November 30, 1970 RQncho La Costa, Inc. Route I, Box 2550 Encinitos, CaliJornia 92024 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 68-11 .. 23p, Supplement ~eport on Compacted Fi lied Ground La Costa South Unit No. 1 Rancho La Costa, California • SAN DIEGO: 1583·156154 LA MESA. 469·156154 On June 2$, 1969, we ,submitted what we then believed to be a final report on compacted frlled ground for fhe above unit. However, additional filled ground was placed and compacted on the unlt subsequent to the report; thi~ is to report the results of the tesrs and observations made in order to inspect the compaction of that additional fi lied ground, whkh was placed, during the period between October 30, 1969 and June 24, 1970. The lots on which the addi- tional fi-1:I~d ground reported herein was placed include Lots 62, 63, 91, 92, 93, 110 to 114i inclusive, 122, 123 and 148 to 151, inclusive. The final approximate areas and depfhs of filled ground placed on this unit under our inspection in accordance with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No.1 which has b,een revised to include the additional filled ground covered by this sIJpplemental report. The approximate locations of the tests taken subsequent to June 23, 1969C!re presented on pag~ No. nunder the"Table of Test Results:' and the laboratory determinedationsof the maximum dry dentities and optimum moisture, contents of the major fill materials placed as additional fill are presented on page No. T2 under the "Laboratory Test Results.1I Some of the maximum dry densities shQwn in the "Table of Test Results" on page No. T1 were combinations of these. The tests reported herein were taken during the weekly periods indicated below: Test Number Week Ending 507 'fo 509, inclusive 510 to 519, inclusive 520 to 529, inclusive 030, to 538, inclusive 539 540 and 541 542 November 1, 1969 December 6 i 1969 January 17, 1970 January 24, 1970 February 28, 1970 March 21, 1970 June 27, 1970 • Project No •. 68-11-23D, Su~ent Rancho La Costa, Inc. 'w -2-• November 30, 1970 The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compad~d filled ground has been· placed at 90 percent of the maxiQ1u!1l dry density or greater • It has been determined that the fill materials, compacted to 90 per~ent of the maximum dry density, have a safe bearing value • of at. least 1510 'pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at a mini- mum depth and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. If footings qrf3 placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line projected 'ou.tward and downward from a point 5 feet horizontally insicle the top of compacted • fi lied ground slopes. Tests indi cate that the compacted fi l.Ied ground is adequate to satisfactory support the proposed one and two story wood frame dwell.ings without detrimental settlements. ~xpansive clay soils were placed within the upper 3 feet on Lots 62 and 63, therefore the following special design precautions are recommended:. •• • • • • • • • L 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. " Avoid the use of isolated interior piers. Use continuous footings throughout; and place these at a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjacent exterior final ground surface. Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars aU interior and exterior footings with one #5 bar at 3 inches above the bottom of the footings and one #5 bar placed 1 1/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footings. Exercise every effort to assure that the soil under the foundations and slgbs has a uniform moisture content, 1 percent to 3 percent greater than optimum throughout the top 3 feet below finished grade at the time of placing foundations and slabs. . Use raised wooden floors that span between conHnuous footings, or use all concrete. slabs with 6 x 6 -10/10 welded wire fabric .and -provide a minimum of 4 inches of clean sand beneath all concrete slabs. Provide a moisture barrie~ 2 inches below slabs under living. areas. Separate garage' slabs from pe'rimeter foot.jngs by a· .1/2 inch thickness of construction felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement of garage slabs relative. to perimeter footings. Provide positive drainage away from all perimeter footings to a horizontal distance of at least 6 feet outside the house walls. This supplemental report p'lus Jhe report of June 23, ]969, comprise our final report of compa,cted filled ground placed on this unit, as of this date. This supplemental report reflected only the,; changes that have occurred inside Lots 1 to 184, inclusive, in Ld Costa' South Unit No.1 since .our report of June 23, 1969, same subjeet.as above. Respectfully submitted, Distr: BENTON ENGINEERING; INC. BYYtv~ M. V • Pothier, Civi'l Engineer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. (4) Addressee (2) Mclntire & Quiros, Inc. Attention: Mr. Gary Cumbey (1) Ri'ck Engineering (2) San D.iego County Building Inspection Vista, California ' Protect No. 68-11-230' • T1 • November 30, 1970 • La Costa South Unit No. 1 tA$.,~Ri.QF TE~T RESULTS, Approx-Dep.th, ' Maximum • imate ~f.Fi4I 'Fiedd Dry Dry Test Location qt rest, ' MQisture Density Density Percent ,Nc:)'~ or'l.ot No. in Feet " .:i~{i dry w.t Ib/cu ft' "Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 507 123 2 17'~6 102.5 111.8 91.7 • 508· 123 6 15:.4 105.5 111.8 94.5 ;; Finished Grade 509 123 9' ~4 9 ' 106-.5 111.8 95.3 . . 510 150 2 'S.t 107.0 118:2 90.5 5J1 148 ' 2 11~,9 104.8 '113.9 92.0 51;2-149 4, :11.9 " 106~8 116.0 92.1 • '~l3 ,151 "4 ,:lO~6' 106'.0 ,116. 1 91.3 $'1~ 1~ 6 lL2 106.5 -11'6.1 91.7 5:15 151 8 ~ 1 •. 8 101. 1 111.8 90.5 51'6 150 10 14.2 109.3 ' , 113.9 96.1 S:17 149 8 '10.4 107.3· 113.9 94.3 5;18, 151 " ' 12 . 12~7 106.2 113.9 93.3 • 5':1'9" 150 14 n.-6 106.8 113'.9 93.7 .,20, 148· 5 12~_9 105.0 113.9 92.2 Finished Grade 52:1' 149 12 12 ~ 1 105.2 113.9 92.4 Finished Grade 522 151 15 12.3 106.2 113.9 93.3 Finished Grade 523 150 19 12'-.. 2 105.6 113.9 92.8 Finished Grade • 524 -62 13 " ,11.,2 115.3 118.0 97.9 525 62 15 , 11.:2, 120.2 122.1 98.5 526 62 17 11.2 106.0 115.1 92.1 5'i7 . 62 19 10.0 109'.3 114.2 95.~ . 528, 63 16 ' 11.;4 112.0 115. 1 97.2- • 529' 63 20 13.9 112.3 117.9 95.-4 530 ·91 2 ',15.2 104.9 115.0 91.2 531· 92 4 15~5 104.2 114.0 91.5 532 91 6 14.9 105.8' 114.0 92.8 Finished Grade sa:f 93 2 14 •. 8 104.9 114.0 92.0 Finished Grade • sa+' 62 21 15A 109.2 . ' 117.8 92.8 535' 6Z 23 17~8 109.1 117.8 92 •. 7 536 62 25 '17d 105.9 114.0 92.9 537 " 62 27 19 •. 1 10~·.9 117.8 92.5 .538 62 29 15A 111.6 114.0 97.9 Finished Grqde 539 . 63 24 16.4 10748 . 114.0 94.6." Fin ished Grade • 540 113 2 10.6 113.4 118.2 96.0 54·1 113 4 '14.2 103.5 . -113.5 91.3 Finished Grade 542 111 2 10.5 106.1 113.9 93 •. 2 Finished Grqde • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Protect No. 68-11-230 .• La Costa South Unit No. 1 T2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS • November 30, 1970 The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the malor fill materials as deter- • mined by the A.S.T .M. 0 1557-66J method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cy Ii nder, are presented as fo! lows: • • • • • • • • • Soil Type light brown silty very fine to fine sand with clay binder Brown silty fine sand,(Topioil) Gray-brown slightly. silty flne sand Gray fine sandy clqy . Light greenish-gray slightly clayey fine sand Light gray very fine .to fine sand Olive-green silty clay Yellow-brown silty fine sand with some . clay binder Brown silty fine sand (Topsoil) Gray-brown fine to medium sandy clay Gray-brown fine sandy clay Ye:llow-brown silty very fine to fine $Cnd Red-brown silty fine to medium sand (Topsoil) Olive-green clay Olive-green silty clay Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 111.8 118.2 113.9 117.4 122.1 114.0 110.6 113.0 117.9 117.8 114.2 112.3 117. 1 109.0 ·110.5 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Opt imum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 12.6 12.9 13.3 13. 1 11.5 14.2 15.7 13.5 11.5 12.2 13.0 13.8 12.6 16.6 16.3 r--,_ - • PHILIP·H.ENKING SENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER Rancho La Costa, Inc. • • BENTON ENGINEERING. iNC. APPLlltD SOIL MECHANICS ~ FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON SOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 April 11, J969 SAN DIEGO: 583·S654 !-A MESA: 469·5654 • Rou te .1, Box 2550 • ,. • • • • Encinitas, Cali'fornia 92024 Subj~c:t: Gentlemen: Project No. 68-11-230 Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Backfi II Soils La Cpsta Avenue La Costa South UnU No. San Diego County, California This is to report the resuLts of eight field density tests taken in soils placed as backfill over storm drains in La Costa Avenue durirg the period between March 17 and April 1, 1969. The approximate 10catiQns at whi'ch the tests'were taken and .the final test results are pre- sented .in the followi~ tabulation: Test ~. 140 141 142 214 274 275 276 ,28-6. Maximum * Approx-Field Dry Dry imate Depth Moisture Density Density Percent LOcatio.n .of Test % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/eu ft Compac.ti on Remarks Opposite 1 foot above 17.4 105 .0 114.3 92.0 Reworked 3/4 Lot Line top of pipe Opposite 1 foot above 14.2 111.4 1l4.8 97.1 Chackon #140 ' 3/4 LQtLine top of pipe Sta. 31+40 1 foot above 15.5 108. 1 112.9 96.0 top of pipe Sta. 30+90 1 foot above 13'.9 109.3 114.8 95.2 top of pipe Opposite 1 foot above 13.8 109.5 113.0 97.0 Lot 23 top of p,ipe Parki~ Area 1 foot above 14. 1 105.4 108.3 97.3 OpPQsite top ,of pipe 23/24 Lot Line Opposite 1 foot above 14.9 112.9 120.6 93.7 Reworked 24/25 Lot Li ne top of pi pe Opposite 1 foot above 19.2 111.0 116.0 95.7 Check on '1276 , 24/25 Lot Line top of pipe * Some of the maximum dry densities shown are combinations of two or more' types of soil • Projec:t No. 68-1 h·23D '. La Costa Avenue La Costa South Unit No. 1 -2-• April 11, 19,69 LAB ORA TORY TEST RESULTS ,. The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as determined 'by the A.S.T .M. 0 1557-66T method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer fQlIl~ from a height of 18 inches on each of-5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cyli nd~r, are presented as follows: • .' • •• , . • • • • • Soil Type Dark gray sil ty clay Greenish gray silty clay Yellow-brown 5i I ty fj ne sand Yellow-brown silty clay Ugh t broWn si I ty fi ne sand Light brown silty fine sand Brown sil ty fi ne sand R~spectfuHy submitted, BENTON EN<;7INEERING, ,INC • Distr: (1) Addressee (1) San otego County' ,E~ineeri~ DepOrtment Mr .. Jack KeHhofer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ,Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 118.0 110.6 116.0 114.8 113.0 103.6 120.6 Optimum Mols- o ture Content .% dry wt, 13.6 15.7 13.2 14. 1 13.2 15.5 10.5