HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-39; Sea Ranch - Lagoon Lane; Soils Report; 1973-09-25.. . . . i ,., L n CT 73-34 REPORT OF PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION P2320SEE 80 AC?E SEA ZANCCI RESIDENTIAL SITE LAGOON LANE CARLSBAD, CP.LIFORNIA FiiEPAKED FOR : 7670 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard Standard Pacif i.c Corpnrati.on Sari Dieyo, Caiifornia 92111 PREPARED BY: Southern California Testing Laboratory, Inc. 6260 Riverdale Street Post Office Eox 20627 San Dieao, California 92120 280 -432/ Stapdard Pacific Corporation 7670 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, California 92111 Attention: Mr. Bob Allen SCT 312503 Report No. 1 SUBJECT: Preliminary Soil Investigation for the Proposed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential Site, LagoOn Lane, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: of the soil conditions at the subject site. We are transmitting In accordance with your request, we have performed an investigation herewith a report of this investigation. The analysis of our findings is intended to provide the required inforination to design the foundation and grading plans for the proposed development. The major adverse soil conditions are as follower loose, highly compressible, silty sands (alluvial deposits Q,l-cl geologic classi- fication), which are located along the western,edge of the site and and potentially highly expansive, interbedded, slightly clayey silt also west of Boring No. 5 in the vicinity of the existing earth dam: layers (of the Es geologic classification), which were encountered of 245 msl. in the eastern portion of the site above the approximate elevation Recormnendations are contained in the body of this report €or the disposal of the above-mentioned potentially detrimental soils. - SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Two - hesitate to contact this office. If you have any questions after reviewing our report, please do not Thi.s opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. - Submitted Respectfully submitted, SOUTIERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LAB. , INC . R. M. Galloway .S ASSOC. SCTL; Escondido Attn: Jerry Bryant ThbLE OF C 0 $1 T L-N I' S "- SECTION ITEM - - 1 Project Description and Scope ............ 1 - 2 Findings. ...................... 2 2.1 Site Description. ..... ........... 2 2.2 General Soils Description ............ .. 3' - 2.3 3 - - 3.1 3.11' - 3.12 3.13 3.2 - 3.3 - 4 4.1 - Geology 4 .. ...................... Recommendations .................. 4 Foundations ................... 4 General ..................... 4 Expansive Characteristics ........... 5 ., Settlement Characteristics. ........... 5 Slope Stability ....... ; ......... 6 Earth Retaining Structures. ........... ? earthwork..........,..........^ General ..................... I 1 4.2 Trnasition Lots ................. 7 - 4 ..3 Disposal of Nonselect 'Soils ........... ? - 4.4 ' . Compressible S ils. ............... 8 5 Fiald ExploratTons. ................ 8 6 Laboratory Testing. ................ 9 f PLATE NOS. plot Plan, Boring togs, T'rench Logs, Test Results. ................. 1 - 19 PAGE NO. Recommended Gradinq Specifications, Special Provisions, Unified Soils Classification System. ................... Appenaices -. INSPECTIQN TESTING RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT - 6280 Riverdale St. San Diego; California 92120 Phone 280-4321 REPORT OF PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED 80 ACRE SEA R4NCH RESIDENTIAL SITE LAGOON LANE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE This report presents the results of our soil investigation for the proposed residential development to be located southeast of the inter- section of Poinsettia Lane and Lagoon Lane and approximately one- fourth mile north of Batiquitos Lagoon (see Plate No. 1). A brief legal description of the site is the north 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 28, T.12 S., R.4 W., S.B.B.M., City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. It is our.understanding that one and/ or two story woodframe residential structures with slab-on-grade con- struction are planned for thd site. It ie further understood that maximum cuts ana fills in the order^ .of 50 feet.are anticiDated. The site configuration, test boring and test trench locations are shown on Plate No. 2 of this report. This soil investigation was undertaken tot a) Determine the physical properties of the prevailing soils including their supporting capacities and settlement charac- teristics. b] Provide design information regarding site preparation and foundations. SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Two 2. FINDINGS 2.1 Site Description - The rectangular-shaped site racges in elevation from 50 feet above Mean Sea Level in the southwest corner to approximately 300 feet in the southeast corner. Natural drainage is primarily westerly on mostly grac?:Jal slopes, although steeper slopes of as much as 3:l are located on the western side of the promontory situated near the site's eastern boundary. A major ravine traverses the site from the northeast corner to the the west, .across which an earthfill dam has been constructed at approximate midpoint dovmstream. Adjacent to the drainage courses, "tadland" type topography with near vertical slopes. has resulted fron differential erosion of sandy soils. These features are most extensive tourzxds the westerly ad southeasterly portion of the site where deeper ravines have developed. Vegetation consists of small stands of eucalyptus trees across the western side of the site, with more extensive stands on the eastern side, and scattered trees located along the ravines and behind the earthfill dam, Various types of brush and shrubs line ravine bottoms and other areas. The area bounded by B0rir.g Nos. 5, 6, 8 and 11 have been cleared for agriculture planting. Trash, consisting of dumped car bodclesLl_gapbr, plastic and metal containers, . littars . the site in canyon bottoms and other locatiohs, "--"""."_ None of the subsurface explorations encountered ground water and there yas r?~ further evidence of buildings or other manmade structures. " . scy 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Three 2.2 General Soils Description In generGl, the majority of the site consists of dense silty sands and clayey sands which are competent foundation materials for the proposed construction. A 4 to 5 foot layer of highly expansive clayey "" si.lts (Eslt) was encountered at a depth of 8.5 feet in Rnrina NO.. 7. It appears to be continuous throughout the 245 to 250 foot elevation. Surficial exposures indicate the presence of another layer of clavev~ sjlt between the 280 to 290 foot contours. Because these materials have high expansive potgntial and low shear strength characteristics, special measures with respect to selective grading (see Expansive CharactGristics) and. slope stability (see Slope Stability) may be necessary. No. 1. The approximate lateral extent is shown on Plate No. 2, however, the depth to dense competent formational soil was not determined. Consolidation tests indicate that at least the upper 6 feet of alluvium will require recompaction pridr to receiving additional fill and/or .. structural'loads. The actual depth and extent of rscompaction necessary - may either be determined during grading or by an adaitional investigation - of this particular area. - The only other soil condition encountered which will require special attention is the small dam and pond. area underlying Lots 218 to 286. In this area, all man made fills and alluvial soils should be removed to firm, natural ground and recompacted. - - "", - SCT 312503 Septsnber 25, 1973 Page Four 2.3 Geologx The entire site consists of sedimentary materials. A iJ;ief description of the geologic soil.-rock units is presented on P1at.e No. 2 and a geologic: cross-section is shown 3n Plate i40. 3. Bedding attitudes t.aken in gulleys at the east end of the site were N40hT5SW and N60W4SW; essentially flat lyi.ng materials.' As a result, we would not anticipate slope stability prohlems to be ayyrevated by adversely dipping beds. Faulting was not observed in any of the yulley exposures or in s-u-bsurface ~ ~~~ .. .- - borings. A fault trace was suspected traversing .the site in a north-sou.:h YLI- direction at approximate elevation 225. However, treilcbLing of the area revealed t.he zipparent faulting as an abutment unconformity hetween F0cer.e (Eslt-EsS) and PJatcrr,;ry :%z) rakiials, (i.e. ar, irregularity due to deposition of younger ~~ terrace sands over the older sands). ~,. . .~.. pandsliding was not directly observed on the site but is suspected. imnediately adjacent to the easterly boundaxy. According to the tentative grading plan, dated I+ugusk 2, 1973, site grading above the slide area will daylight in natural ground undisturbed by 1.andsliding. It is our opinion that site grzding will not adversely affect this area. The removal of the elevation 3CO hilltop should have a stabil- izing effect with regard to future sliding. /I 3.1 3.11 soi.1 Foundations General: - Conventional spread footings founded in nonexpansive are reconmended for the snpport of the proposed structure. Con- SCT 312503 ventional sprea September 25, 1973 d footings should be founded a IT "4. .- Page Five Linimum of 12 inches below the adjacent finish grade, have a minimum width of 12 inches and may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of ,2.0 kips per square foot. The above allowable stresses may be increased by one-third for wind and/or seismic loading and should be decreased by one-fourth for dead load on1.y. Adjacent footings founded at different bearing levels should be so located that the slope from bearing level to bearing level is flatter than one horizontal to one vertical. 3.12 Expansive Characteristics: The expansive' characteristics of the clayey silty soils described previously will require special consideration and/or design so that structural damage is not likely to occur. It is recommended that wherever Wnsive soils are used in fill, it be placed a minimum of 2.5 feet below finish grade and wherever it occurs within 2.5 feet of finish grade, it be removed and replaced with nonexpansive soils. Conventional footings may then be used for the proposed structure. The limits of the above recommendation shall apply to the area within a perimeter of 5 feet outside of the propose6 structure. 3.13 Settlement Characteristics: Anticipated total and/or differential settlement may be considered negligible provided the following recommen- dation$ @re used: The man made- alluvium in the SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Six area of the old reservoir and al-onq Lacroon Lane are to be removed tQ firm qround and recompacted in accordance with the attached Recommen- ded Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. 3.2 Slope Stability The fill slopes as proposed on the grading plan presented by R. &I. Galloway and Associates, Inc., dated August 2, 1973, were found to be stable in relation to deep-seated failures. The stability of cut slopes located in the eastern portion of the site (i.e.) on hiqhcr elevations, will be d-d location of the weaker silt stratas within this formation. Based on strength parameters of these weaker soils, it is our opinion that cui slopes within this ul1i.l will be stable with relation to deep- ' seated failures if constructed at or flatter than the following reconunen- ded slope ratios expressed in horizontal to vertical units for the indicated heights: Cut Slopes to 30 Feet in H iyh.t: to 60 Feet in Height: f Cut slopes. in other areas of the site where the above-mentioned soil conditions are not encountered, will be stable if constructed at or flatter than 1.5.1 for a maximum of 45 f/ in heiaht. The above mentioned maximum heights were determine% using a factor . -~ of safety of 1'5 and not considetins se-ia loa- P$ - .I sc'r 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Seven 3.3 Earth Retaining Structures Active and passive soil pressures for the design of earth retaining structures will be dependent upon the particular soil conditions being considered. Should this information be necessary for design purposes, please provide this office with the location and type of wall proposed. 4. EARTHWORK 4.1 General Earthwork and grading contcmplated for site preparation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. Structural backfill should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent as determined by A.S.T.M. 1557-66Tr Method A. 4.2 Transition Lots Foundations supported partially on cut and partially on fill are not recommended. The tendency of cut and fj.l.1 lots to compress differentially will probably cause unequal support and consequential cracking of focndations and floor slabs. Therefore, inon areas. we recommend that the entire area be undercut 1 foot below the base of propose$ footinqs and be replaced with soil compacted to minimum density mentioned in Section 4.1. __ 4.3 D,isposal of Nonselect Soils - We recommend that all detrimentally expansive Soil6 or soils with low strength parameters be placed in fill slopes at locations such as that designated as "nonselect soils" on the accompanying sheet entitled "Special. Grading Recommendations" (see Plate No. 30). - SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Eight 4.4 Compressible Soils As previously recommended in Section 3.13 , all loose, commessible soils, such as those encountered in the vicinity of Borinq No.' 1, ~- should be removed down to firm, natural ground and- to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by A.S.T.M. 1557-70. - - 5. FIELD EXPLORATIONS Ei.ghteen subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate No. 2 on August 29, 30, and September 7, 1973. These explorations consisted of eleven horings drilled by means of a rotary auger drili rig and seven trendhes dug by means of a backhoe. The explorations were conducted under the observation of cur engineering geology personnel. The explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on the following Plate Nos. 4 through 15. The soils are described in accordance with tpe Unified Soils Classification System as illuStrated on the attached simplified chart. In addition, a verbal textural. description, the wet color., the apparent moisture, and the density or consistency are given on the logs. Soil densities €or granular soils are given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of silts or clays are given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff or hard. SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Nine Representative core samples were obtained by means of a split tube sampler driven into the soil by means of the “kelly bar“ of the drill rig. The energy required to drive the split tube sampler is indicated on the boring logs as the “penetration resistance”. The core samples were carefully removed, sealed, and returned to the laboratory for testing. Disturbed samples of typical and representative soils were also ohtain,ed and returned to the laboratory for testing. 6. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests.were performed in accordance with generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. Representative samples were tested for their natural densities and moisture contents. The results of.these tests axe presented on the boring logs. The expansive potential of clayey soils was determined in accordance with the following test procedure and the results of these tests appear on Plate No. 16. I Allow the trimmed, undisturbed sample to air dry,to a constant moisture content at a temperature of looo F. Place the dried sample in the consolidometer and allow to compress under a load of 150 psf. Allow Isoisturc to contact the sample and measure its expansion from an air dried to saturated condition. In addition, the gradations, maximum densities, and the angles of internal friction and cohesion were determined for typical and represen- tative samples. The results of the tests are presented on Plate Nos. 16 and 17 of this report. - SCT 312503 September 25, 1973 Page Ten - Two consolidation tests were performed and the results of these tests - are presented in the form of curves on Plate Nos. 18 and 19. LEGEND Test Boring Location (approximate) Test Trench Location Bedding Attitude Countours Approximate geologic i :K@m "3F.I ALLUVIUM-COLLUVIUM-These materials consist of loose to .. .:x?- 5' &;?*A -(&l-cl medium dense silty-clayey sands. Elaterials mapped under -:~ this symbol may be hiahlv to moderately compressible. I I . I QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (LATE)-These materials con- !-otr, sist of orange to dark orange, dense, silty-clayey sands L"l - -L These sands are extremely friable and are jrone to ero- slon )ll a slows. QUATERCARY TERRACE DEPOSITS (EARLY)-Only a thin capping of these red-orange, slightly cemented, silty clayey sands and gravels-was noted above elevation 295 feet. Rippino of this material may produce some oversized (greater than 6 inches) material which should break EOCENE SILTS-This material consists of thinly to massive1 down under heavy earth moving equipment. bedded pink to olive silts with thin interbedded sands. These silts possess low shear strenath characteristics and possess expansive Dotential. These silts are inter- bedded with the Ess unit. - EOCENE SANDSTONE-This materiai consists of massively bedded to cross-bedded, dense, light grag to pale yellow silty sands. These sands are a crooc? source of non- Ive material. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Proposed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Site 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Lagoon Lane SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 Carlsbad, California - BY DATE GEOLOGIC MAP DH.B J.CARNETT ." ..^ 9/25/73 .I L 1 1 1 1 I 1 .. 1 Geology by Dennis L. Hannan - .. R?PENDIX A, PAGE 1 JOB NO. 312503 . DATE 9/25/73 The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled and placing and cornpacting fill. soil to the lines and grades shown on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the prelim- inary soil investigation report and/or the attached Special.Provi- . sions arc a part of the Xecomended Grading Specifications and shall ,. supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. INSPECTION AND TESTING A qualified~goil engineer ,shall be employed tc inspect an3 test thz earthwork in accordance with these specifications. It will be neces- sary that the soil engineer or his representative provide adequate inspection so that he nay certify that the work was or was not accom- plished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor. to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may make these certi- f ications . 1 If, in the opinion 't e soil e.ngineer, substandard conditions ar2 encoungEq,&l!s questionable 'soil, poor moisture content, inade- quat2 omgactio?, *,&iR-erse weather, etc.. , he will be empowered to either stop construp$k@yntil the conditions are remedied or corrected or recomm5Jd r$&c@%n of the work. -. .,:$ 9 " JPJ!, Ul\P . ar . . . ... ~ re' ,'.,.+ JOB NO. 312503 DATE 9/25'/73 APPENDIX A, PhGE 2 Soil tests used to determine the degree of compaction w ill be perfom.ei in accordance with the following Ainerican Society for Testing and Mat- erials test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content - A.S.T.M. D-1557-70 Density of Soil In-Place - A.S.T.X. D-1556-64 PREPkRATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL All vegetation, brush and debris shall be removed, piled and burned , or otherwise disposed of. After clearing, the natural ground shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper xoisture con- tent, compacted and tested for the minimum density specified in the Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. .. . .. . men the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 ~ ~ ~~ horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), ~~ ~~~ ~~~ the original ground shall be . stepped or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide and all other benches at least 6 feet wide. The horizcntal portion of each. bench shall be compacted prior to receiving fill as specified herein- a before for coxpacted natural ground. Gxound slopes flatter than 20% shall - bebenched when considered necessary by the soil engineer. - FILL MATERIAL Materials placed in the fill shall be approved by the soil engineer' and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fill the .. .. . rZPPENPIX A, PAGE 3 Joa 1.10. 312503 DATE 9/25/73 - voids. The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental'soils are covered in the Special Provisions. Es- pansive soils, soiis of pox gradation or strength characteristics may be thoroughly mixed +it21 other soils to provide.satisfactory fill nat- - / erial, but only with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. PLACING AND COXPACTION OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive 'fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly com- - . .pzctec?. to a minim-lm. specified density with adequately- sized .equipment, either specifically designed.for soil compaction or'of proven relia- bility. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved is specified .in either. the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in -the preliminary soil. investigation report. Field tests'and .inspections to check the degree of compaction of the fill' will be taken by the soil engineer or his representative. - The location and frequency of the tests shall be at the soil engineer's djscretion. In. general, the density tests will be made at an inter- val not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 500 cubic yards of embankment. .. . .I ; '.* * ,?J??Eh?IX A, PAGE 4 SEASON LIMITS Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be L_. ~ ~~ res.umed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill has ~~ been achieved. Damage resulting from weather shall be repaired be- fore acceptance of work. - L UNFORESEEN COVDITIC2JS .In the event that conditions are encountered during the site prepara- tion and- construction that were 'not encountkred during the preliminary soil investigation, Southern California Testing Laboratory, Inc. assumes no responsibility for conditions encountered which differ from those conditions found ar.6 described in tk preliminary. soil investigation. .. .. " RX!O?~I?;ENDTDED GIIAD ING SPEC IF ICATIONS - SPECLqL PROVISIOXS - The minimnn dsaree of conpaction to be obtained in compacthg natural groundand in the com2acted fill shall be.90 percent. - Detrimentallv expansive soils is defined as soil which will swell " - more than 3 percent against a pressure of 150 pomds per square - foot from a condition of 90 percent density and optimum aoisture content to saturation. - OEized fill material- is defined as rocks or lumps over six inches in diameter. At least 40 percent of the fill soil shall - pass throdgh a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. - 'i . i' e SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYX3OL 1. COARSE GRAINED, Nore than half of material is larqer than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVZLS CLEAN GRAVELS Gw &ore than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 GP sieve size but smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES GM of fines) (Appreciable amount GC SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of sw coarse fraction is SP smaller than Xo. 4 sieve .size. SANDS WITH FINES SM (Appreciable amount of fines) sc 11. TINZ GRAShJrZD, i-iore than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CUYS ML Liquid Limit CL less than 50 OL SILTS AND CLAYS MH TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines . Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. Well graded sand,gravelly sands, little Qr no fines. Poorly graded .sands,gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly grade2 sand and silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly grded sand and clay mixtures. .Inorc;anic silts and very fine sands, rock flcur, sandy mixtures with slight plas%- silt or clayey-silt-sand Inorganic clays of low to ~ medium plasticity,gravelly clays, sandy clays,silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. plasticity, fat clays. Inorganic clays of high Organic ciays of msctiun. to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. icity SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABOFATGRY fESCRTPTIOR 3rol-n, Dry, Loose, SILTY SAND (Denser) Q~I-cI I [ellowish-Brovn, Dry, NiIedium Dense, 1 :L?.YESI SAND ~ellowl.sh-Brotm, Dry, Loose, SILTY I -. E P - M - I 32 99.2 3.1 19 102.3 . 3.7 BORING NUMSER 2 Finish Grade 108 ZxisYing Elev. 97 """ (Xhite, .Humid) 117.3 8.1 E: Sampler Penetration Resistance (Ft. Kips/Ft.) Y: Natural Dry. Deilsity (pcf) * I I " BY JOE3 NO. DH - 0,ATE BORING L.OGS 8/30/73 312503 PLATE NO. 4 - (More Coarse) SILTY SARD ~ E - 63 63 \YEY SARD I , Fine 126 Y - 119.2 115.2 120.8 M - 9.5 6.9 10.7 A SO'JTHERN CALIFOFWIA ' I Proposed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential ~. TESTING LAGORATORY. INC. 62x1 R:\'ERDALE STREET Lagoon Lane Carlsbad, California BY JO8 NO. CATE Site SA% DiEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 B3XNG LOG 0/30/73 Dtl - 312503 PLATE NO. 5 r; I 4- 311own, Dry, Loose, SILTY SAND x- (I4oist and Denser) 43 3range, 14oist, Dense, SILTY CLI SAND Light Grey, Noist, Dense,, SILT' .~ ~~ SAiiD Ess - 34 - 3 70 c 100 . FOR LEGEND SXE PLkTE NO. 4 I l! 113.2 126.2 117.2 116.6 M - 10.6 7.2 6. 1 10 .o SOlJTIjERN Cb.ilFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY. INC. roposed SO Acre Sea Ranch Residential Site 6280 RIVERDALE STREET agoon Lane SAN CIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 arlsbad, California BY JOE NO. DATE BORISG LOG DH PLATE E!O. 6 712503 8/30/73 - Y 102.9 FOR LEGEPID SEE PLLTE NO. 4 1C6 213 M - 2.G : . .1 . f '' Existing Elev. Finish Grade DESCRI?TiO?l E Brown. Drv, Dense, SILTY SAXD - (Yellow) Light Gray, Hunid, Very Dense, Fine SILTY SAYD - " - & 80 I Xottled, Koist, Dense, SILTY SAND (Interbedded Hard Silt Layers) Eslt - 84 " - - Orangist-Yeliow, ;.ioist, Very Gense, SILTY SAND with Interbedded Silts. "- "-I (Grayish) Y - 121.9 118.3 225 215 bf - 7.7 11.2 FCR LEGE?JD SEE PLATE KO. 4 Existin2 Eiev. 269 Finish Grade 246 DZSC2iPTION E Sroxi, Dry, Slightly Clayey GRkVZL - Dar:k 9ro~7n, Xoist, Stiff, Highly Plastic, CLAY (With Some Gravel) - 50 -8LC‘,.>’ )..., Eumid, Very Dense, SILTY 124.3 9.3 SAS3 t Olive-Gray, %ist, Sard, SILT ”- I (Light Green) I I I ”- “- 112.6 17.4 Gray, SILTY SA>?D (Mottled) .-.- ... Gray, Xoist, Dense SILTY SAND I (Thia Interbeds Of Silt) (Light Browr.) I I (Very Dense, Slightly Cemented) DE :SC?.I?TION Existir.-j Elev. 203 Finish Grade 1 Dark Brown, Humid, Loose SILTY - s.>.:n (Topsoil! (Orange, Moist, - Medium Dense) i".ot?led Gray, Xoist, Dense CLAYEY SAXD "- "- "- Qtr c3 E """" (Denser, Cleaner Sand) I Orange, Moist, Very Dense, Slightly 50 SILTY SAXD i (More Fines) I Slightly Clayey SILTY SAND c. y - 117.3 .. . 127.0 12.5 10.1 i SOUTHE2N CALIFORI.d;A Proposed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential TESTiNG LA398.4TO2Y. !NC. Site E290 HII'EH9ALE STREET Lagoon Lane SAN fllEG3, C%L!FORNIA 9.2:29 1 Carlsbad, California I .. -. c' -? Existing Elev. 153 Firlish Grade 155 (Orange, Humid) - - Qtz - I (Grzdational j "" Yellow, ::oist, SILTY SI..??il I ! I (Yellow-Oranpe) Y - .. . " . . . . -1 .. 3rhnge, Cryl Dense, SILTY CLAYEY SAXD Qtz - I (Humid) (Moist, Wet) (paELL - "- " "" I Light Gray, Moist, Dense SILTY SAXI FOR LEGEXD SEE PLATE NO. 4 122-116 M - n SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Propcsed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residectial TESTING LABGRATCFIY, INC. 6280 RlVERDAii STEEET S.4N DIEGO, CALi?@ii:J!A. 92!20 Carlsbaci, California "T (Orange) *.. . FOR LEGCXD SEE PWTE EO. 4 SOdTHERN CAClFOENlA Propose:! 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential - TESTING LABORATCRY, INC. Site 6280 RIVERDALE STREET Lagoon Lane SAN DIEGO. CALIFCRKIA 92120 Carlsbad, California DESCRIPTION (Colluvium) - -" - (Reddish-Orange) TRENCH NUXBER 2 Erowm, Dry, Dense, SILTY GRAVU Dark Orange, Humid, Dense, SILTY CLAYEY SA2JD FOX LEGE3D SEE PLATE NO. 4 .. . -. (hm.id, Dense) (Siightly Cfnented) ,~~oist, Very Dense) (Gradational) :\r """ - ,. . DESCRIPTION B8 @ 5-6' Remolded to 90% 30 250 MAXIMUM DENSITY €3 OPTIPAUM MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM METHOD DESCRIPTION EXPANSION TEST RESULTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING IABORATOilY, INC. BY RDH DATE 9/13/73 6280 RIVERDALE STREET -1-1 ntccn ,.*,Irnr.LII1 nll.,)l\ JOB NO. "." ~.. .. "* . .." GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBURG LIMITS .. LIQUID LIMIT 61 PLASTIC LIMIT 38 PLASTICITY INDEX 23 I CLASSIFICATION UNIFIED SM/SC , SM/SC MH SM/SC I I ” i f, ’ -. 50 LOAD kips/sq. ft. .. .” . . . .. 0.l 0.5 1 .O 5 50 LOAD kips/sq.ft. I .. SOUiHERN CkL.IF(?7?itA TESTLS Lk50RATO2Y. INC. Proposed 80 Acre Sea Ranch Residential Lagoon Lane Carlsbad, California Site 62330 RIVERDALE STREET SAN 31EGO. CALlfOilNlA 92120 714-180-4321 -I_ P .BY RDH ~.___p~ 1 DATE 9/25A’--p- A ELEV. IN FEET GEOLOGICAL - - ROSS SECTION -====I 100' 200' - +For ex-lanation 1 of geologic symbols see fl.jte SO, 2. t ! '~ I 1 I !