HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-39; Spinnaker Hills; Soils Report; 1975-01-07INSPECTION TESTING RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. San Diego,, California 92120 Phone 280-4321 - - - 3 -4704 January 7 , 1975 Standard Pacific of San Diego 7670 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, California 92111 Attention: Mr. Robert Allan SCT 312503 Report No, 4 ! SUBJECT : Supplemental Investigation of P.lluvium Adjacent to Laqoon Lane, Proposed Spinnaker Hill Subdivision, Carlsbad, Cal- ifornia. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal of Novelrber 22, 1974, we have performed a supplemental soil investigation of the alluvium to the rear of Lot NOS. 56 through 60 and within Lot Nos. 79 through 81 of the subject subdivision. Presented herein is a report of our find- ings and recommendations which should be considered as an integral part of our "Preliminary Soill Investigation" for the site and dated September 25, 1913, Scope The scope of our work consisted of the following: 1. Extending three borings to depths of from 24 to 34 feet be- low grade. 2.,. Laboratory tests to determine the in-situ density and con- solidation characteristics. 3. Fngineering analysis of the consolidation characteristics. PP' January 7, 1975 Page Two Findings presented on Plate No. 1 of this report. are the approximate boring lo- cations. The logs of the individual borings are presented on Plate Nos. 2 through 5. The sample driving energy as well as the dry den- sity and.moisture content of selected samples are also presented on. the boring logs. The laboratory consolidation test results are pre- sented on Plate No. 6. The borings indicate that the alluvial and/or colluvial soils vary from 19 to 34 feet thick in the areas investigated. ' It was further found that the density of the soils increased markedly below a depth of 5 .to 6 feet. 'Groundwater was encountered only in Boring No. 2 and at a depth of 30.5 feet below grade. In general, the upper 5 feet of soil in each of the three borings was found to be very dry dnd loose. Consolidation tests performed on samples below a depth of 5 feet -- showed low to moderate conso4idation and little change due to sat- uration. - Recornendations Based on the above findings, it is reconmended that the upper 5 feet .~ of alluvial soils within area intended to receive additional fill and/or structural loads be removed ad reconpacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dsnsity. The recompaction should extend to at 4- least 5 feet beyond the toe of proposed fill slopes. B' SCT 312503 January I , 1975 Page Three - It has been estimated that within the.lots affected; i.e., Lot Nos. ~ 53 through 60, 78 through 81, and rear of Lot Nos. 136 and 137, ap- proximately 16,000 to 21,000 cy of alluvium will require recompaction. It is further recommended that prior to the subrnission.of a final grading plan, the approximate lateral extent of the material to be recompacted should be indicated on the plan to assist the grading ~~~ contractor. Please contact .the undersigned when this information - is desired. - If you have any questions after reviewing our report, please.do not hesitate to contact this office. - This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORN?A TESTING LAB., INC. - - TVL/nrg cc: (3) Submitted I (3) Rick Engineering, (1) 3mL, Escondido - Attn t Jerry Hofrnaister BORING NUMBER 1 DESCRIPTION Medium Brown, Dry, Very Loose SILTY SAND (Alluvium) Light Orange-Brown , Loose Dark Brownr Moist , Dense , CLAYEY SAND Orange-Brown I Medium Dense Gray, Wet , Medium Dense SANDY CLAY (Weathered Formational?) .""" """"" Gray-Brownr%oiSt I Hardr SILTY CLAY (Eocene Santiago Formation). . . - E 34 30 16 20 44 Y - 106 .O 119 -9 111.6 119 6 M - 4.2 9.5 .9 ,6 12.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Proposed Spinnaker Hill Subdivision Carlsbadr California TESTINO LABORATORY, INC. - 8280 RIVEROALE STREET 8AN DIEQO, CALIFORNIA 02120 .. - BY DATE DH 12-5-14 No' 312503 PLATE NO. 2 BORING LOG CLAS s 30 BORING NUKBBER 2 DESCRIPTION E Medium Brown, Dry, Loose to Medium Dense, SILTY SAND (Alluvium) Gray-Brown, Medium Dense to Dense 38 ."""""""_ Orange-Brown , Humid , Veclium Dense to Dense, SILTY CLAYEY SAND 36 14 20 Moist to Wet I 20 ', 16 FOR IL?GF%ND SEE PLATE NO. 5 - Y 116.2 121.4 107.6 116.4 119.2 115.0 n - 6.0 6.7 *. 7.4 9.8 13.1 13.5 - @ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA " ,. TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Proposed Spimakgr Hill Subdivision 0280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEQO, CALIFORNIA 92120 Carlabad, California - BY .. - PLATE NO. 3 312503 DATE 12-5-74 DH BORING LOG JOB NO. ,. BORING NUMBER 2 (Cont'dl CLMS DESCRIPTION Gray-Brown, Saturated, (Hole Caving-Free Water) FOR LFGFEID SEF PLATE 110. 5 E - 13 - Y 108.1 - M 20.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. . Proposed Spinnaker Hill Subdivision - 0280 RIVERDALE STREET 8AN DIEQO, CALIFORNIA 92120 Carlsbad, California - BY DATE DH PLATE NO. 4 No' 312503 12-5-74 BORING LOG -~ 25 f BORING NUMBER 3 DESCRIPTION - E Medium Brown, Dry, Very Loose to Loose, SILTY SAND (Alluvium) """""""" Yellow-Brown to Orange-Brown, Humid, Medium Dense to Dense, SILTY CLAYEY SAND 68 34 Gray Mottled Dark Brown, Hoist, Stiff, SILTY CLAY (Weathered Formational) 26 Light Gray, Moist, Dense, SFl?DY SILT (E6Cene Sanqiago Formation) _____~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ c Y - 116.0 114.6 111.5 LEGFND: F: Sampler Penetration Pesistance (Ft. Kips/Ft.) Y: Natural Dry Density (pcf ) M: Natural f'oisture Content (8 of Y) M - 8.7 7.7 16.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I' TESTING LABORATORY, INC. . Proposed Spinnaker Vi11 Subdivision wao RIVERDALE STREET Carlsbad, California SAN DIEQO, CALIFORNIA 82120 BY DH DATE BORING LOG 12-5-14 No' 312503 PLA'IT MO. 5 , I I CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Sample No. Load, Ksf B1 @ 5' 1.44 B1 @ 25' 2.86 B2 @ 6' 2.86 B2 @ 11' : 3.58 ~2 @ i5' 4.30 B2 @ 24' 5.00 83 @ 10' 1.44 % Consolidation 2.61 2.50 2.21 2.44 * 2.66 5.28 2.42 After Saturation % Consolidation 3.93 0.73 2.51 2.59 3.41 5.38 2.01 SCT 312503 PLATE NO. 6 ,- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYMBOL 1. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larser than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS Gw More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 GP sieve size but ~~ smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES GM (Appreciable amount . of fines) GC - SANDS CLEAN SANDS sw More than half of ' coarse fraction is SP smaller than NO. 4 sieve size. SANDS WITH FINES SM of fines) (Appreciable amount sc 11. FINE half than GRAINED, More 'than of material is smaller No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit , less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS ML CL OL Mn Liquid Limit ai greater than 50 OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no Silty gravels, poorly graded fines . gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poor'ly graded sands,gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very silt or clayey-silt-sand fine sands, rock flour, sandy mixtures with slight plast- icity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity,gravelly clays, sandy clays,silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of law plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. plasticity, fat clays. Inorganic clays of high to high plasticity. organic clays of medium Peat and other highly organic soils. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY